-c f 5 t 1 S 05 V A v.' . v -an - VOL. XXI MO. 151. WILMING-TON", N. C, SATURDAY. MARCH 23, 1S72. WI-IOLU: NO. 6.1C9. f : ! : ; , ! RAILROAD. MESERAL SVPRRFNTENnEUT" 0F- Lt fi n WlL., VirBiA & AMMT4 R. R. f ILHtXUToS, . C., IV. , JU j CHAXUK Or SCHEDULE. AfrertMairste the foHowttg srbedal will V nm u a: at mi tkw rost : 1AV EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally.) Uav WlhniBgtoB (Union Depot I so a. m. Amr at KhreBee lUva. Arrtre KlnpUle Vt p. m. I.ave KnotllU tlAa.se. Amu at rioreno. ... ....,,.,12 (t p. la. Arrive M Wilmington 4 JO p. an. Nienr EiraitsTaals (daily) Scire ExO lf Wilmington C il p. m. Arrive, at Florence........... ., IDm. Arrive at Columbia. ... . Ive Calambm.. ...... KWp.m. Arrives Ek-reac..... 11 M p. s. Arrive at Wilmington.... S.t9 a. m. !j Frprea Train, entr, will run to King. lb. Night Expretw Traua will run direct t Columbia. JOHN C. WIXDER, Gen. Sirpt. dee 71- w ILMTXGT0X4 WKLDON HAN, road coairisr, Ortna ti Extinxta Biro n't Rvrr,) UulngtoB, i. C, loe. auth, 1AI II. I CtLiXGK OF SCHSD ULE. Ob bb4 after tha SIM taataat PuKBrw Train will IcarB I'alon station t 1 11 A. M. a1 MS P. M.. and arrir al HO A. M. And S.JB - KwtgSt Train. wUI tears tri weekly Bt US A. m. ana ai nm at i.to r. M. KxprvM Freight Trains will Irarfl tt I P. M. ml arrive at 11 A. M. Ob SuTKUyithelU P.M. and 9M A. M. mia buIt will t run. r JOHN F. V1T1NR, tita'l StriatcmVnt 1LMIM1T0N, CHARLOTTE ANI ROTHERf ORD RAILROAD CO. WrLMKtTOir, N. C, Dee. tH, 1811. - KHKDCLE. Panengrr Tralm leave Wllmlnfton dally SundanriorpU(l)Btl A. M. lav Urad nf lioad al A. kt. Arrive at VUmluiton at t;3A r.M: Arrive at Head of Rod at 4 S P. M. , . 8. U f KEMONT, ' Oca'l 8uperltBd't dee 23 74-tf PapareoB the line eaaBg far thli. B ALTIMORK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP IJNE. VONrwsW Of Til VI MT CLAM BTIAMSHirS K3K(X'A C1.TDE, Capt CHILDS. ITIIlXaVs. ...Capt PRICE. HOUT1R,. .................. .Cpt. EVANS. Will hertaftrr aaQ from Baltimore ut Wtl BilMgton EVERY FIVE DAYS. V i .Till TEAMSUH" BOIiVAB . ' will nil from wharf, foot of Cbontnnt street, THURSDAY MORKIMG, Jaauary UUk , For freight eagagCBteata epplr to A. D. CAZAUX. jaalO M- L0RILLARD 8 BTEAMSHIP LINE FOR KEW YORK. HAILIXO 1XESDATS AND FRIDATH FROM NEW YORK, AHD WEDSICS. DATA ASD A1TRDATH FROM HTt!WIHGT. INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOURTH Pig CT. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINOTON. VT Ne paMeners taken. For freight otiIt to BAKRY BROTHERS, Agent luayM - - - JiO- JAD PLASTER, THREE HUNDRED TONS FRESH GROUND LAND PLASTER, OF THE BEST QUALITT, FOR SALE 191 LOTS OF FITS TOSS AND OTER, AT 113 50 PER TOS, Delivered at the Depot In Wilmington. : Apply to j F. W. KERCHNER TV'holeeale Orooer and Corn's Merchan Wilmington, N. U Lot of leaa than 5 tone ft extra jut ton will charged for lighterage. " , dec 23 76 DAVID PIGOTT, WILMIXGTOJf, 5. C, Will eft'eet sales of TOBACCO, CORN AND OTHER PRODUCE on COMMISSiaN., T Consignments solicited, on which I am , piepared tg advance liberally. , t raarch I 't , t . . , i ; t J-tf -'pA-HljOB. STJTTS I 50 Parlor Stilts, furnished In Rep, Hair, Cloth, Terry, Ac, A beautif ul asnortment. For mle by .., ' , D.A. SMITH, Kerth Front Street. 1W- mardt 17 JgAKERS TAKE NOTICE ! 20 WKL8H Tvm No. 1 Cooking Butter AtlilCewta perPonnd, At GEORGE MYERS, .1 It and 13 South i'ront Bt. "1 KITS EXTRA XUU NO. S MACKEREL At l 60 per Kit "EMPIRE FLOUR," It IlM Ennl. English Condensed Milb At march 17 610. MYERS'. 11 4 13 Front St, JWT RECEIVED BT STEAMER P 1 : ' FROM KEWORKr'' " 20,006 Yards Matting White, Fancy and C. U. Giailos. AH Uc 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. ' ? w i vt rmv w . initrch SI - H9-3tcb IrAMT, LIV12RFOOL AIND LO'D OX V U LO I) I J INSlJIt AIVC1 COIPAXY, ASSETS HELD IS THE V5TED STATES BY AMERICAN DIEECTOES NOWAMOUST TO S3,G40,449.G2. TIIOS. GRME, - Omorml Aet. NortAeide Frlneese itreet, between Wter and Front street, Wilmington, te whoa all eppllcatlona far Agenclet ihoahl t Bddrfawd. feb 10 12- ITiSTJTl AW CE - Firo! Marino! Life! iF.TNA (FlRE) INSURANCE COMPANY f H Alt TFURD, Aawts January 1M, U2, te.4im.WO. Incorporated I'll). V S I)K BW KIT EES AO EN CT of New Tei k, (tint), AMIIilu. in, I'M. fs.i"ini. GREAT WESTERN MARINE INSUR ANCE CO. of hew York, AawU January lit, 1X73, A,UU0,0U0. Ihiuros bv titeaaier and Sail to Northern porta at lo went rate, and laauee rertlrlcalea. payable in Gold, on uhlpmeBU of Cotton lad Naval Stores to Great Britain bm4 the Con tinent. WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York, Aneeta taio.noo. 8T. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFR INSURANCE CO. or MiiwourL Anwts S,Wi.00O. ' - fcrAllbusinewpertalnlBg to insurance At tended to by L.If.AT.C.DROSSET, XorU Water and CbeiiUut Streou. aitrchU 140-Uiuch . TTILMINUTON KORTU CAKOLINA UPE INSURANCE COMPANY. .. .. o OFFICERS ! JOHN W. ATKINSON......... President. JOHN DAWSON Vice-President. 8. D. WALLACE Secretary. Dr. E. A. ANDERSON .Medical Director. SrElIAJb rEATl'REK. , f Ne reetrlcUoa on travel or residence. KT New mode ef monthly payments of pretnl .nv 7 No extra charge npon the lives of females. mr Policies lneontertlble. may 14 194 lych jNSTJRAISrCE ROOMS, HO. 8 HORTH FROJIT STREET. The fellowtngeadlng Companlee are "repre sented i QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Liverpool and Iniilon. ANDK8 F1KK INSURANCE COMPANY ef Cincinnati. CON TIN ENTAT. FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY ef New York. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of Rich. Bond. MERCHANTS AND MECnANICa'of Rich mond, And the Old and favorltfl Marine Company, the MERCANTILE MUTUAL of New York. Insurance at fair rates in the above first clans Companies. - JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, General Agent, deet M-tf N' 0RTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Herarity Ai-alast Lom by rire ! This Company pays It losses fairly, and circu lates It earnings at home. It has Just paid It losne by the oonflagTRtlon at Henderson, fully and promptly. Its rates are a moderate as safety will justify. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS or THE STATE. R.H. BATTLE, Jr. ..........President. SEATON GALES... Beeretary. W. H. MURDOCH Assistant Befly. J. W. ATKINSON i ..Agent. oct ,. -tf 1872. SPUING GOODS ! ! Receiving by every Steamer all Ihe LATEST BTYLE9 of SPRING DRESS GOODS , IIouso Furnishing Goods, 7 Edgings, Inscrtings, Laces, Notions, ? ; ? Arc, &c,"&c., &c, Sec-, AT M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. j march 5 13-tf BILL HEADS AND CICW.AR PROMPTLT PRINTED AT TBIS OFFICRi THE NEATEST STYLE. Benefit Life Insurance Cempani ! OF I mV YORK. WANTED! j 1,000 Able-Bodlca Men, i Uetww n the sc ef A and 6.1. to rntint In the ' above ' pan. v. Oatngto the grpat Mrtt meat whwk ptrraila In rDdin, we are ntciM ( t nt rt rrUTiiol thr Bi'B at eare. J Tins Costpaav ahunl.t b prrtrmt re all onipra. Because n vm,rr are rallured, bltlou and trnMwortbv Mnarnts, ana"Iie crve Pollry" arcrpinWw rk l lis afi bci ; and a the qnpKrioa h aiteii aMl, "Wav b a Ueai-rre lli-v betirrthan aar other roc at of Inmiranre'.'' W e rtpw le .awrr it in a lew worns: IT IS BETTER THAN A LIFE rol.lc Y befatio It is not enlr t hi but an enduwmriit lM-i(Waberaum It affbid laaurane a cbraply ahll this t neii-warr, and adntt ot it termination wiien the end would be disproportionate to tt mine : beHiiHM It tnniree depviidearY, both In rhiblheod and old age. AN ORDINARY ENDOWMENT brrstu It not ouly endows to the same etint, but rive a lar griwr Mitmiw prolornoB agilnnl le4ltt tor suti.tantlally the name oort. TEN PAYMENT LIFK.kreauM It tanllv beromes a. little kurdrnmnie, elvrs twle the amount ef Insurance, and the lull endowment value. All pentose, antlnns to secure an equal -pre. teetkm against death or age, ran enrolled In this Corapaiv on spplu atlnn to the under, signed, who will take i.t plemnre tu preneu hig them to the Medical KxHmlner for bis as. nritvtil W. R. KENAN. frb MUTUAL M INSURANCE CO. or NEW Yomtr. ORUAXIZKD IMS. ASSETS .,.... :i,oi.io POLICIES IN FORCE i..,. 3,".no LOSSES PA1D.... l,S0U,fm Special Feature. Annual Dividend., applied to reduce Premi nm or Inrresne liisuraute. All PolieiKs nux-roiirKiTAaLa after two an nual pavmenK W. T.IIWiKKR.Prealdeat. EVERETT CLAPP, Vloe President. LUCIUS MoADAM, , Hroretary and Actuary. HENRY V. CLENCH, A atlirt ant Secretary. ISAAC HUTZLER A CO., General Agents Of Virginia, North Carolina and 1). C. A. J.HILL, Jr., Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Office over Wooster's Drug. Store, corner Front and Market Streets. Da. 11. F. COlIU; Mellral Examiner, WlLMtSHITIIR. feb 14 lit ly pl. A. COURTED AY CIIARI.F.1TON, N. AGENT OF BTEAMSHIP LINES TO - Philadelphia, View York, Roston. buys NAVAL STORES for a commission. CARGOES to EUROPEAN P0RT1, as sis parcel for NORTHERN and WESTERN CITIES, will be bought and shipped with dis patch, having ample trannportntkm facilities by STEAM and BAIL. Ordrra aollclted. Port Otitre adilrens Key Box 877 ; telegraphic ad'lrees, Union Wbarvrs, Cbarlvetin, S. O. Refers, by pemiWui, to Andrew Hlmonds. Esq., President ef Pint National Bank ot Chnrleiiton. feb 39 131-2m-eodch "pacific, guano compants compound Acid Phosphate of Liuio For Composting with Seed. This article hi prepared erpren1y for 'com posting with CotUm Seed, In order U supply It wltli rjni.fHl.B Piliismuniu Aciu, which M ne eeaMtry to render it moet e Hbitive and econnml. cal as a fertiliser. - 361) pound. Cotton Seed comiiestcd with 2M pounds Acid l'lioephate has keen found by ex perience to produce reKult rarely equalled sod aever surpamed by anv other fertiliser. A eompont made In tills manner contains the ell menu uf mine that rsn enlT" Into sny fertiliser. It is the only manner In which Cot ton Seed can be properly used. With this PhnKphate the planter ran supply himself with a fertiliser of the highest grade at the smnllert coxt, which will enable bim to use H liberally, and thus realUo the highest results from the time and lubnr employed in nuking lis crop. For printed directions for composting, and fur price, terms, &c, applv to WM. H. McRAtlV it CO.,Agents, Wilmington, N. 0 I0T1NS. RHESE CO., General Agents, Halllmore.Md. Jan 4 (!3-d3inAw2tch Bacon i bacon ti 100,0'ie Pounds Shoulders and Sides, , For sale by June Wn.LARD BUO S. TT0TEL FOR RENT. Xhe ROCK SPRING HOTEL is of fered for Reut. For particulars, apply to ang 13 E. PKSC1L1U. tfl-nf fJIHE CURES MADE BT Farrar's Electric ASTONISHES EVER YfiOD Y! Try It Money returned If it don"t core yen. For sale at the Drug Stores. mareh 1 -r US - JpIRST NATIONAL RANK OF WILMINGTON." Ma R(fH 18th, 1872. Millie the ofhee of llns Bsnk is being re paired, the business will be trsnsacted in the adjoining roem. Entrance on Princess street. A. K. WALKER, Cashier, arch 19 147-tf R RlCE! JCE! 420,000 POUNDS fresh beat RICE, HILTON RICE MILLS. !,,,MM,,H,,-fi)r sale by dee t WILLARD IJUO'.S. tf S ALT! SALT!! 11,000 Sacks American and Liverpool - rorssiepy WILLARD BRO-8. dec Jtt U Sy wiL.iaro. jr. -.t MTI KDAT, MARCU St. SJi. A RIMUIorv MAMU ATTt JtTlN UtK, . : a m tuniHi.K traukhv. Tlt I)AUiin)l,ki) Joitni.il i.itilAius a j tUniling mxsmiit id a s iks t lunriMe j niunWs. hii1t rre ni-cmly txHitniueJ j in ttiiit Uinii v by rt'liioiis tiuuiUe immej ' Loonsnl MarpiMhtt, aikI kis -wit-. Ttiev cirtK-n inur id llteir iltiiiln n to tiiv winnis and miirikrtil llttm, and tjien nHiumil l ttie hoii!, wrwi tln Ltisbainl muiJeieJ j liia wil'p. The? J.)iu u;il lus this .nvniit : The iinhappy wrtub tolj aVmjslmy ! aWut his duHvtKtion Willi Lis wifi almut itches, Ctod ami I ho ilevil. lie said site urged him to tak flu In (ho woods, nnl ; hiii n the rlork iml lookinp-i;!! on it vocaiis ttwl hail tola htr to. M had takeu tkiiiRi from her ichtioiia (hm futhor dh il aevBral yeiua afn) hiclt ahe UnMipht bowilched, ami Wanted thotu burneil. Mi told him that a buiiiUo of rags were her mother, and inaistat that she he burned In a crock. II know (iml in whom lie " believed had not ordered these things to be burned. lHvausetheT wouhhi'i burn. Meantime the children r? t to Wli'vInK U witrlies. They said that their mother tancht I lie in an, and they (r suaded him that Tie could radb the wluhea In his hands and iiuetre (hem to dealh. ".Mar)'," he aald, "would ask three times of Uod, and aha got ait Answer all nuM. If ahe ilidnt, then it wmIi tlw deil; mheit U devil answered then I would unit, and say it was foolery. Then Mary would get mad, bnt I ronlilot have had a batter wife." We were both klud to each other through all this loolory." The pathos of this poor fellow in this recital was extrenivly tom h inj, esp'clally when he wept over "Mary was a good wife, I eotildtil liave a ltter, didnt 'tend to kill her, but I did." Then he went on to describe a wild dunce they had to kill witches; bow they killed Uieni; then that Mary had a hallucination that the ought to cut off hit bead ; that she look a knife and cut through bis neck-hautlkw-chlcf into bit skin until ha bled, when she said that hit neck wat bard as iron, and that Uod didu't Intend that hit head should bo cut oft, "th, bow we hollered P said tlieitioor lunatic. Then we butted our beaut against the wall, and I tuld 11, try to bit me on the head with a hatchet. Hie did, but it dldnt do any pood. It was sore next day, but Is well now." Thit wat last freck, sometime. The poor fellow could not remember. ''It seemed to me," he said, "that aj Mary eouldut cut my head off with a sharp knife when 1 told her to cut away that nothing could kill me. I felt that as long at I believed in (od Al mighty nothing could hurt me. I did be. Ileva In Him. I read my llllile day and night, (and 1 believed In (il Almighty wiiii nji mysom." TH LAST DAY. We Inquired about tho children ngnin. He tsld they believed in wltchei'astti ongly at Mary did. They were not afiald of him, but always when Le came bomo they met with a shout; but Mary would have spells. On Friday kit the weut to bed and laid at if lb were dead, and bo could nt aitiuso ber. Kht laid aba taw A vision of her own cotUn and tho coffins of the children, but not ins. Mie aald toe end was soon coming. She did not understand it. lie did not want ber to go to heaven without bim; "but If God Almlnhty said so It must bt so." She bad one of these spells. She went to bed and would not get uptJIe-lbonaht she was dead.. She did not feed the chil dren and would not have a fli-e . Tliey bulb set up In bed nearly all niuht. Somo times be would get up and read the Ilible. In the morning dLo w ould have fire. He told net lie was "tired of this roolery, ' nnd if she did not quit it be would leave her and never conm back; but, be added pa thetically, "I told ber sho should have every cent I had bi tho World; I would not have taken five cento from her for millions, for she w as a good wile to me. I could riot bAVa found a belter one in All the world, Marnnardt went on to say that on I but day, Saturday, ' 1 was a Utile ainst her, but I didn't quarrel Willi her. We didn't quarrel. We onlv argued about f Sod Al mighty, the devil and witches. She bad got to thinking that she was a wHch, that the ehildrcu were witches, and that witch es should be killed. Tho oldest child said she was a witch. All the children said mamma did it (taught them), but they wouldn't say that 1 bad any thing to do with It, unless Mary (bis wife)' touched them." Then Marquardt would go ofT again in Ids wild way, praising the good ness of bis wife. He said he made the lire burn notwithstanding Mary said it would't, and after awhile Mary got up and milked the cows. Then b went to rending hi Bible and got to crying, and then another talk with Mary, when be went over to bis neighbor, Jack Weld s, and told hi trou ble. Mr. Weld seems to have understood Marquardt's situation, and tried to pacify hlro, but was nnsocressfnl. "At half-past nine o'clock Saturday nMil Mannwtdt said that ho was at another neighbor's house, Mr. Miller's and thai Mrs. Miller, without any rlre, got hint a boiling hot cup of eoflce in less than two miuutes. " How she did It, Mister," he aaid, without tiro, nobody but God Almighty could tell. Rut as my wife couldn't cut my throat off with a sharp knife I knew tbat hot collee nor poison couldn't kill me, so I drank the cof fee, and they looked at me in astonislf ment." Then the maniac went on to de scribe. that at teu o'clock he would be afraid to go home ; but as it was only half past nine there was no danger. He started off, saying, " when 1 got out of tho yard I shouted to God Almighty to strengthen me. I had four miles to go, Mister. Sometimes, sir, it wis so dark I couldn't see an inch. Then again It was as licht as day. I cot Into a creek half-leg deep, but I knew Gxl Aimignty was wnn me, and I was safe." ' ' THE f ItAOEDY. "I finally got borne. I had a bis bull. dog there to keep thieves away, lie never bad been cross to me before, but tamebow he fought mc. I seized bim by the jaws, as aaruso a -caught tne lion, aud tore open his Jaw. I knew he couldn-'t hurt me. 1 called on God Almighty to strengthen mo. I almost tore the mouth of the dog open. He 'scratched my bands a little with his paws. Hut be was conquered. I gave him a kick and be left me. I weut into the house and told Mary we bad better o te the woods with the children. She took one I took two. I sat npon the fence when tbo gave me tho child be bad. I held them Tn my arms tight (showing bow be embraced them,) and told her to go back to the bouse for the other two. We, n ! jinirj; l lie.ixi ii. I knew eudin j l by the utra'ghtiiitd imuow p.ilh. Tbet U j l!uinv paili m the wood. 1 la w Mb straight . 1 eiit Willi the tbil- dtvrt lh.it :ty, snd dipr'd Uiiln ;U 1 went. 1 i.i i&.l kiu how tli itiddien ' cjuue to die. I went le the nl, lek 1 in (hdh" Jii-l ut down in H hiked. M4iyn,is;t tbc fetvj-e, hut all.ranhile he euiue to jne naVel and "it do 11 in lh. mud and tcr with m. She snld site iddnt tu id th" t'tlMt lo rbildrea th pew thing, tightened alinrW in death, w ere colio alc I tmW the K d.Xliey bad , ori &im w here. I .M Maty it Wii ei-y j rtdd.tlid 'lie b id ti'ltet -tt i tli lir.iie. M I wiMildu't n w Ithmit nHsand r.ri0.Nd that j we sliivild di. thir cliUhea v,ere diity, j and I id, "Nts it iMi't wotih while; we t ctn got bHie naked. -Wa nent j bark (not a word bom Miiq'ur lt aliout Ids simtif;.-d luile nnr.) M,uy I nn down in bed Mie i-vou wjnt In kill me?" I 4 Mii v," 1 Mid, I wouldn't kill veil .it all tho wi'ild. I hiila'tiaueiivlinj; I kept rubbing my fi.-e with my hands: 1 ilnally poMVm mi M inrN finest: tt was soft and sutwHi." 1 didn't intend (a hurt ber MYer. Hut she didn't come te I hollered nt bet ; her lxlv was warm I la;d down iK-side hr: t ttiexttjhk ( reiild bring hi r tn as (liriNt h id done, but I couldn't do it. Then I read my Ilible.-. fVwnebow, Mister, I had a notion that I hal better put on my best clothei yeter day morning. That's the way they found me. never did drink mil' h, Mister, but I bad two bitnka ef k one far me and one ! Mary, llut I imitdn't bilnj Mary to. I didn't intend to hint M.uy, Mister, for idie wii gtM lo nie, and we iere good t r.u h other. I ladul cat much for a long time, and I nlay, (Sunday ) 1 rttank wore wiira than I ever drank before, and 1 didn't feci It bit. I was going round Ibis way when th'so fullowa (neighliors we tin- deiMoial, picked me up in their wagnn. I was willliufto go anywhiri wlibany- uoiiv, ior i never was a quarn'Hviue num. Yuu could hit uio lu the face, MIMer, and I wouldn't hit yon back, becaitso 1 think It wrong. Cut Mister, they fmahtn't to hive taken me back when' Mary wns lylnsi uean. ' There was vastly mure ,,ih s singularly, aniarlng sbu y of a maniac murderer, hut at I hive o'clock tins morning we cannot giveinohi oflt. lie told m' that he was not addicted to drink, though wesnspert from Ms ap'.irance that be drank deeply yesterday. His manner aud tone are ex ceedingly mild, and he Insists, w Hh siron penriHteuey, that he doen nut know how his children died. Those who heard the shock ing itory at length from tlui uilNerahlo mur derer own lips, never wish to bear another like it. The Out lawn ud Ihe Kcportrr. This thing of 'reposing' the hit u.it lou hero thnuigh the N'oHhein news papers is getting to lie an Intolerable nuisance, and we would suggest to the county authorities the pinpiiety nf putting a Mop to it. I-t every stranger who goes to "en men w it inj ' rtinmaulimi wrilh tM' outlaws be arrested, and a fhnrfttigli e.t ainlnalioti had as to lh rlmracjer of bis mission, " We have sufleied enough alieady fnun these so-called reneitem, tlt'rrtiwi. it i l omie toil srsmij s, and it Is high time tkelr pranks were topiied. Who but these same detective and reporters have given the outlaws the idea that so long as llielr depredations are cnnlined lo Democrat! or ao-falled Ku-klux they will be protected, or at least tolerated by tho, go'ernmtut ? Who but these tamo reiKirten aud detec. lives have united the almost unanimous lentlmeut of the colored people In syrn'ntby with the outlaw as to avengers of Ihe wrongs of (he negio race ? It Is A notable tact tluitlbe visits ofthepe luterlopem have always been followed by renewed activity and 'boldness on the pirt of trie band, who seem to derive new Inspi ration from every such visit. These men aro our eaemlestlie unscrupulous tmlv s aries of a malignuit luUe, and are even more te be dreaded than the oat laws then selves. Hut for the tupioit and encour agement received from abroad from tie federal gvieriiinonl, and especially from these vile emissaries from tlie SorUi, tltts band would bme leeu bitkon up long ago. If these reporlers.wliopiofras lomucb dor. lslimcnt at tho f.iilmt of tho people of tlm county to arrest them men would tell their readers that they are supported hi their lawlessness bulli by tho 'Stale and federal govei ninent.mucb of the surprise awakened oy theee professions of astoniMiment would be done away, and instead ef pronouncing the people of Robeson "a county of cow ards," they would stlgmalize the govern ment Mint supports and encourages inch fiendish lanessiie.s.s such wholesale rob. bory and murder as .disgraceful to the most barbarous) nation on the fire of the globe. Luinbcrton Rohrmnimu PsyDsy mill lrnnknncMt. It is staled thai, a marked deirase of drunkenness in Sweden of late years Is attributed in a large nii-a.su re to the sub stitution of Friday for Saturday as payday. In corroboration of the cflkiciicy of such a method, II may be added lhat a gentleman In Ball itnoro vi bo employs a largo number of workmen has substituted Mond.iv er Saturday as pay day, and finds Mint Ihe change works admirably. - I.inceln'a Bed. Says the New York Tnowne ; "The coarso cupidity that, makes capital of ft -gg. edict is Just now illustrated in Washing ton. The bed artd bedstead whereon Mr. Lincoln died, are advertised as for lale, and doubtless will not long lack a purcha ser. The liking to have inch relies at these in one's bouse is as itic,oinprclicnsl ble as. Ihe desire lo make money from thorn. . Some one sav s very shrewdly that com pliments are only lies in court clothes. A double Hue of telegraph Is al present lieiug constructed across the Andes, in South America. v . Ed win Forrest has beeri Txiretriely siio cessful in "his reauit Sotitben" dramatic tour. During 171 there wete si'vcnly-sU horses in this country that trolled their mile in 2:50 or less. In Brazil, drunkenness Is the unpardon able sin. Dishonesty, theft and murder are considered as nothing in comparison with it. n A bill has been Introduced in the Mis souri Senate which practically abolishes the death penalty by leaving' the mode of pun ishment to the Jni y. , . ' The Methodist Eplseoiai church at New York Mills, near Utlca, was burned Sun day, taking fire from a defective line. Loss :iO,000, insured for $10,000. . The Massacbusctls legislative commit tee have reported a resolution to amend the Constitution so as to give women the right to vote and bold oilice, i..i i.l.Aii:ot . if V alcoirt A, WUti'sA4iertliKifMl. A WOIIU HI IX M 1W! i n v 'Ti:eat Scutfecra'AiTcrlisiii km er , . t VALCOURT A WILT7, i:ini mom. a , Om itS iiiiiii'1trd iB.lm-. men's tu II.. bne mm t the Homli - lt -lunvd kl Inw ?! -V H-i; p.rers. Ad -Tk l'M riirtilalfn il sav k"ll-l. iih rieapittua m BUiB4 all ocb-is. OiK IM H spare In 23i rapetsdl Plllci,)lrMrWffk, rori;.'., filViBg ti Ik 4fiU-er ))) irias In Weeklies sad 4 in I'ailir, msokisg 1U r invrnivs1 ir pi.vk FUiek Male mm wear rural 1'anwr lakeai aeparalrlj mi ike very l raleHB. Alllinathuiir Ajenrv h riOH nitlvwai Januety IhM, we ameng war swinine a nnml.et 1 Ik e'lin( nriilnniinl Rh bsMnd and elwnkei, liirln.lm- ftt., C I. Had wv. Mass . ValemiHe, Dlrnaientl, h I'har. Mtmttll Wlrn MilU, VlituU, ! Weieer, PUli.f, Mailrtl lxwh Wttrka, Ohki; Walllmare llmlne I lrj, AvmMrotif , Calsw A Co., tUlliMKue, and many el sera, Adverltalac 1st Reticle Aerlewl Iwral 4Neenline Tnpersi n feela. . Call nn er write inr estimate. Tm wilt emr Tot serais, even it ) lirvnte eT I aitvwilas lamuh . tiet as etlimnle made out sad Jmlge for your selves. Addre de VAl.t oritT WI1.TX. Kl hmourt, Vs. Ilk J ua-tarh CouteMplstiMg a nxatnew Lite slwuld ath nd HUYAST, KTKATTOX k NAPI.KR llusliusCollcjrc. Fur Clri'iilsrs, and Kveclnirna mt Vrnmnn ship, enclose ten laii. art allrru, W.ll.hAIH.Kn, Prraiilenl. No, t ,t I N. 4 hsrlrs M., nslliirmre. Md. saareh In IWMwi li IJP.It KIN'S IIOl'NETI PATKNT" Xon-Kxiiloslvo-oAL oii liAiwipa, And BAKKi'T ril.l.lMI I ANS. iiv.-r jne.sno iw nan. ntnksver esplniled. Th onlv BBMlnielv ssl snl rleaa Lamp made. T Only Jobbsisst Uclaiv rateasre tlART hmiTHERN. Via West Bsltissnr Nr., Jlslllmnr, Md. lUleef VbgUiis ) mf Sand lor rlreiilar and pile list, sssrrh li HI tw Studwell Brothers 17 iM II III. AY STHKKT, IVEWYOIIK,; Manufacturer! and Jobber! of BOOTS & SHOES, roR - Southern Trade. nave A complete stock In all line.. 'IncIihI. Ing their popular G'iwnfe we Hoi., Kin riom Shorn, ami It'omeu' rfc. Mil. D7 Orders solicited and carefully filled at lowest market rales. J. K. MOORE, ItlMsias, mreh II in m SPRING a a HAT net. iei;ele.l teslerday, lif Dsiirew, (lis bTIllNO SILK MAT sud oilier SijtUli H it. attbn IIA.T STOIl, llelow the Hotels, msrclttt II.',- TV At.TKll C1.AHK. J. ,. Ml I f CV. QLARK A Ml l.LKN, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N.C., ! Prsetlce In all Hie ( nurls of lUlitav Mar tin, Norlhsnipton snd Kdcernmbe rnuniles; In Ihe Hiii'ieme Court of Nnrth Candles, and in the Federal Tunrte. .- . my rolled Inna msde lu all parts of NVlh Carolln. mart h M, " J HMveh QOFFKKH. Sl tlAltM, TKAH, ? HAMS, UACUN,. r,lTTF.B,LARl,Ae.,Ac, A fill snlr slwsv. en band. ' .IA. I. MKTT. , CI Market Slrwi. " Another Invoice of tbat etleh atcd nld hnind of WHISK KY (the Iii M, in Mm mmkfll e- r Steamer "lloll nr." JAM EH I. MKTT1.' S7 Market Street. .. 131 match i c H RIMTMAM I'REkENlN OS If AND. We have largely added lo our UILL1NEKT 8Te)CKeverythln6 new, TOCK everyth We new hsve i we new nsve . nana a avienam astonnieni ef NKCK T1KS. ljaco OollarN, T 1 AXD JLANDKERCniFS, Kid G-lovea. HOSIERY AND NTML'ROUH FANCY GOODS. In Jet and Oold Jewelry we have the best and latest style, and st Low Prices, f ., RJ5AL HA IB, Curls, Switches, Chignon Snd all Stylet. The rbespest out. ATI Purchsser will d well te fall and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. SOUTH WEST FBONT BfREET, ' Three eeort of Market, KkhmvewlleriOlel tMi4, E. M. STROOK. deo 19 -tf - D .OWN WITH THE r.It ICES.' Families tn wsntot flrocertes ef the best and full weight ess b aecom BMMlated at the FlltST CO-OP RB ATI VK biORE. envner Frnnt snd Tlnrk atriwtjL finl.-k Mu.tiJ smell profits lonr motto. Fre'll t.wia by tverf steamer. n. Mvuaai l y, Knpt, ) r i - II , RlipT, ifi-WedAtrlU , - asg U ' KE3ICAL. . 'BADWAI'S EliDT EILIEl CCRKS TEE WOKST FAINS U FRO.ttOXETO TWETTTMIJVTE NOT ONI HO t i altet readnig this advertisement aKd knyW j , Butt W1l PaJB. s. , -j . ... aar lira U Bi Hf I kvery Pwlw. ittVUtklOJItsn.il " it The Only Pnin Kcxaedy that Inatanttv blaaa - i , j aliais lartainiBwUenav and rwrre Otrxw"'! . . bn., vk'm a, lHTwrui, ov pin- v ( ISO or argsua, l.y eu spporaUwri, IN FROM t'NK to TWKNTT MlNfTrs, we matter (bow violent er escraclatlrg f:n tfc khaussstie. ked-rablew, liinrss, 'ri.(.i4, )vf von, Neuralgic, mx pituicd vliamara.- mar ssiScr, Kadway's Heady Hcllcf ' wit. Arrea lasrss BAisv .s UflammaUM er Ike KUneva, ,. j ... I'ltlsmwstwnefUieBtaudar. InflmiieMorth Bowels tTl S. Tkreat, D.BIcmU l"" ,.-,'.' Catarrh. InltiHtlta, IU.larhe, Toolttaeha,' - ' ' i . ,.. ,iwagia, Rheamatlem, Cold Chills, .Wns t hltU, The appUeaOun et Ihe Ready Relief te la part r PrU nlieraiB or dimcuily exists tUlaiord raea sail rem lot t. l Btvdrop la half a tumble walee vuiki frw Binmi'iila rur I raiai-, MpaaiB, Hour r-K'tnarii. nearisurn. r llM,lka tum. lima, lharnlrrv, I idle, Wind la tit auil all IiiI.mmI P.lh. Bowels 1rarrlera.hi.nl, I alwavs earn m bottle ef RaB wav s KsaI'V Kslisp wllb tbcu. A fswdn.iw In water will ptrvrnt steknen pain rrom rbangs. water. It I brtu-r than Frtr Brsndr r nituis as a stimulant. FETF.H AK1I A QIC FvtaRAitieiiredAitlrtyBeBt.Thre le H"ta it uidil at nt in Ihl world that will 1 ir,LKr" AjS'ie.BiidelliwhiMBlBrlrB, phw, i TpwMu. leuow and other raters (a tied l,v II i . V P., .i . . . imiv mnm uiaav vrrs(alded by It li. At ' Ph Is) n qui, k a lAl'WAV's Rsakt NtLiir, Fhly cent pet bs- II HEALTH I BEAUTY t. TBo I a, l'ri(, H,t.j Btowleat4 Of ri.SSN Akl WlUUNT-ClBAB Mil aso r)rTiria CoMriBXinir hl USU tO ALU , 1U. liAinVAY'8 ' " t ' i tit Sarsparllllan Resolvent IIsm MsMto the Hasal AIiIbIaIsi C'arss t)vilrk, ks MaBld ar IHm iumnm Ike HMly WHerarsMss, tr SsmIsi. arsjfissir fn,, KTF.RT HAV AN INCRRASR 1 FLXIal AN WRIOHT 1 KIN AND FRLT. Tltt) Uretvt Jllood 1'arlSer. V. very drop of lbs HA RAPATLLtA N RFSOf . V r.NT eommunlcate through the blooilJIwBat, L'rlne sml other flul.li and Jule of the systaM the vigor or III, for It repairs the waste of tit biMly nllh new and, sound material, aerofiila, Myiihllls. t,onHiiniillon, (llsndular iIIsssmis, I " 'h His Ibnml, MiMith, l umora, Node lu the Olatuls and other parts of l lie irSrm, Hore Kyes, Hlrnmnmii illaeharge froM lbs ;ars, tad the worst luraisol skin illaeases, KruKlous, lvrr 8.re, Kisld Head, Ring Worm. Halt lilieum, r.rvalpelss, Arna, IIIbcb Wev In the FUs.li, Tumor, t;siura In the Womb, sud all weakening snd psluliil illaeharge, Night Hweata, Irfswid Mcrin sad all waste f Ih lifeprlncl. pie, sr within Hi curative range of till wouiler t4 M.iderH DhSBilatry. and a lew (lays will nrov to any craun Ualng It lor either of the lorrna ol illarase Us potent power ta cure Ihess. If the isHirnt, dally becoming reduced by the waMe sud ilcuioMmllkin llisi I roiillnuslly progressing, succeeds In arresting the wsstes, and repshs rli ssuia with new uiaierial mad from healthy blood, and the H ARflPARILLlAN will and dors aroMree. a our te eertaia I for when once this remedy conimrnce Its work ol piirlllcstkiii, snd succeed n dlmlnlabing the loaaot wsMiw, li repairs will be rapid, and every ilnr Hie patient will reel hirasell growing better snd stronger', the food Hlgealuig better, iHille iiuproiliig, ami Dean and weight In creasing. "., Not only dm s the Ha tirn.l.iA BatoL rvsr eieel all known sgrnis In the eure ot Minrtilc, MrriMiiloua, CoMelltetlonai and gklii ilirvHsi i but it I the ouly puaitive cure lor Kidney and Bladder Complaints, JTrlnary, sud Womb diseases, Ornvel, Diabetes, Drowv. HlopiiMue u Water, Inomllnenre ef Urine, llilght Iiiscawi, Albuminuria, and In all " " .""T.Bnn ni V Vf ,. a tlltV IH'1"ITB, 9W in water la thick, cloudy, mlsed wllb subatanre Ilk Iba nhll of an auti. ilirMM.i hlm k.io,. .iil i Ihcr If a morbid, (lurk, lillllons atMiearattce! and nhlte bone dust iletmelu, and when there la a prUklng, biirnliig nnwillon when pSHting wa ter, snd pitlu hi Hid Nmall ot Ihe llwk and along the IHilim. , , , IIt. HAD WAY'S- Perfect Purgatlro Pills, peilei tly tnstelcs, elrganlly coated With sweat gum, purge, reculale, purity, elaaa and streiiRlheii. Uatln ay's Pills, fitr the eure Of all illMir.h r. ,,r Ih Htnmach, Liver, Aowels, Kid neys, lllatlder, Nervous Illnesses, Uevlache, t:nuMlptinti, t'oniTeniiM, Indigestion, Dyspep ste, IlillWnninces, ruilloue Fevev, InAaaamaUon of the Hnwels, pile, and all erangweata of the lnlerial Viscera, warranted to effect a poet' tlv cue. Tnrely reoctuble, rouisinlng no mereiiry, mlnetHls or deletarlBBs drugs. . 9Jr ibserve the following svmpUms resuUliig from Dlsnrder of Hie Digeatlve Organs ; Const liil km, Inward Piles, FuHnci Of the IHwwl la the Head, Acidity of the Btrmiach, Niisea, Heartburn. lI.Rivt ef Foed, Fullnees or Weight In Hi Htomaib, Kour KructaUvna, Sinking or Flitttci Ing at the Pit of the bt' inacb, Bwlmmingiit pbe llisd, Hurried and Difticuit IlrenUiInu, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking er SuAncating NenisUkjii. when la Lying Poiture. Iliinnres of Vleinn, Iots or Webs bcl'nre the Hitilit, Fever and Hull Psla tn the Hesd, Iea cirncvof Perspirstlon, Tellownee tkeMkln and Fes. pain la the Bide, Chest, Lunhs, and euildea Fiiisbeeof Heat, Aurulng In the Flesh. A tew riiwes of RAOWAV'8 PILLS will Ire Mie system from all the trior named disorder, price it cent per Box. Hold ar IaearsT. Rkao" Fai-sb asi Tact " Send on letter stamplo RADWAY A Co., Nrt.e7MldeTiIne, N. V. Informstlon worth theassnd will be sent yon. . .., .: June 22, 71 2-Ji&weoUych T HE WADEftRORO A ROT,' rublishcd every Thursday at Wadcslioro, Anson county, at the present termi nus of the Eastern .Division et . . Ihe WilmlnRton, Charlotte A Hutherford Railroaet. ' i -T aibscitirTioN: , ' , One copy, one year, f3 W, Invariably In ad vance. - jjf" Ad vert Wag Bates very easy. bV Liberal terms to Contract Advertisers. The AROTS circulates estensirelv ta Austin, Rlcbmesd, Union. Montgomerv, SUeW, Ca barrus, and aleckfenbnrg eountiee, K. C, d in Marlboro, I'hesterfiold, I'nr!ie-ri, Ker. shsw and Lsscseter rounties, B.C., Hiirrhes a large number ef Intelligent refceVrs. - le the erchsDtscsT WIlminirtoB it prearnts uafiial lrd adrantsgesfor advertising 1 a seitma r ennntry now being Just opened op br th ex tension of ; this Divisioa ef the Wiiaiiar,en, Charlotte A Rntberford Railtesw. the tr4f which must aaturslly seek an outlet with them. W Letter addressed te the naderained, either at Wllmlngtoa at Wsikstwro, will aieet wllh prompt attention. JAMKS AWARROCK. w t : . Prvitors. lasrili" ' ln-lawll . J. R. RAVIS. praWfur From this lat Ih rates for Trat Hoard er are ft, 1, a ad t M per liar, acitiriliiig U oelini sNd roenia. Iay Hoarders 1 ner week. I

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