A c wiLiviiisra-TOKr, n. c, fbiday. april 12, 1872. WHOLE NO. CZZ. VOL. NO. 163. i - I ' i if ' , IL 7 t BAILKOAD4. JENERALSrPERINTSSlJ'T'i ITflCI Wllniing-tou, Columbia AXD Augusta Railroad Co. WtLMisaTOK, N. C, March tAh, 18CI CHANGE OF SCHEDULE- Th following Schedule will g lete effect at S.iA A. Sunday, Jlst butaat . DAT EXPRESS. Inn Wilmington.. ... 2J J Arrive at Florence... Hi A. M Columbia. -A4?:' I,eav Colombia. 1 Arm at r Wwewe. 4- M " Wilxoiugtoa 10.29 F.J NIGHT EXPRESS (Dally), Bnnday except. Uave Wilmington J0 P. M. Arrive at Florence. I 43 A. M. Columbia.. ................ 5A. M. ImiI Columbia. P.M. Arrive at Flowac UM P. M , - Wilmington .A. H. JOHN C. WINDER. Gent Superintendent arckW 131-tf Wilmington and Wei Jon Railroad Company, Ovricaor Oskkbai ScrsatsTSSDEXT, ) Wilmington, N. C, Mares , 1172. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter th Slt Instant, Turn ft ' Tralni will leave Union Depot at (.35 A. M. and 10.40 1. M.and arrlv 310 A. M. and CIS P. M. Freight Train! will leave Ut-weckly at T.1S A. M. and arrive at 1.40 P. M. F.xirM Freight Train!" will tear at 1 P. M. anU arrlv at 11 A.M. On Sunday ths 10. 0 P.M. and 1.10 A. M. train oily will b ran. .JOHN F. DIVINE. General hup r. march 30 157-tf "yyiLMISGTOX, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD CO. Orrica Chief Eeoim ISISB A SB OEa'l 5CP T, ) , N. C, April 10th, 1872. ) Wilmington CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Until further notice the trains on this Road will ran a rollowi : Iaaenser Trains. UaT! Wilmington (dally) at. 1 00 A. M. Arrlv at Abbottsbarg ..10:0A.M. I.embertun 1121A.M. - Laarenburg 1:13 P.M. " Rockingham ... J:0nP. M. " LUeiTlll 4:18 P.M. Uar Lilcayltl 6:14 A. M. Arrtv at Rockingham..... t:9T A. M. " Lanrtnburg. 0:40 A.M. Lnniberton ,....11:M A. M. A bbottoburg 11:30 P. M. " Wilmington 3:30 P. M. T On and alter May 1st, dally freight tralm will lea! Wilmington at 1:18, arrlrlng at WU Bilngton at S:30 P. M. Bwldeiona or two timber trains i rtiulrta for the enmnt bnilnrta, r NO TRAIN ON SUNDAYS. Trt-weckly STAOF.il betwwn Llleirllle and Chariot u on Tuctdayi, Tbnraiayiand Sat urday!, and returning on the alternate day!. -TUROCQU TICKETS, 8. U PRE MOST, " Ohlef Engineer and Superintendent, papen copy. april 11 CT-tf B ALTIMOKR AND WILMINGTON STKAMSIUP LINK. tionr.!tD of rmm imi oLam (toamiiiifs KF.BECCA CXTDE, ..Capt CHILDS. LCriLLkV... Capt PRICE. LI TAB.. ;.Cpt EVANS. Till hereafter nail from Baltimore and Wll ailogtua EVERY FIVJt DAYS. THE STEAMSHIP BOLIVAR will Mil from wharf, foot of Chertnnt itreet, THURSDAY MORNING, January Uth. For freight engagemenUja VJ ' Jan 10 . . L0RILLABJ'8 STEAMSHIP LINE TOR NEW YORK. SAIUHO TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS I EOX HEW YORK, AXD WEDHEH. DAYS AND SATURDAYS PROW - WlUIISaTOJI. INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOURTH Put CT. THBOUaH CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAILROADS IKAUiAU vu'Jf ur WILMINGTON. Or No najwenirflen taken. For freight appt jjgQjjjjgg Agent, mayao m JAND PLASTER, y THREE HUNDRED TONS FRESH GROUND LAND PLASTER, OF THE BEST QCAXJTY, roR SALE rx lots or fiye tojts and " 7 OYEB, at ia 5 FEB TO, Deli tared at th! Depot In Wilmington. Appljto r. W. KERCHNER Wholesale Qrocer and Cora'n Merehan Wilmington, N. O Lot of le than 8 ton! 1 ext. a per ton will Charged for Ughterage. SaOOXI BACOHI1 Vfi0t Ponndi Shoulder and Sldee, '01bT WnXABDBROS. Juno OTEL FOB RENT. '( be ROCK SPEINO HOTEL to of fered for Rent. , For particular!, apply to aag.13 E. PESCHAC. am tf "OARER'S CHOCOLATES, Premium and Vtnllla, Brorna c'Was. p. MTERS Jt CO., " 1 florin rroni oi. IXsrEASCE. 1872. LIVERPOOL AXD LONDON &OLOUK INSUKANCU COMPANY, ASSETS HELD IN THE UNITED STATES BT AMERICAN DIRECTORS NOW AMOUNT TO S3,G40,4:49.(J2. TUOS.GRME, Oeavor! A real. North ltd Prince) etreet, between Water tad Front itreete, Wilmington, to whom au PPlleattoM far Agenelea ahould b addreeard. feb l 120 JN8UIIANCE ROOMS, HO. S HObTB raosmiaiii. The fallowing .leading Oompealea are reprw- eented i QUEEN rntK INSURANCE COM PANT of IJTerpool and Uindnn. ANDES FIRE iSLKAUfi wuraai WNTIN ENTAL PIBE INSURANCE COM PANY of New York. r , . HOME UiolAAAta tuaran i oi nwa- ond. .... M ERCHAJiTS APU JHKUilAA Of luoo- mond, And the Old and farorite Marine Company, the MERCANTILE MUTUALof New York. Insurance at fall ratea la we acoTe mm ciam Companiea. JOUX WILDES ATKIBBOH, Qonoral Agent. dec! N ORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE tUal-ASl. ScMriiy Aolaat yrifoi Thle Comnan pari ha loatee fairly, and dreu latee tti earningi at noma. ; It hae luet paid It lomeehy the oonflagrauon at Hendenon, rally and promptly. Ite rate are as moderate ai eafety will Jueury. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. B. U. BATTLE, Jb.... President BEATON DALES Secretary. W.H. MURDOCH,...., Aajlrtant Sec'y. 4. W. ATKINSON. Agent Oct j . utr.. ...a WALTER CLARE. i- M. MVLU-T. QLABK A MULLEN, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C, Praetiea in all the Court of Halifax, Mar- tla, Northampton and Edgecombe coautleei tn the Supreme Court w norm Carolina, ana the Federal Coerta. r Collection made in ail pan or norm Carolina. march IS, li-Ua-lTcH JJUTTER! BUTTER ! t A new supply of the choicest "Ollt Edge" Just received and for sale by DeROSSET 4 CO. ua-tf march 26 JERRY BASKETS AND CRATES. THE MELLISH BERRT BASSET, The best and cheapest tn nee. Our Crate are of the best manulacture. and lower in price than other makers. Send for circulars. BAIKU, KOPEK a CO.. Ferry Wharf, Norfolk, V. april 4 I6l-lm x QHBJSTMAS FRESIOTS OS HAJIU. We have largely added to ear MILLINERY STOCK CTervthlne new. We now have on hand a splendid assortment Of NECK TIES. Laco Collars, AND HANDKERCHIEFS, Kid Grloves. HOSIERY AND NUMEROUS FANCY GOODS. In Jet and Gold Jewelrr we have the best and latest stylos, and at Low Price. REAL HAIR, Curls, Switches, Chignon and an styles, i ne eneapest out. Alt Purchaser will do well to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. SOUTH WEST FRONT STREET, Three doors of Market, KhawlleiOldRtav, Hi- IN! - t-V 1 ' KUt J oaolO ' 63-tf rjv IE ORIGINAL GENUINE DURHAM SMOKING TOUACCO W are Agents for BLACKWELI MANUFACTORY and sell at Factory Prices. . A full supply of all weight on hand. DeROSSET A CO. l!-tf feb ts D OWN WITH THE PRICES. Families in want of Groceries of the best and foil weight can be accommodated at the WITIHT CO-OPKRATIVK STORE. earner Front and Dock street. Quick sale an small profits is our motto. Fresh Goods by ever steamer. J. H. McGARITY. 8npt. angl 27-Wed&Fritt Ts IVICE! 1UCEI! ltO,04 POUNDS fresh beat BICE, HILTON BICK MILLS. ' " For sal by WIUiARD BRO'S. ISMTBAXCE. yiDOWS' AND ORPHANS' EeseSt Life Insurance ConraiiT OF NKAV YOIIK. WANTED! 1,000 Able-l)mlied Men, Between the at-e of 2" aa.1 A U eulit la the above Company. wiHg u tbe grrat eiotte meat whk-h pirrall la Lnndou, areaaiwus toaecttre tbe arrvuvaot tlir awi at ence. Thia CvniuT atiouKI be prett-rrrd to all ethers, hM-aiu. H. iillifn are caltured. anu biuaua aadtrtiatwwUiv ataxtrate, anda"Ke nrrra Poltry" areemulra earh of ke nem bera; and a the qimuua laottea aake.1, "Why U a Kwra 1'olli'T bettrr Uiaa aar eUiat form of Inauraaee?" tV'e prvpoae to au.wer it In a few word: IT IS BETTER THAN A LIFE POLICT-beeaaa It le not eulr thl but aa endowment beeklra .. beyaaee It af unta luauraneea cheaply while thla t arawtiT, and admita ei Ua Wrmaatkia when tbe em woald be tllrovrtlouaW to Ita value : breaiwe It tnauree drpradeawy, both la cUIUmuud and eld age. AN ORDINARY ENDOWMENT kecaua It not ouly endowa to the same extant, but glrna far greatet taumntol protection agalnut death for aulstaatk II y the aame eoat. TEN PAYMENT LIFE-beeaua It eaally heeumee aa little bardeaaowi, elvee twice the axtoautot laearance, and the full endowmeut Talue. All peraona, aaxlnuf to arrure ta equal pro. taction agalni death or ae, can be enrolled hi thlaCompaxy on applU-atkm to the under, ntgned, whe will take great pleaaure In prenent Ing them to the Medkal Examiner for hi ap proval. W. R. KENAN, febl 114- . Q CJAJRDI AJST MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of NKW VOllIC. ORUASIZED 1S9. ASSETS a.l,ot,noo POLICIES IN FORCE 98.ft"0.i0 LOSSES PAID 1,W,0X Special Features. Anneal PMdenda, applied to reduce Premi um or la.rr.Me Inanranre. Alt Pol Ir lea Non-yokrKiTAOLl after twt an nual parnti-nls. W. T. HOOKER, Prealdeut. EVERETT CLAPP, Yke President. LCCICS McADAM, Secretary and Actuary. HENRY C. CLENCH, Aaalatant Secretary. HAAO HUTZI.ER A CO., General Agent ol Virginia, North Carolina and D. O. A.J. HILL, Jr., Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office over Woorter'i Drug Store, corner Front and Market Streets. - Da. B. r. COBB; MHIleal Examiner, WiLwaoro. feVH v U-ly SPRING SEASON OK 1872 LADIES DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Notions and Fancy Goods, Hosiery in all Grades, Ladies' Underwear. Mclntire & French Take great pleaanr In reminding their friends of the extent and variety of their SPRING STOCK. Our tncrcaslni trad demands that our assort. ment be more extensive than that of any tor met season. One of our Arm having selected the Stock with great care, we feel satisfied that tli selections tills scawin ars worthv of your careful attention, whether appertaining to for eign or domestic goods. Extending our thanks tor past patronage, we rcspecnuny asi a con tinuation. , , To our friends In the country we will send samples whenever desired, and orders received therefrom will receive onr personal attention. 89 MARKET STREET, South side, WlLMlMOTon, N.O april T ICHwih Stud well Brothers 17 MURRAY STREET, NEWYORK, ' w Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, FOR v Southern Trade, Have a complete stock In all Unci, lnclnd Ing their popular Granite State DaU., Kip Plow Shoes, and Women's Fro. Hal. . CT Orders solicited and carefully filled at lowest market rates. J. E. MOOSE, galeeniAB. march 14 U3-6n QOFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, HAMS, BACON, BUTTER, LARD, 4c, Ac. A full so pply always on hand. JAS.I.METTS, 07 Market Street. OLIla5XJIT. Another Invoice of that celebrated old brand rf WHISKEY (the host in the market) per Steamer "Bolivar." JAMES L METTS,' 01 Market Street, march 3 134 PUnCELLIIOUSK. ' " ,1. R. PAYIS. Proprietor From this date the rates for Transient Board ers are (4, S3, ind 2 SO per day, according to locatten anu roesn. Day Boarder 8 per week. . Jan 21 ' H. W. BARTOL'Sf GROCER'S SUGAR HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, I now turnlm out and offer for sale his known Brand of SUOARS ami BUG AH HOUSE MOLASSES. 11.1 m-2twch (LIk ilailn HILVMUIOI, .. 4.1 F EI DAT, Al'KIL 12. W,i. Proea the Boatna Adreetlarr, (Repabllraa 1 I3ID1BTRIAL KElOSaTKriTIOX. One of tho hopeful nunifostalioui tif Sotitbern ptliiiv- is to be fimnd la the lit-U-rst Licit the t'o le tLens iibHU pu litioal or nviil J stiiK-Uou, Uiuniug to take iu questions aficctitu wieir ludustnaJ derekprtH'iit nd niatetiajpnrvae. TLis is to us deeply iiitorvMiuc, because tbe .Smtliern State roust itilitiu to be Ui the fuiure, as in tbo past, a nuwt iiuiortaut Wtstllh-fMiMiucing eertionof Ute luiun Nor can tlieir luduet.ee upon tLo rereuue policy if Uie nation, as well as uptm It politics, be over-estimated. Tliere is amitnon aiiJ danrous at iitiiuf nt sluvad a liiv'U tinJs expreeaion lit such utterances as these : "We are done a lib lite Sutb ;" "Tbat Job is nuUhe!;" "tho Uh is poTeiful ami vital force lu the Cation." The commercial tallies of the, couulrj show that thecouU-ibutionsof Uio 5outliert Mates to our eporublo wealth exceed iu value the total exports i f all Uio other sec tions of the 1'nlou combine. I. In addition to Uiis they furnish through tht lr produo lions the basis of the most valuable textile industries. It ill no doubt surprise many of our readers to loarn that In the matter of population the) Nulh leads the great geographical sections of the Union. The total population of the United Rtate is plAced by the last census at SS,oo3,D83. Of this uumber tho MidtUo and Kasteru Mates eouiblued furulsh, tn i maid num bers, twelve uiiliiona, tin Western btates twelve millions, the Southern Mates, or tlioae cotumoiily cUased at such In the old limes, fourteen million. Their political preponderance Is equally tlgnilkaiiU The total nunilier of votes Iu Urn Electoral CoU kge Is So7. The New Euglaud Mates, alth New York, New Jersey and I'enn sylvanla added, count 100 votes, as follows: Mala New Uampahir. Vermont M amiacb uaetta, , , , Rhode laUad Connecticut ........................ a New lork.. I'ennarlvanle...., 2 New Jersey.. , 0 Total It will be toeu that the Western are entitled to lOo votes. Ohio Michigan , Wlaroualn Minnesota. ,, ..i. ..... loara.,., , Kansas." Nevada. Indiana,.. , Illinola Nebraska. ,, ....100 states Total 100 California claims 6 votes and Orecon making a total of 0 for th I Vine const. The houtliern States are entitled to 128 votes in the Electoral College, being ft Dis omy over the Hew tnclaiid and Middle States combined, and exceeding the consol idated vote of lite grent Nort h went. 1 lere are the figures i Ii'lware Maryland Vlralnla 11 U 11 10 10 n West Virginia. Kentucky Tennessee North Carolina , Mtsiwurl Arkansas ' South Carolina Georels.. Florida.... , Alabama MtaslMippI ;,. Louisiana J eiss Total ....134 With this showing before us. we have at least an approximate idea of the danger In volved in the resectlonallxlng of the South upon the- resentments of the past aa a bal ance of power tn national politics. The eflect would be disastrous not only to the North but to tho South HselQ because; so long as the late slave-section continues to be a political peril, so long will the North ern States remain compacted In w atchful vigilance over the source of so much trouble in the past, to the detriment of all progress ami all reform. It Is the deslm, therefore, of every liberal-minded man ot the North, ai It Is the interest of every friend of pro gress and good government at the South, that the people of those States should throw off the bondage of obsolete ideas, and emerge into tbe open, healthy, Invigorating atmosphere of living practical Issues. Uy thus lilwratlng hersell from the prejudices which not only paralyze her energies but make her a danger to tbe nation, iho would free the North from that political necessity which lias too Ions forced her to stand guard over an ever-present dancer. 1 he time is not distant wuen Uie-un prejudiced minds of the South will see the wisdom of taking advantage of its natural resources, and introducing more rapidly the closely-related Industries w hich have long been the source of the prosperity of other sections of the country. This bas al ready begun, and is awakening a new sym pathy with tbe national policy on which the hichest industrial development de pends. In the nature of thlncs, the Intel ligence of the South, as weU as its great la boring interest, w ill be Drought finally into sympathy and political alliance with tbe educational ideas and industrial policy which have made. New England what she is. hiilighteued seir-luteiest shapes and controls the actions of communities as well as of individuals, and the highest and most permanent interests of the South arc on the side of that national policy w hich, under favorable circumstances, ministers equally to tbe progress of every State and every section of the Union. Agassis has determined a point which has long vexed us. He says : ' " I am satisfied, since I have examined the tcmocaris peircei, that trilobites are not any more closely related to the phyllopods than to any other eutomoetracse or to the esopods. In reality, the trilobitcs are lilt el tomocaris, a synthentic type in which structura features of the tetradecapods are combined with characters of entomostra csc and other peculiarities essentially their own." ; Tlic Chicago Tost says : " The cheery buzz of the buzz-Mw as it turns out first class fatal accidents is wafted on every gale from Maine to Florida, and rises above the crash of the non-explosive coal oil lamp. Soon the combined mower and reaper will commence W reap a harvest of fingers and f toes, and shooters of spring ducks w ill blow down their grms to see if they are loaded. For these and all other mercies may we paragraphista be made truly grateful." "Not at home," Is tho way some fo'ki out lie creation." Every telegraph post la the country is a monument to the memory of the late Prof. S. F. li. Mone. . How the Weal iirwww. Tl company cf o;e hundred and flAy euiouijJs who k-ft Lherpoui UvU werkia their way to Nebraska, ill tinJ that youiij and tlu-hlng N.tt In a ferment of activity. Letters from rrca! g've extraordinary accounts of the groath and prosperity cf Nebraska : St-tller are pouring In I rot the olJVr Nate and the Territory ; thousauds of acres of land have been takeu up fi occupation this spring : villas- are multl plvin, cities Trowing, and fATttu becom ing uuruerous and productive. It 1 relttcd as a strikuu; Instaiice of tbe rapidity ol ua- vcKiptnent, that lu a part of Howard coun ty, war tli Iup river f k of the Ilatie river, w here there w as tn one settler hi the spring ol 1ST I, one hundre-l votes were CAataWal election held three or four et ks to. .M tny f.irm houses are also to be erected this spring ithlu a radius of teuty-tiv mllci around Omaha. The opening of Uils rkh region to setilement has produced charges if tho most marvel lous character. lu In) the total puliation of the State was only 2S,e4l ; la 1b"0 tho number had increaeed to 110.86S. The city of Omaha, first bid out iu IK4, now has Sfl.fOt) In habitants; Lincoln, the capital, laid out tn 1SJ 7, Las a population of about and I growing rapidly. Tim Legislature has rovlijed for the immediate erection wpub c buililtncs, as well ai for the encourage ment of immigration, and liberal appro- prialious have been mado for the Buport of free scht!s. The development ol" the railroad system, buildlnn up Nebraska in common with the other new Slat- of the est, has already stimulated tho eiteretes of the people to such a degree that the fu ture la no longer doubtful. Ilesldes the Union lacltlc Uih', there are twelve others, some of tlient nearly roniilited, which will stKiti Intel lace all parts or the State, and give to He Increasing poptilatkm the am plest facilities of access to the markets of the world. And what is true of Nebraska i also true of the w bole of the great West. iTogresa is tbe order or the day, and wealth and power will follow. Cummer cioV drerfiaey. Be rgk's Palace) Hoc Cur. The Cleveland Lender thus describes the Bergh l'alsce Hog Car .' When the swine wish to slumber they blow a whistle made from the tall of a brother gone before, the conductors outer and conduct them to a hot Russian bath in tbe rear of the car, after v. blch they are rubbed down with rough towels, a lunch of old boots and Ice cream furnished. Not a squeal Is ever heard on these ran, nothing but grunts of satisfaction, and a skillful musician puts In from eighteen to tweuty- lour hours a day playing on a cottage orgen, and tinging such ballads as the Ham Fat Man,' 'The Watch on the Rhine,' When the 1'ks Come Home,' ete., t te. In fact, life is one perpetual holiday on Uie hog trains until they arrive wltklu a few miles of Jersey City, when the train Is stopped; a steam fire engine throws a stream of chloroform Into each car, and (be inmates sink into a slumber from which they tlo not awaken in this world of tra chliif, butcher-knives, smoked ham, head cheeso and death." Snlrlde t m Minister. Rev, J. E. Lawrence, D. D., committed luicide In a room of the Choice House, at Rome, Oa., on Tuesday morning. He died in thirty minutes after being shot. Tin Cormnercfai lias the following parttculari of the traeedy : The cause of his suicide was evidently anxiety and trouble arising from pecuni ary embarrassment He owed a great deal of money, and had no hope of extri cating himself. Ho sunk deeper aud deep er every day. On one occasion he said to a creditor, 1 Ids ibing Is ruunlng me crazy He Is said to bo a Loulsianlan by birth; said ho was 47 tears old ; laid his wife and five children died of cholera la one week In St. Louis, Mo. He was a magnificent scholar, rljie In every branch of a liberal education, and accomplished hi every possible department of hitter. Rev. W. P. Kramer, a promising young minister of tbe M. E. Church, South, re siding at Dal ton, Ga., has applied fur or ders In the lTotestant Episcopal Church. yiLMINWTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD CO. Orrica Cm as Enoiseim aid Oes'l Str'r, Wilmington, KC, April lOthflKJ. To Timber and Ijiimbcr Men! Analditlonal train for hnullng timber will be placed nKn the Road this wnrl and will b run aa long as the ImslncM Justifies It. Too iniKh time Is lost In loading timber, snd In the future all time lost above six hours In lofuling a train of (11) fiTteen car and tracks (orW.iMKi fecial timlier,) will be charged for uetention ot train tut per Dour. Those who prefer to pay one dollar per thou sand feet a I .ore tariff rates for loading will have their timber loaded by the Company. All who prefer the loading to be ttone by the Company will plqas noul'y the Mahler of Tram pot tatlon. Engineer and Superintendent, arrillt' i7-2tch Star and Post, Rockingham Observer, and Moiiesoniau copy i times. QRAND DISPLAY OF . French Millinery Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEN has Inst refnrtied from New York and will open on Frlilav the flnrrt stock of Millinery ever brought fo this city The citlsens are respectfully Invited to call. . E.A. LUMSDEN, Emporium ef Fashion, sprllll IBT-lwch IRIT CASKS, HOOP IRON AND GLUE, 1,200 Spilit Casks, (V) Tom Hoop Iron. 123 Bids. Glue, For sal by F. W. KERCHNER. 17- april It UHT RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY i , OF ONION SETTS. Pierre' Medical Golden Discovery, Garden Heed, Paints, Oils, Dves, Glass snd Putty, .Wholesale nd Retail st GREEN & PLANNER'S, 47 Market Street, april B RUSHES, PAINTS, OILS, &e. White Wish Brushes- large ij, aasonmenu . Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, . , . , Saah Tools, Paste Bru.hes, Pitch Brashes, Camsl Hair Pencils, Ate., wREEN PLANNER'S. ,i AUCTION SUES. M. CRONLY Auctioneer. Bj CROJLT at MORRIH. MORTGAGE SALES Pr Tlrta of trl ta"'fi frnea ThoatU , A Vt'wa ami wile ami Svau a Uuncaa auj j wile, ths Met hantca' ttml.lins iii laa Asu etatlua will wll lut ra-h, b faMie Aacuen, al Kxrhaef t'ornrr. luth.t IT of ilmiVglua, en W Kli.SKSHAT, April Tth, K.I al W 'lv k A. M , th NortlMra haltul the Weatrta halt of j LOT 4, liLfXKSli, feet en MeMaeatrevt, lJ rest deem ISepvn-1 party of N.GUUcaa. ALSO, part of tbe Eastern half of LOT 5, BLOCK 52 1, fronting 45 feet en Sixth street and running back Ue earn wktthaloeg the Morthera llae of H vaaa street TS leet, the pmparty f Thoa. A. Walaoa. C.S.ELLIS, tieetrtary and Trairer. march II - ltt law April Utlu h J.T. JAMES, Auctioneer. IlyJAMEsTlIE-VRES. COMMISSIONER'S 8ALR srnaioacot'ST ec itw avs corsrr. Robert II. Cowaa ) v Jama E. RoberU ) Bv Virtue of s Secre tn Ilia above tnlttled eauae I wUI aell.oa TIUKSHAY, the lMa.Uy of April, ml, al kichana terser, lu the city of Wilmington, to the hivheat bidder, for ea.b, at Public Aartlon, the Wretera part f IM No 1. In Miwk W, aeeotiHng to Turner', plaa. fmutlag Mi reel oa the Writ si.U of HeMind street and running back Eaatwardlr the aaa wi.lih UJrart. There I a Hotia on the lut eontaiulag Ir room! and outhouse. JOIH. T. JAM PS. t'owKal'.loner, BUfcCklS lM-St.AplTAPtch 1 KRCIIANTS AMD Bl'YEltS OF BOOTS aud SHOES Will Ind a batter a.t of Oomla, a larger Stork, batter ewrtmeut and lewnr rate than elsewhere in the State. Call and examine. . OEO. B.FRENCH A SON, W North Front street, april 4 lO- CARD. Kavln dhTBoaed of the buanea. lately carried 0 by me U Measra. Parker A Taylor, Uiev will aentlnu th aame In all Its branches, and 1 benpeak fur tksm the earns liberal patronage berslufOr bestowed upon me. A.M.iNr.rr. april let, 18IJ. ALL PERSONS INUEDTED TO MP, Either kv note or account, will nleaa make Immediate payment to myself or Parker A lay lor, who are authorised lo receive and recelut for sams, , A. II. NEFF. april I ifo-tf JJEW FIRM. Having purchased the Stove, Tin and Sheet IrenDoslnemof A. II. NefT, w will continue tbs tnder th Firm name of PARKER V TAYIsOR and bops, by strict atteutkm tn same, to ineilt a sli at ef pnblle patronage. W. M. PARKER, .f. II. TAYLOR. april I l.W-lf JjlLOWERS FOR YOUR HOMES. KELVYN NURSERY, PITT8DOEO' 3ST. O. Flower Sends, Sammer Ruths, Evergreens, Flowerlns Shru'js, lUnlv llordfr Planta, Green House Plants, end Ornsroental Trera. Hoses of many sorts, sent pmt tree, three for SI. 20 pnpers Flower Seeds for at. Set Glaillolur and Tiilierosrs. tl'. I'ercunesls, Hne, for l. 3 Ornsmniitkl Vinos for 1. 2S Flo rerlng Shrubs, all colore, ror o. caiaiogurs tree lit any an il reus. Stock of all aorta, new and vigorous, Plaiiifoinlshed for Improvement of Omtimls. O. B. DENSON. april 2 . I0i-2wch PHILADELPHIA lal lion Works HOST. WOOD. TIIOH.M. BOOT ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1180 Eldsre ATfnnc,rhllalclphla,ra. -FOUNTAINS- - FLOATINO SWANS- -VASES- . FROGS STATUARY WATER LILIES- EDUCES- TURTLES, ix. , Fer deeorwtlns; ronnlalnis. VERAKDAHH, Sl'MUSR. IIOU.T.S ARBORS, CUAJIW, 8ETTEE.S, Ac, Ac. Newisiyl Wronaht-Iron llallln; for rront of House ana litmeteries, never liofure Introduced, Csst and Wronsrht-Iron Rnlllnarn. for Pnblle Hulldlnga and Squarea, Cemetery Lots, Garden Fence, Baleonlee, Roof Creating, etc., In great variety of Patterns. Iiwat Ntailrav Spiral and Straight, of various Patterns and Style. HriciAL Attkhtiok oivisa TBI clas or WOKE. iMmp Peats, for front of Public Build ing, Hotels, and City Streets, of Plain and Elaborate Designs. KtbleFIUInire,ofCastandWronght-Iron, of New Improved Strles, such a Hav Racks, Stall Divisions, Mangers, Itsrncs Brackets, Gutters, Traps, Ventilators, Ac. . Wire) Work of every description. Wire Guards of Crimped Wire, ualvanlsed or Paint ed, tn Plain or Ornamental Patterns, for it tor Poors and Windows, Fsetorv and Warehouse Window, Railings for Offices, Banks, Counter Railings, Balconies, Lawn and Farm Fences, Ao., Ae. Oaten for entrance to Cemeteries, Pnblle Squares and Gentlemen's eonntrv Heats, of Vm Tubing er Wrought. I run, both single and doable, la elaborat-and simple design. - Drlaklwa ttfamtaiiM, for street a sea. a very large aaaortment of designs expressly for this purpose. ' ' raat-Irwai I'rinal Bxe3, for Publl Parks and City Street. , , . ( ; , Oral Vaae, Latest Style, Centennial Pat tarn, , . Trisehtwt Pmx, Jonkev, Coolie, Sambo, and plain deeigr,, ' , sprlia. WO-ewWrnrh oi-JExr4'o CF AND SUr.ir.lER GOODS! -AT- MsKKATZ'S Cf j MARKET ST. oMisxiasaor Rl.tclt, Colored, Striped and Floored Silk. Foulards;, Alpacas and Moharra. Black and Colored Orenanlnes In Strij and Figures. Japanese, Percales, lawns, Frou-Frous, Crepe 'a, Dally Varden, IJnen Iawtis, Phpies, Marseilles, LlnenJ, A., and all tho !,atet NoreHles la Dreos Cootli. , WHITE GOODS. Jaconet, Swlxs, Mull, Nainsook, Vlctot is, and Bishop Lawn In figures, atripeiaml, checks, ...... r , SwUs Cambria and Oulntir) Edgiims and luscrtiugN. Onl.ure, Thread, Dliclieas, VaJeucleu ties Lc ami Insertlngsi Laco and Limn Collar and Cufts. . -Llama laco Points a rut Sactitut, Shawls and Scarfs. I, ad lea Vesta and Chemisettes. HoiiNci'imilsliins Hoods ! Tlw greatest variety of Towel, Tal-le Damasks, Napkins, Slieetlngs, M arse Uie aud Honey Comb Quilts lu lo, II and 121-4. ... .-.;;-) Al 118 WEE - . . i l 'j : ' ii- '' , i . -. ' -- : i' Doe Skins, Casslmerei, Tweeds, litnens,' Marseilles and Cottonadea. '' ' Parasols, Corsets, Skirts, (Itoves, Host ory, Notions, &c , i - ' ... n Tucklngs, Trimmings, Frllllngs, Bralils,' Ribliona and Buttons, Ac. ' ' " The best assortment in the City, at tho Lowest pos sible Prices. - Wholesale and Retail buyers can sav . , Money by calling at ' .-. M. Me KATZ'O, irf 30 MARKET STREET. ' march M Bt-tt " T AKERS TAKE NOTICE 1 WELSH TUBS No. 1 Cooking Butter At isremts per Toaud, : . . At GEORGE MYERS,! 11 and IS 8outh 1 rent St.' " 100 KITS EXTRA . , NO. I MACKEREL . , Attl M per Kit. "empire rjLcrrr," It llaus ts) EqwaL English Coad:-::l irili ' At much IT GET MYFrS 11 A Li iron v. It- B ILL HEADS and c:: aEcacMx.T rtciza TKSXXATXS 8TTI.RT 1 ' " 1 wj-e r rr r t tics