c f w X s WILMINGFTOISr. C, STUTLDV. APRIL 13, 187a WHOLE INTO. 0.1C7. VOL. XXI NO. 169. I 1 s ' - t f . KULktOlDSi. y 1UI15UT0S, CHARLOTTE ASD RiTiiEnrora) railroad co. Or rica Cmir :iick A Qui Se r T, 1 Wilmington, K. C, April mh, lSti. ) Uvaser & CHANGE OF SCHEDVLE. " . Vntil further nitieo lb train tlis B ! ill inn a folio : Iaenger Trainn. l.eT Wilmington (dsilv) t. t-flO A. .M. Arrive at AblHttarg..; K'l A. M. ' I.umb-r U ii A. M. l.aurviibtirf 113 P.M. KioJiu?t&ai f w P. M. liivi.k 4 F- M. Leave LUnlle , HA.K. Arrive at Kot-kingtiaHi.... 1:T A. N. . Launueurg. ....... ........ IWtJI. Luailx-rWu .....H OT A. M. " At.outU.urg...... ...IZM P. M. " WUmtngUni 1:39 P. M. " On and after Ht; t dail y freight train ill leave Wilmington at 3. 13, arriving at Wil mington at 5:30 P. M. ' HtMde one or two timber trains as required lor the errent business. V NOTK.UM ON 8CKDAYS. T Trl-weekly STAGES between Lilesvllle Charlotte en Tuesdays, Thomdsys and Sat unlays, and returning ou the alternate day, tr THROUGH. TICKETS, 910. 8. L. FREMONT. Chk Engineer and SuiwrinU'iHtent. I'aier eopy. aprll 11 ICTtf qieuaisupi:ristis5;d'Ti office AVilmin-tou, Columbia ASD Augusta Railroad Co. WltMHlQTOK, N. C, March 19th, 1W2. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE- The following Schedule will go Into effect at 3 2J A. M., Sunday, list Instant . DAT EXPRESS. Ue Wilmington M A. M Arrive at Florence.. ...... ........... " Columbia. 1fai,JJ Iave Columbia. lt 0 A. M Arrive at Florence....... !.' ?J Wilmington 10.23 P.M. KIQ1IT EXPRESS (Dally), Sunday eiceptcd. lA-te Wilmington.. ....... X. 6J0P. M. Arrive at Florence A. M. "Columbia 8.4SA. M. Umr Colnmbla P. M. Arrive atFlorenoe i...ll.M P. M. ' " Wilmington 6.20 A. M. JOHN O. WINDER. Ueti'l Su(ieriutendent. march 30 15t-tf AVilminstoii and Wcldon ltailroad Company, Orriu or Gksieal BopiRtnTBMDKHT IDKRT, ) 9,1572. ) " Wilmington, N. O., March 29, CIIANOE OF SCHEDULE. On awl altet the Slut Inntant, Pasacnger Train will lravc Union l)'it at 6.M A. M. hihI 10.40 P.M. and arrive 3.10 A. M. and 6.15 1, M. Freight Train will leave trl-weckly at T.H A. M.aitd arrive at 1.40 P.M. Kxprrw Frulght Train will leave at 2 P. M. ami arrive at 11 A.M. On Sunday the 10.40 P. M. nd J.10 A.M. train only will be run. .lOHNF.lttVINK, Ueneral Sup't. much 30 IW-tf B ALT1MJUE AND WILMINGTON ' STEAMSHIP LINK. rSOJIoRKl 0 TUI IRT CLASS TBAMl!ira lli:iSK14 A CLYDE, Ospt. CHflJS. I.V CI LI. !.... ...Cajt. PKICK, ItOMVAll,. .....Capt. EVANS. Will herca1tw all from Baltimore and Wil mington KVISUY FIVK DAYS. ; THE STEAMSHIP DOLIVAU will ail from wharf, foot of Chertmit street, THU1WIA MORN1NO, January UtU. For treight engage ueutjiiy)tozAD3L Jan 10 " . X OllII.LAlCD'8 STEAMSHIP LINE FOB I J NW I OKri. SAILING TVENDAYS AN 1'BIOAYS r KOX KEW YORK, ASD WEDJiUS. IAYf AMD BA1XKDAYS mOSI ; WIIJSISGTOH. INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOURTH Pkb CT. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAILROADS LEADINU OUT OF WILMINGTON. HT No passengeer taken. Kor freight avi'ly tn BARRY BROTHERS, Agent. -J-AND PLASTER, THREE HUNDRED TONS FRESH GROUND LAP PLASTER, r TUB BEST QUALITY, FOB SALE IN LOTS OF FIVE TOSS AND OYEB, AT 113 00 FEB TON, Delivered at the Depot in Wilmington. Apply to T. W. KKRCIINKR Wholesale Grocer and Com'n Merehan Wilmington, N. 0 Lnt of tee than f tons II extra per ton will Charged for lighterage. dee 25 78 33 ACON 1 BACON M 100,000 Pound Sbouldori and Bide, Forialeby W1LLARU 8RO 8. ; June , ; 2" JJOTKL FOR RENT. me Ruviii. Dimnu iiun.il" - fered for Rent. For particular, apply to aug.13 E. PESCHAU. 2J1 tf B AKER'H CHOCOLATES, Premium and Vanilla. Broma, Cocoa, ivc. we. UIAS. I). MYI'-liS & CO., t North Front St. april - It I5HIBAXCE. WILXtSGTOS SOUTH CAE0USA i I I I INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICERS S ROB'T . COWAN....... President JOHN W. ATKINSON Vie President. F. H. CAMERON..... ...Secretary. Dr. E. A. ANDERSON. Medical Director. PIIlECTOltS. J. W. ATmssosr, General Intiranre Agent. I. U.Uaiui, Prcstd't Bank ef kcw tiaa- evr. ) . . F. W. KiacUKiB,: Orocer and Comiaustloa Merchant. CM. Stdkak, of Wright A Steilman. T. H. Mi Kov, oT W. A. WhiUbead & Co., FavetteviU. . -- . . ''tit f H. H.OowA,Preaiikat. I I ! f II. B. Kilkbr, ComniltMion Merrhant. A. A. Will ai, oi Wtllard Brothera. W. A. Ci'MiiiJU,o KorlbropJi Cumrulng. (1. W. William, of William Murchiaou. Kli Mckbat, oi K. Murray & Co. A. J. l)KKowKT,of IeKomet & Co. Robt.1Uiii of Dawson, Teel ft Hen. aing. k ' ! ALBB.SfRtfUT, British Vlce-Consul.of Sprunt & Hiitiiou. J- P. MPRPUT.Attomev at f.aw. J. D Williams, ot' J.D. William & Co.,Fsty. ettoville Ja. O. McRab, Atfy at I-aw, Fawitwti 1. H. Kklly, Merchaut, Keuanville ' J. T. Pura, Merraaat, Lamberton. ' SPECIAL FEATURFS AM) ADVAX . '-t TAVE8. M. No rostilcUon ou Residence or Travel. 2d. No extra charge on the live of Female 3d. Policie Incontestlble after Fire Years. Jtl. Tk. .at... ! Tnt.tr&t An ill Vllllil.4 ftf Ml fWimn. hWluWthBtt thAUl m fthfl V'uillla lit Com pan tea located In other States, thus Insur ing larger uivvueau w rnncy Aionwr. s , t ,. 5th. The Director and Officer of the Cera pany are wrominent NORTH UAROL1 NIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. Cth. The Company 1 established on a solid and permanent basis, step bavin g been taken to Increase the Capital Stock to t)300,04M. 7th. All the Fnnrt of th Comrmny stre InTtotad la tola Itate and iirrii. IrKmI mini Mr own People. Tbl tsct should commend the Company, above all Otn. er, to North. Carolinians. It 1 well known that hundred of thousand of Dollar in Lire Premium are annually sent North to enrich Northern Capitalists, thus continually draining our people of immense amount which, aliould be kept at home. On thi ground the friend of thl flompany eonfldently aiipeal to erery wm of the Old North Btato, and ask their tupnort for this Home Inslltntlon which, while it odt-r inbrtantlally all the advantapfisof North, trn Companies, helps to buildup Homo Id trMtsu , . , JAMES D.UROOKS, . General Sniwvlslng Agent, Raleigh, N. U. aprll Hlh, 112. IS?- lilVEltPOOIi AND INSUIIANC1V 4 f f r. : , .. it j g COMPANY. ASSETS . HELD IN THE tNlTED STATES BY AMERICAN DIREGTOBS ; NOW AMOUNT TO S3,640,449.G2. ,' , J 1.?. J ''W .. ! i i TII0S. GRUME, General AreBii North ldo Prlnccai street, between Water and Front sheet, Wilmington, to whom all application far Agenclei should be addressed feb 18 . 1ZU- N ORTU CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE coJurAAi. - Kecarlty AffKtnst Utm by Flrw 1 Thl Company pay Its loaee fairly, and clreu' uti it earnlnmi at borne. It has Jnst paid It losse by the connagTatiou at Hon,i..rin. fullv and tiroTLPtlv. Its rate are a modorate as safety will Justify. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS Of THE STATE. B. H. BATTLE, Ja.. President BEATON GALES... ..Secretary. W. H. MURDOCH Assistant Sec'y. J. W. ATKINSON oct W X II HJ JX J) OFTIIlfiCIIICAaO lmiE contain not one half the clmrmhig Influence possessed by our magnificent stock ot CLOTHIM1 Just opened. Try It arid witness tho Charming c licet. " MUNSON A.' CTJ'j-,. - , City Clothiers, npiil i 1W IT) T x?- IfKi lilJJS IXSrKANCE. "yiDCWV AND OUi-UANS1 Eeset Life Insurance CozpanT OP NEW YOllK. WANTED! 1,000 Able-Rodiod 3Icn, Btwera the sai-i a) shri 5. t enlia la the above lwsnpaay. the t rxi'ite- ment whtrh pnsU ta 1jmm1, araauatons to vur lb wtvtr'o tke Mm l wm, Tbu Coiuivtuiy ul I ku) ia l'nwl to all othrra, Wvrattw its rflUvr ar cultunJ, ant ,ittoo nd trustworthy studt-uis, anda'4Re Servn Polk-y" accompanliNi eaib of its ntrm Iwm ; and as the question b oiu n aked, Why U a Reserve Pollcv better tlian any other fotut ef InsuraMce?" We to(hi to answer it In a lew wards: IT IS BETTEll THAN A LIFM POLICY beeause It Ut aotenly tht but an endoWBisnt beabWa berausa it aOoni lnmuance aa cheaply while this Is necessary, and admits ol its tormiuatku when the cost would be dUproporUouat to Its vl : beeauw it insures dependency, both la childhood and eld age. AN ORDINARY ENDOWMENT because it not ouly endows to the same extent, but gives a tar greater amount of protection against death tor substantially the same cost. TEN PAYMENT LlFf-becaui It fally becomes as little burtleim.Iiie, t;Nv twice the amount of Insurance, and the lull endowment value. f k All persona, aimou to secure an equal pro. tection agaluat death ot age, can be earvliea In this Coinpaa y on application te the nndss. signed, who will take great pleasure tn present ing them to the Medical Examiner lot bis ap proval. . . i ' W. R. KENAN. feb 9 114- " MUTVAIi LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF N1CW VOItlC. OBUANIZED 1H3. ASSETS n,m,nno POLICIES IN FORCE........ W,0(I,OD9 LOSSES PAiD. 1,900,1)00 . Special Features Annual Divkdemls, applied to reduce Premi um or Inerease Insurance. All Pi Uelesion-roarnTABLa after two an nual tiayments. W. T. TfOOKKR, Presldehti KVF.RETT OLAPP, Vice President LUCIUS MeADAM, KeretrT and Actuary. HKNKX O. CLKNUII, Assistant Secretary. ISAAO 1U1TELER A CO., Oeneral Ageut of Virginia, North Carolina and D. U. A. J. HILL, Jr., Agent, ; WILMINGTON, N. C. imum nvsr Wnoster Drur Store, corner Froat and Market Streets. Da. B. r. cobb; otiici Examiner, WlLMlBOTOIt. IcbH ll-ly SPRING SEASON OF 1872 LADIES DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Notions and Fancy Goods, ' ' Ilosiery in all Grades, Ladies' Underwear. Mclntirc & French Take great pleasure In reminding their friends of the extent and variety of their , . SITJIS'O STOCK. Our Increasing trade demands that onr assort ment be more extensive than that of any for. iiieresaaon. One of our Arm having selected the Htoek wUh great rare, we feel satlxtled that the selection tills sensnn are worthy of your careful attention, whether apertalnliig to for eign ot domestic goods. Extending onrthankl for part patronage, we respectfully ask a con tlnuatlon. ' To our friend tn the otintry we willsond snmplos whenever desired, and order rei-elved therefrom will receive otir rrsmial attention. S j MARKET BTRKK T, Hotltn Side, WiLMinuTor, N.O apriU 101-Iwch Stuclwell Brothers 17 MURRAY STREET, NEW YOHK, Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES Fon ' Southern . Trade Have a complete stock in all lines, lndnd tag their popular Granite Slate Bah., Kip Plow Shoes, and WomcrCt Ptb. Bah. - tt?" Orders solicited and carefully filled at lowest market rates. JT. K. BOOSE, SaletrniHri. march 14 143 -Cm piOFFEKS, SUGARS, TEAS, nAMS, BACON, BUTTER, LAUD, 4c, &c A fall supply always on band. J A3. 1. M KITS, - 07 Market Street OLD liiuiVT. Another Invoice of that celebrated old brand of WHISKEY (the best In the market) per Mtpamer Bolivar." JAMES I. METTS,' S7 Market Street march 3 ptJRCKLit. IIOTJ8K, J. B. DAVIS, Proprietor From thl (late the rates for Transient Boar ers are f 4, (3. and $2 60 per day, according to location and rooms. Day Boarder $ 8 per week. , Jan 21 " . ' -. H. W. BARTOIVSI GR00EE'3- SUGAE HOUSE, ' ., , , rHUiADKLPmA, Is now turning ent and offer lor Kilo his well known Krxnils of SUGARS and SUGAR 1IUUS1. MOLASSES- H.l-lui lftweii tyt Jlailg loiiriKiI. m i li .u ivy N. c.i SATtllDAT, Al'lllL 15, For the Journal. fstervtUeMetiuf In Jarkilll, OmIiw tlawaty, N. C. At a imping of tb Cnuaenrativc tart lwld In Jai-ksonvllU, (tilow county, on tlx lt MatHlajr In April, ITi, tlte lmn't ing wan orgaiilml by calling tJ. K. W. r onwille to tl tliafr, am! apjKilnllng Z. M. I ton Swwtary. TLe CliaJrtuatt rKTtHhl,i tn eilin tho t'i'ji of ih wex4inf tn a frw hrw-f but very aptiroprUte reusarka, that behx f the fkrpuast uf lumtiuatliij tr aip4iitiiHr tWk'gaU k tho J;l!eiM)t i'4H.veiillNi mum to bo beld. Ou tuuliiMl t'f J. W. hWkeJfiUtt, 1-jq., a rtxumiUew of thtv w at aimiiitrd la draft atiiuUe) rvsoliilkuis fur tho vuiMiderathm ef the tuetiiu;, tow it : Meaeiw. J.tiiie (i. JSoolt, A, J. MurriU aud J. Wi Shackel ford. The rotumtiU''.,- after a slant alateucs rvturned and rvported, through tlieirCliair man, Mr. J. ft. S"ott, tlie fallowing reso lutions, x U : 1st. Ikmfltt J, That the Ominnau of tliis meeting ajuniiut teu delegates to the !SUte t'onventiou, at (irrMJusbow, on the first day of May. Also, ten dehgate to the Congressional and iienatorlal Conven tions. - 2d. Rei4w it, Tlutt we proposa to tlie counties of Carteret aod J ones, rorn posing with Onslow our Natatorial JJialrlct, U town of iSwansboru' as tho place, and Um 13th day of May as the time of homing said Convention, ami with profound respoct we suggest that Onslow, for this election, have the privllego of selecting tho candidate for our Ulstrkt Ud. Hmtml, Tlutt we pledge our sup port to the nomination of said Convention, ami that vve invite all good mea, without reference to their past political connection, or their race, to unite with us in promoting Uie honor ami Interest of our common country. Tho foregoing resolutions were then unanimously adopted. I ne fjoittrman then appointed tho fol lowing puitlemen as delsgntes to tho Stato Convention, to b held atUi-eenslmro t hturap 8onnd Township Jere W. npleer and John Hhepard, Sr. Jaiiksonville Townshln James ft. IScott and Stephen Dixon. Klehlanu Township a. 1). Taylor and W. Shackelford. - White Oak Townshliv-llaiTls Waites and K. M. Farw'Il. SwanKbow' Townslifn Wm. I. Wtud and E. W. Ward. ! The following were appointed as dclo gates to the Congressional Convention ; Mump hound Township J. W, llarul son and JJ. K. Dixon. - Jacksonville Towushlp O. W. Ulake and A. C Unpins. nuiiiunii's Township u. Duny. sr., and L W. Marzet. White Oak Townshln ChM. Oenck, Jr., and It. N. Hummcrsllle. Swansboro' Township D. W. llusscll and D. A. Humphrey. on motion it w as . , ; Resolved, That any persons from Ons low county being present at either of the above named Conventions bo and are here by authorized and requested to act as dele gates. on motion of K. W. Wson, Esq., It was Rnmlmt, That a committee ho amwlut- ed to corresjond with tle Conservative Committee ol Carterot and Joih'S. Upon w hich the chairman appointed the follow ing gautlerueii to compose,, the said com niittee, viz: ClulsUyher teplteiiSjJEdw'd w. ward audit. TV. Mxon. On motion of J. W. Shackelford, Esq., tin' following resolutions wore adopted : that liaviiiit uubiHinded connilenee .In tho ability, patrlotbiin and sterling worth of our distinguished llepresontatlve In Con gress, lion. A. M. WadileU, we cheoifully PHouimend liim as our elioiee for rouomi nation, and Instruct our delegate's to use tlielr Uiiluence to secure the same. That we respectfully recommend to tho Greonshor Convention as a suitable can didate for the (olllce of Lieutenant rovr nor, our worthy Senator, Hon. W. A. Allen, of Duplin. On motion it was llewAved, That wo recommend to our frllow-citiicens of the Senatorial District oompiwlng the counties of Jones, Carteret and Onslow, the name of our worthy fel- low-utJ&'U, James U. Scott, and Instruct otter delegates to cast their votes for htm in tho Senauirial Convention,' On motion of K. W. Nixon, Esq., It was lletohedL That a Convention be held at the Court House hi Jacksonville, on tho first Monday hi June next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent Onslow county m tue House of ltepresent- atives of tho next State Legislature, and for tho several county officers, to ho elected on the tli st Thursday or August next ; and that the voters of the several townships be requested to hold primary meetings and select delegates to said Convention. Tho Chairman then armolnted commit- tees to attend to tho holding of the primary meetings in each old Captain's dis trict t -. - Stump Sound J. J. Yopp, IJ. F. Wil liams ana w. i. Kine. Lower South Wet t -B. E. Dixon, William Rawls and I. T. Shepard. Upper South West O. W. Blake, Elislia Walton and Ai. 1. Lionzley. Ixwcr Rlchlands F. S. Humprhey, W. U. make and w. u. wx. Upper Rlchlands L. W. Harzct, W, T. Cox and Starky cox. Half Moon A. J. MurriU, Bcnj. Greer and R. W. Ward. , North East M. Farrell, A. Summcrsillo and Harris Warters. , White Oak B. W. Trott, J. J Cotton and Stephen Henderson. Swansboro T. B. Holland, J D. Haw kins and D. S. Rogers. Wolf ritt-Sol. Oornto, O. W. Winbcrry and D. K. ilenuerson. Ou motion, It was , Rcsolted, That a copy of tho foregoiuj proccedines and resolutions bo forwardei to tho Wilmington Journal for publica tion, and that the IKeea-fy Star and Oolds- boro Mcvtcngcr bo requested to copy. On motion, tho meeting adjournet: (ie (' . E. W. FONVIKU.K, . Chairman. 'A. M. C'Of-TON, ). Secretary An Eunlisliman. temporarily realdum in JiOwell, Mass., says Otat he sees more drunkenness there than ho over saw In any town In Enirland. He concludes that the Prohibitory law is a farce, the State police a machine to squeeze money out of pec pie, and the result a disgrace to the city and Mate. rrom the N. Y. Evening r4, UpublKa.l A WAY TO tICrOMY. The increment of the liberal UcjniWt raus, which threaterj to oranbe and to take pcrw.anetit funn at the Cincinnati lventlott on ttw fi:nt of May, seems to le gsSherfin? Rnw rapidly. The manifwto of the New York "t titers' has been quickly (allowed by a manuVmo from the liberal KepuMk-ans of tfwin 5 eaiU (t reform conentktmin low a, Kctitiuk) , Tenik-ssfe, Aikaiuo.s Inisuina and New Jemey Itare Uvn publislied, and ds of a(ivbatioB havu U"i pwiiouiutxl by prouiwent Ke ptibUi-iuis In MAMathii's'tu, IVnuaylvania and in other States in wUklt the lle pubiic ui iaity is prediuniuaut, all 1x4. Sng toward the enforcement uf tl pitiuises if refortu which have p'tualtved tinfitltiihtl fur four )vzn. Tho character of many of the nten wlio have lately en Couia;jed tliis indojs'iultiit movement seems to luttaute tlial tuilw the Repnblioan leatl eis promptly reject U timid adv k- tf the ollioo-huldiM a and the Nmatorial riiis, and dewHiucw tnv) luereeiiary overture tf the monoptdisls who are ueai.King Cmgreeja to postpone refoma, the nominathtti of a secoud RetmUiCMi candidate fur 1'reaUleut la as ueaiiy certain as that fteneral ftrant will be retrominated at riuladelphia. The late elections in New Hampshire, Coiuiee. ticut aud Khodo Island give strength to this opinion, for, while the Democrats would have accepted victory In those States as a precursor of their national success, now they accept defeat as a command to be passive In the national canvass, allowing the Republicans to conduct the contest among themselves, and supporting thai lik) which they judge to be the most favorable for the country. I ho responsibility for this condition or political all'airs belugto the Republicans tn Congress, The convention at Cincin nati, w hich at ttrsi should have Insea ae ceiited by all as simply an advisory tueet- 1.... 1.. I..H ... il .. . Jl ... II... V ..I 1 Kepulillcoit Couvcntiou, seeuis likuly to be forced luto an ludejieudeut ponUlon by the inaction aud mlsmanacemeul of tho lead en In Coiircs. It Is not surprising, thcro- tore, mat mo loony who are luteivsied m maintaining tho present buutlng civil ser vice aud that system of special legislation called a protective tarllU should bo uruina tho Houao of Repirsi!iitatlve8 toailopt the resolution which Senator Morton Intro duced the first week hi the session for the final adjournment of Concress before, the nominating conventions shall be held. The timidity of the lTesldenual session "or Concress has become proverbial : but the cowardice of the present Congress bids fair to noid mo superlative degree lu national legWatlon, It began fkiirly ono year ago by promlslrut to abolish tho obnoxious bountki extorted from tho people to manual u rim monopolies, ami cy encouraging reform In the civil ser vice. It has ended tnsnr months of idle discussion by an unconditional sur render te the rluga which threaten or cajole the members with their iniluonce In Con gressional districts and in the national can vass. Had Congress continued as it began, and ful tilled the pledges upon which It was elected, the Cincinnati movement would have boon as lnlguiilcant as the Cleveland movement in lsW, or it would not have been heard of at all. But proscription. monopoly, corniptiou aud bad management of the civil service have gone unpunished, and have been shielded by the fuelilnat In veNligatlons. The ring which am Inter ested in tlm prtwent tiiisatlsfaclory condi tion of tilings oio consequently feaiful even now that Confess uiay take tho ahum aud go to work, vve trust mat ineir apprehensions win prove correct. I hero must bo soma wis dom Jyet left In ('otigress. Fourinontlis of this sesslou have already passed lu abso lute Idleness, so far as tho public business is concerned. Amnesty, civil somen re form, and tho repeal of tho fi anklne privl lego have waited upon special legWatlon. The sum and substance of the work of Congress thus far has been to make f apt tal for an " opposition " In tho national canvass. Facts nro dlsagreeablo soniiv times ; tlwy aro always ttubbtirn. If Con- Kress wauls the adiuinlstralioti defeat od in the coming canvass, it should adjourn at tno commaiui ot the louly without do liic anytliliig : if il wants the, adininistra- lion sustained it will niako a right-aboutf- uco aim ueriorin woi k which will make u io cmciuiiatt movement a superlluity. ,-,'. UKKHASIY. Openlisa; of Fnrllnroeiit-Blsiunrek KmIm the Npet-Hi frtMii Ihe Thrtjiie- f avorstblc t ontlltloit of the Empire, The session of tho German Parliament was opened Monday, the 81.1 1. The Em peror was not present, uiul tho speech from the throne v a read by U-e Chancellor of the Empire, rrlnco Ulsmarck. The speech enumerates various subjects of legislation to be submitted to I'arliamenl for the regu lation ami ucveinpmeut oi national institu tions. Among them aro now military and penal codes, uiuiorm beer aud malt taxes, and ratification of tho commercial treaty with lVirtugal, the consular couvcntiou with the United States of America, and a postal treaty with France. Tho Increase of German commerce penults tho govern ment to raise its estimates of revenue and correspondingly reduce the rates of taxa tion. Bills aro promised to provide for the disposition of the large surplus of 1871, and of the sums received on account of tho French war Indemnity. f Alsace and Lorralno are recovered from tho shock of the late war. Tho foundations of German administration have been laid m those provinces. The new University of Strasbourg opens on the 1st of May, and grants will be required to provide for the scientific establishments connected with the Institution. The speech concludes as follows ', "You will sharo the satisfaction felt by tho Federal government at tho re sults of tho first year of the Empire, and Joyfully anticipate further developments. You will also receive with satisfaction as surances that the poll y followed by tho government has proved successful in re taining and strengthening tho confidence of all forelini Pow ers. The stroncth ac quired by fmperlallzatlon Is the bulwark of tho Fatherland, and tho guarantee of peace to Europe. ' A boat of three-quarters of a ton bur den, intended to cross the Atlantic, is building at Pier No. tl East River, and Is rapidly approaching completion. She Is called tne Sea Bird, and is scuooncr-rigged, twelve feet long, four feet beam and seven teen indies deep. Tho little ship Rod, White and Blue, whose trip across the Atlantic and return occasioned such gen eral interest afow yeaia ago, lavs beside the new craft and appears almost like leviathan by contrast. Captain T. . L Birch, who is buildiug the miniature craft. will cross in her alone. It is said. Persons familiar with navigation express their be lie t iu ner sea-going qualities, cw York .u ai ON SUES. M. CRONLY Auctioneer. By (80XLY AIOBI1S. MORTGAGE SALE t Pr virtue of 'rl m from Thesis A. WasM and wile and bewt t.miaaa and wife, th MwltsniiV Muililin and loan Aso rialtsa will erH tot raaft, by rMe Acti. at Kwrhsng earner, tntheeiiynf Wllruiagtoa, en WlbNr.ShAT, April Hsh, Kl st M e'ektek A. Mthe Northtrn katfot the Western kali el LOT 4, BLOCK U, S3 feet on MeRae street, U3 tvt dorp, t pro. rty ef N. Uilliean. Al SO, part er the K astern half ef LOT 5, HL(H'K3,, fronting l frt on Sisth street awl running kub IL.U1IU1 .kllk ,lu.i 11. A KritlltMH lilt el 8nu street ISfitl, the iviwrty of Titos. 'C.n.r.u.11. Sect etary anil Trirrr, saarckn I UwAli UUek J. T. JAMES, Auctioneer. By JAMES A MEARES. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. l risiou cotiav . MAaevan c'Vtt. Bobert H. Cswsa . -: - va '",'" Jams E. Koberta. ) Br virtue of adecrea In the above entitled cause I will stll.ooTHliltHDAV.the tstbdat of April, Wi, at Kchang I'orasr. Ut the eity of Wilmington, to the hlvlieat bidder, for rak, . ..... ... 1 .1 . . . .1 lu . . fe ... I .. . No. I, In Block 4tl, ai'ixMiilng to Turner's plsn. fronting M rest en the West side ef Heeoiid street sod runuing back Eattwardly the saute wtotn 13J rees. There Is a lloase on the M containing Ave rooms aud outbouae. . J08U.T. JAMES, I'eminttslonsr. aabet)23 lSeaUApUAltlVb JjEKCHANTS AND BUT KttS OF BOOTS and SHOES e-, Will and a better grads or flotsli, a Ijirgcr Mtuck. bettor assort mont ami lwer rates than ebKiwherg 1m tin Mtate. tall aud esamlno. OEO. 11. EIlKNt;HON, , i North front street aprll 4 IBS- A Having sllinnd ef the business latelr tarried en by me to Messrs. farker A TayW, they will eoutinue the same In alt lt branohes, and I beeak for thsw I lie stiiuu liberal paitotmgo buretofore bestowed upon nie. A. Hi NKFF. aprll 1st, lfli. . . lAPEttSONSINDKIlTKb TO MK, ' rather by note or anoount, wilt pleas wiske Imwntllnte payment to inyavli or Parker A Tny lor, who aro atilhin lsed lu receive and receipt for sams. , a. it. NKrr. aprll a . , , iw tf ' BPI 1,1111 l IBII 'Ullll ' 111' llfTIfBllI' "lt"BIT ITT1' 1 I IT" Iff llavli.ig purchased thuStovo, Tin and.Mliect Jren Business of A. II. Not!', wo will continue the aui under tli Firm nainoef PA11K1.II V TAYLOU ami hoe, by strlrt ntteniloo to snmo, to merit asliiroof publlo (tatronagn. , , W. U. I'AUKElt, J. Il.TAVIAJU. aprll I H jlLOWERS FOR YOUU HOMES. PITTSBORO' IT.C. Flower Heeds. Hummer Bulb. Kvergreens, Flowerliis rlhrub. Itanlv Itorder I'laiits, tlreeu House I'lants, and Ornainuiital Trees. Koses or niany sorts, sent ii rree, tnree tor at. w naner Flower leel for II. Set (lladloliir and Tubnroser, 1. S l'ereuneals, fine, for 1. Oruamentbl Vines for SI. iU Flo taring tibrabs, Ml rolors, for VS. Catalogue free to any ad- dm. RtecR or an sorts, new ami vigorous, i'lansfuinlsliud for I mprov mentor flroniwls, C. B.DENHON. aprll a , lmi JJERBY BASKETS AND CRATE!), TUE M ELLIS II BEllRV BASKET, The best and eheapest in um. Our Crate are of tb best manufacture, ami lower In price man Other makers. Menu lor eircniars. BAIKD, UOI'KK A Ut., Ferry Wharf, Norlolk, Va. apt 11 4 liH-lm QHRUTTHAH PKESKBfTII OX IIAXD, We have largely aMed to eur MILL1NBUT STOCK everything new. W now have on hand a splendid assortmtnt Or KUV Lnco , CollrtrH, AND nANDKERCIUEFS, Kid O-Iovos, HOSIERY AND KUMEBOU9 FANCY GOODS. In Jet and Ool4 Jewelry we have the bett aad latest style, and at Low rrieea. BRAL HATR, Curls, Switches, Chignon and ail Diyiee. i ne eneajiem. ouu , All Purchaser will do well to call and exam Ine belore purchasing eisswbere. SOUTH WE8T FROKT STREET, ' Three doors of Market, ' KMhnweller'BOIdHtasKl, E. M. STROOK. 110 9-tf Q.BAND DISPLAY Of French Millinery Mr. E. A. LCMHDEN ha tust refnrned frrm Now York and will 0n on Fridar the finest stock or sitiunory ever Drought to in is oity Tbe citlaentare respectfully Invited to rwll. R. A. LUMHDEN, , Emporium ef Fashion, april It . urj-iwch rtOPAItTNERSUIP NpTJCE. B. GODWIN, Esq., of Liimterton'. N. C., ha been admitted as a member of our Firm, to qate irum iifi ruruary, imz. Thi) stylo of tliu Firm remain nixhanged. VKJK A MERANE. ?rll Vi lWtcU Am KELVYN rr.t c:.. 0F- AND Sum. GOODS! AT MiLKATZ'S MARKET ST. comustinu or Black, Colored, StrlHd ind Tigured Silks. ToulardM, Alpacas and Moliahs. Black and Colored Grenadines In Strips. and Figures. Japanese, Percales, Lawns, Frott-Frous, Ciwpe't, Dally Vanlen, Linen lawns, Piques, Marseilles, Uncus, Ac, Ac, tod all the Latest Novelties In Dress Goods. WHITE GOODS. ' Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nainsook, Victoria, and Uhdiop Idtwn In flfrures, stripes and checks. ? Swiss Cambric and Guipure Edgings and Inserting. Guipure, Thread, Ducliess, Yaleiielen lies 140 aud Inacrtlngs. Lace and Linen Collars aud t'ttff. . Uaina Laco Points and ftacquce; Shawls ami Scarfs. Lndies Vests ami t'liemlsettes. HouNcfuriiishliig doods ; Thegwaleet vailety of Towels, Table Damasks, Napkins, Sheetings, Marseille and Honey Comb Quills lu ID, It and 12 1-4. IS I, Doe Skins, Casslmercs, Tweeds, Linens, Marseilles and Cottonadcs. . , Parasols, Corsets, SkWs, Gloves, Host ery, Notions, Ac. Tucklugs, Trimmings, Frfliings, Braids, Ribbons and Buttons, &c The best assortment in tho City, at the Lowest pos- siblo Prices. Wholcsalo and Retail buyers can save Money by calling at , . 30 MARKET STREET. marcb.24 , ia.tf ' gAKERS TAKE NOTICE ! . '20 WELSH TUBS No. 1 CooJtlcs Cutter At 18 Cento per Fewmd, At GEORQS MTEU3,( - " It and 13 South 1 ront St. 100 KeX'S EXTRA ' KO. a MACKEREL At 1 taper Kit. - It Rm EianL . .Ecglish Condense! IIII3c ensstr- v. , llAUrrofUt. 'sMroh IT ' II All BILLHEADS AXO CIUCVI.!- PROMPTLY rttllTtO ax iDC'.j TBBKZATK3 STYLIt.