Nt. J. il.LLUiiA.l Ey (t.omt t nor. iu v ! . v i . : . : t ' . '. s . i. r.r t J) 1 ' P 1 . . - , !;..' "..?. Y V i I ' f , ,,i - i-i -.r v. v ti ;F?itT IV-t- tASd V. J J S.:'r C , , FIT! l OiUi5 a iiif; f r ev , . iir Ivu.au ; ; l.-iTT IviiiH a A sur; V ,..-, r.r-'ki's Iv UiU ; twenty vpw, IlIJTtHI lUil. iiw.i- j F.iU (Tr aare Ua .14 Cjs of 4 rer'.ji :i tr,.! On S;sr, OB ta- lv j a aaL; Cr Karrr.., Two PoU.il4; ? r!--rtv.' .7 - f4iAts ' A bals ; I i .vr'.Hj, Tiast rvuiAM ; - Be. .v. Tl.i.1 tViXASJ ASS A BALF J w;v iuaertiuna, Frrt PoLlABS ASS A BAL ; a Bwtk, EiOBT &IUU A A Bat i two BteHllU, FTTTfM : IVi-tSB i cr aw-h, Iwim Two fXU.ABA Tsaaa Cai. tnvartablv la advano. tlijf Jlailii Journal. The) SU'.e Convention of the Dmocrmlk Conservative Faj of rth Carolina will meet at Greensboro,' oo WedussdaT, tl Fikst day of May next. 1 t ti r- ' 6 it&.'Vm to tl fnicwJinss of the Onslow County Convrntlon pnblislied Isewbere. The Conservative! o this gallant rouuty itevrve tlie greatest consideration at tb Lands of their party Li' nils, ft the ruatily and successful fight tliey have alwavs made 6 The Conservatives and Democrats of Cobunbui County viQ meet in CotiTeotion at Wliilevilla on Saturday, Apiil 20th, to appoint dtli'gates to thr Suta an! Congn aional Convention. A full iwtlnr it r- qnwtt?d. v TVbltilK April P, 18TJ. The I'eniocrata and Conservative of w Hanover county art rejueted to aueinble at the Court flousa In Wilming ton, on Tuesday, 'April S3d, (being the first week of Superior Court,) at "J o'clock p. m., for the purpone cf ck-cting delegate! to iwresent the county lu the Mot Convon tlon, to be held at CJreensboro', on theTirst day of Hay next, -and a) mo, In the C'on gryalonal DUtrlct Couruution, to be held wheu ami where the Executive Committee if the District shall appoint. Itkl!lred tliat every township In tlx c mnty shall be trprescutcd, " Joseph A. Enoelha un, - tl'iflu County Eienith-e Cornice. ' Apr11 h. 872. ThallcriMiiori'etnra. North Carolina has Just cause to lx proud of the position W children are tak InglnUtftwouJ vrJKiein, UrUrmer vt inorftlll.WiVrlf It lilefui y taJsnt can no where be show n than In our own State Iu ponding out to in the Ax (.r.i. ix ms 'Lori young Vixix: has shovtn utthat Kotlc fire Is not yet extinct. Iu Yaukik Aylmeu, Moktos Ilot su aud Mabkl I-eb Miss PisiiEit has renewed our youth In the emotions and fit'lint the has railed Into play, and Miss Camrdox, In her touch lug story of .SAtTFD ffmt FtnK, has well maintained the illusion. , In maiter of sdentllic seculatioi) and erudition HatwooI) Omnc has taught tis many things not hiihertn dreunipt of hi our philosophy. , Indeed, In whatever Ui- rectlon we turn, we find North Carollu laus occujiylug the ground wi'h credit to themselres nnd to their Slrtle. And still they come. We have now to welcome another aiplraiit for liiernry honors, and one, Ifotit jitdirnwnf Wot fly at faidt, well worthy. Tax Hermit or I'itr. a Is tale writ ten by Mrs. Jameu P. Ikwjn, of Charlotte, S. C, as she stys Mwlth the hope of throw ing a charm around the out-of-door life so necessary to Invalids." With tins ob ject In view the plot and Incidents of the story are all, of course, out-of-door life; and yet, In cplte of this, the author has iuterwoven therewith so much theoretical speculation, sustained by such logical d- dnctiarL aiwh tad; soiJHUii n4 authorl ties, tMf w4 art surpiist, 1I4 idy at Urn Ingenuity 6f the author, but at the extent of her reading and information. The pretension of the writer are not based ttpon the merit of her book simply " as a work of fiction. There 'is nothing thrilling In it, and j ct it is very interesting and very Instructive. The . Impression made upon ns in its perusal is that the ' story Is mod simply as a vehicle for bring ing before the world the rich fruit of years devoted to thought and study, and to show bow theWj of au invalid, even, may be made happy to ones sflf and nseful toothers. Cultivation purity and refinement are apparent in every page. , , - W commend the book most heartily to our readers. , .. , r. .... It is published by Messii. lltt.L & lrt wra, of Charlotte, and we stippose will be for sale at our bookstores. ' , Judg W. A. Hre. ' Judge Moore, having exchanged cir cuits with Judge WA.TTS, is now holding the Spring Term of the Superior Court for Wake county. In his charge to the Grand Jury His Honor, at considerable length, called especial attention to the alleged ill treatment of the prisoners confined in the Penitentiary, and told the Jury that it thaif whola time Vas'gfvin ftolofy' to investi gation of that ruiiitrroa,',Tt, would be well spent. . 't 'Jt,-,:ti'.' Our Raleigh contemiorarVs, the Snllnel and JVctea, are condemaScg la strong terms the courss pursued by Judge Moore as highly uuS-ot-'"- fJtrfgf.l j loat he" so far iorgot Ihe d'iguitj and, jmpartiallty be longing to his high judicial position as to attempt to.' t ' no & :iaere pkrlkau pur pose while ou fha ,bench The complaint agaiust Ja ' j lloont is, in specific terms, that he 1 ..j taken report of testimony elicited Ly a commltfe of the liCglsIarure, , - . I 1 I is I. r.. !oW(: ) I , l:. j-Lclol e:ii.;ae U . i .. to pnx..; 1 i ' If it be tn;e Cat he Las d ;.e ills it 3 prove the tnuh of lite ru towLkb we La i boped our oiJ ct.I!'ce-n.;e Lai paivssl an exption, to wit: tL.it no "u,.!wra-t)m maa can tarn Haik-1 aud resiu-a LoueU. la re ference to the macA usent of the renitciitlary w e UVe this ucvaakm to say a single word. . . . ' . . If there has been Inhuman treatment tf prisoners let Use parties res;xnille there to be promptly and severely punished. That there' Las been Improper .treatment we do not believe. The report of the com mittee, referred to above, completely ex bonorated the rirectors from any criml- tal conduct. If any further evidence was needed it was found in ti e character of tlie gentlemen Comprising the Directory. XI oss -a. liixrsoE. li-)VLA., 0rruxo aud Thomtso!! are too well known as gentlemen of high character and humane feelings to be affected by any clarges gotten up for political effect during the coming campaign. The Directors aunouuee themselves as ready and anxlotis for the most searching luvestigatk-n Into their conduct, and we have so great confidence Iu the result of such an investigation tltat, u a party and personal friend of these gentlemen, we sincerely trust it may be had wltlmut ilelav. " Jf - HTATK NHWfi. liatUeUiiv has aliippe! &,:iM) bales of cotton this season. Upwards of $25,000 worth of guano was received at ilatikboro last inuullu Rocky Mount has a negro baby, elgb moot! is old, Utal wsigtis 4U lbs. Arranjenients are being msth to put np a lare tobacco ractory at llotk y Jlouut. Ex-Oor. Ilolden aud family are expect ed in Italelgb oo visit during the uevt mouth. It Is rnutortxl that there will be a baby show In Coemxrtlofi nltti the sjett ."Jtate AfTlctiltnral Tali-. Itev. A. W. Matiguui, Pastor of the Italeigh Methodist Church, w ill deliver the Annual Address, in June, before the pupils or the vv arrenlou f emaio iuiege. - Dlvint.Mi. At ameetlnnof the Direc tors of the N. C. Kallroad Company, held In Greensboro on Tuesday, a dividend of six per cent, was declared, payable on the lit oi July ami January. The Charlotte Vetmkh says: LlUle Cora McLean, asl about six years, daugh- lrof tlie late J. 11. McLean, feu from ftiiice last Saturday evening, and sustained serious Injuries thereby. It Is feared that her brain is alTeeted by concussion, and also that she has received internal injuries. Tlie rayettevllle Kiujlt says that tea plants are shinned from Favetterula. Mr, J. M. (Smith raises enough for the use of bis family, aud several others cultivate it to some extent. This tea is perhaps not so fine as that raised in China, but It has a freshness and delirious flavor that tea ship ped across iu ocean lias not. Tlie Magnolia Ad trrlUwr savs : We learn that the wife of Mr. Moan, of Chinquepin, In this county, died a few days since, at (lie advanced age of about 84 years. ' Pre vious to her death she expressed a desire to be burled upon a feather bed w ith ft supply of bed clothing around her, which request was compiled with. A fuw mo menta bi-fore her death, at her request, she was removed from the bed upon which sh was lying, and placed upon a pallet on me i oor wnen sue soon expired. " Mkdai., We have seen an elegant silver me.ial prepared by the CumteiTand Agri cultural Society for Captain J. 11. This pen, of Tarboro'. Tlie medal sltows beau- tifhi. wrnrkmarwhip andwatf gotten ttpby Mr. J. T. Houston, a well known Jeweller in our town. It Is circular in form, nearly as thick as a sliver dollar with twice the diameter. On one side is Inscribed t " Cumberland County Agricultural Society, lo t apt. J. li. lhrgpen. And on the other : IYemiitm for the best Essay on Farm Economy, read at IheFalrof J871. Fayetteville Kaglr. rnklle Meetlai lav Mac!!. - j At a iwetlng bold In Tftnporatu-e Bail, on me evening or tlie vth Inst., on mot ion. Maj. J. S. Hoes was called to the Chair, ana jviq. U. j. t arroll reijuested to act as aecrctary. i , On taklntr tlin Milr. Mai. ltlnp In brief and iiertlnent speech, explained tlie oiijcct or tlie meeting, wliich may be round cmbodiea In tlie resolutions. Upon motion, tlie Chair appointed the following committee or the to draft resold ttons: Dr. F. O. llawley, Maj. 11. H, Foster, lr. J. W. Met lee, L. A. Merrl- man, Esq., aud W. M. Evans, Eso. Upon the return of the committee, the following resolutions wore offered, which were adopted unanimously : Whkicka, Tlie people of North Caro lina, for the last four years, have boon sub jected to oppression and w rong by the un scrupulous nsurpsHon of power by the President of these United State and have teen subjected to an odious misrule by the Kaaicai party ;n our own State, by which we have been plunged into an immense Indebtedness through extravagance, profli gacy and fraud ; therefore be it JlmltM, 1 hat in this, our hoar of trial, the imperative- duty devolves upon every who has tlie peace, prosperity and Into est of the conntry at heart, to do all that be can to rebuke, by the potent power of the ballot, those who have so long perverted and prostituted theposltions to wlifch they hare been elected. Revolted, That While we shall most cheerfully acquiesce in tlie choice of the State Convention, onr first choice for the second position in the gift of the State is for that distinguished lawyer, statesman nd patriot, CoL Wiu. A. Allen, ofKeu ansvilifj. , JlwofreJ, That we earnestly recommend and urge In the Congressional Convention the name of the distinguislted son of Samp son couniyjjir C T Murphy, as onr rt choice for standard bearer in the Congres sional campaign, and as one whose long service in the cause of right, "and whose fearless denunciation of wrong, entitles hin to the position, uvi Vmolted, 'dial "these 'proceedings be published in the Magnolia MdrerfiVf, with a request for the Wilmington Jounwl, Wilmington Star and Goldsboro Mewnrjer to copy; and that a copy be sent to the Chairman of the Conservative Executive Committee in each county in this Congres sional District ' There being no otber bnslness, ' the meeting adjourned sine die. J. 8. Hikes, Chairman. 9. J. CAltnoM, Hecretary, v-t v s s. r ' f: o' 1 r ..- Mar a v.-an A;l 11. CiuJ lar.B((U u-ihl. tol U 1 .i.ul-uj Ui-i b:tf tii il tiui icitunl Uirne rs'tle tttevva, sb4 lira maraed U tac Vika -U. Til bhttiS aim! CU.US au ;vkiulf au. tVi of Hi Inti-BUua to rI"' th j-rui aer. but KkliKrMiitim. ralarioa iM txa luf jeawj U.t a l rl of Tti.au art or jaaii:af oaiD.tI, td rcveat Ttiaoa kar arut W Hut kal aaiautitis at BratC: a rf port of tae Jrirvitu, rr- cUB( tkat it aiar bt forwarded to tbc tril-' cat of Uta V aiteil 8 tatra. New OiUJtAN., April 12. Ta Colorail Coareatiua aa fvtBaufDtlT rtanlacd kr Uila aiornlug. Vml PwukIu iu tlrcte4 PrnuUcut, but bas ait ft arriTCiL Ja. 11. Ingram, Vtre-Preal-4eat, l prcaUllaf. Kewlutlon wr tutroiWctt repudlalliif ttic Labor and Cindnaatl CunirentUtna, bit were BoatpoBfd, to await the arrlral or d-'r rati, a ao lure brr n drayvd by flils. WASIUStiTOX. Wasuisotos, April 12. SsiATa A biU was yaaatit for th tonotrae- Uoa of a orMg arrow the Mtaxxrl rivrr at Xbraka City. lloric Tall bodf Is anf il J iUe amlng a propoaitt0" to ut end tb Ciltol gronB't. St. Lt)t is, April 12. Tks Bsuat ra liabio advia ut th aambor l lrmaa ltt by th ataaaser Uecaulcu bitwww OOau.179. Tua details art korrlblo. 5r.w iiAxrsiiiHC CoxcoiU), April 12. Two bridge aier th Merrlmae rivrr, over foi kamtrrd feet long, ka rn swept away by th flood. KCW TORU. New Yokk, April 12. A special Uwpatch to th Tlui aajr thai at th Muting of th Penvwratle HUte Central Coamltte at Albany, yesterday, a eonsultatlon was had on th political prort. Remarks wtro mad by Oovtrnor Aeytusur, Mr. Tlldea sad other. The feeling of those present was doddrdby the unanimous farur ot a passive loll tj and of looking to tho Cincinnati Couventloa to Initiate th programme for the p.vty In IH Preaidemlal campaign. Th tug boat Uarcnport, wUigli ploUed Ust renlng bear Jettcy City, had lour laiiai boat In tow when she eiplodel, Tlie cnglueor, tes ter, Bremaa bnyitor, Jas. Cauldvld and an uu kaowa boy belonging to Ui tug aud a boy ea a canal boat, war blowa far ofl, lalllug la th water aud drowning. AUet th iplolo Noth ing oouM be seen ot the tug, except a few float ing tpllaUrs. All IU t ual bouU were b al tered. Tb strike of the Journeymen painter In Brooklyn ha terminated, th employers bar ing seceded to their demaud lor eight hour and three dollars a day. Th plumber aud gas Attar hav resolve J to atrlk lor lght hour and two dollars a day. They bow get two dollars aud ae rent y-flv cent for ta hoar work. Th lawyer wh went to Montrttl to bring detaulur Conklln, ot th Market Savings Dank, to this city reports that, notwithstanding that k had atradltloa paper, th case of Conklln wasdoeldodln Court on Wednesday to be one which wa not Included under tho extradition treat?, ooasoqueBtly there Is no hop of having Conklta punished her. EVNLG TELEGRAMS. WAKIIIKUTON. WANintOTOir, April 12, 8k ATI. Mr. Sawyer, from the Commute on Education anil tabor, reHrteU a bill exleu ding for two years from next July, tlitlm within which th States may comply with th provlslous of th Agricultural College Act Hot'. Th Appropriation BUI was resumed. Aa amendment reducing the appropriation for th civil aervloe from 130,000 to 10,000, passed y a vote ol llS to M, An atucudmeiitrttomlltigthe capltol ground wa concurred In, with a limitation of espendt- tnreetofioo.nue. suae ki.LAKors. Th Election Commltte refuiie a motion to diamine th Bowen eonteat ese because he held a Stat offlo whll routestlng for the seat, and will proceed upon Its merits, with chance In Csvor of Bowen. Col. B. A. lHnn1ass, Private Secretary to th Treeldeut, left Wellington to-night to attend th Bcpubllosn State Convention, at llal- elgh, N. C. ' la the Supreme Court, es-part .lefi'eraoa Ortcr, on a habeas corpus io th ilarihal of th District of South Caroliua Orocr 1 held by the Marshal under a bench warrant luucd by the Circuit Court lor feloov, under th t ulorco mcnt act of 1870. The United State maintains thatth Supreme Court bss no Juilsrllctlon to discharge the prisoner, even though It enquire Into the cause of commitment. BrlnUiw opened, was followed by Stanberry, then tho Attorney General. Hon. Reverdj .Johnson will Close th argument oa Monday. r Ahtt Afte-e the Per Diem. WA8mxOTOt, April 12. Abbott's claim lor a seat In th Senate from Korth Carolina was discussed. Morrill, from Vermont, argued against the wlmlaeion of Ab bott, and denounced th doctrine that a minor ity of th electing body can oloct a Senator or any other officer is unhealthy and un-American. , : NOYAIMIOTIA, IIaufax, April 12. The raia Morm damaged rod. rHi1r end lumber throughont Uova Scot In. MARYLAND. BaxtimoSk, Ajiil 12. The Baltimore Cotton J'xclisnge tvssorgsn- Jstd ye otcrdsv. ' J NISKOrRI. St. Lofu, April 12. The steamer Belle of St. Louis ban arrived IthtS survlvoTS and T bodies of persons who died during th passage. The book and papers Of th Ill-fated Ocean us are lnet..Aliat of the lost is tliererore lmiioneiblc. The dead on the boat pre son ted a horrible appearance, their bodies being swoUcu, slid many of the bodice wero of the color ot raw beef, the skin having been en. tlrely scalded off. Th Engineer said ho went on watch but a few moments before (he explosion, and tried the Ore fuages, la all of which li found plenty of water; he then walked back to get a cup or oof fee, and In flv minute the esploslon occurred. Rob't Chew, one of tlie proprietors' of the At lantic aud Facinc Cirrus, saved himself by means of a plank. lie thinks Geo. Constable and wire, circus performers, from California; Frank Slate and frank Williams, also rlreus new, wars arywaed.-?'''"'-"" " Oeo. Kolthly, first engineer, who was en watch whsn the explosion occurred, say the boat had uM struck the bar, anSth engine storpod, and he glanced at his watch to not the time, when th explosion oeeonred with a terrible force; on of tb boiler wa Wowa ack t th n. Mt ou 1 . T -' Z a .:.: L .-; (v. I t.i ; tie . :-:. ! 1 . f. t.- . j ! .T M- 0D, ' .,:.fv4 U-iU.r a.. t . i:nii(i t:.t wire ln ta tke bar suit tiiB, i4 dc'iU4 t:, a U t:. fca-f C .: V !. r. Then! . r l i,t ta frauie ca t-J. Mr. C ' in.t h' r!.!i.lrma.J. 1 m W'j."f XIW TORK. Vew To uk, AprJ ll , Hin called a Trsmiia'.l ao Si-bjnto-y. There wa a heavy vot ta th kietboi!lt Ca terrace to-day la faror of lay Oetera'e so th Ceneral CotUeronc la My. The roiamiltro of lb eaurgia Legialai ure, ariaMutcd to laveaiigato tb regitratKB an4 aivaf Georg'a Stau bead aartag Gv. Bui- kxk'e admiRlaUatkm, held a atmloa yesterday at th Uraad Oatral Hotel. Bond to th v al es uttwclva auUUua dollar wet oJJ,tvea BilUkMi firebiuiJrrd thouaaiid f ahlck wer la 4of varkfusU 'r.ja4,U reat, accotdlsg to Gjv. Bulkn-k, aaad fr tegtalativ x. peosv anJ to saect tlx Interact oa pravieaaly dated obligation. It I claimed that aU la t. ere of f l,0WA" was aBocesary and that a Biajority wer uaconalltuUoaAl aud th Stale of Qorgia 1 awt rfajU)l fur Ueaa. Tie powots of lb Uemmitte are aaataly to enforce Ui rrgaatioa of besdA. Every kohl? will b require to register, aad th eiailaalk) will rt late only to th aaaaaer la which they cans latohipoeeeeitua. To-day th Commltte wlU vlait th fflc of Heary Ctrwa & Co. to make Uiqutrtre. aerrit cabouxa. Charlestox, April 12. la th l otted State Court to-day two pr'iava ers from York county pleaded guilty t con spiracy. A third party, charged with con spiracy and murder, pleaded guilty t cob. piracy, hen the murder charge was withdrawn I.OtTiSIASA. 'tw Orleans, April 11 la th Cololorefl National Conveutlou to-day a reaolurloB wa adopted condemning the Cln. elnnatl Convention yea It ; nay 13. Plnehbak ottered th following resolution, wliteh wa adopted by aeelaaiatlou : Ri-soirer!, That lion. Cbarlr Sumner, by hi dletlBgulshed advocacy of ur right au4 k'.a eoneammat ttatesmsnshlp, lasorlnga rccog. ultloa of the rights la th Constitution of th Unite,! State, has endeared him If to th colored peopl of th ustlon, sad until h shall himself announce sceeseloa from the Republican party, we shall hold him to be as h ha er been, on f th pureat and ablest member of onr great party. Several speeches were made eulogising Hi political career of Mr. Sumuer. A tolegram wa received frut J. M. Iauj ton, dated Washington, which was read. It says: "Let our demand b legal uality This will be seconded by th paesag of the civil right bill. Congress will ot adjourn without Its pssaage. It aill probably edon next week." Fred Iegla and party will srrlv hex to night. ( ABLE DINPATCHEA. London, April 12. The Tluss this morning, in an articls ou tin Alabama claim coutrovoray, says that th British Government will deliver It counter tax at (ltneva, on th 16th lust., bat will not regard this act aa prejudicing th position it ha tukeu ta opposition t th Amerlcaa claim rur Indirect damages. If th Tutted Btatcs (hall nut, before tho tribunal 1 ready with It award hv abandoned the claim for consequential damages, then Great Britain will withdraw her ratification of tlie Treaty of Washington. Madrid, April 12. ' 8enor Catelar, a well-known SpanUh Hepub Ileum, addresHod a meeting of his follower In Savlll last night. In th court of his remark lie said thst his party aspired t the formation of a United State of Europe and th fauudation of a universal repnbllc. lfore.ee Grerlcjr'a rrwereussmo In IM Conine (ampatlga. New Yoiik, April (t. Mr. lloiaco Greeley prints the following in me i rwunt to-morrow, as to his courso in tlie fortticomlne presidential campaign ' First. If there shall be Democratic can didates for President and Vice President in the lield, we purpose tosupport theKepub lictiu ticket which seems most likely to suc ceed. "Second. If the main Issue In the can vass shall bo lYoteciion against Free Trade, ws shall (no maiter as to" tlie candidates) be found on the aide of protection. Third. But if (as we hope and expect) there shall be two Republican tickets, aim none otner presented witn any hope of success, we shall favor that one whose election will be, In our Judgment, most likely to promote economy In public expenditure, purity In legislation and administration, substantial Unanimity in npiioiuiiiir lor an citizens a complete equality of rights under the laws, and has ten tlie return of fraternal concord and mutual good will between those who were arrayed against each other in sanguinary strife throughout our great civil war. Mu:n is onr position, and It will not be affected by the nomination of A or II, C or D at Cluciiinati, lliiladelphia or elshewlipro," Mr. Ureeley further says that tlie Tribune will not be an organ, and will print no campaign edit Ions whoever may le the candidate, Affray In rotersbnrg;. A special to the Evening News gives the following particulars of au affray iu Peters burg yesterday at half-past 12 o'clock, in tho counting-room of the Daily I'rogress, between Mr. James M. Donnan, an attor ney at law, and J. W. Johnson, the local editor of tho Progress. Mr. Donnan was accompanied to the oflice by his brother. The disturbance oriciuutej In some publi cation in the ucwspsiier. Atler considera ble talk they attacked Mr. Johnsou with a cane. The result was, that after Johnson had received several heavy blows on the head, he drew a pistol and discharged it at J. M. Donnan, shooting him through both logs. Tlie parties were arrested and held to ball for their appearance before the Mayor to-morrow. Richmond Whig,lth. Tho Life of the t'leals la the Blood.' This being the fact, it It very obvious that when the blood becomes corrupted th whole system become corrupt also. To relieve this, thetrno policy undoubtedly 1 to direct the reroady to the source of tho disease. It Is in this manner that Dr. Tutt's Ssrsaparilla and Queen's Delight acts. Iu sperllio effect ieo tho blood ; it purities it, vltatlr.es It, and expels all disteiuict from the system. Being fro from violent Minerals, it I adapt ed tn general us. The old aud young way uo tt ; the most dcllcal female, at any time, may take It; th weak and enfeebled will b strengthened by It ; the tender Infant, who may have inherited disease, will be cured by It. For Syphilis, snd all Its trains of evils. It l a suresntldcte. Dr. Tutt's Liver Tills are a mild and gentlo purgative, possessing the peculiar merit of act Ing as a powerful agent tn relieving congestive or torpid liver. They have ao equal. Dr. Tntfa VTalr Iyo Imparls OlOMjr ssrll 13 inMlwtOlt t . . ! 1 J ... Li : J . I J B U . U; i si i. a-.i lie ff la,-. v. !,eit: i I j if ttJ.f. l'a:rt-L. te " r- - - y 'f,rw4 so .ffisuaiee s.-itsics Ut.jii...,'. J'sj a-xalaat ar est:? erlly peniiCtius in ta.-h caac. at4 drastic ea'artirs SvKi bad. TUe vital principle neel eaccoc and u, port, sad a rtarbrciiig prepaxalion thtt w.U U.l and rouse, wLUe UregtUaUs anJfert-t- iLe it'(h, U U.S aied cin thst nature tle- oiAia. Am tl B'si. -mil clcuirou reqairtJ fur such e m-r,-'ncici are ccmbtoed la lljetct- trr's Stomach Bitters, the purest sud in .wt efl- cac una cg. table elixir that th world katsrer known. It Is a mild ctiiaulant, a powerful tonic, as snctjaalled appetiser, as absolste ic.fle for diartaed d f cation, a woniierful ncr- vla. a snodeTat eatha tie, a remedy fv liver cum i la In la and erkodie fever, a ear for con stipation, a specific fax raenam am.of eeaentiAl ) In all ailmeiiU to which th feebler sex are Subject, and a a general household suedkln neiualkd and auapproAched. The a re the pro pert ice which hav mad Hostctter Bitter faiaoua everywhere). 's to h, kowrer, that yon hav ta true artii, for Ui laud ta lufwt- mi wilb raarnuoi local niuerg, mau iremeon. demiiod 1'Ouors and wortulee drnga, which greedy wrrtcue who apoculato ou humaa lit reroaiaena as ianaceaa lur ever ill tnat lima Is heir to. Bcvarc of th chailatau and their poiaooa. Mr EC I AL. 83 On Marriage. Ilannr Relief for Tu from th Recta ul trror aud Abuara in early Ui. Alan. kood reatored. Seminal emlaaioua Cored. Im pedimenta to Marriag removed, hew meta. d of treatment. New and reniarkabl rem, die. Books snd Circular cent tree, ta sealed envelope. Addr, HOWAK1) ASSOCIA- TlO,o.I Souta Mnth St., PhUadelphia Pa. Jaa IT S-dwJmch UATCUEIA)R"S HAIR DT1- The aawrb H.itr IWe bt th heat In tLa wnrUi. f ertortly llATBilriei, Reliable and InaUntari. oua. KodlaappoinUnenC No Kkllculmj Tint or Unpleaaant Odor. Th gtnnlne W. A. Batdt- eloe'e Hair proituoc IMMEDIATELY S lendid Bliwk or Natural Brown. Dow not taiu Um Skiu, but leave th Hair Clean, Soft and boautllul. Th oalv aaia ami Pmrtmrt lira. Solu by llDriiggKU. factory 1 Bond Street, Kewiork. aia-11 M. 1W1. , -d-Aod.wlyeh Cr Ul'RNF.TT'M FLAVORO'l IJrV- EiTRACTS. The euirlorlty of uwn rnraeiecoiiMST iu ineir periect purity and great strength. They are warranted free from potnonous oils and aekla. Joeeph Burnett Jt C)., Baeton, Manufacturers and Proprietors. V I i ,, j . , u pan u j mil grvcere ui aruggma. N ATI' RE 111 YESI I'M TEETH, but she doe not preaerv and purify them. That muat be done with rrairrant Noxodont. Tha dental bone aud Ita enamel eajdn ar made invulnev alle lo all deatructiv luflaenctw by the dally laav v luia ucuvuccui prvpnrauon. WHAT EVERT 1IORAEH AN Wants. A good cheap end rnliablo Liniment. Such an article U , Dr. Tobias' ttoree Liniment. Pint bottle at one dnltnr. For Laiu,euew, Cut. Galls, Colie, Sprains, Sir., warranted better ban any other. Sold by thcDruggUM. Depot lOl'arkriace.Kew Vvik. mreiOJIAKlA 1 an Insane thirst lor In. toxicating llaiHMB. llabitnal dram-drluklng produeee it. Vet each Alcoholto BiUor vernier recommends that a draru of his rum and root uiio b taken Ulrica a day, to prevaat lcknent For all bodily ailmsnta, and as a protection agalnat the cause of diaeae, take that allium cfeut antidote. Da. Walksb'i Vinsaa Bir tkrs, th pure esaenc of rare medicinal herb unpolluted by distilled poison, CARBOLIC HALTE, reoommendod by th leading Phvekcutne and th TrcMdcnt or til New i ork Board of Health, a th most won derful Healing compound ver known. Ulve lnatant relief to burn, cure all kinds of sores, cute and wounds; and a xnost Invaluable salv for all purpoees. Sold everywhere at 8S cents. ,lohn F. Henry, sole ProprbsUjr.eColUjgeUac, New Tola. '. HVArNIA I Opium purified of Its sickening and poiaoiioua projiertlo, discovered by Dr. Blgelow, BrotOMor of Botany. Detroit Medical College A most perfect anodyne and soothing jiiato. John Karr, Chemist. New York. 4 HRIftTADORO'M HAIR DTE' tsthe saloat and best, lteorreru th bad oerot inferior dyes, while th black or brown tint it produces ar Identical to nature. Factory OS Maiden Lane, New York. PBATm ANTRAL OaXi-Safeat and beat Illuminating Oil ever mad. Dora not take fire or explode, If th lamp la upset or broken. Over lMl.ouoi'amlllescntlnuatouasIt, and no accidents of any description hav occurred from It. Oil Houeo or Charles Pratt, eetab Itch ed 1170. New Turk. . THE PI REST and Met e teat rod Llr r Oil In th world 1 Uar.srd ct Caswell' made on th sca-ahore, from fresh selected liv ers, by Caswell, llasard & Co., New Yotk. It leabeolutety pure and sweet. Patients who hav one taken It prefer it to all oi horsv Pay. lolans hav decided It superior to any Of th other oil in th market. . . JOVYISr) Inodorotta Kid dlor ITassner reatorea eoiied glove equal to new. For aale by Druggist and Fancy Good Deal er. Price 23 ceut per bottl. F. C. Well & Co..KewYork. RI SI LETS riIILOTOKEJ U an esUb. llxlied. warranted remedy lor Painful Men. st oration: and equally efficient as a Nervous Antidote In aU'caae of Nervous Excitement, Stomach and Sleeplessness la nial or female. Hold everywhere for CI a bottl. Morgan & Klsley, Druggists, New York, General Ageat. A YOl'THlTL APPEARANCE and a Beautilul, Clear Complexion I the desire of everybody. Till trect I produced by using G. W. Laird' "Bloom of Youth .' a harmless beau- tlfler of th skin. Will remove ail Discolora tion, Tan, Freckles and Sunburns. Th nse of this delightful toilet preparation cannot be de tected. For sale by ail lrugirists and Fancy Goods Dealers, Depot 5 Gold aU, New York. Mr. WIWNEOW'A - MsOTIIINQ ST RI P. It relieves the little utlerer from pain, euro Wind, Uolio, llegulatos th Ntvmach and Bowels, Correct Acidity, and during th pro cess of teething It Is invalnabl. Forfortlysafe In all cases, a million of mother on Vestlty. -april t, 13 j - IW-daodlm&wlmcti , MEW ADTEBTIWEMEBfTH. M AUElf1 LEE." Bvth Author of -Tslerie Aylwei' and "Morton Uouse." Another large supply of one of th best mod. ern American Novels. " Few Novel of the Aason hav bon so gea. erally and so warmly pratsexl." "Mabel 1 stamps the young suthorr as woman of renins.'' For sale at nFIXSBERflKR'.l T.I v Book and Mnst Store, Music akd morals. , ; ' "r:iv,: By Rsv. H. K. Hsrrels, M A. With Illustrations and Designs. "The author hits produced a book wbiji is fllll of Intraat. at,H mav Ka sh. ..u h . 1 a T l rift MM nt rnuvl ..r. II 1. mm rrr..rva.l hi. ...I. Ject with much width and elcarnessof concep- nuii. vmmiiiMij pmgrapnicai ssercnea of Ambrose; Haudef, Gluck, Hsyden, Schubert, Mnnirt, Beethoven and MendeWhn. r or saie at nKINSBEROFR'S Lire Book and Music Store. sprll IS 1GS AGENTS rORKOTHCOUa SCARaYNTEEB PERFECTLT PERE AND Or THE DIOHEST ORAJsR, dc7 RC3IIS. L 11-- C aj Wilrniii";toii, 1. V. FJKE 1X3UILVXCE tOMTAMESJ CrEFS. of Uvctt-aJ sn l Loa.lon...:.. Capi tal S JAj.JO. AS l . Cinctnviaa. A!, l.T:.or A W a IMS Of 1'inclEoau AasrU, S 'OM Tall MPHef Cincinnati. Aaueta, iio.Swl Cu.vriNKSrALof N. Y....-As(A,fc!.5.iJ NATION ALof Haliord Arta, &lT,ouO V A. HUME of RicLaKioi Aw t. t MAIlIXZINSL'RAiClL MERCANTILE MLTCAL eaf Xrw York. EH1 Walter, Prew.tenL lrfl lai-tf M EBCHASTS AD MEIHAMCS LXSCRASfE COXPAM, OF RICHMOND, TISGfNIA. tapttal. iv0 A. Y. Svoaae, FrenWI. I. B. Xooas, Secfy. JOILS WILDER ATEIIML Saauaatal A 'ro t No. 4 North Water 8t, WUmlnga, a. C. apru m . ISV-ll lJILMIX0TOJf, CHARLOTTE AND RCTHERORD RAILROAD CO. Cirica Cans Eaaixiiu asoGss'l Scs't., WUmiugtoa, N. C , April lk, KC1 A CONTRACTOR to set TvWgra.ihi Pul along th line of thai Railroad. A aartv of ten bauds ean Snd emnlovmant ta wtung polee atd trimmiug out U l)itf ayi'i'tauou iv uiivic immcuiiv. 8.L. FHFM9XT. Knginecr and Suiwriutcudcut april I I Hi!)-'Jt 0 ALL AND SKE THEM. AIL STYLES OF SPRING HATS Jl'ST RECLIVED ST TBS HAT STOBIi Below the Hotels aptU 13 us- 2CE OUB CHEAP LACED UAITKK8 t JEE OCR CHEAP CONGRESS GAITERS! jEE OCR CHKAPBUTTOXED GAITERS . New Stock just opened. DUDI.KY ELLIS, . Ilgawt th Big Boot. april 13 1W 1ME ! LIME ! I I wentv-rlv hi Twenty-ttv huudred aud twenty-four bMs. of tho celebrated v ROCKLAND LIME, Just received and now landing at our wharf.. Parties desiring Lime, should apply immediate- ly ui utu.u, sAitstsauu. april 13 KS-tf OADDLERT- Th largest, cheapest and best Slock of Baddies, Harneaa, Trunks, Traveling Bars and Saiidlery Goods, Generally, to b found tn the Ktate, for sale at J. 8. TOPHAM oi CO S, ' ,i No. S South Froat street . .. . Wltaslngtoa, N. ' Tit J8 "000CH" COTTONHTIK U th strongest and saost (aally adjnsted TI) tn th market Ta bands ar of th BEST Eaglish muka and th Bnckl mad of FIRST quality of wrought Iron. Put up tn bundles of thirty bands, each band having a buckl accural y at tached, thus avoiding all rkk Of losing Uiebutkl and saving planters th treubl of attaching them. ' W hav a Rill stock of the above Tic la (tort, Which w will sell at the lowest market rates. WILLIAMS & MTJUCHISON, Agent. Bug IS tfS-tf The Only way of SaTing Money Is Buy Yonr Goods of S. Hansteiii & Co., 15 MARKET STREET, Where you will find a fin and rull assorted Stock of FANCY and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, M READY-MADE CLOTBINO, kfii Boots, U1 HllOCN, Hats, jJ v: Caps, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, &c. At the LOWEST PRICES. V Give as a call and examine our Stock before pnrcbastnK elsewhere, as 4 HOKE Y SATED iH MONEY HADE, a . Kespeetfully yours, . 8. HANSTRIN & Cf. march 26 lfl-aalmch flOM, FLOUR, &c., kc. 13.000 Bushels White Coi n, ; $,000 " : Mixed Corn, ' - 1,000 Rbla. Flour-all grades, 150 Bags Coft Rio, Lagiiayra and Java, 100 Bbts. Refined Sugars, '. 15 Buds. Demarara Sugar, , SO Hhds. Cuba Molasses new crop, ' . . 25 Hlitfs. Sugar House Syrup, , ; 150 Bbls. Sugar House Syrup, AO Illids. Smoked Sides ami Shoul ders, i !5 Boxes S. U. Middles, 50 Boxes n. S. Sides,; , : ' '" - J00 Bbls. C. M. Tork, 1.V0 Bbls. Distiller's (Jluc,. ,Sf !0 Tons Hoop Iron, , ; . , .. u I 1,000 Sck4 LWcrpo()lalt, f' 1(K) Tons rcmvlan (lualio, 50 " Guanape, 200 Boxes Candles, ' 5 a Candy, . 100 " Soap, ' 60 fbtasl aud LtO 50 Bbls. Lemon and fnignr Crackers For sale Jow by WILLIAMS & MUROHISON. april 1 taj- W.'I If ji. j , Kt I a S, J-sLl' 1"4 .iitaiani. At il o'c'.ux'k. o i 1-1 vt hutat- aa.1 li ni i o.. J,,. nrrtvvt Ir- u V it ug-.n j and li arv land, Sa' p-.w.t.ve. aicit li l!;ta TTILlirSGION OPEBA HOUSE rietum! Itetut-n! It. turn! FOR ONE WEEK ONLY : OLD ELX11CLE THEATRE wili. cvaassva A ONE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENT IT TUB OPERA HOUSE. 03 M05DAY EVEAIti, APRIL IJth) When the beautiful Act Drama ent tl -d HONEY MOOR Willb proluced lor the flrst time la thi rity. with enrlre strenglU of the Company. ABMIi ; Dres Circle sal rarejuette.... TI eetU. Parquette Circle. .so " FamdyClrele u Gallery , ja Reserved seats secored at Qt'il.rhergrr'a Uu.bC Store without txtra charge, hale c uimi. urln; baturrtav moraiag, at o )nV. aprtl ti ' ift-,".trh THE LARGEST t , ASSORTMENT cf MUlinery aiiajlu--llnerf (loods In the eitr, M A. D.'BUOWN-S. 00000OO00eXl00PV0O00OOO0O000000tK.iH)ii I CA)ofX)Oooooorxxx)craooooooooo'w i OUOOXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOI OOOCOOOOt K ta M a KX H OOOO KKM oooo Tbe Largest Assortment , mjo OOOO of Ribbons and Flowers xoo oooo iu the City at . - cmkk oooo A. D. BROWX'S. "oooo oooo , oooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTX)OOOOoOaXsJOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfXK)00000000.iOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOIXH OOO0OO(KX0r(XitX KK)Oi H H HXK M) THE HANDSOMEST assortment t-f l'arasols in tire city at A. I). BROWN'S. T HE HANDSOMEST assoitiiicnt ol hlte Roods iu the city at A. 1). BROWN'S. TUB LARGEST assortment of Corsets' lis the city at A.D. BROWN'S. 00O000fXX)0HXX)OOO000OX)0OO0OOO(XNK0OO 0000OOOO0OOO00t)OOOOOC0OOOrX)00O0OOOOO6 ooooxioooooooooooooooooooooooomiooooisio OOOO . ,' - j'.,. ' ?, ,,',; O0M oooo The Largest Stock ef oosi oooo Kid (vlovea in the city okk oooo at ' ' ' ooh) oooo , A. D. BROWN'S. oihki oooo oooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl KXKKK) 00OOOOOO0OOO0 (OOOOOOfKKKXXV KXXK KXXKKKK) oooooxmoooox)oooo(s)ooofoooix)ooooooooo rpIIE LARGEST assortment of Jadies X Undergannents and Hoop Skirts in theclty at A. D. BROWN'S. THE LARGEST abutment of Lailii s Hair Fixtures In the city at . .. A. D. BROWN'S. TnE LARGEST tesoitnient ftf Wiite Trlinmiii'gs, Tlesicry and Notions in the city at .-'" ' - " ' " ' , A, I). miOWN'S, 1 1 Kxchange Corner. ( one vmck : n:n us vasu i Sprll 7 ' l(i-iin p LANTL( POTATOES. FINK DTE, EARLY GOODItlCH. PEACH RLOWH ' EARLY HOSK. if "t ,' , .tACRSON WI1ITF., f i IH lot to Mi'U . For sale hv ADRIAN A TOLLKRia JSBl E OE HERRING! : ' tf- ' li! A few half Uitrrils f Extra Fsmlly R. e Her- " -' . , X , . s- - ting dully apectd, and . , -, For Ml hy UeROSRET&CO. spril IJ D III. SALTED SHOULDERS, SUGAR HOVKK 8YUUF, ! r4isiDrEAClJF.'s i f " f i li A i ik 1 : 1 1 ' f. v . CAKXED TOMATOES, . $(! . i t . .' '.- 1 il . r RTARClf, TOBAC'C", " . -.."if. "' . It:', For sale bf : , i t DeROSSET & CO. . lBi-jt , ' spril l'i ROB THIRST CLASS, FRENCH STYLES OF IvIITIIIVEIiY, ' " r. Mrs. E. M. STE00K'S.'"M' i WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, - , . . , . f LADIES' tURNISHlKQ GOODS, , FAKCT TIIS.lJtCE COLLARS, and HAND-, , '-'- KERCIIIEFS, Full Betts of Real Hair Curls, and.Rrahls, Jew elry, Jet and Gold, at low but popular . ' PRICES, ' '' Three doors from Market street, and Kshnweller's old stand, on S.W. corner Frout St.' april U . ' . NH- 4lcli ' 1 TA i i i lift