VOL. XXI NO. 197. WrLMTNG-TOlSr, N. O., THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1872. WHOLE INTO. 6.155. RAILROAD. "yiLSISGTOX, CHARLOTTE AND BCTUERFOCD EAJLEOAD ID. Orrn t Cnii Iiuiiiii a UratStr-T.) Wilmington, N. C, April 10th, 171 ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. I'util further notice the train on (hi Road will rus as follow : , 5 i T?mm?vger Trains. ui n luuinfMm yuwijf M. ....,. i.i-v... Arrive at A bbuttstturg. .4 , .M:( A. M. " Lumberton . ., ,.11 21 A. M Uurenbarg... .. I: IS P. M. Rockingham...,......... S:(4 P. M. " Uieevilto .4:18 f. M. Iar Ll!erille II A. M. A trill it RktBrtim.. T:tT A.M. .. luriubux.., S4SA.M. m - Lnnibertun. ...... lt:OIA. M. " Abbottsburg liP. M. Wilmington $mr.u. mr On and after May lot, daUvfrelght train ill kTWHuiirtoa all. 1 J. arriving at Wil mington at 6:38 P. M. , betide on ar two timber train at require 4 for th current business. W NO TRAIN ON 8CNDATS. BV Trt-weekly STAGES bttween Llleerllle and Charlotte on Tuesdays, Thurlriid Sat urday, and returning on tha alternate dara, aVT THKOL'UU TICKETS to Charlotte only tic). Staging ouly M mile. Roads good la Summer. S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Papers copy. 111 tl 167-tr JENERALSUFERINTKNDTS OFEiCE Wilmington, Columbia AND Ati junta Railroad Co. ' WilmTO, N. C. March 0th, ltRl CHANGE OF SCHEDULE- Tb following Schedule will go into effect at 3.23 A. M 8unday, Slat Instant . 1 I ' )'-S DAT EXFEESS. Lear Wilmington S 23 A. M Arrtv at Florence t.13 A. M " Columbia 1.24 P. M Iyav Columbia. 11.40 A. M Arrlv at Floren 4.14 P. M m Wilmington.. 10.P.M. KIQHT EXPRESS (Dally)!, Sunday excepted. Leav Wilmington 6J0P.M. Arrive at Florence 1.43 A. M. Columbia 6.43 A. M. Leave Columbia 6.39 P. M. Arrtv at Florence 1104 P. M. Wilmington 6.a0 A. M. JOHN C. WIN DER, Oen'l Superintendent. march 30 WIr JVilmingrtoii and Weldon Railroad Company, Omcaof Gissbal BcriiTmDiT 2! Wilmington, N. C, March 29, 1871 CHANGE OF fcCUEDULB. ! t l On and after the M Inntant, PaieJonger Train will leate Union Depot at J3 A. M. and 10.40 P. M. and arrive 3.10 A. M. and CIS p. if. "' Freight Train will letre trt-weekly at 7.15 A. m. ana arrir ui.r.M. Kxrreea Freight Tratoi will lcare at P. M. and arrlre at 11 A. M. On Bandar the 10.40 P. M. ana t.lp A. M. train only will be run. JOHN T. PIVINB, s General Sup't. narehSO . l-tf SlIIPPIHG. BALTIMOBE AND WILMINGTON It : !, ' ' 1 2 f : i " . - -fl r, STEAMSHIP WNE. . . ; , OlirtSD OF TBI riSKT CLAM RTIAMKBiri KEBEX)CA CLYDE, Capt CHILDS. LCCIIX1V .....Capt PRICE. BOLITAK ....Capt. EVANS, Will hereafter nail from Baltimore and Wil mington EVERT FIVE DAYS. THE STEAMSHIP BOLIVAR win mil from wharf, foot of Chestnut itreet, THURSDAY MOKNINU, January uw. For freight engagement apply to , A. D. CAZAUX. an 10 - : "f- ORIUJIRD'S STEAMSHIP LINK FOH 1 J ! Mil luua. BAIUXa TXE8DATS A3TO FRIDATS rUOX. HEW YORK, AKD WEDH V PAYS AJTD MATTRDAYS FROM TVILMISCITON. IMSURANCX ONLY ONfcVFOCRTH P CT. fHHOUOn CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. aW No pawengeer taken. For freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, Agent 'ny o : - - -SkdwellBrbthers 17 MURRAY STREET, ' NEW YOIiK, MaiufacturerB and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES FOR Southern Trade, nave i complete itook In all lines, Includ ing their popular Granite State Iial., Kip rtow 8hoes, and Women's Veb. BqIs, , V3T Orden solicited and carefully filled at lowest market rales. ' ' . JI. K. MIMME. blMmaa, " ' L marcft 14 " f 143 6m t. m RT SALTED BACON f Sides, Shoulder Smoked Baeim Ham- Hides-rtnotiuier. North Carolina and Virginia Baeou, HanM, Skip, Shoulder, Separate o Hog Reuud. For sal km by: - .-. DeROSITCO aprl fit v m- . IXHVRASCE. iriUIIXGTOX 50KTII CAE0U5A IP S K P ! II i H INSDRAUCE COMPANY. orrrcERS ? R0BT II. COWAN Prerfdrat. JOHN W. ATKINSON Viet President. T. H. CAMERON.. Seeretavy. Dr. B. A. AKDKKiO......Mdioal Director DI1UCCT01UI. J. W. ATEtnaoK, General Inaurance Agent. I. B. OnAiiunn, PresU't Buk ot New lUu- orer. F. W. Kibchiib. Grocer and Commlotoa Merchant. C. M. STBDaTAJr, of wrigiil Bteilman. T. H. MrKor. of W. A. Whitehead A Co.. Faretterllle. R. H. CowA,Prealiknt. H. 1). tiuu, Uumniimkn Merrhant A. A. Willabd, of Wlllard brother. W. A. t vbbiku, of Northrep M Cnwiailng. G. W. Williams, of WlUianw & Mutchiauu. Eu Mr RBAT, of Y.. Murray & Co, A. J. DKHowrr.Of IeKoBWt Co. Robt. Hbbi, of Dawson, Teet A Hen. nlng. A l . s r bcbt, Brttiaa y lee- consul, or prunt Si Hinnon. P. Mi'rpbt, Attorney at TJiw. J. H. William, ot J.D. William St C0 ,Fy etterille Jan. C. Mckab, Att'y at I.aw.Fayettetille. I. B. Kblly, Merohaut, ke nannvllle. J. T. fori, Merchant, Lumberton. SPECIAL FEATUKFS A'D ADVAN TAGES. Int. No reetrlutlon on Residence or Travel. Id. No extra charge on the lire of Female.. 3d. Pollcle InoonteetlbU alter Fire Year. 4tb. The rate of Interest on the Fund of tb Company higher than those on the Funds of Companies located In other State, thu Insur ing larger Dlrklend to Policy Holders. fith. The Director and Officer of the Com pany are rominen t NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of 1NTEUR1TY and WORTH. 6th. The Cnmnanv la entabllshed on B aolld and permanent bai, step harln; been taktn to increase th Capital Stock to gAOO.OOO. Tth. AU tb Fnada f U Ctapuy re Iwt4d In tola Mfnte) and llm. laled nnionar onr PcodIa, 1 hi tact khoald cmiininjid the Oempanr, above all otb. erl.tei North kOarollnlan. It la wt'U known that anndmiBo tMusauew or woimtib i.ite Premium at aaataiaity sent North to enrich Uorthera Capitalist, thus continuant draining our people of Immenae amounts which should be kept at borne. On this ground the friend of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State, and auk their support lor this Hen InaUlwtlon, which, while It often substantially all tbeadrantapvof North, tn Com ponies, help to bUd up llama ! lerMH. , JAMES D. UKOOK3, General Supervising Agent. Raleigh, N. 0. THOfl. GRJF.ME Local Agent aprll 8th, 1871. 112 (COPY) STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS AND LI A. BILITIES OF THE RESERVE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, JANUARY 1st, 1812- "ASSETS,, s Loans secured by Mort gage and ueeita ot Trust npon Real . . Entato, worth In all . ease double the am'nt loaned there- . on.... UMiMlMT Loans secured by Pledge of Stocks, Bonds and other marketable securi ties as collateral 11,100 00-1,267,764 00 ;.1000 90 ' 2fe73 T8 Cash valuo of Real Estate owned by the ''Oouinany ..... ...... Cash value of Bond and Stock Cash, tn , Company' - office,......,.., ' 26,56je7 Cash In Bank and Trust Companle . . . 1W.019 28 - 210,874 18 Lean in payment of premium...... ..... Value of Agency Sup plies on band Value of office furni . 417 88 1,600 00 2,03 98 1,2! 21 ture, sates, Ao., In Go's office haif oost) Loans on peisonal se curity Interest accrued on Loan, Stocks aud Bonds tm 30 Premium In hands of Agents (trroMV... 31,700 83 Deferred, Seml-An nualand Quarterly Prcmlnm (gro )., 117,390 m 14,0M OT Is cost of col lection and com missions,. 17,861 63- Ol,20B S - ,.! 1 Due from other Com panies for Reinsur ance 108,120 47 Total Asset.... x,(i8,Wl 02 . M ABILITIES. Dividend unpaid Due on account Sala ries, Rents, &o., ... Death claim In pro cess of adj ustment . Net present value of all outstanding poli llcies in force De cember 81st, 1X71, computed according to American Table 3,763 ,410 C ID.OOO 90 or Mortality, with fonr and a half per cent. Interest 1,738,281 79 ' Dedact net value ot Risk reinsured in other solvent Oo'. . !KTf 331737,377 46 SURPLUS FOR PO LICYHOLDERS,. 263,409 87 2,016,241 02 The foregoing I aa accurate and true trans cript of th Statement of Assets and Liabilities of this Company Hied with the Insurance Com. mUwioner of State of Maryland and New York. (Signed) . BLACKFORD St CLAtK, General Manager Sont hern states, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, May 9tb, 1872. W. R. KENAN, - Supervisor for North and South Carolina, may 12 jli4 TUBD0N IRON WORKS. Sim lannfaetnrerS of Pumplna Eneine fof Water Work, High and Ixrw Premsnre Engine, Porta ble Engines and Boilers of all kinds, Sugar Mill, Herew, Lever, Drop and UydraaU Pre) Ma Chluery In gpneraf. , VCmiLMS W TI 1111 1 102 front street Brookl vn, N. T-' aprUU IXSlRAStr, Jul YlsUPOOL ATily IaO'DOaV fc GLOllli I N S U R A IX C 12 co.nrAiM. ASSETS llkLD IN THU V'NtTEU STATES BY AMERICAN DIRECTORS NOW AMOUNT TO S3,G 10,449.62. TII0S. ORiEME, North W Prince at street, between Water aad Front streets, WUmlngton, to whom all Bppllcatlvni far Agencies should be addressed. fcbW . 1- JOHN WILDER ATKINSON'S II iUa)l AVilmiugton. IV. C. HUE INSURANCE COMPANIES! QUEEN, of Liverpool and London Capi tal 10,0110 ,imo. ANDKH of Cincinnati Asset, 81,710,000 AMAZON of Cincinnati. AwW,l Imi.ink) TRIUMPH ef Uliicl)inall.....AueU, IMl.eoa CON I' 1 N K N 'f At, of N . .... Jtsreta, ri.noo.nti NATIONALol UarUurd AsarU, 817,0110 VA UOMU of Richmond.... Jkssbta, 4.rsl,(KM " 7 MARINE INSURANCE. MERCANTILE MUTUAL of New York. Ellwood Walter. President, npiUll . ,flt : . K3.tr "jyjUtCIIAJiT AM) JIEC1UMCS' , 1XSURAXCE COMPANY, OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Capital.......... ................ ...rO.OOO A, T, Stokks, Preeldt. I. B. Mooas, Sect'y. JO UN WILDER ATKIKNOJf, Unnrral Agent, Ni. 4 North Water St, Wilmington, N. C. aprll 13 l-tf MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP NEW YOIIK. ORUANIxr.U 1HS9. ASSETS.;. 3,00fl,noo POLICIES IN FORCE...... 88,0io,ii(k LOSSES PAID....- 1,800,000 . Special Features. ' Annual Dividends, applied to reduce Premi um or increas Insurance. All Polieles ko-orfitalb after two an nual payment. - ,.i i: " KYKRETTCLAPP, Vlre President ;i . , . LUCIUS McADAM, Kecretary and Actuary. HENRY O. CLENCH, Assistant Secretary. ISAAC MUTZLER A CO., General Ageut of Virginia, North Carolina and l. C. A. J. HILL, Jr., Agcint, WILMINGTON, N.C Office over Wooster' Dmg Store, corner Front and M srket S treets. Da. B. F. COBB; Medical Examiner, vtiLMraoTiin. fe14 -Iy Selling .Off! Selling Off! . . IN ORDER TO CHANGE 'BUSINESS. ISAAC MACKS, 11 TfARUET STREET, Ii now THE olace to bur diea and band some goods of all kinds, consisting in part of A splendid variety of '-'..Print. MuslUis, Sheetlnjts, . Linens, (ullt. Flaunels, Towels. Nankins. ",,., Table Linen, &o . .:H CLOTHS, UASSIMERES, and a great many other DRY GOODS loo nu merous to mention. V, READY MADE CLOTHING to suit all, J BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. An assortment of Edgings, Sheetings, ex., will be sold exceedingly low. CALL EARLY and secura bargains at ISA-AO MACKS, may 12 104-Xweodeh ANTED IMMEDIATELY ! Two Turpentine Distiller who can make rate nosin. Constant employment and satisfactory wage to mow woo can nil me mil. MARTIN & HALLKTT. aprll IT ntf gUNDMES. 7,094 Bushel Corn, I M)0 Bbl. Fresh Lime, ! tS Boxes Bacon, , 04 Bbl. City Mem Pork, . 809 Bbl. Cemeus and PIsstrr, ,000 New SpW nrr!s, 149 Bale Hay, &c ' For tale low by WORTH & WORTH. aH12S . 171-lmca H OOP IRON. IS Tmii nn l-.b Wnrm Trnn. 4o Ton in and l.f Inch Hoop Iron, ' ' ; ' ForsaUhf ; v ' F.W.KKRnNB. Cljt nilD'onma. WILMUUTOS. S. I-1 TIIIRSDAY, MAT 18, 1872. FELLY AND THE SOUTH. Tb U-lfgrapU ba reform! to tlie dtUite lu the Uotus of Reprcfcntatlvra, lu regard to tin! jWtion uf certain Democrat': uu'tn beii aud the Ciudunali itomiuaiioux. Tlie folW lug la a ayiMiiNtis of lb dfbata : Mr. Voorb. a, of Indiana, pie to a pr sonal itluiitKii, and, laving oUiiiod COUAfitt to proitd, sent tn the ( lerk's dek to be rfl a rrHr,niih from a ne wipap tolLaaOtict Uiat b was halting and brt Uting at to the) position h iIhmiUI take a to the support of the nominee of the Cin cinnati loureiuiou, and that as his Demo crat ic coutagura were all said to be la favor of Mr. lireeley, lie was likely to lose tbe favor of the ditrlct where bis voice bad ao long Umu potential, lie declared that be did not halt or hesitate. He had not halt ed or hesitated when he bad not more than fourteen Democratic colleagues la the House, nor did he now. If he could ever be tempted to abandon the principles ot his political lif ft might have been then. as to tlm nominee or the Cincinnati con vention, whoever believed In the blh pro teotive tariff principles of It chief man, night support hltn, but he Mr. V. would uot. as be expected to support Mr. Urea- ley because be bad been tlte lile-long cham pion of doctrines which be (Mr. v. op posi'd? Was h e xpcted, as a Westers man, representing a Western Uborlni: con- stituency that w as grounikdowu by a liib protertle monopoly, to support the great chauipit. j of protection f Was lie expected to suppt rt a man w ho bad been the most clunoious advocate Lu all the land for the Ku-K.lus. kgislation wliich liad desolated the homo ol tlie 6outhorn people r If Mr. tire ley's nomination promised relief to that blasted and down U oil don section there was not miuU which lie Mr. Vooiheosl would not forto to subserve so holy anil so benigu a punoaer. hut Mr. Greeley had been the earnest ailvocale of the legislittiou which Lad paralyzed and prostrated the South; and was that tho reason why be should get his sumxirt ? lie was told that the proNcnt admlulstratton had been cruel aud unkind to the South; but the Adminis tration had simply executed a Uw which the Cincinnati nominee bad dictated to Coup ess. 11) at was all the difference be tween tliem. One was the Executive olll etr, ac'.uig under his oath of olllce to exe cute the law, and tho other was a man who had no oath on his conscience In regard to the matter, but who had urged tlie passage of that legislation. Was he expected to. sup port Mr. Greeley because within a recent date be desired a still further extension of the l'residinit s power to uieiid habeas corpus all over the South? Was be ex pected to support him because be was the earnest aud urgent advocate of the preseut roree-bayouet election law, that subjected every voting-precinct of iiU.OOO people to the supervision, and in oertaln contingen cies to the control, of the military ? Was be expected to support liim because two moatbs ago this very man had clamored and raeed la bis creat organ In favor of a law to place the local elections In the State of New 1 oik under Federal control, and also, in certain contingencies, under mili tary control. - Was such a man lit to re ceive his vote for the Presidency t Was sucn a nun nt to be in tiiut high place r was mat the voice or statesmanship which was called for at this creat hour t Was that the reform that had been promised T Was be to so before tlie loyal Uniou sentiment of the country and apeal to It In iaver of a man who stood on the record tor the "lualienanle right " of a Slate or of a com munity to duutolve this Union ? Was lie, as a friend of the Southern people, called upon to vote for a man who, Uurlne the entire fall aud winter of lSlil), wrote with all his acknowledged power in favor of the inalienable right of ai y dissatisfied portion of the country to break up tho Union and form another government for themselves ? Mr. Greeley had uot recanted these opin ions; but, eu the contrary, in his book on the American Conflict, published In 1HH4, he had analyzed and defined them to this ell'ect : That if on consultation, conversa tion, and the like, tho south still desired with any considerable approach to una nimity to separate, It should be allowed to do so. - Mr, Speer, of Pennsylvania, here Inter rupted, and raised the point ef order that Mr. Yoorhces was not waking a personal explauation, but that he was making a po litical speech. The Speaker overruled the objection, as Mr, Voorhees was speaking of matters per sonal te himself. Voices on tlio Republican side. Go on, goon. Mr. Voorhees then proceeded with bis speech, amid great excitement and confu sion, lie related that after three years of war, he had still 'held ami published the same seutimenta, and they still stood unre versed.. Was a man fit to be elevated to the Presidency who stood committed to the doctrine that whoever desired to dissolve their connection with tho Government Lad tlie Inalienable right to do so ? That migtrl commend him to some people, but it would not when bis subsequent course was called to mind. Some of the highest men in the South had told him, Mr. Ycorhecs with tears in their eyes, that more than any one thing which satisfied them that Uiey could have a separate system and form of govern ment to suit themselves was the voice of the then victorious Republican party speak ing through its acknowledged organ. And yet when the Southern people did what this man had told them they had the lnal icnablerlght to do, no j wild beast, hungry for blood, ever screamed over Its prey, as he, (Greeley) had shouted, "On to Rich mond," to kill every one of them for doing what he told them they had the right to do. That was a solemn page of history which could not be reversed. The waters of the ocean could not wash it out. Mortal man ceuld not gainsay it. A red sea of blood had not been enough to satisfy this man ; but he 1h.J also insisted upon the confisca tion of tl.9 homes and property of the wo men and children of tlie South. Others might do as they pleased, but for hira Mr. Voorhees and his bousaliold, he would not do this wrong. Parties to be successful must be banded together on a common principle. No oth er combination of men was worthy of suc cess. He was told that his party desired iuocesi against this Administration. No one desired it more tlian himself; but there was something that was better than suc cess, and sweeter to the heart than sue cV. .That groat man, Henry Clay had said that it waa better to be right than to be President, ami ao bo said that it waa better to be right than to iuccd. Be en tered 1. is p.kmn protest against the at tetupl ta traiofcr the I'emocrnt of Ute country as lortl a body of voters as ever lived to a camp where there wu nothing belonging to ihcilh r Mr. Roosevelt, of New York, asked Mr. Voorhees w Ivether he would auppor Ui camuMUe of the Deauocralic National Con vention, at lUlUinoie, whoever that candi date might be. Mr. Yourhees rented that he wis not in the habit of Uiltuig lK'uiocratio ooislaa liotis. He believed tltat tb (etitleiuau hiinulf wituld have some tUUicufty in an-swt-riug t.ia own nueatkau Laughter. ltulhedtd n4 despair of sUQreea. ll pnaUkon was In favor of standing ty the iuciplei of his party, aud lie wouU vole foriUeut.tu who represented those prla cijiles. He had no fears, however, of what the lUltuiuir Convention would do. Hut he could not vote for a man who spoko of the Democratic party as that to which all the bauuU of debauchery gave nlue-tenths of their auppott. It had boan sometime said that this nominee had foue bail for Jtiiroraou DavU when he was la prison, but that was loo narrow a platform for any party lu stand upon. Laughter. It would be a inost dangerous thing to raise an Issue as between the man wbi put Mr. Davis in Jail and the maa who balled him out. It would not be a safe Issue at the North, and he implored tils Southern friend not to make it. It might provoke a comparison which would But be favor able to the nominee of the Cincinnati Con vention. Mr. lvis had not been helpless, A hundred millions of property at the South stood ready to ball him, and It some times aooiucd to bint Mr. Voorhees that it waa merely a piecw of restless Imperti nence ou the part of the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention to ollbr himself as bail for Mr. Davis. When Andrew John son ami Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of ar, desired, and proposed, as ho knew to be the fact,) :o arrest Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, aud other prominent Confederate oiticeia, there waa but one mau who could prevent that thins: being done, and that was the preVnt Incumbeut of the Presidential olllce. General Graut had stepped forward, and told them that these men had given him their parol as soldiers, and that that parole should be respected. (Applause from the Republican side of the House. Mr. opeer, of Pennsylvania, sold be wanted to call tlie attrition of tlie Democ racy of tlie country to the fact tbat Mr. Voorhees was applauded by the Repub licans. , r ; Mr. Slicerwood. of Pennsylvania, laid the speech was mado lu the Interest of the Republican party. Mr. Speer was understood, amid the con fusion tbat ensued, to tell Mr. Vooi heeS to go to the White House aud got hi pay. 31 r. v ooruecs resuming, said that II be should be driven to take tlie stump and press the claims of Mr. Greeley, he would Hilda candldute opposing him who had done more kinder tilings fur the South than his nominee had done. ilr. Roosevelt hero charged that Mr. Voorhees had recently been lu consul t at ton with President Grant at the White Ueuse. " Mr. Voorhees said ho had not Crnssod the threshold of the White House for three years, and whoever made inch a statement uttered a vile cnltmiiiv. Mr. Roosevelt said he made that itate meuton Information given him. lit had heard two or three days ago that such an Interview had taken place. Mr. Voorhees. Then the gentleman as sociates with men who do not tell the truth. If he Mr. Voorhees 1 wu now making his political grave, he could step Into It. He had made his speech for him self, and did not pretend te speak for anyone else. ' Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, asked Mr. V. whether he would have voted for Judge Davis and advocated his election If he had received the nomination at Cincinnati. Mr. Voorhees replied tlmt Judge DavU represented many things In common with his owu views. Mr. Randall, Ho Is a Republican. ' . Mr. Voorhees. That Is not the point.. 1 cannot Jolu a combination which represents nothing that 1 am for. On great constitu tional questions Judge Davis stood, In treu blous times, w here 1 stood, in behalf of tlie rights and liberties of the citizen, while such men as Greeley tore burying then into tho earth. The strong probabilltiet are, In my Judmcut, that If Judge Davis hail been presented at Cincinnati, be would have been accepted by a majority of tho IJemecratlc paitv of tho country. In that I may be mistaken ; I am only stating nit own individual opinion. I should have re garded him with very great favor. It it quite a UinVrwit thing whether I alumld vote- for Republican who has much in common with my own views, or for one who has nothing at all in common with tuoiu. Mr. Randal). I should not rote fer either of them unless ho wag endorsed by tun uemocratic Convention. Mr. Voorhees. That Is right. " Mr. Randall. And I should vota for either of them If endorsed by tho Damo- crane ifnrvewwn, ,-- Mr. Bird, of New Jersey. I would not vote for either of them if he was endorsed. Mr. Kerr, of Indiana, said that so far as tho statement. In the paper quoted from referred to him, it was simply untrue; Mr. Niblack, of Indiana, repeated the same remark, adding that nothing but tlie power of organization would compel hiai to vole for Mr. Greeley, but that whenever the Democratic party acted on the question he would yield obedience to its action. Mr. Uolmau, of Indiana, also repudiated the newspaper article so far as It referred to him. lie did not propose to forestall the action of the Baltimore Convention. 1 The House tbon resumed Its regular business. .. :. JI Pnnch and Naples City brands the finest Im ported. Try either of these brands and learn the rtiO'erenco between tho Imported and Do mestic Maccaronl, i CHAS. I). MYEHS & co.; t - - T North Frost Street. Our Constantly Increasing Family Retail trail I a lure evi dence of the popularity of our good and their prices. It ie onr constant endeavor to merit the appreciation of the pubUo. Every article of , FA MIL T SUPPLIES f ( mar be fonnd in onr extensive stock, of first quality and nt lowest -rices, , , CHAS. . MYERS A CO., Family Oroeers, t North Front St . PURE OLIi F1U5NC.II BRANDT, rirr Old Port Wlno, e' . . ;, uroOldRye WhUey. I ' A fine selected assortment of choicest Liquors and Wines of first quality lor Family and Medi cinal uw. CITAS. D. MYERS A CO., - 1 ' f North front si . ylJ t--.'. -i -' - - Jo- ITALIAN MACCARONI HI SVY.LLA X EO 1" ft. SELLluG OUT ! We, the Mrlf4, kartaf H amt1d stosk of DUT tHKiUa o bjtd (kwtre to wll litem at rt asoaabl rate to all ho w iah to pur. N. A. COHEN A RON. l"-lw,h avM s UN DRIES. ' S0 RrSm Straw Pnf, ' Bn,(ic ktatiUla B ig, k " 10 Cise T.nsllh Ctn.l. iwaI Milt, " " W " Sardine, ''31 Crate Toilet Soap, For sale y - " " "''" r. TT.KEKCiirvi:it. mayn ' tw- s PHUT CASKS. 2,000 Spirit Caakt, . Fat sal kr -.. ' T, KERCJJNEIt. mav It 1 Frcsli. Asparagus ; s . , . RECEIVED DAILY - -1 avoroa sais bt J.C.STEVENSON may IS l'.W-r T1IH LATEST i '. . - i SPRING HATS! -:, f- ' . f.r- - j Tli4 Xttt' this In lolling - s i , -- STRAW, Just received at the , ! HAT STOBK Jlolow tlie Hotok ., apratT . - - , ' - Ih SFA11KUNG CATAYBA SPRIt GS son SALE. Rvevdetaf tna Soirlo Ootitt at t'alswli eouaty at the last Ttim, tb aiidtrslgnsd.Coni mbwloner, will nil at the t'eurt Hon hi the tnwnof Nwton,atlt 'cloak on Wednesday, th Vlt ilay of May, Ih1, the 8prkltiiT lawbav Wltlt Hiiiir iriici, ti'ir with aiiout 2U0 arris ol I.ANH, and all th valu able and eommodloiu DulUtnii and Improre awnta. -i... ssi . . . e.., j - - , ' Thn flrst-slass waterlnii alaee I eneiinsllcd InNotlk Carolina. .tr iWliig ar large, numarousaud wU arrawmdi th wsU't ai highly medlolnat snd health Insplrlag. The Snrlnts are star th beautiful CaUab Rhrer. In a liralthv eonntrv. about S miles I mm tb Western N. O. SsUroad and about S nillos frost Ulekor; Siatlon. s . , This property I ordered te be ami by da. ra af Court l a a prnpnit ontltut.d action wbarela all aerson havlaa aa InUxest In th property, either legal or eiultlile, ail parties and th title to ths pnrcnawr will be timtoabU d. -w.. ..... Person dadreuslo Durchase. ot w.ettt!oa of peraun who wish 14 make prnfltalil Isvrsi- ment or sssnsy, ar invitcn to visit ine npnngs and vlW the Land, tl. building and the scanaxy, an4 tt Ut watorc , . . ; Tsaus V easn r bankable note, i In 8 mouths, B In II months, If In IS months, with Interest si I per sen Himd wttu wirnpeixl or other good sccurlt requited, and lli title re tained. ... . r ,.s ft M.I. MeCONKl.E, ! ravn hdhkm K, ' , ' '' ,w- CALUWKLL, .a --!'-- Commlsslonnra aprUU J ' ns-tawew The Atlantic House, (Formtrty Hrepi fy Jonlah L. Phvkr,) BEAUFOIIT, N C, , Wtll be opened far the receptien uf guests en the ' . ; let dayor 3Xny . It will be tboronghlf ienovatd aad mlltud with ntr VarfiltittH. Thlslloosels beautiruTly situated Immedi ately over the water of the Harbor, with a fine view of Old Topsail Inlet, and the Atutnuo uoean in rronb The Tide flows seml-dally undei th bull. rn. there hr eromotlne elrknllnes and noot neat, while Ale aad moeqattoe are almost un known. Tin at th only Metal so laroraoiy situated on th Atlantic coast. Tb Building I so constructed a to render It peculiarly desirabl o those Seeking Health and Pleasure. The Rooms are eemmofliun and accessible to nS sea-tore ie, wti h a dowWe plans o tb sea-fronl, and delightful plank walk, frne from sand and dust, lu tb enjoy meut of pe destrians. , f - All eommer) entering and pastrlng etit the Harbor will com In direct view. . ', Batiiirig Houses, neatly flUed oat, will be attached to the Hons, where guests enjoy the reXretblng sea. bath. . . A SFACI0US BALL-ROOM I attahd to tb House, where a iland of Mi lo will be In readiuem to give test and pleasure to th fleeting hour. ... .... . . - ' . . 7 A BsattMia M4DllIlrd Table . will also be oarTilr.t to th Hotek BOATS, fast sailing and well-maaagtd, ean ba had at any time to eonvay person t suah points a they may deshw to visit. ' ' Thsubarlbr,havlns;hsd much esrerlonee In Motel keeping, and skied by a eourteoo and competent assistant, flatter himself, by strict attenuon to ousin, mau nu a or in vi oonc ing servant at hi command, ha will e able to ing i Civ tv satisfaction to all who may patronise him. It promise t toeupplT HlSMAUka. wrtn every article to be found at the flrsr-clase Hotel of th Interior, beride orstera, nOllor4, amterabs, nd mrv vartetv of fUa aboandina la the nrn- llflo water ot th Harbor and Oevan. . Jt this respect th subscriber would refer to all who hava nacronlMd Wat la year tone br. . I ... . 4. t tl TEEMS I Per Month, - ....-' flft 00 -. Week, ' .'-' ;"J ' 1 12 00 : ly,-. ;.'.--(.' --t AQ. WT Children ' ten "year 'of ige, and uideT aaknrle. - f ' , Z I WTAYIAJB, ! mtii 3 " n -T We-lawtf Ualtlinoro Lock Ilcspital. . itB. J0HX5TOX, Fhvaiiaaaftltuieelebra!-'! Institution, distwe red, wlifn lu tte tns H.wvni ot lure, vis; England. Fratie and iewhre, th xw eartatu, Hmty, i leak at and Bectas4 remetlv la the wui'.J for ALL EXCESSES OR ARCSES OF THE 6TbTEM, Weakness ef the Cack or Umh. Strtcturee. ! aflwrtH efthe It hi nee or lni.ir. lureiaa. wtry liliiar.Inin jr.tsil nbility, Nroiuars, J'.t; 4, l.aiiufcr, Low Dpirlu, t'oiiluakiaer Ide, raipitatiuu of Ue lieart. Timidity, TrnibUng, luunn ef Hikt c Utrttttitwe, Ikmaf the HaU, Threat, Nsm r earn, A ttrctum of the Unt. Ln(. Stoa ach or iiiclii thow tcrribla Pisurdcrs artsinf Irom Sulitary li.l ll of louili eacaar aad pililarr 't, iWs niore fatal to their victim than toasvnguf Uie Hyna fa Ilia Martacrstt I Irwn. bli Utiti tkK swjst, William bops e snUetintim.. retwlener BiarTtagtt, Ac., luipw slbl Uiivj)rn Ui fiody am Iliad. .H...X0US(i ilEN Kpi'Ul!j. abulia buciiia tl victims ef .Solitary Mea, tbat trt!auVil and rixucU habit alilih suuuJilli swm-i lo sa aatiaMiy gra tltuusaial l young Birn of tli sbwm ea. ailed Ulvnla aud brilliant intrlieet, who might othxrwtse have entrantrd liswulng Menatr Wltk Ui tlmadan ml akMtsac, eMked t eratary Un llriug lire, may call with full eon. fldene. I . MARRIAGE," Marrlrd Tami, or Toung Mn eontemplat. Ing marriage, aware of i-Iiyslcal Wrskmx, Iai of I'ru. ratire Tower (fmHAnry), Nrr. vutt t scllal'lkity. I'alpltatton, urgame Weak-lit-ss. Nenou lbility, or any otUw iUajiial BnatitHi, Smdtl y relW'vwt. , - He wbo plaet Lliiiwll adl Hi ar of I J. mav trllloiislv ion tide In hUlionor a a g a. Ilvntau. aud oouUdeutiy toly Bpoa hi Skill a plj) Mian. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS Imttieitlalety enrrd and fliff Vteur Rwtirr.l. '1 bbl lltrsu tf Allwtio wtssk rsader III mlarritulx and luttriinf ImpnaMlile is Uie piu. altv pM by i victim of - Improper ludul gunc. uuug iKiiaiSlifpt to eoiamit t'li-cks, tin. ni lint bving aeattof ill dradtut ronasqia hor Uiat may tnsan.' Now, Who that uiuli'istand tins subirct Will picleud to deny (hat the power of procreation i lost tooutr by iImimi laillng iul4iuirMr liahUathan by th lirudi'iitT Vii slili s lieiiigdi'prive,! ot the pleas ureot bivtltby tesitng, th most serious eM drsUiti ti.m s nipUiuisuf UitU body and mind rl-e. The ntm heronir dt'tatgnl, tlie lli)ical aud t nul Y auction wea treed, Um ot I'rixnailve 1'oaer, Nervous Irritability, l,Vprpla. falpitatlen of th rlearr, ladlge. Moil, Coiwllliitbuial liebllity and Vltlng ol" the FrahiH, Coiifc'li, Coiiku iiitii, 1'ersjsn.l Death. - A CURE SPEEDILY WARUANTED. Fitsrmsrutnrtt In beAttli by nuli stneil pre. binder who keep tlie at triinrg Mnarti alter moiitli, taking polsuiioiis and injimyu coin, pounds, limill apply Immediately. A I)U. JOHNSTON, member ol tlie Royal Colli geat Kn'grens, l.. don, Orsiliiiile id mm ut tlie uit aiuiwnt te lege In tli t'nlteil Stall's, and fhu best part vf whose llf baa boea spent tutu aaiUls.f London, i'sils, riillndcliila and elarwhers, line elloctad sosu of th most astonishing curt Uiat were ever kixiwni many UtillJ with, ringing In I ho head and tare lira asleep, grent nei tuusiiens, hewn alarmed at sudden oau4s, bashhilness, with rrri)iietit blushing, attended suatotiMeiwllav rlersugi'iiieni' of lulnil, wi cured iiiiiuiiiiaU ly. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. llr, J, address all Ihnen who have tujutfa thmasetre liy lin(.ro)H'r liidalKnoe and Kill tarv habits, wltlch rtiln lioth .iKly and mind, riHttlng lliem lorcllhvr busilie, Mdy, v rlet-v or nmtriiiu, 'I'lieSM are nuiia nt the M,t Art,! ttis1si,..ial. eflocte pioduied by the early habit af youth, vis: Weak ncsa nl the Mark and l.lmli, Tain In tlie Head, I'lmnrs of blglit, Ixtm af Jiu ciilsr 1'uaer, 1'aliillatloB ol Ui llHTt, 1) penela, Nervnne IrtllaMllty, lierangernent ef tho Liiguativ Functions, (Social . AM blllty, fivtnpt'nii' id C'nii.iiuiliiiu, Au, M N t'Al.LV I he frarfut efleet on tli ml ml are aim Ii to lit) (trimlvd. Lum of Mem nrv, eiifit'imlim of Me4, lieireslon ef Spirit, Evil t'orvbodinit. Aveisiun to S.xletv, HelL lilstruat, Ixive ni Mnlitude. .'I'liuldtty, ic.,r ome of the evil produced. ' Thousand ot put sons of all age ran now ludgn whut 1 tlm cause of their declining liealth, losliiu their vigor, bccoaitnv weak. pale, nerruUs and emaomitd, having singular spiearanreahftnethyes, eottjfh and symp UitoswI CoiisuuipUuu. : ( i 'j '.:ti t, ,i .;' . , YUUNQMEN' Mf. f . wlio have lnjurwl themstilveS by h certain prac tice, Indiilgeil In when alunc. a ualilt irvquent-, ly lenul imm evil (ompauliin or at arhnol, the ellerUiil whirl! arc tilglttly tult, even when asleep, and It' not cured ri ndvrs marriage tin. IHiskidle and Uestiny both Blind aud bod r, thoiild apflv Ininiidinlefy. What a pltv tbat a young1 tnan the fmpe of bis c'luntrv, the pride ol his parent, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of lit by tlie eentKuenoe ef deviating "from the path of nature, and Indulging u certain se cret habit. Such parsons must,beft)reoontBi. plutliitf -.,' 1 MARRIAGE, ( ; reflect that a srnind tnlnd and body are the most neoeawry renulsltetoprumoteonnulilal happiness. Indeed, without tho the journey through 1)1 becomes a weary pt1(rlnige, the prospect hourly darkens to th vhw. tlte mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that tlie happiness ol another Is bll,liUd with our own. , . A CERTAIN DISEASE, m When the ratsgiiblcit ami Imprudent votar of pleasure And that, ha has linbilied the seeds of this paintul diwMse, It too oltoa happens that aa Ill-timed sense of shame oe dread or dUK-ov-ery deter bin from applying to thou who. rrom courauon nnu resiicctaouity, can aion befriend blm. tie fall into the bandsof Ignor sut and designing prutenders, who, Incapable of curing, ulrh his pecuniary substance, keep blm trilling month alter month, of king the siiinlli nt lee ran ho obtained, end in despair leave him with ruined health to slch over hi Sailing disiitroeiit; or, by Uta uea of that eadly poison, Mercury, cauito th constitu tional tyuipUim of Mil horrid dia?1 ta make their appeurHiiue, siicli a uloeratHtiore throat, d Incased nose, nortunial pains In tlie head and llinha, dimness of sltfhf. doalutss, node on the eh in bones and Arms, bht heson the head, face aud extremiUee, pioresciurf with, frightful raphlily, till at last Uie palate of the mouth or the bone or the now fall In, and the victim of this awful (llseaso become horrid object of commiseration till death put a period to his dread I ul sullertusr, by sending hltn to that un discovered country "from whoso bourn no traveller evee return To such, therefore, Jr. Johnston offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant and efiectual remedy tn the world. ... OFFICE, 1 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, Mr Left hand side ijotng from P alUmore street, a few doors from the corner, , Foil not to observe name and number. f No letter received unrese fiostpaid and containing a stamp to be used en the replyi Per. sons writing shonhlstaM s'C,andwnd a portion Of advcrti-ment describlnij svmptoms The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs lu hi office, ENDORSEMENT Ot THE PRESS. The many thonsands enml at this establish, ment within the last tw.uty year, and tho nu Inernus Important surgical operations performed by Dr. .lohn-tun, witnessed by the. lilepreevnta. fires of the Press and many others, notltses of which have appeared again and again before the pnbllo, besides hU standing a a man of honor and responsibility, is a sufllcleut guarantee lu tlieaftlicted. ' ' -i SKIN DISEASES SPEJEDXLT CURED. -march 24 ' ' ' Ka lych ALLAN LINE TO t. ; a ,', i4m;pooL.'';-,;;; '1W ' Ave- have been rrih)redT Arntst this port liir.tlBsilPiM(i . this Line, now rnnninjj forturgbtl- mere ef between NorloiK and Urertxxil. . -. We can sell pre-paid Faslenaor Ticket! from Groat Britain and tho Continent to Wilming ton at lowtr raten tlian br nue'nther line, oi.nnv- u- II. . et X- ; may s r , . , l1-i'"!n)ca TT1FR FOR RENT. 1 ' Tlie EO0U SPPIXO r i i r.sVof- fKml fT P iit. 1 ke patuaiut, i ply to . -:i r..'j . f :E. ti ant;l3 - v li.wyoB