: riniln journal -3 v- I. II. "II tutu mi, -it 11, is; FCH C0TinX02: AUOU3TU3 0. lIETvRKiOX. cr ecscojiBS. J"br CtfMrwf : - JCZI ETC HIS. " , Of Craven. , for MUxnty General : william m. shut, Of Medlacburs. " Tor StmUay c SUU : ' J01IX A. WOMACK, Of CI, at ham, "or Stat4 Trtanrer : jonx w. graiiax, Of Oiun for Auditor : , COLLKTT LEY EXT11 Of. P K, Of Caldwell' XERETS MENDEXIULL, OfOuilford. "" fur ixtyermUhJaU JUk Workt : josini n. setaex, Of Wake. RADICAL C05GMSSI0XAL 0MI 51TI0SS. MaUtft la Uw rMrtk, m4 W1U tat th rtftfc. DUfrifc--Plaf ratter! Bptwal to th Jrnal J Kalkioh, May 15. " TU Radicals of lb Fourth Congrwiial district met la uominatlDg convention at Frankliuton to-day. The scene wu an unusually disgracefully one. Major Wra. A. Smith, of Jobiiaton, received the nomi nation on the fourth ballot. The coatest lay between Smith and Young, Jonee Jvig withdrawn la favor of Smith. Tho majority for Smith, over Toung, wu a fraction ef one rote. T. M. Argo wu nom nated ft Elector. The acenea ware of tlie wildest and most atormy description. Jones and Toung had a fight during tlx Convention and the greatest excitement waa produced. The Convention Itself was a perfect Bedlam, Gbucxsmbo', May H. The Radical Congressional Convention lor this, the Fifth district, which met here to-day, nominated Thomas Setlle.for Con grass, by acclamation. S. A. Douglass re ad ved the nomination of Presidential Elector, and James C. Itoyd and Thos. It. Keogh were chosen as delegates te the rhlladelphla Convention, with G. M. Ar nold (colored) and J. Mania as alternates. Tke Maalripal Muddle. We suppose that officials never placed tliemsolvea in a more silly and ridlculens position than the three negro and two whit Aldermen of this city have, In regard to the number of votes which th Mayor, or mora properly speaking, " the presiding Alder luan " has in tin lr meetings. As neither of the whites, in question, have credit fur much parliamentary knowledge, or knowl edge of any oilier kind, Indeed, except to deceive Ignorant negrota Into supporting tliem foroflice, we suppose their stupidity is not to be wondered at Suppose the Brd should decide to give Mayor Wilson two votes, of what effect would It be ? Tie absuid decision would not make it legal. No cle tlen made under it would be binding in law. No ordinance passed by the eleventh vote of a Beard ef tm Aldermen would be binding upon the citi zen, and no taxes similarly levied ceald be collected. Meyor Wilson can hare no more power, as a member of the municipal gov ernment, than was conferred upon him at the polls by the vote of the citizens. lie wu elected one Aldciman, and not (we. Dut we refer here to this matter to cor rect a mlsapprcluuisiou in which Mr, London, one of the counsel consulted, Las fallen Into in regard to the practice In the North Carolina Senate. We are especially familiar with its rules, or rather was when it wu organized, as Is our Board of Alder men, by Uw election of one of its Members A as presiding officer. It wu never claimed, nor such power exercised, u the Speaker . km! Intw Ska at fianiilAr mnA 4Ati trim-it .m ft. as vnj mm mvurvvi oo'iu uren i v ssg mjv casting vote In case of a tie. In election the Speaker's name was first called, and be then gave the only vote to which lie wu entitled. On the passage of bills his name wu never called, and he only voted when his vote was necessary to pass or reject the measure, lie had the right to vote upon every measure, but he seldom exercised the right unless his vote became necessary. This Idea of the presiding officer having two votes seems to hsve gained some credence from the fact that when the affir mative vote Is but ono larger than the negative, the presiding officer can exercise his right to vote, which, if cast la the negative, defeats the proposition under consideration for the want of a majority In ha favor, and not that he can vote again, there being a tie. This matter wu expressly decided In the Senate last Winter when Mr. Flkkmiwo, the Senator from McDowell, who wu tem porarily In the Chair, after having voted upon the regular call of his name, and there being a tie, proposed te give the easting vote as presiding officer. " Aa appeal was taken from his decision, aad the appeal wu sustained by a large ma joriry. .-. r I 1868 Judge Merrimon wu a Demo cratic enTKiiaaie lor juage or tue Supreme Court Ills own county, Buncombe, where he born and raised, and when A wu btst inotm, cave a large majority against him. Geldihoro JVew. t Yes, ai the si4r election Hon. Thomas S. A toe, a pure and upright atatesman an J C!.,: "art r - -'V-nan, was defeated for Get HK?rlj ; .-.tarJi-Cend and criminal, W. 17. II ' n, Who was cosricted of high cr!::-.rs snl li.l h tuoanon io offioe through C, a! J of tl votes of his political friends. . J c at fe same alection Hon. W. D. 2j.: V. kzl isjurr.:; i tj ;..', ,f u.s .1. JU4 M. l1iirwo, who cearJ:y r W-Uef Eel;. a, -tta to Is la C lrruliii . " "f sy the teck, w . i sl; .J. Yes, si U s . K.a b. U.-utiisn Jones, the IguJrsU siiarbudk, the vicious Teare, ib cerruj Waia, ware each CtC.tl over wEplliwrs Klsctsd fur their ss.-iay ulawycsaud thir cU.-acu.-s u BS4&,usTry way worthy susosirs ti lhepurUyaaUlr&iJVhick had rendered the J(onh Carolina bench honored ai homo as 2 ahreai. anl KS-U JU.dscUlons aa tUifiy wherever tls EiUJa Cohimou Lw prevaSoi. ij , , i Ji. -3 :i . Yea, at tho te ft tiril L&ia and Kteress. aad Dowclrg aad Estos, and the other aoouDdrela who disgraced a Legis lative UtSt and brought nun upon our people, were elected to the Logialatare. - la 1883 in North Carolina there was a carnlrsJofocmiptioa,profllgKy and ras eality. The peepl ef the State aUiwd In awe at the great moral, social and political revolutiua, thea in the very be'gat of ha trrsslslisle power, which wu sweeping over the whole cotvtry. They quietly submitted to events wfclcU they could not ooatrol. Shnting their eyes both to the danger aad the humiliation, thsy bore themselves as became a proud bat helpless people. 5ew thhs have cbMiiced. The -tiaio' bu coma whet vlrtae, and net oorruptioa, when Intelilgenca, and net Ignorance, are the iwctauModalieae to official position. Thank God, the people, too, hsve changed. Uood mea who were deceived Uto the sapport sf these earrnpt oflcoeesk- ers, hsve abaudoned a party, the parpose f which leeiosd ts have bee to promoU scoundrels, and "to steal 'the 'substance of the State, and bad men, who fonnd oat that worth and virteo were the passports to preferment la the Conservative party, have setight ahsber la tks congenial ranks of lUdlcallsm. (Wo hope the B J It or of the Kew, who voted fr Judge Merrimon la 18C3, will osense any personaal applica tion that people might might mske to him self.) - "';; ' ' . Taank (iod, there is aew a better feel tng among the people. We breathe a purer political ' armesphf re. Rslnrm and R tronchment are battling at the doors of the White House, and are forcing an entrance. The v7 ettadol ef Radicalism ts shaking from foundation to turret stone. Iu gar rison alieady begia to qnake with fear, and many of Its most stalwart defenders are dt- ertlnf . Its entire demnlllion is oaly a matter of time. s : The a.ael-rttlig It plainly visible ope a its walls. These are the luflueaces ander which Jadge kTaJttMov aad Major Hconss be gin their campaign. From all portleusof the State the peutle are rising In their majesty and power to put dewa Caldwell and Brogden, who were part and parcel of the bad mea who brought baukraptcy and dlsheaor apoa lerth Careliaa. . The bright sau ef promise already gilds the lastera sky. Oa the list day of An gast it will shluo with noon-day efftlgim-e apea a redeoiaed and rogeneraUd people. RALEIGH COBRESroyjtXNCS. Ralkiov, May 13, 1873. 1 resume a very brief report of Satur day's proceedings of Souther Baptist Cbareo.' ... . ,,..., r The afternoon sesaioa wm sHally Im portant or Interesting. A discussion took piece oa Dr. Orantlev's motion to abolish tk Sunday School Board. No doclssiou wu reached. Uea. Fields, of Vlrglals, the report of the comailttee on trie iexu letter, propo sing biennial session of the ConvenUou wes takeunft. Tke question recurred on the ameadmant of Kev. Dr. Jeter, of Vir ginia, to provide for biennial sessions In stead of annual rs the repoit recorameads. A long debate followed. Flaally the re port ef the committee was adopted. The report of Sunday School Board wu again taken ap. The tvpvrt ef the com mittee on tke future Diana of the Hoard wu read. Messrs. Boyleu, Craae, Thiers and Ellyooa debated the aueje. The pre vious queotloe was calif d, when the re- pert ef the financial oendltion ef the Hoard wu taken from the table. A report wu made nominating a new board. The time of adjonrnment arrived, when, after prayer, ins convent is aojeurasa The fourth day's processings can be re ported with only cemnarstlve resagerness. The Coaventlon met to-day at 0 a. m. Re- lUrlous eaeroises by Rev. T. Bawson. Rev. Mr. Dargaa snbrnKted the report of the Committee on Domestic Mlssioaary, setting forth the heavy Indebted aess of the Board and asking for prompt relief. ftRsv. Dr. Leemaa, of Alabama, the Sec retary or me Beard, nut a eneecn ercou slderablo length, describing the difficulties the Board had to contend with, aad urg ing the convention to come to its succor. Tee report wss aaeptea Kev. Dr. Skinner, of Georgia, read the report on Indian Missions. U gives a( his tory ei missionary epersuons smnng uie Cherokee, Seminole and Creek Indians. It recommends ths founding of aa Orphan's items among tne cresics. Rev. Mr. lkrkaer mads a lent aud ele- auont address, in whlrn h stated that the Creek Fatten aow numbered 13,909 soils, about 1,500 ef whom were Baptist. Fnlly two-thirds or the Beraineies were Uantists. He spoke of Indian students at Columbia College, Mo., and at Jirrtngten, Ky., and of the beaaty and fertility of the Indian territory. Kev. Messrs. Dawson, Skinner and Wilson spoke. The debate wm pro tracted. The report wu adopted by 103 tO 20. Mr. Aliysua, of V lrtinia, onered a reso lution pledging the hearty support of the Convention to the Sunder School Board. Several ajieeehes were made. , , Rev. J. II. Law, ef tJeorgia, Special Agent, made a statement ef the dlflicul ties encountered In the prosecatlon of his work. Tennessee has contributed $1,60; Kentucky, 179 ; Georgia, i000 ; Maryland, 1307 18: Alabama. 25 13 : Tlrelnla. $233 00; Louisiana, $200; South Caro lina, $10: Horth Carolina, $188: Missis sippi, $130 64 ; Texas, $50. 1 ,' Tb Conventlea adjourned to' meet at 8 The Convention met at 3 P. VL Fraver by Rev. lit. Hooper, effort. Carolina. Report of Committee en China Miseioa wss read and adopted. ;; : las reoert on Carepeaa -Missions wu adapted also. - - The rooortto mt the Indebtedness of the Sunday School Board res tilted in raising $300.. ... . ' ,: . ' . Tke report of the s racial oominKte anon jsosased corresponding secretaries and missionaries wm road by Jisv. Dr. W. Broadus, of Tlrflinia. ' JUv. Pr. Jeter addnand the Convention rptflfrv to th worth n talent of Robert Zixnx, a w E&n, wa vl-' rrviss Cvert, - ! ti" W.ke roret L.t h?!:... f aid es a nn s i t,sry to i.J U.'.ri. Llau- j Li.l t"J a i C?..v. tut wbj . -:W;j to t-l IU s;-e 1 . an.! j (:i'.,-J u'.S- usUma'e U;s, t,-:t..r i:h the eVa- t cru;:;arv e:. .. wuui i.e 'cW3. iwv. ,Jlf. Waius, of Yirgi uxt ftHswsd iu euk-y vpoh tm' I cUracWrof ilr. riildurl. v " The rpp-ort the Cfiumilta asaJuj'ted. Dr. Jeter rad a series ef resolutions raed hy C. liad uf Trstoas bf Ux T hWotlcal iiuilarv alCrv-NitUs, .V. C. r .. A ...i 1 V I It is deemed expeeut to rtiuuvs the ixiu iiwy to Swru wtLsr puiut. St. Iuis, yaahvUle, ChatUuooga acd Allantaii all referred to. An etWrt ta raiie $.,0,OuU wlli be mae, and aavsn geutlemub ap Hilntcd to viait those pla.T and see what can to done. The mport also ajoiu'-a Rev. Mr. WblUell, of Ueor,;ia, A4 .taut rrefassor. Beportof futaro policy of Foreign Mi sloa iioard wu read and adotel. The report ou greatest need f the Board w u read, and ufwr sums amsudmenta was adopted. It appoints 1st Sunday in July ft fasting aad prayer. Alter prayer the Convsatioa adjvurued to meet at p. m. Will give alut procvoJlugs lu my next. There wu a Mass Meeting hld oil Sat urday nt;bt bribe Unutit of lloma Mis sions. Several geutleinsu ipcke, the mt suoosssful ofwhojn wmKsv. Dr. Fulkr, of Baltimore. The Sunday services w re InUrestlng, aad larrely attsmled. The eoogrtgation at the Hatist church was im mense. Iter. Dr. Fuller preached la the morning. 1 thought his sermon greatly below tit standard of true greatness. It I wu quit inrerior to too sermon or ev. i Dr. Winkler, of S. C, or of Kev. Dr. Curry, of Virginia, or of Rev. Dr. Brantley of Baltimore. It wu arubitlsns, deisms tory and dramatic. The stylo of Dr. Ful ler for tli pulpit Is not to my tate a pre possessing one. He Is full ef actkn, aud his aisnner Is far more appropriate to the stage than to the sacred (leak. Other gen tlemen who preached are reiwrted to have done finely. Tb Convention will prolt.lv adjourn to-monow, when 1 will close my notes of their proceed, thsthave teen necessa rily uuperlect and aunteu. Casta nt u.s. BY TELEORAPH. NOON TELEGRAMS. SEW YOBU. Kiw Yoiik, May 15. Tks tUkcs hur been d-Mitel for the Mare and O'BaldwIa prlss fljilit, which U to talis place so ifh lHh or Angunt. Ir.Oeorgs It. tl Iks has beru arrontnl on charge of fatal abortion. ItUiUtad Uiat the cabinet mukor, ftumti- srs, grantta euttom, Juurneymen tailors ami ether trles ars ergsuliliijt with a Vll'W ol striking If their de msiula are not areedml to. As stterapt has ben mil to Ucntrvy the maohlnery of Thompeim & Co., and Orrgory Ce.'S steel works In Jorwr City. Their eru- ptores ttrack lut week, snl It l iip d thrj ettompted to min thewo-k to prrrcut other men rrom tsklng their ptscpt. The Liberal ItepiibllPin St.ite Couimlttoe yoetcrdar retotved to hold a ratlllcntlon meeting at an early day. The I a. m. suprcne train on the Erie IUilrnsd bad a narrow tecape from ronilete dexd uetlon near Tort Jsrrls yentvrilay. The axlo of pilaee ear was burned rontpleli'ly o.T while the train was at a high rate odccJ, running along an embankment one hanSred feet high. The tar was sated frsra being thrown down the rm bankmont by strong ihackllng and by the fact that it was on slx-whool truck. Attorney General Sarlo ha dliiMtutlnncd the suit agalmt Jay Oould and Wis, on the requeet of Mr. flwann, agent of the HrltMi (liart-holdrtnt, st whew .Inntanoe the suit vu begun, rot the reason that the poraoim eworn represent that they ho made ether arrange stents with ether stookholUcr, which Itwiro roteotlo sf thotr right. ' Vf AaiIIKtilO.. , Wahiiwoton, Way U. h'egotiaUoiui ar about resulting ln the waiving of sonaequenUal damgee before the GonuTa trlbaiiaL , Though retalnrd tn the fane, they will not bs noticed.' CABLE DISPATCH M. rAltis, May 15. Mandial Oaxine though plaeod under srreet, Is allowed to rvmala at borne, but guard have been placed In tho ground lurrouudlng hi re stdenos W prevent eutide parUv from coiuiuu nlcattng with itu. Madiuu, May 1. The force f Cnrlliit wktch entered Spain fiom Portugal, wa met near the frontier by a body of government trooiand driven back lu te Portugal territory. London, May 153 P. M. The meMage of rresldont Grant tb the Vnltcd Itates Benate submitting thepropoaed addition al article to th 'Waahlngton treaty relative to Indirect claims, eurve to renmure the publle that the difference between the two nation can be honorably settled. The publication of tho moeaage hiw had effect upon tho market for American sucurltle, which ars now firmer than at the opening. EVENING TELEGRAMS WAUUSUTOS. Wasuixutok, May 15. Hsxatk. The eoniereues report on tliode- Bclcney aniToprlat.on bill waa eoncurrod in. The Baltimore and Petomao depot !t blU wa dlncniaed at length. Roe. A Conference Cosiinttto su the Consular and diplomatic, bill wa ordereiL ' " A resolution was lntrodnocl that both House adjourn from the S9th lunlant uutll the la: Wednesday lu November. buUwaa nbgeiututly withdraws, th mover giving notice UnU he would offer It again to-moerow. The tariff wa next considered. Mr. Dawca withdrew hi pending tubaUtuto for tho ecoud seeUoa. The scooud lection now standi' a fol. tows; It reduce th cxkting dntles en the followlag artlelc 19 per cent. : All manufac ture of cottea, all weeli, hair of th Alpu a goat and other animal and all inanuraeture thereof, lreo and sit manufacture of Iron, all metal toot herclaotherwlM) provided for, and all manufactures of metal, except watclies, jewelry and other articles of ornament, all printing paper, all manufacture of India rab bet, twtta pershs or strsw, and oilcloth of all iescrlpUons. ,11 Is provided that th duty on nmbrsilas, &., shall not be lens than n goods of the same material and quality a the eover- Inp thereef. All (tool and manufacture ef steel, wire rsp sod wire strand made of Iron wire or ef steel wire, are t pay the tame duty a lroa wlr sod steel wire. The conference report oa the deficiency bill was submitted. It agrted to the paragraph In regard to cotton claim, which wu the chief point Of disagreement, knd 1 o modified that ths Secretary of ths Treuury la authorized and directed to pay to ths lawful owner or legal representatives of all th cotton seised arter ths Joth ef Jane, 1908, by ths Sgest of the Got. ernsasnt nnlawfully and In violation of their Instruction, the net proceed without Interest of the sales Of such cotton actually paid Into ths Treasury, the receipt thereof to be In fall Mtlifsctlsn of all uch claim, and not to apply to any cause aow pending before the Court of Claims or t any ceo Bottled ta the Treasury Department within dt sionfb after th pimag fthlSMt . . r UlMCtUMSMOVB. To-iav dslrntlon of neorslan couiniiav j . - m f Judge Bolt, sf sfste, Heary Jrlghsm, of KkvaLs'i, Sute S--r.a:jr C re '., t U. F1 wrd C. Aal r n, II. I'. JU. ir HS, W" MjUiI-j, U)tot Jm jC Atlanta, Col. I'io-k-il aa i uijet jr ji.u'i.t -i.Uraii, Mut ku:.rr ia the ln:ercu ef U.S l:t r-oc ar.i ttniX pr Je. t to ui.! ths M'm ?;4 river with Cs At UiUig, lilted 03 Vm Tr. t Jcat. Ttey were o cuni;aii!rd by Us enure Omr a Jcirjat.on lb the liatf r, vtj auJ wife tatre duccd t tkf ieIiitty Oe. Tjarg. Cot. Frv !)!! la a novUu a ftw niuntuu durst ,lu, aU U tl. 3 a.Tro'B of the rri-aitcut t thut Bial'cr, nut ouiy tmrtaBt to the ie ut Geora, be aaul, but every purt.un of the cum in country. The d!eguon wu hr te oSir ti. President acd through him to the, counter, just sack s bighwsy that will l are la war. cvmmudioBS la ieare, nobtruciad by k, chrapeat known to tUe commatcial world, aud ampkr for thscoastry that aeedslt. Col. Fro- bell eiplauitd tae route whkh wUlcixn aavt- gatloa to the Atlantle ocraa eoat, and which would aotsss4aa,Boe,ue, while it benetlu would reach th wwol country. Th delega Uoawaheretak laviaw f thU being the great national work, that th i'reuJent would give It a favorable cuusitleraUoo. The I'rctl-1 seat ta reepous sal he had wee map of th rout and it looked to hlia tmlnrutly practical i b wu couTluoed of us importance, and but fur the latenea f the preaent WaaioB, h would k It subject fur s special cvmmuulcatlon to Cosgrea. 11 sugted that It would be ad- viaable that the f r lend of th meaaur In Coo great to obtain the Introduction and reference ef the bill a preliminary to a lubacqaeiit ac tion of th Executive. 11 did ut know U t'on grea would b dinpoiicd to guarantee bend of th company or would prefer to give direct ub Uly in pubU land. lis regarUed.th ineafure doaervlug f aatieual aid. Xh delrgatkifl will to-morrow rproent th Lmportane f thi ontcmplat4 work t th Vie rreddent, Speaker f tho Hoas and committee on Com- mere f rarh liouae.. KCW YOUK. Stw YorJt, May 15. Iu the ateUiodiat General Coafereuc to-dy a motion was mad to appoint la each State and Territory one smlaent lawyer to act for the Church. Ths motion wa eartiatl. A colleotloo wu taken up to eompleto th amount ueeary for la ertvotloa of a monu ment to luhp Klugiley ta Syria and for the benefit of th family ot th deeoaaed Biahop. Er.MtRA, May 15. Th KepuMlean Convention met to-day. Amoug tb roaolutioai were declaration in favor of the repeal of all taxei, excepting to bacco and lbiuor. and endoraing the Admlnuu tnitka. Tha meeting wa enthnslaatlc. Rochester, May 1J. Th I)em:rtls Convention met to-day. The attendance was large and enthusiastic. Thot Klnaell was permanent Prealdent. A reolu. tlen was adopted that Committee be rolnt- td to wleet delegaU to Daltlmore, tOJlSttTIClT. Th first Una of th f anilgn-'l h ArliBlnlatraHon Defeated. J'etv IIavkw, May 15. United State Heaator Ferry was to-day ro electcd, hs hsvlng received ths entire femo ctatie, tot and IT Krpubllcars (General Kawley wa the regular nominee of the Itepub licaa party.) UKOBtaA. Atlanta, May 15. The leincratie Stat ITxecutiv Commute met to-day, aud lnue a full for the State Con vention to meet ia Atlanta on June tilth, to elect delegate to the Baltimore Convention. The ealoo wss very harmonious. Th Committee sdoptea resolution urglug o-ganliatlon In oanntle and dlatriet, prepara tory t (ending delegate to tho State Conven tion. An advisory sddrea will be Iwnicd by the Chairman of the Committee In fev dnys. CABLE DINFATCUCn. l'Arus, May 15. Au oftloial decree appears to-day, announ cing tho 'following appointment ef French Mla lten: Duke de Noaille at WaalilngUm ; Julen Ferry at AtSem; St. Uabriae st Th Hague; M. Gatlimoan st Stockholm. An IntereslloB Political Rumor. A New York correspondent writiug ou tlie 11th instant, says? " Humors cotne tbtck and fast from Wasblugtoti to prominent politicians here Hint a new republican combination is on foot v hereby, in order to preserve tba uni ty of the pai ty, General Grant and Mr. Greeley both am to be dropped at I'liila delpbla and si mis new man tken ttp. TLo overtures to that end are sufllclently deiia ite to exeito conslderablo apprehension on the part of lire Democratic managers, and there is much telegraphlnc lrr pnnserintnrco between the Manliattan Club, Fifth avenue and the New York delegation in Congress. Wiiat it all amounts to we shall probably see in a day or two." Civil Klgbta-Letter rrom President Urant. The followiog letter from President Grant was read at the civil rights meeting In Washington, Thursday night: Eiecttivk Mansion, i Waishisuion, D. C, May 0, 1872. J Grntlemrn : I am in receipt of your limi tation extended to me to attend a mass nieeting, to be Lcld for tlie purpose of aid ing in securing civil rights for the c.MoieJ citizens of our country. I regret that a previous encasement w ill detain me ut the Kxecntive Mansion this cveninp, ami that 1 shall not be able to pnrticlpat w ith ymi in poison In your dibits to furtlK'r the cause in which you are laboring. I beg to assure you, however, that I sympathize iiiot conlinlly in any effort to socure-f.r all our people, of whatever race, nativity or color, the exercise of those risrhts to which every citizen should be entitled. I sin, very rcpectfully, U.S. Grant. .. i- i-j. ... a The body of a man named Ward, aclctk ef A. T. Stew art, of New York, who dis appeared March 1st, Las been found lu North river. Ward evidently had been murdered nud robbed. David Foster, a prominent citizen of Ho token, N. J., blew oil' the top ot his skull with a pistol, death resulting Inttantlv. lit is supposed to haTe been temporarily in sane. Tlie Democratic members of tke Con necticut Legislature, In caucus at New Haven, nominated O. S. Ferry for United States Senator. Several large manufacturers at Hamil ton, Ontario, have locked out about 1,000 of their employees rather than yield to the nine hour movement. Michael Hays, arrestee in New York for the alleged murder of G'Donnell fifteen yeats ayo, has been discharged, no evidence appearing. . i u A woman in the case " caused a fight at Carthace, N. Y., between John Clark' and Charles Ford on one side, aud A. B. Cleveland on the other, and nil three weie dangerously Hint. SPECIAL. HATCIIELOR'S IIAIR DIE- Thi anrerb Hair Dve bt th beet in th world. Perfectly Harmlcw, Reliable' and Inxtantane. ana. Io diaaprmlntment. No Ridleulou Tints or Unpleaaant Odor. Tb gennine W. A. Bntch etor'aHair l)y prodneea IMMIiDIATKLY a plendid Black or Natural brown. Dove not blftln in MKln, but leave the Hair Clean. Soft and Beautiful. The only nat and Perfect Dye. SokJ by illDrnggiets. Faotory IS Bond street, Jiew Y'ork. ,.T. . apni m, lsi j. jn-a-eoawiy lrilIAL. A NEW LKAUTH-Yiva AtiKS T Ail Ics.U.a. fe-l u. x . iii.Ii.i:ujUi iu..r t h A t .a .Va 1 r- w tiruugtil fiom u. tL.... Vi U . to r e-1 tho ti a.'raiat SgMusat, I e m mi il . ,'.,U .1 arucie lor uue tcv'.ii a btmii m tu d pd u-to. EiIi' Oeaaln Woldem Vll Cot i'B H at r ac-or ,nn ( u U ut:,:ml luf niaot l riui, Faria, m keg and laiwakly knswn to tb rutWmei of 1i.ti.dJ, 11jht1 aud Kilrv and tlirir branches, loc u fine jxr aunriit rrairraiice in now mad by 11. W. kMey TtinlM'i Ivory Pornrl Tootli Pow. der 1 he tiM articis know a tor cicaiuuigaud wrM-rving ithe teeth aa.1 guma bold by ail lr!iiu. File iiaivl 60 ctnta per bottle. F. C. Vicii A Co., Ntw York. Carbotlo Salvo snrqaalled a a Meallnf Compound. Fbvslclana rwuaad it a tlic niont wonderful remedy vrr known. Price its oeuu per box. John r. Henry, bole Proprie tor, College riacc, ew Vrk. . Prats' Astral M V acCdent c cur from nng uusaf oil, than from tteam boala aud railroad combined. Uver 3UO.sa) laailUeseoriiiiue to bur Pratt Aul Oil, a4 no acciuent a.recuy or iiwiiwuj namw evrred truni burning, atoring r handling It. Oil Houmi of Caaa. Pratt, latabllrhed ltitt, Sew Yeta. - CliriataUoro's Hair Dy. Thia magnifi cent .iuivmiimI feejond ewuiingency, tn ufet and Dt reliable I've In iiu ci nv. er tailing to impart to th Hair, uilcrmitv of color, ii.uiiUuieut and eluticlty. Mauutao torv, SH SlaUlen Lane, w York. BC K rm COCO A I S E-o olla neith er i'mlt or alcoholic warkea rorelgn 4r do- nemic can aompare wku boeoainti u a nam JjRLbSlNU. It anchor tbe hair fiimly in th acalp give it new lite aud luntre and remlrr It the crowning glry" of both mu. old aad joung. " TE.tl lSbers'lf would not have been bean tlfui If her complcakia had been bad. If beauty I .Win deep, it i neceaeary to aeenr and retain that part of It; and ladiea, lnatead of reporting to taiuta and powdera, ahoula rrmemhar thai an liapure. blotchy, or eallow akin 1 th proof offeebln dlgeMlon, torpid liver, or vitiated blood, lor ail which Itr. Walks' Cai.iob hi a VinsaAabiTTsasUasaJ, ur, and ef fect sal rem dy. , ; . x A rtfantlful Mbtto. (oft, mrth and elearikin produced by ung O. W. Laird' "liioom of Youth." It remove tan, freckle, unburn, and all other dlacoloratlon rrom the akin, leavlns the complexion brilliant and beautiful, bold at all druggirtj. Tbla prepa ration I entirely tree from any material detri mental to health. for Dyspep' Indigettlon. denremionof piritaana goi.eral debilily in their vartoua tnrnn; alao, a rreventtv agalnat Fver and Ague, and other Intermittent fever. The Ferro-Phophorated fclixtr of CaliMya, mail by Caewell, llaiard Si Co., New York, ana (old bv all Driiiruwta. i th beat tonic, anl an a ton. Ic tor rwtleiili recovering from fever or other irk ucm, it ha no equal. Jnat the Remedy KeedL Tkank to Mr. WiiMlow'a Soot bins fivrup, W have for year been relieved Iroia leileMi Sight of painful watching with poor, au nenng, leeiuing cblblrea. 4 llll.nRCXK LIVE MATED I OU BO (1:51 IU." Every raw of Croup can b cured when rlrat taken, bv lr. Tobla' Vene- tion Liniment, warranb-d for 21 year, and nev. or bottle returned. It alt core Diarrbira Hvaenterv. Colic. Hore Throat. Cub", llnrns anil Kiternnl Pain. Hold bv the Prugglnt. Ie- jpot, 10 lrk I'iace, New York. HVAPXIA I Oplnm pn rilled of lUnlckenlng and poiaonou qnalitiea. It Is a perfect ano df ne, not produeiug hemlach or eonatlpation o bowel, a lathe raa with othet prepara ttnna of opium. John Fair, ChemM.Kew York. may 1 m-dAweodlm RKYv AOTEXTtsmKHTaV FAVORITE FLOUR Sold only by cnAS.P.MTEBS&Ct. THK BEST FLOUR ta th FAT0R1TE Hold onlv bv ClUb.D. MYeus&co, THE FAV0RITK FLOUR 1 ths bst Flour. - Bold only by -' ' CllAlP.MTEBSftCp. TUR "FATOltfTE" and Hi ' Bert Floor I . aold owlv bv CHA8.D. MYERS A CO, OCR FRESH GROUND JAVA COFPFI- , , no npiioM'lan In quality I Par Co&rn I Jio adulteration I CHAS.l). MIEK3ACO, 7 North Front Street. msyl 191 North Carolina It.R. Co., BUCKET ART'S OFFICE, 872-1 Cosir at Snors, N. C, May loth, 1872. SSSS2i Tn Twenty-thrro Aanual meeting Stockholder of the North Carolina Haiirohd Company will be held In Haleigh oa th accond xnurMiay, litu July, l, J. 8tockholler will please be represented eith er In rereon or by provy. TH03- M. CRUMP, Amlatant Secretary, may It . , , Ul-6w N EW BOOKS RECEIVED THIS DAY. ore ii, A STORY OF AUSTRALIAN LIFE. BY S. L. VARJCOS. x Author of "JodhuaMarosl," "Bladrt-o'-OraRS," "London' Heart," &a., &e. j "Pnr pure pathoa and' hum An ygg(athy b ha hardly a rival." "Iaipreiw n with that en of reallm which ltllOtlumllOfart.', "A BRIDGE OF GLASS." A Novel by F. W. Roblnaon, author ef "True to Herelf." "For Her Sake." ' Poor Dnmanl ty," "Carry' Confewlon," Ac., Xc. For ale at . nEIXSB ERSER'S Live Book and M utile Stare, may IS 197 A Fresh Supply of PIC Kf.ESIm ported, Preaerve Ginger, Pickles American, Preaerte sesorted, Jellies, Klg. Trc at r ves cooking, - " eating, Orange, J lemons, Chow-Chow, Capre, Catertpv Salad )rruin;. Sauce, Albert Cracker, Fancy Crackers, Extract?, Ac , Ac, Just received by .US. I. METTS 1ST may 16 B AtiON AND l'ORK. . Bote It. S. gble and Hhonhlers, 40 Uhdn. Smoked Sido and Shoulder. 9Fbl. Pork, " For sale bv F. W.KERtHNKR. 197 nay 16 DLE OIL. in Bb!. Downer's Spindl Otl,' For sale by ay lii W. KIKCHNKR. 19J gADDLERT- The larjert, ebeapert and best Stock ef Haddle, Har.iew, Trunk, f ,, , , Traveling ling and . ' Swidlery Ooort, Ucue rally, to be found In the State, for aal st H. TOPMAM A CO'H, , No. 8 Sonth Front (treet WOaabgjwa. . ev 11 83J , vF A D T LJTTI iZ3 1-T. r. IXjTAII AMI .-.).U Tiftsea Lyc. 1" i'.ca i,iidy. r ot mt.1 bv F. W. kKCUi:r. UT say im C.tHJD. ltd Case 0tra. .'4 " r roll feachc. lu TamaUiee. 1 " Con-knar M.Ik, f I " aarUiaa., - For sal by F.YT. tKRCHNER. may U u rpiLE Ui.T l'Liil SiOLK - Calf Skia Loot - - .. FUR THS LEAST XlOStX Uand-aewed and warranted t b as gd a eaa be made. Tav a Paib. OCDLKT A ELLIS, aUga of the big B may IS 1a- IL CBONLY, Auctloner. I By CROXLYJk MOKIUS. 1 Adoalulastrator'a Hule. '1 pnrvHanc ef an orUor r the Super'r Court f New Uanover wnnty, made aponih pettuoa of Tbonvu C atcilhenny. Admiulatra tor of tba Eato of Chrietupber H. ludlev. I will, onJAU HDAr, Ui lk day of Slay next, at l wekkM., before th door of t!. Court Kdu. la the city of TTUmingtoa, erer fotnaleat Public A ucU , , " ' " ." A TRACT OF LAND lying about two mile Sonth of TVilmlngtoa, containing about TOO acre, being th Eastern portion ot what te knew tb Snmnvr Hill Tract. Thi tract I high land and well covered with pine tree, wbick tav never been boveU. Mr. Jame Brocket, corner of 8econd and Church atreeta, will ahew th lend te say eae dt'Hiring to e It. Terroii of tale One-thlrt ash J the bakino at S, U and IS month. THOMAS a MoILlTEXNT, Ad miiilBtrator ef Ckraaopker tl . Dudley . sprilll llt-toch JTOlEt SALE ! 1,200 BARRRI.S FLOCrt. ie,00 BUSHELS CORN, COO BALES SELECTED HAT, 608 Second Hand Spirit Barrel. 123 BBL9. SLUE, SO TONS flOOP IRON, 'to nuns, bacon sides and SHOULDERS, so BOXES D. I. SIDES, W) BBI.8. PORK, Ae,, Ac. ., For sal by WILUAMSA WURCIUSON. my 14 195 Express Steamboat , .Line 1 FOR FAYETTEVILLE! jHaaBBHi TBE FIRST CLASS IR05 STEAMER D. MTJROHISON, 1 ALOAZOOARBION,naster, Will leave for Favettevlll vry Wednesday and Saturday at 1 o'clock P. M.i Keturalng. will leave Fayettcvlll every x ucauay uu a riuay ai i o oiecs A. i. TBE FIRST CLASS IRON STEAMKR "WAVE," WILLIAn RHlXSEn, nastr, V ll I leave for Fayettevtllo every Mndr aiul Tb nraday at t o'clock P. M. Returning, will leave Fayettevllle every Sat urday and WedneKtay at I o'clock A.M. The Boataof thi Line have jrt saiaovia HAfLKn a wd nivrrriDand are riai'RrASfKD on th River for peed, comfort or aafety. No urayage cnargeil on goods conirlgtied to thia Line, to oe lorwarciefl throngtl Wllmlniton. WILLIAMS & MCRCHISON, A gent at Wilmington. JNO.D. WILLIAMS CO., Agents at Fayettevllle. prilW 181-naImcll THE LAEGEST SSORTMENT of' Millinery and J!il- -i.- uncry tjootis in the city, at A. D. BROWN'S. OOOOOOtiOOOOCKXXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO0OOO000O(OOOO()orjOCHO00O0OOOOO OOOOOOCWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOOOO OOOO OOt 10 (h(0 OOOO OOOO OOOO oooo Tlie Largest Assort merit of Ribbons and Flowers in the City at A. D. BROWN'S. OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO oooo oco)0()oooooooooa)rx)oooooooooooooooooo OOO OOOOOO OOOOOOO 0OXX)0 OOO OOOO ooooooooo OOOOOOOt KKrHXKK)OOOOOOrX)OcirKK)Of 000f Of)0 THE HANDSOMEST assortment of 1'arasols In the city at 7 A. P. BROWN'S. THE HANDSOMEST assortment'' White Goods lu tie city at A. D. BROWNS. ei TUE LARGEST assortment of Corwta in the city at . A. U. BROWN'S. 0OOO00OOIOOOO0fX)O000OO000000OOOOOO0OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO0O0OOOOO0OOO0OOO000O00CO00OOO0OO0 oooo OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO oooo OOOO oooo OOOO OOOO The Largest Stock of Kid Gloves in tho city at i . .. A. D. BROWN'S. OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOCWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOBXIorOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fTUIE LARGEST assortment of Ladies X Undergarments and Hoop Skirts in the city at A. D. BROWN'S. THE LARGEST assortment of Ladies Hair Fixtures in the city at : - A.D. BROWN'S. .- : : J ;il e. '.u.v-f t ' milE LARGEST assortmrait of White i Tritnrnings, Hosiery and Notion in the city at " A.D. BROWN'S; , A , . . ) ' i i ; KMhsnge Corner. ONE PRICE t aprlll TERMS CASIlt . lot-aa I D D Y li 0 U r i 01131VIIVO- OK AM) SUr.IF.lER GOODS! AT M.M.KATAS MARKET ST. CONSIS1IM1 UP Black, Silks. Colored, Striped auil Flgiiretl Foulards, Alpacas and Mol.aln. Black ami Colored Grenadine' in Strrjies and Figures.,;, , :: j Japanese lYrcales, iAvrrtf, Fron-Frous, Cifpo's, Pally Vj(leii Linen lawns, Flques, Marseille, Linens, Ac., dc, ami all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods. WHITE GOODS. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, Nainsook, Victoria, and Bishop Lawn in figures, striiesand clieckt. ' ' Swiss Caiubrie and Inserting?. and Gnlptne Edginp Guipure, Thread, Ducltrrs, Talencleu ncs Lace and lnseiltngs. Lace and Linen Collars and Cutis. .- $ $ i'.ri t ;:n ft Llama Lace Tolnts and, Sacqties, fchawls and Scarfs. Ladies Vests and Chemisette. Housefuniishliig Goods The greatest variety of Towels,' Table Damasks, Napkins, Shot tings, Marseille and Honey Comb Quilts in 10, 11 and 191-4. " "' M1AI BOYS WEAR. Doe Skins, CasImotts, Tweeds, Linens, Marseilles and Cotlonadrs., j',,,', Tarasols, Corsets, Skirts,' tflofes,1 Hosi ery, Notions, Ac. j .' . ', ' ', ' Tuckings, Triniitihis, Frillings, Braids, Ribbons and Buttons, etc. . The best assortment in tlie City, at the Lowest hos- Wholesale and Retail Imyeis can save Money by calling at M. M.' kaTZ'S, 35 march 24 MARKET STREET. i5-tr ST. THOMAS' CATHOLIC -flR, The Lndie of St. Thomas' (Uinre.h will hnl,l a Fair lhi week tn tho City Pa'.l in bebairof th 8terof Merer of thia citv. The Fair will open on Monday night, the 13th of May, and wilt be continued oa th fo'lowtn Tuernlur, Wedneaday, 1 hursflay and Friday niKbta. Tim eiticen of Wilmington, and especially the many who experienced. In lekne and on tl peat days of Yellew Fever, their aalf-caerillciag care, are earnestly iavited, may u f f -i if, 1( 5tch 4i M !?f BOXES o Oranges and Lemons, 100 BBLS. KMPIIt rtrR; FORKIOK AND DOMESTIC GOODS , OT ALL KINDS , CALIFORNIA AND GOSHEN B UTTEtE -AT- GEO, 31 i 11 and 13 South Front Street. BBI may 12 1!H-

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