' - - J.- ) Ay L y r ; ' ' ' . ! t i. t. i VOL. XXI-NO. 227. WIXMHSrGfTOrsT, KT. C, FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1872. WHOLE INTO. 0.1 k iti.no ni. f 1 EN P&AL Sl'PERINTr.JiliTS I'rNCE " i .4 W.Imlutoiiv Columbia Augusta Railroad Vo. WiLaiuuTow, K. C, J.ue Itk, 1872. CIIANaC Oil fcCHEDUlE : i I. it -1 . The following Schedule will to Into etlect it " ' "it 1 V BlX.au ' I Ieve Wilmington. ......... J , A. M Arrive at Klwrmce 13 a. M "Columbia,....,. t-wp. m. Irf-ave cot mu bra. , ,. .ri.lS .P bf. imn at Pkweaee... . . ...... 4.W P. M. WUailugton HI 23 P. M. NK1HT Kjriycss (Oadv), Sunday xerftol. vu ttaaraigtuai.i.t.. Arrive al ! torture. , T " Columbia..l..., I ave CVlu ntbl . Arrive at Fiorenoe. ........ fSJb r. St. HJS P. N. , UU.M. Jn.M P. M. 2.M A. M. . t-UOA.il. I JUU M Ii. W LN ir. ft. r . t i - 4jlguywuk'HWat. Juneim Slle-tf. Wilmington oiid VTcldou '"f ' '."'. .C i Yw. 1 1 m .1 uniirvuu vuijiuxij ) iu:aor Ptl. 8BMUXTMDIMT, Wilmington, N. U, June S, 1S71 on shtl after Mommy, JtM MMr, PaiKufeT Trains oa the' W. & VP. Railroad wKI ran m t.iikw: .. ,nr,; r . -. MAIL TRAIN. Ieave fcntpl'pot dally t.Ssud:iyi excepted) Arfivui!uhlho t...,, .tilt P. M. ' tVMua .. .. 3.S0 P. M, WOl(loniiHlly(S(iivcUyrcit. ' 4Him 9.IHA.M. Arti M Iturkjr Mount ll.'i; A.M. lloklnUwoitt. I.HI I'. M. " Uuiuu lH)Mit ftjol'. N. 'fc ...... 1S n i , KXriUCSS TRAIN. H ... . . IsatW ViiIM tat,4liUlf ,- M. . . A kHOI P. M. Arrive at UoblKlMtra at 3.m A. M. Krky MountaC.i .; :... ..i.tJ A. M. " WttlniMj...;....i...... JA. M. Uava Wfck,lnlly,a l.lo P. M. Arrlre aiUucky Mount at Mh P. M. " lolUttroat...... ,,.W.WP. M. " Ihkhi tif(ai... .. I.MA.M. Mail Trala Make cln ronnertlim at WuU lon lf all pol)NrN via Kay Uif awl A luia Crock Kxitca. ti " I MrW Traii tetnett only Uh ArnnlW :rwk ruiilu. liillnAia sIm M( ! intf mm iUiH TraJw. . . Krislfkt Traiiui will leare Wilmington trU WM-kly akA.M.at4arrlaH.W l'.kL. ,, Kiirfw Krolglit TraiiM will luatreilallr (Sun lUy trofUiil) at P. M. ami arrlr at II A. M. '.VVrHlt.F.MTIME. I 1 ' -' Ucnoral fl tint June t 210-tf. llUTKIU'qUI) RAILROAD CO. (Mrrioa Chikf Kuiei ad Qu'i Bur t, ) Wtlmliigto", K'. 6., AprUtoUi, Wl . ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. I'ntlf r4-tnrV4li Vir4iM dnUfcla tUm illruHairollow r TKMHnirer Trttlna. ti WllmlnirUin (Uilr) tU,., 710 A. M. Arrlva at AbbottKbarg..... ,V)M A. M. " tiumlierton 11:21 A. M. ' , lAnirnbari-. M3 P. M. 5 ,l"vllli.......,...... 4:1P.M. Iavt WHVBUi.t....,..i.l..j.,. 0:SA.,M, Arrlv at Kockin(bam T:(J7 A.M. " Uurlnburg. R:4HA. M. " . ibrtu ll;irj A.M. AblMHUtMgrt..,...i UWl'.H. WlUilnaWn 3 JO P.M. vr Or) arid arVr May lt. allrrWlt(littraliia will loavtf'Wflmhiifton at t;lU. arrltltig U Wil niminnn at :w jr. m. ' liMiil4insrwa timber tralni m Mqnirtd for tliemrwin knubifm. NUTHA1NON H17KDATS. - r Trl-weckly RTAOES batwean UloMillo imI Cbarlotte on TiwMtaya, Tbnrnlaya anil St brilya,fiilTtiiriitnf an -th alloraafo (lavs. r TllUOUOO) TICKETS to ObarlpiU (inly 10, SUsUtf only CO nillc. JtoadS good 111 Summer, ; , t- L 8. I FflEKONT. " ' CnlajEngtuecr and Uuicrliiti!iiucnL Papon ooyy;, , , . , J j; ALTIMORX AJTD "WILM1N0TQA STlAMSllir LIXl. 1 jOMrKD 6 ftlB rtlAT OtAW PTKAMflUtri CfiriBw...,.Upt. GUJUU3. I Xapt. PkiCK. ISOM V A Kv . . . . . . .. . . . . . Okpt. EVAN. Wilt BoVo'itrUir aail from Bitltimora Aiiit Wll million KVttY VE DAVS. r , ' , im STEAMSHIP IiOUyAll f will Mil rrnm wharf, fno of Chentnnt (treat. THUKSIIAY MUKNINU,.lainiHry 11th. , Pur frelgUtdngageinont apply to , i ..! .. ..m It. UAZAUX. JaulO .MM-n.,;: . lt;-';.., T ORUlLABU'B flTKAMSIUP LINK )K -U :w TfouK.,, ' : .,: , , , BAIUVO Tl rXlATH AE PRIDATN . rBojf rr touk, ash wkuni. WATM AM HATllRDATtl KKOH IN.'fUliANCK ONI.Y ONK-FOiritTII Pir i;t. rilUOUUlF CONNECTIONS WITH AM. BAII,R0A1 LEAUINO (HIT tip :" WII.MINOTON. : SP Ma pawwagi ar taken. ; ,: PorfreiKkt apply to VA UV.1 BROTHERS, Agent. " WmiLLl JL aj-wgaaaajyjaaaaj ..... , "IJAKS," nd Pie above eelebrafod brands of AI.K CHn al ways be found at my sturn. A rrei suiiuly by Steamer "Regnlator" to day . ' , , , JAS. I. METPS, , , , , ' ,, BT Market Street WALNUT STANplNG DESKfT " ?' . ., ; ' ...... -.ty Secretaries, Kxtension Coat Racks, f . Ro-wUacki,''Mnlii RUnbi kmt Qnartetto Tables, on hand and for sale low by m l .o; ''JKAMT ft COWAN, '' Mcalors in Knrnitnre and Crockery, Erent St., between Market and Prlnreaoi Wilmington, N. C. Juna n , ..,', , 2M- IXtrK.CR" . RESERVE HUTUAL, life Insurance Compaby i OF NEW YOIUv. TlidlMkiwinj U rp;l nn tlK Nrw Vtrk lik pryUf nt uiitk-r iVm of May Htii : ULSEKTE MLTUL UB IXStU AX(E COMPANY "In UBkn tlHtit w utrviith'.' iiiita urirrniiii Hiiam'iy rumiiiiiM ui iu in . iuiuii.iiUitin nt Vb . "WkttMtr mhI 4mwi lU'iu ft aiuttU ".Uatuttl l'lvlH'Uua Jali':w i'ii tur, m tint tuuiu m Uio "KJ' Mutual." Xlii in tta kuMu.i;ntetiiri tu the utM of wliick no much W- k'iuant.M In tb way oi ocurlty a tfcit ut'l.Ua lnuranrr; arat, in IhL tluxv U no tinaiiolaj ira.lun wliU h pi, !i,-i5 lit l4Ht ufMtt lv 1'H' ' wL-4kl444u4ml uiBvaice. juiiim nay inn' a rontpany t Iu proffwi ivtllMim'tit f but wba it kiui atlaimtl to tliamMut i'roiiitii"l tk t-unlklaW company ' titer h but one opiuton ainofigtikK wnnav opinion n mw Uiyof rr'tt. jum! Uiaf la that it taUif uyu U rk wttli IWl.Nn rem t to 4irrt tua otnuU of r 4 a iu.tiviuU.t... Tktt iu L'''iit auj the public alrn.lv ap. roriatathkitM'tbiBttiialiitkouuall autuuntor Iom4, imtwlthaaiiiliiig unprnulplol a'iitKMt utaar onuuyia liayu UWi Uj tKCsl10 "f ' aion ut U4L'iW)iiifa'trt:k'i'tl. r M rwrt av, aaora lam laktta fttioi(4 lift, ana k4k 4a t pna4l IM li tpur nfHiilm over the Utwutyw 1imm tor lliv aaatMinnthi or the naiit war. ' Tim ana-U taMluf vJMuumr. witk Ui imamUji yjt m y ar aiiHiuiiua u ovt r mjjuujki. J it irvkMM iituulxra at tliupaptr nutio m auilaof nw plan, ol Hie liwuranott ruk''4i by tyr. Willmm P. Htowart, AHuary ol tlie VVkliMfn' ant Wrtkaa' Lilt, wkieU mhibiikJ tlvcxktl an tmtvtaiMbi at U raaotiaa ai at I mi vairlhy ol rurauHMit. T lit' no pl.tim art' lioxt known ail MHtttt MjiuUra.4 the Itiwttrve k-nlant Uiita luaowinrnt P)'".ii'T1l watk kli'tttliv tke raak o( tlib itAMtiaHiw wrtii thtuti. ajitt hi wiiku E a mx al J r .ii.at trf tkuir valhtt, thaf the urinllntui -trtloNa1 tatt' ot the -m m ive Mutual." 'I'll "lOwrvo l'laim," untW tHtrH.ua numcn. are Icinir rajpklla aklUKt t"l tUiU'ratUiM all ttfe Uia4ia t iMitf aiik Alivt, Ut itt at aro nnaro, tin) "rUwrvo Mutual" Ih the only toiuUHay wuii' uin atiy linlr(WtniMW 34 atvuiiiitix UMn,arwWh atun.'. i ljutai t , J)ri. W. U. Si (. (1. TIKikJAS, ' Metlival Kxniiiliicra. liimt 11 QfJVXXGTON, KVKKETP J GF.NEUALt )nnmioii Mcrohnntf, '- JortU WaU-r htruat. Waalakiari.K'.'t.'.'l''' Willkjiva tniiutt w-roiutl atb'ulion tu Hip aale or alvpweiit or Col Hm. Mava Slorfn. or alt kkutl of Pp.lui-. Canh, onlcr potlcltctl atKl VI7 liont. .4 . . The Atlantic House, -. ;f ,b jiiif ritT, ita ci'",", '111 haaticaad far tka reoTtkM a( twtwU au tko ... ... . . . . !-.. .1 C ' . lit It will bn thoroiiKhly ronovatotl ami refltM wlH ai-wK-niiiatt). 1 f 1kl Uoi-4 1 - uiJiruMf "itltiiatc, a.b i a. .! atelk Ovrt t la) tVATtf I ll Inrbor, wl III! vl af t.l-'Jwiiti-l4cV imI tkw uriwn in trout. iTitl'kta rlowH ot-nil-ilitilv nmlr tho build- in tri tlntroby romotlii( cteunlimuui ami ooul- & IiiIm itluM t.J lu.MUil.ll.MM. mm .luuirf un. kmiwn. Thm Ib tin) only llolol ai tlvMiialf aitiftorton thaAtkuitio coaM. 'x, liie liuililinit In no coiiKtrueU'il ai to rentier II poouliarly doniritblo to tluwe ScckiDg Health and Pleasure. Tka Room are ronjruolioni anil anrewibleto HiqiviimHi won m iiijviiiv i... tin viiti wjatlrout, and tlt-lightful ilak walk, tree rrnki mtiitt and dimt, fur tho tiijoyaiciit of pe dCitirlaim. M. ...... I.-....-, .hi. . .1 .... 1. 1 ... . 1. All eommrraa finyrinu anil nawina out the HiifUir will eouie in diruot view. .I Ii ''11!, Bathing Houses, eneatlylittixl out, will be attarliad to the Houwj, wiuto goeiiu can enjoy tue remitiiing aca. batli. i A SPACIOUS DALU-JtOOM . laAttftnliMt ii IliA IfnnaA . II. n. I nf Una. le will he In reatllneat to give tent atul ploamire to iuv iiccung uourit. ! A llar-Koom aatl llilllard XHble t j 111 klufi be fonvenietrt to the ITotet. ttOATS. that MtilinK anil well-manaKed, can be had at tny time tu convey pnmoua to ruck imUiai nif T may titnire ut vim. i oi piiiiTiit.'r, iiaYiiiK uati niucn exncnce hi Hotel keeping, and aiilul lv a coiirtouuaml totnietent awiiiUnt, (lattttit lilmwlf, by (Krtct kttentloii to bunineHt. a:id with arort ot'nlillir. kig aervantii at hia commainl, he will be able to fire xat in! actnon to all who may antroiiliio him. I prombwi to simply HISTAIiLK with every article to ha fciunii at the lint-claw HnU'luot tlie Intertor, liewde oyHterit, mvllnpn, not t crahn, ami every variety of Mi abounding la tke pn liqo waters of tlie Harbor and Ocuan. jn this ruric t the subM-ribcr would rel'ur o all who have patruiilMtu him In years gone by. TEKMS: . . Per Month, - -' $io 00 Week, - 12 00 Day, . - . - i 58 60 Children ten ears of aire, and under kall'urlct;. . ... i( , cifiawiAvvyiu.,, , ,U H i H J.l I:. t, u Pteaiilt, ny v .lslaaM,,i.t JAGEIIIS FOR 1,'ORIH CWQlJfi'A. (1 1'Alt A Vl'EEO f Pr.ttl WUT , I't ltE ) WIy I II fi 144 H tM, WRAIi:. j A )argo lot r, Wk (jounlry hihI NcVj'oik rmtuwf, ivr.iwat.tiT u j.iA'4;.ii!if,.j j l. i ' ' . .1 ..'t I Jl '' . .1 ! ! . . . . . , ,., .t.' ." i- !..!,!. i 4.t JIBROtiSKX (Xk , I JwaaH -i: :.. -u- r. ;, ... ;.it:l-l. . .y. ...in , , .. . . riuT KL.PUR KK.i',, . ,, .Ct- I . i ' Vt !.. (-T ..! Ihic Ii ... The KM)K aPRfttO IIUTM.tsnfW f!tn , 1.1 I . 4..Vt .4, -..4 MS h t. frrM for Rent, j !: - v re parttcatara, apply tt I I t ........... aag.li ' "' . .. 1"VJ ii.t i :.j4 irrna,fE. i ' ' w wa . . t L r y i j it i' o o t , a is i) ' f 4. , ' - , I - i40MiKawca.oni: 1 'iNHiiuNci:; . . ' t. . ... v ... i COMPANY, 1 .u I ,llt-nf ! ASS ETS Hr4 l IN THK UNIT El UtATM ) I . i i Jew - r .. a j tJ i ! eHj I AMERICAN DIEEC3T0RS 1 hOW AMOUNT TO ill MM0,140.(J2. tji. i;iii 1 THOS. ORiEMK, ' UmrraJ Ag-Ttil. dorth sltte prlnrrsa afreet, between Water m'i4 Erwut KirrcU, VrilHtlngtonto .!itmal1 al'plifftrkius far A gene! sheakl b MVtrctwM. .OUX "WILPEK ATKIXSOS'S ' I l.l t lrl- WHminon.pr.O, I .s i .V .1. .!. VKE invW,WVAni 1 OEKS. of Liverpool n1Tlnlon......'.ttil- tal lii.iif.iwk .---V"--. A N l K A k 1 Wi imatl. .. .JL. AimHjt. 1 ,T.nuo A M A '' N of t:iii lnwu. ... wAiw tf, tini.ntiu Vktll'MI'H nf Cliiiliinai AmiftK, a Tist.Htat 41tjN Tl N KNTA I. nl hi Y...Assnt, M.RnrtvHUt NATIONAL at artriw..i..A'tvw niiaw yA.JllUMKol !Ueliiuti.l..,j.Ait.lK, M,flaa j MAP.INE 1NSITRAT('R:h ' MEHUAMTUJf MUTIfAU of Now York. Klltwool Walter, PrvHklviit. aiUU H!t-ir Mil j Y' "?',' 'II'" "1 "' 'i'T-V M riUIIAMH ASI) MKCIIAMCV issuuxcECOMrAT, I-, t Or KtCUMOMlA, VIHUIMA. (npl lal J.i.. ... ....... ft-.MA.Ouw A. . J ! f. : A.ia-l A. V. Ktokkk, I'rcHhlt. I. II. Mimihk, HocCy. JOIIlf WIIJIEBATUINMIN, tianeral Aiteut. North WaUw St.. Wiliuhiitton, . C. aiailH . , l-tf t" vtH-Vte"- j MUTUAL ' LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1- OK NKVV YOItlC. POI.ICIKSIN KOltCK 3.ii"i,il LOSSES PA1I..... lyKl,(M I Spocial J'oatnrc. i I Annual Uivhlends, apt. lied to reduce Trem!- unk or Inrreaae Insurance. All Pulieir Moa-rouraiTABLi after two an nual payment. ami w w. un. i,, rreniuom. EVERETT CLAIM', ' " Vine President. I.DCltJS MnADAM, Hecretitry and Actuary. HENRI C. CLENCH, AwlHtant Socretary. fHAAO HDTZT.KK CO., General Agent of Virginia, Kurtk CaroHna and U.O, , , .U( X'f-wiMMINdTON.jA.' V tfllenn Market Ktrcet, two doers Wort of (ifoen & Klnniier's Droit Store, Willi I Ka. T, V. YVUl), Motlical Evamlner, iofc it . . . - - i .... i.a!y .O'i StudwellErotliers 17 MURRAY STREET, 3XEWYORK, annfacturcrs and Jobbers of 100TS & SHOES, j Soiithcrn iTradc, Dave a cuuiifi'U! atotk in nil 'lines, incliul- iig tiutir jxniuUir' tfttuVt; Hbilf. tUtU Kip 'Um ,S7ifM, mul M'tn'i 'tb. lUil. tCT" Ono.ti jfuftcWrA and rarcftilly lillml at lowest market, iat'. I E. MOtkNE, Nnlmman. ! march It It3i4 y QUARANTINE 'NOTICE- - i i ... . . Ui , .. On ami alter .Inno ltd. IJfiS, tint following Qiiar.'Mitlae JtugulaUoua trjll bw c iilo) i-ctl 1 ; AU yesaele from porix mui) of dio Fear wlilatou lor Inspwcttoa ai Hut guurajtlina b-i- tion. - ii. 'i-i-ii,. .. ! All remnls having slc.knnm on board nu ar rival, or bavin had HickneM on hoiiril ilnrliitt i Mi pawHgn, will stop Irir! tnrpaut km ati.hu Jynafantliio Station. A ' Vesnelit not Inclmled tM Rhhva m.iv nrococd to NViliuiliK'I'iM without detention. riloM and Wtri orVenils wlW ') tako hotitx;. W. O. CURTIS, Utiarant.ine I'bvxlclan. ! A I.EATflEll-iflp'C ATVAY-ralhiiwt tifw. ,: " Enquire o Inne 16 INSl 100 Tl T J ti.i . . .. r . i. i. I-.. , , Cijc g;tili).DiirnaL .... 4.. , ' KRin.lTt JI NE gl, lHTf. South Cnroliim Items. ; Ptxift !iiJ tprKiititctl Caplaiu A. M- ti.A.L, a ni.tr. tmmKfc. tier ror t rutikaton, tttt J. A. Sflmtelt a THai Jttslktt tor K.er shaw, tc J. W. iVlti, rvitromd. , Sit huiidrvti lltoi.AuJ tluILut of fAuiJ tnrtc! bouda rf Uto Uiwt'UHilia wiJ Co luinlna Kiuiruad CtuuiNUir wum auid lu Now Voik tU attctimi, u Ji 11 at prtfttu(;im;tAiui3 to .; t u " Tla tlailiftj nun fiMHHlttp In HiarUvtUm on tlao nlijil -Ai th 17th, to futtbwwa JtnU-a V'iIl tid, wa nut a auctvsst, cIUht as . to SiKitUcrst ir tn iutttiti,r:'wirrrml rttiii- iiMMit iiidivumnrt wmnwv iiftifrM 'f fw wrtlutldiJ ik4 j'trt lu An or)(araiiCw. Tim CLatoattii.V. a)s: i'lm prac iv' ol'dykim; tlw wWtvila fiWrus at an ntty Uour ou SaliuiUj iflt.'riuHi!S ii DOW Uiui tvltul by uuuy i f tlm lcadln Uuuim'1 ikjnjj Kat ly auj tbc oilier Ldjp tu.imij alttX'U. ' . ;i - -. . t'tti I i Tlio Snailr ll'iid Annia aay :. A ejIUnt Mttotit, Ulteri by Mr. T. J. 1 titirotiy, fnm )ils tk Id mi th liilfi, lias bi kift wtih a a. Alao a ibtlk tf mUn about 3U indnwlikth, wall one Idtmtn ahl uuny fijriB, fttrtu Uia guile, of Ml . itaskllia, of .Sunitor. TlMw an by m Mnipatiann, lxiwnwr, er rk)a v4 tlai (.ftieral np, atul tio eolculaUtnu luMlitt U) lIKtllo fill tlu'tn, Y i Tiik NKvkrLATis.-Ai tUa WlllartJ in.uti niuciiu UUl ou MiuJiy couli, tlio f'llovilii tiutu tk-kct was Humiliated : A. J. WilLud, (ossiK'Uto JiisUc.) ol Um Hu prtniio Court,) Govwrnor; ,V. B.' NaA (wtliirvJ n'lUitor i'nuii tUolJaiul,) Uutttvu. aiiKitucriiorJ E. J. Adauu, (CoIoieJ t-niat hot,) amt'tary of SJaUf F. L Ct- tloi'i, ctil'JieJ atwUi-jr lf JSUlo,) tilatrt uuaimcf ; u. i uiuiinauti, (ox-M.ilo audi tor,) romiilrollfpDi'ral; J. X- Jlaym'. (Oiloivil KjirvwiitaLIVH tnun ' lUrttwolt,) aid.mU.L'Ut'rW ; A. M. Waiivu, T( U'jJA'V'f lu lUo Avwjr ln! iluti',) kiiix'itiai'iitlfiit of (iliifHtiou. , At Tuur ol tlnnd jiniiiimTs aro culf.l j(;ii, Ui tproJwtgr$' r tlio tifty liaiv'tiiii'iil Luvfi luit it in k (tt Uatr prom I:il ".'Air atut.'Ai-r" I'Un. CLailfstou ' ' .. .; , , ProroTrlia Nowark (!f . J.) RepKir. ' ' ! ' A' URATE SIISTAKr. ' ' A 4'orpaj4 MInnmI m rnatarnl. i , i t t -t - a j. ,ih- . i ' I ViwlariUty tlin tr lagc ioaila of mouiTj ifiH Iriunda wrnl, U Uw Matkot Street, Uqiot with Wtau to rocdva , Uui trinly of William Ylilltwlvi difA lu New York niul was to Iw liurli'il lu Woodland Cwinntenr. ';T!ity' ttnritilrcd fifths ba'r inalif Irljf! liadn'feiredacofmilroni Nuvr Yurie, ami jm ropfiil tlmt tlirt'W; 'and pointed to one which had bix ii pUcd tn tlMt'j tiaa-rrxtm awaiting a claimant. Mr; Diuilmni, the trndfrtaknr,1 at mi lifldd tlie collin, wliloh waa iiiekkaad in a burial c, and WilU tli aaaijtaiicw 6 bia Iriyor, plucnd it in tin) laarat. - Tlia fiuna. al train limn prtMerilad alowly anil tlocor oiiily to tho cemetery, where, it waa a er tainttd Ui'ik 11m gravu had not luu du. Whilo Ujo gravanligT waa at wotk Uu WIUI LiHMHrliL ri!Vain.iiLlv Ixi Dm t'r.ivm side, and tlio cirelo of itiournera stood tOltnd Willi Llieir liuiiila lniwi.il wdlU Out tuiiitauv. of the Gosir rorttfd tin burial aer u:, iio ieciingiy alluded lo tlio lowd on wltoao iKMly lay Stlir and cold in the U) l)cslilt) titi-iii. " n pjctollcd his vlrturs ana icnucny Btnooinril nTtrr ma ratilU.-" Tito weeping relatitwa wiped thoir ryra, and foil that l) ley would gladly change placitt with Uio dead to be tuourued. At last tlia utomeut arrived when Urn liox must be ratevd truitt Um srouuU and luwurtul lnLu tli cold, dark toi"bA ll wa moment u : UBIIU auSJIOUSC. lilt) CXiMfriflllCUll liiUul of thai urnvA.ili T'rir.. Imtvuvitr f.U Uikt the bx was unusually light fur so large a twdy, aw) asKct wan It a child Xuey wetw larrjuig. Uji uo,t they ultifbu waa a full-grown man."- "Thcro certainly Is : aomeihlug wranji, tlieo,'1. be repllrd, "tjiia colliu U too light; tW'W ii noUiiug lu it.?' lmmiujiately tin gorrowing circle closed around the grave, aud it w iu tluultUid to a the box at all haarda. Thr tcaTS were- rtrtert tn pyrs that now alinnat ipp4i tuit bf UiflA owneta heaiU in the anxiety to ee what this awful mys tery meant. Tlio Ihl ws raistal, and lie hold the box WAl emirtyt tot it titomeut not a word was said, each man hxiked at IiIh -iitlphbor witli blaudied cbtwks aud 'Ittiverniglipa, bul when im otUiinpted to spisakuiatanff.ua clovalo llw rof of Li nioutli. At last ouo with uiorc jiniclical couiuioo amis) Ihati tho mat stooped dowM and examined the lid, to which waa at tached a suui.il eard. "Why,": exclaimed hfi, "thin box ia not aiUlresvd to Mr. Dun ham ; H is nuirkotlr. W. t W. Viee laud.' " Here, they, , was tbo solution of tbe mystery. They had taken' Iho wrong box. .At this, not even tut solemnity 6f the occasion nor Iho jiresoiico of aii iiu grave could prevent tho hurst of merriment that fullovvuU tliii discovery, aud thu entire grottii pastor, grave-digger and mourners joined In a hearty lafigli over the mlslnkfl. The colliu they had taken from the dejiot was for Cctowt Vn-ei 'land's fslahlih. Mi' lit, (a large portion of his stock being manufactured in New Y'oik knd vent out to him. . - .. Im - ' FolUlt'itl Kt4iilw of Juno, This ill Le mm of the busiest wtfek of the season in political rrtovettients. Yes terday the dcttriK'iftls f)f Maine niul tbtt rC puhheans of Aikau3as Leld blate cfinrtfi lions, ami lo-tlay theiO Will he live drmo fratic StiiW "nvn'vAithrtia, nattiply ? Mary laud, nt iMiltiiuoit); Ahtlauuaj at MihiIoiu fty; Aikansas, at .J.itllo itock; Ctliforuia, ht hau Francisco, and Minnesota, at St. Vaiil. The coloiwl rrpuhlie.ana of Mary--land will also hull a tlUUo CoiiTtsitum at llahlmoro tir-day, wltott they am expected to plt;dge theniHtlves to Go u., Ci.uit, and another reptthncan ctivotition will bt held ill liouiaiiiuit, this tinw at l;Uou,Uouge,' away fromi tho liidtwno of the' enstont hotise,' Xo-mrrfivrw thoro will . tm 'drnuv cratie osireiitions of Keuiucky, nl' Fnuii I'ort; Nebraska, al, J.iriolii. Othor demo cratie conventions will lie held tht mould, as follows ;'Jutu! 2'i, Georgia, at Allmta; Illinois, at Spri'iiliclil; Mississippi, at Jauk. noft Nr-w Jif. at TrenUwi'JrHiR tl, Ohio, at Cltvelail; Virginia, at Kldiinoud. i M..I iii-ii a i,i it i m n,, . vj" jit; SiimlrynTtoor wunwri tn Jit ton have foirscd a .iondlng and 'jrf,alrirt! socMy, and a ill, sow on bnlavMislari ktocklugs, ami tlootlHr kimlly set rice for improvidiid haclielors, at half ttm nsual rates, and lie very particular hot to text or ditrfiy their A Wveh wf rrayer. , T !.r i;ULrw of tlwa Methodut xseiiwi t'lm:r U Nadl bate rrrunitiKintiatl UuU Urn week from U 1 lib to tlie lnh i4 Augurf ba t hmrved aa a week U bwliti; and prajia , "tliat tint Lont would send uuto Ubojtra in Ilia vineyard, tir li 4 bbjeiu urm imr instituUoua v( lieomiug, and Uto euvraivu of Um )otuig, aud the uiovase of 11 kuiJJUt auxiiij; uieu." Ua. Jabual Earlj OUirw ftoaklug. iieti, JiUii A. Kaily Luu wiattiu a letter dedmuu the ut) of hu iiania tor Oourcsi la Hie Lyuchbur Yir.uiU, disUkt. lie ays i "If ever there was t time when there waa truth iu tho words of tlie poet wiio lias said the put vr honor is a private station,' that into Is now. and It is none tl less to bocatise of Uio truts attending that station iu our Impoverished land, whllo office, ptdajry under tho United States, Is goner ally tttended with largn emolunwitta. Tlif great bane of our country al Hits tlmd Uio wild hatit after office, and 1 shall eer tai uly not add lo that vli by my personal cxauJple, - ) I " I ho llwtOMt wf IUimmI." . A toiy conu s from JTranou alxmt lta. zvtluit has painful Interest. It will U reealjod that LlatUne niarrwd Uio niece of i'tnltlusa, eJix'totl Prosideut of Mexico lu ivifii Mil)tj la Ptiui. Tho Emperor lLuituiliaii wished to mailt the Wide a presdnt, so Ihi plaiitl lit tho bridal basket a derjtl'foriispleudid ItlMexki), which was tbm uard for ton r'n uclt Imlittasy. Max inillau Udd U.titalno if ho lea Mexico atui IwanU'd to gi t yid of Ui house, bo aUunld bo aJUiwed 1iaU)0(j ftanes, or H10HKX) for It. Tho Marshal Ua the an(iy, hut, It Is said, tvfrned to take this tnotiry, altlMiugli It was tendered him. Suhnnetitly liv r, who betrayed Maxi milian to 1'ohi llciiion, fur Juarea, received this hotist) as the prlco of his treachery. No wonder that Urn Mexloona naw tall this building " Um house of blootl,' I "i -, 1'wbllt Untlia. It in conceded by all swiHlical aulhot Ules that 1 he Imdy cannot remain in healthy cniidiiioit If tho Jim ot Uui skin are eld with ilht Tho skin has lis function as Wi ll as"lho lungs or' tho liver, and it Is fcardly less liniiorlant, A mtHTtiitlon of this fact led otir rlty pivenimitit tn estub- nn in 'in a ayslom or rreo ntbllc baths. Of course. Il Is Imiwistilile to slate In (linini the exact vnluo the free baths have beet tn the Miy, viewing tho tame from a unitary pHiid ol view ; but can ltd olworvaUou has slKitn that many disonsos, espetially those of a zynioUu naliuti, havtj boon much less conuuon hi tho Summer slutu tlio baUia writ txuUulifd. Theit Uuielita have tiii duubleiUy t'xteuded to a class of MotJe whd Would olhei vt Ise lave had no bathing facilities and J ch whoso hahlts oflirnand sutdoundlugs rendered the need of baths more Imperative than with the wealthier elastn s. The. baths have been eeoiMiiulrah ly managed, and their ailvnnlas are so apparent tlmt there Is no expenditure more cheerfully com-edod by tas-payera than that nude for their support. They will agtilii e opened In alKitit one week, under miifh !thn same regithtllons last year. Jiomt-f;MfW.' ' "i Ih (iiiadenlutton, Tuaearnwas county, Ohio, upon tue aitn of ouu of Uw oldtisl Moravian ehurchiw In Ui 1m comity, a monu ment of ludiaiu mat bio- has recently beeu erected, trty fuel, in Jiiihiht, aud, lie a; Jug this) iusaiptioii ;. ,'. . - Horn ' ; 1 rluiimlied in Death I -:i I I.. NliM'ty , Christian Indians, Hers oil June Cth of the present month the simple Moravian poople gathered to- aisuu-r io miy ueuicnto litis memorial to thosn who ninety years ago died for their faith. It Is touching story, that of these Indian marly ts, to do honor to wltotn, on that day, eight thousand persons as sembled around tlifs mafhlfl shaft. In Wi them Moravian ttdssloiui, at what is now OnadetiluiUm, wore situated midway be tween the ItriUtli at putroit and tlia Americans at Foi l Pitt. I loth aides dis trusted them. Tho r.rilUh aud lire Ii IS.-uidusky allios believed that tho Mora Visus gave tho Americans, at Fort Pitt, in formation of their intended cxjx'ditioiis, by waich thclrtilans wero fnistrated, While the latter believed that the Moravians har bis;ed and sustained the tiantltuky lit disns, and bartered with them Utr Umir 111 g'Aleu eptala.1 In the winter of lltKi the Ilrilkhtook Umsk! Moravian Indian eou Turtsand their missiouariae and impris oned tlHtm at Detroit uutd Uia bpilng, while Williatusou, lira Aiucnesu coouuau dor, look Uio rtjuitiaut, who McaNxl the iiHtuh, aud coiiiiued them in Fw t PilU In : Urn siiriug the war ou the froutier cloauth Lawless charactets, nurtured lu the camps of tho opioing armies, were let loose upou the commuuity. Their depre daltons were charged upon thu Moravians. Tho public became tcrrlhly excited. A second expedition, under Colonel William son, was organised, aud marched against tbe Moravian towns. The force was Irre sistable to tlntw i(iacuful,and unarmed peo ple. The towns wero caHiired, and here ia tho old Moraviuu Church, on the 7Ui of Narcn, 17"", tne captured men, women and children wcrd placed, and from there, on the mnmlng fif tho Nth, after full de bate, they were led twenty-eight men, twenty-nine women and thirty-throe children tint into thn cool, fresh air, and, in cold blood, massacred. Wo ijitoUi as follows irom tlu tavanniih Advertiser: ; , : Some mouths ago, it will txt icincuibcr ed, we noticed thu arrival al this jxiit from Massachusetls of a nuiiilier of persons who proiMeted to form a religious sellletiHUit In the vicinity of Augusta. Tlwy aiiean'd to be an industrious and well -tun In looking Lhul of jioojile, and we felt they were niil (ilng after strange gtxls. Among tlie num ber was a lady, wlto said she Intended to keeplier jilami When every oilier aitickt of fiiniiliiro was gone, and llmtslHiwoti Id on ly dispiBe if that wIk'H It was neecssoryto raisii money to return north. Yesterday the lady, accompanied by hci hiisliand, two tlaiigliters and two small children -took passage on tho Seminoto for Jfo.slon, and the money raised by tlw sale of tho jiiaho utitl tho Massage of tho p.uty to their form er home, lo which they will return as beg gars. Another Cauaanile named Hall, who came down hero and seiit all his money lu tho scheme to havo himself chosen lead er, went as a deck h.tnd on tho steamer, though hu ttui.6 Scttlh as a cabin pass ongcr noi, king ago. He uould not bo made Ootl of tlto tribe, so lio got diagustod and iorsuok uiein. A man namwU Curry still presides over the destinies at Ukj remnant of tlio tribe away up In IJeoiglit, but we tmder stand ho will have to play God all alone to himself slua Uy, for Uio tribo Is scattering to tho four winds of heaven with commen & tblo alacrity. . . M IIOOL IOTKCM. OXFOBD 111 SCHOOL xrwavo, x. cl. 4. hi. Iloussa and K, U. UaAva, rrmcipals. Thu IrU k-rwaf tk liidMwe. year vf ?I and 'Cl will bek'la the 4th Moiflav In July, ttreular. etungrtartk tha arvWal emtrwwol atBiiy and utter rteuuu, sans ow afpiaar Uua. June . fiHawSwrb Clinton Malo Aradcmy, A CLASSICAL. MATHEMATICAL AHO ' tCIENTirtO icnotH. ' The tat aaaatea wilt agln Jiy rat, aatl eawtiaiM twaniy wweka, Tuaion ais ut a. aneordlng la ntudlea : Hu4id. S.X par Mommiu , Botwl fur Circular. i ' ORADTvt afct.ROIX Jll ait4Hl-ilWt.-4.llltcJ waiuenton" , V JUIi WAJUUCNTPN.N.C. The Kail ScaMoti w 111 begin on the 3 1st July. Thlt InatRatioa afrurtl saperwr mltanUg lor lias ac'iaisitiun ut a Uturuagn an4 aot-wiu-eilahed etluratkm, CArifiw per .VesWoa ofU H't1s : Hoard, (eirlaatve of wasklag ami Ibjlila STS as TullMiula Ht'iular Course,,... ta an , &lie Mluthtw, Mtmleraie, i k . y. r,"",""Tr"' , . . T. at. rmanenr. June IS ftartu j MKBANKyiLLB, N. C. ' , The Pall li'sskm of mi Spent Aagm 3d. . The eeiira f Instruction Is elaaslcal. (IncliMl- ln Modern Lawguagva,) Malkon.alU'nl ami iuaiinerciai. i im iHt.niiuttiiiii in military. rur eircaiurs, aoiirvas Cut. WM. l NO II AM. SIS laieu juita LAMP OIL! This OIL Is destined tu giijierie Kro boimi aud all oilier Jiu ruing f laids. IT LS WARRANTED NON-KXH.OMIVK Eia saint y la burning, ami brilliancy of hgh, It caintut kusarpaswd fcy any tNl a Ha ruing Elukl wis In um. Jl burns wilhootiiiik, and gtvtw a soft ami pleasing light, asxlkteidy liuaUad hi brtlllaaey by gas light- ; , 1 It Is mm Ii cheaper Utau tlas. It la tMrteritly atMa-eSBkadtu 'Winter any and all etreuaisUuicea, t lteoiiiHiii.no ilrease or ether anpb-esant snliSlancu. and ta, oiiSdtwtly, rbwn Uliniul. k. ami leaves no sjiots uu clothing or ear-ia. lis Rsmmi eaa k laereused tu sanen larger also, without smoke, thaii any ethct H. It burnt well In any lamii. - - ' - ' i- HiHM.aetarlaot the eyas Of langa as Uuf oli now In use are known to do. Per lighting iietala. Mtura-fcBuws, tlwalllnsu, t ttlleaa, and other HuildlHga, mi till eau ba eoiu. oared with Tlie Mornlwa Ntar Ij.ikdI. It Is pneulMtrly adauted tu the um M Miaoig anii niutmng. llhasstnHlahanlr4Hl tvwOi, autanaaf wbk l eau be tried, with Impunity, au uther oils. II maknt tlie pufost, wbltaat, ami best artk llelal kbiht la tha anuliL : i , If la ilia best light know a for weak and In flamed eves. - i ..... , J I Vi utiilar patant aad nau only ba sold by tho Proprietor, or his iluly autkortsatl Agents. Haar wkatktsaldef ItlNlkawOMUil The aatuea eppemleil lathe teatimuiiials given beleware not iatagtuar eharattara, kuttlia atgaaluraa is men ot Ulth oliaraeiiir ami of great Hiuuenee in ineir rie, rjva circles, to wnom yua are at liberty ta addraaa. 1 nt., CiiaaLoT-rs Onsaavaa, N. C-, iaa. 31, IH73. Morning lur Oil. Tka Invents T tkls vd may wall aaelalia 'EUREKA." fur ve bava sueti nothing to .urpaiw It. It la 'Sxn-tiftnttv, ciautliisaegrtiaaaaadllvaa a brilliant light, IMit suriiaiwea by gas. . We ha.a UfMed It and 11 proves In ba Just wliat It at rcareaaiiUd ta aw. Try It and be eonvlneod. Uks Scott, Mom, Mav VOth, tT. ' We have carefully tested W. I.. Tatar's Morn ing Star OU In various ways, bulling aud Ignit ing In a vnaani and then eatlngiilsbliig byes, eluding the air, boding It iMuuitiMive, Tka llgtit Islirllllant, sort and gratelut to the ey. Wa WiU use It lo proluronoa q any other tab , j , . I. ttll.MT, W, l. !' ' ' '' ..Pl.aK.I.. 4. U. MrMII.I.AN, Agent lur the i ltyof Wilmington and i-onnl y tr New Its hover. - The Mernlug Wiar OH I for aww at Was. Hit ton's store, oa oath front atreot. JunaU lUI-tf 1 FOR KATTC. Vte are dally aldlng to oar large stuck of wholesale Urocerlcs and kave tn atoro and to arrive, - - - r. elouu, . cyR', , ,, HAT, MEAL, NAILS, PORK, i COFFEE,' OACON, STEOfri OiMOIKS, Ac. CANNKI) (10W)S at aU daacrUiimu, which Tanner at mw uguriak . ... . V" Country orilors given stieclal attention. . - CiSf UiiU, CROVT A CO., i - . Suuth Water StraeL Junel y.r .i.j. .,'.... .. , i i . . i i,..i,. q ij it tx BURION IRON WOnES. Maniifkctumrs ef Pnmplng Engines lor Wattr Works, Hiliand litiw Pressure Engines, Porta ble Knglnosamt Ibrilorsofall kbHU,HugarlMUIs, rnvvv, lawr, .mm auu 417ura.11 iuw.. fwr cmiiury ia vniH.rni, J ItMlftARn A WllfTTAKKK, IOS Erwnt atruet, Uruuklvn, h. V na-iTob " apm Racon, laird, II UTTIjJK, CII12KSI2, Ac. f Dry HallAl and Smnknl Western bhoulders ami nsies in nuns, aua ikhi-s. i Hugitr Curd Hams and nreakfast ntrt s, , nitrin imninm iiirrwtwi, i tity Mera Pork ; kluaia Piab ; ; Pare Jierd In 'J'uirnra and 'i'ubsj 1 t'liohe Table Holler, -j flcst Kscbwy Cheese, " ". IS IflTH TO SUIT.' Eur sale by ADRIAN VOLLKflS. may tt Orccn & Flamicr, : ' . --! f ! : i:.rRu Whoiesiiia " And Itouit "inetiiists. - " TitAtKBS t -- '.' Hi '!i-.. : Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, . . tUnU'H, Kield and Elower Soed, Kerosene, Itrnxhes, Iyot, - 1 1 ' MMmge. ToUiH Articles, Ac., Aft . tf Market Street. Wilminglon, N. C jnne 13 ., ; We have on hand a very largo stock, and da- airing to reduce the same; w are onoring nn- eorpaawylbnJneementstuaasnbayers. Now Is m llMOllnllSTmt theortortaBltyasiere bar galas ai , ' !.-A. SMITH A GO'S, ' 1 North Front Ktreet. ariel'r i ( ., , .... , 21 KT.ZICXL. RaUinioroLcci:; ;! I ' J idb. joxirr.Tcr, . PhytKiaaefUiieeelebrated Ir .! . . , arl, Whea lathe Ura Jrtuxuu-e mim- U....I.M.I V.......,- f - . . Bill, .im w 1 rTts, t, WMftiU mk . t 1 1 re , ALL(KICS3E on AKTJSLS C7 7ZZ j - - . axsTriTj Wetkaestaf Uio Racke I.Hat.a, gtrtcturw. alecUuaef Ute Kklaavsa tutkltf, lav,,,,' tary pukargii, laaootoncy, i,.BWl r-. v NwvusiM)as,lijstvpa,Lai,faar,Uwr . , tVmltoaaf Ide4u, l'alMtauva af Uta .-, l iandity, Trembling, ihhim. af g,.u M CixlUUma, tHsuaaa af Ha Head, Tkruao., K at akin, A Suctions of Ue iJver, Unrt, t ack ut ItowehwtJMM terrible IHsutumu a, , t rrota Solitary liabiu ef Vuuia-aauaa-r , tlikary (ra. Uc. wo) raUt ta Utet t,-i.t than tlie sung of tka Sytaaatulhe kiartoer. Ulywaw, fcllgliUng their atuut ftrilUant anticlpatWua, reiidartiig asarrlam. A., tmmw sthle-dostreying buU Budy and klind. ' I YOUNO MO Ewtlally. who kave bomma Ue Ttntlme et awlitsry Ykw, Uiat dreatliul awl duBtrueUve habit wldan antwiaMy awvai k aa awiisi grat a DuiusamU or young an S of to auoss at. ailed talents aud brilliani hsuilleet, wb ai(kl athsraua kava entiawtwel ttsttnmf iseaatra with the Ihumlora of aiwiuattca, r w.m 7rUiaiiiar1yr,ayu iu tva. dsaee. . i . .. , 4 .... I UAmiGZ.- MuTrleil pcraona, ar Tuang Xt erntteatplat. In g Mat r I aire, a war uf pkrsical Woaknest law af Pruereatlvw Pvwwe (Iwt4eney), Net. '' ' vutuEielUbtltty. Palwtatiaa, Urgaaaa Weak. wMs.Xsrvtms liubllity.ar aay auwr I'laneel. gualirt,sMwlily rollHiNML , ) He who nlaora k moult amlef tke ear a ' r ' A My ealisuMBly eanada ta kUkuasar a a tea. -, ue mail, aaueuawiaiiuy raiy aova kia aaou as physauui. ! OIUUXI0 WKAtNlaS ' . ' ' Itamwllatl'ly esrwtt and Mil .Vigor kuaUwed. This OUaressIng Alleetlua whli hrewlers lU'g wikwrahM aud luarrtag UaMaMkla-w Um aw. ally kakl by thu vlolojia af latinipr gem ta. luting iieraoiM are too apt tu aommit usnrtiwa hum nut behig aware at taw etrmdtttf eoaa,ueiiiws that may eiuHte, Now, wballiat umlntrtHiwIs this suliret W1H MtektrnJ tu tt.nt v that I he iwwer of proeraataw la ha eumtur by tWowi lulling Into iiupn'.ir hahlu than by the ' pu.lrlT lltwkietbulngdeiu-lrwlaf tbapiaas. 'ire ! healthy ult.pring, thu Must tcrume aitd tkiatnjiciivas)mil4iMsof both bly antt am '4. . at u The y4 i banaauea dwaagtal, tka ' Pkjwcal ami Mental Kuncllonswuakene.1. Im4 of Prut'teativ Power, Nervona Irrttaiolity. " HvsuetMla, Palpitation of the Heart, ludigtw. tia,(!mitltiilloiial Jieblllty antl Waattag uf ths rraaui, Caagh, CoiwaMiptMi, liwaay and fNMSh. A ('UBS SPKKDII.Y WAURANTZD. 1 . Pit ui ml mil In health by anlcarned pra. U'n.S'isahii keep tlxou trlrlirg aiwath aluif auutlh, taking )e)lsnntiua and Injurteue ruts. '" Jyuaaibi, ihuulil apply iMinodiately, '' , . I im.'JouNSTOX, ' . meialierot the Royal Collceeof kurireows. Ia. .' thra4 tlimluateut one of the nxwt smliienl t'.4 tga In the I li I Oil mates, ami Hit htwt partuf , ahai lilt has buen Swnt In Uia hoep'o'" ut ' Lunlliin, Paris, Phllatlelphla and ebwwhera, has ili i-Uil mime ut thu muni astoiilsblng enn-s ' tbakwera ever knowat aiaay UoubluJ with ',' rtugfng In the head and tars when asleep, gTt net iiiiih ., being alai moil at sinbiea mihihIii. . bitkl1iliiu, wtlh frequent blushing, atteh4j ' siimetimi'a with tltirangaiuaiit of saitMt, wat ui t'l luoio'illHlDly. j i . i iTAKIC 1'AUTlCUI.A.t XOTJClt.' It. J. aililrouws all tluiue w he bava tnjurta thteiselwsbv laiproper Imlulgenea ami soli- ' taty bahlla, which rain boUi bwly ami atlmt, , , uuibtlng tlicia forullher buslnua, stutly. f ateiy or Mtrriatru, : - . -. . ' i TbesaaraanniM of the tad sad atelaiichely effects prtsliteud by Uia early hahlta uf youia, tilt Weaknesaul lb Hack ami iambs, Pame lu the Head, llimiiene uf Hhiht, Jwa of tliir aelsr Power, Palidtatkm ef the Heart, liya. iwiala. Nervous Irrltaldllty, iierangefwttnt uf the) Hlgestlve Eanctinns, (leneral I" lnlily, tfydipttimi or ('4mnmtitton, Ae. - MKNI'AI.LV'ika Suarrui aftVeaa aw the Mtl ars much to he dreatled. Loss af Mi or yi amnuaoa af aiuas, iteiwaanloa af pirns, i ! EVR ruteUslluga, Aversiua ta Hockjty, !( l4nft, trt of HOilHiiWi, Tlihlity, .., aoia IM tie) evlla produced. . .. , TIkiusihI. of jieraiut of all ages eaa sow Iwkra wtiat Is Uia, canst af tkair dUwownf . ealth, baSng their vUror, burmalng -, pal, nervous ani emaciated, havrag a aiagmar ' apSearaaee alMMit Uta eyaa. eenah aad nata. louj ol Uvn.umiitlou. , yoifxo M1N i have Injured di.mselvta by by seartain prac- ,4MSIgild la WIUM tkMS. - i. wnw. Hwa a msb irwua.iiv tt rreauaur. ty luariisdlritaaetiloiMBuaukHia ar at M-koul. tb oSuclt of which era nightly (sit. evaa wkea asleep, and If met eared remlert aiarrlMge Im. pualbla i aud oeattoye at atitiilil apply laumetllaLaly. aad bauy, What a idly that a wum man. the bnna of lildiviuntry, tlie pride of his pareuts, slum I be ' iitu hetl Ituw all pnMina aud enjwy mmit mi lilt by Uia eonseqnenoe of devlaUng rM the path of nature, aud indulging fat a certain sw r-rat habit. Sueb lemons must, before couteuw pitting .. .!., ,, ti., MAlUiUUB, reletitUiata sound mind atul body are the meet nesasaary reuuisitea to promote connubial baiipimsai. tiidood, wtthoat tha tlia Journey through lift buvtimnt a weary pllfrlnj, Uia iirusfwot luuiriy darkeaa to tlie vhiw. the Mlmi benumst tliaiuiwed wltb deeiwlr, and liked wiik . the melancholy reflection that the kapiuess ef aiatlMir it bligktad wUA ear ewe, , . j . . A CKUTA1N DJSSASS. ,. ' When the misguided and Imaradent volar ef pleasure Smle that he bat Imbibed the eeeile of this pal ut u I disease. It toe often eapnsne thai aa Ill-timed tenet of tbama or dread ot diaeov. ery deli rshln rront applying tu tfceae who, from wluoaUua and reeiectablllty, eaa a hint bttrlend him.' Hu falls Into the hands of Igtmr. aat and assigning prttondera, who, Incapable of curing, gleb bis ieciinlary substanoa, keeu hba trlSiiigwwJiith attar axitilk, r aa iutiga. tut amallui lee can be obtained, and la d'i r leavt hlia with ruined health to eigh aver kit " galling dtaaepointBtetiti er, ky tat ut af time iltatlly iuhion, Mercury, cause the ewnetiiw tlenaltyeiptuuiauf Uia horrid dletaae ta aik lllnlr tppearauoa,su;k aa alueratedaoro tltruat. . dkieasul nose, nocturnal pains la tlie bead and liibs,dlnuwas of alsht, doalMai, mutea att the slpn bonus and arms, bkih-beeon the head, la atd attrvMilltos,' pmgrusMug wltn frlKiitiut rspkllly, Ull at last the palate of the h tu the bohesof the noso fall In, and tho vi.-iunnf tk la awful, dtsnaen beeoniea , a aarrtd od Jmit af eeiiiuueerallon till death piibi a period to hie iliesiMul snfltiriMg, by seieilni him W that lie llseoveriKl noaniry "I ruin whose bourne M traveller aver returns w ' . iTamchttheraloru, lr. Johnston of 'ea ths most certain aiuvtly, ploaeaut and atlaotuat remedy in Hie Wurld. . OFFICi, 7 WtOTIf FUFTllIilCS ET1 JJAiXIMOBJS, MO ' tfl hand si.iu noma ir.u biuumore street. few iksws from tlia. ooraer. Vail not to ebeeria name and nnmlicr. No htm. rxicrlved wnleat pnsrpak and attaining t etaaipto ba nerd oa the rcdy. per. sim writing sloHihl staUt aire, ami n-ixl a jMirlMio of advartbuau-at d.nerllib.g avmptuma. i Th Ihrtor'a Dll'l.a MA haugs lu but office. RNDOCSKMENT OF TIIK PIllS. I The m uiy tmitmamle enred atUiieeutablbh. Stent within the last twenty years, ami thu en- . Biertuslnisirtantsnrghtitloiiera4lons 'rforn I by law iliiliastna, wltntweod by the Ketueeenia. tlvesulthe Preaaaml nmny oUiers, mo i.e. ef 4hish have apiS ared again and again belere the firtdie, M Htil.-H bisslnmling as a m.b of kmior and r,-.,HnUrn(ty, Is a tuflKli'ut gimranlt . the antlcied. f ..- i " i ' . i SKJN DISEASES Sl'EEDn.T CT" StarebSI ' " " ' " .! -, "l' LUH l,INR TO v MVKKl'OOI- W hsvtt 1uiin annnlntitd'C,. A gents at this pert foe tlta W,hnui.i f,u n if this Line, now running fortinhlly beiwi-cn Norfolk and lverwol. We can will iir-pm t'SSTxwirer Tlcte's r"n flrnat llrlhiin and tho (kmtiiieiit to n mut ton M lowtr rates than by anr nKit I BP HUNT A II I. may I " :n,n l"iA.SKl tl) r-tiriT v. 1 .' ? f ': - I B2fl Hh'ts. and Hbla. Cnba sadSn-" I' ' Molafsed, ' r l?Sto Spirit Cn-Mcs. 1 ..... f it sale by jljt.eW:" ' t - r. w. h gai Breula. 1 , , . - I ' . ,.'! . .1 . , 1 atiH'-.' !- f I f

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