'l f I, t I A t . 1 v.utual" in"!r;,,n h. riT'rT:T7jj ... (. ... ; i tit tUe Jonrn&l. - ( $ 1 SO . 2 SO . W . 6 tw . 10 w v . $ W -'k.'j Jtcrtial .MW y. 14 oo l).!y Jjumal $17 00 30 00 .. 60 00 M UJUSUTOS. K. C. SA1TKDAT. 2lMu 22, 1872. FOU GOVERNOR: AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON. . Vf TCNCOMBK. B SOXIONX IIUOnEfl. .. ... , . . tfCnvets. WII.IJAMM.MinT, t r Misitfuiturs. ' r Sivrittry if Stntt ; JOHN A. WOMACK, ' , 4 K Chatham. .. i siatt Tnammr: , '.' ; JOHN W. GRAHAM, Of Oranrr. ;-t .,. s Vr Auditor : " . rjM.riT LKVENTUORrr, i I or prri ntivifodnf l'uhlit JnMrucfim . . ' NKUWS MKNUKNUAIJ ; 4 "' , ' ofGunr.ou , s . joskvh II. sefark, V ' Of Wake. - Fon congress. AltVcdMJWaddoll -.vi, OF NEW HANOVER. GOV. VANCE ! ' 1 i s - ('anvaaa r (totrritor Yim t ilw Hon. Z. B. Vanc having Iwn invited .',.to tpcli In various eouiiUot of Um East, ., linding hiiQsoIf prctsml fur time boforo tlie 'iwcniWIng of Oie Ilaltlnioro Convention to ' wlilch Ie It a Delegate, liaa arrangoU Um following WWicauvau for a few coautioa , of Uio East. Friends arc reqnnUHl to liave rV1nt17aiKTS ready to take tlie (iovcrnor nyuTlj from point t point ; s . .' ArrtmwKNT9. ' KayrtWvlll, Cumberland county, Tucs lay, Jum iM. - Louislturg, Franklin county, Thtirsday, jnne rim. . Xashville, Nash connty, Friday, June - acst.n. - - . " - WUsoiiWUson ccnmty, Saturday, June ttaot II111, drccno cminty, Monday, Klnaton, Lenoir county, Tuesday, July ' HKI. .:. 1 Trenton,' Jones county, Woduos3ay, 4Mf srj. ' Klebfauid, Ouslow const y, Thursday, July4tli. Kenansville, Duplin county, Friday, July ftih. : Whitesvllli,Colunbua county, Saturday, Jnly Uth. -' 1 ' Time diecTfully divided with auy Ko rmbllcan speaker. ' Kndleal airlalaUv Ad draw or 1SS. 1 We VgluUiU moitdng thepuUicaUon of Uio InCimout Legislative address Issued Jy liia jtxLtal tuuuibora f Um Legislature lyriM3 tlw auiipaign h 19(18. Tin name 4 ? od il, Cal4c U tlio first on Uie list of aThfem Tbfe'autlioiiurp of tho Address la a ntatUn of dispute, Jtulgs Reado, Senator JTool nu4 fi4 Caldwell Uhi the) principal KiidUief XoV Uia dUgiaeo. It bears tho rar-maiks of each of these men, and wc douU'riot that each had a hand lu lU We shall oonuueut ou 11 hereafter. The dec laration of Mr. 5 McKay, that there will he "no parlor and 110 kitchen," is the legiti mate fruit of the seed sowed by Caldwell, T.eade and Tool In lbCS. Tho address met with such a lorreut of Indignation that lis circulation was soon put an end to; Indeed, it was w ith much difficulty and some expense Uiat we were enabled to procure a copy. Senator Dlaiu, while on Jho SouUiera Outrage Committee, stated that he had been unable to get one any where. '", We trtut our readers will give it ft fUfiil porusal. ' " ' - Mwanl bIs;IibmI, Eaq. Tills ahlo and gallant gentleman has made appointments, as we are glad to tt'arn, to address tlie people of Halifax at various Kiiuts in Um county. He will moot iSinijilen and HarKrovo at Weldon on the '.nli. If every prominent man and public six-.ikor in the parly would emulate Mr. . Co!ii;;1.Tnl's admirable example, we would .xvvfiu ilatlicalisin from tlie state. Will they not do it ? Freemen of North Caro- linit, awake to your duty, and help redeem , ;unl save tlie Statcv-Ualoigb Bmtincl. We endorse most lieaitily wliat is said s of Mr. CohiglaxDv Tlie State does not oontaiu a more able, patriotic or unselfish citizen. lie has labored and will labor faithfully for tlie common good. The example set by Vasoc, Meaukb and Coiuoi.axd should 1o imitated by ail our prominent men. Tlie issues of the canvass are too important to rely entirely upon our candidates. Every patriotic sob of North Carolina sliould hucklo on Uie armor. ' ' ' ' ' ' We find in a lato number of the Weldon -VaM tlie speech delivered by Mr. Cohio. i.akd at Greensboro', which we shall pub lish in a day or two. , k fccoaamy. A prudent and economical administra tion of aTairs is t desirable thing in both 1 "c and f: Irate business. An cxlrava 1 and w.i ' f.il expenditure of money is :!t f .r. 'y tl o f idmnner of the hankrnptcy ''if' '5 r" f that of an individual Wf ' ly proof of Uils fiid CTCrf t-4 an lour passes lislla ( a. y l.j x e t..." f. fjurss, Iro.'.t C.J trotl-. trfactuioi-t, kLciu aud s:.-i and an Luest Con eirjlive Oil US. Ke lt CCOIloliiJ rpveriunenl aioae can save us. Cut pro fi rull.. r lLau frocks, ticecs rau.er luxn vkimj, a? wl it we wa.Lt. Let us conspire the cost of fervent went under IUvixi rulo .ih the cost urler Conservative ruin. W propose daring the Campaign to SuaVe this coiBjar;sui in every dt-partmcnt of Ui gorerumcul, tui to Oraw our urei from U (lioul rvpurU. TLii ttjorulti? we klull refer wJj to the oCcft of the Golcrnw, the .Vcn lory t f SUU, Ue Auditor uJ the Trcuura : ancf tb UH.r.-ut ij'ml rr Itr.l kt th Kktkra) UilrJ ut Ktfi ruv, r.ipuie aji4 1 ko Daorrti CmKrirljr IrlUrr of 1S70-1I. T rhaer l. Uuf ratilWU en the 1Mb day trf Fvtiraarr.lrfn.chabiiftl tkuM ftlvV m far a thrr t aKt' and rl-e. Uiem t Ikuu Kuluii of tvlmteh meul aa4 r fiirai. Now 1H n ic tb Jiffifi'nff a hswn t-j lh koT Bvntionnl art am) tlx AUitM'r'4tJ fut U yan Md KO-'tl. IS THK r.TF.l ITtVK 1MARTME!T. irimti ml n I Klut'i fUrY,tlJ OflTMam'a I l"ri alliT Salary, ..OOaJW, Ury, . I.ViiW rrirl H t. j Urr, l.iwi.nr MMruit, mm Itcrk, 1M.MN Kitia rhrifl wrtirr a aowa ty Aatlitur'akc- VM.m, 1,75niW Ttia ntl; la tliln ilfpAiinirnt anaaally, fl.im.tw. Hy ait at l iMtMHil at Um laid amaioa f thK IxgWtnr, (he Huvnmf'i ulry m rviurmi to 4.H0 tu tnk f diet u tlio litt (lay Of January, 17.1. )'ik im. niakn llm anuunl aarlngalrt thtltlalu fJ.liW.Wi, oc nearly tB Laif. orru of the w kktauv or kttk, jitai.tk T or 1HT9-7). Barrotarr'a (Hi un-larj'a Nitlary, :.lnftno, Halary, tl.nAOlM ICIwk. l,irt.mH:iitk,Mnrjr, l,ww t "Salary, iw. I " IWltWt Kitri rlrrlf al aervtrr, a ahowa hv AatliUir' li"- l I j.iieiao M,CS6.2S Tbn kr-inc off nnnwMwiry oOlrvra anUMTlnc ahmtvmi's errit it. 19 T. ,r! ai t n Js'lhTt. Awlitor's ! A u.liKjr - . alary, li.WflOfii ary, I,2M).00 1 Clots Mlary, l.iwo tie 1 1 it 1 a Hal I " " wxi.iw; nry, SfWOO 1 11 (yu.iw Eitra Clerk, (aft A u.l. Krport ) 117.80 avc4 aunualljr Id Uils cfllec f i,tl7.Su TI.KASl'UV. . liM70. .rwnsa aot of 1K70-71. Trcaiuat'a ITraarm' Halary, I Chief ClPTk li'llr, Hal U ,000.0el Malary II Chicr Clerk, l.fmOSO IJOOOOIAai'tCletk, INiee 1,000.00' ' 780.J keejicr, aiary, Xxua VUrka, aa iliowu l Autlltor'i lU port l(a-70, Travallng at. Muaea (ar AuillUir'a Ha put IMMMH VP- M ami iut.) 979 00 J017SI 9,7ZI.TH frj,moo Havod annually la this doiiarlmciit S 1 477.7s Hy rpfurani'a totagaT9 of tka AuJIlur'a r- Cn lor im yrart isw-79, it win aa aaen mat 'ga iaymaut wara esada to Sguter A On ' Aaw lork, for ton department, wblolt auuulil baoountrd with lu asiwriMMi, rullown, la: On year aalary aa financial aetmta lor tlie Huta, l.uooi fipannua lor adrnrtlalng, Ac, 3Ji u; ioakina total ortl,SJU Nothing of Uia eurt caa be fun ml lu the Audi tor's report for the yuan 1H70-TJ. a the Con servative JiHuialatura auUiorlieU no such ax- idituraorUieveoule'eawneT. Tula amount hould, Uieii, bee.liod to Uie axiwnena ol tlia Radical rule tu thLa dcuartiueiit. uinkiiu tho sartng under preeeut laws, J,W7 SO, Inilrpesidesit 4iBdllte. Ercry man who reflects coolly must see that discipline, organization and uulty are esaouUal to the success of a political iai ty. The Conservative party Is no more above these conditions than any other party has ever been. It Is as truo to-day, generally, and as true specially in regard to Conser vatives in North Carolina as it ever was, Uiat " united we stand, divided wc fall.' With unity, discipline and thorough or ganisation wo am certain of success. Without these we are certain of defeat. It Is not pleasant to have to utter truisms so trite or to lay down propositions so self evident. That we do so argues, on Uie part of our friends, a want of apprecia tion, a want of party fealty, or, ou our own part, a misapprehension as to tho condition of affairs. Is it a misapprehension on our part? Let Uie fact Uiat Dr. Norment is an independent Conservative candidate for the Senate lu tho county of Kubesoo, and that Mr. Kornogay is an independent Conservative candidate for the Scnalo in the county of Duplin, each in opposition to Uie regular Conservative nominee of Ids district convention, answer Uio question. Neither of theso genUcincn can bopo for election as Conservatives ju oposition to tlie regular nomlnoes, but it is txissiMo they may divide tho party and thereby se cure tho election of the Radical candidate If this be done it is possible the proposml Constitutional Amendments may bo de feated In the coming Legislature for want of ft two-thlids vote of each House. Are Messrs. Koruegay and Norment wiD- ine thus to put In jeopardy tho interests of tho wliolo State for their own personal ad vancement? Wo do not think the per sonal or political advancement of lltese two or of any oilier ' two genUe mcn otisht to bo sou slit at the hazard of ' the , peace and pros polity of Ue ; wholo State. Wo do not say this In any unkind spirit to Messrs. Kornegay and Norment, nor do we believe Uiat cither of Uiem can be so far wanting in fealty to Uio Conservative Tarty as to differ from us in this opinion. Wo are driven, then, to tlie conclusion Uiat gentle men who claim to bo good Conservatives and oppose the regular nominees of Uie regular Conventions of the Tarty have, be cause of some real or fancied personal grievance, lost sight of the absolute neces sity of discipline and orKasfizaUon to in sure success. Wo have tho kindliest feel ings for both Messrs. Kornegay and Nor ment, and believing that Uieir dcvoUon to the (Vrwvllvi' Prtrty and tho causolt advoeai 1 tii" i-i. izrd, we feci sure that 1 i. . '. of 1 u:: I. (10 I Lie 1, i; I tf pi .rlvn S, la f-t, ii. U,i:. i.i'fc 1 &r Uas than i'!ie of ilt-a-lly Lnjt.;.! U tLe U t ii.tcn st of Nor-hCann na, we i!JU3 ry touch surpiiaid. And our irvt a. ul be CuksotLan our surpuc. TU! g'ut5s nie: fcve d.'iie loo gud srvkii in tin past, fur us with any pleasure to see our jaiLs s"jrai In the future. liY TI'T.r.QllAl'H. '""SO OS TELE0IIAHS. WAAUIXUTOX. rilUi Aaa 1I41 lamlrrrae. WAhHisoTon, June 21. vit,h.i rrgtpjlug the Fifth Atobu HuUI BMwthig are luuliaf artory, and jUy lu Many nvrv-rti antruthfut. J. V. Cox rt.l4. Tbera u a Urge (Iitom reprrM-uatiuB. KrreTia.li! IvaturraU vcre vchrmrut la tkaar (ippoaUlua to Ufrvlry, though the arreptaace at Orei'lry u iVoilnaut. Mr. Trumbull aaw na optloa hut teuprt (irveley. Mr. hVhers aald ho miiat mi'rt Greelry from rwoiMul)'. Mr. Schuri mmMi'J Uia ra.lt of Stat, ahkh Uwl afolkii: Alabama, Grctloy, Otlouvl for tylh Hkcmui Arkawaa, UrovU-y, HtnaU Hut apokremani Countw Ucut(auU CrucUy, Mr. WtlU aiwkiaiuna. Hut Mr. Kagiiah aald the iKuxx iaUof Connecticut were all fr Orwlfly UaiUuana lor llrouk'y, arwkoamaa Henry W. HUlyer. llnraco White, of 'bieago, aaid the Itcuocratao and UfnnbUran rtkw hal aervfid thrkr rarnaea, and Ureoh'jr waa the boat Diaa for tMrta. Iowa Ooa. i Henry Warner dlaapprovrd tirouli y, bat aliaukl the Haiti-m.a-e fnaTftilloa nominate hla, Iowa woukl go fut kua. Kentucky-Mr. Watoraoa said that all puttie that go from tlreeloy load to (trant, lliertilure all who go n UrwU-y, go for enfraa. ehlaeaii-nt of tha Boutli. MaaaarhueeltaMr. Atkhin waa for roe tra.le, regardloea of Grant or (irecley. New yorkrarke Godwin strongly denounrwl the upturt of Oreeley andor any elrnmtaneea. AnnthiT atal ement, aaye that at the Fifth Avenue eonfurtmea yentrr.lay Senator Tram bull ili-live red a abort adilrva, la which be aald 1 " To the qncatloa that comes nppermot amor 1 w there I only one snuwer which oecurt to me M reaaonable or poeelble, How are we to dereat Grant by supporting OreeltyT'" Henpertlng the Cincinnati nominees Cart S.'tmrx aald: rcrhas better ticket could Lava born dovle.l and iKirhai not. Ureoley la now liel'ors Uio people and his namo cannot be withdrawn ; overwhelming wavea of opinion are rUmg In hie laror, and It would be UlloUe toatUmpt, at Uile Juncture, to etay its urograaa. lie exiireaMil the opinion Uiat If Mi. Oreeley wa slotted, aa be would be by an everwhol ming vote, be would anhiot from all parties such aCablnet ami draw around bun such men as the nation would place entire ronthtenee In." The coiiluronoe adjourned at 1 o'clock Wile morning. The World editorially treats tha couforonoo uilu" v The Herald thinks Uiat tha eonrurenee de veloped the fact the Democratic party, old and young, will go for Oreeley. The Timet mys ; It amountod to nothing." The Trlbnne belle vet that nothing but good has retulted from the conference. Uentackjr UeinoentUfl t'msvetitlwat. LouisvtLUt, June 21. Ths Dcmooratle Convention of Kentucky r am mil tho principles of the recent State Con vention, and urgtii Uie union of all elomente agalnrt Grant, and Instructs lU ilolrgates to vote as s unit. The Urcelcy tooling Is evkloutly doiulnaut, EVKS1SG TELE0HAMS MTAMUIBIUTOX. Wash mo tun, JuueUl. Kellablo Information uas been received In official quarters showing that at the brief see lou of the Geneva Tribunal, on the lSth lnet, the atblUatori docldod that the ludlroct claims were not proper subject for Uieir consideration. Tho formal announcement will be made on the SOU, and wUl oauad f urthor eeutroveriy about tho amunded article to Uie treaty of Wualilug ton to Beano, and aettla the queetlun of adjourn. went of the Tribunal uuUl next December, as lately contemplated by the Hrltieh. SEW YUBLi. New Youk, June 21. The couveullou called by Judge Stall, at Uie rifth Avenuo Hotel to-Uay, wet this after, noon. No reporters were admitted. It was leurued, however, Uiat ex-Uovernor Cox made a speech endeavoring to harmonise on Ureoley, Edward Atkluaon urged, In a epcocb, the nomi nation of Charles Francis Adams, a a meant to unite the Uoformera againat Urant. Among tlioe present were the following gentlemen: Col. Groevcnor, T. T. (iault, of Mleeourl, Carl Dartxer, Park Goodwin and Vf. O. Bryant. The qiioetlon wee debated " slia.ll wo nomi nate a ticket," und after a long discussion It wa decided In Uie affirmative, when ex-Gevcrnor Cox publicly withdrew from the deliberations. Tho platform itonounces Greeley and tho Cin cinnati movement and plcdgos free traders to the support of their own policy under allclr cum'danccB. C'AUroKNIA. Saj( Francisco, June 21. Tho Democratic delegates from this State to Uio Ilaltlmorc ConvenUon will ini luile Cx-U. S. Senator Win. M. Gwfii, cx-Gov. 1 lawny, Jmlgo J. 11. Hardy and Senator Kugcno Cimaurly, all of whom, exeunt, Cuaaerly, aro known to bo In favor of tho Cincinnati ticket. NBKAKUA. LiNCotjf, Juno 21. At (he IcmoeTatlo Htate Convention rtiaolu- tlons were uuanlmausly adopted cmkirxliig the Cincinnati pUtforai, and the delegates to Ual tlmnre were lntrneteil to voto as a unit for Greeley and lirown. Kntlro h armnny provnll- cl,aml tho Convention adjourned smlilst great Ciitlut.l!im. OHIO. CoLi'Mnrs, Juno 21 The boiler in tho hop or Uio Ohio Ilrimli and Wire Works, wltliiu tho walls of tho rcnltn Uary, etpludod th'ia nl'tornoon. The building and machinery nro a maiw of rnlim, and the root irf acvoral a.lJolning buildinga woro turn off. Xhoro were X3 men in tho ahnjie at the time, but no ono was killed, AltlioiiKh live or six will probably Uie. The cause of the cxplonlon is unknown. Cotton NtatemeaU. Nkw Vouk, Juno 21 Receipts at stl potts lor the wee S.SOT bales, last year 27 ,M9 bales; total tjRtlJR bale", lart vcar 3.C01.B0 bales. Exports for Uio wcok 12,653 bales, last year 41,050 bales; total 1,S09, 880 bale, ltmt year 2,9C3,713 balea. Stock at all ports 150,914 bale, last year 30S, 131 bales. At Interior towns 4,330 bale, last year 1C.M4 bales. At Liverpool OGl.OOO bales, last year 909,0110. American afloat for Great Britain 72,000 bale, but year 132,000 bales. ( AIII.B nlMFATt'IIKN. Madrid, June 21. : 11 Is roportcd that the Spnnudi Ministry have desired Ui fnvor of tho separation of the church and State In Spain. r i Ts ;ii HW...:pi WILiflNuTvX. C'fflcc at lie C"-rt Hjum. tr tMti ft m I A. M. to 1 P. M , aaJ f , tm 1 utl'. M. JiiM Jo X-lm.'k p-rtJ5GliLV5lOSAL CAM' ASS Third District. lluu. A. M. WADDELLand MILL UvKAT K-i-, randklaue fuc Cohgream, will a-klren U.a people Of the Third Uuitgdcauunal Dutik tat the following ttatee and jaoea: Carter's MdU, Moure otmnty, Wduclay, Jane tsKfc. Carthage, Muore rewnty, ThuraUy, June Jaitbor, Moore csaaty, Friday, June ilrt. Tamer's X Huafc, Haraett evaaty, Satar day.JaneSd. LUUngtoa), lUractt county, Monday, June JKh. Averaidia', ltara. tt ooSnty.TaeeiUy, June 25th. lleaarurt, Carteret etmaty, hat ar day, June ZHh, Jwkauaville, Oukiw county, Tafatay, July 2d. KraanaTille, Duplin cuaaty, Thuraday, July Additional appointments wUl k aanouaoetl bereafter. t a Diatrkrt aapert plaaaecopy. HATCH aCLOhyS HAIR DYK- Tbia Miner b Hair Dre la th beat In the world. "erfer! I j HarathNt, lL'llabla and Jiutaatana. ewa. ho illwpiailntaiKftt. Na KalW-uloaa TiaU ar Uaptoaaaia Udur. Tlx geauma W. A. Hatoa ekH' llair Uva mluea 1MMKD1A 1 fcLk a H'U-ivli.1 III, k or Natural llruwa. 1 uue w4 Mlala the Mkm, but bsavra the Hair Clean, holt arul Haaatuul. Tlu ewly aaTa and Perfwt Dye. Kokf by 1 IDrugguaa, Faetory M ttwad atlnet, hew York. aprtl X. KTt ITT-d-aodAwly FIAVOlUNt KXTIUCTS are of itrleuarv Imnortaaea In cook ery: aud ot all artkioa or thia ilitnoriplion the highly eonesatrated HlaniUrd Kxtrai, pre. pared by Juaepa Hurnett & Co., IhMtnw, are EronouuiMNi ii y leaning rutainuira froioanir lot amoug the number Uie pur cut aud bout. Jawi tSM ateawedy KeaaVed, Thanks ta Mra. Wliukiw'e HouUiing Syrup, wa have for yearabeew rnllemt from li-plw nlghte of painful watching with poof, eulterlng, toothing euiklran, M.oOO Dwllara Will kxi paild for any remedy which will care Cbreuie Hhaaniatlciu, Pain la Uio Llmba, Back and Cboat, Sure Throat, Inaeet Stlnga, Croup, DywnU ry, Oulle, Saina ami Vamltlng.qaleknrtnaa Dr. Toblaa' Veaetlan l.lnlmeut ; atabllahed In IM7 1 newr falla. Hold by all Dragglata. IXpot, 10 Park Place, Now York. Tkaratoa'a Ivery Pnetrl TwaHli Iew. dnr'l he beat article known for oieamlug ami rrenervlug the teeth and gum. Hold by all irnggtata. Price 2fl and 00 cents per I Kit tie. F. a Wells Co., New York. If NxaftN W reek a Kvery day and hour we meet with broken down specimen of humani ty wraeks Uat auera paet hope of aalrage. At leaat aevea-aightiia ot Uinat might be filled with new vitality, by a eouraa of 1. Walker's Cali fornia Vinegar lilttora. Many are euflortag from the reaction of rum-polluted bitter or powerful mineral. It la charaotarlatk) of Dr. Walker's Great UeatoraUve Uiat It neutraltaee theefteota ol theee mUucalled remaille, and aceoaipltahee, In dus time, a perfect cure. Watare Olvea era Tooth; but she does not preeerve and purify them. That ssuat be done with Kragroni Hoaodont, The dental bone and It enamel caking are made Invulnerable to all destructive Influences by Uie dally use of this beulnoeut preparation. Csirbolle SWtlvo nnequalled a a Healing Compound. Physicians raoommend It aa the moat wonderful remedy ever known. Price 148 eenta per box. John F. Henry, Sols Proprie tor, S College riaoe, New Vork. SJWAPISI 4 u Opium purified or Its alckenitig and pola-jiiou qualitlea. It Is a ierfeet ano dyne, not producing headache or eoueUpatloa of bowels, a is tha earn) with other prepara tion of opium. John Fair, Cbemlat, Now York. June I Slo-daodAwIra KW AOTCBTISlESIEjrra. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. 11 tUOXLT at KOKaUs). OUTON PLANTATION, AND Lands Adjacent Thereto, ; 9,020 Acres BY acvtkl AT IXJBL10 ATJOTI02MI Ou THURSDAY, August 82d, 1S12. Purauaut to au order of Uie Superior Court of till county, tlie uiHluraigueil, commuanoner appoiutea oy aaiu uoun, win nmeeoa 10 ran ey piihlle Auouoa, at tha Court Hoaae in Huilth Villa, N. a, on XHl'USDAY, Auguat TM, 1H72, at 12 o'cloi'k M aU that valuable PlanUUon, at d Timber Lands adjacent thereto, lying In th county of irunwlck, well and favorably kuowa to all this locality as "ORTON," CoiiUining, by Actual Survey, ,U2U Aaos! This Plantation I situated upon the Wert side of Cape Fear River, IS mile below till city, (wlUilnSmileaiof the Ooean) and baa a front of over two (2) mile upon Capo Fear Kivcr, covering K) ACRES OF SLTEIUOR LAND, RICE of which 22.1 acre havo nroilnced 1CWA bnrh- els (theae lamia are nnsurpaaeod for Small Grain anu uraanos) witn 8,000 ACRES OF PINE, AND A LAUGK AMOUNT OF IJVE OAK TIMBER. "An Immnnso WATKR roWEIl.rrnm a Pond T luilo la length, 12 loot head of Water (u FAii.imi), with ninny dcHlrahle Hltcn for rlaw Mill, Gottun and other Manufactorloa, Titr. pentlne Dlxtlllurlea, Ac. The lanil abound In Doer atd other game, the (Kind U well nUK-ked Willi Klli of tho Unent varli'tlea, ami It I opposite and accewlblo to tho New Inlet FUhorl. , The Improvements conalct of a TWO STORV DWELLING HOUSE, containing 10 Knoms, Prick It axemen t, with all necowary ouUioiuea, cxleniilv Harnit, HUble, &c.t with Houites detached for tOO IIANDM. Thin Extensive Plantation, Uio late Palatial Kmiiloncn ot Dr. F. .1. Hill, ileceaned, valued prior to lHCl at Sine .mm, mut bo tlMiraiiglily viewed and examined in penon to renllae It value to the Agriculturalist or GapltaliHt, an it wilt be aold at a great aacrtflce (not iie-thinl, probably, of It original coid) to satlufy tho de mand ol creditors. TERMS OF SALE. " One-third pnrchaae money In caxh, the real due In six ami twelvo month, with lutereet from day of sale. f For further particular address the nn nemlgricd or CUONLY A MOKK1S, Auction eer. Dt'BRUTJC CUT LAB, rmr,1it,wvn(-a. O. M. STKDMAN, Commttetoncr. Wilmington, N. C. June 2S, 172. June 12 Ju22dul0&29,Ang4,20&21 KSII AJtElVALS OF All kinds Nats, ' Katlnr and Choking Prtthes, jiriea rig, Guave dully and Marmalade, etc. 1.1 Tubs treh JUNK BUTTKIi offering very low. Marvin's Hams, Tongncs and noef at JAMK9 0. STKVKNSON'8. June 22 a r.Errrnurva the: tsTirnbuxi. X. CwbM.lig of , DRESS GOODS, WhitoGoods, Made Underwear, Boj'b Pique and Linen Suits, CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS liKKSSK.1, JACOXET AND SWISS EMUKUlDLUIKj, Lace Points and Jackets, HottrPis, lliltonM( Trlnimpil Ilatn, ami HisntloAvnss INFANTS LACK CAPS and BONNETS, TKUSKS. BAGS, V A. Xi ISE S, Ladies, M Uses and Chllircni Shoes 3TirH niicl Hoy's CLOTHING, At Greatly Reduced Kates. The public are renpectfully Invited to timpect their Shirk. II. at B. EVAMliX, 43 Market Ulrrt. w-lw Juneti UANCATKLLTS MODKIl. CIHJK. A Tractleal ( luUlo to Uie Culinary Art In all its Uranclw. Cjprling, In ailiiUoa to Engla-h Cookery, the aiuKt approved lyatem of Fmiu-h, Dalian, and German Giiokery; adapted a welt for the Imi KetabllahmeuU a lur tk um of Pri vate Familkw.; lly Cliarlcs Elmo FrancaU'lll, PuHl to the celebrated Caresne, and lale Msl tre d'Holel simI UilefCiMk tii Her MaJ eaty the Quaeq Of England. With Sixty-two llliistrations of Various Dtwigna. For sale at ! ' - v HEINSBKMGF.K'H Live Hook and hi ukIc Store, Jnnetll TO-DAY .-' - We Ahi open another Lot of ICE I HATS, LINEN SUITS, ALTACCA DUSTERS, 110W8, TIES, dec. Munson' & C0.4 cirr cLOTUitns. June 12 Just Kccclvcd ! HATH0KN SPBIXa WATEIt, COMGSESS 8PE1NO WATEK, V1NEQAB BITTERS, GARLIC, Aa, Ae., a 1 GREEN A FLANNER'8, tl Maikel Street June 22 , , 22S ST1SSL3 BUOSZK BUTTON SHOES, - CHILDREN'S D BONIS BUTTON SHOES. A largo aaeortment at C. A. TRICE'S Live Boot and Shoe Store, Oraer rront And Market uta. June 22 22H FOR SALE! NC;BACON-50 000 POUNDS DAMS, SIDES, BII0ULDEU8. "lytSTKUN UACON-UO ,000 L11S. SIDES and SHOULDERS. TVttY SALTED BACON t 115,000 LHS.O. R. 81 DK8. QHIIDii. 8. Il.STUUi,' !T'BnLS..S. 'LSYRUr, At Low Figure. DeUOSSET A CO. 1 -f ,4 228-MUt June 22 T UK FINEST HAND-8KWKD GAITERS Manufactured for u. Wo Invite special attention of Gentlemen to our ,-.. Itroxd Can Gaiters, Seal Hklu and Morocco Q niters and Low qinirtcrcd Shoe or all kiiida. ' D CD LET .t Kt.LIS, ... , Sign of tho Hlg Hoot, jiinn 22 tu JJ ASNAG E-4 i KI.E4J KJJ 1 1 KIT, AM lmss OCTOBER, 1872, VON BREMEN DIRECT NACH CHARLESTON. DIFJENIGKN, WELCHE OKNKIGT SKIN SOLLTKN, PA8SAGIF.KK, "auf Kcheine niit genuegen tier (Heherlielt ' mit Tjelier Kommcn Zularasn, wenlen enmelil, aich dioaorhalb guatigat wenden 111 wollen an. - M. II. KAPPELMANN, Agent, City Yard, naiio Arlemau Well. N. H.-Wegeii mitliringen VON K AUK MANNS Gl'F.TKB, wende man Mob "direct," nndie KHKDKlt, HKRRKN BALLhEU & MAUT1IU1, in Bremen. June 23 - ftt-1t NON PLUS ULTRA CIGARS-Slandard BrandUr- FIGAROS AND LA ESrANOLAS-clesr Havana jim ui uanu oy D. riOOTT, Sign FaKlnatlng Indian Girl. 228 2t June 22 JjURGAlXS! BARGAINS ! I Bargain in Furniture 1 Bargains in Crockery! The Building we aro oempying ha Veen sold, and to prevent removing our large stock on hand and ordora now expected to arrive, we will aell Furniture and Crockery for Uie next SO day 20 per cent, cheaper titan it has before been sold la this city. GRANT A COWAN, Front St., between Market and Princess. Jnne22 ii- OF NKW YORK. The lo:kw 13 U-ken tiuat tuc N TrJe Juuriul ot li J. J ulc, . Ywk THE E11SEEVE JUTUAL LIFE .. suKistE eosmr. With a reeei.t )rimi. cmrrativelviiiik lag, a ti'm which auay be pteurrlr lal.ed a "ucw Ueparturt" ha Ucrn attrui!.. ajid has been aet(ul la a L.h Astern ui the plin founUing and laMtuig ui puotia by Lilo liuar. aiHe w iialani! Kuiuv 1 year ao, a pUa wa dovwed by Suaaa phlianihropic Kiila-a gi titleaneBi to o vl f U.e beir-the wive and children ot eaiidealy deeeaml wma, by organlztag a company aa tLe (Uva plau, or, by xautuu of akarca w hlrh. lugetlier la valaatkm, represent ed a detned eaptial. Bet being unable to ob tain actaaruw af aanrirnt ability to Bx with any degree eaeearary tka Uth ralM," a tlta aw age langih af lue ef any given aamber of policy buhtera,beaae of the very gaarral IgMe-anca of guverumeuU and people, Jvpcml. log spun the eulorceateut ol aauiUry Uaa, Uie )teia wa abaiiUoned aa impracticable aa Ui rovor katv, the rate or pnailuiu de mamled of the lutured wore txotaingly oneroiaa, I Jib lunurauoo, however, w an aot abandon:.!. When Inquiry wa atartol, the idea wa not tu be put aimta. Altur the laeof a few year auflteiaHit knowledge of the general ra.-4ir mortality was aaeertalaad to encourage the lornxtlon of lu auraaca organixaUoua on the "jdutauil plaa ttick ijida." The Ooniny,of which K I our pleaxure to Miak at thai tiuMt, I a aew one, in the loruta. ttoa of which Tk WtAW ami OcA.iaf' lt-m'it ami tho Mutual J'rUttlK Lift, have Joined tlieir total bU of over SJ,"".'"), taking liar it aame, Tna KaaiRra Mctval Uhiuas Urir, having Ha hrit.uartrre at No. Ui Broadway. Tho Company w nAieere.1 by Uie following gmtlemea: President, A. W. Mor. gaa; Vic-Pieklent, S. T. W. Santwd; Sorro. Ury, F. A. Freeman ; Actuary, W. P.e)tewart UxiMilUag Actuary, Shepieud lioauaat ) Cadi- t, n. a. urannia. The plan of thia Company U what we eont.i.1. ar cumpletelr ailapted to tho wants aud ue"e alttee 0 Uie Inaurliig public The favor with which ths "Ueeervu Plana." have boea received everywhere, and the aatouUiiug rapidity with which thl Company ha attained Its preeunt pepulartty, prove them beyond all doubt to poiirB a valiH which la deatinoii to render Lite lnsaraaea mare lmliMinable than ever. Tbe object nought and attained by the nruiector or thin plan are, greater nalety in lb practice of the buainea, anil more Jotlca In tlio dwul butlon or profltn. With the now prevalent prac tice of paying anaaal diviilefxl and etc., th hohrsea" thorn wIhmi lire are abort are favored at tho ex p nee ef thoe who may live to an old age. Under the plan of the UaKiava Mutual, the eurala la divided aatong the mr vItoth only attor th tirat tea yoara, while thnee who die meanwhile N-eure lor their heir the amount named in their poltctea. By thia method th.e who live long mayilerive advanlage which will fully remunerate them lor tlie burden other wiau Imp wed. All the rewrre enJowment poll ciee of uie Kaauava Mutual are gathered to gether and treated aa a dlatlnot body fur ten year. During this time all the premium re solved from oilier, with the exception of ex. peiiaes aud death claims, are kept at compound Intereet ; aad at tha expiration of ten yearn, thona dealrlng to retire Inua the Company will receive la eaab their full equitable share of the whole f und, while thoae who may decide to con Unas longer, rwelv la oath their eqnltalile hare ot tu surpls. After tko expiration of the ten year, thoao who remain eaa receive their divldeada annually, or la Are or ten years pe riod, aa they may deem proper. Tbua, by a bricl explanation of thia plan.it will be readily aeea by those Who umhu aland It, that thia, above all plans hitherto brought ta notice, i entitled to the palm. Tho total aaeeta of the Reaurv Aiatual la i,0W,bis tl'J ; total llabllitlea, l,7ra,ws 14, leaving a clear sand u of 03 11, Bos so. This is the tint company organlied to pe dal I y praetiee the steeerve plans and though scaroety a year old one of the Com pan eou. olldated with Itflia an experience under these plans or nearly fourtyeara. other eompatile have recently organlaed, and are ander other names to take from this Cvutpajiy Uieir method Of doing bunlnem. The various officer of ths Reserve Mutual aro genUemea to bo relied upon beyond all uuoaUonltig, and are poaaoamd of such vicar in-lfc-ht Into tha Ufa lneoranee bunneas. a to render them capable of tranaacUug bualnowol the roort complicated character. Mr. A. W. Morgan, the honored PreaUlent, we would par ticularly mention a a gentleman la every way eapaeltoted to rill the rciponnble portion to which he has been chosen i while Mr. Sanlord, the Vtoe President, hi eminently calculated to be his aid and suggeater In carrying ewt bt welUaid plan. Mr. F. A. Freeman, too Sec retary, add lite aud ouergv to too entire com pany. Mr. Freeman and his people bar, de voted maeh of their lives to the lnurnt of Life Inauraneo. Hi father I Prealdent of the Globe Life and his brother the 8eoreUrv.r He was formerly SeoreUry of the Mutual Prater Uou when the combination wlUi the "PU nerve" wama1o. He wa then appomtad proaklent Of the Widow' and Orphan' until tin sow urns was obtained byanactof theLegUlsttire. In ooneluaion, we would say, that thoae taking a "Reaerve" endowment m thia eemuanv will be aura of a sale Invaatment and a profltahle return for their money. TJie orBca is at 132 Broadway, New York. W. B, KENAN, Supervisor. JunetJ , mit FOR SALE! JQ QQQ BUSHELS PRIME ' MIXED CORN, 10,000 Biibhcls Fi imo Whito Corn', 500 Bales Si:Iect;d Hay, 1,000 Bbls. Flour-all Ri ados, . WW-Sehiclrtl Second Hand Spirit Barnds, 100 IVixes 1). S. Sides, SO Illnls. Smoked Sides and .Shoul ders, ' .. --it , - .10 Tons No, 1 Peruvian C.nano, 150 Bags Coffi-e, 150 Barrels Sugar, 150 Bawt'ls Syrnp, 50 Bales Cotton Yarns, 50 Bales Shooting. WILUAMS&MUECHISOU. Juno 4 t 812 M A DA ME RESTELL, Ftalo I'byniclan And Proreamr of Midwifery, whom longeirpert enoe, extenMre and mccemi'nl praotioo In the treatinunt or Keiualo complaint Mince 1M0, en title her to the eniimlenee of her fx. Her celebrated Infallible French Femalo Pill No, 2 can be nent by mail In neat letter form, with lull directum, to any part of the United StaUp, price five dollar per box, by adilremlng No. 1 Kant Bai Street, corner of 6th Avenuo, New York City. Jnn2l 227-doVwSm N ORTU CAROLINA BACON ! IIAMS-SIDES-JsIIOULDERS. A vory in per lor lot Jost roeclved per Bchr. Paragon" and ' ForSfdoby . DeROSSET ct CO, JnnCM 221, J. IL.L. ja'sEa mi K. a. Ua, Tr nc pij Tl,e (.- S'ai of the S.'l. c v.ar 17J a:.i wul br'n U.e i;u M.i.' in JttiV. t'ireular.-uji; tkrt!i tlie rrl i-Ottmoof etu ly ainl other j.rccu.rv m oa appina- Uon. Janeli S.'1-ljwfarh Clinton Halo Acadeiay, A CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND SCJJlii I1F W SCHOOU TlielWi KeMion will begin ji. fj,i eoiuitao twenty wveaa. . Tuition l ur oxcordlu' to rtu.1 ea. 1 Hoard. S.V -r rlrauMU. JSewdtuf tAuirv. .. i -J ; , CUJOTi M.'I.KOIV. JumJ XIVeauAwt.-ilalv.h IJ, WARlUNTONf!x.C. The Fail Station wUl begin on the 2 U July. Tbi Institution afford aauerio a.lianUi.1-11 for theac'tuuitiuiioi a Ibottfagh aad aon.- plishcd educaikMi. Chanja jut tVtas.'iNt of' Wnl : Boanl, (cxcluave or washiug and ighU, b7 i Tutliott in Kenlar Coor . yr, on Extra Stutli., aKxIcrate. . ForparticuUrapply to T. hL JUNES, Premleut. junej3 , x s WEBANEV1LLE, N. C. The Fall Session of 172 0(na Augujd 2d. Tbe eonrae of InatrncUon I elajwical, (ln.-lu.l-Ing M.alern Language.) Mathematical aud CwmssMreiaL Ta urgaaixatuw at military. for circuhtra, addrra Oot. WM. BINOrlAM. Juste S - - v Ian a 1L CRONLY AttcUoneer. By CBOILf UUSk'. i HOlisESIMULES At Auction! ON SATURDAY not, 22.1 instant, at II clock A. M.. we will aell at Exchange form r, 35 nead of Nu. 1 norscs and afules, to arrive direct from Kentucky June IS ' teh M. CRONLY. ATxetJonoor. ' r y CRONLY ft irOKRlS. Administnator'sSaloI REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION t ON MONDAY, the tt day of Jirly next, at lto'clock A. M at the Oourt Honm door In the city of Wilmington, 1 will aell, under anonler or tho Superior Court of New llaiiovcr county, Uiat desirable, centrally kxaied and valuublo THREE STORY BRIOK.JWELUN HOUSE AN 1 LOT . on tbe North Font corner ol Cbeanut and rotirth street, the late residence of Mr. Sally T. Cowan, deceawtd. Biaeof Lot OS feetniHiu Fourth atrecS by H0 loet on Chora ut atrect, aud immediately thereafter Uie ' "' LOT ' . ' ,.ti , Bjljolning above on the East. Cfix78 feet on Mulberry streot, upon which there I a TWO ST0RT DWELLING UOUli Stables, and ull uowasary uUtoasta.' 1,. ALSO, , Pew No. M In St James' ("bur oh. TERMS Real Eel ale oiie.Lhtr carh, bal ance In S and 12 month, with interest. I'ow, 3 oiii.ua uuuiii wiui iiiuireab DAVIDS. COWArt.. i AdmlnUitrator of Sally T Cowan. ' tW-aw4w June I FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OF 1 ,y nr.'i , WllinIngton,r iV; C' CUA11TK R Eh J "u"i IV m. Authorizedjpapital $5oqpoi Capital Faid. in $250,000! OFFlCERSt,',' ' E. K. BURRUN8 .Prtsnlcnt. A. K. WALKER, ......Caabler. DIKECrOKNi 1 E. K. BURRU8S, W. H. M. RAUT, J. II, CHADHOUKN; K. MUUUAK, t J. ELI GREGG. Thin Bunk having Increiwed It Capital to Two Hundred and Kitty Tbonnand Dollar, now uner iiicreHacn lacnuic to ll patrons. - Diiyituiitii, I'rDmlNaory Note and Korean and Domeatie Bills of Kxehangn. Buy and aalla Gobi and Silver Coin ami Bui lion, Stock, llondH, Ac, Ac. Imues Gertiticatiwof Depeint, Ojewrgintor cut, payable on demand. fisti f t Sell Check at. par on New York. J'hiladi'l phla, llnxton, Baltimore; Norfolk," Petr. bnrg, Richmond, Raleigh, Newborn? Feyettn ville, UliarluDton, aud other points Nortlir and South. Miiko collection In all parts of the United Sufi', Canada and Europe. 1 ' SV llepoult Arnonnbi rerctfnlly onllr.Ked from Merchant, Farmer, Mechanics and oth er, subject to check at sight. Juno li. aiO-nafisark OADDLEUT- The largear, efieapent and best Stock of "I" Saildleii, llarnoiet, Trunk, 11. .... Traveling Hag and ..... 8wfillery Orioitlil,"" Generally, to be fonvldln Bin Khtre, fur nals a J, B. V'DPaLAM W W)', , No. SSouUi Front Mrect ' WUmltton, N.C. nov 11 30 T HE "UOOW COTTON TIS Is the strongest ami most easily adjnsted Th) In the market ' 'J he hand aro of the BEST English mk" and the Buckle ma.10 of FlilST quality of Wrought Iron. Put np In bundle of thirty baiiiln. each ban having a bncklo securely at tached, thu nvoiillng all rlk of loatngthe hackle and saving planter the trouble ef attaching them. We have a f nil stock of tho above Ties m store, Which we will Ml) at the lowent market ratee, , WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, (.,.- Agent, ana IS inft-tf JINEN DUSTEltS, ALPACCA DUSTEUS-Vety stjllf,' ' v. "ROBS DE-CilAMBRE'S, , . BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, . . . . .... iii.i'.i; r t nusMA.M vucaa suiaia, , LINEN anil CASSIMERR SUITS, at MUNSON & 008, City Clothiers. 1 227- , t June 21