v If "I CV H ! M M v. i A - ii i v ' i i A f 0 1 A I A i . 1 1 .1 WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1872. WHOLE MO. 6,292. VOL. XXI ISTO 333. IXMKAXfr.. MATT1IHV r. TAYLOR J JtiT.lVi-OlM.IlK?. TAVLOll & liilB," FIRE, LlFE,f - Ars i - MARINE INSURANCE. w E AUK PRKPARED TO T, K R BISKS to th following popular and rename t i i i Ftre fcirtrrice orl eteiVrrptwa of property lathe - HOME INSURANCE CO., NEW YCmiC, CAPITAL, $2,500,000. ,t ASSETS, $1,000,666. 07 The leadinj; Xew Yoik Company. Fire Insurance) Company, rmi.APET.PTUA, ASSETS,.. $3,200,000. 5 lIAllTFOlll), ASSETS $2,000,000; "Oueofthe Brat clftM Hartford t'ompanlea." 1 1 1 UAllTFOKP; ' CAPITAL. ....... $r00.000. OrgauUdd January 1st, lifli Oeorgia Home Ins. Co, . ASSETS, $101,000. MARINE INSURANCE J niikftakencmCjriaaiiil KieJj(tit lit tlitf well known, jiopular . PACIFIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ASSETS ....... $1,000,000. L.Ift InuTnce in th Equitable Life ASSUEANPE j BpOIETY, Ueprewnteil ty Watthcw P. Taylor. ay All Brtt-clMi Companlii, ami Insurance taken at preralllng rate. ' augS irs- 4 BIUTUAIi LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF-NBIW YORK. ORGANIZED 13." ASSKTd..! M.ono.mio P0I-I0IK9IN FOKOK 3S,0(0,roO liOSSKS PAID 1,500,000 Special Tcatiifci Annnal Ulytdende, applied to reduce Premi um or tncrcaae Insurance All Pollolee boji-jtohhitiih after two an- fiii&l navmontfl. ' AXP'WW. C.IM-.Preeident. EVKKET1' ('LAPP, Vir rresflect LUCIL'8 McADAM. t Secretary and Actnury HENHVC. CLKNCH, Amitnt Secrotary IHAAOHl'TZI.FR&OO., l.aoral AgunU of Virginia, Korth Carolina and U. D, A.J. HILL, Jr., Agent, Wlt.MINGTOM.il. O. Office on Market Ktrctt, two U'Kirs West of Oreen A Flarmrr'i Hreg btoro, wiui D. X. t. WOOD, Medical Examiner fee 11 . ii ij EEClklsTfT li MECIIAMCS' M1 rSSUBAJt'CE C031PAXT, - i 4 ' .. , OF KIOHMOim. -VIRGINIA. fApltal ...-i50,000 A. T. STOUC, PrcsiiTt. I. B. Moobi, Scct'y IOUN WILDF.lt ATKINSON. , Ueneral Agent Me. Prt water 1U wiiilgton, ti. . aprll 13 '.6-tf Baltimore Hctort ' ", AND Fire BrlckWorks TIjIIRA C'OTTA uhain and aKji'Kn . Jpipk Or AM. glilwH, Kar iriore ditrablo and rbenper tiiau Iron . iVmriit Hti-J". i 'OKOKUKM. HICKH&CO., rt V lych TCST RECFIf VKI A T.AKOK BfTppf. of KuU Bajra. Wlntu PUt llnt. li and Red or Purple Toji Turnip Seol Prumbead and Flat Dutch ('abbage See.! Ctgara, ( hewing and Smoking Tobacco, ror aie dt I. I.. WOOSTFR. Drngalsf . McUnn'e Old Stand. Wilmtniiton, N.O Ji. W. Cor. Market and Fr.-.nt Ste. . ' PHXENIX 1 INS. CO. niiii,1 vr rinr s iHiimti i in T u r i e n t F n c L a n (1 FOB SALE rr lb lltjr f Vlluila.ltMi. SL i"4G0ii HOUND thkis! We ctr for sate tie tract ot Lvtd I;, in; Witt two n lo walk ol Wiltuluton, I'cin.'Ui Hmtmrn ran a Htliium MtiUiwktKl , cotituminj i 1-H .UKKs. Mr. Jauic Brocket, corner of second awl Church street, will show lb laud to any -r-fon duelling to purchase. Por tcnui apply to wetl ,J)-DV-f NEW ANU LLKUANT FBI M-3. i cent per round. TEW Inglish Chre Vactory. rine appia ana jluviu tunw. . ' r "I f 1 f'. TI ' J . VI: . Jl JF.W Orleanj and Amber Kvr.iji, J-y 'jty KatraAhau CkW fuller, Rahiln. ( (1 it' TION-Th4 Kmpir M.llt fannly Floatt j CoyyitKlttMurt. rautton all iouat- 'ioi(Uit ot il penally. Tka Imnent ttBiii I tor this lutl ctt- bratct KM PI KG H.'iL'K H tfow thujil.;- y ot its quality. .Sold oulf fci ( i No. Agent. urt ,- ' ;.;i Oftice of County Oomuiissif Tiers, - i NBW IIANOVEJi CODSTW Wii..ux.mv, N.VJ, Pot. I'lsl. l.72 1 , PKOI'OSAI.S alii be te.elv.l iiiitil Mop.Ur ha I'sih Instttnt. lur tbe eoairtrx llun i t Two Stui r Urlrk UulMlni luinu.llalelj Wot t.l ami adjomii court iiinue Plana autl Mieoilloatioii" utar ! wen at ll t-itl. e of the Kitrr 01 1Ih. iitrct to be (If en to the lowaat eiaiimbla ItMrr-the Coiiinilwliniere lemrvinir (lit1 light rojt'd any anil all bUls. Ity order Ceunty Coiniiiw.pri ' . L ' , , J. C HlUi. Ci.uk. TII15 KENTUCKY LIBRARY GIFT ! t it f ii 2 IN r.ASK TO l'AV ALL HFTS. A Full Drawing in Sight. -T ' BWBjaBBWBB A tlie Second Grand Gift Concort, author ed br Knvrlal act ol the Iiilatnre, la aid of the Public Library of Kentnckr, BtaTeiilaldy iHiatpoiied fiom Beprpmner tn o uccenmer 'in . ml will, k immOI! and nnf onlTOcallT occur in liOubiTiUe, Ky., Katnrday, December 7th, mi, without further ueiayonany account whaterer, the following caah Olita are lor ille- tribtitlon by lot among the ticket bolder : ONE UKAND GIFT, CASH.. . ...viwi.uvn .... MO.WW ...i.BZI.ItCO Vk H.WlO 1U.UO0 ,mo ,l00 T.ooo 6,U(' '8,(X 4,0110 a.iNio .A'.'.OOOeach , 1,000 each voo each m each 70 each . AW each MO tarh (' each , :uro each . ifio each lnOearh ONE UK AND (JIFl lcanhOItT ..... 1 OMllOIlt , lcauli (lilt 1 caah (iHt........ 1 caanuirt 1 ciuh (iltt , 1 each (Jilt ,, 1 cimh (lift , 1 cfwh Olft 1 cahOilt 1 caah (Hit 4 cb (lifts 15 citsbdifta W cah (lift 21 calh UitH iBeaahOltta. W caU (lltti. 4-1 cb (lilt rcah()itt. , t;o canh (llftd tin) caah Olft 2 cash (lift. TOTAL, l.OOOUIFIS, ALLCA4U....t5'e,0o The money ta tr hll theae gift H now ou tlcKMlt, and et apiH for that purpoae, In the Farmer' and uroverr Ban, aa win m nwn by the lollowing certificate of the Cashier : FahmbW ab Dotih'1ak, ) LouiaviLLi. K v.. Sopt. 18"'i. I Thl I to curtitr that there la now on tlepOHit lu thin hank over half a million nf ilollnw to the credit of the (Jift Concert fund, KO.iKiO or whiehl hold by Oile bank an Treaiarer of the Public Library of Kentucky to pay of ell sifts to he awarded at the drawing. B. 8. V EACH, easier rrlrwafTlekeU. Whole ticket I0; hale,.?3; rjuartera, 2 HO: llwliolo tlckote fw lo; Wfort'.ll ; W for B.VI07 OS for at ,im ; for aj.WW ; 676 tor 5,0Wt. Ko (btoonntn lem tbaaj P worth of tickets at a time, The drawinz will pusitifcly and iincnuirocal- lrtakeiilace ilooember Jth. Ageuta are pe remptorily required to tlose salea and make re- turin rsoyemoer am, la o urr to givo aiupm time for the final arraagatiieht. Order tor ticket or application for circular ahould be mlilremcd to Uor. ThoinM T Bramtetle, Agent Public Library of Kentucky, Irainvllle, (entticky. oct lit sje-itawWed'iiftSaffeli Missouri State Lottery. Legalized by Slate Authority and .Drawn . m xniuuc in cu liOtin. Qracd Single Number Scheme. 50,000 SIMBEBS, Claea K, t b Drawn October SI, 1ST. 5,880 Mf") AroowitiDj $800,000. prlte of....W,ono 1 prize of.... 13,tfl0 I prize of.... 10,000 I priie of... 4 pritor.... B.OflO 4 priaeeof,... 2,600 hi ulieeor.k.. 1,OM 00 prize of 100 eprteof.M, I, Out 9 prize of..,. flOO o prize of... ?mi prize ef.... 9tV) 36 prio. ino iW prize of,,.. I'JJ 180 prize ot.... loo H.OOO or lie of.... " lil tfl priieaof ... M0 40 iritonot.,... Z'A Ticket, $U). Half TickeU, . Onarteit, 12 60. - aj- our lot tei le are chartered be the Hi ale re alway drawn at the time name, and all trawliiK" are under the mipervirUoii ot aworu LmmiiMiotre. , tur J he official drawirtf will e euMeiued in ae 81. 1ula paper, and a ropy aeut to par .UAMMra iW tiekeia. r . ' . ' ay Wewllldrawkirinillar neheme the laM lav ot ever uniitii durlns the vear 1872. V Remit at onr rlk by POST OFFICII IIONKV ORDERS. RKOISTERED LET' VKR, DRAFT ar KXPUE33. Head for a ti." inlar. Addrew, MURRAY, All LI.KU A tX., Port Office Bax'M. HrJ.oun.Mo aprll 1J l6e-dl7-codTav.ihar.Hi.t tBll'AU Baltimore Lock Hospifnl DC JOIISH05, lhvi"i TtllUICllll I H1U lift, rrr.l. ahr in IS. t.rrt HmMlal .1 rvr. yia: Englaa.l. Ftama ant flltf, th rerlalu. .Kt.U, pU'.aut and firt.-taal nmly in tbe wotUl tue ALL EXCtXSRS OK AKl'S2i OF THK i Wcaktiawwf lk liak er j.t.e, bi-rtai afte. ti ei the kJ'4iw fci-Mr. Ih.i.Iuh, Ury ltharf', Iwplni y, (leBil lt.niy NerrowiMW, liua, I anguor, I-.'. Kflriia Haja)i WtM, rip.Ulkm (Ue Hrvi, TimUlitt, Trfmbliag, IHntnnn f n;lit m UfMniria, 1U vf the Hrn.l, Thru!, Ni r Hkm. Adrtrtwnaaf Ike Urtr, Luiir1. felon, wt. or Bel tho Wrrlt.t. Iiirra aiwmg tram aVtiUuy ItakiU 4 Yuulk-. ar aij uiiUfT at Ucra ore UU1 In lht U tiwi tkait die bi ol the Svrtna to tha Harlnoracf VIa,bliiUliug their a ktUllant b m JiUcijlioua. icudorinz biarrUg. At, tuipue- ailiie-icuoyrng eoia uouy asa aiuhi. youxo mo Fjipectallr. who hare bocorae the Tlctlmc it KoliUuy Vloe, that OreaUitU aiul duucUre habit which annually ewe pe to an antimcly iraTeUMaMtatUvfyMBf aaeaof the uoetei. ajt4 tainU aud brilliant iutallect, whe l;kl thrrtna hae eat raw fit hateatof aVnatee wUh the tkandri ei elottMuoe, or waked It e uoy tot iifiag lra,i eaO, wak luUcoa. fidence. . KARRIAQB s ' Harried pereona, er Voung Vca coiiUmplat ing marrlago, aware of J'kvlcl Weaknwe liOt of Prot-reatiTe Power ifmputene y). Mar. Tone Kicttabllity. PalpllaUuu,Oi jiaj Weak' eaa, Kerroua liability, or aa tllar r)iuatl. fli-auyn, apeedtly whetcd. . II aba ulaore hlxl. Mrt the ere of JK J. Iiuy leluifiulr con Ada la hla honor at a ga tlemaa, and ronlldeiitl rely upon hie aktU a (ihyakuia. ORUAtNlC WKAK' t A , Immrdlatrly eared and full Vigor Baatorrd. ibit dMtrtiag Alwtkutwhich rendera life lokMrabkaautt auvriage Impeaaible-1 Ui pife ally paid by the ylctlma of improper ludub gu. . oaag serauuearetooapi to com mi exceaaet from nut being aa are of the draadlu coaqiMotbataiaycum. Mow, who thai understand thliiubtvrt will 14 r tend to Ua Firna it. uai loM awnur t that the power ol prorrvatioB I loM awnur Jita falling lnwlnipror habit than it t Tpi-HdMitV ft eal.lt belug it ptle.l of the ylt k ureoinfanoy oe.'tprmg, a mow aenoai aertructlve evetutoaMoi" hoth, bly -aae artN. rue Bymriii uerouipa uviaigana yaleui iiecouie iirmavaii m Pkvilcal and hi.Mial 'uvUonwvakiiu7l7lw uf Profrcatlr Power, Nervon lrrllablli(y, lTl'l l, Palpitallmi of the Heart, l.llf. tlwu, i;onatltntlonl Debtlttf nd WMn a t the Frame, Cough, Coemimfttor),- Decay ai4 irvath. '" , - I A I'UKK srEroJtlt 5V,nUATKl. ' ! Peranejtniiitert In health by uulearned pre ieniler who keep them trlfllrg Bieejlk. allot awklli. UklK polaoaoiu a rut lujurk'tn M puemii.hkoald appll iat(iiaiiy.i 1)K. JOHNSTON, JJ ' , lueuther ot the Hoy JI Oleref Httrgeofia, lot. dou, tlradoaie of one of the tnavt eiulnetit (Al lege in the United Mtatei, and the had pail of wluMwIiieha been epenl In the boapilalaat liudun, Pari, Philadelphia and rUuwhere; ha .ttiH kd auuie ol the bkm aitoulahlng cure that were ever known; mane trouble.! with ringing in the head and tar when arteep, great nervounnea, being alarmed at eudden oumla hanhhilneaa, wflb TrtqH.nl blUKhiug, attaM aomctlmetwith deraiigrmeiit of mlink, errn cured IniniedlaWly. , , TAKE rAKTlCULAK NOTICE. Dr. .?. a.ldre ll tlo wbe have Injure theauadve by liupioie( Indulgeuoe and aoll taTy habit, which rulu both body aud mind, uu&lling lUent tor either tHrflnum, itudy, eo CielT or marriage." Tbeae are eonie ef the a1 and melancholy airaci nronuc.q dt vn aariy paniu i ynuia .WeehWwoi uieuacaaeu JdJuei, ratal lu the Head, Diuiuaa tif euut l4 of II ue eular Power, PaluUation w7 lit Heart, Dya pepla, Nerron mitabtltty.' Detaugement, ol the Dlgeatlre Psnerton, General Debility B)vmvbnOf Conaiimptloa, c. 1 MKN rAbLY Tlie rearrni etreou on tu mlud are much to be dreaded. Loai ol Mi- ory, ronfuaive ef Idea, Itypremitin of Kplrita r.yn rureiHiiiiiii, jtrermon to nociciy, etii- DiaUuit, Ir ui Solitude, Tluililltr, Ac., end aome ei the ell produced. . Thotueuu or peraou ol an age eau row uuge what la the cauae ef tuoif declining healtu, hMiug uteir, rigor, uecotaiug weak, pale, nervom and eraacialed. having a alngiilai iitearaiio auoul me ere, couiiu ami at niv turn, of Conaumptlon. YOUXO MB who have Injured flicnuclve b a oarte In ptae Uce, Indulged In when alone, a bablt frequent' y loarueu lroiu evil companion nr at uiiooi, ,lie e licet or which are uinlitly felt, even wbel Mleep, aud If not eured ruu.lor warrtag int. poaallile and doatioy both wind and body aiiould apply Immediately. What i t a pit 11TU that a young man, tb hope ot bU ciuutrv, Uie urltle ot hi parniita, ahould be matched from all proapecU and enjoyment ol lite by the cotuequonue of deviating from the paiu oi naiure, aim indulging a ceruuu o cret habit. Much parauu mutt, before contem plating MARRIAGE, reflect that a eonnd mind and 1otty are the moat neeeseary requhiltea to promoteconnuhlal bapplneaa. Indeed, without tboM Uie Journey tlirough life become a weary pilgrimage, the roepect ue'a-ty darken to tne view, tutmimj ecome liduwed with ilcei.alr, and Riled wltk the melancholy reflection that the bapplneuel another te Plighted wiia our owu. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mlngiilded and Imprudent volaiv or pleasure una turn, tie naa imnioeA me :'! of thl painful diaoaw, it too oltrn bapim thai an 111 tuned Rente ot ebame or er sad of dlacnv err deter bin from Bitilvlnr to thoe wlie. from euucation ana rcniieci cunectabllltr, ran alon bet r lend him. lie ran into uie uhiiuboi inor ant and delgning pretonder, who, lncapabl Ol curing, nicu nia lracuuiary iuuntiivi iccf blm trifling month after month, or longai the (malleet foe can be obUlned, and In eVcHial leave him with ruined health to ligh ever bit galling disappointment: or, by the use of lit deadlr poiaon. Mercury, canae the conf '.Hu tionaliymptouuef thUherridtliaoaae to make their ai.iicarance, uch M ulccratodaore throat, dlacaaed nose, nocturnal pain In tlie head and limbs, dimness ef right, deaf iica, node on the shin bone and arm, blotches on the bead, lac and extremities, ptogTfwing with rrlghttul rapliilly, till at last the palate ot the mouth of the bone or me boso ibii in, nnn in victim : tbl awful disease become a horrid objects commiseration till death put a period te nil Oretdlnl infTerla', bf aendinf hlia to that on dlcovered country ,'from whoee bourne m traveller ever return " Toiuch, therefore, Dr. Johnston ofer thl moat oertalB, epeedy,. pleaaarr and (rleetuf1 remedy m ue wotio. , fr t -j OEFlCg( 7eSOUTHTti3)fBICK Bl BALTIMORE, MD , Ift hand side going from Baltimore street,! few door from the corner. Fail not to obaervt name and namber KT No letter received nnleea postpaid ai ( eotitalnlng a tamp to be need ea tbo reply. Pet eon WTiting sliould state age, and send a portlot Ol B'lTcriincmeiii urnvrining eymprom. The Doctor' DIPLvMA hang In hie office. i ENDORSEMENT, Or THE fRESS. The mane thonmn.t enred at thl esUhitah. jeBtwitbla the last tweaty yeava, and the merou Important surgical n per al ions perf or med oy nr. uixiiistun, wnneiwca oy toe Kepreeenta xiveeoiiuo i rw ana many oilier, notlJes which have appeared again and again before I pnblic, beeule blaitAnding, a a man of honor ana renrxnrnoimy) is eutnetent guarinte tf lite anil i.wtj. - " 1 .. 8KJN D18XA8F.S fTPCEDlLT CURED. ajarebM lyeb IT It There Will be ft Grand Toiirnsmerif nrmnlhl titionl,1! ral Ae Gronndiot the Caiw Pear Agrtenllaral Aasa 'eiatloii on Friday November l,h, and a Coie nallnn Hall at the rtr Hall h nl.ht A limited number of Knights otilv Will PttKMrtfM.. ' ' J 51stPgnnt (IsM Watch. ' 2d Snleuilid Had lie. -i Heat BMer -Silver pnrii . j fvi tukad parllculara r tJV v4 S v Uk. W.. 11MarChaWwia n, Vvilmuiaei, b.to et . is. ..,, iji-tt Bta,rand TostmnTJ-Tj .,- 1 GRAND TOIJRIVil t4 - 14 n o-ri j j u ? f l . . u ti-k : (Tlie Jlailn journal. WILVI.IwiroX. N. CM uiiKMHTt on i n r ii ; i . i s ; i the Juinl. mbi.I lutkMtrUMl atallroad. I'lict. Ii4 bvii duly vluitcivtl in Nib CnJuia. Nnitli ('attli'i, mil YircltiU, IIipt railtoail fotupauH , ami i lln'iu Ii. jiutt .M 't I' vmwJ.M.itino. TIhi iMlIf ildcn-d.'.l lure antl til. ktaulully tut tl4 iwuii aiivl ixiiulilinut 4" norsnn; and ti.uvJi.1 tliti-. mi fi nally iiili'iid' il, an. lli-y int.w tt ImiM mLal piat-ikallj niy l" l-4nl'il S' lwi J railnvnl, a tlx itarrvw g,uv fljn, fii'tn NtxMk, Va., to ( luilototi, . t via U'iauiiigtuD, N. t". TLo liue iU im tlirvtujU tbe easliru cimntioe of N'urt&t'ar oilua, auvl the ciuulit of Hurry, (.eorgiv owiu tuJ I liailPstoti, lu ouutu (.aroiin TUe uiovrinonl U uf great local raluo aud lrn)ortaikC totlie xutlota through Licb the line will pass, Eastern North Carolina is now aua uaa aiwayi Devn eximjiy Uolated, with tueagre moana of ltitr,i and egrvs. The eountry ii rich aou prJurt-h-e, the mottrtrs large And Important ft U Uikkly aeUled, aud thrt HuUtlou, at a how, In adTantltig and lirotluolve, wt- d.vVy throiigli tl4 p'l'stpitative eli ai'ta of V Ikf lteljtteta;jr,liowfA:ul Trj tawullieiaat rAeam vf conimunrealion, kaw hrea to a rteal citent Cut I'll' frorrr the utost eTTH'ilitiona line ot intN conrsjf, aiul bwn dcpriTj cf qtiJcJc access lt the Madiu btiMutwe cetiUre tvkl ar kets, ami ao Ur as we run Jmlt'Q freatf)' neexl sonw raptif, 1180, fnttent al cheap means of rommTthlcaiinn with, 10 to peak, the outside world. I lie lame eon- lion of aiairs exists te A irmter r fats pxtent in the cnnntH lit .Sutttli t'aroltna Uuough which tli pt oitotpi, a hat W may wmew, ra Oeatt Uallroeul will mmm, oolrlf priSlbt thry Aft) roof hdlated than lu .Nuitli ( aivlina. JIi'iioA. we takn il. lb leoplc In these siH'lums will iw iiiteivste.l ti learning H U itonvhisI lo oiiert tip an uutlt't through Ibeit.iKRliiyv JitfUtililiH: lacilittea lar bryNui aluU they iww eukty, tbe throwing "10 of iht'lr valimM. htmU (or use, culture aLJ proUL Uu arcitaint to them of all Hxxlurn atlvaulasea Ui Uietmiis- ortatloii of Infill ami laisetijfi'ra, tlio enrlils tif telegratihli coiiiiiiiiiiii'alion attd bfi vi-ry luany .tnlier bifiirs 1ml ptaiss itliVh usually reatdl ligut pttUlitu 'a cum- paratlrvly holaleJ eiHintry, which Is ii- r i nsimny of jrrtf natiirul wea nn. irsoiihTi auU ooiuMitirii, lu ijuUk, aotUu lniiint contact with tbo buiiorUiit tnaiketi of tho cotirtlry; 'The ailTantsjeii alio to tlifl trrtnluul and luteimailiato cities aiul town WtU be my wekjm y ami miiortaui. Hence wo alltute to tlie subject, as we now li hup what ht length. The pioposcd lailiuaJ is of Imputauce ato al a throtifth route, auuileiiuiK, A it w ill very materially, nlsUmie betwticii salient points and K'tnllnr cities, ml ct- pciiiliiur and t'lieaiieulriu; its it may the rates on freights ami ;iitciif;cis. We learn it S the purpose of tlioae interes'teil to rttewl their line from Noifulk iimtU hy rail, oross. Ing llio t uesaak taay at or near rwwcll s I'olnf, hy steam ferry Imal of snltatlf di iiiensions lor the service, crrylii2 the rn tilt train over, as was iuiuturly tleno at Havre do Ci ace, between Jlslttiiiore aul niilailelphla, t the Sttsjielmnna River. As a Ihroiidi route this wouM shoitcn tlie lino iM'twecn Wiliiiliietoii anil New Voik over the prosent rail scheltili) tiinu of some ten to twelve horns, say the half ol a lnir- tiess day ; ami from tliailesloti In cw York ol soiiic sixteen hi eighteen Iiinna, practically prohahlr Hie whon tr a bu.nl iicaj ay, At Lctwvuii Noifolk ami New 1 01 k as now run by wat! an the liny ami ail Ii 0111 i;allitoii', of h'iin len lo twelve hours. In this case as now run tho kavliii would be alnt an entiio liusiueiw ilay. l'lic' rcsulls conm firm savings in dis tance, the substitution of rail for walor travel, ami other 'haiit.ie-., Il j Imlher expectflil loextetul (hi route fiom Ciiaib'S. n south, Tills new l.tilliiH'l ii'i t;t U fitrtlirr in- teicstlng and Important lu lo other re spects ami Rivi; i a national aul peneral value. The lir!t of these points i, it wll ilcniuuslr.il e tno lacl llit land tiaii"iln- lion under tho narrow gatigo s,)ileui of rail roads can bo comluil'id in more than in cessful cotiijetilioii with ocean toa,st uavi sation, csiccilly wheu Insurance and timo aio also considered. This f.tct will bo one of universal inlerest, as having a fuilher general bearing on land and water trans poitation to very hupoitaut subjects in n.s extensivo country. 1 bo iccotul jini, s the entcnx is-', when cvotiltully anil flually completed, will conwrKall the leading m;aioits of tho At Untie within its route, by tho slimiest rail route, lu case of loicign invanion (I this country (and such a contingency is by.im means im probable) this lino of railroad would as sume a national iuipoitauce as an clement of national protection, by allording facili ties for tho rapid and shortcut movement of troops aud supplies lo Ihrcaloned mints, rather than as now by the circuitous ami long routes now running, with their elbows and ciooks. It is further known there is now even no rail communication of any kind wkh tnauy vulnerable points on the coast. The importance of this point was cleat ly shown ta Iho case of the State -of South Carolina, by the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, la the late war. We learn that Uie survayi and location of the road front Norfolk lo Charleston will be commenced early. From what we can gather, the par.les Interested are. active and mean work. ' They have already spent A eonslde'ahle amount of mohcy on tho undertaking, which Is one of the best evi dences they are Id earnest. The company is composed of Southern gentlemen tf character and strength, along the line, and of Northern gentlemen of capital and rail road expedience. The organization, we learn, is complete, and there is a full corps of officers with an Eaecntive committee with full power to act. It Is their purpose to more as expeditiously and as eatly as possible, and there Is reasonpble assurance, we hear, the woik.whcn corarr.eured, will be prosecute I vigorously. We understand farther, the parties, interested propose Dow shortly to canvass tlie section through which the road will run, to ascertain if the- right of way be had fire, whether Ihcy can obtain anv land grants from persons wlm lA'glit te bene (Bed bf itr doiurflucti.ai of the rr-ad, Atlif further, th 'learn hat aid and subsciiptions they might tely on and obtain from individuals, counties artd cities along the mute. ' His proposed to build, as above remik ed, a nanow gauge road (three feet gauge.) The public Are nmlor tlie impression that. the iiartew' gauge system of railroads is only sail able for bunch Unci, or fpjmsety i sealed aecUons: tiial liter are only useful as feeders. 1 hi is a great error.' The ' narrow gange railroad (3 feet &auA) ia fully coAipete&i and tnitaLle ir each and, Il lii.e. I in l " I b it vtiitt mi.vt 4fi'M. Thia l t' b';!i t poii. A vt.koi'; l a tel'in thi f any Wlr oiintiy aioH"t ( tenl Imimucx. 'I' lie iimijI jd on lh wib- or I b i t f"', itt lie ot l't SSUi'", ttlwseaie kinie n at th wdnuiy wele 's"yriad in !IH cetnliy ). ktt'mM .it mile f( lentr. In liri-lit capacity tly arw r-pi-d, tf "t Mipei k , to Ui pn- e;it ihh - ii.- ylrttt i f rada. Ihetr fifisht cais will cany fiviu two t three timet then ou wciihl, 'hd llm ilf Sit" lteij;ldcis caity bota ttutihoiilyM then iiati Wright. In ciliif!ttttlipsvir' ger tie- nanow ;.; ha th unit wa iU'ul4tion ami leu.'e aud nmvrniencea as the 4mcii2t rat oil tire w ble gaue toad, lule in a ltinj Kout tlioy give him looro i'iut' tndica luau dot's the ot Juiaiy wi.lergaii;;ecais, JJut above JI, and of fargicatci huix'rt, (adding, Lowover, the abovd fcaturoa), is Uie fact that narrow gaiigt roads, (aud by this we wish to be uudcrsteM as meaning me J ivet gauge roadk, can be built for about oue-half tie money or cost of the wider (range roads, (and by this exprerslrm we mean the roads w bt ae gAuget aro either 4 teet r( Inches, or 5 fii t, tboM) being the common gaiujoe), and not only this, but after Wng built, can be operated for about one hall Uifl cost of the .wider gauge road. These ucC, ( and thev eats all le iwovahI theoretically and practically, did nok't tcnd iWi D Uoe loo long), woiud stem, to aliyw Uc new line pnpoed ha ttwMt soent in it, outside of the advantages already ludiray Uvl, both lvsny ajirtraherwrse. The nar row gang) rystem of mads Is, lurtlier, no xpanninni or great novelty rvow, but iliclr success la a demonstrated f.rrt. The ) tenv baj bceu critically esantlued and tented by UotTroroeut 0iniodsslonr of (treat liritain, Norway, Km ,1a, Sweden aiul France, and reported on favorably. The Fngllsfi tfoVemment has avlopted tlf tystoin In lbej coiistructlon cf JOKH) uiil"s of railroaif In lniua forjhe tr.iti-inirtatlon of cot ti hi, (in Item ot lnlei4 In the Soullo because llm narrow, gingit ttmld tUure lie hittlt fr abrmt-rtriMiaof'tlie w rtlergne, and 1 fipeialed ltl , 'abotlt oai' Wt Htiuli, bcsldt'A.airiMtliiikt v.eiual . cansiut; eapitcHy, ami klie aami'wrxiid .antt eolaforl. They aif llthetl1lllcceenlIplliJn Wales, oi ayfclden, lu.Ila, T.uss t ranee, ..canaiia, t jpojjtii avAmei tea at (Jilceiudaml. Thu piesj- lui ' frciitieiit ami genciallv noticed thn .wtirtsiriilipir ailon of the rcstluld lrrosr gatiw road It Aniri. "Tho gauge' or,thJs juad U oiJv lit i Inchra, or not utiiia '-' feeLand in-1 rtstonrini averagt'dO fHH'toni per mile of road, wjtich Is uww'tliin' double bf tho trutllo of the Uu illy roatla in Alasaacbtuetts; and Its itafcener busing lis the same year, and it la not strictly a passenger road, amonnU'J lo uhh pustMiitgers ia-r mile, which exceeded that id' tlveweiy prosperotn W'crccter mvl Nuitu road, of t hu same Mate, lit lb .0. .... ' Tho luactlcahillly, sarnie.' canamtv. and iitcce-is ofthe iistrow (fangc road Is further shown liy Uui fact tltat thsie Unow la eoiuvi of enlist ruction aud operatiim roads of this gumre n Indiana. Illinois, New Jersey, intfa.' ow Vcik. iVIjooiuIu, Me bronka, aloitlana, Idaho, Cahforubi, Al.i iMina, (Mies Nevada, Weat Vlrjlnla, t'oloindo, Tennessee, and At kanuis.-jr We. giJy s ll iwe mw lUcI . At Utuvei nty. tollirtido, ' iheie H U ' Ilik-n 1'aclUc . sill Uai" iau,is, 1IIh.V ,ty)h of, lue' wiJci gango aud tho ,VuVel v 'y ami i.iy (.mmio ivaa. iiuu'iA, 'nil slili by itiilo. In lleceinlx'i o IS, I tlie twoloiuiei' wcioUpimd atlltiiesiis many as four coiHOcutivu Uays from iH'"t, (nun of lh gieateal l"t of railiole. hilo dm lug tliu sanm liuie, tlx latter was la-vei more tliiiu tM hours bchiinl lime at oiiu lime. Tim lJouvcr C'Hy ind Hi" (.tiaieUl load 1 to lie koliio Hll) mllos ill leu;lli, soiuul'iol wlik ll was Hu ll I'lllillllig. lis Ihi1,i llu'ii ihowed It eottld. and was cairylii twu ami nne-thlrd tons mm mile (or one cent. This Is cxtraoidiuary In cheap ti4iispoit.ilioii. l ioiu what we can Irani, wu would not bo siuptkml if I he ';n-4t boulliciu l'acili" Road was nol bulll on Hid iiiii row iiWi" plan. To rtnn-lntV, lioflerrr, wn wool I niniply iii.nk lli.il colUiils liuvi) beciine limd of tiring iiji their means in uiipiolllaliln i ailio.nl piiierpnaes, wIm.'io theio ii rarely a iliruct i el m n, but only collateral and iu- cl'ieuiHi ailvaulii's, ,llie tnitilu: liavn onie. lo regal '1 liivesluMHtlA In railroads, as heretofnio cou.sttuHed, ss bmlrd, They ur-jue, why tihould there not be a direct ictitin fiom investments of this character, as in the tavcof bank slock and vailcus olln r buiinef!c), and only iiidiiect and lu cldenlal ri'luiii. Tliu slmpbt answer is the wider gait'.-e.soi old syslciu cum ImiIii ton much to build hui1,iiiii... u'Jlin land tranaoiU!iiH syslcut of this coitntry .Is, however, biuvly an cuoimotis Interest., aud must be not only unstained but, further vastly developed. This has driven the railroad world to sludy tho subiect iun closely and ciilically, and lo ascciuln what lias been iloiiu abroad in this matter. 1 ho nsull has been iho gradual adoption of the narrow-gang) system of railroads. Tho system has enemies now in tho old line now crttabli.hcil, where enormous amounts of capital arc at present invested, also from railway supply agents and lu some cases from the older members of the cnRlnecring profession, who, quite naturally, like many of Uie rest of us, have a special fondness for anything of our own begetting, which the wider or old gaugo system Is to them. 1 he narrow gauge roaus, however, possess ing the capacities they do, And Costing and being operated for such very much less sum of money, do seem to us to possess merits w hum cannot be Ignored. We thcrcforo really and heartily congratulate the people oa this new proposed ('oast line, and trust soon to see It started : and nono the lesi as It may givo them many of tne atifantageg growing out or the narrow , ' FfUESD. Hoarders ' Wanted. Mrs, P. Quince, at hr residence, corner ol Front and Mulberry streets, I prepared to ac commodate hoarder by the month, week or lay, at liber l charge. - Also, otlara fur rent a Urge biic.k fitablo ad alnii the premise. . - i oct lit 3i:w-lA?,iii5, Lr QJ.ESf.K.VNDV, rEACllAND lll'TTKR. ' ' ;iVl Rnxes t:iieese. i I - ; - i l'4i Ca-es liramly PcicIip,' Ml Tiths Itilllet. rur sale by P. W. KKKCrtNKIi. - , 3.1V oet in s NI'FK, TPRAO'JO. OAr. ANP f "SAUIMNJCiii'et VA ktbJi .haUrRhl. and BausKntilt. - juu g" aim canines a uabiuhi,! i,,, - Yin, nl in .mii. ' . . . M ( aae Hardinet, ' ': . t ii, ror eil by TIT I.'CPI'DU EH. t .lesrV.'i m U-i ,4Sr 51 ,fi' , sl' ,..;;- lilTl'-V;il ) 1 tj-itj l.i a tmiik: iir tlitfi. i i ni4iii(Aiii i'tl nf h't'y H. & B. EMANUEL; 15 MAUKl:T sSTUEET, Huso um li-cclvril it foinplrlt Hlock of tlhKS, roiT.IXS AND VLMS AND FANCY DRES. (i(H)D.S i)V ALL DMSCIUi'TION?, Wkicb they elt.-r at pil.-et that de!y caaapetiltoB. UNDERWEAR, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, And tltnerat Ataorttaent of I.ADIK3 ft RMHlflNC. QlHUVS. II ivir.RT. all (l.be; (II oy K . Kid, Uilk, an.1 LUIe Thread ; TAttLr: LINKS, Napkin and T-.Wihnj; 1 adlcs, Athwes and CblUlren PhiUdelpbia hla.U 8hon,r , SHAWI 3. C.ni'S snd a.0.4rt l all the latent vatieMei ' ' '' f.w.-.-.i ,',af Fl II. fssfrJOT OF VOY'H ASH t IllIMUhVH VlQTIlUIUmU , 1 ' ' i' ''i,!' t avjAT-faia GENTS' AND YOUTHS' 1 LATEST STYLE TTATS III addition to tha abave. aU Uud Ii 1 1 k miM it price that will laiuteealee. H. k I). KM INI MASK ., VMI.MlMaUN NORTH t AKOI IN y j r .f i ... -Ji v. I.. -,i a -f m , .4 orFt :i ui KOIITM. niWAN.... t.:...presldciil JONM W. ATrttNHiN...,,.V-,M President. P. H. CAMhltON erebtty Dr. B. A. ANDFUHON U.1ieal IMreetot 1 ' MMrcTUKM. .1. W. ATHMMiB,(leiwral Insurance Agent. I, I), (laaiauia, I'retid t lienk ol New Han ever. " P. W. RaauuMBa. (I incur and Couinilasitin Herrhaat, (J. M.r.ratMii,of Wilvkl A Vtedman. T. H. MoMof , of W. A. Wlillehead A (K, rayetieviue. i II. II. Cowan, President. ' M. II. PIii.nh, ('otiimlMion Merehsnd . A. A, W ilia mo, ol. Wlllard 4lrilhar, W. A. Ci uminii, o." Niiitln.ip Jt 4 o in in 'n , 'II. W. Wn.i,iai, of Williams A Miwi Iimsiii, F.I.I Meuaar, ol K. Miinay , Co. A. .1. DaKiHwir.ef lieRuawt A n. Roar. ItaaaiNW, of Dan, Tvo A Men. hlug. AL.Srai'T,UilUh VUie-Uunsnl.or rtpmit A llmsiin. - I. MrnrNV, AlUimsy at Ij. .1. D. Wn.l.un,it ,l,D. William A Otfc.Fky etlevlll - .laa. O. MeKae, AH'y al Law, Favettevttle. I, II. KaLbV. Worcl'unt. Keiiansvill. J. T. Pura, Merch tut, l.tunliertim. KI'KCIAT. FKATl RliS AM ADVAX . r.u.i:s. 1st. Ho reatrletlon on Residence nr Travul. Id. Wo eitracharg en the live of Females, 3d. Pnllclri I i.ronlnat ITiIa alter Flf Years, 4th. Tha rale of Interest un Din Fuiuls of Hi Coitipany higher thsu thnso on tho Fund ol Onnpaiiles locaied In other B1hI", tliu Intur Ing largnr Dlvlitetids In Policy llnl.li ia, IHh. The Directors and (iWcrrs of l,n fiitu pany ar ernmlneiit N( HITIJ C In a 1 . 1 N I A N M, who are KNOWN lab men nl JM I.Klil 1 1 and WORTH. fill. The Company It e.lanilshail on a lld atel eraiatieiit basts s.eps having hern fatten to Increase the Capital block to v.V0,vO. 7 th. All Ihw riin.U of the 4 oi.titrtiiy Nrelntele4 lu thl Hlnle anil Irrii Ivtlrvl mong ur ovtn I'ci.plr. Tl.la Ltct should ennunend lb wiaiiv, above ill nib. ers, to North (.'amllnliui. ft Is well known thai hiltidreil ol' tliniiMinl of lmlliirsof Lite Premium r manually st;iit North to enttch Norlhern Canllalists, thus coiitliiUH.ll v dialulng our peopl or tinmeiiie imoitnl whd b skoulil be kept at heme. On Hob ground the ftlcndi of this Company mtilMeiilly appeal b every eun of the Old North Bute, and ask their miiiHirt tor thl IIbuio Inalllntlou, which, while it tier aulMtanlially all the advantages of North. ernConipanies, help to build up II out lu. treia. , , JAMES I). KROOJLS, Ueoeral ttuiiervlslng Agent, Ralelgb.N.U. Titos. OKT.MK Local Agent, aprll 5th. 1S72. IRS "RE&OTilli." AAnOJJ V RltrJNSTCI!! will remove tolbiir NEW STORE, formerly oecapied by Mews. GRANT & COWAN, opposite the ITotcl, oa THURSDAY, September 26tb. f LARGELY lKOURASF') .s7AAN.y. '-., , ' ' ' (li;i ar now beinc reef Wed by evt ry Kleatn. er.andCOI'NTUV NPKC1I ANT want '--m V: ' fett t'4 v -.. ..fei. .' toi i t ' itu well to e.x.'tiuikc their a'ock ., bef.tr purchasing. aept 13 S3(-tl 1J. KINDS Of BLANKw . i , a, , . yoa8AUtAC THIt ' . ant i.'--v aiav1 AND OAl?a;;:; it In a tlUatVa -LAM TltT IMXXlMk ttnMH . ... k ANU KL, 15 iiauuit ntnttr:' : . , i ..a - 1 VJ 3rerh ..4 IBtNlaVAHlK. ot JOHN WU.DkR ATIJNKOI' ,'i s I ' ' .',..'hj 1r INSI!llillll-l(!l'i; i - ( . r-' -. t W.iiulii-j.nn, JI. 4Y; " i' I ' ' f VlSfc ! .i- .1 J. . '" .- ' '"sJ aJf FIRE INSURAVCK X)MrAlte i .t i'i,i-i ' nimt'it gifFKH, er 1,ivenonl tut tlf .KOapl lal lu,uuo,iii. e - . 'l a. ANDHH nf 1 1. c rtili e. 1 1 jV. A t , 4 f.l :V,tV,l a m a v.ny or ancitmattrtTtr. Aei. tui.nni 1 1 I b M I1 It i4 tluclBiall,.Asit!t a,Jl.iM ClNTrNrNTAI.ofN.T:..A"et. !.5..w At. of N A T It N A ft ftf-rUrv Oord.-; itd.'.x.eAsMt, a nn,ooi VA. IIMMK ol JUclilrtOiid..,.tAeeU, sjn.isy l l P Vff tVcTtn 1 Ci ' viam,ii.t.ii)uill,il - , MPllCANTILfl Mt'TtfAL ef Ife fork. KiiwntNi waiter, p resident, i i w aprll .l rfks NfsK r.l.l.A'NKOI n.' i mm it. Y We oiler 'all .buyer ot IIOU'f.1 aiid,8ttOKfl y ' -'t ' me lari stock, fell au.f eonipteto assortment on nil Hits'", and lower prires for netted fnot - - - - . j than any bouse in the fltnte. ' ' M ... . . . u ii;o. JJ. KHK-NCII A SOX, . ,i f) North Front Street, mlil , i Ail rjlHK WAniMUOKO AKUtH, ' I'ublishi'd every Thursday at WAdeiborO Anson county, at the present termi nus of Iho Eastern Division Ot tha Wiliniiir4on. Oliailotlfi A Uulhcrford ItallroaiL I M'ltMCltlPTrnM: 1 I ine i nj. y, nna year, tJW, In variably la ad" vati.e. Advertising Utes very easy. f Liberal terms to Contract Advertisers. $ The A ROUS clrcnlatstenlvly In Aaion, Richmond, Union. Montgomery, Stanly, Ca barrus, and Mecklenburg oountlee, N. (J., and In Marlboro, ChesterUeUl, Darlington, Ker. haw and Lnncaster counties, 8. 0., and reache a large uumberof Intelligent remder. To thi merclianU of Wilmington It preaenta unequal lol advantage for adverting In a seettoa of country now being Just opened up by th ex tension of this Division of the Wlfmlngtow. Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, tha tradeog which must naturally aeek an outlet with there. ay Ijctter addressed to the tinder signed either at Wilmington or Wadeabort), will meat with prom pt attention. JAMES A WARROCK, Proprietor. march f ttt-lsw-tf pUKCKLLlIOUHIC, 3. a. TAVlr!, Pwrtifletof " . From thl date the rates for Traaaient Board tng ar (4, 3, and 12 60 per (lay, according location anA room. " .. .-fi -n . Day Boarder l per week. . . . ; . rn21 ' ' IT"-'- W.i -..i.i fil!AKAXli.r.ni I I i S TI 1 SJ- ' i J,.. I U,n. '.Une -.. . - ' . f tiSfi Tlll!;lliiill "i - i1 4v r i er. x s s

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