f :J V .'ti I 5 J t v l : i' ! i i 1 H I 1 t r V o WILMINGTON. 1ST. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1872. WHOLE NO. 6,325. VOL. XXI NO. 363. I.Vt'K15C HATTHkW P. TAYtolt ' N'iv..vT fill k. rriv i v FIRE, LI FK Arsi - MARINE 1NSUHANGE. WEAKK rtOPAREDTOT 1KB K!KS til tba toliowm; popular and reliable Companies, vii : Kir Ins ira ice ii exvey ih'ni.ti.iu .1 propeiiy in tin- HOME INSURANCE GO 'I IsTEW YORK, CAPITAL, $2,500,000. . ASSETS, $l,000,00t. ." K7" Tbo If ailing New York Compain . Fire Insurance Comimiiy, .1 , PUlLA-DELl'lllA,. ASSETS, ..... . . $3,200,000. T The lewdinj rhilultlplna Company. PHCENIX INS, CO., IIAUTFOUD, ASSETS . . $2,000,000. OMOt'tbeAiatcJase Haitford Companies." ir 'M HARTFORI, CAPITAL.. .. .... $000,000. Georgia Homo Ins. Co, ' ASSETS, $401,000. "Th FavoriU Sjutlicni Company.'' MARINE INSUlkANCi:! Klukt UkclTon Cuifo nnl Kreljlit In tlie well kuown, poiulr PACIFIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, NICW YORK. ASSETS $1,000,000. IIfe Inaurnncp in the Equitable Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY, ASSETS, $18,000,000. Kprewt)ti lj Matthew P. Tajli. W All flrat-claaa Compaolen, nil inurin'e akeil at prCTaUltig ralea. au( . eca- jyjERfHAXTS AMI MECH INKS' IXSl'HAXCK COMPANY, or KICHMONM), VIUOIMA (ftpilnl S-J.-mi.'m0 A. Y. 8TOKM. fliTMlt. I.lt, Mhii:k. Sn't'v. .ioiix vilii;r Aiiiiso.v. ttiMl Agent, tin. I Vnrlh Vtui St.. Wiliulnluit. X. I . aprll li II !YV ovi IM? lnui'i mice 'oni)aiiaY. ASSKTS . .. ANSCAU INt'nMK.. vm .inn lion ," ' " ' I , i , , . ,, i liefota In-lirma in otli.r Ciinipiiine i::llat : . I Ike ottlee of .1. A. Il UNK, Ccneral A Ki nl of ' . . I tUlKUhl tta p.ipitlnr I oiBJuny, wLere joii cm , ! Mthefflr1l reimrt of tho tmlingl all t ' I I'ompliilca. OITteo at C.iniinoreial l-vruanK" Bnlldlng, Water tret. noy 10 Si Imeh A CARD. I hay this day associated with nu in tin fr Inmrance bufincss Capt. W. R. KEJv'AN Captain Kcuan is too well uud favorably known to the citizens of Wilniinytoti and tlir urrounding country to rctiire any cilorH, tlicntorlulroduclioil from ua. Tl.p CVmpa nleirtpretcntcd hy the Ayeuey are of stieh undoubted aolvoncyand good Mainline that , with the awditame of Cnntain Kenan in ti e Agency, I conHdcntly nppral to the public lor Urge and iucrmlng "hare of puttouage. ; i I -I. A.13YKNE. njy 10 ' ' ot-lnteli At a called mecllng of the Direetor. of llie Wilmington Mutual Fire Insurance Company, he'.d on tha 2th Oclohcr, M2, (he underelgncil wu appointed Secretary and Treasurer of taitl Company; and the requirements of the charter 'Ting uvYfl ovnipitctt wiiur a m. it.ivu iw . teeelye ppncatlon for FIRE It ISKSon huihl Inga, merchandise, Ac. D. UASHWELL, Secretary and Treaiorer. Wllmlogton, N. O., Oct. 80th,1BT2.338-lat3 inn p.-ni re t I I III! l III I' S. U1J.VH U UILI nniDAw nine ivs r uiiiuni nun hid. i'i IMK(I- 111 ,1 il I I i liltli vi:.oi.(M.. .M KIMI. t ri- itrritisi mi i utii; MllAU I.OMO IWNHtH I'ue. o lusuiai.ee tYmpany. i f 1 mi po.( an I I tiihltm. rt.fit il t i,-Hh..i Xmlk bitlud. and Mf!r..!;ii f li.-nr ik ;iuipaiv, f i djl. . ... I'1" Fart laid li.-.irjHir i omn n , i l - ''" .Na'ioiial r ire li.-uiane l.utj .m Vl HailtOrd. 'UV1. CsmaiH-uuil Ituaiauci- linupai.i, 'l N tk. 4pU.il ... a I'b i-Hi lnuiaiu-f Caini'tMV, i HrtH'klvit, iaiul i Ol liuliUK'H.!. v.fil:i!.., . MAKINK-Ihe ..i-l M.-n-miti!- 1nln-l ' I. IKK lh. -..uiu,li. nl M Mi.nl ! Ilnl A I hlsN A M ISMMi, ' .Ml l A A t'i). - Q CJ A. LM I AiS MlTUAIi LIFE INSURANCE CO. i' NEW VOIIH. ASHKTS (,.i,iDl roi.iriK.x ;n roucr.....! s PAM ...J. I, M'm.lHKI rfNJ lm Special Features. Anuiml Hit l.lrn.l. K''1t tl to rutin Prrmi udi or iii.TCUM) liiiirniue. All rlii'ir! sKft-n r.rkiTAHl artertwiian lltl ll I.UMlli'lltl. AMl'W W. (;ll,I ruiiluii. KVKKKTT I'LAI'l'. iro l'trUIiil. I.rtll'8 M'AI.M, S' l'ri'lmr mhiI Aiiu.iiT. i HKMii c. h,i:m ii, AMaiit Ni'iTt!.iT. ISAA'J 111 IZI KH CO., I'.iuril Ajjciii V iriulii, North Culuhim ami I'- '' A.J. 111LL, Jr., A sen t, WlI.MINtlTO.N, N.C. (itli.e on Market Slrocl, to dn Vt-ft ni liii.'"ii Vlaiiiifr III ii StoiD, mill T. K. Wool, Mi"lii-1 l.ntulner, feVH lli-ly hviLMMiTO S0KTU t'AIUH.IN V iNSURAMCE(JCOMPflNY. .- , CIFI ..... ... i Lr. A. .1. 1U KOSSKT .rirsl lcnt j JOHN W. ATKINSON Vie PreUlent. r. H. CAMKIION Sci'N'Ury Dr. K. A. AMi;U.SON,......S'ioilU.-il Dlrsi tor I'lIvKCTOl-i. .1. W. AtKiMxis.den- rnl liunrntire Ai'til. I. II. lliiAi.xiii.i. l i. i I liniik nl Nnw Hun orer. V, W. KHi;(iH, Grocir aril Cuninilafitoi. Mcri-huiil. 0. M. STDBti, cf W:(jli' Bteilmnn. T. H. Mi Kor, or W. A. Khitelioail O . FaretteTllla. H. 11. Ku.aas, Commiwion Merclmnt. A. A. WittARK, of Whlartl J-.rotliera. W. A. i l mniu,o." Nortliriip V 'ummliia t. W. Willi Akta, of Wlllianm Jt MwrliiNin. KLl Ml'UBAT, ot K. Murray & Co. A. J. UnKut:T, ol K l'.OAiet & Co., Pre iilrnt. Kobt. UiNiiio, of la'ii, Tl .1 Hcu nlnif. Atm.K!B0iT.!lrltiiii Vlce-IJonnnl.ot '.'irnnt A Hniiiu. P. JlniPBT, Attorney 1 l.w. .1. I. WlLLlAJl.oi .1. 1. Willliinia A Co , fay ettevilla . Jh. C. McUi, At'y at Law, KyeM.illlc. 1. I;. Kai.LV, iMcrul nut, KetiuimviJla. J. T. Pora. JVIorel! nit. u:aborton. special' i'eatl'kks am ahyan . tu;i:s. Il. Mo ratrU tion on Hctiikne ' i-r Trarel. tl, No itr etyrr on th I1tk of Feijaltft. M. Pollclcf iueouteatlblc after Fire Yram 4t b. The ratenof lntere.it on tlia Kiitnl of I'.ie C'oiniKnv lillii-r tlmii tiioMj oil the Kiimlii ot Comimiilei. loi-Hifil In olln-r fitiit"". tint lniir lug liirger lividenle U I'.iliey lloMrra. Bill. The lirei-tor and littlier. of the Com putty nre prominent N't lUl'll ( A IIOI.IMANS, who" are KNOWN to hs m-in Rt" INi KOiilTV atHlWOHIH. 60i. The (.'nni .'i '-'inlii'hi'.l on a ii!td dn.1 periniiiicnt Im '- .eju IniTlnif hccit taken to liirr.'n-q the t.'ai ilal Slork lo t.")(MI,Otl(l Hi. All llin I'iiikIs ol llio niii'iiiv iirelnifilnl in llila Stale nntl t lri'ii iittoii aiiioiiir our mi n rpopio. 'I in ta. t , alionhl tmnnicnil the 1'otiipanv. almve nil oili. IT, to NinUi t'litcillliiiiti!.. II i well kltonn tli it liiimln .I of limn, inii- ul liolliiiMil l.lle l'reini:iinii are annually tit Nmili t ' rnrieli : Norlln rn t'at'itiillls, ll'.n rolil'tnmHi ilniiniin "iiv Txoiptn of inuneiiM hui'iiilit. whteh -lnt. Im kept at- homo. On Oil gio.in.l tUn liieinl of Ih! Comnany entiti.leinlv appeal lo every on nf the ii'il North Shite, ai d a-k llii ir sii .pi.rl lor tin Homo I list I (lit Imi. Wlm li, while n n,.r. miLMaiitially all the ivaiir'or Nor: li. trn I '"trt'.inie. hi'lpf. to tiniM up ll.n.o In. f.rrv. JAMKS 1). I'.rUitlKS. tjenrr.il .Sii.i'rri!'liif Agent, , i;:llc:r,lt, N. IJ. - xhiih ilt,KIK I veal Agenu anril Bih. V'.- .MiKri:r.T.AXi:o-. .V1 .'1)1-1 THE lillliTS oiler U hnyer. of P.OoTS an SlIOl'.S large ft oek, full and complete aswlioctl all linei", and lower .rieca lor Letter (iowlj n any liniw in the Stale. CEO. 1U HiEXCll & 50N", ... 20 North Front Street 311 oct il BILL HEAD8 AND CIRCULAR tfHOUPTLT FEINTED AT TIMS OFFICK IN THK.LATI8X HTYLK. SIIDIf II. lialtiiuoro Lot'li IIopital UK. JOII M. riM'tuoM'.i-i-iMrir. lu: . cir.i.tt'i. ii in I1 iZ: I nc' M i't i'n'Pit1"! Mr i'l ' l ..I V . i !! 1 B the r'.( i,r t I . : r-., I'n- 1 ! (. ok Tin; i l.V, V.-A i-r i '' . N'rti'li.tt' Fi-r, t.cif ril Is I. ,1 if . V' m I . i ft. I ;llt . I'.lU'lHI I'M Hi t- Hi II'. !'.... ,'n'U tl tl-.A h ... tare I'-. -. It N. i v.n, ii. . l' 1 ;'niiiu'.i n l-ir i. Iim.ii'v, I rtiMt'i:i;. l. mm t;..kr-i,;,l'n'ivi4 tU II. 4.1. I VI Skin. A 'OIL- .'fill.' I ii('r, l.;i ir- i. hi i ,,.Mt :-iini-- t.Tti!il ii-inl.rn lituu uiil.i'"v ll.tlui vi ..ii' .1- 'i . t tl' iih'iiJ I .it .l r t!iiir ut.ii, tlmH lUf .4i l til'' NUVlif I'l I !l M.ll .11. I t f l'h . lililiting tin r M"-t I rillm t ii!' ct urn i:l. munis. rviuU'ilnis iihiiwiv, Ac , umk ! i"r.via I'.ilU i.hty ' 'I Mui'l. Yul'Nii MKN l.'n l 1 44. V ln' li;l0 I tKlllll.- 1.1 Solitary he. t)MI ilu-aUtaiM rt'-li m-tiv hjlut wbii'b annuiU aaer to aii untmn lj ainve tlnii'Mimi-t v.intij; mi n of On) aio-t u H.'. l!nit au'l l.illHai't intrHivt, ho might oil.riwtM. hi" riitraiueU lietcning hi-Mnin Willi the tlniii'l. r- of eliNp enve, vr waki-.i II e.-etavy lli I . w j Ivre, may rail nH lull r'a BUtue. KUIAl.K M.iu h'.I 1 11.111", or (..in Mr ii i'. 1 1 1 f ' im j tui. tS ltt.iriii: Of 1'hjMVll VfjklM'M l.iKot pioi'ifHtno I'oaer tini.li B' .1, Ni'i. yua I Jiitaliinv. Palpitatuni, (iname Weak, iiefi. N( tvoiis IK oilitv, or any mh. r iijiulS lii Hlioii. nH'.tily rclirvnl. tic who t'l.o'.r Uim.4il uii'l. r tlu cue u I'l .1. io.t ii'liuoilv Kitill.lt' m hi.hon.ir i i j:.'i tt. ttixM. au'l coiiH.lMit'.y ri'lv up.'ii Iu5 fkili n a .!iv'-i:u. OlitiANK; WKAKM'JSvS itnmi-.li.tirly eurc.l amt fu'l jft I'.e-toinl. Tin.- 'ibln fMra Aili i'Uoii .wlnrli reiater. im iiilwr.ili!o ami m.iriMe liiim-i.lnlf 1." Uu) n altvpHiilhy I ho yicliiua ol' inn it'j'i'r Imliil j;riii i',. Voit n i; piTHiioi arc t'Hi m t (. eoitimll noivM'. in. in nut 1 1 mi iiwaic 'l Ihn Ire.i.tla' iov -O'l'ti nein ilut riuj ti'iio. No, who Hint ini.l.-ri-l.in.li. II. i Mil'lr. t will i irt -n l tn ili nj Hint the nit'r of prin tt'utloii la lt Hint.f )) tliu. LilUniE Inlo iniiri'pi'l' liat'll' than I'V the pi u.U iit? Ini'l ',' hiii( ilopi Im il ot the pl.n im-ol hi'.ilthy oil 1 t,Vf, t lie mo.-.t n'lnm ami rhtrttrtie ni).toiu of Ih.iIi ...1v anil nutnl m in". Tho pv-tiin lu comi a ih i.ii. il, the pliM-ical ainl Menial ruiu'iloii" weaki'iu'il, li"l of T'rmri'utlve rower, Ni'rv.nn lirlt'iMlity 1 r v'i.i, I'alpitalloti of tho Heart, l.i'llijin. Iri'ti. l oii-titoi'nial I'i'lillMy ami ,Vntiiiij it the Ki inn', t'n'nj'i, 'in.n inj.t .t, I'ecaj ami Death. A ( ri;i;MT.i.iii,Y v.u:i; A.YiM) peranif ruiniil In Health hv uiil"iirin'J pr. ti'tnli r.i who keep them riillrg lien III a I tat month, taking poimnioua ami injiirioua com. jmiiih., nhmil'l apoly liiimt'i I lately. iiu. joHNsniN, nieniher ol the Koyal (.'ollegeot Surtirotn, U(. (Ion, tiriuluata of line of tho inwft tnimenl Col leges in tha I'litteil Sliiten. and tho hexl, purt ol whose life hn lieen fjn'iit In tha honpltal. at Lumlon, Pari, Philadelphia anil elewher, haw cM im ted wiuio ol tho luwt aatimixliiiig curei that were ever known; many troubled wltk rintjinx In the head and ara when iHocp, grout nervotisneea, helng alarnii-d at nnhhu Riunda liahlulnewi, with liuin nt liinhiiig, attend Miruetimea with ilerangement of inlnd, eri etired Immediately. TAKi: PAIiTUTLAI. NOTM'K Dr. .1. H..liCit-i n nil IhoM who have inj.init theiiiHt'lvea by itiipro;a r iiidulgente and wit tary liHhlt", whleh iuIii lifdli hwly ami mind, unfitting them I'lreiilu r tuini'mi, Mtaly, in olety or marriage. 't'licae aro lotno of the rid and uuiaiichotj afert nrodueed hy the eai U lotlilt. of youth, ytn: Weaknei". ol tlte I! irk ami Mmh, Pnlnt in the Head, Dniilie ol' Slyht, l.nn ol JHuy cular l'oiver, pulpilullon id tho JU-urt. 1 i p'pia, Nervone li i ilitl'ilily, lter.int.etm ti'.'uf tho Jilgetlvi Funetlotw.'ti-nernl i -! ii.t j Sv niptom. of t'oiif.mj tUiii, A,'. '.MKS TALLY 'Hi ) iViitliil rnVeia on thi Ml i nd are imn li tulni di.j.inl. I.o-m oi M i. ory, eoiiliiinii of lite", Deprcinn of Spirit. Kvil l'irel'iMl n, Aurvlon lo Socielv, Self. Jlietrin-I, Love ul Soiiliide, Tlml.llty, ,Ve., mid some ol tin- f vila prialueed. ThunHanila of peimna of all gef ca i inn Jii.le what la the ran0 of tl'.etr deelining health, loiing their vl'nr, lieeoming weik, pale, nerroiiK andeiiiaeialed, hating .'liiilal appenratiec ahnnt the eyrn ennpli and m-tap. tiin of Cnnni motion. YOUNMKN who have Injuted tin tn-f h ( In a errt: l-i pr.tc tiee, iiiiliil'i d In when alone, a linl.it I r ei n n t ly l.'.un. il irmi evil companion or at n hool, tlie I'UeiH ol ulii h are nightly fell, even wliei a-leep, and il not emed remlrra tnnrrinifo im K"ilili! Mini illNtiii', lmtli mind Kli.ll. Mi hi ild apply iinmcdiAtely. What a pity that a young man, the hope o hli r.iintry, the tiri le ot I, in parent?, ehotihl he eintti lied Irom nil pro"pei t and rnjoynieiit ot lite by the eonecqur iice n deviating from th put li of nature, and indulging, in a ret tain eret lull it. Ninh paroim inii't, lu'lnre eoniein plating mai;i:ia(;k, ni rt tl.ata found mind ai d Imlv are Mir mo.! ii. ei,-Hy ren'ii.itt'i1 lo proiiioteiuniiui'ial tinppiin-M.. udi'i'ii, il liool l how Die j.'iiiet'j fhroiiglt 'il'e heeoiiie ii neary pil'riiiinge, Hit pto.-peet h..;;riy d.nkeiis to t!:e vi1;, the iinn.f iieii'iui hlndowed iHi ilerpnlr. mid tilled n il l the nie "nelmlv itlleeti.ui Hi.;! tiic li.ippiie .- ril another i l lij-lited with our ovtu. a ( ;i;r.iv PjNKAM-. Win li Hie ml-gilidi d ami tniprinh nt r-d i oi pl.aMiri! limli tlnil lie bw inihihed the fi.li ol Oik )iaiul4l dwaw. Il Im) otlnu liappeni. that an iil-lioied . li ol 'rhaiue or dr'ad of ili-tot rty deli r hit'l from npplvlng to l!io-o wlio liom I'iiie ilion mid r...-i rCtablll'T. run ntof t lii-irii nil him. He fall iulo thu IiiuJ.mi ignor ant lil dilgnilie prrfendi Is, who, llieapuhle of curing, tileli hi- penitiiu! y niln-tniiee, k'-cr him tiilling niontii alter niindh, or a long hi the nuallerl lee ran he nhfiiueit, and in ih -pail l:ae him wiih riilned health to ugh over hi galling diMippoiiilnient; or, hy the n of 'h.it deadly polmii, Mereurv, eiiiii-o tl.c coii- M n tional'i,yniptorii" of lhl liurrid di?ca-o to niaki their appearuiHT, tun If a uleeral'-d wire Ihroat. dixa!i:d now, iioettiinal paiin- In (lie h.'ad and limli", diiiiuc of .iglit . ilea'nfM, nod' s on tho bin bones and ill iu", Motchecon the head.) ii k and e-vtremitlCM, ptngrcanng Willi frlghttul rnphlily, tdl at l.ial the palate of tho month ol the linnc!. ot the iron) lull In, an:l tha yirtim i this awful dif-eaw hecoruca a horrid ohleet i eomiuerattoii till death pitta a ieriol to Im dreadful u Hi ring, by smiling hiiu to that un ilimMryerfil eotintry "from wboo boiittic ne traveller ever returns ", Tosuelt, therefore, Dr. Johnson oflars tin imt certain, fiieedy, pl.i.ifaiit and ellecler' remedy in tho world. OFFICE, 7 SUUT1I rilEDlilllt'K Si tlALTl.VOHK, MP Left hand fide going from Halliinoro elre.et 1 (on doors from the corner. Fail uot to v!iwt name and number f No letters receirccl linlcwi issrtpald ai. eonta'u.lng a Mantpto be nscd 011 the reply, l'et aon writing aliouldtate age,ndeiid a portiof of adyertiwinent dewrildng f vmplom. The Doctor' Dll'Lw.MA hiiug in hia oMlc. ENDOIISEMENT OF THE PRESS, ThcjiiRny thoitcatidf cured at this eftahlish went w ithiii the la.t twenty yearn, and the nv merouf-imiwrtant surgical oix .'nil ion Informed by Dr. .lohneton, witnessed by the Iteprecnta. tivesol'the Fret and many others, notice ol which havoapjieared again and again before the public, besides bin standing aa a man of honor and reportsibility, la a suffleieut gusjatite.t' the afflicted. 8 KIM DISEASES 8Pr.lDILT CURED. BatanM lyrt lailn iiounial l? mi nil.MINilOV, N. l.i n"iM)v. lu.t i..vr.i:i: is72. DEATH OF HORACE GREELEY i ir hlHlriiii .il . Owcal II Ih ril.t UH Niir I ritilliicl lll lrth - In. k vv ekk, Nov. .'X lL i j. o ,iv. ley ilitil at I'l'ty niiuiitej past oi tlua i teiiii g. mi C'liisciiKii At the omit ami I.ii i,-itiL; away i i.facilul. lie I:u 1 Ih en id a UU of ai'iout un- .Ol'liM'ivill'.lll'M Sllll'O I'llll llVllA'JC ill tll tiiniuiii,:, L '.ieii!;,liliiiii'iitiiily laileil, lpl liM (iiilw al tin? WlUt tieitc iwiH'reHMi. i til'li', Jl a'ii'ai'ai to niilli i I it! voty lilthi lui i.ij; to il,i; . , mi:. i i:i i i .' i -i it i.nkv 1 'IV So Yotk I'HiitiaU 1 1 Kiiil.iv rmi , l i'meil p.ntletilars id Mr. (irorlry't illnr .itnl ilelatli'il ieviita iinti ii o iiiilitinti tip j t i tin' reiiilii eieiiin. j At iil' k Tlunsil.iy e Sitti'nn l.eii- i rnil 1 1 .tint i. aim til at the ln'ihiilo of j Mr. it eli'v, mid ln'lil li nctliv nuiMilU j li.iu m iili He" .ild n.laiil I'litiii iti, m bo I a not Ii-It I. im niii '' Hie Inst al ittnilio vtt)t ! lolt.l lii.llill'e-lfil ll i'HK' lu a. Tim Iletiil.l 3 mt t .'.IJ : I ra iM1 1 f Itis illm-M U i-irtt-iM ly ti- ' tvl Lv tlii M' in rlimo. Mr, t.i'vt-lcy, j ii'i .'.t'ty iiilt I.) tl i' nttiinsl nitil.itit eer. Imn ntpl tl"' ln tt Aii litriiliMilal 11 liil : ti'tir ilu-nmli I Li West, i, iliiiiuc liia l.i!o uilo'-lllin , alrtnva a! In-r Uc. 1 1 v ; lli iliTji'M flit I 'MlH lit jMeraileij : it"in l'i lake only f.Mir oi livp limns' jlei p t in hvi'i.ty i'oitr, aii'l ffniti l.vk(f ttt rn I 'ir iitivimn iirtWratluii. It ultli ! il.iil.-iilty. ti i),,tli;ii l-.o i-imlil Lo Hiihieetl to ' i at snlli i'-nt I hmI In all"ti lilin piojii tiniin-.liiiii'iil. -i)in il n.i ili!laaleliit to ; liim. Nlill lii vigi ltiin ..'til.Mililtinli re i inaiti ! iH'iaii'idly tiiisIniKi'ii nil, witliiu j Uu iiin ten il.i, lu ti l!ii ke.tt ) of ! Lis LieliiN livleil Ins l.iilin liejhli, I In .ii-li i ilii-y wen) liaidly uii.ikh lur so bii.liit.-ii mil i-umiilils In' or N lUl fui Ci'. ' l'i.r olivioiu icasniu it ii iimli siiille to ltib!Uli tho exact lorittioti of tint reililonc wliei'.i Mr. lirei'ley ti lui-.v lylnp, Imt it may bssliitoil lltat a ilhtlngtiliVtl physician ilwells tlicic ami ni-MT li-nvts liim. A teiilleliiHii win) lius loll Leon a ilevotetl liieinl of (lit kti-at J.mnialist Jiviits with lil if't llio rain of waLlilnir al. Lit boil bi'Io, IL I'.niiu'i'klUiiiii no with Liiu during tlieuilit and lUa latter maiii tLu day. With llu) exwptiou if Lis daunlilcr no others gio albwud to nee lilui, and In fact but two jH'tsoLi lmvo made the cirnrt. -One w as a pro:uim'iit u.ruibi'r of llio Til. btitm 1 iillislilng A'H-l;iiloii, ami Iht'ollifr a Now Yoik H'lMitler, who, on thtt strotif h of a im iiicnttiry inteirlianoq of woi'N wii'j the jiliisii-iai', whom b met t. turt in fioin tho ii'li-iaiilii nii'(, iiul'likhi'd lialf a loluiiui offluir. Tl.o YoiM ii'iitir! fill's lhe atibsUuce .f a juh.s-') hUleiiici.l by l'i. lfiiiiiiiiniil shorlly- iil'nr llin coiisiili.il ion on 'I'liinnlay tvi'iiin. Dr. llutiiini'iil ul lint t'tiiit ts i-i'inrlnl a Laving i'Xjiii'Yi':l llu ojiiiilon thii', Mf. (in'i'lcy'a cm was l 'i i !i-i, tid thontiL it liiirinl)ub llmt lit' wonl I Mir rlvn lui-ty-i'iolit boots. 11a ndded : " 'I bis iii'irniii;( 1 bund iy) 1 weid iloitn ain.1 tiini.tl Mr. Ck-pIi1)' In a eiy snl nm dilion. II'S lillml Is (iille roiii. II" does ip.l know hi ft!itiil, at i! ajtrnks iitilio In (.il,rici.(!y. WVi'.'i' I was at bis bciKldi, Mr. Weni, ;m n, I'li- lid i f Mr. (iri'il.-yV, e.tiiiii tii, ;t 1 1 I wMiitt" tn L hi Mr. l.'in l.'y, I said : 'Mr. tin-ilcy, do tmi know Mr. WctiI'.1' Mr. fiie-i'li'i slai-i'd v.i'-'.tntly, uisd aiiMVf led lb.it be l.'Ji'l lii'Vi r tti' t lihit In Ids blii In fire, ni:d did pl kil'.'.v bim, ut.d, siid ln1, bull. or, ' 1 in ver braul tbo uatnc of Wild lii l'iiiv.' Mf. Ciccley bin lieen in lliis im.i'iilim f.d' hi-niu dajs. 'He was Liken t bis i'( vol bier id' ulindo mi last Mou .-by Me' k. 1 lnvi b'.-vd it said that. Mr, t.ii'i-ley pi iiiilicatkd.s of nicnlttl di"tnib;ii!ee 1 eiiin) llu1 ile-eli'iii. ' In lela'ii'ii lo Mr. (iic-l-.-y's i ui,vi isi'i di atnl a. lion", i: llainin del taid : 'Ho tall; ire iln'it'tiilv (Im w Ii. ! inn, and isij'tili! oSi-illiiatri. Ifonr' w.nds bint to show llie pupil i f bis f j'P In) linniediHto lv tin' s bis i-velid ti;lt'lv mid infuses rviiiii bbiik !d b!" an lei"!,. !.)-ik ii'. K. Ifl, is pttlfo lias In bo li lb let Dlnu'Cl. s and keeps lliS Wlisl lll'ldoll Us lull'; .s IlKCil;!. Ill) H'. tt-.n-h 1 1 e.'il ."inytblt! In in ,i s;m oti, so wp hid In udliiilii'.ti V In i f li'.l t ! 1 1 c ii:;li a tube, lb' ib ivs hut kliow his w n i.i"'r -hl.-i. 1" keeps talkint; llu! ivii'il'1 linn', l.nt a.s w a Ii- s.ij. s is ii'iii" nnlii.-i IligiLJ-, i f romip no II iti'-t- is t alien '. il. I'l.e IMi j; lie 'kept I. je atiii i vi r ai.d (inr a,'iin bile I was tliel ii W .Ii : '1 i!i' 1 V. In II I a . bill IJ, and 1 was born e. b' 'I I !i' d.' ' I'oniTriil;." l!inUia"Aios:H. I'r. II in moiid ; said that jn bU ''Viiii'iii Mr. in-eley yvjs j snir iin;; lii'in fiilhttiniailoti .f tie? Lraln f and iis tiietribrai'.i s. Wliili there I Iili', of i-oiiisc, lie aiii-il, "ILito Is linK, lint tbere nr in-.r IIkoi nini ty liv elmnees In a li'iii'lied fi;;aiiist Ms surviving I'm l y---ilit b"ti!. 'I Ik .vi(.. lias .ily aimwin ix.w .ril weio tlm e,us of 1 1 physiii til. -MIL i..lirf.LKY" LAH' M'lMUMs "IT S DOMc!-' .k.W Vol;!,, .Novi iiibn ;;iTIiO arw i-iuiits pttlilislii'd l'i Ml. (Jieeley's last llin incuts ri-pi'i-'ciil liitn lo have been eoiisi inii ddliliii IUn day, a is usual in crises c-f iu ll.uiiiii.iiioii if III" Li. im. Kis jibysii-al Uih'l 014 was ixlnuitiy Mgul, Lilt 111 I cH-a-i-d, and llio tnoibid Hi'timi of bis niind 1 was t inteiit lioni ckl'-iioi !:iiitiifeslatiniis. ; lb; w as a4.'-d, " J )o you know tint voii ate ! ' ihiti'; and, w itbotil Iri'tnor fr emotion, j In; answered, ' Yes." A;ain, when asked 1 if be lecngiiiej Mr. Ib id, bo looked up I with iintnedialo i"i'ognl!ioii, and lifliii' tip ! bis b.uitl, grasped Mr. Iteid's feebly, and j saii slisiimtly, "Yes." His last words iiu'ie, ''It Is (bun:!" Tim face baldly ' i hanceil, only seitliit;' a little into a look f trfeet peace, Mil. OllEELrtY'H LIFE INl r;LD. Manyycars ago llny'J'tibtine AssotUi ion, foreseeing the shock which Mr. Urceb y's death would give l he Tribune, insured Ids lifn to tbo amount of SlUOiOO, for thchei. cflt of the stockholders in coiiunou. This life iusuiancc policy has been kept good, and w.U accrue to the Tiibuue whenever its illustrious louinkr breathes his last. At the timo of eU'eeling tbo liisiirance the Tribune's Mock was clmiiging bands at fiom 1,o0fl (0 $f,00 a share, show In" tbr? total valuation of tho liiitittitioii to have been from $330,000 to $100,000. One hundred thousand dollars w as then viewed ai a very moderate estimate of the pecu niary lots which tha Tribune would sustain In the death of Hwace Greeley; but the v.; t t l. I tl- t! i.' i; -.:..t. i in w .; l.i.'i I.J- 1 .! T,; i IV:'-..: !!. ii i a la ' , bui; '. ?: ! il, ;!.; I ; Hi' I'ttUi ci.'u'' Tii'i-ai'' vk V.n Iv'Ci u'!y ..! :t A nii.tt l'lili -I TV l it lOilli l 111 li l!n .!t'.:li rf Mi. Ci N-v Hi - lt !i inti --"vklriild.'iS Wlil il!j loss, o'tnpjjed ;ijt vi t, 1:1 an iiroj'Sr. 'Il H'HHI j t l tiietv b.i-.i!i.iK'. I HE N ENfc At I'M tl lV't A- 1 t's rAiu 1 . itw 1 Mil. l.Ll t HII iM II ,t MI'Alv llv . iVlun .k deola:e..l t. i. ipj..i U. lie U' is gcni'lal lie iU'.,io- am. .1,14 llio in habit 41 i'.s. "I'm at.iunt lieptillieau," kiid a 1 oi l inhabitant In tin) 111 t- iter; " lut 1 vnittd i-iy ii i llorav. li ' i!..iii .1 iniuhly ij;lU for this I'l.k-.1. 'i b" itvatiip w h ili Mr, I .H i!, j inuvird il iido a 'stassv, and ptn.JiieUui lul l vas Criu'd viiih ng. ,'i'ln) .inb:r i-rv-i-rrwiia vme spatlbn- with fiost. Jmd.ui, Mr. .ri'i'.)'s ni.sti, is to b-ave tlii pla v oil Stunl iy. Ho bas been In Ml. liale)' iXMit" lot S'lino thieu or 1'iur yea., and lii-oied soinewbat iu lb.. C b.ippii.pi.i 10 miioiis ot the late campaign. It hituaei.stiK'd tint Mr.t.uvley'a I uuliy will iieiii- Kluiii lo A liuppaoiu. 'I be litDib l Iniliiiti ad is Li bit al'aiiiloiii'.l. boui was desi'lli-il. tu lb" bam Jl sli', tl" following All II N I he a issle of M'i.k A: l'i KM T.1FY-.H s un die pti lui v. "i II. 1. Ill.l l l.Y, Cliaj p, (im, at 1 m'i Uk k r. M. on S it ill lay, No. ; o, f .', eoiislsi ol J xoka ot catlie, 4 ., and 1 Aldenn i hull Imd by Win. Dun. an, witud m ire. brio. 11 poiii'-. t carts and I 14 i-i.d, I ' ..i. aud oilier ai In b Im iuiu 'I'm- to no to lion. I '! 1 A lt. Oil Vi"-I 10 1 . " Aies 1 Ii mi a l air. tea 1. Ilek. uril Irom thu llnmrsiA loial leii Hah). M'-tili'iii Imn Iu'imi niade in out ili.p,iih i-s ul lb" 11 -4'tii. of Iho l utiily ul Kiebatd WaiM il Loin the htidiliiiu. No. 7 JO l'.ioad Wiiy, Nrw Yuik, whieh was biiineiri lnu'f day lion urn-about '.' o'l-liak, 'llio .New Vol k '1 i nit's ;ivt' tin' fi'bvvi il 1! IliL It litjr p.utMil.iii : Tills fauiily cviisU.i 1 f 5rs. 6auh War r'li, a-vd blxty-fivc ; her sou, Uuhanl War r.'ii, arj till 1 ty-Kevi'H ; bit wifd llrld';et, ril tweu y-twii, mal their childu ti, Tin-in is, ajji'il seven cat I Joliii, n'-d live years; Ami, B'd two years, and lib.'li.ud, u,;ed two weeks. All thi;o persona w.ru niuovod hi safely by tho olicuainl u mini, her of i ltii-ns wlin toluiileeie'l to iis-ist tin-Hi. In the i-xcileineiit uud v.nd'.iiluii, tbo lu fant hwt Uutui'd wtw abuinlonrd by i'aic lallves uud was not missed uullltho family bud le.relied Ibe it i t. Us absence beliti notieeil, laviisloiii'd much distress, and It was feaie.l lh.it IliO child luilDt ja'ilah In thu llauii'9, ns llu) tusk of i-Meilng llu) hui!diii! at liiMt lime wasniio 1 fgtcal diilienl'y and ubsohilc ilauy.M-. (Hlk-er O'Kellly, t f liid fitlci-nih prcilm't, ujimi luat tiioy that tl.u iiif.iul still 1 cutwIiiPil Id Ibe building, W i: lioiit a inoiiiont'i besita lion and nt t lit il-k of his Iili', in-di-d Into tin' buildine;, Mild lifi'T II lew 111 illields' lb lay, diiiim; wbi litbo clou d w bleb bad uiitbi-rcd about tbo soeim rIiiiu.-I ln-ld lb' Ii breatlii, he inu-i;ed With the h.l'aiii mid plaiVd II tns nini lii't 't ill ins. A I'bi-cr Miig out 141.111 tlnj ni;bt fill' wbii h cinild be braid aho.e Hut din of Ilia tiro and Ibe tlmiiipiiijf rf t lit eli;ti:i'S. O'liiddy Wat It'll ly tbuked w 1th tic stiiokv) while inuklug bis way U'roiij.i tLc buinlin; buildinj;. (Jill 't-r Wilson, cf tin LTii'i nth prei iiK-i, I'-sciied Mis. Ki.uu't 1 Unil-y, ap'd sixteen, whom be I'niii.l n'l i-p In u bed inonion the lci lli'.i, li'iuiinlsiiiaii llnekley n s I'lK'd Mr. Drawn hoiil the biiildifl,! No. 7-i llloadi. ay. Mm ua.s.l'lilost ile.ld iwib flight. Mia. Saiiiip 11. J.cwls and btr ser vanf, Ellen l'ailry, aero removed in palely from their rtsldcnec, "10 llioadwii), wbb'Ii bad token I11 c lu ibe D'ar. SlQOio'250! evci wlii-ii' at'lllng 0111 n.'V, m p-r month gnaran- I eil mil! to Ai"-tit. amen tiaml Win 1 a P.ti?ia CLnTBM l.iM't.. Sella reH'llly at e vi ry houMr. Hantples Iree. AdJreui tkc tit 11 a 11 n Wniii Mil. l.. I'lidU'ielploa, I 1. Jan H (H-eowl.'niili 1 A I AND- WINTKKUOODS :' NOW OrEN AT . ' - i - 1 I .- ' s Is aVi. K A TZ'S. IHi 3Irhcl St rod. ') CiiinplrH I'Miitni. nt of all Hie I ntesl ) tier in In every &tyt, virV-tT au'l eotor. . ta w,;. 1 n r.i.vi' iiiiv u"i. . . . , " - , SHAWLS, M.'AUl-s. . I.OAKS Will It. I.OUfl.s. I.MKKnlDI III !A i.l.o .v ll'MF.l;Y, NOTIONS, KrilMMIIM; 1. OO I Ac, .V ., At-., In .hotl.s'Vf rj thing that a Lady may de'lre tv. herself, Children, o.- -Iniiso. THE HUNT ASSOKTM L.NT I II IS MIH' OENLW YOUK. Liberal rH-cnut'fs to WII'iLKPALK lit Y- F,LS. tr Call and rTannin at 3fl Market StJ-eel. . jii net i Bacon, Lard, iiLTTTian,ciiiii:si,i Dry Salted and Smoked Western Kboulderi and aides In Uhds. and ltoses. HttRair Cored Hams and Breakfast Strips, North Carolina Hoj;rrmni1,' --fc City Mesa lork Kuaip Pork ; Furs Lard in 'J'lerccs and Tubsi, Choice Table Butter , Best Factory Cheese, Ilf LOTS TO SUIT. For tale by AD EI AH AVOUF.R8. maylll 2eti , , .s, ...,,,...,,,...,..).. .,... o ot I. A 11 fine ;!! t.' icpii ulrd hy J. A. , LVF.ilWL.K.NANs. the,, emeu,' 1;-- 1 ,,,! h-n.; MiMt'.f N-.fi ( W'ii.rtiieit .'.;. ll 1.1 el ISCKASCt: -..ii 1 . 1 ii. . i i at ti.. . m 1 1. 1. . i t rate, in SritU r"oi Cl4 etoptu v "H ppieii.y t" liYENK.v KENAN, no 1" liH-lmrti FIAN0 ro?.TE WARER00MS., r(? UKMOVAL! u AM All I It lirrKMI'.ri; I" 1 . I lie uioleif "ii:ni d w Id oi't ni'V tli... N. K .'aea nx urn ..h 1 1 . c . j j :--.y .' i;i j ulii.'h Ml li lug luli' l up I n lb nit- ol j PIofYlSrOSanil OHOA.lSIl,i Of III' h S giBid a.-'-: m lit l s'wn kept en , hand . LSfl i I t.LV LAI'ILf an ! ili"-. witliing to pin. b.,. lni a On" op pniltiiiity In inako I to ... Ilea al Iniina, l.r.' id all di.dulhaucvs, and te.t" i', -,. i.'ii.fy -1.1 n riASOt AMI WOOD'S tUlilANS on anv mid nil ul In l" olli I il In I l.i 1 " ' . M'l.t I II. - I cordially Imlle any d. nl. r, or ili'Uli'i". ladiits, iiimlrlin m irlli. a tiinOI and Oil Ailini'.sl.'ii trie, and un-li-ii Hi led to all. A 111 llili g in lUe Mii-I. ;il Mere!, in. I lainl-l e .1. s- ;i' 1 x Klvl . m anon 10 11 vir,. NOI'ICKI l.eii' In oeil iitel liijliMini 11 lat Mil. n: 1 1 tioiiu. it. Imy .'it ,"t' Tin1 Lsup'st, Hcst, nnd CIii:niicst Htwk of IN WAYNE (0VMV. lis Um liiliiii Out 1 . . tnoiiU.. I'lty M.'s l'oik, I 'll " Hour, all trades, I'n.'iii V7 .MMo $1.!. :!0 Saeks Collin', .1 u .i, f.n-it.ivia A- IC to; 'I'HIO sards tMnt Ib-avv 15": ircrl iHHI ilm, Jrol Ties, fiiNl'l yards Maudatd I-1 Mieeiiu-, I'IMIO ' , (', l.ili.Ji-m,;', i.1 ll.'S' s Kainily .Snap, '.'"I " ( aiuli. a, I'l iLib'S Co' lull illll, i'V) iSaikj J.btiOo 6ail, Hoop I )). 1 .1 if, lliiti",'., .Vi", Ism pi.' a list to iiiak. lila'r il e m!i n'Uitiiuk nu Colt'iti nnd N il il Motes lo ha Mnppi d to Mnrehlsiti A New York. Oullon will hr lield l m ill lis If de-it. d. 'frona w!hiiii to buy Hupplli . Jit a., lor i-sih, eun do mi low, nnd g t It u U lirncorli). i feived ev. ry i"-k . . iAY, A. f.M. clnVAi.ro, N, t:.,' Nov, :o, lk2. .t'cl.jarcli 10IG. 01J)llM()IJ)(il)l)l)S 1 . lllIIAvoill Ih'. Oii'j'm'l l Oji,y Surii:-rti,t-, (Lnhi Cue. niil.l A ( ii.i IHri'UI HI AM) w llul.l.HI a I.K.M mi t.s I N MS, TlH VMHr.S WHISKIA IJ1NS, IM MfS, ( INAIfs Nl TOHACfOS, IH S'H I'll Vi'A I Llt ft T 11 K F. L. Alaays keep in Hie k I" id ipeiliiv I'tiro I ... Mti .1 and tlif I'trgi-'if lO'iitttiii lit tn th Slate, I'll..- to 1 niiippti' wltn any Northern llnnv f ' Klrt Ag et M 14 Ii LI..". HI' H i CJoKN i Wlilv ' 1 Jib. ..Ilieti I 100 Boxrcs eY layer Kallns ! .wnoi.t.x, halyis and yr tii nuts. Ni w ei.ip, y. ry i boiue, and .0 lei n ! ' (J1IAS, D M VJ ItS A . n. . wim;iirs ami atwooii's Mi n ee M e a t. W'O hare erifv edtitldene" In thfse brands of Mlneo Meat, brilevnut If em tu be put up of rsxl mst.-rl.l and wun cars. Any Uewriu pi-k.iau to in lloee t i Hiirtv n pinuiits. (jiias.. u m Veils a t:o., JJKLK, 1- tl K W .V L'O'H nirtr ash tA y (,i:a ihi:, Aih'tt lllirntl. Ita.'pbeiry ,1am SMI Vafin-ilnle, (!riise . ItU..'kwU and .Moifci' iigllrti I'iek'i a. !seel filer, ''utrnils and ('lire. (HAS. IL MYEILS.V CO., 7 North Front ittroet." LA l'AUHIM; MI'MJAUH iut E ;ui;: l;. st liouir.lie l ior n.l.l in Hi': e!Iy. J 11 lift roR l n sji iv-nva Ctxi. tiy tbi m. CHA5. 0. MY EES A CO., ' i T N'oitTH Fiiokt Srr.yry. j dee 1 ?t1 , ' rniiosK r.LEOANT f iSjipplio Hiiils, t'MnnELEAH C'ANKH. , AND TIIK t J.cst Whirls aUado . ' Are from the wlHnown CLOTHING- HOUSE ' MUNSON & CO. deal SisV A LL KINDS OF BLANKS FOK SALE tl'" JOUBNAL OFFICf W SJ (jUAXD GIFT CONCERT VULNTATtOX JO THE IToUiJIUjOF TICKETS uF 'SO Ji.Mutil'illy LooaU"! I'OTTAIIE LOTS 1 V 1 UK NEW AN1 tl.F.I.AN skM1K RF.SOKT VVVj DK L'EAU, ti H um 'on ''''ad,-, epposii Kortrs Moini', Yltgluia. T net I T II F. II WITH s:0,()()0 ill Greenbacks. Th liClsioiily ICnch. I he new, altraelly and beautifully local K' tit lu i 11 Ncasi la watering place, naascd ' VUTJ IDE LTJATJ, nu lUuipi'in lioai1, israrly opimstiu Fortresa MitioiH. Vliglnla. la full ticwof that fortlMs, tm lu liiinii, hrtaptsks Hay a ad Jasssa lino, wuli a watrr ic aiiurpassd la Aiui ii S In ic ry. ry lusory of ara and laad I,, ol.taii.sl.li , a optnsd to tbo public for tb lir-t limp tin- p i.t si-aiaiu and hsvlag prvyed aur.'iu uii arallrtcd In tha history of sraaldo 1. .nit. has I11d11e1.il tha stoekboldarsro make a a fltott to yiratly rnlarji IH. rapaetly a Ml ae. oiuiiioiale the ri l public ; Ul liils.lid they b ii' ii i mined i.t otter linJuceraeuts at nu wllnuy cltaraeter lu lheliiisr of a 1 1 I'M IP I (Jilt Concert, Lv ui"sn. 01 which Uu'V liope to b a'jle loe ci'd'i their public spirited and laudable u.lat lakini! id milking V I K I'L L'EAU tha j O II A N D SKA SIDK HKM'ilt T Of Tit 1 HOIT'I. I 1 A liiiiicem.iits to Ills publln evtrywkrrv I j pnrebasa II kel liny ptopa.1 1 1 prtsaut as . i I CHRISTMAS GIFTS to the piid'lotwia o! tickets, by lUalllhiltlon hy lot, tbi loilowing niagnUliHint gifts : I lilft, In Orretibarks, if tM.Ooo A (lifts, lu (Ircanbaeks, ol l,ia each., t.ouo yo (illls, In Oreuubueka, of f,V.O each.... JU.Coa ol llvioillfully loeated Cottage U)ts, '-by tlm sea," Pi! by I U) feet, at Vu da I 'Kmi, valuml a', vtoj each ro,Dr 2iMI ollmr beiiiilllully located t'otlaga laita, Jl hy I-0 fuel, at 'un tl 1'Kau, al- ind'atlileaeh. So.Bio Im) (illls, In (treenhaeka, ni sawieaeh, 10,100 4nl Oills, yalued al.. ,. ...;..' ..SirO.Otaj liU,t()0 Tic kets Only $j Kncli, TIIK (IK AND t'UNCF.tIT Wll.l. TAKF rLACt: IN THE N oi'l'olK 0j-a I louNc, ON' MM.NIlAY KVEMXO, DecpiHhcr t2M, 17iJ. ; AndwHIln M--II he a (all ennalderallou t,-e prlef eiinryi-d for Adinhslon Tleketa, ThtxlUribiiilciiof OIF1H will take plai-S lot nied nilely slur the Conceit, on the vast stage ol the (tK'ra House and In lull view of the amii t nee uinb r the liniii'.'dl.ite supervision f tha I'resi lent and Dire, lets ef Ihn Vue da I'Kaa I uiit puny, and Ihn loilowing distinguished gen. tletiieit, wln have kindly consented to ha pres ent and see that the gills are property distrib uted a advcrilsrd ; ll .11. .I.il 11 II. Ltid'ow, Manor f Norfolk, lloti. A H Wails, Mayor of Portsmouth, lei. Waller II Tailor. of Norfolk. Hon. .Inn. II Whitehead, fx-'. Mayor of Koifolk. j .limns i. il iil.i lay, t-.,f 1'oilsniiMitU. I be Ileal I of linci-'ou is eoiupoM'd of the 4 i". Iloama s!'nll''inn. wh'MO well-knowu cbar. 1 ueirt for oiO e-i'ltT. Iiniiur. and unbiio anter- t rise are 11 v, nil known as toaiiaraoteesuccefs, and a fur and Itnpart'sl illstrihittisn ol Ike jilttn Vai. r (I'e.iije A' tiri. e, 1 rorisnioiith. Plrrldeilt IIjbJi O? Col. Win Lamb, t'riiiiletii Tlrst National ' Ilsnk, N-a-foik. t.eii. Y D limner. .Iitniat AgentBostoa ; fllean ship (.otni'Stty. j I'apt. Nathaul. I liurre", of Huiruss Soft I Co., Jiioikirs, Noifolk. Wash Heed l"d , of t'elers ft ltrod,Mer 1 chants. ' I. O tihln, Ksq, Sup't Seaboard and Ro inols 1 Ksilrviul. !..!,. rt .1 V. tr. l'o. nr II .1 r W Neoly AC f " M ...I. .11 I'..'.. lf.i . President Alhsmmrlii A (boapeake Cnnal CoiBjiauy. t F. I' Llud'ey, If sq, Ileal Lstate Broker. 1 Wui II While, Ks'i, Aitorney at Laa.Nor- 1 folk. lliedis'iilniiloii wlllbe by LllLiUoldud per ' sons. r I'liU'l childn-u, from two wheel, one of - which will contain giluon priutod slips, seaic I ! lu yiivelopeaof the name sire ; tho otker will eoidaln tai;s with nuui tiers on themcorresid' : lug with all the tickets sold : aller tha contents ol ts.ih wheel-, are tborougiily niited byreyoiv ? liiR.lhn person at the brrt wheel will take a ' tiumher tbereiront, and then tbo iersoaatth st'coiid w heel -sill take a gift therefrom, and the r;lft thus taken will beloiif to tha number taken immediately fccfore It thi process will eonlinue-the iniriibers and gilts leingpublie- : ly amiounrcd, aiitU the whole four haudreil ' and one cit'ls are distribute J. J bus the public ; will readily see there can be bo fraud, cot In. t kin, or kuowlr-ltfe of what gilt any number wilt i '"shooid the tickets be aot alt a.IJ when tba . concert eomesoti, tho presents will ba diatrlb- utislln proportion Ut the enmber sold. It Is Imis u llio puoi.u Will prVDIIJUT .C01T.r'. llils c ttort torita.llh uien a firm baxis a de- III llli i iv'. lluli'tul rewrr rtnring 'he healed BDOnlhs to TICKETS tNLY $5 EACH. Currency Gifts Ul he pa d la CASH at our btnkl.ighonse, in the clty.of Norfolk, on pw aoutatloii of tba tickets entitled thereto without nlMHmi't. .... , For further particular and for tickets, apply to the undersigned, ho have undertaken lis -Ai.ri.. a.,Aift. nanstf.Tjriit of this aebema j and who alone are authorized U appoint Agents . .... .ul. ir l.k1a. I niIKHCS8.SON&CO.. Bankets and Financial Ag'ls Vua de l'Kaa Co., Nosreuc, Vm. T Tlcka's for aala by W.COWAS GREEK, Drtif gist, Wilmington, N.C. BUT H IM-1

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