1 f r J i i I ! i v '-. ! i IjAi'il i! f ! ! j i C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER t. 1872. WHOLE MO. 6,323. VOL. XXI INTO. 357. WILIVTIN GTON, 6 w IXIfKAJtE. MATTaEW F. TAYLOB NOK 'i;i t.II tJ. j TAILOR iijkji FIRE, LIFE, - AI'1 - MARINE INSURANCE. WE AKE TRKPARED TO TAKE KISKS U th following popular and reliable Compaalee, lit : Fir IajutamC oa every description if property ia tie HOME INSURANCE CO., "NEW CAPITAL, $2,500,000. ASSETS, $1,000,000. CT The leading New Vo:k Company. FllAIVELHV Fire Insurance Company, PHILADELPHIA, ASSETS........ $3,200,000. r Th leading Philadelphia Comjany. PHCENIX INS. CO,, HARTFORD, ASSETS $2,000,000. "Ons of ths llrrt elM Hartford CouspMiles." ORIENT FIRE 11 CO, RARTFORl), CAPITAL!....... $500,000. Organised January M, 1972. Georgia Homo Ins. Co, ASSETS, $404,000. Tbe Favorite Soutbern Company .' MARINE INSURANCE ! Rlaka taken on Cargo ami Freight In the well known, popular PACIFIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YOIIK. ASSETS $1,000,000. Life Insurance in th Eamfahle Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ASSETS, 618,000,000. Represented by Matthew r. Taylor. T All Artt-clua Companies, and Insurance aken kt prevailing rate. JJEKCIIASTS AND MECHANICS' IflSURAXCE COIttrAXT, OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Capital A,0,000 A. T. Stoku, Prrsld't. I. It. Moore, Sei t'y. JOHN WJI.ftKK ATUINSOSf, (innrral Agent, No. 4 North Witter 81,. Wllo.lngl.in, N. C. aprllll ViMf Wcw York JLifc Insur ance Company. ASSETS , ANNUAL INCOME. .20.000,000 14,000,000 Before Insuring In other Companies cnll at theoffieeofiL.V. BYRNE, General Agent or thl old and popular Company, whuro joucau ee the official rrporU of tho atanding of alt Companies. Office at Commercial Exchange Building, Water street. novlO 318-lmch A CARD. 1 hare thil day associated with ml In the Y Ire Insurance business Capt. W. R. KENAN. Captain Kenan ia too well and favorably known to the citizens of Wilmington and the tnrraundlng country to require any eudorso luent or Introduction from ma. Tie Compa nies represented by tho Agency are of ucu undoubted solvency and good standing that, with the assistance of Captain Kenan In tbe Agency, I confidently appeal to tbe pnblio for a Urge and Increasing (hare of patronage. J. A. BTRNE. nvlO 31-lmeh JfID At a called meeting of the Director or the Wilmington Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held on the 28th October, 2, the undersigned jraa appointed Secretary and Treasurer of laid Company; and the requirement, or the charter bating beet) compiled with, I am prepared to recelre application for FIKE RISKS on build ing, merchandise. c' D. CASHWELL, Secretary and Treanurpr. WUmlngton, N.U, Oct, 30tK, W2.338-la3m IA0ITD-ln 1VMCUIE. IMIiWE ROOM hi7.O0U.60O k lBC ISSl RAX( 1 1 in. 1AL KtHKI.MArll AITtK PA1ISU BUSTON I.OVSA.V. tjuet a Iaurr Ctmp.nT, of Uter lx.laiM liKl .n. capital tuVOVJA1 North Hrau-h and Mrrc'.itil In-Jl-auc t:,mpti, cat.ilol i,Bii.'(,m) Partloril lti.uniitM 1 omMi!V, .itl .".S d.imI Minu tin iaMiratir vvuiptij, of Hattlord. rpital Coiitiufntal iu'jr Coiapany, ut Ne York, capital ..." Ph.vnlt lufurauce Company, ut Kronklyu, eapitxl. Ylryiuia Hume liwunrnt t'unipany, of Kicbmond, cnpiUl C.ll,tK l,300.'.h MABIXr-Tte New lot. oil Mtrcautll Mutual of 1.IFE-The Connecticut Mutuil of Hart ATKINSl) & MANMNO. i.eat ral Agi'ii,. . 3."t tf nov '.3 Q CJAJTlDIA.Sr MUTUAIi LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YOItK. oi'.oiMzrn lm ASSETS iJ.Oon.ftiiU PULICIKSiN rOM4JE sa.O.KV'O LOSSES PA11).... l,3u),UU0 Special Features. Annual Dlrldendf, applied to reduce Preml Bin or Increase Inauranee. All Policlf NoH-vonraiTanLi after two an nual pavmcnta. ANIVWW. C.IUPrJeBt EYEKETT fLAPP, VIoerreJdtiL LUCirS McADAM, Spitc lurT ami Actuary. HENRY O. CLENCH, ' Awltant Secretary. HAAOHPTZLElt ACO., li mrl AgoutJ Virginia, North Carolina and 1. C. A.J. HILL, Jr.,As:cnt, WILMINGTON, N. C. (tlflce on Market Street, two lonr West of Green Jt Klannvr'f lru(j Ht4ire, with Dn. T. P. WOOD, Medical Examiner, feb H 118-ly W1LMMUT0J 0KTU CAROLINA 21 JSP lis INSDMNCEOMPflNY. OEFI.t,,. Ir. A. J. DeKOSSET prealdcnt JOHN W. ATKINSON ,.r.ce Prealdent. P. H. C ME RON Secretary Dr. K. A. ANDERSON Medical Director DinrrroKM. J. W. ATmC!i,Geueriil Inwiranc Agent. I. li. aaainuitu, Prtil t li.:iik ol New Han over. r. W. KiaoHMBB, (jrorer aid CommlMloii Merchant. 0. M. fTDA,or Wttght A Btedman. T. H. McKot, of W. A. Whitehead A Ci., Pardtterille. H. B. Eilkm, Commlnnon Merchant. A. A. Willabd, of Wlilard Brother. W. A. Crnvixo, of Northrop ft Cummin (. w. William, or William A Mwchlaun. F.LI Mcrhat.oI E. Murmy A Co. A. J. VtlUmtr, of Delloatct A Co., Pre sident. Kobt. Uknmiko, of Dawson, Teol A Hen nlng. A Lnx.SrnoaT.BritWi Vice-Con sul.orspi not A Hinnon. P. Mtrpbt, Attorney at Iaw. J. D. Williams, ol J.D. William A Co.,Fay cttoTille Jaa. C. McRAR. Att'y at Law, PayettATille. 1. B. KM.T. Mercltnt. ReuariKTllle. J. T. Pors, Murclmnt, I.uiuborton. SPECIAL FKATUKES AND A I) VAX TAtES. Int. No reetnclion on UoeiiW'iic: or Tiaret. Sd. No eitra charj; on the litre of Koranic. Sd. Pollclet lucotitoetlblo after Fire Tear. 4th. The ratea of Interest on the Fund of tlie Compan? higher than tlio?e on the Fund of Companit'ii located In other State, tliu tnaur lug lnrger Diviucuil to Policy Holder. th. The Director and nmoem of the Com pany are prominent NOUTH C.AltoLlMANH, who are KNOWN to be mm of 1NTEUK1TV and WORTH. 8th. The Comr.arr t pH'aolMied on a solid and permanent lia ' rps haTlng been taken to Increase the Capital Stock to MSOO.OOO. lh. All Hie FnndN of the) Company MrInva4l in thU Mnteainil ( Irru lnlpl stmons; ear own Froplf). Thlitlact should commend tho ( ampany, above all oth er, to Nor Hi Carolinian. It H well known that hundred of tboiimtml of Dnllaraof I. lie Premium are annnaily eent North to enrich Northern i'npltaliHto, tLti continually draining our people of linmense amount which idioutti be kept at home. On thi ground the frlondt of thl (jompanr conlldenllT appeal to every son oftheO'd North State, and auk their support for this Ilwino Inatitutioii, which, while it oftbruhtantlallv alltlieaitvanta?eof Norlh. trn Con panic, helji to build np lloin In. Utreata. JAMES D. BROOKS, GenGral 8ntervWng Agent, Raleigh, N. O. THOH. UK AM K Loral Agent. airt1 h. 1XT7. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 6Acr all buyer of BOOTS and SHOES large stock, full and complete aswrtraert U line, and lower price for better Good n any honsc I n the Stato. i GEO. U. FREXC1I A SON, 29 North Front Street oct il -w- m SILL HEADS JMPTLT PKINTXD AND CIRCULAR AT TP-IS OFFICE IN THP.LATEgT, 8TTL K. mmik m HI nu At. j Baltimore Lock Hospital UK. JOllNI., FhTn,;a of thi celebrated liwtitatan. Uimvt err.1, hen in the Grrat 1U-J-:!1 tit ut' ,, v.a; England, Franew and e'xnU.-re, the miNt ceiT.iiri, iH-dT, plr.ant au.l eCtetu il remedy ta mewnria tor ALL EXCTSES Oil AIDSES OK SYSTEM, Wekiie of the Ptekcr I im! . S'.r:eti rte.-;k.i 1,1 tUe Ki'im or ll.!.Ur. Imulua. try Duhari;n, lm'!eney, Vlencl Dt-Udity Ncrnnw lp pi. l ai.('K4r, l" tipirli CoaliiWa elM. . Palp'tath-m uf th Hesrt. Tiwiditv, Treuiblinf, l)iluiw of S;t.t ft IlkldiucW, Dne ol tbe liea.1, Tlittutt, N oc Skill, A3'H'tuiiiol'tt l.nri. I.un, Si'iiv ach or Howel tbue terrible I tirtter arwuf frum Solitary lUUlta ut et.tU ier ah ilitarv traetie mur fatal t Uieir vutia i thn th Mini of the Svrru to tha Mariner i I'lTWa. bliiihtuiK their unmt trilllant kuio m iitieipatkina. reudertnic niarrlaue, Ae., iai)Kw- ailila arauvying duib a,uu .uuw. YOUXU MEN EMolall. who have riccome th vietlm. tt Solitary Vice, that dreadlul and deatructlrt habit hlek auuually swer lo an antiaieii gre Ihounauddol yuui( men of the tuott ri ailed Uleut aud lrllliait Intel l.-rt, who tulhl ethrrwita have entranced lteulng Kenatet with the thunder of U)i emf, or waked ti aestaey the tiring lyrr, may call with lullcuv. Bdene. MARRIAGK Married eri'n, or Young Men eonteni l. Ing m;irriag, aware of pliieal Weakneai Iam ol Prut-reanre Power (fmpotency). Net. vou Etritaliilitv, Palpltattou, Organic Weak' neM, Nervou lability, or any other Diaiiuall. gt-atkin, speedily relieved. He who place. blinM If under the care of Dl J. may religioulv con tide lu hJ honor a a gi n tleiuau. and couBdcntly rely upon hi skill a a phy.iciaa. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and fnll Y'lpw Reatored. Thlditreairg Atieetion wliiehreiuler iif miaeralde and marriage Impossible I the prn altypaidhy the vtetima of improiier Indul geiieea, Young peisun are too apt to couiniH (iitiw) Irom not being aware of th dreadlu' coaaeiieicr that may emue. Now, who Dial enderKtand this sub rct will ptcteud to deuj that the power of procreation U lit sooner 1) tboolilliiinteiinprperhabiltlin by th prndent? Beside heing deprived of the pleaa ureof healthy otfpr.ng, tho ni'wt aerimia and destructive symptom of ltU Innly aud tulna1 ariae. The svtem become del at god, lh Phyalcakand Slental Knnctkmswcakeiieil, 1 oai of PriKTestlve Power, N'ervou Irtltabllity Dysuepnla, Palpitation of the Heart, ladlgea. tlun, Constitutional Debility and Waging it the Frame, Cough, Consumption,' Decay and Death. A (TUB SPEEDILY WARRANTED Peraoti ruined in health bv uiilearnott pre tenders who keep them trllllrg mmth attei month, taking )liiiioii and Injur li u com. pounds, thould apply Immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, member of the Royal College ot Surgeons, Lo. don, Graduate of one of the most eminent Col lege in the United States, and the bent part ef whom lite ha been sient in th hospital ol London, Paris, Philadelphia and elaewhere, has effected some of the moot astonishing cum that were ever known; many troubled wilk ringing in the head and tar when atleep, greaf nervouxnesa, being alarmed at sudden sound, bashfulness, with frequent bluxhing, attcndW sometimes with derangement ol mind, wvrt cured immediately. TAKE l'ARTICULuYR NOTICE. Dr. J. add reuse all tlio.'o who hare Injured themnelve by iniiroper Indiilgeuee and soli tary hslilts, wbii h rum both body and mind unfitting them for either busine, study, so elety or marriage. 1 oese are Kirn of the :id and melanchol ttects produced bv thi irly hal.lt. nf jentli, vin Weaknessol the Back and Limbs, Palm in th Head, Dimness of Sight, l.nwi ot Mn cular Power, Palpitation ot the Heart, Dya liepsia, Nervous Irritability, Dcrangemetit of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Kvmptomf of (Consumption, Ac. "MENTALLY. Tho fearful r fleet on tht mind are muen to be tlreailtd. a of Mi l orv, confusion ol idea., Depression of SpirilA Evil Forcl'wlmgs, Aversion to fsoelctv, bi If. Dlstrurt, Ixiveoi Solitude, Timidity, Ac , aud sonifl ot tho evils produeed. , Thousand of persons of all igr can nosi I'idgn wlmt i the raiie of their deciuung heaTlh, losing their vigor, lieeoiulng weik, pale, nervous andcnncmicd, having a singiilm appearance about the ejer, cough mid f-jiup-touts of Consumption. YOUNG MEN who have Injured Ihtrusclves b , crrtrl i pr;e t lec, Indulged in wlit u alone, a Habit frequent ly learned Irom evil companions or at school, the e licet of which aro nightly felt, even whc. asleep, aud If not cured renders marriage im Hw-lhle and destrnvs both mind and bxli 'in lid apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, thn boju1 01 his cuntrv, the nrlilo of li in imrcnU, should be snatched Irom all proi peels and enjoyment ol me oy mo cotistqiii neo oi uoruting irom in pull' of ns.tiito, and tmliilglni; in a eurtatn se cret habit. Hiirh nron must, before contem plating MARRIAGE, rtflei t that a sound mind ami body are tht moid nece.sartry nqubltes to proniotoe.onnuldul huppincM. Indeed, without thoe the journey through Mill becomes a wcury pilgrimage, tht prospect h;;rly darken to the view, the mind become shallowed with detpnlr, and tilled witi the melancholy reflection that the happiness o anotner u biiguuiu w nu our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE When the misguided and Imprudent votaij of pleasure flndn that be has Imbibed the ' ! of this painful disease, it too olten happens thru an ill-timed sense ol snamo or or .-an or uiseoi ery deters hin from applying to thoss who irom etliicaiion ami rcspeciauiuiy, run muni befriend him. Ha falls into the hitiidsot .nor aut and designing pretender, who, Inenpfibls of curing, Ulch hi pecuniary substance, kee him trilling month alter month, or is longai the smallest fee can bo obtained, anil in despali leave him with ruined health to sigh over hit galling disappointment; or, by the use of 'hat deadly poison, Mercury, cause the con .na tional symptom of this horrid disease to ni'i kf their appearance, such ag ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain In the head anil limbs, dimness ofight,deal'nss, nodes on thi thin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, titer and extremities, progressing with friglitlu' rapldily, till at last the palate of the mouth ot the bones of the nose fall In, an-i th victim t this awful disease become a horrid objecti commiseration till death puts a period to hu dreadful suffering, by sending him to that on discovered country "from whose bourne nr traveller ever return " To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston offer th most certain, tpeerty, pleasant and eftectur' remedy In the world. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK 31 BALTIMORE, MD ' Left band side going from Baltimore street ! few doors from the corner. Fail sot to obeern name and number " No letters received nnles postpaid r. eontait.lng a stamp to be used on the reply. Pel ' eon writing should state age, and send a portloi of advertisement describing svmptom. The Doctor') DIPLvMA bang In hi offlcS. ENDORSEMENT OP THE TRESS. The many thousands cured at thii establish ment within the last twenty year, and the nr merous I m iwrtant surgical operations perl firmed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the Representa tives of the Press and many others, notices ol which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing a man of honor and responsibility, la n ..sufficient guarante t the afflicted. 8KIM D1BIASES SPEEDILY CURED. en 84 -lyck Clif ;ii!n ouni;iI. W ILWIWIOM. R. C.l WEHMSDAY. DLCEMUEU 4. IS72. I'tvtu the New York Sub J Mr. (imle)' Insauitj. i H KMjS c .MM. IjI'.Kt-lkY. Mcaunhilo Mr, tlrediy' ttealth bad Uvu la, .ll::; r'tpu.ly, aud sw bad U'CU ro nivd faun t liat'imuuai t tl.iicUy. Mr. AUiu J. Jolui-siHi, tif West r'Uly-scv l u ll si.it t.L-id pU'-l a mil) of part- It.en'.t at l.n ih-j.va.il. ll isw the Uj valid 1'ci iipnd tsiili her t'Kle.t daughter, Mist IUi. while Mr. Unt ley lud rmnus In U SA1I10 liUIMC. J It wat llute, wLilo luiin); il.H'plesa nights at tho U'U'ulo of Li tly lug w ifo, thai lloraeo Gn t'lc)' liit loganto alio ol nietiui th'iMeututi. Vix uuj ocva sioii, tho ops.M:ion 'nss wu criti cising his peat (Mllmr in-tvb, lie salil. Mf llit'y nuke th l.ue that I'm tin lobtl c.tjbliil.itc, I'm bound to he dcti-abrJ.' Tills cvmsMerat'ou seemed to wrlgh on liis Uilnd, and nfien when h anpixm-J te wa aliino ho would put hi hand to lib head and cry out, " Oh ! m though mfl'er ing intense imin. Ho was advised toein tiniie his W(MnI-t-hi'piing Saturday niatli.eos, ami though wveivly dialed by tltoaifounL of lliein publlhed in the New YorkTimes, hi mil pursued hi open air exercise. Ou Oiie tsvuiimi at C!iap;iqua Ih was aeeom- ii.tnii'd hy .Mr. dlitivn and his sou. Mr. ilniMin, Jr., rhopjied down the dead limb ot a heiuliK'k tree, which narrowly niUd bis Ullier's In ad. " What do you mean?' d ied nut Mr. Johnson, Sr. ' Da you waul to kit! me, Willie?" "I wish aomehitdy would kill lue," ro spninU'd Mr. Greeley In a voice of rxtreme SlillllSS. HIE UTollEU ELECTION. Mr. Greeley always aal 1 lie did not expert I) cany either the Male of Vermont or M.tiiii1: yit the lesult of tho Sute tleo tiniis llieie, Ni'ptcmbcr 4 and H, respect, ively, uiailo lilui luotd despoudoiit than ever. Georgia gave the Demoerals a rou in nujoiity on Oitohtir U, and hi spirits rise pioK)iiiiiiiiU ly ; but when six days later ( li'u aud rtiiusylvani gavo Uiga m.ijoiiiies fr th Adiuiublratioti caudi dales, and while tho result lu Indiana was s ill In d ubt, he limine utterly duspou d ut, end for tho flist time his most mil mate frl.tr.ds began to ptrvelve that difeat In November inlyht prove fatal tohlm. IIu talked one. moment of olll'i in tho port fo il) nr Secretary or Mato to Mr. thailes I Erar.cl Adams, and In the next breath h would lament a large falling oil" In tho sub- aeilDtlotl lists Of tilrt lliUUUO. blllli tint. bursts of incoherent expressions, followed by paroxysms of rage, now iMscamo mora fremient and spontaneous. Thercamo In- voluntary, as It were, ami always exulted anxious apprehensions among his friends; but they went attributed to the) fact that he was too much ilepiived r.f sleep while watching beside his wlfj. TUB DEATH OF MRS. t;Il I.I.EY. ' At length, on the inornlng of October '10, Mrs. (iutlcy died. When tha widowed hiibband w as informed of his w if's death ba wrung his hands, cried like a child, aud said: "Oil, why didn't you let iuh sit up with her? Why did you send mo to bed My poor wife ! my poor wife !" Iotftos atTeraaid Mis. Greeley w b :ricJ. II t remains were followed to tho gravo by a laro cotifouise of people, nil of whom noticed Mr. Greeley s gi lef. He ro turned ufter tho fuimfal to Mr. Jolinrton's, and Instead ot lutcn stlns himself about his daughters anil the future ho gave) way wholly to th Jh'I ion. It was thru ho showed tho J i t .-it lio.viivi! i vidi'ic; of iii'Mitid do- ' IIIK MAl.MI KU LLM'i'lU.V s 'i intn,!y did l.ul Intel est him. 1 1 is defeat did not seem to hititn iic hiin. He tleciived ha Irieiids by lejeiwii'' tho news with ier- fjet iMuill'cii i:ec. ; It was noticed about this time, however, t'aat lie would tell his pilvalu business t ) e.eiy one with whom hu was bronijit in on'aei, and to ea h ono he tohl a dilli:rent s'.oiy ol bis th Teat, his trouble, and the Infidelity of bin supposed friends. Ho would at times denounce tho Democratic party, whom he accused of selling out to tho Ad m ills! i .il ion. Then he would vlolenlly criticise the eourse pursued bylho ojmsi tim newspapers, ami ei-prially the nils tu tnaeiueiit of tho Tiibiine, uud his fatal mistake in allowing bis name to be used as a candidate for tho rresidency. Mr. Alvin !. Johnson Mas lii most Inti nntefiieud. One evuuinp, w hile holding hslii.ul, Mr. Gieih'y said lu him: "A. J , do you know 1 undo a ten idle mistake about Mr. Dana. Ho wi;s lht alxint t:iat On lo Richiiioud,' Yes, lam satis lied now that hu was rijjht about it." Often f;er tint, when he wat uiublo to sleep, and bile his discis) was yet lu lis Inctjii' ncy, Mr. Giteley would take llr. Johnson to his room, aud, wl li his bands clasped, ho would impart to him tho most intimate s 'ct ets of bis heart. THE LAM BLOW. It was during thii period that he w rote discard reSuiniut; the eJitoiship of the Tribune, publisln d on November "ill. He was Inexpressibly shocked while reading the Tribune on the following morning to liml an editorial article, headed "Crumbs of Comfort" occupying as conspicuous a position as that ol his card. This article, it will bd remembered, spoko of the Tri bane as -.having been used as "a sort of Federal cmpjnymcnt agoney," and said that fortbn last twelve yeari 'every red nosed politician who had cheated at tbe caucus and fought nt tho polls looked to the editor of tho Tribune to secure his ap pointment as gatiger, or as army chaplain, or as Minister to France," and then closed with an insult to the friends who had stood by Mr. Greeley during the campaign. CKl'MBS OF COMFORT. There has been no lirnO until now, w Ith ia the last twelve years, when the Tribune was not supposed to keep, for the benefit of ihe idle and iucapable, a sort of Federal employment agency, established to get places under the Government for those w ho were indisposed to work for their living. Any man who had ever trofed the Republi. can ticket behaved that It was the duty and the privilege flf the editor of this paper to get him a place In the Custom-house. Ev ery red-nosed politician who had cheated at the caucus and fought at the polls looked to the editor of the Tribune to secure his appointment as ganger or as army chap lain or as Minister to France. Every cam- paign orator came upon us aluT the battle was over for A recommendation as Secre tary of the Treasury or tho loan of half a dollar. If one of our party had an interest pending at Washington, tbe editor of the Tribune was telegraphed ia frantic haste to come to tho Capitol, lave this lull, eiush that one, j ioii ot ! t.e ;oj vt or sli p ni;l.er. He, was to be cvu.vUhI) s f. lend, w llll tudhiog to 0 but to I ia.e Caie of ithvt folks' business, si.i l papen, write 1 tteis, and ak Uvi r for LLctu, and to get na thanks for it either. Feiir-bALs tf these people were sent away wttbu.it what tl.ey wa'Utd, oulr to become sltaiUway abusive enemies; it was the worry of life to try to gratify one deiuaud in adeicn lor tUe other niUu Tbe niau with two wooden l-'S congratulated himself tl.al hu oudd never be troubled with cold feet. It is a ljurce of profound satislaction j us Hat i'thVv-evki'rs w ili keep alis l' fiutil a de feated candidate who has not Influence euuugh at Wasldngtun or Albany to set a sweaper apiuted under tie, Sergeaut-at-Arms or deputy sub-assistant teui(crary clerk Into the paste pot section of the fold-big-rocuu. At hut we shall be lot alone to mind our own atUlr aud mauage our own nwspaN-r llbxiut belli); called (side every hour to, help Uiy people whom we doul know aud to speud our strenctk in etfori thai only Deitetit people w ho don't deaerv aisutancv. At last we sh.ll keep our otlli Clear id wsfherskitee and pMiUel beggais and go about our daily v. oik with Urn sat isfaction of knowing that not the nni nedulous of piace-buulera will suspect u of having any credit with the appointing pjwers. That is one of the results ot tuesday'i election Mr which we owu our aelves piof mnilly gra'eful. . . It wu written under the tuptrvlslon tf stt. luu iaw Kent, who bad ated as ediioi of the Triboue during the political canvass, aud w as inserted In the column of 1 1 Tilbune without Mr. Greeley's knowledge Mr. Greeley hastened to the Tribune othee. lie there wrote a caid deny lug bla resia n- aibillty for the abusive aitiele, and niet ting it publlcwtkm. This denial he sent tu his old filend, Mr. Thomas N. Hooker, f m inau of the Tribune printing eflLr, or dering It to be placed at tbe head of th I'ribiuie's column on . the following morning. The denial did not ai pear. It was auppreiaed Ute at idchi by Mi. Whitelaw Reld. On the M lowing day the Democratic ncwpuei tlauied np lu J ust Iml Iguat lou at the uCi utubi d Comfort" ankle. They uaturally av sumed that Mr. Greeley was its author, and accused hiin of the blackest Ingratitude.- lucir rebuko and taunts deeply allected the veteran editor. Hecogtiliiiir the iiu- IKirlaiii'ti of an immediato denlel id tnowledun t f the articles, he sent Mn Held auotlier disclaimer, ordering ita lusertlen in the liext day's Isiue This denial was also tuppnawd, and i p to ihls very hot r democratic Journals In the YVest and South are bitterly ilenounclniz Mr. Greeley under the itipiHisition that he is the author of the article in question, - Mr. Greeley never again visited the Til bune editorial rooms. To a fi lend whom he wot tine,' days later he said In ahorelerg tone of voice, "Idont go to the Tribune office any more. I have no business there, but I want $1,000. I must have $1,000. If you get It for tue" after a long pause, at If he had suddenly forgotten what he was bilking about 11 1 am ruined !" When his mind w as recalled to the Ihouiand dol lars, Mr. Greeley told his friend that he might leave the money with tho cashier of the Tribune, and it would reach him. but htdldiA go to the Tiibune office any nioic, " roScLraioNfl." On September rloncttay after the prlnlinc of his famous caul, an editorial arthlo ap- peared In tho Tribune he uled Contu sions.," It was simply a lumnilng up of the result of the elections In Mr. Greeley' old style, befrliii Ing tbe paragraphs with numerals, i mi' was ins mm pi'onssionai effort. About Ibis time ho revised flee articles which ho had cutofiilly prepared for an EiicyHopedla. 'They are entitled Abohtinu," " Ajrlcultuie," "Autl-Masoiny," k" Caucus," and "Cor. rsilciacy, Ntutlicrn," the laltetbeliig his history of the " Aiueiican Conflict ".con domed Into thitty pajr.es of iiunuscrlpt. WHAT Ml!. l.lll'tl.KV ToLD COL. A1UX, Colonel El ban Allen,- Chairman of the latu National Liberal Rcpullicau Execu tive CoiniiiilU'c, Informs abuu icporter that In lia.1 a kuu coiivcrsatiou with Jlr. Gree ley ut tho Tiibuno ollicosoon l'icr the elec tion. Tho Colonel docs not remember the exact d.ite, but It was prob.VJy on the fdi of November. Colonel Allen says that, du ring th') election cxeiltnietit in October lie saw Mr. Greeley only at intervals, us 1c was constantly engaged lu watching by his dylrTg wile's LedMdo. Whuii ho eutei-ed Mr. (ireiley's private oflice, at tho (iitio re ferred to, ho was aui in ist-il at the warmih of tho' greeting which he receivod. Mr. Gaely stn t . hed iftil bo b hands, aud put. ling Colonel A lien's extendi d palm between them, said, "Iain gltd to see you, and thank you for your heroic ell'ortsln my be half." Tho i Id man's eves iHvaum in iil at the s line lime, and the tears triikled slowly down lis face. The bflit i f so much t mo tion by Mr. Greeley was Momething dew to Colonel Allen, who replied ! "Mr. Gtee- 1-y, the jieojdj will loi-k on you as anoiher Henry I lay. lou are toogicuto berre- aldenL" M)b, it isn't that," was Mr. Greeley's answer ; I don't raio for politics, and wouldn't go on (he ears to Washington to cet a commission as 1'resiilent, What I do f.wl." continued Mr. (Jteeb'V, " U the loss of my wife, who has been my companl n for nearly rorty yeais. I Have watched by her bedside nl,ht and day, and now 1 am completely worn out ami prostrated finm anxiety and Want of sleep, but am obliged to er me back to the Tribune, where my 9p!cet are needed." After eoversing furtlier with Mr. Greeley, who promised to dine w ith his visitor at his home, Colonel Allen took his leave and has not seen hiin since. The Sun reporter asked the Colonel whether he thoupht there w as any founda tion for the Idle rumors to the effect that Mr. Greeley had spent the most of his money on the election, and that Its loss had affected him. Colonel Allen scouted the idea, and motilloned an Instance ol tbe little value Mr. Greeley placed on money, lie said Mr. Greeley called ou Mm soon after hit .nomination, and tendered him $1,000 as a portion of his share of the poli tical expenses. Colonel Allen told him there were others who could better afford to contribute, and declined to take it. Mr. Greeley informed htm that ho intended giving $5,000, and insisted on Colonel A' leu's accepting the money, saying that if be did not accept It he would give it to some one else. Colonel Allen said that Mr. Greeley did not manifest any concern whatever in regard to the money. HIS STRASOK INTERVIEW WITH ItCFt'S F. : ANDREWS. On Wednesday, Xovembcr 13ll), Rufus e. Andrews was requested to meet Mr. Greeley At the bouse of A mutual friend in this city, lu relation to a matter of business which personally concerned Mr. Greelev. I went to the bouse," says Mr. An- arews, ann was usuerea into Mr. Gree- CONCLVDED 021 FOVRTU PA0E- PARTiERSlHP NOTICE hvU md a:S,i Hi. j Uiv tue Ittfuiaa. Aen cy ut J. A. Mime ai!i be repiinuted by J. A. BYRNE aud W. It. KENAN at their vrtiee la th toman r. ia) Watei HrwL Etehang-' I'.utldiiig. N'ort) oa be 9. rtrd at the biarst current rates ba strictly First t'las lompaulee oa appllcatb'S to HYRNKAKENAN, (lm ral InMuauee A als ae Id J S-lai. h lrd n l to Agent rvet v aliere II" s ihii new auveti lra'l VV HIT PLanaa LI i . l is.a. Kelts readily a -verv h.iui. S i m pie li' Aklrew the til hid Win Mill. Phllaielpbia I'a. IBB I WlMtol'.'acb 1 U. J. - AND WINTER GOODS NOW OPEN AT M, M. K A T.Z'S. JJO Market Stroot. t'uinplet assortment of all Ihe l atent Novel lU'SlM J3ress Good, In every tttyle, varUty aud color. STA VI. K A It I A XV Y Dl: Y UOODS MIAM. SCARFS, CLOAKS, WUITF. GOODS, F.IIUK)IDKKIFA GLOVF.S, I1USIERY, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS, &t, Ac. Ac, In short, swrythlng that a Lady may desire for herself, Chll Iran, or .louse, THE BEST ASSOItTMENTTHIS SIDF OF NEW YORK. Liberal discount tu WHOLESALE BLY. r.M. V 011 and eiamlne at 1M. OVr. KATZ'S, tie Market Hirer. a.w oct to JIacoii. Iiiinl, li uttijh, en i: i;s i;, a t lrv Halted and amnkeil W.ti rn hhnuldan and 8ldc III lltids. and lloves. Htiyar I'nreil Hams and IlieuM ol SlrlH, Ninth tJarollna llii;reuid, OityTVIcss I'm k ; Hump I'.i .. ; I'lic Lard In Tierces ami Tubs , tlhoi. Tsble Under , Itcsl Fartoiy Chevsa, IN Ulli To fl ) r. For le by A 1)1(1 A V ,t VtU.I KPS. may 13 V"d tht Ovhjlnul ftt'I Onfj .Std'cow, (Lato (iref nwald A Co.) tMriiRTi ii Attn w Huir.Mt a nsAtta in w i i;s, uiLis i) i i:h, vs ii isk i: s (.INS, Ill'MS, ( lG.tK.H AMI . TORAtlOS, IN SUUI II WATEH KTItKK I , Ataat kern in slink bei-t uiulilv Pure t.l'iuors and tin largest asMirlniunt lu I lie blalo. Prices to conipelo with a"v Nnrlhrrn Hoiisp. Knl Agibt Ml-i.KLI.MIL IU1 CUWN Will " 100 New.. Jay cp. lluisliis ! WllOl.KS, II A I, V Hi AND gt'AlvTEUM, New crop, very choice, and at low price CHAS. I. MTKKS CU. WKIUIirS AND ATVYOOR'S Mi nee Moat. We hav every confidence to Hi as hiandn ! VHiic sicat, hMiirviiig t cm to be t us n nt giaMl roster I l and wl'h cart. A' y dcairtd package I rem Hirer to tlifrf y-p 'inula C1IAS. i. Ml f.KO .V t U., 7 North Front St. jpKKK, FRKA'S & CO'H ' tUVlT A l) VAXVY VllAVKKllS, Albert Bbrult, Ka-pberry .'am and Mnrm ibid", fros- & tllaikw 11' and Moiton' hngiisb I'lekies. x Nweet Cider, Dorrants and Citron. CI I A3. D. M Y K.bh di CO., 1 North Front Direct. LA FAItUPA HlUatAIlS 11 AVE COME! llcst Domestic 'ver sold In the city. Taasa roa 1 wisit-riva Cusis. Try theni. CD AS. D. MTER3 & CO, T Noaxa Fkokt 8trt dec t SC3 PUOSK F.LEUANT Hnpp lio N uit , UMnKKLLAS. CANKS, AND THK ' Best Shirts Made Are from the well known CLOTHING HOUSE OF MtJNSON & CO. deel 3uS . LL K1ND9 L at the OF ULAN KS FOE SALIC JOLJItNAL OFFIC ou) mm noons UUAND (1IFT CONCERT AND 1'RLbLN TATION 10 THE HOLDERS OF TICKETS - or Iieuutii'ully LofatcJ a, I O mm lots THE NEW AND E LEG AN . SKA-SIDE RESORT AT VUE DE L'EAU, On Hampton Roads, pjvajlte Fortresr Monroe, VhgUtla. ' TOar.THKR ITU 0,000 in Greenbacks. Tieketwonlj 3 Lucli. Thsnrw, attraciiveand bsautlfully locate Heuihiru Heaalde waurlng plaea, aamed VUE 3D 13 LEAX7, n Hampton Hos's, nearly epiawite Fortrea Monria-. V Iralii'a, Ik I ml slew i im mat lortu tort i:l)i"U an ltiittt-aka May ai.a U.me ttlver. llh water view enuriaatj In Anieiiea whsra irv luiory of m sil lead I ublaieabie, aeiei. d l ta public for the Hrt I iu the pst ae4i and ka-lug imvmt a a co-s-un, aiatlfl-il in tbe n'story il reasMe reirt baa Induced the slot khlarrW makean ftnrt to yrtallv elilarga It capacity o est) aoeeui'uu laie tun grea' puldle ; u llilaeiid lhy Uave determined iO ofler tndu' emcaUl el lie ordinal y character In lhehape ot a Grand Gift Concert, by mean oj which Ihry rope te be aM toe euu tlirir piddle spirited i d laudable aniier lakingol making V I E UK L'KAU the (IRANI) SKA 811)15 BESOHT OF TH BOUT II. A Imlneenient to the nubile everywhere t pun Una U keta tliry propoe to present a CIIIUSTMAS GIFTS to th purchasers el ticket, by diitrlbutloa by lot, Ihj lo. Inning mgnittceiit gift : t Ollt, In firtenhack, cf 1,flo UIIU, III lircatihaek, of I ,IMM each.. 4,t)"0 20 (lilts, In Orson hacks, of n each , . . . 10,004 IS Ueaullfullv loeate.1 OotUge Uls, ' by tho soa," .lo hy in loot, at Vue de I'Fiiii, valued a, fltw eaih .?0,00 KOOothsr bratitllillly Uwated (jottage Lota, . ai by l ie feet, at Vue d I Kau, Val- in d at eH'H caeb 4n,0CU lis) tllll, lu UKCtiback', ol' lt;uach, ..ID.ewO I'll (lilts valued at....... .lUO.UOU 20,000 TickotH Only $Each. THK lilt AND tONLEKT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THK INnribllc Open lloueso, ON MONDAY KVEMNG, Deceiiisjer 1671.; And will In Itself bo a full consideration Ice price c'.iari'cd for .Vlminluti Ticket. The dial i ibuiitu uf Uitf l'H will take pluoS Immediately slier th l.nnceit.oiilh vastatag ut the Opera lluuseand in lull view ot th audi' eneo under the Imuiodialo aupcrrlsiou cf the President tid Mrector or Ihe Vue tie I'Kaa ('diapiiny, and Ihe tollnwlng di.lliiaulsbcd gcti tletuen. wlio liavo klndlv OHiirnlcd to be pres ent ud ci) t lint llie gills are properly dlstnb uued a advertised ; , 1 1 ou. Job ii 11. Ludlow, Mavorof Norfolk, linn. A M AN att., Mayor of I'tirtsmoulb. Out. Walter li I aylor, t Norlolk. Hon. duo. U Whitehead, Mayor ol'Nntfelk. JiunesU Hollad.iy, s',ol fuitsuiouth. Ttie llu.ird of I)iictor I com pond of tho f, liowing gentlemen, who-e well-knoan char acter lor inn K'ltv, honor, and publio nUr priso arc so weil Meis n as togiixrautee sureerc, and a fun nint liupurliul di.lriliullin of the) gilts " Major ( en gu W Oi Ice, I'rcldent Dank I Por'anio'iib. Col. Wiu Lsmb, Prri idont First Katlentl IJaiik.N r o k (ien. V 1) Ormrr, Oeniral Agent tostoi 8tnnhlp torn, any. Capt, Natl Hint I Muir. , ot liurrusa f"uu & Co liaiiKi-rs, Nmt'cjtk Wwii U id fxi , of fetei Becd.iler-ihuiii-. - t tl Otilo Fsq. tiup't eaboaidand Boauukf Uallioail holnri J No. ly, Ks, or k J St W Nee y fc Co SUrsimil t'aiii, hi , 1'ns dout AJbt marie A h (Hpeakv Canal ouipany. KUI.iU'.sry I , Heal fca at Broker. Wiu U White, Li, Atwrney at La , Nor lolk. The distribution will be bv lilltd olded per sona or blind ihlldren, from two wheHeneot which wl I contain gilts ou prlnteii ail pa, aea'C I In . nv- tope- of the same !; Ihe oiterwill contain tag' wlih a miwitim them orrepordr tug it Hi) ih th keuKild ; afrr ibe enntent oi bo h whi t are thnr- uality mised by r voir ing. tbe person at iba .Br- wkuel will take a number lliere'io i and then the person at the secun-i wheul lll take gilt t beret r m and the gilt thus tasoJi will be Ion, lo the numbi-l taken Immtdiatety betote Ir this protas will coiitluue the nnmbers end gin being pnbllc-. ly atmuunce i, until the whule lenr nunond andonegiriiareubdrlliuiei. iknatha publle will readily ee there can be no iraod. collus ion, or knowledge ot what gbt any number wilt '"Should the tickets be not all Sold when the concert nonie off, the presents will be distrib uted In rop.f tin to the number wild. Itih rwd the piielio will p'omtdiv respond to thl sllurt tostt'ikh openattiin haliede lightrul resort duiiog he heated month TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. : Cnrirnrv (lilt will be pa'd i C ASU at onr bvnki.ic house, In the city of Norlolk, on pre sentation of the ticket entitbMi thtreto without iiiscum t, - Fr rurtfcer particnlar and ror tickets, apply to the undersigned, e bo have umiertasen the ' exelusiv financial manage ti-nt of this scheme and who alone are authorized toej point AgenS tor the sale of tickers. LfKKCSS. SON -. Baiiker and Financial A g't- V ue de 1' I a Co., Norfolk, V a. V- Ticks ror sale by W. COWAN OKKEN DruggM, WUmlngton, H. O. eor II SM-imca