A hi .aT "v. J Ml fiv fit' ! ' lit i I n Ay VOL. XXI NO. 380. WrLMIlNI GTON. 1ST. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1872. WHOLE NO. 6,339. n it i o HATTHKWr.TAVI.OR SOKWoOtl fill ts. TAYLOR & GILES. FIRE3LIFE, AND - MARINE INSURANCE. WE ARC FEE PARED TO TAKE BISKS in the following popular and reliable Companies, r is: Fire Insuaice on every description of property to the HOME INSURANCE CO., NEW YORIC, CAPITAL, $2,500,000. ASSETS, $1,000,000. K7" The kding New York Company. XKVKIIIV ' Fire Insurance Company, - rniLADELrniA, ASSETS........ $3,200,000. T Tie leading Philadelphia Company. INS. CO., IIAltTFORD, ASSETS $2,000,000. i'Om ofth Unit clam Hartfora Companle." ORlEIFlinO., HARTFORD, CAPITAL . . . . .... $500,000. Organised January 1st, 1871 a ' Georgia Home Ins. Co, v ASSETS, $494,000. "Too Favorlto Southern Company." MARINE INSURANCE I Rlski'taken on Cargo ami Freight la th well known, popular PACIFIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, . 1 .NEW YOItlat.' ASSETS....... $1,000,000. Ife In sm ranee in th Equitable Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ASSETS, $18,000,000. RtpreMDted by Matthew F. Taylor. i 1 . ( ' V I i J v T All flrst-claat Companies, an J Insurant aken at prevailing rate. augS 23-, jyjERCHANTS AND JIECIIAXICS INSURANCE COMPANY, OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Capital ao,oo A.Y. STOBti, PreskiX I. B. Hooaa, Soct'y. JOHN WILDER ATKIHSON. General Agent, No. 4 North Water St. Wilmington, N. C. rll 13 '.KHf At a called meeting of the Directors of tho Wilmington Mutual Firo Insurance Company, held on the 28th October, 1871, 1 lie undersigned u appointed Secretary and Treasurer of said vvui pa " J auu u ivif uiiviuvHic vi uy wiiwi vvs baring beentompllca with, I aYa prepared to receive application tor PIRE UISKS on build ing!, merchandise, &c ( ' f ' ' 1. CASHWELL, r Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington, N. O., Oct. 30th, 18T2.338-la3m 17,000,000 1'IBE IHKl'BAKCE t'API. TAX mEPKESESTTED AFTER patiso Bosrrojf losses. Queen Iniuranee Company, of Lifer pool and London, capital.. 1 10,000,000 Worth British and Mercantile Insur anoa Company, capital,. 10,000,000 Barttord Insurance Company, capital 2,500,000 National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, capital - COO.OOO Continental Insurance Company, ot ' New York, capital S,500,000 Pbmnlx Insurance Company, of , .BrookI7.n' PltaL 1,800,000 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Klcbmond, capital 800,000 MARINE-Tha old Mercantile Mutual of New York. --- LIFE The CMMetleut Matoal of Hart ford. . ATKINSON A MANNING, General Agents. 359-tf aovf S TJILL BEADS AND CIRCULAR FRt ROMPTLT PRINTED ITHitATEST.TltVTHIS 0',, PHCENIX lSll!AM'i: IXSIRAXCE. MUTUAIi LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF" NEW YOniC. 4JRUAMXED IMS. ASSETS a3.(V,Ai POLICIES N FOKCB iwwo.noa LOSSES FA1D...... IX), Special Features. , Annual lltklada, applied t reduce Freml kai or tncreaa Iiuuraim. All Polities Koa-rvarmTAei.1 afl.r two an- aal payment. ANO'WW. fllLUrreeUeat EVERETT LAPP, Vi President. LCCirS McADAM, Hxcrelary and Actuary. HENRY C. CLEM'H, AsMxtuit SdcrcUry. ISAAC U11TZLER ft CO., lirnrral AgnU V IrKinia, North Carolina and I. C A. J. HILL, Jr.,A?;cnt, WILMINGTON, N. O. Offlce on Market Street, tww dMri West ol Grata & Planner's Drug Stnro, with Da. X. F. WOOD, Medical Examiner, fM - IKSDRANCE3MPAHY. OFFIOKb - IV. A. J. DR08SET .president JOHN W. ATKINSON Vm President F. H. CAMERON ............Secretary' Dr. E. A. ANDERSON......Medical Director u DIRECTORS. , J. W. ATiw, General Inauranee Agent. I. B. Uaamata, Freetj't Bank ol New Han over. F. W. Iimiiii, Qrocor aad Commlaatoa Merchant, C. M. hTBDWAV, Of Wright A Stedman. T. H. McKot, of W. A. WhiUbead & Co., FaretteTllla. H. B. KiLaaa, Com mission Merchant. A. A. Willaud, of Wlilard Brothers. W. A. Cnaaiaa,of Northrop A Cummin O. W. Williams, of Williams A Mwchisoo. Eli Mcubat, of E. Murray Jk Co. A. J. DaUoasar, of DeRoaset A Co., Fro aldent Rear. Hiiaiao, of Dawson, Tel A Hea Blng. ' A t i. 8 r acar, Brttlah Vice-Consul, of 8 prnat A Hinson. P. M c an T, Attorney at Law. J. I. WiLUAMS.or J.D. WUUami Cc.Fay. OtUTlllO J as. O. McRia, Att'y at Ijiw, FayettOTtlla. . I. B. Kbllt, Merobsat, KanaaisTllle. J. T. Pora, Mecchaat, Laeabartoa. SrECIAL FEATCBES ASD ADTAN TAGES. 1st. No restflcUon on Red den o or Trarel. Id. No extra ehargt on th live of Female. Ji. Policies lucoutestlblo after Five Tear. . 4th. Th rate of Interest on the Fund of th Company higher than thoao on the t'unda of Companies licated la other States, tbu Insur ing larger Dividend to Policy Holder. Sth. Th Directors and Officers of th Com pany ar prominent NORTH CA ROLI MANS, wboar KNOWN lob men of 1MTKUH1TY and WORTH. ttb. Th Company I swtaoilshed a a solid and permanent basM pe having beentakoa to Increase tb Capital Stock to 0,UM. Tib. All tbo Fnwda f tb romnany Itrw lBTatd la tbl Ntsttw and t lrrn latexl snss nr Iople. Tbls fact bould commend tbe Company, above all eth. era, to North Carolinians, it H well known that hundred of thousand of Dollars of Life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern Capitalist, thus contlnoally draining our people or Immense amount which should be kept at heme. On this ground tb friends of tbls Company confidently appeal to every ion of tbeO'd North State, and auk their support for thi IIem Inatitntion, which, while It oilers substantially all tbe advantages of North, arn Con panles, helps to build up ifvino In. tcreala. , JAMES D. BROOKS, General Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. U. THOS. GRACMK Local Agent, april Bth. ltd . 163 MISCEXLAJrEOUS. m offer all bayert of BOOTS and SHOES large stock, fall and complete amortmerl all lines, and lower price lor belief Coodr n any bouse In ue State. y' ' . GEO. K. FliEXCIl A SON, 29 North Front Street octgj 811 Baltimore Retort AND Fire Brick Works. RETORTS, FIREBRICKS. TILES, b 10 VIC LININGS, TERRACOTTA DRAIN AXD 8EWER PirS . OF ALL BlZXS, Far more durable and cheaper than Iron , . Cement Pipe, 0E0K6K CHICKS ft CO., BALTrtnaa, Mr. fb U-lycli' ONION SETS. Just received a fin lot of White aad Onion Sets, Toilet Bottle, Y Ptrfumerv, Fancy Articles, ftc. For sale by JOHNL.WOOSTER, DruggiK, N. W. corner Front and Market tree! ; Octlg.,, w , , , . 339-tf s ALT, rORK, SUGAR AND If LOUR. l.W0 8cksSlt. m oo Barrel Perk. I V) BMs. Raw and Refined Sugar, 1,000 lible. Flour, For al by F. W. KEROHNFR. dec U . sit MMrrLLAJTEOt . y 1 r c turn M f i a 1 : y, j w. . w ' ' - tm iiaaaalil hub iSIbbT Tills unrivaled Mfsilcin is warranted Hot to riMilaia a single particia ol' Htsnar, or any Injurious mineral subttaure, but I ITBKLY VE(iETlRLE. For roilTY YEARS It has proved IU great value la all illseam-r ef the Liver, Bowel, and Kidneys. Thouaand.ot tae (vd and great la all paruof the country vouch tor It. wnnder I ill and peculiar ower in panfjlng th HkMMt, stimulating tbe toril Liver and BeweK and Impartial! new Llle and Vljjtr te the whole st- tcm. m Simons' liver rku lator i acknowledged te have Be equal as a LITER MEDICINE, It con U i us lour medical element, neves united In tbe same happy proportion In any other preparation, a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an BBesceptiouable Altera, tlve and a certain Corrective of all Impurities of tbo body. Much signal secees has attended It u.-, that It Is new regarded as tbe (.'rent Unfdiliug; Sped lie trr livaa ( ovrLAinT and tbe painful uRsnrlng lliertol, to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, .lann dice, Bilious attacks, Hick Headache, Colic, Itoprewdonof Spirits, Sour Stomach, llcart Buin,fto.,ftc. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REG ULATOlt Is manufactured only by T. II. ZI3ILIN at CO., MACON, GA.,and PHILADELPHIA. Price 9 1 per package; aent by mall, postage , paid, it 04. Preai4'd ready lor use 1 and l W. ' SOLD IIY ALL DKUOOISTS. tr Dewarr-J of all cpuaterfeltl and Imita tion. j dec 6, is'i 3t lych Bacon, Lard, CUTTER, CREESE, Dry Salted aad Smoked Western Shoulders and Side in Hhds. and Boxes. Sugar Cured Ham and Breakfast Strip, North Carolina Hoground, City Meia Pork; Rump Pork t Pur Lard la Tierce and Tub ; Choice Table Butter , Best Factory Cbeeee, IX LOTS TO SUIT. For sale by ADRIAN A YOLLR IIS. mnv 1 mni l'UUCELL IIOUHE, WlLMINUTOIf, M. C. fnoraiBToa . 8. R. DA YlS.of Mill House, Charleston. 90 W Coach, Carriage and Baftgage Wkios" way ready to oouvey asseiigers to and 1 1 out the Railroails. . feb l JIB - AT Tlfii HAT STOKE (BELOW TUl 10T1LH) : CAN BK FOUND ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS. Tnos. ii. wRionT. nn1 1 FAMILY BIBLES J A flno assortment at JOHND. LOVEB BOOKSTORE. Iiov SI 3C2 NOTICE ! TJT VIRTTE OF A POWER OF SALE J la a MostKage Deed made by John B. Hnsmyto Robinsno, Smith A Co., on the Iflth day of Angust, 1H03, which said Mortgage Deed was arsignot to Lafayette Unseev by said Koblnwm, Smith St Co., en tbe IMh day ol July, Wt, the undersigned will tell at Public Auction, at the Court House door In Kensns villc, on the 30th day of December, tr, i, . ONE HOUSE AND LOT In the Town of Kenansvllle, R being th House and Let formerly owned by Jobn fi.Hussey, deceased. Also, 300 Acres (more or less) of Land ft tinted three miles east from Kenansvllle. Terms cali. - LAKAYETTK HUSSKY. Docen,bprtbl72. dc ' 371-tdch N1 OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Tb firm of Itn, Hcolt Sc. Co. was dlsoolred on tbe Htli InsUtit by the death of Wm. It. Ba. The aftairsof said llrm will b settled by the undersigned, surviving partners, who will continue tu l.nsinvss nnd r the name and style of ' " ;- , J. J. S WTT n. ' j ; .... i , ?.. 'vJ ' A J i thankful for the patronage so liberally be. stowed upon the old firm, we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of tbe sitmc. J. SCOTT, (Surviving H. .1. SAULS, J Partners. r. 8. Mr. O. Fennel), dr., will continue with the new lirm. denn :i73ll;imwlm BED AND WHITE ASH COAL ' OF VERY BEST QUALITY: -- ALL IZf(.' : GRATE, STOVE, and CHESNUT. Delivered promptly in any part of tbe city. . , O. O. PARSLEY A txt.' ' " 1 ' s ' 879- dec 18 ftt'HOOI. NOTICES. Ponghkcp psle (N. T.) Female Acadom y. Thi Institution - furnishes superior- aeeom snodatioaa, hae a large corps or accomplished Teacher, and la, In every respect ArsLclas. Paiilar carried through a collegiate conrte or fitted for Vassar College. For circular con taining term, Ao, pleas address the Priaot pal, - . ' v ( . , RaV.D.G. WRIGHT, A.M. eg 4 2ri4-2meot!ch Oifbid FeInalfl, Seminary,:;? 9xfmr4, If. C. Mies M. E. Mitchell, Prin elpalj Man. lCN.GeaHT, Associate Principal. The Muaie Department is under the charge of Mr. W. H. Morrow, well known a an accom plished te icher of long experience. TheSprlng Session of 187 J open January 15th. Circulars on application. Re'ferences-'-All friends and pupils of the late Prof. K. Mitchell of .the Vnlfersity or North Carolina. nov 15 - 353mch Ik jOaili) onniaI. WIL.VIXUT05I, K. C.I Till KSDAT. DECEMBER 18, 1172. IsOl ISIANA. TlIEni ATION IN NEW ORLEANS Departure! ef the New ttrleassa 4111 aesta 4'wiuMlltee rev Waablwif. twa-lwteaae rnbllc leellwe;. i N a, w OtiLKAX-s Dec. 13. '1 Iw t itiit us t'oiumltU'e kft fir Wasli- iiiluii this t'vciiiug. AlUion,h a tlrizing ram iu.l sol in, a crowd of at lea5t &,l.sm had ciillected about tic Utnot to art) the in dorart. (iliHim and tadnrs vera pictured iiH)ii every let, and it louked a If the to- ya ana luiiow 1115 lue cxirpse ul some bo loved titlieu. Ai iLo traiu uiovetFofl at twenty minutes past fivf, elicer uhu t-lirrr reut tho air, nhii b was kept up until the cms a era out of elliU Judu JaLu A. C'in;tHll it ehaii'mau ol'tlio Coiiiiuittoc Prajeu weru ollWd in tbe etiurches of all (leumnluations today fat tbo tlown-twd-lU u pxplc tf l.miUiaus. DUliop Wiitnar, id Lytiisiana, will issue a letter UvrnoiTow aiiiKoinelnj; that Uio rbureb ef bis diotTse will be open dm ins tbewbole of next wreck to oiler prayer br the people of unfortu nate luUiana. Tbe feeling Is intense, and the Northern pros do not undersUud tbo attualion. Tbo fight Is not for War mouth, but for the peoplo tainat cornil tion. Wariuouth is not a candidate for any cilice. A PROTEST FROM TUB ATTORNEY B.V EliAL JP I.OLIMASA. Yasuisut6n, Dec. 11, 172. lluu. CVorye 11. Williams, AUoriu j tltneral United Ut ih t ! My DiAR Sut: 1 bt'j leave to submit through you to the l'reeijotit tbe f'llowii) poiuls : Tho action of tbe Executive lu re cognizing tbe assemblage at tbe Mechanics' Inslitule in New Oi Icuua, u the legisla ture of laiuisiuna, and 1'. li. t. 1'inclibat k, as Oovemor, was ecrtainly prematura, lli bback was never Lieutenant Governor of the Suto, and bis term as a Senator ex pired, under tbe constitution of that State, on the fourth day of November last. Tbe assemblage at Mechanics' Institute) was notoriously. returned and seated by a Deputy 1'uiled States Marshal, uudcr the order of au Inferior Federal Court. Tbls, fact can bo ascertained by reference to tbe 1 papers tiled by rue In the Supreme Court ofiheUuitcd Stales lu tbe matter of a parte War month, applying for a writ of prohibition. There are circumstances of allien the Government must take notice. pv It bout (llscusslug who was, or who was not elected. I respectfully stirgest that before tbe Presldeut undertook to settle tho contro versy, and to pledge the great power of bis olllce to either side, much deliberation and a full hearing should have been ac corded. , , The election was the most quiet and or derly ever held lu the State. Not a symp tom of riotous disposition, not evetajper sonal quarrel or euconnter, connected with politics, was reported by Die police authori ties in any direction. The machinery of ine Mate government was in perfect order after tbe election, and entirely competent to manage lis owu alUlt, anil with count of Just Ice ready to protect the rights of every citizen, liy a sudden action of an Inferior Federal Court, which was alwolutelyoniHi nou jitdic, the Stale government la com pletely overset, the State House seized, and a government enacted whets otlicers the peoplo have never chosen. . It cannot, sir, have escaped your atten tion that in pursuing this couie a Federal Con it has been enabled, by the assistance of the army of the United States, to sub vert a Stat government, and to construct one iu lis place, for It Is well known that the board of returning oiliccrs recognize! by Judge Durell has not acted upon the sworn returns of the regular election ol!' cers of tbe State, from which lon tluy e.Nild bare, under mo law, declared the re sult, but professes to have been guided by the leturus of United State lusnertois, oiliccrs entirely unknown to the laws of Louisiana, so thai the case stands plainly thus : A Federal Judge, absolutely without jurisdiction, seizes a State House and seats a Legislature, the member of which have no other claim to their seats than the finding i f a returning board, whose sole authority Is tbo recognition of Ibis usurp ing Federal court, and which professes lo a't solely upon tho statement or retuu s made by certain United States oflicers, wlio at o entirely unknown to '.be laws' of lyonisiaua. Thenars facts, known now by every intelligent man iu this country, and of course imt had from the chief magistral-. ''- -'-.-f 'Iho Legislature tlniM awmUcd is recog nized by the Executive of litis great nation, and you tclcgraidi, ujion Ms authority, lo our people, commanding them to submit. If they were an uncivilized people, accus tomed to tho shackles of a despotism, Una enliinibiion which you command would-be an carfy nutter; but, sir, they are Ameri cans, like yourself, born and raised under the IVcc inslitutinus of this great country. Tliey aro sullering the litest Krievous wrongs lbtl could bo dime a people, and aro conscious that their Oovcrntuent has acted without proper deliberation, and upon an tr. put to showing of the case. Can you blame them fur no. ieldiug tamely lo this oppression, and for making another appeal, which I now do, In their name, to the President, for an Investigation of this mailer ? 1 am not presenting lo you tho caso of Ucury C. Wai motb, or that of William 1'itt Kellogg, in tbls appeal. Tney are both itraugeis to us, and our people have stiflcred long and patiently under tho mis management of such men, s Is known to tbe whole cohntryl I am Kpcajcing In the same and as tile representative of the best people of Louisiana, who are firmly con vincetHhat frr tbo recent election they car ried most of tW Important tifliccs of their SUio, and that If effcet shall' be given to the real popular verdict of November, the government will pats Into 1Uo Bandj of honest and capable nieu. They feci that In this way they have a right to expect the sympathy of tbe Fedctal Exectftrye, who has recently received irorn the people of hla country such distinguished evidence of their confldenos. " '!www i - The course of tbe Executive In this mat ter Is, I fear, calculated to alienate the af fections of the best people, and weaken Utcir confidence in tbe protection, ot tbe Government, and their love of our Insti tutions. - I am lersuaded that if the Government should at this juncture pursue ft wis, mag nanimous and Impartial course let the result be what It may th contM-nee and afledion tif the JHMith would be promptly reVoied in the National Itovertimeut, and all trouble in that direction forever settled. 'I lie action heretofore taken can be can. celled, or modified, tj as to give effed to these views, and iu a very short time tbe true case can be placed before tbe Govern ment, as a couioiitie from Louisiana la on its war, bearing all tho facts to tbe Prrte dent, and this committee) la, according to my understanding, non-partisan. Yours, very respectfully, ., II. N, (hiKKX, .Vlorney-Genfral of Louisiana, Fress the New Votk Poet kawtherai KcBtlsMeat. NutwitLalandlr.g the unsettled and uu- a ... s ait . nappy comilllon til eiuirs in Aiaoama, Louuiaua and one or tw other Southern Stales, it augnrs well for the future bar miinv and timaimrit v nf nnr mmsiiin eoln . t .,-.... . . - try, that most of tbo now Senators and Representatives from the NHith are as cheerfully loyal and natioual iu tbeir tone as the staunches! NorlliCi u defender of the Union could reasonably expect or deabe. We Live just aeeu a letter from Jmt.e Men linoii. iIia aliln ami woi tliV NMiator eK. Irom North Carolina, to a file ml lu tbia eltv. wIhi has klndlr ncruiltted us to make tho following extract : "1 tender you grateful and cordial thanks for your letter ol congratulation of the 4th In.sUnt. ami venliiia to lioro that 1 alull continue worthy of your good opinion ami conndence. My numtant eitoit am ue to occupy efticiently tbe laige aud Important field of tabor to which 1 bave been ss sli'npd Lv m rlovalhin lit tlm American Senate. Tbo Constitution shall be my .a. . a. t . . seat cnaii, aua me luuest measuieoi nieasiug fa Die im inln of North Carollnn. and the people of tho whole L'ulou. tlia craud ob ject of my senatoi ll service. " And finally uotahle ana slgiilllcant are tbe tleclai atioin of Mr. Lamar, a represen tative front Mississippi, who, iu bis hater to tbe House asking for atnniVy, which was very piopeily granted, concludes as follows: Viinr iiuiiiwirUlLI. wiiiild mil aim for inch rpoclal legistatiou In Ms favor if lie was not, aflor uuo self-examltiatlon, con clous ol his entire lidollty to the interests ai.d hanninras nf the nuimla of Ilia I 'ulted Mates, aud to the Constitution and laws thereof." From the Mw York Tribune of Saturday. Ilowi weald It LMk Farther Merits Here are some salient points lu tho late news from New Orleans: 1. There Is a dispute as to who Is elect ed Governor of Louisiana. - Each side claims the victory, and each side bu a llo turning Hoard to certify to it. X. uneor the candidate, Mr.Keiiog, Is now United Slates Senator. Tbe consii tiitloa of Louisiana makes a United State otlleer Ineligible to the Governorship. It Is claimed that a case many years ago gives a precedent for construing tlie constitution agulust Its. language; aud this, In turn, la denied. I!. It la not pretended that Senator Kel lopn was actually elected Governor. It is only claimed that' he would bive bcu elected, If all tho negroes bad been allowed to vote. Ills opponents deny that any were hindered. 4. Tho State Court sustains Kullogg'a opponent; the United Slates Circuit Judge sustains Kellogg. Ou this tbe United States troops are pledged to sustain Kel logg, by tbe Attorney-General, speaking for the National Admluls'ratlon. Suppose these things were done In Ken lucky or Maryland liiste att of Iulslaua ? A Terrible If error let Maeoa-A Lady Unmet! te Dwavin. ' Hia Macon Telegraph says Mrs. MatllJa Ilerumlez, a widow lady living In Kast Macon, was burned to death about four o'clock Wednesday afternoon. TLe cir cumstances of tbls frightful accident, ns far as can bo ascertained, are about as follows : Mrs. Herandez was left at home alone by her daughter, who had gone to make a visit to mime of her neighbors. Wht n the daughter left, her mother, lu her usual health, was sitting before tbo fire. Tbe daughter was out sometime, aud when she retliniM t nrunrl Uo suotAM . 4Jaal, having been burned to death. HuW she raugbt (Ire cannot b known, though li Is supposed that she hid a lit and fell into tbe lire, though she la not known to have been subject to flts of any kind. When found her clothes wore nearly all burned on" her, aud her face aud all t)i3 upper poi lion of her body were literally roasted to a blaok, hard cilsp. Her stom ach was a'l burned until her bowels protru ded, aud her bands and arms burned until they were shapetcts. Iu tho charred con dition In which she was found no one could bavo identified her. It Is awful to think of what a struggle tho poor woman had with tbo flaiuee; and It Is humane, at least, to hope that the accident wss muxed by a lit of some kind, and Hint she was uu emiHeious when the Br w-lre-d lmr. That have in Store the Finest Slock of OU WINKS AM) IlllANMEV Choice old Itye and flombon Wlil'kles, Superior Old Port, Sherry and Mad-rla Wine, , Real Old Santt Cim end .Jamslr litim, Uolland Oin, Scotrh Wbinkpy, Peach and Apple Brand. Saulorne.Cltietand Ithltie Wines. (JusrU, Pints and Hulf Pints, Engli.si and Scotch Ales and l'orter, Augoslora, Bokcr't and otber Bitters, Ever eflereri 1st Wllmlaglesi. ' CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 7 Nortfc Front Street, dec 18 . 379 Star and Poet copy. India ltubbcrs ! LADIES RUBBER SHOES, MISSES RUBBER SHOES, ' . At C. A. PRICE'S Li rt Boot and Shoe Store, Exchange Corner, dee II 379 v,', Boy Wanted. A good tmart boy, from 15 to 18 yeari of age, wantodlor ofllc and wharf work. Must an . " derstand figure. LEAslDER MOORE, At Office of Geo. a. Barker A Co. dee IS - SW-tf 111! AR1 C()1II)1T NI4.EXLAIEOl . NOTICE, Th copartnership heretofore eiistinj bc tweea Willie Dattel and A. U. Ayeork, aader lhaaiaandit)lof W. DANIEL A CO , Is thi day dlstolved by niu'ml rvnf. lecem ear lllh, K). WILLIS DAN IU., . A.H.AYOOCK. e- 1U WiwtHrM i Ut Biut will be trttli-d by W. Daalel. dee 13 A. It. AT( H K OUTUULLS"" Ar all rrn lcrtd, but not suite all pa d. W will thank our rastomet to responl proaiptly when called en, aa we aasoTas sioasv. DI DI.K.Y A ELLIS, Sign ef tho Big Pimt. dee is FOR SALE! A Rri Alt. J ROI CRY NTORE. with well established caeh custom, on ilraant awl bnalnees street. Ohlv Bin hundred dollars renalrsd loreatlre atoek wllh en veer's rent of store, at jie per yar guaranteed to any Clever isir.man Arply to RICHARD W. ANDREWS, JiM nal t'rHi. dec II JTtMf AMimAWlNN Lace Curtains, Window Shades, UnboUlery 0xk1s, aud Curtain Trimmings of every descrip tion. For sale bv D.A. SMITH A CO., North Front Street. doo T 370 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! for - CHRISTMAS! EVERY YARItTY OF '.Dress Goods, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, FURN, LACES, COLLAUS, IIANDKKKCHIKra; HAT?, NOTIONS, 4SD IICXDKKIM OF AHTUI.r. ntrtt, ai wl m koumomii'ai, FOR PKESENTS, -AT- Me Me KA TZ'S, 80 Blarkct Street. da0 '5 31T SfOO to 50 vei y where Soiling our nswsovnnelra'td W hits Platiwa CbOTuae Lisas. Mall readily at every nouso. Samples tree. Addres the Of Sabo Wiaa MiLt. Philaiielpbia, Pa. I ew-yw isnct T.B:LSIX 1B4G7 III II FIRM GOODS 1. Ifi,iiiwollor, Tlie Original and Only &ucctxor, (Late Oreenwald A Co.) IMVOBTSa ABO WBOLKSAI. liaALBI IN WISES,' BRATfDIM, WIIISEEY, (;ISM,RUJIS, (IC AltS AM) TOnACCOS, IH SOUTH WATER STREET, Alesys keep In stock best quality Pure Lbiiiois and the largest awortmetit In llm State. Prices to compels with any Northern Hon, as Hole Agent MKCKLENHUUO OOftN WUIS' " 3U-2meh WILMINGTON nnnnrn iirnilrn i:iiurmiuuiins, .. , , .. , , , , AND Miieliiiic Shop, No. IT South Front Street, WILMINGTON," N". C. fVEALBRS and Manifacturera ef Steaaj A J Knginee, Peanut and other Machines tiiu ueartng, urtet and other U ills, Brooks1 Cotton Presses, TURPENTINE STILLS, and all kind , - i C'ASTINOX od ,t """""machINERI mad aad repaired. Also PAUR1NO and BELTLNO, Gas, Steam and Water llpes, , with. Illxlure, tad all articles wraally fisund In a Maiilsse Sinpplw ftor. Use great variety of Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Uewel Peeta, t1 SUlr Railing, Ac., ol llis latest Pattern. W bar a great variety of Pattern, which w furnish Casting Irora fre of charge for th patterns, . a Ornamental Fencing and Iron Railing rarnished to order. UM M HART &' BAILEY. jaiyM . . . ast-uim-ateod-tfAwly VM- rmmm ..ii.ii J EDICAl. Baltimore Loc-Eospltal DSL JOU.YW1 rox, , Phnc!aB of tin of It b rate. 1 IsKtitutkm. dicev ertd, ba la the Ortial Hiwtiiais ef Larope, vts; r.nglaud, France and el new here, the Biort certain, pdv, plfwaut and fle:tual remedy la th world r ALL EXCESSES OR ABUSES Or TEE SYSTEM, Weakness ef th Back or Maths, Stricture, a8e. tH.eor the Kklnersor R'adtler, Involua. tary Durbargee, Impetenry, Oeaeral Iebility NtitvewnuM, D).wiMla, languor, Low Sotrrta, OoatuakiB el Idraa, Palpltatluu of the tieart, Tuatditv, Trembliag, Diranvas of Sight ot Ol.k.Ui.1wor the Head, Throat, Now or Skin, AfteetHmsof the l.lvtr, l.eni, guts. Buh er Rowele Uiom t.rrihle Duwrder aruing from Solitary Habit r Vouih-es. aT an solitary prauUces more fatal Is their vtctiw than tb. eiiiif ol Ui nrrena to the Mariner if lllrwea, bhithling their bkwI brilliant aopeaer aallclpaUoiui, renderiiig marrlaire, Ac, Ubbo eteie-ui'viroj mg vuui iviiy ana aiilHl. YOUNO MO E.peclallv. who have become the victim f Holllary Vice, that dreadlul and destructive hal.it which annually sweepa to an BnUmely grate lhouauUul young are of the nwMtes. alte.l Ulenta aud brilliant Intellect, wbfl might Mherwls bave entranced lutvning Senate wlih th thumler of eloqeenM, er waked I ecuaev the living lyre, may call with full cob. Bdno. MARRIAGE Married persons, or Young Men eontemplat. Ing marriage, aware ef phyetoal Weaknea laMeof PriM-reatiT Power ( I uiiirteney). her Veils Kieltabllity. Palpltatkm, Cirgaale Weak, wens. Nervous Debility, er any ether OhmuaU. Boat Ion, speedily rrlloveiL He wbe idaces hint, If under th ear ef Da. J. may rellgioii.lv oonSd In hla honor aa a gen. iirinan, anu eviiaiienuy i.iy eja 111 saill a a pbyslolaa. t OKGANIC WLUwKESS iMnirHtlalvly cured and full Vigor Restored, ' 1 hlaitlatrrsnlng Atluetkia wliioh render life miserable and marriage Uupoealblet the pen. altv paid by the victims of Improper liulul. geiieea. Young persons ar too apt t commit ietnsa from not being aware of the droadtut eoeaequeneee that may sn.iie. Now, who that . underhand tblssuieet will lietend U done that the power of procrratioB 1 l lMt soonsr I f Uioae laillnglnio Improper habiU than by the pruuemr iirames living ueprivea or th laa : . i 1 1 1. . 1. 1 . i . . . . deetructlv symptom of both bmly and mind ariae. i no svmem riecomew aeraageu, the Phvideal and Mental PuneMonaweakaiied. Ta of Fro'ratlve Power, Neivon Iriltablltty, irreriiaia, r eipiuKif.n m uw ai.arr, ieuige tl.n, Vonetltutional lieldllty aud WaMmg rf , the Krani, C'ougu, CoiuruinptiUtt, Det-av Bed Iath. y, ' , A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED Tersons ruined In health fce anlearned pra-tenib-r who keep them trltArg aioattt alter month, taklug poisonous and Injurious eon. aonuda, should apply Immediately. Dtt. JOHNSTON, meaiber oi the Royil Collogeof Sutireons, Lo.. don, (lr.luate ef uneef tho meet eminent Col leges In the United State, and the bast part of whom life has been spout In tho aoMlalsef Loudon, Pari, Philadelphia Bed elmwber; lifMoltccted wine of the uioet asttnilnhlng onrr . thatwvr ever known ) ninny troubled Wit ringing In the bead and when eleep, grns tivrvnoisa, being alaninTl at sudilvn souuds, baebfuliien, with rr, qiient blushing, atteutlett oaietiuie with deiaiieuitjiit of mind, Wert cured liniiii'dlately, TAKE rAKTICULAR NOTICE. tr. J, addrease alt those who have Injured themielvc by tmpropor linlulgeuc and soil, tury bahlta. Which rtllii both body aud rolud, enflttliig tbrm for either buducas, study, su Cl.tor marring. Tliee ar sou. ef the sad and melancholy ff.cllrodcel br the early habit nf youth, vlst Weakness of the Pack and Lluibs, Pains lu th Heed, Dunnes of Sight, Lows of Mus cular Power, Palnitatlon of the Heart, Dy. iiepsla, Nervous Irritability, Derangement nf the Digestive Function, tieuural Debility Synpbims of Ounenmptluti, Ao. MKNrAU.Y The fearful effeet en thfl mind are much to I dreaded. IjOs ef Mem ory, confusion of Ideas, Depression of Bplrita Evil IforelKMlrnrs, Aversion to Society, Solfi UlstriiKt, lxtv ul Solitude. Timidity, Ad., and oin of the vlls produed. 1'buusniitl of pereou of all age can now indge what I llm cause of their declining lenlth, toeing their vigor. Becoming weak, pale, norvuiui and emaciated, having a singular , appearance about Uie eyes, eongh and nynip toms of Ooiikiiiutloii. . you.vo MBS wbobsv Injured themselve by arertsln jirae tlce, Indulged In when alone, a habit frequent ly lesrued Irom vtl companion or at school, tb elleet of which are nightly felt, vn whe asleep, and IT not cured roiider marriage int. . ioseitle and di Btioys both mind and body Mould apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope ot his country, Uienrlde or his parents, should be snatched from all prospect and enjoyment ot ' 111 by the consequence of deviating from the path or nature, and Indulging In a certain se cret habit. Such parson must, beforeeontem. plating MARRIAGE, " ' reflect that sound mind and body ar the mod ncoowiary requisite to promote conuublsl happlnese. Indeed, without thoa the journey ' through life beooni a weary pilgrimage, tbe prospect hourly dnrkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with ' tbe melancholy reduction that the happiness ot another 1 blighted with our own. A CKKTAIX DLHEA&B. ! When the tninriMed and Irnprtnlent vetaiv of pleasure find that he has Imbibed the seetL of it'ls painful diseaee, it too often happens tlntk an in ti men sens oi tname er areau or aiacov ; erydotersbln from apjilying to those who, , from ednejit ion and rexpectablllty, can aion ' befriend him. lie fall Into the hands ol igno ; ; , ant and drsiirnitif pretenders, who. Incapable nf curing, filch his pecuidary substance, keep ' mm trilling monui airer siimui, er aa long a , the umalleet fee can be oht.ilncd, and la despair ' leave him with mined bfyilth to igh eveT hi , ' Sailing disapiiointmemrr, by the une of 'bat eadly poteon, Merenry, c;ni"e the CotifUtu- ' ttonal symptoms ef this horrid disease to make . , their appearance, such a ulcerated sore throat, diseased noae, nocturnal in in the head aad limbs, dimness of sight, dnat ness, nodes on th shin bone and arrpx, blotrhesoutlishead.tar ' and extremities, troi;rcs(iiiig with frightlul rapldlly, till at lt the palate ef th mouth or ' the bone of th boso fail In, and th wlctinvi: Uii awful disease becomes a horrid objectut" , eommiseratloB till death put period to his dreadful euflcring, by sendinir him to that n diacovercd country "from whose bourne ne traveller ever return. Tosuch, therefore, vt. joonsron oner tn y saosteer n, speedy, pleaeant and actur remedy In tb world. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK SI , .' BALTIMORE, MP , " Left hand side going from PalUmore street, a few doom Item the corner. FailBOttoefasena. ' name and nnmber . .. li t- Ste" No letter received nnlese postpaid eontair.ing a ttampto b used on tbe reply. Pes.? ; , on waiting should state age, and send a porUor t Of advertisement describing sj niptoma . " Th Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs In hi offlce. , . ENDOIEMENT OF THE FBESS. -'Themeny tbomotnds cured at tbl e- !. tent within the tart twenty years, aud toe . meroelmirtantsnrgiealoporatiorspirf'!-!.,f(l , by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the Rep ni. Mvesofthe Preesand many other, nofuresef which have aptared aein and again before Die ouhlie.b. his standmr a man ef hwr and rtiBlbllity, 1 a uaicleut gaafatto.4 tb,!,'',J:,1. ..,nn.eri!rTt. marsh H "'I