, 1 l. rm-::o. 27 wmmroToiT, it. a, feiday. jakuaby 31, 1S73. xmou: ::o. e.c::. Of Jlaibloimd.! FMDAT. JAJTJ12T31, 1871 BY TELEGRAPH. : ; A GIGANTIC ENTERPRISE . J THE MISSISSIPPI BIVEC.TO C TVNXELER THE MORREL AMENDMENT N THE CLAIMS AWABDH. - IT IS AGREED TlV A CilMPOUND CATHARTIC; ( . SENATE t hkAtK-Mr. West a aj.iwiuUnl U nil Kellogf' Tmarr on Ivr Com Baiter. - - - ..-' Mr. Anthony iittrotluiNHt a lill in- j corporatinK the MiiMipi auj Ohio : Tmiiwl an4 Tnha Ompanr, with a capital of l0.0fX0O to aUatruot tunaJ tader tha ATiasianlj-pi aiul Ohjo rirara, to l ueJ for rrtnuecting tie railway catering ur their junction. Amoug the iucorporatora named art? Thoa. A. Scott and J. IL McCullougli, nf Pennaylyauia ; J. ritrottt Murgau, W. S. RoerraiM aol IL G. Marqiiand, ol Nw Yort; A II BnrwadtN of Rhoda LUand ; S. B. Cnrtin aud W. F. f oalbangh, of Itlimi. Aloaa o'clock tl couaidf ration of tha bf inlativa appropriation bill waa reaumrd. The pending queation waa on theaielieaof Hj.rRuto rvxiiidvr the vote, f hi tlta MorirJ V utont amendment waa 'adopted pro hibiting the payutent.ualesB by apecial act of (Jongrcaa, of judgment of tha Court of Claiiua to claimanta whoae loyalty during the rt lx'llion haa not Iwen invwA , , , . , ; Mr. Triluil axunl fa favor ol tl . motion to reooitaider, and 'againat the amendment, which he aaid would violaU the plighted faith of both the Legklatire aud tha Executive lV)rt menta of the GoTemnient. Moaera. Morrill, of Veruiout, Ed munds and Soott niade argiunenta nu t he otlier aide. - - - ; - The metfon to ronld waa agreed to by a rot of jqa 20, nays 9f - . Mr. Sterenon moved to lay the amendment on tbe table, whicii loat by a voto of yeaa 2 UJ 31. Mr. Alcorn, of Miininitippi, offcnnl an amandtueut to the aniembucnt at tending the time for the preoentatiou of claima twelve ii)ut)m from the paa age of this act. Mr. Conkliug moved to lay Mr. Al corn's amendment on the table, which waa agreed t by a vote of .12 to '2. Ma. Akvrn mnvnl to tunend tlie Morril amendment o a to make ij apply ouly tn the clauu of 0. H. Luiuar of Georgia. Mr. ' Conlling moved to lay this amendment on the table, which wit agreed to. After some dilatory motions on the Itemoeratiu aide the Jlorrill amend Went, unchanged, ax Hgrccil to l a f ota of yean 11, naia tl. Hoait Hill fearrhg frem data penaioim to Southern ieople. This rejieals the bill of 18i2, atriking off all who ayuipatliized with the re-' hellion. It given no back pay. Jamea B. Stewart waa rx fore the House today for oontempt. He made an hour's speech. Variotis rinhi(iona were oflVrcd that 1m be umfloetl in juil aud bare only bread and water until he purged, ., when he waa eom m it ted to Uie cuatody of the Sergeaut-at-Artna until purged. The Speaker, in atldreneiDg Mr, Btewart, nuked him whether he now willing to apH'ar before the Ctm mittee and ntake anxwef to the' tiis ' tiona, for the refnnal to anawer, which he had been ordered into cuatody? Mr. Btewart aaf J: Mr. Speaker and House of Representative! 'diacluim ny contempt of the authority of thi House oc el Its Committee, t r'(eat what I have stated Itefore the Cotu raittee and the Houw, that I have fully answered all qneationa eieept thoae mitters that csnic tp my knowledge olel from my relations m eounaol, anal I respectfully protest agninat being required to do no, and I decliue to disclose anything confided to lite M counsel . . - , Mt. Btewart waa then removed from tlavGaU tBKstrtilytf Mt Ordwajt, the Stttgecuit-at-Artua.' H: ' ' William D. Barnes, of South Caro-j" linav ftinvictod of Ku-Kluxiog ami sen tenced to jail, has been purdoued, Tlw following nmniciitioni ' wrre made by the Preaident to-day y H, t!.. Blocker, Collecttir of Internal Revenue I fur the Third North Carolina; It. i'l Kerr.'iiefiiawM of the Laud OfW al Jackson,' Mis OFFICTAL REPORT OF THE THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. IfatAKA, January30. Noon. Inthe oflkial report of the fight in Cut the Sponitth Iowa is two officers and eight " men killed and thlHy-aeveu wouiiJed. The Cuban loss ia thiity-seW killed ; wotmdtd anlnown, , . COTHAM. :tweei ox thecreimt mi- 1 HTLIEE. s THE UVRli&T BIT YET HAD., Xrw Yofc. Januarv 9U. Xooa. Mr. Tweed, trial rtsaJinjr th evulK" f jr. tVlj-i lura h-Ior toe ITedit . l toil, I iu Hot l'oagrMua ; a bad ' u thcr ur I am, they lav never e- ruwxl gie of arlling RIV vote Stt- KEMKKY. EIAXTH)N xnocbLEs ItXXDED. APPRE- TROG1N AN1 MARSH ALS TO THE FRONT. , . , 0XI' R.VDICAL 1H)IX1F, TEXT) OX IT. THE L.TEHT. 1E- ALL Ot'lET AT LEXISUTON. v- THKMXJKOES TOTIXG.: Lkxinoton, Kr., Jau. 30. Noou. To-day, at the unaiciil lectioa, it ia snid that the negroes will not be al lowed tu voto uuca they have previ ously paid their taxes aad that aaauly all the tokTretl tetora have tendered their taxes to the collector who refused to receive them. A eompany of tlie Sixtceuth United State Infantry was seut there yesterday from Frankfort for the purpoee of keepiug the peace. General Munay maraial Of tie State, ft expected, to arrive t litre to-(3T with t number of deutie. " Cinpiksaw, January 80 Night At noon to-dj aQ was quiet at Lexing ton, Xy. All the negroo who could how a clear tax receipt were allowed to vote. , A strong Republkwn vvto ia being cast. Tho TMuiocrais. se f, are fortr ahead. ' 1 THE 6UEAT ( OIJ). HOW THE THERMOMETER RANUES IN VARIOUH PLACES. Bii.TUioi.r, Jsiaiaty ' etk Noon. Tlie Ihemiomoter i four degrees be hrw aero in this city this morning ; at Frederick, Md., it is nineteen degrees below zero; at Matuicheenk, it is thirty four degree ticlow teeo. It is the evident weather that has leen expe rieueel in thirty year. SIXTEEN FEET OF SNOW IN t'TAH. v FROZEN TO HEATH. l'ORTY-TWO DEGREE BEU)W ZERO IN NEW HAMISHI1!E. Halt Likk, January IK). Night. Snow ibifta are on the railroad sixteen feet deep. It is the widest weather ever knows here. Seven railroad hand hnve iteriahed. Paaaengera are all safe, Theie in tii feet of auow ou a l-vel in CottoiiwiMil mining diatriot. Nrw ions, Jaunarv 10 Niht. PiHpatches from all pointa report iu-teiiM-lv cold weather. At Syracuse the thenaoBioter Mood 12 detei lieUw rero ; at ilimrhauqiton, 3 degrees lx low Aero : nt Poughkeepsie, 1!C degrees IkU-w nr5 at RJiLncV-k, 9Jyiegrej below itero ; at Vaasar College, 28 de grees below ero; atltostofi, from zero to C degrees below ; ut Ijincaiter, N. H., 12 degrees below zero ; at Portia u'd, Me., 11 degree, below aero ; at Bruns wick, 27 degreea below zero ; at Con oord, N. H., 2H degrees l-low rero ; at Newport and tlaramoiit, 92 degreea below zero at irilllK)M, 24 degrees below zero. All the steamer are detaim'dat Hell Gate by fog. Ice fori in! rapidly in the river ami bavs. MIWELLANEOI'S. N. Ori,kah, January S)t). Noon. Mr. Hugh MeClosky ia dead, aged 08, venr. Nkw Yokk flan. 30. Soon. -Mer Plielim, Dodge k Co, haye withdrawn their oll'er to eoiirroiuise with the gov eminent, and will allow (heir a to go to the Court. Wahhisotox, January 30 Xoon.-fV Mr. Ingolla succeeds Mr. romcroy. a Senator from KansM, liKiti-it, January 30. Xigut. -Oar-lotta, the widow of the late Emperor Maximillian, of Mexico, is dead. Madhiii, Jan. 30 Night. Id flie defeat of the Carliats under Cur, of Sunt Cruz, 47 were killed aiid over1 lOll.wouiided.. i f vm. IfKi .-Ii4lt-?..ittH lliieii rltjry ipfiifd Jt.I Lsfry thaA 1et .paunft. ,-cept iha co it.itH: tioiml projoct submitted to hiiw the committee f thirty, Chimtkr, Jau, :ift-Xight. The de faulting Bank Teller, Martin, Lai been sentenced to four-and-a-half years at hard labor. MontooMJKKY, An, Jau. 30 Nigh. The Legislature has organized, with a Republican majority in both House'. The London Zoological Booiety has conferred a ailver meihil on the Super. maeaainwi of th OerdecMs, in reeog. nition of hi aerriee in standing by at the birth, and subsequently acting a curse to the infant hipjopotmu. fnm tk. IUIt..-k Stt Jrl. LEGISLATURE CF NORTH CAHQUXA. SENATE. j WuNt:ivT, Jan. 29, rrrrvtO' am ktntoRUL. fl Mr. Lnnr. a u-titioa ftout lit I eitiicua of llkhuMNid eounl, praying t lor iaa euactmeui w a uw u lrexu , nieyeeny gatnennaw anowu t SeoWH Ii IS aaid comity. ; . . BWHnwx r MiU i Jatr. IlUUIHlirT. (Htl I, aalU IHC pe;.pl .rf the but inwaoerUiiung tha v hr v j H,mH p HcHforJ. title tn their land. Referred. 1 BrMr. Cnklger, abilltoiavratigatei Iter. Arch. lUker, of Feruaudiua, the affaire of the Western lirltMU of I FU., has leu called to Cititre rtva he Weetew North Crviui IUilrua.1. 1 bTVriaa.Chun, at Fhrl College, Referred. ! Robeson euatr; . , , j - Bitfca stuKNru. Ou motHui of Mi. Gmlger; the biR to inreetigatethe afl'aira of Uhi Weateru lNriaion of the Wetra North Caitw hoa hailrjd waa taken up aud l-d its aevwral readuiga. ; By Mr. Duuham. a bill to mrid the IlefermV Bv Mr. Elba, a lull to iuc4rport the Florae Forxl Mauutactariug Com pany. Referred. HvMr. Allen, a bill to amend chap ter m law of ltJ(Vf I. Referred. By Mr. Alien, a resolution foe the relief of the Wilmington t Weldon Railroad. Referred. f HltllAL oaita. The Aatueety and Pardon act at taken up on it tliird reading. The vote was tlrat takeu ou thy anicudmcut uf Mr. fievmeur, to stnk out " Heroes of Anwrien, Umon LeagnM, Red String, North Carolina State trMp, and North Carotin! Militia." laihd. Mr. Ren'ai''ateadui-iit sharel tlie aame fate. , - - Mr. Warren offered an lunendment to the amendment tu atrilw ant after the word rape, the word burglary, (rajxe and burglarv having keen atneken from the bitl 1 and advocated the same in a few brief aud well timed remarks. - Be waa a volunteer in thia matter, as he waa net iu fator of the introduction of the bill in the Senate, while he did not aprove of crime aaid to have been committed by either of .the organisation namud in the lull; but a a representative of the ieople, he eould uot withhold hi vote as an act of mercy to 10,IK)0 people of th State. He felt it as a deuianxt of the uooiile on him, w heu he couacientioiuily lolt aud'kuew that thuoe orpmixatiouswere the neoeeaary reanlta nf war, as well a the complete upheaval of aocietv caused br the reexniatrnrtiuuaeta of Congrena. Tui was the time to extund that Christ ian virtue, charity, and he would allow by hi vote hi willinguesa to spread it mantle over pant offence. He said tbe Republican to a luau had ahowu a spirit uf antagonism tu tho bill that they would never surrender, and he saw no use in wasting time on it. He was ready to rote on the bill, and he hod hisameliihjM'nt would be adopted with it Mahaon and Eppea, colored, made leugthy arjeechoa against tlie bill. . Ou motion of Mr. A vera, the pni on queation on the bill waa called tnd sustained. Those voting in th flirniative were : I Yeaa Meaar Powell, Sixrtt. Staf t lord, Todd, Troy, Waring, Welch and Worth 8. Those voting iu the negative were : Naii Mcssra, Cowle,Cremer, Ellis, of Catawlie, EpKa, (Irandr, Oudger, Harri, Hilt, Holloway, Humphrer, Ilviuan, Long, Mabaon, MeCale, Me Cotter, Smith, Stiller and Walker- IH. On motion of Mr. Waring, the vote bv which the bill peaaed, waa reoon anlered, and that motion laid on the table. . . , House bill to repeal chapter Cff, laws of 1871 aud 172, known as the deer law, provided that the follow ing named oonutiea arc deluded from the rori ions of the act t Clay, Cherokee, Ban dolph, Haywood, Gates, Jackson aud Trausylvauia, was tnkea np ami passed it third reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wr.iWESKAT, Jan. 2.. By Mf. Badger, a resolution a.-khiK S rejwrt from . the Seeretary aud Treasurer of the University of North Carotin, 'lief erred. - ir.-.i?." By Mr. Rhodes, a bill ae(tiq(rnt4 tlie (ioldsboro Banking .V 1,'onti Asso ciation. l!eferred.'- By Mr. Whefhr, a bill in regard to tta? Collection ef si'eial laves. l!c f.nd.' ' ' Ou motion of Mr. Badger, Ilia rule re Misjieuded and his r'-aolutiou iu reference to thei University of North Carolina, -a as taken up and adoptisl. j .On motion of Mr. Vatwm, the rule were suspended nd tho hill to im-or-', )orate th Chspei Hill and Iron 'Moun 1 tain Railrond Comfxiny waa taken up , and passed it several readings. I The bill amendatory of the aehool ! law of lHTi eaaaetnp a tk nnflniabed biiNineaa on w thin! roailinrf. ; Inn debate f puifd lipo fhf almost Inau- niernhla amaiuiuienla. nflprWL t K. much apace w imfd be require d to re - port the amendment snd debates thereon, that we csnnot print them, but the bill will be iWialiwl in frill when perfected.) Pending the consideration of the Jlth aection. the matter passed over to IIITJ HIHIHI llrriTJ tlll'l lJ nnrlniahed business to- come np w A Terrlkle Dafh. A most shocking Mvident oeetiried in th- rolling mill of J. Painter A Son, locatxil iu West Pittsburg, lt week. It wss the duty of a boy named John Welah, liefore he left the mill, to un coil his roll, btyi being ifl a hurry, he attrmpMd to do so beior the- ehne 1 tOptied, Hfa pant wete eanpht m f)je luichiaerr, nil iu an uutant kp was drawh tltr 1 tue roil foer ior niot and filing out on the opptieite icte a iifiiea m 01 nen ana none, crushed aluioat flat. The apace through which hi body pe4 w only iivff inchi-a, aud it oho be taaily imngined how fearfully ertwhed and tnabged it must bare been, ine skull wa troken like an eggshell; had. the UrHinsiaeat. In Lonltrille atreet ears r fun by steam, Tbe engine require a practical engineer aid ia non-expkaiive jn it oonetmction. It ia rjoisckswaiidsmoke lew in Its work, and with sfeam pipe running through the car, keeping it at th required temperature, the psen.. gera can ait ana nae a comioruoiy as though ther were on a flrst-elas .rail, way coach. v . STATE IfEWS. Rnkijj-U h a pul'l' gTwiinvuUi. Tb vliMI iMMMWt or rnnli ad. Amnhrrlx-ilUaut Hit tlirlutt' IltHiae, ia HaUigk, to-ui.;ht. uria-ntine tem lrut.Mu'.l nl Wake aud JohntWu oaura a. ruU.h Ur?t. , Uioh taitthtd foravaaa l.aiej ,ar t lighM with gaa ia. l , W1W.,., lii.i. K.iA . bhi i.. 1.. adi-ti .1 UM.L.t.. V A uaa in CLarkAU baa cut off a toe to rr clear uf a eurw a ad kaa aent the aame, preacrrel iu ahvhol, to the local pf the tbarmr. ; , yr. tWfj. Kiut h-a Wii ajuiOeU npreaa arrent at l'hrhth to eeel M; w jlul( m, ttis On Monday the (kiteraor taued a eouiuusaion for Mjr Wm. M. Rob bina, of the Seveuth Ciwgreaaioiial District, ai member t the t'ld Cort- " ;V' -. '-r " .0 1 Newla ru must tic a lovrly place at tlri u of th yer. The New beru Time nan rail on tlie rihranthorr-tk-s to eatabliah "life-viii;" atttion" between lkrrv' 4mg store, and the corner of Toliiak atreet. " The Raleigh N Mil ; It i ru loors d tliat Jiutge Toure, has iaaued lieiM'h warrants for tlie arrest of a num ber of prominent citiieiu of Caswell cxwiuty ou suspicion of lieing connected with the Stcnni munlcr. Richard Battle, Esq., with his mother, Mr. H. F. lUttle, and aiater, Mia Claud Wv Battl. bti Rmky Mount for lexa ou' Thursday uight last. Tky will raak a )Hrmaart re klence in the "Lone hilar State." The rikeville tournament la to come off on Thursday nAt, to conclude with a eoimmUon ball iu the evening. Col. J. T. Kennedy ha lieen ruvited to de liver th charge to the Knights. W, O, Bobbitt, Esq., is the Chief ManhaL The Raleigh Heutiu"' says; The IhsIv of Jolui Jlwc, ritiren of N"w Hop townsln'j), whose mvateriou dls apNarauce we aitieed a few davs agti, has Ih-'u found in a swamp, 'i'he evi dence is thnt the yormg ins 11 wss mur dered. The Hillidtoro Recor.k r nay ; We lesrn Uist Hi family f which Mn. it, W. Bruce, of thi vxaity. U a iaeia ber, has Ins n uotilbnl of the death of a wealthy relntive in Englund, which bring it iulo the poa saiou v' K hirgA fort. ; , " The Goldalniisi' Meaaeiiger say! t )ur friend, T. A. Granger, is not only a aueeeaa us a "hofctliat,' but leads the van of the farmers in this section. Hi latest exploit i in tti tarulplm ft whiclihe mado fully 1,010 buahrla to site aer The Robeaouiau say: Williatu S. Friz7.cfl ha (Hen elected Mayor of Fayetteville to fill the vtcanoy eanaed by the resignation of John Redly, who has entered upon hi duties aa State Auditor. Mr. Chaa. Keunedr take Mr. Frizreir jilace of Commissioner. The Goldabxiro ' Mesai'nKer learn that Wm. Durham and Wm. Barler got into a fracas at Dunn's Shop, 10 milo west of Huiithnehl, on last Tile, day evening, which reault(d tn Durham iM'iug shot and killed Instantly by Barlier. Tlie baU.r"""'! thnrtigh the lMlomen. IiHrber made Ina eacupe, The (sironer has mine to hold the in quest. The Wmtcalioru Argu avs: A new i 1 1... :! 1: ..- !:.!. - f nn'iHnin isiimiiu):, iw irviKiik, J eugrrs and r.fllee cenmniitlatioii, is to lie ens-led at this point, fur tho W., C. R. It. R. It must Iw completed at least one week beforo tho running o( the trains here, which mav lawaiblT Iw by the first of April, perhaji some what Inter. Uul tlm olijoct I to get the wari'honae completed as soon a possible4. The work wtll he paM for, iu cash, s it progresses. The Weldon New ssys W ar truly sorry to her that Dia. Garret and Matthew foil ml it weeassary to amputate the leg of Mr. W. T. Williams, near l'.ingwood, a few day go. Onr reader will reeolleet that wc, a few issue backf reported that a pair of horses had run away w ith Mr. Williaais, not long sine, throwinghim from the. wagon, oauaiug compound fisctnraat tlm ukl joint Al Ut ecouiit he was iu a rriliesl stale. The lUk lgh .Era' says ; From our correspondent this morning we are in formed of the death lu that town on Sunday night, the 2fth inst., f Mr. Famiy Twte, w ife of J. K. P, Tate, I W.'and daughter of Henry F. fU.iiJ, I Alfo. on yesterday momirur, lr. r3atn ! nel Tate, one of the oldest and most ! worthy end nacful citizens of tlie place, died iu.Morgauton Jr.nit thf ,fled of paraibtie stroke 4hat )j dme j fivwTeawaga- .- "ju. , 1 , ... , , . A1 U,,H.'ro.1ifrTJ"r' f . M IA A. . " i'r n wpri of it. twn, y : Ottr eftW;t, lie at the foot of the Oceoniie- ehec inoiintaina. In the stalwart emi nences of thi weHtfc they wonhl itot draw iitteiitioiu but traveller from thedAtd li vehv i4 the eitst thffrt tip hii) eves in ndmiratlon of a grandeur of eli'viititiiii to which he ia not ac customed. Under such vkws, tins for mer territorial Governor of North Car olina ame im ta" HillsWo'. He hns piuwx'd dowA 'Ui hintory a fluveruori ! traxieal txtiuioctiiiu w itli imr affaira. irron, ami 1 i--niviiiii'r, - tn j With Mn Estlier' Wake, the aia j ter of hi w ife, he atwended whet, we know as the "Third Mountain." and she was so much struck with the; hxautv of the lamktcaoe. ami the re- seinliiance to familiar scenes in her old i Irudi home, that alio exclaimed to her guide, "Oh I how mneh this reminds me of my old Hnisboro' home." "Then, remarked tlie Governor, "I shallWirder it to be called HilWxjro'," and the old name' of Childslioro' wa ut one dropped by imperial edict ' Tlie mggeduewi of the place ha no connevtiou with the name, aud, a Lord HillwliOWUKh wiu.Dide, Secre tary of State for the colomeaia 1765, twg years after the visit of Gov. Try on to Hillsboro', hi. Bane, whiclj baa 1 ' - ' - J Ixssn srirvte J it origin i out i'f ! pUee. The MiHou ChisitiU-W : lUtil i Lea, the uUeet tswVnsl nuut in the ) OHiutT, beittf ui Lis l'XH. jear, ktlle.1 In tlit ooaaty while ft waa bamiiis brush in w KvcKie.l auj j soar tiw wni ntcit (AWl wiiU aa ixe. They hTltx at liim nt! toU i L:... a . ... . ..t .1. . . .. !... I f ru u .11 .. . i' : 1 f..1l .... I,,,.. I..... '. n,. , ivvun . iit.m. and was U yean oi l when ' Waalui.Rt.w gave lout hcl.4.-i it); live with lam st Mt, Vrrnoa or tw ' w wti sent to Rhhiuond aud put tut the! block ud ws Uuight by a member of I th Lea family in thia county, aud Iia ! reuumed in that family cvev'ainov. t eUrest Wnt rli aa lih Cadet Samuel Giblss colored, nun of the Secretary of piutc of Florida, withdrew from West Point on Moudav. i fUm lteLos nt'iMuted eadi?. ' May ltT3. Iy a colored Coiigrauian f front Fkrkla, aid th preliminary examination, and entered the Aeduiy j hi June. A fwrreapoudeut from : Vt IViint tell tho reaaou of th I ithdrawal no aav : "Tlie Jan-1 ary nsmiimUon, wltich ekel about 1 awsk aps and whkh pruveit death to the military aapiratton of Calct tiibbs are n-pceavuUsl t hv beeu nniuually erer and esjrhiu aud al-out tweuty of the. backward young Dan went found, hh impLie that they were deficient in niarka, and failetl to paia an examination. Iu other words, when a cadet ia 'fnaml,' he i kt to the Academy, and return to eivil lite." The taut oornsudiit tateathat, while Uibtm was not mal treated, be, with Smith, th other col ored cadet, w a emnpletely iwtraeiwHl, oeially, by the other cadet. Th l 4 tNlM . It is estimated that during the iutei val lietwfvn th harvest 4 ln;i ami 1873, Englaii'l, in order to -feed her pnpuktion, mtut lwr to forvigu ouu trie 17.-.,(X1,000 for wheat, and ."i0,00,ij(i for com and other food. 11 iu ak'itatiou caused by tliia prospect hasruiacil the queation whether so much land shall remain uncultivated in Englsnd fnr the preservation ef game, aud ftr the maiutvuanee of parka in tho linuda uf the 'nohililv aud giu try.', The ismmiUteun aulTVage and rlen tiotti of tha yinuajiYaiua comjtitiitioa l convention are engaged iu hearing argument from female orator why tlm right of wuTrtir afcwnM Vf granteil to the women of that State, . i i i . For tho eveiiinor cost 11 me. Issjts of the iimi color aa the tires are the moat sty lih, and many lmlitsi still wear the lamia Ouieae heel, altliough Fash ion haa long aineu "put her fisit 011 it," or rather eeaacd to do ao," A Cincinnati Invention consists of a house telegraph, Every well-regulated household' is expetid to have one at the head of hislwtl, to summon errand laiys, Hiliocmeu and fUt) engines, a occasion reqnirea.' SPECIAL tf-'' Schenr k' Pnlmnnle Mrnp, I' iiu 1 kt sr On' unly mtslli ln Hist will esir PhIiikiiism t'oiiiMMiHlsm. Ilr. Hi l.i ni k hw l.. la isuttnit Mtt' Ut r llilrt) yrn ooiiiliuisUr noailalaa tuaa a4 kiivwt lilt Mllh'iltoS, II IT'ip lU tllkrll, Olll I'urn cow. nnuiiilun. HII Mandntk I'M' cfessx Ik lircr aaal Moiasck ; hu Maswrol Tuaie illwolvM li t lis-l, nimnll Ik omiik iH Hi staiaaek ami aJ iliyratiuii lib f 'iIum.sm' yrui rlis.n IU iiisiler, suit nsliir tlirwss It ill! slisiwt HT rutrtWti. ftrimnsl shiI li.r lc lif J. H. s si k A Nns. N, K. tswtirr Sioh sail Arr ., PttlU.lil'liii. siul hy ilt Mfmir suit iti'Si. ttrrft'iMtrsltv, ON aMARRIAGE. Hat Relief for tana Mr Irmn iliaclliK lmtl Brum sn4 Abima In rsrly m. MsiiIiinhI ri'-ttsrili ltatrtiiniiM In Usrrly r shi. M. Ni mh'OhhI wl UrNiatrsi. Nrw as. rrnwtkshKi r.MstilU's, Ilislts -its C11rt1t.tr actit trr, tu v l. . rtnrltilw,.. Al.r. llnW KI'AHim lAIION, Nn. 1 SoiiOi NntftiSI,. rii"Mi la ls ,-stt Is -lit 11- litlll iMtiltJI Vttl'tltHt UH Iff )tVIMtiA eisMittrt sti.i 1 run iinisl Aiil, .l.- il.MAaSwuM'it woitt iMi usiiuti: sai 1 1: llitvii- is.itiotiiil l stui'l Itir hiim.fwio IrtMimrrtnit ssil ImttBtirsi i.tttril ft ilt. , .KU UVC.NH l'tlS, Nr lrk, li. Ii tlid I llllol Nll lelftK.'! . ilek B3: l;.AH IIKl.tlll N MAIH IM K I hi siiimI lltflr llrs si Ins h-l is III if Ul. fsriri-iif H(rib. aJIll an.1 lo-UiiiOim-iis. NaWj(tllsiHf nl. Ms asiirulmi Ttats r rsi'lSMtit ti.lnr. TU. gmtim, A. RMtt-h-Intnllnir Utr .in.lun-s IVMKIHAIHV I.IilM His. S is- Ntrl B'hwh. I Sirs nt Stsltt I lie Hkm, Imt !-' il. ll.nr il'iiB, Hntt I nsiililul. Tlif nsljf tAlm nn.) I'srlfi l It. . tl 1 lf '!'. F. i.tIi. hmul Nirrai, Vmk. si tu l. is:i ' ' It; 4.ismIAIt KtVf ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Received at EVANS k VoiiOIeAIIN'S!' BUTTON AKD LACE SHOES, Al.l. t'll,ilt-. The esi-el shttlilng In tlis i"lti In qiiniltr. MtIs i4 Iwstitv. 1 jsn :u 2H NcW Crop Cuba ! 200 '"" ,n'' SKW " ' CUBA MUSCOVADO ; MOLASSES F. V KERCHNER Jsn Sl ' ' - ' u Salt and Hay. fi0Q BALM lUV, rwrsanyl 1 r. W. KJtttOUMLH. Sit Jan II Turpentine Hands and Distiller Wanted. Kevrral gmvl titriifnline hamtnVsn Unit m p'nTiutnt rutting ha,, nt(;inf ty yrar, at gtsxt a. .1 a. - - A distiller Iks eaaaik wlmiuw gnus taain bjwantfit. Aval, to A. U. Va BOKEn.FB. JaU t li-uln&wtt ,v 5IW ABTIXTISIXim. Planting Potatoes. 500 .iikit h, aki r a "iv ..a PkA M IIU', ?.w KracMr New top CiSi lite! 1 i Q7QIIIIBVW. :Cto lew Cnj liuscoYado Molasses, ! Nw'fct sf. tst g jobs rtcitt r. r.- in. m HtVWI fr ! n V li-ia WOBTU a WORTH. Vlw-a'k Molasses and fP vi.ASri, 100 nius. i Hon r v h. st r.rr. 200 . a n.siKi r, wu.iiAiiH Mvauuv. JS '.M MM) ""t K' 5,000 SHrl,v,,,, Hl . MM IHittk, tQQ Bt a.aioa. t BUI'S HAt'.'iH RIHkHAHO ) suoi'i.i'Kns, , e. At I H"" I'l Wll l.uys . MtMCHISOX. til hoar mail Nals. Hu tm Hs.kllM, Trsakt. I.slkr Ttstt ltna Hsw - s.lills RlaakrU (Irsllpi, Msrlliigslr, Uutry f.iMhs, Hurw Htwtars, rrslksi UsMvis. l.arfTM Mark auj kiM lesf la Um Stmlt " i . tofUAN i:oa, B. I awtk Proa trt Wilwrtw, ' ' a. I i M WILMINGTON North Carolina Life InsnrancB Comnanr. II Iks H"t4l ll.i 'lurs hH slliui.4 Mil,. MrliHoii, in a lisih4 ata.sitit, I of In. rs-l( llis IJsi.Hsl Hi rk m this L'uat.ar "' "i limn ftillowlnf , ytri Kit jirt iwui I ht 'Sil In cask at lht 114 of Mtti'orlhliig. Plttm prt rani M l.f sst In Pik within lliwi ilsti llwrsnllcr. I lie rt MsliiiK siijlitr r otut Iu W ra Viill 1'itr to ixnKMaoiy ant ysi'ls Hi lb Cwparsllan, miuiwI In MKM-tmar n Rl Rs Ittlr.urkv gissl .st-mil sfi-uilu, wr aiki-r. un, tn Hit- til. tlos nl" lli H.isrJ si lln ct ors, .alijsrl lo awsMawnt ss (nnlilnl In lh rbirit r. Any ui. rlln-r y lis'f i'ir kthllr' uf .stliif tli whale r ant irt t tlm s-r ctnt la rask. Intl ut (ttia s nula ss alv. His.kiil nuhN-riJskwi so sss nM-n :ii rsek or It-s lskn uf llil. illy sn.l st I lis olllri- ut tin. Os.fsnr. AlMt. at k" M(ii. hm i.f tin Msnk ol Nas? Ilsw-yrr t nk.tre n-l far. IrtHtl', Bllll sl IS Ps'ttl 'II I NmIiiiiisI ItMIlk stm-klHiMsiii so rniiOot in ItilrrfH sl 1k tsr iM tf jr H-r tinsts wn tkiir rsph i.sai. ais-in a.lihiM ii tn alius siK- nuh nl lie nr .r.tttj ol tlf i.nitiiMtii, is si.uii1aim-ii altk III rhsrtsr, will So Fii-ttiliHir.l stl rswi lnrsk tnll.s Uul.ln, i. m t asllsl iuk la t.rusirUon ta His wnr In r et tlisyos h' IU rrr thf tn rre-li-ly ilis vt miiuniK luiir-Uttltii t urk sl prH' WaiuT ituslsa stssaf Iks p.ilirf ln,.liis i.u Iks amt'trl Us. A- lur mw tluek all! da atily lor a UmlUd miirt.t, sinl sjttliK t .imprint li i iilisa.lv (c,il nd rspsliy lati'nolsK I uIih'W, tka llt. r i'tn li.o nu kmitsiluii tn n ,oniiiir.iiiia II a- tt sii.ii uriirs'iif isTi-tHinrtir, a..t. lKitooKr 14. W. W 11,1,1 A MH, i, J ri wntlllrt r. W. KftrH liail.H Wilisiii.-tiai, K. r., Juu. J, tf.X , :a i K OTHK Or IUSSOMTI0X. TV Siw i.l lliian. Hi-ol I A.. 'i Hlastl.t.l nv lit sth ln1n! nv tin ilestk sf tVa. H. Has. IhssSklryin ssl litta will bo M-Hltil ky His uii.lsriiH-il.sur.ltinf mTurt Sim will niiiili.ti ti bvttnfih tniI. t bp ti.mt. .nil rl( J. .1. MOT I A IU. J f b.nlti ill lnr Ihs inltinMj' mi llliw.ily In-- j -ii.sr.i ii,. ii irf.1 tirm, a. hoi liv at rial at- tt tilSnt In lnMlmi. m merit a fs.miuau. HI III. f:ltsl-. .1. I. Mil ITT, I StiMlvlsg II. .1 hai l,s, i I'wfasr.. T. N. Mr. H III. its- litis, kw II YrnwH. Jr.. alll cinilimis sKli i'3WiiiAli Umbrellas, ; lil'LUER CLOTH GARK1CKS.! lil'SlMHS Hi ITS. ' ' ASTR1CAX CAl'H. . - i -KOFT HATH, CAXEH, TIE?4, 1 V- BOWS AX I) UXDEKW-Alt ivlUNSON CO - ciTr ci.iiruiJtita. .In " ; j MUSIC ACAINST TIME! THe Greatest Horclty' of. tie Aiefri Tk Pnhllo would de wll .nil als eras! Iiruuraf Uuar aparaalaUu al gssst anti-aa) .MStlc tu 11. .r.M.'Ut WB.D IBB r.illUIIMIII la.ct Blare. - . -t Th latest Air, Mtwtr, -In .Miwla Bnsssaf alt .1st. SB1 Piatasi a4 Organs, sntcrlnr tn any alher tasks. In tka rlty, and sl I other Mulcfil fnMHiint, s h Innsil tor sale at ' - ' - " ' HKINSllKHOKRa ,. Ity Bonk i.! M jilu Hi . Lli RIND L at th ' or bijink roa bilk . .jotrBHAi. orrioa siw isvxsiisinrn. OPERAJjOUGE. Koidty and Tedy Zvcnlap, rebraary Si aai 4ti. . aEO. LTFOX'S HTJIIPTY DUIIPTY PIHTCMIME TK-PI.r FFXX fEB OLTXPIC TEEATiE, N. T, wars s aeaitrt RUN OF 1001 NIGHTS! ' Ta trf uaraiaa 33 TAUNTES HIF81MEIS GEO.L.FOX, - AN CLOV ait btb, C K. FOX, AS rANTALOOX. THE WILSON BROTHERS, lb Sarit l tl. W.vM ia raaar.t.t.T.wuw'Vai'Mr. VM A AlKiNU. tu vmU.UsI tl t, Mil 4 ana fr f i THt)atlAM WL AKlfci rk. KXMK.K & MilltflLSUO. C. W. HAVSl. HaH4k !! IA.VM MtANt. tdlaikla ab a t an tin Oofiiple'te Corps of Pintomimiiti T',i isll!.' wilt ' tf tw IM lt imiiihk tt. Htdeiif itnrir wkick iu riar4 tr 3 1 r la w rh rtlf. ADMtSSIoV.T IksMs llrrl a4 re Hatt rkatf M Hn4 wb t k 'ur4t H'u.lir. 1 Nkk..lr. rsiMwtt DtnaU t J ms ( failt Ctr.'la, K ism!? s liklltrv at Cft, l'lS l 1 a'tlttf I CUIHHtHS l 1 f. P, ' KSUAI,'., 8aMaM Maar. SvV , , - Ouanope Guano. ioo ; rt asl kv wiLbuyt Mcttcnt"X. ian HU3.-FH1RE 1873. .AND t m 0 X u w lit ( m 5 ryj THE PEOPLE OF THE CAROLINAS Sow hnr l on ef ! lrilt FrttSI TURK ANIt.CARfrt WAHKIlOl .: I tk CuuaUy, , Tkr ra a h i t, in ptrnta, ITom WKM IIir U"iT'i ril 1 tli HtAtf. Tbilttls arrslli!W ami kaailWM, sad ' watHilMUl iblli' tdrinmUHiaur Slwk is Ptlisii SsAn-e iiri'lialaf D. A. SMITH & CO., FRONT STREET. ktli ait k 8100,0001 rjtllt llKr.T"H I'll IM- Vue de LEau Co., U.i In 1, hir ts--fin sJrn.lt git' In lhmMI il. tissd'li Imiii-Mii. tn hiait.nst Ikslr littAND lilF f CDM'ERT ! In V.J .11 lli.r .; aisi iMIUtftil BJBA-SIPIS RESORT, llai niiarrlins1 l.iko .ktua IB siilioillicn llml I hi. (iiii,- ft alii tu (.Is.C, ltlioitl. 111, TliniSIiW. TEIUlCAHY !W.1873, - ' ! ' . : is nut Opera llnise Xorlblk, Va., litt.ll,.t..tlimit.g M t.'.MPIt KKT tll.vm, pmnsntltig fi - - - 1W.W IX'IXAllS., sill 1. .Il-tnl.ury S.tKllkSl.Si kl "I ll.'k tls. t It'll li (.i.xiiIjs -liof 1 Ut In OBHtnkii-li', 1.sKesrli.... ' is llfHll.. ul a.ant -!... ; l.esnltl'iiliv I.K-ati'l Cottsjn IflK 'hy lie- ." H liy I' lu. if ill-1 K u , r sl ui 4 t W !': I. ...... . If mhut Iwiiwttliiliy kintl.l CrttS( . I.it.,jl.f lihiurf.sl Vli iUI.'Khu, ' tsluikl t riM-M., IWI UHli in OnWil''li"t,r H'.ti.iiil... S.iSJI .n,nm Itl.lsW ID UN) en tuna, ytUita t.... ......... ... uwt 20,01 K) TlCKi'71'M ONLY EAC1L tni-iiriiriliiiliotl T niPT ltl t.li plaee Imni.dmMy stur-, tlis.t uiHsr. tsi U10 rast sua in tin- 4 Mn-ru H..H-.V nn.l In fullti. waf j- i th t'itltin.tF:iar tli ttnaaeillata winrnial" t f tint riMitl-k'Hl and ItiauKiM vf Hw Vi a UK j ,,1:aUXIHANV,.iib -illiMtiigs.rtn. I raitlu.it gvuttcuufti. aha lists kiiny roast i.ltl v,1 fn lis present amt tlmt the jtvi art .yirivy- trirtsvyibaiaiias Mi.rruse.i; . ' Ou. Jolm tt. t.iBllnw, MnvOT nf Ki.tfulk. tlnti. A. B. WiUm Ma? i t' Part-iamitb. llon..l. It. Vt liitiiirral.wVrfyuriii .uri.ilk. I'M. Wlte IlifavlaeV afM.atnlk. ijal, ifplv, ih,vi;rtanu)alU. . - iilMSilil thtttrket. rsi m all auk whs tins Cont' l't roBjii'(iir.'Hi prtw'it 111 h lilirlrih uUsI l iiiuyik4l Hit toaaaWea- soM, - t'nrteucy (tliia will be rW.i'i 'H stour bitknini7niMn fltetit P NnTlntlfr ti pra aBU.tS.a .u ilii- ticket. urlllfsl tkau-tu. with Saul .lUi-omil.' r"orfnHI.t trlli-nlr sill thr tirk.it, naply. ta IU aastrsiaara, anaswne i- rr sulbuiurd l s,.i)iiili it fur tkrsnisor tlckrls. ' ' ' ' The anwlKW'kWlA,,PU,l L'Kaa I Voii.aiiy, plwiirf tlwiu"el;. lotbe rnh liu lusl Um ai-nr "VitaiKl tiuk iJonvett shall Uk plsce vu TlU RSllAV, PRUKOAHT 1ith, i. as aanairawd in sUita eatil. n lit l.asia at' Ilia arwinat aUtrTliaesatM as to Ut Ui-Uibotionol' ti'l'', . - ;..n., , Wan, y.uMA.-,t rK.Atcettaa, T. P. llB.iai , ; ;.' Ww.lt. Whit," r.Hi - K. U, imaey. All onlera lur the puri li.-fiul ticket aviet WIJIR projurt atlttntKm. . , ' - BrRr."wyi;o., ; ' FlaanoliU iVgtwta Vo L'K.M Oosjpaay, . ' .ucvi. la, - Agrtjl luttM kljilUiAU In WUmlag- i.;Vitr, C. GltKGN, ..,1 . xil j i (.-.i Tuk 8tbt, - ; r . i - i Opprjeitey. City Hall, . jtaM - J v !.,. i, gicik. 3uX i A-M Baltimore anAYTiln: SEMUWEIKLY sTEAiism? inn:! wi ywa riay ouu vrAait rv rwi r. car. ps! "- 1 1 1 1 i.Jv ccc j. a. im! r. Hi.atAt.klLf BaV. Cspc ix u tn-Ui. Wrtl ksaftM mi tnm ALT IkfOBf rwry Tl'ssltAY uj IKtuit. 'l tpm WiL MIMOTvMewT WlUMlSUAt tAT, VKUAT. msikuii M WaifV wk IM waannriww.Cuh.asia tsi Wsm, b4 WilBisfwa. IkariMt A atatsun( R,irwU AmimmnniLvi ilHnamMhniuiiii, tilvtc.TWrMurki Btlia f Ltar k alt aoiaia la Karta 4 atk Cvstiaa. t.ac(iAa4 AUSaiu, Connecting at Baltimore wltk tk ltlwr Ok 14 tk Hartkar Ostrsl KtulruiMl (Or 1 faints ia W tm4 Knrth.WaM, aawl wMa Itumw4 Bir4 l n t, htm Turk aa4 rkuadvltia, fr fttijkt iimn ape'I A.U VAXAtJX.AfOTt, WaauBx-twa, a.C. AXliaEWI A Ki, Am, Baluster. ' "SlM ) , ToanxAaMVB i utrswr un to J Mc w voait. kAlUSU TTUutATa AJI fKITUT rataa nrw rmnx, a vuita T ajtbj BATTauiATki maT WIL.wIwTS. iKSi'BAMCK oNtf ONi-PocRTH rsaCr riiRoroH oosmctions wrra all railroads UAmaa otrr or WILMrSOTOJU N Nanpin taksa. rtsrlWh..is BAJUiV BROTUXU, Ajmi. ? an BAIL BOATS. Rail Road Line.' 5 Cl iwr-J J s Eastern Division : New Schedule 1M73. wvsa vrExr. 1873. STATU). r At fIIT. Uar WllwlnsUn... " AblwtUli.rg... Ill A a UMAa I swbsrtoo..., I1M I M t a hj Mrsl IHlS IMfn " LHriuusrf .. tier let a a Ka.klnis.is... UM AM Artiyail.ltim.f iun I Ma a f VOIN'G EAST. . t.tiiiss. PAsaaa rraT. lH-srsl.iif.Tiu...... litis it at a " hur.lsts.si.., IMta lamliihur(... I a a M IMabi Hnaa H-al..... M A I S3 A M " l,sniUtli.... 12 wr IMAM Al.hntt.liurg... 1MU liMrw Arris KtRllmltigloa DIM Wt Ut, uht West 1 BaaT, Btt Kft. Ffigltt trains stop kar ever Bigtil. taisgalur t:kvton-RUnd d lUga far, Wilmlsftim t Clitrtotat, al !. if it 'i'tsJnsou anuUajr. EiptM Frlkt 0ni'unt'anyaok Paswngor Trala. gpaelal Trains h Tu Tta aa ru lmfulrty. m n'fstern'UivisIon. 1S73 STATIO PAS riv. Lnn Chsrlotts IHta " Usf"lst..s..,; Mil AM Anlts sl BuHslu.... 13 MAM h. RRTVJtlUJJO. tAttf llilltsl ,.t t7tM UuislnMin . ltr I Arrlrr sl I but loth).. .1 H r I V. Q. JtlHNHOS, AfWnr atipt. ' ... . t FRBstONT, SniwrlBtmlml. ., , . . .-tf c Wilmington and AVrldo) ' ...-... Ilailroad Company, , Orrte 0 0aa ttriaiaa, I Wllsilngt, 11, Jn a, urt ( 5C CHANUE lK aCilKOULK O ami ilkt MauJav, Jau 0tk, Pa trains a U, W. W., Kllrod wUl n 'IlKWt I MA Iti ThAfM. Uat. fo lull Depot tltflr (SimOay tntserttM! si......... ...,.... A19A.M. Arn at (l.iliUlaini at , ..Ull P. M. Ris ky Mount at.. t il P. M. WcMmi.t, gJaP.M- Lv WoliloniUilr(Sumlj-.eop- Mikt ; 1.11A.M. Atnv. sl Kts-ky Munnt.... ......T, ,.11.07 A. M. . isiniiiiis-at.., ' rnstn Jnt. 1.1 P. M. ajo p. m. RXPREHg THAIS. Lest UhHimleiet,dily, at. ArrtTe at ttnhl'tmro at " . Ho. kyWi.unts. .,, " WclUon t,.,.. Irf-st Wl.l, ilslly, at...... .IA.M P. M. . S.IWA.M. . 4J4 A. M. , .uA. M. . t.MP.M . I..W P. M .WJS P. M Attlt.1 1(0 it Muant M a tMiUbniwat...., I nsm Dcuutat. MtfA.M Mail Trala nski-afllas rottnertton at W.I ,l.ai lay sn voint. Kvnk tla Uj tin aa4A y tiifs Urrak ruuti " Cipms Trsln connMt itnlvwlth AAjlIa Creek roiita. Pnllm' fala Blaaar lM4nr wa Ihla l ml. I rrlght Tr. hi. alll lst Wllmlngto Wiwklf at a A. M. aait arrlt a !.. . M. fciyitess Freight Trains alll leats OsIIt , t ivs f iiHjifil) al I A. M. amt arrlta st It ' J . : , , itMH.1 r.tlVl, Uoaetal rWt, im a ua-ai jf-F-NKRAL VTKRINT!ID.TB OFFIOK Wilmington, Columbia Augusta Railroad Co. .- WiLaixtJTO, N. C, Oot. Itk, U71. ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ; ' - ' ! - S f. i Th. rollowtng Schortnla wlU go Into (Tct lit A.M., Monday, 1th htstaat.'" ' ' r& DAT KXPRK38 TRAIN, (Dally): test Wilmington..,,,,. ............ 8 Ifl A. t. v A trite st Klorrniv..., ...... .M A. Jl. t.'liiaihia.,w. ...... ...... SMil P. t - ; m .. AngiMta t. P. M. ; tay Atgoata.. ...... Ar treat i')lunibia,... ......... IU A.M. r ' Vlimnea..,.,., .4.iP,M.; ' " Wtlmtntrtoo ...IH.Si P. kl. , ISIBTr.APRKHIHla)ly),8on4jretf- fi Lasts WllmlnrtoB.. ........ 1 -' Arrive st Fswenon..... ....AIM r.. . . OoJnmbla. , -xi A. . t Aagasta (U' . teat AwgMsr.. ........... 81- -.-t.,-i Arrireat i.'olaaibt... .......I" " P.M. rvnranr S.r A. it 1 " WllnilBgtoB.... ju A. At. ., - JAMP tKnnt.ov. ' . r ' "': .Wenl8are.uitin.itmt. :, art - j-"-u . fii-octor tie Cinwble's OLEINE fCOAP lms.le from tk best materials, but Mt wicts nf atdlnsry Soap. t Ti-r 1'AlO railUBlng It. All Qrofembre It. D.T.BrTT co H --, . :. I ' y , :? II . A t .j .V. . I .- . :i i . ' .r . it. i ::.. I f : I '