J - r . .Ml n t I - A. . A - , . N. " ! A !! Vii.. ii- ;o. to. WUJUNGTOIT, N. C SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 187a 1 ... v thiols i;o. c,:: WIL3CLX0T0X, X. C: B1TU13AT. KASCH 2. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH, NOMECATIOX3 AND COXFIEMA- it t- I .'! C ! t , " . . . , t ' . ."VTsnaar6x, March 11 Tight. James E. MiLsteaJ iu nominated foe tjgtMAituiUlYMWtav4 Kentucky. Confttmatioua Uottif , TaJtiigm, Uieaiaejppi ; 'VaaLew, Bk-huicnd, Vir ginia. After a brief diecussion Case; nom ination (Qulf yr brEW-aia lit ew Orleana weut over. DitooMion in trie ' Cifldwiil case ktill continue n t-,r . . The Senate ineeta to-morrow, Tbe confirmation of Clark for tlio Baeannsh poatnst- hip-wta leHvfly -dj e t- XI Sotpn j o reniit waj made by .Mi. orrilL orilalhe. Ttiis, it is thought, will break'the jnf thotirg ia. ultra ring. " k CMflyTgUfiiti' ea!W tip, but was passed over without ' niah'rial thia, though they talk frotly upon othwr moctiUt toplJ 1(4 Vl '.'t uotilm; ' r THiEi)Er6TI0X "OJP , HIS WIFE. THIS PASTING BETOXEH THEM. .-n : I i- -T t . . THE LAST. Ki " To,' IfareK aouLtootti I'oiUif pws4 Ui ' (U yj1 4ujp 'ipI ind darisc Ui (ttmIm pact, tli tiM ib hit cell H4 lrd Mrljria th frpf thf final effiSjt pliIiijcoiuiBeHo ymtoittt lBti teobnicsiitj IU cxor otw Krr), mt bit hoy re Ob ffiiying inWISsfetli th M7 l3etdf kanff hit betul -Uk fcrefcsl tinj ijwllrejji alo,-, wif trtjl pettk tobim im kit widtv B1m ivtd fakUd on lltwttiog of Bit Mur't of tliis lttttffori Oo recovering; ilitefrturncd to h baabtnd, tai jJaoiag k )isii4. In his, tat jjhi .Joy jhonri but tpokt littlot Abo 8 JO''lhU tvrtmig a xf!uftl tftinf beVwvtn fotUt anUhitTwite took plac, bo Ik btinf itfj affected. Ha Viwied J.crjepeat.djtii,llho JrtigO0 A ylaii Sii fa f t, if awty by liff brotb.-TM prteo officiala were deeply affected by the iv; . i : t ... i y"'r. -il y I hv oeoe, ; Bar. Dr. Trng tpent up war da of an hour thit afternoon with Foster, who littenede'flJtiVttr'to' h 'f xfcfJaQoua. FotUr alao vipited UoiijytttJi Qy by hit brother-in-law, hit father, and 3bj . Jather , Puranquett, . a , Cathylic jrleatbut refuted to' nudt'tgq W ?f- deal et parting with bit childrea, .whom he hae not aeen ainoe hit arreat. FottA i4 eivxlei kt 17mliiti4 vnh r i 9 o Clod Una morning, R V A Foeter awoke Vt 7 o'clock and par look of a cup of eoffee, lid its nothing. He was very pale and hiv strength seemed fast failing, lie waa attended by JWx.Dr. Tyug ajid . Ev. , Mr. fkhfcaiiM.apl4iol Slig tfl He waa cngngi'd iu devmtonnl cxHTiae' op to 9 o'clock. At 11 minntot pnat I he wo led out, tnppoitod.by ttberitf Brenrtsn ahd the nndcr shcrifT. Foxter walked nnfaltcringlj to tho tcaffold ; hie face had a hectic flash. Arrived beneath the scaffold, Rev. Dr. Tyng, assisted br Bev. ,Mr. tkUopimj!k road.tfca . try-fu Pliiv Alli sokmnword were road, in which the I Rev. Dr. Tyng besought Uod to open the eye of mercy to this, thy servant, the scene was qmct aDilryi3pi3i)-(;in the extreme. Daring flie'reihlmof .he service Foster stood, beneath, the weaffold with his. head bowvi and hie ' left hand shading hie eyes. - lVv'. Dr. ;fkhoonmaker shook bimdirh'F6s ' ter nd said, "God blur thee, my .' dear friend." At seventeen : miuntee ' past nine the lolt was drawn aril, tlie t body rose In to. the aif:Tno (Sondenujod man gars - one alight straggle only-tea'' alight ail to be almost imperceptible. Hhere was a 'ahtehcq" bKXfy oaual 'movement of the' ehonlders." ( .Thjfro was a alight tractioj of tile lower . imbs, and rmrely a perceptible moob of the handarAncr hitnffin(rfe h ntee the body waa lowcrJd I Inches' and a nnnierfhereaftcr ab a foot furttfer.' Twelve minntet a tWIbj6l IA8 been drawn hit pi ejeased to bea f k,? almst without a atniggWy. A ftwas jevidlnt daring the-fsading of the services tlat Ja irapidlyt smkJng . and scarotrr able to ttnd,,. Ui pb.vt'Vians1 notijeJ thia; and the'.Rav. Mr. 8ck ooruniier hd bnt inet sieol hands with 'Foster kid taii u,i6oi-bf4, abi Wdw 'ySn jby After being allowed fo hang a little jom.twtnty -minntea' the body Was lowered into a eoffin and oonveyed into tba dead bouee M Xke loojabe,, whence it will be taken to-day to the rnaidenoa of Foatc-r 'a widow. The k0raint will probably take piaee on Monday next At rwetitj tnioiitea.' before 10 o'clock, the erowdof depatyaheriCTa and othm, of one htuulwd and fifty penoca, who had gained adstiteioa to wttaora tUe exwation, aluwly made their exit fnjra theaeene. ; McDonald, the allgfd bank of Eok hmd forpt r haa been resigned to the aLtri McD icald'a l itdt r it in e fdy. ' KhfiMlw tfb-r Tanker kJ bee cut Lwa the eexton of IV. TTDf'teburoh, i : j - j Cj21 at the Tooiuba aad.rvioeated that the bodr be allowed to remain till Jnte in" e aftntTi we4 Jl wi3 b removed to the retidence of his if." KoaiiAho iaroetliDatj'niau'a f wndt have exiled to tee the body aince tie execution, Hejalri&j? in a room in tlie" Tioraiba, 'ia the undert:Ire box. wiiig Jb e Ivii i)Ved. (iHEAT-BUHULV. GLADSTONE - rOMUUX KF ' ; . ?ic:iD.r ( D18HAFXI Bl'FrORTED BY THR i :'A po has 'finally twamed tUe Gov J frn I TiefHtJi floeed Wrth tbw reitark that ofne'flf iD wtrjportfTS tn tho HsejiBibt be, dii0w3ixl, to whieh tuere were' fond eries of " if i, no. 1 i'nrtmEAT west. TpE L.ULE0AD STRIKE OVEK IlUN ON THE 8ALT LAKE BANK. Wisnwoxoj, "ilaroh 21 Noon. Thetrikeonth?St. Lou it A Kauaaa Railroad ia ever. , i . There ia a fleroerun on the Salt Lake C5!y Rational TUnk. All dcmaola, will be met. . . j EUROPEAN eOXTWEXT. THE CZAn EX'ROUTE FOR ITALY The Emprewi of Itnmiait at Flor enoo en-ronto for ftouthern Italy, for health.: :,. ; XAaHMarca-light-Tbe Oot etumeji ( bat prohibited the exporta tiiti ef waf atattrial to Bpaia. TOCEWLANEOU8;:;' Lrwis, DbIa, Maroh 31- Koon.--ThU Jflroca' Jjotcch, from , London, for Philadelphia; ; ta aalioiw'Mt Indian rivr iiikt . The Captain's wife and dangh tejY.andtha first and bccqdiI rant.', and two seamen were lost. ' I Bdsto. March 21 Night. The barque, Josephine, from Boston, for Buoiiot Ayret, loak'd with wool and hidea has gone to iflffen, tafames MrEhcny, Die wa fo monlerer, it tencto be httng.' J ifeajtrCtfT, March .1 5Tight The I paaaenger depot and ferry houses of the Erje raurpad were burped to-day. ' Niw YoniC March 21. Night-All atcamers arrivqg, hra report heavy ghfthweat gftlot off the coasW & " tro'mtli. Kuril rnm. Tha Bay That Stack (a raraalng. . ' Wlca X was a boy," aayt a diatin gnmliod man, "my flint saving of Hen cent piece, earned by Hatunlay after noon work for school kept half a dy m BatnriJy, tben were exjiemled in Uuying1 ihr&r calfl thtft I . worked nt), ani wid Biy fnhe a fertnm atirn each month for keeping. When the ealf was one year old I traded it for two atwf wives, atif tow I bed to pr.t in good and strong to pay , for their keepiag ; bat I occupied all my spare time in teaching those calves to work in the Toko, and at one. rear .old thev Leorfj k' atd hswf as -alia oxen., and V ri . I . : .1 - t i L: J .'- i ... j ing uw. tonm for breaking hit two ann thrive year old". Acain, I had a piece of hind e-wh year alter I waa fourteoii, Uiat X coiud plant and work on auares; ami, if I wanted help, I had to give two days.uf my time to the hired mau's one day. X grew just wbut niy fancy and reading dictated, and from the proceeds I (Iressid a well as any of the Jfrtf ihj9lirjseaiii3. IalwayS fiaa sume tiiuc to play, tune to read. and now look back with love and pleasant thonirht to the old farm and tJie farm hand who taught me to me tool, mid wiiipped mo when I neglected to drive aiitiarMrphtjUko end of the farrow it tiliwing. Tlii 'remembrance of my boyhood, days has always, induced me to tavor an iters o eneouragemont at ome ou tne larm j ana I oehevf, if it trere ;!niOTe generally practiced,, would have ' more good farmers and fewer broken down merchants, or loaf ing, hanging-on, time-serving clerk, raauyior anything except iiooorwile and useful labor." India rubber bustles are not such bad thiitgs after all. A young woman Uie otner 'nigbt -gi p ia- her sleep and proceeded to enant the rol of "La 8onrlamrnia,, by partly dressing her self and tumbling out the window. She ht squnreon he lrastle and bounced backthVottgh the ( window right into the room again. The', thoclt awoke he, bnt she didn't know that she had beeno tberoqmy i o ' 'A' m'kn fn-'Bsnitoore; te otheY even-, ing, peMliig the 'residence of a promi nent phtaiomn. heard a treat noise in the house; Md.peeping' through the ironi ounua aw. a .urunxen.,irian. dreVsedtn tattered gannente, striking a prostrate Woman;.' at hrr feet ' Id a irerriuio otaio 01 exciwmeut ne CQSuoa lo the -nearest atation-honae and' re ported "ia DK - was at home orani, and attempting to kill his -wife. A aerjfnaataf peiioe nked ,w the p.aoe aftdluctHredtbr 'the man that attempted to kill his wife. The doctor was ignorant of any 'violence 'taking gr'ee, on rwickly--aaw throogtu the matter' and erplnlaed that he and his wife had been rehearsing for,;, private tableau. STATEJJEWS. Hail in Raleigh oo Friday. . T. Clawaon haa ren cWtfd Chief of the Raleigh Fire Departnwa'. : Oa fc-aadjy, 9ih itui, while the faauly wore at Church, the house of Jram 1 Kxmts, vf Surrt eouutv, wte de&trvyed by Cre, Lou'abcat ,00a Tbe Saleu rw aaya ; A little sou of luley lialrooka commit W an oiJe.-uoar Trap Uitl. WUkaa county. ou tho ldlh of February hut, by hang ing mniself. The Winstoa Sentuwd aavt : Thua. Sullivan, in., ore of the oldest and moat respectable ciUioaa of the coouty, after a hjoct tllneaa, died at hit reat dec"e oa W'ctlneajay, l"2tb Inst., aged is years. , The Lrceal nun on recoid, in m'l' rn timet, was Milea iHrxloft. a native of North Carolina, bora ia lfJA lie waa aevea feet ttx inchea high. At hit death, iu 1S07, he weighed a little ovr 1,000 puundan ,. . The New York Evening Tuat' W Tueedty, aayt ; ilisto Rowan Hel per, author f "The laiiVudiug Crisis of the Bouth," atid otlir works, Uket p.jiage tor. London to-day upon ine tteajacr Italy, In the course of a few wecht fca i roopsca S Visit 'Ducuoe Ayrte... ' - . 'foe lUaaigh-Rta tiatl nyea-Ihe Governor reovived infonBa'iyo yaalar day, oflirially, that W. O. CaBdlee,ap pointed HolMVtorof the DeveuthJu oiend Dial riot, tice Mjureftt Erwin, re aig!iel, had acoepUd. Mr. t reaigucd ia conaeqitence of holding the office of Asairttaut U S. rlolioitor (nr the East ern District of North CaMUoa. The Charlotte Obacrycr aaya 'i We are Loformed that thore ia an old gon, tloman in thia county who has kept one ore burning ia haa house for the paet twenty-five years. The fire waa kindled on the night of bit marriage, and haa been kept . bnraing winter and tummcr, ever tinea, lie aayt dt shall aetrr be prrmitted to i out until he doea. - ' A meeting ol the "Corporators, and a)l others interested," to take steps to organize tha Uauiax .and Soouand ock Railroad Compaay, will be keld in the town of Halifax on Tuesday, tbe 25th of March. The corporators named in the chatter- era M V. ltanapm, Edward ConieldulWalter Clart R, . H. Smith; H,T. liurtey. Smith, J..R. Idlerr, P. B. tu0i, XT, H. Day, II. U 'IiUery, JohnU lUndolpb and W. R. Bond. VV The Madiaou Enterpriae aaya: : An old negro woman living about a mile aud a half from town on the plantation of Mr. ILicknieu Foy, was burued In death on hut Friday morning, Eke waa 'Jvery old,' inproaed to be" 107 yeara old, and was unable to go about without help, and that morning ner attendant had stepped out and she managed I o tret to the fire, and by some meant her slothes took fire and wwre burned entirely off, causing her death in a few hours. The Riagwood eorreepondftit of the Norfolk Journal nayt: Quite an excite meet was'causod in ur. town; to-day by a aerious accident at the giu of V. IL Jouea, While aome children were playing near tlie ahaftthat leails from the engine tn the gin, little Alice Bo bee, a sprightly girl of ten years of age, thoughtlessly tat down "on the shaft. Her clothes caught while- the rod wat revolving some sixty time per minute, bruising snd mangling her in a irijrutwi maimer, bii l lived . only ton minutes. ' The Wilson Plaindcaler aaya : Msj. J. C. Winder, a thoroughly competent civd engineer, has we understand, been engaged to make the aurvey necessary to determine the location of the route for tho railrflnd from this place to Greenville, and we may expect to wee the eurveytug party at work hr a law days. The two-and-a-half per cent on the capital atock already subscribed is being collected to pay tho expenses of this survey. Aitor the survey haa been made and a vote determined trpon, a vigorous effort will bo made to obtain subartiptiona to an amount -auffloient to inauru tlio building of the mad. Ev erybody, we bt-liuvf, aiywhere within reach ot the proposed road is favors Lie to tho enterprise, Tho Raleigh Newt aayt: On Wed nesday niplit it will be remembered that a rather severe wind storm pro vailed throughout thia belt of oonntiy. During thp prevaiatee of thia Storn'i, the mail train oa the Western Railroad approached FnyetteviHo, and when in a few tciies of tho town, and rrmqfpg nt a rapid rate, a light on the tract caused the engineer to whittle down breaks. The. train waa broulit to a halt, and.it was discovered that a large pine tree had blown down , atrost the track. The position of the tree was discovered about half no it0r"Vfori the trniu Was duc,"1r Georgo' McJCsy; aa.oi(i coiorcri man uving in uuii vieui W. - George at once apprebeadesi wl0 dilllcnlty oi thetituatioiv ftI immedi ately kiiutlt d a fire near" tfie track, and ran home for an -axe, and when, tbe tralH stopped, Gcorgo' ra fftubd tiWd at worh. cutting thA tree in two in order to clear the track. Tlie night wat densely black, and had it pot been f to stop the train, a aerioosdoas to both life aii propwly would have occurred. bouth Carolin., Items. 1 , tr, ... r i-?,,Wi tfr)-, I ' The New Orleans papen" announce the death of Mr. J. M. Isaacs, a native of Charleston.- but -for veara an es teemed merchant of tW Oreeeent Cy. J Itiammored that; H. T. Peakd, Eaq General Superintendent of the South Carolina 'Railroad,- is, about to form a connection with the Port Royal Railroad, commencing .pn thef-lst proximo, in theobaraoter of ita pene ral Superintendent. V- ti i rrojessor wu-wooa jwaviasonai na tive of South Carolina and 'for many years a resident of Winnsboro', and profesaof ot Greek in Mown Eion College,, haa recently been eilled to a position upon the editorial ttaff of the New. York Evening Post, ';'; r'-'-V, .. i.i r .i iliu uiougut Miav iur. DrowDing, ine owner of tbe saw smilta. at YarneviUe, trtjvhe-tW Royal Railvnad, whieh ex ploded on lueaairy, will not rooover: also that Mr. ' Pugofs and , the two colored men whe weretniortd besid, will share the same fate. Aa eye wit ness of the' results of the horrible casualty, he arrived in the pity yes terday, stated that tbe injured parties ware terribly mangled, and, coud not pVnAUlJ llu Vila -tionu.ir it ran irk m km.uv. Tfca Ba4 Tfc 1bh Bailu i . , Proa) l BaT.' Ojar'w. The I'nioa Pacific ia the road that t that Amea bntiL M. a s are the rat that ate of tet malt that lay nwd.that 4eaf0wi.lut, 'WADB HAOTTOJf, aye : '1L waa tiae tual went lor te rats that ate of the malt that lay in the road that Amea built The "hraas-eoUar rreaa ia the dog that worried the cat for exposing those rata that ate ot the malt thai lay in the road that Amea bmlt " ' Trwth it the - row rth tke ernmp !ed horn that touted the 'dog that would worry the cat for snatching tiuh rata a ate of the ma!t that lay m the road that Amee built. Poland ia Um maiden all forlorn that half aailked aha cow wntii thacnunpled born that hoisted tua U-ht Uiat got mad at the rat for expoaing the rat that ate of the malt that 1st in the' read that Aveabnilt. , , - , j , . "J. Cr4 & aft jtp idlcrL And torn, tli at htsl to the maiden all forlorn, that halt "milked tho cow with" the cmrnpled horn", 'etc. " " ' " J " neurvWi!son is the (ICK.V gS priest til shaved and hcrn who eon); lielled hia dead wife to acknowledge hit com : he's as Lad as "Dear. Hchny ler," all tat U red and Uyrrx, that (awmtl ou the i044tt AB:irVrN ttc.ad nawaram. Kaiis yteohflit croajil rtta AdtS lul Irlghtcnrd 'the priest" all shaven had ahera iota se41mg the- unit 'twas hia wifww'thT a' horn V tat it might aronae thepopular acorn, if malt should be found iu the family cow oi thp 1C 5f: kigit jit, mhp eV aircd to adorn the chair ol the man niw Mattered "and tcm that honied the " aiiin alt ffwlorn, c etc: MeComb ia the farmer thaV sowed the eonr wnen be tued lb whole M. C. ooncert-that inspired 1hft eock to etow in tlie tiiprn, and frighten the priest, all shaven aud thorn, into (pill ing tlie mult from tho family horn, lest the finding it there might euhject him to acorn, and forever destroy his chance to adorn lhflrri,jarf Jr or bearer" fortworn.whrch thrakm 4a the man all tittered and torn, that explained and explained; to the maiden- forlorn, i Uiat fooled with the cow with the cmnv pled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the. eat, that went for tha rat Uiat ate the malt, that lay in the mad that Amee hniiic aao tt i . t .... a Tanaiiaa- . f There ia an element of drcam-hke terrOt in tlie following adventure which befell tbe awoHaut lioadot oa, the id eation of the fate vice-regal marriage feaate at Cairo: A -pertcmiiaiietrwaa given every Sunday in the targe- Hip podrome by an Anglo French, troupe, engaged bjj the Khedive of Egypt, to OK'n,vuu i)W.oue Jiaa iree auutiaaion. Among tbe altraotiona presented by tho performerf we the haiiooh' ascent of the rcrfmaut Boiutet. "Jhtt at tho "Rio dn Ciel," at hi balloon wat named, waa about to rise up into the air, Bondet fastened hia trapcto to the Car, chrdg to it with, pne. hand, and criwl "let go I" The balloon roae to a height of about 400 yards, when a cry of honor burst from tho crowd, a tremendous ren bad taken place in the globe of the "Rio du del." The balloon descended slowly at rirst, but the wind soon rushed into the gaping aperture iu ita side, and turned it lit erally iiihlje out, Jwhertupon it gave out a cloud of smoke and took the form of ,a .flog-aeo. Tha unhappy nronaut now- tell almost perpendicu larly: evert heart stood stOl, -Boudct. however, kipt hia head, he it i zed the bur t iiia trapezo wiui botn Hands, and hung on; trusting to tha slight real tan ixi aUll opposed to the air by the tjaUoopr but ita tpecd rnoi ia oreeaetlf 4 shut nit ryes and kt him seli gc--but riot to Uestxuetiou, Ho fell twenty yards en soft ground, and though atgutleas wlmt talobtipi Ttry soon recovered. An Ohio rdiooluiatstpf having had oocasion to administer to one of his pupils tlKh g aitle- ehastinement which forma an essential feature of Western education,' the- father1 of tha culprit Said a vengeful visit to the academy uriiig Veer, ad--diroctiti hia son ti lock the door im the ((iitt'fle "went for" the jcdaogiie with a chair, which he need in anything bnt a chary man ner. The Mly thing tlia, pooc twachcr had Id diUuk hhatiTMin was a pen koifq with a bUdo pot more Jhaa eigjit juolirt lonrj Hit wjlh tbiii Itwiguific Hit weapou sud the conviiousuiM of rec titude be wa'fuWc'd to go on with his afternoon eJsar aa roon aa the pieces of Jus assailant had bren swept ttpa'nd tnkrji'to the hospital in a wheel barrow, - The new .alaMaparVnco law it btuag rigiiUy ealorcedfc ppdrosnv have already been broiigTit tip l the iwwrta-bf ntici' " i caw icsore i i wSfJJCIAJ ... ? .... 4 OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. UatiuT KaUat; 4 .Vawn Ilea 'from tkaaflci'MlM llvrinaiut.f JkM i rrl lit. Manhood rr.ttirdil. liflKn.ateain to MrrUt rtMtk ina iwk4f Afinwit, rvmarkabl remili. ' lin Aa I t Irr'tfii out froa, ta maM rqvalntjrr. , ., aadrav BiiWAKMH"tCtA)tjaS, Xa 5 South KlnttiSU I'bll.(flil.'.. r ,-an Intt'iln tlau. batlsi a hlgb riauulua fur iiodntm eondnotsnd profeaikwal (kilt. . aystoaaaf. jrmwaiaoK-u DTf BATCttCtitJ iKAH ll 'AAA 'A ' CUlCt.WK HAJK HVk. A-1 i .A -1- i- i. - . i iL . . ; rleollr HarmleA. fcilialtl and lnAk'.a- ana. tioiariMiuaAai. uiaiaioa i mi, or PnplAsrant Odor, Tk ffnuiwMf,, haivb- swt mir iy tronnwa innnurni a SMwIM Hlsfit or Nataral, .mva, Jtu not tain tba-HUa, botlaate V U.lr Cleu, .ak-tr and haaatfol. .Tbaanlr sal and farfnol t. 8ofc.' ky kl liragiTlU. . raetorr U td irtrs-d, 'lTtti-iodait L-kA eft rERKIAr nrT ouatAfU al k a, '- , a.. ,!.' A.4-AA. . iwlenekM XnJfotttrrAitT LK-a. rirbrnaHiairaat .k-Ar 4tk lrtiictiira onrsri)i j-.a.oki'--i4 raiy.aad wDlaitlhtaiaak iaaitia pont of rnt-a-ru.4iirnt tebyaniaa tMidtr it f tt-rtua1 hi tAJ-Ajua tidi., atowhtal M .-'. arrltal aiTfrt'ct". - H -ita nv4 k j,u J 1 raiaidf rhr rtiiwiAarr'M ', be L?irwi attk lainasajTaliM r wte?.(,,Bal ronttain.- tka kk aii.rroit!i(iof LrotiSa, It a imiaaMA. 4 ' irAAnr, ' " mjw. oonttilAat lartaa lAialat, -rtara toe a kr all aiajtlaAaBltA'rt L t . k j '.g;Or.Uttia Ilia ,Arara.ir.. - : . a5 a t t yak.i,iy art Uanrt Itilllrt, nfr-.f.) ..li. a 1-rx. aw e , J,rk. ftbi Ally SEW ADVESTISUIIXTS. GARDNER . .... Fire Extinguisher, ' rr4aita tra f'lra I . -Thic ou'.'Ml TiuK XTiNnrisH t a lu aiv hAii, .9t.rTal. atnt I wnaiiBa4 v (Mwtl taaatavuoa a. a " aa4 Aivachw ami1 mm sjiaiaM is m m ar. i. rr ai,kiAM tva AiK. la wiii fffVft T IPA tW TtT-n. , r p W.I .mil. -. i . MTuawna. M. CV swtatt -wrfai . ; Important!.-. , T4 Aa WaiatalawtiaHwa W rithth Omua, iai ia aw aaaI imtm iul ill at lhAir uiTtaaiiAn.4, kt tnasit- .WILJ th.lt MjMMBl.1 luairLo-r. oAM.attliaN, t M. t,VA.aian. U a' atrctS) ioiaatt aStraw Matting. STKI lPPH 'rhin, MeKav j b . (nr, ntus j cianraux. gtvtW ! sa fur wit tj D. A SMITH A CO. aiswa ; t - . - i WUmlnijtSJftfcam t fw '4 '-. . aV,-'- ir fe-. TtaaaiSAnrlMOiiaiMay 1 atptaral th.lr Halt ihllioa,af)f a'i.xk,la ial) alfna, f-r fvmH. :,... y atI. r. ' ,, . 4 I. SOtTWaidHT, fit mn. R, Mi Hi'Oa ros. Sad y rtai. MstwUlM . i m ta-fi Every one of which ia tupremnly V fvi IT 'ttsirtr U tt Iiia. anih4iKliiJ wit ttA-rt Mina'teiMMttiu a. Ira if -Bllllf kuaic -bacb.im fHt,r ik.a mm iw tn horn rtrcla." 1 b h... iKai uli( qaalitr. Uw war la rnMouj lb ti la a siesirr il rMlkiaf iKkiir nualcallaaUum'St, .m U viktasl j n t huighi luf ar all aiiwUal rtf ;ni lw jixa. Mtaia a,a). aatSsMf- Hmr Irtlllknl. titf wtm Oilini III. Tlii-lr mthnl, .re pfffviit. I Uuao mhu iliiuriluaut ailrr.Ua1 kiwi by Sots, fcrr h.. II.. upior'nnlif of Miirlii lurlh-iulu.au.l la hWtt M il li Un til,. Ml'alC, iilfr,.Mllri. sn.l si.IivIt. llVuu aa a ljr tn ksr ibw u k aoTin4 mllwrsvt hi .laniturauui avrf Mi" luM,tl.v ts any trthsr fciS.i In irnraant iu potior u. k inv.nia."!, f gut a fair rkaip- In bum fat la koiair. rur iM-l- MuiA,lar(au4 raitll, all an, at HKtiaatMiirH'S Uw.tMtr4Maa;NtA. ' It aurrk f t NOW IS THE ITME Imported CassfmorW and SXJITITSTC3-S T main l o'A't wbll. lb Stut-k tull. I.r-ITE TDLB VEAarKXS AT ! MUNSON&CO'S, . - '.' CIT1 CLOTIEto. . ) t : Saitrsalt-Salt JT l,notvk l .It, foo ln-sHk Ssll, Fnr.al kt y.w. KEltH'TcrR. Pullers and HacB h ' 0?irXKtMH. ' Turpentine Tools u PK.ST liRtD 1 , AT NEW1A11I)YAUE PTOEE. litLKt wrnc.niviN Card to Gentlemen. tll.AMKH lurslAiiCil lo paritr alia spH tni lifffi ah.I nl tj UAlClr lhl lottl'Sil In f'if m -t w'fctM. 1,1 r ,pr di'Kiir. t O i, 1..ICM HJ,. . ,r V vN( - hci-AA4.lSr.rfW;f aV) II Bnt tf a i.;'ai-:a, k Wsn.iik sh.I o'l t r.ul, fB ikVUs 5T-;' , ' A'lh-f.l -aWuUr Iriir-at- taii'J Is ll firrh y it hy i(Uib at-a J III viiet loikler. Witrtii la .1'!" i 1 IHS.I tl ,n a I h T.t: R ks, fc W : ' V A . A -. , r. , 1( , I r ltw WbK S. H, ivvrnp, L-OikBhU Flour -ndl grades, A JOD oni.rrnviau Gtumo, . . t Mil' A 7. ' M 'It. . m.OfXJ Tislu-lk "White Com;' ' i '4 i, t . . -a TO Boxes!), S. f?idei, ' v' it t 40 Hhfl. Bacon feuhw and Khoid SWihH aim, ; ' 1 -2S0 Sejts-Nail, ) 150 Dblt. Refiufd Sugars, 3(lfl Tira roffee" -r ' '-vrT4-jNv:at '! 21000f1abalCAe.;ilR AtaAircanHON P rinttd la tttialirtjl at Ui e I aaitLaftV 71IV -V ,. S VtrlaJ-jrai "TJsrJu pri. . 1 im mm a w mm aa' m w FOR n.vT . . x .1 joritNAt otrrtr SEW ADVXSTISiriNTS. I TAKE PRIDE a ,!( tBr fa tot TI58Ttil ka r Sot. tk'T tavarialt'r g t satafv lta, Itiska but w't, sad rr f(4y kt rrakTui wiM kaol. MTkl nURIK IUMMJ. . lit 60SE ual MM. Want, aa-MlAA. - i ' Trank., Llkr J u 1-aj-s, RaI.i, biankM ttrwilAA . -. v k1rlliAi, v,rrT (. I , . Mia HriAkr.. rtlhAV !.. ' ' Largas tw a4 rat )- la Ukva tUla Ji a Tomaw . orra, . fa. I a-uU rrvat nrnl ' waair-waa. k-.c. - ata . . .. f - . , . CHEMICAL INK ERASER. m lak Halat froa Mhk.rkaar I iii-k, I oa, al iihr r.tria, a lv.l liuu. rtr l. aAtiAl, far ! . ' ' ' Ittl. MM, AAJ -. . CUar:niua . l' Bi ' OtfleW aaetatary at Titaawrt I ' ' W.'winjtaa.TC , W srfkTt, VV f . - i . .. , , HtiU.-r!hnttlt IWHU1 I Iha TkJ Rrataaat lMt taMkinan tn km-kvaasp M4Wat a rcAilmtwa 4 rh kiodklioUlf , ih. Ink sualkl laJaial Faar LMukm Miai W rriuiti v. im i-j t m Mfwra aaltkf, ay,tkMlRiant. 1 T Tk aHMitiAa ( raAAlta'tk atdia bw, l I lck . M. W t a-ri. V t. U, ,1.. 4an.r 'k trfbl ak( at Ibt tfflca af uioalj ft )Jvv ..- . . ,1 winra vonais. ' aT)f suit Tratr?, i i ii.i:i ttVi Psrah H) 'OBONLi df M0KKI3; vwiw . .- v .,-r I , . ft ' rtLwilrorrw?!. a.'ci'iao erm ' auMka, lual rkawaat alt ill isrlikaa,af aswt ok.utltn. banbl 4hI 'J " wianiiiia.- raraa.! .aVaHam pa ia aat VaaBta) rl aaryaakal't rVWviuf ta ta aakJMf. -saatr aIoIXi TA-AA' alUyUUi , I l! HiOH 1 I.VLMORALH, 1 .' MEHOE CONGREtUi GAITCRSt all tla soil alkiafc i a , 'rtttt Ttv aaAMrr s. Ik kaa4ot tkata. i, .. , ,.DEDtEY k ELUV s tliaaf tk Mi if rw. warak. tar ... ;;.. , ,,,' ,.-tt '.'in-1 HcRaa 'Turreatinc, ' 0 'V-i ..- .:! I ' t: .' ,,." PKAbEllSJlt r I. ;-. . ' . v fl L,',i,.f .i,.,f MAVJt RKltOVltD TO TUB LABOR ART) COMMODIOVS ST0n, 45 MARKET 'STREET,1, hi.m'rlr OtfoilrJ I IT. A B. Ksviimtl, hr. Ibj wl'l kt ill ami latft t)sr trUaaa ' tlUlrll 1 , , . - r , , -t. liXolaeslilolasscs. ktii Hlidt. a. H. MalastM, I s XVI RIM I. tj.Ata,'' ' ,:' ' ' ' 1 V IIh4s. ant DM Cnik Mutaaiei, .' - rwHikr ,k ?S ' 'R. W.JUtnCUMR, ; Pure Prnr1';' 1 MtsM( Clival.' ani-iait i 1 ; rsiS'tsa rff "t tlitt U ,.'aaI(.-J rUU4.atfrt rf rs'hie. tlila, Vantl.il, Kiti-iii. i.muiir,Vripoa Olaia, Vm f, Uiaa.h4 lra a-'S .. ii- . I im titAnii'-n M t "iiiir rejfv rii rrm ea .' - i ' v " t . M,j-iv:i:i, ) Nnkit Uvton-r i f iiarK tM Brit Mi naTqafWiU ltala"-BtlT jrmta.lt;s AaaaakMnii4M W tkaVriV. .M-V ! ,f c. rfiffi'-tw'.,'', I f ir-K yii t aiv.'t rtiriVr. iaam. . .. ..: .. .1... a l. L-. T , ' , .4 (in i vuiiutuu a i iuvvmi i.'aVt'Hf ttHiV' Hi tit r T1B' ,,MT7 LfWaPRWTjlASftJ?, F?II0ES'r , l. , t.'iiAtuJ-.!j A,, I'JaUXS 1 1 lu,A"lVl - .i.aajetoraiw.i1,M A-mj.t,. .'.J ,,,, . tt ,-rt-r tai, -r-A-mrar t-tt tJAHES' SCHOOL'! J in'! ' .";fl It-t-Hf. fi -.1 i 'i W 1 r''-,:';''LtNOtn;i.''cr-1 m ( 4 l ftmi 'J-'Tt "if"!T.TM:tr tOaiNtKMtwtylIM r.xafs'A I w . s.i a dabti..', Matyitafw n--nit, wleh kiin nnr-o rr rftrw,ii, piHittawn,f- MA ',- n4tm. ,a.A'ad(taf XiVX' altai fW fc 'vrtnki;.1!. rnuatrat Tk r . Aii5t7ii.E k- ahhr atottttaiii-r-rndaiau tkAirajaiiiti i.ttki A. MUflV 1U.A K',l')f, , , . TWtt'rfN-'Wklf' I f'llrA, tliHk.Btr. alieetaa'aifltaaiwthaawiia tUiprAPitl BOAUm r Salt,...-J,wt,raaar4a,Aa'a bo.iaetbrtd fiatt Hkui. at.a 11 iijci V""ry Y.-f-re ft Ae-al ajas f.a Parkk. lMAoaAla't. Sonof Ui bluliert l.l'lr Af I ! s Si - nul - ar.aa.tioialiatakatatiairftlitJ . a W, Mi, l,v lliia Atraf ant.'iif nflar atadar al ' iat ttaudSr f.taJia , , i-ii-1. ,Vir v-.v -o ;).:uo i lj tttanlMr. tltlen.MRtikVa'!..?L-.:!.?. 1.0,0a .... '.T.;...a.lV::?!..i!i 'ilt'i LTkaakaauaraar.R.attaal i....iT-X.i.i;-ii f .taiAti.t "it'M LFJ?wwr s1 " i ' - , .VI 1. JtIV 'PVtHt.B.a,Alll tll., a ' 1 a-.-; i f Vot;U.ia0i,ViU.am,air ' iakfr r7 rl M!Mxr4Rftv'; IlUOal V iin-t will it'-w wi i ur i"iwni - i lllr.'JHA-NKI!4rn;TVtl f ftlrlllEnrnt-itl. ne". i nut, fi-Riii-a-n, n XSW .ADTXHTISin3TS. SALE OF .! ) ,1 i. t ' ' Witaington, Charlotte AND jR.llTHEfiFpRQ. ftAlLRO.D, O ,lt' U I ,i DECREE N CP ; EEECIOSUE ilAk t.I 1 HM1 tr THE aptkt Cmtft tf ftt Crtttj If SW TPMvt a latitat af rrHkrMi'.Dl, tfaitf t U uMt Jaarra trtaie tii tklla t. C' -a, Ckuiatfk f Itirtttrivf J WlttsMt rVjasv" aaaUart,tpiVaaf, rj,f tt CTt:erfrafJJrtr.Jt) .(Btu, .uiuh iini :?4t.Uc:Anction;. V a, bltl,at kki lcr, tUU I ari tnj'aA,itow ,. . .iW 1- -:T ' .4 -,- - R-JigUel eiff J'::nt a Via; .j'.-i;- I ' kj tbt asant alaraaakl, ta THr8AT, thkflat VwiaM AkWlf, lwf s, at Iff eaw W;:.a.1 K .'"-" - ji k)i' '-t" r ' f 7 i ' v-aTs" ' ' Mi a Mh, t I L.nuro Kaiiroaa, Oi"0,K J T?TrsiT f,.i " i - .dl 1 r KKOirillTtH.UnM t rv nivf ,tn'f''' t' ! r ; f i-- Wilmington Charlotto and s,i ,'RuthBtford Railroad, . reai tt.4f W!t IIINtfjt la, , W waMaktakratail Ha WttWRBX ij-Kanikr ta tit tawa e iuiilarejnltta ta kfcai Slstit IttUsp 'of w niLCS, at ' -1 ' I.l'- ( -'I It aA,, AA waltk i 31 killM tiarn salt tltr tf Wllmln,U.B . Jv -it i-.tJ.S07, 4,. ..f! ;- I . i to a iVNat.rT'ar -a to,aa tr rukuu, ana qe mm wm tke alt af OarUuaV . ' , . , . BUFFALO CREEK," h'W M to U"lt"-'i . r-'.'4:( -iS la tbt MifVMM4'a' fMl' etritM tad la aw, wtik ai(ikt' ,', ' ' . RAILWAYS, RIOUTS QF AVAI, , Depot7 Gronnds and 'other Lsncbi, 1. ' - .,. t t ! U fT s t Trncis,. Bridges,,. J ductt, pfJot, SUtion, lota ( . Eiigliie Uouacs, Cai TJooacv Freight Uotvses, Wood ' AoilNeS.'Jj'aiJilue flhopt and all other Shops, l&atWM or Buildiiiga, and all 'Iiocottve, Tndirs, Curs and , other Rolling Stock cEquijiuu'iit, ',ahd all Machine Titola, Iinple menteFuot and MaU-rialtof any kind for eonstructing, operating, ro ': pairing or replacing the aaid Etul- read, or huf ,'prirt thereof, and all - ? f f , arpnrtennnces or ' fixture ", of . tlio :' TJii'f il t'"f1' t 1- ui 'J .U saaie belonging to W puzgluned by 'SrfiVciorV natried 'ilefenaant' and ataf-ii'M"l lou.iaa I. rit ni-J a noarn ita pofst. , together with ,4 aTJ'nAd RiBaar tfeeorrWaift right, fir f, m.ii tu' 1 anil... 4 - . - renkiaijWilpi wid 1 ' wfiove'natorvj tMcftdtti' at theaanio it r5 ii;r.';e r,f lakiH'-ni b- !(. T are tut forth in iho'indonhiro of . . . . ji myitgnge jtdexxti to, jaj: tha com VVj-tttt flll In aiUtf Hun. as.t inrtlitfl f ii'-Milw fci .ill.i. ?. ri( Bv-miy i ' p. J t ..jg flag J5hat$ t tlre-rt pital fttoek of "im) WIIV .W'Af .' BMDCfE mr-mrPiTTTV .ian.liaa ia the umr.o nf iiiil fL'Ien.Lu.I.nnd all the Eatnto. -sea nut ai,i .1 , lvigbtmiliOl, Unlttvst. Property, Sim mi t lf-"t-"f rtn. 4 aAaJJliW;kn4 U,,tU4 Mid Pt- 'WrdWrie,rt!lr mW heTe eTeinbii- 1, f .irejiiuTTOAl to OT WlucU lt. OWl ,X a A , .A-..-J.J . ( ; ; jwdW Il,l3lilr' 4-VI? 'ii,' j rvmirTf.''hTt';tT i i Tt k jf,' tWi tit . .i.U!a t ' .S-n tW 14M tft '.-ITI ' Tfi,,rW,fS?!iQ, tla.ttttliiitBa, klftr'.lta,a-fitrd tl a,P4W4l't. tk .taikfatuti Of iiKaiaajnhtMdra (rlfllk,.aiivBWUB ta(kh L. a H.al rj7 - au) tk kjkRaJdkt easJa W ttt , iWk4daati.bl Okqftiad 1 , t. fc . J " t '5? A i. in,puiwa aa tiA W li. prwa 1, w aiiwtTatai ytiluir a.lt,,fV htMrtArtaS vi-.iaaa,.. a f a f i , ; - 1 17-tt HAIL LCI,! . fi,-!--t n- -"". e- r-- ' Rail Road Line. r-r taa, ,. , aiUS , ... . , Eastera Divblea r.N'civ lsrx CrOLVQ Wai.f- rTkTio f rtttusta r.. i.j.'tr. Uin ian,u .. tea a a " kw't kt,.. Il Hia ll', a, luiatH-r 1JAP it'll Bb HaaI 1 ut a I , a , laartnk.ua-.. a 13111 ttM.X " K"tlmilt.'a... Ultt a, artttaat Ldiiii. Uii WW. a 1 GOING EAST. . travtuaa. raaattaa t Fik-oui, U' i..i-.i;i 1 it a a una . r--l'ihia. Iitu ..... Lanrtwkvrit . 10Maa at . B M Hal..;.. ktwaa ya. " .ltiai.Ati.ia..., rj .Aa sn a a " Ak-'kkar... ism MM a Arr.wi. Wilaiiiiua . Iliu t M r a. Bltiit.n Fan. Fr!kt Train stop kt ar altit. -' t lot CkljtR IrwW ana- S'js,- rara, WUailaaietaCaartoBa,aarf 1 . . . lI'M0ll Sulillt. t'n.raaa r.Al.hA tar wrftainaaTafk Pajaf a.".p Tr.l. in,-.i Inir.lorTt-ii Trasra rui irrcijiir'j-. 1S73 Wfsfcrn Division. 1S73 raviuaa j rasa.iaia I vaswav I- ' a..s WlUll l" tl iiita..... I lttaf.... HBTTRMMO, ' Lavt M Arrlr Ltara Buffs' I I 07 a a I . - Utt..l - t il ta LaM ..m Artlrt i. asrit'ite.. 1 Jural V. o J ihSi VM, iK-RamtosTl ataul Bu(,l. . BaiwrinUatlAnl. Wilmington and WeUoa Ilallroaa Compaa j, 1" iirtivaotataaaaii vtaararaaata-Jl i- . - wiimipjtoa, s. a, jua i, Urj, :i CHA.t;g 07 fiCUZDIJIX . rt tt nd tftw Monday. Jn 1Mb. yaiu i 1 Yraiiittattie W. A W. Kaiirtad wuiawr t 'ttlWva: a : . ,. ... MAIL TlUUt.- ' " Uavt rakm Dvfot datly f8nn-ijt t,,i, , ' ";y,--,v ait a. m. ArrlrtM llot.UWo.l aI.,..U.i r". M. ' I - BpckV.Maauta.,,,.,, H f. M. laatai Wtltloailatlr(a'aaaarVotii(L ' ' .1 " tXfBKSi TttAjS."1' J 1 .. .1. -at'.-ii.. 1 Lraat t'atot .lej t,aau. at.,.l)a0 f. M, Arrlvtkt UIbt'ro sr... ...... .,.77. loo A. M. Laatt WMa, dally', ai.'."im.U,T.tt fv t. a ol4baalt.X..J...-. n M muH, at. no F, M, t'tiion Iiaiia, at A t. , t iv i r. at. Matt Train amkm oka onftBirJa . 3.IH A. Hon lrii kwinLNoitk la,ny Uut.aadAai AnlAt.AAk .AtttMA I . I - I . m Ksi-ia Trsln onponiai ottlr altb Aa-(a)a flriwk mill, lttllniaii'a I'alaea Mot-or laa tara aatlila I nvla. - r irrlalit 1 ralti will l.., Wlltnlttirtoa WAAkjt t s n A. M. and arrlr l K. M. -1 Kii-rAA Frt-I.kt Trm alll lo dally. , ,a asrtsoptd) si I A. M. "d srrir at U -- JUHN y. MVIKK, (irvtl gnpt ' satt J .. f, ,,. , lii-tfj jrv.KN'ruAriRrrKRtNTENnTB orn'o WUmlujtoii, Colombia . . . axd ; ,-f Augusta Ilailroatl Co. , , Wtuii.aroR.N.O., Oot Tta.lKV' CHANGE OF 3CHEDUL1T. Tk rolluwisf Sckodult alllta lBtatflw' I a A. M., Miuitlsji, 7tb lutsnt. .. , pat riPRKsi TKarx.maiM. - last Wllmmtian.MM.,M,ta,Maatya Artlt t Rlxtini'.. . ..,..,..,.,.., t.nfi A. H. ,. - vtJirai'iA.,,, i t" r. n. tuifiuia.. 1.4! P.M. Iattt Atirn-CA IMA, M. Af.lraat nllia........i..M...li..'t A. m. " r'otvm-tt Ilk P.". . tt ii WiiMiitk-ron,. '.., ...Wl-.'H'' 1 KKJ1IT RXPhkSN ilt.lltl. hnttj.t .ti.i.- I. Iti Wtlrnlnl.,..., Mt.;.. Wf. . Arr vaal r-on a..,,M ........... .,11- P. M. ' IVItlmWk ' t m Jl. M. - Ait'lU....l.....,...4 A. . !.-tr Aofii"..... , ; s ". M. Atrlt al Columbia... .... 10. V. M. Rl.a-Ar,. . I a A. M. . ' WilMrlug'un,... SaKI A. M. , JAMFS AVIiI HsnN. - -t i 0'l Sajwlrvt- l-ft. "t s. . . i r . .. n'-o amiia tmiai ,ma. miuia". at n t ft- ESirHSQ. lial timorc and Viliiiiliori reEMi-wrskLY ' - :' a ; ' ) a-V.'i.rrt - " ". pf$'A "tr ' i I 1'ft3kLiia . 4 .s.I ' STEAMSHIP LETE: ei'totiwioaaTKK yinsTCaAJttraAkSBiat fk. 1. t OI.KT. (..-. t il l. II. tl. PBICK. 1.1't-fl.t.K. C, i . -I . ). P v r T f . ttrjillA A ALT UK, i Mia. O. i CH U AW will hrirccr ai fm BAI.TI,M'tf: ,t-n TI'kRItV "! FRlfi-iV, '! fttim Vit. M I Rlt'l'usl i-w a' UNhlAf' t KAT. I'!iVaS, aottnfcIn) a! Witrttinytfn wtH iut Wllilnalii. t oiiimwi A aairaaa. WliUt'j- lup ,t VtfM.i, at. ft o S'i;mT'io;i, t l.v t--r HiihATI"rt ltalln,ata a -qj4a fATprtil l.tn-a of ataaiaf rt teirataUot;l ts . .. r r, r.,. - Ult lna.1 Urrmfi-h Ullla uriMl!( a Ut sU aoiAta la' kitlirivtA .8oU -aj'sro'iaa, ilaor'laaad Alakai4,- ' '- , Connecting at Daitlmcro Witk ill Haitiawro .'' ml ihk- N.ifjn 'n"r' ft . : 1.,'KtA l"r a!1 I'n'nr, In (Vw - I NitrCi.Wtat, n( ailj 'rsnmt 'l'ttiUiai, tW Pfl'ttt, ew lirattti'i I niia'tt Uvi. " Y Plli "ni't.At,1i f . .... ,. l' 0V,at;X,Ail"t,-' S a .... i- WliWii,4oi, .N, il. At-' OiiJt K.i Cu jr'ey-tMa, . : .f,j - ' Vslt'lVOr- ' ' V'"-;: ' aft'' '"' f''-,W r-iiUit-MtiA'MwtHr-fii io J .' . .. NW.Y'!tiJ. . .. , . , iktii.rww TTixntri (mi r i.t IfrlOal KtW VnH, ASflvVTI I.., a n.t aj a 4-11 bayj rvt " li; :' i nurRAKCR ovi.T os R-ro j-t i raEOUQH conn Bet jo?; a t- AIUtO,US tEAPITJO C w T '.. .wn.Mtv;Tox t fc "nraAra .). ' rorn-iATat'i.iTt'i . ' BAi.,tf n.' . . stay St. i . v : ! . rUFFi'Lic; WiLMi:' .-4-JAI'' f,bi J) ; 4jje

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