ON N'.-C : is:s. i . I - .1 i s.u , li e t:-'ft tj.i:'t r ; i- h Carta Wa, " t1" " 1 L t9 ' ; ! b i'iI't in the S''r, t - 4 rr" rr.n-, --t M.'t. .' "T Dou.Aia a ytir; F'i k P" i ai. tx : : ; 5.vtTT-riri c Tr l h f. -bor. rru-ur-. ft-rvedbj C-1-c.tiatbe try at 5f.vsntt riv M Kc,th,orTw'o DolLAW ntl Twax tr riv cento f qtirjvr. TU Wsto-T JocksaU (FriiUT) LVr-rii eoSSro foj'r. Two Pel law re-rr ; r'r,E p,H LA " Ap a alt ; for tr Stk DflJXAW : roe.itia, SlOBT DOU AB AD A tea tro, rirrrii IVm l ak; twenty rvr- Tw5TT nra P i as. Si-Mcmrno h ail rr j.a.vWo (n AJrax-r, w" o rp' ex 'b jpirukm of U ttwo pi f r. KuurrKmthnolJ fe oWe Vy iat. o Honey Ordor or Erar, If IliU rerf trtbdor, protrctkm araltt kww a mai. mm; bo reared by tr n'i"f draft payable to lb onVrof the ifVti!t el th Jqcrbal. or by aeudir; Ui to-Hfj U rtUtrcd leiier. Airwtiair; RaU (per Inch l twrjr oik Roe of kthertWri. rjpe.) Or. lch. iMtititM, Oxi Dollar; twe Inser ton. Oaa DOLLAR AXD a BALFjtbr tohtrU, T0 Doixa iw ; f r Wrtlori, TTTO DuLLAB ADD A BALF fir UlaWT lot, 1 HMI Dollar; li InsertUm, TU DriXAM AXD A BAjr; tf)T MrUotit. Fiv Poll am asd 4 halt ; m nootb. EiT DotXAita ; to mouil tmtMM Doixam; ibnt uot)it,Tvu TT-TWO DoU.AU. Coutradj kx Wpr pcilcvli an4 loujrr h npoo l.bcral term. Aditnua, EXUEUIARD SaTXIiKBS Wilmington, N. CI EDiromi KOTIS. . TraaoU Joeph of Antria offcra five thouaand florin a, eqniralent to $2,000, lor the boat editorial; on Autrinn aJMra ; to be written in Oerman, and . aot to contain more than one thousand word. The Secretary of the Trury has deoided that maatera tf vmuhU mut be prepared to exhibit their enroll meet a well aa the lioonao of. their teaeelt under penalty of 4100, and that a change o( master inntfce& doned npon the enrollmrut as wU as poa the license of Tewaela. The Pennsylvania Constitutional Oonrentioa haa adtipte a elaune for bidding State epproprinlioua to any charitable or educational institution aot n&drr the absolute cou'rol of the Comwonwoalth, othn t'tan normal ' cbooJa.'fTwpt by a two-thirds ote of aQ the members rlert to each house of the Legialatare. . Mr, TTriplit Johnson, a enerabV gacUcroau of six trara, and Misa IWr th Brket, irhosw Ikik had been thinned and eUtrr-d by the flight of fre yr, arrived br rsilwT in St, Louis, rewmtly, hsrinjf (!d from the tmnny of their purcutt iu St. OliarWs, Mtssonrl, with the intention of boinor matrimonially nnitod. Mr. Se'rrr, treawrer of M;nnsota. epeeulated with th fnndt of h; St!te. and waa miewwfnl eimtiirh to mint th64 before IIipt were wanfrd, bnt ttnluoxy rnoriffh to be found nnt. Tlie State ha lot nothing, and Mr. Scffor (Pant understand why Ills eDomie per aecute him Teo uuto remoral from offlee. The rcrtmvramn has published a letter from a citixen of Milan contain ing the details of the prnywed Fit fopeantontof the fihnh of reraia. The' Journey ia fhd for' Awil, the Shah harinir been offlo-aMr inritrd to be prevent at thn Vienna r.xrioition. He will tisit St. Peterhnrsr, Vienni, Berlin, Paris, London and Constanti nople, , The Montftoroery Adrrrtimr aays , wary nearly aixleen thousand acre" of land are adrertised for sale for taxes la Perry county alone. A similar by. rage throughout the State would gW a total of one million of acres. This land will average in value $5 per aci whence we infer that not less than five millione of real property are adver. tised to pass under the tax gatlie rer'e bammer. Bumort are current is the South west aa to the resuscitation of a pro ject started by General Shlelde in 18, to establish a new State on the Mexi can aide of the Bio Grande, with Saa Luis as the capital and Mntamoras and Tampioo as seaports. It is nrgod that force of five thousand men could . take and bold the territory, and snob a force could easily be recruited in New Orleans and Mobile. " The tredee-tmlonl bare enconnfcred ; Opposition from a new quarter. Arch bishop r-urcell, of Cinoinnati, has warned his congregation that no CatLo lio may connect himself with any trades-union or kindred society that makes use of an oath & its initiation. The objection does aot appear to be to the purpose of the anions, bat to the secret, oath-bound feature of those rjaniiatioaa. - - ;.4 The conflict between the Pope and the civil government still goes on in Switzerland and in Basle, Geneva, and even in the Catholic canton of Tessin. (Tte civil power refuses to acknowledge tie Supremacy of the Pope in theap riiitment of Churohofflciala, The Ceoeva council ha withheld three i' salary from all the Boman C '-olio clergy who have readwritb- i laliJlonfrom'tle State, the P rc'i . oTniaatioa." Mexniillod aa : ' " P of Geneva. ' ; T i;tt!e Elate of Delaware," as the i -Ji-mswhatwith old-faahioned ,", I a ciasidcrable anrplu in t buie of taxation Hit ' t of riche proauao to - 1 r'aicr in the future, - ' :Mtci that the only, IN :r t v r. fr.-aj T;f.r-- rv -L.rf..- The NfwT.rfc the r-k"f' rs'h -.or Tier a o krrf Cv-fwwCiAn, ueiI tLat U rJvWl JL "VTiiWT. t"" nUUri from tha Second Georg'-t D strict Haelaiau to b tli obIt R. put!!c!i fwm that State, and - hr alaooUima that ba Laa an ei:-lujUT ro-th polT of tha FJral patronap tlipr. Ha kSa a!ra 't nxwJeJ in coctnnlinf th appoiKtnMAta liU far maJ, and hit proapecU for the fntore ara roaonraiDfi -Tbi i,tia aib WTutdJy wi o claaarad fo? aJaiaaion into the CuiUd State SeuaU ia 1870. but waa sot aJmitWL Tha ataWmmt ia mado that from tha booka of the aergeaot-atHmns it appeara, though Dot dm;tt4 to mtkitr hnaaa-o( Ui FortT-firat CoogTcaa, ia both ol which ha waa a eonteaUnt, be drev aalanr and mileage aa Qember of, both. Thia eaae will be 0S of the t Invee- tigated next vbter. The lUrtford (Oem Srminf JPvt qnotre ih fotlovicf ataazaa aa harisg been read at the late OaXea Aaaee' re erptioa by C & Ballard, principal of the Eaaten High School The? ere cut from t long original poem entitled ' A Lay Sermon ia Yerae Mlirttb: 'L! W ml kA bkiaaMkr ak'Ualisf Or rtriw, Miklj, t ' Ua wt riiat a liaii" R Maat ifta k IriU't 4alrra. Tkt Crriil MvklU r k) veil TiaMlaU4 Uew BMT el Ikwa. . Tlira tot ia liwl rfAaa . . 1 M a4 lhw auxlM krtaf Aa4 U Ik wtk nwmai f B"i i lk. ! tkM alariT arakia4- VkHr ya kMi Uk M't woaltk, Jul ptM H Mm 1UI BVMt iHi,'" TUSCBABLOTTEAKat At'CliTA Te hive seen a ktaUmrat of the earning and operating xpenaea of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Bail road, for the month of January, 1873, and oougratolate the manage raent upon so gratifying result. The following ia a mitxunary : , Tha arniag ia January n war $19,518 69, gross, and $58,500 13. net an Increase over the corresponding montli fef last yealOs mrre thtu $01,000 of gross earning, and nearly $30,000 of net earnings." The business of the road ia steadily increasing. The earn ftjr for October, "Novembef and De cern W, 1872, were much ia exoea of the earn months 0f IS71. " October shows over 1 8,000, November $33,000, and December $19,000, increase. " The atatemeat for February is not eompleUd, bat the total are estimated to be nearly equal to LUoae of January , The prosjteeta of the company are very promising. The floating debt ia being rapidly decreased, it bond ap preciating iu value, and era aew eon sMcrcd ono of the best investment in the markitk. o j A U Mr. Bridgera, President of the Wil mington and Weldun, and Wilming ton, Columbi and Augusta Railroads, is Vice-President of this road, and Mr. Jamea Anderson is Bnpennkadent of the Charlotte, Colmnbia and Augusta ft ulroad a well .as the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. ' r ate vs. renckt al. HiaitTa. FnHjnently to state " a oaea, just aa it happen, " nothing wteuua'ed or set down aught in malice," ia a better argument then any which man can train. Therefor we eball illustrate liow rapidly the moet vital principles of a repreaentativ government are passing away, and bow aarely centrali ration is usurping it form, a it baa already destroyed " ft Mbstance, by publialiiug th following ' iu c'dent, which we take from the Bichmond W'Mg, In regard to the arrest of a State Jmlg by a United State Marshal : At tli lat February term of the C maty Court of Patrick county, the grand jury preferred an indiotment a?ainat a colored school-teacher named J. J. Carter for rtotou and disorderly o mduet, and for firing pistol in the etreet at Patrick Court Honae on the S tbbath day. Th indiotment waa mad npon tha avidenoe of Caleb Smith, a respectable raaident of th village. Soon after th adjournment of th court Carter addressed a communica tion in writing to Smith, in which b called Smith a d d rascal and a d d scoundrel and inviting Smith to a meeting for a fight Smith exhibited thia lutter from Carter to Judge Samuel a Staple, of Patrick, and asked for a warrant for th arrest of Carter. J udge Staple ieaued the wax rant, directed it to tha ahariff of th county, who, accompanied by a antaD poste, arrested Carter in th night time and started with him to the Court Hons. ' Qn the way Carter . made n sudden break from hi oaptor and succeeded in' getting away aaaly, although th ahariif fired npoa him. Carter proceeded directly to Dan ville, and n last Satnrday obtained a w.irranr there front U. t. Canuaion er Latham for th arrest of Judge Staple, th sheriff and his poass. On Sunday all these partie were arrested by th U. S. Marahal and earrled to Danville, where they arrived Monday. They were then held in custody (though not imprisoned) till Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, "when they" were taken before th U. 8. Commissioner for ex amination. -That fanotionary not being ready, further proceeding in the affair weref adjourned till th first Monday in April, when U. M District" Attorney Hughe ia expected to be present, and th prisoner war released on their own ncogniaanoa to appear. , , . , , W bava no oommant to mak npon tbi matter, but we cannot help re making that th time must be greatly out of joint indeed when a Stat judge and sheriff, in the regular discharge of their duty eaa b arrested and carried to any distance for trial befor a petty U.S. Coram iaai oner oaa warrant iasued ?JT t 1 ilat petty oiSoiai' " " 'a , t EUTOilllL ri Kill. . s-h?- t.-'j iwr:;"t'-a a ;HK,.,i.. :-ra l .'J L.-t.rv fjil to tf;it it it'.'. -le Otl-At wnctrM r.xrt f i a fr-n j vrv rJe w;h are at wrri s.i;-f ;r. he Lur:drkrtvi t'VP" r"1''. 1 1 iX we ek-aie. tVa f.c ui ri t.cie ince the creation cf the world, wUl J lake coin- Xiul to pruJue liAifcjul. The ,JthkveftrC3rraptoridCr- l rup'e.! wboee trarwt oaa ia CeXt Mibuief atVf tae berrce t-e sran- dal and ahaae of a. wtai encrrtry, have not only eeeapel punwhnient and, Bi-ftjaixi )wt ksv ir1 jva Uons of respect aad honor. One of the Kansas Scnttor csiplt in to act or toying its r:oc tion, goe unpunished by Tirtde of hi faHnre. Sine the inaugura tion ' of (he .new - administnstlor, the SeaaU ef the UuiUd SUtc has consumed most of its time in t! conaideration of the eaa ef the othrr Senator from that Stat. The pur ine have become alarmed at corruptioa ia high "place, and their past fears have finally found echo hi the Senate Cham ber. Senator who hare disregarded other charge, or boldly defended rarty criminala, have a lat waked np to the1 Importance of refitftnation. Even party organ which have heretofore endeavored tu excuse and dWrni these men, have been forced by roptilar entiment to demand a thorough exam, ination Into the caae of Senator Cald- welL Heretofore, the New York Tim, the special organ of the Ad' ministration, has rather ad roc ted the eeuet of tkoae implicated ia tit Credit Xebilier transection a. But now thia earn paper, yielding to popular indig nation and the protest of the pre, in the following touobing article, calls upon the Senate to purify itself. It says: To th ordinary lay reader, the question "can th United State Senate purify itaelfT doe not admit of argument Th great body of our reader. Republicans or Democrats, would declare, without a moment's hesitation, (hat aine the State fan expel a member by a two-thirds vote, and aince it ia the exclusive judge of the elections of it member, a corrupt man cannot get into the Senate except by chance or concealment, and cannot remain after hi corruption is discor ered, . let for fire day last week the Senate oeeupied nearly all it time in discussing what, if anything, can. be dona with i Mr. Alexander Ca'dwell, who admit that he practiced corrup tion in order to procure hi place in tha Beaale; and it will resume the die- cuaaion to-day. "Mr. Caldwell' cue is briefly as follows: While a Candidate before the State Legislature of Ksneai, he bongl.t off one Carney, a rival candidate, for $15,000, one-third payable in the event of Caldwell's election. It is in evi dence, also, that Carney waa paid 17.000 additional in a check, .which he endorsed, wmI which the money was drawn, but it is disputed whether Car ney received tho money himself, or whether it was t niton, by certain mcm- il. 1 ill ';.... - I- her of, the tuiUtura ai bribe to votii for Oni.HeH. If id fttrtne'f proved that Caldwell' tnado a aimilnr Imrgniu with oue Clarke, another rival cundi dato, but he aXti'ranrdu rufusod to carry out his part of it. As a matter of fact, both Carney and Clivrko t.u; ported Oftlilwell enthnMftxtir'nlVr,- and their friends did . tli rmiuc. Those fact are not questioned. "There is other evid.'nce which cannot be readily stated in the limiti of article, bnt which is eitraiuely iateresting, 'and "PtT which the fot:i mltte say that they 'eftunot doubt that money was paid to eomo members of the Legislntur for their vulva, and money promised toother wliioU a not paid, and offered to others who did not accept it"1 'ner;,theTi, U a clear, cs of cor mption, We believe no Snnatnr but tha witty and rather reoklea Mr. Cht penter, hae failed to admit that the transaction of Caldwell with Carney wu In its easenoe ertrrupt Tlie Com mlttee on rrrvilege and Elections, of which Mr. Morton ia Chairman, con sidered whether the.oflVnoe of which Mr. Calldwell waa guilty should be punished by expulsion, or go to the validity of his election. 'The majority held that they go to the validity of the election, and had tha effect to mak it void. A resolution to that effect Las been reported. "Of the power of the Senate to expel a member guilty of the acta Mr. Caldwell confesses, there ia not, in onr opinion, a shadow of doubt, - The pur chaa of Camay and Clarke was an act of corruption. It was an aUemptto vitiate the purity of th Legislature, and to impair the freedom of election. Carney and Clark were both candi date; both bad friend and sup porter ia th Legislature j both were bought oa that eooonnt neither would have been bought bad they been without influence am member of the Legislatare, ea4-leir purohaa was mad with the Intent to aomiptl gain that influence. The Constitution declares that 'oh House (of Con gross) may, with th aoncufrenc of two thirda, expel a member.' The duty of th Senate U aa binding it power is great, and both ia tbi case ara plain. That daty to dirplao Mr. Caldwell Donbtlca th duty , to individual Senator, a painfnl one, but it evasion ought to be infinitely more painful" It" is not a duty merely to themselves, or to th present Senate, bat to the whole people, and for the entire futwre. A jgreat deal ha been done lately to ahak ah jtofirldenoe of the people jn Congress. - Jt i a kigiaaujg, arhicb may lead to' a worse ending. Owing to the complex nature of onr Government, corruption in th National Legislature is not readily inuoaucu m rue pous. am mere low- anngoltha standard of membership or the Senate unneoompanied by a ur laeiea of corruption in the majority of sVaO. A.. Ufa .aatt - . i! - nt.e az J iA.-r.-J : tv. c vy ci t-j vi'i-" ft- .Ur lJ SUu-Uin f at tr..isr,3 119 t-t k!p t wari iower.rz ;!1 jl tuivjt. Ii will ali j he n - - sv ir.$- r"- t.c e. S:'r' aha'i not beastue t !k. Tie; fxhr V tlupbce Callwcll wmil k.ioa a ep, sea we prv crr b jn- tor, X whatever party, to avoid it The Cnlww L'.i-A.averv cram;tice f t?wTvJTve published aa dlr-s uprceklcg tie be!i-f.tlit U. Spaa;a GoTtrnmrot :i n4 acticj in good faith ! on the abolition qiei.i. and j icg for the rcu&;Uoo of tbe hrlltre ree-v of Cub. - - T V. .i.. 'Ll. mit , V wailcrm Sumlsy Vtvtte say that a kttet has bren intercept ed, written by one of theGeorgi office broker. The letter wa adreaseil to cetaia aepiraat for rfflee, and the banter demands th ram of four hun dred dollars for a recommendation of the office-seeker to a two thousand dollar position. It would facilitate their buainea and be a great accom modation to purchasers if Grant's office broker wtxill publish a schedule of price at whjcj) th various office in the gift of tha Government are held. J. MISCI1LA5I0US. For Eent, isalaf rear trt Tuk TarrUB Besaa, Kes4 Tears. Frr toraw sppty t . vaoa'LY a Btoxata. AaetiMSr,kxki jaal I Krai KalaU Brokwr. . Brock's Eichaoge. . nAT(NUKWTiarLTBAriTTU) A rtniM tarlaM , . , curToaD nore, I m o rrar t wait iwa Bsj at akn m aa4 Ikr kuklir farrlir. H..Brw. rrsprtrlsr Brack's Brsfr rtkU aaiauk Prwstr 'Ac Oanablo OLEINC SOAP -tiuls rkr k4 riAK, ka I4 nr IKM rakalllw klli H. AU(lnKraklt. . n-TiariBTnco. kltsirr. Ma., WkatkMlk Akl l I l-miHi Just Received ! BABLY SPUING GOODS, HousekeepingiGoods, Sheetings, PIHow Casing, Piques, .. Marseilles, . Whlto Coods, EMBROIDERIES Kid GlotCN," klc, &c, AT M. M. KATZ'S. 30 MARKET STREET. r.k is Just Arrived ! feugat'fionM Sjrup la bill, and Hhds , Goodrich 9 1 Pvtatort, Brrty Rm rat skin, Dry Ball Mtala, roktil Mrals, Floor-. all raln, Ac, As. For sals low r BIKPOBO.CROW . M avtt I TUB USDaI nut mm RE. t EOT fur th (Mrc or Scrofulous Taint, Rheum Usm, Uliite Swelling, (iout, OoHre. Con lunirtion, nroncliilis, N'arvous Debility and all diaeasre arhlng from an impure pnn diiUia of lbs Blood. Tk Brlu of this rslnahle brrrmflnB an n wall knowa that a pln( notion Is k iMir rarr rrwlnr lh nrirof tnlr joarnal r thr nim it? f alwayr kartnra ktUrl tknell. eln unon Urir lock orrkmlK MtawttlM. VrSriM oaa he ,nmMI rnna aiany ( Ikl r-tvfiin, Mir, Inula rf tun II. Im Uinu(hmit the Sontk, lMlrlnr U n thr klrhrrt tarata. TU rim Kttntri tl UntitXit. Ia. B.W1UIOM CABH. at Maitlawra. n hr kasaaM It ia eaaraol arrufala aad rtr- kaw itn mora aaiMaenow. - - Pa. T. C. PVUH.rt BslMraflf, reoamnH H IS all twrwawmekiiiii Wllh dkMaa ftlood, MTinr lraitlev la any prrparaUaa h ka '"t. HABHieT BALT arur Bklttaur M. R. Oonfmm Sontk, au,k hMkwa'kr Bank kanett4 fcr lt naa thai ka rkrfallT ro kH4Mla ir rrt tin k mewl kn ayaaiitnwfa. CBATF.N .. IHrrM. at lnntonarlllr. V. mt a arm fallM rn ai wtiarkotioa. SAV'Llf. ktcF AIDRK, Mnrmwrnore, Toa aaiMw, rara B oar hli Bhaaaiattaai wkw l rlaa rail. lM onr ne adult, w mal4 fir ton teatl monlala Iroa nrj tt la thr Hoatk t panmr know k rawrr aw, woaiaa and akiid ritbot Aimaaliy ar kr rvpntatlm. Baaadalir nM ky all Uracflrta. CLWEXTS A C0h Baltimore, Bolt PropHefen JOnW F.'HENltY, Ka. B OUrr rtaes, Maw Fork " Wkskwal Ataakt rr - T't 9-wAw4rek ESfABIISHlSlETf; 17."! 5 Hi IIMli.li 'JcirM; iwrrvi v. ' " " ' - ri U ILIrHitST, EHTAM aiTJStZrJr IITIX: Ebiriris rCEUsiitD ix - NORTH CABOLIXA. i 1 'uMnmniiniitirtm. kn,pKtnt - nMiiMiHi(iw.kli (OmUf mUtf4 M I Ka,t4. It Uit 'j ibiily-ui Miaaa lit la U ktAM. ; aa A rmrr-LAaa scwi a kid LITIKAHV JOlRViL.IT I LIElllLlXit. taitram la tls ealarkastia m !. rearact, Jt teaynlasn tWfary at Um St AwrA tnm xw l vwk, tkaa rsa rmklr aa Mk4 la aay atksr Jirsi. ' It tijut ta papw far the Wm aa ntU. raarM4Madla; aD tkt kni BHirUhf tksAallyi a'l Ik Ckwfwwkkkal, LafMMIr t4 rsutkel at ke as. Its Market Heports arsalvaTsfkU aa4 aaaarata. tk BsHswsf Iks MarkrtT k) ssrspU kf taSaMraaaUlsca saUr artkekra ladri tbr raiatr tl (krcWr.wkilsturrpwuar atarr skarkrtrar rUaatUkls. INTER CtTINC Stories, Tales, Ac. ar alma every wart, askiatN me fcrst fan Uy pat' fakllrfce ia ikeWalf y. ITS CinCTjr-A.TIOPf k) tf lar taiwackeat tka aiata aa tk wkols BoaU. la EuaMf, IVtfMeatka, Okiow,t)iiUa, BaaiBsaa.Braaswiak, Bladra aa4 WsaeasB k) ssprrially bwar, wkUsIa HalUaa, Wltssa, W. Cartant, BaUsna, Btekakrad. Aarsa, CaatbsrUaA aad Users, a la sarml rsratlsa of loatk Car oilaa, tt rusalaUea I vary good. Ills KikUak4trsry rriday ta roltow- TERMS: f a One copy, for on year j... , .... .83 00 One copy, for six month.. ...... 1 00 Tliree copies, for one year. 8 80 Four copies, for on year....... 7 00 Five copies, fa on year.. .... 8 60 Ten copies, for one year, . . . . , '. ,18 00 Twenty eopice, for one year. . t '. . 28 00 MT T nvr rMr ar r a clvbof tH, an serf wil k arat rra ar year. . Addrws JOURNAL: - "JmlaatoM, fl. c "Concord Sun." . t prmjf r.a'.llaMni In thr lawa at Vooeri n. I .,ou Kalurrtaj.iliii Inn, wurklv iirar riprrHen um "t-owcoaa ar." I's iMwill kadarrtait Nt failll -a, 4Caa"rTa lur), Aall' ulLura, I ital'a, Uraata Nti, k! in thalaalopnievtil ika va t aaiaaral ra. MiitrOM r tkt ikum. It iraan'aaSi. raixll nai tor a lrcrliMra, aaltrriantl4iua Half an l' rr tba ift naoiea la Ctrrg, Mcrilrn hnr. 1'nhm. Stanlr, Knwan. anil irel II roan iifc. T miinain'uw A.lftrrrr CHA1. f. HARRIS. Filltur n4 Pr'prinvr nn. Coooo,N. 0. atarrli JO SS-at The Marion Star 1 Ika only nar t y MUhwl at Matloa, R t) Mnr.'banta and Draieni la VrrtllirMS In WiirMnion akaaid rrrarnkor this rn thr nrflualni or thr II iky wwh taxlrnrr tin K I'lUml in Ikr Pre Oa acctlup a of I ha hrt AfrWnltaral SiatrkU In oath Vara. Una. AHiraaa , W.J. MoKtHAI.L. ,tn is m tr TIIE "PIONEER,' ponttsntnKTEBrrairiAT At ; FLOBENCE, S. C, Oy W, WAUACl.McblABM'li, - Is the most Prosperou and Florrrirh. ing Taper b th Stat for th time it ha been published. . Trraa or croirTton Ona Trarlna ran 'r, SI. Sll Moaibr, St IS. Tbrr Mrntha, Tsornta. . Addrrrr . ., PIONFFR, frh pvil . . . . Floirarr, i. C, E. Frank Coe's MONIATED m-PHOSPHATE! 10 TOMB Bow ltadtaf. 0. 0. FA RELICT a et-tf marrk IS A CARD. rtarbtg pnaajiaorl ia mtarrrtaf ktr. Brook will rontlnaa ta road not tho ksntaat at oh) ataarl, V. I OraakN Bow, wkoralwUl happy ht rr ay rid rrlsadr ted turtoa ara , - r . r m , r. ; -r - BH WBBB . .rk....f . .) f 'V ) ' NOTICE. rrriiB copabtsershif hebftofore A riiatmo andrr th wan and rrtnt or J. 3. OOT T A CO.. l trttrdoy diwolrad t aatarJ conarnt J. J. Mrntt h alow aathortatd to rrM rhr M boolOTPO. , . J. J. aroTT, -rt4.w.AFIA Tha and oral rn ad wOl ermtlar to tfawaot t nmiaton baVpaai ndr tho arnMaodrtylt of J. J. eoott A no,, end iwortfally aaki a nntaoan(a of tka paO-oaac Bwwaed m Ub rrallr krrrtofora; T, f FwTrfOrrmrw,torrtofatarnI.N Ontrnrnr, PrMflant lank of Nrw Hanoror, Wllmlnrrnn. M. 0.;K It. Rordon, Prnhirnt Braork Hank of Nr.w ItaoorM', Oo'dKhorr.', K. G. Hd. W. J. Dnrtck,W.d.eiaa ad llrara, B. ( f.ki fork. - ' aurklt a 'j i. ms I liii ,i. t TZV. i LLj L.Ju..J t. S C NSW i - I - raiat mrtrra trk - l.StH.LlL:- IMS, 7.0. IHI IkVB4CS API- tajl nrracscru in rtnto naarox lvoaaata. Qawa Tammr Ccmpy, of Livrr. - fmi M uh ci. ti.W,m kwta Miitiek b4 MwtKtiM Ihw . . rarto4l'rarmit .nitat t AMI J W Hk'Uur.1 ri4tai . rnvt., XKW.S0T Rf'ra. rkl ljssjo w iwaiw, uu cv,nnr W A KIM Tka aid VrrouU'a Mataal af Maw lark. LiraU-Tka Ctiaakctlrat Hktaml mt Hut f. . ATKIXIOS MABXIBO. - Uaaaral ArkL ' at IS a-ir JEHTHASTS ASII MECUA5ICS' nSURA5CEC01PAXT, OP BICHMOND. TIBQIVTA. Uipua...... ...... BAM, 0 A. T. Bvoaas. Fraaldl. I. B. MonaB,Brct'y. JVUS WILD EkI ATKIBHOB. - WBm A (act, a Marra wvm er.. wiia'naTua, fi. ii, aprtl l ".-tf Baltimore Retort - - . AND - Fire Brick WorK axroBT. TitBa. FIKB BRICKS, BTOVR UHrtlOS, TERRA COTTA QRAtS AXD SXH'XB PIPS ', OP ALL SJIXA, Far fev dnrahl aad ekaarrr Biaa traa flaajin,t Plpa - - rtCINlktB ). HICKB A Cp.. ' BAttwoa, Ma. sr . laavira IBB RAILniti AJTD OR5AMEXTAL WIRK WORKS. DC mi CO., Br. SSMorth Howard atrrat, BaJUakarr. aanufartara WUa kaillna fua Caaa. Hrriaa, Balornlra, Ac, klfTM, FanUera, Cum, and and Coat arnwaa, Worra Wlro, aVO. AIM aai MtlMaaiMj, vkalra, BrttMS, as. may 11, 11 , ,. . UB-1'oh d.J.BCOTT, . H. at. SAUL J. J, SCOTT & CO., Canton raeterw aad (knanral O aaas la- - sara siareaMMirat -(era War v., U oaa vnat Bwoaaaa! ' WII.MIKWTON, B. 0. ' i aV Ukrral adanoa aiailra coeilfariMM at ,oua, Man! atorrr and Coantr Trodner 'allktndr. . i .;,. t m y rUBIM)M IROJI WOBKsT , Mkeafaotarrrr of Panptn Frrnaa for Watn Worka, Hlrk aad Iaw Ptaarurr Cariaaa. Porto- Sir Kaoiuaaaad Boliwaol ml kimlaltuaar UUja, ocrvw, wm, irrop oou nraraaiia rrraaar rklaary la ro". , Ul BBARTl A WHrTTABf B. . , . WrmitUNi, Brooklyn. S.T aprtl ' TTB-tyrk New Messina Lemons and Oranges Vt XdO-v I'rioetw, Frrralahv ' GEO. MTKRS, It U I'tT'OOtSt. ( We Seceive by Ivcry Steaaser EMPIRE FLOUR! . Tka Jiunly orlabratrd aud lanat rrliahlr Fam My Flrar tor fair la Mir mri, at ' GEORGE Mi-ElW, II A Ik Front Sirat. 1 Jan ft TKlUiteX, 1CA.1L.WA . 1 Xew Schedule. . ' Oa and attor thia date th roilowmr aekrda. trill he ra oa the street Railway : Core will leete nor ol b! Uruaa and Frda rerta, tar Union I rpot.at t l A. M.,daiiyi cot Southern train, tnpihi at thr rail aar Hotrla and oMnaritin Houwtoti tbr rr-ate. laa'in tk lw.t on tlio orrWa! of tbr hurtk ern train. Will lr eurnr. of Front ard Krr UrooaiKroata Atl&V A. M.. lor Cnua Ur Cit, In iwilof tn ronmict with the Northm init train, nahln( thr aaual atoppairr nt thr Uutalaand Roartlini Honor, laavmi I. nlrn Po ot on .he rrrlral ol th Houthvra tiaia. It th errnltir will laarr rwnrrot F'ont and Hot Oroartreotrat P,M-, Bahttif theuraa'rtor paaj, (tiu t'nlon Ixpot oa tho rn-ajal th Norihera train. wni lrar onrnrrof Jtod Craa and frost at W:i P. to axel thr Mootbern Train. N. B. Tha rarr whlnh rnn to thr Depot ail. kaae holla attr.rhd to the hnraao. . toorwlar Bhodnlo-l'nrlii thailar Ur oara will run rrna 6:: A. ii. antiTt 1. M., al teolTif u ainurra betwoan raoh rnrnorrt ; and, fartberiirthaaoooenaodnrtoa of the tnbllo oa t ar wiU bo ma atll ll.su P, M. rack doi DANIEL KLKIM, Proprn-tn' Mnneli IWI . B. F. CRQSUND, CROC ER AND Commissionllercliant, ..... . : oV Bofrr. by porakoloo. to Hon. I. A. th, tarai W, R. Lea 'or, Ooahlrr Prat National Bank Wilton di Bbobrr. Banorra, (Jren boro.K.C -- hi - janta-lllia COTIOTO.t,- EVERSTT A OETNKltAlL. - ; Commiision Mcrehrinta, Berth ftto sua, Wiinioetn, H.C- Win rtra amaipt rmal attratim to the ml orthiraant 01 Cotton, Nrl Hunro. or any kiadol rrodaot., liaoh in-iHr o.Hcitad and promptly flilM., n li, toi. i BVlyok pimCKIala IIjOTJaiaCt . ; , t -4. DAVIS, rroprlater From tkt date tli rater for Tranaient Bnord Itif are 4, .1. snd fi fl per day, iecardnf to hMailoa and room. . . ' . " . lHyorter per fsrk, ( , ,, , . jaa 31 ... . . , , TA."" Ef T, irrrrvTA , : OEBERAL BROKER IJf Merchandise Produce; Ac, TaR IteonJ RaanW. Sarar. Coffta. Imn, Molaoaao, Floor, rtiMir.' A.. rontaatly rn hand, wrrotlata porrh and mow. in tfcil and -hiorthm aartrtn. ..Orders rooieli-' da'rd and trlaarapood dally. ( , ., i ar ant lor au et nrnii tjaaano. - lab I r- . - - . , . , tJUarh Wooster i5w Conoley. katlng aWoVifed 'wit ayrtir Mr. JW. OaootoawaBkavtra Maba f thaV dry, " . - tk blnta,wiUkerrarter k eradkeltd andor tktrtjlaof "oolr AOhaoy.rv f''W? ZlASZT. , j ACSU2Ai:CE- evOCISTY s ' CT T".; - - ' united state abich -pr'-c tlw Ttiut.ee i r.n'- r e hi iii-?nut:o i of dsTiiWds ar J fH-flh alTowing tne a-vtircT H ee, his poFr-r-to tiif CVaspaiiy oa'.y aer eiatfd permte treuite I more fat-oral than anj t thrrt exptreecel cuiv be enjoyed Jv prr.rvt rawc d f f fn- X stirational loarnty, who kep their pohc.es I ui force nnU the taidoie or latter irt ef ai.ra. lfc .ll?1!aAVii,rtMr'i ! r aka,tkk..r.jlji: atpra. ,b lrwMitm f-:r. .-.-a ara i..r!--l kf vw J uttu.a , r raont- FIRST SALE OF POLICY TO THE COMPAXT. " AttkarrWTanepwwai.aw.aHratarard AttWM UrMai'Sff takdT t(4ft.a4 Alik.HiljMr.MlmtMt. a TKMvakaaararaad. I I SECOXD-rAID-UP POUCT. I At tU rad ( It jrua :o. at t. i At te And of Ntan, rt.st THIRD AX AXXCTTT. .. iT"!'" aTM sivrwaria tar iri rkBWTtTalT7tktkankrs Cn J"" 7iy iMktrk l (ill (Si rr. at tarnd rr yan,ar tkMtiaiMaatrVwtrr4raa a rawest 4rM e P BimiHmo. a aaa anaABa a Pmrva tatrarttR ka aaaan aVrWHava ami Sad w uuwuwrii maitrw tka a Uawukrar. iHieaaMaia s'ih 'all earUcoaraaT tkonlaW in iami auk mar kr "'' h- krao aan.a PnW nolla. .aukdjd UkiM M rntaa.aad aiaar lnkrVrT ktr, mj ha rktauMt kj afueatkar ta . . , mquitnblo LIfo V.urtinoo Society' 1 20 BROADWAY, New York. Or any of ita lreoentativea throaghout the United State and Canada, f CJ AGEXTS WAXTED Apply to th undersigned. ' . MATTHEW P. TAYLOR : 4 ' District Agent, VW "atvrvtr... . WlLsMOTOW.Jl.e. Da. O.'o.'tHOMA' ( edicai Jinw) XI READ! 1IEAD! READ I! GREAT DISCOVERY ! W i BRADLEY!S PATENT IRAmL V&JKTf Made from Fore Whlto Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc, And Always Ready for Use. READ THE FOLLCWTXO TESTDIOiXAJ ; TartAir,FaoalsrC.,Ta.. t Frbraar; ttk. Ia7j t Ma. O. P. IrrakT-8lr.-Tha ' print1 aaaH MtalMkkodtarirad-4a kcta. ra . 1-aroao , and tkror knnkoi a, oaa gallon oack Afpiactlraaaaa .ra, I arid tka )b atraair l'wuoaka,kota B'Uat work, rorjpkntdtkr hwaa, too i oatr. Tna hut root I applied .kirk, rod It ta now oanarallr wead L tkat Mr "Itaamar Ilka bar'na.,, and kodf. nrd kar. atony ol ntlora, tkaraiaa.l a koadaoaaor ok t Ikanlaoo. I arau aiarv.vira (M) aot LAaithooa'mtloa, wkkik tr aa Itoaalaat wwlk "Avaikara Peoplo It tkoa d k rnat a If adopted m thia hWta. Aar awaatrV lal ran apply It. 1 knro oorerdahKol la mik ttvk to Trail, noia,!, bnt 1 1 al r1o rtMyrnrrraa' adapts kmty of year "nraid Pa oi" k tha aaoi of trr a ra ra Iraryrrf mataril, ta koaw ly al eoio.', and la kr lat at I a Kaia, ibabv aiiro. that I f ia oo fror porajla, ,0 III Ilia drtltabie to ynu) tt stak wrt M yi. think I roprr of th a totter. Vrry rroofnlly aad trnly, 1 . ., . a. MCJtLt, M, p. BAtnMoaa,OM.ma,ttlx. Ma. CP KainaT.Doar tirj it aiDwaa ar aincb plraruta to nt to tea tkat tiir Brad oy Patent Bnaaiai PaHrt far rsnrndTatyrxpawta tloota reononiT, kratitr, and, I a ara aoy (wu to baltaaa, In dnrai4 Ity. Mar tkaa orWo montha alnoo t painted tk roof a y Hot'l Mailt rw Hraaal am th Bradlry Pa rnt Enaiarl PaJ. t, and 1 war or well plooaad with It I daiorolnaJ to vaiat thr oatakto of thr Hotrl. ak.l am sort kMpy to .ay k f Waa aa P fr0 anMafarllon, In ronrluaion 1 oli ana, If tblo ti imonl . I will ho aay aUrantara to ) oa, yon arc at Ubt to aoa It. Boon stoat rrontfMy, ' 1 lit Ail AbtthklUUN, M .natna WonarTfiitol, N. W. rornrr Fairttr , ad kl. Pari huaola, Baltlarrr, Alway Ready for Vs and Easily CT ONE QALLOX C0TER3 20 SQUARE TARDS TtTO COATS. t ', 50. IJ W, V BfTciBroa and PHe I kd furnished f rata.. 0e. , . . . . STIUMJ FEPtTILIZEOS, 77irc tr ry Superior Article are offered by the Sulphuric Acid and Super pnoitphate Compuny of Charleston, S. C, vii : . " ., . ;.......i.A(;.-t,'v nr-rT .tfj .waJl ETltRf AW CUAWOS .;!..a,4iifia!T.,:;,(ii . ' rr-'' ' '' FM-'t:ie4Trl A ooaplrt- nanarr l,ptri1 to CoUon, Oral sad f obareo. heinf the wall Wont artleH haroni'lorr altrrrd at th TTy kifh rrarte of ta per rmt.dlnkulaod Bone fboaphatr et Lima, with th attditmn, a hrraetor. M Parna-ak ftaeno. Aaaoni nod Pnh. Pi Ira rd r ton, T fntrrrt,W '"" " ",AI'I a.it.aaa Bw partoa, payable lot Baraaabrr, 1-A .wllaaal ETIW.AN CROP FOOD.:- ' ' ' " " ' " ..." ' ' " l v'.-.-rr "l-r Anew arttrleof tbo'tt the aaaeklefe (rode of Rolnblr Pboophaer, t.aininltl with th elo minlaor t'otten H.d in aeon aa'in-a, to onraroaneof the boat fortiiirn for Ootton 1 tiraln. at a lowrr nrio than th Ktlwan ttaeo. Priotn par too, It pud aa at kaltare ihiM at April atit; ttf par tea, payab 1st Marsabtr, 1KJ, wltko'it lntrat. . --r ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE;,; Arrrloi it fom r? to !t nr nJ. of 0 aaolrwd Brta Phtaph , mrti tho wtaMlar tt plmtar, i. to ohtoln two ton of half that orada at a a.Tl of m ktlf Hit if frtutU- Prna , Itnoldwao bolero the la el April mil; til par fin, pay tula lat Aortaorr, Itil, T Oa trivial M imr ton with tut IttUrcrt. TAKB KuTli'K that all there IrrtlUarrs ar atnat help lor ax-r tbaa one year. sprunt & Hinsori, Agents;;;: (1. BOJKTA 07. U a. MVHHtMo.t,, .....bail's Road. i.H if mill. -. . tkaroaw. l'AMKL BWPKN,..., FAIMON ft HI K. .......... Bi w.io a. Patann'a. lt...at' I HKRI.Att' ......olauntollaa alll.Kt KOKKAV i V,.,....,t.,..,..lljl ja Jjl A. BUHCTTB, ' ... : 1 .QJtANXXB BtQv7r,- '. , DBALIBLB :Ti' ' Farwlbara. MatkroMOi W widow Rhadaa, rapor Han(lnaa, Flctara rraBoa, Cord, Taaal, Iriav m, c "" ' Hattnr md rooarod aSBmdref faiolta, I aa now pro parod to at to U awbU r kf ,hn at on to had I the ef ' A - thkm oall and eoaajio. , aoril ( . ' ' m- LOUISjrtURN, '-i 6EFRAL(X))tJLlS8I0!t XIRCH1HI ,iu r tSV, BootB Dalowore. Areaa. .-.;; ! 'A .irVr,rtc"HUira.'. h i ' l rnnatpwaonW ocuo.r Ltborai fwk - Tnr main on ahipn-rnta' of Blot, FiAltn Irr4ok Praio. Booawaat aoaa. ' -.iv.t rlrrowoaa Mrara. it Loodrrtk dk Bo, rtla,UIibli Poll hobllt..li.,Ka.,Fraido Ofttnm.reial f rrhana BaUot al Beak, tblla. drtpht. '-' ii ' -r. . .. ,. tl-a, - - A ' a aa-a.- S (Sakltkar,! . , . wuiBiTa) n, si ..-. - . , raraiToa ., , 4 '' a paVlk.of ktUlaHoo.)krn t. .-JUo - i arOaonk, 0aVte-aa4 Morrwe Woa Wvra rrarly to WJtivej aeaoaauoMr to aad fnam tas A ' Examiaera. , J tr n :! t , df. BataaT, to.. Poartlti I ka had BraiUry'a psaat KaaaaJ rrlnt. wkiek I par rkaiad kwaa roo, aaod larataaad oawaOa, totk at ay owolilof rod storo, lor two toaro. It I Tar aa oroat pla.aa to kr aklo to M. tkat It roaaa hi ty a to roar rraaaaaadanaoa la lacility or aoa, tosnoar, dnraklllty aad boon. ? Woora. rory t aly, or tv j. briat a a,K4 WMthlaiatk BAivtnoas, (apt. W, mi Tovaa reauoWtatordr i aaick Blraa. arrtoitata that la July, in, Front Ikrrot Taratr waa pouted luaidt aadoot, wtik Brad Wjl Pauat Eaaaal Faint, tt wkkkO. P. Xnltkt, M. M Wrrt Laakard rtrrat, la arat; uid te taotiry to ita aoportertty rrar aay and aU athar palnta for aiarrhar war. Ia a prints dwrlllai taa pair t parnkly br rabrartor itba rt ry Mrrro to It kadarrnaa at this roUblfkr awnt. whrrw, darla r dolly slranrBl, avaB kad srda ar sraaaaWy paikat to t; aa HI ) rpKortooaoond aad frrrh a wko Brat ta. Of tha BBBtsrent dratara tt pemma rrer othrr palntr I will arnuo IU Wn Wxrd ear) rrady for ias la aaoBWalwr kkB parfwoa-rr, Ita ateklp dryra .aipatwa, kkk savra anok tlaa tSyUt rjaooahtoaof work wkrra paint la aradod. and Ita vary par aptlblr trnaolty, wklek lapartt beaaty aad durability to tkt abjoea ra wkk ) at yjao. Aaroak I Boot raraaotly raoaaarnd t ta Um kwha-tta aod traderaara of aar t Itr. kollrr hkjtkatlt wMt a tboaa wraawr rawftrtkis Uira (My eaa uuaalkly anllcii.ata, ' wni.iN.rMtij4Taalral aioitaa.ou.ia. ioi.il tut llTTa Applied. - Sold by the Gallon, . LOXBtBD RTRECT, BllTtXOtrV Pilot List and Ppaeiarrtirra boraoa as this . i . - ..i t ... ..it aaront , oi at sf ike tUrt aroir A4Mr rWAofc.ral ' ' T"Tt '.i,l .-'.tr WlllallNrCrTOlT, 1ST. O." J.DII uo .'.ta owif a. s. w iTtinnit,:.:;:. '..r;:'.r:vr;it. M Ri.R R ft JOM Et.. .......... .Uiakoraon a,.) 0. MoOKal.L,.,. Shoe M-4 MoOXaKRLt. ft WoLBAK,,. LAo-'okwr. AUrx TKWARr,....,........KocHiliai M M. Fl.AP'tKH I.Hoart.l BOSK Uat) 11 BhVM... ....... Wodoakoto jyurii Y ay w, . .t ; yu nf u Oenl CommlsBlOQ MarchtLnta HORTH WATBB STRKXT, fotm ,-f'-.' t :: WBItonVTo"a Will (tr proa pt porranal attention to thr ral aahlpment of fjottoa. rtaool satre,' Qokeral Prorlao, otov, eto. ' Alto-to roeolrlM U tuft Wkrdln good.' ' ' T OtiterranbortewaprayAaiad. , . 77, . 7T Of enir t.-.aI tii ia 'rSASlIE!?01 i .''.-. t ' ' . ." rrf tn. M I BLIIJDSj OOP MOtXBINoi, BTAii' bIUY, bfttTbia AALLriift)ijirw -: rt. rASY'Ua8j. ynhnh ILargiStdct' ulffwM Brt8fr. ORDER WORK SOLTCTrED. " ' 1B5P FOR BBTi B ATB PBUiB UBtS o-v ofEOGlI TB0ME, f t.J BM A BO CAB A B 8TBERT., notJU ItKh . , , EWtoHB;ctTT. fj:.. nrvi mrl B i.i. BRAD ,w .i,.,,, i f ct- IB TOMBo5TrrtB.. IMUt ,JUJ -7'-l. .

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