-, U 11 - . ' ! i ' I i V 1 I i t V L I JL-IIO. 7L WIIim?GTON, N. C, SITNDAY. 1IAECH 23, 187a I 1 K -i . f j n n 1 jj j r 4 f I MIS WILMEiOTOX, S. C: ITJXDAY. XJLJLCH 23, 1373. DY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUAHTKilS. tkt louisiana 5 collector . ship. . CAEY CONFIRMED. J THE DEMOCRATS YOTEP HIM. . FOB Wasbjisotox, Barr-U 22 Sight ed fSrrjiatiorvsr Cot,, CoU-orj U OoMoans at Kew Oileas SLaw.isxaV MUf afc TvborrV North Carolina, and Adams, postmaster at rtiiftacol. ' " The rreslderitWas indisposed to-dy. Visitors were not permitted to ice him. , No executive business wus transacted. I " t Tjie Senata, after a brief open tee , ot, wont hbtoixfccutive soRsion. r v CW7'a -citflruLtion ' oooinilej n and, a hall hour. It is nnJentood. taat Ui Damocntf geicrallt vUial kr Caatg cpoa tha grouu4 Ui.--t-h a taor actabU to th )Hok' f Kiw . Xheani tlian any pcrtoa the rresi.lont , ' onkl noniintB in hiMtesut' The aet figure and aumea ara infttoraiibl, bnt it k nnderatood that Cv? was eon finned by iMperfable majority. . Komiuationa Wm. P. Dockrj, C1- lector of Caatm&a at St. Johns, Flor ida; Joaeph JagBsoa( Collector of .'. Ouatoma at Patoraburg, Virginia. .- 00T1U3I. ..' at-- ' t. ! 1 I:--: POSTER POISONED HIMSELF. ' KEARLT DE.U WHEN HOiO. . . , . . , ., , .. . I T T82 REASOX WQf ,TH EJECT". , TION WAS HURRIED. ;;;H ' "THK 8VrtNT)LE OX THE BANK ' FOSTER - BURIEIV if ... ..N ' wood:" 1 OREKX. I DR. TTNa DENIES ' THAT ' POISONED HIUELf. HE THE TWEED CASE IX THE XRW , "YORK SENATE. ' ' Xnr ToM, March 2a-Kight.-A statement ia publialied to-day, baaed on information derived "officially from the Tombs, thai Footer took poiMon ths nijtht befor his noautiqa. - . ,. . ; Abont eight o'clock yentcrday morn ing matron of lh' Tombs found , i,m Foator to be aiik, and it explanation ba admitted that hs had taksn poison. 1 Th maa'a aymptoms in avery way cou ,1ha Sharif iWitpaed.'th saUmi 1 fThti many belieVeft that the dttratirni y of religions exercises was telling on Paster's nerVea, it ws, in reality, weakness caused by the poison that was acting on Jbira, The physician of Ihe Tombs says that T.iatcr would a. WW diedif ths eiernfit' hnd be delayed until ten o'clock. - - Jodaon - Jarvis, Clerk of the Ar , resta. Soreao, claims, that ' he di " eorered 1 to-day' strong proof that George HacDonncll, who was arrested . yfaterdsy ft either H A. f f rfe kiui- f o 9?ieof is pnnil jtopifderlles ift the late' heary forgeriWo4 the Bank of England. Letters and packages . '. hsVe been found here addreiscd to Awrtirt Bidwell, A. Byrou Bidtrell tnd George MacDonnell. The last meu . tioped cams to, Paiiean, Wicrmfui k f Co.,fM i Ihey ltnWirtK, wbsWc Niw York, March 21-Night. The letters and packages which have been , n r" addressed to Bidwell, care Duncan, Sherman t Co., bankrn, sud the Kafe Deposit Cmpsny,"nre snpp .sed to contain the missing lionds of the Rank of,, England, - rsoeeedius to ftfiich ; those letters wore coitmcirceij to-daj1! BidwoU is n accomplice of MacDon nell. The remains of WilUam Fnstcf Were buried this morning, ia ireiyxxlj a .,,. Rot. Drs. "VTHlkef and Tyngotficialinjf. After the senice lrTyag said tliat ' he felt it ii be his duty to utate, his , , belief, that the report thst Foster had , taken poison and was dying at the ; " lime of hia execntioii, iras' false; that - he and Dr. Walker were atone with Foster for threqimriers!o( en honr r tnu&edlstery previous t h going to tb teaJbld i that he tnemed ii,bo.ia v,;' foodlealth and strength al hmj-yo . i . aaarkabW seU-poaflesnion of mind; 7 s J that he.' dressed !umseI toinite e and conversed fally' liud freely, . 1 , Md on being yistfed by the SlwiiitaA a, m., snnjuaro tus rtinuss in full, cheerful 'touse,11 andWthotigh pinioned -he-walked with ftfltm step and without assistance to tli (kDlTald, . U 7AbH ha stood until the fatatmoment , Bpth clergymen .declared that the -. . idea that he attempted or contemplated luielda.'was entirely incmniWt with .'; obrati6M oj J plituyXptti t moral oendaet during the uA lionrs of ': biaHfe.'1 rat- fiumn 'Tireel's eonns' before e nenate loTeatfgatihg 'twmmit ake .Vm 4snMmu4 -hatr. aha emasMi ha no Jurisdiction, Twcet4 not JiAyiug bar . . sh intended being a momUef of. the , , Benate.( Th eommitftd' decided that . the question f ik within their . province and proceeded -to the witnesses. examine ARKANSAS. CONFEDERATE PROBATES . QALiznx Lotus Rocs, March Xjob.- A bH2 was passed by the Senate yratci- 1 day legaljing the acta 1 Iroh-tj Clerks between tha years JSd and lSiii In reference to the appointment of, gurdiaas. aimiuUtrator. estates, etc T11E WAR XX CUBA." THE SPANIARDS EMBARR'ASSl'J) OA A dispatch from HsTana says that the RpeniarvU are becoming soriouslj emvwrasvd tot tli aut of f unls to Bkoefc tlie Vxpeues of the pr'um;red eonBii't with the iusnrgi-ntw. THE UltEAT WKST. THJ3 MOIHW WAIt iTjcBLE is Tins isli is c urr. 6xx FsASCUk o, March 22 Noon. A qmarrel ia rprrted in Opt. Jack's ai;up. , Ha ia lhrextcued with doath shottld ke giva ap he peratms accused of murder, , , v EUltOPEAX COMIX EXT. THK IMPENDING SPAIN. CRISIS IS THK EMPEROR'S BIRTH DAY L BERLIN. , NEW CATHOLIC BISnOPH OF -'THE UNITED STATES. M aphid, March 22 Night. -Tlie Radicals are determined to prorcnt tlie dnrmstration of ettreme Repuhlicsns, The eriaia k espeoted te-norrow. RwLU, March 22-XighA. To-dy is holiday in Berlin, it being the an- nirersary of the birth of 'Emperor William.- Flags aro flying froinpnb lie and private buildings. The city will be illuminated 'to-nleht, The Emperor is 79 years old to-day. Rojft,' Mawh J2 Night. The ap pointment by the Pope of the follow ing, Bishops for the United Btatcs ia announced to-day: Vory Bar. M, A. Com'gan, forthedi )Ccse of Newark and Rer, Mr. Gross for the diocese of So anuab. ' Savannah, March 22 Noon. The ship "Caducens" is ahore on Rapelo Inland and will prove a total wreck. The captain and crew arrived here th's morning. . rniLAD'.Li'RiA, Pa March 22 NighC-Jnv Lewis Baker, a wll known aetor, "diej this morning, aged 43 years.1 He was a- brother of Mrs. J. Schsnfrau, and married Miss Alexins Fisher, daughter of Mrs. E. F. X. Thaylcr; was President of the Actors' Order of Friendship. to noi-M isi ;, March 22-Night.- The bak Oclestia,.frou Liverpool for Boston, was wrecked on Little Rodud Shoal oil Nautucket. Tlie crew were ssved. South Carolina Itenw. Aha cWlfcton Ocrmsn Fire Com f anyjgiTe f ball n the 'i6th instant, The United .States Circu.t Court will meet at Charleston on the first Mon day of April. ' It it said that the work shops of the Air-Line Railroid are to he ioosted at Hpartanbitrg. A lad from tenth Caralina is st ttnuliuff a course ef itmlies' at Moore's buinc( nnivenity In Atianw.. A hone-race is projected for April 2d, on the Lexington courfi), near Co Inialiiis letween Wis horses "John Kendr.rk," belonging to Mr. C. K. Franklin, and "RiJle ol York," owned bv Mr. Ijilcrbv, ImiIIi of Keraliaw. The takt,ar ft fide. Another c.haa' iu tlto management ! of tlie ltwk Hilt IiSntTU is announced in tho last issue of that papor. Mr. J. M. Watoon, formurly tonueckd with tho CJjarhitto Observer, in a very neat salnfatory titkes charge ni pnbliMhcr slid lorn I editor. ThI 'Spartanburg Spartau ' says ! Montgoniury liiahop, vlio killed a man by the uama of Pcltodf, in this county, some time last Fall was arrested In Haywood connty, North Carolina, a mouth or so ago, and & last wouk brought back to this place for tri&L Tho Florence Pioneer says ; Roiwrt amuu, a uiue eoiorc ooy auout lour- . 1 1 M . B teen years oia, leu iron ttput or lum ber bear the track on Front strict last Saturikvr, m caBght by the Cheraw train theu psssiiMr and had hia arm $acBy crushed. T- It Was ampntatcd by JLr. Jamet W. lung tnat evening. '.iThdNcy .York 'Erprcss' says that there is a project on foot smona soma of thA most eminent capitalists to es tiblish sclieroc of inuuigration to the State of nowta UsmliDs, the main piu pose of which is to increase the cotton production fbt fKnV There are to on no nnwortJiy persons added into tlie rsnks of this large army, bnt it will Include) only weU-to-do workmen and their, families. ' , - Tha-ostioa bnyers ef dewberry Lavs held a weetiug for the1 fwpose of re sisting any combination ! moneyed men in New Yorkvwhoseobjectls to duP press the price of cotton Resolutions were adopted setting forth Uie fact tltat mucnoouon naa been botignt bv the citiiem ofth HUto for, future !eliv .V7t muorutf ii 'iexcesa' of tho re inainWl Ua crop now nnsold, and tart etobayere have it ia their power to advance; the price within the next ixty days; also appealing to the buy ers throughout the Htate V organize and actio conjunction With this move ment, end help defeat the New York V combination. j STATE NEWS. EiiSeld U laying off new itnvtt. I Lots of Saw hoiMing guing np in The uewRahich rtoEo u lo W $xl35 fM Theepiiootre has hroken ntt again at &ilibury ' Lonisbunr m shout to organise a aavinge bank. Raleigh ia UHueg shout a joint stock eottoo factory , I It is rumored that Uoktn is to ha a j a yrmng Udy clrk ia the Raleigh pol omoa. Ct'Wa L. is the Harris that has u porseded L J. louug as lmnne C4 IoeU'r of tho tu Confkial Dihtrict. Mr. Jsmea Jenkins, formerly of Raleigh, N. a, but for the last fifteen years a resident of DarUnKton, 8. C, died at his residence on Tueeday morn ing last afu-r long and painful illneaa. The Linislirg Ctinxier says: A fsw dava sco the kitohen of Mr. Revnols ' J Bimiert was bnrned Unreth with all J of his provisions, which were st.nd in fua aatne. " Xo insnrsnce. Ixws not I known. Tho Louisbnxg Courm-r aays : Ths residence of Mis M. X. Johnston was destroyed ly firs ou Sunday, the Wth. Nothing aaved from the 'flames save two beds. , Loss estimated at i S'WO.' No insurancA The Raleigh Bean' net anvs : Bam Carrvw, s smriatiodqnt ol the new postoiTW ana courthouse buildinga in this city, it is said, will receive five per cent, on the appropriation of $200,000. This gives him the snng little anm of 10,0u0 for doing uext to nothing. t The Weldon News says : Wa lean through Mr. II. J. Pope, that there is sn old negro woman, living on his1 farm, who ia 111 yeara oWr has grand children and 24 great grand children. Hhe is lively and in good health, and supports herself bv lsbor tng in the field. , ' The Loaisbnrg Courier ssys : Ws learn that on Thursday night, l.ttb inst., the mill and gin house of Mr. Madison Bykee, of Nash connty, were burned, with 20 bugs of cotton. The mill and gitr ware new-loa estimated at $,00& Ne Msnraie." Bupponed to be the work of an incendiary. " The RntLerfordtoa Record says ; A young lady of out village -eaino near being serionsty bnrned last Battuilay evening. Hha had a caudle in her hand, which she wss holding near her head when it set fire to hc '(chignon, and her head was soon ia a light blase, her face and head were painfully burned, and but for timely aid she miht hsve been fatally bnrned. The Euflold Times says: To the members of the Masonie Brotherhood, in Enfield and vicinity, it will,' we hope, bo gratifying to know that a plan is on foot to build a Lodge-room and Public HalL in our little town. Two gentlemen hare kindlv offered to give ground enough in Enfield, on condition that the fraternity will build a lodge. Tlie Tarhoro Enquirer says: A few days sgo our Msyor received a tele gram from a Petersburg police officer describing one Wm. M. Roach, who wss working w ith Messrs. Rassctt A Tol r, painters, charging him with house-break iug in that citv. Roach was arrested and is now in fail await ing further inventigstirm snd a requi sition upon our Governor. The Weldon News ssvs ; Mr. John T. Brinkley tel!s ti of a remarkable freak of nature in the case of a negro man, in WilLianiston, N. C, who has a horn growing out of his forvhead just between the eyes. It grows very rap idly and. uatil recently, ha has kept it I cut off, but ho is growing it with a view of presenting himself to Barnum. The Doctors have examined it but can not account for it in any way. Tlie AMieville Expositor says ; A new impetus has recuutly been given to the mica bnsiness in this section. We learn that Blackstocks, " Reagan, Ray k Co., have hdely struck a very fine vein of this mineral on Rooms Creek, in Buncombe. They aro now getting rt out in large quantities. The quality, we are informed, is superior to any thing yet discovered in this part of tlie State, " The Raleigh Xws av; A young lady by the name of Baran Rpss, living ner Dayton in this eonnty, stm fatally burned on Monday last tinder ths fol kwing circunsUituis i Ilorm lf and brother wero tmruint bntsli in a piece of n"w ground near the house and her clothing tnking fire she became fright- rnexl snil rsu off. Xbe brother pur sued, bnt iK-fore he could render ais ! tnoce Hha was si bdh1 lutriird that she Ar.M II,. .,..t ..'.' f k ! The Wuldoii Mats sav: Our friend J. T. B., of "Ringa-ood,' t:lls ps of another loss by Cr He ssys the dwelling honse of Mr. Tom. Lee, tiot far from BriiikleyriUe, idbk fire on Monday imit. s ltd Uicwiud being so high all efl'orU to stop it wcra vain. The flames communicated to an ont honse and both that snd the 'dwelling were soon a pile .of ashes. Very littlo of the household goods were saved. We do pot know Mr. Loe'k circuni statics, but losses of this kind rarely fall lightly on any one, and wo sympa thize with tho family. ; , ' ' ' - 1 1 7 T A Uorsa Draskarl. ..! . A sad caso of depravity in horse flesh is reported by the Paris Figaro. The favorite horse of a certain- baran fell seriously ill: though evert care was. taken of tlie , animal it rapidly crrew worse and betran to show signs M sinking. As a last retort, the QuSoh man, au Amerioan, suggested that two glasses of brandy, wtta gnircr snrmid be administered every morahig. 'The enro was most, speedr: bnt ever since. the horse, having beta sec natomed to stand at the- door of a wine shop (o receive inrmatntinal beverage, now stops at every similar establishment ft ' passes, and last week, becoming angry at not being attended to, . forced itself right thought tte window of a maht and U liqueur I 55 v. ' AM"iDnesotttperva)ints the jracSd , inoreaeo of , iU circulation, hsvlng "taken in 73 ocnls, caslw and a bushel of potatoes oa rabseriptioB ibis av. "An Irish gmttlenian of a anebhftiioal tirn of mind, took offliis gas meter to repair it himself, and put it on again npside down. At ths end of the qua)- ttr, it was proved with mathematics correctness that the gas company owed him eight dollars and fifty eeuta. KIW ALYXB.TISIXIXTS. ALE AND PORTER. RAS.-4 PALE ALE 4 dosen in s pseksgr . ( McEWES'ji,. KOBTTOrXGEK, Asr BIXX)D, WOLFE k CO. j Ia paeksges fur Fassihr sr. 100 ""' EcMpM BiSGClt ORANGES AND AVPLES, At lt.a.lYrn,. a r 11 II Soul rM St. Spring Cassimeres, DIAGONALS and SUIT1NCS! LaWC MW lt4pfW tiOOaU, M Mrlf . tUITJ ELE6AMTVY 1N0 PROMPTLY murasoNdLco's, MERCHANT TAILORS, ; 38 market; street. Ilolasses and Coffee. 1 Bkt'J tiwt nbl Cuk4 MMmim. ITSHMftan tfr Hum .,Im. mtka. imwfihm Mr n saS. UiVS, , t r.V.KrnciiN. etstthSi ,v a- - 11, GllflNJ) OPENING -AT- UK t ,mnt MACKSBRO'S&CO prtamrfft AJti)iirMr.Kto;K Marirtssas tkls41e sn isvllfit la sail sst .isniln ths aim., w ukt f" pU. r.itn bod.Ii. TUB TjATKRT SOVELTiKI IN .DRESS GOODS, Prints, Percales, &c, ; THK mm i.iKB or WHITE GOODS! , Tl ckoU-vl Vl l.lj Of SCARFS, TIES, 4.4 m.l Mtlfd. f-iw!lj u. sll lo k futfu l si ths i,h1 r )r, ().. It nm f HACKS BAO'S & CO., 25 MARKET STREET. Irtil.. II-Ss,Ta,TbBS.t (i ( A New. Supply. Ji-trwM'rMn: ill. MVH tliloRsroRS : Bluh Hk, '4c , V. ilium, Oomr, Cr.w., Cp,'rjlvro,'usfiiiJ.,1,im, U r.jrj for. a !'.' IVajtw Irf H-Oirtini U'wki.BfsIl kln 'n .nil flu's t.4rf4 U.p j(ir, t mtctp, Bill Oup, tut t.r, Sermm, C kft i.'nii.frcUI Not., O. inro. B.IIK. an. anl Noi Alo, larfe SmIi C laKt i:utn', lu M' A no ,r, lut .l. 'i'.. A--. mrrh fs - II T .TtTTTT J:y ANOTHER v LOT E SCOVILI AT THi; NliW HARDWARE tSTOUE, GM.r Ml'ltf lllhiiv. 1IJ lilil 11 SCl-ttStlXJUtlZ B Aril.N fl IN ! -all it ta Ilia lirtrnu 11 for ttiiyrar 1;. Sohrdn f Jrrt m 11, rm a atu.. riS'.-,t io, aa ,-n ilnilgift sail TvH mk'r n r sbo, eiMtl r wi1.-m(1ui ontlia hmu.. lug uf kUiu gtxxsr, mtnp or nn'O'Luuilu ol hatoTnj nai ar dxnrii'tl. n. x n hi. m SrsrpccUllf tuMlclKewlKKiB il"i( -i t, flmll piyon slghtli vf on per r om m 'be lut.l HBonut K burcharf. lo t on of V Slai, In. emk or n errUil, aSrpt tbr imnsc'al otanu (iuurraiid .grloultoial iin nrHof tlii-sia : soil ne total! taarrhauta .koll I rrntiirtil W p. any tux on pan kw Ba1 fion w1o-" MH-rouantt raisins In tn. ntu. Hay I-'-miTfa,alrol by law IM Sw fna?tkaliatlt snfh artt Sat mf Jamiaart-Aya-t. Wy nS (Mnner la aarS fnt, Hin ..MtiiKi. Mr at Pa ma ta total aawamt aC kt yitrl.t, fur tha rertllng . iraatunnt Vaa it- gmt at Pthi a 'all ka. a bw k lu wbt h HmH . Sntr4-tlM lm glMU ta w alas a bnaia r Mrai. aWlalisq Fam M aMtsii'WMh a Sofyaf ika nil wnlilo ar aaa aWf taa rial U gtwaa tn U "hah b lb Hal nl Ihi Itu-rK ia , m)r Ittm arrwq .aihan-t lornl-brd Mat bv tha Xl' af I iln taw rmUrttri than In. Vkaktatknrrai t. m hall baa yrwar raaalr tb aarhMtaa lailltatraol baa4aiU a ti ott i n. auiatd(i t'lhtn. ami avvav aarranaiit y.-a laiaaitid qo.niT s4aXi aarltm. amaaathaiaaktl k UiirtrV.S V-wW-l-w taaw Sttei awii Uaarin l . bira, t aa i r'niHl ba ths Kftat- St IH ui " r arty oaiirta-y i(JsrW. ia abeiaiia . It litl rarthar b- ISaSatataai aW IW" la brfeifftuli mitt : mr. aiS efmantaa lmaal4 ta itarfitr'il'V ixui t tk aamntf raaaisy .a earalla arW i ruaiting. t wt aim bf :aisiti am-n f Haa wi aaa r'1'b.i ray ajit !. ifa taa' and rarm-b sajrlar tha H' .'Kir of arS. ahall 1 nUtird t i ttftaaa aant li tm'i u'ara- v St ha iafr 'vt "'t'h'.ka lajklky ih (' mtaHanaaaofOif i'h -a " fllatlear4srikrir,i 1h Ffty-u.d sratalvs tBi b rw4aaanjsSsaa tailredV.ks; ra br ,Urm anfl ss. tab) sM sll AiSknasfnaatlitUd Kf Ttnnr l aw, ssttMHii' ,.rt 1 ; My ityUp1i. 1 law artlt b anforreil wltboat 4 aorLmlBallon. ""' ' aOS.C,nil.UHagltr. aareafJ i Il4usuti HOES XIW AUTXaTISZMIXTS. AVIS ARE NOW OlKINCi 01I NEW SEASON'S SPRING STOCK OF GOODS ! PERSONALLY BFXECTED, With propriety and judgment, from Uia moat trustworthy and celebrated wholnaale shipping houses; and W eoafldently invite OUT trieoda ud the piiUia to afford their justlf astmc4 appreciation of onr efforts to indue a cntitinnance ef their pstron(r by aeanrd ing ta M th,6 fsvir of Inspection. in M c I N T I R E ; . 32 South Uarket Street, " SviiiiiisraTbisr, isr. o. Cheese, Butter and Po tatoes : : t's a CWsst, SM Rti rlsivM, r. w. RKRCHxrn. Hay, Corn 'and' Oats, MS lltlea Hy, e IttiUCV . ?, f HoK.li wt, Tr mI.Ii. r. w. Krm iimih. u tt Bacon and Pork, ' 11 H-i' t llh.la. SMkkl sa4 .. i rsr aa-a $ i i -t f.ttMuCaJtvH. 4- S. LOUIS & COs, , itiwcnBettii jiotii, navirf s x.,) WliolBsala Dry tt, k, 23 Market Street,; Air.BM!wT,,.X. ( . tutm riMWIt IhS lrgi trkt 0atk ft fcts(hl m Oil mrk.t. nTln( a Htfk Hhim laKlaTark. w Snsrttsspf)ir atnkua s( XfWTnik wkalxssis rrleM sa a as toi Snaw sasaa ha koahl Ctira f siaawhsrs, Uns s rttSit 4Vh" smisate4 with mr bssw, aO s tks aalr atrlctlr Wkalaaala ri V4m liaase laths dir. ; . - ' 4; swtijjjr iwek Plank Hoad Company. 1 am fiiwUd U call satlf af Ika Shirk tto ili. f ti ruk Kofcrl roniu.nr, al my uStrw Hi Wt'mlnfUia.sn Ib.ttlS J.f Mrek, ImS. l M r'rlncn A. M , f ur IS 't wof i.rKi.ir.h.i lli t tKriUm, anlh.t ilia fn4. In my nil aiar bt illttribwtH, or aUirt wl ITBHUTS Cl TLAH, S!rafr and Tirafr. Jl-w4Ji(rl,l!,UJIX.Mk HOKSK BLANRRTS, LAr ItODRt Wool Mats, Klrnw, RaiMlM, 1 raoaa, lathf Tranhug kin Saddla Biank.ia hnrtl... Manlli(IOT, Cnrrr OpaiW, Hinx Kruahi, Pralkar l4ra. lr(Mt rk sua lrMt um ta Us Stata . . n. topram a ws, V. I S-Htia fmmt atnat . - waairiua..h.O. mis - : r nsra TII.KF.S MOHHI8.M1CIUKLUROKLT CBo'jlLI ilOEEIS, , i At'unitaJiKUS AWl UCXK&Ali AOKNTi . vn Lais H row, B.C. loik, I.a1 r.titi antt all ilwcrlptlmi or awr ClitU'lIm iHiuglit mikI Mftttl on nomiuiMiort. jMitr-iiftK!!uflttanMatigirsti ta mij biulnaa. liCrl la oiiM-liar,. Fruaa uur ku, rtpt'rtanAS In Mia bn4neap, f-.l riit4 is rrirrln ta tkc eotilie (rsr all. Real Eslat;:'ai!l.Loaii AMa Otflre Rarraiar,' A 1 rrruuaer,' user' 1 i 1, l73 v WUalSiijtlos, C , Starch I 8ohacti'n t tba ( apllal R'oik or tka kal Kalaia ami asn AMurlai:i are hnri'liy nnl I S.4 that by rt aolutkm nf tan B nirktio.. r, th Srat latinthly laalaJiamt r Four IMIirvt ih i-a la natrail to K (,ahl un or lirfors Sutitr. dny, ilia TM ImJit. Tba nadar-ignfl alll fravl Ilia amoinU due, Irum S uVlo. k P. M. to t o'clnrk r . M , arry ilar rtni tig th. .ta-tarbt ""k, at tli btllue or i :toiy A Miftftft. , -; WII.KKS MCRH1S, ' Sccnrlai-y .il l Trwnrrr "is..' i Ti f ''ill',' , l I . is aar A. 1 .1114- . - Srert l.fy .il l Trwnrrr. ItT L, HAEE1S, UNDERTAKER fl - ! .AKll . . .. . , CABINET" MAKER. ' Selulti 4 naea, Haaxt 4MMaMawil t p ,n i , I .. , i t - i I. w.. tWtfUisriaaatantiy inibaufl. ; i , CB" Htoro on Second, between Market and lMpcHtTefts, Wilmiitjtttn, N.C iaarati .aS-datnia Wwl awla.-h THOSE iIHSiIIATS. . ' ' ' CAN BETxnjJfD ATTTfE ' --hat store;; "BELOW THE HOTELS, starch U y 4 &l S H OAR D.J 'Joyce'.TGaiterv J( HIOII BALMORALft, , ' - REROE C0NORIW8OAJTERH, t AH Ma as4 aUtaa TM (Mat f sat tk ksnSa.ai.il akava. . lU DIXY k EUdfl, 1 ' Bigwartsa nig . ws IS Pure Drugs, 1 Ftai. Ms, "Ctemicai Ki Pateiil Mm, at . ' 'mtkftjiariJtxKKit'J. arhmxaa'e uS tHM ! hi V-.lata. Mls, Vwulak, kiamajTM. Laaki tifk, WlSUlw, ruitt, t'i'i", t'4 !' Si"fl TlMUltalkMlwii.Iri rkralrUMS aM4 IS mr vMU I. Mat t. .frk it .:. .6 i - m MVAUCli:. I , V.likrOitr'asar(siw'(ntif tha IMt lA Iivik WiU H4Htr" t'l k n-M.lkta lor a. 4batrrM k tka'rraw, : J C. l.klilllFN, -. ' Mwttr. " vrck ktruANr,cia,, -aiTi. i 1 J : a-tt Children's Shoes. j 1 . , ,. AM.UPTRK k-klKsT krttNO S1TLKI ,i -e . - .5 .-v CHILDIiO'8 Nt INFAN'TltHHOra Jis.'e !rS. '; ' CIHAltLES A. PRICE'S, Bivtbll . Kickaiiya Uoravr. ST. JAMES'j SCHOOL : FOR GrIRLS, LENOIR, N.C. , s Irkial kssow .aio-aifsnr ptmH Ks I '' l ropn4 s Vsfrk M Vt ' Ws Sr a SU(ktili kmtky Mjsntala II 'ma, with a rear- .f UwmnA, ,Ula iwMrM on, maml tltnthun ImiHlKtf, aw) airsdtat Ik tscatlo mIhs la Ika WlaUr.lt IllaSxfii an viaitHnllT tw 1tin In I ha I roallaatokaaialr aanfbutr. la tk kealihy nonnlaln n(luu all 1h' namtir, and at haws with tat doling Ika Wlnwr Tm.1ia-H.ir Is kI-wi, tks fa. -skit at 1 hf st irt thJIMlja. lltVkltll, par NleN af ta weeks, lights Mi la Mlil(lM,.,.',.........S) s Washing, rr smtoa,.... I as Taltln,pi ktrlns ... MIStsM Isagiug s It 0s Mi:lC-litrna iut.. Vwsl ... sa as .... (IS A ff-stt mas afanr rrtk, ksaws ss a fr. as at Ui klghwa ahllltf a s Vlwlral B.ihot. nr. ka. imug.l ta taka ekarga ( tha ltm 1 laawa. Ws can hf thla Mraat"1' 1nr anrrlr sJran'agcl lac VU Hint j ui Uat Ian. gunga. TarcW r VSiIMi Bf.'iekrfc-MH M. A. Ma arubnrg, ot Manolun, Vs. , lasrhcr nf rrmrk ani M m-lr-V1! U. ll.g itsliisil its), uaaihttrortha Rtaajr. llsv, JOMASKM A. OKRTR , Uartnf. t daaiaV SajtwT. RlrcsKursa-Rt. K. Tkea. A-.klitMia. P. tl.i thatlra W, Kan km, hfffci a) at. I.Mlr' ChnrnS, Haltlnmra, Sin. h S - SS If 200 100 Bids. S. n flyrtip,' V f i ,. r r . l,2tK) Bills, llourwall grades, " ' lirt Tons Teiuvian Ouan, 10.00I) Butdieln White Cora. v HoReaD. K Bides, - -" tO JUhIk. liacoo Sides and Hlwnil . dora. t . . , , , .'.OilJlhlf. M't Irtrr, ' V SCIBnfosllay. ' .i t 'i ILWKeRs-Sails. ' - " ( i .': - -i 1 , , J BUs, Refined iiuirars, ;. ' r 2UJ Bairs Coftce, - . .' . , T. - iL r a..- , ,-. . t " ' ' . 2,0(WHoksbalt,Q.i 4 -WILLIAMS & irUlICIlhSON, ' Stari-hl --' A ! ; tti in. .....ii 4't ", t -i )inmit4ilw' CHEMICAL INK. ERASE!);; Tt ORfl INSTAKTASrUU3lHr,tuVAI, a- - t . . .. i. - -m ol ink Mj(u Iniia M.i!i. trr'i HiabafRt, I n.n, I t, ami olhr ft br'.ca, rtut injil. ring th raUrlU. wr a4-at ' ' .; i t m rm mm . ' . . tirtit-4vtV . Dr-.iftnrs.aa4, Hr.ixintuonts , t a't i u,. n,ir Srhr' marr'lll , ..-fttm Mt. -i. i. ... artiiat -.-i-i ... 1. I TAKE!:PRIpE i ' In.trtTirg tamrra.taiw-a' I'lWS tKAblst 1 aa tajce ,3 'kajr tamiaMT 1l4fettas nttlrt .!rirae: and r-oMwM i.fty hty . ; v .i.j j , -A.-.4 a iron iw wayaoa am, , ,;t jAUKstMXKvr.MSO'v. ,i march t TTfarrfi I'ARliS ' - i: j rrlnt4tatlbtwtljlatlJie " jucbmax orncB SALE TSW alSTISTTS: SALE OF Wilmington, Charlotto . r AND "... .. : J i - RUTHERFORD RAILROAD, . ." ., ... . ' wk Urn or romcsoE ' i Jt ystQt A OtCRUt Of TRR aMlhK 0"rl at lbs Cs at llaaoi.i a tha IUt af Kanh Oaestiaa, ataAa Utks esaf atVaaavh Btaart sad rktts , ta'.baaa, luryrttwg. Traittci, igSlatl "TH Tfllsalsgtaa, ChMItt iutbrrfur-t'lUltread Ctaranj" aa Jot barf, at U Jmmtj Tarat, tli, af a.14 Out, tha aaOaxalgW K4la K- Bansaa, CUwlaa H. IWdasa Mi Ml 11. Tajlor, MlbWea, si-aUM by mU 4aita, alll sta - At Public Auction . . . U tad kffHt Milt r, kt Wa Cvurt ftaaw loot - ' -v. . . . . ixruRctrTor wtuiuiuToMi . ,! X. I-- -'' ' ' ' , kjOaysaaaty siaiaaslJ, sa TlltnOAT, the lain flay at Aartl lHrt. at n'suk M.. tb si a. :. .a Entire Railroad, ' Knows Aa TBI ,, Wilmington. Charlotto and j. Ruthorford Railroad, naatUsBAITRKStBUkltilUt k tha tty U ViUUagtoa MarasaM s Ha WEITRRR TKlMtyv la Uia taws af Rsiktrfotdtaa Is St'td SUta,' kdlttstias af tti HILCR, at able, M4 Rtllaa tnm la 14 alt; af Wtllntas Is s inlut saat ths loss af Wsrtaibara, ssS SC alias (taa ks akty sf Gaarleiu ts a ',- f- r: ti .! del ":'.. : A : u OUFFALO CRECK, 1 'iffttMS-af ,i'.i ''-J .'- tatkstsrastrsf Cliaraiaait n wi4 ttaMats eumtilrtad sal In im, with sll Ui "RAILWAYS RIOUT3 OF WAY.' Depot (Htmuda and other Lands, Tracas, BridgoSii Viaducts, Depots, BUttlon IIonsFS, Engine Houses, Car Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Houses, Mncltuo Shops and all other , Khops,' flouars or Buildings, and all Looomorivos, Tenders, Cars and ; other Rolling Stock or Equlpraouts, and all Machinery, Tools, Imple ments, Fuel and Materiiilsof any ' kind for, constructing, operating, re pairing or replacing tha said Rail- , road, or any part thereof, and all ' sppnrtenanosa or fixtures of the same bclo'jging to purchased by ; soid kufora aaracd . defendant and now in its possession, together with all and singular the corporate rights, " franchises and privileges of the said ahova named defendant as the sains : are alt fortlr (n tha indenture of .ttiia 'ft :" " ' .- - ; , uviroge,rtsf erred to in tha com 1 plarit"fi1ud fn said re, and includ- .St '.'.Vi-'te: ; - . ..,- ... ( rh)g jklso all syvl stajruhgr tho Bluvres r f the Ct-pitul Stock of "THEWTL- "qYQTOX RAILW'AT; BRIDGE . COMPANY" ataiidiog in the name ' of aiiad ihjfmlmit'afld all the Estata, 1 it: .. " ' ' ' ... . -, Kiglita, Title, -Intarttat, Troperty, flflTai and Demand of sitiddofonVLint , in,ttiad tn any and all Retd and Ii'- - ---!' 'wnal lYnpctiy or Efforts herein be foro refMrrttl to .or wlutjli is wnod hysaid tMimlant. ' Xb bSua nl :.iul a,tKvtj lasted 4..lfthl ttr WVI nustftan , Qt 4k ttaUwrforil halt- rant rnttWny, Sriire4 Vwtk t.'turi! of f : i ... ;; r ata'gaje r. fetrtd tola Mia oo-aplyint a. bear ax, . i 'o- .a '" j 102 dalaMsrrb Ut, ?, and miltL(Jrs4 UfyVaaua) s4 pi (UvintltTb, anwiratiag la tb .ggrtfatatk W V4S.tU b tersl-l Inn , . . ,,i r..- ., ., ,, " lb plirclllijCt W rnrtiinaprS HI pftymTit pm r a a; ;. lk fullowtug tcrnv acd ponUHiooa, l : Furlj l , a. ,.-t-a.i-.n. t ,! - " ' ' hi.sdOotlarsI th amut but stauU !ab4aliin IPk,"al fo tb tValda ar Vwftidtiatbiaal"VHX (lie Vonil aar-aM bj niortj.gS" will 't-4 Knityad to .u.-nif. , ... vw Ii ', 1,1, ' -. ' i r taehslsst and la .irh (nvunti'k ss tnrk tv4asiaasa j?saai4r bi t ttf afa-cfu ! . , . i yygtegaia nam wwan aawa. ' . ,U Kt)W"iy e. BVItKC8.E f,' ' 'cUARl.tll.lBfri)MAN.l8et-e. i-.j I, . . ... , , , JOHS J1.TATJ 0R, e- isrj. GOL(l V.I. TATioaa. tifit ,Ei t ...... Laar. W nBiivn .. I Ma a Abb-.ft lirg. it 14 a a ii . a Laaitwrtmi.,,, 1.' of . r k&n llwl I 11 r a I r LaaHnbart .a IMSa . R wk:njhia. 4 aj y a Artr. a. LncL,..f 4 S t .j , J . GQlSaEAST. statiuss. I raaaaaass y.i ni Uaa UkariS'. tsta it d a " Jtaakiaihaa. lata 1 aorinlarta,. In V a I a a " kaaa Hl....; MMu 4 ,n a a 1 It Uiabaitaa..,, 11 . ta SMaa . " bo..it.barg... tXr U M r a Arrlaa at uailaiaa ( ISia(Mra a ilts saa, going Waal t Bsucsarr. aouj Kaat. Ftatgla Trains atap bars any ajgbt. thirnf Chata-R.lrU aad S;..-. Sara, Wllaisrnm to-Cbariotu, an'y g; J. SiT Ns Traiaaon Saivlay. T.inm iritH, UaMacsaaMaMhraaaragwrma. tr Train (at I Ttasss ma Irrrgilarly, 1S73 Western I)ivis!ii s 1ST: svaviriks vaa.aaais I saaiaar Lras CbaMra... I - UaJatua...-1 Arttra at Raaaia.... I I .... ull . RITCUJtlSa., isaass. Ua.s Bulila .. tar.aataa Arylysat t harlotta,, ...I titsa ( a.. I Sural V. W. JllMNSOS. . R. U FRRMON 4ataat ak t- aM.ibWa.i-i.t. JaaSS . r-a Wilmlntrton and TTeltTc r 4 Railroad Company, nc or Qnrsaajb RvratarTssKsaW, 1 inistiBioB,ii.tt,jlia 1,18:1 1 ; CHASGI CF BC1IEDCLS. j tka sa4 sftar Maadayv HU. raasaac ! Train as tt W. 4IW. KallraM wttl lu 1 Wlotii ' Mail. T1U1X Laaya Vblsa Uapot daily (Saadars smapir .at............ Si A. j AniassttMdiboraal ....ll.il r. " Kotky ataajitaa.M . SUP.' It Ufa Iah al a wa. , tiSSaa W,lo,uuy'(aniuj'.,aai,b. airly at Rooky Mownt. .....tl-fl? A. . .tloht.Waat...,..,...,. 1 p. . " Vulva IX pot Ijs f, t Eirteas TRA.ru. ' ' . tS Vnbia 4aaot,4aUy, St,.,.,.., I a P. V AlhT. at ttoloabora at. g a A. , .... " kocky Uaaatst...,, IM A. v , M W;bl" t M A. taT W. Mow, lUHr, at..,, f io r. ,v Artlasat Korky Moyntst. ,tM ... IM P. M . u tMiUboroat.... ..Miir.M Uaioal)apta... , S.1SA M Mall Train stakaaalaa awnaartton at V don rar sll paintaMorth yla Hay Una and A r anla Uraak rontm. w RypraaaTrals aannarta anrywtth Imi1 Croak rout. Pallmaiai's I'nlar hiwaa la Can ana thla 1ra.la. Fralglit Tralna will kwva Wllmlnria aaakly at ns A. M. sad srrla at L4U P. M. F.iria Fr'iyht Tr.ma will laaro dally Hyaawaytail) St I A. M. and arrlmat U ( JuHH F.MVIbK, U.naral Rnat. , nn . . ,'.-'..-' '. '. gio-if , EWKIUL RCfRRnCTRKD f OFFIC lltnlntoi ColumLL Anfftivta Railroad Co. Wusussfo, Jl. O. 04 Ttt, r.i. CHANGE OF BCHEDUL Th followiag Soblal will g bttsa.' IJJ A, M., Monday, Hk luatant. . DAT RXPRK8S TRAIN. (DI1V Uaa WllraiiifUia. VI y ArrtT at Fkwani-.,,..,. .... SiVt A. UHamnia., ....... ........ 1 w r. W H anIU,i ... I.4-I p. v Lst AagaMa a A. - Ar.lyaal iluaihla.......,,...,.,..U if, A. " rmranoa , 4. IS P. WilwilliKluo I0.fi P. RIUHT RXPKt aS (Dally), Sandayai.o' ijmr. rt iiminyron. I... a.r t , Arriyat F'orKnea...,..,, 11 M P. UolunibU , ...SirtA. -h AasaaU ... f A. ' tT Aiut S.M P. Amraat ()luinl.l. .. .i.vll 'l P ' Fhwann .l'l A. h VtUntlngtoa S.0OA. 1 alAWEH AMUKRSON. Oaa'tSuperiuton.i" eetl ','. j. . . 3-o-li SHTPPIN8. Ualtlmorc anil WHEiinstc: SEMl-WZEKLY ouarossu y vaa ns'V auu Taanaaiy n. . ritr 'apt. r..r. prk I I ll.l.. t.-.H. HF.NNK r KF.IIM t A tXTTlK, ..Oyl. II. C. CHUU Will riOTi-nftar salt trnra RAiTIMORR e TrystiAV ! rM lu t V. -d frrn. vi' KI5itVN arwy WKINtlAy and HA I'bltAT, rimnf'tingat WiloiUyUitt wl'h t Wilatl"Uin. itolomMa . Atwta,f V ili tuti & Wuhbin, .nl tfea W I'tninn'mi, rjhniwi i Hntharfnnt Kalirnada A.KitiiemTeral 1j ol Utaarania lo laj.ttanUio, ' t;iVlii4Tlhronsl Ullla aj I,aUl(t 14 alt Voli.U In Knrrrt snd SonUi Carol1 r tUorglaatd Alabama, . Connecting at Daltlmoro with IV Rltlrnw &iirtW and tle nrtb f"iiTrk Uaiicx'" nn all r-nia lu tkf WVH a 'itli.fft, ami wlM virain-r. an.l KmIki lot. HnKoo, Spa ln-k and t'SiiaitripMa. V't tTult r.fiw-otoTtja..;y to , A. 1. CAlAlU, Ag-t, Wllrsipgiea, f. AMmr.wS Oi -. . . - ' tsu'iasifv. , riiRil.iMKiv -n rAviuiP trss r j , N1CW 'KK ftimwo TtFiAW!b isorenit - rtuia ffKW FtbKM, Atawn - ta.TM ar a.an imn i m wiic:itTW . ft!.BAr:t).r ON'tF- i rfiRocca cos'li i i " MAILROAHS I KAlMN.i ., vcn.M'i r'"-'. SIS" No I-," ' ' . Forfiailu "i t- f . iiAKiiV p;--- ' ' nay 5 " Bsajaaayaaawanat.;' i r i , it A ' I t luiub.. - E-in ' fibl