tT (ill x p3 ) . '4 ill ,Y N VOL nn-iio. 81. WTITTTNGTON, IT. C, FftlDAY, APEH 4, 1873. unors i;o. ISIS AT. 1T3IL 4. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. STEAM EK ATLANTIC bodies ixoatixo ascplk,,, IiTEifr ACCOrXTS OP THE LOST AM SAVED. ".THE OREAT 80RE0W Of THE V CAPTAIN. " ' HARROWING DETAILS AWTCL SCENXS, OF THE BODIES BETXO RECOVERED . , - 4 IIEAD(UAltTElt$. BROOKS NOT YET PEAR SOUTHERN' CLAIMd PAID. THE CADET VACANCIES TO FILLED. HE Taai3Tns, April XtgUt. The auuounctnicut of the ih&th of Jtn" ErooV iiicortcct. He ha de parted for Xurfoli for 'a short Southern tuui in kojie uf relict. One hundred aud eleven Southern claimants were iid, tday $70,000. . There an one hundred vseaat Csdit Liptt i the Jtaval Academy. Tbs mem ber of the approaching Cvacroui have th privilege of nominating them. Tha exMiiatbit ocean (a Jul. CLASSITICATION OI' THE SEXGERii. PAS- XEW JEIISLT. THE RAILROAD KILL HTOXEI). THE COOTAXY OIKUMZED. WHY DID SHE DEVIATE ? HALIFAX? ' TO The Agent of the Star Liuj have ordered om hundred coQhit (r tha bodies already floated ashore.' . Tb Captain of tha Atlantic at tribute tha disaster to the speed uf tha vessel, which niuat have made mora than uiue kuota to get ao fur out of her course. The Captain aeeja overwhelmed with sorrow. He said to a reporter: "To think that whila hundred of man were saved, every annua ly,J . priahet , Tl U horrible I If I had been able to aata even one woman I could bear tha dis aster; but to low all, it ia terrible! terrible T He seemed to fully realixe tint the world would hold him to a strict account. The latest accounts report four hun dred and thirteen persons saved nd fire hundred and sixty lost, Including three hundred and fifty women and children. The cargo wa generally fashionable dry good, rained at half a million. , Harrowing detail of awful sooues attending the loss of the steamship Atlantic continue to be received. AU of the women who were asleep at the 1 time the ship struck were drowned in their bertlis, the heavy sea, which constantly poured over the vessel and filled her, preventing them from reach ing the deck. Bome of the. women who showed remarkable prosonce of mind and appreciation td the awful situation, only reached the deck to be washed into the aea and drowned. Soon alter six o'clock the men on shore wrote on a black board "Cheer npj boat are coming to your assist ance. The announcement was, re sponded to by hearty cheers from the ahip. After half an hour of awful us penae men were seen on the Wand carrying boat over tho rock, and aoon it was launched and took off three boat load from an outlaying rock. While rescuing these men Captain William and the passengers called loudly to the crew of the boat to come to the ship and take them off first, as they wet in the most imminent danger, the Captain saying "I will ' give five hundred dollars for every - boat load resetted." T rr . -The boat afterwards made for the vessel and took off two boat load. Half an hour later another boat came and rescued maty of tho clinging tq the rigging. ' ; . - The third officer, Brady, who had . succeeded in reaching the nhore with an ovcrline carried from the vessel by himself, organised the crew and ma terially aided hi the wort of rescue. ' , Nw ; Xom., April' ;S igfitj-t Freeman t. llaekwaV catiu passcil ger on the Atlantic, sends the follow ing dispatch to the Associated Press " The Governor of Xew Jersey has signed the Xational Railroad bilL Tho Company iratuaJitaly organized by electing Samuel K. Wtson Treai dent, RobcrJ R. Car son fWoretary, W. W. Stello Treasurer and A- J. OilMt Engineer, s 311 SCELLAXEOUS. STATE NEWS. Eg doa to 16 ccuU ia Newhern. McDoweH, M. a. U. 8. A.. U in Ea!igh. More Caaadians pmpcing around Oreasboro - The pea viue are ia blossom in the New bcra section. Tarboro" vote on Ike wvt wr dry" qnestiou in May. W. W. Holden lua aauiad eharM of the Kaleigti poatoffice. Magnolia wauta Duplin Count j to inaugurate a Fair at that place. Hoveral mad dara hare been tilled in Taxboro' during the past week. Rak-igh. has raised $3,05 of the flO.UOO rwinired fur th btato Fair Grounds. Fifty colored and twenty-fire white emigrant loft Guilford county, Mon day, for Indiana. Otey, a colored barlier kt the Yar borongh House, has contributed 10 to the htate Fair Fund. The ceusu says there are SCI clenrv- men, f74 lawyers, SO journalists aud 1,1 1J physicians in AurUi Carolina. The annual meeting of the atook- holders of the Western lUulrnad was to have been held ia FayetteviUe yea terday. The Hoard of County Commisaionm of Johnston county hare determined not o grant any retail Inpior lieenvs in luai county. During his stay of two montha in I this Btate. CoL Uickman initiated over twelve hundred people into the order oi uooa lemplar. - Tho sou of Mr. William Maxwell. who lives on tho Xorth Fork, in Ashe the foinmxnd of tint militia and horue guanl otrWvra. Of the tnpa 't.63S were on the original rolls ; 'J 1.008 were recruits to ordinal companies ; were conscript ; were troops ia State serticw ; 4.203 junior reserves, and S.t'kNj seiuor rsarvs. They wre chwsitled tn remmenta and battidioiw. Of the refrinivuU 4 were artillery, 4 cavalry, 60 infantry, 1 junior reserves and 1 senior reserves. Of the twtali ons 4 were artillery. 4 cavalry, 3 infan try. S junior reserves and 4 iauiof re serves. ' IVsiilea this ther were flee North Carolina companies in th lth Virginia Cavmlrr, aven in the 7th Confederate Cavalry, and one in eaoh of the &ld Georgia and61tVirginiaIa fantry. . A goud show for lit old .Xorth bUte. Messrs. Dai and Fjwia deeliuetl to arrve as memWrs of the Board of Arbitrators, owing to the profeaakmal relationship which Inith snstaia to arties in tbe dispute. The eoncmsioa arrived at veaterdav by the Board was, that the aVt of the Legislature appointing them eontainI uo authority cf power whk they could exercise, ami knew they could acoomplioh nothing. We, therefore, infer that the commission will aeccn pliah nothing definitely affecting the present state of affair. This is to be regretted, a wo are aur it was the ob ject of the Legislature to have the matter definitely settled without pro longed litigation. The Cotumiiouer meet again to-day. K1W ADYX&TISIXEXTS' Bacon, lard and Pork, t . UtaadthMMM, UHMtKI tWK4kwitam. l Sawtatu t4m M4 aktmlJMS. M Sta. rva, X W IJkrt. rr f . t. W. KKkC ISKR. H2J as Corn, Oats and Meal. S at WiMk WkH Cwrs. . . J,, II.UM Vito Uiaa, ' ' ' , MS M aal. O.U. . n Hh' wtut oreaai Mt,' far mi F. V. KKHCMKIB. avrltl MUsea Morocco Boots! Button ms Mam Sltoa la I Ckiklraa Kma Bittas u t VktUrwT MdtMC Hawt CkiMraa'a Harass SnUoa Masai i HaaMr4w. At - CUA& .C FRICE-3, satiii SPECIAL. OATCUSUiR-S HAIH D"K Thai MBark rUIr Dr to tka kMS l Ik. - - Fanardf riarsilws, Kaltakl bm! lwuitiaita- mw. NtiMpttiatiit. N KMI'alnr Tmt or I'anlewwnt (Wtcc. Tk (tnln W. A, lUtofc. kar'iHwr rr iinJinw IVMKHUTI.I.V a Itala ttiaiktn,katlnaifea HirfVB, Hol Elraattful. Thm uIt Mia tad frftvi Kya. IMw av kl IllrastM tuner j M Dv4 slfvit, WASHtsoTOR, D. C., April 3Xnon, Hon. James Brook is (lead. lliu si oop oi war Tominir. nov rn r.. . ir . w ' - iHwivraasdas it 'is as irni u iui I'll m IIU. .--. craialaf - .Siu-r xr. w'r lthefc. areominentand nBSTfiP.L FSTOHARR AGE. llaspr f"a Tsws; r n.t4 U0l Kmr iut Ah m rvtf Ms. Mantianl pkf. Iaiiiniaw to """r" PWinm me'wnVection with lklknap a inspecuon ior. The 850,000 Ore, iu Galveston, fullT Insured, Tti wif of a colored fusion sheriff .t Tutsi RottPrt was killed by a shot intended for her husband. The man arrested in Fhiladelplua a Rose, the ulleged n.nrder of Ooodiich, has iecn disohargeiL . Cranerala Belknap, ' Sheridim and Meyer left St. Louie iu a palace car for Houston, Taxas, from whence they tn In in nmbulance for the Rio Graudo. In the election for Governor in Rhode Island Howard, RepublicAi, received 0.273 Tote: Chase. Demo crat, 3.5C5. EaltimobC, Md. April 3 Xigbt Jame L. Ridgely, Orand BocreUry of Ara.i.l Tnln I. O. 0. F.. of the itreil in im juaci waa u' vi,- (nf , klk raintatam h I indiiylast. Rer, Dr. rritch- ouo.inci .i a,si'i '" lei gh. preached the dwlica- .! most estimable citixcu of Granmie conutv, died a few days ago. He was a leading meniDer of tue iTtmoj ierian chprch. nisMairnolia Monitor ears: The Baptist Church in thi place wa d-di- cate4 on St ard, of Ral tory acrmon rnitel atatos MarshM Gttrrow has received the pardons from Hie iTceai dent of tlw United Btatcs for Jamn Sweexv, W. G. Dujrs sua Uiwsou Teal, sentenced as Kn-Klnx to the Rutherford county jau. Hon. Ah Biirir. Pnsideut of th Boiird of Trnstec of the Wilor Vol U.irialr tnfctitat. ha becu invited to deliver the Annual Atuirces as ins ue Commcnccmant, which take placo ou Friday, the 27th of J uue. The Weldou Xew says : Wo learu that Judge James F. Bimtnone, a son . , . . r ... t - of our venerauie irieno, wpn.ui wukb Simmons, of this place, lias been atv ranuvni. r arthot iraatawat. awi r.B..rkUI rallr. HuuU Bi (.trculv I. MAlftl raralaitrr. .Mm HOWARU Han'IATIOS, Na. Hnnlh NlnlhSl.. rhHtnripiiia ra .-en in-iiin- rnwa. It awnaajHiw itA3Hk WSBCS. DIN NEB. AM etWI- ilk & FEREIN!3 UXCStcKMrc Sance 11 INDISrXNSABl.H. JOHN DUXCAX'S HO!J3, New York, 'MkfrtasUalltUl . t!9, 17 " Tfiiss Hdoss cf all Sizes for spnirr, t nsalai h4 TarpasiUas Harrsla, AT KEW HARDWARE STORE. spill is . a, IIUUUKOK. I THO". C. fVLLn a. . An. . UESBIKOX, FULLES & A8EE, Attorneys an! CKinscta at Law. M AUCIUH. N. V, Will araallr ta tk. stata sad Frtarl CaarSI vamtar taair aut.ira aT a faaawvs. innra-raratat mra at rai'f ) Mrrrl- M. (aiwta Hsct Flour-FlbuT-FlourT m Nhla k TThHs Ftaar. K Hl'lk i'r Sft sM lap TUwr, For l V r. V.KKRCHKnL Dissolution. Tk SSMtaMrmkta kai.U ran asb4las k. i hraa. T. J. aa4 K. luutU m (km aaySkiN.a kt aataat aaaaaat, Tk kaat- i aw karaanaf am . wa4aa ay T. at. Saatkatt4. 4 ka la alaa aaihar4 W ta. Ilaaa Ik aaaia-aar tk MMSrai. All aartt. kttia kllla (iait las Sra. aill praam, tktai M pay mm, aa all tkaa aa Utan sra I raataa ts akaka laismlKU pataaal aa4 prarral saaaiaf ," a Ika ka.lna aiM k fm4 rartkwua. W tkaak aar rrtaaSa aa4 tfca paala iwwi.Uy Nr aaal palraaaca aaJ k-14 Par a aava T IM aaaia rar Ik aW dak T.J. OVTHttUASl rwl B. ITBAQALU EXPECTED DAILY I Our Ct CL0THINO. Fas tinsit, th ' Soft IfATS. liri to of rf 4 kOSl.AUl AMUBM Ledifs TRl S K8 ami RUTICIXLH , . AT r.iur.sofi&co'S, . rrTT rii)Tniltti" ' rrll 3 Choice Goods. KrhentV lmiBionle Caudy rnibnuw. In s (teat em all Uip r... ii.,uk'i Pnlmoal. avrae. sua akila a plrawnt lo ha ialU a th ' pun of ..rtL, in auillnal erooitic" taalxr It Itrotoal lu taa.ha, eukU, braurUial aiitl U arrhal antiiouii., ar, itwina i iv" rtmrtr rif ehiidr or lot l, " lta JU iwpuilt)f ; U1I lor Boi.lnal i.ll.n,o. tha wha utr trois loanaf fo-oe, 11 ai liuUiabla. , ThrK in1l . r inn un a n ir-:ii ai.i.. I. ...M a K 1,LiireriHtHlv 'n t),. Yrrus. nnranlrnt lor th pork fit, anil ar tot hal f tiuiuo"",'"v o poiuwju vviuu . ,u 4ruiuUt leit.r. wi..lM Trlra. Pla Has, rlf SkoaMr-r., ain.k.l ToB(t. I'"T rl,,,, ... . .1 U I .. j.. A , ?jrr: vr:,n pt.... mat :ou.i. kraa of lirrV.' tl Msrkot Btraav . W..tH. p. ST. JAMES' SCHOOL LENOIR, N.C. It! The KtTliioa of the XflgUah Ttniaa of th Iw Testament With an lntrodtavthm by the Rev. t. iH'BArr, l. l Cl iip. , urowa nvo. Cloth, $3. TkUiwstksstkiMNtasMaalasist. ,. LOU A FlM BKTriinf or TlfR K(11.ISII MW TaSTA M KPT. St J. B U(tiw, IV l.. Uaaa SI. Faal1, 4 Nulaaaa Praiaawr M IHttaltf, Ck ktklsw. Mraa KUiUaa, Hat laaa. IM . II. WW TMB AfTHOBIXFD TKB1I0H )f THBBKWTaSTAMaTtTIa OMiaaHiaa with arai. H.aa 1'ropawU kar H Bk Wa. MrKwaai4CkaBtWTrsak,U.O.. ArthltahapaflluhUa. t4 pp. Ill COBSIPPSATIO! n" THB BBTIR. ION oa TMK IIUi.lSH VBltaivH. "w TMB VBW TKaTAMRaf. fcy J. C ) iMvii, l. I., Blahvp at Otonor.ui sk4 ,..,.. , . , . . . . MIT II SF.0 KK'. It Dank . Mul ll. . .;,,;; ItarlSf s-im l'r Ulta,riiwt f " Batissoatsa w ktt.uf I-hiValall will ewttw " lie llmers,fj ,,J" rt,t '''f t H'SAS. , , -...,.a n. n, i t pbm aT Alt vrmi tar-Me4 t IM Will S pttll, .Uk 4 o Ua.aitly. V.f..f!tltK1I.M.i0. SALE OF Wilinington.Cliarlotte AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD, DECREE OF FCFICIML jy TiBTCt or a DKcMi or tub Pr1M Ousrt f rasOssartsf Iw Haa.m tk Hats at BarU Ursllss, suU ta U cuT jMrpk Itsarl ta Fails a MTltlsigTrtt,fiastuT WUsalaitas, CaaMotts RaUrfkrl KUt4 Carar M Cssrt, tk seirjkx t KJWbs B. Barraa CVarl at. BtMlsMa a4 Jaa 9. Tajrtar, Barer, iala4 f saM sVrr, silt B i. .,.- " '.. . . At FuDlie Auction UtV Vlk4lklrr,atUi Orsrl Hsassitsw (Xmavmor wiucrxoToif, , a d i,. . Rail Road Uz:. Hrr - - Easlc ra Divislcn : Nc;vl 1873. goixq viirr. i.:3 stATtos. raMiaass tt.r, Laata Wtiinrw... " Akkat.barfM. II 1. . H II t L.k.rt.. ) m r g I if r a " fkaa Haal I M p I .., r a 1 U"rtakrf..s twpas Sanaa a BackiK( 4 J p a AmwMUawUMt 4MPIS IS 9 a if corxa EAST. (TATtO. Lat UMartll " IUiakia(lia. M I rit.r.. Saaa Hal Laaikartaa..,, Akaotteh.rf ... Arrtta at W ilatajtaa PAsaaasas Nil 15 I WPS 1st. IS M "V '" t r a in m r rvs thawsa, ta Wax liutnn, fMlt BaaV . rntfat Trala tp ksr rar sl(ttt. tltacsfaf Chariotts ilailrosd a4 Rtas fhrs, WUattatim Is Chartott. ssly t'.iX - -? Tralas ststsr. Xipraai FttM Ufciaaspayaek f aajoafar Traia. Ipsciai Train Co To Tut sa nil rrflarti, 1S73 ;Wcs(craDiVts!cn. 1371 SVATWWS IPAMSSSia P!T LMVSVkarlatta f lata ........V. Arrive at Bi..V! umt tsar Ratals. M l4urHitntoa..w, Arrlvsat Charlott.. T. . OHNIIOX, Aawa4 . Jaa S BtTcanuto. I I EE S4lf im r. u mitMoT, apsriaiait. Spirt 1 sition at Vieuua, Austria, fwm Missis sippi. ill at his bom in thi city, Sister Antonia, a Bister of Bishop t.1i nf Honth Carolina, and tor a long tirao Mother Superior of Carmelito'Convcnt of this city, yesterday. Mmthis, Ti!W., Apnl J Mgni. Democrat always ready at the poll to Tha steamer l'ini V urine wa anaggeu i vote. ""iwaa t r'tf aov K. aornr Sli'lh ui Arch bU., Plilla. rbs 4.T tho died KEW ABVZRTISE1IEST8. Tbe Hickory Press any ! Paul Anthony, a lughly reHpoctable and WOrtliy CIHieU OI Uia BtwumuB, -- , .tr, on the 4th of this month, aged At) years "Pflt YOlir MOIlCy .H IlCrO and 3 montli. ne waa an unninciung It will do Most Good." to-dftT wliilo ascending the Arkausas river. The cargo wa insured at Memplii for $16,000, and the bout at fJt. Ixml for $10,000, J, J: GAt-vxsroN, Tkxas, April 3 Night. The Legislature unanimously paaned a concurrent resolution reqneeting Governor Davis not to comply with the petition from Becretay Delano and President Grant for the pardon of the notorious Indian now confined in the Texas Penitentiary. "Fortsmofcth, K. IL, April -XJgbt. The Ocean Hotel at Rye Beach has Kon ritimeJ: insurance SCO.OOfX Tart of thefnrnitura,wa aaTeiV , i . ' f reiturrsnlilT Yromm. 'jIlAUl) f()jKLY. A rioW rroaensire tin Bterjr . ' . nl. " I see by a kt'tcrtothe Chicago Times from Cuicinnati, copietl inU the Crmrfer-Joonud of h irttli 5int.. a statement to the effect ilhat a. woman confined iu the Workhonsfl M Cincin nuti, upon the cliarge of vagrancy, oiaima ne ins uumrmer oi vtu-i m Hahfax, AprU 8.-Say to the friend. Mosely. F of the cabin passenger of tho stcame-v She i,cmlf Maud Mostly, and her Atlantio that I will remain with the Ig0 n get down at twenty-thtec. . The wreck until I have sccuicd all tho lost whole thing is false from beginning to . . , . . pmi Governor iloenly was the nrst cabin passenger-. I have boxes going g tom ibi0tol8t'J. to the wreck thi morning to reowv nfswtto died before ho was elected Tfca Tvxlioji of Mrs. Fisher I he never married atrain. nr. ;( TTa'vJwIina Ha bad two daiiuhters, one married Bllll lUHH iUCllllil WH Slt.a T X . VU- 'V . - v of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt, Miss Scrj m eer and John H. HoyH, of Sew Tork, I have great hope of recoveting. The steamship Atlantio was insured in London Companies for (150,009. There were 760 steerage pmsfncra ou the ill fated vessel. . The passengers and crew of the At lantic, as she sailed from Livcrpool,wcre classified a follow i English, 193 Mr. T. 8. Horton, of Xorth Carolina, ;n iftv). and the other married a mer chant of Jfcw York, whose name I have tnrtmun. ririor to that time. He had Hi ran anna, all of whom served in the Confedornte army, and rose to distinc tion by their gallantry. Governor Mosely wan originally from North Car olina and c&me from there direct to Florida, about 1838. He never lived In Ritvannah. Georgia, and was in Bo way connected with Alexander H. Stephens, ht marriatre or otherwise, auon aru- men, 74 women, 23 nude children and u the one alluded to are infamous; 21 female children. Scotch, 7 men and and newspapers must be hard preesod 4women, - Irish, 43 men, .18 wome, 1 and 8 children. Other nationalities; wretches and impoatem. I am native 150 adult male, 32 womeu, 19 male of HotkIa, and knew Governor Mosely children and 18 female chUdrcn. ' A and every member of hi family inti- . . u-i..j -r,al-.1vth vountrest of whom wonkl, Jarge number oi ZT.. 5 living, be Marly double the sg of -- -L t , -. MMt.tnf Mia rnto! tiiim. I f . PV ... J . , . a. vuwunnj-iu, i""" - yie cinoinnaM unpostcT. ber of aonl upon tue steamer wncn the sailed from that port. 952. 1 1 .IjtsrpooL. Anril 8. To J, H. Sparki J The Atlantio deviation to Halifax is incomprehensible. The quantity f ooaTon boai d 06T ton iumecuBiry, " ' "The tahaliitonti of Western town were badly frightenetl one night last wetk at what, appeared to be a mon ster comet lA the Constellation of the wa the airoinst anaterage conaumption during Bear.- The local editor, howewcf, pn etnLnvoTaof? I ! ' U . r-. ' h. I the strange loosing (signed) Isiui, MaTEB & Co nothing .more "than a The papers reoeivfd -Etrop?tcQtrtVJ li'J by the ngent of : the White Htnr line here, eUte that the Atlantic hod IKM ' tolls ossoited cargo onboard. .. ,-. - A large number of poor people r.chv,, lives of the steerage pftBscngfiy,! con tinue to throng the passenger, agency 'creature CTwJfc in ,A good little boy, who itartod lor Sunday Sctool the other day with a very respetlle. umbrella, wae seen by his agoEized mother sliding by the window in a sitting posture. ' Kehttng to the umbrella, but JoBtms toHtamcnt, snd ho left sample of Ins pantnioons room in hope of further, tiding jJ on every sharp piece of iee for abtmt their friend. ,uuro"u'"'" Tho Gohlsboro .Messenger ssys: Our ftiend, Dr. Daniel CogdelL left lier ou yesterday evening for Raleigh, where he goes to place linnitoil unuer treatment of Dr. leo. W. Graham, for the recovery of hi eyesight, which neoei rales u oprauou. . The Goldsboro' Messenger says ! The present Board of , Town Commis sioners havs refused to gran recom mentations for brjuor ucensea any where on Kat and Wet Center street, Mid there is great commotion in me ranks of liquor seller jusx now, - , The Waahinirtoa Express ayt Two tiros in tho lower part on Saturday, the 231 o W.i-r.m Unff. nf lllonnt' his house, and Old Mr. Ham. Wen ms house, fiuuilre, out-house, aud even thti sloUiiiig f his family. Thinking to save tho houfe, scarcely auything til removed. - The l'ce Doe Ileialil says: lwo colored men,' Thos. MfXou ul lrsli Iiigrsoi. in the river country in this county, had difficulty last Sunday uiglit, in which the hitter had a tt gaali cut in his head by an xc in the hamU f . ihn former. Ingram is n.iw lvinif in a critical condition. Mixon's a .a A aa . S At ifo wa at the ixmora w tue wuois affair . .. Aihswttoh to the Ruloiah Nrws from Mat-on Depot, Warren rontity, under ilht of yeterday, says i . ' ,, the txiucaiionat uonvrunuu wi at Gardner's on Sarnrday and Sunday, , l-.hlf i,l the endowment iiinu mr AVta Forest Colleore. .WB B complete success. A largo crowd wa present and much interest maniieeica, me stio- scription being taberai. The Greensboro' Patriot nj i : We learn from Mr. W. A. Cnldwell, who ha just completed the school census, that there are within the corporal li it. Iiililren over six and nudertwenty- one years of ago, a follows : white .ioi i!U white female 123totl .hit dm ! colored males C6, colored Kr2 total cohircd 1C8. Total whito aud colored 4ii8. . . : The Greensboro Patriot Bars: The oo...nrnr ears on Uie incuioouo cv fianvilTn Railroad have attached within a patent apparatus snowing we station the train is approaching. It i a Tery aimtiln contrivance, and has attached t it a boll to attract the attention of passenger when the brakomen regu late it, a ne aoes at etcrj nuMu. It is a decided convenience to travelers, aud saves conductor tue necessity answering questions. ; " ... . ; Tha Tartioro 'I Sonthdt ny : i.i,t little hov. acred about ecrcn roars, and bearing the bjstono ami re vered nam f Itobert Loe, wa the first orpnan received ju mid recently opened at Oxford. T j -lie immediately became tlie recipi ent of the most lavish aitentipn?, the Horner boys sending him many useful articles to which the little fellow had, rnttit been a stranger all hi life. The' citizens, also manifested tho creates interest in tho child , boanug P, AA torn . , ! the name ot vui "Tlie Raleigh V ewa f nrniahe f o no statistics concerning the troops of thi HtaU during tte war, the total of which was 121,897 men, which doe not include 8,103 men operating under CONSICNEEtOr- t Steamship Volunteor, ( (wiiB H yowu. W WBBCKW ut CAM BATrBBA,) '' '. . A Vla.l la WllmUUi'. 'l that BOfnaiK Entire Railroad, Wllmlncton. Charlott and Riitherford Railroad, hsstlssUBaXXftatUiUB Is tbs ii Wlimtsftoi kiaraaall to Us WMtKRH IEBM1SC ks iks sf BaUstfststs ta aU list; s dUUB V t IflLCB, sf Tllmin?ton andTTenca .' Railroad Cnmnanu, ciuxGaoiBciiiDnLa. : U s4 sflar fctaasay, Jta BHk, sMf Tralusaa tt W. W. BsUtssa wilt r r'lto"' ' IfAtt tttAM. - ; Usts Cnloa Pspet dally (8andr wntM AtHT''(ioi.V.iJrau'".V'.'.'..'..'.'..n ii r. M. .- Hooky hlutt........... Sll P.H, ' twahiOBM Mii.a- Ijiriasllilas4asrelr-- '. ; dial It? A.M. Arrltat Borkt Munt.........ull A.M. " Oolojiboraal....:.. t.ur.M. - Huns Ipot .Mt at. ', IXPKXSB TBAUf. '. whloa 1 H aiasi fcsai l r WUaUsaisa I tM rnloa st,lty, at ... .. W M r. M. I T . . S . I A I a ll..l.l.l.. kA snli l ta a aalat bam th tw WBon). aw d I " . - .J Mil frost th est sf Charlutu ts AWA.M. 4 Ms . S.WA.M P. M. BUFFALO CREEK, .Jnikir.M. A. If WUr 1l In.rnt In KNOWl KDOK yo r pnt 1.ctru h Hi fH t Htork., llowU. it.iba UBiwIadiMum " coutrol lb. aou. Br"Vi'.d fancy, hi Vriwa 'I f IJ'ratr. In lirlinw, orlliiallly ! koaa t, ar t.s ruiuM ia uui Ulwyv 1 , " u( ika u"pl. "aUUli i anltrral nawlil, la krf takaa up ail for k. ftu All kWakaupua all ub aula Iu crftrl.or sliuUa. will k m at aaUnfaetory prlca. at - v IIRINIBRKUKB' 1 Lit Uuok sad WI Htw. .!. -' i . L ChTldrcn'a CUIRBLUE, r:-a PEARL and DRONZe ofMard,?0,MrT ButtOll BOOtS SpTUlgl nfs. Creek, lost ' ' Ta'Vl' t..f. It l)tl. '"'aiAULrpuicE-s, rukang venwr. Tk . Sthat hai sow rutly piinl t'S yaaf .if' f ' I ' UrkosaasJ fetsroksa, 1WJ. v s tHhtrnl, k.lthjl Mnantals II m, with a eour-a ef Hwmio, tiun, Km -ft r'.ruriai irniw inuueal aavautaaaa - : ..In la lb Winter, N IllaSuran appmtualtv tot wiwm In tbs I .r..tiiiie.ieaiktr eaagutar ia ina L Jli.i.. .i.ia i.aloit all th aaaiaMr, ad at horn, wtta ttoeat diulm tk Wlt TKK.ttl-Half la !., thSM.psr- atilBtlhrM4e(lkeauia. , no ARD. iter Saaala" ! weeks. llgUUana lal ItwIaiKS,.,. .. W-hln, I ar aanlo, Tuition, pa tj.!..., B tsts tt It w Lanii.g JlUIC-.ln't"H.kUl...... .! aw tit St. Jolin's Lodse, NO. 1. V, iui A. M tt it t M .t A .n I mn pfwir, known Mi fW- ma M Uia ai(nai annnj - vi------ ar. ha. ro"aau 4 katak okarft af th UMs .law. Wa rn hy th atrr",.,,fl mil cikw aUtau'ag. lor th ituily sf that ln guaiia. '" i Tei.r ar FnHl Branoara Mh'Muburg, of llaiauUin, V. .arliar of t tvt " "r daloasO rK t. daaph'rrsl Ika saekur. J(t. .lyrl4BMS A. . itwtor. St 0 .' Vafltury. i;.....r.iKl. lift. Tko. AtklndM.n. t . k.... IJh.rlt w. -itangia, I.iikf'.Chircb, Ualtlsiur, Mil. f laxiranaa, IU Vd,Hva " " I , ,Up,lta thlrty-ll.t.K, ! ""'"I 1 MS Hi bm, wltk stl tl ,1 I wn, w t' r . . , - r ....... - - i - , RAILWAYS, UIGUlo OJT vax, Depot Grountii nd otlier Land, Traeks, Bridge, Viaduct, Depot, 1 fiuiiott JHouate, Engine Uouace, Oar Hoaass, Freighi Houses, Wood Louies, Maciiftio Bhopi and all otlier . Shops, House ot Buildings, and all '''LtMomoliTee,' Tender, Car aud other Boiling Stock or Equipment, ' and all Maohincry, Tool, Imphv . M i. ja, r-. -j-.-.- - Ouadgnaaa arai wmiw. - - - - VUSbTthlasm latolo- f th J $ T tethtr wltk lh iot ' pnjlt Hqsirsa, HrJosT sf whkA go wlU b dsHwrwI. , , , UABBV BBOTHKM. , Agt LwUlsrd kthl W. w a iintadanadrBfbf tMkakll'Bftk lator" an traiMlnired W " Vlnt, V cludait ta abut. ' ' . lull , trilt i It - T-1W inter H. ssd Harlua Ittf SfiT 1 . aadHidbiiUpiuiapsy. ni.roliit r.- To Contractors. for. sale.: . th n r.T., iWlr.rrd at tb )Zl . rTrt i.i-ui tfi. qTti lit th. H y ltl r. N-w Jwa-y, sepauU K ok ' J rMXROKST enmmatilcalliin TH.1S ilav)Trtaig at tlicht a'olotlu Hy anlfr fifth W.M. ' WM.M.l'0ISON,r'J,. au.llin, Hall, Al-'U . "'u "TCRONLT, Auctioneer. By CRONTiY dt MOnniS. In front of oar eBf, B Kit N-1 alsiksrsl Jnrt front no...u. Bill, rhiur, iT tihlfcM!-i'. . . ' : ' .' . ' yoesaJ'Mb'i .,-. ,i . t t If pitwl4 aui iatch Xtrnllar. S!? ' - " t 111," 'zi LIME!. LIME! AaotM-r sargo f thai aptlgf OCI.AT ilav i. -i.'m lijlla ffri' Bwnt "Ad m -w f . .-k... I ! liriwi il I. wi na tf '. irtHau: I.! LluMiuiiLCHK MWfKKKt. Staler la iirlraa r-.tina rllwk.; sfflst BtiSnjr, J.u si IT-nawsi Of . II-M . , FULL WEIGHT , IW ' )BCKTBB OAMBI-C'li ." . ( EXTRA OLIVE. s.,ma ttramlaarloSD ar anlit (liort wtlgttt rrt V.70.V2l ...Muttuiai motwr tr what )0l ot rr.l. 0 vou atsitto pa aT It. ik im rwi'. v.- ,-""7r "7..I.. n II uy Pfonlrumo' .inw.ig.w fcWbr Oro.r.inyar..iy. , .' n '. v i - i WUOl".i u-. .lM ,m ' wilmlnrtim. W. O Arrtta at Uuklalioro at. . m h.x-ky Muautat... Vaklaii at , ltat Walrtua, daily, at..., Arrtr at Ho kt kluunt at. m tkildalioraat....... I awa U.potat I Wi Mall Trala ntka elaaa enattUan at V,.- Sua (r all potnutivrth tAa Bay Lln and A r aula Oraab roataa. T Brra Train atmnartp onty wtlh Aonala Oraakroata. Pnlln'B Itilsss biaB t nra thlal ratlat. s . . Vralght Train Ul laat Wllmlnrn raklt at m A. M. and arrlta at l. P. M. Pralaht Train trill laata dally dar awpted) at t A. Ww and arrtva at II - (itaerai gwht Stall " .' . . BIIItKAt.iCMRrTNWTCB MflO Wilmington Columbia - t AND - Jv- - Ansuita Railroad Co. WllBtMTOB-.N. C, Ooi ttft, liX nra to ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Th Ibllowing Scnsdai wUl g law . ' . A. M- Monday, TUt butant. . TAT BXrBMS TBAIN, (Oolly . .'il-uui.. ... Sit, M mentt, fuel and Material ox any I ArrirBtriornn....M., I..f r. m I A, II uolMat, rarnmt. aaddl.. Tranh.. Iatbr Ttataliag oaga, Sadill BlankM Brnllaa, . blartlngal, Curry Comb. , pan. ni""i-.i ' - , , . i Urstas stack an tawsat rctoa thltU J. I. TOPHAM 0, Ha, I Baatk rrost trt WUsHtHiHO. tt Atirll for ral hf THOSE FINE HATS rjitiosi: rir. lUTtaat L1TK SlUtlSCi. STYLES CAN BU roUKU AT THE HAT STORE, ' BEL 0 W.rT H35U JI 6 TELA COALt COAL!; YUhlW.3 ow o' nisi r-OB , J . Orates, Stoves and Ranges, Foundry and Blacksmith. li.iridprmtly. ,. O. O. PArLET A CO. W ILK KB MOWUB,MtCHAKl,eBOUt JUUriLi a aiuxkAkio, A CtTIOH EBB Ain J KKBBAt. AO BSTB WLJHBroB. . u tortus " " M doa!) " bandkai hBbl aad Bald ""tolfV-. liar nanvnal atUiiUos lva ta n BiWnidad to tmr hrg. rrvtn our loss wfcB ils i a,i faal wartantaa Is Marring ts tha publta " ally. mim kind for oonstraoUng, operating, re palriug or ephwing the aii TUd road, or my part thereof, and all appurtenance or fixture of the aame belonging to or jmrohaeed by said before named defendant and no ia ite poBeion," twgether with all and lingular the corporate right, fraBohise aad privilege of the aaid above named defendant a the same are et foxth In 'the Indenture) of mortsje referred o in the com plaint fiUd b said case, and includ ing also all and Ingtthwr the Share of the Ciihd Stock of THE WIL- ......... a i" a. .uia u Abiihib., at Wlnmbl....M.M..y.iJ A.w. rloraao...,. -.. , i t-, b Yriimlniton ..Ji" BinnT f.XPRf SS U"J)i KuBda Uata WUiuiiiun. ......... ..- - r- - Arrtt at fttranea. II r. M. , Oolambla...... .......-.. 3 A. at. M Aag!tit......a...'. , I i A. M. lasts ABfnata , " at tiuBuia . .......... i' - rioraiira p.. WllStlugUB. B.0SA.H. JAMF8 ASbEHSON. , Ua1 BprllitflH!V Airlt Mtt jaeal Estate and loan ; irroxfwA bridge Association; Aathef tt itoakboblrr! tk lUal. btitoawi I' AniaU f W1IjiIbWS will k.aU at tb claaba st tetsjasro. rtVl.J nln, Aprtj 4th, at I flotb, ... a. w V..I. ' adotit Bl UwtaStlrtAiSBtB, BS prat a Star e-iai btlbr tb Btratln (. ' By enter ef th Boar of Wrtt r. T frU.KBS MORBW, ' a.u.u and Tnasarar. COMPANY" atanding in tlie name o said dciendant',and all the EUte, - WghU,-. Tith, Interest, Property, "" Claim and Ucmsnd of said defendant .... .' . 1 . : " .n1 t. bus and all Real and Pet- 1 norctaaod Alahaau, ' . i- a' kirkW Connecting it Caltlntore Botuu iTttpcrTy or - llaltimoro and AVUnilpsto?! semi-weCklyIv sTEiinsiiip link ooa-poura o m ra oab sts Asuiiip n. . KKBUCLTO& l. .,ltUa Will hwaftw nil fmm BALTIMORB y TPIMKAT aad i'RU'AV, ad , I'mm th MINHTOI y WKUNPSDAt slAT I'KDAT, ooanactlng at Wilmlt 'It tlia WilmlnrtnTi.t.oliimiii ft Asfi-'a, Vt iimme ton A Webhwt, awl t wiimwrwn. "- '' ft Kntharford Kallroa.1, A -m th m i i io of StanrUrJtti;ni8, , ' - . ' (ilvUtBTBrswBk Bills t !:: SB to all Mbit ht Worth and, Bonat fttre Nferrioti to or which is ned by said defendant. tprilt " : t Vortalabt maribal TS svrilt dero38E 5 a ca kVtt : -ouilour, : ig(TBi PAMiLT BLOCB, .- rsiw wv - ; "V ,: april S DtEasSEf A CO. Apples, Cheese, Crack- Gentlemen's Gaiters ; "'JZ:' v; .;H'!tT','-T,.V' '. i'i LOroAEltBED SHOES !; , ' A.'ra'vitV of tUt tTKt" fH BTtl.,int of-r'' , -.1.. r TU : i tlUAaUt-A at Wl"'! . , it.-;-.'. ,lgnflBigHrJ. i"'1 . .... Hew Boarding House, Mb J. A. ptifxToitrt, iTropnctrtss, , -MAHKItX atREa. batstts t " ;waMlNGTOM, tl.C. j? Ooftd aeaB5i)Jatlp'wlll U ,lyB. sj' TcrntJ reiMonabW. aiiittT ' " ' Bbht. Baldwin Aploi JiJ Hour Oheaw, ,, j rihl.. Umon CraekM, IS llhla. Smt Crapkai a, .( JS Bbl. Snir,r liranketa , 14 OaaMi Sea r"okm . apt II I KCHUBKB iac'i ?tr- Dried Appies-Butter Q rtBtlSBCKOLt BtTTtBt ':-8 HAUHBL8 6tf DUlf-O APPLES, fotaal W, spttl t DsROSSSTBV' - , rf TAX NOTICB i iliningtoin Townshiti rrmK noAhn-oF' tbtbks anta4 ' I . .. al.. Tnamalllu and UUt Ot Wit I .W.i .111 nrm-ead to th Ant day f Ar"l it tb - - . a., a . ai-. tAeraaltv-r. ai I., arn rwr w v.... - J . . , - .Will. A M ANO trlth th Battlmora A Ohio nd tha "!'r t'ntrl Hatlroa.i tor U poltita ia thaV t iirih.Wt. and wlt'u Klcamcr. and Kilrod, for Boatns, Haw Vork aud Phlla-n-ii'Stia.. ..k-lit mHaamfi. ant.'T tat. , . A.D. AAliX,Aatit, Wiluiingtoa, ii. C. ANDREWS Ctf Ar"- aU.LLUWW. la SI ""T""-Ur Vainiv writ j uu trtr aw . sim if ei w r - -J - -1 .nan. tM KiHildarntamoaianui wt - z. ----- tbabiioa-tSlXr.M.AND WUtur .11. as Td da, t l tb Mahls Ian a-d ,in ty,anms ' ; TawaabipawA tWf kJ alt ta ibatr Tai.tilat aott atwad t Uui iabT WKbln TW r NT' im. a ---r ' or uuunta) rv, ,i t-i 'sci j yJ t- 'ALL r BWBOM b srsliaMattir a TOU. fnTmil all Kr" wWa -rft- PBISONKI Ottawa tliaa UUa t WQlaV! a.raf th Boant Ttnatess f FU- .:;o Towntblf. tb Tint tty Apt I; t.i. '. i"' -'.zm. . ' -i ' pi. . rvi . . . ...... .T(nrtiilDCbtt. : atMtltta TI-tk-MM,Aji&UllbttAWl t.Lt ,.-i-f-att .?;J'.5..i. ' r bl bow aaM- abort Bsawd dtlttplsnt it WHsrfbgtM, Clatriott ft Bathorf Rn fo"d tpssy,' btesrei T taststsrssf . saMtgag'irra tt la th ootspUtat t hr- lg tot kUra 1st, lata, bb aia4.tsUQa Uskwvod and m flalstin, stsottBtlBj ta IM agtrtgatt te W.stV.Ht.'wirt iStadtstl ftet tb psretuaiet or jrclart Is Bysiiit spos UU lolhwtB' Unw bb4 swtWtBWt. a? forty Tbowaaai Outlan T tU astsast but at laid sa'tal to U I pwtfB saaa, s4 tor tbs rssMo crilaartliBuBt 1 eetsdkiaortiat " l csjvsi w SBttsstesa - " pnPtb ts bneb !MiA4aditBlslta.fc'Brt IS tkt'sfwfW i' iJ.I'afa' ' , tviatiV" .j, -hi.n'riua Uri'i'lMV'")i r- UKJLl.AUD'S STKAMSHJ UhS 0 14. KKW VtlKK. BAILIYf TTtonATB ASO F t ' AT rnovi SEW TORK. ASH ttl DATS AM. ATritTB WUuM WlUUStJTOS.I IJIIITJBASCK ONLT OKE-roUKT H T C .' rjlKOOOH CON?SCTtONS Wil i ALL RAlUtOADS IKADfifU OVT t f WlLMmOTO' l tat (rrba-ht aifly , . BAWir mum- " a Stay JO :c-ir.. 1 V CHAElis M.STEDaAM,TUiM"- it-U ;EiscgXAin:T '0'. )' w..' v,'!Ltr-"C"," " L- : r ti t .a. if f.'j 1