1 1-1. 0. 82, WTT.TTTKGTOH, K. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 187a f r- ' ! ! " . ' a . . J Jt JJ 1 i : j )y Hi t. WTLifTXGTOX X. C. BATCILDAY, AJSH 5. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUA11TERS. THE CIVIL SERVICE FARCE. w 1 1 m i n 6 toji "dxE"'or.nrn POINTS TO be vwrrm PERRY EEIX)ETTEW i?WAVW t I , j ' ... ;.' -i tlx 'f Waahikoto-v April 4 Xoan. Th funeUonaries'of the Civil Berne de nted VniiV Kpajyjti'iti ( Customs and, SnbrXreastiry o Ulcer. .TlijpgflMkkW'ork, theuoe to 8l llKii, tad Uierice to Xv Orleans and Texaa portv Another party, headed by Chief Treaaury Clerk 8.ie, nll learve next week for Ricli ntbud. fSottoQt, Tilmiitpf , .Sana' nh, Mahilf 'asloflicr pyrtJn efc.tr and Treury stations on the coast ApriT f-yigii-tUe Secretary of the Treasury Las inaued ffnltia' tl the witJufanViGa ' alcohol in bond (or eeientifio purpose under the Ml aiiprpvtd febnauy .Hat. It require bonds to be glvyn by, the Preaideut oi Curator of 1ueAa!hilki 1 where it is to be used, that the alcohol is for preserving Anatomical speci aaens, tie.-, etSsordingb the meaning 1 the law..'. '.v.i.ui 'The ' Commissioner . of latere! Revenue baa received an official report from Supervisor Ferry, stating that on the 17Ut ultimo Agent Berry, accom panied b; aii soldiers, an Assistant U, & Deputy Marshal, a-Deputy Col- ' lector and an Assistant Assessor, pro ceeded: from Raleigh, !f. C, to the 3rd , District and wade a number of seia urea, Botly-W Mnetamped' tobacco. Warranto hare been (swift for all the , guiltypartiea. V ' "; .,',.'." 60TIIAM. FALSE REPORT OF COAL ON THE , ATLANTIOi - CONTRABAND SILKS AND LACES CAPTURED. HABEAS CORPUS FOR McDOX V ALD, THE BANK OF ENQ , LAND FORGER. ; WALL STREET GOLD CLIQUE , , ( TO-BE SUED. FIFTT j MILLION DAMAOES , : CLAIMED. r Naw York, April i Noon. Cloudy aad cold ; wind North-east ' ? I ' A false report of the amount of eoal uet board the Atlantic, mnst have been made to the Captain. " One thousand dollars worth of silks end laces were found in the trunks of passenger by the Algeria. was buried yeaterday iu Greenwood wmetery- Niw York, April 4 Night A writ of Habeas Corpus was granted to-day, returnable on Monday next, in fnvor of McDonald, the alleged forger of the Bank of England notes, on the gronud I that oonspiraey to defraud i4 mt rnf -! red by the itrdition fe(fctv. j ? It ia stated that several other packa ges of notes sent here to tte care of Jsy Cooke and others have been seized. Richard Scull and t nttmler of Wall street brokers, propose legal jiroceed tngi, U ii sh1, gnajAtJhagoJ.1f yigfc torecolcf fiffy mBljoii dollars 1nnnges alleged snstaiued by the city and county of Kew York, by conspiracy with which the elique is charged ' An uircitiga tion will be also wade Into th viola lion of the nsury laws by the officers of the National Banks and. other. pFlllEFjE;.?! A TWO, HUNDRED THOUS.AKD DOLLAR FIRE IN TENX STLVANIA. STABLES AND HOUSES BURNED IN MISSOURI. f IlTl'sratl, Pa., April 4 Noon. A Are peoonrred at Parker's Landing destroying the rarker House, Central Hotel, Eiehange Bank, Saving Bank, postofflce and telegraph fifiliv Loss Sf. Jomnie, Mo.,' Arii 4 Xooi-A t ptewart A Gordon's livery eUWe, to . ... ... fewer witn eighteen, horsee,. were burned last night It was the work of i; .an incendiary." -" ?: : ; St. Lorn,' April 4 1foou Tie Steamer W. J. Lewis for Red River, aank with a cargo of 800 tone, valued f 1100,000. . Insured. ; , , . EurnioM, April 4 Noonl-The eentrifngal machine in the Culvert sugar hvflDery, eipbdeJ, killiug one person, and wounding two others. ' y PHttADKLPHU, April': Night lit the ease of Soull va. Xeneington Xs- tonal Bank, in hioh the Jury ren dared a verdict of t37,000 fof plaintiff for the loss of his bonds by the robbery i of the bank in F'mary, 1869KJndge Williams thw ing set aaidethe verdict and ordeud a new trial, T KTEA3IEH ATiMlC. SOME FURTHER DEtlU-S. . .. . THEWRECIl AEXlT.IVTACT. AS OmaAL ISTEiiTiaAIJOS of the pi ArnTro be uau rpQIX)SAES eDlf.THE PTKIAl '; OPTHRDEAR ' Bitos, April i Night TharBtn of the Vhit Ktarltne hare engaged Fauoeil Halt f r - the wants of the UTed enuRraht from the Mr IAiiu.1 bill il I pi' s JlUri. N- S-, April 4 Night - AcAme lias arrived here from the wvvled eteamer Atlsulu4, -Tlw ship is almeet intaci. Only a few package of her carg',have come ashore. The tlNtUVwra. tuner ooov D-ki been found was ui't correct A aUry in some of the ncwitpipera Unit Allwrt Sumner eonunittcd suicide js f Ou'of his Jxienii; wlw w. saved, says: "Mr. Sumner h.tld unto t'oe wrecM tong ahTciwIXnd then jnt anhel ti." , file jrata as hat tie tioJ of the titLhtlira of the bodice bj the erew are false, andf t eport4if rebbciles are largely exaggerated. He sajf that Jhe people MlTPtT- tiiaauutJknejr eouu Iox the living and the dead, but amour the Ldbtm whe ' flovkedt the' plneo from the snrrounduig country there were onte Who' rifled tlie IkxHo whenevet they conhV get the ppjiortuuity. The Collector of Customs is awaiting in M ructions from headquarters, and will prebahhr commence an invoatigntion thie eveuiMg or in the morning. The captain oa give no explanation of the cause of tlie disaster, except a miscal- ou tattoo a to the correct speed of the veaatJ.- Great numbers of people ere leering here in the ktearecra fiug down to the wreck. ; ' , ; Last night a oont train from liotott ran off tli track, west of Truro, and soon after thfl InU-i-CoJouial express train, from, 8t Jolro; 'Cntoe, along and ran into the freight trail, i Thw en giaeec,' Cameron, and the baggage maeteri Hunt, were killed. None of the passengers wee injured. ' Among the paaaengers were the'ageaU ot the White Star line,' who were coming to Halifax to look after thr stenmor At lantic, One hundred and sixty-four is the exac tumbct of bodies found up to this morning. The work of burying them has commenced, and a gang of men will be sent down this evening to help the .fishermen in that work. The bodies of J. H. Trioc, Henry S. Hewitt, Mr. Merritt and Miss Merritt, of New York, Albert Sumner, of San Francisco, and Henry Metcalf, the second officer, have been brought up to the city. No slope will be left., unturned to re cover the the foUowing' bodies : Mr, C. M. Fisher' and wife, of Termout ; Mr. Vt, Sheet, wife, son and daughter, Nevadi ; .Henry L. Wellington,' of Doslonf Mrs. Ierritt, Mise Sqrymcr and Mr. Krnger, of New York ; Miss Barker, of i Chicago t Mr. Brindley, Mrs. - Davidson and daughter of Eng land. Besides what was reported tliis morning as recovered, this completes the list of the cabin pnwnfirrs who were lost - - Capt. Williams and his assistants searched the inlands aronud the wreck thrtfugidy lat liight end picked out XrOiA MVii!? ' rnanj IkkUcs and brought anliore those reported this -morning, which had beon telegraphed for by friemht. ' ' : , ; The bndies teiKirted , recovered this morning hare been dressed and placed in njctAllicr.Suia ayi arri val of tlrfir t rienSli ami rclitives to take them in ehargn. H is thought ' that the bodiufi will hardly remain in Condition to to examined, and. the eof fiM baroTHii settled atxl made tight .Another trip will be made to-morrow. The stewards and men acquainted with tlie pasenirs Lave been left in charge Of. til Wreck te titi Cora of the hodina aa tbev are wasnea annore. Mr. Brindley was lost; his name was put in the list of saved by mistake, one of the pasHenffere having mistaken another lot him. ' It is now proposed to bring all the bodieatotha-city aqd-bury them to gether in the pnblie cemetery and erect monument over them, . The City Council, on rplication by .the Provin- oial Government, resolved this after noon to place a lot m the cemetery t ! the disposal of the friends of the ded. FEARFUL BAILRQAD ACCIDENT. ' ' " V ''-t tw ti " A FASSENGER CAR TELESCOIwy , , .' :SY AN ENGINE..' ' , v SUFFERING AND DEATH THE RESULT. . i St. Long,; April '4-Night It Sap. pears that the accident on tlie St. Louis A Southeastern .Railroad, , which oc curred at French Village yesterday af ternoon, was occasioned try the mi pabcarIeasaes of the conductor of the'oousfcriiction train.- The passenger train was jast about to take the , aide track to let t the freight train pasa, when the construction train, which hod., hkhti,m eost about $3,2o5jm iraeu jjnnneu vj uie pawenger train at B dirt pile but ' a tew" minutes bp' and it conductor must have kno its proximity, came thundering1 arm. tLs curve at a high seed and plunged inta Ue rear of the paaerigr cosrh. Thj conductor of the passers train saw the eoAstructioa train coating and crii-4 ejut tv the paaeeoger ti jamp jfor their live.. Many did to, bat be- Lir all could escape th CngitM of the i construction train 'had entered the I passenger coach.' The latter was im mediately I'Jed with strtra and a wuLf Ixr of )sengera were mure er kws acalded ' Mr. Joha P. Tusk or Lnke, of Morgan eonuty, Missouri, whD ia the act ef jumping front the trala, vaa caught bMweea the ear and crushed to death llrwfeuts4id.withaauki!a.it iu his arms, succeeded ia reaching the platform wni'njureel. 1 'gvutlsiuan, tuppuard U be Janww H. Watts, of Cheater,' R!iuoi a ueuiber of th Legtalatnre of that SUte, was caught letwen the platform of the rear ear and thfugiueof th , dirt, train and literally torn to pieees, Xyoung daugbttw ef Mr, flrifflo, of McLean btwotigh, UUuois, reeeived the Uat tiilt--iu her -see ami was bnrnbiy scalded about the bead and upper pert of the btnly. t Her eye wore pnt nit sitd it ia thought she cannot remm. Mr. Htebbint, tt Milwaukee, "Waa merely rat aad breiaed about tkt head. Seren ether were nHr nr leu iajnred. Thai uginaer ot the dirt train, Michael Fannery, fed aoa al he saw the result of his eareleesii, EUKOPKAN OOMIKEXT. TirE FRENCn ASSEMBLY. ELECTION FOR NEW'BESnNT J . . ., I THE LYON? MUNICIPALITY BILL AFFAIRS L.'f PORTUGAL. AN ALARMIST SPEECIL VtiWAruiai,' April 4 Noon. The Assembly. ftr eeeneof disorder ind exeiteaieut, proceeded to conetdcr the Lyonl mnnieipality bilL " , ; . Louis Martej, tho taaduig van of tlie Right Ceutre is a promiueut eandi date for the Prealdeaey of tlie Assem bly, whkh Gravey will ' Knigu. The Linnox, April 4 Noon, Deputy Vaitda hita matle an ' alarmist speech, inwhwhue deolarad that the Ouwn I wa boaet with danger .from a Intefit revolutionary element Tlie President of the Ministry de clared that Yaleds's fear Were ground' less, ami called on the House to trust to the loyalty of the country. Lukdon, April 4 Noon. A dipUli from Rome say that the Pone is slightly ill - i ' Uavosm, April 4 Noon. General Nouvilla's headquarters are, at Estella, whence he will operate against the Carlista. A Commune has been de clared in the province of Saluutnacia. AStanll- HaoptUa. A recent medical writer taysi "Sleep whenever von eaa: lis the oar any whero When you gut a chance the Brest want of the aire ia alaep." This i not always safe advice to follow, a a Lawrence gentleman kuows to his sorrow. He was recentlv alHioted with a bod cold, and to cure himself of it retorted to the method of bathiitft his feritia warm water and drinking tumbler lull of gin and molasses, pre scribed bran aired and respected friend of the family. Having gut everything in order for carrying out the prescrip tion, li? sat down by tlie stove, his ielal vxlro initios 'immersed in hot water, tnmbler of smoking giu and moLuutc by hi side. In this ooiuli tionaenHe of euioymnt stole over hiui""M he sipped- the exliils rating hiiiiul. and bo fell aslocp. Hi wife lmtl i;one tot lied, ' sod uu wwakeuing nlniiit 3 o clonk in' the worninir won (ierqd why ahe was alone. Goinadown ntwra, , she was . horriiled to find her iicco -W cunir, .... ont ins icei bxiii liniueraeu ui t ie. wster. over which a eke of use wall .formed, and sitmitw tiunbler on the ehbtr liesine nun. Mis cold tsn t a i)t bt'-r. v aa It npnrors thai before he lffulVab- iiicrtflii. Governor" 11nehtck lint his name placed on the roll of the Home a Congressman at large from the Stato of Louisiana. Ue said that he expect ed to get into the " Senate next wirite, but that at any event he wo not going to be left ont lit tlie cold, and would hold on to his commission a a mem her of the Uonso until his senatorial claims were passed upon. Such provi dence and forethought on the part of Mr. Finchback show that hehon ilrnDk deeplr of the wisdom of his earpct-bsg SBHOCISICS. u Tha Danaa ef tk ovital. The dome ot the Capitol at Washi- i :. tt.. .i,;tr... .t.M r,. Wtii is ill jutypsj aaiAAii vavtao ova uiaVft3 awx America. It is 108 feet hiaher thun tne Washington Monument at Batti- sud b feet Wgher than the Trinity Church tower at New York. It is the l ful klnhlli. R,mt IIH only considerable dome of iron in the wprld. It is a vast Hollow sphere ot iron, weighlntf 8.000,000 pounds; How L ti ifeJi i J rvm t..t. .k,,,t va m-Mot. n 7rt reft Pi,l1.irt.nwt. ........ ...y --O"- .-... ... q..,-... oeone. or abont eoual to L00O- Inden siirs. wbiob, tiqiding four tons eoon. would reach two mite And a half, th rectly- over your head is a figure in bronze, "America, U.9S5 pounds. The pressnr ot the iron dome npon its piers and pillars ia 13,477 pounds to the squire foot ' St Fcter's presses nesrly 20,000 pound to - the square at Fario! ,i ruinira loot sad t( ueneveivo, Ofl.000 pounds more. It would to erusli the supporters of our dome. " i a pressure of 657,170 pounds -to the Kjnare foot The ' , coat was " about 1,000,000, The new wings eost about $(5,030,000. The architect ho a plan for rebuilding the old central park of tbo Capital and enlarging tit park, Tbrtaaoicwfoe paar Blualta, Roll, fad, Orlddt Oakati MnffltM, Waffllaa, ate ., t DooUr't Ttsat Powder V-f atei!, Urooti STATE TOWS. PiUttoe Nbern. 60 eut per buahel ia Th rrtwhjWry of FayettjVilloUnds adjourued u asee at Ikjc Rocktixh Church, Cumberland count v, N. C Thnradav before the second rWbbatlt ia April, (10th) at U o'clock, m. The Petersburg Index asys: Acrgof set imfctta ha just arrive! fruta aWnlnrt, X, C, after a vo.raijv, of etKht day. Tbev were eonaiaed to Mcsar. Geo. V. cicott 1 Co. The veilow . barks are sold Sit f 1 23 per bushel and the yam at f 1. The CliarloU Observer aaysf We leant privaklj that a Afllit. u Ltvh was f our or flvo' pentuas were en gagetL ocennvd in StaUville oalWa day night (of Court week.) Katve, rttcks and sticks figured ia the mrfoe, A good d! of blood wa Orawn. bat no one was setiouslt Injured, eare anarnatntef wth th nrigtii of the Bght, ' - Th Newberu Time vs; By a private kttef reeeivoil at JU point, at that X)t kcUxmoi". Virginia iHtre is ashore at Hstteraa Julet. dis abled; The eaptafn report as foUowa: "Am disabled and for lack of main sail, ' with a draft of T feet 8 thchct, I am enable ta get over, Am fn 4i tree and badly crippled ; Wa driven acroM (lull Stream throe tune in eight day." Th steamer F- A. Hte- veu ha g' to hor Mief. The FtvrUeeille Estzle asm: Wa 4re.Id aikuaw that Mr. It4 Mur phy, of thia county, is preparing to re huild hi ptiper null oa Uuokfiaa, near t ayetteniie. Tho aite and dam are in good order and tho water aud conve nience ncrcesarr to t paper mill, make th( eirnaHoaf one of the beet ia the Bute. Mr. Mumhv want other to "jjj Ld two thurltan- ti4iueusy tuy , will subscribe stock. The mill is to oeet $A),000 at 4tW.0(iO, supply uus section aod be proflumo. The mill Mr. Murphy had her before tho war paid well for manv vcare. i Slierman'i sriny bvrnt It , The Buttleboro' Advance aavst W regcot to teera of two. more Are iu the neighborhood of Oenrali. But yester-' day, a it were, Mr. Mitdiaon. tlyke's valuable null were destroyed by some fiendish Incendiary! and the. burnjug of Mr. Johnson's residence wa an nounced i th divine of Jaat week. To-day we are called npon to chronicle the burning of Dr. J. D. MaUisw's kiUtbeu, with its contents, valued at 200, and tli i os traction from the same cause of a barn belonging to Mr. M. V. Lancaster, eoutoing corn, meat and other valuables amounting to aev erai nunam aoiiara. There was uo iuaaranca ia either case, - . The Raleigh NoVa'sart ; Aooordina to adjournment, the Commission of ArbiUation ia the suit against the Western,. North Carolina Railroad met ' yesterday iu the Executive office. We were not able to e-et th full particulars. JVr understand th Commissioners requested W. H. How- erton, the President of tlie road, to call a meeting ot tho stockholders a soou a pracuoams, in orucr uiat the stookkoklara may confer upon th Commission tho same powera as given py in ljegiaiature. The Commission djourned to meet in this city on tlie 13th of fcext month, when the affair of the Company will underiro a thorough and searching investigation, and all . L . . 1 .' J... k 3 I . 1 f. wiu rii luM'njBieu m uie penuing suit will be invited to be present A resolutioa, offered by Judfre Manly, anthoming Governor Caldwell, the Chairman of the Commission, to ad vertise the time of the next meeting, and that he invite premonitions from any party or parties for the purohase ana completion of - the road, or other proposals connected with the objocta ot the General Assembly, was ouopwu. , , wa - ' j j in The Raleigh Sentinel sav : Bar- tum't first show in North Carolina was given many ycara,acro iu the old build ing now" being 'torn dowii to rebuild tb new Yarboro'. JIoiue, His only nmsio a hand orcran and the onlv ani- triol an African mouker, perfectly wild sno; unmansgeawe. Uuring the per furmnnctf tins unruly beast esoaped from Campbell Eatou. who wa oidina in the show, ahd secrtted himself mil suagly under Urn boue4hat no araouut of eonxing or permission eould induce , .... :mowiator o .... i..ii , ; . the hotel of course could not have his house pulled down, nor did the show mou waut In Mc theJ creatcst attrsc tion tnkih mm?0 Thi he hail to do next , juorning, leaving on foot to show that night at linrcinv's. miuwav be tween Rnloifrt tid Fayetteville, with a igbt poeXut oiKi Jiivtvr heart. nwraay, alter a lapse of forty i years, ioe surieton is found perfect, natural and life-uke. with tlie some little brass chain around it nock. ilarnum hits sustained pmbablv more Ifiaoes than any itjaa. tn Amerloa, but the. loes of Jiis first animal he Lm often said f a hiia tuyr troabW than any he vw mstalntd.' i r-V' t' J ' t- !' ByBsjBBfcaajabjaa-a ial. Trw Crenj ; Dlsnetrf hat null :.iZ CaBltirt. 1 11 Vv; F"W tit MW six Tla AltU S. Thiar-uiiUm arreeA -alitai4W. Yff tliA 1 half Cihturv ', not since the ilntiah WWB 9 . we I wrecked oir tlieeOasr of JuUamL iu i . - . - - . j - " w bbwi iripUHiu joea oniic wrowxtf'Wo eea. IU UH niwa iV uw ntuiiniinwi. . . i i Admiral '"''.weni uowa wwijim ai ""j "" "u vu.w mnp jtor as the great etfastwphe by bw I for manv areuerationa. The wretkiuir of alio Royal Charter, on the Anlesett t . ,k JJll ..j ..1. - ....wwi.utunuu!., treanqro were loot, rout a thrill of hor ror tnrouguout tue civilized wono,-. That earn year, too, tlie l'omona was cast away on Blackwatcr ' Bank, and 395 ! xaea were .drowned. Tho Anjrtrj. burned . in midKicvan, the year tefore, lost lt Versmm. 1 Ihi the Pooiflo, which dlsRtqieared in Ahere were $Q people and on the City lof Glasgow, never lieard of since 1854, ' 1 il iao ruth.. America, nave still Sorrowful recol lections; 300 men, women and children, were lost on that ship, off the coast of Neirf'mndkind. iB; 1U4. On the aume dread line of 'ooast th Hungarata, with 220 people,' was cast awsy iu 18W. The sinking ef the' Northjloot, in thif' English channal last January, wa the latest great sea disaster' until that which we now record. ' By the wreck of the Northneet 825 persona were swept out of the world; but the story of tlie keroiem, diivalry, and d4Unt3e cHirjr of K do vie and thorn who went dowa with him will endure o toe mea Vove to talk of bravery ia the fa.w of deeth, aooiioiii aa a axcraa roa nrauv One ef the principal cause for th K of th shumy be sat down to U4rieW to reach thia port It is a well-knowa fact that the price of eoal ia England i very high, and that lb tranalantie , , . ( haw. side mx aodrsvcv to tk over I beet to Rii tMw. II it also true that ""J ""fV , much of th eoal furuiahed at the preaeut time on the other side ia of a very poor quality, and will not make atm) freely - af tit WUh coals nmaMyt fwrnianed to th fint-chua steam line. Another cane tut lit disaster that th veesel wa comoU- erablv out uL )st Bra eiwrse, either lor Halifax or Aev York, aud th captain eriJtoUy. hV eewa running wWl north to shorten up hi knitade TLi practice ha loag baea discoua- (euauocu or the prtnolttai lines, and lusouie i&stancea th captains posi tively for bidde tk th biirh latitud mute which the Atlautio ii Untly had Uki , , . : 4 w Mr. Thomas haa filed a crnuulolnt for ti.WX) domiure against Charles WqiV sateo keeper ,i et lodiaaap oTis, far making her husband drunk and ejecting him into the street, and ureaaing aj arm. , iui ie the Drat uee juuiler the urv lapier Uw of lad i ana. A prise floht between a man and two goal at Albany, hist week, was wen by th Utter. They "bneked" him from all direotioii. ran between hi lec. nd Muted him e-U pointa, wjul.1 aJ h 4)uld di wa , to. kick out wildly, which only made them more femcMua. They uould have killed him hi t pot tti owum (aterferedL ' SPECIAL; tjv MAUUKuntfJ IIAIK DTI Thi NKM-k Rtlr Vr th um la Hi MUi rrirt! liaiMt-n.aUllalil mo lnwuuw ml tinlatmKlaliL Hklli-l.u Tk.li Uni koMKit ihlw. Th (mmIii W. A. aleO lr' Hll l imwIimwi IUMKDIATK1.V semidW Mliwk r h(rml Inn. lloM Mt BMikiUl,irtlmwtkUslrCnw, lMt MM RMHlUllll. ThlTMfIH PwlVot lT I" Ink. 1 M M IHM, mi m. mi m-e-iir OBSTACLES T0 MARRIAGE. , rrr aur iw, mmm thru Krruri u4 41im l Mr It It. Mnhl rMond. JawlliiiU I Mtntafi nmrmi. M aMklrirmMitti wl roiawkkbl ivausllMk Doska an ClwaUn wnt frM, la Malts! umIoik, . narmH, hhwasiv aa(iHUTrW. Ha. 1 BOMlk mnthai.. rbllln.M. h. luiliu. Uan hal a klh raruutlua fbr kouarahbi oniliirt a nd onuaaiksial dull. atarck ti T-dwSiWB k, ' THB BHKAtrAIT.I.UNOH. wi3Er"aWN, DiNhKBj amu aurrER TSktLK, UA & wmjwgfam Sauce JOHN DUNCAN SONS, New York, Alnt lor III VaMtd BLataa. Stl,l7 tra tTjtr Hfhenck' Pnlmonle Candy y m.- eatbraan In a tTaak- drIIUi lirlno.blae af abaBiik' l a I woo la Hnaa.aai IHbMlaaMinltllaMlaika mraataf ormtwxlatit, i andinal prnpwtOM nixltr It vnvvibaKi whim, auran, arencaiai anil oat arrkal alTMllnna. Ac. It I tba Btuat aaaiUf bla nmt(r tut (blldrak ar Inl kta. aa iu k llraa lt latpabltf whlla la uraoa-lunal (cnlMfntan.Mr iboM wk la rat ruat km tt volca. It b iMhpawabla. -Tbraa mntllra ora but ap a W eanl bolM cniiTai.wni lof tn bucMI, ajU ( for aala bf all araifHU an daokji. - ' J.M. SCHKNCKJbBOV, K. K. eorMt BIUl and Aroh BU., Phlla. ' MM : ., t . 'u,- at w NEW ADVEETI5EMENTI. Just Eeceived! Canton Olnrr Prfarrvaa. Bf, aanban barrv Bjrrap, Potted Haat. J.lllat, PraaufM, ons, .a t inr-r, laiportatii " ' R. Taantor', " M"k"V ' ' pnttTRK, J BROWN STODT, -OKAtiliKS.An., , at: JAMES f. MKTTB'. ' !.. ,L.- ''1--. ... at On Handl '1 r..a'r on, i.7.-,rl'W',,.i r' "i'v.I-T A. laHEBft At FUAaNER'X. Wbnlmia ttrnttix, and Itaabura la Paluta. Ml... iitj, A'aritWIv lwt.' tllaia, Wblta ti i mmm ITUNINCaRER F.RutcKCRTi tWn.MirKroN,m VI raaarviKiJtAia BARRET bTSttT. . fft-.l tt I ' . "I ' , -it Atrtitlor ilnUM'l k'tilekera uar, wcanrand Oarhle rianaa, if mtrlf Kf'jt 4 filMl.t . si'tiia :7: frnrAHCiAL. -intt it rot'KT ir THE I!ImuI. VJ .tHITIIB BTATKa-kntiith av. iriftira-inv nwti) vatallna. t'itmtmMtltirm, imt-In K.U. in tl.a watttr ( AallMMiv II. Iviar. far Ma,. a-lt ami iiior, tn , aitlnai tin Kurih tarn. , in ua jvaurn.u, u.rm jt. nknw, Public jraranrM Ut Ktaw if tta ttrulln au ainaia. . Tba b.len.linMd, hSThtf ka ppalnled i-uwrainFw, uj a acra af im mm rant, Maaa ia auure nimnt aaaM, at lla Naram bTMnt,1MI,tnuli an .Mount of arbatt due to ilia piaiutl. A, H.Snai, and all utiirr ucttqa buulP suit vim) itf ua. buwla In Ui R'att of Nuriu CaiiHiita f.if tba wiBalrat'tiun artlta JC.irlli ;r.-llu Ralltwl, nnJ.r lli art! m lbs bill intitlOMfi-ana-'iuut ot tuck caa Anji, anil IM hi1lfWtta ana I.IMI a.illi' bla lo tUantiUiWtMi ul b tuiiun. anal rwm an advaitUviant Um hm l.ut.ti.h.1 Urn fi.r Una ami id am ,iv. nuHiriiui 4111 a rttupoTut lo.Hinia la toir dbla, and ta it P'Moll.iort tat ikat Uvrtwa-' and In fuinu rttiHf aiming In aud mtla d. bla bj St ul th ia dacraa. A . . n u,7, .ut v vxvia i a .Ttfin.ai tna nf auca arxmHat, tlui And lot tba brttar tab kand ka aaamim . - I panwl proni T lba ara'tatnaia' tn notif all nrfaiaf awinTanraaapanaai in nottMa irtntti bhHiHiuf 4-orUl Carolina naibar aad Mv TTrtlMi rr,ak,ytsl Aawaf b llanrral jntnimtf at aa emia.-raiiOvd -aba 4. lb M danuarr. Hll.aud 'M nd 1Mb fd iH-rrnthnt lt, and an ib 1b tr id Pabruarv, tafit all pawad to a tba (an iraUnA H tltaad Com panj IBii.tfii nM.wfi.,ainibr balarttba an.rer.laft(d al tna office 0 ilia Clark af b aid Cuut,iu abafll.a.af Raktdfb 'm" Bta or Jofih mt lua, oa or balnra tba Srat day af M Vi tkaa anri rtior Btprodaua .and pnrr Ih nid nmntma. and ' ixoaln4 ccordipflo tba btiw ot tb aald drcre la th Mid eawa. " ' ' JllsKPH P.. BATCHaLUK, ' ? 'J ' Oun.tnti.mw, A. ' KtVji.N. 3rbrurTl, imt ' " W. B B.rdof Cotirt wada at fco.fi. b Tcraa, llil. In tba abava anUUr.l aatlaa tba tlma .l p'Mtaaf ail0a,'ke4 hj aa landed to lt ll. B. SATOHELOR, -Ovatiairalouar. a.." ijufl 5 yiw adyistisixists. ''Put Your Money -Mien? , tUill do Mot(iootl Mt ifwM Sf tlx Ml f fttMka, SmbU. M. Fm a4 riHV, la Vxm Fwvt, Hcwoa r luiVto, 4 all ! U Ml. - u v L.it. ah um u Kbwa ia X Mmww ta trill, riKMit w4 a TS- MMrtetlM,'- SKSt. rvattl K viil km iirfwutT ftttm M , , UKINSBKHaKK th w4 Star. illt CONtlCNCCt Of,,' Steamship Volunteer,- "rtnu ii vasesb wia RRi.in) va ' j : ran auttamt! ij-1 . i-. AUfVyririrntKAT Hfn'pAo.ih WM la WllainftHM, ! laal a "K lrl wt t in MnH tr Mrit 'M it Wiumw, vill k Uvm wHltt h tk'nuMtfM Uilr(r-(.tik. r (Mnlual T Ma mt, t ua Wt( M NNI iiitr fW, Mikirc W (riuwl rrtf. -1 (Vtat, wm nt tHprofw iawttil av Mihuu tmtu r f " ltt itk M snMHtm f Ji-i titur M K-rvlyt f ablcil awlS WlU k fc'l.Vil. s uaaaif vKgTKiiK, , lMl UrQtw4 ttliin Uar. K. i. VU Mfiw ftai, fcv awiitil f, ! r4t . i it . ! a -5 tw ll Nn ami MtrUta kla mf SMtMbllMpraiiipl.f, , . fULL WIIGHT SSAr. EXTRA OLIVE. Bat BraadtaT Sap aro add ilmtt aHukl In t thl paaMla m bar. If ton a namanaia roa t tm kat yai. na ramrlta. 4 a vv Artttna i a a? hat Prantat A Oamula .lall lLt MtnJ lot ij llteer ta vmirfHu. - aiitaii am., aholraala Afakia, m4 U . Wll.ninatoa. B. C Xl LAP MOHK rrxk, Ustbrt 1 rnlin B.ul!, . . Ma ilaaanM, Oanv Uaaiba. Hura Hraabaa, Vnaijiar Uuatarv ' Ua'f-at tu.-b and lawaat -riM ta tltl I lata J. B. TOPHAM X'B, ' V.IIHnkProat(tnt , WUadatam. M. C. yiLKBB MORRUt, MIUUAKt, UlOXtT U&OIxLI ft U01UU3, ' ACCTIUMIKM AND OEKKRAt, AQKRTt ' WIUIIRUTttll, ST. i". " tarki. Ral EataM and all dasxrlnUoa af aawi kaadm bought aa anld fniaslaalua. . uar nanouai auaatkm (irtrn M any kwntai ttttmMa t) aur abarfa. ai aw wm aiwrmi m ta kua, karraaam ai talbrrtng ta ta pablla faar U, ... "l't m TAX NOTICE 1 WUmington Township TUB BOARD OP TRUBTCF.S AMI) TAX lttar tur tb ToaiMlilp aaa Olti af Wll- Biia(wa will pnioaaa wui mi oaf af April, 171, and Air taranl? dan thrminr. at tba liirssAii, laiaa of w llmm;. mm, iwan w Biwrtaf mimi A. M. AMI I'HKBKP. M.. and inn (-HIMAV KVt. MiMddartaf iktaaaut af APKfti batwata Ikahiraitaf il.X P.M. AM1I MlMfl t. M. aa MUI data, m hat Ui tuakla land and prop' anu ataa w aaiuaBM raqviraa Bf 1a. ATI banoM and eorporalkina wilbls tbla onanian unr ara raqalrad By La)b v la Ibair Taxabla and atund al tba abata lima and plaoa luf tba paruaaM nwlniNl, viiblii TWfcNTV .Uri.ami.r IbsTKllALTT orioi)m,a tax. Euiraclfivin Avt to Uau Ktvenwtt "ALL PBHSOHS a bo ar Hail tur POLL TAX, aad akall wllfailr Ml la rut thaanatlrti In, and all perauna wbo una prnpana aad PAIL TO LIST within th tint allM.f, aliall OdaaaiadUUlLTT OP A MIHUBMBAXOM aad aa awailctlan tbatatur aliall ka FlNKll aotnura tba riPTV DOI.I.AKK, aa )M raitoMlCUaataiafatbM THIRt'V DAY.' BfdMr Mia Board ttt Tmakaaaar Wll. ttntaii Tonnablp, lb a JTIXtt aay at April, laia. i , . i -. ,.-' l.T. POTTS, '' ' TnnMlpCttlt, Biarok M TI St- M ai3. A A) lilli a A J A il Of :; for sriRir, ., Ilaalat ataal TarpeallMa Ilarrala, AT NEW, HARDWARE STORE. UlLU A MVKUHISOK. SUS M Il JAME8 ' 8CH00L FOR GIRLS, LENOIR, H. C;' V Ta a tft-KM aaaaaw taoaaiirnM baat bt u. atyaa. . : ,! , . . . .. jlt U rMMUd n Match Id. 151. itnwit, mil h a o nr. if faatvaaA, b'alu . ru- Wa aV a itulahtml. baaltK ilnnnlah. mi, mm turfiHaa t"tii'0v au t aiirirt ntavaw aafaniafva, ; , ;j Tba tnaaT tavatloa aaln( (it la Tl'lntar, II Ill alTutd an aarottnliity flir pt ranti hi tba I tratMiril)eatonathtlr riancbMra la tba bdalilij aioiintaln, rrtilvn all tba Hooiiuar, and at tuma aita ukib duiiuf is winun i TKatni-MnU In attrattM, Hj ria, pitr Miwattbtr and oT till Bemlua. ' BOARD, par' Raaalan af ltd tviwka, lluhiaauu uel lucliMted, ,.,..t m Wsrhlng, l ar SoaaUin,.,. ....... .,,... : f ( Tuition, pr Naatlon,, ... , , ... , ...... ,f JO 40 Hi 0 Langui' . rVSIt llrBt.trUl.r........ t M i . ' Vocal, M,..ik..,,......w.w.M,..; w A rnll taan afrnr i'ail-a, knaws a tn. aon or the biifbtwt abilltr aa Ula-H-al Biikot. ar, haa oonatat-d I ukacbariii of Ilia l.al'li flaaw. W rnn br thl arranranrnt ufli'f mrtor a.1 rnnJaf aa lot thaatad, of thai Ian. Taarhar of Rnillah Branebfi Mia MA. MtMtibar, ofHaajoloii, Va. . . f.a0ber nf trfb in4Mul-MlMM.Ma-AIMU rtat,tiaaauiruf Ilia R;tor. Ksv. rfdrJAHJiM A. OKKTBI , Kaatur, - . - SI Jantta' rlaatorjr. RrR.t' aa-R. B. Thna, AUimn.P I. I K. t'karlra w. Rankin, krrtor of St. Mkft V motet, Ralllatura, Md. , ntarrk . . . , tf COAL! COAL! jfjll.tiUICe SOW OS HANI roll 5 :' Ontes, fttovti and Baiiges, -Foundry arid Blacksmith. . " V lrliarad nrotaptly. ' '--' ' 0. O. PARSLEf CO. ;i otarrbtS LIME! LIME U AboUmt cargo af that uparlar.KOCKLAIlD LIME k) bow latuliag front Bclwanet A 2 a for tali ij GO.d.BARKRtt0O.' SALE OF Wilmington, Charlott8 AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD, is - . ; , i -. - B' VIBTCB Of A UaCBRB Vt THE parts Cawrt af Ma Omatj af K aa Raaarn k toi ifat t Kartk Ckraltaa, audi Utk aaf Juai Bluart J fhUa V, C&1, , v -' i .... MlTUfralaa,afiat"T W"nlStao, Unttlytl Ra0ttlBtd Rallraad teatpabj1 ad atbtta, at ( Jaary Tola, MM, af aaU Overt, th . aadaraltaaJ. E.UI X. aitrrnaa, l ori M. ttvmaua'aast JaBa D. Tarkw, llafbiy?, tppolSM mhl ittrf, will otll At Public Auction la ll klVfl bhldrr, it U Vwart ttnusdvot IS fBK flTT OP WflMIStCiTOS. ' latktatoaat Oftaaaald, va Ttfl MlDAYv tha lata) iT Jprlt, ltS,i ffw'cavek M.,tk .Entlro Railroad, : , KNOWS A1 THB Witmlnfton. tharlotta unci Rutherford Railroad fret tt (ABfERS TERMINU la Vn iU, f Wllitlagtoa slurassld b U VUTIRS TtRMlXVItatBsbtFil of Mikrrofdtoa ta 144 Slot a'dlataacB'af mtt niLRB, el anion 134 ma fra aald Mt; f WUntlogto t a pals aar lb tsaa f Wartatboro, sit SB a. Il froai city ef Uhirlolt te BUFFALO CREEK, la th oaualf mt ClSfttalaad la laud SUM at caiplttad and t , alt a all th .RAILWAYS, RIQIIT3 OV WAY, Depot 0 rounds and other Lonilsf TiacUj Bridges, ' Viiulucle, lPt" Station Hon, .Engine House, Car Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Hoasea, Machine HLop aud all otlier Bhops, nouses or Buildings, and all Locomotives, Tenders, Cur and other Rolling Stock or Equipments, ' and all Moohiiiery,. Tool, Imple ments, Fuol aud Materials of any .',. .,a e. - , kind for oonstructing, operating, re ' pairing or replacing the aald Roll roatl, or any part thereof, and all appurtenance or Allure ef the aarae belonging to or piirujiased by said before) nameil deteodant and .... -. i now in it fosseaaiuu, together with , all and singular the Corporate right, franchises ami privileges bf the said above named defendant a the some are' art forth" In the tadentux of r ' a. . a r mortgage referred to in the Mm -plafot filed fn said case, and inolud h iug also all eu,4 aingttW, the fiharcs Vol th CepiUl Btock of "THE WI xvsmax iuilway bridge COMPANY" standing iu the name ' of saiii defeolaut,fihd all tho Estate, Rights, Title, InWet, Property, Clftira an Dt'tnaud of saiddofcndiuit hi and to any and all Ilonl and I'er ' BOnfd Property or Effects herein be- fore referred to or whicli is owned by laid defendant. s ' ' TERIISOF. SALE-CASE Tbkiikaol lW atntv. bnmad AilaaJsnt Utt trnigta, Cuortott Si Rathr-rOw II all tuad ComimnT, wcured bf th bidoutusof aMartsagc raftrrad ta la tk sawplaiBt ai bear tog data March liti ivf, and atndatuLeOraad a . Lockwond tod ta plain lift, sawniatutg at th agkrcgaMol,i(Jd,1lie,aill ! recalled front Ui parehsaerov vnr vUascr m pajatcM apon th foPtrwlag Utrnu arid oadltlB, Via i Ttrtj Tbonaand Pollan f tba ainraat bkf at aald pal la to b paid la esab, aad for th reaklaa ar remtlndct oftli amount ao but (he bonil ecnrtd b; laid imntgag vlQ b rteeWed to net itnt and In won propnrtlo u inch iMada r, raotaiadat bear ta the faid aggregai awonnt of aud ban ila.' ' t ' 1 , . K'DWraK.'lURRUSS,,1 1 . , ' CHARLES U. STKQHAN, ' Kelama. . e"OHS.TATi.oi, tab a tT-t " Hail Re; .! rratiuaa. IIK!WII... Abt.af.f.., ' Ilia iU-al lAr'nbarf , ,a R.H '";... ArrtttstUiaata,., GOIXQEAST. rranon. taaaasau Laar Lrtatrtii. t I aa a a ..v , a a Killl ' ii ft . t w nwcaiatntat., M ijaatttbiira ' Saua Kt... .abart.Mi., Ab.rtari... ATlt al W ilmnuiga S v, 4 a . A t I w r Dla, fiint t ,"ptt in , . r, r rratttw'rraliMatvpkcra or-j s t. f Stacirat Chartatta juiimaj IW. VUnla(Va to CSaHoV, f - BJSaTraiiitaaSiititaT, A.j.r ttv Tralsa far To Tui riia im-.-a 1873 WfslerjDIv;5x3.'tl t 4 aririoaa J raiuar. Laav rhaxU.tra. 1 " tinrolaton. I Arrir at buuaJn.... limit U(I . MJtTrtiMiia. Utrt Pnea "... I f p l , , - .iu.inn ' 41 a I '""". Artlt at I barton , I 14 V M ) ! . V. a). JtlMNHOR, , , "f. I. PRSMONT, Aaatarantlupt, uprinien.t-.,i, I"" , M-u' Ullmlnjtf)iana Tcl ou IlalLroad Coiaj:.)-, Vti mw tfnsaAl Sirraiirvi pit, l " V ' WlisilBg'toal jt'cjia-.i,;:! ' .' " -. t ; r--.5 " Ua 4 aftaf Haadav, Asa lata. Puma Train aa th -fr.atW. Railroad ki.l iu folia wii " ..v,'. KAIL TRAtM. ' , hJ Uav Cnloa Depot dally (Saod at Mlwfiol'laliJrnV.""'';;,;r."w.ii p! PoeT Slonnt at. I il P. li, 44 WaLtoaal a j. n Ua Wldoadail(SaiJTaa'ut. ...... ,v.i: , t m. M futiiaooroat., " JJaloa Uaput, ,,, I !W I. M. y imv r. aa. , RXPRMS JRAIJt, . tl Uav Cnmdpat,daUr, .:..i...tilta p. M. Arrlaa at (tublaU.Ha al I m A. JW. Jfklwatal,. ...., A A.M. " waltlon .... M) A. M Una WMoa, dallr, at t 10 p. H Anlaat Ho"a Mount m,,..,r ; P. M. (Mibtabnra at. ,0 .Ml P. M Vnioa liapotat, ,, ........ AHA MaU Train aiakaa eluaa enunaoiiin at W . '''"''NsriavlnlJap Lu widAr aula Uraak ronua. Kipraa) Train enat.nW alth ron' Croak rent. Fa 1 1 ma falara bimtr aT tar mm Ibla tnala. rint Tmlti all! Iv v. '.wi-'.in eMkly at lia) A. M. andarrlr at i .u p. II K),r Pralbt Traiiia will kix.l.i T (tv joirjHl) at I A. M. and an. : ji " :-:-:: .-Jwi.m i Was ' . , t ? i f ..... . ....jf fcUKRALBUrKRINTRNn TS t piC U'lluiintxtoii, CoIu?alIa Wiliuiistd, V. O, OcS Tig, .1171 cltanoe of echedul::. Th following Bob erl it to IU go lino envt ' IB) A. St., UondaT.lth tnatatit. I DAT RXl'RKBS TRAIN. nH-t.. baava n umuifHin.,M,,,,.,,.,,., j Arrlr at Klocaxaa-. .,.,,.,.. i M. t A. M. P. M. SP.M. A. M A.M. I latlufni liim 'I Auruata. , r Lrat Aimuia. ...... Ar.ltaat Tkiinnhla., Il ' Plimnoa. ,. MWrlTRafRRSS (iiauVwiiudaa ' "' Laa iiminKuin..,.M... , .,.,. Arrtr at f'oinnn,.,,., .....TI i I. . " Columbia. ,..,., t w A. . w t Auruata..'. :. a . M. LaT Anaiiaia.... ...... v -if. v. ArriT at Columbia... , ,,i p. . . V 4THranirai...,M4t4.nt,.t A. -. Wtratiitjba . ...a. M. ., JAHF.a ANin wiKN. . , . i (j lianl Hu-r-","lnt. ant -!.' . ,, lM.f aWnaaaBanrasaawi.,l vaai , , - SH1PP1S0. IJaltiinore tuidWUintazto: ,;' ' SEMI-VCckiY, . StEASaSIIlix oostveaoo'uv TB Plant clAnttftv, t. J. lOLtr.,.....,, ,;a..I. J p. irm l.t'1'II.I.K, .....Cji.- t. .(. f. 1 . - i . I . KiUl.U A tisttH.,XiX. U. Ulii U Will liaranflar a!l from BAf.T I 1 T"8lAr an.1 PH-IOAV. n.l Ir. i Wi - MlSUlWaVarr Wn'UNCSIrA ai ' M I . I'ltDAY, cunni.'tlM at V lluu.i"i i tl.a WtlaOtenm.tolattiiia' tn.na,' li ttni ft Wiblmi, atnl lb W ilm.i ..., I i.,,, At Huthvrl'onl K:kltn.aiia A. u, mv ,1 L-m- ufNiwuacri to FaUi.ls ... . Qlvlog.TbaOMKti liilN of I. j to all pointa In lS'miU and .l ri'.'ln.a, (tuorgla aiwl AlaNuo, ' ' j Connoctlnrj ct Ca:t:..v:ro WHithe Unltldiura &"iMc ant r n,i!ira t.Vutral Uilr.W fur ..iln'- .1 ' -ri.. Sirti.Wat,aiMl aiu ttienrw ' i bnuioH.i lui Hotton, f w ain ami i-b i i a. Pm frt'Iil anjn)e"V : in 1 , y V,.,V-''--'A.A-'!'. ASKWSflO.,A!.'iit.. . , . . . . iiauimora. r , , .lo-SI - ' 1 r 1' '- - - T OBLLLAKD'H BTEiVOHIP U-.-i Il I 1 NKW yi'!K. Miuse tto.bj irar . rnO.1t JKEtf TON:U A. t OA YH Al ATl ;i; l I IT vnxjiisiij v IKSPRJUSOltONLTO; F' tHROCGlf COSNTtn i Y BAILBOAD LP.AL.J- t .-. - tFltMlVTCS. a fo Ta'TP'T- K- iu I or fre!tita- , T t. if 3r50. i:i:cn: ".: Fl . .'..I i r v (.) bla. i ra Wor jai I' " prU S c 3 ATTE!. M' r j I ts 1 . it Ha ! li - r m 1 IMIl I l.'ll Kl)

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