f 1 ' , - ' N N w n x y N- ' ' ' i j 1 T i ! : ; I I j wmmrGTOH, n. a, ttjisday. apeil 15, lsra T7H0II vol nn-iro. CO. (Lit ptlb IfcnninL WILSUXOTOX, X. X: LTCXSSAT. APXIL 15. 1873. DY TELEGRAPH. ""WAll lN TllE WEST." THE MURDER OP GEX CAN BY. GENERAL ADVANCE ORDERED. SOME FEAR THAT THE INDI ANS HAVE ALREADY ESCAPED. CONFLICT WITH APACHES LAST FRIDAY. A 8ANGCINARY FIGnT. JEFF. C DAVIS SUCCEEDS , , CAXBY. A BLOODY CAMPAIGX MARKED OUT FOR HIM. r,r,rt.r, I nmU the klacd of the 14 li ; ke ali ar U a Md, IU ara att b kd ertr kb brL WasHEfOTOX, April 13. Official ad rioe fully eon firm the diopakhe of laat night in all their detail. The in dignation i penorul, and order for prompt action and terrible punishment hT been lmiiisI. OomTal Sherman ha tasued a general vrdtr highly laudatory of Canby. ' Sas Fkamcisco, April ll-J"hn Conner left th lara beds order had juat been iaaued for an adrance along th whole line. The plan was to ad vance alowly, taking everything as they went, and having water and provisions along with them. In this one is may be two day before the trouble is ended. It is presumed that the rcmaiua of Oeneral Canby and Commissioner Thomas will be forwarded to this place, nd should arrive to-morrow. By many persons it is believed that the Modoc arS utterly desperate and will fight until their last man (alls, and that they will not leav the cave in the lava bed. By others it ia believed that they hare already made their escape, and will begin a relentless war upon all th weak parties of whites they en counter. " It is supposed that Soar-faced Char ley and Curley-head Doctor were the Indiana who attacked Colonel Mason's position, and that this attack was a blind to attract General Gillem from the conference between Captain Jack and hi men and the Commissioners. On the 11th of March a large band of Apache killed three men. The troop followed them. Lieutenant Rice report killing aeventy-nine war riors and capturing twenty-six women and children. .Captain Randall reports killing seventeen warriors and captur ing seven women. Niw Yoai, April 14 Noon. Ad vice from the lava beds early on Sin day morning state that there are no hostilities. Meachsin may recover. Washington, April 14 Night Gen. Jeff. C Daris succeeds Oca. Canby. HBADO.UABTBB8 A FMT U. 8. , Washixoton, April 12, 1873. ) , Gen. Gillem, Modoc Camp, Yrcka, California t , rtl I Your dispatch, antouncing tho tor riblo loss to the country of Gencrnl Canby, by the perfidy of the Modoc band of Indians, ha been shown to the President, wno authorizes me to instruct you to make the attack so strong and vigorous that their fat may be commensurate with their crime. You will be fully jurtifled in their utter extermination. " W. T. Shebma-v, Gonl GOTHAM. THE GAS STRIKERS, A WALL STREET MONEY IXE THREATENED, FAM- TRAIN'S EXAMINATION ON THE SANITT QUESTION. Nbw Tore, April 14 Noon. Two Germans employed at the Oas Works were attacked by the strikers, whose ringleader they shot. .The German would hare been killed, bnt the police rescued them, arresting three lead ers of the strikers. It is stated that the money lender pt Wall street, in retaliation of the threatened usury prosecutions, hare combined to withdraw their funds and refuse to lend at any rate. Train has summoned as witnesses, in behalf of his sanity, nearly every statesman, financier, editor and physi cian hereabouts. His examination will b continued to-morrow. THE FIRE FIEND. THE DETROIT TRIBUNE BURNED LOSS VERY HEAVr. HEAVY LOSS IN ST. LOUIS. - DmoiT, April 14 Noon. The Tri knit, l.ti 11.1 i n f wanfinna1 'Awlav TIia . . m . v. loss is very heavy. Four CThnder presses in th fire proof room escaped. The Tribune will be printed, for the present, in the Free Press office. St. Louis, April 14 Night. Th Missouri Planing Mill was destroyed by fire to-day. Loss, $30,000. X0RT1I CAROLINA. EEXRT CIXVT3 TBYIXQ TO SELL CS OCT. WILLIAM A. SMITH ArPOIXTED . RECEIVER. , I j THE CASE OOXE IT, OX AP- FE1L, TO THE UNITED STATES SITREME COURT. Ouiiiwu', April 14 Xight In the United State Circuit Court to-day in the eaa of Henry Clew against th Weatera North Carolina Railroad Company, Judge Dick appointed Ma jor William A. Smith. Receiver. Ma- jor Smith U rreaident of th North Carolina Railroad Company, and mem' ber of Congre elect from the fourth Congressional District The above suit ha gone on appeal to the United State 8oprem Court GEORGIA. MYSTERIOUS MURDER NEAR SAVAXXAn. A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S TTFE THE VICTIM. A LARGE SUM OF MOXET MIS SING: Savassxh, April 11 A mysterious tragedy ha occurred at Cape Romain Lighthouse. Mrs. Johnson, wife of the keeper was found dead with her throat cut from ear to car. A razor and a revolver were lying by her aide. A large sum of mouey which th de ceased had lately drawn from the bank is missing. It is not known whether it ia murder or suicide. EUIiOl'E AN C0TIENT. THE CARLI3T3 IX SPAIX. EXCITEMENT IX BARCELONA. FALSE RUMORS. THE INSURGENTS REPORTED RETREATING. Madrid, April 14 Noon. Ther was great excitement in Barcelona yes terday, in consequence of a report that a force of Carlist was approach ing tue city, ine volunteers were called out and promptly obeyed th summons, but it was soon discovered that the report was untrue and the ex citement subsided. Pabis, April 14 Fight Dispatches report the Carlists, who retreated from Puigeeoda, to be in a critical position. MISCELLANEOUS, Havaxa, April 13. BidwelL the al leged English forger, escaped from th prison half dressed. Lmxi Rock, Abx., April 13. White River is fifty-six feet above low water mark. Red and Black Rivers are reported falling rapidly. F.cfacla, Ala., April 13. Major T. F. Johnson, on of the oldest citizens, sad lorur personally identified with the I cotton commercial interests here. dend. Kit Wbst, April 14 Noon. The steamer "City of Dallas" has been brought into the harbor. She is not leaking, snd will depart for New Or leans. ToKOjrro, April 14 Noon. Wm, M. Tweed arrived here on last Saturday night Fort Watsk, Iro., April 14 Noon. The Bt Joseph's River and its tributaries is still rising. Bridges have been washed away and the roads flooded. WAsnwoTox, D. C, April 14 Night The President leaves here on Wed nesday for 8t Louis, . Havana, April 14 Night Biddell i.A.i . t :t -t k. w.f V "" city. Ho had maps of the city sad country. He refuses to say who sided hira to escape. RicraoND, Va., April liV-Nighi The Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias convenes here to-morrow. The session will last one week. New Tore, April 14 Night 1 Michael Donovan has been sentenced to twenty yesrs imprisonment for highway robbery. Messrs. Escher A Co., heavy siU importers, have failed. . Commencinir with the awful catas trophe of the Atlantio, off Halifax, we have realised a aeries of disasters, by fire and flood, by sea and land, which has kept the chroniclers busy in re lating the sad details. A splendid steamship is totally lost on the coast of T 11 , 1 1 t T . 1 1 nouanu, anoiner is suns at rieu urate, East river; a fearful tornado unroofs houses in Iowa, and swallows up human uvea ; disastrous Spring floods prevail in all directions ; in Rochester, N. Y., the rising waters undermine buildiners snd make a sweeninir tomb of the Genesee river for a large num- ber of human beings; whole blocks of buildinin fall to the around, murder- ing the occupants; .while disastrous fires swallow up property, and. in short, misfortunes seem not to come as single spies, but literally in battalions, ?,' .... f . .. us to build better ship and better houses, and generally to lay our. foun dations with more care and judgment. Perhaps one-half of the casualties are comparatively unavoidable, but fully one-half arise from our own reckless carelessness. STATE NEWS. : The derails of the tralr ponium Janie Battoo Ilor lecture in Hi-; BatJ nron oar ooat four niht ag eiga on Mj Dsv. j hT heea buruJ on by one into our ! The Teoiperane craixtk or i i (VJOaboro mopm to 4 p cnnj lue - nw - . on or about the 2nd of May. Siuipn Morvleuui and Thom Griffin, both colored, who wer coo- "JS L. ,.1 !l SEL . TiiT: 1 eonnty of burglary, and wntoed to j b hanged, but who appealed to th supreme totirt iar a new irui, are to hang oa the 30th of May. Th Raki-ru New lr-axns that the residence and out-baildingt of 'iliomaa Dowdj. Ch tluun un t t, wr d ftroT- ed by flr lart week. 6a Taeaday the dwelling houae, barn, Ac. of CoL iJame llire were eonraoied. VV hT no particular in relation to the fire. A colored fireman of th engin T Z .f ?"l-n oa Saturday sear Weldon, and it ia snrpoaed received fatal injuries, though at last account waa living. His head struck a piece of timber in passing a water lank. The Favettville Statesman says: S. A. Baldwin, J. P., yesterday committed to await tue reauiaition oi tne Ikt- ernor of South Carolina, Calvin Fai- aim, charged with stealing a mule from Dr. Jas. IL Powe. near Cheraw. S. C II waa tracked all the way to th Courthous in Fayetteville, where th trail was lost; but wa afterward arrested by Deputy-Sheriff J. A. Brown, with th property in his pos session. Th Charlotte Observer says: For a day or two past ther baa been on ex hibition here a perfect curiosity. It is young pigeon, with four perfectly formed legs, the two unnatural one being iust uuder th wuigs. tnior- tanately th pigeon was killed by a lien (wuom neck, naa Deea wrung) im mediately after being born, but it has been preserved in alcohol. The cu riosity is th property of Mr. John T. Butler, and waa burn on his premises. It can be seen at ew Idea Haloon. The Raleigh New says: Yesterday, about Da. m., at Clayton, Johnstou county, fir broke out in a pila of cot ton, containing about 41 bales, belong ing to A. Horn. The fir raged lor aooui miny minute wnen it - waa ex tinguished by the exertions of tho citisen of th village. About six hun dred dollars worth of cotton, at pres ent pnoes, was destroyed. Th fire i supposed to hav originated either from sparks from passing locomotive on tli railroad, or th steam saw mill near by, The P.a'elgh Sentinel ssys: Less than a year ago virtuous young girl waa living in private family in this county. Hh became enamored of a young man of rich but respectable pareuta. And in ber oonndance he be came her master. Months hsving elapsed he became enamored of another woman, and he save the other ten dollars, which but conveyed her away from wher b was. and when she arrived in Raleigh she wa. destitute. The chief of police was informed of her critical condition when he had been notified. Having ascertained where she was (having been conveyed there by a kind hand) be sought the nearest at nana praotitiouer of surgery and medicine he could find, who waa Dr. HcH.ee. She lecanie a mother twenty-two years oi age next July. Mite is an orpnan. iier tauier was a Confederal soldier, and when he had been killed during th late war, her mother returned from Tennessee to this State and soon afterwards died. She is now lying in a house, in the suburbs of the oity, in a critical condi tion, l he police authorities have fur nished her money and hav don eve rything they could foi her comfort t. :.. ...l .1..' 41.. Ik iff r jwi-icu limb uio vurjnuau people of Raleigh (but this is no appeal, for all those who are true will lT.i - . m . aw uns sunonng womanj wiu ai one respond to this call of humanity. Cnrisna Japaa HUtary Mr. Mori, the Japanese Minister, who sailed s few days ago for his native country, left in th hands of General Eaton, Commissioner oi Education at Washington, a short sketch of that re- markablo people from the earliest su- thentic records. lie divides the his tory of Japan into four grand eras : nrst, uie age oi fiaruia, or spin in second, the ace of Ushet, or frovern- mettt of the Kings ; third, Hashir, the government of the nbioguns, or secu- f . .-4 lnn.ll, .n.l l..f tha age of Oshei-ish-in, or 'restoration of the ffovernment of the Kinss. There i nothing curious in the sg of spirits but tho language, it is similar in HI! Ul'tUJ V HI UlWau V umtUUn-, though differing in expression and manner of pronunciation, which ren ders it very dimouit o acquirement. I"""" ."".. TT . V.. i . Its origin, hke thai oiuie Japanese people, is unknown. The record of Koziki is the oldest, being 1,160 years old. This represents the creation as in evolution, and divides it into three distinct genealogies : first, that of cc- Ia.11.1 Iiaihm adjvtir1 Ittninf aniritlloj K 01.HH wiUa J beings ; and lastly, msterial ones. The celestials consist oi five jurnis, and begin with Amo-no-minnkanushi, or matter of the universe, ine sec ond and third Karnis are related to each other, and represent male and female elements. The remaining two are nf no special importance, but each of the celestials appear to have been self-created, and to have controlled their own existence. The name of the tilace of their abode was Takoma-no- bara, or high region ; its record of their creation or destruction exists. It is seen bv this that the Japanese the ory of creation is just the reverse of Darwin and others. Altogether it is a strange account, and to the Latin races an moampreuensiDie history, Rawar t Nlghtaaarc. Dr. Hall says that when s person has got a nightmare he is in danger, ana should be awakened' at onoe, without anv referenoa to the asency. In this way doctors, we think, do a deal of harm. A young man named Mephitns was lvins on his back Sunday alter noon, singing to nimseu, ana wita mi I eves closed in a sort W eostaey over his efforts, when his father rushed into the room and planted a kick in the ribs of the vocalist that sounded all over the house. The mtir family were three hours bnninna: that vounir man back to consciousness, but tne trouDie seems as nothing in view of the fact that he might have died had not his father come iu as he did. Danbury Jvewe, Pram tk Unite. X. t-. Carnal:. Wmk l Ika x Atlaattc." uemoris that to remain, tukcffarcd forewr. Th piotur ol th 1P- Uon w bna'wt bo r.J from th night ia- to eloep with Ui full asauranv that w worrow r?""". eye a pccful harbor of rlug, of tii tuudea alarm, th eraah which drore th awakeoed aleepera with hur rying fort opoa the deck to hear the row of death from th ware beneath their feet, and fae it frown apoa th aky abore, of th hundred in th very meridian of life, vta, overwhelmed by age, panned into eternity without on farewell look at earth, of those who, chilled and despairing, clinging Ion to the rope and cpar, fell at laat dead upon th marbl hdgc of the tea . will remaia forem in th dream of scenes of this caUs trophy, and never b forgotten by those to whom prox imity to th seen of th disaster ha lent a vivid reality to it story. The moat harrowing feature of all the hurry of the sleepers wakened be fore the dawa wa th almost total fur retting of th women and children.-. In the mad rac for Ufa to the deck these, helpless and weak, were thrust ule and left behind. No children and few women got beyond th eoni-pauiou-war. They went down with the ship, the husband of tho women dying with them ia preference to seeking safety without them. It seems, at first, strange that such n 'gleet of those most requiring help should hav been manifested in a British ahip, whose officer were any thing but cowards; bnt the auddenne of th shook, and th rapidity with which th vessel suuk, must b taken as an excuse for a neglect wh:'oh would be otherwise inexcusable. Now, how ever, wben we remetnner In fcorror of that night tho dashing of th wsve over the vessel, th freesinar atmoeiihere. and the difllcultiea which stood in th way t f th bravest and ronget reaching the land it is rath- er a matter of congratulation that death seised swiftly upon the young and feebl rather than they should have been finally forced into its embrace after prolonged torture. Whether skill and vigilanc beseem ing so great a oharg as that assumed by th officer of th "Atlantio," might not have prevented th disaster which overwhelmed their ship and its bring freight is not a question for hasty iudifoment The prudeno which dic tated th bearing up for th port of Halifax t unquestionable, and another tribunal less rash in it verdiota than publio opinion will deoid whether ia taking that course all requi taking that course all requisite precau tions, careful calculation a to diatances. rimil examination of charts and regulation of speed approaching land at night were observed. It may be that this histono accident has been on which could not hav been avoided by any exercise of human foresight. aud that ome inscrntsble decree of an overwhelming Frovidenoe and not tho criminal carelessness of man doomed to death the lost passengers of the Atlantic. We trust that such was the case, and to this trust we bold for the present Her officers hav yet th reputation of skillful, prudent sailors. Their bravery, coolness and considers tion for those under their charge were proved iu the last momenta of immi nent peril to themselves. The jealou eye not only of those who were strug gling with all their energies to escape the fate which had overtaken their com panions, butof thecalmerresouersfrom the shore, were fixed upon their actions, and yet none complain that they faltered for an instant in their duty. The Captain seems to hsve given his orders with eoolrea and de liberation, and to hav left the ship only when hi further presence would have been useless ; the Chief Officer was tho last living man to quit the wreck, hi own lif nearly paying forfeit in the vain endeavor to save that of a woman passenger : th Third Officer, by his conspicuous daring. where all seemed to be brave, suc ceeded in bringing means of self- rescue to many ; sod the Fourth Officer was lost On any one of these men it would be monstrous to pass harsh judgment now, when their gallant bearing in a trying moment of supreme misfortune is yet the theme of every tongue; and we feel that the whole of this community, at least, is with us in the wish that they will be able to show themselves blameless in the inquiry which will be instituted. The courage of the fishermen of Prospect who hurried to the scene of the wreck in their boats, and risked their lives to save the men of the Atlantic, their hospitality displayed in opening their house to the distressed. and sharing out their scanty wardrobe among the naked, aud all this gener- oni,ly. tbc tion of the Legislature on behalf of the Province, and of the Mayor on behalf of the city in at onoe offering shelter and food to the sufferers but evinced sffoctively the sympathy for the living and the sor row for the dead felt in every section of the country upon whose rocks the Atlantic was castawsy. 1 ' , Hallraadt Tim. A recent lumberman'! circular esti mates tha number of railroad ties ia ? resent use in the United State at 50,000,000. A out of 200 tie to the aae is above rather than under, the average, and it therefore ha required the product of 750,000 acrei of we'l timbered land to lurmsn tne supplv. Railroad ties last shout &v yean; consequently ou,uuu,uuu tie are used annually for repairs, taking the timber from 150,000 sores, The manufacture of rolling stock dis- poses of the entire yield of UMJ.uuu acres, and full mpply of ar arly 500,000 sores more everv ver. it appears, then, that our railroads are stripping the country at the rate of 1,000,000 acres per annum : and their demands are rapidly increasing. Blaaaa A.tktaaa's Appalalatcata. rVaolort... " . St. John'., Durham's i ftwek.,,. Trinity, Heant'ort conniy. ...... Wkalilnghm, " .- " nan, " i ....... , .larao.', rang Mrnoath Bt. Paint's, Washington canst Bt.Laka'S. Flmhrth City.,... ............. ..May . t ntonton m.-w Klauoa Chapal, Cbon-an annty ..May T TbarakjMaieaaafBr poor BUonlta, BolM, Bra, Oriddl Oakaa, Mnfflna, WafilM, ., ha DooUy'i Taatt Powda pi assa; ' aicr man. SFICIAL tlLIIHSTGI TEUST COXPAHT SAVINGS BANK, Charter ky Art el th Caral A shir t rtai rare 11 a. Statu fl4 Iwhrsuurir tMa, ISTS. Silas X. Haiti. fiwHiak. Doi McBas. Vk-rrwkUaL r. M. Kixt, Catatsr. DuacroM : Siias X. Mum, Dmai Mi It a. Iswaa Kivms. K. C aveirss, Usuaaa Csadmcsii. Tkta lutltiUM WUl MMIM kMkaMSM TkanAaj, Mar 1st, 1ST:, M Ms aakla Hum MarkM BWMt, North kMM mat as Imm4 ItnMS. Dmj f laa M srwwils, U1 k rwslrsit. . Marrtt vawa aM atiMts, ky tk M"Ww rtkchsrr,sarlt am; fca uw w aaaM, aakjct to tkw w SMtiwt. I atrtf at tk rate T ta ft tmu f0t aaaaataUdM all kraiisif riv liar aa arwMds, naulate la tk aaak Ikm aoatki axl apwwOk. luUrvM h pa;ablt stahaMaally wksa sot traa mi Us imuI wlU k ad.tod I Ik artaMlpal may, nut S) Utltil U llrM tk saaM regaUr t Laaaa alii k aud apa tt lw lUal k laM al Mllalaraas, at wiwibli rati a. II Is Utnrttil tkM Ikki laMUniWa ikall Ma rl a kM( fl wul a Ih Hty tt Wllsila.k. It j .r nil plc Mr ta SriSMl t mt tkm atlafXtfUui wpl, k r Mali. II will aJ4 H tk mum ijk4 m4 lt a Iaiwias M kiwtiHM ky rvulntag as taplo;laf tk sai-iial hrr K l aeraaalab. Tk itiim4 al I a yulUr ba)U-tlf4. afll II s.ui:tJwy tr r PuM f. J. HuSwnin, Wa4 k-r llra1-!. M-wngvt, kn-l M.tlai mm , S iat, utk wl all i Jum k. hAKIitU'K U.tlU t I Thl. Mirb H Dt m tut kM is tha mutta fMlwllf Haralw. lUllnlil JH iMtWIlMM ova N-i (wiii.lutaiiiil Kti Hkllmlnm Twt t'ailmuuii Otfcx. Th r"al W. A. Hatk- ! Hli rmim IVMKHUTKI.I J-Wmltil Black or Hataral Yruwa. ltm M uUn tk Skin, kut hwM Um Hair Ckwi. Man anS BMllll. Th wl; mtm aad rrt lT, Sukkt tlUrf1Uk tmcimty atravt, H Tor k. aprll 14. ISia tVfat-MMlAWI OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. llni atelier tor tm Mm) froa thllrial Bfrura an Ahimt I rry III. MMiktio trttutrA. laMllai'iw I kUrrtur ramorr. K BMlhu M trtaoat. Nw ravtfkkl nm iWm, Buau Ursalva ax I fro. la m .M ntaloura AMfm. HOWARU AaoCI ATIOM. . I out aiHia St., ruutari.i r,-ii intuit Ikm karln a kl(k rftxtetloa fur kraurabla auodiiot una vrslMlmal skill. rra 11 T'JIeTm -V MR TH BHEAKrASr.M'NON VjSKON, 1NK AD SUfrtB TAHLB, LEA & PERfims1 Worcsstcnliire Sauce IS INDItPCRSABLI. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Nwtork, Aentaloctbal'atUdllau, sets. IA Irak Sefaenck'i Pnluoslfl Candy P asbmiMla a rl lfTMall tk wiaiblof achaack'a Piilaioala am v. a4 aii a pluaaaal to tts plu a ilk parMf eonlxikma, lis HMdloal prop Mm radr It aftcclual In cub, aokla, bronchial Ml rat. airhal airtuia, , It U Ika bmmS aH-pta-W roamdjr fur rkiMrta ar Inl at, mm mn ka Inii alia Imvaaittl while ' nraitvlonil mUrBin.H Ihoaa wb t at rroia Um of Toioe. It It ImllMwanbla. ThtMsamtli-f artpttl ap , a tS eml kaaas aonreiilmt lor tha pocket, aad ar lot aM b an araifisu ana aeaiara. . H.iuniriitaiuni N. E. (orsar Slitk aaU Arch SU., P hlla. ftkH 4S I V2W ADVEBTISZJH5T8. THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL It riETIRQ OFTHS MtDICALSOCIITT m um list f Xarlk CareUa, will k ka'. la TATtl V1IXK , R. C, MAT Hk. 1JT1, at II (. m. JAMR8 McREB, St. D., Bairatarr MoiUral oot, H. u. RaLSior, N.O., April II, n. (aprUSVtd GETTYSBURG KATALY8INE WATER. THE V KITED STATES DIIPEMSA lury, ika aathorlsod roeord of oar MaUrla ktnllra, vlaaaaa IhM araUr with tha bum ro nonnn Alkaiiaa or Darknnatrd Sprint of Karvpa. It far asoaada aar it' ar kuo In H sair-praarrrin frnpoTtla. It dot not datai lorni by kotllin aud kwpln. it ka. narcr boon elaliW lor any lkar mi anal araiar tha power to dKootre tha aratw, or ao railrd aba'k rorni.iHma In lha kony or aa tha llmb and lolnt. Thl. tha Oottrahurt Kataly- alno Wator kaa dona In handrodiof Insane, a 0nnl. AVuMoHm, Ittmralgi, tyffuptim, Vrmwl, Dtflxl'l, Aufwy awl Vrint Puratfl mnorally bar. all ylrklod to IU iaS aahea. It baa nWnrad Huttmlmr Pmwtr tu tha paralrtls, enrad Abirnmi Ml Crww. and alrrn h.allkr action to lha lr- pii ii.fr. It ka. enrol Vkruit Dimrrkma, PUn, . i .... ... l . !- ... ii.r i ip. i mi. , y.af.m'., v n.. i m yirwim 9 m Skim, O'ntnl Ptintitt and A"nan Pmtrmlimu rruni Mmlal and fhytUtl Kicttnt. All tkM by lha huttl'd atr It la powerlal aaOdota fi Brcrtrle. Aaria or Pnnkmt. It eorroaia Ih btonm;k. pruatotn Di. nation and roHerea tna Hand alraiwt iBmrdutely. P.niphlrta eon'alnlni akxturrol th. Siting, report. Uom aalnant ph)alrlan. and nadionl arrltcra. mar. Toiona and prlt-atmrc esrro, an WatlBo- nl.nt from dletlngulebrd aitlama, nlll o farnuhad and eat hy Ball on (.plication to WHIT MKT rrttS.,oi.l A.'la. (21 Sooth Front St., Philadelphia, Fa. OtrtTuBcau sraiao to. , .. i. K MiIUIEMMT.sml lrcfiaU(emrally aprll 11 W d3l Orri(kfHt' r.wu'n W., C. Y R. R II 1 TUKineTon, N. O., AprU 14, 'it. W R w airuJ iZ" SEALED PROPOSALS TVIL.L BE RElEITED BYTHK UNDPR. k g i. d, ni t'l Mundav at II M. for tha (ruta tWn, traatllng. brNIg ng ao I rek- aying U rnntnitta ma naiiar.y nn o iwn w.ua born' .nil t harimia (alKMll oi tan. ). Profl eaand .noell ail n ohm be aeon a' mr rfflo In thl- city. HpielSmtlou. nlll b. nrut b) stall aa ap, iieauan. - .. I. I.'.uni, Uimv Enainaer. ap-H IS m-ti Star and P-a KipT I ttra- j R rh-eo' i l-l pk rop) I imm and rnd bl.i Is till, rfllr. HISSES' CUIR ADD BXOS7.E BTJTTOM BOOTS. CHILDRENS' CUIR and BRONZE BUTTON BOOTS, A large assortment at C. A. PRICE'S, Exchange Corner. . u- aprU 14 Wilmington Lodge Ho. 319. psaULA MEETIa TBIS EVEKIMO tlx sleek. . TU09. . 0ARB,eW. strUU 10-tt raw lLvuLTisiamrTS. SPECIAL. rpilt UTI BOOKS TOKK kai iia aatk-a at ail la vast mt BUwk Baeka, a uMr kalUa roaltt,' tkav eaa k fcrabkW tkasi at prlea tka,Wrj eeapatltlaa. lattafsatiM arat4 k all, I tum a aallty, la WMaawkja itk K Tark pnara. RKIMSSIRQIBa Lira Ba aa4 staa Star. Qmi4 r I tar talt at HKINIBEBQ.EB'. apnlU S- , AUCTION. 8. S. BWTnrO. Auctioneer. I will aall at air Salaa Boaa to-Oar at W tlac. A.M.) m kkav rtata. I MallaM. I . Lar. I J Vhtacw, t la Ckaraa. 14 saaakai aad KUcksa Paraltara. b)a BUBtars, Sll BOABD. CUAIBS. BOPAS. UATBACE1. riOTCUSaa4CABPItT. aprtt M Mt M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. . By CRONLY MOUKIS. HOUSEHOLD,' ETTCIIEN FURNI TURE, la OS TUBS DAT. Htk Ica'aal. atMaVlk. a at.. will aaU at ear aaiaa Kwau. aa aa. avlaMBi mt Ilaskl4 aa stllehca rartiltar, ratal, t ka, Ae., WITR ritlf Klta .HatkvrvU yotai'tlkt-Tl iiXhjr Pil!a, fraat B 'oina. EIGHTH ANNUAL BALL AH BU-UNIHSIVU- Uu T kSSOCi ATI IN will lakav alar al Ik Hall mt Ike AurUa Rsflaa Vaatpaar, mm WKHR'S a i'.. DATaraalRf, ApiUIStk stakakadaf tk CeaaltU. KoTkkataasI al Ik soar . J. H M oO A BUY, Is rlH'iN, j. j. Km. JUilN M0RR, Wat. HOWl.lMrt. Com ml Mae. WtaaTaaWt aprll II Just Received I Caalea Ola r Fraaoroaa, aaankarro Brrap, Pattoil Naai, Jdllaa, PmorTaa, Lestoaa. Ai.a uiaipw, traportaai " K. VmiaMr'a, " Mrkaana, fMBTKH, BHUWM 8TM0T, URAMUKS, ., e al JAktKS I MBTTS', d MaikatBUaal. prill st NOTICE. mUB BVBIOBIBRBS TO THB CAPITAL A Block of ika Carolina Caairal Kallwr Gonpm, ara raqaaalail t Moot al Ilia Pint PtUonal Sank, la tba alt at Wllminaloa. M 0., Moodar, tha tvaalr-ellhlk ilav of Aprll, ll, at It o'clock, aoon, tliaa aa tbara, In parami or br pror, M proMad to ataHil nlna tNiMtora mt tkaaald t'eapaa? , an la siaka ark rule, raiulationa and kr-laa-a as tuav tua soaa aw r roe tk sararaaianl or mui aorpuratle, an tk irsaaaetlo ar II kaal. IMUd AptU II, in. Kdwasd MATTStwa, T. B. PoSTta, J. B. Wasnais, a m. UisTis, H. 0. Oinaatxiss, A. V. Btoit, Caaa. H. RoaaaT, T. W. Xsscasss, B. U FaaoT. apll II FULL WEIGHT SOAP. IpatOCTEEi UAMBLE'H EXTRA OLIVE. Boa Brand. of Snap art antd ahnrt valgkt Ir. to a!bt nonnd par kor. If raa a baa. annua pan par onay for mbat mmi d nmt rotelw. Van too arroaato m aoT Buy Proetar 4 (larabla'a full n.tghl Brand ld by alroaar Inyoar dir. rriLi.a.ni' Dtirn., Wkuleatlo Agonta, anrll 1-1m wilmlnt inn. N. fl 0fiiceTrcHvSu,r& Collector, Uty er TTllnlngtoB, n. I., I January 7th, 1&73. W. P. OaaaV. Em . Crrv Mas.aAk I Sia:-"la rararonti to tba aiuuir oftoa- atrartinc nHablo aklewalk. oa rartain atrnu. tha tpai tuition on straota and Wknrraa, ta trhom l ha aiattar wna rofemd at tba I net aieen lag at tba Board reported, i. coin mending that p.. entente h. eunavuetod oa Front Tram Kd I ra lo Oaetla i on Second from Prlncaw rn Oranga ; on Market from Rlr.r lo Ninth .trort; mi nod urow rrom unit to seeona ; on wainui froralinUtoPrnatt on Mnlborrr front Water I Print ; on Water from Cheetnot to Mulh.r. ry ; on Ckeetnat from Water to Front; aa Prln eae. rroa Wator lo Third ; on I Jock fioni Wator In Third ; and on Oranga from Water to Front Mracta; and that tha Marahal ko Inetrnele l la giro notion through tha paper, to tlx propeny owner an Ml Mraetothat lf.de walk. md of bi Irk or nana (Sag) ara not eonttmrtrd by lha lataf Mat hi), tha eltrnlll doUiawork, and tha pronarty In front of aneh .idewalka will ba near i In pay tr neh work. AlleMe w.lka t ko rxmatraolad aadaf tna aaptrrlaloa of ih. Marehal." Tha report waa renrlra and adopud on Ui. ln ai uaeamnor, ion. T.v. nnnvwno, r. mm.mr Troaanraf. jaat S-M-Jt.FI MI,A1AI5 Marsliars Office, CITT r WII-WlwftTO". !.., JaaaauT T, lH7H ( IX ACCORDANCE with tha altera order, from the Mayor and Board of Ahlrrmen, I here by (trt BOtiea tknt If lb owner, of pruperty aloni Ika at rent, named a bora fall ta aonaUaat ahlfwalkael brlek.or ata, 'St,) by tba M .y f My, 117, It till k done by t!j City st their axprnM. w. P. CAS DAT, i;ity Marrhal ,natj, pi. MI.A14H ! NOTICE. ; 1IIE COPARTM.R4HIP HERETOPORS eil-tma amler lha n.ras an rvla of J. J. Oi l ALU., bUI uayui-Mirou oy ainwai eonaent. J j. Mantt alone aatkettetd to aettl ap th. old kanaer. . . u. l H' UTT. H. J. SAULS. Th andemtgnrd wl'l eontln to trnnaxet t eommiaiioa bneluore ander tna name and atria oi J J, doott A "o.. and rmtpai-tlally a-k. rnntlnnanoa ot tua patronag nratowta to lib' .rally aamoiorn.j J. i. SCOTT, Tor rofoeenee. rnfer to Captain I. H Orainar, Preeldent Rank of Kew Uanorer. Wllninitan fl. ;.; r, B. Borriem Proetdent Brmrh Hunk of Hew Henrerer, toKIhoro1. N. C; Hon. Vf. T. Dortch, l. J. Emm as Mean a, B. 4. Af aaea. - march it .00 Smooch BATTEL MURTOAQJt V ; Pot tale at tk JIOT3BSAtOFFIC. . raw ATYELTisinyrs. C3TCJ WAXT T3 t'JT cs::ix:u cxeap? ir tor o,ct BDftORD, GROW & CO'S wnxi tor wot. mi I SCOAR, rLorm. BACOSt, coax, to., AC, at Ola tovM Barkot petroa. Try Ikoir aatekra Ir !) A f Blear. laekMoaof rory m i aowiot i ooacco, la mtm ta otui paw- wn laoaa a artai aeath Wator aa rra Btraaaa. apms ss UBJK BLARKKTB, ur BUSES Mala, naraoaa, saadMa, Traaka. Loatkot TraTotiaa bag. Skid blaakoav Brallo, Marua iaMa, Can 1Mb, Hi i BrMkaa, PoaUor Urn Lartaat stark aa roiroot prioM at Ik BtaU a. B. TCPIAH cxva, a. Svo'k Pmal MroH WUmttaa, H.O. actH jtk , RELISHES. ptCKLXD AVD irtCIO OTITKBs i rwaioa aaa ipwaa aainraai Barttatt Paart and A prlcabj uokioa Paapkl aa Kawtow Plfklas, a4 1 Pa . I laowoa u i a par aea. ai 4. tt IT! TERSOB, aprOI To Contractors. . FOR SALE. ftolslaa Paalaa tllrk tk star aa- Kovwl an darakU iaiat. dollvorad al U rka, rttror nam tk aaarrlaa oa tba Mla Mmr. hmrni Jororr. nrpoaita Hmw York T. Pur forilHtr Intoratailaa aa mn olao. frolbl. otr .ai-pl k AIIOLPMM arK.BItT, doalor la Boitiaa Farioj Rlarha, alto Bnty, aoraar Caaaj Bt , Hav 1 ark. ut 11 n-IUTIai Lies' Si Oilrfc r ADtBS'lBKLT BCTICUUBB, TlluNKH, BAOS, STRAW, LEOHORN, TANAMA. aVSJJ, TEARL AND SILK HATS, L10HT aa DARK IHADtl OP DIAQ0NAL8, CLOTHS, MIXTURES, cuEvorrs, aad slkar aijlra mt CLQTHINQ, NOW OPCXIXQ. nurjson &co. CITY CLOTHIERS. sprUtl Bt NOTICE. A MEE11S0 OF BIOCKHOLPKBB OF tua Wllmitiittoa Mallwat Oa-awatlra Aaa Ullna will ba bald at th. riir Hall aa Tbar daj avat, ink lust., at I o'clock, p. av II. W, IIIVBE, S't. sprtl t) ap-41 STUBGEON TWINE JVD ALL IIZKS BIINB TWINE. Uul Rat Tln af mmy rltt. PWiiag Taekka I rat Tarlrtj al NEW HARDWARE , STORE. SfLII A MCBCHIIOK. aprll 13 ' r BATTIKQ QP BEST QCALITT FOR ITRAIBINO kwols, atacaraoturrd by Ika Oraat Fall. Ma afMtarlni Coaipaoy, RocklBhaat, R. C Ord.f I Iliad al foolery pilot, by . DlROSIET A O V it dJtwM aprUU Hay Idy-IIay. OAA ALS RAT. " I Par a.1 hy r.yi. K SECURER. Sll U California Butter. TO ARRIVE TO-DAT PER STBABB tiSITA, A Cask of Elegant CALIFORNIA BUTTER. The drat lhl mrnt of the Bream, ' - AIJIO, New Goshen Batter. I'.l'nsU nd petfoftly lr(nt. r Sead la yoat ardt ra la lime to OEOR0E MYERS, II II Soatu front Street. M aprll II CALIFORNIA GOLDEN m ROLL BUTTER. JStEttPCCED T TS IS THIS CUT mioeBnnrgoi tj. P-rrt tblrwrit for tha aeawu now in Kor I' Su(erUt to any olhet Batter made In America. , , . . ciia. D. .vnrens co . I Sorth Pront t. . Sprit P 89 t CHAMPIGNONS, B OKEI.ESH IAKDINK", XiorlllcU Hub ana Twngae, , ' Cnrama, MantlMro, Chartrtnaa, Pine Wlnea, Cuidlalaand Liquor., Ploeut braada Importtd and Dcmo.He Began. ; , rnAH. d. mvEids t co., ' , , . ISorth Pron at. aprBO ' ii 8 tt Button Eoots, Lsdies fine Serge Button Boots, Misses Morocco Button Boots, , . , CkiMrsn's Murooro Button Boots,; r A: - " ' : , ciiaeles a. rr.icn-s, ap-lt 11 k'ichang Corner. New Crop Cula, ICO uhds. kew chop crnA Pot '. by " F. W. K ' a:a u Li LwSm lit i u... i . W73. OOINJ V STATTOBS. PAi Laar Wilifto... I aa a II a a 11 r a i y t I r m J at p a " Abbotkbarg... Loatoorwa,.., M BaM Moot Laortabarf.. Barklntbaa... mMLuaarui. OOINQ EAST. raaaajiaaa Laar Lilomi !..., M Baflbiafkaai. Laatlabara., Sana H-".. Laaibanoa .,, M AbOMlabara . (Mia IHii Mtaaa NUll lima Ufa Arrlva at Wava(o lllia - viaaa,auf wan; BaaASaT, f Kaav PralfhtTralaaatep karaarara tltafafer Ckarkxt Ballraad aa c far, WUalactoa t Ckarlotta, tcly I . ar Sa Tralaa aa laadar. Bnra r Oara acaaaipar aaak Paoarafor Traiaw j Tralaa rar Tas Tiaaa raa hTtfalar!r. 1S73 Wcstcra DIvL'v'i 1 -1 STiTtona PAaaaa I past. Laar Okarlau..,, Liacntntoa.. Arrlr at Maoaio. . , IWta 1 at A 11 Aa aBTUBlSJ. uaT Banal UniwIalM. :: IS:: I :::::::::: .. I u ) Afrit at CaarKHt., T. Q. JOMRSOR, , . UH AaaaaaMBapa, luparu.w Ja . in. Wllmln.rtonanil Viti: Railroad Coaj'-r;-, Omrs e BsstaAk paanrrtT WTia.iBu,)r.Cna t, '. CHANQK Of SCHXDULZ. Oa sad aftr ManAa, Jbb MKk. P u rralatsatk W.AW. Ballnad wUl r klkmi Mailt TBA15. , Laar Cala Do pot ajty (laadar .....M....... ' Arrlr at Oolil.horoU n I t - Jtoebo MooatU. S f " wrkloaat a ..i n Laaoa W.ldaadailjr (Saadarr (Aoopt. "" , a a AirtveatRockoklmai,,., ...... ,,,,11)11 " tldaWvat w I " Vuiaa Uapot.. ...., t-m i EXPBESB TBAXS. Laar fTaloa dpnl,dallo, at. Arrir at UultUbora at ,, KnokT Mouutat. .. Wohlua at Laao W.Muai, dally, at. ArrlTaalHo kt Moantnt. ., Ml m P. v. ..... .'-. i V, . t ! I ttoMobtireat...., Union llonot ak. ....,... .. l. . r I I Malt Train aaakaaelma annBootioa at Inn tar all point. NurU U Bar Liu aa taia uraoa roawa. SV" Bipraaa Train Mmaaeta imlr tth i Oraokront. Inlln.aa's ,! a... la Car a tbln I rata. j r relglit Tralna will hwr Wllmlf.- . Wenkljr at Km A. M. aad arrlm at l.-u i . M. Binroai Prolfht Tralna will loan d iajtaaaaptad) at 1 A. M. and i JUMM r. 1 V i . i . i , ataaat Ml - , EJIERALBCrnBrilTENPTll C1T Wllmlngrton, Colcr-.! .. AND Ang-iista XSallroa Witaiwaro, N. a, Ovi Tti, S change of senrr: Tha following Scandal win go lot a IB) A. M, Monday, Tth butant . DAT EXPRESI THAIM. De!' Laar. Wllmirrtua....... . a Arrlr at Ploranre..., " " Uolnmbl...,. t Angtut.... T ir Aaiu.u Ar.lraat tiolumbla......... 1 Wlwlnrrm..V..".'i.V..V!r..l-' HHIHT EXPHKd (DaUy), Biuxlay Laaro Wllailngtoa...... t Arrlr at rwonna, 11 h Volnabl.... - Aagoato. I Lea Aagnala ., a Artlre at ilaaibla.,. .... i- Plorenoe..... .... - WILmlngtna. t JAM'S AWTlVf laaa'lSupui.i ant i- surma. Hiltlmorc and Wilinlr :t SEMUWECXLY 1 STEAHSIIIP LET: : oaioaap o va nui otAa arsa ' D. jr. roi.KT Capt r. ip" I.KIIXK...... Capt. J.H. hf HkHlAXA tXIB5,.,.Capt. I. O. t Will hereafter Mil front BALTIVOR 1 T'lbSDAT and PHIDAV, and fr i ' MINdTONorory WKUNKanAT en 1 I'KDtl, connecting at v.iiminr"m Wilmlnaton. Oolamoia ft Auea. V Ion At Weldon, and the WllminrMin, I At Kutherford Hallmaila AUnue aarer u i of steamer to Payette rllla. elvlaCTaiwaga Bill f I tn all pmnla In North, and Boatk C ll.orgta aiui Alabama, , Connecting at Cs:t!.r. : with the Baltimore m Ohio and tVa - ' Oeniral Railron.1. tor all polnie In toe Jlorth-Weet, and wltU Steamer. ao. r fur llneton, ew York and Pbilaii.ni!., ror ire tent rmagemen'e ap r to . . - , . Alt l.Ar- , Wualaaioo. I. ANDAKW3 4S OO., Agnnta. eaitimora. de-SI '. ' rOBIl.lahU)'g STBA V"IJP lw tiuis VTEMtaxa a. "r rttOM SEW TOKK. AS1 rAT Ann sininiii I wijusixuiox. , IKSTJBAKCB 0M.T SB r'.'"' maoroB coNKKcrio? 'i t EAUJIOAHS LKADiM I ai paaw nrira tbi m. Pur rreight ir to BAr-iU Ir ak. V Kail ncid