I j- i . " 1 VOL ZZH-1I0. 91. YinmrGTo:?, n. c, Wednesday, apeil 16, is3. wiiOI 'IS (Ltclnib journal. WELiOXGTOX, X. C.: STI3TISDAT. APB.IL 16. 1873. DY TELEGRAPH. FROM RALE1CH. THE FOREIGN INSURANCE TAX. OPIXIOX OF THE ATTOKXET OEXERAI AGENTS MADE LIABLE FOli THE QUARTER EXDIXO, MARCH Slsrr. SPECIAL TO TH1 JOIRNVL.) RiLUon, April IX Tlis Attorney' General advises the Treasurer tint A genu of foreign Insurauc Compa nies must pay a tax of two per rent on premiums for the quarter eliding the 31st of MiUfh, ami to impose the penalties if the; refuse. Tlia correa- .- poadenoa grows oat f ilf fact of some Agents refusing to par, under the new law, for tha last quarter, aa it was only ratified tha 3d of March. THE F1HE FIEM). . VERY DISASTROUS FIRE AT SrRIXGFIELD. MASSACHU SETTS. THREE QUARTERS OF A MIL LION BURNED. ' EIGHT HUNDRED OUT OF EM PLOYMENT. Spbimofisu), April 15 Noon. The m ilia No. 1 and 2 of the Dwight Man nfacturitig Company, including 4",500 balea of cotton, were burned this morning loaa $750,000. Eight hun dred workmen aro thrown out of employment. STEAMElt ATLANTIC. EFFECTS OF SUNDAY'S STORM. THE WRECK HARD AND FAST. ANOTHER THEORY OF THE , DISASTER. ... . Halifax, N. 8., April 15 Xoon. Tlia wrecked steamer Atlantie re mained hard and fust yesta-tlny. Tlie only effect of Sunday's storm on the wreck was to carry away the main .mask The sea was so high yesterday that no work eonld be done. Nnr York, April 13 Night London papers, at hand to-day, state that the first dispatch received by the owner of the steamer Atlantic, an nouncing the loss of the Teasel, at tributed the disaster to the wateh on deck mistaking Sambro for Devil's light It Appears that Miss Itawder, reported among the cabin passengers, disembarked at Queenstown. THE NEW KEVELATION. DEMOCRATIC MAYOR AXD COUN CIL IN TREXTOX, N. J. J TBBirroti, April 15 Noon. The Democrats elected a Mayor, and have the Council by 13 to 8. LOUISIANA. THE NEGRO KU KLUX. LATEST FROM GRANT PARISn; THE OUTLAWS WHIPPED OUT. NEARLY OXE HUXDRED KILLED THE RINGLEADERS AXD WHITE ALLIES ESCAPE. PRACTICAL RECONSTRUCTION IN COLFAX TOWN, GRAXT PARISH. ' New Orleans. April 15 xfght The Steamer South-Western bjongathe following from Grant Parish: The ne gores had barricaded themselves in Colfax Court House, numbering 400, thoroughly armed. One hundred and fifty men gathered from the; surround ing parishes and made an' attack on Sunday at noon. The Court House was stormed at 3 o'clock. Negroes refuged in the Court House. After, further fighting the negroes displayed a flag of trnoe. Several detachments moved on the Court House when the negroes opened fire. Capt Hardnet was shot in the bpwpls, it is feared fatally. They retreated outside of their breastworks. As the only means f dislodging the negroes the Court House was fired and thp negroes shot as' they came from the burning building. It is reported tJiat from 80 to 100 flegroeswere killed, and there were none to be found for miles around. The ringleaders and their white allies escaped. The Captain of the South-Western confirms the above.and aays h saw 18 or 20 dead negroes and brought two wounded whites to Alex andria. The South-Western left Col fax Sunday evening. ' Tlie saddest cose on record is that of the wmi t of a bible at the inauguration of a Missouri Governor. The cere mony was detained until a messenger was sent over to tlie penitentiary to procure a copy. HEADQUARTERS. MODOC AFFAIRS XOT UP IX CABINET. JLXOTHER OF THOSE HIGHLY IMTORTAXT CLAIMS PC- . CISIOXS. WisaixuTOX, D. C, April 15--Noon The Government has received nothing from the Modoc country tince Sunday. The President has appointed Lain ia IL Mayer Collector for the first Ala bama District The Postuffice Department haa or dered a railway postal service from Allendale, S. O., to Augusta, Oa. Washdmtox, April 15 Xight The Cabinet meeting to-day did not dia cusa Modoc affairs. It ia tacitly un derstood that the military have Uiem in hand. The Supreme Court of the United States to-day annonnced tlie following opinion in the rase of Lopyera vi the United States. Appeal from the Court of Claims. The Court of Claims in this case gave judgment against the appellant on s claim for cotton deliv ered to the agents of the Government under the act giving permission to persons sympathizing with the rebel lion to tell their cotton, providing they would give one-fourth thereof to the United States. The cotton was turned over to the Government on the 25th of July. Onthe2ith the Presi dent had issued a proclamation re moving the restrictions on the trade in the district where the cotton waa delivered the Red River district and it waa on that day filed in the State Department but it was not pro mulgated through the public press until the 20th. The Court of Claims held that it waa not valid until pub lished, and waa not published until promulgated as stated. This Court reverse that judgment with direction that the Court of Claims enter a judg ment for the appellant, holdiug that tlie only way to guard against tlie mischiefs arising from tlie uncertainty of proof aa to the time of publication, is to apply the same legal presumption to proclamations that is applied to statutes ; that is, that they had s rated existence at the beginning of the day of their date, and in the absence of fraud to permit no inquiry on the subject Mr, Justice Swayne deliv ered the opinion. Mr. Justice Bradley disscuted. Maj. Tlios. Ochiltree has been ap pointed Marshall of the Eastern Dis trict of Texas. TENNESSEE. THE MURDER OF GENERAL HINDMAN. UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO HABEAS CORPUS VAUGHN. Mimphib, April 15 Night. An un successful attempt has been made for the release, on a habeat corput, of anghn, who ia under arrest for the murder of General Hindman. It is uudorstood that the prisoner has made a confession implicating persons in Helens, but the polioe authorities re fuse to give any information concern ing the case. ' CUBA. O'KELLEY STILL IN - PRISON. BID WELL FULLY IDENTIFIED. Havama, April 15 Night O'Kelley remains at Manzanilln. Caballos evi dently intends to leave the solution to bis snoeesaor, General Pieltoin, who is expected shortly. The English detectives have fully identified Bidwell, the alleged forger MISCELlIlNEOUS. New Yore April 15 Noon. The Trunk lines to the West have been adopted, and new freight tariff to a re duction of 16 per cent The Herald special says: that O'Kelly is nndcr the protection of tlie British Consul, Dun- lop. ; -O'Kelly is in no immediate danger. A private dispatch says the Pope's disease is lumbago. ; He is rapidly tt covering, Chicago, April 14 Noon. There is a heavy snow storm between Omaha and Cheyenne, which has stopped the telegraphs. There is nothing from the Pacific coast to-day. Bostok, April 15 Night The in surance on the Chicopee Mills was $613,000. The Mutual Insurance Com pany of Boston loses $100,000. SpRisoraij), April 15 Xight In addition to tlie two Chicopee Mills, the engine and picker houses, two filled stores, and part of the railroad depot, witn i,DUU botes oi cotton, were bnrned. Halifax, April 15 Night The gale and high sea lias prevented any work on the wreck of the steam ship Atlantic. Philadelphia, April 15 Night John Sidney Jones, who was arrested for firing his store and declared to be insane, and sent to the asylum, escaped from the third story by means of the water pipe. His estate is vauwd at Bomb, April 15 Night Tlie condi tion of the Pope is unchanged to-day. New Yomc, April 15 Night The steamers Antwerp aud : Minnesota 1 brought 205 passengers. Trvm ta gemma Ftkmi.tiMh. Dh4 i Dlh-trrf al rata ( m WwlTftm. Vhi It is rarely w are railed uin to record ay event m sad and heart renJuig in iU not or and deUiU ait the ouo to hu h we now alhule. Lat week a young Udy, named thaa Stew art, whone mother resides ou the iarm of Mr. Clay Irwin, near Meou, in this county, started out to take a ride ou a rsther wild horse. Being a reckless rider, and wishing to enjoy the exer cise, she laid whip to the animal and wwsoott going at rapid speed. Ou she went unmindful uf danger, until sh came to a sudden turn in the road, when tlie saddle turned, aa the hone was in the art of making the circuit ahe waa dashed headlong against a tree, aud tell hfeleas and mangled to tha ground, never to rise again. Her client waa completely crushed, aud without speaking a word, ahe ceased to breathe in aliout fifteen minuter. She waa ouly sixteen vears of age, waa in the bloom and dutth of niaideulv beauty, and her sad, unexpected death was a hard blow to her widowed moth er and tlie remainder of her family. The - deceased waa a native of 1'jwt TeuneHseeand came to this eouVv about a year agu. Her familvare poor but respectable people. They Lave the heartfelt sympathise of the entire surrounding community in their sad bereavement. The New York correspondent of the Chicago Tribune writes: hiteaiuuR of lucky ventures, Kobert Bonner was extremely lucky in getting hold of the Ledger, lie was working at the case for fifteen or twenty dollars a week, I have been told, when the owner of this patter, who called it tlie Merchant'a Ledger, determined to give it up that he might devote his entire time aud attention to a press he hail invented, ana winch be supposed would supplant Hoe's. Bouner. as the story goes, was unwilling to lose his weekly salary, and, lontequontly, made an oner to uie pubiialier for the oroiwrty. The offer was ac cepted, and the Merchant's Ledger, having a circulation o( but J-i.WXJ, passed into Bonner's hands, aud the adjective of the name waa dropped. Hie commercial sheet It. U. resolved to convert into a journal of miscella neous reading, and to this end he se cured the services of "Fauuy Fsrn," (Aim. rarton), then a new literary light, at the rats of $5,000 per annum she agreeing to write tor nobody else. The cxeriment successful be yond expectation, led to other engage ments of a similar sort, and to the foundation of Bonner's fortune. When the proprietor of the IsdtifT dies, newspnier publishers otight to erect a luouumeut over his grave to the memory of the Apostle of Adver tising, as he certainly has been. He is probably worth more than $1,000, 000, and he haa expended morn than half that sum in advertising. He has paid $3,000 for a single advertisement and $10,000 for a week's advertising. ink mnniiioeutly, aud ycrily has he had his reward. Youmr Simpson. Juxt beciunincr the study of natural PliilosopTiy, biwtunie fond of applying technical names to common objects to impress hearers with a sense of his profound know ledge, and tried the game with his father one evening. When lie men tioned to him that he had swallowed some marine acephalous mollusks the old man was much alarmed, and he suddenly seized Simpson and threw mm to tlie ijoor, and held him, and screamed for help, And when Mrs, Simpson come with some warm water. and the 'lured man rushed in with a garden pump, thry forced half a gallon, of water. down Simp sons mroat, ana men held hi in by the heels over the edge of the porch and shook him, while (he old man said: "If you dout get them things out of William he will be piaeuod." And when they were out and William ex plained that the articles alluded to were merely oysters, then his father fondled him for half an hour with a trunk strap for scaring the family. Subsequently Simpson framed his lan gunga tn more familiar phrasa. jt 6ir,' iNVt'tr, ;enerql I.at'nyclta !Icl,nw. It has been reported that the Presi dent intends to appoint General McLaws Ujiitod Htatea Marshal for the District of Georgia. The fact that Grant treated Gen. McLaws with great courtesy while ou a' recent visit to Washington, aud a subsequent state ment from the Attorney-General that the President had expressed a desire to mako such an appointment, leads to tlie hope that it will be inado in due season. General McLaws was a classmato of Grant's at West Point, so that the lat ter is informed of tlie sterling worth of the former. . If the President really desires to mako friends of the people of the South, he cannot sooner or better manifest that desire than by making just such appointments aa the one inuicaieu. Heretofore these positions have been given to alien artisans, who have not scrupled to use them to enrich themselves and their adherents, to op press and irritate the people of the South, and to subserve the ends and designs of tho bitterest and most un relenting partisanship. There ought to be a change and the President may be' assured that if he shall confer this official favor on Gen eral McLaws tho people of Georgia will look upon it as a kind and gener ous act, and a merited distinction to a gentleman who has always modestly but faithfully performed what he con ceived to be his duty. Savannah Ad vcrtizcr. PHrchaaa ol a Jburapeau Cltr An immense real estate purchase, similar to that of Samana Bay, has jut been concluded in Europe. The city of Parge, situate on the Adriatic, half way between Corfu and the Greek mainland, with its territory, double harbor, fort and 4,000 inhabitants, has been sold to Christaki Zographas, a Greek banker, for the sum of 210,000 plasters. This individual is a singular illustration of the way in which some people gain influence and fortune.- By birth an Albian. Zographas was ori ginally a butcher, who rose by his own energy and intelligence to the position of a Rothschild. Like all hia oo-re- litnomsts of the Greek Orthodox faith, he puts his wealth to excellent use. He not only eostribntes hundreds to every new sohool or church, but has a large number of young men educated at Athens and elsewhere at hia own ex pense,. . ' ' ' ritiva for want of fod is report ed to prevad ia the inland ou the Irish eoat off Gal way ; the sheep even are starving. SuWript mil have leeD ipeued in Iiondou fv the benefit of the islanders. A e wreepondent writing from Hong Kong, sava that tea is rapidly advan cing in price in the Chines market. I he duty taaen off of tea a year ago waa just forty-four per ceut of the tea in bond, but it has ouly resulted tn saving about ten per cent ou the retail prices. There is a gnod deal of exciteiucut in Knoxnlle, Tenn., over an awful stench which arises from a bottomless pit lately 'discovered iu tlie heart of the city. The superstitious believe thai the devil a frangipaum bog haa exploded, while others, of a practical turn of mind, tluuk that aa old Hie of Itrovulowe Knoxville Whwr waa ac cideutly dropped in the chasm some, years ago. iwricrhmmiU. r The Xew York HoWJ anruea gravely that the introduction of elab orate aud expensive fashions among tlie Mormon women baa much, to do with the breakimr down of Du rnmr. The II oral indeed intimates that ft- male dress haa become so costly, that a prudent man hewtatea to marry even one wife, unleaa ahe brings along mo ney enough to pay her own expenses. Here ia a subject about which young women ought to stop to thiuk: which ahall they take to secure Uieir comfort and welfare; a man or a matter of mil inery? Choose t The British Government have under taken to appoint a comraiimion to re ceive evidence on overloading, unsea worthiness front defective construction. condition, equipment or age, deck- loading, lUMier-nianuutg and marine insurance. The members selected to form the commission will have to visit the leading ports and receive informa tion as to the system of naval archi tecture applied to modern-built irou vessels, the manner of lengthening shq aud of then giving them corres ponding horizontal strength, the num ber of hands to the tonnage of ship, defective hulls and equipment the atowage of cargoes and the marking of hulls by a deep load-line. The comniisHioucra, having heard what every man with a grievance has to aay against sliip-buihlers and ship-owners, sa also against all aorta of under writers andthoso who insure their projierty, not forgetting the mariue insurance clubs, are to poiut out in a report all tlie evils known to exist and suggest remedial measures. A correspondent in Tojieka, Kansas, informs the- Now York Sun that the civil service reform has blossomed out beautifully in that region. Since the President has renewed his promises of conforming his appointments to the requirements of tlie new civil service rules he haa removed H. W. Fame worth, one of tlie best public officers iu the State, front the office of Post master at lopoka, in order to make place for the partisan editor of a local newspaper! and has appointed as United States District Attorney a law yer who never tried a case in any court of record during the whole of his legal career. The influence of the new rulea has been the moat forcibly exhibited, however, in the case of the United States Marshal, who, out of diffidence , in regard to hia qualifica tions, has induced tlie Sheriff to run his office for him while he is diligently cramming iu order to be able to make a fair showing before the mythical ex amining board which the deluded man supposes is coming to Kansas to inves tigate him, SPECIAL, WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY SAVINGS BANK, t bartered sr Ac f Wener! 4s Mftably ! Nartn Carolina, Hall, flea fetraarr jMh, lt1 3. R I LAI M. Mistik, PrenUlent DnARUi Mi Uak, VlM-PrwIiUnl. T. M. Kix,Cililr. DIRECTOBS i SiLAD K. Maktis, Posai.d Mi It AS, Kpwakii Kiiidik, E. K. ttiiim, Ueuimis Chadimu'1.1. This Imllliilkin will rum wore buolmsaiHi Tktirhdajr, Mt; W. !:!,! IU Hanking IIovm t Market Street, North title, bstWMn Front and Seom.d Streets. fiepoehao' an alms nJ upward!, will be received. Harried womiB sud In Inert, bj the proTutlon of Uie ebaitnr, can deporit money la their own an, mibjett to their own eontruL Intcreet, at the tat of six far cetat. per annual, allowed oa all depoaltiof Five Dollar and nuwarda, remaining In tha Bank three mutitba and epwarda. , Intereat It payable uaii-anouaJlT when not drawn out the amount will be added to the principal money, and la sa -titled to Interest the tamo at a regular depoalt Loam will be mule upon flrtt elatt Real Es tate and collateral!, at reasonable rates, , It It Intended that this inaltiitloa thai tow ply a long felt want Is the city r Wilmington. It Jfftri a aire place for the saputlts of tk avlngtortbs peoilo, however email, twill add to the mm deposited and (Iva aa Impettu to kulneat by retaining and employing the capital where Kit tecum ulatrd. The patronage of the public it ao!lc(tl. aprllls MiUltMay Star and Poet copy. Robetoiilan, Wadmbora' Herald, nn'djboro' MeaBrr, end Marloa Star o y 3 timet, oavh, and tend bill to JonrntU 53" BATCHEbOK'S HAllt DVK Thlt tunerb Hair Dye It the beet In the ena-lo. Perfectly Heroines, Uellable and lntantan one. Mo diaappolRtment. No TtUVIcaMmt Tlnt or Unpletsant Odor. The genuine . A. Ratcb ekit'tlitlrllya prortuoee lMMKDIATK.br a eelendkl Black or Natural Vrown. lKwe ant Stain the Hkin, but leavee the Hair Clean, Holt and Beantlfirl. The oolr tate and Perfect Dyw, SoUwe UlDragghrta. factory 1 BondBtiwet, rw rora. aprilM. WM. in-d-eod1 Schcnck's l'nlmonlc Candy emhracee In t treat d( irrre all the urlnciulraof aohenck't Pulmonic hrrnu. and while at pleatant to t e PIW a the purret of contrenona, ite medical propetnoe nnarr n effectual In fought, colda, bronchial tndeet- arruai anecuotw, are, im mim wrpi ble remdy for ehildreii or hit IU, and ran be trn with ImnnnltT! while or nrofeeelonal gentlemen, r tboee who tn:er Irom loat of voice. It It initiiennible. - . Thf c camllft are put up n SB eent riotpt cnnTentent lor the pocket, ana are for taw uy all druaglatt and dealera. " J. H. 8CIIEKCK ft BOS, K. E. corner Sixth end Arch Sta, Phlla. SPICIAL. OSSTACLESTO UaHHIAGE. Matey llrltr far tun Mm ttvm rHftr. itf4 arttc a4 aim ua rwii hi. ManlHaad mturva. lair.laaa 10 M rr reMw4. hew eaorte trwiaeat. NtniJ rereel naniia awue aad Ortetare apl tr, ta Mtn4 ewvlpe. a.l-lr-, H-'W At aH.-xtCIATlO!. Ke. I aU NtnUiSt.. rtiUkti-Ma Fa.. a iMrta Hmi kara( a agra rmumi iur buewrwiile alc aad protnewawl ekul. liajviwnri as s t naKaaratT, i i'ncm WA Koji, ui.skt. asu avrraa laauc, LEA i FEEEHSf Warcestsitr. Sscc IS IKUlSPKNSaSta. J0I1X DrNCAX"S SOXS, New York, Acaa foe the Vaaea Itaeea eat .! lyea SEW ADVIETISIX15T. 4STII HMI LA MKKTlJaj Bailiiu ArtfaL rpH K RKUVLAH btoatkly Meetlac the I Wllaltu HuiUline AwiUlu will ha kWdalthe royaaeat Ua Wiliaiata Ubraty Aaw laiwa U eieaiue at t b. k. IHuerw-wlHa-wl. V. U Cill.SM TT, aril IS-it aecy aM Treat t. WANTED. O NK in JCo. t lUSTtUTR, AXD TWO Pin Barret Cwepart, Apply ta - WOOTkK, RlGMAftDaOM e CO. H. a RrOKWEI.U Wkaeelle, V.C. aiU IS l-ia Alabama Claims It W Uaaatertal kw thewt K ATIOS AL hiMraraBMailwward la beleianaird by the title afeoarfraeti tee Indirect; yet aauhletue lait. TBS TREATY OF WASHINGTON', Its Negotiation, Execution, and the DiscusHiou Itelating Thereby by ialkbcvsuinu. ' TkiaTKRATT ranatltatea em af the xt aetable and letureatlag eT ail Ike great tfipla aaiio ett m the preaeiit aa. A a bat a eery hm eopite are an bawd, tk Ciilillohoa.d avail thtawlTtt at the rkaara neeSrrrd t'w l at llEINSBEROER'M rst Book sad H aaK Stora. sprtl IS n 011.1 E BLANKETS, LAP RODES Wool Ml'!, Varaeat. Saihllea, Tmnkt, leather I'rarellng Baa. SlUe klenkeia Bridle. Marilntalea, tJiirry (eiwha, -Hone BraAhee, feaUier ltn. Largeet Mwivk and loweet prMsee la the Stale at J. S. TOPMAM DO'S, Ma ( Siutk Proat etrowt WUaal-wa, K.O. actM STURGEON TWINE tD ALL SIZES IP.IKK TtriNB. Out Net Twine af every Mae. ruiung Tsokle In graal variety at ( NEW HABpWARE 8T0KE. 01I.E1 y Ml'RUHISOK. m sprll 13 NOTICE. MKE11NO Or IIOCKHOLDKRS OP lite Wilmington Railway f'e-aneratlra Atne- rumi win be neia et me i.u Han aa Tbarw day next, 17lh Intt., at 'clock, p. m. w VIICRK, Sef . sprit 13 aa-4'' 11 SAtJPl.KSaeatbyajiailrnr One I bat re C Ullqalrkrortis. R.UWOLOUrr. Ml i;aiHaa-)ure, M. V 4w SJA t ram S.I r.-Klf hi aawndet mailed k r tree iur 1 eta. that aell at eight Iur fonr dollara, to any pareen In Wllmlugtnu, who will eriae agent. tiKHAtl, it uu. tw . , it Broadway, H. T. Send far oar liluatrated Catalogue ol new buoke oa A.J. nicKKEI.L ACO. ul .11,. IT Warrce-tt., Dew Vorkj 4 Agents ! A Ilaro Clianco ! We will pay all sseat SIS per week is r ttw, who will engage Willi ue at onus. Everything lurniaoea aim expeuaee pain. AiHirean. A. OoULTKH a U". 4w (;harmtie, Mich. A WATCH FREE;: to ernry lie man uu will tut ae our worth Sin, eenarojiie ernry lie man uu will aut ae our atent. BaemtMi light and honor able, tH.M made la adara Saleable at Sonr. Kerybody b)t It. Oan'tde wllbont It Mutt hare M. Mo (lift E'lterprtae, aa hnialiug. aassgDAY L"-i I'ltltlnira. Pa,. - 4w DR. TUTT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. The atartllni drawback on nearly all medl cine atent baa aver been Uiat la their proraa or prgtl end permeation they tare al-e lr. blllutrd tlie tvttem. Toottrlete thledifttaultt pbyticlant hire long tonght for an agent that wouiu PURGE, TURlVr & STRENGTHEN 41 ana and the same lima. Their reeearch haa at lt been rewarded by t dlNTry whl.'h fullr rcalltue the fondeet de tireenf the nit (Ileal faculty, mid which UJually rrgtrilrdH the mart important triampb that Pharmacy heo erer achie.eil. Thlt Important detidiiraltim la Dr. Tutt. VegeUble Liver PilL ?. Which purify the blood and remote sll corrupt humoriendanbeel'hy sccnmulallonelram the ktr. and yet producea ni weakneea or laeet. tode whetaeer, but an tba eontrary tonee Hit Momarh and In.lgoraMt the body daring the Kogreea of their operation. They anita the THofnre lrreron liable ifualtttee of a STRFNOTHKNINO PUKGA1IVE and S PrHirvlNtl T"NIO. . Itr.Tutt'e Pille ire the meal : active and anarvlilng mritidna In exletenva. They at once attack Hi- very r t of dl'eaevt, and their ao I'm It to prompt that n an hour or two a ter they trt,kru the patient hi a war of their r"d elt'ect. 1 hev mr te taken at any time Willi. Out rvetralnt of diet or orupatlon they pro duht neither nenea, griping or dchi'lty, and at S family m dlclnethcy have no rival. Prlc i K a bo. Sold by all Ilrafgltta frlncpal r(Hse, IS 30 Pratt St., N. Y. 4w Beckwith Sewing; Machine- $1?. ON 3d DAYS' TRIAL I The Improved (SI'J) Heck with Me vr lug jrlachiaa, with uw Braiding foot, ai.d many her Important Improvemelita. all tom f ere, with Htniraer, Guide, Ponr Kurdlee, Sin., wrrantd two t tart, with oare It will do your family tf yrlng tor a life time. Ne.rlv ten tuoe (nd of tUeee raacbiuet have been raid the pat traton, which aiTHutiT the above Improv mnl, are tiring uuirerMi tatiaiaciuia. are will alma lettertia anr who may ell, from dltiiiteretted pur haaera, lit which thn atate that they wonld not eirbtnge oort rorthebrt high priced ri whine in the mrkt t. It mak I the popular Electa lmp Htiu-h, and c oeta iw attm Kcarely, which rendera It the trronat and beet) yet when d wired It can be uulncaed at plcaaure. fattened to any table. F.aal y worked hy band. Thie le tlie mtrhlne which Hratre. (Viange .ludd At l.,of the American AirtcHltHriM, o , nteao many thouandtfor premiama. Call dlreetiona f p; with every ma chine, tf aft t having Uie qi ichme 30 daye, tt doea sot g'vs lerlff.I Mlltlartion we will re. fund thesis, aa return of machine, teat the fcuprem ebargrt, and lake til" rtnk of IU) being tnluifd. All ord-rt promptly SiImI nn leottpt Ol po-t Orhce erdfr for !, er If a kreeent with tour order to na,. the balance ran ba pah! is the KxpreM Co., when yen receive the machine. Terint to Agent, liberal, but eaah Invariably tor ah machine when respired. If any d'Hibt our honor or reepomlblll'y, we win cheerfully gtte the beet elty reterence, Bring cr tend tampl ef snygooiiiwUh wkifU u reat the mcl)ln. .' BEOKWiTH 8EXTIK9 MACHIKK CO , 96 Went Broadway, M. a :, (After May lit, Wl Broadway.) 4w J CARPETS TWO PLY, CARPETS THREE PLY, CARPETS BRUSSELS. A DlHtX)CNT OF 10 TEK CENT. ALLOWED on Mauufacturera pritfa, and free of charge for freight, to clear out. , j McIXTlKE & SII0AH1), M HOUTH MARKET 8TREET, WILMIPJCTON, N.C. WANTED IMMEDlATElY.f- drvw, to ihitk avtema aoplea of aaalla'w .itagaataa will be teal fr Aiwtum mum. rimy r . au, ti i.ie trtySt.,. t. 4 310 A DAY- Kaaily made by aa Ag'Mcy eg "Our Own Family Doctor." Bret medkal arorh eilaat, Krervhwdy ktrt thatteeaa. t'aaeaal hidacamentv H Aeweit, s,l tor circular, and tvtaat ta Hi: HIT UK, lit Broadway, a V. a aa taty ami ears way to make atoaey. HUaKKOl'S TESTS HAV fKUVKU N. F.BU.NHAM'SNEW turbine WATER WHEEL I TO BE THE 'BEST EVER INVENTED. fAlirUI J:T rKSK. Alussm, Tnaa, fk.i NOTICE. REDUCTION of PRICE Of BOARD ST. CMIR HOTEL, ,ilaaateMl Mejuarw, Haltltaarv. Vld. unaadalW Vlarra let, liS, board al rhi. mHrl, tit merchant, wilt be i an per dav. Tlie only hotel in naltiaiore wim Improved ek-vatiir. auiu.f rvtmt wilk bathe and all ether euvenhnnra. 4w IIAHSY H MUL, Manager. ACENT8 WANTED FOR TIIK IN WASHINGTON Tbt ipletaM aad beet aeltlng bauk ever Pub llvhtal. II tell, about the whl M'Mlirr dul, Seaaturial Urlberlee, IhwirreaMwea, King., Iiubblre, and the wumlertni kigbteot the tf tHmal Caintal. It aell. aHck. Send for cirru- lart, and tea en. let at. ant a fu'l draurltioa at the work. Adrew, Meikmal fublii-hiiig t;., Plilladelpbia re,, Atlmia.Oe., vt alemyhlt, tenn, 4W Agents A llaiu ChaiHC. We will He all Aaenta SJfi ner week in mtk. whe will engage with at at uuce krervtiilng inrnineii aim e.ieniie. pain, nt.t t At. HIXU (U., At TLB UUIKK,tli!M. 4W Kntarprlae that liHik. fur tin port beyond Ike enauty In which It I. bicatrd abould ad vertlee In the paiieraal the aeo tlou. from which It could rea sonably oapeol ta obtain iu toa. We aecure prompt Inaertlon at low rate, In all pe pert of the United SlalfianilCian.il. Ilurll.l.of trcnlar, rellirloiM and egrleultural journait are irt.yutii it. r..timate, ptm pliieta, Ae , tree apoa applleatlon. . GEIFFIN 4 HOFFMAN, (Katsbtlthed tatlT.) Newtpaptrigt't, Halt., Md 4w Ktnvliitf Jlaflttntv It the BEST IN THE WORLD Afmmf H tnitvls 8nd ror elrtulsvr. Ai IIOME1TI0" SIWINU MACHINE CO., W.Y. 4w Write for Largo Illustrated Prioo List. A dtl re a, ewtwiTHntlOSl PITUBUB6M tK Brrech-lnadliii Sbot nniw, (MOtoSK). fria ble Shot linn., s to f Mingle Una al to !. Kinee a to ens. nevoivera as to mo Ptrlol., Sltasa Oee Material, ri.hlliglwkle. Large dlaoounl to Ilealera or Cluha. Army Otiw. Bevnlvert. eVe.. lieml t or trailed Iur, Uowla arnt by eapreet ty. O. 1. to be examined belore paid for. 4w NEVER Heglert a Ceaghi Kot hlnf a more cer tain tu lay the foamlalloa lor luture tvl I eonaa. queucea WELLS' CAEBOLIO TABLETS are a tara ears for all the diaaaee of tha Kea ptratory Organ, anre throat, ailila, eroiip, dip therla, aethraa, catarrh, Boarmnree, diymwt of tlie throat, windpipe, or bronehn.1 tubes, and all dleuaeraof the lunga. la all Sanaa of nniden cold, however taken, tlioae TeaLrr thould ba promptly and freely aaed. They uallra Uie elroatailoa of tlie hlonil, mltlgau the teverlty of the atlnrk, and will, In a very ehort time, nature healthy action to the arterted oryane. Welle' Carbolic Tablet are put sp'enly In Met tvier.. Take no ultlt u tee. If thev can't be found at yonrdrnrglat'.. aonel al tact ta the Agent In Naw fark. who will tor ward Mirm hy retnrn mall. Ilon't ba Socclved by Imltatiana. Sold by drug giata. Price UA Mnte a boa. I JOHN ii. K KU.OOU, ,: " U Piatt Bt., New fork, Sole Agent, fef (Jutted buut. Send for clrcala,r. 4 12,000,000 ACRES. Tlie Cheapest Land in markot, for sote by tlio I In tho GREAT rLATTE VALLEY, a 3,000,000 Acrct in Central Xt bratka Mow far sale la tract of forty acre and u pwardt oo five aw4 In pan' ewil (U g ptr ml. A. ad reiMT itttrmt mm'rrd . MM end kaUtkul climatt, JaiUe tml, aw nhmv TIIK bert MAHKET I3f THE WB JT t Thf treat Mining regiene of Wyoming, Cokirmlu, Utah and Kev.de. being tuppJied VJ the farm er, in the f)atte Valler. t(ldlra r.ntltleet ta a Koruaetead af 180 Acres. , THE BEST tOOATfOSS roit OOLOKtEs. Free Hornet for all I MMimt tf Arm of choice Government tamta ein ior .ntry nndcr the Momeatead Law, near ihtaOrcat Kilruad, wnk gixKi market, and all tb CUBVt nltlu et vi bb okt tettlwl conntry. free paiajea to parahaiart of B-iUroad Land. ' Sevtlt'vai Map, fhowilg tlje Lhitii, lwni-w WtMlon f Ifrimiptt pitwpklH WW, .Vrer Mnpi AfoiM Vce AVrirtt!; ' -, Addreaa, . O. I DAV", ' Land Gomniltt uuer U. P. K. K. " 4 ObahaiKsb. EVERY WORKING CLASS k giwaeieed. fcw.peetable eati'lotaM-at at bom, dav er evanlng ; M eepWal reiuirrd J fall rKMiaMame aad veluabla package at fount eeatfreaby mail. Adrrea, with ait teal re. tara Mamis M. MH .Stl Ca, i;s Ureeawieb euwet, Sew York, w r fl-THS Kt BskKT. A Mmmih. LOU lr NsiatlaelerteaeiMl or, bnwrhiv Iilwrale4. HcmI tumn Iur aaample aamber. blow k. the time to tub wrlba. JOHN U SHORKV, . M BrwrnaeW St, IkatM, $5ob in premiums: TWO NEW POTATOES. Ft. Ira l:arly Vtrmeab Tea lava e.ariler than Karly acet. CJ . l ueriHea.lt rraaarllvwand Z2 ' ft) 'f atcwllaal riavor. I per pmt'idl W Q Iba by mall, puetpakl, IW S P1 tjj t aiapiea'w Marnrlaa, . 1 M MaahaUlalhw Arra. A little r"a pH later Uan karlr'Hoaa. Knual tu WCQ 4iy. J per lb., by mail, peat paid. M W toa will ba awarded PKKMI- . LU I at S to th,iee whe aredaca the L.r- CO r " Vaaatity from eae Ik. Ie. ZZ rH ai'rlptlvet'lrrularaol tkeabve,witli CQ Cd iMMAWvaritHctotrotatoea, free f"5 te all. " eTfl IliiiMrated Herd raUlcene, SM bH w patca with flord t hrnu,,., enita, -y- fab? A new TonwU, tba rlla. wn. r.ariy, utm ana areaiuetlre, Prti-e ffte. .ir pm'ket. rtre pall et, lor L H.. HI.IMSJ A MOXS, HI Park IMaca, w Vark. 4w WlWo?Pliliis. (baalalely I'nrw anahnataulae4 Vtniu. Vlraa.Blllnod by tha methnlot rati Animal Vaccinatum, Institute by Prot. IhtpauLol Parle, In April, lata, Irom thela muiiaeaoe of amntaneoue evw-poB al Heangea ey, In France, and Ineugiirated la America, la Mriiteniber. HITS, by llr. Ilenrv A. Martin. with virua and aubigrtph In.tritciiima Irom tha imiamrrof. iw)aui. xnrrii.uii.um.nl any tar tlie largnt and meet parl'act In the world. Large Ivory "laneet" olutt, paekagol of Id, fl; primary eruida, acah.J moat car.inllr te. U, t.l,rt. All vlrut ia lullr warranted emrlcnt. It will be packed lt go with perlacl tafety by mall. Pull direction! i,b- Beenaiwaaiy each pa-kare. H.iulltance muet aoeumpany arder. Sate delivery af V irut Uaurtd. DR. HENRY A. MARTIN t SON, 4w Huatan lllghlaaete. naaa. hi aaniualtd by any known remedy. II will armlieate, eiilrpat and thoroughly deetroy all polamioiia aiiketancea In tba lllotal ami will eithctuallydltpal all predbpotltlva to kUlout aerangemcat, la tlieea waal afartlna la pamr Mvav aadkiileear Dsleee relieved at tm, the bloml bemroea Impure by delofrloue terra Iwme, projluclng acrufuloua or .kin dlteaeni, Blutchet, Ptlout, pBttules, Canker, PUaplet, eie.,Ae. lava yaa m Dyapvptla aiavaacny vnlnrndigmium bj promptly aided the ivria Mdrhllltal.d with pivertvortba Blnod, In p. Meal tendency, Ueueral Weaknem and Inertia. lava row wemkaeem af tlia latca. I aeaT Vun are In danger or i'hrenla Uiarr hn-a or InHammation of the Howela. Have yan vhwtv.a af tha I'taiMae ar lirlnar OraaaaT Voa are atioetd t aafferlng in fit moet Mgravatad form. Ara yun ilcjeret, drawer, dull, tlagglth nr deprrwwl iu tplrlte, with beeCaobe, back, ache, coal ml tongue aod baJ taatlng month Y Pnr a eerUla remedv for all of Ui.eedla.aeet, weeknraart and truuhleai for cleaneing and pnrirylnt tha vitiated blood and Imparting vigor ba all the vital foreee; for building ap and reatiHing the weakened eoaetltatleB US .FUllUBEBA which hi pronounced bp tha leading medical author!! lie ot linden and Parle tha eaottpow. erlul tonic and alterBtiva known tha medU eal world." Thlt le no new and untried die. eovery but hat been long need by tba blading phyalciantof other oouuUiet with tMaeMW rcmlll reeultt. I lon't wnahrn and Impair thedl geetlre organ, ky ratharilce and phyeica, tbey give only temporary rell.f Indlgeetion, flatu lency and dyiaiiaU with ptiee and kindred llwaene are ture to follow their nee. Kep the blood pure and health H aetared. a'ttHIl g. KKI.UMIU, IS Plait at., New Tork. Sole A gent fur the United State. Prtnt St par bottle. Head for Urea tar. ta MISSES CUIR A SI) BjtONJCB 'BUTTOS BOOTS. CniLDRENS' cum and BRONZE BUTTON BOOTH. A largo assortment ut A. I'RICE'H. Exchange Comer, aptil W an- GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE YATER. THE I'SITEO BTATKS DISPENSA tory, the euthnrlRnl rerord of oar MawrBt fciedlra, claee thlt water with tha bkI te nowned Alkaline or I nibouatcl 8prlnitt of Eorcpe. It far exneeilt aay tahar kaewa la lit Mif-prcacrvlng prajivrtlee. It not defutnraie by bottling ami keDg It haa never been elidmed lot any nineral WHter tho power to dlnolva Bratee,orao. cnllcdcbik furnnt!Qur t boor or on the llmbtaiul Jolhte. Tlii. the trvttvehurg Kataly kitia Water baa iloite In hiimlrei'ltof inttanct-a, fin!, Rh'tmntlm, .Vrnwline, lmtp-pnn, liravl, Vinbftf kiitnnttwt Vritturg Ihw't -gcneriilly have all yielded to Ite lull u.nce. It ha nwtored ilttriilnr I'mrtr to the paralytic, cured jtMmei. mH lrnp$, ami given bealthv tctloa te the Jtic-l-iil iir'r. It b cured Vhiimie lHirrkra, Ptn, Cmitilitim, ArtMmn, Ctltnrrht Dtita tht. ,tlin, tjnrrnl Jhfoliiit ew Xtrrrmt f-Vfslrih'wt from .bVnhrf urol Hlwie tZranf. All th(e by Mtc hntilrd water. It ia a powerful auiidets tot fW Malt;? or hrinlrifi. It ewns&a the htBii 'hv. uriinm". Iti.eiuiou and reUcvre tie ItfHd aluvn imnHdutrly. Ptraptilclt aoitainliig Ahi.toryof tiiearrliig. rcporM from eni'liiuiit pliytlci.ua m BimticHl writi-r., utar. yHfwie and wll-attcwd curca, and tim Slata from dlrtinguLhed clti w in,' ll be far BB bed av,d went by rrt wn , , t,e , VVHI'IK" hnOv..n'l Arm. r , S27 South Prontl l , rhiiaitelpuia,!', OlfTVum'iitt Hi'iinii to. . . 'j. K.Mf.lLHENNV,ndUniEv?fs ' "" '5. aptil IS ; v w Ti IT- Rail Rc:A I. -r,- - . -A. A - L-uSivru L.w.. 1ST3. co:.j STAVIOBI. Leave) itaitu.. Abhoiuerg... Leakertoa..., Sum Heel Laanabrg..a ' Herhinihajw... AlTtve at Liieevuia f GOIXQ EAST. rr.Tiota. riuiii Lea re LUeevttui " Kuetiaituua... M I ant la h urea . I 4A Ikll NMtl b M a a lltira " Saea Heel'.M. A t.tw,ltK..... I Arrive at W Umuuuiai I kit tiara Ihiisa. gotBg Watt BaL.tr.. , , Eaea. Pretght TtBhatttop here over t fltagalot UMUtetwt-ltallraaa a i ' tara, Wtlmlagtsa ta Charlotta. an y t s. jr Xe Tulntea Sunday. Eipre y CartaacompaByeachPaattugetTrwa. I T relet ror Ton Ttaaaa raa a-TagBuu!y. 1S73 Western DivLii it rrartoaa r a tan a Leave Charlette if! SWam " LiaemntoB ! 43 A a Arrlv al Sugalo MIT Laara BufTala aSl.Mi. I i r 141 I Mr a LhiiMlaton .M Arrive) at Charlotta.. Aw.Bl Supi, MaM f. U PR? Super uttu U'llmlnzton and Yi c I Railroad Coajaaj, Ornos at OssssaIi loraaisvat Wllmlngtoa, . Q., is I, ! on; CIIAXGK Of 8CIISDUL2. Oa tad aftar Moaday, Jut VHh, TralBtaath W.etW. Sallroad wtU t fbluwai MAIL TIAIM. Lean Uatoa Depot dally (Snadays - ArrivsatdoiiWhlroaV".'.'.'.'!'.'.""'.!- " Hoeky Moajitat I Wehlonai ) y lasts Walilondaiiy tSundartatotot. Rocky Mount II ur IHilitaboreat 1 i r-. M Unlaa IMpul.. .... awP. ; EXPRESS TIAIH. Leavt Cain depot, dally, at.. n r arrive a tlohMHiro at. ...-'A Kocky Monatat.,,,. 4 Weldoa at , e lava Weldua, dally, at...,. , 1 mi- ; Arrive atk-kv Moautal. S ' Uold.boraat p, Vumh. Ilepot at 1 1,1 A v" Mall Train makat eluae enBectHm at ' -Sow fet all polnte Mortk via Bay Uut ai.t 4 r quia Creek route T Rtreee Train ennnerte only with A ! Creek roe ta. Pellwuw't -taa la larn am thle I rw.la. j- " Freight Tralna will leave vullnilv Weekly at SM A. M. and arrive at 1.... '. v. Etprew Freight Tram, will leave , v flayiuceptedj at 1 A. M. and er-- , elUUMr.MVIv,, . leaaarwl t -nan 1' ENEKALirPKEISTBNPTS tfr X Umljigrton. Cols f A. AXD Augusta RallrcaJ C . VlLBIIBTOS, H. X, OCV T ,, i i CHANGE or bciihl; The following Schedule will ge Into t US A. M Monday, US butanl. PAT EXPKESS TAl,(Dal'W Leave Wilmington...... ............. t 1 Arrive St Plorenca..,.M.. - Uolumhla. S ,a u iuiuu 1 Leava Augueta , Ar.lveat T)olumbla.. 11 " riorenee 4 1 Wllmlnrtnw . li, MtlHT t. X PHKSS (Uallv), Sunday Leave Wilmington ...,.,, 0 Arrive at P"otenca...M.. ...)! .. voiuoioib., , " Aunuu e Leave Aiitu.Ia R Arrive at OolBnibhi,,, ,. l " riorenna ., s " Wilmliiftoa. JAMES AMPF' Uen'lSup-i otf sHirma. Raltlmoro and WUinlr ' SEMI-WECKLY steaiisiup rn;i: oaiotaa wm nasr otAts stsah. s r IK M. POLETvm CPt T. J. P' 114 II.I.K Cai J.S. Brv MtlBtAXA llTlE,...Capt. V. U Cn u i WlllbereanertallfmmRALTIMDRRe- i TtikSttAT ami PKIOAY, ami rrwn V MINOTON every WF.U.NKSHAI aud I'MDAV, oennectlng at Wllmlnrion ' ' WllmlnrtoB, Columhia A An"-i, V toa A Welilon, an.1 the TVIIiniiiruni, t 1 Kiitkartbnl Kallrmuta Aleotiie eaverni , of 8 teamen to Fayettevllle, OlTlag.TliraasIt Bills tl,-. : to sit polnte In North and. South Cm lleotgla and Alabama, Connecting; et Csltlrr - with the Baltimore A Ohio and te K -Ootral Hailrae.lt for all oini in Km vi -.1 1 noria.weHt, ami wit.l BUmm.rt and .,,,! fot Hwton, New Tork and Pbila.iri,hia. For freight engagement at'x'v m , A.W. C'.i ,?. ' ' 'l J ' 11 lIlWHlrfllHi- N I A'NDAEWS ft CO., Agents itaiumora. deost T" OBILLASIPB STEAMSHIP IINS F MAIUMD TCtMltATa An ft ' f r KOM SLW TOUal. A U W 1 ItATS AHO SAT! HI4T I V WILyiistiTOS. IMtTUrUKCK OKLt OJtE-Pm UT PHBOl'flll CONNECTION. Tr : BAIIJtOAPS LKAD1XK . WII.VINOTON'. Sfif No ywwii-r Ulcli. Farfreiiditei ;i f navitt i , n.-- i i' i It H ll t. i I H f a Iff. i I t Itlfa )

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