T T " Jk4 W A -A AA A i, 1 jj-if ; F.nrs DcdJLAn : i " vrr-TiTX eeta per :j: Sirred ty Car t at Ss vkxtt-fivr cent .. i Tf Douaes ao4 Twm 3 jvr quarter. SXT Jovrsai, (Friday) ; . :-.un paper, TwoDoLLARS . ; ecrjw FnrxDa.ia.i3 aid ; f or topic, Svwt pou-Aia ; S E-GHTlXMXjLia A5D J. ALF ; j, Fiftem Dollar! twrotj , t, T LVTT-nvi Dou-iaa. Kirnos In all rases ravabts In , ami no paper continued aftr tl t JooclbtirMpai4ior. UsioTtAJrca ibouM b mvl by t Morr Order or Express. If tbJscaa k U done, protection again tossr by rl may be aeenrea by tVrwanluif a !.- pTUa to lbs outer of the proprietors c t tv JorxsiL, or by SMidirf, the money 1 4 a r: Utered leU. AiTsrtilni Bate (per Inch of twdva a.:.atof adrtrUainf type,) Om lath, m BucrtioB, Ojtr DolXAa; two Irner- a, Ox Doll asd a half ; three jueirtMM, Two Dollar i four taserUoni, Two Dollars ahd a. balf; BvIm t. i j, Term DouIks; all inaerUorj, .S'uH DOLLARS AID A HALF tWlW atar&ea, fm DOLLARS AID A half I t doa'Ji, tlBHT DOLLARS ; tWO tDOUtlll JiMiiUi Dollars; tliree wotba.TwM t I TWO DOLLARS. CaUacU fcr Wg period ani longer t ; k raJs irpon liberal terma. XUxm, XSfltXBAU) SaCHDKRS, Wllmlnston, N. C zzxto&ul sons. Com NartheTB capitalists' have rs- ll lUhe4 as ice company in CuarU 1,-a. called ile "ralmettoAasociation. Heir ioe if to oume from Maine, and tLeir buaineea will I conducted on Lr;e soak. T NewtTork Tribune expoat Uie very shady and middling mouldy noord of Thomas MurpLy, proving by fa-aimil figures and copiea of official paper that he waa a swimllinir shoddy contractor, and a partner of Tweed in tha ring pecnlationa. What of it? Hi. Murphy U a millionaire, a favorite cf Ur. Grant, and a leading light f LU party. Proving him to be a acotin drel ia sot going to hurt Mr. Murphy, The Petenbnrg Appeal aaya that the Mnaooviiea are on the march ftr Khiva. To be more accurate they art skirting the Byt-Diaia en routr to IVtrovoak. They are also in and about Unapabosa, Iaehaijaa, TJotjust, birring down on HkUchau-Culuk. It rives us paia to publish newa which ill carry apprehenaion and dismay to t liearta of many of our readers, who have frienda in Iscliaijau, TJetjtwt, ia But ourKhivan snWribers ex pH-t to b aupplied witJi the newa of t' e movement, and hence we feci cum j ".-d to admit it, , Thora b juat now quitoabrcexe t' rgaomeof the negro dilctantr ol .ahington City.becauaeof the action of t!ie new Board of Trustee of col cred achoola in rcacinding the roaolii- t ' n of the former board for thepur t ,.5e of a portrait of Senator Snmner. Tbe oyaterman Downing aiid kw oilier oolored loadera propose to call a publie meeting to condemn the action of the Trnateea, notwithstanding the rreaident of the Board hai tanctionetl Rubecriptiona among the pnpila to pay tot the portrait, and ha dintinctly (tiled that the action of the Board vaa not from lack of appreciation of t'ue labor of Mr. Sumner in Whalf of t'.e colored race, but beoauae the , ?ratttea are awora to disburae tlio t aool fund for purely educational pur- k writer in tie F.nghuh Indrjtcndfnt I Jly anforccB the idea that to taae cennonaon a alngle text, aomotimca r 'ainbg only a few worda, ia a iovoua mistake, and one of the iiea which have shorn the pulpit of i" attraction and power." The writer 1' iiAs that all pastors should expound tne part of the scripture at every f.Tvica, both morning and evening, r t ia tba way of what ia called a run- t comment, nor a system oi araw i i inferences from passages, and far 1 in that dry mode which continu j f remind one of the lexicon, and t ' would coolly devote ten minutes is determining-- whether the word ".'.. itfore" looked backward or tor ward, but with an exposition wortliy f t" e name, and one that brings out i i a clear manner all the trntlis in the - and applies these to the peo ; it bo listen. ' - a the internal tax of three cents ; : 1 on cotton was in operation, it 1 1'.e custom of revenue offioers to t the tax after the cotton had filed and stored in certain ware it. The weight thus taxed iu " ' :'.e tare, which generally ranged : -en to twenty-five pounds per . As a manifest act of justice, --S authorized the refunding of i rieess bo paid. These tore , so-called, were accordingly 1 and presented by the factors been paid to the amonut of r hundred thotisand dollars. 'i 8 mount the 'Washington claim rrrMivcd a very liberal propor , r 1 the planters, who really paid e tax, have realized nothing. a iurfancea tbe planters have -'ula to "Washington that ; (.'.' 'a no satisfactory infor " ' iect from their fac- ' r that the Com' I ' Tiifd Bevenue is : Vtu?em of the exact r f . nn for their i r; ; V.crUm by letter I ' !he name and t .ci c : L TLr-.v.-Lot-.t t:.o .ir.u a cry tf rae asd Lonvr Li f r.e rp, -.lir;ih one eoi.si Lt OoTemnfi.t is urged to Uke tLe ;,Lest rxLIe meanre fr vengeance and reUltaticin. It caarK-'t, however, le eipecWj thiU the peot'l of the South, specially those cif Virginia and the Carolinas, shall indulge in eukgiuma njon General Cauby. Time waa- when our people wt-re kind!v dinxed toward Lim ; now, however, it would be a&cUtkm, if not hypocrisy, to pretend that we are overcome by any feeling of great personal sorrow at kia death. It ia an exceedingly ungrateful task to speak of any one, who has just passed from time to eternity, a re in terms of chanty and kindness, and we shall therefore make no comment npoa the manner in which General Cauby bore himself when in dominion over na. But, while we cannot join oar Northern brethren in peana of praise to their dead hero, we can join them, and do join tliAn, in the strongest abhorrence of the dastardly act by which he lost bis life. We havs never had any admiration, and but little sympathy, for the Indian race- race with whom stealth waa valor, and with whom to lie, to steal, to cheat and to assassinate, was honor. Canning, trickery and treachery are, indeed, so inseparably a part and parcel of Indian nature, that it seems strange that any one, who bad the knowledge of the Indian character that General Canby a frontier experience must hare taught hint, should have trusted himself, unarmed, in the hands of the Modoc Chief. Esecialy does, it seem strange, in view of the events of the past, that an officer wearing the United States uniform, and one who had first seen active service in Florida, fighting Indians, should put himself in the hands of an Indian Chief, with no protection save that of a flag of truce. The murder of Geueral Canby does not afford the first instance, in the history of warfare bet woen Federal trcMiiM and Indians, in which the sanctity of a flag of trace was violated. The public will remember, if Oeu- eral Canby did not rcineiubcr, the fate of Ohtkola, the Somiuole Chief. It will be rcmemberod that after having defeated the Uuitcd States trooj in several engagements during the second Seminole war, Omyola, while holding a conference under a flag of truce with General Jesaup, on the 23d of OctoWr, 1837, uear St. Augustine, in Florida, was treacherously seised, carried to Fort Moultrie, in South Carolina, and there kept in oufluemeut until his death in 1838, Nor has the conduct of the white man at other times to ward the red man been such as to teach him that plighted faith was a thing to be hold inviolable. President Grant himself, if we mistake not, bears testimony to the bad faith borne by the whites to the Indiaus. Knowing all these things, as Gen eral Canby must have known them, it docs, indeed, seem strange that he should have gone, unarmed, into the armed presence of a man whom neither honor nor conscience nor law could bind. But so it was. Like Omckola, he trnsted to the sanctity of a flag of truce, and like him, he found it availed nothing against treachery. Doubtless a terrible retribution will be wreaked upon the Modoc Chief and his followers. Innocent, if any snoh of the tribe there be, and guilty, old and young, male and female, will doubtless all be slaughtered. The army, Ixitlt officers and men, will do-1 maud vengeance. The people will demand vengeance. These demands ' will scarce be made in vain to the man who now writes himself General of the Armies of the Vnited States of America. William Tecnmseh ' Sher man is no obscure, unknown man. The people of the South, at least, know him, and know him well If ever there lived a man utterly devoid of the feelings of humanity, utterly destitute of bowels of compassion, that man is General Sherman, If such a thing be possible, he is a fiend incar nate, and not a human being. There is no mercy to lie expected from him. We may look, then, ere long, for a bntehery and a massacre that will bring disgrace npon the Federal army and upon the American people. A terrible punishment is due and ought to be inflicted. We trust, however, it will not bo on Indiscriminate ms socio. Jnst as we finished writiug the above ords, the telegrams came to hand with the order from General Sherman to General Gillem, published on yes terday, directing the utter extermina tion of the wholo Modoe bond. There is no longer any doubt as to the character of the vengeauoe civilized men propose to wreak npon barbarians. We very much foar that humanity will shudder when the wholo truth shall be known. We feel very sure, however. that General .Sherman will not shud der. But for all that, if, by the order of the Commanding Goneral, approved by the President of the United States, there shall be an indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and chil dren, guilty and innocent alike, of the Modoe bund, the crime of the savage will pale before that of the Christian. The Baltimore (kuctts sayv : "The famous pilgrimage to Mecca has this year been put under the sanitary con trol of a commission composed of Eng litth, French and Ottoman physicians. The number of pilgrims is estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand, and not one case of cholera occurred. This is another of those reassuring facts which go to confirm the opinion of many eminent physicians that the severe type of this dread disease has worn itw-lf out, and the character of the epiilemic wherever it prevails spo radically, as recently in Russia and Intern Anatria, bos become milder. 1 .T E.-W.tJ I i ;r cv ruv tl.e ia its L-ja of La in n"tL:r,g, it tie prvgre of Uie ae marked more pUiuly Uian in tLe improvement in Journalism. Xor indeed ia there any surer indication of the gonend pros perity of a country tuan that to be found in the number and cLaractir of of its news papers. Notwithstanding this however and notwithstanding eur knowledge of the wonderful strides in prosperity the State of Georgia generally, and the City of Atlanta especially, have made, and notwith standing our appreciation of the enter prise and resource of our friend Hemphill, w could scarcely believe our ryes woen we saw before ua "atulkt oosmm now, svydat atbil 13, 1873. OCADBtTLK aHIR." : It ia needless for ua to asy ' that we were fully as much gratified as we were surprised. We most cordially congratulate our cx temporary upon its wonderful success, and will let it tell its own story in its own words. It says : W shall certainl v be pardoned for a brief allusion to the CunttitutioH of to-dsy. Can the history of the South ern Press show a parallel in journalis tic achievement ? Indeed it will com pare favorably with the feats of the great New York lrcae. A few dsvs since the most prosper ous of the 'New York dailies claimed the publication of a quintuple sheet for the first time as the " great tri umph of American journalism." It contained seveutv-eight columns of advertisements. The ( XmttUufion, in a city loss than one-twentieth the sise of the vast metropolis pub lishes nearly Afly admntu of new advertisements, a quadruple sheet of ninety-six columns, including forty of reading, with a map of the city of Atlanta and correspondence covcniig various parts oi Uie world. More tlian Una! We nave ten or twelve columns of advertisements and reading matter absolutely crowded out, proving that we made a mistake in uol printing a quintuple sheet We have never before made a special effort for any one issue, but try to make eirry issue of The Constitution an excellent one. But w thought of jrutt allowing what we could do, and stats with great gratification that our advertisements were obtained with no difficulty, the peoplo making snoh a response as actually to overwhelm even our Quadruple sheet. Ia this connection be beg leave to call attention to our prospectus upon another page, TUB I.ATK UEJF.BAL CABY. We give below a sketch of the life of General Canby as w find it In the New York H'orW It is a little singular that neither the World nor the Herald should make any reference to so important a portion of General Canby 's career as that in eluded in the time when he was in com' maud of the Carolina. The Herald briefly refers to his service during the " reconstruction compaign" in the fol iowmg words i jjurmo we ' n- struction campaign he commant cesnfully the Fifth and First Military Districts." The H'orWsays: i.dwara mctiard nprigg ifenby was at the time of his death a brigadier general in the regular army of the United States, and was in command of the Military Department of Columbia, comprising the State of Oregon ami the Territories of Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, with headquarters at Pert land, Oregon. Of the eight brigadier generals he stood seventh on the list. General Canby was a native of Ken tucky, and was born in the year 1819. He was therefore fifty-four veors of aire at the time of his death. H re ceived his military education at West Point, w hence be graduated in 1H39, and soon saw active service in the Florida war of 1H.TJ-42. In 1847, on the 84 of March, he was appointed as sistant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain. In the Mexican war he served under General Scott in that of ficer's march to the capital of Mexico, and distinguished himself in most of the battles of that bloody and arduous cam paign. He drew attention to himself for gallant eoudnet at Cerro Gordo, waa hrevetted major for the part he took in the battles of Contrcras and Chnmbns oo on August 20, 1847, and at the taking of the Helen Gate, on Septem ber 13. IntT. be received Us brevet of lienteuaut-oolonel for his services on that occasion. In the regular order of promotion, be was commissioned cap. taiu of the Second Infantry in June, 1851; major of the Teuth Infantry in March, 1853. When General Albert Sidney Johnston was sent with a mili tary expedition to Utah in lHTitMU), to force oledicnce to the laws of the United States in that Territory, Gen eral Canby accompanied him, and while the bloodless campaign lasted he commanded Fort Bridgnr, in Utah, The opening of the civil war in 18(11, found him in Mexico. lie was appoint ed colonel of the Nineteenth lufontry, May 14. liHil, and subsequently briga dier-general of volunteers on March, 31, Wy Later, he was attached to the War Department in Washington. When the draft riots of July, 18(53, broke out in this city, General Canbv was sent Here to command uie united States troojis in sod an.und this city. When this service was overlie resumed his duties at the War Department in November of the same year. In the spring of 1804 he was mode major- general oi volunteers, aim uie uisinci embracing tho departments of the Missouri, Arkansas, and the Gulf was placed under his command. It was in his department that the war virtual lv closed with the capture of Mobile on April 12th, WJb, by the expedition Men he commandod, and with the surrender of the last organised Con federate army in that aort of the coun try on May 4th. In March, 18T5, he wasbrevetted major-general, United States army, and in July, 1866, he was commissioned brigadier-general in the regular service at the time of the gen eral reorganization of $h arrty. Upon the 4th of November, 1868, he was placed in command of the Fifth Mili tary Distriet, and in 1870 the Depart ment of the Columbia was given to his charge. A few weeks ago, when the Modoc war assumed a serious phjse with the defeat in January last of 1 General Wheatoo at Lake Tubs by Captain Jack's force of Modoe Indians, General Canby relieved the leader of the defeated expedition and himself assumed charge of thecampaign against the Indians. For several days past the news from the lava bed has been indicative of further hostilities with Captain Jack, and General Canby was engaged in making another effort for peace when he was slain. OnOAXlZLD lv3. Ax:st3 0300,595.76. ItxnrwM th Or&ury til; ZdJWiat W 1 MIL (-!. A. J. HILL, Jr., Agent, W lUiiNiiTvN, N O. CM MwM Krot. IM Soar. ttrwi A K rf . Ir sm. w-U l"r. 1 hum ' Wwl, MiiKi t UBiMC. tears E I iTeeee mi irst BAiciCAPU TA IfftllinO AJTU rATisa mom Laan. aot U4 umh. wmi sisjn.n liana Snusk u4 MareauuM liw Met (. aapvy i.im,m MlMnlltuwaaCttaar. capital JKJS fiUMnd rira Imwmi Uaitn, 1 Hartftr. meUai 0,Q0 0Uaal lamraao Ompaaf, at Haw lark. aaaMai I.J0,O r Imnan Oaapaar, af Braottn, aapnai. 1M.00 Tlirlnta 'Haatt laaaraaa tfiilT, aickawaa, aaaUal mjXM MAIINC-Tas U afsreaaUl Mstaal r Vsvlara. LITK-Ta OaaaMtmi Mstaal f Hart ford. ATEIKIOW AMAHKISO. Osearal Acaats. asvlt ia-tr JJEBCHASTS ASD MECHANICS' i nstKA5CE C0XFAXY, OP BiCHKOICD, TIltOIVIA. a. T. Sroaaa, mnAX. L . Mooss, Bsery. JH WILDU ATKimOB. ySljf SjJ AfJftla Ma. 4 Kartk Walar It. WUniBftua, M. C apcil u tss-tf MISCILLAJTMIIS. For Eent, Par ta saaaUf rarlrs Tsk Tsrpsatls Boiaa. Easaa Trsaa Pot tarw apirff I OBONLT A MOUUIS. AMlleaaari, Stack sad HmI BaUls rakars. tt u-u Brock's Exchange. nATIKH KNTIRIM BIPITTKU AMU rfBaUaltaU tka lata GUrrOtDfOVRK, t sow raadt ta vail anoa mj aid aatoai an aad th psbll gaatra my. H. C. BIOCX. P raprtator Brockl Iiatianga. llaiok SPRING AMD AN ENTIRE OUTFIT FOR LADIES, hisses, AND BOYS WARDROBE. ALL -AT- OPULAIt PRICKS, nt M. M. KATZ'S, 3d SIAHHET NTRKET. sprit M SB GARDNER Fire Eztinguisher, - ; AVO HOOKaM LMlllERTEnCK KUIFMENT Aaaalata rralartlsai frm fir I OKtBitu. WADE HAMPTOS, Bays : "TUB OsKDNRtl PIRR-PXTOnrSH-RH ka at kaart aitrval, and I raenaaiaend lu f anaral IbItoiimIiub u a wlr and tWci;l"in urutacikin agMaat 'ha rink ot Sra. 1 ha araat fc'B-nu a haa a.mrrrad tat ali property, Jn.ill, tha enaS'lanm rrnoad In lu" Hnd inr lMwti-ll t-irH'r. J!Jia I'sKot-KT, SffiiU, ' W0nlnioii, N. 0. BjarisM l-od'2m THOSE FINE HATS. rJIIOKt: riNK MAT anal LATE SPJUXG STYLES CAN BE FOUND AT THE HAT. STORE, JJEI.OW TIIE HOTELS. UTh l " S- Uiiltlmore Uctort AND Fire Brickworks. RBVOKTS, TILES. PIBB BRICKS. STOVS UKINtiS, TERRA COTTA DRAW AND 8SWXR PIPM or ALL SIXBS, . fu aura darasV aad ekaapat tkaa baa OasMsSPlpa, Bonai a hicm oa, BlTnoi, Mb. rak US-lyah IBB RAIUMQ AND OBJTAMKSTAL W1BK WORKS. ntTPTTB A CO., No. M Karth HowdVraas BaltlaMra, nanHfartan Wlra BalllS Sw Oaaj atarla., Balwnla, ft a., St-raa, Pamlera, Cacaa, land and Coal Snwna, Waaaa Wlra, Ao. Alas troa RolMrada, Ukalrs, Settaaa. Jks. SMrU,11 tSt-ljek T1HK8B POWDERS ARK PREPABKD KY oi .ipraattf ti)t ajr ratall trad, frsm In pat lor siatarlal. ,. u,...,,:,. nenda) ITater, raJverlne; Extracts, t arteiie Beap. ORE EM PLAKHB. aprll a a- WM STOCK! Til ITlzziIii Jcnriiil tWEEKLY) TI1EL.VEGEST, EDSTAXD CHEAP EST TATEH rUELISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. artb anm lu iMBtuiulh u.ad wiihm ha kaaa fraatly aalufail aat ta promt. It la U.a aly uuny .U autau papat tk fttata. AS A Fl KST-CLASS SJCWS AD LITESIABT JOt B11L.IT II l'.t:XCr.LLLJ. Eabraeai la lu catuBas Is s man cseaplru, masael, y.t caai.rkaaaiT klatory af the eorM'a dotnf, froa waak to vaak, tkaa caa pMalbly aa laad ta aay athar JoarasL It lijiat tka aapar far tha koa aad trarkla tvU st food raadlDf ; aU tk Stat Editorials af ths dally ( a'l tba Caa(raaloaal, LagUlatlrs aad PaUtkal a.wi af U day. Its Market Reports art always fall sad actarata. Tks Ksrtewaf Ik Markats I aeetptad ky th m.roaaUlaro aalty u taa traa lsd.i af tk aomaarra af tat elty, ehlw It rtpurt of tur aarkat art Nil and rttUliw. INTERESTING Stories, Tales, &c. tr fla.a nry vaak, aakln M the baa faa tly aiar publUiad la taa cvuntry. ITH CIItCUXVTIOIV I aarr Urg turaafhoat tk 8 lata and tk waul Bwta. Ia Maw Haaarar, BVIfaeaaba, Oatlw, Ouilla, Bkapaoa, Brsaawick, Bladaa and Coin akua It aapacUlly larga, vkllsla Halllai, Wllaoa, Wiya, CarUrtt, Bobtona, Blokaoad. Asaoa, CaaibarUad aad Moera, aad la KToral eoaatic of Boath Carolina, It lralaUoa I Ttry food. It la anblldiad tatry frUay oa th follow- ln( TERMS : One cotit. for one vear .S2 00 . 1 00 One copy, for six moutlis Three copies, tor one year. . . . . 5 CO Four copies, for one year. . . . Five oopies, for one year . 7 00 . 8 CO xsn copies, lor one year 10 w Twenty oopies, for one yfcor 25 00 S T aory getter up of a CLUB OF TEN, .15 00 ont oupy will b ant fret for on year. Addraw HUUnNAL, "'HuilngloH, IV. C. lAlln.l a "Concord Sun." I prop attMMiln In tba town of t'onornl, N. O.,on Satnnlay, i .laat, aworkly naw paper allol tba "Iunoonu Bus." Itt ael aM will badavatail to lltl-a, (Geaaaraa tlrr), S.ltraltnrf , I I'rratura, Uantral New., an 'I lo tliailnraiopaaut of vlia ta t mineral re. aunrror till, aai'tion. Jt p'rann'.t ana matll ua lor adaartlMra, aa It. .ubiwrlhtlon Data Fin braoa tba but aaina. In Uabarrua, klaaklea- bur,, In Ion, Stanly, Konun, aad Irtdall voilu tit , Tfnia H W ID ailrano. Addrta CM A 8. P. HARRIS, Editor ami fruprlaior nan, Coioo d, N. O. BtrihlO SS-3t The Marion Star Itthsonlrnawananer fublUhid at Marlon. I. O. Martibaata and Daalara la rarllll In Wllmlrifton abould rrmamnar tbia In tba bralnnln ot Hit araann.ir tba. wlak toadaanra tbtlr Intrraat la tba Paa Do motion ana or tha Stat Arlfltnrl dlatrlct la South uaro Una. Adilraa W.J. MoKERALt.. Jaa It 14 tf TIIE "PrONEER," PUBL1RIIKD EVERY FRIDAY AT 1? L. O lt K N C K, N. C., By WALLACE McDIARMID, Is the most Prosperous and Flonrish ing Taper in Uie State for tha time it has been published. TiitM. o rrirTio: Ont Tear la a ranoa, ffi. 8I Month., SI 13. Thro Mouths IA cent. AiMrtM PIONEER, fek IS-tf Flwtuca, 8. C. " A CARD. tJialnt parehaatd th Intaraatof Mr. Brock will rontlnat to conduct tb burineai st tt old (land, No. I Granlt Row, whtrt I will happy to art my old rrtoml and cortomara. H. WF.RB 813-tt aet I m m t aM-3 iii.JsisB 3 3l7RCEXaZa HOTJMK. . B. DAVIS, Proprtotor Proa thla data tba rat rot Tranriatit Board- rot art S4, S3, and Si SO par day, according t loo. i to a ana roome. 1.T boaruer.. per weak. Jaal JAJIE8 T. PETTEWA, Merchandise, Produce, &c., WaMISOTON.WC Fall Una of Saaplea. Snrar, Coffee, Barnr. Molartwa, Flni-r. rrrtllltaia. Ac, eonatantly n hand. Nrritlata pnrrbaaee and tale In thla and Knrtbi rn market Ordeia coatoli ded and n b-rraphnd dillr. mr a at ror .h or l iiojan uuanna. If b lit . ... . . (Unck Valentine's Preparation of MEAT JUICE t I 1. k ... A.MhnMMMA. tVAMk I. mr, , k - ' "p v, all prMlfnl n n, who bare yi.en It trial, and la pTommfxt an wW to aay atber ,ra p ration of Reef known. ' . I Qf MM W?IWI WI mil 11 - oKKEiSarLANrivs, v. iwngglatt. ayrill . H 3 (2)'- ;S)(st( 1 i j JiM'ial I'rnotU'o. Careers, Ttsors, Ecrcfila, CLroli Ulcers, Vereral risaases, UUr ine r.ieaif j, aad all Eii drei Disorders. SrCCISSFULLT TREATED. CFF1CE AND IXTiaMiRTi BAST-CEfritJl STKEET, toLDwosa, sr. c. Consultation Free. Ia aon .,.. af inrraaai d prartieo. wa ka apraad aa Intraary a4 M bbwa. N i, ltb amaaMtiaa af paiwata truuia daily aueaiia.. ana wa r r-T-ni rinrwa. to a. a 1 1 maiuiu al taatr hoaara, kiad aad nrHal artutam fraa tiariaaccd aad traaty atwwlaasa. , Hanag aararad tha aatera af twa Pkna eiaaaaad Sarfeaaa. Or. Ua. H. Ilaara, tarawrly lrt.a ia caaraa w Ua U. S. ta rrai Hoapxtai a' Uraaaaaara, N. 0.. aad tar. U. a.4.rwfrf,roraHySarfvaiaebarra al Ua C. a. ueaa.ai HeaptuJ al harlutia. M. U-Laaa tar(aaa m rbarft 17. a Pa t HurprUl ' iMrnam, n. J. tm. awaUaaaa wUi at taa laara vy dally aad gira aach oikar atua- DR. J. MILES HUNTER T ill visit the follnwinir nanuwl loa M ' and remain a few dan in j-h be aeen by the following schedule, in order that persona who desire it may foath Waahtaftoa. New HaaortT ca., . C.aa Marcb flat and Jd- Wilaiagtoa, N. C.aa Marek Mtb, 391k A Mtb. "'""u. vwuaoatea., i. u., March SS A Fair Slair, a, c, aa April M. artua C M.. " oa April V4,4tk A Stk Iweaca, - ' M AprUTtk,.tk au Society UlU, - oa April lotk. t karaw oa A prll I Itk aad tk Kixskui.haa. N. C. a AprU Atk avt lh ','n't ftuia, Hb-kaoaa e. N. O, April 17 A U traa, Moaiguaary oa . M. April lat A 11 Carthage, Moor oo., N. O , A aril MU A Atk Ftrpa. chatbaa ea., '. 0., April wtk smh FayrtteTUlt, N. oa May lat, Id and d Laabortoa, W.O aa May Sta,Mh A 7U Browa Marah, Bladta oa., (I. May MhAitth Cbalara will b dunrlbatad apoa arrlTal al Bank M ag THE BROWN C0TOJ6IEJ PLANTER ahoald tiamlna tb aba aamed aM and reliable Ula balart baying any other. Iteoablnaa tha repaired auallliea of NIaapllrtly, Nirwug-tai aad Mwraktlliy. It atua faMland rlvaa, aakn a a cab. laat Mat (oftea bringlag lc. la l.c par lb. aboav market.) ami ia aalTenallr ad alttad to be taa lightaat raaatBaj gia awe. Wt hare haa uiiny yeara' aipartaao In tha biulnea and warrant erery git perfect. Uina aoaautiy Ia ta handa af aur aceal. I kirk m iMvitj. lMa.ti ' ClrrBlavra,wlu Irailaaaalala and full parthHilart, aay be bad by adorrwac ISHAt r r. BROWN, PrvalAwal, aarwwa a w.iata t ., Naw Laa.a.l na. DAWSON, TEEL A HENN1N8, AgaaU, aarohl ' wli SUFFERERS FROM CANCER LOOK TO 101 MEEESTS. Head tha following, ! which we wight add vary ataap anora unmet al reoua uhaw rare a have atoad th teat f lima I Thla la to certify that we, tha nndeririaid, ba.r bp. it riir. l of Cauear b !.. lln-.u Llml'ry ami Hentiy, and that we rrm.la aouad ami ami up i luia in, ana we bailee1 war ruie. iu pein.nent, anil tbeeirully reran. ui-Hd all thiiaa einicttd with eanwr I arvlr . 1 1, . ... . r Mrs. T. J. Ilulla, Fayctteville, N. C. jerennua eniz, inuiun Trail, .U, Julia Kolierts, Fayetteville, N. C. Mrs. Bettie Fultas, Salisbury, N. C. UulH-n Bryant, I'acolett, H. 0. J. K. Hraith. Bmith's Grove. N. d John Wliitaker, MiKircsboro', N. C. Howell Whitehead, Pactolus, N. C. Miss Mary leather, Cross Kevs, fi. C. W. J. Alcaeil, JUiurel Hill, N. C. Oeo. lee, Johnson. N. C. Mrs. M. M. Hwiorgood, Asheville, - Ztcharitth Coggins, Milledgeville, Mrs. Cartdino Webster, raoolett. O. Vi. R II. Withers, Crosliyville, a C. M. C. Campbell, OolaHboro', N. C. Uta. II penp A iVnt'er mar ho ciin nllul or aiinrrwra i i.a iirnaro' Jlnllral anil ruirnl ral In. It" e," (lol.lnboru. N. 0..n I r l.liid lev niriier oi Tis le ami t.'il etr Simla, (;he- w s. i. an rtfnr a cl rulai, or call is tu m MHfariiMja tr' r r h t m n rptXTITK M iOIl 1.1 V. I-.uiilal II. Footo & Co., HANKERS AM) UKOXERS, t AKOADWAT. K. T. Miuber of Stock Eiclian; anl Ooltl UotM. KEyMUtK(lKft.Mtr.rnli Itiank'itav AMran.. fttlt.n. or niiy Hanking Uvtuw t Cvumrrlti J ' ' 7. B,,,r'lr' ' "v diLaid r i nrj" i ami k. It U. . ..t. I ..war a itii.i.B awn " i'CS ISVaf Vat aSf 'MCdll WIR. ' .W VMV 1l .11 CI.IW.lfl WUII" 1. g ptnpb., oi auer aax, ymina or aid, aiaka nium eH iii y at wo-k lor u. la tber .nart a mi-n;.. or mi in. tin'-, uian at antlih.r el Cx'Wnlar fret Addraea . bUama A Co.. Pnnlai-.l, M.lna, I.1 Gift-tui EUniisE I I f only'Rcliabls (iia Distribution Jin the Couiiliy ! 860,000 00 IN VALUABLE CIFTS lo a !MHTI1PTD in " ' La Da SINE'S 1 60th Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To H !raw Monday, April 2th, UTJ. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF 5,000 EACH IN GREENBACKS ! Tw 'Prtse (1.000 , Ifgreenbacks! tie Prises BOO TenPriaxo vl0O On. U.iraa an1 Buggy, wits Sllrer.aoan'el ll.riinw, worth $") One Kine 1'onrd Kiwewood Piano, worth 11 1 Tea r.ral'y Hawing Marhlnea. worthtbwrai'hl Fika tin.it aratdbea ana CbAin., wvilh 9 earhl Fire nmd latrima Hanti it Watebn, worth I'M each. . Tra Iftiea' UoM Boating Watcher, worth 78 ench! KM Gild and Sllrer Ierer Hnntlng Warrbe (la all.) aufih rrorn 02010 II. tarh I OoM rhaina. Sllrer-wara, .lewelre. A.. fto. Wh'Me nomber (lit., (,M). ricketa limited toJ,0M. Af,RST3 WAyTRl TO SELL TICK. KTStto khom- l.itxml 1'remivmtuiUl bt paid. ' ,: - ' Sliifle Tlekert II; Sis Ticket 15; Twelr Ticket. 18 i Twenty It ricketa 130. Clrrnlameontelnlneafall llet of nrltea. a la- aerlptian of the Banner of drawing, and other Inrormauan ta retereaoe to tba WietribnUoa, alllbeaenttoanroneordSttnctbea. All lat. urt Boat tot atidreNied to is wnrr, u D.aijr. ita as. CiaomaaTi.-O, 101 W. rifU Br. Bsrchfl C. -.. iaV AssuH:rc2 ec-tety OF Ta - UNITED STATES.; W Ev a .Wir J, tlutd of Life Avuth aliioh applies th Touting prtnei U tLe 1 distribution of divided,!, auj aKk-h, ba f allowing the a&toml to sll Li pohoy k th V Uouipacj only aiter tate4 penods, rrsalta V more favorable than any hitherto expeneuoe I s- msy uj enjoyea dv person jxtxij of eon- BtituUonal loagrvitj, who krp their policies I in force nntil the middle or latter part of then uvea. tenia taa SaHowmg naBiebng feataw. whirt . u.i..iiij(i.ruu run. tZ'" JT'.l " iauaaja.i., al vaiAat lar K FIRST SALE OF POLICY TO TTTF. CYWPtVY AltWrWWWMnlMaM.tfM.i....ai . . .,..-! ... . T praaiaaaa rttaraad. At taa end f a year. a ... SECOXD-PAtD-tP POUCY. At taa end af 1 year, r "Ua. At th aajd of I yoajra. Sia.eea. Aj ta aad af M yaara, S3 J THIRD AV AWI'ITT .tif.l5.", u.fP0M " smaopiaa r.i ti raasiva, aad. wHk ta eeeee lf w. wUl parage a ywiy laoaM al III! 3 ; ar. at ia. .ad af yaara, af TeaeaMtaaba angaria ret, a aarefiH dtra M t WTaarWoa, A aa swafat a-t. I-. Jia. - u '""""i Ua.HAa,CaaalUag Aetaary. , rerai, ltdla teaaMraA.tr ae. aill ta it w tbw kiraaiara la exaaTra tka a H1 . r ring fan p,rtcaara af tba raloe af ta. C.aaaar w.lh regard ta xtr, ba'aVoin: irZ'Zx z- I2iuitallo LlfeAriHurRnco Society 120 BROADWAY, New York. Or any of its Representative throughout tha United States and Canada. tfT AGENTS WANTiaX-vApply the tursigned. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, v District Agent: Dr. W. G. THOMAS, . witSH-CTOJi. if.e. Da. O. G. THOMAS? Modlc1 Examiners. jaaaarytl READ ! READ ! READ ! ! ' GEEAT DISCOVERY ! BRADIETS PATENT ENAMEL PAINT, Made from Fnre White Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc, And Always Ready for Use. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS : las riaiaa, ra.ouler Co., Vs.. I ., rabraarT tb, IST3 ( Ma. C. P. KaiOBT-Slr:-lha Palafeaat taitly to baaidaa ordered ta kegt. Sea gal. luoa taoh.aad three kaoktia, aaegaltoa tack. A.practlraaaatiaek, 1 am tk Job aayaalf. l'wiweeki,ao(a,artanlwork, toaplaudth kotaa, twa ttiata. Tha laat aoat i applied Mck, and it hi aow generally eaaeed d, Uat fur "KnaaMl-lika aan-Bata, aad body, aad bar. Bony of colore, tbera ia au a baadanawr Job I tha place. 1 aarao aiiTT-rir (IhS) cil la t ey tba op-ratioa, wblca la aa Haa laat auw with "doathera People. It boid bt lima ly adopted ia Oil kuta. Aay avnatry lad caa apply It. 1 bare law dabba 1 1 tucb ttaek a Tteti. aoniala, bat I f. el ata elbly tka great adapta bility of year name! Paint" the want, af tar paoa e U aieaiieaiy of a at an al, ta baaa ty af ooicv , and la bo faet of ! being iaDr anao, bal I glmearree perw lea oa ( 1 1 It a derable to you) ti aake what at yontklok roper af tbd latter. Very reavectfally and trnly, a.MclILL,M.D. B al riaots, Dto. Wtb, int. Ma. CP. Kaiaar-Dear Sin It aSrd. at much pleaaure to aay to yoa that tiie Brad ey PaUnt Kaaaal Palut far txoeedt ay axpoota Uoa la eoeiMMuy, beantr, and, I bare aeecy rao- to beiieTo, In d iral.l liT. More than twelr month, alnoa I painted the roof a" ay Hotel (Man. on Houaai with tha Bradley Pat ent Bnamel Paint, aad I waa at well pleaded with It I detarained la paint tba oataida of the Hotel, anrl aa moat happy to ray It give, at pt fed ratlatariloH. In eunchnton I will ay, If tlilateaHmnnUl will be any advantage to loa, you are at llbert to aa. It. Voura ut reaneetfallr, ISkAU ALKKHTSON, M nrion Hona Hotel, M. W. eotuer faittt and St. Paul buaeU, llaltlmora. " Always Ready for Use and Easily Applied. Sold by the Gallon, jjj. W ONE GALLON COVERS 20 SQUARE YARDS TWO COATS. " C. P. IUVIQIIX, 8olo Agent, 50. OS W. LOMBVRD MTREET,' BALTIMORE. W Speclia.n. and Prlo I lat forniahed gratia, Prlo Utt t'nd Sptelatnt caa be aeen at tbl Offlo. , Barehl "yytLKES MOKHIS, MICHAKL CKONLT OBONLT & M0EEI3, ACUTIONEBK8 AND GENERAL AQXSTS WIUURfiTOIf. B. C a Uv k . m! ta. .Ml all fl n.li .1. mm u nhandiaa bought aad aold oa ooaauatoo. car peraonaj anenuoa givau ia any kaatnea mtraated to our oharga. Proa onr lone a.iwrienoa ta. tha lwltiL reel warraattd Ta referring hi tha public geaar ally eejH B JOFFITT a. CO.. Q-enl Commission Merchants UOBTH WATEB BTKIIT, WaaissToa, W. O. Will tira DroBpt iMrtonal attenUon ta tha aila orahlpuent of Cotton. Kuvii Storee, General rromioa, aie.,tte. sjm as rootltuig and tor warding goode. Order, aolicltad and prmUr SI led. Bh,1S t3A-ly vp a. scinrrTE, aRANITB ROW. DEALER IS rnmitarw, -lattre-we, window Rhadaa. Papat Uanglnga, Plotar r ranee, Vord, Taaaal, Prla- gc, An. Having JiiK roomred t anpply af remit ere, I in now riarel to give the pablie at good bar gain, a can be had in the elty. rieaee oau ano aiaaiaor Tll MB- ..t IM'IM'KI.I. ItOI'Mll. VII.t.TO-i, N. . ea-raiirria 1 h llal la.af Mill. Houe,(JhurleeUm. v liai.h, Cartiaae ano Haoraat Waa on. rat. rt-l n not, try pwinger. to and (mm the HAitria.ia. MM ll. B. F. CR08UND, GROCER AND Commissionllerchant, SALEM,(T.C, T Refer, by peralm, io Hon. I. O. l4uh, ab 01 ; W. K. lem ev, Caahter Pint National Dank ; Wllaoa A Sbobar, Banker., araoaf boto, N. C. jaa IS-M la QOV1NGTON, EVERETT CO O Elf ERAL liommiision Merchants, lorth Water Street, WHaiaftoa, V. Will give prompt peraoul attaatloa to the aala or ablpaent of Cotton, Kaval Blore. or aar tmaar rmrraea. vaaa eraora aoucinea aoa nmantlv ffllea. June it, lei. EM-lych New Boarding House, Mna. J. A. Cltptokd, Proprietress, MARKET STREET, : kvtwwta M and M, WILMIXQTOX, R.C. mT Good accoamodatlont will bt girt. Sr TaraM raaaoaabl. aprlll Tltf It J, SCOTT co.r Cart t raeHaytw aYetal BevaertU Oaaaaua. alwa MchBa, Rots Waraa St, Vaoaa 601 EzoBAaaa, wn.MlNUTOK, N. o. BP LibaraJ adTaneee aad oa conairnaeatf ofootton, hartl Store tod Country jVndaot of til kind. ----- detLJ STS-ly r' ara iliaairacad b a cu vur.i .h t u kaaad .a tka iVm ami r aaris. agtu. pav oetr. af aeaauaat recara4 O. P. KsiaaT. Eu.Dear air: I have had Bradley'. Paiaat Saaaal Palat, which I Bar. ehavd froa ywa, aatd iaatde aad aacald, both ay evening ana rare, ear two year. It a aw great plaaaa t I bt tblt to aay that maea ra 1 an ta roar recoaaeadationa ka facility af aaa, tooaoay, durability aad baaa, tj. Veor.. eery traly, THOMAS J (aVINO, tf Tho J. Irrtag A Oa , lb Watt Ball. Bt B.LTiMoa, I apt. M, 1ST1 TotiiPcbuo.-Itsflbrd m aaeh pkeaa. ara ta ttat Uat la duly, in I, Fraat BUeet Theatr wat palatad laaid aad aat with Brad lay 't PaUat lata! rami, far wbtek U. P. Kaigbt, Ma. M Watt Leabard atraat, a kgeni; aad ta teeUTy ta itt ruperiortty tver aay and all other paiata for (iallar aara. la a pel rat dwtlllag taa pair! poalbly be tabjroted to th t ry a. rare Urt It ssdergott at tba eaUbll-b-BMnt, whtrt, daring oar dally daaalag, aoap aad tod arecpnaUntly applied ta it, aad yet M ppearfa. aauad aad freah a wbaa Iretput oa. Of th lua.rou. adrantage It atatati rer other palati I will mantloa Ua belag nixed and raaly for at In quaatltita to (ait pareaatw, It quickly drying proper' IM, which tare aach time la tb execution ef work whtrt a tint It aetded. and It vary par roptlhl tenacity, which Impart beauty aad durability lo the objaeta on which It la ued. Ataneh I Boat tarnertly reonmatnd nt th nercbanta anil tradaaaea of aur eltr, belle In. that It will giea thea -rearer aatlafMlioa tbau Uiey taa poaalbly antlclpata, W M K. S IN N . front St. Theatre. Baltimore 4 prll IS, Win. a. a, baKEihtox. ' 1 raos. a ptllu A A A8HB. MZ1B1K0H, FULLER & ASHZ, , Attorneys and ttiiiisclloh at Lav, RALEIGH, K. C. WIU nrtetlo Is tb Stat and Federal Court wherever their eereteee aay ha required. flloa-fora.r oOiot af Philltna A Merrt aow. march l-3Boh D 00 It 8, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOn MOTJLRIMUS, 8TA1R RAID, MKWalJI AND ALL KINDS OP FANCY LA8b, Largo Stock- Lowest Bates. ORDER WORK SOLICITED. 1END POR ISTIaATE A PRICK LISTS KE0GII k TH0RXE, S4 asd ana canal street, BovVlT)ch NEW TO"K CITY. Wooster & Conoley, Hating Mauetalad with siyatir Mr. J. W. Conoley, well kuowa Dragglit of thla city, th bualn-ea will hereafter b coadaeied snder th ttjle of "vTooatar A Conoley." ' 4. U WOOSTER. u.tr march I KID FOXED BOOTS ! 'THE FIR EST CLOT II AND MOST PASH. tenable atyl.. . DUDLEY & ELLIS, . Sign of tb Big Boot. aprtl II LOTTEEY. i w rnmwm Missouri : State lottery. Ijegalisnd by 8ut Antbority and Drawn in Public In 8b Loots. Grand Single Number Scheme.' Sartr IIMBEBS. CI ana D, la Drawa April SO, 173. 5,880 PrUes, AmrrouUuf to $300,000. prira ef.,.,S,onn - . ma got priaeaof.. ..S Kw t prl.ee of..., mc t priaeaof.... " priaeaof.... m privet of.... tN) M priaeauf.... M priaeaof.,.. IM 1W ppiimi fljf,,,! lOw1 10 prlaeaef.... 1 f pnaa ai.M. t prle of.... 1 Beit af... 4 priaeaof.... neiaetaf.... LI, kv.OM) t Am t.nr; fo peiaeaof.,.. IS priaetof ... pi lata of.... IA" Tickets, $10. naif Tickets, $3. Quarters, t2 60. mr Onr totterlea are chartered by th State, ara el ware drawn at tha time named, and til rira wlnr are ander th MuorriMoa ef awora OBrwalaaoaeta. Baf Tot em rial nrawina wm aa punnaneo ia i h at. laiaie eawera. and a ooirv of iirawinr aant to pare haaera of ticket . - (J Wa will uraw a nailer amem wa lasi oar ot every aaxntb during Uie year IHIib a Fern ft at one riea ny n m r vr MOVJtV OPTKRS, KC'ltSTERFD at our rlek by POST OFFTCR LS, H F'liHTK.RFD LaC. rFK, DRA FT or AAr Kr,6a. Heul Tor t cit- ealar. Aodre, MUKKAI, AIXUUKll ot UU., Faat Oflle Bos S4M. St. Inwi. Mo aprtl IS K-dAw-0d-Te,lMrst.