N, . - --a ; M M t I YTmniiGTOH, H. C, WXDIiESDAY. APEIL SO, 1S7& vol xm-iro. 103. nil (T be j&iiln found. wiLinxoTox. s. c WIIXXS3AT. AP1H SO. lSTX BY TELEGRAPH, liEAbqUAinKiLs;- DECISION OF SUrKEiTE COURT IN A 2IABATDIE CASE. STEAMERS prr.n EESrOXSIBLE FOR COLLISIONS WTTH SAILlXa VESSELS. DEATH OF OOV. SHARKEY. " WiumaT05( D. C, April 29 Soon. Ths Saprem Court to-dar, iu ths eolliaioa between ths schooner Champion and the steamer Lucille, confirm ths Judgment that the steamer ia iwponaibla for sll damage; that a Bailing Tetwel taoitt keep on her eoan and ateamera moat aroid her. Oot. W. L. Sharkey, of Mississippi, died thia morning at the Imperial Hotel aged 83 years, of pneumonia. TIUE LAVA BEDS. DESrEEATE FIOHT WITH THE MODOCS. NINETEEN FEDERAL SOLDIERS rrri.TO AND TWENTY-THREE WOUNDED. DETAILS OF THE FIGIIT. THE TROOPS AMBUSCADED. A COMPLETE AND TERRIBLE SURPRISE. THE MODOCS ARMED WITH SPENCER RIFLES. VERT LATEST FROM THE BATTLE FIELD. Sam Feascisco, April 29 Noon. A courier at Treka report a battle, in which nineteen Federal soldiers were killed, including Cant. Thomaa and Lienta. Howe and Wright Twenty three were wounded, including Lieut Harris. Others are mining. Lata Bids. April 29 Night A reoonnoitering party of artillery and infantry proceeded in the direction of the present Modoo stronghold, Capt Thomas commanding. A dozen of the Warm Spring Indians were expected to co-operate. On reaching the bluff the Modoo fire drove the troops to a shelter, and as usual the foe was un seen. The Indians delivered a cross and enfilading fire. Two wounded sol diers reached the camp, when four Companies were sent to their rescue, They carried stretchers for the wound ed but could not reach thorn. Later CoL Green reports that the surprise was complete and terrible. Lieut Cranston, of the Fourth Artil lery, is missing. A full list of the killed and wounded cannot be ob tained. Later Still The wounded and killed hare been collected and are waiting for a conveyance to the camp. There are sixteen killed, including Captain Thomas, Lieut Howe, Lieut Wright, and eight additional wounded. The Moddcs had Spencer and breech loading rifles. Some are known to have had two or more rifles. The Indians numbered twenty-one, When the soldiers took refuge in a hol low, every egress from which th In dians commanded, the soldiers could not show their heads or hands without certainly being wounded. Very few escaped. The rest were either killed or wounded. The killed and wounded of the Modocs are unknown. Captain McKay reports that his Warm Spring Indians took their scalps. The Latest A heavy rain is falling, Col. Green, who is out with reinforce' ments, is momentarily expected. The Very Latest It is difficult to recognize the dead but trom some ar ticle of dress. Their lineaments are horribly defaced. Eight men were . buried on the field unrecognized. Lieutenant Cranston, of Battery A, with four men. is still missing. The "-" reoonnoitering force consisted of bat teries K and A, ilh Artillery, and Company E, 12th Infantry. Washwotos, D. C. , April 29 Night Captain Thomas was a son of ths late Adjutant-General L. Thomas; Lieutenant Howe was' a son-in-law of General Barry, commanding the Ar tillery School at Fortress Monroe ;Lieut Harris was the son of Philadelphia merchant; aid Lieutenant Wright was a son of General Geo, Wright, who was lost on the steamer Brother Jonathan. GOTHAM. THE SAILOR BOARDING HOUSE TROUBLES. SOME TALK OF, AN AMERICAN PRESS CABLE. New Yobk, April 29 Noon. Com merce ia almost paralyzed by the trouble with the sailor boarding houses. Vessels valuably loaded have been detained for a week. NiK Tonic, ,April. 29 Noon. The Journal of Commerce urges the laying pt an American press cable. The Government has paid over 117,000,000 of the May interest EuitoFEAX coyrixE-vr. THIERS DISCOURAGED. WHITE FROST NEAR LYONS. THE YTNES DESTROYED. RETORTED WITHDRAWAL OF THE CARUSTS FROM SFAtN. Waskwotos, April 23. Noon. Thiers is discouraged by Remnsata dftai Upon the announcement Thiers remained alone for an hour. Bonapartist Journals declare the Conservative Republio dead. White frost has destroyed ths vines in the vicinity of Lyon. The disaster is similar to that of 1817. Lou oir, April 29 Noon. It is reported that the Carlists intend Wav ing Spain. The. cable companies have agreed upon amalgamation. Ortffta aa Memalaf of Ike Imns Hl.aHTMUtU Eaableaav. A writer in h late periodical, giving an account of a visit to the church of Santa Crooe, in Florence, says : "Over the main entrance art the orurinal letters ills, placed there by St. lWr- uaruiua, of bie una, who invented them in 1137, after the plague, to denote the name and mission of Jesus Jesns Hominum Sal valor. There seems to be a sreneral misar. prehension eonoeming the origin and meaning of this monogramatio em blem, notwithstanding mat it u in common use in both Protectant and Roman lathouo enureses. It orna ments chancel walls and windows ; it is carved upon altars and pulpits ; it is embroidered on ecclesiastical vest ments, and is stamped on the covers of sabred books. Many Christians re gard it with an almost superstitious veneration, as if it possessed some pe cnuar inherent bounces, some bidden efficacy : whereas, in its present form, it has no meaning, and, apart from its associations, is possessed of no more significance as a religions emblem than wonld be any other three letters ol the alphabet arranged in a similar consecutive order. Historically con sidered, it possesses some interest for it embalms lorever the stupidity or the carelessness of early transcribers of the New Testament who did not know or did not distinguish the differ-' ence between Greek and Roman letter. In its proper form it is simply an ab breviation of the name Jesns, and it is nearly as old as the Christian era. It is used continually in the "Codex Sinaiticua," which is considered by many scholars to be the oldest known manuscript of the Holy Scriptures, antedating even the 'Vaticanus. It is found also in the other "Codioes,' and in very many secular manuscripts, from the earliest centuries down to the time of the invention of printing. Manv instances of it may be seen in Casley's fao-similes in his "Catalogue of the King's MSS.;' notably in the charter of Berking Abbey, of the early date of A. V. 670. The Greek form of Jesus is Jeioui, From a little before tho Christian era down to the time of the invention of minting, the ancient letter of tianta was superseded by C, a latter form of sigma, and having the same powers and sound, in all the new Testament manuscripts of this date Jesus appears as IHCiC; or rather it would appear as if it were ever written out in full. But to save time and labor the early coiiyist abbreviated all the frequently recurring words, and we and the name w -a . . of Jesus almost invariably contracted to the 1UU, a line upon tne top being the sign of abbrevia tion. The middle letter H is the Greek eta (Roman E.) and the whole is equivalent to the Jtloman or fcng crliftli IES. or the I and the J beim ii i k. tt7u i. . m 4 1 luenuctki w t,r, tuo uisk, rvuu, urn last letters of the name of Jesns. In the Latin transcriptions the abbrevia tion IHC was retained, the declension al terminations being changed to suit the Latin cases. In the course of time the ignorant scribes who copied the manuscripts confounded the Greek with the Roman letters and wrote it IHS, having no conception, probably, that the middle letter stood for any thing but the Roman H. In the "Co dex Beta,' where the Greek and the Latin texts areorivenonalternatepages, the error is very observable, the ureea IMC being metamorphosed into the Latin IHS. Finally, still another change too olace. The dash, the sign of abbrevia tion, became a cross ; and then it was discovered that "Jesus Hominum al vator" was comprehended in the three letters, ft very pretty and suggestive explication, but unfortunate in that it furnishes additional proof that the convist mistook the middle letter for the Roman H. Ignatius Loyola, the dently fell into the same error. In the orpftt neat of the order the svmbol ao- pears as IHS, with ft cross above the connecting line of the H, in the midst of emanating rays of light, with the three- nails of the cross beneath, ar ranged like a fan, with the points in warL This, sometimes written also iHtS, is used for the abbreviation of In Hao Cruce Bains." The symbol of Jesus was probably not used otherwise than as a mann script abbreviation until about the be ginning of the fifteenth century, when 51 v - " i- i i J i U DPgau vu ue empiujBU as m uinuuui emblem in calligraphio ornamentation and shortly afterwards in church deco ration. I he letters are found com' bined in a variety of shapes, often making ft very pleasing and artistic - ' 3 ri.J monogram, a singular one aencnueu by Molanns is worth mentioning. He says: "in a window of the orphan asylum 01 iiouvain, a DUiiuing wnicn depicted between the end letters I and S Brothers Ignatius and Xavious each looking towards the other, and grasp ing right hands which hold an uprich cross, thus forming the middle letter U. St Bernardius, of Sienna, may hare been the first to use the 1113 as sacred emblem in church ornamenta tion, but hi certainly did not invent the symbol, nor is it probable that he was the . originator of the legend, "Jesus liominuiniialTator. , The Salisbury (Md.) Advertiser pre dicts an abundant crop of strawberries in that section, and says the peach crop is sais, . STATEHEWS. The streets of Raleigh are to be lighted again. lUleich is about to organize a mili tary company. Mai. Robert Bingham Wcture in Raleigh on Friday evening. Dr. Willie J. rainier, formerly of thia State, but now of Boilerdle, Canada, is in Raleigh. The deb of the city of Raleigh is 1130,000. About of this is the Boating debt and the balance ia bonded. L. W. Howe has been sppointed by the Governor Commissioner of Deeds for Nprth Carolina, resident in New York City. Three-fourths of the real estate of Pasquotank county is owned by North ern men that have purchased and set tled on the same aiuoe the war. 1 ney are a prosperous, enterprising working class, and are adding to no small ex tant to the general prosperity of the section. A correspondent of the Charlotte Democrat, writing from Steven's Mills, Union county, says: There was most horrible crime committed in thia vicinity on Sunday last A col ored boy by the name of Adam Hill attempted to raviah white cbiidoi aix years old, but was caught before he bd seriously injured the child, tie was arrested on Monday and on Tues day was committed to jail in Monroe. The Raleigh News says: According to the first map of the city ever drawn, the original of which is now in posses sion of Colonel W.EH. Tucker, the sonare now occupied by the Deaf, Dumb and luind Asylum was tor many years the city burying ground. During the excavation for the foun dation of the Asylum buildings many skulls were thrown up, and even lee in and bones were soon on the bank of dirt The Charlotte Southern Home says : We learn that Federal Judge Dick, at Statesville. expressed the belief that the Ku-KJux bill would be declared unconstitutional, and advised the ac cused to renew their bonds and not stand ft trial. If this bill of abominations should be I declared unconstitutional, what redress will be had for the outrages committed f Hundreds hsve been run out of the country. Hundreds have been ruined by being dragged five or six times before distant Federal Court. Many have languished in prison. Borne have died. And all this crime and wrong done in the name of law has been unlawful and wicked 1, What a country and what party ! Tba Charlotte Southern Home sava The division which stormed Ae works of our "late enemies" at Seven Pines, suffered the most In that severo en gagement several of the cadets of the North Carolina Military Institute gsve their young lives for their country, Young Addison Jones of Wadesboro, fell mortally wounded. Major Hatch- ford, who bad been ft cadet wnn mm, went to him during ft lull in the battle, to remove him from the field. "Let me alone," said the young hero, "I must certainly die. Take off the flold only those who may live to fight again for our country." Then with a pleas ant smile he said. "Goodbye, Batch ford, don't mind me, God bless yon." Sir Philip Sidney, the scholar, states man and soldier, was the brightest or nament of .the court of (jueen xJiza beth. On the 22nd September, 1W6, his thigh was shattered by a musket ball at Zntphen, from the effect of which he died. In the thirst caused bv his . motal agony, he called for about to raise it te his hps, he noticed a wounded soldier looking longingly st it. and without touching a drop lnm self, he passed the bottle to the poor follow saving. "You need it worse than I do." No act of the brilliant career of Sidney has been more honored thsn this. Uut the unselnshness of the youthful soldier at Seven Tines seems to us even more neroio ana auuiime than that of Sidney. The motive, too, was higher with the Uoniederate, it was love of country snd not mere com' passion, which made him forgetful ol sell. The Raleigh Sentinel says : Tester day Secretary of State Howerton re covered a valuable record lor wnicn search had been made in vain for sev era! years past. It is "A Register showing the names, slphabetically, rank, date of commission and enlist ments, periods of service snd occurren ce, taken from the original Master Rolls of the Horth Carolina Lane of the United States," during the Revolution arywar. The record is in an excel lent state of d reservation and is in a good plain handwriting. At the close of the record is the following certifl cate : Uitmo States, ( Office of Account. 'We do certify that the preceding is a true Register of the North Carolina Line of the late Army of the United (States, taken irom omciai aiwnmcua. 'Philadelphia, asm July, nvi. " Ttndb Catldt, "Bekja. MrPFiiW, This Register contains the names of the ten regiments the State had in the army, with some fifty men classed si "artillery." The regiments with their commanders, were as fouews : Regiment 1. Thomas uiark, uoionei. " . x Aiexanaer joartin, 3. Jethro Sumner, " " 1 Thomaa Polk, " 5. Edward Buncombe, " 6. Gideon Lamb, " " 7. James Hgan, " " 8. James Armstrong, " M 9. John Williams, " " 10. Abraham Shepard, " The Register contains in all the names of about six thousand nine bun dred men, including those of all the Revolutionary celebrities, and mates a proud old record, The Raleigh Christian Advocate sava: we notice mat a nrm in at. Louis is engaged in building a machine which is designated to cut and take no grain, and at the same time to plow and seed tne grouno. u we are not . ... mistaken this is the invention of Dr. Martin, formerly of Salem, R, v., now living in Knob Noster, Missouri He hss for several years been perfecting a model of a very ingenious contrivance for the purposes above mentioned, and applied for and obtained a patent hut ' fi'- i ii. T... :n year. ""V?"" W."J I,muf" i,M fr,1 ill e.relm.. , w . handsome return for his ingenuity! AMtrm, Howard association, !. 1 and Tjerseveranoe. A vrovo to this, it is said that Morse obtained ths crude idea ot telegraphy from CVmnious, formerly of Clem tuoosviii, lHmdaoa county, N. C, but now a disunguiihod lawyer in a Western 8tt. ClMntuoas was student of William and Mary CuUcg, a., and w said to have been very food of rhysies and Mathematii. He em bodied his conceptions of telegraphy ia a rude model w hich he eabuutted to the inspection of Mr. Morse, then rrofeasor at that Colloge,wha, seeing the feasibility of the design, studied and improved upon it, and finally won fame and fortune from the invention which of right belonged to another. The principle upon which Colt's revol ver ia obstructed is said to have been invented by a Newbern mechanic, from whom Colt either purchased, or filched the patent, and made' fortune upon fortune from the manufacture of his pistols and guna. The most wonder ful engraving machine ever known was invented and patented 'ev vears ago by the Messrs. Ouerrant k Fields, of LaCftAsnlle, X. C tuigravinff upon any substance could be so accurately and rapidly done and such perfect imitation of other engravings could be made by it that it is said the U. & Treasurer recommended to Congress the importance of obtaining possesion and exclusive control of the machine at anv. even the ereateat enat. as it would be most dangerous thing in the hands of counterfeiters into whose possession it might come. These gen tlemen have received patents for other and important inventions of machines and machinery attachments and appli- . 1 bey are young men of (reach lineage, and have had Senator J. Tur ner Morehead, of Rockingham, as a patron and friend in their enterprises. Flack el the Meeeca. The Modocs make a gallant resistance to the troops. Intrenched in their lavs beds, they are battling like heroes gainst fearful odda. If this band of savages had not cut themselves from the sympaties of the world by their act of most unparalleled perfidy, their S resent heroio contest would challenge le greatest admiration even from their enemies. They do not always skulk in ravines and hide in rocky crevices, out have bodily attacked the entrenched position of our troops. From their lookout they wave their banners of defiance, Half hundred naked savages against near a thousand troops armed with rifle, howitzer, and field guns, and with more than their own cumber of Warm Spring Indians aiding their enemies. It seems almost a pity that we may not admire so brave and resolute ft band, but we must con demn them to a merciless extinction for an .act of treachery for which civl lisation finds no excuse. San Fran cisco Chronicle. " Calling a spade a spade is well theorv but not alwsva emedient practwe. A Philadelphia gentleman visiting bis betrothed recently in Lan caster, called a coach dog a Dalmatian bound, and was promptly informed by the dsmsel that if he could not refrain from profanity in her presence they must henceforth be strangers. Warren, Ohio, has a military baud. the members of which are women. The price of tea Is reported to be steadily advancing in the Chinese mar ket, . . The Sultan of Turkey retains the ex clusive services of ft lady physician to attend the females and children of his household, The physician is ft New Hampshire lady, and graduated in I'uiladelphia. SPECIAL. MDST COMPAKI -AND- SAVINGS BANK, t'hATtered bp Act el tke OeaeraJ A a. aaaablv el Ilerth Carellasu '' (4 Fabraiary amh, 1MTJ. BiLat N. Mastis, PreaUlcnt. Doasld MtBkB, yic-PraUl.nL P. M. Kisa,0kiblar. DIRECTORS i Silas M. Mistis, Dowaid McRas, Edwaso Kiddsb, E. E. Bl'SSl'SI, tiaosas CsADsavta, This Institution will cammenes baaliMaioB Tbunday, May lat, 1S7:, st Hi Bankftif lIooN oa Market 8 treat, Mortb kkta, batwaaa front snd Second Strsats, Dapealti of 4 Ima sod apwards, will bt reoalTtd. Married wodms and ntnori, by tbs prorUlon of tba eharUr, eaa depo.lt awney In tU.lr feftma, KibJ.ct to their ows central. Interest, st tbs rats of al per cant. per allowed a sll depeaUssf five Dollara snd upward, raaalnlni In tba Bant three Btonthi and npwarda. Iuterett le pejable eenl-aDnaally when not drawa oat tba snvnint will be added to th. principal money, and I en titled to Interest the mm as a regular dtpo.lt. Loans will be Biade spoa Brat elan Kami ! Ute snd eollaterale, st taaeonable retaa. It Is Intended that thle InttHritloa iball top- ply s long felt want Is tba eltjr of Wllmlntton. It Iffere s aaf. plaoe for th. dcpo.1'1 af tbe isvlapeftbs people, however email. It will add to the turn deposited sad (We aa Impetus to boslnees by retaining snd employing tbe capital where It Is aecnmalated. The patronage of tbe pablle Is solicited, aprilis n.tlUlstMsy Star and Post copy. Bobeamtsa, Wailwooro' Herald, Goldiboro' Meaaim, and Martoa Star copy time., each, and send bill te Journal. tfair SfhpRck's Polmonle Candy fr- ii embrace. In a great degree all the i.rlnrit.lM or Bcheaek'a Fo lluonic avrnp.ana while as plsssant to the palate a the purcet of eonfoctloas, its medical properties render It effectual In eontbs, colds, Bronchial and eat. arrhal affections. Ac. It Is the moat accepta ble remedy for children or tnf nto, and eaa be given with Impunity while lor prefeolonal gentlemen, or tboao who eafer from lorn of Thesseandlee are but up , cent boxes convenient lor tbe pocket, sod are tor sale by au druggists ana aeaiers. H.I. comer Sixth and Arch ta, Phlla. febM f v - - - ly wa ON THR BK KAKF AST, liV nun WSEON. DINkKtt AkU 8UPPEB TABLE, LEA & PERRINa? WorcesteKliire Sauce 19 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York, Agents for the United State. oettS.ini Irch OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy kllf for Torn) trom tka eriu-i. Krrora aad Ahaee. la early life. Manhood restored. I mpedlawate to Marriage u.miL v.a iBathad of treatmant. ew and remarkable remedies. Books sua vircuiars I BoqUi Ninth St., Phlltdelprta, fa., an inrnitn- repn oeodnot and profemlonal skill. I auroasi TMAirtmeeeh SPICIAL. HATCH HAIR'S HAXH DTX Tk m rw Bfr Dr. to th. U ta U. mrla, rrtii, Kmw, Uii1m W4 iwiin t'.pifiit Ikkif. Ik. W. A. Site OtwM mnAmo 1 M H'l A r Kl-I a J4l kl r Kml fcrovrn. iMt M4 St IM tfc Ha .!, Sufi aJ Sasaui tiL I k. ! au M Prlr 1T. cH St. IStl Vt-AaSavlT XIV ADfTlTISIXUTS' M. CRONLY. Auctioneer. BtCRONLTAMOKJUS. RAILROAD STOCK FOR SALE. THIS MOBNinast IS elsvk, ve vtO mH at kwSMie ccm, SHARES CAPITAL STOCK OF THE-WILMINGTON AND WELDON It It Co. eca M MS-tt NOTICE. ft MING Mtrt)T Mtortr4 U tSsloa Fink WIN KrgtMrmtkMi Mik tt iMt TMI fr.ail.atlt k.4 j ... W. H. tun 1 tv k Mlura Ik. pvt)i, ia JukIo to Mi. puM,tau ist i'T K.t.uauu ak. n IHM4 to Jo o. Mill lut tk. m of th UaT CvaalaMnaan. a4 lot akwS Umt wtp la IS M-,ur . affloa, aa4 wWaita i Sal fuar al lima aouk vara ratiuaail V. K. Prt.-a. CUT Mmamart. S.r.r.1 aawrkra kara kaa at tel. fur th. ailwtaf koak itaoai Hu-aaM. das.Wll.soN. saill M KA-II FOR SALE. 1LACK, RtO, CUAT AND raCKLKD PEit. A aims riaa,Cana kiul Urn faarl Haalajr, aA.uraka4M.BV.Hu. OLDHAM A CTJMMING, Pot t Itrett ftetlta. kis-ll srrUM Wilmington Lodge No. 319. s PKUIAL MIKTIli TO NIUUT AT I Wtk la Br aVgraa. THOS. M. CARB, . MS it aprUM Mules MulesMules. 1 Q riKB auuts. Pat Ml j P. W. KERCHNHK. aprU I) Hay, Corn and Oats. firiA WAY. UJJ 10 Oin Baah.n Cora, a uut BuMMUOat. Par ! by r. V. K.IKC1IIIP.R. sprU3 Whiskey. Schnapps, Brandy Peaches, &c. Crf MB!.. EVE AND tZyJyj CORN WHISKEY, Bm t'un HrD,lj fkrk.a, S Umm Brand Ch.rrUM. Par i.te by , W. KIRCH NER. 1W- sprll M - Sugar, Coffee and Flour. HHPS. DIM. AMD P. B.SU0AB, l.m rtDia. arnnn aaa n.w mug ar, vv r.ga vuna. , I.9W BbTa. Pkwr far Ml by -. w, KKBCUMBR. 1- apill M I. O. O. F. AnniTcrsary CelcliratioB and Eicmion THR M P.BBRl thi. eity ar. ra HR M P.BBRKB OP THE ORDER IM UU uested ta meet at tba Hall ot 0r Ekar lilga K . ft, aa the evening af the SO) InaUnt, at T a clock, aid prooaaa from tb.nne taTh.llan Hall when, at I o'clock, an addrem will be delivered by Sua too dales, r. o. m. Th.citlienr.af Wllmlngt a are cordially It Uad la attend. lSXOUHSlON lt of Mir. Rtesmar " will leave for flmlthvllle at o'clock. Ths member, of th. (lr.hr, and citlsena who wlak tn partlclpata. will bs oa board promptly at tbe appointed time. Tickets mast be nrneared from tbs Committee prior to tba Ut ol M ay, ar some nay ba dlup pointed, aa only s limited number caa bs aa. eommodsUd. . Wf. l SMITH. 1 JOHN 0. Rih 11,5 Committee. U. E11RBKCK, ) spHI 19 10H1 Very Large -VaTO. 1 MACKEREL, SMOKED 8ALMON, 1)IUEI CODFISn, NEW HAVEN HAMS and TONGUES, at J, C. STENSON'S. sprll 2 1M- it SELLING OFF," " SELLING OFF," "SELLING OFF," TO CHANGE BUSINESS. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES. FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Men's Wear, Shoes, 1 Hats, t&c. TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE, - TO CHANGE BUSINESS. MACKS BROS. & CO. ' 25 Market St. CUT THIS OUT. This Card will be reoeived by us as ONE DOLLAR, from any purchaser of TWENTY DOL- MACKS, BROS. i CO. aprUII 1Q1- KIW ADYISTISIXUTS. OESE BLAMITS, Mate. WaniMB. BaAUM. Traaka. latkar Trauag BMa, SadOia feiaaAMa, SrHi StrWniM. Carry I wk rlun. straakat, PMikar iMatarra. Utgaat ataA aad tawaat arieaa la tke State ' J. B. TtiPEAM COt, ka. I SatS Praat atsaat Wksaoaaa, N O. aatM VW IOEFESTBE STILL FCR SALE! Coopers Wanted. OMTriHITHIlIU tM nitara aaOalaM far Bkta Iain tilaa ftaata, IM OOOrUiratsaaa Spirit 1 ftaaimBaf- rala, ta tk. art. at aaaatry, aaa Sa aanal- anl A pall kHiat at ta frmtmin A. H. Vkkeoaari as. rruts NOTICE. Taa Tatars ansaFM Wanl ara karaky titti lAat a. kr kMl aalasr4 ttaftauan sad PU HuUan tat tk Pint Ward, sai Ikat tk. INuUror tk. paraaat af ri(latoila( aatot ta Ik. Ptrat Ward U1 aa sptaed si Ik BROOKLTN ENGINE HOCSE, aa Faartk atraal, sartk al ftuaaa Brktgs, railUT.lk. rtkS.;aT Aartl IsHkal, fraa tk. smi af A. at. tk I s'ttar k P. U , satt aa tk mat, aftk IM, H a4 M af M y, fraa a'.teck to I t'detk P. a. Tk. UUlrstlaa U1 U aaattaaaS S k. aatla af atfkl Sars, pmadtaf tk tlaetata as Us Kk Uj af M v K. K WIIJON. a. p. uikici u j. . w. KAOt.r. SU N -f Part aaay. All For Lovo ; or. Tho Outlaw's Brido -IkT MISS ELIZA A. DCrRIT, author af be blratetraas Uaaat," "The risslatl Uaugbtar t" CaBcelled WlU i" ' Why did he Marry liar ," Bow he did It, or, wse be Oillly;" x Michael Kadolpbi" "Wha absll be Victor Par ea't at HEINSBERCER'S LIVE BOOK AMD Ml'SIO STORE, sprll KA- LIBERAL REPUBUCAN NOMINATION, FOR ALDEIIMAN AT LARGE: NATHANIEL JACOBI. mm n.caIH of repffunUtioa la tke city I eoannll., af man, aab'awd b part? fnrf, late. Sad iBiHiKixInBt ar Ring tan .. hlng apinat, ann tea imaoruai ininno) cm trolled bf the adopted eltlaaua af the land Btak. an argument la farot ef aar eaadlilate bliMiwe uraMBl fur tbe eonaldarBtleB of the you-raortne city, sprll W 1W-SI mHB oal.l.Ud H. M Smith Mm Hey Cat JL. tare, at row uaruware awe, OILEi MVBCRISOW. sprll ft 101. THOH THR t.SliIPS, y Enaa'e Plating M enhlaee, Eejm'.Sclsaors, ratsBt nanaa it illoleCnlUr, st New Hardware Store, OIXM MURCHIgoi. Il- sprll IT Mayor's Office, CITT OF WILMINGTON, N. 0., Ar-niL 21th, 1873. PR0POSALS will bs received st this effloe anUI Thursday, the 1st day of May proilme st soon, for balldlng three Are cisterns, each of me bar re Is oapaolty, ea. or more of which Is to be located en Market and Plfth streets, st tbe dlsorstloa of ths Oommlttas sa Pit De partment, Specifications rnrsished st this effioe. JAMES WI1.BOM. Mavov, swll Si eo-tlstM Mayor's Office, crn oFwrLmNQTON, n. c, AraiL llith, 1873. PROPOSALS will be received st this office until Thursday tbe 1st dsy of May proximo, at aoos, for paving rrlneess street from Water to Front street with cobble stone, the city furn ishing sll material. JAMES WILSON, Mavov. S-tlatM sprll 38 LOCAL AGENT wanted In Wilmington Tor THS ALOIS B, tbe only Art Journal In America, An active, energetlo peraon, who will obtain a reapeotable lm ol eubwriiiera, can retain the position permanently. Other occu pation no objection, amrtitot rvnlri are sob Vwtor. A. r; is not eold to Book seller, who .rs not regular agents, this to an opportunity to work up a buetnraa thai will le B tegular income wnn iea .aarna wa po leguln leding .ear. Ma aimllcatlon will be enter tained unlace accomiianled by such testimo nials ss will show ths highest rsepeatabtllty Burt ;eneral sucosss of applicant In unaertAklng. r .11 nart loulara hv add reeelns JAS. DU I J un at Mr UHlWifir. IS Maiden Lane, Hew Vork. atrllJfl ui-aw Children's BRONZE, . CUB, . BLUE, v FINK and FEARL Button snd Sewed Boots, at CHARLES A. FRICEU aprll M Exchange Corner. Fork and Bacon QAABBLB.FOBK. , 0"0 rvowe. ir. aitm ana nimiiwr gut Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. For sale by P.W. KEECHNF.R. 101- spell ff & TtTflOLESALI DRU00I8T8, snd dealers te la Faints, Oils, Tsratoh, Patty, Lamp Black P.lnt Brnsbes, Sash Tools, Window Glaw, Druggists sprll IT lss' Snndriet, Toilet Articles, Ac J01- Hay-Hay-Hay. CAA BALES PRIME HAT, mi lauding ei-brlg Waltham, sad for sals by KERCUKKR. 101- Sprit IT' A LL BUNDS OF JOB PBINTIKQ kxotrated with nostaesi snd dispatch at (be JOTJENAl 0FIIC icscnLA5iors. ST. JAMES' SCHOOL FOR GIHLS, J LENOIR, M. C. Tk s Sckeat has aa aaesaafally peawd tts istyaat. it tsepensd em Msrek M. Un. We a Or a daUsktrel, kanllby at.aataia HaaM, with a mm af M ii-iag a, MMraa- maslcal adraataeaa. T. hMg MMtua aalag te tba vnatar, II it affvra aa aearaaiiy ir rmaa w maMittalounUar daakMra ka tae aaaltk. BHalm r(Kai all Ui a.aiaMt, aad aaaaawitstaamaariag tae wuuar. TrHISlf la kteaaaa. tk. Kk MT" abla as abe aad at tke Sawliew OtNB,! BaMaleat af SS Vtaaka, Itgaia aad aat nwiaaaa. ,.na Waaklag. t aaloe, (St TalOaa, pet Saatloa - H St Laagaaget MM CSIC Ingram SUl............,... SI Vveal taw A gwdtaiAa afaat Ptflh, kBawaesaar. m at tk. kwlunt ab.U.T a. a VUa'kil fli'kul. ar. ba iwiul r Ma ekarr af Ua Latia a. vie e.B ry ti. ariaagasaa. w ara kilru''o. fag la. taly at IW taa- guaga. Taaabn af Palb Br.aebs-Vls) H. A. aMaabwtg, af kasavtaa, V a. Taarbar af Pttovb Ml Manta-llsskt. Mag- dahras tMrtal. d.aihi af the Maetoc. btev. JObAiOH A. O E RT R I , Eacter. SI. Jaataa1 Kaatury. karaaax-t.-Ut Ba. Tkes, AtktnsuS), D. k, I ka. t'karlas W. Eaakia. kkM f St tu iuwti, nviuswi a uarva W . - -. saw COAL! COAL!, U, fcUES KUW OX BAND POB Qrstea, Btoveg and Ranges, Foundry snd Blar ksmith. DaUrared areapU. o. a. r AIUSLEY A CO. arch ft Tl Oats and Corn. O AAA BCSIIEU OATS. V B,,.k.l. wViK bill Valla Oara. PuriaJeby P. W. KERCBNER. at a It Ml Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron ' and Glue. 000"EWMl mc9m1 kul ,vail Cui& rorsaleby f , yr, EEEUHMRB. sprU II lU Registration Notice. Tbs Begtstrattea Books ot Fourth War will be epea dally until Tuesday, JtHh Ustaat, from II A. M. Is I F. M., end ea Mtk lasUat sad 1st of Ms from I tot A. M., and oa th. kl and W or May from It A. M. t I P. M. sod from T Is I P, M., at Ans Street Engine House, WHO. J.FOWUEB, WM. MiLAUBIM, WM. A, 0REEN, KegKrars, luo-ll Sprit M XJIOS R. R. Apbu. 19, 1873. f riLi eiiP ' FAST FREIGHT SCHEDULE FOR ACCOMMODATION OF SHIP PERS OF FRUIT AND VEGE TABLE) TO NORTHERN MARKETS. GMMKN0tmi APItll. lTit, THROnill Pl.ight Train, will leave WHmlngro.td.liy 11)1 BUnUAT) al 9 V r. m.,arriiua " li s A. A., enanactlm directly with the Seaboard and Koanoke ll.ilroail. and arriving at portnaoulh at 1:10 r. St., ana oauverini an freight, to New York. Philadelphia sad Haiti. mor. BAeu, leaving niai .iwrnww. Kaw York .hlpmeutaoi monuay arm i taw will take Wsdocolay'. Ships . of Wwln.wlsy' Thurnlav's end Krlilay'.. will take Saturday's ships, llaltlmnre and Philadelphia abipmenU maua oauy, eioepi naiuruy, win tmmw . wrath neat day without fall. Bhlppare at each tt.ilun along the line of tbe road eaaavaU tkcm sslvss of this train. r. r. i' i v inr.) Qeneral Bnterlnteiioeilt. A. PopB.OesersI Freight Agent. aprlllS H-lmcb w IRK RAIU50 0RNAMK5TAL WI WORKS. Tin grift A CO.. Xo. M North Howard strsat. . I Baltimore, manufacture Wire Balling for Oae VUtrlea, Balconies, Ate., Sieves, rendare, uagea, land ana uoal nnreeiis, novan mr, om, aw low Badsteails, Uhalrs, SStteaa, o. may tl, is ISSUSAirCE. CUARDIAN OF NEW 7STOR1C. OKOAMZED m. Assets $3,760,595.76. tnnireson tho Ordinary LU, Indowntent and lontlne Plana. . A. J. IMUli, JR., arcdi, WII.MINaTuN. N. U. Ctllre en Market street, two doors West of Orean Planner's Drug Store, with Ut. Thomas t, Wood, Medical Ixamlaer. rch yo a. ,1 $37,0O0,0 BTKB lEBl'kVABCE CAPI- TA1 KEPBESEJiTfai aitzji PATI5Q BOHTWJI LOSS EE. Queen Insurance Company, of Liver pool ana ljonntm. capital, iv,vwtvw Forth British and Mercantile Insur ance Company, capital 10,0nA,ftM) Barttordlniuranoe Company, eapttal i.600,000 rt.tlonal Fire lnaurance Vompany, . of Hartford, capital ' S0O.0OO Continental Insurance Company, ot New Vork, capital t,5XI,00 Pbnenlu Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, capital. ihwvwv Virginia Hone Inenrance Company, of Kicnmoua, capiuu , uvuuv MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of MewTork. LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Hark ford. . AlAJHOVfl m BVAcnint QeBeral Agmta. novtS . . - -tf 11 TERCUA5TS A$T JbTCHA5ICS ill ; nsnuscE cospast, - KICHMOKD, TTROrNI. CaptSAa.M.M,...M.............S4lw,wSS A.T. BTOUBS.PresldX L B. MoobbI Sect'y. JOBS WIUH3 ATKI'M, t-li.-Hl A iTilf , So. 4 North Water 8t, WUmlng'on, . c. 1 SprUB ,. , -W-tf sail i Rail Read nc::; Listen u;.l;. 2! 1S73. goixg v. :. :. ST AT lOSI. rAJSS.dlt ; Lm. Wiiannttaa... Akbutwgn, 1-aaOTWa.,.. " Bke Haal lar1akart.. aWvtt.f ham... Arrtvoal Luaavu.f A II ISA IIMrs (Mrs imtm i tuts GOINQEAST. STATtoae. taaanaas ra I Mil IS M W INia A I i . r M a U a t I . 1SII IMll Sr. Leave Ijlailla BWAi.(ham.u m LaoiiaUarga,. Paaa rteai,..., " Lamkartaa.... M Akkntuaarg. .. Arrive at W UBunatua e XIibibs. geiag Wast Basactast, t East rreighlTTaiasatoe bore everusi'L t Stage fur Ckartotts . Sallread snA 1 fare, WUmlagioa to Ckartotlo. ea'y g x ar No Trains oaSaaday. Expraas ft, CarsaeaampaayeBCkPBBmwgarTrata. j ; Trains foe Tosi Ttasaa ria kvegslsrly. 1S73 Western DIyLsLs. 1 STATTOae I' aa tarns.. Uave CkaTwtra...., f oaui leuAw 11 et am laae.vlni.ia.. I Anivs at Baalo. . . I ArLMNll. Usvs B a rials pkie I si m I LlnniMBkia ... I S 41 r f at Cbarlotto.. IMtsI " Uneotaloa. Arrive at Cbarlotto., T. . JOHNSOM. . U fltvx raaSS r ' . Vilmlujton and WeU::i Itallroad Coxars-7i ernes ot (nasAi rrtAiTBiri'ii i vTUailagtoa, K. Ol, Jus t, 1 !. C1IA5QI or senxsuLr. Ou sad after hteaday, Jaaa kxk, tmmi Trains ea Ue W. W. EaUread wUl tu Mlewsi MAIL tea nr. Leave Cams Pope sally (Sundays a... .m. ..... e A Arrive at (t.il.Uhora at 13 u r . " Kocky ktoaalat........... Sir., VV.Utoa at ija .. Usbvs WeldoadaUy(Suadayuaasepit. mil a. is a. Arrive st Hocky Moaat .....11 or A. . " lhl.boroal 1 I. r. . M Calua DaatA tji p. UBtaa Deptig, EIPEESS TBAI9. tea re ruion depot, dally, at P. M. arnvu at tvmuoor a.. s )i a. m . ' Kcky Mooatat ma. , M WeMon at no A. K Leave vTell. dally, at 1 i P. M. Arrive at no v Mount at, ......... s v r. M - lMd.birs at. , .10 M p. M I'nion Itapotat Alt A. If. Matt Train makaa atoaa emaaetina ol evt Ion rer all point. North via Bay Lino aad A ( quia Jraek rentM. a- E.preas Train emnactj only with A.nia Craek real. PwllHuea'a PaLM klMa I mi t ara am thia Iralavi rrelshl Tr.rne will leave Wllmrnr, Weekly at AM A. M. and arrive at .u P. M. aipreat rreignt i r.ins will leave d.uy S. lava eaoeptsd) at frig P, M. snd arrtre st .4 P.M. rfOHH F. PITI1E, i , Ueaoral S"?t. BBS I ) i.e-lf ir EMEEALSUPEKIKTEBrrTS OrflQV WUming-ton Colnratla AJfD Augusta Railroad Co. Wiuusstos, M. a, Oot, tth, 13T J. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. The tallowing Sohodnle will go Into e flee MAM, Moaday, Ttk mstsat . PAT E1PKBBS TEAJJf,(Dallr. fieere Wllmingtoa.....M...n... I V. Arrive at Phvenca..,.. IH.', Uolambla,, Iir. . - Augusta. I.4J p. . Leave Augn.t , S 4A. . Ar.lveat t'olumbla,.,. II A.' . . . Plimnoa 4.IS t, f- , " vyilralneton ,,lo. f. HIUHTKIPRkSs (Dally), Sunday e" lave Wllmlattoa t. . Arrive at P'orenoo. 119 f. . Columbia Ii,i . Auvtuta A. 1 Leave Antwta " I'. .' Arrive at (lolumbla In - P. Fluranoe i-ilA. WiimlngtoB....... Will, JAW Kg AKDFTtSON. treB'l ouparinw't est S awaammawyamaamamri'r-7-"' I SHIPPEfO. I Baltimore and Wilmteston ttMi.wrrifiv oami- aw a.ato.m . simismPLnm" eoaroasD o rsa rtasr oiam sruAuamrs D. . rsiIETn.- Capt. D.J PBTf. 1.1 1 ll.f.K, Capt J. ft. bsn n p rr. HKBMtA IXTUE, ,kCapt, I. C C1UL13, Will hereafter sail from BALTIMORE ev Ti'fSHAV and FUIKAT, aad from V i -MINUTO-Hevery WEINICSrAI and 8 A r I'MIAY. connecting al Wilmlnct'ia with t. WUml"tw. OolomKlB ck An(nMa, WHn- ton A Wel.lou. and the Wllralmum. Cl. At Knthertunl Ball mail Also the several Lii.. I of Steamers to VayaUevUU. - 9 s31vlwg.Thro.iEli Bills efLaxllSK - to all points In North aad South Carolina, Ueorgla aul Alabama, Connecting at Caltlmcfa wrth the Baltimore Si Ohio and tbe Kirthnh Central Rallroails for all point. In HieW t and Nor ih.Wrat, and wlta kMmer snit HaiiiOfc for Boston, New York and Phllaiielphia. For freight engagementeappiy to .' A.D. CAIAUI, Agent, t Wilmington, M. C. AiDaEWSCO.,Afnt. . . i tfaiumore. ' dsS1 - . .i T OBJLLARD'S STEAWSUP LINE F Li NEW TOKK. BAtLIXa TTEelOATB AED FltTf? t T FBJg HEW TOkK, ASD WF1S k. DATS AJfl SATTEDATS FF ' T WrLXIHOTOX. INSURANCE ONI.T OKE-FOCBTH F raaouoH consectioks wn ;i RAILROADS iEADIJiO Cl'T wn.MI"OT0N. SSP No passenreors bakea. . For freight ei'piv to BAiHI BROTH F' . , suySt - E. FRAfiKCCt Of A TOSS NOW 1,A lJ ? iJ ti"n of whih I i Njrs sent ts AT 0 llled. 4 ', i r :' SH-513J