V I : i ; : . " I : : ! ! J . ' 1 I 1 4v : vol sxn-iro. 123. WILHIKGTOH, H. C FRIDAY. HAY 23, 187a vmon: ::o. ht Jblln HoittnaL WTLinXGTOX, X. C: FB1TAY. MAY 23. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. THE MODOC WAR; THE MODOCS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN REINFORCED. LARGE SUPPLIES OF A1MTXI TIOX IN THE HANDS OF THEIR ALLIES. Sab Fbabcisco, May 22 Noon. Dispatches stats, that Uie Modoca are going toward the Pitt River country. ' The trail dhow that t!x Modoc and Pitt Rirer Indiana hare been ifx eon st&ii t communication. It is bettered that the ritU re with Captain Jack now. The Fiutes axe also out of their country. Twenty-five Piute were seen at Surprise Valley, bat they suddenly .disappeared,' It ia reported that much ammunition was sold to the Pitta. They have held aeTcral councils, and their , attitude ia threatening. Old Share Head tella them that they must fight or go to the resenratif n. IIEADJUAKTEIIS. GRANT ON LOUISIANA. TWENTY DAYS' pRACE. Washington, May 23 Night The following excited surprise in all circles. Senator West, with the others, boiug equally surprised : A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, Under the pretence that William P. Kellogg, the Executive of Louisiana, and the officers associated with him in "The State administration were--not duly elected, certain tarim- lent and disorderly persons have com bined together, with force and arms, to resist the laws and constituted au thorities of the State; and whereas, it has been duly certified that the proper local authorities, and been practically determined by the inferior and Supreme Courts of said Statothat said officers are entitled to hold their offices respec tively, and execute and discharge the functions thereof ; and where, Con- grass, at its late session, npon a due consideration of the subject, tacitly recognized the said Executive and his associates, then and now in office, by refusing to take any action thereto ; and whereas, it is provided in the Con stitution of the United States that the United States shall protect every State in this Union on application of the legislature, or of the executive, when ' the legislature cannot be conveued, against domestio violence; and whereas, it is provided in the laws of the United States that, in all coses of insurrection in any State, or of ob struction to the laws thereof, "it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, on application of the legislature of snob State or of the ex ecutive, when the legislature cannot be convened, to call forth the militia of any other State or States, or to em ploy such part of the land nnd naval forces as shall be judged necessary for the purpose of suppressing such insur rection, or causing the laws to bo duly executed; and whereas, the legislature of said State is not now in session and cannot be convened in time to meet the present emergency, and the execu tive of said State, under section 4, of article 7th of the Constitution of the United States, and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, has therefore made application to mo for such part of the military foroe of the United States as may be necessary and adequate to protect said State and the citizens thereof against domestio violence, and to enforoe the due exeoution of the laws; and whereas, it is required that whenever it may be necessary in the judgment of the President to use the military force for the purpose afore said, he shall forthwith, by proclama tion, command such insurgents to dis pense and retire peaceably to their re spective homes within a limited time. Now, therefore, L U. 8. Qrant, President of the United Sta'.ei, do hereby make proc lamation and command said turbulent and disorderly persons to disperse and retire peaceably to thoir respective abodes within twenty days from this date, and hereafter to submit them' selves to the laws and constituted au thoritiesof said State, and I invoke the aid and co-operation of all good citizens thereof to uphold the law and , preserve the public peace. Jn witness whereof, I have herennt set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, , this 22d day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and of the Inde pendenoe of the United States the ninety-seventh. By the President ; j U. 8. Grant. J. 0. Bancroft Davis, . Acting Secretary of State. t - tmumm I The PRIIwwopfcT Beat! Decay I . When tb thin sheath of animal la which ths ubetanoe of a tooth I enolostd is wore through., ieoomporitioa begin. By n.lng Moxadont, the inuitl Is strengthened, and tha Inner bono protected fro dlseas. Ceewntmentaadeaaptnemreignlnall . holds when Dooley' least Powder la and. Try I It. foqr groeer has ft. Put ap In falj weight EUROPE. THE BUTCHERY BY THE CARL- 1ST.S. HOSTAGES TO BE HELD. LEVY EN MASSE EXrECTE-D. Babcxloxia, Mar 21 Noun. Later advice from Sua Huja state that twenty of those who aurrendoml wrre butchered. The fate of the olht is it unknown. They axe belieTed to hare been killed. The atrocities of the In surgent caused intense excitement here. The militia demanded that the Insurgent prisoners held here be gtreu them for butchery. The authorities tefused to surrender them. They hare been transferred from the fort to ves sels in the harbor for safety. It is probable that a number of well known CarlisU will be arrested and held aa hostages. A lery en masse is expected to art against the Carlista. MEXICO. NEWS FROM THE INTERIOR. CONGRESS TO ADJOURN VERY SOON. Cmr or Mexico, May 13. Congress will adjourn in a fortnight uutd Sep tember. The act allowing religious manifesta tions outside of churchos has been re pealed. Nothing has been dono in railroad matters. The riot in the town of Juchitan, in Tehuontepec, resulted in 30 killed and a groat many wounded. ARKANSAS. PRESBYTERIAN AS- ' SEMBLY. Little Hock, May 22 Noon. The Assembly appointed the Executive Committee for the current year and adopted rules for the guidance of trustees. Adjourned sine dir. TEXAS. COL. CLARK ATTACKS THE KICK- APOOS ON MEXICAN SOIL. CAUSING MUCH INDIGNATION ACROSS THE RIO GRANDE, Sasantosio, May 22 Night Col. McKenzic, commanding at fort Clark having failed to stop the raiders crossed tho Rio Grande and attacked the Kick a pool on Mexican soil, killing 19 war riors, captured 40 squaws, and much plunder. Much indignation exists ac ross the Rio Graudo on account of this inclusion. Col. McKenzie lost 1 killed and 2 fatally wounded. PENNSYLVANIA. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. ' Shamonton, May 22 Night At the laying of the corner stone of the new Catholic Church to-day the platform fell with one hundred people. Three persona were killed, fifteen seriously and thirty-five more or less hurt Bishops Wood and O'Hara, with twee ty assisting clergymen, went down but escaped slightly injured. (JOTIIAM. THE SUPREME COURT WON'T TOUCH TnE TRAIN CASE. New York, May 22 Noon. The Supreme Court has refused to inter fere in the Train case. An examina tion can take place any time before his consignment to the Insane Asylum at Utica. New York, May 22 Night Among the bids for gold to-day is one for 1,500,000 at 117. The old cable rates are to be resumed after June 1st Of the one thonnsand Alabama 8 per cent bonds offered ninty-three sold at 79 cents. OHIO., THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, NOYES NOMINATED FOR GOV ERNOR AND HART FOR LIEU TENANT GOVERNOR. THE PLATFORM ADOPTED. Columbus, May 22 Noon. The Republican Convention has nominated Noyes for Governor and Hart for Lien tenant Governor. The platform :'i mostly a recapitulation. The industry of the country should have the cheap est and best transportation ; demands pure official conduct and the punish ment of unfaithful officers ; denounces Credit Mobiliers ; the increase of sola ries was condemned as unwise. It favors the shortening of the probation ary term to citizenship. PROI! ABILITIES. War Department, Ofticb Chiif Signal Officer, Washinoton, D. C. Mar 22. For Tennessee and the Gulf and South Atlantic States , Southwesterly i Northwesterly winds, increasing press ore, cieanng ana clear weather. MISCELLANEOUS. ME-vrms, Tens., Mt 22 Noon. RoK-rt Morgan (not Butler) was an entire, stranger to Canuoo. Cannon threatened to kill the clerk of the boat. While on his way to the cabin Cannon said to Morgan : "You are a damned fraud. Morgan said : "You are a liar; when Cannon put his pis tol to Morgan's head, tired and killed hiuvaud then escaped. Ci.wixsati,' O., May 22 Noon. Capt Stein, of the steamer Kilgbre, denies the reported cholera deaths on his boat while coming np the river. PimaMuj-iUA, May 2J Noon. The new steamship Pennsylvania sailed on her first trip to Liverpool this morn ing, with fifty-six cabin and sixty-four steerage passengers and a full cargo. A aalnte of fifty guns was fired from the wharf to commemorate the event Fobt Sandkrs, WtOMtNO, May Night Two companies of the Fourth Infantry, en route for the Modoc war, have been ordered to remain here. Baltimore, May 22 Night The representative from Great Britain has been introduced and addressed the Assembly. Cleveland, Ohio, May 22 Night Aichcraft, a permanent resident of Sandusky, was shot dead on the street to-day. Ex-Mayor Jesso Griggson has been arrested on suspicion. San Fbanciwo, Msy 22 Night A company of forty volunteers from Douglass county, Oregon, passed through Tortland to-day en route for the Modoc country. The British steamship Lord of Isles is two days overdue from Hong Kong. DIED. la Paltinwr, Mil , n th l'U Mutant, Mr. M HV A. Kt Kl'KKHT, tfrd 1 n-i watt, ahr of J" rut J. t. tUtv-ktu ol thw eity. SPECIAL. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. llannr ttrlir for Vannf from tharitmuol Rrmr .ml Ahux-a in rljr 111. Mtiiibwnl rrafcimt. ImiKtllmrMt lo.MitrrUtf rtiwvd. Nt-w mrthfal ot'trmtmeRt. Nw rim! remirk.Mfl reiuntieii. Itmtkv J Circular! nt trn, la wM en Irving. AiMre. HOWAMt AHOOt'lATICN. No. I South MnlliSL. Htill lliM I'a , an lntitii Umi bating a high r(mUi Inn tor bouoiatil eondurt ami prolix. km l idilll. m.r u i iriswjwioM'it That Slaw i:iatlc Truan. An lmr- taiU IveHtim It rrtattta tba uutituraat all ajmr, an.l antler tha kariti. avL-n-iaaor arrar rat tr'n. It I" worn Willi iviuiiir1., and It kriit an qiflil aii-l (l, rtl'-i-n lorni.m -rt rurr In a li-w wrrka. nuiu .-tirap Ri-tiN-t r nv man wtiitn rriiHcatril. i-lrru aia ih, wt t- wilarrii by itt- trr aunt t I lin f l.ailiil ritml a , !So.t-a Kruail- ci', N. V. tit v NotHKlr aara Matal Miirtna I riiM; io i aituit ; nit) t:itmn tonrrntiirni-y, my J iiia-atiMiixaeuwiy LEA &PEPM?Won;!slci)Sance it INlHSPKSSAHl.r. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York, Ar nt (or tha Uulted Statei. Mt , lrfl lyck Nrhrnrk'a Manalrmka Pllla. I hen l l 1 arc comiKwril f i -liiklTfly of argr- talila iiik-ri illni'a, aud allkaiiiih thry rntiraly atiH-raiMte tha ami of ntotcury, da niit ara any ot ilk iniirtmmatlcta. Thry avt dirart v Un the lin-r, ami ara a tralualila raiardy In all i-aara ot ikratiirrmiit rentiltlna ftnm a dlauritrrrd atntaottl-at uraaii, Livar t'oialalnt, llllloua liiixir x r in iti-atiun, Hti-it iifauariir, rtpmnii ravara, Ar. Ai'.i all aiirrumk to tha frra uaa it Svbrn-k'a Mandraka filla. Kur aala br all druegtata and dra'rra. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT TTNTII. OCT O B KB 1T, AND I ) h"It turn iLi.d if dir.d. tbat a xtifrir ahla TWO STORY DWELLING ii on the fart ! trof Fourth, hatwon Markat and Prlnsa-aatraata. A oneclatara aa tkaraml ea. App'a at Dwelling tar Infoi mat'.on. ay in IXI SUaJ Concord Chapter. No. 1. A SPECIAL tnteting tlili roln at elf h e'vlneS r. w-k In tha M, M. dtgrra. All ltiyal rrh Maanm in good itandlni are fra trnul'y lin te l. By t-rdrrof Ilia H. P. B. P. HAIIRISON, Hecrtara. rt. .ton'n Hull, May 1 list-It Poat i pr Mixed Corn, Oats and Hay. 1 500 tVin' mxt0 coRN 1,200 BlsnoATs: 1,000 DAIE,niT T arrlre, ind (ot aale by II. T. MITCHELL A "OS. may t3 NOTICE. QOSSIQNKSS PLEASE TAKE notice tlntilie Gorman brig DIE PF-K- . a NE, will be ready to reeelre cargo to-day, Fri day. nnt'lUD TESXOW, Mauler, may M 123-il Boys' Cable Sewed Gaiters. LL SIZES. JV8T OPENED DUDLEY & ELLIS, Kirs Of the Blf Bn, io- may?! M. fcROWLY. Auctioneer. By CEOXLY MORRIS. OS SATUBDAT utit, Stth Initant, at II o'clock, a. m., wa will Kit at Kichanra Oornar. 9 Arrra ! I.R.aa1, with all improrementj ttierenn, aitttated on lrlaaonhora' Sound, be tween the property of Dr. Andrraon end Mr. ttonert rnntnr. rne an me oeing well inowa a. rna aent ruu-e." aiay 7i ISMi Per Stm'r Regulator. TO ARR1VK TO-PAT: 13 Keg t'belre new Bntt'r, " Merw'n " Heme, Shonlden, Tonp-et and Rlrlna- Tbia Bare a ha bran hrptbrme for fonrTcara.and I find that it InrarlaMygiTe. ttlaractrm. and Is tba beet Sugar Cored Meat enerea to me iraue. 4.0, 8TVE5SON. stilts ijy. KIW ADYISTISEJOSTS' TO ALL WH3M IT MAT CCXCERX. rt. tur rsnmstasEP, membkks It t lh B.iJ M !UU.Ui4 ml Sirr MoiWut FiMarial Ckarvh ath, Vat M ' dM tlm aJ tit kl"-r-ii, t rw k tk WMU( ktter. aiwl aw attrart ruaanutr lttw, aavta MUiadthTva 1 k r,iri m tmm a wttw ikhiiw t taa K. IH-. Maran.tivm K. R, kW. rt waist raa w H r. Ckarra. rail Kiw, M w , tk ktttrr ftwai whiefc naukii Wail i! W. Wam-a. latalT traai rah kitns aW wvv I k-ru-i la tkwcKv. tk httrr ki lrwalU.iM.! wu(. l aitarua kitww, rail knar, ta ai-waxtil gratkraita M Ui ctT. ao4 a axata af MrCkan-h.aarf wtU Jala Marir. M tM atllH, aa4 nw.-ily In UM H. 1. awn, lb i ww aaowu iai. ttar ia aroar aa K kia awa kM ckararr, Vi arraa kaa MtW aa wn whom la leu att aa tkat (aaikaiaa, wlwaa aaatt kaa kv at frwljr, ku aa laawlf aacit la twilicatiu wf ka(War. rak'-l rkaraowr. It I atauaaw tuwaiawlmai-4 war rauir, accw karw k a wroalulljr araraniM rrarcuii( iia(aurtaiaiM wMWttt w at, kwvaaaa. aa IrtaaUa f ralig a a 4aittr w ka fVK ta kw awr tnnarania 4 t h rtpoaa kiaa. l.at It k 4Miaotii a4r at'xl tkat wa wa aot avw vuaa k aiaAa a Tall iM futaial atatrBMat at tka aaataraw- rkarra a aweia-aitiia. wkK-k wa kara aTklMaa ta wa wainat kiat. a4 whti k woald kaaa krra oaklwW k UiallaMtl Wartaa kat aaknit. t-4 k a trial ktor au Ckarvk U'kaaal. r likxt at aroaawt la larlv ta ak"W, kr tha aluraaaij k '"r, oaaat akH-k M ttvm a f-ntlt-mtm whoai Wama kiaiwU kaa ratwtatlla aw. etaml lu Wa " k!a kaat ItM-aJ ;" tkat ka av at taut, aa tW a aaa aa wa kara raaraaawtail klw) la k, aaS thai aa aw. k, wa ara, aail kara kara awrlactlr luatiaaw ta laktax tb analtiea akM-k. aw eaaarkntMMa froaada, aa aaikara af tka Ukan-kal I artat, wa aara kaaa mHwnallnt aa awiaaia la tkia wkula wiattaj. Tka tullawtbc ara traa euateaaf tka laltar aaU txtractrwiartwi ta: Lima not bit. db. tona : ' Max l, lfi. Mt Ibab 8i . Akout taa dark aiaoa, 1 ra. ralratl a tutor truat Mta Braillaa. triB-tLl af T.K.Sikouila Tuar aitjr. tauitia( lata tka karaewt af tba "." Ci. W. Waiira tii a ' aara bit balm that ka wn tka vkjaxt af aajwat aaU Butllelvaa aa- pcrvton. 4 www ofn-va aim ta aa an ivBtMaw tat ami axvi'ltr-t ivtult am-r war kaa and rottra-auU wa ta aularwtia ktiaa Brail, lar, ami warn kar ta kara aa ataaaot ar au-a-aaraat (uakjrara la tka aauwialita laltaw. A Btvttlwi ulrirntia, wMckaajua tana aatar- tla; hut. ainrl t' w. Wartaa, aiakra ma li ar tkat ka haabvrcualklanva all!, aud tkat alattar fruta Kali hlirr la har,arnt la tka Banal war, at rail la raai k kr. I tkaratara aaad Ikn ant-loard to ruu, wltb tka tenant tkat, aa m riifnil of parity ami rlrtua, awa will lata tka truubla U ara thai II la, aithoal any ckanuaauf ailataka, pat liitaMlaa Uradlaj a kand, lhataka aiav yut ba cauartt In aur "f tka a I llam a anaraa. Hi-1 piotiaa II" aai hnl cteuaa tka aaaatiaf tirulaialjr, kat Ui aiprraMua la Baa anuniyriata ta kta eaaa. V kaa aa Irll kara. wot bainif at kia Oiwtaatitua. I dtd aot tkn kuaw at Ilia aturH-a tkat vara alii-a-lj tlrculallbg. Joast'A Yuean. MiaWur af tka I'aiUrian Chitrck la Fall kirar. Fall ttixs, 11a., B. 3. AVan, 0. D Daaa Hito.: Your li tter haj bean rerelred. I aw ireally ubllirrd lo ton for Tour km a and eirruiaatanttal aceauut. It arrrad lu elaar ap w rrral point" in rraard to wbli-h 1 bare krau In th dark. I aaa Mua Trlppa' aunt laal alrht She .-ailed aima me to luiuira In n-gani ta Warrrn. Ska atatnt that aha wa prraeut when Mr. Warren aaard th (trCi lather lor hia dtiiKliter aa early aa laat Jut; and that Mix I rppexr to marry aim nuw (aee NutaA) ha bar Uonajrai all rea-ly. Hhe kaa rrcalvrd Irttrr. flora Warren ruiiatantiy, ami he kaa 1'iailiHl bcrlai cnniploU-ly Hint aha kti. retalntxl r.Hillik-tiiMi In btnw Ho hajp wllliln Iwo ur Ihraa wark. wrlltm lu-r an Mi lriio anva that hi lini--r in N.w Yurk ha.1 fallnl, and tliorc furr the marrtaro aiunt be poatponrd. tvarH haa loltl ma ri-iM-atrilty mat he wae nmlor niMililliiat.iriK to tlm T., ami that ha lu.l no Inlj-ntHin of ever marrying her, y"t .he rapeu.. talis la Now, air, I har thia to aiiv : I hare tia. I r n ancnin .ui. rm ii na i-ua. in. miBv- thnf In do an, Imhuum I have lnan lotli to be llrvc hint (Uilty, and I rotild Hint no datliill priait lur tlia vhai itaa auaiiut blui. rh) aat mad tut-tnd alone, and hia caaa anltnl my tym patliy. 1 know thai, a. bla "bn.l Irleud, ' my name ka. halnedtoprop hia failitig foctimea. But that must eud. 1 told hint that I abould aland by kiia until t wa. eonrlnctdof hi sulll. Information ha eome In from au many iiuar ten nl lata evkleuoe eo lull and truat worthy tint I am forced to th eoucluawa tkt he a) a. Keeufwatrrf a enwmlrW ma e oaad. You are at liberty to uae ttila alalrment aa ruu matr a ML In regard to hi trio ta Knrona. hia laiiwiiona nate neen or me moat aMintjru. rAirracir. (oea note nt. i nave now no rraain todlabalirre eAr charge brought agalimt hia while here chargee of I m mural ouiiduct rliariraof lalwhood, 1 wlk It dmtlnctlr an deraliHhl that I km fait rviy aArvd f amftihm$ in aim t.ni r am (enviarf or am villainy when t rocrlvrd Nr. Waiki-r'i trllgrara and letter 1 wrote to Warren that I believed 111 in to ka a neapft rnad and a aaar eVm'iwr, If he pre tend, to hare received any ronimunlratlon from me within two week, of a dinerant tenor he utterly lalailtra. Mim Paane told me, laat niKiit, that Miaa iripp aattl eh w. tHtr.utded by Warren to make her atatrmmt to me de nying any eiprciatlon rmiahiia a I ahall be glail to learn of hia wlierealxiut and of hie peat klatory, If ynu have a-crrtalncd It. I need nut eiy a' word a to hi Infaraeu .landur an our fioitliern woman. a i,ci nia bear fnm you at once. i our, very truly, (I an. R. Butn. Ptor St, Paul'. Metliodlrt Kplncopal Church, ran uiver, maai Not A -TU1 Mia Tril'D I on of th twa Wib-s that Warran I charged to hav bean an gagrd to rnarrv about tka ram time ( both at whom had their Irnaaraua rradv Ivr th occa hm. The ml hlrtury ni the other, Miaa Mary n wain, oi .x.iuurau, miu., w. cannot ncr Vrlate. Not B -Th ftln-booda her referred to, had to b. Invented br Warren, In order to cov er np ht. Imtaatnre of pretending, when he left Fall Hirer, January it, 17 3, that ke waa going 1 1 Hermany, where bia wl a died, and he had a rich child ; and prrtt-ndlng, when be returned t ) Fall Hirer, In Marek, that M kd artually barn to Urrmany when. In faet, w alt know that he waa here in Wilmington, ilu'liif the whole time between there datr.. In order to eonnrm the Improaalnn he had made, lie for wanted a letter Irom Wilmington, under rover, to the American Conaiil at Berlin, with Infrac tion, to deliver the mm to Rev. (. K, Herd, If In that rltr. nr If not there, to forward to hi adilree In Fall Hirer, M "P. S. I am In almost dally receipt of letter from rarkraii partiea In yonr t lly. 1 truat tbat thl letter tufflciently upreaac my convlotion. in rcgaro to tin. man. kmkd," Oko. H. KilLIT, C. W. Hawia, I. T, ALPIkHAW, H. H. Bnwnitl, Jo. E. Liiioitt, H. W. CSARWIOK, W. M. Pak.u. AUCTION. S. E. BUNTING, Auctioneer. I will cll at tha Market Hon wj, t 10 o'clock, a. m., a No. 1 Mule. Term. Cash. - ayiO 113-11 AUCTION. S. . BTTNTING, Auctioneer. I will mil at tha Market Honae. on Sa'nrdar the 2uh Inat., twa rery valuable Bulldtng IxiU an Bladen atreet. Th-a are the mott raluabl building lot north of th Kailroad. may 21 123-tt LITTLE KATE KIRBY. HOVEL. By F. W. Robinson, author of Cbrlrtle'a Flth," "Ma'tle: a Htrav," W man a rnenn," "Tfue to hhibii,- etc., ate. iiiimraiea. evr, raper ia eentr. TALMAOEK SERMONS. Sermon by th Bar. T. I Witt Ta-mage, dtllverei In th Brooklyn Tabarnaol x vol.., l.mo, cloth, aa i.i ...k FARM BALLAD. He Will larletrra Ulnauated. Bquar bra. OrnamcDtil Cloth j. w. . For le only at HEINSBEROEB'B Lire Bmk and Made Store. -i li-S- mrR Flour and Molasses. m BBI.S. FLOUR J 1-24 Hhd. nnd Bble. Cub Molnaar. ; HAS Hhd ard Bbla. B. II. Mnlaare; 4VS libla. Uotiten r leec Sjrnp ; Ui Bbl.. O.Syruo. For sale by Btayt.' f. W. KERCBNXR. Jit- SEW ADVXSTISrXlNTS. II. CRONLY Auctioneer. By CKOX LY A MOIUUS. ON EATCBDir writ, ltth twataat. at 11 e'e ark, a. a... wa will aail M rWefcaaav Caraar, awanartakie a waning, aaatatniaf (ra ranaM, eiiaaMa aa tka wrat aala af Faarta, k.twaaa Aaa aod Ka atrar'a. Sua aT iMSi IwM treat, raaaia( bark waat la a. A. rack a baa ua teat. Tha aaaie kaia kawwa aa taa aaat aarkar af Uat K ht Blwtk lie. Terr ara aiaa tka araaH era kuckaa with two rwaate, aa4 all areaaaary aatkawafa. - ay a 1T k.N IL CRONLY. Auctioneer. itMIUsMRIU I rtMIOK ! KT.l raetwitr eI !aw lla,aiavrr. tKA IK M lwatl,Adt.) ra. j Ja. B. Boamaaa, et, at. ) nr riBTrr. or a deckbemn th kkaaaaauilait eaaaa raaatand actka AarU Tarat af the Saparkw Cwart lor tka aaaaty aturraaM, I will aril at tka Caart Hoare tw aa Fialay. tka ink da of -I aaa aail, at It a rhaek, M. Ike (allowMia darrtk4 wraperty laeatad la tka r mt at Waruirrtua. aad ait aa tad aw tka rait Mdeal Talrd.kataaaa Braaawk-k aad Bladaa atrerta. and kaawn aa tha waat half af UM I la BHMk (Ta, aa par Tarurte )4aa. Tkaaaaw karlat a froat af H taat aa Tklrd etraat, raa aiaa bark eaat la tael la M ra. T. O. Wtlllaaa' line. Thar ara epaa tka piaiiai'a twaaatall hnaaaa. ADAM KMPIK. TarawCaah. Oeaaaaviuarr. kaa. I 1l'-t.ttA9uJan.n House Ta Inter's Colors, VABIOVS SUADFS. WI'HK W7IIITB I Bin rt'RB EINO. COLORS-Dry sad la all Ola, rainier'. Brmab. and raintar maUrial af rry daarrlpl ioa. For aal low at GREEN 1 FLANNERH y U IM. WAIL" paper; ' TjTRArriKU PAPER, FAMt'Y COLORR1I FLY PAPIR, WINDtiW SHADES kail HULLAKPS, Hit Spring ratter. Pot aal by D. A SMITH k CO., Bank Fran) St. iy m-U " rOFFlTX tXK. Oenl Commission Merchants NORTH WATER STREET, WUBtawToa, M. O. Will (Ira nrofltpt naratwial attantkm at thankl arahlpuant af Cotton, IukvoJ Hturaa, Ueneral rraitiioa, ate., eve. aim at raoaivuig ta a wanllng ftaala. . uniere aouoitaa ana proanpuy bihm, atha.1S tSS-ly ' For Bent. For lb saanlng jr Ira Tuk TirpaaUt Bon. Boun4 Tree. For tarmi apply to OHOSLT MORRIS, Auet'nneer., Stock and RmI Ratals Broker, Jan in li-tf TIIEUUCA1S ITIIERX BEXFDT Tur th Curs of 8erofttloti Taint. Kheuna luiu, ft lillfl wllliie, Uuut, Uoltra, Cud- ntnptlon, lironcliltla, Nervous Dnblllty Aiid all dikea shaliis ffoiu an ImDura cod- anion oi w uiooa. .... - ... w Th menu of thl raluabl Drenaratloa. art a wen inown that apawHngnotio le kat nee aery I remlne the reailereot Uil Journal a. th neoManyoi always navinga Mtueol uila aaeuk cine inHini their .took at lamllt n.n.watlee. VerUneau tan he preaeuted rrem many lead hig Phyalciani, Minlatnr, and hea.1. of lamll lea tkniughout the Mouth, Indorelng K In Ih klgheet term, ra. riuut grtrmrt mf Snaa'alii. ln. B. W1IJION CAKK. of Haltimora. wtn "he kaa aard it la canraot Serotal and Other glaeaara with much aattafartlon. II. T. O. FUUH, of Baltlmor. racommend It to ail neranna ault'erlne wltk dlaeaaad Hlnml. aying it lidinerkw laany prtnarntloa k ha reruaed. Rv. liABBKT BAI.Iof tba Baltimore M. E. Oonrareno South, any b ba been a maek banaflttrd by ite aa that ka enaarfully reeom mend. It to all hi. fair ml. and acqoatiitanoee. CRAVEN at CO., Draggle!, nt tMn-domrrtU, Va.. ear It never failed to gir aatlalai-tlon. SAM'I.U. McrAInRM,Murrreaehnro,ra neaeee, aar It eored bint ot Hhaumatlam waea all ele railed. DM aur anaot admit, we eould glr rati teatW monlala rrom rry Stata In tka Soutk Iron peraen known ta .vary man, woman aad euild either perennally or by reputation. Boaadalw at aold by all Druggtita, CLEKSTS k CO., Baltimore, bole Vroprietm. JOHN r. HENRY. Bk. Coll g Plana, Turk ! WhoUaai Ag nt Jalyl ...Aw.lyck LOTTERY. Missouri State Lottery. Legalized by SUt Authority and Drawn In Public in tiu Louis. Grand Single Number Sohome, PUHBERM. (Iw , ( kw Draws) April 30, im. 5,880 Trlteg, Amounting to $300,000. prla of....tno,or; SM pnaof....B IM I prl a of.... W.tWi I prima, of.... l,nnt I prlae of.... lo.(io1 price of.... DM) I prla of... 7,Mt); ( prise ef..M i0 4 pr I of..., B.ottfi iiri.ee of.... SMI 4 prlae of.... l.flon M prlaoa vf.... JO priaeeof.... l,omt MpriHaof.... I no W prlae of ... gflOj IH prise of. .. too 40 nriseaef.... V tftn prlaeaof.,.. 1 Tickets, $10. Half Tickets, 13. Quarters, W 80. ttr Oar lotterle ara chartered by th State, ara a) war. drawn at tha tin named , and all drawini ar under Via nparrlaioB af sworn Oommtaaloner. wjr i h ottlelal drawing will ba published In the St. Loot paper, and n copy af Drawing sent to pnrokaeera of ticket. SV We will draw a similar schema th last dav nl evrry month during the year 111, r Remit at our rtnf by PORT OFFIt'E MONF.V ORDERS. BRfUSTRRED LET TER, DHAFT or EXPKESS. Bend for a eli eular. Addrea,, MURRAY, MILLER A CO., f oat Offlea Bai SMS. Sr. Iicta, Mo anrll tu tfe-dAw-ond-Taea-TI-inatat Kerosene Oil, Rice and Hay, 25 BBLS KEROSEN OIL) IMF-Tee- and Bbr whole and half Bice ' Bale Hay, For aakt by r. W. UBCHSER. Mitt m. KISCItLASIOw'S. Tobacco and Snuff. 150 0XE, ToAaxt a -J now. ih aair e. .v; Mtwatlanl leaaew.BaaaT. Far aai by P. W. KISCHMK. lay a lat- A SUSPICIOUS LETTER .AT THE NOVELTY DOLLAR STORE. Uelei ay II raUI Ml Betaaliia l.i- UNTIL THE 1ST OF JUNE Tyi wnxsEtx our labor axd 9U wMertrd lock f BOOTS SXIOE3 AT REDrCED riUCES FOU C.VHIL LaJwa' Flw Baata aad Sllpfeaw ! i hlMren' Fny Ska! laraata Slipparel Oealieaaea Dreat Bout ami U.ner. All awd IS aar ardrr, aad warranted. DUDLEY k ELLIS, llgoftkBI Boat, may rtw-aaiiwrh TRUNKS, rpRATEUSO EAOI, VALUES A U aie. Haraaaa, Rrhllae, MaHlagajaa. lull ara. Haaaea, fraea I'kaiaa. wklpe, apara, lkg t ! kara, Rkammela Sklne, iMthae, Fealker la tare. Alia ttraaa. Hakllery Hardware. Alan, a large M nt wenad kaad Saiktlerr gwal. i a, TtiruAMA i.-o-a, Ba. I Houtk Fraat atreet WilwMagtoa, B may I i Full Lines Cutlery QVALL RINDS, St NEW HAKOWARla 8TORE, U raer Ptlaoraa S Walar lie. !!. A Ml'RCUlSOK. sttv n m- Owner Wanted SDK DM! BOX !. S. SIDES AND TWO Is. Flak J aklok aaa k kad by weaving pfea. rty and paylbg .bargee. Vnbwa railed for within TES DAYS, wIlkki'A LEMMFRMAK A (Mir. may U IftrJtea MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF VTILMINOTOX, K. a, Msy atttli, 1873. TERS0NI having baaU.ee, with I lug th lty, UI call at my affles between the SMtk of I Velar k, a. mv, kmt t a'enek, p. at. W. P. C AM ADAV, Maver. Ill-Itch MAYOR'3 OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, i May mh, 1871 J T)Uopn.4AI.a will b reoalved at thl altlr X antllik. Wlhday of May Inalant.atnaiip for laying brick aldawalk e Mulberry Mrt, both ld, Irom PrvtllwW. nrmw. Os Cbotnit, balk sul, from Front ta Water, On PrinoM atrett, sonth U, fraat Trent t naier, Os Hack) both aid, from Front to Wstar. And alaa (nek parts of Front street betwaen Muiuerry ami irnge etreeiaa. aar am ainady been paved wltb brlrk. Suck aide walk ta ba 01 tna width ta ba fliod by tha Mavor. Ikia. liaotor lo (umiak an th labor nod mawtlal. Speeltloatlon can b a by applying kl Iks Mkyor'teflle. Tha eontr.ct will b wrtd tn the Inneet bidder. W. P. UAN'ADAV, Mator. may II lai-itrh MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, ( Msy 20th, 1873, JJRoroSALI will bs rclrtdattklefflc until th Hlh of May ln.Uut.gt Booe, Tor rw- palrlng tba City Hall and patting Ik la goad order, partle may eon tract rot tba whom work or In part, M carpentry, maaonry, palatini, Ac , a per plau, and apaclBontloM la this ,oo. W. P. CAN ADAT, Mayor, HMtrh may 21 MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OP WILMINOTON, N. 0., May 20th, 1873. ) pUt)POALS will bs rrealvtd ntthLeffica until th JUh dy af May Initant, at noon, Ibr paring; Prlnc.nl street from Water la Front etreetwlth eobble tton. All Material In b AtrnUhwl by th olty. W. P. CAMADAT, Mayer. Ul-ltch may II HMALL, WTOltl' BUT A LAK0G STOCK. 101. IOI. DIFFKRE!T Bf TI.KB AND KINDS OF Men.', Boya' aad youth Bool., Hboea, and Oaltera, may found at .. C A. PItICE'8, Ktchang t'ottier. ty IS " w. - New Boarding House, Mrs, J. A. Clifford, lrprictress, MARKET STREET, between M and Bl, WIIMINQTON.N.C. Oood aceoBmodntlor will be give. - T Term reaeonalile. nprlll tstf IUTBL, 1ITCKL1L, HOUHK. WILMIHtalttR, raormsTiia . tV lu VIS, nf Mills Houae.Hkartaavwi.Si SV Ooaeh, Oarrlaaa and Bagraga Wagons Ways ready ta nowrey pwiwepgera to and from ttw tllnMila. OBI h Ilk- feh IS CL0THINO ! i :iTINK and MKDITOlj CLOTHING, - FURNISHING COOD8, j j TRUNKS, BAC3, j, riNC WHITE SHIRTS.? i HUN80M ft CO., 1 : CITY CLOTIUNQ STORE, - ! I Vi Market Street. : a ...,.'., attytt ,- m. KIS CXIXASX0 S. LOOK AT THIS! SPECIALTIES WHICH, MAYIX3 I'JT FEW LEFT, WILL IE CLCSEB OUT AT COST THIS WEEK. lt rrinU vnly 11 1 rents j Coats' TrurcaJ, all Bumbm, 4 BpnuU 23 (nu ; Kid Gkrrv,Ught hJ.', 30 cents ; To !, Wg atul small siAus, SI S3 jk( tleu j Ladies' Hose, 00 tt uta ct dooea ; Drm Gouds, to eloaf, ivgwrvDcsa ot - CtMi ' Gontlemra in want oi IUaot Uadb Wear, Shoes ot Hats, will find a good assortaitut at A vt ry low ft-nre, by call- bf at MACKS BROS, ft CO., SB MARKET tt. y is ti- LAVVES & CO'S BELFAST GIBER ALR The masy s'pubioub and and dttloterioos mixtures bow sold in this niukt't aa OINOER ALE, , . fives ns the pleanure of uTtriiig ths aliovo, wLirh ia fiiAntnUyl snperior to all othtw brands. Fof aaltonlyby GEORGE MTEItS, U akd II Front St. ile- auyli I KDUB INFIBMART, NORFOLK VIRCINIA. L. IN CI R A, M D., THYSICIAN IN CUAROE. For th past fourteen year. Dr. tag Ira ha been widely and favorably knawn In ths Brlt lah F.aat Indies, Wsst India, snd Southern Utraal America for lb many eitraordlaary urf LtindncM, Veafiutt. Catnrrt I.lrtr (Xmplalnt, Dropf, Jitnal and Cardiac IHJfleultici, SWv . fa, and eitrry ftmn of Chrvnta XWc, and aapeelally for lbs (tira of thoumnd of OP " MALIGNA!!" T CAHCER. parson ulferlng with Caarwr should call Immediately upon Dr. larttm, sake ean after a Mf and rpeedy car wh.a all other, fall. On application of ths EAST INDIA CANCER REMEDY Ukew sut, root, and branch, srary tora of Cum ear upon tha externa! human body with out hemorrhage, dangsrtr pain, within rn day. HARMLESS TO IIEALTIIY FLESIL y-AdilrfM aa a bore. yt loo. TT-rBB RAIUNO AND ORNAMENTAL WIRK WORKS. I0" FTTH A CO., Mo. X Korth Howard street, Baltimore, manttfnntax Wlr Railing far Oesa Her lee, Balooniea, An., Sieves, Fender, Oaf, land ana Oeai Bcraena, Woven Wh-a, Am. Ahw 'tob Bedstead, Ubaara, Setteaa, gkt. may 11,11 . . . ttB tyeh : w Fresh Crackers. 4 JUET RECEIVED., "( - , Cream, Boston, tatnoa ' ' ( . 4 aad Ginger Scknappa, Nlck-Na, Soda, Ship Biscuit and English Crack sr,at '' ' '; .- f "-Tr" f I T T- I -r , t-. - t r. , , M Wlloalujtao, .C, r. y t J. SCIIEDTJIai PAIIIMQIR T f? A I Lear WOalsgtea Sail (cic-,! : Am at Wueuofioa T" Leaa Wdrar at ...-.'I Arrir at umia rlva at t PRIIQHT TRAIn: Leara WTimlagton da ly r eae.pt Its Lane Laarlnban at. .... , , .riire-a. v aar auro? at f ; "" l raiaa Mare tAarunw d. aayaeteeptrd) at ... , . krava Raitaia at .."".?.Z' "' I P rrie M UiarWMa at t ?. --. am, iiaaerr ira.fta r -i . s h-tk prtkaj(i Ih koad, the kwuai r, fulree. - . Adall.SUMwfllnora lwranner'..n . , Ik. tra.ee aa hot eou. ef ta ia It ... . u riti. r, Rer and Snt-, t FllyHI.li, L. M . fc. , i . - , ' a v. n.,w-ai rv . uleaee ankatuak Ua, and aaad aa p..,,. Bkaa la . .A 1- iJ. WilmlnfftonantlTTfi:. i Kailroad Compaaj-, Urates os flaasaAA cnaurrucart, t ' wfUnUmgtoa, H. fi, Jin I, U 1 ) '. CHAXGl 0 8CTIZDULS. Oa aad afta Maada. Jama lata 9m mm . Train an th W. W. Railroad m run hjUaws, " ' atAIIat TBAIB. ' , Laav Onto Depot daily (laadars SreaptMt at........... is A. i, Arrtraal (Mtlabar at.. ,.,.u U r. Kouy Mount at ..MlP.lt-. Uara Wldad4iyisnUiVpk. ,d) .....7T7I7L.....VrtiA.' mraairvurayeioaal jj of 4, v. - J4oi,,.ooreel I Wf. . Uawa DepuS j p. ,. V . B1PRESS TRAIS, Iiaav ITalowde eat, dally, as. ..Men P. ArrireMtrnldawura at,....,.,.,,,,,, - noekr Moaatak -... , . M W.L.I..K m tm . LakraWektosi, dally, at ... ?.ip. Arrtrs at Rorkr Moan nl. l . " trotiunor t......ln..i f. - Vnaoei Deputai... .o A all TTaln aaakaa eloaa amwim. v . no fr all patnt rth la Bay Lot ai t r aula Creek rant. . . . Sr JUpreaa Traia eowneeta raW wl- k . Creak rente. rwllmaw'w ymlmtt kira c lMr taira aa tlata t rmla, Freight Trains will leavw Dnle-'nfi weeiy ai aim a. at. and unit at t..u P, ' Rpraa Freight Train will leave il. y ; 1 . Jay. a.capledj nl . V. M. and arrir a; 1 . r.Ma . i , atOBJI F.DITIN1, -' iaa,al Ml .'.'-.. it. OENERAA.BUFBBABTBJID1S U FIJ t Ullmlnjton, ColhiuLI j. - .; Ami i - AtifUAta Railroad Co. W llBiaawos, X. C Oct tt, If? t araa- CHANGE OF BCHEDULV. Th Ibltowiag aVihadala wttl ge hits et lJ A. M Monday, Tlh Instant. . ,, DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily I. Lsara i'tlmtngtan.,M.. ............. t tl !. Arrive at Fkirenra,,. -M.M. - Oolamkla, Set P. M. " Aaguat. 1.41 P. Hi. Lear Asguau , deA.M, Ar.lrtai t'oluraMa... , II. no A. M. Floranee.....M 4.1 P. M. Wllmlnrton P. kt HUIHT EXPR As (Dally), Sundny --. Iv Wllnnngum. ....... ......... t P. M., Arrlvtat ftwriir..... lias P, M. Columbia I A. S. - Augusta . SWA. M. Iv Auen.ta , Sua P. X. Arrive at Ooiumbla, .......... .lo.j p. . " Florenr .. ILIl A. W. , H ' Wilmlagten... AooA-ki. JAMFS ANDEBSON. ' Oen'l lupatlntrn.lant. tot S . 1 . -- . -f-if Sajawaaspwaw jlli mill im in, , , - 8in?pnfo. Mtlmore and Wilnitntcn 6EMI.WCCKLY 1 ! STEAIISIUP IIITIi ooaroup os ras iat class rraanaair l. A. FOI.ET,... CapcTt. J. PPft w l i t II.LkV. Cat. d.r. BSNNr I t. BkSU A t l,tIE,...Capt. U. U CHIU'S. Wilt hereafter Sad front BALTIMOBK every TOFMDAT aud FHIHAY, and from Wllr MINtlToN every WEONKMDAV nnd SA1. PRIIAY.mnnecUiigat Wtlttilngtoa h th Wllmlnrton. Colusibl Aaiuala, Wtlninf wm at Welilun, and tb Wiluiiigroa, tharteuo m Rulhen'ord Kailroad Aire the eevrral Una . . mf Steamets ta Kajetuvlli. lvlosTTBrwn:B lUlla t Laaliw to all polbU la Worth and Sooth Carolina, nleorgtaaad Alabama, -" Connecting at Oaltfmors' with th Baltlmor A Ohio and tha Mortherkj . Central Hailroait for nil potnls In lbs XV rat an-t North-Want, aad with Steamers and BaiireeuV Bit Biaton, New fork and fkliailelpbla. , : ' For freight engagraiente apply to ' A.I. CAEAUX, Agent, ' Wilmington, K. C ANDREWS A CO., A rants. , . . i BaJtlmore, de. : .... ' . LOBELLARb'S STEAMSrTTP LINE T NEW rOBRi ' -.;: ,. ItAlLIBCl TV1MUATB ABO FKITIAT MOM IIW TOKII, AND WAnslJt. 0ATR AWD BATTKUATB rtfWJ IMBUHABCK onlt ONK-FOL'RTH Pm ruRocaa connectioss with al BAILBO A US I-KAniMO fJLT . r II.Stl.MlTyi.., v. sar- rm pasaarigeare takan. t For freight apply ta - ' -r ; BAKBT BROTHEBB. Airnta, sirs ' v t t - i . ; mSCELLAJ!T0II3. . , ,. . ,l.., . E. FRANK CCI'3 I Iffimnniotr Vrna ti-wir1-' aUlUUUuiUll-H iUiMI kiuful lii. , . 1 f " ' ' . ' w i i , , flrtATOKI BOWIASWNO.aiT. , ebUU tlnn of whlek 'bt ani,K-. ,1, OrUvrttent ta at eso .cap b. t ' tiled. , : ' ,'.' .-;" OiO. TAB 8I.IT , . apritx . . , wIXiKEB MORRIS, MIC-' ' i"ci.03LTt'r" ACCT10KEF.es AXD 0 E ;5 v wit"-".': , - 'SffW-V.p-l T- -.-I . - ,. .. i.nt p?-.-i.i a u ll)rniit u , tr . )t rumour W e e - -"a Iw fl watnaaiA t.- t- t n..y.

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