.. - Ms : ; "rV, ) U. M i j i I I ! i I i ( ; y AV i - : VOL XXH.-NO. 126. WILIIINGTON, N. C.,v TUESDAY. HAY 27, 187a 7noi: ' WILMISaTON. K. C: TUESDAY. MAY 27. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. KUKOPE. rnorosED riilko.U) across CENTRAL ASIA. MiMAUOX-S ADDRESS. THIERS SrEAKS. ALL QUIET IN r.UU& TUE NEW FRENCH MINISTRY. RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT THEIRS. ELECTION OF MacMAHON. GREAT EXCITEIIENT. MORMON CONFERENCES IN LONDON. TOE TICHEORNE CLAIMANT TO ISSUE MORE STOCK. MORE ABOUT THE CARLIST BUTCHERY. THIERS WILL SIT IN THE AS SEMBLY. THE LEFT WILL CONSTITU TIONALLY OrPOSE THE NEW GOYERNMEFT. St. rrrutHBtma, May 2ft Noon. Ferdinand DoSestpass ia forming a company for the construction of a railroad. across Central Asia, from Orenburg, to oonncct with the English .railways in India to Calcutta. The enterprise is under Russian auspices. Pakis, May 28 Noon. The follow ing U the text of MacMahon'a address : " I hare been called, through the confidence of tho National Assembly, to the Fresidoucy of the Republic. No immediate change will be made in existing laws, regulations and institu tions. I rely upon good order and I count upon yon, upon your tigilanoe and upon your patriotio assistance. " The scenee were extremely exciting in the National Assembly Chamber pending the discussion, which resulted in the deposition of Thiers aud the exaltation of Marshal MacMuhon. Iu the President's box were Madame Thiers, the Prefect of the department of the Scino and others, who were gesticulating quite wildly, and onoo , the Prefect was called to order for tho ardor of his enthusiasm. The diplo matic corps was well represented. Lord Lyons, the British Minister, was not present, being engaged in giving a dinner and reccpti m in honor of fjiteen Victoria's birth-day. Many celebrated womenbf Napoleon's Court, as well as of tho Rcpublio, occupied conspicuous places and remained until the political change was consummated. A soon as the vote was taken deposing Thiers, tho representatives of the dif ferent countries immediately left tho Chamber and telegraphed tho news to their respective governments. Thiers aat a close, watcher of events, constantly using the exclamation, Oh. Men Mcienri. Once ho canned intense , excitement when ho said, "They have spoken of negotiations, when it has occurred to mo that they only wonted , the Government to bo transferred to Paris ; but the army would not enter tnore ; j nave repelled thent in order to prevent the shedding of streams of blood at the expense of the army. If there is a man who counts tho cost of tli is effusion of blood, it is myself. I nave ration i rawicr wish to say wo have fallen. For a long time I hod hope of this detestable faction." The close of the sentence was lost in the tremendous uproar which tho begin ning had excited. Again did Thiers awako the enthusiasm of his friends . when charged with being the protege pf Radicalism, He retorted, "There was something more remarkable than that In their midst-they had with them Duke de ;Broglie, who was the protege of tho Empire." There is no fear of ft disturbance apparent in Paris. On Sunday the pcoplo attended, in great numbers, the Chantilly races, giving themselves 'up I J 1 ' 1 - IMlt. vo pleasure aim curing ihwu, seem ingly, for politics. At tho races yesterday Bceard was . the winner of the Pfix dn Jockey Club, or French Derby ; Flagelcot.the second, and Appolleon the third. rano iiereux, the favorite, was no where. Nine horses started. The following compqse rlio new arr' i 4r?iji i ij ' MiuiHiry ; aiiuisht oi g orcign awurs, Duke de Broglie ; Minister of Justice, Einonl ; Minister of the Interior, Bcule; Minister of Finance, Pierre Magno ; Minister of War, General de Cisssey ; Minister of Marine, Admiral D Hornay ; Minister of Public In struotion and Worship, Bntbee ; Min inter of Publio Works, Deseseillgny ; Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, Boullerie. " There is no disorder in any . portion of the country in consequence of the change in the Government. , Di' patches from all Sections report tranquility. Only one-half of - the troops are now held in their barracks. Yersailijss, May 25. Noon. The Miuistry resigned, Piedout Thiers accepted their raaiptiaUau and resided himself, when Marshal MacMhou was elected President. There was tome cries aronnj the La'l but no violence y Pakxh, May 2i Noon. The resig nation of Preaideut Thivra and tit election of Marshal MacM.ihoa to suc ceed hita, canaca immense f xeiUrnout here. The strct-U have Ixvo crow JeJ all the evening with people discussing the eveuta of the day, but no disiurl auce is expected. Loxikx, May 26 Night A Con ference of Mormons was held here on Sunday, at which Gcorfj A. Smith was present The Tichlorne claimant will soon ap peal to the public again to rai.se fund for his defense. Mapbio, Msy 26 Night. The Minister of Foreign Affairs haa scut a eircuhur to the representatives of Spain abroad, giving an official ac count of the butchery and mntiUtiou of prisoners by the Carlista, and re questing them to convey tho informa tion of these outrages to the govern ments to which they are respectively accredited. YnwsA, May 20-Nighi The King of the Belgians has arrived here. He was received by the Court with fitting ceremonies. To-day the King vinited the Exposition. rAis, May24 Night. The Orleius Princes were present in the Assembly when the question was taken on ac cepting President Thiers' resignation, aud voted in the affirmative. Thiers has informed the meciltcrs of the Left Centre that he will roeume his seat in the Assembly to-morrow, and will take his place on tho boards accompanied by the lata Minister! Dn Raur, Pcrier aud Leonsay. - The whole Left has decided npon.tl policy of constitutional opposition to the new government CUM. THE IIERALD MAN PRICE STILL IN CLOSE CONFINEMENT. O'KELLEY TO BE TAKEN TO HAVANA. Havana, May 2C-rNight. Price, the Herald correspondent, is still confined in fort Cabana, and no one is allowed to communicate with him. The charges on which he was arrested are still ithhcld. Capt-Gcncral Picltain has ordered O'Kellcy, the commissioner, now con fined at Santiago de Cuba, to bo brought to Havana, and he will proba bly arrive here this week. GOTHAM. ANOTHER MURDER. CASE OF SUNSTROKE. THE CARPENTERS STRIKE NOT GENERAL. FIVE MEN'S LEGS BROKEN ON A STREET CAR. New Yor.K. Mav 20 Noon. An Italian beggar boy, named Johannoes Arrata, being jeered aud iusultcd by a crowd of urchins, turned on tliem.and fatally stabbed oue of tho number, whoso name is John Golden, aged nine years, iu Mulberry street last night. 'luo weathor last night was very warm and still continues so. Isaac Von Fire was insensibly sun- struck on Avenno D, on Saturday last. This is tho first cose of the season. New York, May 2C-Night. Dr Brown, for tho attempted murdur of Gas Collcotor Gnrney, hits been sen tenced to 10 years in the pcuitcntiary. Five persons hod legs broken or cut off by the upsetting or fulling of th street cars yesterday. The body of J. W. Wajlaek, arrived here to-day. The striko of the Carpenters for 8 hours is not general. Cqmmittecs have been appointed to visit the shops. Police are on the alert to prevent inter ference. . THE MODOC WAlt. CAPT. JACK STILL ALIVE AND KICKING. HE HAS TWENTY-FIVE DESPER ATE WARRIORS. MORE REINFORCEMENTS THE COMMANDS. FOR Sam Francisco, May 25 Night Reports from Fairchilds stato that Capt' Jack is north of the Pitt River country with twenty-five warriors, who say they will dio with their rifles in their hands. Gen. Davis has ordered troops to go in pursuit of the savages. Gen. Gillem has been ordered to pro- ceed to hcadquartcrfwith his regi ment, at Benecio. Col Wheaton has been reinstated. It is thought half a dozen Modocs were likely near the Camp waiting to surrender. The sav ages who are still free have broken into small bands, and the movements of the soldiers have been mode accord ingly. ; - - ' " ' CbeniUta -will tell yen, that oid tenerattd la tba itomaeh, dertrojl thttMtb;bnttlt vegstabli toErwlieDt of BO ZODONT asatrallM It effect, and form m BluenUr totlreptle and whoietome dfntlfi iee. Doolcjr' Yeart Powdtr It eonrealoiit, tar Mimical and alwayi reliabla, Bo want of rood pitparad vita It, a It is alvaji ot tho beK (joailtr. MARYLAND. ANICE LITTLE LOT OF SCANDAL MRS. MiKEE SUCCEEDS IN SHOOTING HER UNCLE. THE, "WOUNDS NOT FATAL NEW RAILROAD OPENER ruLTiMor.r, May 26 Night James noopcr, Jr., of the flrpi of James Hooper k tvma, shipping merchant, ia dead. Mrs MoKee, who made an qjimic- kful attempt to s!uh4 her nnelo, Oiwald Noack, wholesale and retail boot 1 ihoe upper manufacturer, on the 11th of May, was more tneceKful to-dr.y. Having this moruiug obtained a arrant for the arrest of her uncle, charging him with abusive conduct, she proceeded to his place of busi ness, No. 116 West Baltimore street to idcutify him to the officer, who made the am4, and while coming down stairs with his prisoner in com pany with Mrs. McKce, she suddeuly drew a doublo-barrvlod pistol from under her shawl aud fired two shots, one ball taking effect in tho back and the other in the ealf of his right leg. The wounds are not ueeesaarily fatal. Mrs. McKce has been arrested. The Metroinditan branch of tho Bal timore A Ohio Railroad, between Washington City and Point of Rocks, was opeued to passengers yesterday. All through train) between Baltimore and tho West, each way, run now via, Washington, shortening tho distance 48 miles. lULlDlJUAltTERS. SIGNAL OFFICE IN PIKE'S PEAK. THE LOUISIANA SUPREME COURT DECIDE IN FAVOR OF KELLOGG'S APPOINT M E N T 8 . Washington, May 26 Night Tho Weather Bureau has established a signal office on Pike' Peak. A special ludian Ageut to Idaho re ports two trilx'S oft their reservation, but says they seem peaceably disposed, Tho Preaideut bos gone to Harris- burg. Ho will return to the city on Wednesday night Tho Attorney-General has rocoived a dispatch slating that tho Supreme Court of Louisiana has just decided two contested coses for office nnder the Intrusion act, and in both cases tho legality of the offices held under the Kellogg government was sustainod. rilOHAllILITIES. Wab Department, Officr Cuikf Sioxal OmcEii. J Washington, D. C, May 26. fqr the Lakes and thence to the Ohio Yalley, Northeasterly and Southeast erly winds, veering to Southwesterly and Northwesterly, with warm, cloudy weather and rain. For the Northwest and thence to tho Lower Missouri Valley, Northerly to Northwesterly winds, falling tempo rat uie, higher pressure, clearing weathor and occa sional rain. For the Gulf and South Atlantic States and Tennessee, South westerly and Southerly winds, partly cVmdy and clearing weather with occa sional raiu. For the Middle St ates, Southeasterly winds, falling barome ter, partly cloudy weather, and rain in Virginia, West Virginia and WeKtorn Pennsylvania. For Canada and New England, Southwesterly and North' easterly winds, partly cloudy weather with occasional rain. MISCELLANEOUS. Washington, May 25. Noon. The remains of James W. Walluck, actor, who died in a sleeping car lelow Rich mond, passed North to-day, BnooKLTN, N. Y, Nay 2ft Noon. A mother, who attempted to quells disturbance botween two youths, wns shot by her son with a pistol. Philadelphia,' May 26 Noon. A drunken colored woman shot aud killed her nephew. St. Louis, Mo., May 26 Noon. Thirty desperadoes took possession of Caddo station, on the Missouri, Kan sos and Texas Railroad, ' but troops were called in from Fort Gibson and quelled them. Littlo Rock advices think that pivil war is certain to follow in Arkansas, aud a coaJJciablo body of Federal troops will be required to restore or der. Nw York, May 26 Noon. Dn- ring the terrible thunder storm which swept over Long Island on Sat urday, a dozen German laborers, while cutting asparagus at Foster's meadow, wero prostrated by the lightning. Two were instantly killed, and another la borer killed Large trees along the entire track of the storm were riven and torn np by the roots. iNcnrNATi, May 26 Night One of Friend & Foxe's paper mills at Lock- land, Ohio, was burned " yesterday morning. Loss $40,000 and waa in sured for $21,000, of which $18,000 is in Home Companion. , W1 X HAILINQ ASO ORNAMENTAL WIRK WOltKS. I V 44 DOrP a OO., No. SS Worth Hnwknl ttrtat, Baltimore, namtrartars Wtra Baillnf tar Ueia MeriM, ISalconie. As.. Birrea. Frndan. Cihil land and Uoal Srrmna, Worem Wire, Jw. AIM STATE NEWS. The , Eiaruinatum an.l Commence ment exercises if the ikdtUboro' Fe male College take place On the 5th and lift oi J un nexf. Mr. Thouiaa M. Ramsav onranised a Ivltfe of (K-khI TemiJant at RntKn on Thnrsday niht au.1 another at Ueid- ville m triday night The Warren ton (laatte aarn: The poach cnp of tliat county promisea ( to be an aimiui.-uit one, but we are tola the apple crop ia not a full one. Mr. R. ff. Whitaker. alitor cf the Fth'oJ of Tomperanoe, was in Smith- Deia last triilav nn;nt where bo nuule a temiwruno' si--h and organised a ConiM'tl of Friends of TempcraueM. The Wamnitoa Gazette aavs: Nt- withiitaniling Uie severe and pro tracted Wiuter and wet Spring, oar rormera are more forwanl tin vear titan Lttit, aud many of them have U pun to ehoi cotton, while nearly all have flnixhcd planting. Alouao Peb-rson. colored, from Sampson eonnty, eouQned iu the Peni tentiarv for the crime of rano. atteiinit- ed to break out; on hutt Saturday, tint waa brought iown y a shot from the guard. The wound is in the neck and ia not considered serious, The Newborn Times sars : We karn that a new Co-operative building Ajwo eiation upon hu-go scale is to I formed in this city, and that a sum cient nnmlier of shares haw already teen tnxen by some oi our most prom inent business men to insure its organ isation and success. The Norfolk Journal snv: The man agers of the New York. Norfolk and Charleston Railroad Company, accom panied by a portion of their staff, have arrived iu this city, aud are now quar tered at the Atlantic Hotel. . Rooms were entraxred yesterday to serve for the various offices of the eomtmny. The engineers and draftsman will arrive next week, when the surveys will be gin, running npon two lines from Nor folk and one from Portsmouth. The object is to locate the route hence to Charleston npon a perfect air hue. The Goldsltoro' Measenirer say: A meeting of the North Carolina Con struction Company, was held on the 22d inst, at which permanent organi sation was perfected, officers elected, ami organisation papers nled. litis company propose to build the New York, Norfolk and Charleston Hallway, through to uoldsboro durina the present year, and are sanguine of being able to push the work in such manner as to astonish the public. Tlteir engineers will commence opera tions this week. The Raloiprh Sentinel snys t A. W. Richardson, Sen., (familiarly known as Applewhite Riohardson,) lints on Liver River, near Earttsboro', in O'Neal's township. Johnston county. iio is Ti years old ami hnle and hearty ; so much so that until he joined the church, two years ago, he could beat any ot las sons in a good square night's dancing, and he could do so now. if not prohibited bv the chnrch. Air. lueitarason lias been tnreo times married, his third wife now living. He is tho father of 27 children, of whom six were girls, and of the whole number twenty-five are now living. He has alto eighty-six crand children and one hundred and eighty-six great grand children, and not a siuglo Radical amongst them. Mr. Richard son was always, and ia now, au old fashioned Democrat It is a remarkable fact in connection with this largo family, that they are so located around the good old patriarch as to be ablo to leave home in the morning, tuke dinner with the old gentleman, aud return to their homes the same day. The Fayetteville Eagle says: The fifty-seventh annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Chnrch of the Diocese of North Carolina will le held in St John's Church, of this place, on Wednesday, the 28th inst. The Dio cese of North Carolina was organized in tho year lTJi, by tho election oi the Rev. Charles Pcttigrew, tho grand father of the lamented and highly dis tinguished General James Johnston Pettigrew, to tho Episttopnte. Ho died, hotveer, before the tinio ap pointed for his consecration. The Diocese was nnder the chargn of the Ht. Kev. Hicham Chauntng Moore, Itihlion of Vircrinio. from the vnar 1 HI 7 to lHil, when the Rev. John Stark Ilavcnscroft was elected Bishop and eonsccroted in tho same year. Under his manly and vigorous administration the interests and power of the Church wcro greatly advanced and tho num ber of parishes increased. He died lu 18IJ0, monroed by all who know him loved not only by thora of his own re ligious faith, but by all Christians. Ho was succeeded in tho Ejtiscopnte by the Rev. Levi Sillinmn Ives, who was Bishop of the Diocese until his withdrawal to the Roman Communion in 1852. In 1853 the Rev, Thomas Atkinson, then Rector of Groco Church in the city of Baltimore, was elected Bishop and consecrated on the 17th of October of the same year. Since his olection to the Episcopate tho Diocese has increased greatly iu power and strength. . ,-. ,f . - ..-.- The FftateM Hall-mile i:verTrfMeU Yesterday morning, Mr. Bonner's mnre Pocahontas, trotted half a mile at Fleetwood park, in tho extraordina ry time of 1MI. This is the fastest half-mile ever trotted. Dexter and Startle have both trotted in 1:04 ; but Pocahontas has beaten their time by one-qnarter of ft second, bhe was driven publicly by John Murphy, to sulky, in presence or number oi spectators, and timed ny air. ut ten der. Mr. Bonner, and Mr. Van Cott the superintendent of tho Park. New Tub Fcbkst and Swketeht Cod- LrrEB Oil is Hazard k Caswell s, made on the sea shore, from fresh f e lected livers, by Caswill, Hazard t Co., New York. It is absolutely pvre and need. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others, Physi cians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market w. A gratifying evidence of Southern Droeueritv is furnished in the recent report of the directors of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. , The close of tho war left it ft wreck and bankinpt It now shows a net revenue of $1,022,285 for the year jnst past, the total earn intra havina been nearly $3,000,000. This is the great cotton road of the Konth : the figures, therefore, show an increase in the staple business and trade of that section, and promise well tot the future, Siai Wc-dlcal raaila la cla kl Mat-a tile. T'.nttu day's ritooEaMSOH. STAmvrujt, May iiul, 1S73. Hi Preaident called the Convention t onler at 9 o'clock. lWtor latU-rin from the Cowatit U on Crtxletttiala, auhuiitUsl a rvjxirt, which recommend for nieuiU'rahip IKictora Walker O. Me Lend en, Anton couuty; J. W. Vn-k, Seltua, Johaatoa county; John A. Allimut, Iredell OMtnty; Albert O, Carr, Wake county; WtiliHin t. johnsou. IHtvie cHiutv: Jacib M. Hadley, Leuoir county; John II uattber, Kowan eiHiiity; lKiotor 1 . Livingston Mttrjhy, Nw Hanover county; and L K Green, Warren couuty. lWUa J. M. Hadley was aUi rwiveil as a regularly apixunttsl delgnte of the Lenoir County Medical Society. leW r'tcr R llime. Chairman of Committee on Noiuiuatious, submitted tlie following nHtrt : lVaivWut lr. W. A B. Norcom, ol Elenkn. Vice Pnaident Int. Dr. J. n. Jouca, Charlotte. N. C. ; 2.1. Dr. It F. Lewis, Lnutherton; 3tl, lr. C G. (Vx, liicltlands; 4Ui, Dr. J. L. Knight, TarUiro, Orator Dr. A B. Piercet Halifax. Treasurer Dr. 1L J. Baltuaon, Salem, S.-cretary Ih. J as. MeKee, Raleigh. Delegatea toAmerian Medtral Aaao ciatinn Drs. T. B. Jerman, Warren 5 W. W. Lane, Wilmington J II. Kelley, Btatevilte;C. J. O'Hagan, Greenville! F. M. Ronntree, Know HilL Alter naUa Dr. R. L Payne, Lexington J. F. Shaffuer, Salem 5 H. O. Wvatt, Kinston; Dr. N. Patte.aon, ;a. G. Smith, Concord. Committee on Publication Dr. E It. Haywood, P, E. Huiea, James MeKee. Dr. Shafflier introduced a resolution authorizing the Secretary to give credit on his Ixioks to members who will voluntarily advance ten dollars to as sist iu paying up the accrued debt of the Society. Adopted. Dr. Bohuaon, as Chairman of the Committee ou Anesthesia, f plain Eng lish,) chlorofocm and ether, read lengthy report, which was, on mo tion, referred to the Committe on Indication. Dr. Kelly read an invitation to the Society from Messrs. Wallace Brothers X Shiphens to visit their Herbarium, located in the town. Ou motion, the invitation was accepted. The officers were then installed and the Convention adjourned, to vmet again in Charlotte on tits third Tues day in May, 1871 KnliiyK New, DIED. MoKAi'HKHN Tntftrda naming at to ruwi, in unit aw H iiun K , and EMMA Mt'KAUHK.KN. aud 1 mutitu. and daya 1 at rttend. and aequalutaarw art renaaaud tn att.nd Ui. luiMrol at 1 14 a'alw a, U tl.r, at tha kauat, aa Ca.Ua twrtwaaa Savdalh aad Mlitith Mrreta SPECIAL. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Ilannr ltrllr tar Yaaaaf from tli. aittHUi at Krnirt ami ilium la culf III.. Manhonl re.Uirwl. lnimllnMta to Marrtair mnurnl. Maw aMtlwd of treatment. Xaw and ramarkabla rrmrdtea, Bouki aad Vlraulari atnt fraa. Id Malnt antaloiira, AiktraH, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. I Boutu MnthHt., fhlltl.l.l I. Pa., an Inatltii tln bavlni a blah rauuutkia fur honurabla eonauoi ami proiuanonai amu. bum u iiMiawsawacB The New Klaatle Traaa. A Imrf rhh lamtft. 11 re lama lit. Kumur. at an time., and and.f tba karita.i aiervlM or Mtef xt aUala. It t aara allh coaifitrt. and If kept on light and ilar, etlorta a Mrmanant citra la it. nui sum iaap, ami wata? aau an.a roil urnt.il. rlrco an frM. wkan ordarad b lt- t-ir aenttii Tho Rlaitle Truw Ca , No. ana Hroad wr, N. V. City. Nobody ttaaa Matal Nirtn TinMw.; too falurul; UicjallpoS'toofraquantly, mT iajioiHiiauwijr aa-rS 1N THft HrtKAKFAST, I.ITNCH fA EON, UlNMi AND SUrPaH TABLE, LEA & PERRINS' Worccstcrsiiire Sauce II INDISrKNSABLl. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York, Acnta far tba Valtad lUtea, net 29, twill Ijrob Mtbcurk'a mandrwke rill. I hoM iillU ara aominamt lla.l.alr of ('- tabla Inirrnlh-nti, and allhoogli tbry antlr.tjr .iijwwiln t)i aw of mrrrnrjr, da not k ia any at IU Injiirlou. att'ect., ' Thi'jr aot illr.rt r upon Ilia llr.r, and ara a valuable r.mnly In all aam of dcrancrnmnt rmuliliif from a dtwrd.rad m.t. m uat orjuri, Mvar I'ompiami, miiouf liwiriwra. luiii'Miim, Hirl Huan.i'Ue, Typauid Farera, &s. Ac, all aucrnnib t tba fraa una of aVnvnok'. Mamlraka PI I la. fat aal by all driiKHltta and dvalara. Hon-'I'on lllrtatloN Mlanmla. Rent aa rarlitr M oatita. Vnba frlntrni and Publubiuf Honaa, iMl Vtaty D treat, Naw tor a. I'M Hcrk wlih will I'nrlnblti Iniai lly Nnwlna nochlMa). oh 110 llata a rinif many uuvaniaictia over ail. naiiaiao Uun (aarantl,or i rafunikil. Sent wm- ii-te, wild lull illreecooa. Ilvflkwliu Si ln liMililne 1., . Hiuadaay, N. V. WAGES 171011 Al,l WHO AttR WIIJ.INO to Work, " Any nrrMip.o d or youiiK, f ailherm-x, can make from 10 lo Va per week, at borne r In eonnectkin allli olti. r biudncio. Wanted by all. Suitable to either CHy or Uounlry, and any aeaaon m tna year. ' Thia la a rare iiporte nlty f thoaa wheareont .f work, and out of Bioney, to mak aa Indrnrndenl living. Nn e.pital being rrnulred. Our pamphlet, "JIOW TO MARK A l.l VISIt, "llng full Inetrae tlnnn, Mnt on renelitt of 10 cent.. Adriram, A. ftUKTON ft CO., Morriaaiila, Wettebeebrr Ca, N.V. 1 fiPVTi! eforjwlmui lo mil our new All Till in arutaovel Kmlimbierli g Ma W I 'MTPIi' xrul for lllnatrated ML til 1 ftlJcirrHlar.tothaMcKeeMan- nlarturlngCump.iit.yw Broadway M Y. X Iio lrlof Comimnion, Rvory dady want one I Kvery Man might to hjva ona II Rent on reralpt of Ten Cent. Aililrciw, t t. HYDK ft CO., m Seventh Avenue. Hew York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS The largest Stock O r"CRNirV'RR ever elfere.1 to tba peo ple of Vorth Carolina, Wa bar over 400 Chamber and Parlor Suits. Call and examine or tend for prlca lu and crcaiara. tr. a. .ana auvi mayH. Wanted. BOARD FOH A OKNTLEMAN AKD Wifo, in a small private family. Will furnUh, own room', ' ' Addreaa, lUtlng tcmu, to X. A., Poatoffloe H. B. mayJT 1W-6I Very Gheap. 1 Hil CASKS t lbs. PeachM, at (lis very kiw pri.eaof S3 M per aisa, (1 Doaen) H M per tlozes I M oeole per aaa. ,J" ' " '" Dlteoaat to th trade, JAMES C. STEYXNSOH. 1 11 KIW ADVI2TISIXX5TS. St. John's Lotl2;c,-A NO. I. K. and -A. M. V KM KIIOI NT enamaatraltea Ikia (Taaa- lail t MrilM a& a 'rkMPk. bi. n. h uih. Martaradccrad. Byarxkcraftka W. M. WM. M. rolSSOS,St r. SL Jua-llll, May 3 I-u Refined Pearl Starch. 100 BOXr's fcE';,,v,E0 Ttf-nA' aad a aa'a at my k Ibarra. , UaHOSSET Ctk. T B IX II House Talnter's Colors, TTAUIOI S BHAhKA. Ytt-EINa ' -WTt.KA,. . CtvU'RJt-nryaadiadU. Olaa, faiutrt'. Braauaa aad raiatara aaataHal favaVT daarrlptbw. rot aala kiw at (1RCEN A PLANNER'S. awyK lt- Choice Goshen Butter. i)Q Tt'iS IIKU1CM ANUBK8Taallty, J aal racairaj and fur aa! by DkRltSSKT Ca way ti IN II MIDDLEMARCH - A STUDY Itr f ROYINCIAL LIKM. Bv Ovorg Kilo, Aatkar aa "A Jam ..' aa Mitt aa im rtam,- Aa. trma, ilotk, UN, ropalw E.llttoa, I va, rapaa, SI aa. Awork wktck, Ifrt a'uod alone, wnaldhav m .1 1 . . m tt. I. Ik. UbvaiuM jr t i m towing, aa It doiw, a anrkmal at'kaaalidgni ataa- "r-"" mm wmmw aaa,wnioa gava a .w eharartor la tba Kngllak ouv.!," bT won Id havebova aaueb kt bava Wa able la aay that it maintained tae rwatattaa af ttaaathar. Hut wa .ball ba aarrirlMd IT tha Butt nr. jurigatvat p"" iii inua. waa eaa apiraviiua laa Wiir. . I,h. ..(la. k. . . 1. Bot partaot ol tba MiMe.-iUurtMMd'i jt,tt- ror aala Only at IIKINSSKHOKH'S " Uva Umk aad Maala Itora. siyt? .. iva. WANTED, JY AN IXrCRllKCSD TEACH tH, A Mtuattoat as Uovtraaaa or Taacbar, Boat wf refar.aea gtvas If deelrwa. Addrtat I. . D rare Trait ft Co., fifth aad Walnat (., FblW adalpkla, Faaa. may us . HI JI NOVELTY DOLLAR 8T0RE. glNUIR't NIW IMfEOVtU S1IW1N0 Machines, Silver r la ted lea IMtehere, Uuttaf Uadtea aad C aid on. Cbromoa, and 10,(00 otUer aKUilai otarnansat and aaa. may U 115, UNTIL THE 1ST OF JUNE TJE WIIXIRL1. UOR LARGE AMD wall aeleetrd Mork of BOOTS A.dSTX SIIOE3 AT REDUCED TRICES, FOR CASH. Udiaa' rina Honta and Rllppertl CblMrena' raney SlMwel Infanta Slliiiera I Ueiitlrawu'a Uraat O00U and QalUra. All mads lo our order, and warranted. DUDLEY A ELLIS, IfBoftbeBlgll.wt, Ms. 4 1 Market St. may! liauaaawnh TUUNKS, mUAVEUNO BAUI, VALISES A D Svt, Harneaa, Brldlaa, Martingales, (loll are. llamea, fraca Oh.laa, Whtpe, Spnra, I tog t.'l lara, Mbamraola Sblna, laatliar. Feather Doe tare, Alia ttreaaa. Saddlery Hardwara, AIM, a Large hit of eaoond band Sadillerv goula. I. a. lurataa o, Ho. I Sooth Front etreet Wilmington, NO. may I e 110- TTAVINO A LA KOKAND 1 R O K AND --tW took or 1. . AA, veil aalaeted atork Artlflolal wa are prepared tn do alt kiad at' plate wark. All operationa Mrtormrd la Ilia m a-t careful and erkattllo wanner. I ifTlmover Ka'a'a atore, iiuiiiHmii w ii. raaanan, may 15 l'ZVIra Itenllat. J. U, DAV1H, Froprteior From thla data th rata, fot Tranalant ftnard- tng are S4, t-t, and II H par day, according to liM-attoa and romna. Ihty buardare par week. Jan Jt Just Received I Canton Olngtr Prearrvea, KMpbarry Syrap, Potted Ham. Jelllea, Praanvea, lmona. AI.E tllnger, ltniorted " K. Yonngvr'a, ' Meawana, PORTKK, llltOWN STUCT, . UttANUKSfi!..i- , at daaic.i 1. aiK i rn", 07 Market Street. aprll 8 READ JF VOU KAht gool Boofn.g) Id , .. KVAMw w VOBttbAUAi JF VOO WANT good Shore, go to r KVANlC A ToaULAHN & IF VOU WANT Slipper, toilet or (1 nta, goto KVAN5 ck VoaOI.AHfi'il. TF TOO WANT While Kid Hllpiiera, ko to KYANS ToaUI.Allfc TF YOU WANT Chlldren'a Shoes, go ta ; EVANS ft ToaQLAIIM'S. TF YOU WANT Boy'a 8ho, tt Utl, ge 10 KVAN8 4 VoiOLAHN'.t TF YOU WAST tin beet Siting Sbo la the X PIBC. ,goto EVANS A TosQLAHM' TF TOO WANT P8ho,galo EVANS A VoaOLAHN 1 TF YOU WANT th PTlno Blauiarck Shoe, , EVANS TosQLAHM'S. IF YOO WANT to bay a tu t of Shoe at Wnoleeale or EtUil, go to . EVANS ToaOLAHN'S, Prlnnea St, oppoulU tba Jot: ax. t Oftlc, may SI 121- 3RUER.8 FOHFK INT1N . . o -- - ' Will reoolv prompt attentkw at the ; JOURNAL OFFICE. nsciLLAJiors. EXCITirJCTir.lEC AT- .4 r WHERE T1IET ARE P U S U I N 0 THINGS TO CLOSE OUT IN TIME TO CHANGE BUSI NES3 FOR THE FALL TRADE. WE WILL BtL.1. AT HALF FKICEI THIS . WEEK i Parasols a few ouly left. Edging and Iumrtinr-nev and de sirable MtU-rua. Iloaiery and Hdkfs a (rood article for little money. Ouly a few pieces good 4-4 blcachiug left. PriuU and Thread will still be sold at oar low prices. ALTACA and LINEN COATS for gontlcmcn will be sold at first cost by calling at MACKS, BROS. 4 CO., 23 Market Street, Call early before th ruih bepint. may i- Music Stands, rtl'UlIKH AND COCOA FOOT MATS, AVj STRAW MATTItlO.ftS rxrakJaby majta V. A, IMfTH tin, la. H OTBU, PUItOKT IIOTJHK, wriUMiauroH, . aj. rauraiarua S. M. DATU.of MUla Hoaa,Ukarlav. t tVOaaefe, Oarrtaca aad Bagfaga WagoM war. ready b aaa ray iiamaiigera to aaa true, tkw auuiroaua. fab IS its. Flour! Flour U 1.500 BAKU ELS all pad For aala by WILLIAMS MURCRISOM 111- amy I I NDU3 INFIRMARY, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. L. INCIRA, M D., rilYHlCIAN IN CHARGE.. For th part fnnrUew ytara Dr. I aglret baa bees wklely aad favorably kaowa la th Brit lab Kaat Indlea, Wrat Iwllea and Bontbrra State of America for th many itraordl nary rureaef V . IHindneM, Drafnr. Catarrh, Liver Complaint, Dropny, Jlniat and Ourdiae Dijflaultkt, Scrofu la, ami every font of Chranio Dim-ate, aad eapeclally for th ear of tkoasand of eaM i - - . OF ;-. MALIGNANT CANCER. Parana eaOerlng with l awrr-r aboald sail Immediately apoa Dr. IngirR, a he eaa aflor a aafc and apeetly enre whea all other fall. On appMcatloa or th , EAST INDIA CANCER REMEDY taka out, root, and branch, every fern of Caarrr apon the eitemal hamaa body wlth- oat hemorrhage, danger or pais, wllhla aeven daya KARMLEHSTO HEALTHY FLESH. aSA'!drri aa above. . may 7 10 V TO ADVERTISERS - f iiilnton ani EastcTa Carolina. TJEHSOKI WISHING TO MAEE IHtltt liawea kiwwb wiii hum m, w. u .. , pnlillabod weekly at Concord, N. C, one of the very beat medlamafot advertialng la I he WeaU tb part of North Carolina." ' Aadram, fot advertising larma, ' Editor Som," ConrrtTel.Jf.t'. V BaI ; . . ;. S-f nir.tr" M tllllinil...!, . ., Tl fsciii:ni:i,:: : AIICNCES T Leave) WUmlagtoa 4Vr at Arnvaat VYklninn.a at Leava K.lolmra1 aa Amtaat wuatingtoa at, ...... PRKIOHT TRAI Leav Wllmiagieat dally (evsejt j limn laun.barg al...,.".!.... Leave l.a.ri.bwrg at........ Arrtva rat a alMtr' at..., . ... . ramagx Tnuu. teava than. 1.. . daavi1!.!..!) at..,, , Artiv at Hmtnlaat.... . Ihi HHllUaat ,'. Arrive at Ckarbxte at f Irregular fanibeeand luaibw u . . b'b purUortuC loa kdad, aa tUc b -eairea. aaaiiyaiagewilleooarun Ian" " Ikelraiaaaabuiaand.af ut K . U Ih t Kaglnaer and S 'l-ci raperafwi.vlihuednief W..L a pleaee eubeututa Ihia, and eeod aaa 1 - 1 . Ullmiujton an J Vic 1 Railroad Comi r.-; , Vvnes o 6 aaaaAi. SBraaiaris a r . Wllatiagtoa, X. O., June g, ' . CHAXQSOFSCUSSrL::. Oa sad afUT Monday, Jan U 1 Tralossatke W. AW. KaUroad w i r Mwvtl u. MAIL T&AUT, Laava Omoa IMpot call (SamUya e Arrlva'a0iWuwa4'."'."n!!!"!!l . " Kocky Maajita. - W.ldoa at a Leave Wldnr(Sadajreaxt- l) av...... ..........M....M...... f Arrive at fcoray Moa.l. j iit)oroal.....,... i - CbIob Uaput... i " IXTBE3J XBAIJf. tjave Cnlen depot, (tally, at... ' Arrtvw at OohUbora at " It.wky Moantat - Wektoa at ' .. LaavaWaWtua, dally, at. ........... Artlva at Hirky Mount at. ......... " tioldabora at........ i Union Uepot at Malt TralB makae eloaa amnm , u i ta tar all pixnu NuU via b.y Liu quia Creak route. mr a,aivam ivain aonwweta nmv a -Oraakroaia, fmllinaa'a i'aia. i lint Catra M Ibtla TnMaa. jr Freight Trarne will leave v !i waekly atlw) A. M. and arrive at I . KapraaFrelghtTrainewillleav.i -Aav eseapted) at kit P. M. and arms a; JOHSF.rtVr e- - Uotl.1 .. i BBS I . ENSrULSUrEHlNTCM'TS Ot t U llmliiffton, : Colniu! Ansnsta Railroad Cv. WilMlBBTOB, V. a, Oei Till, 1 I change or senrr The following Bohedol will g hi to IJoA.MMtmday,Tth Inatant. DAT EXPRESS TBAIN, (Pn!'. Leave Wilmlngton.M.,.M....,M., I Arrive at ("l"rn:e.,.,H, 9 - - Oolamhta.,..,......... Augneta t lave Atiguau Ar.lv at tolumbla,,,...., ........ .1 . - Floninoa.. WMralngroB I moHTEXPttrSs (DaUy), unJar Laav Wllraln.Um. ......... ! e:'-v Arrive at K'or.noe,. .,,,. 1 t'elnmbla. ? Aniiu.ta.. t- lCav Angnala ,, ' Arrive at tJolumbla M . . ...... ....... 1 Florence ,,........ a - - WllmlngtoB JAM PS ANOK' 00l Supi ctt sniprnro. Ilaltliiiorc and Wlli:tf : SEMI-WECKLY STEAMSHIP HI! Boaroeati t tbs mt ol.m tj . t. j. roi.t.Y cpt. i). .i r l.l''II.I.K ..Capt. J.M. hr Ml Hi t A l.TI....C.t. U.V. t. W III hreaflr nll frora B A r.T I M ' ( TI'CSIi.tT and FKIHAT, ard Ii MINOTON every vVKON KSDAY an.l -I'rtKAV, eonnentlng at Wllmlnaton v Wllailhtfliin. t'oluotola A ngu.ia, Y tna A Wehbwi, and U. Wllini.-tn. ( I Kntheriiird Hnllroaila AlHitbeaemr tl i of Steamer to Fayetteville, JlvlB(fThrwwatinillswrilM to all point In Koilb and South. Cm Ueorgla mid Alabama, Connectlng-at Caltim: With the Baltimore A Ohio and the ' Ontral Kailroada Air all polata tn Ilia North -Weet. and Willi Hleamnrannd H for Biaaon, New York and fhilrf"M i m. For freight angagaraenteapi iv lo ' A.U. CAJAUJ.ac i ANDRKWS ft CO., Ag-"'- uaiumora. den SI TORILLAKD'S BTFAMtHIP I I" ' 1 J KfcW VtltvR. HA11.INW THIMUAVH ANIk I mOM MEW TORU.ASHt ATSJAaTDBAITRTfATH Ii WtLMIStiToa. V r 'V. INSURANCE ONLFONE-roi'KTU r rilKOUaU OONNF.CTIONS Y I ! ' RAILROADS LKAD1NO OL t i WfI.MI!OTOM. V No paacnf" taken. For freight apply HAKttY BUOTHK1 a, may 18 HiscxiiAKir: TiriLKES MORRIS, Hl(n ;CR0SLY LYS. , AUCTIONEERS AND Cf: K I WIKWISG1 8torka.RnatEt' l !? ehandiae hone'it '! . -1 o . Our mtmiixI an. iHM.Hjf tatrnMii to our ch.r j. From nr km et- - feel warranted in n u 1 1 u t ally. - . , . . w w v - J On hand :v 1. i r j i ii .v. i. r .

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