t : i y yy i h : , 'x X VOL SXH-KO. 133. Willi INGTON, N. C., TUESDAY. JUNE 10, 187a ttholi: kJ iU i -.-1 i I I ! (LIb!o Sound. TILMDfGTOX. X. C: TTTESDAT, JTTXX 10, 1S73. BY TELEGRAPH. THE M01HRS. CAUSE OF THE TROUBLES. THE WHITES AGGRESSIVE. "-' THE INDIAN'S RETALIATE. FEARFUL MASSACRES COMMIT TED BY THEM. DAVT3 OX THE THE IXTIMIDA TIOX WAR FATIL MORE INDIANS CAPTURED. MASSACRE OF CAPTIVES BY THE BRAVE OREGON MELISH. THE DASTARDLY AFFAIR. Sah Fbaxcisco, June 9 X o o n. Dispatches from the front state that Gen. Davis had sent fur ths settlers to identify the nnrderers, and the stolen property recovered from the settler. Ths people tell the following story : Messrs. Boody and Seheira took np .three-fourth sections of land near the month of Lost River, last Angust, and settled their families. On the morn ing of November 29, Capt. Jack's band ofi Indians were attacked on Lost River by a party of volunteers, and compelled to retire. Hooker Jim and his party of Modocs were on the north aide of the river from Capt Jack, bnt knew of the latter's defeat, and during the forenoon of the same day Boody and Sc hiera were murdered by Hooker Jim and his associates while they were cutting wood and herding sheep vin a mile of their house, and 'utterly unconscious of danger. The Agent of the Yainoz reservation Lad promised the settlers that any offensive movement against the Indiana should be made known to the whites in time to afford them an opportunity to obtain a safe refuge, but the mes senger sent by the Agent failed to per form his duty, thereby facilitating the massacre, and the arrival of Boody's team without the driver, and blood upon the wagon was the first intima tion of the terrible tragedy the poor women received. Before noon they found the bodies of the murdered men tripped of all their clothing ,at different points within a few miles of their houses. They also met the Modocs, Hooker Jim, Long Jim, Curly Headed Doctor, One Eyed Mouse, Bock Dave, Hump Jerry and Mrs, Hooker Jim, who were oil implicated in the massacre. While the Indians were gone to the house to find otlier male victims these women escaped, and traveled night and day, Buffering many hardships, and reached the, house of Mr. Rapp in a completely exhausted condition. General Davis received the women kindly, heard their story, assigned them to a tent, and promised to assist to recover their stolen goods. This morning Hooker Jim and Steamboat Frank, who had just re turned frofu a scout after three or four missing Modocs, were taken to the tent occupied by these women. Hooker Jim was identified by Mrs, Boody as one of the Indians concerned in the massacre. In rcsponso to a re mark about the robbery of her house, Hooker Jim said that Long Jim took the long purse, and that be (Hooker Jim) took the short purse. At this point of the interview the women be- , came excited and commenced crying, and lost all control of themselves and started i n for desperate work. Mrs, Bcheira drew a pistol and went for Steamboat Frank, and Mrs. Boody drew a knife and dothed at Hook Jim. General Davis interposed and disarmed both women, reoeiving, in the struggle, a slight wound in the palm of his hand, near the thumb, by a knife. The savages during this sceno stoc like statues : they never . spoke nor Offered resistance. It galls Capt. Jack and his 'comrades in custody to see Hooker Jim and Steamboat Frank traveling to and fto " at will, and armed at that. He does not understand the consequences of turning States evidence. This evening he became -greatly .excited and gave vent to his rnge in a fiery oration. He rose in his chains, with Sconchin, and in a strong and impressive manner recited his grievances. He said Scar- f wed Charley had told them he was mad. He said to Charley that the white men bo treat ns all alike. He a'flo complained that while in the lava beds a portion of his fellow captives were wanting in their sympathies w.'fi him. An officer of the guard came in and compelled him to desjst in his wailing. There are now one hundred and thirty-one murderers under guard here. " ' ' Boyle's Camp, June 9 Night, Gen. Davis proposes to take the cavalry, a light battery of the Fourth Artillery, and the infantry, and march through the Klamath country to forts Warden and Harvey, and as far north as Wall walla, for the purpose of intimidating the Indians.- Preliminary orders for this movement, have already been issued. Faibchilo' Rahche, June 8. Yes terday morning John Fair child and hi trolher Burgr, with Bogus CtirVy and Miack Nasty Jim, fcrft hre for Bale's Camp on the Tv nin sula, with the Modoc prUouers eap tarfJ in this neighborhood. There are other Indians lurking 13 this vieiuity, and they will Lkvly I car tared in a few day. Si Fkam'iv, June Night IXwptchea from Boyle's camp, dated the 8th, relate the particulars of an atrocious massacre of Modoc prison ers, supposed to have been perpetrated by the Oregon volunteer.. On Sat urday morning Jas, Fairchild and about twelve other mea left Fairchild's ranch on Cotton Creek, with seven teen Modoc captives, including wo men and children, and Shack Xty Jim, Bogca Char'er, Tehee, Jack Poney and Little Jcha. The Indians were iu a wagon draws by four mules. At the crossing of Lost River the party encountered a bxly oi Oregon Volunteers, under eominaud of Capt. Aiscn. The soldiers gathered about the wagon and ques tioned Fairchilds, who told them that the Indians were'sll Hot Creeks except Uttle John, and that there were no charges against them. Fairchilds un dertook to push into Boyle camp, and the Volunteers retired to their camp, on the road near Cowley's. Faifchilds noticed two men ahead ding toward Rocky Point, as if to intercept him. When the team ap proached the two men one of them presented a needle gnu at Fairchilds, saying: "Get down you old white headed "By what author ity!" said Fairchilds. t'By mine; I interrupt tl? Creatta. They sUvced a ! ttictiaieut oi troops, lue inp charged the niob and many were hurt The M-yof of the city was kit with a stow. The excitement is fearful. Mausxd, June -Night Shortly after the passage of the resolution Jifl uiWly proclaiming the Federal Repub lic, yesterday, the Cortes VhA a recess nutd evening. At the night sMsion Seaor Pi. Y. Mar- gall pmjosed the following Ministers for ratincatioa by the Chamber : Pres ident of the Couuod and Minister of the Interior, Senor n Y. Margall ; Minister of State, Cereva ; Minister of Justice, J. Fredical ; Minister of War, E&tevaiu ; Minister of Colonies, Lorri ; Minister of Finance, Corvajal; Minister of Marine, Oreiro ; Minister of Public. Works, Palanica. AfU'r an animated debate, the Cortes weut into secret seesion, during which e nominations were approved. ORDINATION OF A ROM CATHOLIC SEMINARY. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES. Si'steshion BaiixB, June 8 Imp ressive services r oruiuation took placs to-day in th Hemin ry of Our Lady cf Angels, under care of the Rev. Fathers of the Congregntion of the Mission; Very Rev. Robert E V. Rice, Retor, and Rev. Thos. Shaw, Prefect of Seminaries. Bil: : Uvai-, of Buf, f.il.i, officiated. sm going to kill the Indians and you too," was the reply. And the leader eaflght hold of the mules and unhitch ed them, cutting the harness. Fair child, still clinging to the liner, leap ed to the ground. The Indians, poor wretches, implored for mercy and begged Fairchilds to save theih. The warriors were unarmed, and know that resistance was useless. They were the coolest in the party although facing inevitable death, but the women and children shrieked, groaned and wept piteously. Fairchild had nothing but a small pistol, and six inches from his ear was the muzzle of a needle gun. He says the tears came in his eyes and he mingled his entreaties with those of the Modocs in hopes that the massacre might be avoided. He adds: "It was a terrible scene one I never shall for get. I shudder when I think of what I saw .and heard. Tearful voices of women and children still ring in my ears, but the clwaruiy uonuus were not to be baulked. A shot, and Litle John lav dead in the wairon with a bullet in the brain." The mules dashed away witli Fair- child, who became entangled in the iues. Fire more shots, in rafml suo- cssssion, by which Tehee, Jack Foney and Mooch were killed and Little Johu's squaw frightfully wounded in tin houlder. Away ahead on the road, in the dl rectiou of Boyle's Camp, a cloud of duBt was perceived, indicating the Dp nroach of 'a team. The murderers eanied the dust, and shortly after were riding rapidly away. Sergeant Murphy, of Battery Q, 4th Artillery, with ten men and a teamster, came np to tho scene of the massacre, The Sergeant took, chargo of affairs and remained with his men on the grounds. Fairchild, a teamster and a wonndrd snnaw. with her two cluluren, came in at 3 o'clock this morning. EUIiOPK. THE SPANISH CORTES. FIGUERAS WILL RESIGN. HE MOVES THE PROCLAMATION OF A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. A FEDERAL REPUBLIC ALMOST UNANIMOUSLY PROCLAIMED. UEXUO. SEW ALYIITISIXISTS M KENZIL"S RAID DENOUNCED BY THE GOVERNMENT ORGAN. A TUEUILE TUREAT. THE MEXICO OF TO-DAY NOT THE MEXICO OF OPINIONS OF A RESIDENT CHIHUAHUA. OF NEW YORK. A N (JOTHAM. JAMES 1 ORUS REMAINS. PREPARATIONS UOli THEIR RECEPTION. new loiiK, June V oou. At a meeting held under the sunpiccs of the Grand Lodge of Masous, nt Masonic Temple, Deputy Grand Master W, El wood Thome, presiding, the follow ing additional arrangements were made regarding the proposed obsequ- rlea tn thif city on the arrival of the remains of the lata James L. Orr, late U.S. Minister to Russia. Owing to the absence from the city of General Charles Roomc, Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge, nenry Clay Preston, Past Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Lodge Knights Templar oi the State, was appointed Grand Marshal of the procession. R. W. Deputy Grand Master Thome named the following distinguished Masons as pall bearers at the funeral: M. W., Christopher O. Fox, M. W., John L, Lewis, M. W., Clinton F. Paige, M. W., James Gibson, M. W., Isaac Phil lips, M. W., James Jenkins, M. W., Nathaniel M. Warring, M. W., John J. Craiuo, M. W., Stephen H.John son and Rev. Robert Macoy. The funeral will take place on Thursday, should the remains arrive on Tuesday, si:d on Friday if tho remains arrive on Wednesday. MISCELLANEOUS. FIRE IN DUBLIN. COLLISION BETWEEN THE PEO PLE AND THE TROOPS. THE NEW SPANISH MEKLSTRY. rOSSlftlLITY OF A BORDER WAR TALK OF MORE ANNEXATION. New Okcaks, June 7. The Mstaiuc 1 raa lo WiNi, the government or- ! gAn,in an editorial headed "Invasion," severely criticises Gvu. Mc Ken tie and bia expedition in Mexico, in pursuit of the Kk'kapoo Iudiana, denouncing the act as an aggression committed upon a nation too wek to renin t, and intended to serve as a pretext to seize additional territory. The government of Mexico is urged to exact immediate reparatiou for this violation of her sovereignty, and con cludes by saying that " if it is not complied with it will be found that the Mexico of t-day is not the Mexico of It is supposed this artivle' reflects the sentiments of the government, re ceived from the city of Mexico by tele graph, and is put forward to teat the feelings of the people of the frontier Mexican HUttcm St. Loiis, June tf Night-Dr. D. II. Williams, who has resided in Chi huahua two years, has arrivt d here, Dr. Williams confirms the capture of the Mexican Indian chief Losada. It was believed that he was immediately shot Dr. Williams thiuls that thete will be no serious complaint over Gen. McKeuieifl s incursion after the Kicks- poos. Dr. Williams, however, thinks the Mexicans will use Gen. McKeuzie's exploit aa a precedent and follow some of the Mausueder Iudians into United States territory, which will eveutuslly lead to trouble' and plunge the frontier into wr. Such a result would, how ever, be hailed by many as deairable, as it would lead to tho carving out of another fat slice from the sick niuu in the southern border. There are, how ever, efforts being made by some of the .leading parties on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, which may lead to negotiations for the annexation of more Mexican torri ory, in order to strengthen the boundary line,- and by which Mexico will be enabled to pay her debts. The territory coveted for this purpose, embraces the States of Nueva Leon, Cohahuila, Chihuahua, North end of Durauga, Bonora and Lower California, which are known as tho Mexican frontier States. This would shorten tho boundary line one half of its present meandering on the i;io orando, ana leave the frontier so that it could be much more easily pro tected by both nationalities, whereas it is almost imposs.bld to do so with Bomton, June 8 Ono fireman was the present boundary. It would be a killed and three severely wounded during the buruingof nydePsrk mills. Four hundred are thrown out of em ploynieut. Detroit, June ft. The steamer Meteor has been burned, lhe pas sengers were rescued with difficulty, It is believed no one was lost. The boat was valued at $73,000. She had a full cargo for Luke Superior ports. Toledo, June 8. The total insurance on the fire yesterday was 8210,000, A riot occurred at Fort Dodge, Iowa, this morning. The Marshal attempted to arrest a saloon keeper for selling liquor contrary to an ordinance of the city. The saloon keeper was killed The engine, mail, express, baggage car and a car freighted with fLh, on Sunday's Western bound train, yet tcrday went into Elkhorn River, Omaha. One person is missing. Tho passengers will be itrtnined only one day. Governor White, of Moryland, has respited Hollan, convicted of murder, until August 1st, Norwalk, June 10 Noon. A boat containing ten boys, who were return ing from a pio-nic, was run down by the steamer Americus and three of the number were drowned. TOPAZ SHERRY ME A FEW CASKS TAKEN FROM BOND. WILL BE RETAILED AT ta.DO PER GALLON. AN ELEGANT TABLE WINE. BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY WINES, THE CHOICEST IN THE MAR KET, at GEORGE MYERS', KIW ADYT2TISIXX5TS. It ssj II MM It. English and American HEBf OIL CLOTH, fnrsi t to IS hat For kj P A. SMITH A CO., XU Trwt tlrfi. St. John's Lodge NO, t, V. ami A. M rfcnuiKNT rsuaiiski'tv tk (Twe 4f ril st swat s'swok. BrfltsUW.M. WM.M.rotSSOit.Swt'r. Ht. Julissltslt.JsHSia. us-It KOFF'S MALT EXTRACT, (BRKM or HEALTH.) TOUHK1 KMBUOC'ATlOX. inrr.Tt ri n rvwinn. M.loK'r. HAIU l V SC. (lol l) I Kir. IKK sml MMMl'M HAY Kl M.tXTUAlHS, .,!., s4 ' tlUXXN F LA KS KR'S. June 10 lis if SDR SPECIALTIES." We are constantly receiving supplies ia variety aoequalled, ia quality unimpeachable, and ia value incontestable. Our stock is ever changing, thus keeping paoj with " fitful fh kio ; our requirement are increasing, and our standing is subntaa tial We have Bo OLD TIME G0O1& to dipo of at ruinous re Auctions i M first eost,' but continue to " mark "ill tradeswun lAe, whuleaalis " 1T let hve," and defined rate of profit. Orders by mail receive prompt, careful and pcraonal attention. MclNTIRE A SHOARD, . SI alh Market U, Wilitslaf laa, N. r., M. CRONLY Auctioneer. By CRONLY A MORRIS. CUOKERY AND GLASS WARE AT AUCTION. Oft THtja-PAT C, IMk lM4nt,St 'isturk.s ..w.wlll Mil U Ml IiIh Iwa Ktt.1 NurikWatw Vlrtst, a Urg wniu.l I f iS bits lirsnti., O 0 . V allow snS Hucklna- k.m r, brrMi s lull iiwlsnl mil, bl. I ov tli msll trstf. 1 U. t rnlhis of Ura. .w.ssd llMlott I. f.llid t I lit. tsl, SftUs sriH'tw.fstsMsuil wlUiuut rK. Jan I 1 U REAL ESTATE LOAN ASSOCIATION SAVINC5 BANK. JuHS WltMB ATBISsnS,... ,.rVW Thusii H. Mt KoV rwr-IVMv Catsiss Kn.t,....wsyJ4 TWif UIRICTOIS : Juka WkUkr AUtaia, T aikiswa Mss stas i AUWk Adrlamsr A.UWs VolWn; Wa. H Bsraafd.sr Iks WUatiaftaa S; L B. Urala twr, rn tof tks Bask t Bsansr; dm. Hsirtss,s(Martta m niMrsU ; Tksa, kl. Mcaov rW.A.WkltKMstAOsi koM Msars, Br kst ; Isss'l MMtkep.o( VorUnHt Csasil Uso. W. WUllaaa, sf Wltllsau A Mserklsaa, rpttK 1IOVK tX)KFOEATlUN,CUA. Urri br St Iks Usasral AasMblv sf Bsrtk t'srvllns. Is saw pr.r.4 to rsosi.s 4paslt M OhS IMILIJlHsmI atm.M hl'k eight per cant. ntaraat fcsaiiowai Is. ttt i m tii .. m III a tk mIIt Is. a-aiits astlal th. Aaualslkm. tk llb.cJ islt IuWtwS, ssj ik ksrlr ( th smb. seBBt, SSIWlS kSSklStkl tk (SlMtSBlt kwrt )Uif ntlsg a'hBMnte .Scrtd to ISM SUBIBIUSIt, Inlrrvst Blluwd ea Sll Hal KaslBlaf ss V.nlk sud kisgrt. Flit f kutio V4lrat to nm " mir. U.piiISi rlvl at 1st tints kt tks Iwrt- ism sml irmtirw at . 41 Btr. JUBSS , ijs-ij n:-rrvi r -i rr-17 W-w..aAi i t- T- J iA VI ilm iMf t, a Ca, I! f H, 1- ciii:luli:i TRAIN (elt S AIIINCK Us WmsJaftoa Ssi'j Altl M WliBUfrea M t Us WsS-mmts at ; , , Ami at , .imatfwm t. .,..... .4 j rmioHT trains: U WBauta asilr ( a s i I Am l.aartakuri n..... ....! t lnUHiVii t 4 AmW MlUnW,' .1 ' "hi P, " 1 WM SWT bkstMtU lii:f d...t,U) at. . . A- 5 AniTC at D.g.ktM 11 k LBeat r 4 Am. at I baclutto at tap i( lrrala liutht a4 ttajbtr trai.. raa .t k (wnwrtst is Kad, as la. r. Sra. A S.I It Stsg wUI smb ras la Marttsa Bit k " ItSiMBB S.'k UiJ H m s. l. rutins r, Casta sa4 S iwrtai.Jrst. Fsatr M,i( kka.lf W., u. a a. a. II. alM wksUlsto IkJa, saS staS aa ku, sjta na. PAPER. TkOVDLE Af. DSMT. it Vsatto Fut, BUI C. For Rent, Fut lb SBslB tarTS Task f srvsatla Bos. Robb4 Ttbm. roc taf aa rilj M UBUNLY ktOKklS. AnrlleaastL Sunk an4 Baal Estats Drvk.ra jan is ii -m CITY OF Of WILMINGTON,) MAYoft-aorru-K, jBat,t;i i LL kUlt watracUa kf Sstlottt a U lato kVmisaf AWsraaa, fKi tsUssrslafMa IbH, Stsst k t atBM at MM Ir BSjrSMB -rwam soUlsf Uai at r4Bt4 Is spb4 tsnlBfWrk'llrBlBBMOiallv. W. P. CANADAY, Mnvt-r. JsbsI ui-UVfc )IAlMUl "TItiiii:.vk.Mifuii j wit s.sr.' i sax Mskl tbsBi lor tk sut as SMalat truss VAK VokOI.AIIN S. Tfc.lr Ihots It .r wail, asj t k.l!T Uwtratlrs art Bot klk s ikn (ksrg.1 HOtl, rroat .has 41 m art Ikst Ikss rB ass BBf- W.II." Mn Bus, "Tin Hapalt at ass V-ibQI.AHK S r a SV.-Tk-i sr Jut ksl snr rsrswrt Want." TUr Bsr, kal Mr lar, Tsr It, bst aTf tip, Tk watol Blast k mi Thai Bstsatjr rest, rsikit vase But b pair s rar I ks ar awar IksrslsBtaslr. Wllnilnonand TTclioa Railroad Corapanj, Onw o OnBBAA tt mitmnit j WUstiaftaa, B. tX, Jbbs t, let. .1. CHANGI OF BCnEDTJUt Lttar, rocket Kola, I'omisrrrlsl Kols, (Ir'.vo Nuts. BIHat, Initial and Preoek. 1jb1 tsri FmIsssb, 2,600,000 ENVELOPES Jus IS OWnlal ssd Utter, Wkit, C.narr. Bss-, A. i Be., St IIEINSBEROER'8 l,lv Book Sad Muris Itsf. TltUNKJ. rnKAVKl.lSa BAOi. VALIIB IAD- SIM, PBrna, nruiia, tsnin(ais, vonaia, Haair. Trao (ln. Wkli, Bnar. flnf KM- tara. BkamsialS Sk'M. Lssthar, rsatS I)BB ton, Asi Uraast, H. J.lkry Hardasr. Also, S kvs tot of sswsa ssbh bs rairrr Kn. J B. TtiFMAst Wt, Ks, I Beaui rroat mnn WUatlnitsa, N. O. syl 110- FOR SALE. A I.AKCK WAKBIIOL'SK, WILL Dl HOLD tr ry rsswsslil. on sha'f. Tab r moved from nrtailips I Jim Id MOttTIIRUP A COMMINd. vast territory, with fiue irriguotis and mineral lauds and pasturace. which are now nearly worthless to the Mexi can people Pico 1 1 a in L.ITI i :h. PICKLED LOBSTER ILLS WELL-IS BETTK H THAN Cannt'd Utslcr Is tktsr tks Csnnd Lub- Tty It. For sal If s Maukid, June 8. President Figue ras has announced to the Cortes his determination to return to them the powers which the Assembly had in volved npon him as President of the Provisional Government of Spain. lie said that the conditions of the tenure of his grave responsibility had become more difficult than they had heretofore been, citing the freshly announced revolt of Gen. Velarde's command, and the disastrous troubles between the citizens and soldiers of Grenada. He moved project for the procla mation pt a Federal Democratio Re public. This motion was unanimously taken under consideration, and awaits only the final proclamation of the Cortes. A vote was taken on the nomination of Senor Pi Y'Marogal, the Minister of Interior, to form the new Cabine, the result being 111. totes in the affirma tive, and 50 in tho negative. Pending the announcement of the new Ministry, the Cortes adjourned. The constituent Cortes, at 10 o'clock this a. m., proclaimed the Federal Re publio by a vote of 210 to 1 Dttbun, June 9 Night A terrible fire is raging in a timber yard. Thiflves THE FIUE FIEM). New York, June 8 Noon. The banking establishment on Hullivau street has been burned with 30 other houses. A number of negro families lost their furniture. Loss $120,000, A fire at Cincinnati destroyed 23 bbls. coal oil, 25 freight cars, 17 dwel lings, mostly shanties. Loss $150,000, A fire originated between Boutli and Park streets in the yard of the Mariet ta and Cincinnati Railroad, by which 3,000,000 feet of lumber was destroyed. London, June 9 Noon, "Alexan dria Palace, North London, is burning, Additional fire brigades have been called bnt it is feared that they will not arrive in time to save it from entire destruction. " LATER. Alexander Palace is entirely destro ed. Seven lives were lost. SIMMONS' LIVER BEOULATOB, if pcr- Is'ed la, will ear Ui. moat itabborn disss. Ther Is so Tailor sboat tt. Was Depabtuent, j Officb Chief Siobal Officeb. Wahhikoton, D. C, June 9. For New England, falling barometer, Euiterly to Southerly windsand clear or partly cloudy weather are probnblo fur Tuesday for the Middlo States and lower lakes; for the lake region, falling barometer, fresh and occasionally brisk Southeasterly to Southwesterly winds ana increasing cloudiness, with areas of rain; for the South Atlantic States, fresh Southeasterly to Southwesterly winds and partly cloudy weather; for the Gulf States, Eiwt of the Missir- sippi, light to fresh Southerly and Easterly winds, generally cloudy weather and rain arras; for the North west and upper lake region and South ward to Missouri and the lower Oh'o Valley, ' rising barometer, fresh ami brisk Northerly to Westerly winds and clear and clearing weather ; for Tet nessee and Kentucky, winds veering to Westerly and Northwesterly, with clearing weather. The afternoon tele graphic reports from Texas and up per Michigan are partly missing. jane is .1. 0. STEVENSON. . I.- CI,K Vl-XAIS I MINERAL SPRINGS. II R CAUOLISA CKHTKAt, HAILR'JAD now tun within TIIRF.R kllLES of Ih.stetl-1 elirstwl Whit Sulhur and Chal)bsW Spring', to wlilrh ebwp " Return Ttoktts' (tin .earns sr. sold from Kutitn lli. S. L. FBEMOST, EngtBCcr.Md Sapclutrxlnt. Wllmlrston.N.O , Junst. MT-U Whlto I Inert Over Caltara, . Black Casalmere Over Qaiters. V it THE ARTICLE fOfc THR FA0, k nil it low quarter Hkcc, st CIIAS. A. PRICE, Exchange Corner. 131 , JNDTJS INFIRMARY, NORFOLK. VIRGINIA. L. INCIRA, M D. PHYSICIAN IN CHARGE, Oa sad sftse Maodav, Jus MU, rasNss TrslMM tt W. W. stUr U1 raa WWwii MAIL TRAIB. . U CntoB DspM Sail (Ssadsj rMr- s i A. f. AtHt at IMKit.Uv .1 ; id. 1 1 P. . KoSr Mwistsi ail f. M WUa at sm P u Uas WldvadsiljptSsBdsjseB. wi a ...,,,. i a. " , AnlfBklBuok.UwiMt II ,i A. 1. IS P. M. t)MU)rt. L alwa IXbhS., iM P. si. BirtFSS TA1W. teP.iH. a. y. i ' A. , . A. M I ki r. F. M II) m F. M ft C . t T. J M K, T stBtoHlIi .rssl BiMif Ibaa sud Bool. I woald list I kssw tbert of rour saoo.av" la a Ik words I'll toU J. All f T ld and aboddf Moek 1 ssektd lB sbua sad told toss for wbstU btosm bring, Tbea I b.ri to KV AMI tt Vob- ULAHWS, SBdwttb tUIr ssttstaa Klsetsd S stock f IboM and Boot, tkal 1 kvnl to sbow lltrai s sell tkca. Tt.lr iIinmibm tight " " Tklr sIm ms rlgkl, tklr prle. sr low, I KM tUtis at lcsn, tkts s kar aw Js IM Scythe, Grass Hooks, QRAIEt CIlAI)LK,t NEW HARDWARE STORE, Ckrncr Prl.sss) and WsUr II. OILA1 A MntOHlSOX, ST IS s. tsar Caloiiil'not.dsIlT, St., Arrtw at OiildMMS st RorkT MUBtst a WsioB at , Lost Wltua. d.Uy, at , srilT si KW ttounx at. tkvUUbur!....., I'm llnt at s in A Mali Trsis Bskralu matioa st V ns l.r sll points Nurtk via Baf and i r fills Crwek rowsrai V tipr Train awsMts miIt wHb Aii. Ursakrasta. Hnllmaw alac I. ian wi ua i rsia. Vralglit Train will !.. t lllsr. Wklf a W A. M.ndsnia l. F. M. F,irs Frvlght Train will !, S.H S.n Uf icvll ai kst r. SI. sad arrtr at 1 Ml. JOBB r.DITIWR, (sasaral ST't. sral i J-a KNKRALiUFBRINTBKDTI OJTI0 i llniliicton, Colnmbla Anirusta Ilallroad Co, WiLmistob,H. tX, Jus 1st, IT3 ')?"" ") rJIIIK BODKSOBIAN nriia, tyP svJ Is lursa, Inoluillng th ofllo rursltur, will b w'd tor ask, In Lssikertoa, a Tkursdsjr, Jut; id, ir.t. A rsr oppoTtanltr I her cfTirtd to persons wishing I ngsg In th Bwipsxr k lnns , R, R. WARD, Aila'r. LuBibtitoa, M. U.,4bb I, un, Ist-tilek Jj A. lUUU'iTB, GRANITE ROW. ' : DKALKRM rirnltst, Msttnssst, WlBdow Rbsde. Psssf Hanging., Flolar rrsja, Cord, Tssni, frln sss, aa. MartniJttBt rsssiTsd s rajply f Famltor, 1 ars now pnisvM as gis tn nub II a. good ar guiin st ean b kad tn th ltf , V less osll and aismln. rpru s IKS C1TANQE OF BCHEDULS, Tk fallewing lobadul will g Bint .ffbot at IsA-Hh Mondsr, nd Instant. DAT PXFRKII TRAIN, (DalWV Lsar WIlniiugtaHi.M. , , IS N. ArrW st FUwnf.,,. S l A. M,- " " tlumlila,., ..,.. .I.Mr. M. Aagusr T.f. St. Aug. , SM A. M. Af.Wtst l.luBiWa.....,., ,. In A.M. " FlnrvMii.,, I Ml P. M. I - Wllmlngloo ..,..- S3 P. M BUiHT F.X FRKsS (Usl), Sandsw . r1 . .,, U. WllmlaifUi....M... g ts P. M. Arrlv at Kir-iir H.iU P. M. ii CJolsttW.... ....1 41 A.M. - Auirjata. - IMA. M. L AaguaTa SM P. M. Arrltast rulsniUls., .., 10 ) p. H Flti'... I.io A. M ' "Wilmington. . SJMA.U. JABFS ANDERSON. Ua1 Bupsrlnlsndint. Jus Hl-tf fssssaaaBsWBBflBssajsssssBssssmmssjw. sinrriso. Uaitimbro and Wllnilr.stcn SEMI-WEEKLY STEAnSIUP LI1IE ..OBft,".. H N TT. ;...csnt.u.o.cbiU). For tb past tourtiMB yean Dr. lag Ira hss been wMely sad favorablr ksowa la th Brit ish Rait iBdlos, Wt ladka and Southern Rut, oi A merles fur th rnsoj extraordinary euros of J)Undna, DeaftteM. Catarrh, Liver Vomplaim, Drop), Kmal ana Vardiaa Difficultly, Ncrnfu la, and every form of Vhronia DUeam, A and eapoclsllr for th eur of tboniaadt of esse Jim I $100 B,f. CHAMBER SETS, M AHBLK TUP BbAUK WAbWtJT For Uiamber Bet. for One Hundred dollsn. i by jinet I', A. SMITH tt CO. 131' MALIGNANT CAN C EE. Person nirrtnt with Caaeet fboold estl immediately upon Dr. laf ins, nib esn offer S tars snd epeedf tr Bbea all othen fall. On application ftk - EAST INBIA CANCER REMEDY YVeslryaa Female Iaatltute, lea, Vlrfinia. Tlie Commencement Exercises of the Wesleyan Female Institnte, Staunton, ir:..... n.aa Mas (,.1 na a nrgui.,.11iwuiiu..u-., nmnvjnTtTirt innrtT" tr i v fin n riuntuiT. JnneX5tH. 11 a. M.-Uom- olUflLliahL LUUUfi HU. 1 JL Uf I, mencement Hermon by Kev. Bishop V. EXCURSION TO SMITHVILLE AND THE BLACK- Bian amaiisisiBi I MAI MIH UKUUNUt, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th, 1873, tsks eat, teot, and branch, svery torts or Caacer opon th externsl human body with out hemorrhage, danger or pain, wlthlBst.es HARMLESS TO HEALTHY FLESH. 7A Mresi as sbov. t Tai Payors For 1872. OFFICE TREAS'R AND COLLECTOR, urv or WILMIWOTON, f, 0..I , Juu. Ulll, 1, ( 1 SKVER1L PARTIti ARK TRT swiug&ty Tsxe for i73, 00 K.al Rrtitesnd Perwmst Proiortjr( oa St.xk In Trade, alio Poll Tai, I hereby girt notice (list sll delinquent partite who City Tat for 1K71 ar not paid la full on or tiefnr tb Utk day of ,lu(la stsat) I shall pmeeed to edict tho iimi with cests, st the fnll extremity of the Law. ' T. C. 8ERVOSS, ; JunT Ti.uirr ami Collirter. . t1-tWi coatosso o vhs rtasr eiAss STSAasatr D. J. rI.ET Csptn..T PRU'it. Li ii, ,:,. u KUllAt A 1 1.1 UK,., Will hrfTfT nil from BALTIMORE ewv TI'fSKAV and FRIIlAV, sml from WIL MINdTON every W BUN K.IDA T and RAT. I'HDA Y. eonneeung st Wilaington wlik tb Wlloln.tim, Colnmnis A Angu.ts, Wllrolsg ton A Wsldsn, snd tli Wllmlngtmi, Cbsrkiit A Ruttiarfurd Railroad. Ala Ui several Una of Steamer to PsyetteTtlle, OlvlualTkronKhBIIIsBrLadlas; to all polsto in North sad loath Carolina, tteorgln and Alabama, Connecting at Baltimore with the Baltlmor Ohio and th Wnrtharh Central Railroad for sll points In th. Went snd rliH-th.Weat, snd with Stesmsrasnd BsUraaue for Hnston, New York and Philadelphia. Fr iright ngafmnt apply A.1). OASAUX.Agsrit, , WUalsgton.B. 0. ANDREWS A CO., Afsnts. , - Baltimore. de SI ' '. ; T OKH.I.ARII'S STEAMSHIP LUtB s J KtW YORK. N VI UNO 1TKMOATB AXD FRIDAT rilOBI BKW YOBK. AH D WT E D X EB. MATH AXD BATTKDAtS BBBBI . irtUIIBCiTOa. 'ii 9 T No better sreommod.iiloiit for Ixar.len can be fonnd, than th mite of rooms at th American House. Boeton, with bath rooms, cloitU, etc, sttsched. Ia tbs centre of bmlners UncfemuMmenli. " . 8. Doesett, D. D.. of Virjrinia. Sunday, June loth, 8 p. kt. Annual exercises of the Young Ladies' Christ ian Association. Monday, June 16th, 11 a. m. Bac calaureate Address before the gradu ates by Dr. Thomas 8. Powell, of At lanta. Goororia, Monday, 16th, 8 P. n. iinal Cele bration of the Lee and Jackson Lite rary Society, Annual address by Rev. W. t Harrison, v. v., oi ueorgia. Tuesday, 17th, 8 p. u. Closing com mencement exercises, conlernntr dis tinctions, awarding gold medals, con ferring - diplomas on graduates in schools, conferring full diplomas on full graduates. Commencement Essays by Miss Liz zie East, of Austin. Texas ; class essay by Miss Mary Eakin, of Virginia; vale dictory essay, in behalf of fnll gradu ates, bv Miss Loula Doarett. of .Vir ginia. Wm. A, Habkis, President fiooley's Yeast Powder Is th cheapest, bat not lowest priced, Bsklnf Powder. Elegant BlseoJtf, Bolls, a, prepared In a lew falnaU. Till, st amer Wnrnaaaw will tear root or I Market Mreet st I o'clock, a. m.,nWed. ntHisr, June lino, iiirrmunn lannatn marc fudi Uronnd. A ii,l l and of null will be on botrd.and erery facility offered U mak Hal pirMsiiuip. I Peraonanotwliihliigtogoth BlacknVk Uroond I an lov at SmltbrilTe, where ths mosle will re. mam in n-ner m iriin'm u i. i nem.ji res SV ro-itirir no minor, snownt on ton Host The ( oramitt- reserve th rliibi to reject all otijectioiiabie person. Univ a iimitea nimneror i icserswni ne win. All nreewarv refrerbmeit lor the Inner mis I wi'l be mrnliihfd on buard. Whole TlckeU SI 00: Child! en M cents- Tickets for ml st P. Hcinsberger'i bokstor I and by toe uommitteo. n . n. J'n r 19, , .1. W. KINO, K. L. HARKIS, Commllts. Jun 5 BWW North Carolina Home Insurance Go. THIS Company eontlnnet to writs Polielee st I tslr rats,us all I-Mf tasanble prop-1 an. 'AH Ltmum nvoanntlw nald. l Kncourase Home Inetttutkms. R. U. Battle. President; Beaton Gs,e), Becre- ttry. S1MI19UII B BSBSlIIVi . Agents. jan I MMI may T 100- T) LAB CI Of ALL KINDS rrlntod at th lowest poaribls rates st ths JOTJBBALOrriOR KITTRELt't SPRINGS. This Summer Resort will bo open for Boarders on the 20th of June. Ti PKH80N1 LBAVINfl HOME FOB either health or (deanr, Klttrell'i pre auf adrantsgi rqnal to any place In ths nu'n A aemriptton or I ne place or meaicsi virtue ot th water are too well known to re qnlr snv m.ntHia In tht. adrrtUmnt. . An elegant band of nnstu ka. hssn.ntsged forth pin, smI enrrililng rlre arranged tor Ike eomlortand wnrenl-.no f tb gne.t. Board net month ......SH M " , " wck i H SO " ' day H 10 tJtitdrrn nUr 12 ymr.of age and etrvanti baliratea. X. II. 111. At K NAM,, Propi Ictar. 'msyss , j - iw-tw riorlr ! FiouF! ! 1.500 BAKBCIJI sll jrsne for ml by WILtf AMS AsltKCHISOSi may . IK- ' :SUHAMUB OKLT ONK-PODBTH Psa rUKOUOH CONNECTIONS WITH AL EA.ILBOADS UtADINQ Ot'I Of . WILMINGTON. i y K psassngsere tsA.n. ( t t for freight apple to BAKHT BEOTMXKa, Ar"- - msytS ' - ; mscEUAmous. i , -TTTILIE8 MOBEIS, MICHAEL CROM ? : , CEONLY & 110EED, ACCTIONEEBS AND GESEEAL AC" ' J V I W1L.HMC1TOX. . C Stocks, Real Eirtateand sUdMpH- 'V T . absndiss booffht snd sokI on com - Onr personal ttntk)n girta to j jt i. tntmrted to or chares. From onr kins sut- rtcncs tn ine bv a,. fesl warranted in referring to ti.s b . auv. - , . s a.,-. GOOD HEWS. tt LOVERS or GOOD 80 DA, WATB will bS delighted to know that MEBANK'S Foantaln Is sgala la oportlloa. Caraer Front and PriaeeBa Kt. Jnnsl 13-Sted (fftt fin. 1 HF.AE1 Oa ksnd and for ml by o. o. f '