VJ VOL X&L-NO. 140. WIUIIKGTOK, N. C., THURSDAY. JTJHE 12, 187a 7n01s c::. ' f r 1 i i i i ! 1 !il I M i i : flu ihllD Journal. ULAW IlCADqUAUTKIlS. WILMINGTON. X. G: IS YESTUUTIOXS REGARDI NO VAX Bl'REX. TENNKSSKK. CHOLERA K XC HEME ST XASUV1IJX ABATIXll IX THTTLSDAT. 12, 1873. A SEW CONSUL FOR TUIXIPAD 1I CUBA. THE DISEASE X THE INCREASE IX MEMPHIS. DY TELEGRAPH. THE MODOC CAiTlVES. SOUTHERS CLAIMS COM- HON. MISSION. j.vcon vr. Thompson, DOWN WITH IT. CAPT. JACK DENIES HAVTN'O KILLED CAXBT. BY HIS ORDER BUT SOT BY HLS HAX1X A MoJoe speelI mti thai Cap. Jack, in Li interview with Gen. Pavia, aaid "Bogua Cliarlev and Sliack-Xastv Jim called Gen. Caabv out, aud Allen ' David, a Klamath chief, advised them to kill Qua, Cao.bv. Jo they did it. I un telling th truta. I did not kill him. I had it dona but did nut da it. I don't lie. Bring the tnea tlxataaw me do this thing, I wani to face them. If I had my chain off 1 woold tell all the men who did these things. EUROPE. ' AMERICA AT VIENNA. THE SrAXISH CRISIS TIXUES. THE POLARIS INVESTIGATION' rEOGKESSIXG. FEARFUL RAIN AND TUUXDEli 8T0RM. COS FIUCERA3 USABLE TO FORM A CABINET. THE srAXISII MUTINY. MONASTERY BUFFKESSIONS IS ROME. Commissioner Schulta write that the- American Department of the Vienna Exposition will be completed by the 15th of Jane, whioli will not be the case with any other nation. Madrid, June 11 Soon. Orense resign the Presidency of the Cortea. Figueras reports himself unable to form a Cabinet. The crisis continue. Fonda depreeaed. The mutiny in the command of Gen. Velarde aroae from luperoeding a cap tain. Twelve hundred of the troop remained faithful and retired with the General to Tortoaa. ' Fabih, June 11 Soon. A recent tent vote upon an exciting question in dicated that the Conservative coalition vu unbroken. Madrid, June 11 Sight The col umn of trooiw which mutinied against the authority of Gen. Velarde Igna- lado, has been reorganized, and is now commanded by Gen. Cabrinet London, June 11 Sight. A special dispatch to the Daily Sews, from Rome, eayi that many of the Monks belonging to the Monasteries which are to be suppressed, will go to Bo livia and Chili. Wasui-vim.i, IX C., June 11. Soon. The State Department will furuitJi a copy of the iuveetig-.ttions regarding VanBurea, to that geutleman, who can make what' use of them ho leasee, Aa official report will be given to the Beit Congress, but . the State Depart ment will witlihold it from the press. Washington, D. C, June 11 Sight. The Ieiudent has appoints! Jaa. Moore, of Mississippi, Consul at Trinidad di Cuba. The Southern Claims Commission has suspended oral examinations un til the second week in October, and wi'l then resume them and continue until the middle of Sovember. The Treasury has redeemed all the outstanding 3 per cent certificate, excepting the amount of $30,000. When the first call waa made in No vember, 1870, there were outstanding $15,00,000, Robeson, with all the Savy Yard, la Brain to-day engaged in the Polaris investigation. He expect to con clude it this evening aad will prepare a report immediately. tiOTlIAM. ORR LYISQ L STATE. HONORS TO THE DEAD MIN ISTER. Nasbvilus, June 11 Soon. The excitcmcut alxwtthccholeraia abating. The weather has turned unusually cotl and contrary to the rtj-evtatioua of the physicians the prevailiug sullies show fewer and lighter ease. V ry lew if any of the case bare proves fatal in the tat few days where medi cal aid was promptly anmmomsL Memphis, Juue 11 Soon. -The cholera is undoubtedly increasing. There were 18 interments to-day again. llyeaterday. The ttndertaker had received, at 6 o'clock ,Ust night, order for 11 buriala to-day. The weather continue cloudy and sultry. Hon. Jacob W. Thompsou, Secrt tary cf the Iuterior under President Buchanan, is lying iu this city dan gerously ill with cholera. The most severe rain aud thunder storm ever kuown here raged about 10 o'clock lust night accompanied by im mense sheets of electricity . Iu an hour and a half 2:70 inches of rain felL It is feared great damage has leen done to the planting interest intheadjacent county, but the sauiturr poiulition ia greatly improved. LATIB. Hon. Jacob W. Thompson is recoY ering from his attack of cholera. THE HUH. WALWORTH PLEADS SOT GUILTY. MASS FOR THE SOUL OF AGRA- MONTE. TUB JEROME RACES. Sew You, June 11 Soon. The steamer Geo Washington, now at Sew Orleans, will proceed to the Bahamas and tow the Cromwell to this port. The remain of the late Minister Orr were landed from the steamer at MORE ABOUT BOWLES BROS A CO. HEARING OF AS IMPORTANT MATTER. Bomton, June 11 Sight A second general meeting of the creditors of Bowles Bros A Co., was tield to-dny I in the United State Court Jlonse, for the purpose of allo-ring the creditors to prove their claims. There were only few present, but a large number c V Jt Triiaiw. Jju The f.rral Kawe fwr Ik HvImmmi kMkn- irlwrir ! Ik ltltlrli mrr The Belmont Stakes, the rriu'iial race .of the day and meeting, waa a sverpntake for thix-e-whtm Jo of each, half forfeit, with $l,.V0 avldcl bv the C!ul, and a iece f jlat, val ned at I. (, given by Mr. Belmout, the lVesideut, on the condition that should hi stable wiu. it, it would he given to the Iuliea' Stake, to be run at the aecoud day of this meWing. Th distance was oue mile- ami the forkwgs. and of the sereutv-tive en- tru-a. cf whk'h three had two render ed oid by the death of J. S. Vatmu, t a came to the pot There waa Mr. Belmont a Count lViraay aud Uie im ported bay colt by ltreadalbaite out of ElleiBiire; Hunter A Trav-r'a Stra-hi- uo and Reveler; M. A. little' Fellow craft; Cohniel MelKuiiel t Co'sSring- uok; Clark A tlriurtcaU Waverly; Colonel Bruce' (Jul way; F. Mor ris' Ltuig Branch; aud D. D. Wither' Stoneheuge. Some surriiie waa expreaaed at the alwenee of Silk Stocking, said to be the best of Mr. Bel mout' stable, but the truth waa that Couut Dorsay had proved the better horse in a trial, and waa consequently started ia preference. In the pools Mr. itclmout s entry was tne favorite, aelliug in one, taken aa an avcrago4.it the others, for S-iO ; MePaniet s. 8754 : Huuter A Traver's, $.k"5: Clark and Orinstcatl Morns s fSkKl ; and the ft -Id (comprising Withers, Littcil. and Bruce.) for 1150. The tiettiug wu very heavy, an 1 the backer of the three first named stable put down the money freely. Tlie start waa from under the Club House bluff, and, after a false attempt, was ellecleu wiuiout waste oi lime, Directly after the flag fell Btrachino ruMied to the front, cloeely atUudetl by Fellowcraft and SiriiiKbok, the others well together behind. They disappeared around the bill, and when Uiev came in view leUowcrurt leading, ith Straehiun and Springlmk next ml Belmont s fourth and 11 ft It. The rear horses closed nn to the load era on the lower turu, and aa thev dashed up the homestretch the black jacket of Mr. Withers on Htoneheuge apiieared in front, and the lireadalliaue oo It took the third place, all the hone iM-iiiff well together, for the nual si rug' gle had not yet lcgun. As they went under the striug ntone- heiige waa leading a length next the inside rails where the track was heavy, iullowcraft tu the centre of the course being second, lireiulUbuue and Spring bok next. Count Dorsay fifth, and Waverlv, Reveler, Strachuut ami Gil- way following in 'the order named. Iug Ursncu bringing nn the rear. mSCTTIAXICTTS. Concord Chapter, No. t iH'ver ptvtcd U be victim. With little hope of re -ownng hia property, he sprvaehtd a polurman ami told of hi ka. The officer akcsl the anoilxr and maker of the waU-h. The Virgin ian gave both. Then the pohcemaa ai.ked the JeuominaU-vn of the atooey. This waa given, and the Virginian be pin to have svtuie hope that he might recover his propcrtv, the oflker seem ed so intent on his duty. But he waa surprised bv the next nitration. Now." said the officer, "do yo i T W fl R F XTRI V f HITS know mhut I think f IS11WWS. 1 "I No.- Well, I dirnt Uiiuk you'll ever see thetu thtugs agaiu." That what the man from tirgiuia tliiuk. A irti'IAL aw! tha);TtmlTt -i u ! Sw wk tk Mwk MaMn AS Karat An Mm i Ml mu(M tillKHIir MiMA J r- . f. MAkaiioH. 81 JM MU, J It, SPECIAL. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HM MrHf fe Tmm tkoitn wiM Krrwn wl ASimm hi trl? III. Mwktul Mini lnwl'snS M kuilut I rtmmimi. how Mt )mM w itwtiwti. Sm mJ I nMarkakai nicMMl wiki MS Utanlai A-klrm, HOW AKlt ASK'I ATION, Ha. Suutk MulkSt.. rkritlhla. r .,- Im iwa a kigh iwkuuui aw bwwnka) t4eSMck rr CIMT. Lit THAN UkIT yvmrtHts. aa a.trartite ItoUsr few nukliaatit. IS DOZENlrM44kiUM'W.a W. Murjsorj & co.y KISCILLASIOUS. HTTIELIJJPJ1X:S. his Summer Retort will be open for Boarders on the 20th of June. rrvi PRRsosi i.KAviNa nomk roH 1. ilhw Sllk ar .1 t. aiHrU fr- vliMMttl Um tr r aw well w if w giiifwl aaw aMKniMjite tk anu Hwiml fmi BMtk " nl , ,. H m - "As t Caiklm aMtr U rwnaf W sml w,ati kailrMws TT. U. Bl .ACKHAIX. ftunrartur. SMtl IJP JMll CITT CUITMlCHt. t- iwa haui( a sis tai'uuo MiUart u4 arlwSl , Siaraa n Bacon and Fork. AAA BUMS Pt - iUOULDIUS, CITT OF OF WILMINGTON,) MATOR'aorrk'E,iM .. i LL kUla twatrtcfcnl ky sstkatlt of Iks lata kwaolttr lUvsu, artvwslstklratarMs ls, a, art k ft Savta al wmm rf aajanat latas kuUlnf Uwss ars ittaM to ataA Uw hi tar se'twdoa latawJiaUlr. W. r. CAXADAT. Mavor. Jaa Ut4frk IN Mt Iwokfti latest H aartaU rrk. Far sal kr , JM tl r. W. KKRUtOiRR. IOO Tfc Slew r.laalla Traiaa. Aa tmw I f..l .fi.a. It rauuas Uia kaplan M all I UaMW, aa4 sa4ar ik kartlaat aiartlat at a-Tar- I Mtatrala. II Mi altk aaailart. aaS K ,i4 1 aa aikt aaii Sa, aSacM a aanaaaaat ear la (aw araaki, aaM rkvaa, aaa anal ? wall wkaa riamaJ, rtrca an lr, a atwml k Wt- aw ami la Tar UMW Tliw u, M NM- t, M. V, tM. KakaSf saw Matai urM li iMiai , aw aautiai; iMjaoaan wmiani), ay lUa-acaUJkaauala RM.TM t ItrtaTllew alaaala. 8at ea rarl(4 af M caaw. l'mw friatlst i4 fabUfkiaf Moan, M Vrw; Stml, kit iorav Tk Harksvlik aJ rrabl laan I rlall Btan aliut,M avaa alL aaualaa I I i 1 ' ' - . 1 r tkw gaaraatmNl.ar IM rsfaaUaU. tolawl J wa' " rr,..ot ONK HUNDRED. 100 BUS. AKD BA08 Of I nliabw aA katf, tks rw- HALF it wraat, bkwI vns. u. Scythe, Grass Hooks, RAIS CKAULM.at NEW HARDWARE 8T0RE, Ursar rtiaews as4 Wakw BU., , UlU41Mt'KCHtlUIt. but tS Itf- HVRKI CO., t Karlk Treat t. OUI HAND. all traaaa. rkiix Ca., am Rnwdaav, I Ww, auk Bai-katlk laa m. i. JaasM WAGES tyjU A IX WHO ARB WII.UNO to Wark. Jj A uanan, aid ar yaaaa, af allhof wi, caa wak rmw SIU la .) par wark, M auwa rt la tuanrrllua atlk otkat kualavai, Waaw kf all. Suiubla a, tithw I'lir ar Oouatrj, aad aiir at-aaua af Ihs yaar. Tkl a ran aniKirta- ail, tut Ibaw alw ara ant tf awk, sail aal af DMr,, lu waka aa taaiwaMaat II rim Na r.ltal kli rtualrnl. Oar MaM,'HUW i i mask a ii imi. ' ira iuii auwaa Bl'KTOJt CO., ktwrrlwula, Wsataavatoi C, j. i . AtiKNTK mtahara fa tall aaraav smlaoTCl K.wkraktorli'f Ma. W i VTli'Tk ' ' lor lllaMrawal II Ja 1 IjII Un-alar.luthaMrKaaHaa- uisclarlug Iximfianr, ytt Bruadvajr M T . OPERiVHOUSE, REV. C. W. WARREN TTTILL UBL1TFR HIS HCMOkOl LKO- tars sal 111 J "CHAIN UP THE DOO," AT THB OrtHA HOUSE, On Friday Night, Jane l:ith, 18TJ, A.lwtwwa tS aasto. Ttrkato fbr atl at P. Hslsabwtar's Uts Kuok aa4 Maaa Slur a. INufMaa I t alack. Lsotsr raw waa tist stl. Jiiss li n n roalaup. ORANITE KOW. DIAIJCft IS rHHiina.aainHa, m muaw aiw. i.pa Maii(in(a, rwlars rraaaaa, Uantj 1 aawl, frla saa, Ac Haiiaf )aat laiiaiiad a kapplT of Fare It ara, I kw aaw awraii m (la Uia aablla Mfuud kai aiaaa cam aa kad la tb alt. riaaaa aaii a nawiaai arU laV. Tlio Parlor Companion. Rrarjr l.ailj aanUna I Rrait Man oiiabl tn Kara aaa 1 1 Saul an raralnt of Tra I'aala. Ailrtraw. I.f. IIYDR At CO., IMBaraalk Anaaa, haa Ywk. I iff T H B BHK AKFAItT, ll"Nrif- k2. BON, UlNNKIt AMD BUFFKB 11 o'clock this morning, and were re- of claims were presented ly attorneys. pmmvANiA. AND 8TILL MINE ANOTHER HORROR. COAI4 Bhamokin, Pa., June 11 Noon. The Henry Clay Colliery exploded' to day. Eight )ron have been brought out dead. There were fifty men in the mine asleep, thirty-five of whom are known to have escaped. DELAWARE. WEST ACQUITTED OF MURDER. Dover, Jane 11 Noon. In the West murder case the jury rendered a verdict of acquittal, on the ground of self defence, The remains of a negro mutilated for anatomical purpose", was found in Dr. West's offlce. Before putting the body to this use, Dr. West killed the nejrro. as the jury aver, in self dofence. UTAH. ... THE PROHIBITION QUESTION AT SALT LAKE. Salt Lam, June 11 Noon. The Territorial Court has' released the prisoners confined for violation of the municipal liquor law. The Court eu loined the citr Ruthorities from en forcing the ordinance until it legality is decided. Rrigham Young advocated the en forcement of total prohibition by the City Council. " The audience sustained the proposi tion by raising of hands. PUOIIAIIIMTIES, WAB DEPARTHRIfT, Otficr Chuf Sioxal Omen, Washwotok, D. C, June 1L For the New England and Middle State and lower lake region on Thurs day, Northwesterly to Northeasterly wind and clear or partly cloudy weather; from the Ohio Valley.to the upper lakes, Easterly to Southerly winds and clear or partly cloudy weather; or the Northwest, falling birometer, fresh to brisk Southeasterly to Southwesterly winds and increasing cloudiness, with probably threatening weather; for the South Atlantic Stater, light and fresh Southerly to Westerly winds, partly cloudy weather and new areas; for Kentucky, Tennessee and . the Gulf States, East of the Missis sippi, light to fresh variable winds and partly clondy weather, with robably occasional areas of light rain South pf Tennessee. ceivedby the Knight Templar and a detachment of police. They were taken to the City nail, where they will lie in state in the Governor's room. . Nbw York, Jnne 11 Night. Im posing honor were paid, this morning, to the remains of the late Minister Orr. His remains arrived in this city at 11 o'clock, and were escorted by B cordon of police together with a deputation appointed to receivo them. Flags on all tlio public buildings are at half mast during the procession. The streets were crowded as the hearso pnsscd np Proadwoy, and nearly every head was uncovered. The remains are placed in a magnificent rosewood casket, silver mounted, with wreathes placed on the t ip composed of laurel leaves and hito roses. The roses are faded. The following is the inscription on the e.txket 1 "James Lawrence Orr, bofn in Crnystonville, South Carolina, May 12th. 1822. Died in St. Petersburg, April 23d. Aged Dl years." . Walwoith was arraigned in the Court of Oyer and Terminer to-day, and pleaded not guilty. IIo will be tried iu about two weeks. ; Nathan Brittman shot James McAd- Bras last night, nenr the yard of the Peuusylinia Railroad. Brittman had been discharged by McAdanis. President Orant and staff will attend the funeral of Mr, Orr on Friday. Jame Newcorao, a well known sport ing man in Middletown, died this morning from an over dose of chloro form. Requiem mass was celebrated here to-day at St. Stephens' Church for the soul of the Cuban General J. Agra monte. Tlio Church was crowded with Cubans. At the second days' race the track was in splendid condition and the at tendance was fair. 1st race for La dies Stakes, 3 year old fillies, 1 mile and 5 furlongs. Eight horse started as follows : Annie Hall, Electro, Me- dora, Alice Mitchell, Katy Pease, Sal le Watson, sister to Breunas, and Liz Eie Lucas. The race was won by Kate rease ; Sallie Watson 2d ; lime 2:58;. Second race Jockey Club Handi cap Sweepstakes, 2 miles. Six horse started. The race waa won by Preak- ness, beating Hubbard, Ethel, Sprogue, Eolns, Pinnacks, B. C, i yearsold and Stockwood. Time, 858. , Jerome Park, 3d race purse $500. All ages. Distance 1 mile and 1 fur long. Eleven horse started. The race was won by Brennus. Time, 2 minute. 4th race Was won by Fodloden, beat ing Gray Tlanet. Time 1:471 1:50. The matter coacerniug defleient cred tor is considered of the greatest im portance to the creditor and come np for a hearing to-rudrrow, before Judge Lowell, of the District Court, upon the question of the acceptance or rejection of Apple ton' offer for a compromise, which is to make np the gross assets of Bowie Bros., & Co., to 153,(XX). Arxnki tor Ik VslUd lUU. oct 29, in lyb SEW JERSEY. COLLISION BETWEENAFREIGHT AND A PASSENGER TRAIN. ipi. " 1..." ... . I. I T 4 HljK. a urrc uu main . ruun o in , p . , timnnirt m.iwwwwitiiw, Snaw these positions until skirting Uie Clun- LXiA & 1 LMli"0 1 Ul Wwllil mii UtiUUi House hill, where Jimmy Roe let out I IB iNDlirCNIABLR. Springbok, and he shot past theothers JOTTV miNCAN'H HONH. Nw York. A .I - ,IT A 1. ! i 1 . ' r hi uie trout, nivrrij luaiuir iud seo ond place and looking so formidable as to euconrage lilt iriemls. At tuis point both Stouehongo and the Rread- Blbane colt Ming out signals of dis tress, and Boon Waverly fell back beaten, and Count Dorsay took his pluee. On the lower stretch Springbok was leading three clear lengths and running so easily that the shout arose from a thousand throat, "McDaniels wins. Turning into the home-stretch, Roe took Springbok to the outside so as to avoid the deep grtniml ; half way np Count Dorsay M. CRONLY Auctioneer. By CRONLY MORRIS. CR0KERY AND GLASS WARE AT AUCTION. , UM THDRMIAT aat, Ittk nwtaat, at W a'otork, a w., v will Mil at oar sal. Haait Ma. Karlk Walat Blfaat, a lataa awrntn af Wlilw (Iraalla.O.O. V allow .ail Kaaklnt- haw war, (waranqig a run aaatrimaai auiia. bw lur tba rat all tmia. Ik afaatwa l lira. art sa4 llsawrt w aallrtl la Ik la aala, aa llw arth la ar to b aula aituaatraamt. HtkrurR'a Maaaravk rills. I kw) ullla ara aommaiHt iolnll af rrra- lib la Inirnllnila. ami althoagh tkar aatiralv ui-rraMla Ilia aar of au-ri-ara, oa at laata an 7 I II Injurious arTaet. Th aet dlraetlr apoa th llrar, aiwi ar. a ralualil. rawnlj la all aaaaa of ilaranifmalit raaultln Tram S alauntarad ttat of that orn, Llrar I'oroiilalnl, Bllloa ilHa-nr. In1lral"k, "' MaailaiMi, TrphuM Farar, e. An., all aurx-umb to Ik fir aw of Srhenrk Mamlrak rill, ror iai br all srumiiai ana u.aiara. aaawaawawwaawwawawawiawawaaaaaawi NEW ADVEETISZMZNT8. 011 tuo insida :n. . i:i.t..!.. ....I. 1 ti.. imiiio ,1111 m iii,uiiif( xiinii uuuri iiuo 1 -u WTTl. V J whip and, passing dtracumo, closed I t0IIcCj YV JUSlVoy allQ ONE FATALLY AND MANY BE- VERELY WOUNDED, on Kpringluk, wlio was miming on the extreme out side. For a moment it scented kb it Count Dorsay (who wis ridden by Mr. Belmont's English jockey, Evans) would lie successful but itoc sat perfectly still on nnrinir bok until within a tlo.en lengths of the judges stand, when the horse gal Salt. 300 nans coffre-ii irniw. IVi Hhla, K) and aaaiwun Wklaki utiiu b'i sail. For Ml ha Jmm II f. W. Nrwark, N. J., Junj 11 Night. A paRscnger triiin from New York and a freight tram from Market streeb me mage stand, wnen wie norse gui- - , in this city, came in collision, at East miJ r'"P""dl to his call by shoot- DOap, jcLUajt H'f v 1 iil Mill i iilUAiiaj A iaa.v v - w KRRCHHRR. lis. Newark, this afU-rnoon. Both engines were dcmnhsheil and the bnggage-car ran into the smoking-car. Ono engi neer was futnlly wounded aud large number of the passengers were cut and braised. The passengers in the gmoking-cnr crowded through the windows, Tho air-brakes prevented a more serious disaster. Had tli-i acci dent occurred a miuuto sooner there would have been a terrible loss of life. The engineer of the freight train is blamed. MISCEIJiAXEOUS. jlllKll Steube sville, O., Juno 11 Noon- Four chililren exploded a can of pow dor left by a miner in a cupboard. Three killed sud ono fatally hurt, Parents absent. Baht, Me., June 11 Noon. Two children, aged eight and fourteen, were drowned while out fishing. St. Lotas, June 11 Night The second deposit of $400 a side, for the incoming prize fight between Tom Allen and Mike McCoole, was mode last night. McCoole has gono into light training near this city. Allen will probably train in or near Cin cinnati. Philadelphia, June 11 Night. At a meeting of the American Crucible Caststeel Manufacturer to-day, it waa resolved to maintain the present prices of steel. J cm 12 I" A Liverpool woman who chopped her lather and a pony ha been sent to jail three months for the assault on the horse and two months for that on the old man. Dogberry dispenses jus tice with curious discrimination. There ia a certain pasture in one of the town in Western Hampshire, XT aaa . in vtiif-ri an tnonv ntt.l KavA been killed bv liffhtninir. within the weieht of live stock got behind the last few years, that cattle owners begin I mule, and waa measururg, when aome "Pat Gilmore," says the St. Loui Democrat kindly and patronizingly, "who can make more noise and lei music with the same number of singers and instrumental than any man in the world, is to superintend the Chicago I)wl on the Otu of June. ' Joanuin Miller thus describes his Modoo wife, with whose tribe he lived three years; "Hh buaot mock toaay. snd Mis 1,1ft nrrrt a rolca to question m augbtlSo " Trcttv nice snnaw for a poet ; Dot a bad pattern for civilized ladies. Some men at Louisville were betting on the weieht of a large mule, when one man who waa a good jndge of the to regard it with suspicion, 4tnd hesi- tate about hiring it for purpose of pasturage. ' Its rocky substratum is supposed to possess some mognctio power. thing appeared to loosen np the mule, Just belore tne expert ued, lie gave it as his opiuiou that if the mnle waa as heavy all over as he. waa behind, he must weigh not fat from 47,000 pounds. erly by a length, fjonut Dorsay beat ing ntraeiiino six lengths lor second place. Waverly was fourth, Ileveler and Fellowcraft were the next two, the Brcodallmno colt was seventh, and Stonchedge lost. Time, 3:1)1?. 1'he victor of what is fnmilinrlv known as 'The Meliiuiiels Confe.lnr- Jm" B -y" (eompoi ed of Colonel McDnniel.) Messrs, lluliliard, Omge, and Daniels was received with great cheering, this being the third year in the succession that this fortunate stable has carried off the Belmont Ktakcs, having won it in 1871 with Harry Basset, in 1H72 with Joe Daniels, and now in 1873 with Springbok, luo winner was bred by Mr. Alexander at Wooduum-nlied Farm, Ky., and sold as a yearling to V. Sargent lor B4-IU. Ilia li rut race as a two-year old was at Jerome Park, lost spring, when he won a purse of $500, live furlongs, veiy easily from Minnie W Katie l'ease, Luna, and Northland. Colo nel McDanicl purchased him for $2,000. He ran in the Saratoga Stakes in the following month, but was beaten by Catesby. Liong Branch, and I, lee tra. He is engaged in the Jersey Stakes at Long Branch, tlio 1 ravers and Kenner Derby at Saratoga, where ho will have to meet the redoubtable Kentucky horse Tom Bowling. He is by imported Australian, out of Hester, by Lexington, and is a bright chestnut, 16 1 hand in height, with one fore and two hind white feet, and star in fore head. The piece of plate presented by Mr. Belmont is a beantilul speci men of the silversmith's art, It rep resents an Indian mounted on his horse in the act of thrusting his spear into a buffalo, executed on solid silver. and mounted on a pedestal 'of black and red marble. On the front panel iB a stiver piate wun tne inscription, "Belmont Stakes. 1873. Presented by Autrust Belmont, President of the American Jocaey Club." This trophy will in future adorn the sideboard of Colonel McDaniel. and is an appropri ate addition to the stake, the net valno of which is $o,30. What at New- Vera Pallceman (.ThlHlia-Mkewlae what at Uentlfr man rh has come from Aid Vir Ilnia Think. Amonir the persons who arrived at French's Hotel on Thursday was a gen tleman from Vinrinia. In the evening, while he was crossing the Cily Hall Park on hi Teturn from a tour of Broadway, quietly making his way toward his hotel, he feltsomething fall on his head. Under the blow he fell unconscious. When he recovered he found himself minus one hat, one gold vftfoh. and sixtv dollars. The Vircinian was surprised. He had often read of luoU things but bad ' Jsn it Candles and Kails. OKA B"XK BOAPj 1IMHOXF,, CANDY; uu none i ann if. ; jiki ar naiav Fe"a1lv F W7, KKRCUHSR. It REAL ESTATI -AND. LOAN ASSOCIATION SAVINGS BANK. Jans Wilds Aliao,....,, frgflaVaf Thou A H. MeKor...... ........ riw-iVaoaVX CBaBtB .KLM...YraryaBa' fYmianr PIBBCTORa I Jobs' WUdr AUtavs, of AUlnajs Haa Bins A kick Adrlaa.af A Or la Vollara: Wai, It Hanunl.af Ik WUaiatoa ; L B. Oral tar, Frtator Um Baak af Nw Baaorar; Uaa. Harrlaa, of Marrtai Hawaii ( Tau. H. air Koy af W. A. WklUh.d 0 I Hogr Moor, Una kr t Baal Northrop, of Hurthron A Cummlnf i Uao. W. Wlllltma, of Wllllaai A Mart lam. mUI AiOT I UORPOBATION.CIIAH. Ur.il kf Aet af tb (laaaral Aawmlilt of North una uuuiAsiM apwama.oa omin eiant aar nam. Intaraat will b allowwl Taaiial Ui aa, arlll.a, tkaooaManlla la. araaainaaiiai at ma aaatM-iaiiun, ,ua nuara rata af lata real, aad Ui karanlr of tba aiaa aaaraaot, aaU la Btabkaf tbl tk aalaat ami I af payinf aat inp a Tf mi nnrrrn I Uilnniainitv, Intaraat allow oa all SSBM Mmaltlln en onta anu longar. FUUa day. aotlot rtqulrod I draw mtv. Palilalia raaalra.1 at aa? lima tithSara- tara ana rrawror at no. a atariai airat-k junst uo-iy Children's Carriages Nl HOY' IKON For sale by D, AX LB WAGONS. A. SMITH k CO. it TRUNKS. I rpilAVKl.INU BAUI.VAl.IIKB A l ifi, Harnaa. RrMlM, MarUnialM, dollar, Hanaa. rrar Ualn. Wbli. Suura, IXi l ol- tar. Bbanaiol Bklna, Ijaathar, Faathar lao- tar, Ail Oraaaa, Baoillary Hani war. Alau, larg lot of atouM laud aiiiiarT lonna. a- a. lurtiaiaai iNj'ir, No. I Booth Front trt WUliiloa, NO. ay I 110- c:mi g:zil ehvit : Mllaalagtaa, .t, ny 1 1, lt hciieduli:i PAIIINCm Ua? Wtlatt(taa aallr af Amaa at Wtlauaaiwa at... Uaa Wtlaaara' at....... ArriTaal Waroraai TRAINS (xrt I t. FREIGHT TRAINS: Uova W'laUaflaa aHiaaaat lull- " ' . Ani at UarHar al. f. Laaaa Laanakaff at. A. t Atriva al .!.) at ft f. m. Faaaaiw trauia laara laarWtu Oait. Aata.t-walnli at... a, knxrt at HaHajaal It N. Uar Baitajaal I V. M Arria at CkarbMt at A tj P. M . Irraa alar laaiaar aa tlaaaar tnuaa ma tm koik iMtkaraat IU fe4, a tk bnxaoi ro il aaraa. A Oally Star will am ma la aaaaariaia wnk tk tralHaWMktaaaartata Kailaar. auKKAor. Eajlnaar aaj Buiriaiaalrnt. Fapn. astit lag Stkailala of W., li.ll.ILK. alaaa aa bat Hat Uia, aad aaaaa aa aaior. M ! .11- a. Bourn-b, To DcfiDniiciit Tax Payers For 1811 OFFICE TIEAt'l ANO COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINOTON, N.C..J Jaa Stk, laTA, ( BBVUBAL FABTir A BR TIT wwiugCity Tsui fur l!l,o Raal KatkU aad rral Froi-artjr, oa Btuck la TtU, tin foil Tu, 1 krraby lr aatlr lliat all dllittat partlt wbea City Toms ft IRt art aot pakl la fall oa av bafot tk Mtk Uy of Jta (Id- Uat). I aball pnwd to Mil act tb atnit witk coat, at ths full ulrstalt of th Law. T. C. BEUV0B.H, Juntt Tisakator and Collaovw. 1.14-llM Wilmington and Yft Hon Railroad Company, Ovnoaof OaasaAk BsrsaurrarDavt, I WUlata, M. Jaa , blL CHAXQI OF 8CHEDULZ. . Oa aad art MowUy, Jaa kU, Fmbm Train tb W. W. Ballroad wlU raa ' Mlntl at Alia TEAUt. Uaa UakM Itapot 411; (Santlay nuat) I kit A. M. mat MM.Iahoraal .,..IH1 P. X. Knrky MiHiat at.... .,.,.. ail F. M WakliMial Mr. M Iaov WlibBdallyiludAnovk. t)t.... .TT. IIIA.M. ArrittairUH-tyaiaal,,... 111 A. M. tloalahor! I It P. M. Uaaa UaiHit., (XFBESd TRAM. , UF. M. af ITaWM nBot,dailrl arna at lauiuaiMfT ai...,. " Hm-ky Mount at. Wakkm at Laav Walih, dally, at.,. Ami al Ho-'by Muanl at. OolUaOnr al. at... aP. M. , I " A. M . ... 4 l A. k, , ......... AM A. M t.l P. M. ..... t F. M M P. M lliualMnatal... IMI.a Mall Train atakaa aha oovmaatlaa at Wai doa lr all oalnw Nortk Tl Ba Uint and A r fiila Craaa roataa. Train onnaMrarMiiT wits snoaia Kit Oraak raul. Pajllmaa'a faJaa Nw lataT t aira tkla I rata. - Frlht Train will laara Wllaalartaa - , kly at in A. M.anitarrtTO at l P. M Bira Pralglit Traina will laaaa dally Baa ! d--Ut al all F. M. and arrla at . J . JOHH F, lt VIBB, ; '- Uoaaral Sift. not tit-tl 1 KDCS INFIIIMAIIY, NORFOLK VIRCINIA. t il tit l. MVKHS A CO., I North Front St, IM Cof,RbDlAi: Valuable Hotel Prop- YTfOKUt KENUWNKD.Momof thannrat , A (lUUnnorabnnwn. CrtV FCT Sal6. ABMDdSTRATRII SALE. JJY vlrta of aa onlar graaUd ky tin Court ef ordinary af Klebatoad ooanty, (korgla, ea th 19th day af I". l" U at th Plaalarf Hotel la th aityof Aogaota, aath rirat Taaoalar la Jalf. IMS," Ftlk oatcay, Utween th Uf al bourj of 1, aod to eoailna frar day to day antU all told, ail pcraonal roawty belonging to th MUM of John A. OotdaUIn, dcosatd, roaltng of kouachoM Slid krtekta frnltrf,h.(, pillow, aatatcn, plltow eM, auttraatrf, pn4la bUnkaU, eartalns, earpt,' towrla, aiiiaqaita torkry and glantwar, dlror war, lioona, knlTea snd foiki, tabl war and tab I fumltat gemrally, utra bra and bedding, win anfe, A-, all of wblofc M folly set forlk la th iBToatory Bled la efflo of Ordinary, be ing rack roejl property a k) generally roand at snd aard la kMptag a kotoL . Bold aath property of raid John A.Ould-. uln, dooaaaed, for the pin of paying th debit of aaifl aatiU. Tsaa Cath. Pirckaaars to py for all pa per. . , 11 AH BAH UUliU5ir.il!, KdalntetratrU taU ef John a. uohutein . The paRbiaer eaa arrange with owner to rent lBVlawtdch CURRIE POWDER. FOKTF.I) FOM THR FAST IN 1)1 IB. t'HAB. 1). MYKKS ft tiO.. I North Froat 81. June ia . 18 COLEMAN'S MUSTARD. QttOHSK A HLAOKWKIJ.'B CHOW CHOW, r renra ai Amer Iran -nramir, rrniu ana Pf- I tree CIIAB. U. MT FKB ft IX). - I North Frost St. jnn It It MolassesMolasses- E( Hllns. 8. H. MOI.A8SR8; OU SUU Barrel. H. Mulame; I'll nnrreia uokimi rii-ec ayrnr; mi uarreie . u. atoia tat sale by June 11 r. w. KRBUllNER. latl THE ORDEAL FOR WIVES, A NOVEL, TjraiCH 18 WRITTEN WITH Ibe eat of a rati oed snd lore hand. It k aa adailrtbl natural and lnteretlng Story, adalrably told. NEW PIANOS. Ju.t reeelrtd from the Tery tit at mannfacto- rlw in the country, at HEINSBERCER'S UVK BOOK AND MUSIC STORE Tan ar Invited to call snd examine. Jan 12 1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCEr milK BROUIiAR monthly Meeting of the t ham her ef Commerce will beheld tht(Tkt dar) momrnr t II o'eleck at tb Coaawrelal ocnang nooma. KICHARO W. ANDREWS, Bee'r tad Treaa'r. Mt-tt aujll M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. ' FtJ CBUWILt ft BfOBlHS. BI'PERIORCOIBT,) . Cwaatr l"w Haaavera S T Ho- D. at c Dow ILL, Ada aa. .f.a B. Annniafl. ci. al. rv viRll k . A DkoRKE'l!? THB 5 above en titled caaa rendorrd at the April ml tha Hanartor Conrt for the eonat aforeaahl, I will Ml at th Court Hooee door oa Frhlav.tb 15th ear at J una aeii, ai u.n-, u i ha follow In deaerlbed property located la tha ellr of Wllmlntton, aad situated on the eaat aMe ofTBlrd, between fJimwlrli and Blatra ' amrta. and know a the woat half ef Lot t rn Block lit, aa per larnea piaa. laataaaa baring a front of l leeton Third atrwl, ran- .t.. ktrk aaat 1BA laat to at re. x. u. wiumnaa' lln. Thenar apoa the pramiae two email honoa. AXlAm rarir.. Taraetjiaa. omiawiwmar, Bva t IH-KAaa-aUBetiftli L. INCIRA, Fil D.t , rnYSICIAN IN CHARGE, For lb at fourton yrnra Or. laflraku been wklely and farorably ksowa In lb Brlt- lak Rat la.ll a, Went Indlae aad Bcnthera BUlee of AmerJcfor th many eatraordlnary auraaof ItlimlntM, Ikafnct. Catarrh, Liver Omplamt, J)ropi, Jittial and la, and every furm ot ' Chrmio lMnane, a and eapoeUlly fur th ur f thonaanita of rases OF MALIONANT CANCER. Peranna auferlDf with faace-r ehenM cell laraedlately npna Dr. lagrirn, h can offer a aaf and pdy ear a hn all other fall One spplleaUoa of th EAST INDIA CANCER REMEDY take oat, root, sad braack, Irarjr lor a of taacor upon tb exUraal kamta holy wltk- irl hratorrhage, danger or jmln, t itttln osrea day. HARMLESS TO HEALTHY FLESH BeAddree aa abov. 1F.NRRALBUFF.R1NTBHDTS 0FFIO Xviluilustou, Colnmbla AND . . Auffnata Rallroait Co. , WiLBtTo, H. C, June lt, JBJX. , fm' JL'.'-, ;r ? - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Th fallowing Bohedot will go tat et.ct at Its A. at., atoaday, Jd LnMaat. ' ' DAT FXPRRSB TKAUt, (Dallyt. fara Wilmington......,,.........,, I at M. Arrlr al Florrnr.., .............. A. M. x Col ii mh la. 1.3o p. M. Aa.naU.... T.4 P.M. Iar Aiguati tan A. IN Ar ltt Uilaaahla. t FlnMnw.. Wllmlni;tna,... . w A. M. 11 P. k, M P. M NltlHT FXPUK8S (Uallpl, Baaday neai-trH. a.i r. v . Ia tVllmlna'Uin.... Arrlr al FWnaa.u, Uola-nhla,, Auaoata. fjar Angiiata ,,. Arrlre at (lolarahla , Flnrem-e Wllmlngtii. .U.n P. M. , 1.41 A.M. 11 A. to. , t-m P. M. ,1 1 P. M I'.liA.Nf . I.U0A.M. JllB JAktKS ANDFMSON. Uea'l Bupertntrmlnt, lil-tf smppuvo, IliUiinoi'caiulHilinlitvn . i - SEMI-WEEKLY frfly a.yf 109- North Carolina Home Insurance Co. - miUS ComraBf contlmieii b write Fnllcle at A I1' riu. od all I'lH-acr nf luxarable prup- rtr. All kavae promptly yjtio. . Rneonraae Home tnatitutlone. R. U, Battle, Preanlent; Heaton Oa.ea, Secre- "T" ATKINSON MANNINO, Ant. a S wt-tf STEAMSHIP U1IE , roauiaan no TH nur OLAtai TAtr D. J. rol.KT.... CapLD.J. PRM'R. I.I fl l.l.k,.. (Jat.t. J.r. BBNNK TT HKIIIA t A I.VIIK, ..Lapt. l. O. CUI1.DB Will harratiar anil IVih BALTIMORB w TI'tSI'AV and PHIIIAT, mil (turn Wll. MINtlTHH errry WKIiNKXDAT sad SAT. I'HIMT.runnei-tltigU Wllmliiatoa wits th Wllmlniitun, t'lilumlii . Aaittata, Wllmln tun ft Wvhloa, anil tli WllmlnKtmi, Char kit I ft Kultierfiird ILIIrna.li Alee th Mteral Unoe or Ntaataera to Kay tilt Till. UtvluBTbronghmlla wf Ijadlo , to all point la North snd Boath Carolina. ' (Jeorgta and Alabama, Connecting at Daltlmoro with th Baltimore A Ohio and th Norther Central Kallroa.1 fur all point ia tbWeat and North. Wart, anil wllk SU'am-ra ami Kaliraaal foe Hiwtun, New Yotk aad Phtlwlelphla. Par freight ngamentii apply to A. l. UAZAUl, Agent, Wilmlvaton.N. O. AMIKBWSACO., Apanta. aamaaor. jlo-3t TU BULLA KU'B BTRAMSH1P UNB F A NK.W VOHK. HAIIJNCI TTEMUATM ANU rUIBAT FROM MEW TORK, AND WKDNI BV lAT ABB BATE RI ATM FROM WIUII!tTIi. INSURANCE ONLY ONE-FOUKTH Psa rtJKUUOlI CONNECTIONS WITH Al. MAILKOADS LKADINO OUT OF " WILMINGTOSf. ' , B No paaaangeera taken. For ftoigbt apply to BAKRI BBOTHFK8, Ag-"t. art - - MISCE1LANI0TJS. -tiriLREB MORRIS, KICHAKLCROM T OEONLY & 1I0EEI3, 5 ACCTIONMRS AND OEJitBAL AO EN i ' WIUIINCITOS. H. 3 ' gtoclra. Real F-t and all draarrl"" ' 5 ahandiaa bought atid anld on cinnw -t. Oar p-wnnn.4 atti-ntur gtrea w any ( t Intrnetoil u eur charrn. From ot hmf. p-rleiw rr ie b- . fbel wai ranted in reletting to Uie i -allv-' ' i ' '- Shindes-CIiin-:!::. i-i) Ki 1 1 Oa band and for ml by O. 0. PA mayS