V A ((jj 10 S 1 VOL XXIT.-KO. 10. WI1IIINGTON, N.. C, TUESDAY. JUIIE 24. 1S73. uhoil :;o. c, Of ilailn vTLMLQTON. N. C: TEXSDAY. JTJJX 24. 1871 CY TELEGRAPH LOUISIANA. THE NEW ORLEANS FICAYCNE I.IBF.L SUIT. VERDICT FOR THE rUOXTIFF FOR 118,000. TWO OF THE JURORS VOLUX- TARILT CONFESS A WHOLE BALE BRIBERY. A NEW TRIAL TO BE APPLIED FOR. Nrr Orleans, JuM'Sa Noon. The Ilawkhis-" ricajnoe " libel owe, which has been going on for eight days, be fore vhat U known M the Fourth Dis trict Court, tvrminaitKl at 10 o'clock Saturday night The jury returned verdict of 18,000 for Hawkins. Immediately after the Court ad journed two of the jurymen went to the ''Picayune'! offioe and acknowl edged that they had been bribed, they having received $125 and the others receiving an order for $500. The " Picayune" company will ap ply for a new trial THE FMK F1EM). Passaic, June 23 Noon. There was an incendiary fire here on Satur day. The incendiary was arrested, bnt he stabbed the officer and escaped. Two men are missing. The square upon which the JEuorconauk House stood was burned -loss $100,000. Utha, N. Y., June 23 Noon. Five houses and two barns have been destroyed by fire loss $20,000. Saw Francisco, June 23 Noon. The American Hotel, saloons and stables at Petalwiug, Cal., have been burned. Loss $75,000. Cwcinkati, June 23 Noon. Hiirk ners t Co's lard oil factory, on Egglcs ton Avenue, was burned yesterday. Loss $90,000. Nw York, June 23. Noon The woods in the mining districts of Penn sylvania are now burning. Some vil lages and many farm houses have been burned and several towns arc- threat ened. JJany narrow escapes but no loss of life yet reported. There was also an $80,000 incendiary fire at Mount Morris, Livingstone Co., in this State. A fire at Point Breeze, near League Island, this morning destroyed Tur ner's stables, at the Trotting Park. But two Mattie Lyle and Nettie of the 14 valuable horses there were saved The fire was accidental. Mowor.Onr., June 23 Night Peacock's hotel and stables with two men were burned. Portland, Mb., Juno 23 Night. At the fire to-day, Mrs. Roberts and 60 others were killed. A female teacher was fatally injured aud a child seriously h urt while escaping from a burning house. Philadelphia, June 23 Night There were eleven horses burned in John Turner's stables near Point Breeze Park out of seventeen in the stables. Among them were Dot, Daisy, Veruon, Lady Qirard, Safe and Brutus. The latter belonged to R. Penston. The others were not trot ters. Those saved were Nettie, Mat tie, Lisle, Beauty, Lizzie and Medium. Total loss on stock, harness and cloth ing was $50,000. Later. The horses burned in Tur ner's stables were valued at $46,008. Lady Oirard was valued at $8,000; Safe at at $7,500, Dot at $7,000, the sister to Nettie, Daisy, Veniou and Brutus at $5,000 each, Pafchen't mare $2,009,bay gelding $l,500,sonel horaes $3,500, Brown Colt $1,000. Buffalo, June 23 Night The Canal stables near Erie Lock werj burned with 50 horses. Incendiary. VIRGINIA. ACCIDENT ON fHE CHESAPEAKE - ... - AND OHIO RAILROAD. A SLEEriNO CAR OVERTURNED. NO ONE SERIOUSLY INJURED. THE MORDECAI-M cCARTHY SECONDS ADMITTED TO BAIL. Richmond, Jane 23 Noon. The Pullman Sleeping Car of the night Express train to Cincinnati on the Chesapeake aud Ohio Railroad was thrown from the track last night soon after leaving Richmond. The car was turned bottom up and badly wrecked. A number of persons were injured though tone totally or very seriously. Among the injured are Mr. Geo. At- tingstall of England, Mr. and Mrs Walter, and Miss Walter of Chicago Miss Walter had hor shoulder-blade broken. Hk'hhokd, June 23 Night. The seconds in the Mordecai-McCarthy duel made a successful effort to get bail to-day. They were, taken, on a writ of haltea corpun, before Judge Lacy, of New Kent county, below Richmond and, after hearing the case aud the argument of their counsel, they were admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000 each to appear before the Grand Jury on the 7th of July. (iOTHAM. VOGT HELD FOR EXTRADITION. THE WALWORTH CASE POST PONED UNTIL TO-DAY. WOODHULL, CLAFFLIN ; AND BLOOD ON TRIAL. ' Ntw York, Jane 21 Night Vogt has been held for extia Jitioa to Belgium. The Walworth case, was upon motion of Charles O'Connor, postponed until to-morrow. The trial of the female Woodhull A CUflio and CoL lUjod, for mailing in deceut matter, has cooimenced. EUROPE. ANOTHER FEARFUL RAILROAD ACCIDENT IN .ENOLAND. DISASTROUS WRECK OF A STEAMER. THE ANATHEMA MARANATHA FOR VICTOR EMANUEL. PAYING. OUT THE CABLE. titccEsa of" Tim Kl'sslANtl In KHIVA. THE SHAH IN ENGLAND. PRINCE JEROME BONAPARTE IN CONFERENCE WITH THE REPUB LICANS. Another fearful accident occurred on the Midland Railroad, in England. Several persons were killed. The steamer Columbus, from Dublin for Holyhead, is wrecked. Twelve out of two hundred of the passengers were drowned J also three of the crew were drowned. Berlin, Rome and Constantinople report cholera. A Rome dispatch says the Topo will exooinuiunicate Victor Emanuel to-day. London, June 23 Noou. Sir Henry Rnwlinson, President of the Royal Geographical Society, is seriously ill. The Great Eastern had 800 nautical miles of cable paid out on Saturday noon aud 1 050 miles up to Sunday noou, when the vessel was C4.05 longi tude and 34.52 latitude. Cardiff, Walf.s, June 23 Night. There has been a dock erected hore by Marquis Bute, costing 300,000. St. PrntRHBUBn, June 23 Night- General Kanflman's columns, of the Khivan expedition, captured a strong fortress within CO miles of Charroth. London, Juno 23 Night The Shah of Persia visited Woolwich Sat urday. There was a grand review of the chmnol fleet to-day in his honor. A special despatch to the London Tost" from Paris soys Prince Jerome Napoleon, who is now in that city, has had interviews with Emile Ollivcr, who was President of the Council, and Minister of Justice aud religion, during tho lost days of the Empire, aud with a number of Republican leaders. ELECTRICISJ1S. There were fourteen abdominal deaths in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Satur day lust ; of these six wero classed as cholera by the Board of Health. There were three deaths in Cincin nati on Sunday. They were confined to the very old and very young. Reports from Louisville state that the city is unusually healthy. During a sudden storm in Chicago, on Sunday afternoon, the Swodish Church on Chicago avenue was parti ally demolished, and two pleasure yachts, containing respectively nine and fourteen persons, wero capsized. The occupants were rescued A negro and a white man robbed a house in Omaha, dangerously wound ing the occupants. The people fol lowed them and killed both. The people of Franklin, Md., hung a negro who outraged a young German woman. The Board of Health of Brooklyn, N. Y., declares that there is no yellow fever there. , ... . - . - E. B. Ewuig, a Judge of tho Su preme Court of M-i s dead. Lewis D. Tappan, one of tho earliest abolitionists, is dead. He was eighty five years of age. , Tho jockey named Chirk, injured at Jerome Park by the horse Sorrel Dan falling on him while practicing for a hurdle race, is dead. A dispatch from Long Branch says Grant is seriously sick from diorrhnoa. The Federal steamer is still aground in the Potomac, discharging stores. The payment of the July interest has been ordered without rebate. The Atlanta Sun has been merged into the Atlanta Constitution. Hon, A. H. Stephens becomes Correspond ing Editor of the Constitution. . A man named Henderson has been arrested in Boston for passing a $5,000 forged check. k PIIOIJAIJILITIKS, - War Depabtmrnt, ) Omci Chief Signal Officer, j Washington, D. C, June 23. For New England ou Tuesday east erly winds, partly cloudy weather and falling barometer, are probable. For the Middle States, wind veering to gentle and fresh southerly and westerly and partly cloudy wvati with ovct sional light rain. For Lower Lake n;nn, -wind veering to frvh and brisk aiutuerlr and westerly, partly cloudy weather and occasional light rAio. For the Southern States east of th M'ia!ppi, l'ght to fresh vruid, ni vUt from the south and , and partly cloudy weather. From the Ohio Valley and Missouri to Upp?r Lakes, rising barometer, winds veering to southwest and northwest and clear and Clearing weather. Afternoon telegraph from Florid lm not. yet been re ceived. stateYews". Wake county jail has ouly four oc cupants at prvtieut. Raleigh has already subscribed $5,000 (or an ice machine. The wheat crop iu the Catawba sec tion ia turning out much better then was expected. Smith Woolford, of Ridgeway, are the contractors for drying meat U t the exhibition in search of the Polaris, The Lincoln ton Progress regrets to announce the death of Captain Thomas Gifford, lately a conductor on the Carolina Central Railway. The stockholders of the Raleigh k Gatttou Railroad Comiwiy will hold their annual meeting iu Raleigh. Julv mu. J One of the Hieks bnrglars, whose senteuce was recently commuted to imprisonment for life iu .the Peniten tiary, refuses tit work, sayiug he pre fers the solitude of his cell. The Stutesvilla Intelligencer sas: Samr.e'. IU vi,iu company with others, while seining near Diffee s Mills cn Rocky creek, iu the northern part of tliit county, was aoeideuUdly drowued on last Thursday evening. lie leaves a young wife and several small chil dren. The Raleigh Sentinel says: The Governor has appointed the following gentlemen Directors of the Atlantic i North Carolina Railroad : E. It Stan ley, C. R. Thomas, It F. Lehman, of Craven, R. W. King and Anthony J'avis, of Lenoir, Isuao Ramsey and W. IV Duncan. Carteret. C. H. liar- per, of Greene, aud L. J. Moore, State's Froxy. Tike meeting of the Stockholders of this road will take place at Beaufort i the 2tith iust. Tho Henderson Tribune it iustlv proud of a young lad only ton years of age that not only superintends the en tire operation of the teluKruph olllee, but is ins father s (Dr. W. 1. Clieut ham's) book-keeper also. We have a boy in Raleigh, says the News, quite a youth, not more than fourteen years of age we supX)se, Unit is the sole proprietor of nu ice store or cellar, and doing a staving busines?. His name is Rulllii Litchford, a sou of J. J. Litchford, Esq. The Statesville Intelligencer says : One of our enterprising farmers in the lower part of Iredell, in the Spring of '72, received a pint of the White Shonan Outs through the Department of Agriculture. They were plauted late, but with great care, in the best land, and actually produced three bushels, weighing 102 pounds. This lost Spring he sowed only 1 ) bushels of the oats his stock jjeing equally divided with an enterprising brother, and lM'twecn them they calculate to raise 300 bushelx. Tho Fayettevillu Englesnys: The dwelling of John C. Blocker, Esq., of Cedar Creek, we learn, was burned yesterday. Most of the furniture and property wero saved. The tire is sup jioned to have caught from the store in the cook-room. We are not in formed whether there was insurance or not. This was one of the best il welling houses in the county. Mr. j Blocker was absent iu Baltimore. His j loss is heavy. A minister havin? remarked "the -o would bj a nave iu tlio new edifice tho society was erecting," an old lady said "she knew the person to whom ho re ferred." A Now Albany, Indiana, judge has decided that if. a man gets drunk every other week, and stays drunk a week at a time, lie is not an uauituul drunkard. A negro in Columbus, Ga., dreamed that ho found 85 at a certain place in a street Ho went to tho spot next morning, found $1, and now he accu ses the ghost who told him to go thoio of stealing the other $1, A Portland man, caught with h's hook and line in another man's tront brook, completely silenced tho owner, who remonstrated, with tun answer, "Who wants to catch your trout? I'm only trying to drown this worm." An exhibition of Japanese curiosi ties has been opened at Nagasaki, in a temple. (Dozaifu) in Chikuzan. It con sists principaly of antiquities, some of which are stated to be 900 or 1000 years old, that have been collected to gether from the neighboring districts. Four giraffes were lately shipped for New York; eight are. to follow shortly and a consignment of twelve more is doily expected bv a well-known dealer in animals. If this sort of tiling con tinues, it will bo necessary to ntilize them for street-car service. German nowspapcrs announce that the dictionary of the German language, in the course of compilation by the Brothers Grimm, will contain more words than any other publication on record. It has already reached the number of about 150, J00, and by the time it is completed it will comprise at least 500,000. Keeping Egg Fresh. The most convenient and satisfactory way to keep eggs fresh is to take an old tin pail and punch numerous holes in its bottom and sides, and after fili ng it with fresh eggs, lower it into a kettle of melted tallow, as hot as can be without burning one's fingers when thrust into it; (hen lift the pail out quickly, and the melted tallow will now out, leaving a thin coating on every egg. Remove the eggs from the paiL and pack them on their ends in a keg or barrel; place in a cool collar un til wanted for nse. Eggs have been kept thus more than six month so fresh that expert judges snrr posed they were fresh. The eggs being so much colder than the melted tallow, a thin covering of oold tallow will be formed almost instantly, which will render the sneii impervious to the air. Tilt VIK A K 111 III I lttw-PK ' l0 at. it It. It U gt ncrully known that lVwrer s j KcEa, the energetic SUte UiMhrUt, ; will visit Vienna fur the urpe uf j exhibiting North Carlina ptlth-tiiiis at the World's Fair. Ho ia remixing ! little or no aid from our citiieus in mi- king his ci'lkt'tiima. Hi? diirx-s me U j appeal to the people ot this part of the i State especially, to av-iist him to gvt : together whatever h rhartenftie it peculiar to our section. , Among other things he dcsiiei cue bundle each, of rrjirewa aiul juuipt-r shingle, and of the mood proparvd Lr buckets, Xc, piece of the pine tree two or three foet kmg with the turpen tine box, few pine burrs and a branch of the longtst loaves, a few long locks of uom, neatly rolled tip, a block of rosin, a gidlon of turpentine as it comes from the box, a alieaf of rice, bunch of peanuts ou the stem, peck of best cloiui rice, and gt'ueral'y whatever is pecnliar to this iuiinohwtt! section of the State. I have siime of -these artieles already promised. Those mho will interest themselvtMi to get titgether such of these thiugs as may be iu their Kwer, will please seud them to nie in this city, between this and the '25th Juue. The specimens w ill lie tub died with the name of the owner aud locality. All eiieuae to which parties are at wil be refunded. I hope tliat manv good citi2eii will respond to this call. Joseph A. EmirtnAUD. Wilmiugton, Jane l'ith, lTX OBITl'AHY. Mks.MaitJ. Lieis.wil HflVI J.J. I. Lnru el lild. n rouutr, itli-4 en Tliiirxl.iy , IJtli of Jan, at VI k, . at., vl abuut M year, da liatl boaa in a Mat llliinw utt two !!, but k nut ciilirvl; tontine I Iu lur ruou antU athla lha laM lew iuomha. tier li iim waa Tr amt-a evailWatitl, ami tthrtl aalrljr rrltrtl tb ur ui mcUU'Iim, antl bal tttxl the skill at lh .h)i ian laring hr lrkDtna. aba w tb victim ot the aiott tauraaa auHi-nug, whlrb tiMititrrd with the BKial rt mtikabie paltvin ami lortitinlf ; aailn ttvtei mlinU aitli luvltit il'ln .urr tu rlai tliacnt-ruacbakfttUul' Iba It-It urtni'r. Hut, liotwttbaianuini! br rruiilara lrtituu.tt tba klnUm and an mi aiircmitling attrutiuu ul atltvutnt auttul. the rat-dioa' kill jmI aju.il aotia cSurtaul a aovultsl Htn. aM tha toatrrmg rare of klud rrltiiU, Hhe h Ki'tt -uu. Ilnl tu ucouaib to tfc lituw bnt ur moKriMoi aatlt' tllwai. Hha WilviW. I .Mm. I.ttraa waa an rx ellnl woman, ami tiaa 1MI tlio luirem w lur mny vtrtutaand tbc aavur of a gui hxnirt ba bit d. St lia waaa ai art davoto-t witV.a kiii.l ami atlct'ltonata aauthrr, an amiable ai.l alnnr Irlend and neighbor ; aiid, brut ul alt, a irn C'ftnidiia. Khe bait bii-n a mnit.t'r ol ibn M. K. t burcb Sunth, 11 yrara. ami alwaia lix-.t In h'-r IU Ilia ttua .UliKiiUut a Cliriat tliiihar after, llttr tvit Hum xtttimHS tlirtiiuh lnv waa not rbarai'trrltn it by fiM(tmiilti) r hti Httnii ol leUlig. or imriudli-aUy riiiud 'aKau, but ana an a I terracing, guiding and rngntating prturlil ; ronirUlng an llilrll f ul taillt ami a hvetr ami auia twrcfiillun ot Cbritiinlii'. a and obligatluna. A nrcna y r4Miartu-tir of thla ttraily aataullaltrd lattb atul uiuuervlng Clula Inn InU'grltr. aa tba rlmtiry bnala ul ObrlatalH tktIih, aha wt prt'iwrrii fur doing tha wiliof ItMl in krallh.or aulU'rliig IIm 111 ul' Hod la alckurao tlM bud ol wlikb rullytratrd. Mia aaltrrtil rttrrnirly, but wuli ObrUtaln I'atl-nca anl antlia roignatlon. hbr iNinatantly rairkel during h't aicknw, thai aha atoabl Ilka to lira If It ra tha will of ttial but il' Hot, aba araa riiiiil- hp u not alrahltodla. Though tha ttfala would lluctra little Kmiior with kliulrnl ttoa, and tlio aetrit with kluilrrd ailrll, yrt aha win willing tuba aha-nt from tha body and to be priwiit wltk Ilia UhiI. It ban bi r laathoiir ramr, Hie vl-li-n l mortality btgan to grow dim, tha Riftipait the irearnl to vanlab. I1h um ot lite tuiliH'Hne, the ahadeaol cxnlng to fall ut'in btr runrtal proaMcla, and tha luot-fall of tha Ahgt'l Ulra- nrr ana brant unon the thrrrhuld, the nolnt. ka latn liif M hla wingn ai tfU amutiil tha ileatb-courb, and kl cbililng breath noH tha chirk aa be kiaatsl away tha Hla-luw. ntnl whl rrd In a illmt ace. nu Hi-, aoniaol hi. mlrlon to the wa tli'g will. She wa rca.lv She uuietly braaihi'd a lait adieu to earth ai'il loreil onea and afaed away to hagtn tha mom I 'g of a new ilia In a pater and m to kcaiitruu cllnia. May the hlraalnga of (lod alt mil and m Si I y thla art of Hlaproililenoe, romloit th hfr. avul onea left b bli d, and rnabl them all with i-on-ni rthm nnhrokea, to m-et and greet earh ulher in tbu kingdom of uouiwd Inbi rittuite. J. T. luowil.t, Klliabetlitown, S. C, June Utli, It.'J. SPECIAL. OBSTACLES TO HARRIACE. Inpy Krllrr for Yuanif Men from thiattH-4jiol Kriura and SbtiM-a tn enrly lit. Manhuial reatored. Iniiiedimenta to Mnrrlae removed. New method ol ireatment New ami n niarkatde lemnlioa. Ilnoka and ( Irriitar eei t frre, in Mated envehiea. Sildre, HHWAHD SSIiCIATIOS, Ko. 2 Simtb Ninth. -U.. I'hiU.I.'li.l la Cn ,-an limtihi- t'on having a hlKlt renuratlim for hunoiatile conduct and nrvleaiUinai il ak .1). ni itch !Ti 7P-dwtinos( li Ben-Ten i'llrlaliun Klg;nnU, Sent oa rerelpt of M Tt. t'niqna I'tinllng and Fulillrhing Houae, 3D Vt'wy tttrirt, htw lora. The Hrck with B'tO Portable I a Hi lly Newiag narliliio, ou Jit liny a Trial! many advantagr over all. Mat-alec-tl-ni guaranteed, nr $J rehiiided. Sent rum idtta, with lull itlrac .una. Hi-rkwith M alnf Machine Co., Stii Broadaay, N V. WAG.ES Pill A LI. WHO AUK WILLING MVtWk. any perron, o.d or ynniir. of rltli. rwi caa make from SIO to SIM er wei k, at home r In connection wan oitu r Him. in en. wanti-d l) all. Suitable to either City or t'nuntry, and any eeaaon of the year. Tho la a ire rpiortu nltr for tboaa who aro nut f wo. k. and out ol money, lo make an li.rt. pciid- nt llvltg. ranltal being irnttlreil. Our pm,1ilet, HO W TO MAKE A LlVINfl'iilniii tulHtiaruc tlona, aent on receipt of 10 nent. Aililin-n. A HUH TON A CO., Moirlnla, Wetci.tiU r .Co , V, V. The Sew l;luatlc Triixa. Aa humr Uxnt Inwniifm. it retauia tha Koptiireat a.11 tlmea, and ander the fcardeit everi-lre or wier est atrain. It la worn v tth cemtort, alio it kept onntghtand dar, eR'cta a t'erinaiii-fit rure In a row weeks, nolit eheap.atiit wo I tn cnml wlu ti requested, circa ara free, wl-cn mil.Tiil liy ter at..t tnThe Elaetlc Trinwl'e , No cut Hoad- wa, N. I. titty. Noncrtr a"a etai Snrii a Truaaw; tw painfu'; they allnnfl loofeiitnt y. may a lotMii-oujcaeowiy A ni? Wil ewtwhere o aell our new lUftil 1 andtorel Kmbrouli n, g Ma. W A IVrTPTI " tor Illmtratd If Sil 1 lilt Clrruiar.lotheMcKteMarj ufacturing Company, ?M Hrotdwaj N V, Tlio I'urlor CVihhii1oh. Brery Lady wanta one t Kveiy Man ought to In, y otic 1 1 Sent on receipt of Tt n fenta Adilreaa. L, F. II Yl'E A DO., 1M 8-THiitb avena-, htw York. yyCi, K THK BKF.AKFAST.M'Ni'H l2S F.ON, UI- K aM hUPPKK TAKluE, H LEA & PERM wcrccsWirc Sauce IS lNUISrKNSArtl.K. JOHN DUNCAN'S HONS, New York, A genta for the 1'ulted SUiea, oct29, 1KJ1 leu Mchonck'a inandraho Pilla. t heaa plila are eompoefd ei im,lvi ly of vcjre. table Ingredlenta, ami altltoogh they entirely au t ante Ike aae at aaercary, do not U-ava any 01 It iiiJiirMiuaertecta. They act direct y Uin tha liver, and are a valuable remedy In all .an of derangement resulting from a dinonlrrtd elate of that organ. Liver (.'0m pi a in I, Bilhina IMiinr.Mra.InllgcRlion.Hicll rleailache, Typhoiil Fevers, Ac &c, all aunrnmb fo the free uae of Rchenck'a Mandrake illle. For tale by all draggleta and dealari. NEW AEVEr.TlSi::iE:iTS. M. CUONLY, Aucti?aeer. liy t UL MOULIN DIRECT IMPORTATION OF London tn J Dirmlnham S;ona, China and Classvar?, Toys, Ac. IX rl K.r-T0Tl'Ol, 4 1' 4! CTfV ts'tltr Rtl.t M.;'A lti-f, a. !t 1,1 ''"hn k, .' , wewtl v-U at i"e Cu H m lltv rtJlvj, tu io l ! ?uit p-il ii.iM If : 10 Cut. I:V.USH STOXEWAtin. yellassout!:i. With 4 ai.M-tJ, f n'il-eiig rilMILKS, TtM3LRS. INKH. t S- TOU, FlUl t(L. KO.l'fcr lO I D a, t I'STR fc iv V At KS 1 0 V tt au I a Ur anutBit a'iii -fnl a4 fn -ytir. tH-kt. thei d wtil t-a rlit a ti,,. til re. et-rv. ad the atrentu'ii ot UeOt r tn ii'.iHUktisI to eacourafe tht' tttieit liepil.ttivM ol amh ar il h-a. June 4 l o 5? FULL LINE Qf Bl'tUlKKS' UAnUVVAttKat NEW HAUUWAHE STOHE. t raer Prlaeeaa and Water K'l. tuus Mittetiuos. June '.'4 1ft Butter f Molasses F Syrup! Hams! Jl STriHUVrn I'g StiiuiiM Mitioiutia and l.u.ille : CHOICE tiOMUEN UUTl'EH, A NO. 1 Ml SCOVAlH) MOLASSES, A NO. HiOI.liEXSYUlT, EX CHOICE MAOXOL1A HAMS. In add-on to tha almve. daily ntrlv!a el new It icon Hay, l uru. H II. Nviiio Iu lirrere, bt'a. and llbdi., l-ird. Sni(r. c Knr aOe t.y. lilNFOlil, CliOW CO. Jnnatl l.u FOR NEW YORK. li :J I T. A u lalJVK. Til F. F I N 1. H t: II tiiiN U It i -.j, IDABELLA, Capt. Fischer, XC. Wl l hay iinli k illepttch aa almvi. For In ljlit "iCtgeajt'ttti 'M'H'V til wii. 1. 1 tvs mi nriuoiN J ine .'i M si Pickled Lobster! yEUVSIi'l ! t;hcpcr than Inl'ana! I'lckUd nttd trili Salmon at-d M:rVcrrl t'edlMi, ami a violet); ol relL-hre at J. C. STEVENSON. JllllS'.'l I'll. Printers Wanted. QOOII t HMI'OSI roP. ON Kr.WJI'AI'I.K oi and flVK AI'PRF.XTICK. HU nly work and ply, A. I. Item ' iiiko. C. DYKE, I'l l 41 Bavtituah, Da. lo-:il Jtl lie ',J T 1 1 1 c t T 1 1 XT I V I J 0 1 J 1 (J owned alth frtnm lathe sutilo', out 'tis Hot rhaniu!ie, itirce nl In ad u-h". mid I . ul;u lir, r.ml e rlc dUire ; 'fa (lie Sn.i ra A i'in; vr, tm'tti of tlio tn.ilu And a rote tor tha eila trn.iem by rtrceea. It tempi r tha li!i o l.iher'et. e I yeem ie!l- vea, l'o it eta th Mt' ul a'cnitt'-h. ilia iivi'r rnt'tmlp, Jii'w life inmi tlieitrnnlit'?i'ry ernn tihb-vea. And a cloud Hum h i'i lid ol the Invalid ml a furb are tho cihrt nf TatiBAVr'e rypei- Va HT Sr.l.lZKK Al'KKIt.M. tlio lllllie re reeent alive ef tha iamuu Hellar npitng, and I lie niu.t rct al.lc and Mi taut u ulluia liv HOI.I) liV AI.I, DHVdUlSIS. Julia tj i:. ,t n n, ( n n .-, i -i '1 -. ' -i -i Tlic Mit rosiilar Msdicinc EiLuL ' i 1840. OVER THIRTY YEARS. 1873 S nee tha IiittiNla. limi oi' Perry Davis' I'AIN - KILLEK. THE PA1N-KJLI KR THF2 PAIH-KlLLEe! 1.- i o ii nu lid. ...ti in. 4 txtutiat leiuid', THi PAIN KILLtn v lit tun, i t ii; .ki Ajuo b i o'hir rvnseill h nv taili d, ifiHE PA1N-KH.LER ') : titi it t t i. , ,u i flit rti4rtii rt il i 1 1 oi t.'t-l Itr t ''mh, r.'HE PAIN-KILI.tR J. j I'., i in. at tniitut rtiedic'iu of t. c Ae. IpKE PAIH-K!LLE!1 X t il t, tiro i HtiU i ' CO'lc, rrHE PAIN-KILl ER X 1-ant tor ni aiiia auu Hnrn. THE PAIN-KILLER iiaaiha iiiui, i.,t me Peop't In it" f.of THE PAIN-KILLEn titveR Viiivvieat ;tt.it-;acU n. THE PAIN-KILLER iiewataot IwUHum and Cii'titlrrfciti. ITIHE PAIhi. KILLER X laaluj pi c. r .i.. etire fin-CIIOI.KH, and be. (tlnitti ih.utit n-en mora auccomt'i i In curing Ih t 'rribie ili.vae ttmn any ot i r known ri mwle. or even Ihn noat emln-nt ntel aktll fnl I'liraicliif. In India, At'rlcaaiid ('h na, where third'eairt ot dip ti ebeten more or lua prtvale it.lha PAIN Klt.l.f K l.riii:i lecivl l y the nativer, a well furufa'an rcai-Unta in thone clirailca, a Mrna Kuttnv. THE PAIN-KILLER -e aitti iHiuld ia wrapped with full dtiections for oas. THE PAIN-KILLER , Ixaoni ii v ail oiiithuta and Dealer n Karoily iluliciuca. June ;3 l5o- Fine Teas Or KVKSY Kt.M-2l Ila'f anj Ajarter OheitaJiiH in Plfire . Chili-cat Mnyitne, Uuii Powder, Voting II y anil. I- xtta" choice new ac wn ! tnpcrfal, s ffa Pine yiewaeaon Ktil ih Ricakfaif, Kitra I hoice fi'leeOniH Naturitl .fapan. Choieeat Nmg Yong-O loar . on IrsTK-'r?, r'lnott aelect'nna aril grrali at variety TKAK in the eltr, at v ry low pr . CHAS. D. MYERS CO., 7 Not th Front St , jan W 14) SEW A271STISE3II5TS. B A C Q ? - 5 U C A E 8 1 C E ! 100 lii'M i H.8.I i4aaa4 baoalOrra l Hh la Haioied Slra and SbeaUlen : ti Hh a. tUw aaj Krn4 Sahara ; u ItbUa aad 1 ai cea K-ce. Tot a!e ay V 4T. klfrUNlVl. Jinet? 14 GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL CH1CACO. The Largest and most Complt Hotel In the World. of Hi StiKti AN hoi'M h.luf U4ttru tHt m tK HMIB'irRI Cfttlf1tlHI tie) Cttt ii tU h w vthtwr iH-tf fmiHMl iuui. ' tl.VdE 15KOS. RICE, l.-a.eee for Twenty Tear. l'lll-Aii',.'ue lt, W). uim:1 ' ItSdlaaJtra MTTAN HOOKERS, T AOIKS' AM TEXTS' XI K AT f AN K'K'KI K. A li,'' a.c rltaci.t at !i. A. SMITH A CO. juiui il tit- TAX NOTICEr" rjiiK tofMY co!misiom:k!I wax mut TUundir. Itldij aad Rataiday, the Mk, la anil JUt Jertftf June, bitwaea the honraof t a. bi and 1 p. at., at ttwu afUoa la the Couit Houae, to revtae the ta (tela and val- aitl ia triKirled to thfui, and eoinplvta tkt Hata l.u tho Towcuhlp and City ( WlluiliiUe. Anv pcrntaa having eyaipUluU to waie, la l (iJii n th tha Ucrvnae Act of IXI2-11, I ai htchy aotltiid to appear at that time aud pliuo nd tk' Ihu.r cvuiplaluta, ho rouipU utl aii.le tli' 1 1 alter will b entertalnetl. SILAS X. MAliTIN, I halt mm County t i aimlnWneriof New Haunter t ounlv. j 1 1 TKUNKS. epil lVhl INtI rUUH, VAMiiKS S A 11- .1 tiiirueaa, llr.llei, M.iriiniiaire, tJollara, iUtii'H. taH' I hiina, V h'lia, apnra, Inn t'ul lata, rih-tmmota Hfc'a, U a'lnr, K'-lher Dua t're, A a O retire, Hmhihrv Haidaare. Alan, a Iftrj' I'd ol Mttulld baud fahlirrv ITMNt. J N. lutMAHiA Wl, Hi. a Hooili friiul atrect WilniUin'on, K o. mayil IIIV- CREEN ft FLANNER, 7 Wholes! and Retail Dealers In rjUtlM,Ml.liH.'lNK,HK.HrUMItKV.jJ lidlit Artlel.a, Paltila. o I ,(lla, fut Vj ly, aImiIh I, 4Utde, rh-M and Khiwer MdittU iltci., Xc, Ac. 41 1 Market Mrvet. Jua-a I4A Spirit Casks! Spirit Casks! 500 STAMMUII friKil' CAHK1. Tor ado by t. W. RICIIUHNKlt 141 Hay-IIayHay. 700 l.A I KIMK MAY. r.w mlln by r. W. KKUrit.NUl j'ltic Twenty-fivo' Boxes KSKIS1 AMI UUANtiKS. t'llA. I). MVRKS A :0 I Korlh Front Kt. 140 June ii Sugar Loaves, CUT 1,'lAK, '(Jranulated, I'maliMl, I'uw di red, A. II. II , Deniartara and llrowii hni.'.ir, hive tteclincd In prtm, and we are atl. I n all Hot tirade at lowcat ttunrea. .CHAS. 1). MYEIIH A COS. 7 North Fiuntdt. .' I4 CITY tax SALE7 Ofllt's TrHaiirnr and I nllertwr, CITY Of WII.MINOIO.N.N.O, INO'O.N.N.O,) June V let, l,'l ) IH AiJCOUDA NI K with eMlnB l.aae, I will onii' lor lc, at l't!ltl.l'l AL'orHiN,in lioiit id' Lily Hall, at U o'clock, w , on TLiSlAY,.TSS 16T11 DAY OK Jl.'LT (Proi.) the fol'iiwlnj dracrihed propcrt , to eillaly the I'll 1 Hi a ami kipenH-a. pat due, and re lu.lnliii unpaid lur the vrar IKJ. T, ). HfcltVOH i, Traaatner and Collector. Kt I'f.i.-in il k rs I - I f I'MIIT'IITV. - l iT.t. Aa'f P irrv, Mat jr.... ,irtep, M i y r . .....li"i r"4 ... y v el nt i ; 4 (In m an itt na h ; turm tt, dt'tm. .mi n w h Oui'wml, KrtwMvl. M4 M I 4 I'rer. ', S,n hi A . . . o K 4 S Ihivia, .lam -a v,... 41 W ( Mil". nria r.,.. u w 34 ID (liaiit, li. al.tji. uuJau,..HJ Wa ... J tlreon, p.iry M4i i 1-arrLa, .lai It aa at I III Hun;:i, Coroinie 1W WI.2 " fit Wl '" " "i K 4 " " .........ai MU 8 141 to tatta, .tno. O , ealateof. t Itkl " . .,.. ptl r i l.ewla. Janie ......Will Nl i IW MeKarlate, Hlmon lea Ml 114 Mellon, Khrabcth HI I'll" 41 M Naah. Kali J 1117 HW2 1 Wl Merrick, Win., estate 2711 W bal. 4M OweiK, 'f bee , I IX CM bal. 4 00 Foleon.Mre. Kdae 1M W 4, hat. 41 tA Powell. Iluck, ,Jr 8.8 K 1,2,3,4,8 4(6 Price children, W. A. Coin- m inj, agent !) W 2 3 1.1 HO Spencer, Mary.. 78 S 12 00 OH UKtilKQUEST LIST. Hunting & Cnmm ti.. . , ,vr4 El Ion Illinium S M .St OH. r 1111 M t S 1 Wl I t;aharn H.nkln K 3 00 Ore g, II. ,1., kel.-a of i II R 1,2 3 , a j r, 4.s it wi Fl-hcr, Win !H M 4 IW Hall, K I, heir or. HW M 4,8 hyK.il. 1111, eyi'r,... 178 l,n3,bi.3S2 1)0 HiikIics .lidiu. j. 4 S KS Huta, John.... MS oil! Hirtler, Mary MS 4.5 00 Jonre, Mary tan 14 W 2 ' ! . 117 N W u 9 S Ker heer, V. W 44 R 1 1 I 00 Harlnian opiate M'l W 1.1,3 4,1,4 ; 2 " m WI,2,S4S,6 " ..'84 W 4 a,Mi " ' r,2 WM " r,T andtSJ IS 0 Martin, Mli-hanl 4-1 W , m Mt-U-.-e, Jaa. H. ........ iW Ml I M Mnnme, K.V.: '.. S N K 1 ' 00 Pir-lei-,().(l '1T W 1,1,1 4 5 1 l Pit el Ihna.. .....V4 MI3 ' 121 lire. I, Hi hM,ii.,..,i. 4' MS '' i . I HO Hi-ed. Mil'ptiv !t; Mil 4 Wl ivabwell air-. I aaia,,. r. P. I -- rl a riclimken, Marnil 47 W 4 A.S , 1 Wl Kmlth. tl,v 371 M 1.2 " 4 V. '.',1,4, M 5 H 40 Swann. B. P. ami othera.. M Wl 4 Wl Ktinker, J 'h,v Surt Ml tl 'I'm, mm, KUaaboiB.......S 3 M 1,2 " , .....4? B 4J juae .3, 24, and July mil 13 xisciiLJjnors. REAL ESTATE -AD LOAN ASSOCIATION SAVINGS BANK. Jona Wunia Aiaian.. ...... Twoaaa K. Mt Hot rK-pyvt.ara faiaiaai. K uia . . . .vwnla. y', aad TVaamear piiictois: Joha VUilet AUlaoa, of Atknaaa Mas la ; AUka Adrlaa.et' Adriaa VelUjre, Wav II Braa(d,af Ue WllMiafte Stmr, L B,Urala lr, Pree'tor Ihe Baak mt Htm Haawvar-. Ova. Harrtee, mt Harrtej Howell ; Thoa, H. McKoy af W. A. Wkltrkead da ; IUar Mawre, Bro ker j Saatt Nurtaraw. af Mortkrvp Caaiala ; Qaa. W. Utlaaat, ml WUItaaae Marckk. T nt AiOTKWRPoaATlON.CIIAIL t. id by Act at tie OeaeTal Aaaemkly af Martk Caroh a a. W aew prered receive depaeiia mt O.NS iHitlKaad apaarda,aa aklek tliaht per eent. Interest i keaiwwed I be aai. ly ol Uie ar. mltWa. tke aeaataatly la. rvvaalaeaiaiai mt the Aaaaa-latlaei. tke liberal lale mt latareet, aai tae ekaraeter af tke avaa. aaaeaeal, aaMa I ataklaf Uta tke eaieet aad beat paying eaTiaa ackaaie everud elared t tkte eoiauiunity. latrreat allowed ee alt eaata teaaialaaaa ma ik aad loafer. r" ii teen daja aotlca rvi aired t draw eal aaouey. Uepuatta reee4el al toy time ky tke Secre tary and Ira turn at tie. 41 Market Street. Juae US-If i i NDU.S IXFIRMAIIT. NORFOLK. VIRGINIA. L. INCIRA, M D., I'lIYHICIAN IK CIIARQE, Pot tke at fourteen yaara lr. iNflr ka4 been whlcly aud favorably kaoaa ia tba Brtt lali r.vi ludlae, Weal Imllea aud Southera SUteeet America for the Bian; eitraonllnary euro, of . ( JUiinlium, fkdfiunn, (tlnrrh, ,iirr inh)luhU, r(i)i, i.Wiai and OirWiaa lij)lt'ultii, iVfroii !, ami rivru furm of Chrvnia IHrn-ame, and eeieelallf for lh cure of thouaan.w of OP MALIGNANT CANCER. reranna aullerln with t'aarer aheuld call lianieillately uik llr iHairK, aabe can offer a rata and idy eere alien all ether fall. One application of Uie EAST INDIA CANCER REMEDY tikea ant, rout, aud branch, 4 very Iciat f ( rtnrrr upon the fiternal human bmly with out hemorrhage, danger of pule, wllhla eaves daya. HAEMIJiSH TO HEALTHY FLESH. SAddrew aa above. may T 109- CITY OF OF WILMINGTON,) MAtOH'SOPriCE.Jone 4,1373. ) vlll contracted by authority of the lata Hoard of Alderman, preylo j to the flret of May tat, matt ba pr eetiitod at once' foe payment Feraona holdinf them are requested to ecn j them In for eollectloa Immediately. W. P. CANADAT, Msyor. juneS ,. - , 4 s ; , Ut-tfch North Carolina Home Insurance Co. THIS (Company eontlnnea to write Pollclee at lair rate., uc all ela aey of iBasrable prop any All hwaev promptly paid. Kncouraee Home litetiturton. ' ' R. H . Battle, President; geaUn Qa.n, Secre tary. ' ATKIMSOX MA55IK0,' i Aeente. JmuiS y - ut-a Ladies' Fine Cloth gUPPMU-SIZKS I P) 7 ; lJtdiea' Moroeee blipperi; MiaarV Morocco Blippera-a very large anortaient at ; , CIIABLES A. FKICE3, Jan n Kx change earner. j- -iin . Sit S "-r - - fill; w r r. & It JS h 'j-:3 June 14 14J-eod3m zixz. z:iz : CECIGA WUallriaa,'. CV af 1 1, 1 SCIIEDULIIi AIIINQIR TRAIL Leaw Wttmlkftea .ail ( ice: ! ! Arrive el' Weaeetwrw eA.""."..".".'.' . I am WarfiMiiM,.- . Arrive at VYUmiaftua tit..'.'.7?.""I!!. FRIIQHT TRAIK3 Uavs WUmteitam deny (eieapt g , . , . a, i. . ' : , a ...... ..j Ijeave Laariakara a.................. "ivw at waaeiojurw' at... t Peaaewfee Traiae baavw ckarlwile dat.y - 4iav.veeped) at ' Arrive at Hakalo at u , UaveB.ee,.,., ...:.;.,' Arv4ve at CkaraKW at 3 ! P iPTUulu l k - . , . i '' bek auriairaaf tha Ilii w. v ' '' mwmi. ' "" " A daily State will (new ran la eoaaertda ' the traiueeekwtk eadaer Un K .u.. U rnkw. sr. lB(laae aad Snnai ti.u.. . PaiwreeopylegSokeilaieittlv-., c. & k . i, pmeae aaUuuta Uta. 1.4 eead eue pai er. mayu ' l9l XV ilmlncton and ITel 1 c a Rallrof d Corapaaj, Owes e On stui SirtuTiiiDT, SIIDklT, 1 tH,vr:x WUml4rw,ll.X,1a.1 O Stka kftet Jim ISik. Paawa. T. U W. W. Kailreedl will ran aa rol!oi MAUi TkVAiS. ' " Lear Caka, Depot 4Wly (laadavt tri, v ' Arrive at (iuidaboVo mCr"7""'V li il P f " o.;kTMaHUitwt HIP m Uatra Weldoaaayisaaday.e.'o.pi. Arrtatl4ockyWaV."V."r.V.."ll n A. ' WMalweaat ,.w.. l w P, , . OakmUa JP.;,.. KXPKEM TKAIN. "' f'P. a. M P. V Arrive at llol.labore at a, p, v . 17 """ I' " P- Arriveat Ho. kv Mount at. ......... I n p ovHiHur. aa.. ...,, 10 nl p 'm Laioa Ueput at I-HiA.it Mall Tvala ... .1. .. . . - vnimnii. .1 v on roe all point. u,U vt, B, Um ld 4 . ula Creek isatee. . . Pipreei Train eevnneetj only wile Acont Ceoek route. Fnllm..'. rmUm , lM4f t ara thla l viala. rreight Tralna will leave Wllmlntrion bi weekly at (.w A. M. aad arrive at l ie f. M. - , - - wm i leeve vnrritf tun dally al Mil P, M. and arrive at 4io p. i. WUHMP.niTIJiE, . ' Oanerai ioat. 2 KNRKAL VPBKIT()iD'T OPriuK WILMINOTON, COLUMBIA ' V AUGUSTA RAILRSA9 tl. WILMiliaTOB, II. U., .una 14lh.lJ.. CHANGE Or SCHEDTTLE J ke rollewiag Sohadaia will ea rata etrct at' 1 .11 A, MH Monday, 10th tnaUnt. BAT MPRK.1S TRAIN, (Dally V i.aave vi itminftoa....... ,, $M A M Arriveat rtareaee... ......., f .t, a! f' " ' Oolunibla... ....,....,.., S in f t laava tlelunibla. ' Airlve at Floreaee , ...u 30 a. si Wllmlngto .J.UP.W. NIOHT XXPftKHS (llallrt, lamia; eicep'e I (vo Wlltnluirtnn - i ii a ' Arrive at P'orenee... ...,,. n p, , (loleaOkl .... tA, a . - ........... .n.. aarja ... a . . lair. Aneuala V "M a i.' ' . Arrive at Oolunibla... ........'-'.'.".'in -s p. . " Ploreaee... j.o 4, " -- - wumiufHw.... a,oA. , p.areera U arlne tlTltfniM0nM n it,. . P. Mm '1'rmle.. aiki aim rii..n .. Snath. T s-s JAMES ANDKItSON. frenl npertntendeiit, J" ' 141-14 B HIPPING. Ihltlniorc and WilmJntri SEMI-WEEKLY STEiUISIIIP 1HIE wHtiian or tis nasT OLata tTSAnanira l. . rtI.ST,.......i..Capt.D.4.pBii a. LMII.I.K iatt.d.. BN-e IF, KtRHia 4 LIIB,...lapt, D. ii. CH1US Will hereafter aall from BALTIMOEI every ' Tltk BOAT and PKIOaT, a-d from Wll, M IN UTON every VVKDNKSDAt and SAT. t'KllAT, eoaneetlngat Wllailnatoa wPk the Wilmlnvtna. tolumoia A Aniuma, tt'llniine ton A Weldon, ami tke Wilmln.iori, uhailoiU llUli.Al l.llM-.l. A 1 . ' , , . - -'"- w iu. mm rrrai lane of teamen to Payettaeille, aiTlutrThrwaarh Ilia aflli.ar ? to all poliite In Monk and Soath Carolina, Oeorgla and Alabama, Connecting at Daltlmore with the Baltimore A Okie and tha Kiii. Oentral Railroad for all pointa ia tb Weat ai. t North -Weet, and wita S learner, and Rallnxwn tnm hMlAH W . V , . .. . I b.ii. , .i .w. .. rw ireuju enraavimenwappiy A, U. VAZAUl, Agnl, ' WilmlB.liM.. K' fl. . ANDltEWCI.,Ar'nt. ' f OUIURD "TKAMSHIP UVt P I J NKW Vnlill ' ' . HAILIXa IIFAUAVS AK rKlltAT rmou HEW TORIL, SD WritN I "i OATH AXO KAT1 RDATB tUOM :. , - WIUiISOT4J. :.C I IJISCUANCB UMLt OKE-PUUKTH Pta '- I HKOUOU CONNP.CTIONS WITH A 1, RAILROADS LEADING OUT OP WIUHINOTON. ' T Ke pamengeera taken. ."..' Pot freight apply to ' . v BARKY BBOTHEHS, Af 'a may ID . ... mscnxAJTEoirs. DULL TIIIE3. A ND w are determined toaall ohr B 0 "T aiei 8B..KII at low prlcea. UUi ana get barrana . DUDLEX 4 rJ.Ll ' ' , Migaof the p ' JoneS t i , , puncELL jiouki:. , J. H. DAVIS, Pripni'oi From thla date the ra ni Ti.i rn.arv 4, na, 0d i M i tay, .-..-local ion and room. . - lay hoanPre per wik. Jn 21 ' , ... BUTTER, WKSSKEt Ll "v a -i 1 - - . - 10 TCBS BCTTES ; , ' 1 Phla. Whkkcy and Pr fit) Ton. H'Xin Iron, roraatetiy P. If. jua !t

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