f -.-r 1 ' "-- , - ' , . i j ' i i r n . , - j ? i M 1 i 1 M . i ' ! i 1 1 J I i ! I j ' I VOL XXII. -KO. 173. wninKGTON, h. a, Tuesday, july 22, is:a . vrmnxQToy, k. c. : mSDAT. JULY 12. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUARTERS. A YF.HT INTERESTING CASE. AX AMERICAN CITIZEN IN THE ENGLISH COURTS. WasirntOTOs, July 21 Night Col das. Case, rwiTW of tb First Na tional Bank 4 New Orleans, ho has juat arrival her, reports to the Conif troCer ot U Corrsagj that La has iu telligenc from Umn. Jevooa ami Riley, his solicitors in Liverpool, that tho House of Lords Im recently de cided the last of scries of chancery ease in hit faTor, thus securing some t70,000 ot mora to the fund for the general creditors of the Bauk. CoL Case may justly eoitRratulate himself upon this molt. When the Bauk failed, aom six yeara since, sundry creditors, who had bonght its bills on tha Bank of" Liverpool, sought to as enre the payment of their claims in fall by instituting proceedings in chancery in England, which they tied up pendente lite, and hoped finally to appropriate between $200,000 and 1300,000 there on deposit in the liver pool Bank. Upon tha theory that then , had been a specific appro priation of funds to pay tha svera bills as they were negotiated, they seemed to be confident of success, and many other creditors, and even some eminent lawyers, were more than fear ful that this large snra would be lost to the general fond ; bnt the receiver, after a careful consideration of the facta, concluded that the suits ought to be defeated, both because these facta did not warrant the theory of any, specific appropria tion, and because it was not within the powers of a National Bank to make such an appropriation on a time bill as against a contingency. Its own inter vening insolvency he resolved, there fore, to the contest of the cases, and did so. Tfce peciaion of the Vice Chancellor was adverse to, him and he appealed and some two years siuoe the Lord High Chancellor and three Judgea sitting with him pronounced elaborate opinions reversing the Vice Chancellor's decree and decreeing the money to be paid to the Iteoeiver. All but tip of the claimants acquiesced in this decree. These two, acting, as it is understood, upon the advice of Hon. If. P. Benjamin, formerly a United gtates Senator, now a practicing bar rister and Queen's Counsel in London, took an appeal to the Hon'e of Lords, thnstleing 1,600 of the fund two years longer. The appeal, after the most elaborate argument in behalf of (, the appellants, has jnst "been dis missed with costs, and the Receiver, alter sit year's fighting, from the low est to the highest Chancery tribunal in England, is completely successful. The Custom, receipts to-day reached over $500,000. The Be. Charles F. Deems, of the Church of the Strangers, will assume editorial control of the new religious unsectarian newspaper, the "Christian Age." the first of November. It will appear next week, " Ei-Gov. Colby, ot New Hampshire, died at Concord last night, at the age of 80 years. UOT1IAM. pm BROOKLYN TRUST CO,., THE MATTER GETS WORSE AND . WORSE. Niw York. July 21 Noon. The weather is warm and dear. Additional excitement was caused in Brooklyn financials circles by the announcement that Judge Alexander jkfoCup, the largest stockholder of the Brooklyn Trust Company, and on ' whose application it was forced to sus pend payment, has, since Mills death , been- transferring his real estate in heavy blocks, to his wife, to secure himself frpm assessment in case the company proves insolvent." Thotranf: fers, wbigh embrace one Jot valued at . $00,000, are firslj made out by McC'up, to Edgar McCullen, then by the latter to :MoOne's . wife. In addition to deposits hitherto reported, the U, 8. Government had $200,000 with the Company, N. H. Clemeut $13,000 and Dr. Bryant $2,300. The more searching the investigation, the worse the condition of the concern appears to be. Secretary" M. T. Rodman de nies that he is also a defaulter, assert ing that the Connecticut Town Bonds furnished as security, will fully cover the loan to him from the Company, of $34,000. - MSACJlCtfETTS. THB YALE EXPLORING PARTY, UprrKKNi. July 19 Tho Yalo ex plopng party celebrated last night the victory of their college, at the Spring' field regatta, To-day they left for Fort Bridget, where they Will Upend the next six weeks in investigating the geological formation of the Match Mountains. ' El'KOrE. ATE IN CORTES ON THE JEW CONSTITUTION. RECESS OF THE FRENCH AS- SEMBLY. THE TICHUOUNE TRIAL. ItiXOLADA SACKED ASP BURNT BT THE C VRLLSTS. DON ALrnONSO-S ARMY. COXSCRIFTION BEGIN. - j ' Mi rum, July 21 Noon.-In- the Cortes, on Saturday night, a debate was opeued on the new Constitution, which consists of a hundred and otre clauses. He nor Rio, of Rasas, Ro mere and Roblcdo made speeches against it It is reported that the dis cussion will continue for several days. Fabis, July 21 Noon. The Assem bly voted on Saturday to take a recess from July 27th until November 5th. London, July 21 Noon. The trial of the Tich borne elaiimuit on s charge perjnry, was resumed this morning, but almost immediately after opening the conrt oue of the jurors fiiiuted from tho efforts of the heat, and an adjournment until to-morrow was nec essary. The thermometer stands st 85 de grees in the shade ia London and vi cinity. Madrid, July 21 Noon. The Car- lists have sacked and burned the town ot Iguolada, Batonkr, July 21 NighL-The Carlist force which has just captured Iaaalada, is under the command of Don Alphonso, and comprises 3,500 infantry, and 200 cavalry. Inconsequence of the Carliata' success the municipal authorities of Barcelona have organised for common safety, and are pressing into service for local defence, all men between 20 aud 40 years of age. Madhid, July 21 Night. The May or ot Alberacaue, in Valencia, was assassinated during the local disturb ance, growing out of the reeent elec tions. I'mSYLVAMA.' rOWDER MILL EXPLOSION'. ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. Pan..DKLrntA, July 21 Night- One of II. A. Weldy k Co.'s powder mills, near Tsmsuqna, was blown up and destroyed this forenoon. Samuel miller, a resident of TamauqMa, was instantly killed. The shock was quite severe, and was felt several miles from the mills. John Mills, an old man who was committed for trial lost week, charged with attempting to outrage children, put his throat with a sharp piece of iron, m he was being removed from his coll to tho Court for trial to-dny. It is thought that tho wound will not prove futul. CONNECTICUT. THE ITALIAN SLAVERY QUE3- TION. THE MATTER IN THE COURTS. New Havxh, July 21 Night. Gio vanni Glione, ntItalian padrone, has been arrested in this city for holdiug four Italian children in a den in Oak street, supporting himself by their aotingas mnsioians and boot-blacks. He has beaten some of them very se verely. Prosecuting Attorney Bliilcn- burg has filed complaints against him in the City Conrt for holding froe per sons in servitudo in violation of the personal liberty bill of 1854. The cases were coutinned uutil tho 23d iiist.. and 11 ' Judge Harrison laid Gliono under bonds of $1,003 on tha last oompla'nt The Italian residents of this city arc taking an interest in tho details and they beliove that this will lead to thorough investigation. Eight of these padrones hold ohildren in a stata of virtual slavery. THE C1I0LEUA. SIX MORE DEATHS AT VERNON, v MOUNT ITS RAVAGES AT EVANSVILLE AND COLUMBUS. Mount Verkok,- Ijd., July 21 Noon. There were six deaths in town yesterday. Nearly half the population have fled. l'liysioians and nurses are coming from neighboring towns. EvANsviLiJt, Isd., July 21 Noon There were six cholera ' deaths last week. . , CoLt'MBt'S, O.; Juiy 21 Noon. Three convicts and one colored citizen died with tho cholera yesterday. TENNESSEE. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT SON. JACK THE CROP REPORTS. Nashville, July 21-Night. A large destructive fire occurred at Jack son, Tenn., yesterday. The Postofflce and ofTjco of the Whig and Tribune were among the buildings burned. The total loss wai from $7.rj,QQ0 tq $100,000, on which there was but little insurance. ' . v , Memphis, July 21 Night The crop reports from Arkansas, Mississip pi and North Alabama continue favor able. In a greater portion of Missis sippi they are suffering for want of rain.' ' ";. " : 7 ' KENTITKY. THREE TRAGEDIES IX ONE DAY. LoTKTitxE, July 21 Noon. Jsuu-s G uiuou, formerly a barktvper in this plmv, and recently a policeman in New Orleans, killed his wife. . A nua D.imtNl Gs!lraith was ka kluxed iu McCrackcn couuty for living with a negreaa. Jul us Cune, firmerly. sheriff of Hall county, engaged iu a quarrel with a Mr. Sstth, a respectable eitixen, a tew days ago, which enJil in Cune shoot ing Smith iu the breast with a double barrelled shot gun, killing hint in stantly. An old gruihjc existed be twecu the parti a. ELECT1UC1SMS. The V. a frigato Constitution is at Newport The schooner Oilman D. King, for Sagua la Grande, frm Providence, R. L, June 15th, is missing. The Suspendor CVmipany ' buildings. at Norwich, Conu., including the ma chinery anil stock, has boen burued. Loss 57,000 insunxl. lrof. Mic, a patent melieiue vendor, shot Dr. Wiuslow yesterday, at Boston, about buiuesa matters. The bull eu- tared the cheek, near his uoac. The m vhiue shops corner of Twen ty-first and CallowhiU streeU, Phila delphia, and known as the Industrial Works, have been burued. Chas. R. Dvis, a U'-tcd jonmalit in St. Louis, is dead. PIIOIIAIIII.ITII'X. Wah Dr.rknTMKNT, Wakiiinotom, D. C, July 71. On Tuesday, for the Gulf Stater, fulliug barometer, riaiug teuqe'itnre, Southeast winds and partly cloudy weather, with continued ruins on the Eastern Gulf coaat For the South Atlantic States, Soulheattt winds aud numerous local storms. Fur the Mid dle Atlnntio States, Southerly wiuds, higher temperature and occasional local storms. For the Middlo and Eastern States, Northwest wind and clear '.or isrHy clisr weather. Fit the lower Lukes aud Ohio Valley, B, mthwest and Southeast winds, higher temperature, increasing clonliness aud falling barometer. For the upper Lakes and the Northwest, fulliug ba rometer, higher temperature, increas ing Bouthorly and Easterly winds, cloudy or partially cloudy weather, and in the Northwest local storms. TIIK COKHTI'ri'TlO.IAI. ASICIvD " BIEItTil.- Tho following are the eight proposed amendment to the State Constitution, to be voted ou the first Thursday iu August, and which were agreed to nt the lost session of the General As semblyi A. Amend section flvo of tho said arti cle, by striking out all that precedes the words, "the soul Senate Jjistriot. and by striking out the phrase, "as aforesaid or," in said section the part so stricken out Having reiereuoo to tne State census. II. Amend section two of the second nr tielo by strikiim out tlie word "annu- ally," and iiiRcrting iu lieu thereof tlio word "biennially, being in reference to the sessions oi tlieUeneral Assembly. Amend section six of tun third arti cle by striking out tho word "annu ally, nml inserting in lieu thereof the word "biennially, so ss to conform to tho provisions respecting tho sessions of the General Assembly. UI. Amend section six of tho fifth article by inserting after tho word "in-ttru1 meiit," in said section, the words ' ''or any other personal property." IV. Strike out tho words, "Suporinten-! dent of Public Works," wherever they occur in tho Constitution, thus abol ishing that office. V. Amend section sx of tho first article by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "bnt," this being tho clause relating to the State debt Strike out section four of tho fifth article relating to taxation to pay tho State debt and iuterest VL Striko out section five of tho ninth article, and in lien thereof insert the following : "The General Assembly shall have' power to provide for the election of trustees of the UniYersitT of North Carolina, in, whom, when chosen, shall be vested all the privi leges, rights, franchises and endow ments heretofore in anywise granted to or conferred upon the trustees of said University and the General As sembly may . make such provisions, laws and regulations, from time to time, as may be necessary and expedi ent for the maintenance and manage ment of said University." Strike out sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the ninth article, rela ting to the University of North Caro lina, .-'"- i" . - ' ' VII. Strike out sections two aud three of the fourth article, lieing tho pro visions wbfch refer to the appoint ment and duties of the Code Commis sioners. . VIIL , Alter section seven of the fourteenth article so that said section shall read as follows : Ho berson who shall hold any office or pfoco of trust or profit under the United States or any depart ment thereof, or under Ibis State, or any other State or government shall hold or excise any other offioe or place of trust or profit under the authoi ity of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either House of the General Assem bly: Provided, nothing herein contain ed shall extend to officers in the mi litia, justices of the peace, commis sioners of public charities, commis sioners for special purposes. We welcome Mr. IUiter Johuson. ' We an Rjtd th.it he wa boru, and ,' hope that he is married and hippy. j May ho Lve kn'.g. and Lis t.;i;kUw , never grow lets. For Mr. lUsiterj Johnaou docs tb4 fl;ng up his baud ia j uufeiinKvl askmiahnieut at tho pretea- ' tiua and gigiuitie heroic epw gener ally duesW to 1 grand by one or two who have read it, and the millions who hav not, but who are lt in praise all tlie same Milton's rra.li Lost aud ParadiM lU-gaiued. 11 re- t fuci to cry, with lKiniie Sampson, "lVodig-kiusr at a book, merely be cause it is a Kk. To use a phrase now too common, Mr. Johuson has the temerity to gi for Milt, aud whiU arknowWtriug his power as a poet iu partionlar lntw.-igi's, lie certainly prov ed him guilty il uii plnring errors and faulu. Take the famous battle iu Heaven for ittxtuice. Satou is wouu ded by Michael -V wa k tokIi fuc slt" that hw Vlwl hi w M CaMaut km kjr aai-lbilaiWa 4 1." And so on. And Mr. Johnson com meuta thus; "Yet we are asked to bo Ueve that legend of angels, etiongh to make a line eighty thousand uulea kng, and an einal number of devils all are lunatic enough to come out in warlike amy, spend aouio hours or days in disturbing the universe with fte clash of arms, by which every ouo of them knows that not eue ( them can l harme.l. Well does China call i self the (Vhwtial Emiirc, if sncli tie the warlike usage of Heaven." Am Act ( I'mrU), Chapped hands and face are the most serious annoyances that farmers, and coplewho labor much out of dxr, eiperieuce from Mjxisure, ExiHwed iernons, espicially children, rciH'utcdly (differ luteiiMfly from great cracks itpou the hands, that often bleed. It is cruel to allow one's self or others to suffer in this way, wlicu the moans of xmitive prevention are so easy to be uul, aud so cheaply, as to pay ten cents for a cake of Haud S:ii1h, Hand Sh polio is not ouly better than the costlietit sonp for removing dirt, but it prevents chapping, and renders the skin soft and pliable. Sold every where. SPECIAL. OB STAC LER TO MARRIAGE- lloppjr Hrllcl far laung Mm friu lit tivcti 0 l-.rr lana AUimmii tn rarly Ills Mitiihixxt rlurMl. Imp'l ra tu M rtmateit. kw wrlbaUul Irralmrnt. Nraaiil rrmarkibl rtmmllm Itu4ik kiu! Cireuktu Will irS, la l"l f hfrtitx', AMixm, UitWAItll AHHO(;.1 ON, Ku. , Hnaih hinlk SI , riilatllilila, at, lumt tall a h-lii a bih rruiiuia lur h'iiiinll nmdiM-t ami ru4(MHiKil tkiU, warrk it d4Sm.-h 4 1 1 V VrWl tirfrrvker to aril our new All lil amlHuTxl K.aibmli'crtin Ma. W 4 VTI.,ll t'r llltmr .li-.l 1 riUctrrulir,lottMi'KMau alartaring Omfaut , 9m Uriuilw) W Y. 'I lt llerh lih Jt I'vilahlv 1'iim. Ilf HvMlHg- iUarhlnr, n U ! 1'rlal; aiaiijr wliaHtBi ovr alt. HIuh na tion tftiarftiititcU, or JU rafundiitl. Hunt nine tkl, wlihlall illrwitUHiik HrrkxiUt di)iig laillnOo.,Mi3 Uroailaar, N. V. Tha Nw i:inlic 'I'm, Am mr (aiW Inrmtitm. It rrluni tin Huptum t nil tlmr, anU an iiw iliv kantet MerelM ur vrrr etlrala. II k wurn llh mmliirt, and ii k'4 n nlilil aal It, iHhu a ris.iirit rur In a fow hI. Hold o!)ci,mihl'nl l.r mail when rritKxtttit, rlnrn an (noi, bn ofdrid by let ter Mi.t to Tbo Rl wile Trim (.' , Nu.tuu Hroihl , N. V. CJItT. KolHidy uwii MIhI Mfrlli 1'ihhmw; ton inru'; UifjtHpoll tiwrrriiiitlj. uajr S lua-drMl&nvowly irlolbara, SlolUnra, nulhcra, lHn t fall to prorurt MKN. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIMI SVHL'Prorall iti..c InrMcht to lbs perW,l ot telbln In children. II r llcrra tba child frrm pain, curoa wind cullu, n'((iiltot tlis twwali, and by firing relief and kcaltk to lbs child, glrci rest to the moUirr. Bator and call rur "MRS. WJNSI.OWSBOOTIIIN'a BVKt'P." For rale by all drvggiM. Jiinnal lftl.Hnn-W Nat. HrhenrkU 'ia.ndrn.ka he i d I arc MmiKKTil tl -iinirrly ot trgn Ull larfillriit, and altlionuh they nllruljr uh-m-ji1 ili ' of mercury, do not k-ave any ot ll lnjnrbiu e!TI. Thi-y art ilirKct'y iiiwn Him liver, ami arc a ntlnablnrflinrdy In all enni of tlirn ii u' ni'-nt rmmliliig Hum a rtlsuhlinil Mttn of il.at oriiHit, l.lvr i:iiiui!h!iiI., HI noun Dlinir ir. In'lti'ition.klok llra.arlii,Trbid fercra. He, Sc., all ruiviimb U Hi Irco ub or Sclicnrk'a MKlrk I'llir. l Ml by all driifrirlara and dt-a'ia Xlio l'nrlor Coinii)iilii, Irery l.ady wanUinc I t ret y M an ongli t to htv one 1 1 Scnton rcccltol Trn Ctnta. Aililrcm, H t. HVPK A ., ISiiSrvciith yn', Now York. WA R AM WHO Alt'. Wll.l.lKd In Work. I Any rcr.nn o d nr Tnimir. or either r. ran uak finni SI0 to ! par wk, at lim r In eoiiiieclkm lib other niiniii m. Waiitol lit all. nuiulile to iibi r I'lty or Country, and any aeaaoii or the year. Thlr ia a rare "in ortu- nltt rurthw yrhoaroont it work, and out nt mimey. to rank an liidrpcndrnt living. No rilll tring ri-ninreii. fiur iiamiliirt, 'lfuw TO mahk A i.ivimii," aiving lull inatrao tlona, rent nn rewlhtor III cent. AiIiIicm, A m ill UN s UU., Monuanla. Wei.tcbei.U-r Co., IInTon Flirlutiau Nlirnala, a di I n rn.nl . .1 nf M 1 . 1'ni.m. 1( . i .. and Fublirking llouee, Mt Veaey Slrert, hew "1 IV IN THK HUKAKFANT, M1NOH ON. KI.N.SKIi AND hUl'I'KH TaHLK, LEA & PERRINS' Worccstersliirc Szncc IS 1NDI8PEN8AU1.K. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York, A vent) for tba United 8uti I. NEW ADVEETISEMENTS, Ho Cometh Kot' She Said." 1 KftVKL. Br AsiiaTneVAa Aqllw of JV "On dnarii." -Walter tiontig." "Theo. I,elgb," "fUjed OiiV iSo,,c. tyo, l'air, Bsociiia Tbo aulleie ha rnmo eici-Hcnt uing-;a i Kit t i-uiiig w i limit e wet iron, not eomnitiiip ae-, nlibuiiyli within the lionnditol pooaibl In ; ' il a ! of charm tit miwi of whom are lik rntl 0 le, with wlioxe iI.imkIiM anl paeatun a Irarn to fympathite, and wnoot wonla and act lone could mt k trannt'rrred a'l roond fmia one to the other like the plate' and cuiatnth mad ti a party ahbont a thork to one f na 01 crnixwiriicj For tale at HEINSBERCER'S 1.1 V K BOOK AND MUSIC 8TOH K. FOR RENT FROM FIRST OCTOBER NEXT, milK I.AKtiK I WKLI.IJtO oft Chef tn at ktrcet, between Third and jr Poniih.well eonatrnetetl and nltabl lor a Doardina honro. For tcrma annly to oa ruing July 13 liS St English and American fJHEET OIL CI.0rit-;j, IS and 18 feet wide It. . T " " . Kor sal br . " P. A. SMITH k CO. JulyB NEW AD7ESTISEXEXTS iiorsr.Hni.n m kitciif.n fcu- MTl i;K ATAl lTION. II. CRONLY. AucUQnear. t' tUONl.V A MOUU1H. t. Tllt USPAY, Jal fi. I J. at rVrrk. a. m .aeaiU Mil at ibt nxb a.- r Mr. A. r'M ifa-t !? S-rraik. Wtc (ka aji v 4 V :vTt, ,iif t.i t ,H k ltil-i.tit.1 and Kit.na rHrattr, 11 lit, Tartar, tha n( Knn a4 t hatabar (alia, . 11 iltl rt.eg. f rt, I rMrkrry aed til a vara, k trbra Karaanrc aJ tteaMl tkraacSaat, J4'y. lUMWRJltt OUR LINEN SUITS Jisr Till: TIIINU rOat HOT WKArUKS. noss.MEJ SII1UTS, Lllllir tXLOUED SUN I MB1HXLAS, HALliUYtlAN HALF HOSh; te at MUNSONCO'S. t ilt tU'Tllle-KS. jib m m Ihoico Table Claret M UI1INK Vt lNr! at kw I jar, CUirlla Ouartii and J-mta. ciiAi.it mti:kiiix t Nuriarrtmiai. JaiyJB til PAY YOUR CITY TAXES. I'm. a Vaa 1 ana n Coli xn.a. I'll i'f Wu aiai.fua, N f , 1 Jaly t, lnTi. ) 'IMIrMirY TAX i OKI kltmikH pasta la aay xn.lin, 1 aball e laoueac iltrl InaTtka (Uytaet r.tr I 1, via natidaf, S'at Inalanl. T. (!. SF.UVOSS, City I'lt ik aud Treasurer. July Jit ni-iw IN DEMAND. GKN rs' Kltr.NCII CAI.P IIAStt SKWEII llailila. (i.nl I'al'nt lalhir hainl aewed U altera, leiil' t able Wii Ki-l Nkm (laiu-ra, tttnla' Hiid 1 krrnrh t all Tuiao Sol Ikuta. Muya' l'alit l.fu'Uir lnw itiartred aad uttap Nkut-a. all and vxaiulixi at CHAKLESA. HUCE-S, JulylS rehiif Cornee. PATENT ASBESTOS FELT ING CO., OF NEW YORK. THM t'hvritlNI Fort boll.IRS AMD H I ANtJ'll'kS ha bean atriulvy aad ai lite N.wllih the fa I two y-ai, and ka in ever inManr given etttii aall.laetmi. nwiii aivaiiia" iMiianiil ny UHllg ruvj Ki.'l IM), we BKUtlnn the llillowln I It la a amieilor non-enudtintitr or heat and euld and will hi at leant Kfl per cent. ( fia.1. it m ixea (iiwtieiv Ikaa hair telling. It la very durable i onn.rnvrina will laat la periVrt tirdcr an long a. tba hollar. II la aliHiintely n"H-militiinli It cannot eilt-h Ur nr ranimvnlrat IU It 'a aiiflli-Unliv I'laHIti to contract and pand with ilia Iron lurltoe, tint preventing It Irom erarklng It pren'tvea Iron, aa It eielmioa th atmoa pbere atd doe. not abaib mulAtar. It adbrrta tenarkiu.lr totha Iron, almoat Ilk enamel, yet a Irak M d IU prtcla lore I It v t Immrd alely Indicated, anti can b r. willy rearhed and reiuilrrtl. . 1' onvera Hie laillnr amonlhly and neatly, ana can be painted and ulhrrwlw ornamented. Atiirtaa w. h. nuw i.AM', I'mUifflii Roa Ka. 111. Oharleatnn, H. (). (Ump:eut lb abnv ANHKH loft fKI TINO can ba urn upon the Puller of Mn. Oldhaai l umniliig, Water .tret t. JnlIT ISB-fwk JUST OPENED ANOTHER LINE OF DRESS GOODS, AT STILL GREATER REDUCTION Ilf PRICES. M. M. KATZ, ' !IU Tlnrkct Klrret, SPECIALTIES AND BARGAINS IN WHITE CIOOPS, EUWlQIUEniE HOUSEKEEPING OOODH, UOY8' WEAIl, An., Att, at SV.. KATZ'S, :in in a it k i: r h i it i; i. r, Jnna 11 141- REGISTRATION NOTICE. Nkw HANiivrit t; t;NiT,) KW HANilVril V,t UNIT,) il'timv l'uauiHiiiUR, J .Inly la. Ih.x I'mtetif tiis I rwtltl-. IIM.H'I It A I IliN I'lMiKM nrihecty X nr ilniitiKinn nre una iii" a tiy the luilo I. g Kegirt ata, ami at j.Ui O f gni.ttl u t.il- Firtt Division, First Waud O. H. Btrodcs, at roMilenee on Fourth stroct. Heo.inii Division. FirhtWahii Wm. J, JvpIIor, at rnsidenco cornrroF Third aud Ijlaclen streets. Sr.com) Ward. Jesno J. Caar.idey, at tionrt uouse. Third Ward. Titos. M. Osrdner, at ollico next went of Court House. Fourth Ann. tfatium K. Cutlar, at rmtidencn, Hixth stroot. Fieth Witn. Auotliony H wc, at work sliop, tiiwn street. On Kklerilitr, Angnat til, all K'l-lrar af e'er.lHin will le I ren nt at In aereral il.-njtna-Uil .tlil g t!ae.ii lit tlie rnunty anil keft Hi renwirntiiin nnoha r(K-n iroto w i,i'eica, a m until 6t'clurk, f. m , n ITiacrilioU lijr la nr. l,AWM)N K. HICK, For County Omtni-ftonrta. .yln 171-1 well Spirit Casks,Hoop Iron and Glue- 850 8TANl'A,RrrA.rMr"-t 25 Tfliu Hoop Iron, 175 BUlfcOloo. Formlebr F.W. KCaOHNEH. July H lta- SIW AD7X2TISZ2X3TS. ENTIRE STOCK AT COST MUST BE SOLD TUJiEDUCE STOl'K AS MITH AM IWSSinLF. BEFORE FALL nR rhaaetl ara nala. Wa are cnxuivltad to offtT, with our gvorrai line, a Urn kit 01 Hututut-r lrra (Wis at TITA.K COST. a(f sUara fix tut Iwinjr. so small, I unst aarrilta th txwt portiim of my stnrk to a. rot mi (ur rarly Fall purt'liastHt, and all who dtwir gtatda at Nrw York priotA ua4 cotue) aaiu and a-Uft More llifj all i Spirit Casks ! Spirit Casks. 1.200 iri",TCA"c- rt aal by . W. KKROHKKrV i'7 IU FOR THE SEASON. JADIW l.irPKH BOOTS, Kw, aeataad raakioaakW. rtM Carta cta'am, at LOW rUICM. CHiLDaKN'a mors at HARUAIN1. DUBI.IY Kt.LII. Slgl T lb Bouk Hmd. 171 It llT' IlLLIVUt NIQH SCHOOL, IDPORO COUNTY, VIRGINIA. JAMM F. HOUXIMBB, LU U., PrlnrlMl i WillraakV. Abbtit, Aanelat t'rlntll -Ik Mnth Annual Maeawa n( Oil. S.heol Kir Boy alll kegla aUaikr llttk. Heautllul and kealtky loealkja. fall eor f laatraekira Papilaar aiaaikar. vf the r.ailly. Kurlnlnr atlMi, i adreai vltlktr frlell, Uallaia julfll m-lawtai niffia Treasurer afifCollcctor" . Cllr Wlliwlatlana N. v jMlr i J JN OOMBlyVBNCI f dkaij.potBtai.ala la ukUlalag tba ra,alttl Bubrf uiulill)og Barles, las ealarraaaeat al tha Daf OrtlskSN Is ranker noat rtj antll Mou aay.tka UlaS tenant, at akleh Urn It alll artalaly I tato ifket. jroftlatartalla;r. T. a BEItVOHS, VI t Ultrk and Traaenrer. llii-.lt jalyW AT COST, AT COST, AT COST, AT. COST, COST, AT COST. QBATirUL TO A IM30EUNINU Pt'll- II far Its lamaaa patrsna daring Hi iat wass, fcaya aatarnlrwd Is offer Mill grM lailwisala, ta-wlt. z, Black tips drain. Bilk, at in M, worth is M. Blank fctyg tyi'farl Bllki at tl W, aorlh IT," A' ' Japaa. ' asnU, worts ) Mnla. Japaa a M wnta, worlk U ernu. pr l Qraaadlnat To eanU, worth tl 08. Bspari ' ' BScmt, worth II s Law St -ibm Dree Uooili at VI net cent. OoJ k, filaghana at II eta. per yard . Irk Uk, wllsnts. Bias PU. .MpanJ M cant per jartl. Beat tisraw- aai pat paper, Good Plat aawta par pat, rata) lp4 OtMasi MnW par Spool. I All Kind f Fancy Articles Very Cheap. : r Wo liitTt bnt few more weeks bof ore cmr'romoval to the rtwigui Horn t Btore, eoruer Front and I'rin- ricaso give us an early call. II. WEILU $7,000, $7,000, $7,000, $7,0C0, IK Bflt'DAYS, IN SIX DAYS, IN BIX DAYH, IN 81 X DAYS, At oar tow pi loe, ttila la not tufflcient.. We ap peal la S gt-'nerou. public to make It , Uyeae, 9i4,eeo, i 4,000, bii.odo r tha aatuHig la day. We hare (lied eur hraita spaa lt-9o aot dkMpuoint at. Come aoon and swart hargalrs. r : . 11. WEILL. GENTLEMEN, ATTENTION! Oraeti Ara C Brow kjajck I CaaUBI la. HIU,good,tt ) Wb'ta l&ck Veet (1 to. Half lloaf at T eta. par pair, and npwanla, Bonlcreaadkerchict, i cent each, 8uinitrre n atat and apwaid. KlliJtooUl) per pair. Oar enbVe, etock at hammer Clothing mul b oh altlmtit reaery, beror te moral. B. WEILL. ; inton Ginger, .. TIBKsJ .PED UMKS. ' ,' ' Wart India tad A marlcta rrtrrryry kind. - ..".. CHAS O, MYKKS A CO., lt . oxui g roni nt. ll- E. B. COHEN. No. 20 Maraat ttrwet, WllmlngtorijIJ. O. TRUNKS. mRATKUMQ BAUB, YALnil AD- 4W, Baraaaa, II rktla. Martin gakM, Uallara, Haaaea, I'rao t'tutlna, Wkl, apura. Hug Vmlr lata, Skaatawi Bkin. IwHiw, Peata l) tar, ! Ur.aaa. Batklkery Hanlwae. Alas, a karga kat af aaaaait kaad Sa.hllry aawia, J. a. TOPMAM UO'B, Ma. I Baatk Praat Mr WUatlagtaa, M. O. atayl lis- WUimiiiitnn. H. 0, aTuly 15ffl 1873. rj H KRI will U a atat tlag af tat ataahalilfrt at th WUatlagtaa Bartap Bant, at tha Kama af th WUatlagtaa Llhrar Aawrlatkm, at II a'rAstk a Thanday, th tAlh mat. A. MABTIN, Pr1. lat-IMIAMch Jul. I REAL ESTATE -AID- LOAN AHMOCIATION SAVINGS BANK. Joa Wliasa Avsisaoa...... Prraiaeai Tsoaaa U. Mr Kor rire-ZWaW CttlkLaa B. Kims aVctviara' m Praatarer . DIBBCTOBBt Jwha Wilder AUkam, af Atkhuam Maa lag ; Ah lek Adrian, f Adtlaa ValUr Wav U Bernard, of th Wllanngtoa Mar, L B. Urals gar, Praa'tof th Bauk at Mw Baaoear; Oe. Ilatrlaa, of HarriM Howell, That. U. McKay sf W. A. Wkluh.ad Oa Ktigar Moor, Bra hetj Saai'IMorthrsp,orMartlirapi Oaaralag; Oeo, W, William, of Willi at. A Marakkwa. rpUR A B OT I CORPORATION, CHAB- Ured hr Atl tba Oeaeral Aaaenhly af Marth Onrallna, la now prpard t raealv depnalt of Off a IMll.l.AHand apwartta, ahlrk a)sht per cent. Intereat h allowed Tan wi.ly at lit earltla, tk aaaatantly la. ajaalneilli af Ik Aaauetattea, tea liberal raw af lataraat, aal vn eharaal w lb aaaa. agamaat, anil la naklagiuM tk aalaat and beat paying earing tub are red afaraa t una wiaiaiuiiity. Intvraat allow) all saat rtnalnlng an rami 111 and longer. Pin day aotlos rrqalrad la draw oat miey. HaiaadUi rlred at any tlra b? tbt Seer tary and Tra.urar al Ma. 4 Market SireaL Juo IJ-ch SOUTHAMPTON, VA. HAMS, MAGNOLIA, KY. HAMS, FERRIS!" N. Y. HAMS, I.0.BTBVCNaOM'H. J 'ly " r a FOixnuNtt WOOD AND WDLLOW-WARE t GEORGE MYERS'. ISO JolTl APPUCATI0N3 FOR MANAGER QP TUN FIRST CO-OP P.RATIVB ITOItR, lur lb n.ulBg year, will b rclred at th 8t4K antll Wfdneadat, July 2Sd. J. 11 McUAHlTY, HecreUrf Board of Director. Ift-imi4ja Jul, II LATE AUHIVALfil, 650 BARRIM PLOURt 1r hhl. Rngar, oo nuia. rotej am ba. Cufliw) ! baira skolj llal bt Nimu; liJ boae l. a. SM.; IS bhtla. Hmoknd BtCer, M caaea llrandy Peaeliraj S camai Brandy Clierritat kl tub and kg lrd; . so noma nrouin. M bote Starch) . MS kegs Hall; TO boiaa aaa't 'k( IAS hoie Tobaaroi IS blila and H bbl. Snaff; 171 liana, nieara; . . It) be Catulj j SO llrrcra and CA hhla Biotj tl caaraTomatoe; yneawa .rob Pearh; lMI caaea I and i Ilia. Oy.terr. ki ream. Wrapping Taiatr; '" m m. rapar nagrj Ac, sVe., At. For aal by F. Tf. KKROHNF.Il. JulyM 4 HI- JUST ROASTED. JAVA AMI) 1.A0UATRA COFFRB, at OEOIIUR MYKK-. Julr lis Family Groceries. jgVr.KYTHINO FRKSU AMD OHOIOtl. EMPIRE, EMPIRE. EMPIRE. KXTKA FAMILY Pi-O'JK, at QEUKOK MTEHf. 171 Jaly 1 Extra Mess Mackerel. JjlXrHA MESH BALMOM, , Fxtrt Codtteh tnd Sngv Cured Pig Uami at OKUHCE MYERS'. JulyW i;g Full Line of DAKI ENTEriS' TOOLS. ' For rait low at NEW HARDWABE STORE, 'r tne Prlneaa and Water 81a. OILAS A MDRCHISOM. Jnly TtU Gilt Edge. CHOICEST TABI.R BUTTER. W always keep th tneat Table Butter bronght to tlii market, aeleg'ett from to Maatt Iiai- rw In th country. CHAS. 1. MYERS A CO., . '.' ' ', t . , IHorthFroatSt , lulyW - ia pit! "i r- i Wllaiagiaa, ' HCIir.UUL s P A a i t o i i t ;: a ' Uaa Vilaiiagtaa gaJlj (ei t j Arne at Wa4eM(v at '.'." """ Uaa at ., Ameaat Wuauagtaa at..' rmiQHT tbjaih Uaa WUmlagtaa daily (aaoept g e Ar,l m I.aarlnkarg 7"L7 8 Uae tMrttikarg at 3 aorwawjet.' ac Paaacag Tram laar CkathMW eeaaeKrtti ....., Arrte at HataMa.. Uata l.tuu . t. ArrtaaMtarfcHaa'aV".""""'";' u -r rrwgviar maaiM tiekT t.. i,, hatk auruaaa taa -J u .k. . , - ... tun. Aaaiiy atagavilltnoara laeonn..t v I lhttraiaaahtMhadf taa h a. U rhr f. Ragtaawaa s-w.. t Paper eapTi.fa.balai.ar w..o. ,. bra ah(iui Ukt. aad mod as p., ay kS l J Wilmlnjton and 'c : ' Rallrottd Conjcr; Ornca aaOii.aaaiivrtaisTaaiitr, i ?nialataa,B.ri,Jaaw)i j x i CHANGI OF SCUXDIJIX ' Uatad artarjaaa Ittk. Paaaan.. , Tr Iks W. W. BaBrmal will raa at rutlawt : MAIL TRAU;. Uae Catoa, Depot dally (Saadayt . t Arrlr at Oaidabora 'at.'.".V.t!m!tr!l u i - HaekyMaaatat, nip. e av ..i..n .... Ua WakdaadaUy (SMdataaMM. ' adiat .......T: JS. A amnaia'ilBHii n . , Jhorwat........M. J . . Vatasbwpot ., i p. .. RXFRE3A TRAiM. taars Paloa depat, dally, al I HI P. ArrteaatUoldalMira at -- rway moaaaat II - r at la .ut... .... Ur WeWoa, dally, ai.','.'.'.'."."; . r. rrira aa n ay Hoant at, ... .... t - I " teuiiiatnr aa,,. ,.,,, ...,tl tu r, Vaualpatal... .... tewA. . M Train makea .Im. Mhuiu. . . . . aa foe all painl honk yta Ba Lm 4 . . I . ruk ..... SV Ranram Train mim mi. a .,i Craak reata. fwllaMa-a P-alaaa a. lact ara this Ttwtav j Fnlgbl Train will ktar Wllmrnrna ti l weekly at S.00 A. M. at t arrlv at Ue f. M. Rtneaas Pralgkt TralatwUl laaeaW'' ma dally at JW P, M. aad arrtea at 1am r.., JOHRP.DITmR, ' O.aaral B't. Jsasts QRNBBAiSUPBRlSTEKDTS Of FIC.1 WILMINGTON, C8LDUSIA , -.ARB)- ' AUGUSTA lAIlRm t. WltHiaarow, M. O, Jnna ituik, 1 j. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Th rollowm lehadal will g ka tst at IN A. M., Moaday, SMh butaai. . OAT EXPRESS TRAIM, (Daily). Lt Wllmlnttoa.......... ia a. at. Arrles al F l.weao.., H Il.ro a. If. " Colambla,...,... 4MIP.M. lain Colnnibl.. ............. ...... 11 A. . Arrtaa al Plurene.. .....n .i a. WUmlugtaa, A 14 p. ... KIUUT EXPRESS (Dally), Suaatay i.'.i i. jaa WllmlngtoB. f. . Arrlftat F'ne...,,.,...n P. uoibia.u,. nil. . fc a-"-M"aw.rei.iri.. - Aaajata... . a t a iiy Aagnata .. 1 1" r. me a i mbla... in A.. , SN) A. kl. M H wiimiagiaa..., Parjrrlraylng Wllmlegtoa aatb9.41 M.Triala. ak elite eoanattiun g ... South, JAMES AMDERSOH. ta1 8aprlntin.it. Jan 19 8HIPPIS0. lhltlinoro and Wllinlr-rt ;i SEMI-WEEKLY aaraaM, ., aJ steahsihp inn: wmrrmau otvss naar OLaaa rrii'v l. J. FOI.RT,. Capt, l. .?. PU " M t'll.l.. Oaptd. N. RKNN I r ItKBMt A LIDR, ..Cai. It. U Cllil.t 1 Will hereafter Ml! from RALTIMOHR e.rt Tfr-BOAT and FHIKAV. l from W utiaitt ura ry wkdnksiiav ami sa r- I'KltAV, canmr.tlng at Wilralngtoa wiik ti Wllmlnttnn. I'olnmlila A Autuaia. V iiti"' ton ah Welrttai, ami In Wilmington, Uht. . A Rntharford Hallrtla A aaU nrerai Lma af Steamar to FayalUyllle. eivltia-Thraaicb Bills af Laatiw to-all polnta In Korth aad Boath Carolina, lltorgla aad Alabama, Connecting at Caltlmor a with tha Baltlmor Ok I tad th Central Hallroatl fw all polnKIa Hi V I Rorth.W!, and with Steamer and kawwn for Boatoa, Maw York aad Pkilatlelphta. . ear rraigbt tagagemanu a ppi y to A.O. 0.l;I, Ag-tt. Wllminvtan. M. (). AKDREWS A CO., Agent. . uajtunor. -de II TORJLLARD'S BTRAMSRir UKI F J NIW YORK. BAIIJMU TTENOATB AUD TFTT1 A g PROM IIW TOBK.ABD WI...I . TTmATr AMB ATTKBATS) WILMIStiTOK. , INSURANCE ONLT ONE-FOUK1 Paa CBBOUaa CONNECTIONS WITH AL RAILROADS LEADING OCT OP WILMINGTON. KT No paaaengeera takaa. For Italght anplr to v BABRT BROTHERS, A may 10 ' - - i - . v 5 . ,. i :: . - I i i 1 lua 14 ROJi MEADS OKPTLT fit! BT-tT'T" ' Jrh

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