Or H ;liir V- i! : v 3 YS r1 h ! 1 It ! 1 !l ;H ! I VOL L-KO. 259. wmmrGTON, n. a, Wednesday, octobee 29, ma thiols ::o. ID k jhilo KournaL TTILXIIXOTOS, X. Q: TSTDXISDAY. 0CT0BI229, 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. l.klDiUAKTEl.S. "WHAT SECRETARY RICHARD SON'S SPECIAL ORDER MEANS. OX THE LOOK-OUT FOR FRAU DULENT CLAIMS, THREE MILLION MORE BONDS FOR GERMANY. OF WiBHLiwx, October 38 Noon. Secretary Kichardaous order to Tmaurer Spinner, directing th pay meat of silver, is aa follows: " You will please oa and after th receipt nf this letter.'and until otherwise order- J, pay the poblio creditors, aLoold they desire it, oa account of eurrecej obligation!, bat not ia exchange for carreacr, a torn not to exoeed fire dollar in any one paymrut in ailver coin." The second Auditors report ears the effloe ia on the qut t it for fraudu lent claims. The Auditor ii determin ed that prosecution (hall follow every detection, whether forgery or the witholding of money by claim agents. Fire hundred and twenty inch caeca hare been disposed of during the cur rent year and 174,000 have been re covered, whereof f 41,000 were incasei of colored soldier. The number of accounts adjusted were 48,000 and the amount involved was ,40,000,000. The Secretary of the Ntvy ha re turned.' There wat a full Cabinet In-day with the exception of Delano. The German government Lai taken - an additional three million of Ameri can 5 per cent, bond, making ten mil lion. WW Vllltk' TEN THOUSAND HANDS THROWN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. PocOBUKTsnc, Oct. 28 Noon. Many bricklayers have been discharged. Carpenter's work ia at a stand still, end a great number of carpenters have been discharged. Home of the factories are running ou three-quarters time. Ten thousand hands employed at t'je print works at Wappinger's Falls, Little Falls, Cohoe's, Rochester, Pleasant Valley, Newbury and Haver straw, have been thrown out of em rjlovment bv the elosins of the works of Garner t Co. At Albany yesterday rhelps, the de faulting cashier of the State Treasury, was eommitted in default of 15,000 bail. EUROPE. FARIB IN A FERMENT. THE INSURGENTS AT CARTAOE 1TA DEMORALIZED. Paws, October 28 Noon. The del egation from several departments, whom MacMfthon refused to rsoieve, have bad interviews witU Thiers. Frequent meetings of the Republicans are being held. The Royalists are causing great agitation. Madbid, Oct 28 Noon. It is re ported that the Insurgents at Cartage , na are demoralized. Their lenders disagree. The crews of the Tehina and Men dez Nuens mutinied, and several were killed before anbordination was re stored. The engines of both vessels were in a bad condition. t Lojidoh, Out, 28 Night. An acci dent happened oa the Metropolitan . Underground Railroad killing three persons. . Borne mercantile failures have been ., announced. MISSOURI. THE BANKS ALL RESUMED. THE TOM ALLEN AND BEN HO- .L..... .... GAN FIGHT. 8t. Loura, October 28. Noon. AQ the Banks have resumed currency payments, No unusual excitement. Deposits exoeeds the drafts. Arrangements for a fight between Tom Allen and Ben Hogsn for to-day's fight, is complete. . The prise fight excursion boat, Con tinental, was captured yesterday at St. Lrfmia. bat the onirilistics were not j C v aboard. Jack Looney and the other managers were arrested. EixECTttieism A dispatch from Bath, Mo., states that the schooner - vy 1fch V avo bBa ; been Josl The fate of the crew is on known.. '' "y" '' During the trial of Kings well, for the murder of Malone, at Philadelphia yesterday, a son of Malone attempted "'' to stab Kingswcll. Young Malone was secured after a desperate resistance llie greatest oontnsion prevailed in . i"tr; 1.11 J. L:u.j c jurw juugawoii was artful w. ' A dispatch. ' from Savannah says . The Circuit Court for the Southern .. f)ioi.rut nf flanrtria liaa ArliniirnAl IA . 0 ""i"""" the 17lh of November, the judges being deliluod in the Northern Circuit' of Atlanta, by a number of new oases, which are thoseof Deputy U.S. Marshals charged with black mailing citizens, THK FKYKK. MEvrtcs, Oct 2s-Noen.-TUte were 1 vt'.Iow fi vt r u aths au J d fftim other an j.vt.'rJT. Tlure isi cold Xorihwett wind to-Jav. SBKKrtroiiT, IX-t. S-Nocn. There were thrve Vtl'ow fever deaths lere SunJy aud live ou Mondty. MoSTtK'MERT, (Vt CS Night. There have be-a ua Uestha from yel low fever to-Jay aud im w cases The reports from liihiltriilfre yester day were unfvorll. "(JOTUAM. New Yobk, Oct SS Noou.lUnk rnpU-y proceedings hare beey iusti' tuted against the Uuion Trtu-t Com pany. Niw YoKi,Octoberi-NigUt-The associated bauks gained J1,0(X0X in legal teudersjo-ilay. EiKhtv-ou lhouud inmsiiU of specie were received at the A-av Offl to-dsy. Total il,628,00JL rHOllAllILITIliS. Wa DtPAimiKNT, i Ornci Cuiir Sioxal Oitiieh. Washwqtoh, D. C, October 28 For Weduesdny, in the Gulf and Southern States, rising barometer, Northwesterly winds aud cool weather. For the Middle and Eastern tutos, Southwest to Northwest wiuil-i, with cloudy and clearing weather. For Lake Erie, Northerly wind, inereai iug to brisk during Tutuhiy night, and diiuiumhiug ou Vediimiliy. For the upper Lakes, the Ohio valley and the Northwest, diminishing Northerly winds backing to Yeit and Southwest, with partly cloudy and clearing weather. Cautionary sign'ib are con tinued at Buffalo, Erie-, CleavelanJ, Toledo, Croud lluven, Chicago and Milwaukee jyid are ordered for Nor folk, Cape May, Rochester and Oswego. from iht i In Appeal or um rnjiy. our 'u4liia t-Uhj. There wero twentv-nine deaths vs- terday, twenty-one of tliem from yel low lever ana eigut from other Cannes. The day before there were thirty deaths, twenty-sevcu from yellow feJr and three troia other cannon. Ho the situation is nnclisnpeil. Including those being cared for by the Ilowartln, aud the various other relief organiza tions, there are over twelve hundred persons under treatment for yellow fever, and there are two thousand and twent v families drawing rations from tht' relief committee's eommifsury. Each family averaging three persons, makes a total, exclusive of the or phans, who are otherwise being eared lor, and exclusive cf families under the care of the (KM Fellow and Ma sons, of six thousand and sixty per sons. It is safe to i ay, putting all to gether, that there are not Ickh than svei tlion ana iiersonu to-day, in Memphis, wholly depenilenHixm such assistance as the charituhty-difipoied throughout the Union can give. The frost of lost night may kill in part, or altogether, tho epidemic wLk-h has swept away so many, but it will not cure, but rather aggravate the con dition to which so many iudiiHtrions, honest peoplo havo been reduced'. Those at a distance will Keareely be able to credit the figure we give above. They will hardly be nblo to realize that over one-sixth of our pop ulation, according to the United States cousus of 1870, or one-ninth, according to the recent school census, is so re duced in fortune as to be compi UoJ to ask relief, and these, uu t of tliem, among our hardest-working people. But so it is. Already much of the money received here has been' ex hausted, and much of the supplies sent forward by tho Government, and as we cannot count with anfety on the sulwidence of the disease before the middle of November, the new year will be upon us before we can bo said ' to havo squared our accounts, dis charged niotit of our needy to work, and systematized tho dispensation of the charity of our friends. W'o shall therefore need nil tho nid we enu Be cure for the Howard Association, but particularly for the citizens' executive committee, upon which falls tho bur den of caring for tho poor. We hope, then, that the gencron aud good hearts that have so nobly supported us through this trying period of epi demic, full of gloom, n ttrain uxn every emotion snd sense, and ahnoHt crushing, so overwhelming is its weight of woe, will still uphold us and stand by ns until the enp has passed, and tho weary days and uicrhU of agony are over. What these have been, let the ngures in our "death roll" tell one thousand four hnndred and forty-three deaths since the four teenth of September. . Cheap Light lor Cltis. The hopes and prayers of long suf fering people appear now in a fair way to be realized. Eiperirhents have re cently been made in London, which, In the judgment ot scientific people who witnessed them, promise to revo lutionize tue present method of light ing cities. The experiment alluded to more particularly related to the illn- mipawon oi Birteuj aim puuuc places, though the same principle is applica ble to tho lighting of private houses, which would follow as a corollary of the other. The all-important agent ia the matter, we forgot to state, is elec tricity, and the light produced is de scribed as being "white as the moon trad apparently as intense as the sun." The light thrown npon the streets was estimated as fully equal to that of seven thonsond candles. One of its greatest excellences is said to be its constancy, the current producing it being unintermittent Its light-giving property, it appears, is not the only advantage to le reaped from tho dis covery. The heat evolved from this apparatus is intense. ' The inventor pro poses to produce cbemioally-pure cop per, now worth neary or quite a dollar a ponnd. at tho cost of ordi nary commercial copper, sodium uud potassium at less than half the present price; aluminum, now twenty dollars a pound, at eight or nine; and various other rare metals at prices which will make them ordinary articles of com merce. More important still, the in- v. -tit. dv!re, ud tj'K'i4 aewttists eetu t Uliere. that in the puriaca - t on of iron ore it will save the ort nry work of thirty men, two-third ttieccxJ, reduce i-e time to a mini-1 re.bted diinDg the wr. The farmer mum, and the t oUl expense less thin replied that it had. "Isasd the strait-ooe-ufth what it is at present, or. to j ger, "was oue of the marauding pert v qn te from th sUteuieut. the machine that did it I tHk a little kieket" "wtll purify two toss of pig iron la e sit vii minme, at a saving oi iwo- tl ims the coat These are statements of very lare a te, and were it pot that they are m d rsrtl by tuch anthoritiee as the Loc d u Timv'e and Standard, we should hardly consider thctn worth the notice we have given them. Tht inventor, of course a Frenchman, proposes to take his apparatus to the Vienna expo sition, aud if the hopes of his friends and himself are realised it will proba bly stand at the head of ail the new inventions exhibited on that occasion for genuine utility. If it proves suc cessful, and wo most ferventlv Lope that it will it will hare the effect of brer.king up the gaa moaopoliel under whose rule the people have so long groaued, and we cannot only have what we pay for, but we can have itu an honest price. HottH Uiob. It seems probable that the Legisla ture of South Carolina, now in session, will adopt tho suggestion of Governor Moses, of that State, aud enact a law "scalms" the htate debt The Re imblicau ravers of that State are strongly in favor of the proposition, which has for its aim, as explained by the Charleston Chrouicle, "an honora ble, aud under the circumstances, a fair and dual settlement of the vexed eondit'ca of Scuth Carolina finances." The only trouble now to be appre hended ia the manipulation of mem bers by scheming bond-brokers. In North) 'Carolina 0(1 Virginia liiuibr proposition may be expected in due tinin. STATENEWS. FuViiih sants a wo id inspector, Some li'tlo w on in Asheville last woi'k. The Leglalalure rears mbks on the 17th of net month. Raleigh is gobbling oysters on the half shell ; quite a luxury for a country town. Woodwm, of the Raleigh News, de clines the present of a bull purp. Kvi- icuiiy no is not lonu oi sauaage. If street tumors are to lie relied ou. Novemlwr, x'i, will be noted in the future .'liitory of Raleigh rs the month of mutiv weddings. There nro otly nine prinoners in Wake comity jail. Two of this unru lier ore from Johnston county, ent there for safe keeping. The Charlotte Democrat says : Gov. Vance will deliver the address at the Agricultural Fair, at Hickory Tavern, on tho Ulltli inot. He was compelled to decline the invitation to address the people t the Greenville (S. C.) Fair. The Raleigh News says: Hon. A, S, Merrimon has been employed as an attorney in thd great Georgia cotton suit case, which is to be argued bo- fore the cominer term of the United States Supremo Court at Washington City. The Monroe Eneuirerssys: Webave good authority for the following state ment : Mr. P. C. line, of Providence township, Mecklpnbnrg county, re cently, in eight hours, picked 434 pounds of co ton. This, we think, en titles Mr. R. to the honor of being the champion cotton picker of the age. The Mtinroe Enquirer ssys : Mr. J. W. Eason. from Pleasant Grove neigh borhood, brought to our office last Fri day, tho limb of a cotton stalk, with six bolls nil branching ofT from the end of Uie limb, and opened in a mass. Several iiersona who have seen this ssy they never before saw anything like it. T!:e Newton Vindicator says: The Baptist brethren at Catawbo intend erecting a hirge church at that place the ensuing spring, the brick for which have already been made. The congregation, we learn, numbers about ono hundred and twenty-five members. The Methodiats are also speaking of building a church thei e. " The Charlotte Democrat ssys : We saw at the Bank of Mecklenburg last week two bars of gold from the King's Mountain Mine, worth about $1,200. We are pleaied to learn that the Mine is paying handsomely. The Mines of Mecklenburg, Gaston, Union and Ca barrus, when worked practically, havo paid moro than expenses. The Raleigh News says: Some days ago we gave publicity to a street ru mor that Maj. W. A. Hearne had sev ered his connection with the Era and would locate in Statesville. We are now reliably informed that this gen tleman has still the editorial manage ment of the paper referred to, and has no intention of changing his residence, he says, -for the next forty or fifty years. The Charlotte Democrat says : We publish this week the letter of Col. Wm. A. Allen, of Duplin county, to which we alluded lost week. Col. Al len represents Duplin and Wayne counties in the Legislature, (and ia one of tho best Senators in that body,) and of course is sensitive when the action and conduct of legislators is assailed or criticised. If every member did his duty as promptly as Col. Allen and a few others, the Legislature would not remain in ression more than three weekc, snd there would not be so much Ciiue of cjinpliunt. Tho Charlotte Southern Home says: On Thursday night lost Sheriff ii. if . Logan, of Cleaveland county, passed through here en route tot Raleigh, whither ho was conveying one John Champion, sentenced to two years im prisonment in the Penitentiary for the crime of being too much married. Champion is a carrot'y headed, awk ward, downfall looking fellow, of about 35 years of age, with little appearance of the fascinatiiav Lotha rio I'ae must have been to win his three wives. When only fourteen years of ago, be entered the bonds of matrimony with a young, woman of Mitchell county; but the bonds failed to bind him sufficiently, and he married Mrs. Champion No. 2. Bo oming tired of both, he came to Cleaveland and took nnto himself a thud rib. v,hich was a little too much for the law to wink at, and John fell a Vjctim to his fondness fot the nuptial tie. While breaking stone in the Pen itentiary he will learn that it is better to die a bntehrior than to be too mucn married. : A ttmohiug iuvidett is reported front j J CUtUnoog. An utter stranger calUsI i ; on a rvsjieouble frmer, reeeutlv, and i aked Lim if hi houe had t4 been ' 'That locket, said the farmer, burst ing into tears, "had been morn bv my daar. dear child." "Here it i re plied the stranger, viaibly affected : "I am rich ; let me make restitution. Here is $) for your little sou." He gave the farmer a "jLW bill, and received W tu change, lie then wrung the farmer's hand waiuity and left The urue.- has siuce dr.e l his tears and loaded his shot -sun. The money was couuterien. Things wero affecting at Iowa City on elevUoa night The iVrMmancax rolled Braiuard of the AViiWicrt, the rostmaster, and uta partner, in a fire- urigade saloon, ainging : I want t I a Ors(nr. Ami wllk lb 0r iu4 A horHY-SMiM llluai, . WlikaSaf-rtwk taaavkuMl; ana anon, ms partner, a nice young man, wun a goou voice, joins in : ItriiMlh th. tall Inau. in I'll twlng IA. !lutn( k A Ml lb wllil pMatu-ktif Ai Iw tkiy 'r lb um. When the Postmaster continued : I'm kaf hi aiywlf a Uarkaa ran AiJ a rf all.' tuw, A V k Olok iim( Wl( lm!f , Ami a tcnt-l.tkar kMik. I a its tn atltki Aw fvi; bfgan tit llw KIMMoSa UVUH Km.ii.ahih ')" 'sU kwau4 tike a itnr la aij CAM. Hi J. C- H0I.MK!t I'l.TlOD, Ala Th walr 1 MiiAtllair Kperillc rurdia rrjft. kKlii.y. BlMkli, awl lh vrfu i8ti kI kt tlckHM kaklU.li llclmhnld'i Kitraet Bush a. 1 kU andiciua runt. Dr. H.laibsM l tb only plilflB wha kM ut'(l4lb twnliig tb lull vlitov 0 Bucks. HI U U of f a4 only traly Taluabl lirtirtiou. ltkie0iailnllabyikricluiiaad taati alike II b laportiuit Uat lafTtrra .boakl abialn lb (oaalat. Tkartfor ak for HrlahoU'i KatracV VuokB, Hk lb Doctor I atunatart ta U-t k'i tie. DIED la WTlliocn'. N. IV. oa t)if .ranlnv of U l Oiiohw. Dr. 11KSKV T. H JW.S, a(U it SPECIAL. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Ilawvr Hfllcl for Voani Men from tba tile, moi tirort ana Abuts, ia wy lllr. uiHo d Kn-torcul. Iinitjiututi to MarrU rBotd. Nrw inlui ar Irenlm-nt. N awl FcoiMkahl. rtroHli.il. llooktanil Ulrrulan mnt tl, IftM.loilrMtrtllopra Adiltrw, IIOW- AKII AHUOOIA l'liM. Ha t. Houlb Nllllb at., PmUitrliikla, ra.r-aa Inilitailua katluf a high r uUOun fur honor.UU'ron.lurl ami yro ImIiiuI .kill. The New hmedr ter Muplnre. A moDl imp,riai,l lwii,m. Mold bv Th Elanlli) IiiwU, So. lira Broailoay, N. V. Cltv. II num. BiiulrbM.uilTlH awul ouuirort, night and tint, at all tliuo, an.l anilor all clr MaManeM, wilh.ut anjr noeiitlon whstcter l n tam.and alioald ii.r.r b uken olt do rlnf ih lin Hai r. iHn to tftart a perm. nfintrurr Srnt i mil. Clrru .n Iron. An Druimi.l or Flu.ltiaii wlilonlnr thin ue I'ran lot oa lthouirhrif. PEATT'S ASTRAL OIL A1 BIKl.fKTl.V tart. Pirri-lljr ailnlmM. - lion iiiiiliitn. Illamlnalina miHlitle ,utrl r to far. Ilui its In an laviu altkout ilanitrr ol ilming or takliif lira. Mantt- taoinnta curvwur luiii'iiia th nm orinlatil anil dangeruii olla. lis mIVIt uniltr every pua Ible teat, anil lla pnfwt hurnltij atialitlra. ar prorM lir lu nmilnanl ate IB over Smi.i'WI lanil lira. kllllloiiiof c!lon hart hern fti and t.o an- el-tetit directly or liitilitctl haa aver occur red Mom buniliif, toring or ) milling It.' i n inimeiiM rrariy k a to ll'c aril nr(Mrty tMiiltlng lima ill naa ol' elirnp ainiilnniituua oil I lln II i' It. I autra, It amiallliig. T'nt li'uranr. Cnmpanle and flit Com tola- tlimera tlironitliout tilt atmritry rimntend tht A3 1 kai.x tne neat aairguard Mn Ik int art aril sanu i.ir eircuiar. tot aal at retail by the ttadn gonetallr, at'd hole, ale hy tht piopnefwa, I'll AS IAS.FHAXT & (Mi , HI Pulton Slut, Nw York. ork. uu-dAwen Hi 12 Jlothrra, nolbtra, notbers. Don't fall to tnenn MKM. WINSUIW 8 aoiTHI.stl kl'Pliit all diaeaaM in-lda In the period of trrlhlng In rhildren. It r. Ileeea tlx ckIM fn in iln. cunw lnd collu, regnlatoatha bowala, aud by firing relief aud bealth t the oIiimi, glrn ten to Iht uiouur. He i. ire and fl lor iMHS. WINMI.OW'A SOOTHISO SYUl'P." For nile hj til dm ; gill. June ii l.'UBnn-W.Hat. Darts Untile Devil ; Or Cupid Almscd A (look Jitt laed, H.liig the "froau'' that hare apixartd In I lie Ntf Vork Newif- nri; tm ir Hi-nil y aim laaia -it y nun it Ihii fiillv eipoartl. Ailiettitenirutt Irom UrKurait mi n to hHUi ful woaititi! Claii- dratlnt melinF Imw lianlrainl; 'J ho blatory of the (oodrlt ii 'I rutrrdyOie reeultofa 'petannal." oevitpunn ur i.irtng Humilway Slant'! Kxpoae asclal rorrunllwai. Settna temiptof Ml otuit. Aililrraa, tliliUt rrlnttng iiouMt, a vteeysu, n, l. TheBcfkwith BiO Podablo lam Ur Hrwlntr Slatcklne, en ae Dan Trial; tum y adeautagi orer all. Matiaiax tlo guaraiitned, or f Jo rl m I"U. Srut mat- Kifte, wiitiuii airtotoua. iht kit l to wwing lacbtne Co., Mil Kruajaay, N. V. tln-ln gllrlaliun tgunl. Sent onrendptnf i. r.T lr. t'nlniie PrlliHn and Fubttahti g Uovae, 111 Vary blnet, Ntw I or a. y ON THK BHKAKFANr, I.UNt'M asa KON, liiNdKH AND kt'PPER 1 AHLK, LEA & PERKINS WorccsMira Sauce IS 1NRI8PEN8ABLK. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New York ' AfffnU lor tht United RUtta. DRt OARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR. It recommenced by rrgular Medical ptactl- tawera and a speedy rare guaranteed for Ooida, Oi nglu, tttana, Atlhma, Urunetittla, Hpltimg BIomI, O intuniptioii a rul a' I Pulmonary Com plaint. Hcrolula, ryipia, Dynix-pul and Ooat, DyMntery, cooler miirbiin. cholera and all liver and bowel complaint. Kuiney dtara fei and all atleeilonaot tho I'rlnalOrpaiia ier fectly harmle m Ii ee fiom in it al or A iilio'.l ) propertiee pleaaatit to tak nud nerer known to fail Prlcef I Ol per bottlu. til I pattlrtilara with midleal teatimimy and r rntlrl l t on anpllcatlon, Addreae, h 9 HVIIS A W., IX OivenUi Arena, Nw York. AWABIIED TV HIK AMERICAN INSTITUTE, TO J. W. McKEE, ron Mroittz su2 Fltitiii. Macliines. Itlk Ingeniona and wltr meet the antnof very aiaUou la tht land." Exhibition nf 1S7J. John K. Oarlt. Be. Bte. P. A. Harnaril, Pre. San'i O. l'lilniao, Corrc.ni.liiig Hte. Kew V- rk. Nor. XI, IS f . Tbln aimple and lnf!on, .Vnriilne la aa ne falaaOie tteriog klachliie, ami lit taut lceom. lag pnnhlar with la'ilea, In the .hice of exen Mt lietdliNiiork, Iktwwrk being eaiM-k Biort hamlaome, requiring Ira toiH and not one tenth part the txpenae. No Imlv" tnl let ia niw tnmplet alt bout It. A Itlarhlne with illustrated clrrular ant full inatrnrltona tent o receipt of tl, or jtiilabed la tilrrr plate rorS2.;. Addreei, Tht Mcf ttinvariurinp do , M Broadway, Nrw V oik, AGENTS WANTED. NEW A3TI1TISIXINTS. As We Expected, CLOTHING. wk b tkaatait )r u 4nwi( Ik. tiki. r'uc bad tt auk tktr ttrttkB vac, M th awriaKat w ia4d y ailakbJa( MUNSON 5b CO. CITT t'LOTKlKRS. Ctt tikssh rowiEKr.u au is i rorsD wit. ; Ft Jon 4 Catraat Pf ric la I wai.J cant Tkyait, Celery and Mjttatd ( ted, Ollvw OH, Splrt.Uiager, .,.. For tal by OHFE.N Jk I.ANM:R. vct ass Salt-Salt ! A AAA SACK SALT. AMERICAN tud Lire r pool Uroaad Alam, aal UrerpMl Fiar. for mt by WK.I.AKD BROS, artti tie la M. CRONLY, Ajicttoncer. Uy CUONLY & MORUIik CROCKERY AND CLASSWARI AT AUCTION. ON VHIDW, Slat Intl , r. wnrai'lng at Maj u'chnk. A. M.. w will Mil at tu' M H Huoav, MwuU Wairratref , a ltg aariaiiil vl Whin Uraultr, O. C Veliow aitd Hovkiaiikam Ware, rwliraring a lull awatlHi nt aai'ahlt lor tbt retail trad I k. atiemma or Oroeeie aid iH-alttt la rail ed i tin. , aa the a llolet art lit be aold without rtarrr. evl M 'toO-M For Liverpool. THK BRITISH BUIO-'KXAM-FLfchi." now loading toe Lit iml, bat rooaa to tra tor 3IK) bale nil tu. rrlghtareaiioulilt tud liberal, aitvanoi't Btadt on any I'Olmlgtim.uia w mot rrlendr Apiilytooa Ii VICK MRBAMK, Correr Red Unawand NullStmla. o,t zt , r at Goal-Coal. REU AM W Hi TR A1II lF BRtT UUAU It), Farnaoe, Ural., Store aud Cheauul in a, iww on hand and delleared proaipil la uy nit U ft 'ti w.ll autre ii td and Int lloui ilir', ll. 0. PABSLF.T ru. awtf oet GIFT CONCERT. For la Benefit anil under Hit aiinplo of Tlie Cape Fear Afiricultural Associalicn. rJIIIK I'KttKRSIOSFIl, baring b;tn -pumUil by tht Ftecullr t'omailttta mt tbt abort AarielalloH, Is tiake tbt aneraaar ar. rangrnienti lor a UIFT I ION CKRT during tbt awitjlnnual Pair, reepeetiully rollolta eon trlbuiloni of attlcl.e mlublt for prltta. Flrt hnndred prlaaa will bt dkartbattd lo th put ckaaenof Ur.ktUi, and llie frlendeof tba At eleilon are oonlhlmilly relltd spon to lurnlab theprlira Anything from a thouaand dollar kume Jo a tinop tklrt will be arctptati'o. Tbt niinnot all eoutrlbiitoft, together lib llitlr bualaratnard and tht amount of then donation, III bt pnbl'nliFil In pamphlet form and wldt'y dlalrlliatwl. Tbt print will bt ttbtbliM du ring Iht Fair. Thoat wlihlng ta avail tbem nlree of till niott tft'eetlv aiodt ol adrertti. Ing their bualnsai, will pleaat eaatiaanlcatt with th aabacrtbar during Hit monlh of Na vonibi'r, aa Hit 11 -t of prlata f'tald bt puk. I Ulied on Iht Drat or Dtrtatbtr. Tkt dlttrlba. Hon till bt made on tht last day of th Fair, lleffnibcr l.'ili. All eontrlbnllont ahoo'd be aldrrawd to Dr.THOS.B. OABB, riaM Wilailngion.K. Star and fott oopy. SB-tf i-123 TOR LIVERPOOL, mUK OCBMAN UA11VCK MA 1(1 A bUSK, will bay quick dcapatch thore. For Cotton Itelghta, apply to Wir.l.lAMU Ml'hl.'HllN. Oct II tSS-lt M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. Uy LT.ONLY & MOltliUS. THIS MOHNINU, at lOO'clotk, we will ae'l on parin-nt In Iront ot tur 0(11 rie, Bontb Wati-r Street, an aaaortment or Honrehold tint K trhrn Kurnllure, Barrel Flour, Barrel. Wlimkey, Plant-, Ac, Ac. Lost. NSL'NDAY AFTF.BNOi. M. ON MARKET U Sir. et. between Filth and Third, Hen- t irrnlar ld Shawl Pin, rirhly chaaed. A llhi rl re ard will he paid If returned to OAPT. A. h, DsllUHHRT. oot n J6S-H Foxed Shoes, JAMBS ' Af) MISSIS FIFE FOKRD tior. Itubbefa for Ladua, Mhaet and Men, At C. A. PHICVrf, No. 1 1 Market Street ect'.'a 18'- GiFr by the author of "fHE AKGEL IN Tl CLOLTD." PhESENTS Ihe enrratlllty of ths Antbot In a. new Huht tt many readmit, and Vy til ot fiKHl ta-te In literaiur will bt rocl.daril r ml tli niti r. ating l-ure. AMh "AtttollnlheOload", SKA OirT tl a n w Drop to the I, dlea and (ietit etn-n. I j-t j unli-hi-il ai.il lor rait at HEINSBERCER'S 1,1 VK BOOK AKO MU8I08TOBE. oetSS 4a COLLINS". AND SIMMONS' AXES . i) A T ni KKW HARDWARE 7KF.. GILES A MURCmSOX. OrtQS Prince Bismarcjc NOT 1KAP. HS STtt.L LIVES, ASI mill weara rtiwa mm( of Bnt French air Hk(n, line Silyer Hueklta ainl workman, ablp wonderfully Improved. Kreryooly tall Mid ae Hi new erown, at IVANS & VonQLAHN'Sp Hoot and Shot Store. ctw at- NEW ALV11TISIXIXT3. REAL I1TATC LOAN AHSOCIATION SAVIHCS BANK. luaa Wiina irinmr ......rrMri Flew Pntadaai Caaaia I Fuio.. aWrewi f 94 Pearweaf DUECTOM: Joka Wlldtf Atkato. tf AUtnaoa Maa amg ; A.U Ick Adrlaa, f Aiitlaart TUwt ; Wak H Brrof the Vrtlanagtow r. L B. Orara gee. Pratf the laak t Ntw u.rw;Uv Marrlaa, or Barrlai Kawoll ; That. B. McKay of W. A.WklMbwdCi Roftt kftr, Br. kr; Saml Northiwss mt Bank re Caamlag ; Ueo. W. WUIiaaM, of WUIIaaa A Hartal, (pat ABUVK COKPotAT10X.cn AR. wred ky Set l tkt Utatral Aaatnhly tl NarU 1 anttina. la now prapara to mcIt danwit al ONK 1KH I.AHaad up ante m whivk lght pyr vvni, intvrtit ui wivvni 1 a aat.iy at tkw tawaittlaw, U. fatantW la. eraalneatltal of Ik imitlkn. the liberal ri lavartat, al it eaaraateraf Ike agaaaetil, aalM la aaakiag Una Ut tattattad paying lag trhtai err red trtrani It w.iwaHiiiiri mat ailowwd ta all taaw natalalaf M fc tail laujer. Fduata data iwUcs teoalrwi to A- aw aal ky. wrpuM rMtortw at tay ttaa by th Sam lary and Treaartt al Ho. til Mark, Ntrt.. I at lU-lrck FALL -AlU- NOW OPEN AT M.MJCATZ'S 30 MA11KET HTKECT. THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK, -1.MU ALL THE LATEHT STYLES AND H LI AD ICS OF DRESS OOODS. B ALL THE MFFF.HEXT Ql' Al.lTlf 3," bfATLE AM) FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, la short, everything aLatly, Miss ir - CliiM reqnirea to comploU tlelr Ward robe. With tba motto t quirk ftlt atatl Bawikll ProgUa," I rearwotfully tnviln my itrons. M, M, KATZ, ' IU Market St .lit We are Opening Daily NKW AND FRESH : ' Family Groceries, rRESERVES, JELLIES, and a vnriify of Fancy Goods. Bouts'" Watr Crackers and . .Fruit Craokers, QolJeu Aoibrr and Nrw Orleans Byrup. The Brst Duttrr in tba World, and tho celebrated ' "KM PI It K ITJLiOUII." At GE0RQE MYERS, 11 and 13 Front Street, tetT no. Removal. rjpBB I'NDEBSIONKD, HAS itmovcd bla DRUq AND PRK8CRIPTION BtOf from corner of Fmat and Prince al ttreet. to "Kran.- Blnek," Prlnncat ttreet, opiwelte ibe .l.ornal Oglet. where k will bt pl.aatd to terra hit frleada and tht public generally. .1. A, MKBANb, Agent. Druwlaf. oet M KMIH We Invite WHOLKSALK BCVIUS TO CAI.l. AND at our lariit tioek or Boot and Shoe. " KVANS atVoaULAHN. del 2(1 IUS- Fine French Brandies OCR OWN DIRE'lT IMPORTATION Irom Hordeana, tatwcteJ dally por Oirat.au Uri0t"t'lanl'' 60 CASES 60 Finest Brandy eter brought to this aiai ktt, CHAS. t MTERS A CO., . and I Acrth Front 81. 1 311 'ii- Harrison. Bradford & Co's STEEL PENS, SpMbal altenlkm called to th wtllkaowa aun- b.ra. . ' 505 ro-cs-eo & . Farttry, Mt, Veroea toffle TSJohn St., M, Y. antt lJS.Imd Salt and Molasses. ; OKI. A "ACX8 AMERICAN SALT, OuUU Hih Blown Salt, tl6 Uhda. and Bblr (Juba Mo'.aaart, '.i) HIi'U. and Ilhla M. 11. MolaaK't. Vi 0 Ill.la. O. r. HjrrPi ' tn Bh't. N.O.ajrap, F Ml by ' P. T.KBRCHNItt trtM 6- MECKt ENBURO. CO., N. C. WEIL SyriPPET. SEVES PROFEF. im k,xrflnte low. Ueation begavi -p. teaibor ?jth, Ufi.l. Stud for Catalogue, , . J. It. BLAKE, ' I bairuan el'tb Facnlt. tWtTfl ' aWdar Troops or Ailments Vanquished. OS awoitnt of th pronptnoat with whlclll ebeeatlhn lever, g'n retail by unhealthv eibalattoiie. iroaictter'. Bitter, at contliHtred aa lnillaperia.birBlly m-dk lu oa tat border ol our aontnrrn ana weawr river. au m new aettiem'nt vbert th vloush and tht ait art for the Bftl time dudnrbing iht tnlitiidetof na lnrr. It. ri itnlatlon.howerer.il aotconSnod td niek localitiea. Wberamr tht ehrmenttot rtlaeaeetrt rir H h' th irt taregaard oi health; wheremr afchnee preralU, 11 etflear e one at a remedy. AnQng tteeerwiitdlwiatea hli hit la anaranteed to fonirol art Irdige. tlnn, billoaanew..' and all fli eainar ailnetta cinnettml wun nerangemTinior tnt twaiacn, li.er, and th bow-aui h aa bearlhurn, heiV iwh. Hamleweo, eoatTaa, nawea. dietaat f roed,langn'ir and dfhlllly, pv plutkm of Hi heart, trrnHillngol tbbada, aolaet in Ihe ear., dlaordered eudoo.dittorbed aleen. aad mental tnqnteiud. At th phratcal and ajenta da. tnrnaocea tena to a gen.riu taitar oi an m power of the aytteni, they ahould he at ono enrrteted at tb.y alwan may be, by a omirae or Moatetter t Htomaca uttttra. WHITER CODDS OENNtSONt Shipping Taga I 0t Ta. HaMnt at u now aan k ward vrtUta ta paa 1 year, wnkamt tamMaiM ml kaa Ir lu bvuum,4 jaaaa-bvd. 1 hy ar atwrw r. ItakU ir Mark la t'wetoa gatilaHi Ihtiai aUiF Ail Bta Caaa- amuir a ikat. Bed by Priowrt a4 taUotwet nerrtkwa vt tl taa-Aaa Ladif s Belts. T AIMSS'aad OawayltuaU.UatvUlt, Skawl Aj arraias Belt Sakdwlt, ., at Ut SaoUlt aui liar tatea r actoty tl J, I. TuFB AM CO., K I loirlh Fal arrert, VUaaiavta,k.'. Jalf ITS WM OYER ALL! 43,000 Chickoring & Sons lU-aVIVOS la at. Over (4 rliaa received, alaa Mghaat Pramluma all toaaputr arla, London, Now York, oaton. ar KO OTHKR MAKB kava tewtbtauaad Vm taaa ilrtty aa tkkt World Ro nownod Improvod mako. Tkt only rtaaoaahlt prtotd prat ela-t aaakt, t kaad, lor aal ky Corner roURTH and Markot St a. oat I . livU r 1st 1873. FTEK TU1S DATE OCK 1ALK1 OF COAL ANO WOOD will kt to lewuawwlai rath. Nt acooaeta wlllk kept, aad order will abt 1114 aatll paid tut Wt trutt all ur cuatuatia will reairmlwr thlt aotlot, aad tend aunty wllk thru order, aa ao auoitloa akaltorr will ha wail to thlt nil. x o. PABiutr co. m n mill QuarantinoNotlcc. Tht lullnwlna Qnarantln Reaulatlone will b ia Pore rrw and alter tbt let itl Jaat, 1, ant U rurikaf aotkoo i let. All ! renal Porta South ol Can F"ar will imt M at Iht Vlaltlng Htatla near llewn Water Point," aad await th Inatwctioa fib gaaraatlaa PbyateUui, M. All ftaaalt kailag nek a eat aa board arrival, or kanng bad atekaea during tb y a, ar e.iilrd batata tvlbt Nt at tn lue llv tiUon, without regard to th Port (runt waene ny tau, J.I Veaaal.mrt laeladtd aa abort will prm-wed a w u aiingion ttuvat atttntiua. 4lh. Pilot art atptoiallv tt joined ta maka eareral eanalrr, and II not Mtlatted with Iht Matemtntt of tht vaptaia, ar ir th reaeet le la a Withy (nixllUaa, tkey will bring Ikt vl to Ut aiatloa fcir further eiawlnailou. (ta. Pilot wlllHlly Tlolatlng tbt QuaranHnt law. art eunjer t u roritiiurt or intir nranen, Matera of teaaela ta a (no of Tw Handred Igjatl llnllaraaday for erery day they ekNat ia guaran lnt lawa, and all other pereonatrt habit fur tack and trtry td.no. Ilk. All yeeatlt mhltet U vlelUlloa andef then regulatuiiia will aal gag la tho mala rig. ln-wftaldt. w, w. ru l ira, Qaarantln Pkyaleiaa, Port f Wilmington, N. O. 10-aat'tO W td'tt ItUKot ek ar tt Elegant Table Butter. pRESR CRACK EBS ALL KINDS, rural was, arrut aav vniiiDi, n JAMES 0. STEVBNSON'S. got lit PROPOSALS For Repairing or Rebuilding tho rldgo over Smith' Crook known aa "Little Bridge." rjnns VNi)FBsiaNF.i will hkcpivk toaled proKli tor rirlng or rtbulldlng "Mill Hrtdg", ottr Stallk'l Creek, until Thaitday, nth In.t. , at I 'ckn k, P. M . , at tbt cfllct of Hi IUnnter el.lteed. kilOcaiko.ladeUllniiittk ail by tkt parly bidding, and allowance aaailo lot all the material in ihtohl brhtga tulttd for ana. SILAS N. MARTIN, Cbalrataa Board County Coaioilnloner.. tetkl K4-H P ATA P SCO Fi MALE' INSTITUTE Near Baltimore, Md. THIS INSTITUTE hit beeo la operation for thirty rear., and tnjoyt a national repata- tMia. With th n a ai bar of pupil llmltrd to nlnett . It hat renreaentatlree froaa tw-thlrdt nf Iht M tatea, principally Moulb and Saathwett. It location w -reiinneniiy neaiiiiiin. worn, tral. and rattle reached ay railroad from Balti more and Waafalngt n City. Foe elreularatd- dieat '" n, IT. AHC'HKH, Ell loolt City, e, U . Md. ie( 2.1 V 4W UDIES'MDGEmtMNLYS ; DINING ROOMS. ?1HE SUBHOR1BF.R HAS OPENER niS L Hilling Room for tht acrouimo.lal!on of aitlee fit tientleaten ami la prepared to fr nlh ni'ale at all hnnra, Uyauwe la tecry rtrle. Ht'PPKH FAKTIES fuynlahed r atiart Botlet. t u J. U. IjVMHUP.N. OotK K yr M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY 4 MORRIS. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOlt SALE TER1I3 TO SUIT PUBCHASEIt. WD HI FKll FUR 8ALK THAT IE1UA rM.i Brick Ketidcnr on KaM .Mt of Front, betwetk Bed Croat awl Wain at rtwtt. The 't ftirmtBg an L Kia Bed Crow Hreef. Iiwelliuu w atory and I'aeement. K.KIHI' ltiU w - well ami lalllinilty eon-tnie ed, aid can rot rati to pieae, apoa aa exaailoatUia ol part lea delrin a nntntortable re hlenaw. Term to nut, lor which at" J ttgnrra. apply to OhONI Y A MOKKia . ' , Btal Kuata Bmkera. net H I , - . IBS-M For Ladies. TjIfNK KID fct'fXOV BOOTS, ' ' ' , ; . SAKGIt BCTTOS BOOTS, "1 K1I LACK BUM, ; BtSAriiN UAtJi, Htm Sti le- lareaiaoriraeat, . t , , t , ' r ; " o.J Market S. nt ; i . . m- , Direct Importation.1,, 1500 BA'K, T'tVEt1()r.aALT, hoir landtag from Bilj ExBilr. . i - For tatt low by BINFOHD, CHOW A CO. IflllV'Pa.on, TUNINQAVMU31C j sin in; 3 wilm:x:t:i in v.:l: trrnaca CiiitiiS.m W::ai:i.v,.C,!' '. nn?. cuiXGicr &dzz::i.z. UaaadanawCrt.H'A,Patnfrr T tht W. W. lUllftavl wtu na aa ft: - - MAIL TRAIN. Laae Cakna Otpot dally (gaadajt .. at...,.,.,, ........ t a Arrir at olitWfr at .... i . KorkyklMatat. '.."'.-. VA t4oo at , . la WtldoaUUyv8aUyaaeri.u .eiar .,. v. . ArrlnalaVorkyMwaat i " tlotdahwal i - . Tatea I...., ,..,., 4 f. . UPKKSS TUA1X. La I'nhHi depot, dally, at.. It 'e P aVrr at Uuldattor at. J i A " Bocky koaatal a . s " Weato at , . LtaeaWakloa, daily, .,.w.,, ; , AlTt at K kr ktint a. ,,.,.... i " oi.Wat.....TOW.-ai , " VatualXpttat... , t,i a . Mall Train make eleaw eoeau-t',. at doa law all point Bunk n Mat Lane .vd . aia Crtwk tout, ay Bipttaa Train tonaertg only with I , Cnekmlt, 1-wllw.wai a rwAtaCw k- . . laatj tJW Wat taila I rwla. Pnlgkt Train will laart m- wwakly al.00 A.at.aidatrtTaMU. .ii Bxreta FVlht Traiaa wtll a,,viv low dally at tie P. kt. aad arrtra nUf .0Hr.mM, tirneral S-e't. CAROLINA COTEAli'FlEVal C3. UllinlUKlait!k.r.7.naw t j, isr . - - , - i trt wri.'v tr ,!.. . . HCHKDUJCUi, i. PASSENGER TRAINS Loav WltaUiigte Sally (erl St at a Arrlet WawMboeoaA.,,,,..' . M P - Lr Wa.lrhori al..... 1 I" Arrlrtal w llaaiagtua al ....'. jj, t FREIQHTTRAINS Lv VfllBilnglon daily (tietpt 8 e a al. ... , a 4 Anlrt at l.anrlnktirg ai.M....,...m.!i t leaet Lanrlnhurg al..,. ,,,,, a Arrie at Wadrahoru' al u i . raaMnga iraint Itaea cbailottadAiiyt dayttaetirtewl at ...t I. Arrletat Hultaloal ,...,,., U . Lame Bit Halo al I I- Arnet at Cbarlott at i...nr Irrtgular Umber and llaihtr tnim. r kolk port! of th Jtoad, a tk ku. . , quire. A dally 81 ae will twai mt la aonaaMiwii tba train. eu WU ladaof Ihle K: . a. u FBkkti-N r, Jtaitbittr aad SnjHt'ii'r - p,ir,mtili .. I,mI,.a( ur c . plea. .iihkuU till., aod ett'd id'.e i ., j . JWIICIULBt'PSlUNTkl.D-rs err. NllMIN3TQN,CClUwU WiLaiaoTua, M, C, Oct. mui, i .. CHANGE OF SCUEDUL.. Tht rollowing SciMdolt will go la'ocl'c t . 4 U A. M., Momlay, nth Inelani, BAP KXPKISS TBAIS, (Daily,. Ltavt WIImlngtoii.,.,,,M,.,. A Arrletat Flor. M...P ' Uoluwbla. , , g M f - " AUifiiela,,,, .... ,..,.,., A. i I rrt Angn.1.,. ., i........ a. a. Iar Ooiaoihla..,. Ii . - Arrle at Florenee , i,. I WUtalngtoa. ,.UtSi. . VIUHT EXPBESS (Dally I, Sordey e Loava Wilmington......... g.m I Arrirttl Fifl...,..,.,n I i uoiaiiiiia 1. 1 a I Aifa-aatA. . A i.l a Lea re Angn.ia ,,,, , . d t . Arrlrtal iwinnibla,,! inc. FHno ,., , J. a. ' Wilntnrtoa 1 L5 a. AM Tmlna taak ' oanatlon i , Korth and Month. Pulliaan' . Palact S leering Can aa all n tralna. i ; ., -. . , , JAMES ANDEHSOJi. deal f upertnte" ' wt tl snippiso., Ihltlmorc and Wllinln l SEMI.WE1.KLY : l ... ... steamship in::: uvMtoaoiTua ateat ouaat nitinair. U. i. FOl.ET Capt. 1. J. P ii i It III. I. k.. Card.d.a. pgv kl UMl A 1X1 1), ..Capt. D. C. Will hnieaflrr rH tnim RALTIMOH K TI'eBllAV and FKIitAT, aad froi VT ' MlNlirtiia e.4-y WP.ItNPaDAV ami 1 t UHDAT, nmnectliig at Wilnlnau Wilatitiittou.toluniiMa it Aupu.ia.Vi ton ft Weldon, and the WllinmKUin, t At Vatkerlord HallMWH) AlaoCat mt.ihi , of Swantit to Faytuaeilld, Ul vine 1 krwach till I f Ld i ,i to alt potute In Nortk aad Sooth Cv"'1! lltorgiaaiiij Aianama, Connecting Ot Catt!m c r Wltk the Ha!tlore nlo and In Central KaHroa.lt fur all pointt la the V -hortk.Viirrt, and wHk Hteaorrea and h.ii fot Biadon, new Vork and fkilafleipliia. ,, For rrelgkt tBgemertaptiT to i ' ...... i A U, CA7.AUI.Air t, WUmtiianiii. i . ANDREWS AS CO., Agent. . . vaiumoro. de-11 ' " rOBiLL.itf'arEArsfup li: I NRWVI'KK. S tII.IlVU Tri.MATi A5T f . ' rnvm kkw torm, Ar i . HATH AKD KAIIBDAT I ' AIUHIXW'IOS. INhUKA.NcEI'hM OKB-FOritl P- rHKuvdti oc.'ii.rnoNs tik. a BAILHCAJ'S LEAPING 0t T i " WD.MIKOTOH.--. ' tOT Ne paaaonwert taiten, rot rreiyht ar) ly to . BAHEf SllfiTBJ.XtS, aaae w , . . . , - kiscixiaxcc; U al tnoatv. j : t wu ' cronlv ar:- AUCTioncrr 8TCCICAM3RAUSTiT:i WlLMIGTi, . i ti 1K 8F.KN ATTHF.I3 ' ' a plan rf the eitr, on an . ' Bk Book with laihuom.i to tbectty dieiincCy rt' h Aawwd vaiot, f ai. la tin eT. Any inioratatltii di-rln 1 1. plleaUon. t . Jul a t jomr iici nlkku.- It.-. . 1 witr-' OFFEKS V'.l t ( P f - ' TV

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