vol xm-::o. WIIIIIIiGTOIf. H. C, THUESDAY. KOVEIIBER 6, 1S73. tthoii: ::o. I 1 i i i i ! i j 1 1 7 11 i i i i ! i 1 i : : - nLiOXGTOS, X. C: THUJLSDAT, XOVMSXX 11873. BY TELEGRAPH- THE HUE FURD. DISAPTBQVS flKS IN;HARRLj- ... BCIUi , SEYEKAL LIVES LOST. VEBT & EAYT LOSS. HiUBma. Not. 6 Noon. B. 8inrlj'i SUta Printing an4 8iate Journal Offioe, fire atone high, is uj (imH eiA viH be entirf deetroyeil The operetim bar? eecepl with their liTM. STral lira are reported lost Tbe Lochia! hotel i is great lner. ILiuiui-ka, Not. 6 Night-Sin- rerWs printinff house tu entirely vere employed iatbe ppr atones. 8o rapid tu the fire that maoj had to leap from the aecond story. The walk fell to the ground. Nothing waa eTtl from the contents. The kit three da' proceedings of the Coasti- tational ConTention, extra copies of the Oimttioa proceedings ana a thouaand Tolnmee belonging to the BUte library, mere all burned. The preaaee and marhinerj were a total Ion. The Btate Jortrnal office, is the aame building, waa also detroye4 Bingwlfj . loea will reach $100,000, with no rnrarauee. " The fliw apread to three frame building. Sereral sta ples and the Lochiel Howe were aome what ' damaged. The" falling walla truck a brick houae on the oppoaite aide of the street, damaging it Terr aerionalj. THE FKVEll. ' DEPARTURE OP THE NURSES FOR NEW ORLEANS. MiMPHra, Norember 5 Night The nunea who were in the employ of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows were eaoorted to the depot thia a. m. on their departure to their homea in New Orleans, by the I O. O. F., Knights of Pythias and members of the press in pmceeeion. Nearly the entire memberahip of both organiza tions participated. The City Council meeU this p. in. when the case of Cicalla will be invea tigated for the alleged forging of requisitions on the Citieen'a Relief Committee. . CALIFOBNIA. A $20,000 RACE ON THE 15TII. Bah Fbakcwoo, Not. 6 Noon. The Easter I rsjoedh-Trte Blue, Wheatleigh and Weatheroook arrived to-night in splendid condition. They go into training for the 920,000 race to coras off on the 15th. H GOTHAM. ST TWEED'S CASE AGAIN IN COURT. SHANKS DISCHARGED HABEAS CORPUS. ON New York, Norember 5 Night. When the case of Wm. If. Tweed wss called in the Court of Oyer and Ter miner to-day, his counsel handed Judge Davis a paper, which was un derstood te be a protest against 'that . Judge presiding at the trial. Judge Dans characterised the contents of the paper and the time of presenting it as extraordinary, and adjourned the Court tUTjhe could consult with his Associate: Jnstiaei of this district Judge Faaober, to-ly, after hear ing arguments in the Shanks habeas corpus case, rendered a decision. He holds that, first, the commitment un der which Bhanks was held in Kings county was illegal, it being for an in definite period, while the statute which is aboTe the Court that issued the or der, limits punishment to 30 days; second, that the commitment whioh waa executed the day after Shanks' imprisonment, cannot legalise an ex isting imprisonment The Brooklyn Court commitment declares it adjudg ed him guilty of criminal contempt, but they cannot first imprison the man and then adjudge him guilty, ex pott facto. The paper of the second com mitment he regards as of no validity and the first one as illegal. The peti tioner waa accordingly discharged. TENNESSEE. THE RAILROAL BLOCKADE, THE COMPANY REMAINING FIRM. - Khoxville, Not. & Night The block of the freight business on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad, cansed by the employes quitting work rather than submit to a reduction of 20 per cent of their wages, still continues. No freight has been moved in five days, and the mer chants are shipping by express. All efforts thus far to mediate have failed. The mail trains are running regularly this evening. Congressman Tbornburg meets the employes this evening and will on doavor to effect an adjustment. The Company 'remains firm. No distur bance has yet occurred. THE ELECTION THE GOOD NEWS GROWS BTTTEIfc LARGE DEMOCRATIC GAINS - T EVERYWHERE. ; THE ISSUE IX NEW YORK STILL IX DOUBT. ENORMOUS GAINS IS s cHUsrrrs. " MASSA- i 1 KEMrERS JKLECTION IN GISIA CONFIRMED. TIR- NEW JERSEY, MARYLAND, WIS CONSIN, AND KANSAS ROLL !' ? UP HANDSOMELY. . " NEW YORK. Ntw Yob a. Not. & Noon. -The Time says that the return, although iueomplete, indieate a probable defeat of the Republican State ticket by a small majority. Ia New York City and county the Democratic candidates tor the Judiciary are elected. A Demo cratic Sheriff, City Clerk and Coroners are elected. Three Pemocrata and one Republican State benator are elected from thia city, while eleven Democrats and five or six Republican members of the Assembly are elected. A vacancy in the Aldermen Is filled by a Democrat Returns from the country districts show the election of 16 Republican Senators and the probable election of S more out of 92 Btate Senators, with 65 Republican Assemblymen sure and probably 6 or 10 more out of 128. Erie comity gives CK4 Democratic gain. - Ottego county gives 300 Democratic gain. Ulster couuty gives Plutocratic gain. The World claims 15 Democrats and 17 Republicans to the Senate and 65 Republicans sml R3 Democrats to the Assembly. The Times says: "Takiug a geueral view of affaire we cannot congratulate the Republicans of New York upon the results of yesterday. The Repub licans cannot elect their ticket without voting for it, and next year we may have good nominations without delu sive De moors tie alliances. " The Tribune says that the Stat Sen. ate stands 15 Republican, 15 Opposi tion and 2 doubtful, and the Assembly 72 Republicans to 56 Democrats. A Kansas City special to "the Times says that both parties of that State elaim a majority in the House and the indications are that the mult ia very close. A Kansas City dispatch to the Tri bune ssys the opposition carried the State and an anti-monopoly legisla ture is chosen. The World has a flag at the head of its columns. It estimates the Demo cratic majority in this Btate at not less than 15,000, and In this city at 85,000. In Brooklyn five Democratic and four Republican Assemblymen hsve been elected. The vote in Jersey City showj a gain of three Democrats from that city to the Assembly. New Tore, November 5 Night In this city 11 Tammany' and 1 Apollo Hall Democrat and 6 Republicans hsve been elected to the Assembly and 4 Tammany Democrats and 1 Repub lican to the Senate, Later Returns from tho State in dicate the election of 17 Democrats and 15 Republicans to the Senate. Four districts are in doubt, which may alter the result Nbw York. Nov. 5 Night The Evening Express makes the State Sen ate 15 Republicans and 15 Democrats, with two Districts in doubt WISCONSIN. A Milwaukee dispatch to the Times ssys tne returns irora one-unra oi Wisconsin indicate the election of the Democratio ticket The Democrats gsined eight votes in the Legislature. NEW JERSEY. NawMtK, November 5 Noon. The Republicans have a majority of 12 on joint ballot , a '-i VZ . MARYLAND. Baltimorx, November 5 Noon. - The returns from Montgomery county give a Democratic 'majority of 5C1; Harford county 681. - Baltimore, November 5 Night The returns from various parts of the State are scattering and oome in very slowly. The Democrats carry Balti more county by about 600 majority. Carroll county gives a Democratio majority of about 400. Iu Caroline county Williams, Re publican, has been elected to the House of Delegates. The Democrats elect the balance of the ticket and carry Cecil county by about 370 ma jority a large Democratic gain. It is said that the Republicans carry Charles county by a small majority on legislation and the county ticket. Frederick comity electa the Repub. liran tickot, except the aheriff, by from 100 to 500 majority. Wool ford s majority in Howard county is 51. The Republicans claim to hsve elected one member to the House of Delegates in this county. The Democrats have a ma j or it v in Kest county, on the State ticket, of 160. Goldsborough, Republican, for comptroller, carried Talbot county by 88 majority. Valliant, Republican, and Seth, In dependent, hare been elected to the HvMia of IVkfatea. The rrnujnd r vi the ticket is Democratic VIRGINIA. u-TMjUattaaapo nun irUp the mt full eouutv rrtiirae euass in slowly, j highest tv p( human. t v. Out tk Tne Uil Ut br mrind, as roa tl ot drig mJ dl. aagela pared with the vote fur Walker and! IS y? ' ,, . , f 3eTUih, and thru view the beauUtul neu,oow iu louawiag gmina sua hwea: Ruckbrklg ewiaty, eooser- vativa V ; "Vane eenntr, eotr - servativw jraia 2.13 ; Washingtua coun ty. Hughes' home, euntervatira xs 213 : Shenandoah conntv, tonserw tiv gaia n8 ; Hanover county, coa smativt loss H9; Smythe county, ajnaeratire gain H ; Ltkabath City county, cooservative gain 429 ; Fan qtuar auwnty, cuneorrativa Henrico county, eoaaervativa kws over 100 ; Nottoway county, conservative faia U ; rrioca Edward county, cob serralive Im 107 , Wythe county, eonaeriaiiire gain 11?; Nansemoad eoaaty, eoiMervaUv gala HI Caro line cctaty, eonarvaUT kas 55 ; Cttl- pepper eoenty, eonservi:re loaa 4C7. TWoitiesareaafonowa: Richmond, conservative gain 1,543 ; Petersburg, conservative pin 709 ; Norfplk coo. servative gain 908. ' The aggregate anasaitalive gams so far are 4,445 and the losses 1,132. f From the incomplete returns there will be but little change in the Legia ktare, that is about two-thirds con servative majority on joint ballot MICHIGAN. 1H.tts.st, Nov. fNfct Com stock, Dessoerst, elected to Cbugress from the 5th District by 200 majority, (Foster, Republic, carried the Dis trict lael year by 10X19 majority.) ILLINOIS. Caiw Nov. 5-Sight- Mr. P. A. Ttylor has a plutat ty of Stf Votes ia thia city, and ia probably elected School Superintendent though the county vote, which ia stmag for Mia. ltrown, will make theraca a close one. ilia male candidates for School Superintendent received but a small vote. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostox, November 5 Noon Wash burn's plurality is 12,000. The Demo crats hava 11 Senatora and 80 As semblymen. ELECTKIC1S31S. I Tha Rt Rev. Jno. Early, D. D., Bishop of the M. E. Church South, died yesterdsy at Lynchburt. V.. aged R8 years. EUHOPE. GAINS FOR THE LIBERALS IN GERMANY. CAPTURE OF GERMAN MER CHANTMEN WITH ARMS FOR THE MALAY PIRATES. Bslhi, Nov. 5 Night In the electioua whioh have juat taken place for deputies to the Prussisa Diet, the Liberals have gained 20 seats. London, Nov. 5 Night Madrid dispatches report that the Spanish Government hss advices from Manilla, of the capture by the Spanish steamer in those waters, of two German mer chantmen, having onboard as apart of thdr rarga 3,000 rifiet Intended to be sold to the Matsy pirates. The news haa crested greet excitement in Government circles at Madrid. Viixibia, Nov. Night The ses sions of Kciohsvath wore opeuefl this morning by Emperor Francis Joseph iu person. The Emperor's speech was was pacific in its reference to foreign powers. It contains no other matters of general intercat MASSACHUSETTS. RUNNING ON SHORT TIME. Bosto!, November 5 Night On and after Monday next the East ern Railroad will reduce the hours of labor 20 per cent and make a corres ponding reduction in pay at their shops in this city. The following Lowel mill are run ning on three-quarters time: Merrimar, Hamilton, Appleton, Lowell, Middle sex, iremont, Huflold, Ijawrence, Booth and Massachusetts. These mills employ about twelve thousand hands. P1101JA13IHXIKS. Wan Dnpumajrr, ;i i J Omci Chim SraKAii Omcxn, Wasboxotov, D. C., November ft For the Northwest, falling barome ter, southeasterly winds, warmer and exceedingly c londy weather; for the Lakes, northerly and easterly winds, partly cloudy and cold weather; for the Ohio valley and thence te southern Tennessee, northeasterly winds, lower temperature and partly cloudy weather; for the Gulf States, northeasterly winds, falling, temperature, cloudy weather and occasional rain clearing on Thursday morning; for the South Atlantio States, northeasterly winds. falling temperature, cloudy weather and rain near the coasts; for the Mid dle and Eastern State, falling tern' per at nre, northerly winds and gener ally clear weather. . . "Oct. Damnto SporfA-The ener Ketic exclamation of Macbeth is men tally ejaculated by every housewife when confronted bv the manifold va; rietv of stains and spots that disficr- ure articlea of household ornament and use. But the "flpota" are not so eanr to remove by ordinary means. A little Sapolio brought into timely use causes them all to disappear as if by magic, and bring peace ana sausiao- tion to the housewife mind. As cheap as common sosp and a hundred times more effective. , w Maul S4paaa. Aa the procsasos alach awpni tu ' - txen thaaolatkua of aiiux i- - kiaafe trf the vrry J-erK-rhon vt their raa . " I Miaa Mttia Stephensoawaa ayoung rox lowanua, iUinoia.( baa ooacttra, sad smr had a thought of hurrying through hfe to a monument She, kaard of the aeonrm at ipsstt knee ia Memphis, and, sef -lurgattiug, the resolved to hasten to the relief of the suffering, and stand a faithful fnend at the couch of death. She went unheralded and uuobaerved into the etnekea city, onVrad her etrricee tu the Howard Association, and was scwrted. What aha did will mtm be known. Ia the death chamber often bat two were present the young girl and the sufferer and their hi are sealed forever. It la simply known that Mattie 8tetheea was good sad brave. asl frMi (Ami youcg Lfe fw her fallow ereaiures. i uera was a noiy Btwaicn, ana ane psr mrnoa ncr rau wort, ina Mt rstber or saotner Towand weu f.ir he f Did a brother or enter tremble at the anowivuge mat ueir aear one & i i ... ... . waa m the ranks where the shafts were flying thick and deadly f She herself waa atnuken and ML Her memory is dear to Memphis, and her ahrias is saerei aa that of a saint Her life waa crystaliaed ia a few dsys of dntv, aud a monument by loving hands will rise above her ashes. To such a heart there are no strangera, for it was the friend of alL Before the body of the little girl had been laid away to rest ta FJmwood, a wealthy merchant Napoleon Hdl suggested fitting monument, to commemorate the most beautiful of Uvea and hiabeat of vir tues. The Howard Aasociathtn imme diately resolved: "That in honor of her memory, in inatwe to themselvra. and aa an example to the race, a suit able monument be erected to mark the spot where she sleeps, and that her epitaph shall tell the sublime and beautiful story of one who kid down her own life that others mishtUve." The city's rich and poor are now eon- inoauug ee.n atxx)run to ability to honor the memory of Mattie Stephen son. St Louis ii'iym&ZVeuw. TSie BtnaR KHflaiM!, Iu 1634 William III. who was then co the ti irons, waa going to war with r ranee, and be greatly needed money. Had it uot been that the credit of tfie English government wsa so poor, the mouey might have been raised without appeal to what waa then eimaidered by many to be a desperate and revolu tionary scheme. There was fierce op position to the Imnk on tlie part of the lords, who considered it a atreiigthen- tng of the moneyed power at the ex pense of the landed intercuts. But the money Iiad to ba raisel; the need was rmrent that the aristocracy were impelled to sacrifice their class scrnplea and interests. Hie inventor of the scheme wss William Peterson, a Scotchman hv birth and a West Indian bv residence. In the West Indies his friends ssid that he had been a missionary, his enemiea that he hid been a buccaneer. He waa an ingenious sndsrdent person gifted with greet powers of persuasion. The scheme, which he had first pro posed in lfWl, he succeeded, three Crs later, in getting the great Mon tie to take np. Tbe plan was simply tbst the gov ernment should borrow twelve hun dred thousand pounds at eight per eent, which waa then a very moderate rate, and which would have been very favorable te the borrowers. In order to induoe capitalists to advance, the subscribers were to be incorporated into a company to be called "The Governor and Cmnpsny of the Bank Of England. " There was much fierce opposition, but the dream of the ob scure adventurer soon bomrno a solid fact. This wss ths oriirin of that sreat in stitution whioh is now tlie gresteet moneyed power in tha world, and whiuhwAsfor many years the bulkwark of tho Euglish government. During those ware in which France waa en- deavoring to force the Pretender back upou the throne, it was the bank which supplied the government with money. Hud Frauoe succeeded, of course the new ung would nave refused to tsy interest on money whioh was spent In resisting him. The bank Was there fore greatly interested in upholding toe existing government. It was, throntrh some feneration), a wrhit in. stitntioa. '. SPECIAL. D I P LOM A, AWASaia sv vna AMERICAN INSTITUTE, ' TO J. W. McKEE, -4 ail Flutiiii Kictia "HI tntiilDJ tnd will Siet thswaatiof mrj atauan m u laao." ' , . . Exnibiuaa s thru John E. Grlt, Kao. See. 1. A. Bur Bard, Fraj. . ma 1 1. TUlaSB, Uofmpuixlinf SM. j " Kew York, Kov. 10, !t:. Tkil iiniple and Inf enlo Marhln hi ai aw lata to aewiiif nacDiiM, aaa m ua. imcobi la poanlat with ladla, ia tbe vlao of eiuan. ir VSl.wark, Itawurk betng mack or kindtoaae, nquitlDK lea time and aot aa teata part the ipnte. 'o ladt'i laU lt It w eotBiileU wtthoat 11. A lfcbln with IllntU-ated circular aad fall Inotrnelian tent on rtoetpt of ', or nnlahes la tllw plile ror yz.in. AddrtM, f MrK" MamfaeluHiu Oi , 80s Broadwari New fork, AOIHTI WANTK0. Darts fi-Qin ite Dcrll ; Or Cnpitl Atuscd A Book Jntt haaed, ttpceln th "friai." that kara pieard In Ihe New York Netv Krt;taelr ht-lorr and lewnn. t)llh V M aaa fHlly rxaoarS. Ailteiiiwra-nH fro to denperai men to heautlfnl women: i;li daatln aieetifif.; how frwtrntr.l, Tk hltry of tli C.aKlrlrh TragrSy the rrfoltofi "perianal." ItotrxtpMoa uf l.iln( Ilroailwur Sfatnea Kin aacltel rarrw-iliaa. Sentou frtsf M reals. Adlrra, Unin rrintisf Houae, .14 Vaxir at., U.S. TheBerkayllh Bit Partabla Ism. Ily Kawina; mavckilaa, : laa Trial; man adrantaie ore tall, ttoa (aarantetd, ar $Al refundvd. I HUtf- wvta ubh aairaaraa. aaa am ifiHauv "win win- Set, with fall illrectimn. Borkwlth Hcaluf aoklu Oo Hrvadaay, N. V. a OKTBR BBFAIFAST, l.tTNUH-la-vSKON, U1NNKK AMU BUPfKB TABLK, LEA & MM VmMm Sauce IS IfiBIgPENSABLS. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONa, New York Arenti for tbs Patted ijau. et,ts; SPKIAL PBATT'S ASTRAL OIL Ai stiiDia. l'ftft.M-.t.( i M i.l.li M U,ft lit. Mutf. - .an -a vki'Mtirni . hartWl aiBtS( aiMlitia rtraj . iu caiitlua m l ! v,it i uliti. t-.au- Haiiaart'laakf kmailuiu aa. Tf iiia TfiJ tt Mki mMitt ail n it I'aiara BtatM, M aniiif . i at iMaraaaa .aiota aa4 fir Cantata, u , I H mauf MaaM la AKALuUi kMaUraarJakawMat y auaralt krMtta afWlSjJlfT a4 aijiiTiBarcpWTf. t'HAS. r it.. air ao4atai Aatnava. MtMaMaat Mathara. BOOtHlao aiVi r lf aM 4 Iw-klra w at " ',is i lk( tkiltl fium fraia, fn amj falkv ritta ta wl. aU tii rrllat aatl aaiui u- i m. i. a4rt aiS eall f.ir ( axHatt. siaa..wiaai4wajaiHniiM svara. tu atl aa aS Sr-awaai - Tke Naw j la ktaalara. 4 mt laawtaat imta SuU k Tfc RlaetK Trw. IV, ga Bm.laa, K. V, CH It rata m atrprar eaeo.nwi, aj rue til eaairviri, iktaa4 a,.alM tratae, aa.l ea.hw all ci aaMMaea, aakmt aa rr- kawt la aer caw. aJ ekeaia aeear a takea S Sa M Ik po1 l I'M rvie.Wtraa. ( r Sa) t.k ai4 utrTn tfatra. a m rirante i ar a withaat eaata. Ot-tt W ApYMTISZMaTS. Aii ur t it tAiiuii. thus .iMti rtrvaiTiow iti sa !. ia CHARLOTTE, N.O., AMn,rwr 2.VA, IfVA, 17th, JfVA, 21VA Ukotai bratalaavt la ' Maaey, aad ia rh rlelxl IMplaaiM a4 Slim kte.ll. ad (laratalf ttit tk FAIItOF THCCAROLINA8. Akaaal AHUatij k dtiNd kf i.arl U ad llauiplaa. Of atl TB I iol ISA. Tk Soeielj't lmil,llnk tt istpW, ij well armaftd. i ..-- . ,. '.; KaHraad a tat IrMtpiirMrMn liktal w toeayarkarrkif. " Arartas IWftka.VlloarMaf ClKr. IIAI.y Affl.E ffACF MACK at vid as an la aa rountt. t Halluun Aveuama daring Veir Week, wlar kaaaatiueat f rnOFEHBQIthOnONEtt. Oirriaoa tkaatlnf Mlrhfura ' S.'uO kreafk-kauVni guiu, ((ki , :vl Wi. 1 CHARLOTTE CORNET HAND lad far tk week. Seem Tint it,.... y,.., fj 00 ibmls Ai itt act as rrrrleai lOate m4 U lnfraiUa, AJ.Ir,ai, THua.UVAlI., leeretarr. bot.S-UwSw THE PANIC JJAS RKDDCEB Tit prlo oT foods waatrfull. . . " " , . OLOTHINC3-: t nw raUHIo st atirly ' WHOLEIALE PRICES. ' Bring tit CASH bad sr for yoorMttct. " MUNSON & Co. CHr t'lalbial-e. ( T i MS FASHIONABLE DANCING .SCHOOL, - - - - - AT' "'---"- i New Hanover Bank Hall, Wilmington, N. C. MR. J. It. BAIt.r.T wUhol to Infirm It cltlieneof V'Umttitou that lia will opea a laactf School, la ta. h U th Faaklonabl Dance of tk liar, ., fancy Jlanoe for Clilklrea. Th Cleat fnr l.a.lle and .furenl'at IU meet on laealar. Tkaredaf aad Satarilav, tllf, M.,Mmneiieiii( Tat-aJay, Sureniliar 4th. ClaaMe fiKllenlletBen mt on Monday, Wed aaday aad rrMav, at I F, M., eaisi(aeltg Mular,NoreBkn3(iV, v " TtRM8-ltt 60 FOR 13 LESSONS. Ma BaitsV penpotea to titari all the Ball room and far lor Danea la en aaaaion or 13 L-iine. . , , , , Prlrale willKf n'rljrlnr th dr. when Uia ProTeMOrS tiro W Tlut occiiMl by Ulaeaea. Ma. BM.tT l a trar-her of long tiparlenoe, and (urauieDtlra utlnlaollpa. , , . .,, Consijmees. TI' EaHKTAKK KOTtCR that the Jt 'Irrinan Harnite V n LtTHK tOHIDORI.will hrcadTlr rerlr earn thia morntne. Moverrixf ih. 0. PIiUtRMAHN. Wilmington, K.O. Bov. 4, ms. PATAP8CO FEMALE NSTITUTC Near Baltimore. Md. , THIS INSTITVTK liHheen In operation fur Uiirty taara, and enjoy, a national reputa tion. With th numbwr nr pupMa limited to ninety, M ka repraatatallf Iroai twMlilrda ni to BUtiea, principally sould ami soatuweat. Ita location l preinlnently nealtlil'ul, Keen tral, and el1i tearhed v railroad fnrm HalH ore aad Walking. tJtty. Kor Hrcalaratd tveta ... MKS. K. 11. ABCHKH, Kllloott Cltr, P. O , m. Out 29 !UI Here ! Here I Here ! EVERT PURCHASK OP A MASON ft Hamlin Cabinet Organ nay be aure that he la getting, in propertlnh tulU aie, capac ity, eiyle ami elajw, , THE BEST INSTRUMESTj j wblrh it la pracll.-abl la lh present Male of th art to roiutrnit We ara aot afraMlto WARRANT ALL OUR WORK, A npleB Ihl. hick eiandard, and are will, lag t kela.leed by turns ar email-, rownal mM ttea. Without nlr r.lmarr facllitlea it would be ImpoMlble to rurnlrb Orgitneof aiioh rioelKaetat aacb pricta. HEINSBERCER'S 1,1 VK BOOK ANIt MUHtC STORK. ant fl i ) y. i . V.I MAY. OATB, MOLASSES, AO. eA BAfis pttiiiiitAtf; JltoO OUU 2,nn Bn-I.ele (Ula, m Bhle.a(dn Hilda, liana ktolaa aeeand N. H. Hyrup. 111 Harnl. a...,., tfn.r - - - fat Ml low by "t WILLIAMS A MURCHISO. t3 KIT? A3TI1TISIX15TS. SURVEYOR'S SALE Br. Barque) Elizabeth Knewtea AT AUCTION. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. Hy CRONLT MORRIS. W H RgrAKrt OP A kRCOM NRKDA- m aareaivn, ami aiaiamiis y ta ri4taaeai.eraaaieeuaairuat afaareaiee av-Bia n avr w ue a.gifttM M- SATTRDAT, K0TCMBE& ft, HT3, A? 13 OXTLOCK. M., : THE IIUIX, STARS. SAILS, Rill OINO, ANCHORS AND CHAINS, ROATS, Wuk ewrytMeg attacked. appeHainlag and botaagieg la -awl kartn bliaakeMh Ikiew T Ia4., alaad. at taiea earaadad at Tkk lWt Beach. Braaewitk euuai, la k kall af all eaaerraed. , MiUCOM CAaWKIttlX, Meerrr. timing'., . C., f . a, u:i. ' t Meat Cutters . A tiU llVPf KkS, Aeawt-d lia, at haw Uaidwar Srara. UII.KS A ItCBCUUON. Bay I Coal-Coal. RID AND WHITB ASH UP BKMT OUAL My, rurnare, Or.te. Slot ml ckeeaal aieea, aW aa aaad aad aelleared promptly any part at tk cily-walt anwa4 aad ire truua dirt. , . O. PARSI.ET HI. at at rf Subscriptions to the Stock or Tim Cape Fear Water Worh Cumpauy. -Ajar BH MA OP. AT TMP. OPrtt; OP lu C.atii la lb Naw ilaiteier Bank KinlO-ln;-,uri Uie d). wf I UoM V MRKI1. Tlx Hbjrl IhaaaArrwl tula pHtipit ki a pea. fermt hen and limited In etmmiit tu aSA.Oue sad by tk tatau tat kaa I guaranteed to pay t)i-kten.ur Eighteen per cent. PiuUtct luroriuautat amy he bad, at tkaedto a ike Oempttny, at aa appl Catkin tathoOffl retaoc I)lrtor. '1 ToiacillUi SnbctiitU.n. atvommltt will eall upon th bulam sien of lb city at t atlyday. , WILKES MORRIS, lerraterr. . sra-tr no 1 STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING t'P TUB Carolina Central Railway Coipiy. , WILMINGTON, H.O., Hot. tat, MJ. OIMEItAL MKETIKU OP THE STOCK Caraof tb " Varolii) CenUaJ Rail war Ooai paey"f North Carol In la hereby tailed t bt held at the Banking Moon oftbo Plrat tt aUooal Bank, la lhoKyf Wilmington, BatuMay, tb P.I0HTH (th) day of Nonmber, 1x11, at ten o'clock, A. M. - n . t .... .1-; f . '. ( fly onlcr of lb llonid of iJlrector. ' C. H. RORKkTM, rronklcnt. Watius Matthbwo, Kott'y auy g ot GIFT CONCERT. Por the Bene It and inikr th ouaplooi of Tlie Cape Fear AMM Matia rJtHK UNDKRSIONEll, hating been p- pulntod by tb Eaerutlr Commllt of. tho aboro Amoclatlon, to bake tho neoeaaary ar rangenxnl ror a DIPT COMCKRT during tho ncU Annual Fair, raniieetfully aolloltaena trlhutlonn of articlea lultable for ptUea. Pie hundred prlae will be dlalrlbated to th par ehen of ticket, and th frlendi of tbo Aiw olotlon ore oonllilentlv relied upon to lurnlrii thotrrlae. Aaythtng from s thonMnd dollar bom to s hoop nkn-t will b Scoaptahla. Tb aameeof ill eontrtbetiw, togatbr With their builamaarri and tbo staontif af thtir donation, will b oabllehM la pas-phM form and widely dltrtbtd. Th prlae will b oMiiblbod da ring tho Pair. Thoo-w1lilng to arall them, alreeof thkmoM oWmMt nod of adtortle log their bnelas, will ploaa ommanioato with tbo uttbeorltii during tb month of H Tcaibor,' th Hit af prim atoald b pub lieked on tke trat of Ueoeubar, Tk (Uetrlba tion will bo mad on tb last day of tb Fair, December 14th. All coatriboUoni should b aiilreeaed t .... - V Dr. THOS.B. CARE, Bow 94, Wilmington, H. 0. ' ftar and Foil copy, tM K oct21 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. ,' Wii.amtiToa, N. C, Oct 30, ;$. Notice. J9 HEREBY tllVF.N, THAT THE PRICK ui Croea-tlra will, lor all 'Iclirernl after No rembrr tth, be (:l) Til IRTV CUNTS evh. " , H. Ti. FREMONT, :; . ' ' I I t - , , Chief Kogineer flup't, iiiit!" .. l-iU!k , 'MOZART S AboX?," ISO. 1, t.rtAIITE HOW tfOITH ' ' tltOFlT HTRCP.T. T ; lg4AR.A4e. PronrlMor. ' ' J, lien all hetrra, Day Mrd Night. Beat of l,.,iKir, umitre, c.,aiwayan nana, naupoiiai atimuon guarantaad. Uyaura iu ernry tyle. -MIT -tf Salt, Salt, Salt. ia nnrt RACKH MVlCHPOOi, AND IViVVU American n It. In liiti to nlt. eor naw loir ay WiULtAUS dt MUBCHI8O11. Oct 2 SSH. $50,000 mm M ASTZlTISmiTS DinNisora Patent Shipping Tsgst twee Tw NiMna k ka hft. - - . I . M U II iW W wtantaa4 af mm be tag t.H cartel Ibey ara ajerere. Iiabl far aaetrkliaa tana Stettaa Ikaaaar 1aglH A. AteaveB- ky Ptuttara aad Itatloaot eia akma ti sto-aat Ladies Belts. LiniCS'aad Oeata' Trunk, Sat. keav, Skaad sarapa, kelt aaa, dtek, at Ua aaaati aad Huaae facwry ( J- S. TVPIAM CO., Kat taara Paaat area. Wilauagafta.b. C. J1f HI DAVIDSON COLLEGE, MCCKIINIURC. CO., N.O. ' WEU. igt'lPPID. lEVEH PkOPPJ ear. kai eaaaw law. aaealna agia0p- weaker ttth O.i. aead lee Caratewu, J. k. kl AR. Ckaatiaaa at tba Palta. act tt ini. . i .. , CIT THf BIST At tho Lowest Living Price. QV MOTTO 19 TO PUCAgt 0V1 OCt- aemma, la bokwak) ar rttaJL I arVa aad laa.allty. tattyki Sad baaaty. JfeeM kaw aatU they aad e ear baaatifat atylaa ef Ladle Batttta wts, tk Ineet seat IrovgU ta tbli elty, at leea prUa lhaa Uey eaa b boaght a hew Tart or fkiUdelvhl. bt.a" Fat oMa, Boy a Bk, CklMra1 gkeea, . If ya want at k mltad 0a sad aa a EVANS t VonQLAHN, PrtaaM BUeM. nr I A GREAT NEWSPAPEE. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. IPotNnpn m hobacb amr.UT. Oerotfil tuthe r.lVmtoa uf Intlllenrw. and to th hatahli-hmeat af Heaahliraa rrlartpie awone the Amerlraa Peupk-.M llbafiM af Ik. rnkawi ta fallow and. earwiailr la Ik tut are, erea mnr falilifullr tkaa La Ike paat, ttiaa eanttaal atea at Me aletaa aad lie mie- a. T that and It la puaMaatly tanrwating It ataaa tar prararlag tk lata- awa aad th beat oplawna from all part ut t he warld. aad at the earn Wane enlarging It faoUltle for sable, alio and diaarlbuUua. In Oorraeiwmlenui ar elation ed st ererr Im parl aat caatar of kaaaa aad af autwa, btitb ia Ihtarounlry and tliruat. They trad ar aoeuat paaytke aaakar IVa-ika! wka-h laaewaravt. nliuvua amimg th aiunrlaiaa of Uuliarada, aleng tke valley or tli ttlwa-totia, araath ewaafauf tlia Aiclta Oeaaa. At aaat, Iks trr unfolile th oomlilnatltHi akick aa-alt gteataaiwrcity, while M r. pacta tallhfully aad pruniptly the lateat aad beat re.Hlt.el tb work era In Liter at mc, Art, and Soienee, It IH euw la, in abort, But only a great, bat a oumplel aawpaiKn., lae rnaaae r.aara aaaeia,'- aaaqaainra ia their nimbtned eala ami elieapneaa, will b oaatiaaad at frequent letervale aartng th a eitln tear. Tke Parraera Kite, deeorlbla fully the great Uranga ktoaawietit af the faraa ere all va th evuntrr, aad ataparad flam origin1 and emelal Inrutmatiea, will eooa k ready, wblt N. M, aaauiatai ta Ira uf tk American Aamlalloa tut tha Adraaea. mant of Bewiw at lie reeent maetiag at Port land. Me., I freah frosi th pra aad lor Ml by all new-dealer. Tin D hU fntaae ha baea raoognlaed for many year a th taearlt paiwr at Ui Agri. altitral elaaaeeia wall with eeantn raaJer Senerally), and eminent authority rmeatly elared I kat It bad daa Bter ta p remote jood larmitii waa any out oinsra laaaaao tiiat veer eaanau. l t IWMea I pabllehed ta tbr dlttoaa- Dallr. SlOa vaari aeml-Weeklr ai Ulnar. ml Weekly at s year. now mm lime aa eaoecrioetor enaer ent tloa, and th beet Mm te gat eleke for rte Wrfktf rnftHn. W etter the follawlng al Inily liberal terma t (JIubel and laoe wk get them op I TBI WEEKLY. TEIBCN1. to a Aia sttsausiasas. On fnpy, on year tl lama ,,.tt Pie ooplaa, on yaar-M imuoo IH. ft, cw. r),M.wM. fk ,Vaem .Vutrenan-e, Allot Pot-OffiOa All at aa Poet-Offle. 10 etiplee. Si M each, fl ople. , 1 IS oaek. Noopte.. 10 each, dad aa aetra aOack dak hi eoplei. Sl as each. fOeople.. t 10 each. tOaopM.. t oteaok. Aad aa aalra te eeck cia. tr tot Otab of PitTT, Plto Hmt-WtiklW Prt- kaae will ba aeut aa aa aatra oopy. THIS BX31I WXXKLT TEXBUBK. On copy, one tear-lot ombere,.,, W PUa eopiea, or eem, fnr aeh copy,.,, too Tea eniee (andeaerjicaeeiw) for M W lUmlt h draft ar noetal monatdee. If aoaei- ble. If out oend money, alwaya la a reglilered kit ar. i Term Caeh la Adranc. SCT-Rroi'iAL Moth a To Oi.ii Bt na taaaanr Tna TmauaaAny foraaer aaliauilbar to TU TnliuHt. whuaa nam baa not baea en our hooka eluiie Pebrnary, lilil, may ohtala Tkt WmUt rrtotmr froia Hill or any aubeenaent dt. I January I, I'm, by Mailing Si-the prweof ihaotiption lui ou year ta thl oflloe. II tou arnotaeubaorinerto 7 Tntmn aeno far a tpeotmea oa. whioh milt ktarad fro. Addrt Fresh Goods. QAt.IfOllNf ABABTLtTT PEAtlS, , , tui fjoidoa ft rJHwotib'l Freeh Poara MATLE 9UOAR, NEW RAISINS, JAVA AND LAOCAYRA COFFEIfreeU parclietl. , ' CT.ANBERRIES, ' ) ' :.( t - NllWUCKWILEAT, aud the "BEST BUTTER in the world." at GEO. MYERS', a-t- --ir 1.4 r' .. 11 and U, Front Street. octJt a OTKU, rUItOKTTL, IIOTJMEU WH.HlNWI'Oaj, M. U. . .. taoraiaroa S. It. UAVIS.af ktUUHoa,Gkarietoa,BO T Onack , Carrta and Baggag Wagow wan ready to roe re y paaeengeratoaad from tha H'irel. feh t 11S J. J, SCOTT & CO., CaMum Facta ra amtt Samastal Cotmaala aloa Herotaaata, . . ' Mrra Wat aa St., TJn-mm oomi Kzcaaaaa, WU.MINOTON, N. t). tf Liberal adranoa mad on oaalgnmnta of Oottrm, Naval Kturee and Country Prodac of all ki sua. riaa 1: tTS-ty Troops or Ailments Vanquished. OH aorount of Uie promptaeaa with which It rhecaa the ferer gcneratwl by nnhealthy exti elation, Hoatettrr' Bitter, ta oonatderad aa laitlapenealila tamily mealcin ou tb bordare oi mir Haulliern amf Weetera riven, and ia aw aettlemnita whr th nlengh and the a ar lr the Hrt time diatarh'ng tho eoiitmle of aa tnre. Ita reuiitation. kowerar. hi aoteanbned to enoh locHtiti". Whererrr th elcmrnte of (tteeae on rife It M 1k "Greet eaeguard af health! wherever ak-kueat prevail It weSiea- roiia aa a remedy. Aiming the aertooetlleeaae whtcb K le nranteet m control are rndliree. Hon, kllleuxnces, and all tit talaof allraaiit connerteii wiin aeraiigemeote of tna auinara, liver, bihI the howela ench a heartburn, kea. aca. gatulenr, (mtiveaeaa, aaoeea, dlta-t for fowl, lanimor and ilehllllv, pal pitatinn of tha heart, tremhlingol III hae.la, notaea la th earn, illmrilerril vieioo.dietnrbed aleeu. and mental Inqntetmle. Aa tha ithvetcai and mental di. tnrbanora tend to a ganeral failure of a'.l th ,powereof the ayaleni, they ahmild b at once 'corrected -aa they alwaya may be, by a court oi rwewitrrw stomaca oitiera, t Orma Snaa lEmaartAMav, WUaUsjtoa, JT. ft, OtCK u- C3A5GX OT SCZ: Oa aad arte Oct. taU. Plant ' T-T ew that W. W. g.l)raadJraa aafo jao: ktAU. TIAJS. " . ' Uaea Catmt Do SaSy (Baaoavs e-4 A ? '". .' 1'" -a.i. Soma Mraat. f tf 4 Mt S a-rriv M uouefter at Jl . . h. Z ""--U.-i.iMKll. Loaea Waaadmly lSadayaeB. ASLM-r: -.. . " - -' - ti m. 2 1-T-l: ' i r.: ixpuajnAix. .1 ia uri,-N.yacdiir, B.;.r"' . ;- rr A. K " H.Hvkltlt....T.... t a A . . ' waa aa.. Autw.a,t S . Aenv as Man'. .7 JT 7Tj i Z t " Cawa Depot at. v A. k. HaB Tvaaamatae line aoaatcftoa at Val am ear all immbi. kik h. - u . - . . . Sv BajpeeaaTrma tawaec earvwfr) I Ceaekroat. -" rnlamm Sl.ia lav; latra M Ula 1 raiav rvaigae Tram win waa WlhnrerW WV woekli at au A. M. aa d arrtra a l. m .... lire Freight Trala wUI Vtav ". to daily (4 In P. M, aad arrtv at 4jo P.at vvaariiiiruiai . oitasru flwpt. eta ijO-tg w tliaatagaett n C, nf la. liT 3 pJCIlEDULBt'. AttlNOm TRAItlt ' Uva Wllmagtoa dallf (ao,t wmtav) Airlvaat Wmteeeo...w.-,...-.g ta P. M. Uava Wa.le.har' at j , a. 5. ARtvaat WUtaUigOaa ll. 4Uf.h PRIIQMT T R A I H t - Uava Wllmlngt dally (ataept Sasdaye) at ........ a u Uaea laarlnbnr. at. .".. A. M AmvahaWedeee.en at SHP.kf. paaaaager Train taat VkarWtt daily (Sea daranoml ...... . 1 a m. Arrtv at HuOaMat It Uava B.itaieat I 'ta Arrtv at Ukarlott at Bit P.M. irregular l.mkat aad tlmke trala taa o both purlwetui th Haad. a tha haeanna aa. .tin. tt rir- , A dally Stag will (mat rna la itoaretetaai t a th tralnaoabotkoeMtaaf tkia Kailaav. a. u raBMuKTr - Raglnoar and 8uiarmtaadt, Papara enpOni HckeJaleot ., U. a H. A. M. laea eabatllut thw, aad Mad aa paaer, W - - "''ilB GRWEaAXSCPEKlHTEKDTB OPPiO 1 'i.ii.i 4 ..! , , 4 ar. - WILMIMQTOI.CCluyilA , , ItitUSTI li'ittsia' t3. Wtutiaaroa, W. 0.. Oca, trtth, Ui i. nm si C HINGE OF PCIIEDUMSm Th followtag Sehedsla will go iaiatflbot.at 4;nA.MIfoaday,rtblttttaal. ' OAT KXPAXSa TIAUr,(taUyy. 1 ' Uava vTllmlniSea..,,,.,,., 4-M A. Si, Arrtv at Ploreac..,. ...lO fT A. K. - Columbia.....,,,,.,, S I P. at, Auguat,,,. .... w,,M A'BP, M. Iata Aogaeta , aa a. ti. Uav Oulurabla .1 iiai. ai Arrlv at Florence , P.SL " " WUmlngta..M.J..M...0.SiVM. 1T1UBT IXPBESB (Dally), gaadajwoerved. Uav Wllmlntoa aio P. af. Arrlv MP'ereeca.. Jtt P. M. voi-Dmt..u U1,M, Aaaueta . a jl a. aa Uava Aegnei. fit P.M. Arrtv at Columbia.. , .............. tip. at. All Tralst mak alaaa anaaaatiaei fcjtk Korlh aad South. . i r , . Pullmaa'i Palace Bleplng Cart oh all light siaa ... , . . ..: !., ,..1 ,; JAMES AHDCnaOS, OeaT BuimrlBtemdeat. aea v. , - 8ins?isa.'io.i,a i' Iialtlinoro and Wlliitr! cmi-wcekly ' . - .. " ajk t"i- Ci i , i a uriii STEAiisnip mm ooarous tas vtaa slaos traaaaaiffi D. 3. rOLKTH.M Oai.O.J.P'" Ll t'lLLeV Cant. J.B. BtM TT -tAtlAAJCA tLTIE,...Oapt. I), a CMUJM itih Mirwitran una aauilioes TCkSOAT aad FBfllAT, and from W " UlNOToNerery WKUNRSUAl and t ay CKDAT, connecting at Wilmington with t Wilmington. Columbia Aogaeta, IkMarheV ton Welilon, and th WHmingtoo. Obarloit at Rutherford Hallmad AteelH aeraraj L.nt, of Btaamera to PoyatUvIll. , , ,,1. ,,j OWtiagt Thrwwch Bill afUtollaa to all -mint ta North and tonth Cwe'lba Qeorgla and Alabama, . I, j Connecting at Baltimore With tho Baltimore at Ohio and th Northar Central Kmlroadarar all point In the Wee and North. Went, and with Steamer and Railroadl lor Bnetnn, blew fork and Philadelphia 4 For freight Ongagmtnta apply to , . , i, A!D.CASitX,AgTit, WUmlagtM.Ji.Ot! ANDREWS CO., Ar"1. . , . , s i , VattlatOTS. '. 1'M 1 ff 1 T OBUXAKB'S 8TKAMHRIF JLUa 1 Jj NKW TORE. AILIlia TTKMHATa AUTB rmiliAa TBMtBI IIWISRK,tlSWfP.t.ki DATS AUD BATl RltATB fUOM , ' - wiuiiaTt. ' '" "T ii i ass im i ii i NStJBSCOm,TOIE-FOTJKT Paa rmtouoH ooNNicnoiti TrrrB. a BAILBOADS LKADDia GUT Of.) . i niufliaiva, .. .. I ST HO pa iigaar takea. ror Ir may Woe- rValtfht annlv to MISCELLAJIOUS. f atoaaat, oaoair. i traaas aeaaiS crohly&iio::!:; AUCTiowrrnii, h; f iTOCK and reu turn r: v AH P-l 8 H KM. AT THIIB AI.K9 POOMa a plaa of tlie cut. on aa enlart-l . Blank Book with tb hwtalam ot i y 14 ni tneeity aieunotiyaenma. . . Aeateaedvala, part and present, of vVy 1 lathaeity. VI " ' rn.rU Any hiformation desired fntatobed Bileatlatt.. . ..-,..i;.,i 1 u, :-jl . , t ..For. Ladies;; ' ; PtHK KID BtTTOSiitoTS, " ' r . .. . . ' , t t ."1 ' . r f ' " 8KRQE Bt'TroN p'i T ' , : . . . .. iii I.' I " ' ' HKNMATIOt ttAtS, Htw 9ttha large awnm'-' - , . : C. A. pan;:".' ' ;'j 4 ".)-.. -,0. t Atatk.' f. oct H -- f