' (Hi ff rP r , ' - 1 V ' 1 rn i i r o i -vi ; jjj j i j j i j. , . i i J V" VOL XXn.-IIO. 25. WILUIIfGTON, H. C SATURDAY. HOVEHBEB 29, 1873. tholi: uo. c.c v II pnlo WILMIXOTOJl K. a: RMiDAT.K0V.29i 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. WAtt L WAU I ! WAR ! I ! GRANTS Uai'lWTUH ! SICKLES TO WITHDRAW I sr.i ly po wmzz. THB'. BRITISH MINISTER TO TROTECTi THE-ARCHIYES ANT) AMERICAN RES- THE VIRGINIUS REPORTED SUNK AT HAVANA. LONO SESSION OF THE CABINET ON THE PENDING QUESTION. a cKtsisiiN: the: t affaib REACHED AT LAST. THE PROSPECTS LEAN TOWARDS A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT. FIERCE AND DEFIANT ASPECT OF THE SPANIARDS IN VIGOROUS PREPARATIONS MAK - INOFOR DEFENCE. WisHWOTO!, Not. 27 NoonThe New York Herald will publish the fol lowing special ?bo tlieftteU to-morrow : : . The follow dirpntoh hag just arrived in cipher from the Herald correspon dent In Madrid : Madrid, Not. 26 NoonThe situ ation is grare. On the 19th, General Hicklea, by order of President Grant, delivered a formal ultimatum to Pres ident iCAitf ar4 efanandinjr prompt and vigorous reparation for the insult to the American flag, the restoration of the Virginias, " the release of the aurmiiJjf'ptleoners," indemnity to the families of the murdered and the pun ishment of the murderers and also, a gnaranteSVgains hftara outrages in Cuba. The demand was coached in a kind and sympathetic tone, but no al ternative was given, Gen. Sickles was also instructed to say that if Caatehur did no comply, with, tho demands in one weri he Tknould aBkJ "forjhis pass port and leave Madrid with the Lega- At mt. . : - a. 1 J answer has been received. Everything at the Legation is pocked up for imme diate departure. "V... v Minister" icklotf has id 'hopes that the ultimatum wilt be complied with and he telegraphed to raria yesterday to have all bis official correepondonoe that "nBghtbe therb kept for a few Minister Bickks, in conversation, says that ho docs notchow war with Cuba can b ftjoided, aaGnatelar can give no assurance that tho order will be obovoil in. Cuba. ... Public feeling is also opposed to BDy concessions. Unless Castolar responds this eve ning Sickles leaves immediately. The American ships in the Mediter ranean', bavoTJoed ordered to Key West in the event of General Sickles leaving Madrid. The British Minister will probably protect the archives and the American residents. PreX&onf 3iwCekV fll personally anxious to accept the British Minister's good offices to effect a compromise but there aro no hopeB to-night. Nzw jX0BKi ov, i- 27. Noon. At the Junta meeting yesterday.it was au- nounoed that private letter was received, pnt. 8ajbigo stating that the 20 men who embraced the Catholic faith, did so on condition that thoir lives should bo sparo'd; they were however",-shoV ' " New Yobk, Nov2S--Noon. The PowhaUoa" aad ' lluiilialiUtti,J 'destined for Oba. have returned m acoonut of the heavy woathcr. ! . Wasuington, Nov. 2S Noon. The Bfate department has become entirely silent. It is stated thit cipher dis patches from, adfa;? re ceived, upon whfl1s)?elft were busy up to 5 o'clock thi' morning without having concluded their- translation. It was stated last nfghf that one point of the United States' iremaud has leen settled by the aonUluig.end sinking of the VirtJaiuslHJ fcarbor of Havana. A general impression, which seems to be well-founded, exists of renewed complications.' The ailenoa of the wifM from Madrid and Havana, and thaieee of the functioaries here indicate trouble. Washinoton, D.CNov. 28 Night. . The CabirfetfWavin- session two Louts and half to-day, giving earnest attention to the questions pending be tween the UniteL State and Spain. ; after the adjounimeni that the huBi neeawas in nuoh a condition that a singdia&laVei citberT LU might chango the. whole course of proceed- To-night it can be confidently said . thai tltequnsticu bas assume! a mors favorable aspect than it bore this a. m., and that there are strong reasons for expect wgi resold OSnluhJy satis- factory, and it eao be-tdded on the same ..competent .authority, although nothing baa as yet been reduord to ' precise "terms) the arbitration is very , hopeful. New Yobs, Nov. 28 Night. A let ter from Havana says that the people tbeew would refuse to allow any order from Madrid to deliver up the Virgin ius or make other reparation for her aciznre and the execution of her crew to beTarried out Preparations for defence aro boing actively pusbe!""forward. Guns are being mounted at all auitablo points. Advertisements appear in different papers for an unlimited number of laborers to work ou the arsenals. The volunteers have order to drill two or three times a week. The Vose de Cnba aayi: "In regard to the report from Washington that Castelar has telegraphed the Captain General to execute no more of the Virgiuius prisoners, it cannot be true, since the sentenoei have been imposed by a tribunal.of justice, in accordance with our law. The executive of the Spanish RepJiblio has not sufficient power to issue Vich an absurd ordor. It aayi that the Captain -General of the Island, in order to extinguish rebel ion, has the power to impose ft deoth penalty on any one tokeu in the act of treason and force against tho Govern ment, and nsks bow then would the Executive cf the Spanish Ropnblio dare to govern in contradiction of law, and to override justice, exposing his authority, k contempt, merely to please certain foreign pirates FoRTRxsa Monboi, Not. 23"Nigbt Twenty mechanics arrived here this morning for dnty in the ordnance machine shops, to work on the 15-inch gun oarrioges now being constructed. Two machinists leave here to-morrow morning for Key West and two for Charleston, to pnt the guns and carri" ages at those points in thorough work ing order. Washington, Nov. 28 Nighi There was a prolonged session of the Cabinet to-day. The Secretaries are uncommunicative. It is probable that the press tele grams are withheld from the wires. There are the usual arrivals of mem bers of Congress, and sharp contest is progressing for the House offices. It is ascertained that the ultimatum to Spain is the restoration of the Virgiuius, salute to the flag, the release of. those still alive, reparation lo the families of those killed and guarantees for the future, . Should Bjaia fait 6t be unable to enforie theioifrT'nSi the President, the.WfiiaiibSonthVe for war. Punihmn(( of Cuban officials or tho V "oa &i "via Ouba doel fct-.- i . vr - ... . i .. ( ' versy. ixogonav.. . j tittitt. and the result d'iT"it': poa dis- patch from Bpain, HEADQUARTERS. DEATH OF JOHN M. MORRIS, EXECUTIVE CLE RK OF THE SENATE. A NEGRO MURDERER HUNG. Washixoton, Nov. 28 Noon, John M. Morris, Executive Clerk of the Senate, and formerly editor of the Charleston (S. 0.) Republican and of the Chronicle of this city, died at his residence hero last night. The remains will be taken to Wethersfleld, Conn., on Sunday, for burial. e Washington, November ,28 Night. The negro Henry Young,, convicted of the murder of Frank Hahr, the Virginia drover, in March last, was hanged to-day. He made a state ment on the scaffold that he was pre pared to die, and, in response to an inquiry from some one among tho spectators, he said Le was not guilty. (JOTHAM. CARD FROM QUESADA CASTILLO. AND New York, Nov. 28 Noon. M. Quesnda and Carlos del Castillo pub lish a card statingthat they are thconly representatives of the Republican Gov eminent of Cuba abroad, and that the collection o fund forsuffring Cubans is without their authority and against the eomm ind of their Government. They condemn .all attempts to enlist men as being in direct violation of the laws of the loud. i New York, Nov. 28--Night.T-Shep- herd Knnpp has resigned tho Presi dency of the Mechanic's National Bank. In ger soil has been sentenced to five years hard labor. PROH ABILITIIt. War Department, ' f Orncs Chtsp Signal Officer. ( Washington, Nov. 23-Forthe North west and thence to Missouri, falling barometer, low but rising temperature, Southerly winds and increasing cloudi ness. For the Lower Lakes - and Southward to the Ohio Valley, North westerly and Northerly winds, very low temperature And partly cloudy weather, with occasional light snow to-night on the Lakes. For the Mid dle and Eastern States, Northwesterly winds, cold and generally clear weath er. From the Ohio Valley to South ern Tennessee, high barometer, North westerly and Northeasterly winds, cold and clear weather. For tho South ern States, Northwesterly and North easterly winds, falling temperature and partly cloudy weather. Reports are partly missing from the Western Gatf. Evbrt particle of roUonoiu at tr ! earrwd oat of th mum Uie l. and nllow will br miio frwtiMid vigorou bj ailng 8IMMON8' LIVEH liKQCLAlOK. , 2t,7-4ir NORTH CAROLINA. , r TnE FAIR AT CHARLOTTE. THE SPECIAL TAX BONDS IN JUNCTION CASE ARGUED. Char tons, Nov. 27 Night. -.-The Fair of the Caroliuaa at Charlotte has culminated in a grand auccesa. The exhibition of articles are equal to any previous Fair. In the running race to-day Lady Washington won the single mile dash in 1 :53. Huntress trotted agaiuat her own time auJ won In 2:33. r The second trotting race, for beat 3 in 0, was won by Chamben Moaley in 2-51, 2:401, 2:38. V v Ralbioh, Not. 28 Night The in junction, on the part of the Special Tax Bondholders vs. the Stats Treas urer, was opened to-day before Judges Brooks and Bond, and was argued by Walter J. Budd, of Baltimore, for the plaintiff, and Georgi V. Strong, of Raleigh, for the defendant. The ease will be continued till to-morrow, Hon, Reverdy Johnsou, for the plain tiff, will speak to-morrow or Monday. The case excites considerable interest. ELEtTHiCLSm The Powhattan, with the iron-clad Manhattan iu tow, passed out to sea from Lowes, Del., on Wednesday night. A number of the New England mills are abont to resume operations. The noosao tunnel was to have been opened on Thursday. A mass meeting of wotkiugiuen and wotnen - was held in Independence Square, Philadelphia, ou Thursday. Speeches were made from three stauds. The speakers identified the movement with the Internationalists. The reso lutions demand that the City Council find employment for the unemployed and establish supply departments for the neoessariee of life. The fifth roro lution is that they hail with delight the organization of tho Patrons of Husbandry . -U;l, The Round house of the Central Pacific Railroad, at Kocklin, .Califor nia, with nine locomotives and nine oars, was burned on Thursday morn ing. .The town narrowly escaped de struction, r -' f ( - I CoL Robert Morrow, Paymaster of f n4t the ArizoniK departments of the rmy, committed mioide oik Thursday, fie was formerly Private Secretary to .President Johnson. ' Wilsoa ' Bona' lash factory, and planing mill, at Baltimore, was com pletely destroyed by fire on Thursday morning- - Loss, 810,000: insurauoe, 845,0001 ixty men are thrown out of employment . Five hundred canal boats are frozen up at Utica. , . . James H. Ingersoill and John D. Farmington, convicted Ring men, were lodged in tbo New York Tombs on Thursday morning. j - Edwin D. Lewis, President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, wiS act as receiver in Jay -Cooke t Co'a bankruptcy until tne creditors appoint an assignee. - ' Malone, the Georgia murderer, died defiant and unrepentant. He wrote a letter giving his religions views, in which' he said he had no belief in the Bible nor in hell. He also wrote to the jailor, gloating over the fooling of the Judge and the prosecutors. A mass meeting of workingmen in Paterson, N. J., is called to meet at the Falls to-morrow evening to make a formal demand on the citv for work. The Union Bunking Company, of Philadelphia, has resumed. James Mason has been appointed receiver in Jay Uooke v tk). e bank ruptcy. Milton Malone, who was condemned to be hnng on yesterday, . at Atlanta, Ga., died on Friday from the effects of morphine taken on Thursday night. The Patrons of Husbandry organiz ed a State Grange at Montgomery, Ala., yesterdoy. The Convention is very large, and evf ry part of the State is represented. Three are dead and five arc sick of the party who drank from a bottle they suppoped whiskey, nt Montreal, A dispatch from Norfolk sajs: The schooner reported sunk a few days ago, ten miles below Cape Henry, proves to be the St. Marys, from Philadelphia for Richmond, with coal The appearances indicate that she was run into while anchored. All jm board were undoubtedly lost The body washed ashore was that of the cook. flaw to I.lvo KremotnieaJlf, 'i'iid tubiua ol Low to coouuiiiizo iu living is one that engages the serious attention of a great manv people, "Many a little makes a mfckfe" was one of Benjamin Franklin's 'Toor Ricliaril" truisms that summarizes the whole sjAtem of popular extravagance. If you wish to Have money, eeonomize in little as well as large items of expen diture. For alHlio household purpo ses for which polishing pofder-, Bath brick anil soap are usually used, xcepting the one thing of washing clothes, Sapolio Is by many times the eheapeat artiole that can bo employed, To say nothing abont its great superi ority to all other substonoes, it is, on the score of money alone, by fir tho cheapest. Remember this fact and save many dollars every year. 4w The Dcatlat'a rarcepa will never be reqnlred to wrench a decayed too k rrointlie mouth of any oue, aliobablta ally mnnlpnlatM bla or ber teeth wllh Sown doat. It pre tenia all dental dtoeaae. , TaJ h no anologT for whlekev drinking i It It a aiedieine that oonnot bo need to Intoilo.te; It prod a tonlo effect, aa well aa acta aaa cathartic. In lact, SIMMONM' MVKH BKO. VLATelR la pronoanoed aa medicine. anetoeptionabia M-if llrlp le Torpid Orgaaa. When thebody is iu a state of health, food taken into the stomach acta ou the bowels aa a stimulant causing that worm-liko motion bv which their contents are expelled. The liver being in a natural condition, the flow of bile (which is a mild cathartic) into the In testines ia ample and regular, and henoe the discharges are easy and suf ficiently frequent The reverse of all this constitutes ccMtiveneea, end the only true method of cure is to restore the" functional activity .of the two im portant organs which ue the bowels aa ft aewer for the egress of watts mat ter. For this purpose Hostetter's Stomach Bitten cai be confidentially recommended aa the mot effective of all medicines. It ia not too much to say that chronic oonstipetion would be unknown if the Bitters were in univer sal use as a remedy in the earlier stages of the complaint, At this period if the year, whea dyspepsia with all its kindred disorders U so apt to be engendered and aggravated ' by . the dampness of the atmosphere, this un equaled stimulant, tonfo and alterative should be token daily. in. Hloccl thetxnt la of .uwriorlty 1 th mind lulflrnnMt tot SIMMON'S LIVFH KKUCLaTOHtoonaor tb eosTlaotng proof. tbt thit arttcl. I wcltl abov .wthlrif .IrtoTUi klaL Howv mich itJflomdo li mtjr tlimw their th.ru, trutn will pr- ml, t m iu uu mntioitt. i It le ABBftxlnc tht nrnp! ntglert I1i.it tMtb m rt.m.l'nlly SiiwdoBt with a brtwh M nntlun k.nl mm, would kMpsnv 0 tr.th la .ilMit condition aliravh in uvt tWKl UU rat Urt? , - Kl-iw ,. Tail Is m lnlo1clin brrat er dectnrwl lliHir, to lrt tbo tiiler on lo dniakrntiM. ind tu'u. but s rlctlr mdlml prtprllon l. wi. 1 poo in fMt and ferrh., ntUbl to any M or ooiid'liou Aa a f-milr nnwlr SIM. klONi'LIVEK KKUILAIOK U equal, to as f BtifO madlcls. cbaat. SPECIAL. PBATT'S ASTEAL OIL ABSOI.UKTl.Tfalo. rrfotly ' ealorlami.-. Alwaya auirorm. Illnmlnaliui ()ialitiM Mitrtur to (aa. Diirna la an; laui witUout danger of j(iadiiig or taktuf lira, kUnu laolnrfd rxcrrwlr t tllaplara Iba m of tolatlla and dangerou. iiIIk, It aal'aty anJpr tftj poa lkl tern, and In twtfrct 4rnluf qo.lilloa, arc promt bj ita coiUnatU aw la ovar Wo.Coo faotl lit. Millions of nlloaa havs bate anal and a ao-oliMfnt-dirtotlr or ludtraoM baa arr occur Nd Iron baraliif, .lorluf wr bandllai It. Tba laumaiiMi Marly to to llle aadproptrtv reiultlnji Iton ill. aa of rbra and daugoroua oll tu iba Uiiitnl SUtra, la appalling. Tba iMHiraaoaOompaalaaaiid Pita Coatal ilonar tliroailiont tba oonnUr raoommaiKl tba AS'i'KAli aa tba beat aafaguam ban luwpa ai uartl Hand tot circular, Kor anl. at rstitl by thstrad maarallr, acd al holeaat. b. tba proprlppwa.cll AS. FltATT a CO , 104 ru'lton S treat, New Vork. angB fntHlaYirtai Darts MfieDe'illiOrWAW A ltookjuatbuad.(xpalng tha Pisauaau" that haa appaatad la tba Kaw Vork Nai- rn; their hi.twr and Sin, Vlf llah Vll lata miljr mpaa. Auvatuwvrnu Iroin dciwrai an to ba&utirnl Ulan drnMne miitmri how franrai;!. T(o hlftorv of tba CletHlrlcIt Tr-eeer u. ra.alira 'narabHal.1 llriu-rlpUon ttt Utng Uraaalvay Statu, Bxajaaee amclatl eerrtloa. Meat au rmalpiof SO oai.ia. Adrtrtaa, Unkiaa rnuUng Houw, M Veaar at.. . T. , OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. "PIT Uotlof tor 1'enng .Tltiat from thatlcuti'0lhrroraau4 AbuM ui early Ilia, waulio.xt Hf'lornrt fmpedlanta to Jnrrlago ramo.rU Nrat. aethl al" treaiamat, N-w and rt nrlUr.iurda. Ilonka ami Olrrtilar a Kiit rre, la anM oa.eiopm' AaMma, HOW- Aim Ai)ui riL. no i, uma imnta at Pldlad.lpl lUia, rt., i.-an InaUtaM ttoa ba.lni high reputation tor honorable cotdact ami nro- tU.IO'MtlklW'i, t - 1: Ml itsjm 8 kin. Diseases ! t wilt eorM (rrte) rrnei'pt fur nf VRQKTAU1 Jv BAi.U. reaiorlnt Pimptrt, Black Worm: HIMrh- i, FrfltU, Malh mi fhn, loa-lBg the akin alear and wiui a lieallliy glow. Alao, anra prncera lor i he growth ol Mil on bald lieadaoramnvlb here. II. PRATT, Khenlat, 1 Pine St, N. Y. P. o. box i, I. (Scud eump.) oct 10 an-aw Tba Nrfw Rnety ger Ituptnro. A mtt import! hrtntion. gold by Tba KlaaUo True. Co., No. WI Hroatlwar, N. Y. City ' It rataina Hupturaabaolntelylaeaaeand comfort, niiini ana aar, at au iimoa, ana nnaor an cir eumatanona, without any exneptlou , wbaterer In any cam, and ahonld nfrrr be taken off du ring th abort lime r -qnlalte to effai t a erm nentenro Srntbymall. Cln-u ar friw, tny Uruiul.t or Phralclan will order this new Truaa for you without charge 001 a ,. s isa-u Jflotbera. motliera, mothera. Don't full to vrocur MRS. WtNSLOW'S HOUTHINO SYKCPforall dlwaaea tm lden to the ixrliiJ of tcrtbinr In cbtldrm. It re- lli-T-a tin child from pain, cure, wind oollo: r'liulntua the buwela, and by giving relli-f ana ncaur nt Tue cunn, girra re to toe mouier. He tore aim ran tor "MKS. V. INHl,OW'H tMtOtUINO SYKUP." For Nile by all druggllts. Junei lBlJlun-W-Sat. - Hnn-Ton fllrtallan Nlgnavla, Sr nt on rcrlit ot'iM rRa. t'nlqne Printing and PuMUbli g Hoi.ae, 0 Vtaey btrret.N.w Vork. Ohamir DlaAanna. nn natter low tharoilguiaUi. and wiilimit u gaid to the eexof ut annerer, are enron wunont nangrr if nenn- nlrnre nr riamnoia a it. iiai bu, tke grea Diuretic, which acta eifdflcallr nno the Kid- nev. Hlli(w--nd auxiliary orcana. h'ooilirr preiiaratlen twarmr the Fully derrloped mrrlht Of Helinholri'n F.lract. It l the only grnuins "ucliti. and Ii nrrei lalla. iluhn r. Htniv. Mw York, Sol Agent. '17-lw 'it ' v AMERICAN INSTITUTE, TO J. W. MoKfetf, Fon- Mroittj and FM112 Macfc It a hganloaeaa6 wilt sseet tbe variraof ar.-ry matron in tha land." EtmlMtloa ef IM John E. Onrlt, Kee. 8ec. V. A, Barnard, Trc. BfieVl l. Tillman, Correepniiilmg He. V,.- Sew York. Nov. I, 18 . Tbiaalaipleand Ingenloaa Machine laaan-e-fnl aa tho Hewing Machine, and la lt becom ing popular with la llea, in tbo place ul cipeii alro Meedle-work, Itiwvrk being much more bandamne, requiting leae time and not one tenths part tha cxpenae. ho l-dr'a Uil. let lamw ceaiplata wllbont It. A Machine with tlluatratMl clrcalar and fall lontrucllooa aunt on r. eelpt of CI, or tniabrd In eilrer plaie for PS 75 Addreve, Tt JfrATce Maimfattvriim fb , .300 Broadway, New fork, AHRNTS WANTED. Wtiiiiiii9 ' Are) yarn a Bankrupt 1.tV not roneut tUli queatloa, reader. : It hi not Impcrtlnenoo. Wo bavo no rljlit to Inquire Into your buaioee affalrf, and don't Iriread to. " Bat aro jou Bank. rwpt fai Utatth t If o, recruit, regulate aud rout onto your lnaoWent yttata with Tarrant's Xffenresccnt Seltzer Aperient Turn IU reecrrea of latent atrength and vitality Into oet'vo, vital eapital with that arnat agree, ble of all tonlea, the ml Meet of e.auuant, that moat grata! of etomaoaloe, tbo aaaet aalabrlowo of eahllerante. Itpnta dyapepela andbliiioaa. Boaa to flktiht, eurea oonatlpatlon, braoee tba aerrea. eleara tha brain, and rofreahes, reanl. matea and purlllee tho whole pbyalque. Bold by all drogglal. nor IV STl-.w NEW ADVESTISIJIim Meob&sio's Eailding and Lou Association. mara-MBViia iia at a nrt.tvn m a iiX reptraantod at th ant Rrgniar Martina, V. oaatbar Ird. imiMird Hi rot. on a prapaaT t'on which will b..ubnlttr4 at that tla, la ii mi,, p. myftrm f in- j.iiruiar. , laa ttBravlOa) at the Aaa cwtion to an y.ara,oa tarat adraa Unra. toarrfy ntiailr, . . , .. THO. P. CARD. Kotll Star Jk toat aopy It a4 II People with Money TTT1IX QO WHEHR THE El! AMD thraptat goedt ran bo rklalmd. Tha ladaca- narnt I aid out by a. t. Vaynaof OLOTIIlINi, SHIRTS. DPAWKR. SCARF, TIS, BOWS, s U ACTUAL COST. thus grtlag thtnt an adraataga uaaarpaaaad. MUNSON&CO. ' ftTTCI.0rMn.E8. no.r; m ACAR1). NKNtOHT SON. In an adreiUaaaiaiit a In yatrdav'a VMr, atala that lhair paper 'baa tour II ate. tha buna Sue clrcalalloa Dt any pa or In Anaon or any rf the aurroaadlaa mnntlra. It I tha olllrlal orgaao? Anann, klintlgornvry and Sianl.y oonntlra. It la tha only adrlilng aiadlum In Aaaua ooiiutr." I-etmpt pronannre Inoorrant aarh and erery atatenentcuntaltHNaia thaabora. Tba aaaar tlona are too rdloulona to be notloKl at toagib. I ahallrnge M. aanv Knight A Son to a tret aa to whk-h of tba two pera pahllabed la Aaaoa Monty haa tha btrM rlrrulalloa. .lOftH. V. JAMKI, Praptletor Wadmboro r itti (Ml. Me.lt Bacon, Rice,. Hay &c. 4Q BOXES r. 3. ll)Ko,' M Roiei Kmokcd Sliha. W Balra Hay. ' i Kiilli Bafgtng, tU Barrel. Pork, M Mallrla, '; ., tttiw Cbestat, (tq Tlvrcaaanl Harrala Kloa, Irt Caara 1 and H tlratar., IS Haw. Matf-hra, IIS M.Hana-W. P. ami NoM, VS HagaShot. 4l liaaM Plckti. 1?5 Vraiiil I'earbm, in " Cliarrlra, iS Ouvia Cmullra, Ac, dr. FoTrtla by r. fv. KERCII.VrR. anr Ti Fine French Brandy. OUR OWN Importation! Ex German Barque "Claudia", Captain Olnek. DIRECT FROM BORDEAUX. QQ OASES RENAULT l)HANDT,o(l.r.4 uauer Cuatom Hotwt atnettoa. A rare oppor tunity lor U) lag In a cae of - Flno Old Brandy, at au xtremoty low price. Wo art OTorefoeked and will rail at coa, in- eluding only Import dullri. CHAS, 0. MYERS A CO., : B and 7 North Front St. 1MWM MernlBg star aid atarloa Itaronpy. .290- NOTICE. THE BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD 1 OK AND AFTER THIS DATE WILL HAVE OUR STAMP ON EACH PACKAGE. AMILtKS will plraau notice, lo prtrant mlatokra made by tarranl.: Heat Butler In tie World, for ulo only by GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13, Front Bite nor M OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECiOR, CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. O. An Ordinance BEPKAl.tNO All. OK1HNANCKH ASl BESOLtJTIONI CONCKBNIjKi D18 BrKSKMRNTa FOR CH AHITABLK rt'H. TtK IIMinnAtNKH. liTthBnl of A Her Jjuki. ufibe l'iliif Wllialngtun, N. 0., aa luilnwe: that all mich Orillnanr.caand Rc'lutlma of thin Uoartl, nndr which tun limil. of Ilia Uiry are paid out. or In ni war dl-hurM-d for the n-eorreiieroi rnc pi ir oi tne city, or tor me Hoapltal oi pntli-n'e In the llorpltal, nr under any (Mitilrsct in lel'aroneo tu the Miwpttal nr Ua otflcoraor owner, k'o hereby rcjiealcd, reiclnd ed and annulled, ami the Mitvor la hereby In atructvil wlihoHtdclky to n iii.r the Cba rman of the Hoard n'oiniulaaliim raof tne County of New M Hiiiive r. of the patanac thin Onttaknce, To go trio licet on :;ntx aitr lrc. lrt, UTa. . . The above Ordlnanra a a cd by tho lloaidof AMcrmfn at lUi-lr meeting S'rrm- (Attot.) run t;. KKRVosa, " I llr I'letk. . nor !!U SSI-tit Mozart Saloon, NO-A, GRANITE ROW, JiOI TH FHOINT NTRCCT. AFlhtT CLASS SAf.MON, neatly fitted nplnr the aocomni.lalinn of the public. Contain, a line .elected atock of l.inuora. Cigar., Ail Ut t'lill'delphla Lagor ami Ala alwaya nnliand. Oyster. In erj ty'e. The beat of ererythlng guatant'ed Call and jwimi fur yoiiraelvc.. . OERKEN oY HAAR, I'tuprictora. bit 18 , 173- Cod Liver Oil, jjav ipM,in:iNKnv'a- jiemoAi, i is. (ortry, Kluti'aCtilll Cure, r'urnir'. Ague Cnto, I Ccnuluo tttaUrl, rtint. fil, Cltt-e, Fully; e,t :-. w' . GREEN rLAKMtll H. VT- nor 21 OR. GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR. Ia recommended by regular Medical ptactl tint era and a epoedy cure guaranteed for Cold., 0 nglia. Catarrh, Antunia, Bronetiitia, Spitting Bloxl, Cnnaumptloti andal 1'nlmonary Com-plalnta- Borotuta, Krrrlpelaa, ljaapela and )out, Pyalntery.tlbolnra morbus. Cholera and all ller and bowel complaint. Kidney dUea ana and all aftee'lon.of tne Urinal Org.ua per feotly hamteae free from ailnoral or Aieobolla proiicrtiea pleaaant to take and nerer known to fall Prleegl Oil per bottle. Full particular! with medical teatlmony and orrtlllcatea aent on application, Addreae, L. F. UVOE 00., 1M Herenth Arenue, New York. msCILLASIOTIS. Ladies Belts. T ADIEB'ead Qenta' Tnnka. Satrhek Shawl JL!tnkpa, laeltaaMtMla, aVj., at U Saddle aaa nar nwaa r aeaory ax J. a. TOPHAkt CO, 8a I loath Front Hire, KUauagtoa.N.O. Jty us Haxrlion, Bradford dc Oo'i STEEL PENS. Ufaotal attaalloa eajl4 to tba wall kaowa nan- 005-7R-RH-00 f 0. Factory, Ml Tetaowioi. It Jb(tl., N.T. aagt lMa4 Notice Ppni LAW rAJITHKXtRtP OF OOS10- A LAaiU PAT, hi Ula day dlaw rrd b atutaal wow on hand wd beatMaaadktl'daUr by tba aadra'gnd, but tke aeamr, rd.'a.lgUnd. ealy la autborlaed la rlw raoatpUCn aat'kauat. ' . . 1(11. VONIOL&Mn, W. . WAt. 1 UK 1VB0UBJUI will uoatliihl tba PRAUT1UU OP LAW At hi sAoa la Baltta, H. 0. f ED. BOHIOLASD. , iuum'K. ClMv.iM,uirj. MOT II Jto-tf EemovaL WK BJUFROTFtrLLt. ASK OCR trlanJa to rail end axaaalua oar etnek of Hard ware oWwOaUlery ar aatr Hew Stare on FR'NT aTHKKT.'ONkf IMMIH N OUT el BANK Of NKWHANOVaa. We bopa b. euunaoua at tea lion nod low bHcm tu aaerlt a oantlnaAnro M the patronage aa liberally attended tJ a. wbkla dutag baalaaa aa Ua wharf. 9ttt MTB01I1SON. iv l - SM. City Taxes. - -- Qfllcs inmirer' ml (tQTi " CITY Or WILMINGTON, Novmbr&Oth, 1873. fjtnr KIJCAKCI.VU HF.CIHFMEhTS OF Uie City ate web aa to render It abwtnbtl B ceaMtry that M e iruoeot af city Tu". on ttrtl Ftote and remittal rtotity, dun lHk luue loot, aud yoi remaining unpitd, ehnilil be rol. Iteted luvthwhlt. I aaa Utettlbro UltavAoU where tke city Tasvi art aot paid oa or berura tut Ileoembor ptu , to ADFKETISIS and BELL At M'tlUO A CO TIOM all each rfopnrty, M no tesgrr Irelul- gonee Will be gtr. T. 0. BEBTOBB, SorlS-Ma.tr Treaearer a OoHoetor. .. Mattresses. 1UUUSO aUlB.MOM, UWCCt, COTTOH iiraw ar a CiotlaloT MattiOatrt. 1 large ttMk alwayi on hand and flit sal low, by r. a. BMrra i co. 2M nor ?I Office liTasnrer and Oollcctor. riT or wixaifioTOiv.iv. c.,i NaTasMkwrBM.lsrs. i RESOLUTIONS CONOETvNINO BRIDGES OVEIl WILMrNQTON A WELDON KAIL ROAD IN THE CITY OF "VF1L MTNQTON, N. C. . Wataaaa, Tbo "oat' mad by tha Wilming ton & Weldoa Billroad Uompany la tho eon (traction of their Bnllroad, whera the tamo eroatea or interaeoutbo atroe tain the city great. ly Impede tbo paaaago of trarelan and tonda to the manlfeat Injury of tho eltlaena, AD WaaasAk, Tho Board of AUIcrmen are adrltod that It la tbo duty of tha laid Winning' ton A Woldoa Uallroad Companj to rrct and maintain brMgui aoroal anch cula where 'lie aana eroaa or lataraoot tha (treat, la tbo tty tbtreloro. B'it Mrtnlrtd ) t4 Board rf AUtrmrn. That In tbelr opinloii too ponlio neeewity riemanna the erectum (I brldgea at the tallowing jkiIiiU wnere tne anai abaiiroan mteraacie tne iuiiow- iiii mn-w.v'-i.i it-wim umi nrevt. Flnh atroet, RUta etroet, Herenth aUet, and MMiHao etreor. K'hImiI, Tbat la tho opinion of thle Hoard the wuii of tba brldgea oter aid liallioail cut or eaea.atlua on Mwsuna a'reet auoui.l te tiilrlr leetwkle, on Third atreet fottr ieet wide, on Filth Mreet forty .ect wide, on ttixlbetrrrt twenty Bre feet wide, on Mercnth atreei twenty feet wlita. on MacKaa atrevt twmtv Let wtiie. SaVWrf, That la tho opinion cf thla tio.ru tne nrwire auown aa uoilj Htiiige,' wnere ina nauroaa ctoenre ronrin ai.rw I, iv au ninow aaWlnitwda the i gunfti-HYnlcrenn tbeeanw, and that a bridge of Sfty reet wdc would be neoeaaary to awouaimodate the puhl e a mat point. id BtietMi, That tho Mayor came a copy of dent or Managing Ag-Dt of the Wilmington ft ieea reaoiutaaia to no apnea ntn the freei Webton ktallioid loaapany, ami that he direct tho oolecr aer.lng tha notice to return a copy tlirreof w:th the manner ef aervlce to the title af tho Clerk and Treaeurcr ol the City. Tho a bo re preamble and reaotutl na were paawd by tbo Board of Aldurmen at their meet ing November Sat, 1KB. .' ' : T. 0. SKBroBS. ontfcr-tf - CHt C'crk. Notice. THE OOPABTN ICRS HIP hcrctnrnre cuml Ing between POPFB A T1KNCKKN I. tkiada; dlawiredby BUtoai eoawnt. The nn. ileralgmMt baring nteumod all debt, contracted byaaM Arm and la only anthnrUed to collect nil claim, da to aakt tirin arnt the only party ui a in Id llquldallnn. 0. A. A. I'OPPg. Corner Fnerlh andUavlueta., Wlluilngtun, K. C, Nor. lh, Wt. nor 21 J?f- The IlilleniunT "TjrFB MAYS BAFIILY PAtSKU, and tbo fuioro le brighter ror pence aivl niiRnor. In. rertoralu Fancy Btockacannow boy iUtck of mora adraatige, aa bo real valoe, than ever be fore, latareattuatenaiposade. Byoalltugnl the I.l.o Book BUre aud uaklng your etluo tton of artlclra In rtoc, for Caah you con be 0 me the oanxc of Piano., Organa or other tuu aloal Inatrnaienta.. For leisute houtatoprcreut the panto from atrectlng yon, the largeet flock of reading matter ia offered with the brrt lltra tureoflhaage. For W oat HEINODERGER'S LIVE BOObi AttUMUlllOWiOUIS. nor 1 S.l. Bob White Flour. 300 UBw. FnFHtt npn wjhtb fiovb troni M Wh(. For el by F. vr. aEKUUNKK. KM- fttlO Baldwin Apples, TTALAGA QtUrKt), Fltl:8n RA1SIK8, Soto and Flga. t kioilwitntol Caneei) Oooda and Pnaerro I 1 , ; ' JAXK iliTKTENSOSB aov ' MiSCHlA30U3. OPERA HOUSE. TRinAY AND S ATRO yT, NOV. V and 'JJ. ' Tba Supremo Paeorttee, tha Chapman Sisters, aap ported by a powerful . . - Bnrlesane asiCcnic Csa Cmusiiy. Friday teenlng. ' s LITTLE DON GIOVANNI or I an eralla and tha Stona fitatuo. A1CBDAX evening tho ''.wt w orlt Hraeattptt, - , Leo mid lA)(us. All tba Original Mualc, itpesioltlc, N w Soaireand liauoee. Bai.Ju ,-o'o-, i tug nance-, luuh.m'a bell tting ra an i ih rto'deiful rench I ruuiootcitviche lmncr. Ih.hnr toasnee will ha u eord.d by aattaiui.ngt uUH-dv Price. Of AifmlMiun P.rnii.ittM hihI lirM-H Circle "vnii it on. r 04 rr. Urmia, ha. orrad Seau !.; lor aale at Hr l ahcrg-ra era. gni-Hna-l'-l B F MCCKl ENBURO. CO. N. C. ' TTTKl.t. IQtTIPPFD. HKTtM PIlOtES W -ora hanenaealow. bewnnH beglna netiv "V .',H, .at... 01-111 JUT . fliail'KH'', .1. It. HI.AKR, cuairnua e the taeuiiv. Octftl 114. W ' I OYER llit! 43.000 Chickcringin&r Sons In uae. Over 84 prlzea tccelrcd, alao nignaat Pramluma ovoraiieompetunp Parla, London, Now York, Boston, o. , aW" NO OTlll.R MAKE hitvu eruroliUluod tho aamo popularity aa thla Improved make. - Tito Ntauttard luatrumoui. of Ike World, , . ... UNINQA-MUSIC' Corner FOURTH and Mnrkot Sts. ootl Mf CITY OP WILMINGTON, Mayor's Office, Nov. 22, 1873 JJtLLP. WIMj HE UKCflVKU AT Tltt urace up to im ucotuiticr, ir.i, ii ii., tot plankiug ol Water aud htt'.t Btrtute, ftom Ueaira. WUlard Dro'a , oa W et Btrctt to koutbutn lis of Kulbtrty fcLruot,. and fuiat Dottbotalluaof Mulberry strati to Cttollna Central Hallioadoo Suit tre,- aUl.tauref 1,104 foot, ptauk to bo 18 foot long mil ; luchc. thick, laid 00 i Still (or tloepota) mututig p.tr- glial with Wator aud 'utt htroeii. Cilia to ba t kllncbei. All of ttio Imnber to ha of tbo very bill heart. Further pertlculu can b bad by apply lag at thla uflko. , , W. P, OANdVOAViMaynp. lt'l-ld nor eg Corn, Bacon, Flour, &o 7500 BUSUE1,8 tlm Vte '' ltw Ituaheii rtimo Oktf, eM Balea Hay, ' ' 1, ltt BraeiU. 8. and BmoktdHldca, ' 10 llhda Smoked hhouldcra, ' 1,000 Barrel. Flour All gradca, TVJBbll. 0. M, Pork, l?fl lllila. Beflned Sugar. 160 " S.lt.fyrup, - , 00 " Cuba Moliuar a, . 1T,000 Backa Bait, I.lrerpool and Ain.'rtr.ai), US " Klo Cofloo, SM Holla Standiird llagKlng, 100 Bale I It'le Hirer Yarn .Uiemlng, 10 Beaver Croak Hhaepng, IDA lloiea Cbioe Factory Llictur, fO lloxta Candy, TO Iloxc. CatnlUa, J1 Bmit (tid. Ml Ca Lyo, ( -- i ' I'0tllll, 00 fly.tcM, v '". l " 'Brauay PwcUm. . ' "5 Boxta Tobaciii, I2il Hoick Soup. ' ', t.l " I ua. hnufV, ou Tuba Leaf l.anl. Koranic low br ' 1 WILLIAMS & NUKCHISOV nor t t3 ' I III! II I. - an.aai e 1 nam ane-nv"' .HN F I nfJli CUFHl JUTANDFACTCUKU A ;n ITALISU JN Gent's Eiilisli & Fraci BoalvStes, anuuiiirus! 1 1 No. 1M llnllOiloro Street, Oppntlto Ht. Paul Htreet, . ... " HALTIVOflK July i.l ; UMmch, "Aotunl OoHt": BK1M1STHK Cash on Delivery. qui 1.AR0B MAi.r.a voiijhu xast tauwtvka prirca tbtre b money Ml) led In Wlliulng'on. Ve hirn Clutliing. ftir jjlon, ToutHi and ChlUron, 11 M. Cji', Dlilrta, Driwerf, ttitlf flnru, llanillif a, a it , in fact, our 1 . ... t : . tititlan jiock at v ACrUAL COST FOR CASH ONLY ! MUNSON & CO.. Oll'Y C'LU'l'lllEKH. Kl tiuv 1 1 Tick! Tick! Tick! JOHN H. ALLEN, JR., WatchmnKor one) Jowolor, Uo. llurlh Knut H'., WlitulDhljiii N..U. , , ' .rkmaut:ke nuviint u ! twtnttt at tbt A'wi bench, WOKKiluua In 1 mi Willi un ti"rtcuco nt twtnt. wain nch. be enarai'tM. to aivo H awii. n aril Iwlceltoeiltthetintoa. uive utui a t.ni. ha ua on band a very llueaiortmtnit of VaWjc and Jcwtilry, C loika, KUrerware, pocket Cut lery, Ac. N. IU SIilp Cbrououitkri properly aMurtcd. aor 19 ... a, My R iLi.uKAis ANUJlIZUCr.AH PHOktPTLT PRIKTIU W.t..LTT.Trt,:.Tt,,I"0",U wiLMi?:3Tc:i An v:l:; : r;.:i '' 4 c:;.:?a.':y. Orru-it eg Ocsisal &rr.iarcTsoiST, ) .-. ; 'iM't 'a, N. C., Oct. 21, jVj. 1 . t'JIA!.GSCr SCIIEDUUS. Oi end sftar Oct. MUi, Paawngt r Trait. . thu W. a W. Ka'lra:l wl i run a f-U wr : - . . HAIL TKAIN-. . ' . ' Ir l.u lkj.it da'r (hut,.lija eociif a.V;:-;.-;l,.;.v.v::v.v-- ' i. v - .5. j. I.:. II .nit A. II, .... f. M. f,arO'Wai-itadaU)f(aundavxeepU ' Arrl.aat Munnt..... ll.ij ."m " pot..-....,.;; awpiht! '' ' 'imeuii Tfeini." I'avoPnlaadenot.daitr, ati..'..' 1I!0P t rArtlre t iekWiuTO at....,,,...,.,: , aMAiS' , " HorkF-Mottattt.,.,.. Sua, .V." J L 'idn t.. ...,., ....... a on a il - " ,- wMborat it ,-o p. M t Un P .... 4jo A.JI. -Mall llaln mtke. cinaa nin.riin. .1 nr.i. Litoa tor all point. North 11a rf,.f Lmeaud An- ' iuii. unw ittttttm. j . . 4. .v aV KapfaiThUn eotincetacttW with Aciinla' Oreck wm Pullmra'a palace M,4p. tu tin. n thla 1 rain. , .Freight Tritlnt will leara Wilmington tri weekly at 8.WJ A. M. at d arrito at l..t). M. Krprcaa -rifkt TrabawlU loava Wllmtn. top ilaiiy A! 9.1 w e. M. and arrlva at l.jo p.i , ' JOHN?. DIVINE, , ' . Uentral 8tpt. 8,4 . r'."' ' -' h' ' - VAt (MM fENTRAL EAILVAT CO. U lltulnKtnit, "I, C., War 14, 1ST I'.i mm ilui,jc .SCXIEDUIaE 1 . n r "imui i PAVo8CNOER TRAINS Artl'wti;rtrr " "-7""tw et...!,.,,,,,.,,,.,,!:)!) A.M. Atrivaat Wllmlag(ott'at..,,,...t"lf;M . . FREIGHT TRAINS tcHva Wjnjjoa &afyttteevk Bsnday ! AnlVe 8Mttrl'nb'tgWA',.'.'i!-'.,S:iit j l! ia l.tiirttibiira t... Anlra alWnd-abom' at,,... li'op.'u, . a a at I'liMauK-or Train leara 'ihiriiitU daily (Siirw ilaraetcctitcd) at, ,, ,,,, gA.il.' " .".i. ... iiiii.i.ii)).,... I I", ltt Arrlv,atChairMrto'aa.,',,,..i.i' 5; 18 P. IU, It regular "awher and tluilier train, run on both poiBuBiof tho lioAd, u the buclnct. 10. ' iilrta.i . .. .... , AilnltyRhtMwtltaonnrnnfnconnecllon .'' ttio tralua oa both tod of thla R tllwae. : u H. I' FRtikio.Nf. - . Kugttieeraud Stiiwrlutetident. t Plieracotlni!i'hrdnloiW . 11 u 11 it ' ' pleae aubatttuto tlm, and aocd oao puper. - 'r :. , tin Q.BNKRAiHOi'filUSTfii.O'Ta OmO ' WILWl'.'QTQfi, CDIUM3IA ftQGUSTA RAILRQA9 C3. - WlbMiauaos, !,)., 'uut,tb, M,,, , CHANCJE OF 0C1IEDULE The following Schedule will go ln'o oflKit at It) A. hi H ilonday , KIUi InnUnt. , DAY fcirUEUll TUAi.V,iDMlly). i.Mto niiiuliigum.,.,, Arrira at Hdixhih.... 1. ' Cidiunhtft.,,, 1 Augusta...... JrfarO Allgnl. U'ttro com in bi... 4..WA.M. ... P'-Sl A. Mf ........, 0 1 1 p. l, . i .... .(VP. M. ' ........... .:iA. M. . Arnro at norvnee,.,.'.,,..,,. g, h. It 41) A. !. uminKion... 10 iS P. Al. ' pMHT KXPktH fUl)y, Bnaday nbepted. -Uave Wlli;;ijHto.i.i,i, , ,h P. M.i Arrlre at K'urwice..,,,.. 1 ti p. M.1 i f (J olneakl..i.,,i4W..i.40il A.M.f Uara Angtiata w.V..i.7. 4 B P.M. " Fliir.ini-a. ..,",,,,.,. t.f A A.M. ' " ,K vi(aiigWti,r.;H,.u,., 7,a. h . All Trnlno'mako otvao. connection bqtb, Sintli and Atinth. pullu.au, PalacoMtcDlra Cars on all nlr-lit train. JAME9 AKDllftSOM. .. (lunlBuparlnti'ndent. u-tf mm&mmimnmmmwmmm Oct t 8H1PPIJI0.' SfePflLWECKLY ( v ''. '.' ' j t ' A'' STEAMSHIP LIHE t.v"op wTiw tfiKMT OLa.n eTkjiHaii"a--l. .1- t'tI.KYHU,.u. ...Onpt. l)..f. PltlOK- It t llJ.as-.' ...... .Cit. J.ti. HtsNNK.TT et't. 'A 4 'l,YUk ..Up. U.I).t)HI).ftH IC tl.KIUlI Caj.t. Oliver ftV h"reailrirt!lmininAliTIMK'S"'" ' T'ilbllAV mid FtilUtY,, ai.tt Iriini.W . MIN' 1 UV averv liU'HillU Y audit 1hFiA Y.'coniii'Ctnuj all ViiiiuiiiKtnn wlihr'-'i W ilmhiulmi. Ot'lun.i' AK A iij, uf. nr WUuua , ton A tVi-liUxi, vj ttiA W-tntHtgiiHi,' Ofarloo-' f Kuti'erlota Halircf I. A.iuuioaereral Llu.t or toatat:t to Fa, ttvi:iti'. i Ulvla ahM-uKhnillej ortAtlloaT t.) .ii; point in bmrtli nd South CaivUna i tl.utiittaiid AlH'umr , Connecting tt Caltlmor !V I - . '' .'... Ml... 1 .III. 1.11. ( IIIQ ..llllllU.V ,""r' l'ltili -dor all pvuilHin it-GlVi-tau I riWil,Kn.ie,l'.utt..im.'ai'd IUilnil ' Xitlfthi rlHlkimpretfii ami the Knrtherk Jt iit'.;lit r,'-i n. nitiiin'i'ly w . ... t 1. 'i . ., .wumwgunu l,u.. A-tl-iF.WI C.,X,;n. ' '' ' r Jj.iUup.oro. . 1 rUHTMiAitVo (,TiAMH(UJP UBK'F1 J -, NKW Y1IKK. i : eillUKU TfrlWlAYi A Nil FRIIIAI FIUH SKW YAHK, AD WUrXkVV " . ItATfi AM SATI BUAYH '0 , ; , , wiuciiwroB. , . if. " . Mi 1 ' - Wt0 1 -i t r. ' -. t . - ' ' 1 r I liiSUUACltOaLYt'iiZ-FOCIll. Pia I'HUOVCill COSNECTIOJiS WITH A " BAILBUAS9 LRAWNq'oUT OF '' -- '. WU.1IWOTON. t "' a No pawejitfiWH taken. Potfreightaip'Tto . BAUUY BK0T11EU3, Agnnti. ' may VO -Am- MISCELIAKEaTJS. - J ' ITobby; : ' 1 QKM'V AOBBYUAltEKS, Vj- ' ' but Im.'. Kelllns fvt " Tr, "a LjL)..1 '' pair. "-i - " . . ' vim. a. men ' . "if ,1....' , 3J Slarkuu Suect. , nor?.i ' i.' r ' JTatiee. APPMOATlOSWn.I.BK afABB ATTHB antt'.ni A"ii.n iri ltu, I ..-Ivlalurc for an .1.'. o.tmcui tUo CU f iler 01 tl;-: ( ('jr of Vii nut's o.'. . .. . 1 r ot I l7, lt!S-l4e " ' ' ' ' ' ' TTnlrr-r Pen(Mi 6 it':jts v s 1 a -a V. it a Pti 'at 1:i M- jfjJI.cutCi, . i . t A GEO. rr.' - t J I 1 '. It anl U Front utn