C77 ' d - A A VOL. XXIV.-HO. 2. wnimiGTOH, ir. c.. Saturday. January 2. 1875. WHOLE 110. G,7C3. i II mn WILMINGTON. N. C: BATTODAY. JAN. 2, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. ElIKOPE. I . PEATII OF THE HISTOEIAN KOL- ' LIN. I THE KING OP SPAIN AND HIS CABINET. - RUMORED SURRENDER OF CAR . . LISTS. Loxdon, Jan. 1 Night Navigation and travel is much suspended by ice. Mrs. Motley, wife of J. Lothrop Motley, the American historian, la . dead. A special dispatch to the News says that the report published ia the Car lust papers of the cU ath of the Spanish statesman Espartero is without foun dation. . -v rAEls, Jan. 1 NighV-L. Rollin, the historian, is dead. Alfonso has telegraphed to the Pope asking his blessing and promising that he will, like his ancestors, defend the rights of the Holy See, King Alfonso's ministry is anuouueed as follows: Castro, Minister of For eign Affairs; Cardenaa, Minister of Justice; Jovellar, Minister of War; Salavera, Minister of Finance; Molons, ' Minister of Marine; Robledo, Minister of the Interior; Orovio, Minister of Commerbe; Ayala, Minister of colon ics. , Alfonso) did not pass through Paris but has cone to Spain direct He will disembark either at Cadiz or Valencia. Oen. Martinez Compos has entered Valencia at the head of troops that - were sent to oppose him when he pro nounced for Alfonso. The Carlist leaders Dorregaray, Al varez and others have entered Cata- Ionia, . . ' Dispatches from Spain say that it is rumored that the Carlist General Dor regaray has laid down his arms, and r, that other prominent Cor lists are about to give in their adhesion to King Al fonso. The Spanish Ambassador at Paris has resigned. Disturbances are apprehended at Barcelona. , . LOUISIANA. GEN. EMORY BEFORE THE CON GRESSIONAL COMMITTEE. TnE GRAND JURY FAIL TO FIND A TRUE BILL AGAINST WAR MOTH. New Obleans, Jan. 1 Night. Gen. Emory testified before the Con gressional Investigating Committee aa follows: "Have been Commander here ,, for three years; I was here before and during the election; all my troops were brought here before the elec tion.". After giving in detail the dis position of the troops, aa they existed on election day, Oen. Emory stated that they were so placed by order of superior military authority, based on a requisition from Attorney-General Wiliams. - In the city was directed to arrange my men so as to preserve peace ; there was no disturbance ; could not say any troops were used on election day ; have no knowledge of ; the White League ; my impression is that peace was kept on election day only by the presence of the troops ; there were several reviews before the flection: they were not made to affect the public sentiment. . Much enterost is manifested in the proceeding before the investigating committee. Their rooms are crowded during the examination of witnesses. The investigation progresses very smoothly. The committee will prebk bly get through in two or three days. There being a large number of persons il the oity from the interior to attend the meeting of the Legislature, all witnesses wanted, or rather, necessary, ' can be summoned at once. The Grand J nry yesterday failed to find a true bill of indiotment against Warmcta. " HEADQUARTERS. NEW YEA LiS IN WASHINGTON : CITY. THE PRESIDENT AND THE MEX ICAN VETERANS. - Washington, Jan. 1 Night The members of .the Cabinet and hun dreds of others opened their homes to visitors and dispensed hospitalities. There was a slight fall of snow here this afternoon. The usual reception took place at tho Executive Mansion to-day, foreign ministers, Cabinet offioers, Judges of t.'io Supreme Court, army and navy officers and many othera-pajing their "respects to the President. A large delegation of the Mexican war vete rans, under the marshalship of ex Gov. Herbert, of Louisiana, were re ceived by the President in a cordial manner He ia decidedly in favor of having pensions granted to them, Ex Go v. Herbert afterwards entertained his old comrades in arms at the Ebbitt House. VIlt01NIA. TnE RICHMOND ENQUIRER IN ANEW DEAL. Richmond. Jan. 1 Noon The En quiror, published in this city, appear ed to day in an elegant new dress, with the numn of John II. Bryant, formerly of New York City; at its head as pro prietor. Mr. Bryant has, for several yonrs past, been actively and success fully engaged in business in Rich mond. The Enquirer is under the editorial control of Mr. A. P. Bennett, formerly of New Orleans, The weather to-day is cold and dis agreeable, with rain, hail and light snow. ELECTRIdSjis". There is au unknown steamer ashore 13 milea south of Cape Henry. Baker t Co., wreckers, send a wrecking steamer immediately from Norfolk. This steamer has since been ascer tained to be the Sana Mariua, from Galveston,. Literary. Harper't is full of picture, verses, and sketches of a holiday and Christ mas flavor. ' Miss Woolson's "Ancient City" (San Augustine, Florida) is con cluded, and the very sprightly com pany and the pleasant story through which she has woven her descriptions, grow sprighllier, wittier, ana more pleasant to the end. "The First Cen tury of the Republic- is a piece writ ten to order.and written disgracefully. A more trumpery piece of patchwork penny-a-lining, we have not seen in many a day. "The Rape of the Gamp" ia a nice story everyway. "Ismailia" ia a bit from Sir Samuel Baker's ex pedition to suppress the slave trade on the Upper Nile and will be found brimful of interest. There are tome sketches of more or less merit, and the editor's departments ar done in the usual fashion. Scribncr'$ opens with a screed out of Paul Marcoy, Travels in South America,' 'Saxe Holmea" story, 'My Tourmaline,' eoaroely appeals to much human interest. 'The Canyons of the Colorado,' with penoil and pen, will attract readers who desire to en ter a strange and almost unknown world. A glimpse only is given. It will be years before the wonders of our New world will have lost its strangeness. Dr. Holland brgina a novel in this number, and it opens with great promise. He calls it the 'Story of Seven Oaks.' 'My Night in a Stage-coach' is a vivid sketch of Christmas traveling in the old times, and is touching and tender in its ending. The editors departments in this number are especially good.' '' A Cwafoeaed nnrdcrcr. George Peters, the landlord of "a hotel near Lebanon," Penn., has vol untarily oonfessed the commission of n unsuspected murder by him six teen years ago. At that time he had just been married, and between him and his wife's brother there was a bit ter feeling. This brother-in-law came to his house oh a visit, and against his wishes. Mrs. Peters insisted upon affording hospitable entertainment. She went to the barn to catch a fowl which ahe intended to cook for dinner. The husband angrily followed, and ordered her to go back to the house. She refused, and he struck her with a club, crashing her skull and killing her. She fell under a horse, and no body but the guilty husband knew that the animal had cot kicked her to death. He says that he was so stricken with rgmoree that he twice took inef fectual doses of poison. Eight years ago he resolved to confess, but lacked the courage. He has now surrounded himself to the sheriff, and there is no indication of insanity, his story ii and believed. In Ban Jose, a jury has decided that it is not a breach of the peace to call a man a "low-lived cur. " ... -. In London, tho houses are number ed consecutively up one side of the street and down the other. ' "Fanny" writes from Brooklyn to ask why it is that all the young men who have donned "new overcoat this Winter smell so of benzine, i The Marysville (Oal.) Appeal says its "hoodlum ordinance" -forbidding boys to be on the streets after 8 O'clock at night works like a charm. Skeptical persons didn't make much headway in the early days of New Ens- land. "No one not a church member could hold office, or be even a corporal in me army. uere is another watch, quite a match for Lafayette's. It was found in the street in Paris an enormous gold watch, with this inscription: "This watch belonged to King Louis XVI, and s was given by him to the Abbe Edgeworth in the vehicle on the way to the guillotine." A fort nne-teHer in Fitohburgh, Mass., stake'' if reputation to the prophecy that tuj plucj would be burned on the 9tb of the mouth.and hundreds of peo p'nvcre superstitious enough to pre pare for a hasty departure with their movable property. In 1733 Philadelphia was terribly scourged with the yellow fever. The city had been free from it for thirty one years, but now" it assumed the ehape of a fearful epidemic, and swept over the town with the celerity of a prairie fire, destroying everything it tonohed. It thus raged from July to J novemDer, averaging loity aeatns daily, and aggregating some five thous and victim8uheayyiopQrtlQn.ooiu. sidonng the population of Philadel phia at that time. "I am come for my umbrella," said the lender of it, on a rainy day, to a friend. "Can't help that," said the borrower, "don't you see that I am going out with it? " "Well, yes, " replied the lender, astonia!) at anoh outrageous impudenoe; 'yev but but what am I to do? "V "Dol" said the other, as he opened the umbrella and walked off, "do as I did borrow one." ... , A libel suit in Lowell, &!.,' iu' volvcs the question of how mnoh pub licity is Riven, in the eyes of the-law to matters written on a pobtal card and sent through the mail. t The de fendant wrote a letter to the plaintiff on a postal card accusing him of forge ry, and the defence is that.as the post oflloe clerks are enjoined to secrecy, there was no more of a publication than if the matter had been scut in sealed letter, MARRIED. In tkis city, lt mber lilt, It the rtdeure eftue bride's father. J. hrO, Cm)., by K.t.J. E. Mean, Mr. '. H. MoLM'M Be tlaoro, ae4 SUM aVAHA U bU&l.th.tf WllBlBftOB. ISW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA H0USE. positively oxe night only. ' SATURDAY," January Oth. ' s t arrwt.ll arptarsnea f (ha aadlfijtittd and ENCLISH TRAGEDY Th World Be Howard JANAUSCHEK, Support bj bar ill rnwt Brilliant New York Mar Company, 8ATCBDAT, Jauaarjltb, .. , rtnt tlx la thtr CUt or th Grna Htorlotl Tragoilj, tutllkd ''EARL or ESSEX." " 'T jakauschek TTr . Ia an aailralM iaiporaota'km bf- V QUEEN ELIZABETH. " Th tntu lUr Coxpto? la th cart. ; f!i'Ior ADMiMioKI-AdmlwloB, !: R. MTd btn, frioouU itri UHrr, Booeut. 1 h Mtoof Knmnl Mmiu will tummenit on Wedoeadik; jmlng, f-h Initant, al Uolii- Drg-r' 000a aua Bliuie storo. ta I-7t Official Drawings -Of THK- - N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiuuaaTO, X, 0., Jan.l, 1875. CLASS -paAw at U. is i s ss 19 S3 ra t as a tt CLASS UDW Al Sr. M. " ' IS 10 4S H 34 SO M IS It M M M . OLA88 M-iaawa at r. M. I t sa j i r cv 38 u is as t i h. W. H. HARBISON. , -!''" - ' ' 1 CELEBRATED A ebotcs assortment will ba fonnj at WUmlditon, V. 0. ? ' ' . -lt Jaal --S20-- wax BVT A FIRST MORTGAGE PIEUIUM BOND OV Till i 1 hM Bnnda aro tesM for th pnrpoM of raiting fund for th motion or building Ui th Oiiy of Mew York, to bo 64 for . Perpetual World's Fair, a p4naDont borne, br -overy bbo taror oo oxhtblt and Mil hii eoodr. ud mtt paunta eoa bo hii lorntloni a Mntr of Indutry wblah wUl provt a TMt boaoOi to Ik whole country. . for this purpoos. th tegtalatoro of th Stato of Ntw Tik bat rrautsd a cbarUr to a DDmbnrof oar mot wealthy and reipacUble merchant, and tbeie goottoaMa feavo par chaw d bo la than olg t block of tho moat alnabl land la th city of Ac -York. ttt balldlntobo areeted will barn (orlM mun (tap not ia aeigntj inrmonntea oy a mg ntdoant dome, and will cover a iaco of S3 ore. It will boooBMraoUd of' Iron. Brick and Jlaa,a4 Hd Srff-prOOf. Th bond, ' which aro all for Vtt each, are atenred by a firtt mortsaae oa th land and bnlldlnf, and for tb parpuae of maklng.-theat popalar, th ' director bar decided ty fare fnajferly diaw. ngi oi io p,b io eaoD; inu money oaing tu in. tercet on the amount of the whole low. Krerf bondholder Butt reeme at leatt S31 ui ha ma racalea : i f but ke tnay receive s r 8100.000! or sm.ow. or lis oat, aj.ood. tivfi. ..ih.-" is EVERY BOND enrebtaed before January 4th, 1875, will par. uoiparo ip ui ... s t VTHIRD 8IRII8 ORAWINO, Held M0D1T, JASTjAftT 411, 1875.' CAPITAL PREMIUM.tlOO.OOO. Theeo Drawlnjt take place orery thkii montb, and ereatualiy avaav bono wlU par- uwpate in vnem. , . " Addreai, for lotd ins fall lnAmatkaH 1 riaaiai Agtia UJJa tak now; v. r; Poet CflDc Drawer J9. Remit by Draft on N. T. f Ity Rank. Kegli terod Utter or f. V. Honey rdr . ; Postponement Impossible Un dAr thlai Plan. Janl i First National Bank ; ::: , 0f Wilmingtonl0 1! -Wn.gTNOroy, Jan. 1st. 1875. Tax BtauLAa ANntinn;KXii,i or , i . . the Sbeekbolderfoftbli Bank forth election of Dlreetore Kill be held In their BanktDg Hone oa TUBS DAT, tht lsth UeWnt, at li 'clook A. al. - A. K. WALKER, TJeehler. Jan I ; S-MMlOAUth Diaries for 1875 ! -j AN0THE1 LOf Jl'BT R EC El VI D AND , i For saieat .. --.;;;",;"' J ' - r! : .-HEINSBEEGEE'S. ' ' Organs! Organs! TCBT BIOEIVXD AT ' :-, " HEirJCBERCER'S 5 Uvs Book and Kattt Bim. ' de9Q ' -r urrnnitin mono gotten tjj aad prtaWd la tbeawrti bit atrle at ; tho riVwauiAii va iva NEW ALVEETIS13XMTS. Boarders Wanted, w rpWOOgTHTUK GESTLKHES tanned gvl Board, with reryCtfBifjrUblo Kouaw, la a private family r.ar the biulneea p.wt of too city ; location very fietlralile, and Board very retfeattkw apply at the Jccaaax Utile. ' dec ll lUKtf Horse Blankets, Saddle, H&rnete, Trueks, TntTellnc Ooilar. Hrtdlxa, namf,Traoel'hln, Whip. Bpure, rlorat bturhM, Veatlier Dsaltrl. aoU a (aeral aawrtairat af Sa.(.lly (owle.ee chMpeegwHUofeaBieQaa ltjoaa be boagbt la the auto. - J.8.T0riUMC0. t;t-na-tf hot IT DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH CHARLOTTE V.u" cr C." RAILWAY 13 AN ACCOM rLEsUEI) FACT! It only rr main" for o of th "City by the Boa" to atluroonr frlanilaaluuir tha Una that all the Aeceeeariee and Luxurle ol Ule eaa b BOUCHT IN .WILMINGTON, "Tb MUop!U of North Catolloa., orria tea erotw. ot l ino Family Groceries, Fmbiaclng (rcrythlng In the lino of Choir family Hui'DUh. tuieUier with a lare etuck r .HEAVY QR0UXRIE3. at th leweet rah prlcee. 'Weeaoiult ererr tutr. ertrr w mt and our r loea will be Uund no blh tbantlie tmh oi ine gooo. , CHAS D. MYERS 4 CO., Wbolrule and Betall Dealer la ramllr 0 ro ot tl, ... B V 7 North Front 8t VltatIKUTOJ(, 0. , tld-ilt (Well Marlon Star. Prerlitterlan. Inlrlt of the oeath and l adeebor lie raid copy. V OFFICE Garden City Cinar . MannTactory. : i NEW YORK. All Ctg ar at antborlied New York Factory brlcaa. guallty guaranteed a represented. 1 be eboapeet Houae la tb State, and tb only one dealing eielntlTe'yln Oigar. ho. Worth Kront Street, n rvnmingum, tt. u. y JBK'S BPBBXBB, . , tADIIS' HUBBIB9, MISSES' BtJBBBB3. . , At ' 0. A. PRICE'S, deoll I, Market St i Powder! Powder! JJJININO, Blaettnl anil Bportiiii PowIr, ,. rot sale by . "t , Tt- t . KEBCHKEBCAJU)IBBB08. 31 ,i Salt-Bagging Ties Corn; 5,000 flacks Salt , . 200 Bolls and HaU llolls BaggiDg, . 25 Tons Ties, 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn. roraaltlowty : ' !;'-. WIUA4MS MTJBOHlSOa Oats, Sugar, Coffee and Flour. . 500 Bushels Black Oats, ;-;200Bbls. Refined Sugar, ' 1 200 Batra Prime Rio Coffee. 2,000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; For sale low br WILLIAMS A MOBCHISOM. Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, ; Clue and Bacon. 200 New New York Spirit Oasksr 600 Bandlea Hoop Iron, ' 100 Bbla, Olne,.,, , ;i 100 Botes D. B. ud Smoked Sides. For tale lew bf t it n f f I 1 . -T Syrup, Nails,:.. Shot , a n d 150 Bbla. 8. H. Syrup, 1 V " 800 Kegs Nails, a - v 400 Bags Shot, 100 Tabs Prime Jeal tard,i 0ilV. Fortaia low d;':; '.;,..:.;, ;;i.s,?, r. -r'. WILLIAMS atlTURCHISON. uvi For, 8ale.T.nA THE1 LITHIA WATER or the Virginia Buffalo fcprtnga or tho water ol the eld Butlalo Springs, put up In bozee containing one Doaea Half Gallon bottlee. will be enppfUd te order delivered at the doottebure Depot of the Rich mond Danville Hatlroea at as per box, to be paid In odeaneo. The LITHIA water hae made a remarkable cares ae any am record In affections oC tho Bladder ad Kidneys aixl In Djepepsla. It hae aleo given daokJed relief in Gouty and HhenmaOo altectloDi In the dleeaaee of Women and In Pvipepala the water of the old Spring w regarded ae woU nigh Ipe-' Olflo. Addreai ; ' ; , . . . THOMAS F.OOODR, " BunaloBriinge, Mecklenburg Connty, Vav aepti ; . t ;, tu-ataaia Apples, File Crackers and-To7der'J. , . , SO BBLS, APPLES, ...! 100 boxee tire Vrackere. toi Kege Sporting aod Blatting Powder. For eale by KJERCHBEB OALDEB BBOS. i i yiLL 111X1 UL1 1 ilLV iiaimi. nrsTTSAirci, NORTH CAROLIHA - COMPANY. Commented Bminen in March, 187S. UAS HAD A SI Uniirccdciildl SucccssftU Career; WHY? " sr ' ' B.oaeMlt b) kaeratlalty a Kom Inetltutloa, PIreclaual by Hcno poopi I tareMe ettry I'ol'ar or Cailtal (which le paid ap, amu.ouo) and every IMIar of freiui. . aa receired la the Htate ty totter and protect Ihita nUrprleee. Ha loaned la roltor MuLlero rn WllmlngtoS at low tatce of IMeraat Si tlmaa the grore prealnau reoelred la Wilmington, and guarantaa to laecet all prtailuai rocelred here In like uaaner. Eqaal la reapontlbllliy end good management to anyLlre Uompaay In the World. Uoaee eery drerrable form or fuller at at low rata aa any a retxlaaa t'oni pan y . Ko aacleae rtetrlollon Imputed lur reaidcaet of travel. A Bxod pal.l ap value on all rollolce artel two annaai paraientt. Thirty dayt uraoo allewMl bofort for ri Hurt of ronciea. Ho withdrawal of Agfncle rtora a ctloa when once eiblUhta,aubJeotliig Policy Moldrnto tbe Inconvenleuoeof remitting prerolomttoNew fork or elacwhere by It oVloce of tho day lent or f orfait their Policy and luee all the preiua fy menre. 1'b tint hucowjeor e'ttient of Kerth Uaro. Una to eoconrage Hnnie Inrtliutione.aiid wo recomraend tilt C'omBy at emt at ally wurthy of patronage. WW, I S.TIITlI aV CO., cettn tf Pletrlct tpeii, North Carolina Homo Insuranco Co. THIS Company oontlnnn to writ Pollcle al lair raU,oo all claieeeof IntoraMe prop, er IT All loame promptly palik . nnraaraf e nome ineutution. M. H. Battle. Praaldaat: faaua flaiaa. Maara. if is.. . Agent. Jane - Ii tf III ' ' IHIO) iweoee rime ismvavAatuidAn. TAt.- SUnPBKRlEBTKD AfTKBI paImw Bosrroa IiOhnks. . Q teei Intaranc Oonipany,of Urer. pool and london, Bapltal...,. U.OM.Ott (forth Brltleb and Mercantile Jneur- anoeConitieny, capital. 10,000,001 Hartlord Imuranoe Uompaoy , oapltal t,A0,0M (..hiunai r iiv u.urauce vompaoy, of II artford . caultal ana .mm Qrtiitlnental Inturanoe Company, of amw iwi, sav"W....,..,..,n... I,Wg.0U Phosnls Inearance). VmBaay of Brooklyn, oapltal..... l.SOO.OW Virginia Horn Inearanoe Uompaoy. ofBlchmond. oapltal,.... .... .... SOoJWJ MARINE Tho old MeroasUl Hataal Mew Tort. .: IJIB-Th OonataUout Metaal at? Bart for4 ; . . ATBIMUJlI MAMNniO, ' a" , . - UonoralAgtwW. Mtt ' -, ' . .,, Vw-tf JJEBCHAKTS AHD ECniKIC! 1 OSnUICECOSPASI, ; OI BUOHMOKD, TIBiJIKIA. Oapltal n.UO,lll A.T.Stoal,Prldt. I.B.Hooaa,Beet) .. ' v.-, . waa wiuaa ATaumoH, . UanaralAaan e. 4 Horth Water St. Wilmington, . 0. anrUll . . ' U-tt , ,JOUNA.BrRSE, ; Geieral iwrn kim (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) ,rtn i- f. ! .' i t - ' 1 OFFIOl-CABBtroill Irchange fiuid.n North Water Street, - ' . ' oo 11 . su. ' Tteo Leaf and Cotton Plant Largeat elrotilaUonof ani Trad Jouraal la the Sonttiera Butae. gubeorlptHin tlt annum'. ' " tr V- Toted leaf an! Cotton FM."" j'i ' ! aOFfikiiaT-waEi,T.'' Over Five Hundred gratuitous circulation. Poet paid specimen ooplti to Puet Offices la adjoining oountleo of toe Cerollnaa. . J. B, MORRIS, dec Mf - - Proprietor, r 4 .- SELECT BOARDINa AND DAY SCHOOL. HILLSDORO, N. O. ' The Thlrtr-eeoond eteelon of tht Ml-fo" Vte end MIm Ku:iock'e School will open Frldav, Februari 6th, MB, and continue twei.tr weeke. . Cirealan forwarded on application. . deeM . ... . SOSStaaSw jMgtelUUidJlesi 200 K0LLS Ht4vr DAaa,No " 1,000 BDt8T,E8 ..3. Forenlelyt.U,;i'V? U KlbvCHNFU A tAUiKet hW. i dec It 310 Cheese. Apples, Pota- toes and Bice, j ! ., L ii Bui Baldwin Applee, M hhla. IT.rlw R, PM.I u. t i - SATIeroreRloe, . .. . . ' o Duia, wee. I For ealebf KERCH JiEB A CAUlEB BB", dll 811 Fresh Bird Seed, 0pl.l IVKROlb, COGRBKS WATER, tt I 'BlMJUflT. MUHTANO LlNIMEMT, Ae., &0. For sale by GBEIN & PLANNER. deeM . m KIW AD71STISI2nT3. leffj Christmas anc BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKET STREET. Santa Clans' Headquarters. DRY Q00D3 ol Every Description suitable (or HOLIDAY PRESMT& REMEMBER THE LITTLE FOLKS ! TOYS per New York stoamer Uiis day, Ia fact it is s mixtnro of eYcrjthing, LADIES' MOSCOW BEAVER ENGLISH . WALKING JACKETS, suitablo for - CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Just rocoiYCil tho Largest Liuo of ULACK ALPACAS wo havo ever had. Pricoa at least 10 percent, lower than our former prices. W We advise all who want anything ia our line to call cmly ia tho morn ing, as we get so bus , it is imposaiblo for us to wait on all. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street fleo i ac'4 ATTENTION ! FOR THE FAIR EUY CLOTHIKGi Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, CROCKERY, CHINA AND OLAS3WARE, ATTnE"onirQisnnousii"op M. FRANK & BRO., 17 Ilarket Street." MISCILLANE0U3. BEND SOMETHING TO THE FAIR, QO I0UESELP, 'AND BE SURE I0U HIVE something: NEW ii i n-. :!';,-; ? : t . ' , AND NICE TO WEAK. .'. ;.:,. :; ,.7;vf FROK onr reilTv elegant stock of Preoe aad Feaejr aoexu yon eaa eamlr make a ee Ice. tioa that will be pretty and beeoniln t ; beeidee we have tUe aaaea vaelaA aod aUeaeUt etook or !'.-f t.. Intha'SUtat wttA Shawls. Yelvete. taree. Embrolderv,Glovea, Huaiarylor grown folks and the little onei ( Boulevard Skirts, all aleee and1 prices, erttu a Bilendld aeaorttnont of mnuu unoerwear lor Liauiee, nuuron ana Men's wear, with erlre too low that we are ashamed to naote them la print, at the leading n 1 ! BosKowrrz & lieber, ' lot v-. 20 Markel Street : Fresh -Family Groceries FO)l OUB FRJES08 ,t, .i 't IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. hi : ,,4j, OASB 13 TBS WORD ' :i eaa taka oorEfitir StewkT The Freeheet, the alcart, tho meet desirahli aamrtmeotef JTloe Family Supplies la Wll- Money or even Artlflalal f fheck will remove our scruples about the credit areteai. Wo are Sole Proprietors of the , PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. . Agent and Owners -; FINEST BRANDS OF WHISKIT. '. Large stock of Fine Family Supplld. . . Cheeee, Bngars, Ooft'ees, t lyo, Potash, Boep aid otlier luojueuiai amoire. CUAS, D.MTEB9ACO..- , SAT North Front! dee IS m Paper and Enrelopcs I GOOD STOCK AND UREAT VAlUEIT " ' 'ill i (I'! , '" " !l "'' . I ) ( , . . . -i ;! " 1 ' , i ' ' v-H ; -' . ' ;,...., ,it? ni U,JiJf !!:.- ;;' s-f, .' j ,(:. i i-,.. i ."'' v ";' " ''-' v . , J . D. Lore's Bookstore. etll at tr Just Received! ' ' A Iwge lot of DlM'on's Ke of all klals. 4 loo a lull line of Cooper's Tool, iloiutere, Irllliiig Ssethtnee, Bartend A dree, board Atee, Drawing Knivee. Tiue Roope, Ae. In fa., everrtblng In the Hardware line, at gretlf reduced prices at tue Old Established Uaruwara ilouee of JOHN DAWSON. H, 20 aad 21 Market Street, dee K Jul Happy Ik leaf ATTENTION ! AMD HOLIDAYS, YOUR MISCELLANEOUS. T Merry; Christmas 1 . t . . - - i',, . , . .. Qrand Opentnc smd Handsome ' : Display of Holiday Goods. Now is tho Time ! ; Como Early ! CHriotmac Goods IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Choice Selected Clnntrrs of lls Orafes, French Coniectloiis, Cornelte, ' . Bulluy's Broken UnnAyf Havana ttrangee, ' " . Fire Works, . - . -V' n-. '' arte 4)ee.aae, ..if.w'. Turpettoee, . t and every description ef Christmas Tree trim mings, Oomo and be convince of the great ; teduettoa la prlcos. , , At ;;" GEO. MTEES'. ' . II U South Front St. dealt ' - 84 THE IIEl'J BOOKSTORE HAS AtWArS OW HARD A OHfclCE vollection or all the Latest Publluatloue, with a complete assortment of . . .. ; Standard Works. . '' AtSO," ' Blank Book," , , ... Foolscap. " I '-v. , bill Oap, . , ' ... : w ,' .4 i liegal Cip. ' i ; . . tetter, Note, - t und alare rarUtyof IniUalaud fancy Kot l'npeia. j t .......... . .' ENVELOPES-Noto, Utter and Official. -. ' , Fxr sale a". CONOLEY & YATES" City Book stors. 1 m-tt dec 3J . COUPONS. Office Treasurer ani Collector, - - i CITY OP WILMIXOTON, ' J ';" s , i( . . ; December 29, 1874. ( JAUAnv COUPOXM, pnyalleln this City, of Bdndsof Oity of Wilmington, K. O., wIllbepeM at IheBank of New Ilan- orcsou and after January 1st, l;j. , Vr -1 v.: i.- - . .; - r- '- , ; Aodsuob January (Qj'.il) CJoaponj,. rjable ; ; in New Tork, en Bonds (lstna of 13T9) .will be ' paid at the National Uatk of the Becubll In '' Mew Tors. --JV-; i s-'-"-'- . -!,;,.: f T.;c. EI.V0Sa ' '; f1 i i :,i, -i " " ' :dea3-lw ", ..,, .. Treasurer.- i We Have Them. '.V COMFOIITAKLE8CIT3 FQa' ,, , .i : CoId VVcather, '' i .... ' . -i t. '; ; . 1 1 QTEi?OOATS-lleavy and Ly-lit wei;bt. , GL0VE3 snd HALF IIOUC, aiv ' ted to the Bduuou. MUNSON tSs CO. CITY CLOTIIIEr,3, deesi r i