C77 VOL SSIV.-IIO. 3. WILimrGTOH, N. C, SUNDAY. JANUARY 3. 1875. UHOLS 110. G,767. r f ! - Pi C ; ( i 1siY rv i r 1 H 2Ut Jj 1 : 1 M yX" . WILMINGTON, N. C: V"' 7. JAF. 3, 18T5. av S ; digraph. EUHOPE. mii Anto"XaAix,sT aherkun POTATOES; New Ohleans, Jan. 2-Noon J. Ferrer de 0nto, a prominent SponisU resident of this city, who was in Mad rid only four wwks ago, sy that the coronation of Alfonso was then being talked of in Spanish Governmtut cir cles and his accession to tLe throne was co'dsil to be acceptable then to the army, navy and all classes. He bcliovos that Spain will now have a . responsible Government and will sub mit to no interference iu its nff.iirs by any foreign government. London, Jan. 2 Noon The Times ha information that the Governments of Switzerland, Austria and Belgium have adopted stringent measures against importation into those coun tries of. American rHt&to-s infected with the (lotorado. ixmlR ' A special to the News shjh that Sa ff&ata, who was iu president Serrano's Ministry.upon the proclamation of Al fonso as King, telegraphed to Serrano ana receiving a repiy tuat, tun Army of the North was Alfounie t, rewgnrd nf(jr rrotuf.hnir acfunst the HiWHS'nn 0 ' u of the Trince to the throne. ."" Taijtu .Tan O Wrrm TTJnf Alfr-tncu'i awaitM arrival of a Spanish frigate t iuarseiues 10 proceeu w opsin, lie will visit tho ormios before entering Madrid. THE INDIANS. ROSS AND MS TARTY OF FINS ON A RAID. THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ON A STAMrEDF.. 1 Vinita, Isd. Teb , D)o. 31 Noon We are momentarily t xpo cting an at tack from Robs and his party. AH tho women and children are aboard the passenger train, ready: to start at a moment's notice. The Missouri, Kan- - sis & . Texas passenaer train is being detained, ana it is feared it has been overhauled by tho mob. They num ber two hundred well-armed men, mostly full blooded, and aoouta report t'jem wHhiu twenty miles of this placd. Troops aro badly needed. In tense excitement prevails and trouble U anticipated, as there ore men ar riving hourly from the lower part of the nation, reporting brutal murders all along the line of tlier march. - Vinita, Ld. Teb., Jan. 1 Noon The Fins did not attack us last night, as was anticipated, but aro reported to be twelve miles from hero, making good time. Almost every white per son has left the place, and the proba bilities aro that there will not bo a wo man or child here at 12 o'clock to-day. ' They number about seventy-five well . armeu men. Farther and more reliablo reports nay the Pins aro one hundred strong. Every perRon has left Cheoutaw, a station south of here. The Cliesokecs residing on Grand river are coming into town by droves. An advance guard starts in half au hour to meet the enemy. We must have troopi. KUHOPfi. ALFONSO TO BE RECOGNISED BY THE EUROPEAN TOWERS. MORE ABOUT THE YON ARNIM CASE. LokdoK, Jim. 2. Night Special dispatches to Londop papers agree that ' the JSiropean powers will recognise King Alfonso as soon as his represent atives are accredited to the various courts. A dispatch to the News states that Castelar Marios, admiral Trpeto Zorilla and Gen. Pavio .have favored Alfonsa,rb.e Xaban army, has tele graphed its adhesion to the new Government. Gen. Dorregarary and Lizzamga and eight hundred other Carlist officers are .expected to join Alfonso. Berlw, Jan. 2-Nigbt Von Arn im's sentence having been published in Vienna several hours before it was pronounced a disciplinary inquiry has v - been instituted against Jadae iteicn, w ho was President of the Court be fore which he was tried, with a view to ascertain the author of the breach of secrecy. It is expected that an ap peal from the sentence of Count Von Arnira will be tried byKammergericht within six weeks. Whatever may be the result there, it is anticipated that the case will bo corned to tue UUer rericht. Madrid, Jan. 2 Night A sqnad-oqjaf-Xbvaint.ve8HRlfl.jiailfjiiroin , Cai thopena for Marseilles to-day to escort King Alfonso to Spain. His Msjoety will probably dieembark at Valencia. ALAIJAMA, DEATH OF THE OLDEST LAW Y E It. THE SUPREME COURT 01 IZED. ,0AN- Montgomery, Jan 2 Nicht Judge Abram Martin, the oldest lawyer at this bar, died last nights The Supreme Court organized to day, 11. U. JuUickcii L.niei Justice, X J. Jadse and A. R. Manning Asso ciates. They appointed Thomas G. Jones Reporter.- He is the gentleman whose speech, at the last Memorial Day in this city, was published all over the North espooially his tribute to the valor of the Federal soldiers, OEOimiA. Niw York, Jan. 2-Night-The specie shipments to-uay were ?ouu, 000. Bank Statement Loans increase. ,0JO; specie iucrease.SoO.OOO; legal euds increase, f'2,600,000; deposits iiicrease, J6,5(X,lWl); reserve lucrease, .. Captaiu-GenerU Concha?hai s.ned a proclamation at Havara anmiciEg the acceseion of Prince Alfon'v4 the cpanifch crown. . Col S. L Moody, a rroniiueut mer phsnt of New Orleans, baa suicided. T)r fVtrnlin A.lnnis of AliPUsta. Ga fell into ihe canal at Graniteville, S. U, on iriuay evening last sua was drowned. . lalvlllgeiil Ants and llnni. To the Chicago Tribune wi ites Mr. E. M. Hale as follows: While rambling is the woods on the shares of Lake Geneva lust summer, I discovered a company of large brown ants feasting on the crumbs left of a incmc dinner. Ihe lr repast was iound on a stump, aul tlie crumDs oi ctuto were in a little depression half an inch eep. lho party probably EiimDered fifty or mores In a spirit of mischievous investiga tion, I dipped up in my hands a liltle watt r iroui tLe lake, and poured into the dei ressiou where the ants were feasting. A general rush for dry land followed, but all were not nimble enough to cscapo. Several wre over whelmed, and struggled for life as any hum in would. A low on tie lurgest rescind the shore; but what tas my astonishment when I observed that those who had escaped, after ehnkiDg themselves, signaled to others, and both boldly plunged into tho minia ture lake, and, swimming to the res cue of their companions, seized and dragged them out of the water 1 Some seemed to recover immediately, and ran nimbly away. Others were nearly drowned, and these wero rolled and shaken by their rescuers, - just as drowned men are sometimes treated in similar cases. I watched their efforts with the greatest interest, for they showed such decision, coolness and bravery that it commanded my respect. They saved all but two or three from a watery grave. These I picked ont and laid down on the dry wood in sight of tue ante. They would come up, ono after the other, touch them with their at- tennro, and finding they were dead, go (mournfully?) awoy. X watohed tnem until they baa au left the top of the stump. They did not at least while 1 remained oome baek and give their brethren a decent baral, as appears to be the custom oi their South American fellows. For many years, what little time I have, I have watched closely tho men tal manifestations of animals, particu larly cats, squirrels and horses, and every year the conviction grows apaco that their intellectual powtis, if culti vated, would far exceed our most san guine expectations. More than this, tnero are evidences of something more than a "blind in Btinct" in plants, and I could narrate many strange habits of certain plants which would surprise the unobservant. The difflcnltv the Enisoopalians in Iowa have iu getting a bishop has led tho Chicago 1 1 lbuue to preactt a snort sermon from the text, '-The laborer is worthy of Ins hire." lhree well known clergymen have been elected and have declined, and the prospect o. success in future elections is still dubious. Whereupon the Tribune remaiks that "bishops no longer wear leathern girdles, feed on locusts and wild honey, and cry out in the wilder ness, for the way was long ago cleared, and those who now travel it t light not to be reduced to the neecf-M.ks oi the birds of tho air and tho f; st.es of the field." The salary of the bishop of the diocese of Iowa is mid to u 2,500, which will not attract thd fclillcd la bor decired in that quarter. Their only hope is in finding an eminent clergjuiun who is sufficiently endowed to be able to wear his duties and his honors gracefully without having to consider wherewithal ho shall bo clothed. . HEW ADVEETISEMENTS. Every Account -J-J TO JAMAHT FlKIsT, ON OU.i Bv ., i. Bia'oont and wltl be prenUd. XVo tmn none nil'. ffu rJ,ni! onraltable Col lector. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, J 3 , J- Harriss-Brng-HStoreij GARDEN SEED-NEW CROr, ONION SETS, CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER, DESHLER'S, SHOLL'S, - SHALLENBERGE'S, PILLS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, I ERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, A-C, For Sale by r. it. nAnnm, m. . Jan ' Mt Horse Blankets, Baddies, irrter. Trnnka, Trnvellng Bags, Oollaii, Btidlea, Hamea, Traea ( Lln, Whlpa, bfiuia, lloiaa Ilrutbea, Feather Duetera, and a Kfnaral aiwortment of Saddlery goocfa-ai cheap u goodsof eame quality can bo bought In ths btata. ' . - , J.S.IOPBAMACO. nov IT fit-aa-tt XIW Ar.VZ2TISI3JEl.T8. Auction Sale! LARGE AND IMPORTANT BALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDER WEAR, &X, AT AUCTION. OI TCKSDAV AlAMUAHT 3TH. AT In 'dock, A. M . t lb Slur oi klr. J. S Uili, on Priacwt btroct, IwUl,Uk.m( KHTH, Mil ktcatitirtwuck uf MorchtBiliaa, (in qatniui 10 un) v ut nignrn DtUJer. Tht Kule will nnau(it 4 tiuuvtuiir. nut" Muck u awiKtod r. Tkc lollrsi, bbI ronrumna geoillj, arr T ne full? Invlnd alhnid tb S!. Lvg Iibu of Plikt, Meclno. Sorp, Poiiltm, Skaw.i, ttjatts, tll MililMUr, Hu. rior Iron o tb vrmt t, Iw u!i Tu So stor for rctt tf m ftUtaarj Ut to Uc- VUDKt u, io U. KAHNWEILER, iuotionvtr. JaS lit Salt, Molasses, and Bagging. 3.000 Sacks Salt, Z) Hhds. S. H. Moltisses, 150 Bbls. SO Hbdsi and Bbls Cuba Molasses, 150 Rolls Bagging, 1,000 Bdls. Ties, 800 Bbls. Flour, 25 T'ces Bice, 125 " and Tubs Lard, . 50 Bbls Fork, . , , GO Boxes D. & Sides, 20 " . " Shoulders, 200. " Candles, 100 " Candy, 50 " Raisiuff, 1U0 ; ; a:id Bbls. Crackers, 200 Bags Shut, 200 M. Ups, 25 Cases Tomatoes; io , t., , KCUCUXtR CALDIft BUOS. jbs a NOTICE. MEROU S T8 AMD OTHERS WHO PAT Uoanta ut, or reqnlied bj law to lift on tka lrt 6j cf Janu-y, anil for far.ur to do ' '..-V' : o, ths lw makea It the duty of the Keglater tf Dotdi to dotttln Ut all 411' Hcnu All In tereitcd wllltkkt notice, eomt up and Hit and pay as tht law reqnlrf t, GKO.W.BOUKEEACX, Jn8 3-Ht BgliUr Of Daeda. JUSTto Oenti' Frtnch Calf, hatuLJ"(d Poota. OenU' Cable Wire Vatta-wartankd not to Blp or leak made oa ItaproTed Uuti, Yoatbt' Copper Tipped Koota. At (O.A. PRICE'S, Jan J V .U Mulct smsl Salt BaggingTies Corn; 4,000 Sacks Salt, 200 Rolls and Half Rolls Bagging, 15 Tons Tics, 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn. For ale low by ' WILLIAMS A M0ECHI8ON Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Syrup. 1,500 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 100 Bbls. B. H. Syrup, For eat low bv WILLIAMS A MUKCHIBON. Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, Clue and Oats. 200 New New York Spirit Casks, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, . 100 libla. Glue, 500 Bushels Black Oats, For eale low by WILLIAMS A M0BCU1SOM. Bacon, Shot, Nails, Rice and Hay.- 200 Boxes D. S. andmoked Sides, 800 Hags Shot, 300 Kegs Nails, 25 Bbk Whole Rice, 500 Bales Eastern and N. R. nay, For eale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, JanS 8- Cleveland Banner. JJET WEES TH B FIFTEENTH OF JAM C ai y and the flret of February, 1A7S, we will re nn tbe publication of the "OLE VELA M) bANNKH," at Hhelxy, fllllng oat all nnex pirrd kernie of lubacrlberi wko hae paid, ad vertlnlng oontraota, o. In Ilea of the imall 20-oolaun aheet. printed on an old prem, and wlUt old type, aa heretofore, wo will give to tbe public a large M-oolumn papor, an entire new outfit, jset front tbe foundry, at tbe lew labtrrlptloa prloo of II Ml year; TA oent for ftrrrianttiyr weanfrforftnee Mentha;' We intend to ilrire totnentmutt to make tbe enterprise a grand anooeai, a bleaetng to the country, an honor to the town, and a pclde to every eltlaen of tbe county. Hemember, too, that we pay all postage. We want S.oon enbtorlbere at once, and we fee oontHent that we will get them. The Carolina Central Hallway being now Completed through to Wilmington, and Shel by being tbe weatern term In at, trie "Banner" will bo tho beet advertising medium wett of Wilmington: and we do, In particular, call the attention of tho Wilmington merchant and nnilneM men to tbe "Banner" aa an adrertla In medium, and moil respectfully solicit U-elr patron g We will We 111 air all tbe newi and keen ne with the tin"" in every report, be tltey Ot to faab r',l If ly e-iiH orn'ri Janl-U jt..X &WEDB. Boarders Wanted. (JIWOORTHBEE GENTLEMEN can find guod Board, with very oomfortablo Boo mi, la private family near the brutnew part f tho city location tery dtiirable, and Board very tewonablo. Apply t tb JoCMAIi Qtt- . tfecJi S10-UC N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official iDrawings -OF THK- N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiuiiiaroB, W. O, Jan. I, 1T8. CLASS J-p4w at at. ti M M f J t 3 4 I 43 M M CLASS W1-D1UW AT 4 T. at. 1 ilii 4i Ji M 4 1 l 1J 11 41 43 HI CLASS Vi-OBAWI AT l r, H. s t v- i it id i it n si i W. B. HAURISON. Il . tf. Choice Goshen Butter, FRESH CANNED TOMATOES A enunly ofeadi luat rpreletil, and For a tie by DERQSSET&CO. " EBON AND GOLD," A NOVEL. Ryjl L. M. ,'IHKRR ARK NO SHADOWS rHERE thrreHnoHur: There la no luiu'j wuore tbrw in iu abade, n an uiing m io mica oi glory run, I'aikueea and 1 Iglit, Ebou and liwld Inlaid." IfaNer. rHEMIE FROST'S EXPERIENCES. By Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, "FROZEN PEEr." By WilkieColliur. "HONEST JOHN VANE." By DeForeet. nPPVTVa A rnPQTVTTT TlTTTrTJ By Rer. E. T, Roe. SOUTH MEADOWS"-A TALE OF LONQ AGO By Disosway. : For tale a' the Cut Boob Sroia. By CONOLEY & YATES. Jn3 . tf Closing Out Sale! WIXQ to oiv. Intecded DUsolu'lon of Copartnership, We will sell Our Eutlro Stork of CLOTHINO, at great'y reduced prUns. The 8tock most be soM wiTJIiaJh) next (lily t ... . days. Su! for Oaso only. DAVID & WEIL. Jll 3 I. WIIMINQTON AN3 WELDGN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Otrwa or Gikit SDrsaiWTBuaT, Wilmington, a. O., Jan. t, UK (JHANQS OF SCHXDULS. Oa end after Jan. Id, Passenger Trains the W . A W. Railroad will run as follows t MAIIi TBAIN. Leave TTiilon Depot dally (exotpt Hundara) at. 1.88 A. V. Arrl at Uoldlwro at II 49 A. M, Kooky Mount at 1 (1 K, M. " Weldonat S.4IP. M Learo Weldondally at ...,10.os A.M ArrWe at Kocky Mount ...11 41 A.M. " Ooldsuoroat ....1.89 P.N, " Union Depvt .... 6 08 P.M. Il?eS TRAfl AND THBOtJtiH FttKiUUT 1I1AIS. Leave Culon depot, daily, at Ml p.m. AVrrlfaatUoldsboro at....... l.V) A.M. ruiuay aionniav.,.. 4tOA. M. Weldon at t.BO A. M Leave Weldon , dally , at. 6 40 P. M. Arrive at Kui-ky Mount at 6.19 P. M. (4)ldiiboroat....M 1118 A.M. Union Depot at to A.M, Mall Train makes olose eomeotlon at Wei don for all points North Tie Buy Lino and Aa qala Oreek routes. T Eipress Train connects only wlOi Aeqntk Oreek route, pvsllniatn'a PIsms Hleep la Han on tlile '1'rsUa. Freight Trains will leave Wtlmlnrtno tri weekly at (45 A. M. aid ar-lve at 1.4V P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Hnr't. rjan3 frtf ouwcorT- Fresh WaterGround J-EALand HOMINIES ALWAYS on land. 0OO Bnsh. rrimo White Corn, 2 Hhds. Bacon C. R. Sides on Con signment, (or sale cheap, by GRANT & HINTON. Jan 3 3-t diw Hubs, Spokes and RIMS TIKE IRON, WAOON AX LPS, B''QY flprlnya, ('srrUije Triuoilngii, HnggJ Wttee!., Won Whee:a,8oJky Wheels, Shall, Iron Bugry Siat, Sia. The l.argert, Canapes, and Bwt Aw)rrd Stock In the IJity can be found at the Old Ka tahllehed Hardware Heue of ,IOHM DAWSON, 19. m and iil Market Street. Jan 3 - Howard Relief Fire -Engine Co. No. 1. Attrktioh Mmnanei Yen aro hereby notl fld that tbe election of Ofil wis lur the New Terra will be held at the Regular Monthly Meeting, on MondiV. the 41 h instant, at 1 P M.. siarp. Honorary members will pleas j attend, liy order of thn President. W.J.BUUMANN, Jan3 3-U lleo. 8eoretair Southern Star Steel ' "lLI.OWH. KtKK TWO-HOM8K MTKCL -- Plows. Rinanihna Ilanowa. lulllvaturs. lira iiifuuDiaDr r uhiiih. last Fair of the New Cape rear Agricultural noriety, ana aro ror erne at Manufacturers price, at the New Hardware Hone of Q1LK8 A MUKCUIaON, Jan 8 il- Paper and Envelopes ! GOOD STOCK AND GKEAI VARIETY J. D. Loyo's Bookstore. ectn M3 tf MI3CELLANI0U3. -820- . WILL BCT A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM RONS Eidi'iliWo. 1 hrea Uoods aro baue.1 for tho purioas of rawing nrai rur me IttrlWD ! a buliumg ID - vnj vt i wmt w o wu lur a Porpotual World s Fair, rmanent borne, where ever maeurac tarer ran etblhit and sell his fomlii. and every patentee can liow h inveatton; a ventre of Mtietry weicu will prove a vast benefit w the hole Mtiatry. for thin tiurtiu. tka L.ffUlature of the Slate cl Nrw Yih uranud ailiarUrtoa aninw or oer noM weauuy and riwectahie BMcheiita, and thee gentlemen bate pur ehaevd no Im than eig I bkieke of tho bhw( vainahle larnt inthecnyof New York. Ike lining to oa tm'm will Mwng stories hlgli(!V lel la ktlgbll surmeunttd by a saag. luUiKUt dutue, and will cover a space uf SI acrra. It will be ronatrucud of iron, 11 r It It and tilasa, and ntfte tlre-uroof. Ihe bends. which are all for eh, aio aernred by a Srtt mottgge on the land ami buililiug, awl lor the purimiae of waking them popular, Ihe uirvcnm nave acoiuca w uarequarturiy araw. Ing. of iM,( eol'; this uioney belrg tUs In terest on th amount orthewhole lotn. Eve. y bondholder must rectlve at lral J1, but he lusr metro 8IOO.0Q0I Or 1.1 OOl, sr f 10,000, or f J.uuil, or SS(, 4c , v EVERY OOND patchSKd befro January 4 lb, 1ST J, will par. tioipate In the THIRD 8IRIES ORAWINC, Hold MONDAY, JANUARY 4!h, 1S70. CAPITAL PREMIUM, SIOO.OOO. Theee Drawings take tilaca averv Tnnss momtis, and rventualiy kvaar iioku IU var uctpate In them. . Address, lor Dondt and full Information, MORQJGNTHAU, BRUNO ft CO., rinaocial Agents, 13 Pah Row, N. Y. Post CWoe Drawer 29. Remit b Draft en N. Y. ait hanks. Heels. terod Letter or if. U. Money Order. Postponements Impossible Un dor this Plan. Jan 3 IJw First National -Bank of Wilmington. KrtuniArAii 1..n laf 1 QTC ! tUnUlUAVili SSUl AV 1UIVI rpBI &BUULAK ANNUAL MLETINO Of the Stockholders of tbls Bank for tho election or Directors will be held In Uinir Baoklng Hum MTUKMDAV.thellth la.tant, at It woloekA.M. A. K. WALKER, Oaehler. J -M,4,,IOJktith Diaries for 1875! NCTUERLOT JCBT BKCKIVEO AND For sale at nETNSBEROER'S. Organs! Organs! JDBT RECEIVED AT HEITJSBERGER'S LIts Book and Muile Store. (tec 30 ST9 Fresh Bird Seed, fOD LIVER OIL, DOVORKH8 WATEtt, HOZUUONT, MUHTANG LINIMENT, Ac, &0. got saht by OHEEN&fLANNER. dee Si (' fI. CRONLY, Auctioneer- By CRONLY 4 MORRIS. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of and In pursuance oftlie power conferred by a mortgage, made and executed on tbe m day or April, Wo, ard rrglstered In tlie cftioe ot the Kegiatarof votdsot MewrJaa nrer county In Book Z '., page 1 17, the under signed will sell at fuldio Anoilon, for cash, at tlie Market lluue In tbe city of Wilmington, on TUKSDAf ,the lh day of (January, WIS, at the taour of 11 o'clock, tbe following lot or pucel of land situate, lying and being In the ell y of Wilmington: licglnulngat a volutin tbe Western line of HonU Water street i'ii feet southwardly from tbe southern line of Mulberry street, tbenoe with the said line of North Water street southwardly AI feet, tlnnoe weetwardly paiallel with said Mulberry street Ml lett, thence southwardly parallel with North Water street 40 reet, tlience wetward ly parallel with said Mulberry street lffofoet to the Hirer, thenne northwardly with tbe Hirer M fott. thence eastwardly parallel with Mulberry streets feel to Nor id Water street, tbe beginning, Tbfl eame being a rart of Lot 3, lllock IDO, a per Turner's plan of the city. Tbe ImproTementa cunsirt of a large Three, tory Brick Building, I'rontlngon North Wa ter streot 42 x feet deep, divided Into two Mtor on the first floor with offices abore. All Attedupln tbe best style with modern hobu Ing apparatus, An. In rear large tram Warehouse (U stories high) 1 x 82 feet. Also, a large frame buildlrg on the wharf Mis) feet. Tbe whsrf, 8f Imt front, la In food er der and water sufflclent forth largest vessel tolofad. - ---.... .. ..,.....,. WM. H. HALT. ... dee 11 VM-eodledtotis Tobacco Leaf ant Cotton Plant. 8EMt-MONTHT.Y. Largest c'reuistlon of any Trade Journal In the Hoiitlurn 8tt. Subscription (I per s.omim. . SITFLEMEMT-WIIKLT. ' f'rer Fir Hundred gra'ulton clrculs'kiu. Post psld specimen ' Of I s tu Tori I dices In sdjolning counlles tt tnt Car. Ilnss- J. U. M'BR1. deoWtf ' froprielor. SELECT BOARDING AND DAI SCHOOL, HILLSBORO, N. C. Th Th'rty-second seaslon of tht Mll Nvh and Mis Kn'look's Hchool will open Friday, February 6th, IMS, and continue twenty weeke. Cirenlert forwarded on epplliatlon. deo SI . -101 itawdw Bagfging and Ties 200 ROLLS BKAVf BAUQINO, 1,000 BD1J.1IES, For sal by KXBCHMKB A OALDEB BEOH. .aeon sia SEW ADVXSTISZXISTS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year T ALL I BROWN & RODDICK, 4-5 MLAJjiaCT BTIW333T. Santa Clans1 Headquarters. DRY GOOD3 of Every Description suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. REMEMBER THE LITTLE FOLKS! TOYS per New York steamer thirty. LADIES' MOSCOW BEAVER ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, Bultftblo for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Just received tho LrtrKCfst Lino of BLACK ALfAC AS wohavo evor hail. Pricea at least 10 per cent, lower tliaa our former prices. CtT We aibine all wlio wuut aDvlhiuof iu our liue to call early in tho morn- ing, as we got so bun it is ioiiossib2a BR0WH & RODDICK, dco 13 . ATTENTION! FOR THE FAIR ' BUY D'RYad CLOTHING, Boots, CRUOKERY, CHINA AT XLTE "OILEAr M. FRANK & BROs, decs MI?CE1LAKE0UB. J BEND SOMEiniNQ TO THE FAIR. 00 YOURSELF, ;and BE SURE YOU HAVE SOMETHING NEW "i - j . AND NICE TO WEAR, FROM onr really elegant stock of Dress and Fancy (roods you eaa eaelly snake a selec tion that will be pretty and becoming; besides we hare the Duet varied and alUactlr stock of IITUIL GOODH In Ui Htste : with Shawls. Velvets. Laces, Embroidery, Olovee, Hosiery tor srown folks and the little ones ( Boulevard ttklrta, all slses and prices, with A splendid assortment of Merino Underwear for Ladles, Children and Men's wear, with price i so low that wear ashamed to quote them In print, at the leading uiyuooosnuusaot BOSKOWITZ k LIEBEB, 29 Market Street. ncvM TO TUB BUFFALO WATER. For Sale. THK LITHIA WATER of ths Virginia Buflalobprlugsor tb water ot tbe old Hurtslo Bfirlngs, put up In boxee containing anellosen Half Gallon bottles, will b supplied to order delivered at tbe eScotteburg Depot of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad at per bos, to be paid In odvanc. Tb LITI11A water has made as remarkable euro a any upon record tH ejections of the Blsditer ed Kidneys and In Dyspepiiia. It hss also given deoided relief In Oouty and Kheumatlo affections. In the diseases of Women and In Dyspepsia the water we oia ipring u regaruea as wait sign spe olflo. Address THOMAS r.OOODB, BtiltaloMprlnge, Mecklenburg County, Vn. ept4 Sll-siaHm FrcsH Family Groceries "v"'" FoaorjR rarNDi IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. CASH IS TUB WORD That oaa take oar Entire Stock. The Freshett, the nicest, tb meet desirable B'sorTmentor iriue ramny eupplbi in WU mlngtoo. Money or even Artificial f 'becks will remove our scrup'es aoont me creoit aysTm. We are Sol Froprletori of the PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. FINBbT BRAND! OF WUJ.SKKT.. Lars stock of Fin Family Supplies. Cheese, Hagare, OoAees, l.je, fouuh, Soap aid other Inc'dental articles. CIIAS. D. MYERS & CO., 61 North Front 8 des IS Wd WiaCHKSTKtl'8 HYPOPHISroHfttt Attwood QnlnineTonio, Lyon's Katbarlon. . Ayer'i (arsapsrllfa,, Tarrant's Aperient. Pain Killer, s ' i Mustang Llnlmeat, ' Opium, Quinine, Morphine, and a pereral aasortrnent of Dmga, Ckenlcals, Faints. Oils. Varnish, Brushes. WIsjm, o., at ORBKN 8t PLANNER'S, - Wholesale and Retail Druggist, nov 91 . rr Potatoes! Potatoes! JgQ BBLS. JCAKIiI BOBI POTATOES. For sal by KJSRCHNIB A 0A1J)Z& BB08. dec 30 go UPAKDD01NG la fact it is o mixtnro of everything, for ui to wait on all 45 Blarket Street. IK 4 ATTENTION! AND HOLIDAYS. YOUR - iOO.'D - S - '' Shoes, Hats, Trunin, AND GLASSWARE, CASH HOUSE" OP 17 Market Street- MISCELLANE0TJ3. Merry Christmas! Grand Opening and Handsome Display of Holiday Goods. Now is 11.3 Time ! Como Early! Christmas iGoods IN ENDLESS VARIETY Choice Selected Clusters of Mslsgs Orsfes, French Vonrectlons, Uornette, It W ley's Hmkei) Uamiy, il avsna Orange. fir yvorks, Fir Crackers, Torpedoes, uii every desett ptlon of Christmas Tree trlm- reduction In prices. At GEO. MYERS'. U& 13 Houth Front Bt. -dee 18 Hu . COUPONS. '.Office Treasurer ani Collector, CITY OF WTLMINOTON, ( Dccembur 29, 1874. S JANIAIIV C Ol POMM, payable In this City, of Bonds tf City of Wilmington, H. O., will b paid at the Bank of New llau rer on and after January 1st, 1S75. And siic'j Janu iry (Quid) Ooupons, rayable In Mew York, on Bonds (tssne of lO) will be paldatlba KstlonslCsnkof the Kejubll n Nrw-Tori', . , : , , T. C. SERVOSS, Treasurer. dco 13-tw So Adyanco in Prices. , Wo are selling Wood: - Per Load. Per Cord.. Oak and Black Jack, M to w ctj. ID 28 so s 50 Ash IB to M t 00 to I m Mliad. 0 to TO " llltoJM Pin 70' 7S Ont np and hauled at lowest possible ecst. Consumers can save ruouty by purchasing St our yard. , Janl O.a.PAKBMtT&CO. Treasurer's Office CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO., ' I Broad St rer t, New York. rniiE covposs of tab flhst mobt- da January 1st, 18TB, will bs paid In Gold on and ator January 1st, ITS, on prenn'atlon at tblsrlttr. j . , ' VTATSON MATTHEWS, I , Treaniw.. . del " 310-dlwiwl The Annual lleeting QF TUE C4FK FElB CLtB, TOB Kite tlon of Offloers, villi he heMcn fslnrday even- tag, January 2J, 18:5. , ,, ... 7 . . i ' '. C LcitRaNUTT, 1 ' ' Secretary and Tranrer. .. A MKISKT1 E, CUACO. ...J a MABASCHrNR - and Kl'MMEf CQAS. D. MYERS & CO., : , Alh'orthrront Street, ooelt ai

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