ill 17 JJ - , 7 1 11 r . i , - T ' f. - ' VOL. XXIV.-ITO. 4. WILinilGTOIT, H. C, TUESDAY, . JAHUARY 5. 1875. UIIOLB HO. C,7C3. 1-..L.. -A v nnial ii;u;, 4. o WILMINGTON, N. C.: TUEWAY. JAN. 5. 1875. 3Y TELEGRAPH. LOUISIANA ' THE PRESIDENTS WAR OX THE PEOFLE. FSDSaAL TROOPS GUARDING THE STATE HOUSE. CITIZENS TURNED BACK ON THE BTREETS. A CON'StfltVATIVE ELECTED SPEAKER OP THE HOUSE. . New O&leass, Jao. 4 Noon la r)oiie to a request of Oor. Kallogg U n. traory has ordered the disposi t.uu 01 .iixips ia oIoao proximity to tLa Httb House. Gen. Hugh J. Campbell, of the State Militia, will command the forces on the insideof the (State House. What this force will be Las not yet truuHpiwd. A body of Metropolitans, without guns, will be there as Conner ators of the peaoe. The polios offi cials aUta that the MitropDlitans have not boeu, requested to occupy the titate Une aa soldiers. ' Neryou people pursiat iu talking nbout a row, bat the iti8us gouerally maintain their usual composure, not withstanding the disprmitiou of troops. Tho Warmoth-Jewelldwllias been put oft by aa agreement jf the lrii'cds of the parties. . .. Another dispatohsaye: AttUS Lour.8 o'olosk a. m. ,U. S. troops are taking tbei r position, covering the State House. A regiment of infantry in two columns are at parade rest, and extends from Chartres street down St Louis street to the levee. The Metropolitans arc b :ing placed in position to prevent the near appioaoh. of the public to the Huto House. A eqaau of them at Chartres street and ou St. Louis Btreet - refused to allow . persons to pass out UK Louis street.stating that only mem bers of the Legislature and State officers wonld be allowed to go by. a his squad waa under tho command of ' a ctptain. A similar guard will prob .. ably be placed at all approaches to " the Stale House. Eighteen hundred U. 8. -troops will be in position to sus- tn the State' Gomniuent. ; ; tsmsdro. Jan. 4 Soon Private .advices from Kew Oilcans indicate the. m citetion,.,;., ei ex-Mayors.Wittv Conservative, as speaker ox the House of Eeprepetftatives, as three or four of the members will probably be absent. , Everything is represented to be per- f-'Ctly quiet and no outbreak is appre hended. New OncEisa, Jan. 4 Night The Legislature is the most orderly for mauy years. The Congressional Committee are in the Hill. The Clerk oalled the roll ttud announoed a quorum. On motion, Mr. Wiltz, former M.iyor, and a Couservalive, too't the Chair temporarily, and his taking it caused coufusion. Wiltz appointed temporary officers; the Radicals yelled; Col. Lowell protested, and five members not returned by the Board, wore declared elected, and took their seats. At 1 o'clock, order was partially restored. Washinoton, Jan. 4 Night Noth ing further from New Orleans through the regular channels. Private dispatches indicate clearly that tho Lower House has, or will, organize un ler Conservative auspices. EUItOPE. AMNESTY FOR ALL OF THE OARL13TS. ... THE POPE. BLE3aE3 ALFONSO. SERRANO AT BAYONNE. Pabis, Jan, 4 Noon At tho re quest of Princess Beam, of Vienna, King Alfonso has granted complete amnesty to all the Carlists. The King of the Belgians has reoog nized King Alfonso and telegraphed his congratulations. The recognition of the King, by most of the European -CourtSjiaJiffiineiitflulysxpeotedJ The papal nuncio, iu tin city, lias received the blessing of the Pope asked for by the King. His Majesty will issue from this city a decree con voking the Cortes. Tho staff of the Spinibb. Embas y,in Paris, have waited on King Alfonso and jaid him their homage. The , KiDg, in reply to their address, Baid lie would not disguise the difficulties of his task, and he sought aid of able tneu,of all parties. His first wish was for the paoifloation of Spain, and he dosired to be the KingofallBpaniards. A dispatch denying the Carlist re port of the death of Espartero has dtteen received. Berlin, Jan. 4 Noon The Empe ror Williamj'in a speech in reply to New Tar corigratnlations,' expressed his great satisfaction at the continued peace ia Europe, whioh he was the first duty of the German Emperor t preserve. ; - Batonnk, Jan, 4 Noon Marshal Serrano entered Franco by way of Urdux on Saturday and is now here. .It is reported that he will go to Paris and thence to Berlin, THE INDIANS, MORE MEN MURDERED BY THE SAVAGES. Vesita, Im Tib., Jan. I Every thing was quiet here last night and up to 8 o'clock p. m. to-day, when news vnt received that the mob was at Pri or's Creek again last night and Lad killed three mou, iu.iposfd to be per sons they coi tri ed yehlerdny. If this is true troublo will probably follow, as UutoLet, one oi the men captured, was a Senator from this district, ana will undoubtedly be avenged. Mnjor Robinson has been requested to come here and provent tho tight, 11 possible MISSISSIPPI. A HIOLE FAMILY MURDERED AND BURNED. , . Jin. 4 Noon Oa Sat- nrduy night last Richard S. Boruin, of Xjee county, nis wuo, two cnun-u wu thre negro boys, were murdered and their bodies consumed with the build ing. No clue to the murders rs. ELECTKICISMS. The nyde Park Avenue Catholic Church, in Boston, Las been burned. Roe Broa., grocers at Cincinnati, have failed. Liabilities, $187,000. The debt of the city of Boston is $29,000,000. . A boiler of the Warham iron work burst yesterday, killing one and hurt ing four. The Beeoher-Tilton ease was ailed yesterday, when Tilton was not ready. The message of the Mayor says that the debt of the city of New ; York is 9142,000,000 and the expenses for the current year $37,000,000. He says the wooden . pavemeuU aro neither Utmful uor oafe. The Treasury will uot W-l gold thia month. . . There Will boa quorum iu both Houses to-day. There was uo ohange- yesterday in the condition of the steamship San Marcos, ashore south of Cape Henry. The Ht-a has been too rough to ad mit of communication at any time between the ship and , fchore, txoept by signals. The German bark Uriel, front Sa vannah fur Reval, is stranded near Boulogne, i t Tue iiouiaiauu rM9puUUeii lobby at Washington City are not encour aged by tho events of yesterd ay in acew Orleans. MARRIED. m ib vlng of tb lSla of lcaihr, !8'4, at h rrtldenca of tha btlJe'i moih-r, Mn, A. J Mror, HupplT, N. O., by Kov Mr. Hit, Ml WARY C. MkKUKft I Mr, SI. 0. iii-t VES, ul hurrv Countj, H. C DIED. Y.mer0, st 11 U , KATB FUI.TON, ilnnghur .of Iboma ii. and Kato FaKoa Wright, aged three jror and wn month. Tao trlrDdnoribe Nrailyaro Invited to otund liar lonrral th i xtcruoou at P. M , rrom BU 1 homu' tburcb, tlienoo to Onkdal Cematorj. YMlerdnT morning at Hl( o'clock, JULIA KUMA. dHiiii&ter of Dana 0.,anl tba lata (two eowdvn, aged tweotr-threa yeart, one month, and ta-Dt darn. Tho funeral will Uka placo VHay at o'clockat Front Street af. X. Lharob, and thenro to Oakdala L'emeter. Frieuda and acqoalntanoes aro lo- The ibomberiof Front Street M. B. Bondav Rctfoul ara rcaneated to moot al tha Okarrli at o uopk. to-uay, to aiifna un runwai ot oor Mirtcr, Mlra JUl.IA EMMA BOWDJCN. A full attonaanca l dcslotd. - W.M.fAKK.BK) Bapailntoodant HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings OF THE ( -, ' ' . 1 J ' If. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiLKiHQTOir, K. C, iTsn. 4, 1875. CLASS iM-DBAWM At MX. 7i U 40 U 63 8 68 10 1 19 U IS : CLASS !4-DIiW AT S r. V. II T 41 9 CO 23 S 41 13 68 tS X - - -'. . ... j .- . CLASS 3M-DBAWS AT 7.r. . 41 60 T3 18 Ti 2170 45 43 JJ 14 75 51 1 W.H.HARIillfrjII. HEW NOVELS! Lof-t fir Lov, by M!m M. E. BradJoa 79 eta. The Treasure Uunters, by Ueo M Fenn 40 A Saok oi' Qo'd, by V. Vt. Johnun-tO eta. ' Allien Ferrets, by luaan Morley-P eta. " Iu Honor Boui. J, by Cliarlet Gibbon-80 eta. ,'' Lorn a Doone, by B. rx. Blackmoora-76 eta. For Love and Life, by Mrs. Ollpbant, 79 ctl. Jack 'a SlRtar, or True to her 1 run! TS ctV J." A Hero and A Martyr, by C!- n. Ko-ile 15 eta, The Lort that Lived, b Mr-. Kt'o rt -M eta. -Bqnlrt Ardtn, by Mn. Ollp' anr Jc s. irarialeat Lire Book and iliulc S;we. -Jan 5 4- REDUCED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. V7F orrr.p alirce, wei lelbct- KDtTOCKOF BOOTS & SHOES Atiioitoui Prices. , QiiiLVBCNS' coimro auors at the very Ion eat prlcca, yz ARE DETERMINED SELL OUR STOCK. DUDLEY A ELLIS, ttlgn of the Big Boot, No. 41 Market Street. 4 tue. thura .at tan w-lt. Jan 6 Hioeriiian Benevolent Society, rriliE KEGtJLAB ANNUAL 1KKKT1MO or the ohtrs Horlety will le held tlile i VJnlng(Tnedj) at H PeV at, at tho Wl. UiK'ittoo Library Konma. The election of om -cr. it 111 t'ke plaoa, ant K lj .Impor.aut tint ererr nvmher .hnnd bo pr-. nt. JOUS WtliN'l KK. Janf4-lt, ...... tlooraiary. Fruit Trees at Auction! ON FHIOAY NKXT, THE 8th Inrt,, at 10 o'clock A. il., We will aellatOur Baiea Boomi. a lafjra varia'y of No. 1 Peach Treen, Jast reoolTed from Pblladelnhfr, ay . sn" Old 11. on ftaeatoiiaa,!" 180 Craw ford Earl,"iO ''fteer'a Smock rrecatonaa," lb 'Oruokt Vt Lute Kreeataut." 10 " t.i rga Karl Yor Vrft"iie8," K0 "HaU'a Karly Krei Kouf," T0"FoJt!,a Heodllng Kreeotonta," 100 UrfWtV'M'a I.Hto li'rratoiiet," 110 etump tho World irraeirtonen," 5'i W ard'i Lata Froe itoniie," 60 "Ko'.wav," WemetMna now. .... Theno 'ireee are from the relthraud "Pair, tlcw Niimerlt)," and ara guarauteoi to ba aa rirtwntei. . CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneer. Jan 5 -tf TZW ATYXaTISLElTS. Sundries at Auction. rpau MoRsia, at m ocuh-'k, wk wiii trll at onrOfflM, aa uaottaentarFdinltui, Uhtm, Mil Baran, and 11 Blul. awrrtod CUOtlKEHV. OUONLT AMOSKlr. J.1S4-U AuOinerf . Auction Sale! LARGE AND IMPORTANT BALE . OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. LADIES' AND GENTS UNDER WEAR, C, AT AUCTION. OS TCESDAT. JANUAir f II, AT 19 o'clock, A. U . at tho kturo ot Vt. J. 8 WUlUiua. OB PrlOdXfl (Ut, 1 UI,ttut tenn. Mil hni.tir i k ut lf i b.ndi w, (i qiunlitlro lo suit) to tho blgkul bUklor. Tb Silo will mBoo M bo, "l cob- Unmdillf, Ul tb (it-"- Ui-r tl of. Tho UUk-, 0'l ouukum n ( ly. ore rt rpt fullj lDTltld t ) lf I l til ' Lot (tltut of Ulika, Mormon P'i'lli ., 8.rn, cS'.. ml.l hvuUiad uf. Ku prriflr Iroa Sota on th rm' t, tur titlo Tb Novo Hot lot rat ( m ktblkar M to t'r. tuber W. IfT D. KA1INYEILER, .. . Austlonerr. JuS II'. Salt, Molasses, and Bagging 3,000 Hack Salt, ' 25 Hhdii. B, II. Molaae, IWBbla. " " " I SO Hhds, and Bbls Cuba Molassor, 1 150 Rolls Bagging, . 1,000 Bdla. Ties KOOBbla. rionr,- 1 ' 25 TVes Rice, 125 " and Tube Urd, ,50 Bbls Turk, ' 60 BoxmD. 8. Sides, '20 " " Shoulders, 200 " Candles, . loo " . candy, ;;;'. ! CO " Eaistn, , 100 " and Bbls. Crackers, 200 Bags Shot, 200 M. Caps, 25 Oases Tomatoes, io , At. , ' ; For aale by KEBCHNKB A CALDIBBEOS. " Jail 3 ' i '; s! '!' - .3 H0TICE a 1 i MJSKCKANTI ADD OTBIHt WHO PAY Ucanas tax, ara required by law to list on the let iay of Jan oar y, ana for failure to do ao, tha law makea It tho duty of tba Bagliter of Deeda to doaUtax all dUro,uetiti. Allln- tereated will take notice, cope up and !Ut and pay u tba law requlrce. GEO. W. BOCBDEAUX, , J.n 8 3-Ct Bglstcrof Dcedtt. JUST to rfti OeBta1 Freaeh Calf, hand aatd Bonta. Gent;' Cabla Wire ttoota-warranted not to Elp ofleak nitdooa laprod laau. y oat hi' Uopper llid Moot. At r . a A. PRICE'S, Jan I t . 13 Market BUeat Salt Bagging Ties - Cornr: 4,000 Backs Salt, 1 200 Iiolls and Half Rolls Bagging, 15 Tons Ties, 10,000 Bushels white and Mixed Corn, For aale low by ' WILLIAMS A MUBOHIBOH Flour. Sugar. Coffee and Syrup., l.SOO.Bbls. Flonr all grades : . 150.Bbls. Refined Sugar, , , , . , 100 Bags Prime Rio Ooffoe, if lOaBblAS. H.Srrnp, ; : For aale low by ' '" i WILLIAMS MORU18UM 8p1r!tCask8Hdorr' frdri; ,'- Clue and Oats. f 200 New New York Bpirit Casks, , 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, k 100 Bbls. Glue, 500 Bushels Blaok Oats,' ' For Mkit law by ) . !- WILLIAMS otMUUOHklOH, Bacon, Shot, Nails, Rice and Hay. 200 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Bides, 300 Bags Shot, . 800 Kegs Nails, 1 25 Bbls. Whole Rice, 500 Bales Eastern and N. R, Ray, For aala low by WILLIAMS A MURCniSON. Jan . . ' s- Cleveland Banner. JJETWEEH THE riFXEBJlXH Of JAN0- try and the flrrt of February, 1JI5, wa will ra. ium the publication of the 'CLEVELAND KANNKR," at Hhelhy, ailln( ont all nnex pired terma of mibaorlbera who hare paid, ad rertieing oontraota, dM. In llau of toe tmall JO-colniun ahet. printed on aa old pnna, and with Old type, aa heretofore, wa will gtie to tha pqlillo a large tt-column paper, an entire new onrflt, Jnat from tba fonadry.atthe low anbicrlptiou price of tl 50 a year; TA eenta lor tlx month: 50 cent for three month. Wa Intend to atrlva te the atmott to make the enterprise a grand anoeeaa, a bleating to theofntry, an bnnor to the town, and a pride ituii. in ;o., lu-l wr ell 'Aa'aga, We want 1 0 enb'Crlbra at ouo, and we leei eonfi lent that we will get them. - The Carolina Central Hallway being now Completed through to Wilmington, and Shel by being the wet rn terminal, the "Banner" will be the belt advertising medium weet of Wilmington: and we do, la partloular, oall tba attention of the Wilmington merchant! aud butlnepa men to the "Banner" ae an advertis ing medium, and atoal reapeetfully solicit their patronage. . We will give alt the new! and keep up with the tlmee In every report, be tbey e meo f&et. Terma, Strictly, ctlh in adreuu. JviM-tf PUttflAMftWEBB, 9 NSW ADVESTISIMENT3. For tho Season .At 353.00 per Ton, Cash, or $80.00, NAVASSA.'.' ACID TIIOSPHATE, At SJ3.00 per Ton, Cash, or $33.00, pajablo lit of November next, WE OUAKANTEK that tha prr!ou H'h Oradi cl onr FartiUaera ahall ba rally M Atwvaiwie. R K RRIiinF.US, rreaUleat, I). Mi K4K. TaMrrr. ). L UHAifLIM, aaperinUnduit, Jno zmajBiroii jc-s- Jau 1. NEW ADVTHTISEMENT8. Every Account -Tjr TO JANVARY FUtST, ON l)U boukr, la male out aid will be prucuttd, We Uttt U'jnc all: uTu'c on aBahir Col. le.'tsr. MUNSON & CO., . , CITY CLOTHIERS, J s : Horse Blankets, Raddlea, nmea. Trwrka, Travellrg Page, Oollara, Brtdlea, nm, TraoaLhalna, Whliw, fe)pa, Hmee hrurbee. Feather Iuaura.and a general aKwrfmert or Saddlery gooda.aa tbrapaagoodeol aiaiequa ltyeaa be boagal J. S.TCrUAMAUO. iCi-iiw-U. not IT First National Bank of Wilmington. v 4uaaaai tw aU nv, AUIft fjjn B EtUL'LAK AKMUALMEKXIMU OF th. Ktnrkholfleri of thin Rank for tha .lection of Director! will be held In tnatr Hanking Moum on TU1.SDAI, the lath InaUnt, at li o siws jl, in. A.K.WALKBB, Oaahler, Jn ' t-i,A O.loAlath Fresh Bird Seed, c 0DLI7EB0IL, COKGRFHS WATER, 8ZOIMNT, MUSTANG LINIMENT, 4c, &0. corwe oy OHEIN A FLAKMER. - - WW dmgl BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES. Stock Pcalea, Coal Fcalei , Hay Rralee, Dairy Boa. coundr Ecalei, ic, die. Alao Mile Alarm Till Co.'a ALARM CASH DRAWER. EVERY EVERY, DRAWER WABRAVTSD FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 IlltOADWAY, NDW VOHK, IB llaltlmore t., Ualtlmore, S3 Camp Ht.t Hew Orlcnoa. FAIRBANKS A EWINO, MAKONIO HALL. PHILADELPHIA FAIRBANKS, BROWN A CO., . . 3 MILK ST., BU81UM. Fr aale by leading Hardware Dealer. auglS XOMtawIm THE SEASON, JTOW WELL ADVAMCED, FISDS Vi with a largo and varied Stock of Dress Goods, VELVETS, ' ; .- r FURS, SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS, EMPRESS DELANES, CASHMERES, POPLINS, arid other fabrics on hand which we aro determined not to carry over to another Season, and in order to sell them now while they are all NEW, NICE AND FASHIONABLE, we have drtermlned to reduce the prloea and ell them at ooat aooner than mlat a aale. NEW GOODS RECEIVED by LAST STEAMER. . TbC Ladlea are Invited to rail and examine Our Stock before making pnrcbaaxe. unit early while the ttnek ia tun and the emortment complete, at the ' Leading Dry Uooda bous. of "I DOSKOWITZ & LIEDER, 29 Market Street. OjI deo IT WEDDING CARDS SSREWi themoet latiilonabie atyle at tbe JOO&NAIiOrflUI T7YT HaYal M. WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS of 1873, delivered on tho Cars, at Oui Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payaule 1st of November, next; NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, 4odlu info KISCE1LA2JE0U8. M jDNLYJAttctipnccr, ; By CROXLY& MOHRlli. ' Mortgago Salo. , Br virtue of and In purauanw of the Hiwer diHif.rred by a mortgage, made and nvi-alcd ou Uie ! dy oi April, IHI0. . d rrglaWrvd in Uiettlloeot the ltegiKterol idot New Haii oer county in Bookjt .., page ml, tkeuadar tuned will M1 at Tublio Auction. rir eaah, at th. Market Uoue is the city of Wilmington, on TUKHDAT , th. IDlli day or . January, WIS, at tbe hour of II o'clock, the following tot or paroel or land altuaU, lying and bting la th. oily of Wilmington: Ileglnulrgal point In the Weefrn ring' of Morih. Water atrcet m leetaoethwardly fmra tbe antttuarn Hue uf Mulberry nrt.t tbenoo with the Mid Imeof North Waw itiretaouthwardly at feet, tlience WMtwardly pjuaUel with aald Malb.rry ttreet K8 rett, theaeo onthwarUly pwallel. with North Wetemrret it raet, thence wtatwerd. IV parallel wttH laid Mulberry atreet 10 rt to the hirer, thauoe northwardly with the ll W feat, then ne Caatwardly parallel with Muioarry atrav, lit to North Water atreet, ia. 3. ( he beginning, ,lhe Mm. being a part of Lot , Block IM, m per Turner', plau of the city. The Imi'rorementa oonaid of a Ua Thru. Story Brick Building, fronting on North Wa ter atreet 4ix Hil feel deep, divided I tiro two Store on the tlret Soot with nflleea abere. All flttedupin Uiebet atyle wHA modern hebt Ing aivprat.u, Ao. rear a large tram. Warehouaeu atrlehlgb) SlxlJfeet. Ateo, a large frame bollrtlr g on the wharf 40 1 fti teet. Th wharf, an fuel front, I. in. good ot dtr and water auffldent for the largeat vtanal U) lobd. . , - ' . -t r t YM. UrHAUat f daetS g94-eodt4o,i Glioico Goshen Butter, FRESH- CANNE0 1 A aupply of aehliiat rsnelrtdf afiT-' DEROSSET & CO. Jan I i, - . in ? EBON AND GOLD. A NOVEL, By C.L M.' ' ' t'pmHH ARK KO HAUOWS WUEBK there la no Sun; There lo beauty where there la no, And all tiling in two line of glory run, Larkne. and Light, toon and Uold Inlaid." r.her. PHEMIE FROST'S EXPERIENCES. Uf Mrs. Ann B. Stephens. "FROZEN DEEr." ' By Wilkie ColliDi. "HONEST JOHN VANE.4' v By DcForosf. "OPENING A CHESTNUT BURR." By Wot. E. P. Roe. "SOUTH MEADOWS"A TALE OF LONG AGO By Disosway. , For aale a', the Citt Buuk iToaa, By CONOLEY & YATES. Jan 3 . . , IU Closing Out Sale ! )WINQ to our lutendsd DlMotatlcn ef Copartiuiibip, We will aell Oar Kafir. Etock of CLOTH 1NC1, at greatly reduced jirioo. 1 he Stt mijtf bew'.-t wi.tiln thjjmtAUlx. (Jay. Hut for Caii only. DAVID & WEIL Jan 3 Hubs, Spokes and KIMS. miRB IKON. WAOOH AXLF8, BUGGT JL Hpringii, I'arrl.Ke Trimrninge, Hnggy Wheels Wairon Wbe.ln.Sulky WheaU, Sbatu, Iron bugrv at, to, The Larg.H, bbeapeat, and Rnt Awrtd Stock In tun City eiui be found at the Old La UbiUlitd Hardware H.ue of ... . .IOHN J)AWrtfN. , 18, 20 audit Miuatt Btreet, Jin 3 i g. Southern Star Steer jt.tiws. KKJi.-r. Tfto-iioiwa; aikKL Mow., Kxpandlng Haiiows, culllratorl, and Cucumbir fumri. All tbe abore Aitlclr. took Diploma. at th iar. rairoi me new ine rear Agricultural nrlje". at the ew Uu Jwxre Houe of GILES aY SUTKCHIbOrf, mk Taper nnl ;Ki!vrlopcs ! i QO'I) Wl OCR eNI' OHKAT VAKIKTT ' . . .tV t" T- J. D. Love's Bookstore. Oct 11 13 tf Li hew ADvrxTisisrrrs. filefff Christmas and Happy f lev Year ALL ' BROVVn & RODDICK, 45 MAJRK1ST STREET. . . Santa Clans s I ' DRY 0OOD3 of Every HOLIDAY REMEMBER THE "LITTLE FOLKS I TOY3 per New York steamer this Jay. Ia fact it is a mixture of everything. LADIES' MOSCOW .BEAVER' ENGLISH ' ' " WALKING JACKETS, suitable for ; ; j . , ; CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Just receivotl the Lfirfjcst Line of ELAirALrACASyo have cvor had. Prices at least 10 per cent, lowcf than our former prices. ir we auvis all who want auythlnpf Ing, as we get so bus it is impossible BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Uarket- Street. dtJO till ATTENTION ! FOR THE FAIR BUY. 1 (' -ii;'.: u l. ; i -in.- CLOTHING, i Coots. im wi'rji AT THE "CHEAP eo nj a t ' jatiaj, . 71"' r 'v ntr.t r- i 1TI8CZLLAIE0U8.1 . , i j 1 , -i,i - ' . ' X ' SEND SOMETHING TO THE FAIR, GO YOURSELF, 'AND' BE SURE J YOU HAVE SOMETHING NEW 1 i' 1 ' ; r ' ' ' AND NICE TO WEAR. ' In a FROM oar really elegant .fork of Dreaa and Fancy Hoode yon oan earily make anclco Von that will be pretty and beooaefng; beaide. we bar. the-moati vatiid and atweoUve .took of?-- .. ....... FURGOOBS; In the state) with Shawl, Velvet., Laeee, Kinbroiilery, Olore., Hcwtery lor grown fiijka aad the little one. 1 Boul.rard Bklrta. all etica and prlw, with - a aplendld awnrtment of inrrinu unaerwear ror i.aiiie, vnuuren ana Men', wear, with price tao.liw that wear, aahamtd to qnote them In print, at the leading IfiytrvodtUonaeof " . 1 . 1 "i ........ !)...:! BOSKOWITZ k LIEBER, 29 Market Street 1 319 Bern For Sale. i THE LITHIA WATEK ef Hie Virginia Bullalobjiriiigior the water of the old BuUaio Mprlngi, pat ap In box containing one Down Half Gallon bottle, will be anpplied to orde. iieniorou at ine oontuourg Depot or tue Klch aaenrt A Uwnrtlle Uallroad n e per b M in edranne. The I.ITIUA water ba meueai remarkable care. a. any npon reoord in afbctlon. of the Bladder and Kleiner, and In Unpopular It ha. aim glmi deolded relief In Gouty and tth.umetlo afteeUona, In the aieeane.or women ana in lypepala the water 01 nir ui npnng u regamea a. wen aign ( clflo. Addreaa . - tuomab r. ooonit, Buffalo Spring, Mecklenburg County, V a. aeptl sil-ltaam Fresh Famllyriflrocer les ' . "' FOR QUE FRIENDS . ... f . 's jf IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. i CASH IS TUB WOSD i ' .i Tliat can take our Entire Block. rTMiae Hui.A.A aka .l..i Ik. A i MRfnmntor Fin rinily Buppltcs in Wil- Money or even ArtiflcKl Cheokn wilt remove our pcriipifjn nomii in cnwii syfltcffi. Vv mx sole rroprietors or t&e -. f PREMIUMrAV08tTlft00R7 i f ' Agent, and Owner 1 " " -? ' IIKhT BEANDJ OF WUISRtt. ' Larr tortt of Fine Family Euppttea. ' Uieeee, Bnar, Uofleee, " Lie. Potaah. HoaD aid other Inc'dantal artlrU a i . CHAo, D. MYERS & CO. SAIKoithFrunta doe is 26 w IMJMKSTKK'H HI POfH ISPOH'FlCS AiiwooQ uuinin. iouio, ' , ijyona mtinarion, Arer'a Harmearllla. r I Tarrant'. Aperient, 1 Pain Kilter, - fU'i M nirtane Liniment. Orliira, Qolnlne, Morpblne. and a ref era! aumrtpient of Krugn. Chniloal, Fainta011 r aiuwuf xirunuv., uiniw, cku., a . . . UWajtN FLARNSiRfl,' J Wholeaale and Retail Drugghta nor gl ' .. f. :, i" T. , ' m " Potatoes"!. Potatoes .f- 150 BBLS,,l!AaLrK0S18 POTATOES. ror aaie nv M KEBCHNKB A OALDEH BEOS, dee 10 ao -.,. RiiHiiKi.i.A BiKiinai a -ii t liarters PosoripUoa aaitallt for PRESENTS. in our lino to oall early Jn tha mors- for as to wait on alt. t.. :i ATTENTION! i V .iu! APJD HOLIDAYS. YOUR .li .'3 .t .1 Shoes, Hats. - Trunks. CASH DOUSE" OF.-Jua,'- - U ..n4 ' " "tt w Ml Headq af Btu.4 -' 'l'J'.i..ifaiiLJ-L-ilLai..-LiljJu i i. k fin" it ' Merry Christmas I, Grand Opening and Handeome i .DleplavofHolldayOoodt. ' Xow is tho Timo! : " ; , -.1 C01110 Early t Chrictmao - CoodG ' ! ' '' illNDlESS VAnlaT M t . t . -. . . - ' ' ' . Choice CTnatert of Wataga OrefeV, ' Kr.nch Oonreotlon., Uyrnette, , - ., ., ),. i . Btillat aiekis Uwlyi-' C e r t . lUvau OrajiMa, . r ,r. ue yura., i .ft we vraoaaie, . k TorpanoM, , 1 and or ml nit. rv deif rlptlon ef Chrlarmaa Tree trlwe- Oome and be coBvlnoed of th. greet reduction to prices. '"At . , U A 13 South Vront St. COUPONS. J' : - Cilice Jrcasurer dfl CDHcctof, i 1 1 CITX OF WILMTNGTON, r V.. . . i December 29, 1874, 1 JA.HtARV COl'FOnil, payabWln this Olty, of Bond, or City of WllBlBtm,if. V.1, " w'ui be paid at the Bank ! Narvr Hail ') on and after Janaary lt. lttR; ' S , Abdiuoli Jaiiuary (Hold) Coupon., fayable k In New Tpik,' .a PMd. jlaiae oi. W will be .,., paid at th National Sack of the Be 1 tbU in , N.wtor. ,-, ' , ,u. -.,f ! . J :' t T. O. BERVbsS,' I'- . T.I dee IMl JL Treaearer, Ko Advanco in 'Prices. ,..,. we-ar. tciiingWoodi 1 rerjteaa. Oak and Bltik Jack, M to o eti Anh. is taSS " PerLad, ' PesCorft.n itr. ft 28 to (Kr 1 a 00 tot wti ' Mixed... .....CO to 70 , l()taaaii . Plue. ............. .t. t te tw . Out up and hanlcd at loweat pejlblteer -,- lionavmera can save meney by purchteln , at our yaid, jn 1 O.O.f AH8LIT4C0. OFFICE All tig are at aathorieed New totk Faetorr prlwj. Quality suaraoteed a. reprtatnledi 1 The ahaniaet Hafina in tha Rt.t r ,l n, oufj 'On. dealing ezolntlrelyiit Ihgar. . . I ; VHA, KUfKUWO A BKO.r - 1 , -.'j. .".lBth Freat atreet, ' df4-lm Wllni'ngtpB,Jt.O Cheese, 'Apples, - Pota'- .u.jiiotiscBaas'fe:'''' c 21 lbl. Bllwin Apntoj 41 C i rM;i,....-.l C Bbla. rr1 Buea etita.,, l,it,vV !.l &.! V1 !Bbta.Elo).. -iii'.it..iiil w irrwH nice. . - . tp.EWH!atH'U)Ejt BK(. ' V I ''se' u Lit a .?!,' i --n : . , ,, t, 1 ., L, j V J'i 1 HIJI.Ulkll,1 OtTBAMLH-U W. .Vlr I liu' A and Kora Scotia GrlndjtoEea, which are for aale Isw at the Mew Hard war. Store cf GILES & MUHCHISOK eo7 1 if A 1 1 ' -I

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