r v A, J 6s VOL. XSLV.-HO. 7 WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 8. 1875. WHOLE 110. 0,771. 1 X I - a 1 t WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. JAK. 8. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUAKTEIK OFFICE HOLDER AFIUID OF THE LOUISIANA COMMITTEE. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY LOST. Washington, Jan. 7. Dispatches from Radical bources urge tin Boating of Pmclibitck and tbe informal revg nitioa of the Kellogg Governtut nt by Congress in advance of the oommitU't' repoit On dit tlmt Louisiana office holders are afraid of the CoRiaiitt e. Sexati Passed a bill to remove the limitation restricting the circulation of banking associations imiiug notes payable in gold. LfousK Whit, of Alabama, asked leate to offrr a resolution tmlorniug tha aotioa of the President in the LoniBiaua affair. Objection wan made by Bronib-rg, of Alabama, and the resolution was not received, although the Democrat gen erally were demauding the yeas and nays on the resolution. WASHamoros, Jan. 7 Noon It is stated thai the Judiciary Committee reported formally on Parson's nonii nation as District Judge of Alabama Hochb The ptt tion of Irwin that til account of his henrth h be incar cerated elsewhere than in the commou jail, was tabltd. ' The beuate bill, to resume specie payments in 1879, passes without amendments by a vote of 125 to lOti. The proceedings against Buteed and Durell, in impeachment, wire tabled. Butler will force the civil rights bill to an inane on Monday. Senate The workmgmcn of Penn sylvania auk a subsidy for tbe Texas Pttoiflo Railroad Bbermau opposes any appropriation for pnblic buildings in the present state of the finances. Senators Gordon and Eilmauda made some personal remarks of a cou ciliatory character. UOTILUI. A SCOli'.lIEli FOB 6UEHIDAN FROM Til tt TIMES. w THE CALL FOR AN INDIGNATION v ." .: .MEETING. New Yoke, Jan. 7 Noon. The Times gays: "iniou a dispatch as that sont b Uoueiul Shuridau to tha Secretary of War, ou Tuesday, Is not warranted by any facts known to the public, nor could it sciacly be warranted under any oouceivaole cir eumstaiices. We have rmver published anything like it before, and wt must say noihiug like it Las ever been seen in a country umlera constitutional government It almost induces one to believe that the world has gonu back two or three hun dred years la theory and practice of gov ernment. Cromwell did indeed serve Ire laud pretty much as General Sheridan propose to treat Louisiana, but most of us were under the Impression that that sys tem had b en dalitiitely abandoned. We are at a loss to make out what are General SlierUan's ideas Of the Cousti.utlon under which he lives, or of the fuucUous of aiii- grees, or of the powers wldch may right fully be exarciseil by a Lieutenant-General In the army. Th e is a shorter cut still which General Sheridan might have recnm mended. It Is for the President to declare the Constitution and all Its amendment? animll 1, stiui up Congress, put down all tbe newspapers, and tUeu proclaim nun self Dictator with General She.il. !au as his Sole Minkt-r and Chief Executimirr It Genoial S had ii I vised thlscuuiso at once he would sc.iroely have shown greater Ig- norance or diirsynH rbr law than he has tlone in this most extraordinary, nuil we ' must add disgraceful, dispatch of January 6th." . A call (or a public mass meeting has been is8Ud hi this city to protest agalibt the action of the military in the orpauiza- tlonofthe Louisiana Legislature. William Cullfiu Bryan hjads the list of signers, fI lowed by other prominent citizens, mem . bets of both political parlies it sets forth that the Jj berties of the peqja'iyjLilitt.sijUlA of Louisiana have beei. violated by the military force under the command of tee General Government, and thst it is hit pel at I ve that the voiee of the people of this city and state should be heard in public '. protest. The meeting will be held some . evening of next week, either at the large - hall of onper Union or at the Academy of music. EUROPE. TROUBLE IN TIIE CABINET. FRENCH PROTESTANT NEWSPAPERS IN MADRID SUPPRESSED. PAIUS, Jan. 7 Noou McMabnn do cldea to-dav whether ho will accept the rei'unatlon of his Minister. ? London. Jan. 7 Noon A Times Paris dissolution of the Ahseinhly would remit McMal.on veiy popular and Influence ceneral election hi favor of his govern ment, the President will verj probably break off negotiations with the Lelt an forja a ulssoiution Ministry, com Doslnu the Duo Dt-Uroelie. M. Fortuu, M Depeyre.'Gen. Cissy, Dukes D. Cares and U'Audiltret. . . A Pasquier dispatch to the Telcjrra 1 saya that Castolar is preparing -'tp-quit Spain before Alfonso s arrival. Two Protestant iiewspapcrs have ben suppressed in Madrid. Kiing Alfonso has sent a telegram to Conovas del Lello, confirming the minis terial appoint int-uta and expressing the hope that there wiU now bu inaugurate. an era of real liberty, peace and forgetful n ess or past discord Maphid, Jan. 7 Noon One thousan Spanish troops will be sunt to Cpba the 10th Inst. Bkklin, Jan. 7 Noon Frederic William, Elector of Hesse, is dead. London. Jan. 7 NifjhtIt is ru morcd that Disraeli ia to be married, LOUISIANA. KKLL'-Hi'J'j FEUT1LK UOKK. in ai n THK ISANK l'RKSIl "K NTS AND CASHIERS BKASi KELl.i,;(; AS A LI Alt. THE PROS riUTE .STATE. PI3ACE REIGV3 iN WARSAW. .... -i. THE SENATE DISO'JS.UN'a THE SITUATION . NEW YORK OUT WILL PROTEST AGAINST THE OUTRAGE -LEADING REPUHLI CANS SIGN THE CALL. GOV. ALLEN DENOUNCES THE TYRANNY. Nkvv Oiii.KANH. ,lan. 7 No:m The lerk uf the fonner House, and Mtaeed bv fon."e on the present House, ays before ie l oiigressioiul ( oininitlee, that under u. 1) nobiaml 8 protection, he w as so Confused that he could not keep proper ally. Gov. Kellojj in evidemv, meiilionei! a uijii ising iueiileiit, which be aid bail on tiiotiglit to Lis knowledge, ol a plot asasMciate lb PreMili'iit, ibe eon-pira- ors m which were to rendezvous at ii.il- tlm ire. He exoueiaud White l.ei.. u-.i from any connection w i b tl ia i'n .. s.f iw he believed whs voiilititul u a ll-a th-ti arie.. At a meeting of the liank Pivsiilents il was unsolved: I hey read with p, foiiinl regret and f u rpiiaC, Geo. Mieri tan's dis- itebes to the Secreai oi War, mid that they prolcst. ,iaint the atseiiioii as tt II fouieled in fa. t, a'.d 'nrand tin in h-i he- conies 1h al cll in' us- Ntw Oki.kAns, Jan. H Midnight Tim City utiiii l. The Kellogg Leglhdure is il seSMou. No quorum in the .Senate). Wasbo'gton, Jan. 7 Night 0111 oial dispatches from New Orleans tay all 1H quiet. iu the Heuato, Louimaua affairs were robumed. Senator Hamilton, of Mary'and, said that tho Senator from Wisconsin, (Howe) had suggested; What are you going to dojf the President don't su ffer tho resolution ? lie did not In eve that the President would decline to answer, but what vr:ll we do if he on t give the rtasou for his action? The army does not belong to the Pres ident, nor to the Governor of any State, but it belongs to the people, and as representatives of the people, if the President uses tbe army for im proper purposes, it ke uses it against the liberties of the people, wo can stop his supplies, we can strip him of every soldier, we can leavo lum without a vessel; that is a remedy which we have against a despotic Executive, and our duty to the people might be suoh as to compel us to use it. Logau said he had reported, that in his opiniou there had been such frauds that neither Kallogg nor McEnry were elected, lie then repeated his ques tion to Hamilton, whether hu endorsed tho aotion of Penu in overthrowing the State government. Hamilton Why, thne was no state government to overthrow and the hon orable senator has so reported. Laughter on the floor and applause in tho gullerb. sargent, of California, gave notice that in case of further applause he would move that the galleries be cleared. ' Losan said, so far at be was con cerned, he did not tuiud tun applause u the gallery. It was the same ho had heard years ago iu the infancy of the rebellion. Hamilton, resuming his argument, said, as to the causes of the late war he would Bay nothing, but he would say to t he honorable senator aom ill inois, (began) tnat American ireeaort was boru in revolution and rebellion, aud the sympathies of the American people were always with thoso who rose against oppression ana tyranny. Great applause and hisses in the gal lery on the right of the chair. sargent moved that tho galleries oe cleared. Agreed to. Conklica appealed to the Senator from Caliloruia (Saigent) to so modify his o otiou as to aim it at thoae por tions of the galleries where repeated cUfcturbanceaa as tne persona who er neaia oy their predecessors in lfShO-61 were concerned he knew they wore pi notic ing their indignity ii,o i the rights of the Beuato, and he ha i no objection to iuterpose against turning them out of the gallery. . Tipton, of Isebraafca, s id no only wanted to flnii-h the speech commenced by the Heuator from New Yoik, when he (Conkliug) intimated that all this applause came from persona who sym pathized with the getleman from Maryland. ' He (Tipton) wished to remind him that much of the applase of yesterday was from those who sym pathized with tho party to wuicn the aentlemau (Conkliuff) belonged. Coukling said yes, and time after time when applause occurred tho Chair adaouished the gpllcres to be quiet. A fow moments ago when his friiuut liptiinil liinV (Til'lllll-1 lllllll II "I remarks there was applause in the galleries, and it was then that the Chair first adino lishedtho galleries To-d- T applause had b; fore locn be stowed upouthe gentleman from Mary laud, but uo admonition was givi u thou. It did not concern hi in (Conk linir) as be had not received the ap plause, but it did outioem tho deoeney and order of tho t-'enato The spec- titers should not beano wed to inuuder as if they wero in a theatre or a circus. A long' disiusHion followod about police iu the beualc, but without ac tion. ' ' Hamilton, in conclusion, urged that peace be given to Louisiana by allow ing the people of that State to rule over their own affairs, and ouoe more there would be peace throughout the land. .". Ravard has the floor. Tho Senate Ihen went into executive aession. New Yobk, Jau. 7 Night The following address to the citizens of j New York, dated Jauuary 5th, was is I Rued this evening: I To the VitizfHt of Srw York:. I 'To-day ' Associated Press dipathes of thtt veuU whi-m took place in our iiter city of ew Orleans, prtseut ' the most marked attack upon the I right of Amerieau citixenHhip, hich baa l- eu made siuce- the t'idablial m'ut i "( our government. The Legislative i b ily of a iter S'ate, peaceably -iM .iuled, has been, broken luto and diMersed by Federal troop, acting ; under orders from tho Preaidout of the United States. To give expression to the outraged feelings, wbish every citiisou of a free commonwealth iQUt tspeiieuce at a crime, happily in thw country so nnparallt liHl.avaioHtthe iin derlviog iinnoijileof our govtrnmeut, we oak ymi t sscetuble, irroeprctive of party ties, at CiapT Iustitute, on M mday eveuiug, January Uth, at H o'clock. (Siguod) William Oullen Bryaut, William H. Wiokham, William M Evarts, William B. Duncan. Augut Belmont, Mmton Marble, Wlntelaw Rw d, Cbarlra A Deau, Hylney Web ster, and other . The Evening Post (Rep ) n.vs: Tho interest in tli Mibject of tho propoa ed meeting is dorpening. Iu Wall street it is the principal topio of con vernation, and frequent expressions in regard to the wisdom and expediency of holding it ,,re heard Ex military men generally are opposed to it, and one, prominent broker, formerly an officer, considered it as entirely un called for. Tho conduct of Sheridau In? considered entirely justifiable as a subordinate ofllcer to the War Do parlment, and ho should be sustained, as far as he acted, iu a mi itary ca pacity,' whether his opinions on civil affairs were incorrect or not; Ha would net support a call for an ex pression of indignation, . ho ilid not think there were facts enough on which to base such a call. Tho opin ions of several bankers were solicit, il, a l irg.' majority of whom were in fa vor ot au earnest ud general fXpres sion of the disapproval of the course of the Administration iu its treatment of the Louisiana diilicu'ties. The de sire to sign the call tor a mans meet ing, though Keuerallv felt, was thought to be inadiqnatelv mot by those having the call in hand In quiries were made, when the subject wss mentioned, as to the places where the lists of the signatures could be seen, and readiness to Bign it was gen erally expressed. Fif y signatures of roejinent men so far have been ob tined, but a complete list of their names has not yet been obtained. liov. Allen soul bis message to the Ohio Legislature, narrating the state of affairs in Louisiana, aud urging some action. It was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. ELECTIIIC1S3IS. Depulatioii fromlthe New OrleausCham her of Commerca have been received at the City of Mexico, by the President, ami entertained with high festivities. Uov. Uaston a message to tha Mas- snchusetta Legislature oondemns the iullation of currency and encroach ment of Federal upon State richta. Nett debt of the State $9,000,00. I'ublic opimon demands a repeal of the prohibitory liquor law. iq ttio orgauiEatiou of tbe Indiana 8euate, the Republicans and Indepen dents compromised and divided the offices. The House elected a Speakor by a strict party vote of 6 majority over tho combined vote of the Repub licans and Independents. The organ ization shows a clear Democratic ma jority of 8 on joint ballot. ' Joseph B. North, alias Buffalo Joe, who murdered Goorge'.Jot 6 , Christ mas evening a year ago, was hanged to a telegraph pole by a mob or the night of the 30th, at Wallace, Kansas, The knot of the rope with which ho was hanged caught nt.der his chin and did not choke him. lie hung this way lor a long time talking to tbe mob. im ploring thom to release him, but ro- oe-vod only jeers in return. He did not die for over two hours, and nnatly froze to death. A full jury has been obtained in the Utieejf r scandal case. DIED. tn li' city, of coimuiupllon. on the mnrnlni ii t lie Uh inn , mi i it An.ii.wiie oi iiarar llv In itfd lo Httend tbo funeral this (FrMnT) .tfr- n nn at S o'clock, t St. Jame' thuioU, Hi-nee Jit Hcott'e Hill, !ew Hanover eeunfr, on tha v nn.g or jr sin Inst., hkckik. I'lmi! diiuglitor of Oapt. A. A. and Knima M )w Icj HI"i I mnnwia. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WI. CRONLY, Auctioneer. ' HY ORONLY A MORlltS. rviortg-ag-o Oilci By vlitueofa Morteage made and executed t'T the l ap rear Aiiouultnntl Awoelnumi the Me titiie' HnlUinu and Ijom A roolatlon will tor cash, nv fuuiic Auction, a', Kv change .'' rnr. In thu city, on Krlljr,Uio ''Ml mm., at ll o clock A m tne roi owing ucaira bin 'vrl Kainte with all Impr.ivi'nieiit thmeon, MuxtiMl In th lliiuuty of Horer, with In two mlka ot t!ie jj'y aL .WuiiiiixatAi T?rrtyTown IV tli OA PK KE AH Aimn;!'!,- Ti KAb iRDUNni." HeJiiHlnn at a alahe ai t Int Trfici Ion ot the i;onnt ruad with the nail lea Ing In the Work Houae, and rifnolng in n irwnn iim uonnii nma nmifl ti (r-Brwu. H-t. l;i rhaina anJ S llnka, 'ht-neo mjrtu aid ip-w c;'Kt Sehalna and 5H link", thenna north 31S dfiT-aseant' chilraand SH llnVa, thenre north li duirera 7 ch;iin- Knd8lnikn then o ut 'i Si Mi jritpn eait l:i htlni t lli wmt line oi tin lijht i.f way ol th W. A V.K K.no.. h ev nuth SHdfg'eet wcat, alonitaild line M J " '. i ",'' n I W 1 nka to the point, where thu road k Houe eromiea mt runt orwav th TK d"vreia weatwilhaa d rom 2-i ci-ntn to the luglnnin;, ronta'ttiifr 1'8, acrcc " uhab. n. r.'.t in, J ,n 8 Jodt(&2 Secand Treaa. ULLINOTON, ) New Hanover Conntv, H. 0,, tlannary 1S75. S l)i .l.it'BL: t presuro'i by 'his time that i y ll nn I our reader are aw ve or t're hiirnng i of mv m ither's hou-e (Mrs. K. M. Wllllnoisi ou : ( )e n'K't of the lU'b of last montn. pfimlt nic hrniigh the coluinra of the .l"i'tiI, l i rin'" my thsnVs t Mer. John Sect' an1 laioi v, H. l. Hntdeunx, W, B. Mrklnf. .(. r. I I iicii. . B 'ry r, Dick Williams t. ' "il'lam Molntlre, col , ()ron Moo. rul., and Kubt. (iitrrason, col., and other who rendered n hsri mice. " I I al icturn my sincere thanks to Mr John ! A. iIoih'S, and I'oi. W H. Larkinsand fa oily r-ir tueir aina nnepuiniv. nespec'iui.v, jan SImIAwU UBAlTAN WIU.IAM8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Heal Estate and Loan Association. 1 UK Sti MONTHLY INST ALLMKNT m four f!lr vrhte i in u4 Payable To-day at I no iiSo l Mio tvrUr? iml Tinnw, o.4i wtmei unt. lil'ireeivtl atMjr lli'Wtl, t.B. KU U. GRAND A NIC. UALL. 4T- ITY HALL. 31 Jaanarr II, IS74. lJi,i.' I.lat will b loan! ix Uoluiber.tr'i l.ie Bikik. f nw; (K'nttemett'i I,it at Jh W Lltipltl't Twhueeaxtura. ,., I rion oCmlniiMiDu for c(Htnr, IB rents. J IS. M. BROWS, ja S St ' Mntgr, ladies' Kid Button Boots, MISSES PEBBLE BUTTON BOOTS At Jlli M C.A. TRICE'S, ll Mikt ttUMt. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN. TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" N ECK TIES, 30 eta; worth 50 cts. FANCY CU WATS, VERY ' HEAVY MILK, fiOo; worth $1 10. NECK RUCHES VCRY CHEAP. II WOSOMI. I. Ol l Nllk Hook Marku, jaal linporled from ovonlry. GKKAT VAKIl'l Y or i.;t ami I sva Jew el'jr Hem Uolgnt. FttEfl MUPI'l.Y uf Z-.tiNrWblt6 ml B'l' k, Ifto i er os t oiurn, we. At WiLLSAMFYFrS, jauS Xtll.VUK t'OHNIill, For Sale ON ItKAKON ARIjR TKRMS, the Nallonal II' 1. 1 Kurnltu.'u, Hid au aiiixflctd Lta fur nyen yearn. Thin Ih 'ol.Rni-B tor a gni d Inventmiiiit, th HuibI U H t.t ihllmed Hud In a QuutlnUlug eon.iltlnn. For rurllmr tn'urm itlun. at tbe Nutlonul lloltil. iir to . Jan HI' ' t. A. SMITH A DO. Official Drawings -OK THK - i . - ... N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. Wilwikotow, K. .Ian. 1, Wl. . OLAS S9-DAWS A 1 T 3 S3 (U! 81 IS U VI 1 ill 15 BB Ol-ASS SSi-DUAWN ATI r. M.. 6 tA 4 30 IB 10 ) 19 M 74 14 1)1 41 78 58 01 AfS 3fll-lAW I J r. M 8 75 M 4.'l M 71 44 IS fit 74 l IS 76 W. H, HAKKHON, JanS T-tf ISTew Crop Cuba MOLASSES. gVHUT IMPUHTATION of tho SEASON, 229 Hhds. Now Landing exS tir. "linens Anna," mill for aie by WORTH & WORTH. jan 7-6t,n ad c) Horse Blankets. Haildtus, lUriiem, Trunks, Traveling Rag, Collar, Biiili', names, Trace Chains, Wtiii. Bnura, Horse Hruidifs, Feather Dusters, and a geuoral a"orlinrnt of Suldliry gomta-a cheap a goodeof same qua My can b bought in me state, ,1. K.TOPHAM Ut tin-it nov IT Southern Star Steel "TJiTW"- BK.ItliF.,'tw'rjCWTff8irT1i1tr' Flos, Expanding Hat lows, LultWat and Cucumoer I'oni, . All 'I' above A itlc.lt a ti ok rtploniaa at the last, Fair or tne nm ;rrrar Agrieunurai So'liity, and aie tnr sxie at oiaiiuiaotureia' nrluen, at Ihe hew Har lwere Mouse ef OIXr.8 A MUhCHISON", Jan 3 llanhvare, (Jims "TIslols, Cutlery; &c, At JAUOBI.H, No. IMarketMreet' NEOF THK IAKOEHT AND BEST AH Vlsortro-liis In the Htste. GUNS and PISTOL.8-A full Assortment. Real LONDON TWtUT GUNS. Revolver of the best model. HOftnun's Supplies. i ND VHir A KB nu YOt? THKN HAVE TIIK HV.SV YOU CAS 4iKT. JJNGt.lMH OUTlil'KV of our own Imuortiti in ,. t(X)PJ!K'!l TOOLS, POCK BT KMVK1 Best qnalitleeof J CAUPRNTKKt T001.H. ' MAOHINIS'l TiioLS. TCKPKNTINKTi'ObW, ILlt.lilN(i HAHDWAUK, CAKKIAOK Material, Bit ' Iron, liar ,4teel Farroers' Tool of every ilssjilptlo.i. (tADDLl.tt. II II !M KM, i.i:Aiiir:n,(;LAH 1.11M, IkOOIIN, WINDOW AND BliDIDI, . Sols Agency for 8UALKRV HASH 1 OtK. Tho great inducement we oiler In reduced prices, make it to the Intcres' if stl to call At the HARDWARE I KI'OT. NATHANIEL JACOBI. ISO. t MAltlCKX NT. deo 10 f WACOBlj I j AXE. MISCELLANEOUS New Publications ! Chaat aa It, Far Snow. Ilth DajiofMr Youth, by A nulla B. Id- warda. Tnm Bv Youih t'p. hj Marion tlarland. Porrgont CoBi luatoa, hi W. U. Ho lla. hluurr of Ui Jawtefc Katlon, by Palmer Ths H htrtai ot tha Manae, by Holland 1 rr alaal HEINSBERCER'S Uva Book an4 Mul 8tro. JanT Sugar, Coffee and Rloe. 20 Hhds, Demcrara. aud P. U. Bngar, 50 Bbls, Bedued Bngars, ' 200 Bags Ooffee, 23 T'oea Rice, raraaishy JanT KHUUttNliK & OAUHK BROS. Corn, Water-Cround Meal, and Flour. 2,000 Dush. Corn, 60J do Water-nrouud Meal. 600 Bbls. Flour, Foraalaby KKKOHNKK CAI.DrH HR"H Jant SELECT BOARDING AKD DAY.SCHOCL, HILLSBORO, N O. . 1 h" Thlru-Mrond Mmlon ol th Mln Nah and Mlaa Kollmik'a Si'IikoI win vian PrUIar, fabruaiy 5th, OIB, and roiillnur twmlj W'eka. Clrcnlara foiwariM un apillratlon, tss m lutws M. CRONLY, Auctioneer- By ORONLY ft MORRIS. Mortgage Sale. By viita ol and in narauanrs or th newer eonferred by a mortgage, mad and exeoutod on the 11 day ur April, 1NIII. a d r.-glnUired Iu thanfttoeol the llegiaterol Uotdaot Now Han oer county lnl) k Z Z , I'm'7, th ander igncd will all at TuMio Auoilon. for eah, at Ibu Maikut Houe Iu Ui illy ol Wilmington, onTUKSDAV.thelUlhdayor January, ISIS, ai iue uuur oi 11 n eiuca, in louowing lot or parcel iu 'ana aituatr, lying and Iwlug lu th c'ty of Wllmlngtuni Heglnnlngat a ijlnl in the Wenlorn Hue of Kurlh ViaUr atiwl 131 feet auulhwardly from the loutliorn line if Miilharry atreet, thence with the ald line of North water atreetanuihwaidly ftl feet, thenre weetwardly paiallel wllh aald Mulberry atreet M reet, tttMnne mulhwardly parallel with North Water tret4S feet, thence wrilwaid It parallel with tal4 Hulhirry ttreet IWfitet to the Hlver, thence northwardly with tha River Nraet. thenre taatvardly parallel wllh Mulberry an-vet SJ feet to Niirib Water atreet, the beginning, The earn being a partol lot I, Klork ISO, a per Turner' plan ot th city. Tbe ImproremenU coimltt or a large Three. Story br.ck BulliUng, fronting on North Wa ter atreet 41 SO feet deep, divided Into two Store on the Drat floor with oflioia aliore. All titled np In the beat ityl wits modern hoi. t Ing apparataa, So. In rear a larg (rare Warehooae( itorle high) 8.1 1 S3 feet. Alan, a larg frame balldlrg on tha wharf 40 1 SO teet. Ibe wharf, OS reel front, la In good or dor and water luOlolent for tho largrat veaael to lod. WM. H, HAM,. deo it KM-aodttAodt For Sale. THE LITHIA WATER of th Vlrdnlk Buflalo Hprtngs oi U water ot tha eld Huflalo Hprlngs, iat up In boana eontalulng ena Doaaa Half Uallon bottle, will be npiled to order delivered at the dcotuburg Depot of th Rich mond A Danvlll Hallroad a- per box. to be paid In odvanoa. Th LITHIA water ha made a remarkable euresaa any noon record in affections of the Bladder and Kldneya and In Dyspepsia. It haa also gWnn decided relief In Gouty and Khaumatle afTcotlona In tha diseases of Women aud la Dyapepata th water or in oia npring u regaroea a won niga ipa- omo. Aaares THOMA" F.OOUDK, Hnnalo Hprlnga, Mecklenburg County, Va. ept4 ill-tam Our Living and Our Dead, Prospectus of 2nd Volum. Niwuaa.N. O., AngustlO, 1874. Orm Liviko o Ova Dr" will here alter be tinbllshed a a Heml-Monthlt Man tine, containing 48 page of reading matter, at ay.a per yearm aarance. f or the Information ot those who are not fa miliar with this enterprise, I state that the . bier objert or the Magaalne will b to piihllsh the Kecord tlmt Nortl tjarollnaand her gallant aoldiers made In the late "War between the Htato,ut gather the material 4bf the one 'of me ruiore nistonan, aim to iierpetuate Uia memory ol thoes hrare men, offlcer and prlrati , II ring or dead, who shed Imperishable (lory nnon their natlre Htste Inaddltioato the Wan Haoonn of Noaia OAROLiNA.ihe Magailao will contain sketobe of every section, eouniy, city and town of tl State, written by competent and well-lnlnrm d person, tkui making it pn-tminrnUy a Stall ptnadictU, in which mil claif ear cilitant tKtmld lakt inlmit and priiU. Tha Magaaln will take the plane of the newspaper, having same title, published by m dnring tne past twelve months. The Hrst number will be issued Wednesday, September 9th, IH74. In the meantime, I re. pectfiilly ask old subscriber who desire to re new their subscriptions, and all cthrrs who wish the Magaalne, U remit promptly, a the change and Improvements require considerable outlay, and ready motuy 1 noedtd. (I. 1). POOU Addrees, till further nolle,-"Oua Litimo ad Ora I'ead," fiewttern, ti. (3., or Raleigh, North Carolina. tuflhanges will please copy. ang is Itm Cleveland Banner. B KTWEJCN TUB HFTKENTH OP JANU. arv and tle first nf February, 1TR, we will re. sm thr pub list Inn of the "i I.EVn.A M HAN Nt it," at hhelny, oiling out all unei pired turnis ol subsoribirs who have paid, art vertlalng oortrae'a, Ao In li u of the ima'l 2U-noluk,n sheet, prlnli-d on an old press, and with tjpe, as heroteinre, we will give to the puhlh- a urge 8'J column parer, an eatlta new ou fit, just liom the fnundrv.at th low subscription prlt of 1 B0 a year; M cunts for tlr months: M rent for thrta month. We Intend to airlvo tothantaaost to make the enterprise a grand success, a bl'nieg to the country, au honor lo the town, and a pr Id to etery nlilsen of theeauntv, Nemrmher. too, that pay nil Ostag. We want i mi sub rribrr at onoe, and we feel eoi.fl'cnt that will get tbrm. ' Tbe t'aroll' a Central Ksllway bring rw Complett'd through to Wilmington, and ihel bv bilng the wnrtrrn termlnut, the"Banner" will o the best advertising mrdlnm west ef Wilmington; and we do, In particular, oall th an-nllor ot th Wilmington merchants and linstnesa men to the "Haimrr" as an advertu Inn medium, and most rearKitfully licit their patronajr. ' W will give all the new and keep n with the times in every report, hi rtiey avcrso fast. Ttimi, strictly, rata in adranrt. Jan 1 8-tf DURHAM A l!!!?08 virnmun nmne GOTTF,Nr lfCUUinU brHnUtland prlnUd to ityl ai JOCi &mal ornos HEW ADVISTISiaUTTS. Denv Liifist mas T ALU BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MAEIfET STEEET. Santa Glaus1 Headquarters DRY GOODS of Kvsry Description eultabuYir , , " HOLIDAY PRESENTS REMEMBER THE TOYS rr New York itoamer this day. LADIES' MOSCOW BEAVFJl ENGLISH YALKINO JACKETS, buiUMo fur , .'CUiaSTMASlllESENTb. Just rweivml the Liircefit Line of BLACK ALPACAS we havo etor lind. Ytkaa at leant 10 prr ?4T Wfi a.lviat) !l who want uuvtlilmr ing, m w got no brw it is imiHiblo BROWN & RODDICK, dr it ATTENTION ! FOR THE FAIR BUY DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, , AT THE "CHEAP CASH HOUSE" OF JL. FRANK & BR0., MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY THOUSAND leagues;' "A FLOATING CITY,", "BLOCKADE RUNNERS," "MYSTERIOUS ISLAND," "DOCTOR OX," 'EIGHTY DAYS' TOUR, Ao," , By Juloi Verne. "DRAPER'S LNTELLECTUAL DE VELOPMENT OF EUROPE;" " YESTERDAY WITH AUTHORS; " 'HITHERTO," A STORY OF YESTERDAY, By lire. A. D. T. Whitney. AU for aal a tha Oitt Book Itoub. By OON0LEY & YATES. J B-tl THE SEASON, JOW W1CLL ADVANCKD, f INDS I'D Al with a larg and varied Dvoek of Dress Goods, VELVETS, FURS. SILKS. BLACK ALPACAS, AU'1US8S ULiUTH, EMPRESS DELANE8, CASHMERES, POPLINS, gnd other fabrics on hand which wc anothr.rJSeamn.Kai in order to noil them now while they are all NEW, NICE ANO FASHIONABLE, we har determined to reduea ah nrineaand sell them at coat sooner than miss aala, NKW GOODS RECEIVED by LAST 1 he Ldlear Invited to all and examine our stock btfore making purchase. 011 early while the stock la full and the asaortment oomplete, at tha ladlnc Dry Ooods Housi of - DOSKOWITZ U LIEBER, 29 Market Street. 807 dec 17 OFPIOH Gardpn City Cigar :Ma)infactorv NEW YORK. AlK'liisrs at authorianl New York Factory prloe. Qualltv guaranteed aa represented. The eheaiirat Hons in the Htaie, and the Only one dealing evoiuslvoly In tllgars. CHAt. KASI'KUWIt'Z 3k BKO., Vq. thoith Front Street, deoS-lm Wllming'on, N. (J. Linen Shirt Fronts JjTRtt CENTS; BLACK SILK BOWS at 5 cent.; CIOTn FACED COLLARS t 1 cent; CHINCHILLA TALMAS, $10 CO; CHINCHILLA OVER-COATS $10 ; BLACK CLOTH TALMAS $12 5 EVERYTHING VERY LOW PRIf , J, MUNSON & O CITY CLOTHIERS, JanS ft- ' nniuTinn Kit ATI, Y KXKOUTKDAT rnin I IIIU th hortat aotlo and on k most raaaooabl tat at. and Happy lev Year LITTLE FOLKS la fact It ia a mixture of ev(ryUui,, rent, low or tlnti our former pricea in our lino k h!1 narlv in tha rmrn. for ih to wait fu 45 Market Street. ATTENTION ! AND HOLIDAYS. YOUR 17 Market Street 1ISCELLANE0U8. Closing Out Sale ! aJWINO to out intended DUaolutlea rjupartnershlp, W will aell Our Eutlr 8 took or CLOTHING, at greatly reduced prion. The Stock must be sold within th nut ility day. But for Cash only. iDAVID & WEIL Jn - Tptacco. LcaT aim Cotloii Plant BKMl-MOMTBLT. Largest circulation of any Trad Journal tn th southern State. Boblotlptloa II lr annua). , Tobacco leaf antl Cotton Plant acrrLiuKT wiactr. Over Vlv Hundred gr at ul tone clroutattoa. Post paid ipeolinen cople to Post tflice m adjoining countie ol tn Carolina. J. E, HORRID, deoM-tf Proprietor. WINCHESTER'S HTPOPHI8POUTES Attwood't gulnlneTonto, Lyon' Katharlon. Ayer'i Harsaparllla, Tarrant' Aperient, Pam Killer, Mustang Mntment, ' Oplnm, Quinine, Morphine, and a gera. asaortrnent of Drug), Chemical), Paints, Oil, Tarnish, Brushes, (Haas, &c, at UHKKN AFLANNER'S, Wholesale and KtaU Druggist novtl il NOTICE. MEROH A NTH AND OTHERl WHO PAY a lloenao tax, are requtrtd by 1 aw to 11M on the 1st day of January, and lor failure to do M, the Uwmake It the duty of th Register ot Deed to donbltax all delinquent. All In terested II1 tak notice, come up and I let aud payaatt ilaw require. OKO. W. BOUBDEAUX, J tu 8 -ft t Regliter of Deds. COUPONS. irl'MmsiHJollcclof; CITY OF WILMINOTON, ( Decombr29, 1871 S JAJiVAUX' rorpONN, payable In Una City, of Bond of City of Wilmington, N. O , will be paid at tbe Bank ot New Uan over on and after January 1st, K5. , And suoh January (Gold) Coupon, payable In New York, en Bonds (tutu of 1874) win be paid at the National Bank of the Bepibll ! NV.W Tor. - ;-; .'"' ' ' T. C. SERVOSS, deolD-lw . , ,,VI Treasurer. No Ad ranee in Prices yr 1 are sell lo g Wood: . -: . - - ; Psr load. lPerCo-'i. Oak and B k Juk, K to so et. S ?tt to a w Ash Vtof9 tOO to I '-A Mlxnd flOtoTU I4UiIM Pin 70 - f 13 Cut op d hauled at tnwe't iioolbl cosl. onsii i r can av niomy by purchsilng at our yv I. Jaal O.Q. PAKHHTACO.

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