i (Hi iiw ..; fl tJ; vSV 1 HL ..A fi it VOL XX1V.-N0. 8 WILMIHQTOH, H. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1875. WHOLE no. G,772. , Vii li ii In Journal WILMINGTON. N. C. : SATURDAY, JAN. 9. .1875 BY TELEGRAPH! t LOUISIANA, THE PROPOSED MASS' MEETING IN NEW YORK. A SCATHING DENUNCIATION EltOM TOE LEADING RE PUBLICAN PAPER IN - THE COUNTRY. BENArOR BAYARD'S SPEECH. TUS PRESIDENT CALLED ON FOR PAPERS AND IN STRUCTIONS. BUTLER BRINGS IN A BILL FOR A NEW ELECTION. BOSTON MOVING FOR AN IX- DIGNATION MEETING. ... Naw Yohk. Jan. 8. Noun.-r-Tlio Herald bos a double ltmddd editorial tailing attention to the call for a meet ing here Monday evening, with inrlu utial nanit attaobevl thereto. It says: " The President oanuot aDftot to ignore or undervalue such a demonstration anpportud by aneh eminent names. Xbo Presidou i bound to py wrnie regard to, the public opiuiou 'of the "country, v He-oituhfnot to lo timr? dent that be in right when lie best Ventimeut of the beat olaaHt condemus his. It is at leut bis duty to puuo aud rtfluot, aud to re-rtauniiie the grounds of hi nupfeccdoutod action. The Prenident will aooa see that hn is not apportd by the BMitiment of the country, aud that hi unparalltd course will arouse the approbations of th people as bo other publio event ba done ainoethe firing ori Fort SurAfer. This reipeotable and influential cull ought to convince the President 'b t there is a limit beyond whioh no pub lic officer in thi republican govwn government can go with impunity." The New York Times Bays: "Wo learu from out correspondent at Wash ing that the President will send in a message to Congress, to-day or to morrow, on the Louisiana difficulty, and tbat it will be unusually pointed. We hope tbat ft will not be pointed with bayonets, like General Sheridan's dispatch, which eeema to b a ve pro duced an outburst of indignation lrom oue end of -the oouutry to the other. Borne of the people in Washington must be curiously iooounetnt, to guge publio feeling, or they would never bave allowed t hat mad dispatch to bave Been light. It is muob to be desired that some mombers of the government would tako paiuB to ac quaint themselvee with the toue and temper of the country. If the Cabi net had been prudent it would have put General Sberidau'a ferooions mes sage on or under the table or into the fire, and aaid nothing about it. In stead of that Geueral Bolknap tele graphs back to Sheridan saying, 'the Preident and all of us thoroughly ap prove your course,' which was one of the most unnecessary and foolish blun ders ever commmitted by the present government. We hope that President' forthcoming message will be a little more creditable to himself, bis Cabi net, his party and the people of tho United States, who, if they also ' thor oughly appro e V of SheriitanTi oourso, Would atand disgraoed befornthe civil ised world," ,' Washington, Jan.8 N.gbt Sbnitb Louisiana matters having been re tained Bayard and West spoke ' Areeolution was passed calliogfor pa pers and instructions regarding Louis iana. The amendment leaving it discre tionary with the Jt'resiaetit u mrrjHn information, and another, by Morton, asking for information about the or ?anization ., and objecta of the White ' inngua iron jmmu, ii . ... -" adjourned. Ia the Houie to-day, the committee on private bills reported Butler introduced a bill for an elco tion in Louisiana. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. It providosfor an election to be held on the 4th Tues day in May next for Gover nor, Lieut. Governor, - Secretary of State-. Attorney General, Au ditor of Publio Accounts, Superin tendent of Elections and Members of the Legislature. ; that the President shall immediately appoint three suita ble persons lo superintend auch elec tion that they shall immediately ap point two oouipetent and suitable oiti xens of opposite political parties an State Registrars, who shall cause a new and complete registration to be made of all the legally qualified voters of the State ; that the State registrars and superintendent shall in like man ner appoint tw6 supervisors of regis tration in each parish, and that the superintendent shall in like manner appoint two commissioners of election for each election precinct; withinten aayriafter 'theTday of election the State registrars to open the returns in the presence of thesuperinteudent and to examine. canvass and compile the same, ana the superintendent is thereupon to make publio proclama tion of tne result of the election in two newspapers of geueral circulation and of opposite polities. - The Legislature thus eleoted is to meet and organize on the 2nd Monday after tho promul gation of the result of the election and on the first Monday after such pro mulgation the Governor, Lieut. Gov eroor and other State ofnoers shall en ter upon the disoharge of their respec tive offices, aud the government thus established ft to be recognized by the . United States Government as the legal government of Louisiana. The TJaied States Circuit Court of LoniHihua U to have exclusive, jurisdiction" of all crimes and offenoe's msdo punfkhabla cy me act. n aumorizes tue presi dent to employ the army and navy to maintain the public peace, to sustain tLe oJHoer under the act, and to en force the provisions of the act, and at y act of an officer of the SUte of Louisiana or if a State Court interfer ing with the execution of the act is to be treattnl as absolutely void. New Yobk, Jau. J 8 Norm The call for a tuaaa meeting at " Cooper Insti tute, relative to the Louisiana toubln, has received the signatures of 125 prominent chipping firms at the Mari time Exchange, np to 10M a. ui., to day and niiiuy still arts eoraing for ward to Append their signatures in the various exchanges. It is expseted that by Monday Ut xt the liat will contain evoral thouanil mono. Bostox, Jau S-Njht The Jour nal nf thin finuikm Oavs that . tens are being taken to bold a meeting m Fanueil Hall, to protoht against tho interference by th military in the organization ot the L'misana Legisla tare. The Keling is very stroug, not oaly among those who are opponents of the administration, but those who are counted upon as among the nip -poitersof the Administration., IlEAMJllAttTMlS. RAILROAD COLLISION AND BURNING OF THE MAlIiS. WAMaiNG'OH, Jan. 8. Noon The NewYoik Exprrfaa train, lii-nMj, exl lided with a freight . triu at trine o'olock, P. M., yeftt rdny. , The switch tender ia blamed. Thu mail mid ex pre8 cars, with thn mail egeut, Fy mau, were burned. No p;isengera wore seriously linrt. Tho eutiro nor' It em mail from Waahiugtoo, iuoludiog the accumulated Java' in wis from tho south, excepting one pouch and cau vans for Baltimore, wore destroyed by the burni"g of the postal Ciir. ,; It is believed that the a(?eut, Mr. Fnymun, at crushed to dath before the car took fire. He was a youug muu about SO years of age aud a sou of the load poHtofllce agent in ttiis My Washisoton, Jan. 8 Night Sas TK The Naval Appropriation Bill passed . . Wahhinoton, Jan 8 Night Moj, Dick Wiutert-mitb is here for the Win ter.': Irwin vent to tho city jail to-night. Col. S. B. Holabird, who was Chief Quarter Master at New Orleans during the late war, baa beeu under examination by the Soutnern Claims Commission for the past or 5 days in relation to many claims filed by persons in that section of the country. House A certificate tba confine ment in a common jail would seriously affect Irwin's health, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. A motion that pending investigation by the Committee, Irwin remain in the custody of the 8ergeant-at-Arms, was lost by a vote of 86 to lULTDiOltE. MARINE DISASTER IN PORT. LOSSES ON THE trtJRNED TO BACCO WAREHOUSES. Baltimouk, Jan. 8 Night The ship Grey Eagle, owned by Thomas White ridge & Co., of this oity, capsized and sunk this morning at OiiaW harf, foot of Caroline street, while biing towed across the slip to the opposite dock. The tug Vigilant was carried uuder by the ahip and now lies under her. The top spars of the ship were carried away. , Her damage wiU prob ably amount to several thousand dol lars. No lives (oRt. The total losa by the burning of the tobacco warehoubes last night is now estimated atftloO. 000. S25.0O0 of which .is stock. The iusurauoe on the build ings amount? to 885,5'K) The follow ing are among the losing companies: Royal, Loadou. 10,000; Mtn; Hart ford, Scottish Commcicial, Continental,- New York, Home, New lork, North American, New York, Girard, Philadelphia, Lycoming, Pennsylva nia, Commercial Uuion, London, Phrenix, N Y, 85,000 each; liepnDiic, N Y, Mechanics, N Y, Aimenia, N Y, Westchester, N Y, $'2,D()0 each; Ken ton, Kentucky. 83,500; balance in home compnnies. The insurance on Block amounts to $150,000, divided among the following wimpnuies : Scottish Oommericial, $10,000; Royal, Loudon, $6,000; Home, Connecticut, 87,500; Liverpool, London 4; Globe, 825,000; Fjreraen3i.BjdtimojeJ1.3jOO()Phfnoix,, Brooklyn, .AStna,' Hartford, Hanover, N Y, Lycoming, Penn., Hoffman Fire Ins , St. Joseph, Fire k Marine Ins., St Louis, Old Dominion, Richmond, Vs., 85,000 each; Traders, ' Chicago, 81,200; Lynchburg, Virginia, $4,000; Home, N Y, and North British, $3,500 eacU; Continental, N Y, I aperial, London,' New York 4 Youkera, aud Hamburg & Bremen, $3,000 each; Wil lianwburg City, N Y, $4,000; Fire As eooiation, Philadelphia, 83,800; Lon don Assurance, $2,600; Orient, Hart ford, $2,000; Hartford, Connecticut, $2,200; balance in home companies. FLORIDA. TRYING TO ORGANIZE THE LEG ISLATURE. TALLAllAHimg," Jul. 8-Night ThTf morning a Republican delegation wait ed upon Acting Governor Stearns and requested him to take a seat in the Senate as Lieutenant Governor and organize that body, but he declined. The Senate, failing to organize to-dar, adjourned till 12 o'clook to-morrow. r The Assembly completed its organi . it.inn to-dav.most of the officers elect ed being taken from tho ranks o( the i Liberals and Democrats, niter whieli it adjourned. ' ' ' . i. ' i , MaoMAHON'3 EFFORTS" TO FORM ANEW CABINET. - Lircj has deolared his inability to, form a uew Cabinet. President Mao-, Mahon baa now applied to M. Dafour to nnaermse inat taba. . ; i When they hang you in Texas yoa I uiy uauyeu auu Yuvuiuijr uw, (iOTHAM. SERIOUS FEARS FOR A MlssiNQ STEAMER. v Nbw York, Jan. 8-Noou The ateam-tug Speedwell is reported mi" oiog. She bad on board 30 periou, aud was engaged in som Government work es-nneetd with torpedo manufac turing. As she baa not arrived ' at Newport, where she was bound, it ia leared tbat she has been lost, with alt bands. &Nw Yona, Jan. 8 Night-Vast crowd pal no jury yet in the TiUoo Boeoher oas. .ALABAMA. TES IT MONY BEFORE THE IN -VESTIGATIN( COM M I T 11'E. , MoNxaouKKr, Jan. Night Messrs. Luttrell, Cobnru and Cannon were in Eufaula yesterday. They ex amined muny witnesses a to the al lged intimidation, riot, ou hist ebx'tion day; alao one Republican to the S'ate dt-ht, whose statement in writing was received by the Commit tee. Another Rcpuhlicuu witn s tiled a 1 ug , doJutmut as to the relttivn voting srrr trui oi the two parties and charging th.i tlin lUmocrata polle d illegal votes. -" " - The Committee reaolitd bere thia moruiug, but left imnndiatcly fcr Wnahington, aud will reach that oity ou (Saturday moruiug. . The Suvauitkh and Mempbia Ruil Kiad ; returned the State bonds en dorsed bv the Btateto the amount of $1,000,000, aud took iu lira ttraight toud4 for one-fourth that amount.: . ELKCTUUISJIS. TIih Demoeittta carried the Mem ptii munioipal ele tion. - - ' The Committet'S of the Northern and Southern Prbyttmn Cbnrches, to consider exiNtmg differeuiM'B, have organized at Baltimore, with Dr. Wm. Brown, of Richmond, as President. The Maine Republicans, in caucus, have nominated Hardin as U. S. Sen ator; and those of Michigan, in oaucue, have nominated Chandler. DiHputches from Lansing, Midi., say tbat Chandler's opponents do not concede hia re-election. PttOUABlLlTIES, Orrict SiqnaIi Offiokk, ,r I United Btatm Siusal Hbkvich,V f WASHUiOTON, D. C. Jan. 8. ) Dnring Satnrday, in the Boats At lantic States, partly clondy weather, with poNsible occasional raiu and winds gradually yeering to the west and north, is probabli, followed by rising barom )leiand falling tempeiature. 1 o the Gu'.f States, rising baiomutr, tem perature falling below the freezing point, except posmbly in tbeBouthern portion of the Eastern Gulf States, brisk and high northwest to northeast winds and partly cloudy weather, ac companied by occasional light rain or snow. For Tennesssee, the Ohio valley aud the Lowor Lake region, cloudy weather, with snow to-night, followed on Saturday by rising ba rometer, deoidedly lower temeratnre, brisk to light winds, veering to the weat aud north, and partly oloudy weather, with light snow in the last section. For the Middle States and New England,' falling barometer, ris ing temperature, winds shifting to southeast and southwest, cloudy weather and possibly light rain or snow, followed in the former district by rising barometer, rapidly falling temperature and brink or high north westerly w inds dnring the evening and night. . Nvhenck'a Mandrake PI1U Will be found to powteM tboM quailtlat neooit- Krjto Ihv total eradtoatton of All bltlluuiat t eke, romit to rtnrt I lie tecrol.onn of Ui liver, and give a hel'hr Ume in thr f tiro n leui. inaeea, ir u no oruinwy am orerj in tuoilicitl cluceto bar lurentwi remnlv fur (hew nubborn cunplalnli, whlrh deTelopall the remit prolncul by a hefetol'orp freo dm of ealomul, s mineral Juitlv draadott binin kitul, ami ckuowlcflel to b dM ui tle to tlin'xii nuto the liumn eyiem. 'J Lt the propertlHi of . rlal TKfettb'ri rnm prise ml lh virt e of calomel wittiout tin liijunoii, tonileiii'les. la now an eil i Hie.1 fart, rt-tid-ied inili-p. itablo byMientlttr. rrnarohet; ana tbni who ue the Mandrake Pills will be tally rati. Bml I bat tbe beet Btedlclnea are thneo provided bv nature la tba eoaimm berba and root of theflilrta I'heee pllla open the bowel end correct M biliou derangement without hhIIibI'du or anjr of tbe Injurloua ettvt of ralomel or other IHiiaoi a. Tbe aectellou U bilo Is pioiuoUxl by ibon pllla an al l be en by tbe altered color of Hie amola and dlatppaa'lng 'f therallow cmplnlon end elraiog of tb tongna.' Amide iilreetiut l'.u accoianj each box of pllla. i v v lTpiredonly by J. H Hchenok & ''on, at heir pt' rlpal office, corner la th ai.il Arch oe. Hhllclelphla, and ttreale iy all drug-glad-and dealer. Pi Ice 28 cent per boi. NEW ADVOTISEMEN1S. , Cuba Molasses! ' I .i ' 3 : i JUST ARRIVED, A CARGO OF "BRTCttT" NEW CROP CUBA MOIM, . which wo offer at loft Market Irlce ' ALSO BO HBD91 SUGAR HOUSE 200"BlJ,l SYRUP. -i s.- ' Tor wUby ' ' M , , , tai .-.. ,. s mttH i bh oaldrk br h : J"8. ' . , irnniun nionc gotten rj ami prln teil IB ha journal orriua NIWADVERTlsmiNTl. The Regular , A NTJALMIRHNUCr tb l.utn ..f A uKAt. tKMErrBt Will be held at 'be Riionia or the WllalniUm Mbrarv Am j ilieii, on ttuadar evenln. 3ah. r lltli.atljj elof H. . I, .ION fc.it, J4it verciaiyaad Treaaurer, Official Drawings .: . ' Of THIS " ... N. C. BENEFICIAL AJSOCIATION.' ,. i t.i ,i .ii '. j WijaisTwa fr a, Jan. T, W. . ; . ,.,.Ua.vpaawa tin. as so tu ti ta it it i t tb tt ct ' ' , ; tu,8 stt nuAwi, ar i t. u. ' W M t Its bi M n J t I S 0 4(1 18 ls5 ,i Jf iU ii ) t .14 , Jan a tr rl- ih GRAND ?t'irr) '- I VITY HAM, Jannary II, STJ. au'' tint a III be lonnj at lluiakber1 HMk btire;ltfiitluuifn'aI.W't at .la. W Llp Ufa Tol m More. 1 ' l'rico of mlniMon f-r efivrtatnr, TS ftuta. .148. M. nKOWN, , j"" 8 st Manager. Ladies' Kid , Button Boots, MISSES PEBBLE ' ' BUTTON BOOTS At Jnua CA. PIUOE'S, , 3; Market MUeat. TWILLEl) SILIv "nND30Ii" 1 r NECK TIES, 30 oU; worth BOcts. FANCY ClUVATS VEuV , HEAVY SILK, 60o; worth $1 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. HAKUSUlf K LOT ! Milk Bok . Mark, Jimt Imported front GttKAT VAtilKI V of Jet and lava Jew - '7-1 Jteahjas ff v ' FRKWH VPVL' tt Zrliyri-Wblte and Hlai'k, I6ti t er p-, Loiora, 'o, . WILLIAM FYFE'S, JR ia EXCHNUK COIIKKII. For Sale QN RE lSONABIiK TICIIM8, tbe Natlnti Hotel Furniture, aid nn iincxtlret l.eo f.ir fevca jeura. Thle la cbani'e lor a gmd Itirenlmeni, aa the Hotel la we'.l eattbllahed. ami In a flourlahlng condition. For fnrtlmr In'ormatlou apply at tbe National Hotel, or to jab S t-tf D. A, SMITH A 00. New Crop Cuba MOLASSES. F 'HUT IMPORTATION of tbe 8EASON. 229 Hhds. Now Landing et H hr. "IKna Anna," and ... - -. . f I1 or iwle bv WORTH 4 WORTH. Jan 1-t(n ad o) 7 Horse Blankets, . t V-v f f 1 Madd!, Harnett ?nmk,'rali)( t', voiiara, nriaiea, linmen, l rnco naina, wmi par. Hwm Hrhee Feather Punter, anil i ge serai anaorraient at gxldlexy goodie a cbeapai gordaof name qua ily can bt bought J II. ,110 O IMS J. B.TOPHAMAOO. nov IT I4-na-tl Southern Star: Steel . . . -W)1.0WS. RKKE TWO-Hltt8K8TF.ri. Plow, Expanding Hairows, tlultlratoN, and Cucumor Pumi. f All the abnv Articira tuOK iripiomaaat in laat Fair or tbeSrw OBiwiar Agrlciltural Society, and are tor le at Manulaoturai' tirlow, at tbe Iew Hanlware House of ' , r OIl.KH A MUHCH1SON, I Jan S; .. "..". .V i If save, money;:;; TJY BUYINO YOUR ORO0KRIES FOR . ? ''' CASH."' , , , F eah Coods by Every 8tearner . - s1 PURE BAKER WHISKEY, 'tTRAlDIES, WINE8, Ac. FLANNER k 8HURE, 81 North Front Street. Janl First National . : Bank of Wilmington. WrtiMiKdroNT, Jan. 1st, 1875. rJVIS RKOCtA aNNUAUMKKTINtt OF tho Mockbolder of lbl Bank for tbe election ot I Ireciom will be heln in tbelr 'Banking Hoaee on I U ti , the tilth luatant, t It o'olock A. M. ' ' ' " " A. K. WALKER, Ceahler. janl r : ' i S-r,e,oI10lttlt Powder, Shot and Caps: 850 Kegs Rifle, Sporting and blasting ' Powder, ' " ;' . -7:' - - 7 ; ; 250 Bags Shot, 200 M. Caps, ; i GO M. Feet Fuse, ' jForile by Jant KEUOUNBR A CALDIK BROS. . MISCELLANEOUS . New Publications ! 'liaUt, Paraat Meitw ' la IhtUatfofMy Tiwith, by nifll W. fri ward. ' - from amy lauth t'r V Marian Harlaa4. Pongan Ci(luak, br W.ll. Hovell ' Htttory 0 tbe Jawlab hallno. by Palaier Tbt M trM olloMaae,by Holland. alaal . ) b HEirjSBERCER'S I.U Hoek aad Mwhratme. : W - r,, ,. , : SELECT MMM AED DATiSCHOOL. . S HILLtBORO, N. C. ' th Tbirty-aeciind eeaaloa ot tb Nli Na-h ml Miea KAil' School will npeb Kil.Uy, rvnruvj etn, irio, aaa roniinua twinty wrraii. ? Cireul forwarded on 'pl1itloii dei .-. WW Itxwftw " M. CRONLY. Auctioneer-' By CRONLY k MORRIS. Mortgage Sale. Be virtue of aud In tvuraiiatica 01 Ilia i.ttw. r con(rr1 bt a muitcaie, mail and eieciiti d on in nidi u oi aprii, l.u, a d rvginterwl In tlim flln ot the krjm'e,rot iieeilKul Now Naja- otot oounty lu II aik Z '.., pigu til, tho undut Ignrd will re'l at I'ublto Aoutli n. for P-nh.rt the Maikot llou Id tlio uity i W'IHhiBitM, ou TlTKMI) t , the Will d-.y ot January, ln)3, ai, iu amir oi ii o i iwe , me to tiiwn g 11 .,r pareel of and fltnafr, tytn anl In , g m (ho city of Wilmington: Heylnnu g at a iwlnt In tbo Wetorn line of Nmili U r lit teat aotiMivranriy iroin trie Miutticrn line , Mulberry atrcct, tliene wil l Hie Mid line of North Wnlor treetaouthttanllv at li ft l !... wietwnrdly pa'ili'l with aid Mulberry mroi i M futt, tiionue aoutbwaruly parallel -with North Water arret 111 font, thence wea'wanl. ly parallel nith mid Mulb'-rrv itreet ISii.h-i th bluer, tilth, nialhwanily with tie uivei nv rent, iiienca eaatearu'T pniaili'l mm MuibrrTtriit VtH fet to Niinh Watvr atrrrc. the heiilniitriK, 'ih aaiue belni a I art m Uii I, H look IMI. a- jmr Turner'a plan l tlm t'ltv. I lie Improeenjeiikt innatrt nf a larca Three Story H rick rlulliling, froiitinvou North Wn- mured Htm fuct deep, iliviUwl lutn two Dtorni.n tbe ftrat fl.xie wltli nrHue almt. All Hltndaplu tbe brat tTl ltb tncdern hoiit Ing apparatu, An. In rear large traroe Wiinihoiiae IK atorlea biuli) B I a Hi leet. Aie. a laig j frame bnililleg mi the wharf 4H i tm Ut Tba wharf, W luat front, ; l In good nr rtef and water atihlclont fur tho Jargimt vewel to load. : " WM II H Al.fi all . :t-ia1t&oda ATKU. For Sale. THE LITMIA WATKU of Hi Vtrirrnla HatfaloeprinL'iioi the water ol the old lltilialo vprlHfa. put up In bote containing, ineloren Half Uallun bottle will be tunnltil to order dellieieil at tbe rtcottrbarg Ilepntof the Kivh awn m tanni aauroad ' ' per ' ", to be paid in oiWance. 'J' hn I ITMIA water oa tuailo a rem in kahle ntire an any upon record In afectlnnii of the llladder a d hltltiei and In liTapere-ia. Ir Imi aim gtrim derlderl relief Id Uotitv and hheumaUo atlecMon In tbe (llacaaiieor Women and In I' ppla the w iter of the old prltig u rcgnn'ed a we I nigh pe oinn. anarea . I UOMAK P. HUMDR, Buffalo Hprlnga, ' Meoklnnburg ConntT V. ept4 ill-iiakm Our Livlna: and Our Dead. Prospectus of and Volume. MIIM, N. O., Auguit 10, lTt. ' Ot a Lmao aD Oca I'kad" wilt hero alter be publlabedu a Berol-Moathly Maga- une, containing en page or reacting naiiar, ar $3 per rearm advance. rnr ta inioraiation oi moae wno are not fa miliar wit thb anlerprtae, I Mat tbat the .met object or Hi Magaaiu win be lo publlaa the Koourd that Nortii Carolina and her gallant oldlcr made In the lato "War between the HUlen," to gather the material for the uao of tbe fulure bltorin. and to perpetuate tbe numnrT rl thoa brave mna. officer and private, living or dead, whortied Imperlnhable glory upon their uatlre Mtate In xlditlon to the Wit Kmoao o Noma OiUoi.mA.'he Magaalno will contain aketehot of every aectlon, oounly, city and town of tho State, writteu by competent and well-lnfnrn-ed aefeone, thuinuikmg it pre-aninrntly a Slat pmmtical, in which all claitri ear cMitnl Iktmld tnkt inlmii tml arvie. The Magailns will Uke the place of tho newspaper, bavtng name tme, pnbllgbM by me uuruig inv piw iweire nirfiunn. The Hrt number will bo lamtd Wodneeday September 9th, 1874. In th meantime. I r iiectlully ak old nboribr ho dealt to re new their uhcrlptlon, and all ether who winh the Magadna, to remit promptly, aa the ohange and Improvement require conaldurabW outlay, and natty mm 1 needed . h. I), poor. iluiwn, .,1, unui.i iiuuvvi ijiiikh and Una Iad,'' Mtwbern, M. O.,or Raleigh, A J .1 u s..4.a T ...... riortn uarotmit. ... exchange will pleaat copy, . -ang iff IW i't Cleveland Banner. B Kl W EEN XIJ K F i FTKKN TH OF J A N O- arv and tha flrat of Febrnar, 178, we will re us th publloathm of tbe "Ul.K VEL AM rAMNMi,"ii niieii'V, ni.ini out an nuet pire.1 term of anbacrllier whn bave paid, ad vertiilna contraon. Ao. Ja Hen nf th email 20-roloiun aheet. prinlrd on an old pre, and with old type, heretofore, we will give to tbe publio a largo M oolumn pater, an entire new on tit, J'let fiom the foundrv, at tha low mtiacrlpttoii price of 1 00 a year; JA oent for Ida rnonthai AO oent for three month a. W intend to vtrlre to th atmott tn m tho enteiinrlM a grand mioceiw, a bleating to tbecitintry, an honor to the town, aud a prldo ta eiery oltlaen of tha oauntv. Knmember, too, that tot pay n'l pontage. We Want i.lKrl aub'crlber at once, and w foal nfl Hint tbat wo will get them. Tho 4'arollna Cenlral Hallway being now Oompletiid through to Wilmington, nd Shel bv bing the wvtern lernilnu, tha "Banner" will ( tho neat advertl'lng medium wet of Wilmington; and we do, in partlnular, eall the att'ntlon of the WllmlnnUn merchant and endiir-f men to the "Banner" a an advertl Ing medium, and ment reapoctfully Mdlult their patronag'i. ; w I; 1 give oil the new and keep up with th time lu every report, be they ever to fat. -nrr rHirwrnovTSdii ft riffimctr rr Jan I 3-tl irun.naaicVY.orj. M' CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CfiONLT A MORRIS. IVXortg'iig'O Halo. By vUl tie of a Mortgage made and executed by the ;ape Fear Agrlgoltural awoeiation, th Meebanlca' llul'dliin and Ixin A ocitloa wll tell, by Fuhllo Auction, at g,. change tj rtter, in tii'i eity, on r rid v, the tilth lnt , at It o'cl.ick A M., tho following Ulra. ble Keal Ketato with alllmprivrmetita thereon, UuAtM In th O'limtyof Now Hanover, with In two mile of the lty of Wilmington, and well known aa th CAPE FEAKAOKIUUU TI'RAL "ROONOH." Re, Inning at a (lake at do lntor otlon ot the Ooonty road with the inxl lea 'lng to the Work House, and running tbeaoewtib eald tunt;rond north 41 dvgreea, eat, 13 chain and Bulink. benoe north BS dc trnea cait DehaJn n1 AD Hnka, thine north 81 X 'lt' e"-t 'i'6 cliilnii and hi HnV. iheneo north It degr'e T ehaln ard Slink Ihenco aa nth gl drg-eca i aft ISrhaltn to the wratlltieo the light oT wav of tha W. W. R R. o.. thenoe aoutli i degreet wtt, along oald line 3 Ohaint mi !0 link to the point wher the road lo the Work Konae crone Mid rUht of way. thanco north 7HkJ dere wt with aaid road H ohalut to th beginning, cental' lug ttHk cre. CHAS. S. KLI.I8, Jan i T-eodtA2( 8o and Tru. NEW ADVEBTISEJIEItTS. BROWfjh & ; ; -15 Santa .Clans' :y.. ; v DRf QOODA of Kvery ; " - HOLIDA Y : , REMEMBER THE TOYS pep New York gHnmPr this day. , liAlUKN' MOSCOW HEAVER ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, suitnlile for ' s ' ' CURISTMAS I'llESENTS. Just rt ceivetl tli Lnnrcst Lino of ULACK ALrACAS wn i.av over Ind. Tmw at leant 10 )tr oi t3T We ailviHo all who want fiiivthiiiir iug, as we get an bns 1 it la imjioaiiiblrt BROWN A nnBTlTf!Tr ATTKNTIOH ! FOR THE FAIR 15UY DRY CO CLOTinNO,. Boots, CROCKERY' CHINA AT THE "CI1EAI' M. FRANK & BR0., 4" At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, N A V ASS A ACID PHOSPHATE. At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, WR OTJAtANTKK lhatth prevlnu nighOrado B R HRIDORHS, WuMent, ii. ni atr., irruarar, , ). L. uaArriilM, auvarlnUndant, J eta B MISCELLANEOUS. " TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES," "A FLOATING CITY," "BLOCKADE KUNNER8," "MYSTERIOUS ISLAND," . , "DOCTOR OX," "EIGIITY DAYS' TOUR, &o," By Jaks Verne. "DRAPER'S INTELLECTUAL DE VELOPMENT OF EUROPE;" " YESTERDAY WITH ACTIIOIIS; " "niTHERTO," A STORY OF YESTERDAY, ( By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. . A ILf i irjalo JiJJia te&M tSBV By OONOLEY 4 YATES. janS ' ' S-tt THE SEASON, JJOW WKLI ADVAN0BD, riD8 ITS wltb a largo and varied Btoek of ' ' T Dress Goods,"" " Z VELVETS, " . .. . . FURS. SILKS, BLACK ALPACAS, EMHIES8 CLOTH, EMPRESS DELANES, CASHMERES, POPLINS, and otber fabrics on hand which we are determined not to carry over to jgnothrr &'rainnf and in order to soil them now while they aro all NEW, NICE AND FASHIONABLE, we have jlr term Ineil to Todno tho price md nil them at eoet ooner than bIm a le. NKW COODS RECEIVED bv LAST m i , STEAMER. ' fb ltdle are Invited tn rail and lamtn onr atork bforo m tking pttrcbaaea Oall arly while th atocl full nd th axeorlment complete, at tlie l.eadlug Dry BOSKOWITZ & LIEBEr 2d Market Street. deoT No Ad ranee in Prices, ',.!! 'i7uaiotlllD Wood; ( - i l ' Per Ixiad. Per Com. Oak and B Jl Jk, M ti to et., (I tti I (S Ai. lltolW " SOOlotW) Mixed.... : ....... ..60 to TO 1 4nt1SU rin.... i i elrt H ' ttB--'.f Out op ' .d hauled at lowt powlble ooat. Conu a r can av uiont y by puroha ng at our y r 1. jaal O.0.PAKSLETA0O. ffappy Hew Year ALL ! i f RODDICK. STEEET. Headquarters Ieitoript!on anitable for PRESENTS. LITTLE FOLKS In taut ii is a mixture of eTerjtlnnj, - nt. ower tLau our former priooa iu our line t. Mill nrlv in tlm nor. for na to waitoi 41. TVTnrtflt. Rtronf. ATTEISTI01N ! AND HOLIDAYS. YOUH Shoes, Hats, Trunks AN b GLASSWARE, CAHH HOUSE" OF . 17 Market Street tn DOS, WE OFFER OUR Sl'AHDAED FERTILIZERS . For tbe Heaaou of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Faotory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; payable 1st of November next. of our Pertlliier hall be rally MAiaTitKio NAVA SSA GUANO COMPANY . WfkmiNQION,N C 4-oMm L'ISCELLANEOUS. Closing Out Sale! gJWINtl to our Intonded Plwolurloa Oopartnerihlp, Wo will Mil Our Entire Block of Ul.OTHINO, at greatly reduced prloea. f : Tbo Stuck moat be (old within, tb next tlxty day. But for Cash only. DAVID & WEIL. Jan S ToMcco Leaf and Cotton . Plant 8KHI-MOMTHLT. Idtrg er t pirculaitoa (if any Xrado- Joaraal la tho Southern State. Hubiorlptloa fl por annual. Tobacco leaf and Cotton Plant (vrrtaif ikt-wmk;i,t. : Over Five Ilunilredgratnltouactronlatloa. - Postpaid rprclmen topka to Pout Office In adjuluiug eountle ot too Carolina. . JT. B, MOBRI9, dee 20-tf Proprietor. WINCHE8TKU-8 HTPOPHI8POHTEH Att0f)ii' Quinine Tonic, Ljdii'i Katharlon, yer' BBrtaparllla, Tarrant' Aperlont, . , Palu Killer, Muatang l.inlment, Opium, Q alnioe, Murphlne, and a geeera, aanortmont of Drug Chemical, Paint, Oil, VarnUli, Brnidie, UltM, Sea., at l.HKKN A f LANNKK'8, Wbulesale and Hut ail Prugglet. no 1 17 OTICEZ i . MKHOHANT8AKD OTHERS WHO PAT a lioena tax, aro required by I aw to 11a on the lit day of January, and tor failure t do. o, tbe law ojRke It tho duty of tb Kogltter ot Deed to doable-tax all delinquent. All hv tereted -vllt tak nottoe,eoma up and llet and p y a a law require. , GEO. W. BOCRBIAUi. ' 'Jant 41 . ' BegUtet of Deed. ; -f 1 OFFICE V;, :, 'Garb' City Ciiiar 3 Manufactary. ' NEW YORK. , t . i i ' All Cigar at antborlied Kew Tork Faebrry prlciea. Qnalitv biarantMd a represented, i k Th shoap'vt rfiinat lu the Stile, and the only tmedeallrg eieiiKlvelv In nigru-a. (!HA. KASPBO'VVM , H HO., fu.9 North r'ront 8trt, deoii-lm Wlliuiug.on, N. 0.