7 " VOL XXIV. NO. 9 3 WILIIINGTON, N. .C., SUNDAY, JANUARY 10. 1875. WHOLE NO. 6,773. Cbf.ilailp journal WILMINGTON, N. 0.: SUNDAY, JAN. 10. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. -LOUISIANA. A COUNTER CALL OIRCC ' LATINO IN NEW YORK FISH. BRISTOW AND JEWELL DENY BELKNAF'S DISPATOn. A LIE OuFsOMEWHERE. GRANT TO SEND IN A MESSAGE ON MONDAY. THE MOTHER OF STATES TO EX PRESS HER DISAPPROVAL. SHERIDAN REPORTS AT LAST. IT TAKES IUM FOUR DAYS TO WRITE OUT A FEW PAGES. M THE DISTINGUISHED BARN BUR ER A LIAR, OR A FOOL-OR BOTH? New York, Jan. 9. Noon Major Wiokbam presides ou Munday night at tbe Lontmaua mdiunaiiou demon stratiou. Botb parties are getting up calls. The oouuter document reada: We, the undnrttitii.ed, reeolleoting bow the rebellion was inaugurated and the country forced into a war by tho fuiU uro o( tho Govtrnmeut to protect it forta and officers, hereby testify our approval of tbe prompt action of the Government in . the late case of the Legislature of Louiaiauu. Aooording to the Herald's Washing ton special, Secretaries Fish and Bris tow and the Postmaster General stated in their interviews yesterday that they were not consulted witn relereuoe to, nor did they see, tbe dispatches sen to Sheridan by Belknap, sayiDg that (he President and all tbe Cabinet ap proved of his proceedings. Washington, Jan. 9 Night The President a Message, regarding Lorn siana, which goes to.Jtbe.Jjonajfl on MiweWmass of dooumenta. f ' Th following was received here to- dS'' -'jJSx ORttAira, Jan. 9. 1875. m A P. Field, care Senator Wett. Washington: mu. itAnniiiiniin nartv does not en dorse Dibble's letter; he published it i- iv.. mvratin naoers aloue. Our ill kuo - i friends generally oonaemu mm powered to do. One hundred and two li gaily returned lueniDt-rt ansaerfu to their names: of this Lumber Ally-two were Kepulnioans ana uny wern Democrats. Before entering th( House, Mr. L. A. Wilti had own st lectt'd as the Democratic aoniiute for Speaker, iu cuoua, aud Mr. My- ouael lialin as tue itepubiicau nomi nee. Yigcra had not fiiunbed aunouuc iug the result, when one f the mem- bera, Mr. Uillioau, ol Laluuroue, nom inated Mr. L. A, Wiita for temporary speaker. Vigera promptly declared the motion out of order at that time, when soroo dim put the question, and amid the vhm-r of thn Deniucratio side of the House, Mr. Willi dallied on to the rostrum, pushed aside M. V.g -M. seised the Speaker chair ami gavi l and declared himnelf Speaker. A prottst sgAinbt the arbitrary and unlawful proceeding was promptly made by the members of the uisjonty, bat Wiiia paid no attuiitiun to Una protest, and . upon a motion from some one u the Detuocmtio side of the H use deolaied one IrcievnDt nominated aud electel Clerk of the House. Mr. Treseva'it at noo sprang forward and oooupied tbe Oierk'a ohair amidst the wildcat contusion over tbe hole Hoime. Wilts, then satin, ou another nomination from the Demo emtio Side ef the House, declared one Floord elected Sergeant at-arins, aud ordered that a certain number of as sistants be hppointed, Instantly a large number of men throughout the hail, who had beeu admitted under Various pretexts, mioh as lepottt r mul m mbers friends and sua datura, tamed down the lapel of the r ooata up on wbton were pinned blue ribbon budges, ou which were.pnoU-d the word Vat bi'kI ant seigean-at arms," and the Avaembly was in the pof-sr ion of tbe minority, and the Vhit Leagued Louisiana had made good its threats of seising the House, niaij of the assistant sergeunta al arms being well known as captaius of WIihh League couipauies in tnis oity. Notwithstanding the suddenness of this movement the leading Re publican cambers had not failed to protebt' again and again against this revolutionary action of the minority, but all to no purpose, and many of tun Republicans rose and left the house in a body, together with the Clerk, Mr. Tigers, who carried with him the orig inal roll of the House as retnrndh me excttemeni was now ci The Acting Speaker directed the Ser- geant-at-Arms to preveut the ingress or eirress oi memuera ut wu7, . ..... . . In ivhlrtll several exciting bcuiuj i.-- u..:... ,i .,,. iu unrfl arawn. ioua HUU t"1""'" t ' . place, and for a few moments n seeuiou that bloodshed would ensue. At this iuueture Mr. Dupre, a Democratic memoer iromine iw'nu u moved that the military power ivu. Geueral Government be invoked to ouui- KtW ADVERTISIMEHT8. Official Drawings or th- military pmae behaved with great dia- i cretion. j Wl en Mr. Wills, the usurping j Speaker of I he nouse.called for troops j to prevent bloodshed, they wen given i him. When the Governor of the State called for a posKC, for the same )mr. N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. pone aud to eniorcn toe law, it furiiiohed also. Had this not been done, it is my nrtn belief that aoeues of bloodtdied would have enned. (Sigueii) 1. U. SiiKiunaN, Lieutenant Genet at. KZW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALABAMA THE COMMITTEE CONCLUDE THEIR INVESTIGATION. NOT ONE PA1ICLE0F PROOF OK J ALLEGED OUTUAES. ms. WiLiiT'a, H. I), .ln I, oi-Asfea-unAW. ia. r 4 t 9 1 is M U si si it t a at tf j. 11 S 159 - lUW 1T4 1. M. rs it h as n to is i ;t m V) ASM jT-iaw t t . II 61 I? SI II M I 14 fill BS II TS. W. H. HAHKIfUM. n 10 I If rJiogara Fire THE RADICALS lUSal'ONSlBLE FOR ALL THE TliOUBLIi Lttikobton, Ala., Jan. 9 Noon Messrs. Albright and linckuer, of the Alabama Investigating 0uiUiiUe.e, yesterday concluded their four days investigation at this place. Many wit newios were examined. The killing of Bdliug and Ivey.aud the whipping of .ho negro, Nulson Doyle, were proven, No proof connecting the.ee sola with political tii lives. It was pioveu that the l'orkland riot oiiginaied m Btrife between the negroes, reapeoting the distribution of Government bacon, Attempts to quell the disturbance re sulted in the combination of tho ne groes against thewhiUa, and au attack by the turnier, who subsequently truus tcrred operation! to the adjacent, B.-l- inoiit, neighborhood, and across the river, aud iu the country, wLera the armed demoustratiou was suppieascd by civil authorities without blood-alttd, Tue reported outragis iu Choctuw prove mure inventions. It waa proven that iu ihia ouuuty tbe United Stages autUoiitl- made arrestn,teil: d hoUies and carried away private properly without warrant. The same authori ties took pceaeKsiou of the oouuty jail, a colored Democrat was arroetcd without warrant, imprisoned, aud sub sequently dischaiged without au ex amination; while imprihoned the military guard threatened to shoot dim if he did uot f uruiuh iufoimation which he could not give. It was proven that n-liiUlou orthe charges of intimidat ing Republican voters, it was proven that in the lat election the Rcpubli .n ,.t in this oounty was increased aa rr oent over the Grant .vote n IB72; tnis w buaiaiuou uj turns i OP NEW YORK. Cash Assets, 31,460,000. NORTHROP A CUMMINQ, AQINTS, , . i'(Br Willi Mr. fl . ftohli in, on Pack Htrin t, hu w,;l att-rnl to all orrt.T, lft with him. (Jn 10-f-lm THE LOW" PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SISHK WK KE-oH.VKI) TO 1 RLLat prists tliit ul(l rurrlr reduce ttnvk, it lias rt qillr '.dn ram iihl(i tn Mil uur gotxls. Our Gilke, Black Alpaca8,.Dress Coods, Blenched and Unblesohed Goods, Table Cloths, Bleached and Unbleaohcd, with Napkins, Blankets, Spreads, Sheetings, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laeea, Collars, Haudkerohiefs Anit a tbootand olhw sit Icle. srs going fkit nl If Toua- la want rf ir fnoils uiually fnund In a trat-rlau lrv 0oJi Stock, mm In tbt tin to bay thm from th tic.tMoek is ihu ttu, at i rke. never lokt it bfur,. BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, GOLD-HEAD ri) CAS IX Children's Hsndkr-rehiefs, j , Business Bnits, i Bhirt Front, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Overcoato, Dress Suits. MUNSON&CO'S, CmTT CLOTH ItKn, jta u ' a. FEW ADVERTISIMEST8. filerry Christmas arid Happf Hew Year Men's. Boys, Ladies, MISSES', . CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS Shoes and Boots, ' Of sll Btylti an4 OraArt, , AT REDUCED PRICES. 1 EVANS A VonGHLAN, Jaa is Frincess Btreai New Publications! UhatU M Irs, f art si 8aw . lo tb. Ilaj.of My Totlh, by aifUa B. Id wari's. Pros Toutk Vp. by Mai nn Harlaad. VrtgiMiS Lonoluiloa, k, W. HoTSllt. Hl.Ury nf th, Ji wuh Mati n, I'J rlmrr ! Ta MWmol ih Manw, by Hol nU i far iast ' HEINS ERCER'S IJvs eook aud Ha.U "tors. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKJCT STK15KT. Santa Claus1 Headquarters DRY GOODS of Every Description sni table for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. REMEMBER THE LITTLE FOLKS TOTS per New York iteamir this day. In fact it is a mixture of everything. LADIES MOSCOW BEAVER ENGLISH 1 WALKING JACKETS, suitaMe for , CHRISTMAS PRESENTa Jut roct iTod the Largest Line of BLACK ALPACAS we hate ever Lml Pi iccB at K nst 10 per cout. lower tlinn our former prices. f We a3vise all who want suvthiua In out line U tall early iu the rnorn ! ing, as va get so busy it is Impossible for us to wait ov ill. BROWH & HODDICK, 45 Market Street- m US last SELECT BOARDINS AND DAY SCHOOL HILUSBORO, N. O. Tba Tblrtj Micond Mtaloa ol Ui MUi JVa'h nnJMlM Koilook'i 81 tool vltl own Friday. rbmary Stk, IMS sad ruulllian twmtj Clrrnlaii lotw.rdid OS Sllll Stain. . dMtt " .. M lUwtw ATTENTION I ATTENTION ! FOR THE FAIR AND HOLIDAYS. BUT 10UR l . 1 iH 11 mr 'nut 1 - - - m BrttauBooK txoimHU.tTtfcmouM? " t jvote Dltioial Jan Id 20 Market Street. At : jaal a A. FRRJKA II Market SWML re- TllK COLD. (Signed) Wk. F. "serve the peace, and tha a 00m V.. Jan. 9 Niaut :.fatt k.. antKiintud to wait uponuen mi j.ii..; nilntiini were intro-1 -p.. T.ntianri tha nnmmsndine onioer ihaHUtA Senate to-dav: ,., ,i,0 TTnir,! St a & troons stationsa n..f... hii ihr. General Amnwiy . a.r uf,nii. and reauest ms n-h.t tii a Oovernora of the States com -.iDin h nnited Statee of America, a and theT are hereby earnestly re quested to convene, as soon as practi th Lfjrislaturea of their re .wt. RtatAH in order that - . . motion was adopted. A committee ol five, of which Mr. mipre was iuu0 Chairman, was sent to wait upon (Jen. rv 1 ,.i..ion ana soon returned with re 1 u,t ni,w- who was acoompanied by the . 1 . u,ff nffieors. As Gen. De States may consult together and advise Trobrian j waiked down to the Speak- with each other respecting the late r ... f ..ha Armv of the United oa.i.. .iik th Tffmlature of we DiA r.9 TniaiAoa. and determine, urorcDtlv. what is neoesssary to defend and preserve the independence and authority of the BttReiolved, That the Governor of this n -Hh hn and he is hereby requested forthwith to telegrsph theae .ii 1A lh Governors of the several States, and request immediate An animated and prolonged disens- I..h Atal1 ori in nhieh the spirit Ol moderation preaominaveu, Senators opposing Virginia taking the initiatory movement aa a Btate, in this va matter. It was the genera er's dek, loud applaut-e Dure irouj the Democratic aide of the House. Gen. De Trobriand aked the Act ino Speaker if it was not possible for . .r . miU.nnt. anneal nim 10 preaeno ui -rr imttohimas m United States army V . . HTML it- IrSJ TfT. offloer. ftir. w " " Whereupon tbe Uouorat prooeeuiu . the lobby, and, addrewiiug a few won a thn nmvd. peace ws nt once re- Bt0udmotion of Mr. Dupre. Mr. Wilts i,n in tho Tiamn of the General As sembly of the State of Louinatii., IhauVed Gen. De Trobriaud for bis interference in behalf of law and order and the General wttnartw. The Republicans bad now generally -ithdrawn from tho hall and united in t.!t.in!i to the Governor, oninion. however, that Virginia should their grievances and askinR Kiveexpreci OM ofasentimenttnrougn fai8 wb,on petition, signed by her Legislature in favor of a protest Jf My retnmtd members of the aeainBt the aotion of the general gov- H,)UB0) j, i my possession. . ernment in relation to Louisiana and immeaiately nnbsequen'. to the an appeal to the American people for aoliou ot Mr wiltz in electing the redress, and also to express the deep olork o the M House, Mr. Billien L.tinff avmnathT of the people of m(.j txal two eeutlemeu from tue Virginia with tha people of their sis- ilh of pe Soto, one.from.Urim, one iroui Cienviue auu uu - who had not been retnrne.i oj uk wvnim KnrA. bo sworn in as members, and they were according y sworn in by Mr. Wilts and took sonls upon" the floor as Mtmbers of the T'motion was now made that the Rouse proceed witn its purmauou HOLDER IN THE NOBTHWEST THAN IT HAS BEEN FOR YEARS. Ch.caoo, Jan. 9-Noon.-The weath er has become suddenly cold, witn a driving snow from the west. Dispatoues om w . report extreme cold with heavy snow. AtDes Moines the thermometer fell from 8 denreeB above to 28 bolow zero-the coldest for mauy years with drifting anow. thermometer at 4 o'clock this morning stood at 31 degrees above, and at 7 'nir..w at. S decrrees below lero. V wiw " " , . pi rtr.ir.Ann Jan. 11 ilHUS lUOlluuiu- ter 18 to 25 degrees twlow Hero about ti city " IIEADQUAIiTEILH. in conqrehTtesterdAy. Salt-Bagging-Ties- Corn. 1 4,000 Sacks Suit, , 200 Itous ana wi eo"o 1 15,000 Bunhels White and Mixed Corn. POT I1IBUJ1I WW W11JJAMS MUROHIHOW Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVD. A OAROO OP , FBABK & BRO., 17 Market Street MI8CELLAHE0US. BRIGHT Hay uiot. nt Tinisana. At the eonclusion of the discussion the whole matter was laid over and .j- !,! nr.lfir for Tuesday at 1 o'clock. ' r , , HRADQTjARTEtis Mimtabt Division ) OF MI880CBI, ( Naw Orlbabs, La., Jan. 8, 1875. ) rn Hon. IV. W. Belknap, Secretary " . . . rt . ... wathtnamn, u. v. . Wseinoton, Jan. 9-ight--ine Srinate to day caucusHi'd upou tbe or-d.-r of buaiiiess, the House oauoussiug ou Southern matters. Nothing of in terest transpired. Geo 11. looK.er, 01 ieuuryiTu, the present Minister at Constantino ble, goes to Bt. Petersburg. EUROPE. ANNIVERSARY OF NAPOLEON'S DEATH. Losnox, Jan. 9.-Nigbt-To-day being the second anniversary of tbe death of Ex-Emperor . Nawolron, a 1 nnmner of well known reucn '" --7 4...1 Imperinlisw are ooigrc8w selhurst. rinur Susar. Coffee and! . Rice. 1 000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, -100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Bbls WThole Rice, a Mnnn iron. Glue ana Soirit Casks. BOO Bales N. R. A E. Hay, . 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bols. Glue, . 200 New New York Spirit Casks, roral!sw bj W1LUA MIJRCHIHON Rnnnn. Svruo. Shot, Oata and Nails. 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 400 Hues Shot, 500 Bushels Black Gats, 800 Kegs Nails, Fr WILlaMS A MUR0HISON. Molasses Moiaeeea- moi. 50 Hhds. ew Crop Cnba Molasses. For mIc low by WILLIAMS A MCR0HI8ON. Jan 10 JEW CROP CDBt MOUSSES, . Which ws sff.f at tor Mark.t rrlcl ALSO r n hbos.i 200 SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. rer aal bv Jaal EKROftVlB CAtiPRB BR- tweuiy mnn umk "A FLOATING CITY," BLOCKADE RUNNERS," I "MYSTERIOUS ISLAND," "DOCTOR OX," 'EIGHTY DAYS' TOUR, Ao," , i By Julea Verne. . sat sw 11 DRAPER'S IMTCLLtCTUAL Of VELOPMENT OF EUROPE;" " YESTERDAY WITH AUTHORS; " ! "HITnERTO," A STORY OF YESTERDAY, ' By Mrs. A. D. T.Whitney All f' t at lus OiTT Dooaltoas. Ttv CONOLEY A YATES. "ttlhCELLANEOUS. Closing Out Sale ! JVftNQ to our lutundoct Dlolutlua Cortn.lilp,Wswlll Mil Our BuUrs SMk of ObOXniNO, at irhtl redarsd tirloM, TtsSiock nun b '11 Ithln th t tltt But for 0ah only, DAVID & WEIL. Jn3 Hf at Chi- orcanization, and accordingly the roll 6 . 1.-nr. T..T.nt t.liA act- was ing called clerk, by Mr. ana wmz WA8 or War. r fii a hmor to submit the fol lowiSgW- report of affair, as Key aff cTe r-imHed here iu the organization of f1 " tbe mate ijegiBi" ""---j 1R75 I was not in oommRnd of tnis deolart d k of the Acting on the protest made by the auu Ul .u. 0 - -w r .of- Sry dement until 9 0 clock at T nigrninZr wiltoVto be held rw- Department to aid nim in retaining endorse and am willing u pe awo n v j returuea aa nnnner yumiv v "MW r . 1 . . . ? a: , noon that day. During the few days -7 ... T ,L., in WU1CU A Ws iu vy prior to the -r-itexfaTnnu7rnen ' conversation wbb mo w... . abed that were liable to occur on that day, and I repeateaiy neara wren . ' assassinating the Governor, and re ereta expressed that he was not killed on the 14th of December last ; also threats of the sssassination of Repub rnhnrsof the House in order tr aA11 lA the eleotion of a Democratic Speaker. I also knew of the kidnap ping by the banditti of Mr. Consimer, nf tha members eleotot the Legia t i... t- . t.,- nrtarve tbe oeace ..4 maTia tha Htate House safe for tho. nannnabla assemblinpt of the Lo- iui0fn Oun. Einorr upon th re- ouiaition of the Govtruor stationed . troops in the vicinity of tbe building ' Owinir to these precautions tho Legis lature assembled in the Btate House without any disturbance of the ....Lis. il IO nVlnnk. Wll lam PUOIIO IWIWOi " ' . Vigers, the clerk ol the last House of Representatives, proceeded to call the " roll, as, according to law, he was em- OOTUAM. BANK STATEMENT. NrwYore, Jan. 9. la the Bank state ment. loans have increased $2,000,000; specie has increased 3,250 01)0; legal tenders have increased 81,125,000; de posits have increased iiu,ivw , serve have increased ,875,000. ( ELECT1IIC1SMS Cnterorise Manufacturing Co's Coffee, Mills. THK BUST MlM.roanura-wijnioi.n.rf Me ami txirabilltT. B7T ' 1 For. l at mnnfcturr' orlca. th. N w Harder, H jfWROII1BoK. Jan 10 .- chic.n lhitter In Hulls. F PRIME NOVEMBER Ml'LLETil. Tot atU by Jan 10 For Sale JN BKASOSABM! TERMS, Uis National Botsl Fnrnlta'a, atd an nnnrlred lieart for vn jeari. This Is a cbanra for a t,d lnrertmenl, as the Uotal Is well rtbl!STiea, ana u a nun. eondltlon. For fartkar inrarmanon npyir tb Natlnnal Hiitl,orlo Jan S Hf " P. A. BMttnOOU "5n ' " a 1. a vn HOMINY 9-0 4 w its organization acooruiug tu . Thio vonnrtwt wa reao'iaoie ana in aocoTKucTllFTaw. ltem?mberiig vividly the terrible massacres that took place in this city on the asserc- Mine of the Constitutional conven- tion in looo auiue lueoumiiu iuo.i- tute and believing mat tno uvea 01 the members of the Legislature we or would be euoaugerea m obo uu ...niiit nn nnder tne law was ai- temuted, the posse The Louisiana Committee were at Cincinnati yesterday, en route for TIT . Vi 1 rt ivn Tnl-vAi-Vtlr Cn.. arow in new Tor,naveTailed, John Dawson .... ...A to KirtT BOO Plows (of all klnrt.: t Tom PlowCMtlns. M Colli MUfl t.fi;,. a. Pairs Traaa Chains. 0 Upson ;n... ..,i iwm-. 100 noim wiii tti m 1 nacfi f-hoei anil pjdos. For sals attbs l.,..t mm sl MMhe 1A . ja iv No Adrance lu rrices. ff ars aslltni V7od: iASh... T, . ...aaatet BU fin..... .... . . - nnaalKIn Milt. S?P; r. aa. aW CT r-M t nor If ! - - muu.lTJtCO. Jaal . " ToUacco Leaf aM Cottoa Pianl J 1 BKMI-MOSTHLT. UiaMt otroulMion of an j Xtada Jom nal ittinam. . Toliacco Leal and Cotton Plant - at OPERA HOUSE! ONENIOHTONLY --! -OF- . , Grand Italian Opera, First National Bank TUEDAYiENiNaow2j2 ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS' ITALIAN 1 OPI3KA COMPAN i When wUl be presented with PP"Pri- ate Costumes, noenery '-e-effeotB,Rossini'i chef d osnvre, in two Aots, the Wilmington. rrr T. l.t 1BTR tCUlAHANHUALlltK'flIUOP tli Itos oriMroott Hon on. o'clock A . J.nl Ulnrof tblt Bank for a alaetlon 111 bo bIA m thBir nanami cDAT.th1th inttaot, at A. K. WALKER, 0.hlr. -,4,tlttb Horse Blankets, Saddles, Hwnert, Tranka. Tralln naRi, noilars. Brldl. Hamw, Tramt Chain', WbH. anank Horn Brubai, Featb- Iluitert. sn i a W.1 aZrfmsnt of Mlsf7 Vda.as eh.-ap at joodiof as qna lty cau bt bougbt la tho MtatS. . J.B.ToPHAW M novW - siivrLKnasT wsaalt. 0r f Ivs Hnrdred v atnlto us el""';1; dlolBiiiS cwuDtiti of tn Carullnas J, K. MOBK18. . d.c?0-tf f romHiof. IHCHKSTElta HTPOPHlBPWMiaa. ATIWOHII . iiHIiino i.xin. Kalhadoo. . A ami's ari'rllla, L , Tunant's Aperient, e ? ! Pain Klllsr. ,. Ma.tang Linlmunt, .i o.iininn. Mcnblne. and a (snarai MNWtmei.toflriiBs Cbi-aiiral, Pslnti.Olls. Tarnlsa, vruf an. - -; N1,R,8. . " " i WUolesala and HataU CniggljJ . , : OFFICE niEW YORK. AH Clnars stsatborlMd New Tork '"tory a,alltvr.-..t Tk ebo.tiroos in S4i 0DI' CMAS. KABPROWIOX i K ItO., . tJjuitb rroBt8trBet( deo4-l Wllmu.g'oa,H.O. N. CRONUY, Auotloneer. BT OBOMtiT A MORBII BAEBER OF SEVILLE ts ooartsr tactposs taa mtow ATjTi ... Miss Adelaide Phillipps 8IGN0R ORLAKDINI, Baritone, on,, an.ntin Cotton Mill, at Law- - m.u mnlovinff 1.900 opera- .ni 'rmmHuce full work on 1 v vrn, a Monday, A Wanted to Kent ii'. SMAIili DWEIXINQ HOU8K, of thnS the oosse was fnrnislird with the request that care should be taken that no member of the Legisla ture returned by the Returning Board should be ejected .1,. AAr This military i.mA it dntv nnder the direc 1UIU1DU " a 1 . . , . . tions from the Governor of the 8ta 4 ,mnd from nue noor ui nm Houe those persona who had beeu il lcttsllv seated, and who had no legal , riaUa.to be there; whereupon the s Demoorata aro e aud left the House t and the remaiuing roeiuoeia )r.u 0 eftect an organizatiou under the t-titfl laws, iu an .uuuuii, .u " Hell closed for repairs was the title of a sermon preached in Mew Haven on New Year's night. But it opened again very promptly Monday norniPK iu New Orleans, with the Devil in a now role. TmtT foreitrn nations, including . nJ? I Louisiana anil New Jersey have con posse per-1 Jw tftke rt in the rhliadelphia Coi-ttfutiial, provided iney are an peau with all the world and cultiuating ami . bio relations with the rest of mankind or fonr reon, tuirabla for hne-keilng, and piensatitlysituatDd. Bfiittuuitbo monoratr Esquire at tUts Cfflrt. Jan 10 ' Mta when 1 he time arrives. DIED. in tba rlr on Prldar, tiie .h lii.-t., P .sir ( W P Oiuad.l. agod lam i WH.L1S DOI'thS. I k. m,,;ri lli ta e ulaoo at Mis rr -nea .h. ..mil. an Third tlrtst, at I P. M. OO whioh bloodshed waa imminent, the j mouy. A Card, In IbaiiUtng m Mends for tbelr kind vat ruosge beiTioiurn, a ronlliwanoa of whirl IthaUli)en,l'','r,("le'et"'1 tabs the llbettj to Inftrm them Hut ALL ACCOUNTS ... m.d out and nrs; thut I kits sold to tbem tbe Vrhols season at ti.loiwil ca pm glglngmv frlands the tntf 4 " "' P they'll abow their sppreclatloa by paying np M. M. KATZ, 20 Market Btreet. f-u Jan it IMortgrafipo Hale. J1R. TOM KARL. Tenor, ,lg. BaeelM, Butfb Base ai lrtne of a Mnrtgaco made and eif enora .J"".;.,.- A.rLnltnral asrecMlton. M.eh.n'Ss Hol ding and l-n A soclstton will ll, r r-blto . Action at Ka- ehance wrnr m Vf:..-if?:!HtS Mtnatod l th. I ounty of Hw H"W'. . .:T" . i. wi i fr i r it a it 10 UL- won anywi. . k TC RAL OKUU ti. "''""'-ri vTh at the interi ctlon rt the county road with bo Big. Locate!!! Mr. George W. Colby, Mnalcal Director AdrnMea l Wl Heaut-1 ; Uallery 00ou. tawed s.'ts va nvle at P Jaa ( tl Htlnsbrr gel's Chss.M. ATKISS, . Balneal Agant GRAND IvXiVK BALL CITY HAIili. ; ... J ' Janwrr II, 187. Ladlei'Ltat will be found at Helniber er's Live Book Store; Gentlemen's Utt at Jai W llPBliCt Tobacco KU.KI i -r prtea of admlielon for spectator. W rents. . , - i .' - JA8. M. BROWN, . , , Maesger. Jtn s St rrt.d 'ea Inir lf me ori nimr-i "' "m'Vald Cvnrt, road nerUi 4T d.grejS. SmJ 13 , hms nd llnbe. hf nre noith at d-.J- 1 .h.ln. and S8 links. Ibntiw north SIK der'S. SMt a cbsln. and f. '""""J no?th IT drgr t chain, ad I ilipks tbew o ath SI degrees isn r T" . i i n ,h, right . J'mVJ.m tvnrk Hnnto erweee said rlht of way. thence 1101 t cbslna Jan f-eodtt&JS New CropOba MOLASSEG. IBT 1MPOR1 ATlOIT Of ttS TWILLED SILK WINDSOR" k NECK TIES, 80 eta; worth 50 eta. FANCY CRAVATS, "VERY ; HEAVY SILK, 6O0; worth 1 10. NECKi RUCHE8 VERY CHEAP. mrk, lost impMri "i ! 1" c!vBtry. '- BEAT VAKIETY of Jet and Iats Jaw- A in. to, be WWiZ 8" Sec and Treae. 229 Hhds. Now Landing eiSrhr. "Donna Anna," and VFDDIN8 CARDS .TC?.eDi .V . .... luiitnnable etTle at Ui 4UU lot sale by WORTH k WORTH. BWAtOrPIO Jat-(asds) MW 1 suy-New DeJgns. FRESH BPPPtf f Znbrra-Wblte sn.V Bisck, iai vet os; Colors, o. At ....a a s r r-vrrr? 'O WILLIMl.ir ira-w,