- 'I . i ' i Jji f ; i - U-.'l VOL. XXIV.-HO. 10. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. JANUAEY 12, 1875 WHOLE NO. G.774. v.. U WILMINGTON, N. G. : TUESDAY. JAN. 12. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. LOUISIANA THE 8 tJB COMMITTEE IN WASH INGTON. GRANT UKGED TO "BE BRIEF " IS HIS MESS AGE. THE OUTUAGE COMMITTEE DIS SATISFIED WITH THE SUB COMMITTEE'S REPOtlT. A SWEEPING REPORT FROM THE SUB COMMUTED. - ANOTHER FLAT CONTUAplC TION FOR THE EPA CLE T ED LIAR. SCHURZ MAKES A POWERFUL SPEECH IN THE. SENATE. WAsaiNoros Jan. 12 Nooa The Sub Committee appoiuted by tho Houhu Special Coiumittoo ou South era Affairs, which litis beeu iuYtsti gating uiatlars iu Louisiana for Homo weeks paat, returned to Wastringtou last uifrbt. IU members, Foster, of Ohio, Phelps, of New Jersey, aud Potter, of New Yolk, am necowjaiily reticent as to giving c-xpressiou tu their, views in advauoe of their. pvesou tatiou to the full Committee, uud of the maturiug and making of its rtix.it to the House. Euougu is known, however, to aut.ioiizs the sUtemci.t that there ie no conflict of opiuioti among tit uicmbors of the sub Com mittee as to "the priucipul poiut iu cou trove rsy. The actiou of the R turning Board, in throwing out the returns of certain parishes iu which Conservatives were elected, and i'i giving certificates to some Republi cans who were not elected, will be OJnJemued as au illegal, an unwaraut ed exeroixe of authority. Tha testi mony takon before the Commits do s not sustain the charges of vio lence aud lutimidatioo towards ne gro voters, but rather tends to estab lish the fuot that large numbers of negroes voted the Democratic ticket from a couviotion that in doing so the were advancing their owu in terest and the interests of the State. It is a mere matter of conjecture as to what course of policy the Committee will recommend, but the probabilities are that it will be in the direction of a new election. The excitement iu New Orleans when the Committee left that city was intense, but there was no likelihood, whatever, of its being man ifested in auy general outbreak. The Kellogg government is submitted to only under the pressure of the mili tary power of the United States, and in the expectation and belief that Con gress will devise and adopt some meaus that will restore the Common wealth to the control of its own oiti gens. Th message of the Pres dent will bs very short. He will simply any that the reasons for his action will be found in the accompanying documents. These dooumeuts comprise all the papers in the Exeoutive and Attorney General's offices affecting Louisiana. A special meeting of the Cabinet about Louisiana is progressing. The message will not go in to-day. The President's friends urge bim to say as little as possible. The Republican says: "Aifwas stated in the Republican of Saturday the ma jority of the Southern Outrage Com mittee are entirely dissatisfied with the aotion of the Sub-Committee which had been sent to New Orleans As the only possible way of mending the mat-, tf, they hare agreed to go themselvM as an entire Committee and take the necessary testimony. With this end in view they srranged to start for the soene of their labors last night. Washington, Jan. llNight The statement telegraphed from the Re piblican that the wholecomuiittee had started for New Orleans, was wild. There is, However, uudoubted discon tent. It is stated as indicative of the chaiacter2,gf 'the report,, that. Pot ter, the Democratic member of the Com mittee, has been selected to phrase it. The Cabinet meeting was for the consideration of the special message on Louisiana affairs, but that not being roady.tba session was devoted to a conversation over ovent there. The message will be considered iu t he regular Cabinet meeting to-morrow The Star says: The full Commit '.ee on Southern Affairs met this morning to confer with the Sub Committee, who went to New Orleans' to investi- - gate the condition of affairs in Lonisi- .. ana. It is indicated through the evi dence submitted, that they will re port: First, that at the lute election in Louisiana there was no int nidation of colored voters; Second, that the White League discussed, but voted d jwn a proposition to discharge ser vants who voted the Republican ticket ; "Third," that -the- Returning Board w fraud; Fourth, that the U. S. troops executed the orders issued by Marshal Packard on t-tection day; Fifth, that the disorder iu the Louiniuua Legisla ture had ceatied aud the meeting was entirely orderly aud quiet at the time Gen. De Trobriand entered the hall to arrest the members; Sixth, that the only request Speaker Wilts made of Gen. De Trrbriand was to keep ordtt in the lobby outside of the hall; Seventh, that the people of Louisiana generally have no mpathy with the Kellogg government,and that the ol ored men who say they are National Republicans, proclaimed themselves as State Democrats in order to g t rid of Kellogg; Eighth, that the police force in New Oileaua is domornlis-'d. - Senaii A resolution . waa- passed, calling for Mnjor Mernll'e report of the Cousliatta affair. The Mnjw on ont hand Wal denounced aa a ruffian, and on the other defended as a rough soldier. . ... The assassination of Grant waa dift O ' cussed with much laughter.anltbre! were made to clear the galleries. I Sahurz spoke to his resolution, io j structing ttie Jndioiaiy ComruitUo to ' report what legislation was neotwicarj : to secure a Republican form of gov ernment to the people of Lruiiiatia. Schurz.iu speaking of tha Louisiana trouble-, aaid that he appronohxt the subjfot iu no party spirit, as h was about to retire to privnt life. The suoeess of no party would Ik m lit him. nor the defeat of any mjurtt hira. Tim subject aow before "the Scimle vm ho great that pussiou or pi judioe should find no place in th breast of St-uators iu discussing it He did H"t think the debute of lat week piematurv or in advance of tho facts all h impor tant facta of the case were in posse. si. in of the Seuator,. llo then review ed trw soeu.-s iu Louisiana of Morula; last attend. rg tbo organisation of tlia Legislature, the intrfer. nee of the military, to., and said that if suoh in terference be permitted in ltOuiMana, who ounld tell how long it would be before a geiieiul of the army might occupy the chair of the Vioe PrtMilent in this body to determine contested election coses. He oonimeuted upon the general con dition of nff.iii'H iu the South, aud said ho would hail the d.iy as a nioit auspi cious one for the colored propie of tiiu South, wheu thy threw ifftlie scan dalous leadership of tlme adveuturers who, takii g advantage ot their ignor ance, mmh) them tools for their rapa city. The peop'e of tho South were not nnirdereis aud banditti There were bad element), among tin m, but the Nutiouul (Kive.mneut itself wa giving to ttiese bad elements a strength which they never won' J have possessed otherwise. By its uucou btitntiouil proc; ediug-i it put every one of them bad Dien in the. position of being oppressed aud pleud'Ug (or freedom. He argued that Viijj'Hiiu, North Caiolina and Georgia, -where sell government was unobstructed, were advancing iu prosperity, while in Louisiana aud in other States where self-government was obstructed, there was no prosperity. He thought the lawlessness of power was becoming fai more dangerous than the lawless ness of a mob. Tha Conservatives of Louisiaun did oarry the lute election aud were defrauded of it by the Re turning Board. No ma t would be able to obscure the real question be fore the Senate by any flimsy aide is sues. He hoped that his motion to instruct the Judioiury Committee would not result in a bill for a new electiou iu Louisiana, with General Sheridau as the chief ruler aud a Packard to conduct the campaign. No measure would avail which aid not boldly viudioate the constitutional privileges of the laud and preserve to the State the right of se'f -government, Morton follow, d with hit usual speech. IIot'BB Among the bills introduced to day was one by Borry, of Ohio, to abolish the offioe of Lieutenant-Gen-eral. The following, introduced by Haw ley, of Illinois, was referred to the Judiciary Oommittee: A joint resoln tion reciting that at the elction held iu November, 1872, in Louisiana, Win. P. Kellogg claimed to bo elected Governor; that he and the other officers holding nnder him have since oier oised all the functions of their several offices; that the President of the United States, in a special message to Con gress, on Jauuary 23d, 1873, invited , attontion to the Louisiana question, and to the fact that the Courts had reoognized the validity of the Kellogg government; that uuless Congress ordered otherwise the President would continue to recognize the Kellogg gov ernment; that, at Kellogg'a sugges tion, the President furnished United States troops, and as Congress has not taken any action, and therefore resolv ing that the existing govejnnient iu Louisiana, as represented by W. P. Kellogg, as Governor, is the lawful g vemment of said State; that said Kovernmcnt is Republican in form.ani that Kellogg should be sustained by the Unit d States forces, when called upon to do so,and that persons wlo have been guilty of disturbances should be punished. The following confirmations were made to-day: lha?ker, of Virginia, Commissioner of Patents; Spear, of Maine, Assistant; Hopkins, of Vir ginia, First Examiner. Nominations: Booker, Minister to RiisSiatThe6"d5fS XMifiiroT'TnfnOiifr Consul at Bristol; George Manly, of Tennessee, Minister at Ecqnador. The Consular Appropriation Bill hss passed the House. PfiMSYLVAXl A . BREAD RIOTS TUREVTENED AMONG THE MINERS. New 1'okk, Jan. 11 NoouThe Sun rays that great ala m is felt among the people of the mining towns iu Pennsylvania owing to the turbulent dispobitiou of the miners now ou a strike. More tbah twenty thousand men are penniless and idle with star vation staring them in the face. At the miuera' meetiug 'on Thursday a resolution was passed calling to the men to arm and help themselves to bread. HEADQUARTERS. PROMINENT DEMOCRATS MEET IN COUNCIL. TO THE CONGRESSIONAL DOINGS. Washlnuton, Jho 11 N kh At the suggestion of promiueut Democrats of the country a meeting will be held here some time this week, consisting of a leading Democrat from each State, to consider the political aitua tion. It is understood that ex -Governor McGoffln, of Kentucky, will pre side and that the consultation will be private. Senatb Rsrgent introduced a bill to promote the effioicnev of the light hutvxe service of the Uuitod Stuti s. Referred to the Committee on Com meroe. Numerous bills were introduced and referred. :nuiK. ANOTHER STEAMER LOST AT SEA, GERMANY GETTING MAD Willi THE CARLISTS. I ANOTHER DEFEAT FROM DON i. CARLOS. j Losoon, Jan. 11 NoouThe steam er Kathleen May baa been lost at sea with 20 soula on board. The Post'a Beilin special ssva that a lively correspondence is in progress between the Ueruian aud iSpaumli Governments iu regard to the outrage liy tue CariiKt on the German vessel Gns'ave. It is rumored that the Get man ( orvettos Victoria and Ijouiat have beeu ordered to be iu readiness to proceed to chastise the Carlit, if n cessary. . Madrid, Jan. 11 Noon Official in Mligeuc has been received at the Ministry of War of au encasement in the Piovu.oo of Valencia between the Carlists aud National tronjis, in ahioh the former were defeated with a loss of 4J kihed aud many wound.id. Forty of the Insurgents were taken prison ers. - The Spanish orders of Charles III., W.ella, Catholic, and Marie lionise have beflii re e-tsbliihed. ELECT IIH'ISJIS. The ice harvest, at the North, will beciimmeuoed tb wetk. Voorhees has withdrawu from the Itliuois Senatorial o-.iedidacy. Vaquez,thu California ban lit, hu gs January 22d. Win. Western Hotol, at Sacramento, togethei with three men, has beeu burned. It is f oared that others are in the rains. The rush for senta was fearful nt the Tiltou-Monltou Beecher trial.- The wife of Beeclier was iu Court yet tordny. At Tirre B line, Queb'so, the Man n College was burned. Loss $100,000. No live lo.t. Nothipg has been heard from the Faraday, which sailed 24 days ago to pick up the cable. Steamers arriving from Europe re port very stormy weather. THE COLD, Naw Your. Jan. 1! Noon TIia Wt ather here is intensely oold. The orew of the Queen of Hearts and of manv other vessels ars imnns thn frost bitten, and there have beeu sev eral deaths from cold t'uoeral Nlit-e. Tbe huteral ot' Wilms P. Cakpat, whl h w vo'tpdnd from .t, will takv ilxe thii sfl-raoou. at I o'clock, f ruru tbe resldrncs of the rtmlly, dwiiw or Thltd fend Wnliint ltre-t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings ' . -OK TUB N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiLtiiaaToa, N. O., 'anil, mi. olas im-Dw si Vim. '.3 't 7 S U a V M 34 It 32 '. !I.AB M-laAW 1T4 . M. Jf CI t 03 111 R 3 ?!S 18 IT IW. ri.AH M.i miAws atT r. u Jl 14 (IS M 43 W C m 13 71 2. W. H.HAUUIWN. tn 12 1 -M Oranges at Auction. rpHIS MORNING, AT IS O'fU.Oi K. WK X we will s I' on b rl o' Br'g 'Otrnus Aims." lying at Wor h Jt Woitli'n wharr, 4000 Sweet Oranges. CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctlenerrs Jsui io-ii Yesterday with Authors, By Jmits T. Fiir.na. The Empty Heart; OR HUSKS. Py-MBifT TTun-MHifi FROM MY YOUTH UP. A STORY of awj-daj "' trial. By Virion Hurl.ind. for tils at Ihs City Book Store, whirs you will k'ra DnJ ah tb Istrtt Magazines and New York Dally Papers Bow Bells, Frank Leslie, Codey, Demorest, Ac, Ac. for rale by C0N0LEY k IATES 10- Powder, Shot and Caps. 350 Kegs Rifle, Sporting and Blasting Powder, 250 Bage Shoty : 200 M. Caps, 60 M. Feet Fuse, ' For sle by JtnT KKHCHCB CAI.DKK HUC8. Hay, Salt, Cheese, Bagging. 2 0 Bales Eastern Hay, 100 Boxes Oheose, 2,IMK) Sacks Salt, 60 Rolls Heavy Bagging, r'i r talc by John Dawson H. i utors ' d to arrln BOO Plnwn (or all kliMla; I Tom IM iw C'as.lngK, W CO'ln l uttun f H w 1,'nfs, 30' Palm Iimi Ctialna 40 f')ii-n (.'' n'l HirO'K, 1W l)o u Wbi1Iiik Mot, Mi m ii Minveltar.d .nl.. fur ma at the ow-t ma'tt't r-ei. ' 19, to tc tl Itlavrkol Mrccl. PR! n 10 h WEDDING CARDS ZrJL tlieBuet lasbkoble Myle et tbe jouhNiLOf rto i NtW ADVtRTISEMESTS. CiOUMIEADKD CANES. i . f Children' Kandkerchiera, BuMinwMi Suit, i Shirt Fronts, Silk and Gingham Cmbrellaa, Overcoats, I Drcos Suits. MUNSON&GO'S, oil x cLorniERs, Jin l New CrouCuba MOLASSES. Kr I IMPUtiTH)X of Ike MlAOS 229 Hhds. Now Landing eiS.br. "th nnt Ains," and i " InrMlebr WORTH 4 WOBTH. Jn -t nkli) - I Hubs, Spokes and RIMS Tlttl? IHOJS, WOiN AXI KS, Blr(l(JT irlii(t, trtlagn Trlinmlun, Unty W a.c!, Wiuon Wheit ,Sulky wlieeb, bbaiu, IlUII HuiitfV H(l, ttx. l lm i arg .(. i Ut tprt', i d Ht Amirtsil hi.m'V In tin) Olty tau be lound tt tbe Old He tiblnli. J HkiUt tleu-e ot JOHN DAWSUN. l,'Mii.l Market Street J" I - : Niagara Fire OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets, 81,400,000. NORTHROP & CUMMINQ, AGENTS. uffic with Mr. 0. . Kolili.tin. on lork 8tret, mbt will Httemt to urit'it I it wlib bim. (Jtii 10-S-lm THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES, SINHK WK UEtfiLVKU TOI KM. at prlees that ouM 'urolv linluce etoi-k, U bee re- qulifd n ttitmm.mliiii tu mill our guudt. Our SilkGr Black Alpacas, Dress Coods, Bleached and Unbleached GoodB, Table Cloths, Bleached aod Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankets, Spreads, Sheetings, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbous, Laces, Collars, Handkerchiefs And t tlionwnd othfr trllclun, are tolni fart. anil 11 you are-la want ut any gondii ueuslly I'lMitid In l.rai-cle I'rr Uuuit Stock, now Ib the timo tu buy 111 -in ir ra the bent itock In the city, at iirioea never told tt belore. Kcmrmtinr the loiluuement. offered on It at the leading ItRY GOODS HOl'SK OP BOSKOWITZ& LIEBER, 29 Market Street. Jau 10 . Salt Bagging Ties Corn. 4,000 Sacks Salt, 200 Rolls and Half Roils Bagging, 20 Tons Ties, 15,000 Bushels White and Miiei Corn, for sals low by W1LI.JAM8 A Mt'RUHIor Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Rloe. 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 150 bbls. Rotined Sugsr, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Bbls Whole Rice, For sale low ! WJM.1AMS M CIRC HI HO Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 600 Bales N. R. & E. Hay, B00 Bundles Uoop Xronr-. IW iJbls. tilue, 200 New New York Spirit Casks, For nle leu by WILLIAMS Ml'KCWIHON Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrnp, -400 Bags Bhot,'-""--' 500 Bushels Black Oats, 300 Kegs Nails, For al- low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Molasses Molasses Molasses. 50 Hhds. New Crop Cuba MolaBses. For Mia low by VILLI AMI A MUKCH1SON. jan 10 I- w INCHES'! KH 8 HVPOPtltsroUTKb Attwo"d Quinine Tonic, " ljTTTTilr H.trmrion, ' Ayar'e trwiarllls Tarrant'i Aprrlont, . Pain Killer. i Miimung Lhilmi-nt, Onlnni. Quinine. NiTi.lilne. end t set er tMtortment ot Urugt Cbrmict), Palnte, Olle, vernmii, iirnhr. kirim, cc.,m LKKKN fLANMCK'.s, W holeMle end Ketiill I)rogii hot II tl- Xo Ail ranee In Prices, fa are prlllng Wfin.li Per tioml. Per Co- . OtksndB k.Hek,Mt0eW, tUtotnttx) Anli t KB i (Ml io S VS Mlied ..CO to 10 I 41 to Soil ine 71 ' 115 ini ap n r-nuiru ni ihwft jwime r4im. Loutaj re -hii tue man y by tiu'cb: tu t st our ya J. j in i u.u. rjnjur i u. Bagging and Ties 2QQ ROU.S HKAVT BAuniNti, 1,000 "- For tale by KEKOrtNKK QALDEK MKOH. dee N He KISCF.LLAMLOUS. New Publications ! t'lnlf I, a, Purr Snow iMtliii iHteorMy Youth, h t iMi (I. Pl warie. Froia rey Vonth Tp. by Mtr.on tlerlaad. Kurrfe t'ouoliitiuii, by W,l Hoellt. HtaVirr of the .lewieh Nttton, by Pa'tner. The M Mt. e ot tko Mtiiee, be Holland, i tut ale si HEINSBERCER'S Ure nook aud Merle Store. Jaal I Ladies' Kid Button Boots, lillOOLO rCDOLC BUTTON BOOTS At JnS O k. PRICE"S, li M ai kot tUi'Ot. , Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED, A CARGO OP BRIGHT HEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Wbli'b we o0r at lo..,t Merkt-t Prdet ALSO SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. 200 HBlH Far tale by KrMtllHNSHiVCAI.Df.H IIKl. Jan I I- For Sale QN rlAHONABLK TICRMS, tb Natl ital Hotel Furniture, ti.d an uuexlred Let e fur eeveu jevt. Tble It a ehanre to' a i d InTettnient, ae Ike Hotel U well tttitbllibed, and Iu Bcurlnhlng romtltl'itt. For fitrihor liifiiutliin i) at the Nullmti Hotol, ur to JaaS I-r D. A. SMI l it . IH First National Back of Wilmington, Wir.MiNtiroN. Jan. 1st. 1875. rpHK kfcUUt Ak ANmiAUMfchTiNUOF Hie "tockhii'drnof Hi It Bunk for the election n( Hlr.otiirt be hxlit In tb.lr Hanklna Hon e on I'l'UBM) Y. tke lltb Inetant. at It o'clock A. M, A.K. WAl.KKR, O.Mer. jan , .,, R.lVAUtb Horso Blankets. HtSSIet, Htrneit. Tronkt. Trrna Rtat. Onllurt, Rrl(ll, Hamee,TrteChtlB, Wb'ie, Bint, nnree nrumni, Fottner UunMra, tnd a I''iirl aewrlmeiit ot Htilrller ooita.ai niii-Kp mm (iHiu.ui mme que liy can ne oonD1i in me niHia, J.8.TOPHAM CO 174-na-tt HOT II M CRONLY, Auctioneer. P-V CRONL? A MOKKIH Hlortg-ngo Hale. Bt virtue of a Mortgage made and eierutml by the Lpo Fear AgrlgultiireJ Aeeociatlon, the Mechanics' HuHdltii end Imn A eoclallon will till, by rniilio Auction, tt Y,x rhuniie ti-rn' r, In tin I elty, on PrldaT.the Wth lnnt., at II o'cl x-k A. M., tbo fol'olnn dctlra. ble (teal Kettle wltb alllmiTuvemente tbrrmin, Ituatnd in the County of New Henorer, wlte. la two mllie ot tbe city of Wrnilnglnn, tnl wen mown inn usrf. rmi4 aiiuh ui,. Ti'KAI. IKOUNI)H." nclnnlnt at a eiake at the IntiT.-cllon ut the County road with Ihe ruvl lea ilng to the Work Hnme, and niiiiiln tbnnoe l h raul C' Uiitf road north 47 A. fre,t, eeet, 13 rheum and Si link. th nec noitu 13 df- frece earn Sebalne and M llnke, thence mirth I dorri t 2f chili end (W llnke, i hence noith II drre T chain art! Slink thenre mum at (irvicee run lin naim to the wur iincol thu riirtit T we or the W. At W. R H. I'n.. thrnca touth it! d. grew writ, ilonK xaid line 13 enaine xnn io iinae to tne iioint where the rol to the work House eroMne eaid rlfht ot wey. f ine north TNjf dctroct wntwltheaid rued ie cntins ie in seginning, coniainng- l I()ki acre. Jan T-eodU&Jt inen. a, nnnin, Bee and Tri as. BUT ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, KuSiFRcaiet Coal Hcalet ', Hay Sclee71airy Soa ".Bier hoe let, Ae., o. Aleo Mile Aiarm Till Co.'s ALARM CASH DRAWER. eymt r'JOtsj, KVFRT DRAWER muiuuuui r a WAKtAKTSD l ee Them. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY) HEW VOIIK, I Hal tl mora at., Haiti more, S3 ramp SI,, Www Orleans. FAIRBANKS EWING. MAMtl HAM. I'HII ADKI.PHIA FAIKBANKS. BROWN & CO., 1 Mtl.K ST., BOHTttK For tale by leading Hardware Dealer, ang H Ml-ltawlai DDIUTIUP WKATI.T BXKOUTIUAT rnlll I I nU be ehorteet noUre and am a lbs aiaet reejoaable terau. NEW ADVERTISIJIE3T8. Meny Umas BROWN & 45 MAJIKJ5T STREET. Santa Clans' Headquarters DRY UOOD3 of Errry Deacription auitabla fo HOLIDAY PRESENTS. REMEMBER THE LITTLE FOLKS TOY8 pet Now York steamer ttiis day. la fact it la ft mlxturt of rerythiBf. LADIES' MOSCOW BEAVER ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, suitable for CH1USTMAS PRESEMa Just reci'ivcd. the LnrccBt Line of BLACK ALPACAS we Lata ever bad. Triers at lonst 10 peroont. lower than our former prices. T W adviso all wbo waut anytbing in our line U 11 early Id tha norn lug, as we gat so bus it is Impossible for ns to wait 01 BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Strcef; ATTENTION 1 FOR THE FAIR BUY "DRY COODS, CLOTHING, Boots, CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, AT THE "GIIEAP CASH HOUSE" OF M. FRANK & BR0., 17 Market Street. At 03.00 per Tun, Cash, or $00.00, N A VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, Wl ODAHANTXE that tb prerkmi HlghOrarU of our rsrtlllsera thai) bo (nil Maistaiiso R K. BHItHJEHH, PreeMent. O. McKAK, TieHurer, (1. 1,. UKAKK1.IN, Suierlnlfi dent, Jane MI8CZLLAHX0XIB. ' TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES," "A FLOATING CITY," "BLOCKADE RUNNERS," "MYSTERIOUB ISLAND," "DOCTOR OX." "EIOHTT DAYS' TOUR, to," By Julea Verne. "DRAPER'S INTELLECTUAL DE VELOPMENT OF EUROPE;" " YESTERDAY WITH AUTHORS; " "HITnERTO," A STORY OF YESTERDAY, By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, All for tale a' the Cur Boos Toaa, luCQyOLET YATES. lanS 5 tf OPERA HOUSE! ONE IVIGIIT ON1L.Y -or- Grand Italian Opera. TUESDAY ETENINQ, January 12th. ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS pPEHA COMPANY. When will be presented with appropri ate Costumes, ooenery and stage effects.RoBsini's chef d'eeuvre, in two Aota, tha BAEBER OF SEVILLE. tss ooarasf mobODss tis eoiiowmo i ASTtere : Miss Adelaide I'lilllipps, SIGNOR ORLANDINI, Boriton. MR. TOM KARL, Tenor, liocatellt, tareo,SI. Bteelll, lluffo Be. Mr. Ueorfo W. I'olbr, kiulral Ulreotor. Admlerido t W, Reeered Seeti (1 s; " aaller 80 oents. 'm HeeerTOj flerta oo eale at F. Melneherer'S Cnaa. af. ATKtss, Jan t ' Buviaeee Agent ' Potatoes ! Potatoes I 150 BBI'' EARLV Ku"x eoTAToit- v or saw oy KEBUHNKH UALDKJt 0. HMD eV and RODDICK, ATTENTION I AND HOLIDAYS. YOUR Shoes, Hats, Trunks, WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For tlia Hessoii of 175, leli?ertd on the Cara, at Our Factory, at tbe followipg It.lSIU012I XTtlOEH: SOLUBLE NAVAS8A GUANO payable 1st of Norember, next; payablo 1st of Norember next. NAVA88A GUANO COMPANf WILMINOl ON. M. O. -ootl-fl&wlm KUCILLABXOTIS. Closing Out Sale! )WINQ to our Intsoded, Dlaiotutloo Coirtnerahlp, W will tell Oar EnMrs Itoek of U1-OTH1NO, at greatly reduced prion. The Stoek most be sold within tb next slit flay, flat for Cash only. DAVID & WEIL. JnJ a- 1 Tobacco Leaf anil Cotton Plant , SEMI-MOMTOliT. Largest elrtnlatioa or any Trad Journal i tb Boutliero sutee. Batnorlptloa (I pr aBBiUBe Tobaccoleaf and Cdtton nant strrruisisT wszxtT. fm Fie Hundred gretultooe ch-enlatloa. rout paid tpee Imen eopltt to Foet Cfflea la adjoining roHDtlet of tu Carolina. - J, E. MORRIS, deo tf rroprlelor. OFFICE , Garden City Ci.ar Manufactory. NEW YORK. AU Cliar at authorised New Tork raetor price. Quality g ieranteed a reprewnted. The ebeaueet Hunt In the SUM. and ib Only oat dealing exelusleelytn Oigare. bull. ugrnuK ivii m tau,, 0. 1 ortll Front HUaet, deeJe-lm Wilmington, N. o. TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NECK TIES, 80 ota; worth 60 ots. . FANCY CRAVATS, VERY , . HEAVY BILK, 60o; worth 1 10. NECK RUCHIS VIRY CHEAP. A HASOSO.nS LOT I Ilk Bowk Mavrlta, ul lmrorl1 frwat Corwairy, IKTV of Jet QRBAT VAklKTV of Jet end lava Jw- eiiy New Ueelgna. FRBSH NfJPFXY f fephyrWhlt tad . , B'ark, IBd per ea; Colura, tva. i At WILLIAM FVFC'C, Janl CXCIINCIK ConifBM. w EfINCAltlWM ViaiTIKU 'A Hlilt epedlelty ui

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