i W7 . fT ,rf$ JJ 1 I I I i 1.1 I in sn ; MM tit i VOL XXIV.-HO. 13 WILIIinOTOlIi 1?. C, FRIDAY, JAHUABY 15. 1875. UHOLE IIO. 0,777. 4 bf iniln Journal; WILMINGTON, N 0.: FRIDAY, J ATS. 15. 1875. STATEHEWS. .,. Mr. N.. 8. Riohardson's. class pre tented the Nevbern Methodist Holi day School with $120 organ Christmas present, This, same class presented the Sohool last year with a $10 library. The Charlotte Southern Home says; Mr. Ilarry L Groner hang himself in South Potot towasliip, Gaston oouuty, oa the 33d December, 1874.' He had r yen erideiioes of insanity tome tim before. There wan do reason for tlm suioide known to hit most inttraato friends. Mr. Q. was a good oitizon, and his ad fate has east a gloom over large seotion of the country. The SUtesville Landmark says: We learn that on Monday afternoon, near ' Long's Mills, in Yadkin oounty, one Berry Huteuins shot and killud Alex ander <ltk There had previously been a difficulty btween the parties about the possession of a still bonse, which terminated in the murder of Mathis, as stated. We are uot fur nished with any particulars whatever. Ilutoh'ns surrendered himnelf and is now confined in the Yadkin jail. The Raleigh Sentinel Kays': Last Haturday,intnis oounty, Joseph Good- in felled a tree aud it (ell on him and hurt him badly. His old motlmr was ent for and she started immedUtttly for her son, riding behind one of the neighbors on horseback. Just before reaohing Leesville, the old lady com plained of feeling a little bidiy, and stopped at Wiley Lynn's ntore to rest. She died in less than five minutes after getting in the store. The Charlotte Observer aays : On last Friday morning, as the son of a Mr. Pixon, living about six miles from Dallas, Q ton county, was preparing for the day's work, he met with a fatal accident. It seems that the yonng man had takeu the mule out of the atable with the harness on, and started off to the field, wheu the mule took fright and threw him off. Aa he was falling, his ftet b :eaine entangled, and when the mule was stopped, the youug man was found to be dying. He lived about 24 hours. The Raleigh Sentinel says: Mr. Badgutt died in Hillsboro of scarlet fever. It is a fearfnl disease, and the one that risks it for a friend ,rnunt ) Lave a faith ii God passing the so called fashionable religion of the pres ent age. Ireanna Jackson is a colored woman who had nursed Mr. Badgetfs children, and formed an attachment to the family When she heard of his illness she left her home in opposition to the wishes of her family and stood by the bedside of tho dying man for days and nights, faithfully and affec- v tiouately administering to his wants until the last. Ireanna has passed the meridian of life, but all her days has been a fast friend to the white people A Hillsboro correspondent hopes that when she dies a mouument may be ereoted to her memory, with the simple epituph, "8ha was a good woman." - The Kiuston Gazette says: Kins ton Oin boast of the champion walkist in the State, in the person of of John Sheppard, col. On a wager he at tempted the feat of .walking 8 miles in one hour ana a quarter, aud but lor ' the several impediments would nn doubted ly have accomplished the feat tie walked six niues in 64 minutes. when it was seen that he would fail to make his time and he was stepped. The walking was done on our moat public street when throngsd with people; the sidewalk is very uneven, and during his walk he ran over a child and stop ped to pick it up, stopped to pull off his shoes and bad to leave the side walk to past around a cart that was backed upon the pavement. With all these impediments, had he continued, be would have fallen short only 10J minutes, tie avers tnat ne can aa oompish the feat and will shortly try it over, and under more favorable oiroumstanoes. " "The Oxford Children's Friend says: When Nathaniel Macon, the honest politician, was olosing his earthly ca reer, he appointed his friend, Weldon N. Edwards, exeoutor of his will, with out requiring a bond, or auy responsi bilitv to court. Ha knew that Mr. Ed wards was so honest man and oould be trusted in the management of other , . people's mon'y. Mr. Edwards lived a long time in Warren county, and no breatn of suspicion ever soiled bis character for pure integrity. His life was a model of honeeiy for all the ehildrenof our land. As some lofty mountain peak rises above its fellows and bathes its face in the golden sun light, so the name of Weldon N. Ed wards looms np on the horizon of his tory, aud shines like a light-house to point out the pathway of safety. One of the lastaots of his life was to send the Orphan Asylum at Oxford, by the bands of his esteemed friend, lion. A W. Vennble. his check for flftv dol lars. Yes, the beauty of his life was illustrated in being good. Episcopal Visitations. The following are Bishop Atkinson's appointments for the month of Febru ary, 1B76: . Clinton. Quinquagesima Sunday , Feb. 7, Futons evening or v eb. . Gold8boro.,Ash Wednesday, Fob. 10. Wilson.....,,. .Feb. 12. Rooky Mount, . Enfield .... Ringwood.. ........Feb. 14, Feb. 16. Feb. 17. . .......Feb. 19. Feb. 21. Halifax.... .... ,.. Weldon...... ' GiIlectioDs at each of Diocfflau tniaslnna. place in bi lialf " Tsve AtMcricavn niaaa-a. MlN lolppl and Mini iurl, ai dlaflgared a good dfl by tha anaga la thalr moutht In ardor that all othar Mlaaei mtj ayold th llk bleeilfAra, tbey aro advlard to a tha famool Boaiadant, which will pi event and obtlal aUtaahdifflealtio. Jaa U-lwdAw BY TELEGRAPH. EUHOPK. ALFONSO IN SPAIN. SPAIN WIIL IDEMNIFY GER MANY FOR THE CARLIST OUTRAGE. . . ROYAL RECEPTION FOR THE NEW KINO. ' II KN date, Jau. U Noon Don Car- Ion is holding a miuno 1 of war at Dtirango, Alfonso's reception at Valentia was less enthusiastic thau at Barcelona. Paris, Jan. 14 Noou Bagosta de clines the Spanish Minixtry.- The Duke of Parma denies : that he or Counts Oaserta, or Bar i are about to abandon Don Carlos. The Assembly Committee ou the liquidation of the late Emperor's civil Uat, will report iu favor of allowiug his Heirs eight hutu dred thousand fraucs, the Bute re taining the mu! sums at Firrepont and Fontainblean. Maduid, Jan. 14 Noon The gov ernment informs the German Empire that they will complete the indemnity for the Carlist outrago as soon as the fact are officially received, A decree has keen isuul for the restoration, to the Chuich, of all eoolessBtica! prop erty, not inotudod in the redemption fund. Preparations i.r the t-ntry of the King into the capital, are being made on a grand scale. Decoration will be profuse, and tmperb triumph- arches are being built along trie route of the royal procession. LOUISIANA. EMPHATIC DEN UNCI ,TOHY MEETING AT ALBANY. OH 10 CON DEMNS THE ODTUAOE WHAT THE NEW YORK LEGISLA TURE HAB TO SAY ABOUT IT. AtBiHi, N. Y . Jau.' 14-Noon. The largest indoor meeting even held here aKmbled t-duy to express in dignation about the Louisisua outrage. I ho indignant utterances or the or ators were wildly applauded, and resolutions energetically denunciatory adopted by aoolttmation. Coutmbus, Ohio. Jan. 14 Noon. Both Honsea of the Legislature, after considerable filhbastering, adopted resolutions eondemning the Federal interference in Louisiana. Albany, N. Y Jan. 14 Night. In tho Btate Senate to-day, the res olutions submitted yesterday concern ing Sheridan's oourse in Louisiana were taken np. The resolution that was offered yesterday by a Republican Senator, affirming confidence in the personal integrity ef oherulan, was adoptsd and the further consideration of the subject postponed until to morrow. ' In the House, a majority of the committee appointed yesterday to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the House ou Louisiana affairs mads a report utterly deprecat ing and condemning the interference by the military iq the organization, pi the Legislature, and the coarse of President Grant and the Secretary of War in relation thereto. The minority made a report which agreed with the majority report that the aetion which had taken plaoa m Louisiana deserved a most prompt check, but they could not agree upon terms m which to pro test. ... - ., ..... HEADQUARTERS. CONGRESSIONAL TROCELDINGS YESTERDAY. , , - . THE , PRESIDENT SraNd bflEU "MAN IS ilNANCE BILL. HE RECOMMENDS THAT THE TAX ON COIFEE AND TEA BE RESTORED. Washinoton, Jsn 14 Noou Hocss The disubilities of W. W. Kearuey, of Teuoessee, luve been removed. The Hons is in committee on In dian eppropriatioua. ' Bknatr Mr Morrill reported an appropriation bill, for which he asked consideration wextMoBdayriiirflii hoped the Louisiana affair would I e disposed of this week. Sbsatb. Tburman, of Ohio, from the Judiciary Ooinmittfe, reported fa vorably on the House bill relating to the punishment of the crime of man slaughter Placed on the oalendsr. The bill making persons charged with crime competeut witnesses in their bwu behalf was indefinitely post poned. Sargent, of California, introduced a bill to empower the Southern Paoiflo Railroad Company to change the line of their road and to construct addi tional branch railroads. Schurr, introduced bill to organ ize the Territory of Oklahoms, and for the further protection of the Iudiaus therein. Logan ooooludrd his si eceh on Louisiana,- . , The President has signed Sherman's f inance bill. Th') President sent a special mes sage to Cona-ress to-day rooommend- ing additional taxation to meet enrrent eipensrs. He shows that the customs are falling off greatly, nd urges the restoration of tiie tax ou tea and oof fee. House The queatiou of whether the Hergeant at- arms should obsei ve the writ of habean roriw issnsd by the Supreme Court of the District Jf Columbia, end produce the body ol Rich'd B. Irwin, tha jreousant wituess in the Paoiflo Mail iuvestigatiou, oo eupied ten hours of the time of the House in a dieonssion which brought out the legal and constitutional lore of many of its lawyers. The solution of the question was finally presented by Hswley, of Connecticut, not a lawyer, but an editor, and was ndopted direct ly. The Sergeant at arms to make a return to the writ, stating that Irwia was held under anth. rity of the House of Representstives in a ease of pro ceedings for oontempt. ' UIORUIA. GOV. SMITH'S MESSAGE TO THE LEGISLATURE. HIS DENUNCIATION OF THE LOUISIANA OUTRAGE. Atlanta, Jan. 14 Night Gover nor Smith's annual message was read in both Houses of the Legisla'nre to day. It shows that there ia a balance in the Treasury of $1,003,128, and that the affaire of the Btate are in a proe peroua oonditiou. At the close of the message he deprecates Federal inter ference ia the affairs of the Sou them Btates'and shows its evil affeots. The meeaage, oonaludes as fodows: Daring the last ten years the General Govern ment baa violated the liberty of the oitizeus, overturned and oreated State governments at will and committed other flagrant violations ef the Con stitution. The crowi ing aet in this oause of usurpation and wrong is the attempt to atule, by the strong arm of the military, the power and the will of the people of Louisiana expressed at the reoent election in the popular government. The antrammeled exer cise of the elective franchise, and the purity of the ballot-box, are at once th. form and esseuoe of public liberty. The reoeeut attempt to per vert the popular wll in Louisiana may well excite the gravest apprehen sion, xuere would, indeed, be little ground of hope for the perpetuity of our free institutions if snob usurpation a. : a l ill- . . ir wern met wim puono apaiuy. mp pity, however, it has produced the con trary effect, and patriotism, finds en couragement in the almost universal sentiment of condemnation this grave wrong nas evoked. The cbangein pub lic suutiment indicated by recent elec tions also h-fkHua to look for an earlv reformation of the f olicy and rciee of the federsi governoxnt towards the Honthern Ste. It th policy of ir ritation should be abandoned and the people be left to themselves, (be two races would soon establish social and busin- a relations with each other as their own peace, happiness end true inten at require. In other words, our people onlv ask that they be scoured in the great right of local self govern ment as It once existi d in all the States of the Union, bnt which u new. enjoyed alone by the people of the northern Btates, If the ivernment will but give us boms rale, a revenue tariff, aa honest' and economical ad ministration and souud circulating me dium, we shall not have long to wait for the return of peace and prosperity to all parts of the oountry, and amoug all olassea of people. KLKUTBIC1SMS, At StroudBburg the heirs of asni oide recovered judgment fo his life in snrance, the company pleading that the insured had snioided for the pur pose ol defrauding the oompany. -Dawson, Jndd k Co., dry goods dealers or muadelpma, have sus pended. ' DIED. In I Don annntT. Tlltl, ton th (rd tit usnasry. unutia . BI':KI8U, ivr nMMftf Bil,m wstj, . t, n thi 6(b yer of his NEW ADVEfiTIiEMlBTS. Official Drawings OF THE N. Ca BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. .Waaiaonia, B , 0, Jan. 14, int. CLA S IO-iihawh ai I a ' , SI S SI IS f It I f SM tg M 78 41 1 It OLAS I'll-Ottawa at 4 f . a ! M H H IT tt I St M M t at It I UI.A8B St-laAW t",t.m 4 t st 4i ti 44 ii ee xi i n it it W. H. HAKK11UN. Jaa 18 It tf Nordhoffs California. Ca Ifornl ! for Health, FleMure ai d Hral duc A Hook for Traveller aad ottlert. By Charlra hoidhufl'. lllnatrated. In, ' Mb. a- SO. NordhofTa Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Ulande. i Northern (Jallfcrr la, Oregoa and lh Sand wich t1anda,By Oharle Word huff Pro foaelyl luatratad Iro.Ololh.SJ St. " -aiat i - HEINSBERCER'8 Ut Book and ante Store, M "t-idl BtrMt. Jan IS , (I- Pilot Boot ! Pilot Boots! Pilot Boots I At CA. PRICE'S, Jan 1A U Market Htroet Sundries at Auction, THIS MOKMMO. at It o'clock, we will sell in front of our offlj aa aswrtmautol Furniture, Crockery, Crocerlea, -riahr Fruit Treee, ..4ot. t. CRONLY ft MORRIS, Aaciteaeara Jan 19 IS-lt Boughinir It," 1 ai THE GILDED AGE' -AND- "lunoccnts Abroad " Bi Maek Twain. - "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Beat." By Jules Verne. . "A Floating City" and "The Blockade Runners." By Jules Verne. "The Froeen Deep." By Wilkie Collins, Ac, Aa. For aale at lha City Book Store, OONOLEY k T4TE8, Mo. 47 Market Street. IV jaa IB n EW ADViETISEMtl T8. II la eertaviwlr Ik AmerU nuuiaHl,-iqm, Bnfal: iV. T, Ita rmtal pMltitr la lkr swlt ml aan cili,"-l'MMm4, iiiu- Tkir la ami a AuU rmt beiweeti its rvra a. i. iiaw A aaHlel rlen:l."i,Wa. trut. Why net Subeorlbe for THE GALAXY FOR 1875. it is taa BIST AMERICAN MAQAZINI. M fsmllj un ka'ord 0 wiiboat U. ITOITKS WOK1 UOOD AMD ATTK AO- livi KBauma hattbr rot thi MOMKT IBAWAflTOTHKR -Hstt'-r ODKIAI. OR A)K PUBUSHID 4 IN 1MB COUNTRY, A tiff Strlsl b Mri. aan'S Idwinls, UAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST EOUN. Altii a Story by Pior. H H. MOT KRBK, A Norseman's Pilgrimage, T euatiaa wttral awatha la lh nit No. will baeommanecd ;. JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A serleawr Arllclftbj Preswlwaait ( raera, on .h CONFEDERATE SIOEOF THE WAR, not t irainnisi, win axin r com- Interesting Sketches andBtorlee KMe WMITK. ALBBVT HM'UIK. HRNHT JAMEi. Jr.. ,l ll MI'S URSiKI SROWNr, HOU UHhV, Kl HAB K IM B AI,I, and II ts itsff af BKII.I.IAM' 9i HI I'tK vblih h Ui: it ha sttrvtMl to (sir, si il wtio hta mail a bright murk vn our enrrnt litrittl TH H SiTlRNTITHI MIS Kl.l.ANV. frh Bioulli. M Wuiltt 111 ftlre or tb MKiti Who would not rive S4.00 to eeoure such a monthly vleltnnt for the year l87St Subeorlbe at Onoe. anrt f eur fall Proitni WI PRE-PAY THE P08TAOK. II can ,.hl, wrhlthor Hrifii' Weekly ' r Daiar," or ' ABpSrtnn'i Wmkly." rot St SHELDON & COMPANY, New York. i JB IS Horse Blankets, ?1i11p, Hvawi, Trunki, TravellBf Ravi, I 'All... B.I.IIU M . W Hi..i-."ml... , v.aw,-. riVflMHIII., nHIW, Spun, Horat Broh, ftli Uattn. ih! a taral MVnaDt at Sl41ry (txk1i aha tnedsof aaoit qna Uy ean bo boufht ia iuv . . ... J. B.TOPH4M IX) n-na-w DDT H Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffee Mills. THE BKH T MILL vtsnarartiuait for Rpd Kvaanori aaa Iiuraibllltv. Kvery mil warranted. For atle at manafaoturai'a filo at tha M.w Uardwara Houm or Q1LES A MUROMMO. Jaa W . . a. MI8CE11ANE0U8. FLANNER & SHURE, -DQAI.BR8 IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. Ho. 31 N. Front St. Jan II II Hens, Boys, Ladies, MISSES', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS Shoes and. Boots, ii Of all Style and Grades, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS A VokQHLAN, Princess Street. Jan 10 I TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NECK TIE8, 80ots; worth Met. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY SILK, 60o; worth 81 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. A G IIAKDSOnE LOT of Bilk Book iriarks, last Imported from fiereatrr. RE AT VARIETY of Jet and I ova Jew elry New Dertgna, F RB8H SUPPLY of Zarhyra-Wbtt and Black, ISO per or,; Colore, Xlo. At "... WILLIAM FYFE'8, Jant - ' BXfllNCR COKNHR. CoalCoal. pEOADWHIIE ASH, ail 8ir.ee. Oellrorrd Promptly. O. 0. PARSLEY A 00. an IS Fresli Family froceries COR OUR FR'BNDt IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. CASB IS TBS, WORD That can takeonr Entire Stock. The Freahe.t, the nlooat, tbo neat dealraVe aaaorlaaentor Fine Family Huppllrs In WIN anlriftOD. Money or erea ArtlHoInt Cheoka will remoaa oar eerupie ahnut the eredlt ariteB. We are Sole Proprietors or the . PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. Aganls and Owneri ' F IN EST BRAND i Of WH1KKT. Lara stock or floe Famtlf B applies. Oheeae, Bugars, Ofteea, Lye, Potaali, Hoap aad other Ineldentol artlolr . - OHAS. D, MYERS k CO., I I North Front 8 deals aus KI.CXLLABIOUS. Wanted to Rent A hull uood not s, with rouaoRrivB ,oUMN, In a iiralrab'e loca h a. Owiirn 1U ltaM aatrtM X, at tb .louaNAi. offloo, Katlri In w, at ttrim, Aib Jaa 11 U-ita Cuba Orantres ! Cuba Oranges! SKVKNTBKN BASH ELS SWKKT CUBA OMANOKS. Jail roMlvad au4 for oat by KUWAED K1DUBH BON, jaa 14 lt Dissolution. OLOSING OUT Or Butiro Block or Clothing AT AND BELOW COST, la roawquoaoooroar tateadoJ Dlu tlt lion of Coptrtnirablp. Overooata as Per Cent Below Coet, FOR CASH ONLY. DAVID A WKIL. JlH II II- Hubs, Spokes and RIMS PT1IRR TROrt, WAflOU AXI.rS". BrtldT I Np'tng, arrl Trlu.n Inn, Hunnj n di re!, W(n Whl,Suikj Wbvrlt Bhaiti, : Iron Hugf Stat, An. ffn, haaur, t (1 Brt .t ami ml Tb l art, D Block to lb r.lty ran b louml at tho Hid F.i- tabllahrd Hatilwar Hu of .IOIIN lAWON, It, tOaudfl Mrat But J S- M CRONLY, Auotloneer. BT CHONI.T MOltlUM ' BTTlTtucofS Mortiaa mado ani rxciiled by th 'r Pr A frTgnltttral AOHirUilna th Mn-hanlc Hal dliu aud tita.it a pnnlaimn II arl . i Piibllo Auitlun. a' f t- rbn ti rn r, In tin city, on Frli!,ih mti itiai., ai ii otwci a. m., in inrooif ocaira. bl ttal Kaiat with all lmi rii mnt tliripon. lUatsd In tha lountyof r HaiorO', I'. n no ik1 oi in city or wrmirimn, m i wall known aa thtJAPK PR AH All HI i Ul, TI'KALUKOUNDH." HttglnntiiK at a al attbo Intcratotlon ol tb tinutity road with lie naa looaing a in ori nuuaa, ami running thans lib id unt road roith 4T d nni. oaat, Uthaiaaaad DO lllika. thi lire noitn 13 (Ir- ftia oast S rhalna nd M llnki, thrne in iili 1 dirat ffiehalr and bl link a. ihdron noith It dfra T chain adSlinka thrn a aoatk II nprw rait IS chain t lh w at Hue o tb rbjkt r T tbo W. W. t R. . . than onth t d'firac wtot. along raid Una M olialna and 10 Mnka to Hi point hti tha rnad to th work linuaa crtMaca aa'n rl.lit orirar. thnra north drareaa wiat Ub aalit mu1 8 ehalua lo th t'ainoini. glnoln rontainlna t'KL arm. tiMaB B. HI. I. IU. Jan I f -eodlifta Beo and Treat. Trinity College fpHB SPHIHO IRBBIOH Hill (ouiai'nre JANUARY 10. Whole nren. rieent elolhlna aud lnuka. NO to 9 tOO lor At Buntli. "an I, 1S7B. H. VRAVPN Jaa T-dlw M. CRONLY, Auotloneer By CRONLY A MORRIS. Ilortgage Sale. By tlitiia of and In puraaanc of tha oower eunrtrrait by a mort(aie, mute and eiecuted on the tvd day of April, 1km I d r.ei.tertul In inomo oi vne Hegiater or er oounty la Book Z 2. Keilaterol ueedaol New Han' isse lit, the under elsoed will anil at rulilio Auction, for oaab, at the Market Home In lha elt of Wilmington i miTtHi... . t. . . i. - . . isniDi un vj Knu. i , vuv ivtu uKy ul i,janiiAiy at the hoar of 11 o'cloek, the foilowliic , 1W5, parool or land annate, lrlu( and being In the city of Wilmington: Beginning at a point. In the Western line of North Water street U!l feetaouthwardly from tho ruotlifrn Una of Mulberry atreet, thence with the aalii line of North Water atreet amth wardlv ftt fitet, tlmune weatwardlj parallel with Raid Mulberry Mrret SB reet, thenoo sootliwardly parallel with Noith Water atreet feet, thence westward. ly parallel with salt Mulberry ttreet M fut to the Mirer, thenot northwardly with the Hirer BS feet, tbenno eaatwardly pvallel with M 0' berry street wo' feet to Norilt Water street, the bralnnlng, The aame being a partot Lot s, ! iw, v per i orner't plan at the mty. The Improremeuta ronalat of a large Three hlory llnck Bnlldlng, frontlnroa North W ter atreet 42 x SD feet deep, divided Into two Stores on the Drat floor with offices above. All fltted np In tho best stylo with modern liol-t-Ing apparatus, &r., lit reer a large Iramo Wirelmnae (1 aturle high) SI I St feet. Aim, a large frame bnlluirg on tho wharf 41) i SO teet. The wharf, M rwt front, Is In good er der and water enfflctenl, fertile larget rtn WM H, H4LL. dee It 4-elteo-ia G. H. VV. RUNCE H re mo ni from t Market St. to the VOU TrJ RAST OOHMBK OF Market and 2d Streets SCARBOROUGH HOUSE, SOUTH WATER BTHKF.T, WILMINGTON, KT. O. Boarding and Lodging. R4l,8 AT ALL HUTJR OF TUB DAY GOOrvsnd OliFAN Bedssnd fnm. foitable j oar ten. Philadelphia and Now Hiver Uyatora. Th Best Ales, Whua, Liquors and Olgart, BOB K(JnUOROIJfiH, Proprietor. S7II ahonld be particularly understood that thla Is the only Houee that J am in any way m-ir eenneoiea wiia. 4 IS SELECT BOARDINQ AND DAY SCHOOL, , HILLSBORO, N. O. Th Thtrty-serond aneloo of ths Ml-oe Naab nd Mlas Kolloek'a Rehool 'will open Friday, Febraary Mh, 1171, and coutlnn twenif weeks. Cironlars forwsrdcd on applloation. deett . SOS ttawtw Maii liielslli A" LL 8IIB9 WELL BOB ICE NED. " Pel Wared Promptly M Xotmt Prion for Caah. O. 0. PAJtlLKT t NEW ADVZRTISIENTS. Merry Chrislmas and Happy llev Year ,T ALL ' . BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MA1RKJ5T STREET. Santa Clans' Headquarters DRY 0001)3 of Every Doacriitiou suitublo for HOLIDAY PRESENTS REMEIIDEE THE LITTLE FOLKS TOYS jmt New York steamer this dsy. In fact it is a tuixtnre of everjUunp. LADIL8 MOSCOW UK A VF.i; ENGLISH WA1.KINO JA(UvKTH, suitaMo for CHRISTMAS HJESE.N TH. Just rprrived the Lnrccst Line of ItLACK- ALFACAH we Lave ever hud. PriefR at loast 10 jt r cont. lower tlinrj our fonnt r priofH " Wh adviaa all wlio want anythiiiff in our linn tt ll earl in lh noru- iug, as Me grit so busy it is impossible for BROWH & RODDICK, ATTENTION I FOR THE FAIR HCY dry ooooa CLOTIIINO, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks. ' CROCKERY, CHINA AND . OLASS3WARE, AT TOE "CHEAP CASH HOITSE' OF JS FRANK & BRO., 17 Market Street,, MISCELLANEOUS. 'TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES,' 1 "A FLO ATI NO CITY," ) "BLOCKADE BUNKEIU3," "MYaniUIOUM ISLAND," "DOCTOR OX," "EIOHTY DAYS' TOTJR, Ao," , . . By Julos Verne. "DRAPER'S INTELLECTUAL DE VELOPMENT OF EUROPE;" " YESTERDAY WITH AUTHORS; " "HITHERTO," A 8TORY OF YESTERDAY, By Mrs. A, D. T. Whitijey. All for sale a' the CJitt Boot Stobs, By CONOLEY ft YATES. Jaat B-tf A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. THe Carolina HonscMil Magazine, a N ILLUdTRATICn MONTHLY o choice Llturatiire, a til beleiiued from the Ooi.iia. aoao Maasaauaa Uvruia votutuenoltic with January, 1HS. The tlrat number will b ready ror nailing oy ncoemDer ltin, aud tne periuii. li'.al will be putillaheU eoh auiiceedlng muntb thnreafter without Interruntlon. No advan tage will bo negleetad wich ultlier talent or eaulUI can command to render oaob laaue an agreeable and Inatrnntlvo oompendluiu of onolce reading, by popular writers, both homo aud aorowi. The Carolina'' Household "Magazine will be a lar iiS-page, elghty-roui column monthly, handnonioly printed on tinted book wid benutl'ully illuNtraied. tt la a thoroughly aouikero enterpnae and Ita auooera Isaircady fall? aaaured. Tliepuhllaher means to make It a ftrat olaaa monthly, that, ones In troduced In the family circle. Is an re to bo eagerly watched fur and narefnlly preaerved. IU"fOKTKAIT GALIKUV wilt trove an attraotlvs feature, 'l be J an our y number will contola a luVUko picture of . EX-OOV. Z. B. VANCE,i and biographical sketch, Ia be followed In each tuixeedlng number with photographa of other prominent statesmen, divines, & ONLT TWO POIXAKS A TKAR and each sn ham liter can make a choirs of TflKKa HliaT Sail)TITJlLiB(IK KsnBAVINAS, lie of each tt a SO inchrs, via: "Ths Fludlng o' thi Pavlour In the I'emple," "Tbo Madon na." or "King Iear Defying tho Storm," lor. warded on rcctli t of the anbaorlUon price. Either or tho Kngmvtnga ia worih double the pri'-e a-k' d for the Magaslne, any one sending a club of lire will re ceive an extra subscription j re Single eo(ila 70 centa, free by mall. Mix mnn'hs nubaor.p tto", without lbs Kngravlag, tl. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Addreae dec If JPLi'UI! A, BONITZ, PublUher, (oldahoro. si. 0. Candy, Candles, Crackers and Cheese. J5 150 100 Boxes Candy. Boxes Candles, Bbla. and Hoses rraej,ers. Boxes CtiseM. Cor sle by ' KBHOHSEB a CAUJEK IIROS. Jan U t- Eice, Flour and Coffee. fA Herces Kice. . 6U eoo Bbla Flour, lacks Co Dee. 200 For sals by KEROdMBU A 0 ALDER BROS. Jaa U M- us to waitok 11, 45 Market Street ATTENTION ! AND HOLIDAYS. TfOUR MCELLANEUUS. Tiitao Leaf asft Gotten Plant. . SKHl-MOSH'HLY. Lsrgeet oiicuialkm ol any Trade Joiiniul lo the Wtliarn States, sub sorlptton tl por annnm, Tobacco Leaf aud Cotton M strruMSNr-wssKLT, Over Five Iliimlrtid g'atult.ma clrMilatloa. Poat tiaht anecinieri riiiili. i.u P,.a. nmnM i.. a Ijolniug counties ol tne Carnllniis. . J. St. MdRKIH. diinlo tf J'nijirletor. . . OFFICE ; Garto City Manufactory, NEW YORK. All ClgHraataulhorliml New York Faotory prlcea, yuallty g tarautoed as rcpreeoutod. 'I hu cheapcKt luua lu the HUte, and tha only oosdealing siolualvely In Uigurs. OHA". KASTKOWKiZ dt BRO., V.IIHb Front Street, dcfl?4-1m Wllmlnglon, .o. Our Livins and QurDcitd, Prospectus of 2nd Volume. Wswsbuk, N, a, August 10, 1ST. )UB LlTUCJ AS1) OCR. IViad'' will hero altot bo publlxhinl aa a HemVMonthly Magn etite, conUlnlng 4H imm of loading mutter, at i:i per vearm advance. For the itiloruation ot tluna who are not fa miliar with thla enterprlaei 1 atittn that tlie chief object or tint Mngaalno will be to puhlMi the hesurd that Nortu uarolinnand hor gallant sohllera inoile In the latu "War between the Htatee," to gather ths nutorial for the un ol' the tuturn hlntorlau. and to perpotuato tie oitimory ot tlioao brave men, officer a end prir Uin, llvlnitor dead, whnahed Imperlahabls glory upon their native State. ' In ailditlon to the Wab Haoono or Koiith Gm.iiiA,ihAlgjlu wlU cotiUluaketoliei : of every motion, county, city anil town of ths State, wilttou by oompeteut ami wvll-lnl'nmn-od peraona, thut making it prt-enintntl) a ,V(a(a perMn-at, n avAttk all claiatt of eur ciiiioii thtmki tab inlrrt.st and pride. " Ths Magauue will take tho place of ths nwpp"r, having aarue title, publiehed by ms during tue poet twulva montlis. The tlrat number will be laaued Wednesday, fleptembar lh, IH74. In the meantime, I re. apectfully aak old atibanrlbera whodeairo to rn nnw tliiiir subscriptions, and, all others who wiah tha Mayaalno, to remit promptly, aa the change and improvements reouire oonaii'.erabia outly, and mtdji mown Is needed. s. u. rt'uu Addreae, till further untie, -Oca Livimo Ai Ota JhaiV' ewlor)l, N. 0., or Balolnh, North CurolKia. Kxchangva will please copy. sug IS , its B. S L ,E O T. OUR OWN BRAND Straight, Pure rRyc Vihsky.""" ONLY 83 00 A CALLON. B. SELECT, A FINK WHISKY AT A LOW PRICE, Jt Istha best Wbtskylu the country tor $300. B. Select. BARRELS, HALF BARRELS, GAL , i LON3 AND B01TLES.' CHAS. D. MYERS & CO-, T Morth Front St iantt 50 Kelts 8taaaard Sag1"S. 1 otio I'dlairrow 'MtS Bd'.a Hoop tron. COO For sale by jaa IS