( f)XS lJy M t I JJ 7 N , I I X S 1 1 VOL. XXIV. -NO. 14. 7IUinTGT0IT, I?. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1G. 1875. 7nOL5 110. 0,773. vrrLinxnTOv. n. c- SATURDAY. JAN. 18. 1875. STATE NEWS. Charlotte wis to Imve bud mas q'ierad ball last nigM. The Charlottes ar rjuieiug over the opeuiug of a novelty store. The Tvnl-itl) Friend of Turipprance appears tin rek with a very hfjnd im new head. Tlie Charlotte Observer tol's of a fox chaw iu that section in which the fn f warn a river 250 yard wide -soraethiug uew in fox taction. The Winston Sotitiuel says: P. II Pratt, of this county, sold the tobacoo raised on one acre of land for $300. We are also inforrped that Thomas Mover sold bin crop, privately, from three acre, for $1,200 and that it was reaold iu the warehouse for $l,G0O. The Wilson Advanoe say: Mr. Gray Webb raided on the laud of Mr. J. II. Applewhite, of this county, with one horse, last year, 31 bales of out ton, averaging 410 lbs., on 28 aoren; 200 bushels potatoes on 1 acre, and 10 barrels of oorn on 2J acres all on upland. Who can beat it? The Salem Prensj says: Mr. Philip RMid baa a tuaiorooth tpecimcn fit a h'g, said to be over three feet high, aud otherwise proportionally large. Mr. A. Battier, of the Salera Hotel,' butchered three hrge hogn yesterday. The largest weighed 635 pouuds and the other two 440 aud 311 poonds. The Milton Chronicle Bays: Nelson Ucidningham, a colored man, and rep resented to be an honest aud indus trious person, being in the woods near CnnninghRm'a Mill, In Person county, a few days ago, with three olher col ored men, engaged in felling timber, was accidently killed by the falling of a tree, which ppnt ma skull. The Baleigh Btntinol says: Another Goodin Las been iujured by a tree. This time Mr. Kindred Goodin, of Swift Creek Township, was felling a tree last week, an 1 as he aiided one foot out of the way, th other foot slipped and spread both legs out and the tree fell and atruok him in tho forks of his legs breaking one of them olose up to the thigh. Mr. Goodin is a very old man ami it will go hard with him. : ;- - The Wilwon Advance says: Mr.EIiz abeth Barnes, wife of Mr. lid win Barnes, Sr., died suddenly at the resi dence of her husband in this county on Friday past. Mrs. 11, was iu the enjom'ijt of her usual health on the morning of her death, and was suddenly stricken down while in tho purforuuiioe of her domestic duties (supposed to bava bean frotti disease of the heart Mrs. Barnes wns about fifty years of ago and led an ex emplary and Christian life. The Charlotte Observer says : A splendid specimen o." black lend was nhown us yenterday by Capf. J. T. Brjce, of this oity. It is from a mine withui eighteen miles of the Western Noi til Carolina llailroad wXhis spec imen is almost unalloyed, so much so that it canuot be handled without dye ing one's hauda. Capt. Bryoe propos es to Bend it to Europe by Gen. Lten thorpe, who sails the lat of Ft bruiry, on bueiuoes bouiioutod with the Eli wood estate. ' ; . . : The Duplin Heoord say: We havi jmt returned from Raleigh where we sa gentlemen from diflorent seotious o' the State, all of whom represent their respective eeotious iu favor of Convention. The Star of the 13:h says that a correapoudout from Fy eUeville declares that Cumberland and B't npsou are ulmuat a unit aguinst the C'Juveution. We canuot tpeak for Cumberland, but we can lor Sampson, nod upon the anthoritv of Senator E. W. Kerr aud ex Sheriff John A. Oatee, with both of whom wo conversed on the 13ih, a well a ou our own knowl edge we contradict the s ateun'ut of the Star's oorreapondent. We en otaUt on beiit authority that many Ke- 1. 1 : - r..... tiw. ..tl ..ini.nut it.... two of their State Executive Commit tee. We hope for a big meeting at Raleigh n xt wetK, ano that a aeoisive olicy will bo adopted anu teat it win e for CouvntioD. 'ifaa Raleigh News says: In accord ance wUu au act of the present Legis lature, a conference of bondholders with a committee of tho General As sembly was held in the Senate Cham ber yesterday and eotitinned through out the day. The following members of the Legislative Committee were present: Messrs Waring, Worth, La tham and Th lor on the part of the Senate, and Messrs Mendenhull, Tate, MoRae, Moring, Richardwon and Candler on the part of the House. The bondholders prcser-t in person were Messrs Freeman Clark, of New York; Thos. Branch. Jr.. and Andrew Kovan, of Virginia; and Judge Thomas Baffin find Parker Rand, . of North Carolina. A large uunjber of letters from North ern bondholders were received and yead. Aa the conference will continue to day, we are uuuble to report the prooeediugs of yesterday's meeting. The trains of yesterday brought in an additional number of bondholders to those mentioned above. . t:jicpl Visitations. , The following are Bishop Atkinson's appointments for tho month of Febru ary, 1875: t. 51ioi.in.QiiinqnitgeHi'iiiaSiindsy,Feb.7. Faisona.,.. ... .evening of Feb. . Goldsboro. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10. Wilson.. ..........Feb. 12. Rky Mount . . , . , , . . . .I'eb. 14. Enfield .. . . .,r,.,.Fib. ljj. Ringwood.. . , , .Feb. 17. Halifax.... ... ..' Feb. li). Weldon.... .. ; .' 21. Collections at each place in behalf fit Piooesan missions. 8Y TELEGRAPH. UEAIMJUAUTEllS. IUWIN TO BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE HOUSE. A DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. GHAXT TO BE SUSTAINED BY THE RADICAL SENATORS. Washington, Jan 15 Night This ws private bill duy in the Rouse; bat very few win pimeti, sruouur them OQ to pay the ola in of contractors for wo: si tlieoifblk navv yard iu 18(50 A long debute was had over a bill to pay to the nicer and crews of tun sieamxhips Wyoming aud Takiang. Sfl'25,000, a- ln.ni.ty or gratuity for the ciitiucnon ol Japanese war veMuJs. aud the bo'nbardinont of Japttnese torts at DiaionoseKi, some tew years ago. 1 he bill was nnallv rejected. G. F. Hoar, of Massachusetts, Chairman of the Select Committee ou the Son) hern StHtes, presented the report of the sub committee, which was ordered printed, but was not read. Ho stated that the full Com mittee would sturt for Louisiana forth with. . - The question of the habeas corptit proceedings in the case of Irwin, the recusant witness in the Pacific Mail investigation, whs again presented, the Judge having refused to consider the report of . tho Bergeint-at-arms unless he produoed Irwin iu Court. After au exciting debate the House virtually reversed its action of yester day, and directed t he sergeant -a t-arms to produoe lrwiu in Court. This was a victory for the Detnooratio side of the Clumber, the resolution having been offered by Beck, of Kentucky. ii n J adopted instead of tho one report ed by the Committee ou Wars aud Means. Adjourned till Monday. Iu the Senate, to-dny, the Fortifica tion Appropriation bill was reported and notice given that it is soon to be called up. I lie House bill restoring to the pen sion rolls those persons whose names were stricken therefrom in conse quence of disloyalty, was recommitted to Committee on Fermion. At the expiration of the morning hour Sherman said there were several Senators on each side who desired to speak on this Louisiana question and he hoped it would bo understood that the Senate would meet to-morrow for the purpose of concluding this debate. Sehurz's resolution instructing the Judiciary Committoe to inquire what legislation will be necessary to secure rights of self-government to tho peo ple of Louisiana, being the unfinished business, Tipton concluded his argn nieut commenced yesterday, and was followed by Frelinghuysen, who made a speech ou the general condition of tho Soulh. He vievrti affairs from a Radical standpoint, favoring Kellogg and justifying military interference. The Senate had a session to-night, but adjourned for want of a quornm. feanlsbury has the floor to-morrow. A full caucus of Republican Senators was h Id this nioruing, Anthony pre siding ou tho trdor of business. The most important subject under consideration was the Louisiana case, and it was agreed with remarkable Unanimity that the Prtsideut must be sustained in his action and the Kel logg (government declared the legal government of the State. It is under Siood that it is desirable to dispose of tho mutter as khiii as possible and that but a short time longer will bo al liwed for discusbiou. Tlio caucus Ciitne to no definite oono'tision on the several aubjecta before them, bnt it is understood that it was Agreed to first depose of the Louibirtua matter. In dication are that the disenraion on the subject will close to morrow should a session be held. A bill wat presented in the House t'-day providing for the amendment of the charter of the F eed men's Bank, It repeals the law providing for Com missioners tnd authorizes the Secre tary of the Treasury to appoint a com miss'.oner who ahull have the right to compound and compromise debts due. rue uuiuik i to-iiuy nau unaer con sideration ihe proposed treaty with Mayti and the pohtt.1 treaty with Can ada. . .... - la aooordsuce with the resolutions adopted at the recent Republican cau cus for the aiipoihtmef.t of cmmit-i tee of nine to suggest such legislation a is deniable to meet the wants of the Southern Scates, Maynard, the chairman, appointed the following: Messrs White, McCreery.tWard, Cess n i, E. R.Hoar.HaseltonandHarrifon, of Tenn, MASSACHUSETTS A PROTEST FROM TUB HUB. SHERIDAN HISSED AND BELK NAP DENOUNCED. Boston, Jan. 15 Night A mass meeting was held, to-day in laneiul Hall ' to protest against the military interference in Louisiana. There were about 3,000 persons packed in the ijnllding: "Ali"partirt, classes aud conditions were represented. The mcetiug whs very orderly and 'great sympathy was manifested in the ob jcot of the call, though occasional dis sents from a speaker betokened the presence of widely differing political elements. Hou. Wm. Gray muda an address denouncing the great outrage com mitted against the people of Louis iana in the recent set of the United States troopi. It was the duty of, the (lovernmeut to entrust its powei to clear-sighted oool-headed officers, and ifsuohwere not selected the people had a right to hold the Chief Execu tive responsible. His remarks were frequently cheered, and when allndirg to General Sheridau hissed. Resolutions, expressive of their In digcatii n at the course of the military in removing members of the Legis lature aud denouncing Belknap for his telegram of apprpvalfwere vociferously upplauded. NEW YORK, SHERIDAN'S BANDITTI PATCH CONDEMNED. DIS- Albaxt, N. Y., Jan 15 Night A joint session of the Senate ana the Assembly will be held on the 20th (or election of a United States Senator. Id the Assembly, to-day, a Republi can member offered resolutions denun ciatory of the organisation in the South known as the White League, wnioo were referred. Senate resolutions were adopted con demning the spirit and sentiment of Sheridan s banditti dispatch and char acterising bis recommendations there ou as unprecedented in the history of (he country , and tending to the des truction of constitutional liberty, bnt at me same lime affirming unshaken oonfidenoe in Sheridan's patriotism. fidelity and integrity. All the ayes were Jtepublioaus, but tnree, and the noes Democrats. The latter objected to that portion affirming oonfidenoe in Bneridan. MARYLAND. IMMENSE INDIGNATION MEET ING ON THE LOUISIANA USURPATION. GRANT CHARGED WITH THE RESP0NSD3ILITY. Bai.timorr. Jan. 15 Nicht There was to immense indignation mass meetictr at Masonio Hall to-niffht to protest against the usurpations iu Louisiana. Hon. Reverdv Johnson delivered an address seriously criti cizing the telegrams of Belknap and Sheridan, and charging that the full responsibility of what has occurred rests upon toe rresiaeni. Resolutions, exnressiva of the aerma of the meeting, were adopted.' ' FLOK1DA. THE SENATE ORGANIZED, AND A DEMOCRAT ELECTED PRESIDENT. ; .; T Allah issxB. Jan IU Nioht The Senate was organised to-day, and A. L MoCaskill, Democrat, was nomi nated by the Republicans and skoted President of the Senate on the first ballot, by a vote of 21 to 1. This so tion is the result of a coalition be tween tho liberal elements of both parties, ' um nlgnt, at midnigbt, a ltcpubii can Committee waited on Governor Stearns and demanded that he go into the Senate and organize that body as Lt-Qdvernor, which he refused to do. VIRGINIA. RESOLUTIONS ON LOUISIANA AFFAIRS ADOPTED IN THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. Richmond, Jan. 15 Night Concur rent resolutions on Louisiana passed by the Honse of Delegates yesterday, were reported In the Senate to-day, by the Committee on Federal Relations and adopted. EUROPE. GLADSTONE WITHDRAWS FROM THE LEADERSHIP OF HIS . , . PARTY. ALFOaSO ARRIVED AT MADRID. Londo. Jan. 15 Noon Gladstone has withdrawn from the leadership of the Liberal party. The ship ashore on the Irish coast is the City of London, from San Jt ran cisco for Liverpool. Madrid, Jan. 15 Noon Alfonso has reached the capital Immense crowds greeted him. The Protestant journals have been allowed to resume. ELECTRlCISMsi The steamer Georgia is a total wreck. No lives were lost. The steamer was valued at f 100,000. The Democratic oancus of the In disna Legislature nominated McDon aid for Senator. The Ohio Episoopsl Convention eleotei lh08, A Jigger or i'huadel phis. Bishop. - Moulton continued his testimony in lieecner s trisl yesterday. The ssle of effects of the late Re public newspaper, by virtue of several executions in the Marshal's bands, took place in New York yesterday. R. H. Ewing, Conservative Senator from Wilcox county, Ala., is dead. The Legiulaturo adjourned in respect to his memory. Talking About Cost, AND . LESS THAN COST. Pirtlee In wsat of ' ftboald look at our Stock end Prleee. SOLD ON APPROVED CREDIT. MUNSON & CO, CITT CLOTHIERS. Jan 14 .. II- M ffli lite Asl Coal, A' M, 8IZB8-.WItXBCSBB.SED. , l'ellvered Promptly V4 it Lowett Price for Cash, O. O. PARSLKT et CO , .! -S StS . , Apples-Apples. ' Art Bb e. Bed Apples. ( boreal by i KBBOHH f OlLUIB BBOS. JaaM . SPECIAL. 'I'm chc.pwt Kjllr jou . wr Ii th El 1 wood, t.iu tt will kwf l longer llia ' auf ota-r. Tr t . Tw A.uricaa ntinri. Ml lulpil Sd Ml Ourl, Kit lilaSgnml jxxl df ni by tb inv la their mouibi In order that all otbsr MIm aroM the 1U blemUHre, thfy are sdeterd ts ae the f.moe. xaeeonl, vhleh will pierent and obtlete aUiachdlQl ultlee. Jn U-lwdJIw Woitht or Nora. a eiobsnf mti there u orriy 4 at piiiii mat we uo aix srsr, ellhei fiB penone coming Into our rffliie or in oiae otiier irir. or me euo eee or juhium i 4tMrfyM tiitiMtt lu (be ear of .mgb. wd tit iu, w preeieut .bjut wu Jwt bow. If w. on benrSith reul'reoi tbelCHAt iir be reoiimmuidint Ptnut't ryo(iM Nfi to be the kvel snil-blllloue mrdlripe lu tb- ooiatry, we are wli'lng to do to WebTe hid .bout good chaiipo to know u soy HI. j l.lM.UiIl SrsisuK'e Pvlkusic Mrncr, Sia Wiid Tokiu. d Marumaki Pill Tb draurT- edl oelebrnted uil iiulM medlrlnee h'Te rf. facted a rtrolnt vn In tbs healing art, end pro.eu tno ullarr or n vsr m-xiai. which a.ve fr many Trer.ob.ttuctfd the program of me'iuai acieuce inn ii upomun uiai )onwmpUnn Is Inonrabla" dtrred ibal uten. fiom attempting to find ivmiHtlre tut that ill.ni. and pailanla affllotid with It reonrl rd UtemeeUre to duaih wlthnnt making an eflbrt to eeoape from a doom which I bey iupiMd to b nnsToldable. It le now prove, ho.evr, that tfenramiiltm eae ewnd, and tbat It ai tun cured fn a vtiry grrat onmber of ranee laorae or tom apparently auperate one.) oj S. h-nrk'e Pnltxiulo Srrup aluno; end in olher oaeci br Ihe time media'ne In connection with Sih-nck'e Sea Ward Tenia aud Mandrake Pill., one or both, according to the require ment of the raae. t Ur. vohnnck hlmaoir, who enjojed nnln'or rupted goo I health for more) than forty yeara. wa ttijino.id, at one lliue, to be at tlie very gateoraea'h, bla pbraiclane baring p'ononnti ed lilt cam ho ru and abandont d hi in to h i fate. He we r.urrd by the aforeeald mall, e n. and, mice hi reootory. man tbnuanl imllarlf ifl'sctml have Ukd Dr. Hchenck' preparation with the came remarkable uo 0 . full direction, accompany each, making it not abfoUurly necrnairy to pfreonally toe l)r. Srbrnck nnlew tlrnU wlh tbelr lunva ex. nlued, aud for till. purioo be I prolrwTon.l ly at hie rrlnclt al nfflca. corni r NUlb and Arrh treetn, Philadelphia, every Mondoy, where 1 1 Intirra for axlrlce nm-t be wldrrwed. Scheuek's mrdlclni- are ulil by all drugglelej. . jai-im:a.aw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings -OF THE ' N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WnaiaoToa, W. O., Jan. IS, 1871, CLASS fSl-DSAWw at 1.1 N. 0 t tt M 1 86 18 14 SB M. OlASI IM-DUAWS AT 4 ff N. tj M 43 tS H T8 24 tt 10 St it II. CLASS 185 PBAWB AT T U 1 SI 4t 13 4 1 61 41 i II II It W. J , W. U. U ABKIHON. jaa It " ' U-U COM! G0EN! 10,000 BUSHELS White and Mixed. For 1 tie by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Jan 16 14 GUANO! GUANO! 250 Tons No. 1 GUANAPE. 350 Tons E U R E K A . For al to arrlre, low for euh, or oa reaaca able term on crop time. WILLIAMS A MURCfilSON. Jan IS . 14 OFFICE GartEGii -QtyCtorMannf actory NEW YORK. All Cigar at auUtortJ New Vork Factory prices. Quality riaranteed a repreenwd. The ebeapeat llouae to the State, and the onlf ondeallugeolnlTely In Cigar. ' OI1AM. KASPROWICZ BRO.. Po. Shottb Front Street, deo!4-lm Wllrnlngton, N. O. Horse Blankets, Saddle., Hnrnen. Trunk, Trarellng Bag, Collar, Brldlm, Hamee, Traoe Chain., Whip, Spur, Horee Brofhea, Feather Dutttr. ana a general aaeortment of Saddlery good, a cheap ae good of eame qua Ityean be bought In tb BUtc. J. H.TOPHAM A CO. no? IT , fll-na-tt Nordhoffs California. California : Por Health, Pleuure and Rl denoe. A Hook for Traveller, and dottier.. By Charlr Nordboff. Illuttratcd. Deo, UlOth, $2 Mr Nordhoffs Northern California, Oregon and the SandWtoh Islands. Korthern Uallfori la, Oregon and the Sand wloh IIand, By Cbarlet Nordboff. Pro faaely Uluetrated. Sro, Cloth, t2 SO. Car 'ale at HEINSBERGER'S LIto Book and at ute Store, W arket Street. Jan 15 18- Paper and Envelopes I GOOD STOCK AND OKKAT VARIETY ' -AT - J e 1). Love's Bookstore. t n stttf NEW AJVI:RTI3F.MENT3. " It la reriatnlr the koat of A wirl can IrlMf atliir. " S'rpiy... Hfnl. .V. r. Ita iircrat nnpulnrlly la ihern- aHll el pure) at'rlt.,,-i't"i'rv"U, l t- 6V. 'a. " Tti pro la 11 at rlnll pT fcctweew Ita covont "A. Y. Timt$ A modal frloUlcl.' -'ikilu iV.if. Why not Subsorlbe for THE GALAXY FOR 187(5. tV a tms BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Mo family can adord to do wl boat It. ITOIVRS WORK OOOl) AND A TTB AC TIVE KEADINU at ATT Ell FOHTHB MONEY rH AN ANY MTHMt 1'ERl OntOAIi OR H )UK PI? Ill I in I'D I THtt COUNTRY. A Mew Settal by Mt Aanl Fdwunli, LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. Aleo a Story by Prof . H II. ttOTKSKN, A Norseman's Pilgrimage Tocuntinue Mrrral u.uulh. In the nut No. will b enmaienerri JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A 'aerltiof Arttolitby Prominent Sou lb cruere, on ihe CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR, Nat t'optroverelnl, will oa be rout- uenoed. Intersstlng Sketches and Stories In each No by uch wrt r. a. l.l'llnl) II It A NT WHI1K. AI.BKh'J' hHlKS, UKNHY JAMES, Jr.. .lUNU'S JIKMII HIUIWNir. KIWR TPMKY. Itl IIAIt . K I.M II A I I, and all Ike mil of Hhll.l.IANT W hi Tr KH Moli ihe Oai.ahv he. ellrscU-d to lierlf, aid who Have made a bright mvk on our rurtoit lli.-reluie. TI1K H. lKNTIKKi MinoKl.liANr, each month, I wottli the price of the Matalun Who would not rive 4.00 to secure such a monthly visitant for the year 1870? Subscribe at Onoo. Bend for cur full Froepetnii WE PRE-PAY THE POSTACE. It can lie had, with eittior Ilerimr'. Weekly" or "Baaaf," or "App!ton Weekly," for gt 0 '. SHELDON A COMPANY, New York. l'Jw Jn 14 Wanted to Rent JJ fJOOD HOUBK, WJTH KOUB OB FJ VB KUOMB, in a dealral)! loea lou. Owuntwlll plea adilrea X, at the Jul! Rati nlfloe, dating lowrat term, An. jan ja w mo Cuba Oranees ! Cuba Oranges ! 8 EVENTKEN BAKHKLH MWKKT. iXA JR4N)K. Ju.t recijlve I mil ar ilc b KOWARU KII1EB 4 niin. Jan 14 VI V- Dissolution. CLOSING OUT . Onr JKutire Stock i( Clothing AT AND BELOW COST, la coueiuenceof our Intendad lt.ilu tlen of Ooparlneridilp. , Overcoats 20 Por Cont Bolow Cost, FOR CASH ONUY.' DAVID A WEIL. Jan H 11- Hubs. Spokes and RIMS miRIt IRON, WAGON AXI.KH, Bl'dllY I Hprlnga, Cairlegn 1 rlaimitiK, Kiyiiv Wheel, Wa(on Wbenl,Sulky Wheela, Shl t. Iron Bumv Krat.. Hits. The l.arg'tt, t bap', and licet Aworted NUwk lu the Dlty can be louiid at lbs "!d Ke- tabltehtd Martlware lleu-e or JOHN DAWrtON, 1, I0an12l MaratBlreit. Jan I S- G. H. W. RUNCE Ha reinoed from fl Market St. to Ihe NOR r Ii KA8T I'OK NEK OP Market and 2d Streets SCARBOROUGH HOUSE. BOTJTH WATER STKKE'f, , "WlliM:i3NrOTON'y3Sr Boarding and Lodging. ISGAI S AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY QOOD and CLKAN Bediaud Oom. fortablo Quarter. Philadelphia and Now mvr Oy aitcra. The Beat Ale, Win, Liquor and Cigar. " BOB KCAnHOIIOUOH, - . . " . Proprietor. S7U ebonld be partlonlarly undemtond that thl l tlie only liouae tbat 1 am in any way oonnected with. do 14 . ' 198.1 f "Roughincr It," " THE GILDED AGE" - AND "Innocents Abroad " Bt Mam-Twaist "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under tlie 8eas."-By Jules Verna. "A Floating Oity" and "The Blockade Runners." By Jules Verne. "The Frozen Deep." By Wilkie Collins, Ac, See. ' For .ale at the City Book Store, . Br -CONOLEY A IATE3, No. 47 Market Stroet. ' jams ta- Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffee Mills. A ICTeuneF and Durability. Frery nil at the Ntw Hardware House or OILKS tt MCB0HIBON. Zi W S- NEW ADVERTISZ2Z3II8. !Jij,t Umas and T0U , BROWN & RODDICK, 45 JVIAKKKT STRK12T. Santa Clans' Headquarters GOODS of Every Description suitable for HOLIDAY TltESENTS. EEHEMBER TIIE UTTLE FOLKS TOYS per New York steamer this day. LADIES' MOSCOW HEAVER ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, suitable for CIIU1STMAS PIU2SENTS. Just rt'ooivoil the Largest Liuo of ULACK ALPACAS we have over Lad. Prices at loivst 10 per i f We adviflo all who want nnrthiuir ing, ns weffet so Imsv it is impossible BROWN & RODDICK, ATTENTION ! FOR THE FAIR .. BUY YOUR 'Z- DRY COObS," CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, 8 Hats, Trunks, CROCKERY, CHINA AND OL ASS WARE,1 ; AT TttG CHEAP CASH HOUSE" OF s ' ' M. FRANK & BR0. At $53.00 per Tun, Cash, or 800.00, parable 1st of Kovoiubor, next; , N A.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 por Tim, Vh, or f38.00, payablo 1st of" November noxt. Wl" OUAKANTER that the nreelnua High flra.lo tf our Fertllltersehtll be rally Maistaikbo R. It. MlirnOKIW, VrMldent, 1. McHAK. 1'rr'amircir, U. If UHAt Kl.lM, dui'erlntendi'nt, JauO Jtf WCELLAHEOUS. A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. Tlie Carolina HoMoli Maaaziiis, AM TjCaTBAl Kl MONTHLY 61 eholoa Llllui, alll UelnaiK'd fmm the Hol.ie- n.nui Mi-MNUiH Urrit'l rummenrmi mil .Ituiutrr, 1B(8. 'I lia Drl number will 1 read lut mvllns h DecoTihrtr lfltli. anil tin iierlotl liatl will ha iul.lllit J each .iiroecillng munUi thereaMr wliliunt InKirtunHon. No lnn- tago will be neglected rich either talent or ui ltnl nan cunimnJ 1 1 tfinler h liwu an Himeable ami inHtrnrtlre conirnlniil of cunlnit ri-a.lliig.hT pupular wniui, dolo noma ana anroaa. Ihe Carolina Household Magazine will he a lar-'e ifS-naae. elubtj-fuui rol'inin monthly, hai'loml printer on tlutnl bnok ntiMt nrt bKHiitlrullv illutra'il, It 1 a ih iioughly auuttern tiiloiirUe a rt Ita.iiORia I alrradf lui'T a.i-urei. j ueruDiiner inran 10 make t a Brat c! m inmiy, in'., otw in trixluwd In thn family elr'ile, I aura t b eairerly aich(ii for aiil orrtrui;T i roeorTeii iji"KORI'KAIT OAI.I.RHT" wlllirotean attractive fea'ura. 1 be January auniher will routaln a lifu-ltke picture or GOTr B. VANCE, - - wa t.i..M...filt .lrAh. in ft fiillnwarf la eaah .u i'ff'llng number with ihotovriib of Oluer proniineiiiiBt(iuvii, uitiiiw, . ONLY TWO DOI'LAES A TEAK and each nbnrlbor ran make a choice nf Tnuaa aoT nAUTirui..LKiia rifORvi(M, lie of each 91 1 aO Inchne, l: "The Klniing or the halour In th I efflpla." "The M wlon na." or -'Kltig Uar Dfvlnn th Storm. " for. wrlrdMi rcetli t of the uborlitln prla. tltlinrof llieKiiKrHvliiKl worth doable the prlcei aeki-d for the Manailne. 1 " ay Anyoueamidiiigaciub of flfe will re neie an eitra ub' ription tree. Single cople 0 cent, free by mall. Mix tu mtln tabaor.p tlon, without the Engratlng, SI. Agent Wanted ftverywhere. Aiiirew JPLIUS A. BONITZ, PublUher, doe I tf (iold.born. N. O. Candy, Candles, Crackers . and Cheese. 75 nula (-'andy. jgQ Boxe canuie. 100 Bbl"' ' Boat t'rck0"' Boxe uneeae. . For by KKHUHNEK & OALDEtt BROH. Jan 14 l- Rice. Flour and Coffee. fA Tierce Blc. ' ," 800 Bb",lour-' r:, , ror aaie oy , KKRO.iNBB 4 OA1.DER BRO. Jan 14 r , -. i . t 1- BAGGIN5, TIES AND E00P.IRON. rrt RolUBtaudanl BnenlnK. . . OU ' l,oo4 Bill Arrow Ttf. cormeoy KKKUHNXR ft OAIiDEB BROS JaM Fla ppy I i ev Year In faot it is a mixture of everything. cent. Jowcr than our former prieoa. in our lino U. tall early in the morn for us to waitoi. ill. 45 Market Street. ATTENTION I AND HOLIDAYS. 17 Market Street- ; YVE OFFER OUR STAKDARDiFERTILIZERS For the Soasoti tf 1875, delivered oa the Csrs. 'st Onr ' Fnolory, nt the following im3:iucij:i iiciceh : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, WILMIMOrON. N. O. 4 eod-dw4m. illSliLLLAflEODS. Our Living and Our Dead, Prospectus of 2nd Volume. WWIH,titO.,Augu10 1B!. , "Oua tivm ad Oca Dsad" will her attvrbe inhllabrit a a tiomt-MsatliW Mag a alne, ratitalnlng 41 pane of reading matter, al :l net mar in advauua. ' fur the Inlorai ulon ol thoee who are not ( millnr wilu thl. einerprlea, I etate tbat th thief object of lh' Magitnln will be to pnblleb th I'BimrJ that Nnrti O'arollnaand her gallant aoldter matla 10 the lata "War between tha Male," to gather the material for the uet of , the Inture hlmorlan. and to perpatnate tlie u miiy of ttioHo bra to mia, officer, and pi'ltt , llTinnurd.iad, wko.hed Imperlihabla giory iiinhi thetr natle sttata In adilitlun to the Wa KaooaO of Vomtu CAnoi.iKA, ilia Mitftaalue will ooutala iketohal of entry aertlon, couni r, city aud town of tn State, wrlit. ii by metent and well-lutorm-cil .rin, Uhi making tt sn-eeHtieall Stat ptritxlual, in wkie.K all cliiiu . ear atimt mW takt inttntt and ri4. ' ' ' 'I he M khiii will tike the place of th m wpap"r, h iving .tine f tin. fabllahedb tiiriiixtai'pttW"lT moiith. 'Ih S'lit nuniliiT will be uwued W-dnedaf, : Supt nibfi th, tK74. in tha mat me, I re iei tlullv auk old iihcrlbe hodM'r to re naw th -tr ihaorlptl, end ah rth'r who wlh the IMagaaine, It nrnit pnmpUf, th i hn- and liupromnant require ooujliarabl outlay, and rtaiu numty U needed. , m.m . - pOf)U - Addreaa, till rnrther nntloa, -Ooa Livraa ; aid Opm I'SAD," New hern, M. O., or BaUlgh, Ndrth Carolina. ... luhangtm will plena Oopy, aug is , 198 , ...J-M.j M , "i I! N. Mi B. S Eli EOT. OUR OWN BRAND ' 1 Straight, Pure. Ryo Wihsky; ONLY 83 OO A GALLON. B. SELECT, A PIJUI VfHfSKY'AT A LOW PEIOE. It ff th belt Wh'ky In th onntry tor $3 OO. BrSelectr BARRELS, HALF BAERELS, QA1 LON3 AND BOTTLE3. ,i CHAS. D. MYERS A CD,. . B&T JJorth rroat it, Jan 14 . - ' .'- . Leaf, ani CottoL Bant V SEMI-MOHMlrT.-? ' Largeet circulation of any Trade Journal tn th Soothern BtAte. 8n aerivtloa t par annum. . .. 'J ,V t'5f ' TO , Over F le Hnadred Rratnl wra rlronlatloo. i ...... i a P.m. (iiflaaa Ik adjoining eountle of tna Carolina. J. R. o daaM-tf i-rop'ieio'.