wv r I ; i I 1 ! 1 111 .1 I J I I VOL. XXIV. -ZiO. 15 WILimiGTOIT, IT. C. SUNDAY. JANUARY 17 187S. WHOLE HO. 0,770. C 77 r Ml i f I I I til ! 9 It ii ' it i t( . WILMINGIOX, X. 0. s SUNDAY. jTslItTi 3 75 STATE NEWS. ine Xjouimhi'iT U'Uiter say : J. lie Comnrisaioiiei s of Franklin positively reftwe to nliRhltM th4 people of the C'lootr. ha to tb mMiptnand (ipendi tiiitw f triofomit mout-y for theyegr ltfii, as required by lw. The-- EleiH - Seutinel shyb : Ouil forilCrpnk'r, in Bncktiorn, Chatham county, is cue tmmlred siid ten years old ami atili gets aronnd tbe bonse And dW little outdoor jobs without a grunt or an acLe. If bo would only atop chewing tobacco 1 Tue Tarboro Southern-Enquirer ays : Nineteen persona from the lower part of Edgecombe county took the cars at tula place last Holiday den tined for Texas. There were only tWe meu in the party aud these aeeuied to be mostly disabled and maimed there were fourteen women and children in the party. The Tarboro 8onthern-Enqnir;r aays : We have heard no oomplaiut whatever this year about a scarcity of farm laborers. PUuters have been generally supplied throughout Edge combe aud are now ready to commence on the new crop. Good hands com mand from ten to twelve dollars. The Newuern Timea says: On his farm on Neuse River, nearly opposite Wilkinson's Point, Mr. A. W. bteveus produced on two acres of laud that have beoit iu cultivation one hundred and fifty years, 1,583 pound of seed cotton; and that from 2,640 pounds of seed cotton he realized 1,023 pounds df lint. The Lonisburg Courier says: Mr. J. K. Spencer, of this county, raised last year ou 4 acrea of laud, using tou guano, 5 bales cotton, weighing on an average 420 lbs., also 41 barrels corn on 6 aoras. He made aim 4,000 pounds oats, and cut and saved 6,000 pounds hay. Thin without any extra labor. We challenge the county to beat him. Three sisters, all of Yadkin county, at three births, delivered six girl chil dren, says the Mt. Airy Watchman. The Raleigh News says : The Con ference on the State debt continned throughout the day yesterday, the proceedings of whioh are as yet not made public. Gov. Brogden Bont to the Conference on yesterday number of letters received by himself in regard to the Stale debt question, which worn read by the Clerk, Several of the let ters were from bondholders in Eng land, and others from parties in sever al of our Northern cities. The general Bentiment of foreign bondholders seems to beembodied in the following extract we take from the letter of Geo. H. Marsh, of Portsmouth, N. H.: 'I will cheerfully oomply with any term of time your government muy deem best suited to the means of the citizens." The Engliwh letters express ft desire that thn past due intercut on State bouds way be f uuded iuto new bonds and any compromise the people see fit to propose. A Newbern young man pretends ho has taken aweuio aud falls at the wo, twos of his adorable. Hays a Newbern correspondent to the, Wafihingtoa Eoho: It all happened m this way and a more ludicrous love affair the ingonioa sand industrious Cupid had never inaugurated. A few evenings ago one D. repaired to the residence of his "lady love," Miss G., and found upon his arrival that he had been sup planted by one M. "our sailor boy" whereupon be avowed his intention to taking strychnine. The expostula tions of the young lady were in vain, and the disappointed twain set out for the nearest drug store, After an ab ence of abott thirty minutes ha re turned, fell prostrate at the feet of his enchantress and begaa frothing at the mouth and uttering heavy groans, as though laboring under excruciating rmin. Tnis. of coarse, alarmed the were immediately called in, wuo pro ceeded to pump the supposed strych nin from him. But. to the utter as tonishment of the largo crowd the coup d' affaire had drawn to the spot, the ooison turned out to be Boap pills! Boan pills as au emetic for a love sick stomach 1 THE LANDMARK, : FUUI.I8HKD AT STATESVILLE, IREDELL CODKTT, H, C, 18 THE Leading Newspaper In Western Nortn varoiina. IT IS THE ONLY DNMOt'K tTIO P4PKtt (inblltliid in Iredell . Connt ' tie uf the ligt and wnalt'iteit eoantlea IntUeHtate y..i ). itu(nni a 1 rirer Inral circulation thnn any paper erer heretofjre publiehed In the" county. ... .i i-.i i i.., vxritwa kahm II ciruuimi"" i.i f.iu;i, . Allegliany, Vadkln.lhtTle and Iredell.'le larger hn ihit i.f an. two tiaooreln the State com bined ; and la rapidly acquiring a etronj foot hold In fomUhe, Sorrj.Kowan and Wntern Mecklenburg. ( i ty th nnl. miner In Western North Oarr Una that .mnliivi a rt'ornlar catiTaMlng Riretii imnstjilitlt bnt'ore tne propte, TJnder thin irvsti'm a ai'lilly-lncreanlng elrca- 1 at Ion I the mult, making the LiAdmabi The Best Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina. 'Ad drew, v dee9 y "LANJMARK." , , sttvllla, N. C. tnterprlso Manufacturing Co'a Coffee Mills. muw nrewt Ml I t. manurai'ttteil for Sice t A Kv.'iitien an- Dttraijlli y. Ptory mil warranted. For tale at minnfaaturer'a initio QY TELEGRAPH. euuoim;. TROUBLE THREAT E N E D BE TWEEN GERMAN X AND SPAIN. THE GERMAN FLEET IN SPAN ISH WATERS. REPORTED LANDING OF GER- MAJJ ON THE 8PANISHCOAST. Berlin, Jhh. 16 NoonThe Cor-vt-tin Nautilus wilt await' tire arrival of other vessels off the ojmoiali coast She will make no demonstration iu re tnliation of the Ousuve afTair unless at tacked. Negotiations with the Span isn government are not progressing as favur.blv as expected, bit-nt tier man v ssels have been ordered to the Buy of Biscay. Made. January 16 --Niaht. The Kiug gave a dinner .last eveuintf to number i f his cabinet and the diplo matic corns. Deorees have been published in the official Gazette, reducing punisnments in eases of violation of tho ordinary criminal laws. General Primo Deoines will accom pany the King on hia visit to the Army the North. Bbbum, January 16. Night When the additional vessels that have been ordered to be sent to the northern ooast of Spain shall have arrived there, the total armnmeut of tne uerman fleet in those waters will oonsist of fifty guns with a combiued horse pow er of (5,800. London, Jan, 16 mgntlne iMiiy .Vews publishes a dispatch from Hen- dsye, whioh states that the German mau of-war Nautilus landed one hun- tlered men at ISernnz on the Spanish coast, who oocupitd tha pluce after re sistance. HEADQUAllTJSllS. MOVEMENTS OP THE ROYAL FAMILY. DISCUSSION ON LOUISIANA CLOSED IN CAUCUS. Washington, Jan 16 Night The President withdraws Gen. Manley's nomination as Minister to Ecquador. Nellie Grant Satoris brings her hus band from Europe on tho steamor Republic. The executive family will meet Nellie at New York. - The Senate caucus, this morning, ordered that the discussion of Loui siana affairs be closed. Tho habeas corpus for Irwin was partially argued, and tl prinoner was ioommit.t' " a iuaun uwuuj vu Monday. THE EAST. A LITTLE ROYAL MENT. DTtiAGREE- London, Jqii. 10 Night Intelli- gtmott ntwt r een rppeiva ufro mat rnpluro hn (wouvred between the first an'd Bticond Kings of Stum. They are father and son reHpcuveiy. iue lat ter took refuge iu tttti BiitittH Consul attt at JittBgkok. He lias disbanded his forces and declines an appeal to arms. A Britinh gun boat has left Singnpore for Bangkok to protoct tho ititertsts of Ilcr Majfsty's Bnbjuctn. KLW'TIUCISMS. Chnrles A. Sfphet'ti, llepublioau, is electtd to CoiiKresH from tho JDtn Massocliu'-ettd district, by a smw.ll ma- onty. A Brpubl'can caucus m tho Minne sota Legislature nominated Ramsey for the benato. ' ' The night dispatohes say that Bam- scy's nomination to the Senate from UinuPBota is donbttal. oome nepuD- irmns bolted thectmeas and a anffloient nnmber of Democrats Bmuggh-d in to make iniuohief. (JOTHAiM. 1 BA NIC STATEMENT.' NnwYoitK, -Tun. 16Nigbt. In the Bank statement, loans lave decreased $3,125,000; specie httB increased $250,- 000; legal tenders Have increased 500,000; deposits have increased $5, 250,000; reserve has increased $3,625,- ifti . , Salt-Bagging-Ties - . Corn. 4,000 Sacks Bait, 2(H) Holls and uuu xvons uuggiug, t 20 Tons Ties. 15,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn. For aie low oy WT1.U4MS A MCEOHIUtlH Flour, Sugar, Coffee and , Rico. 1,000 Bbls. Flonr all grades ; 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Bbls Whole Rice, For ule lower WILLI Mi ft MUKOH18UP Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 600 Bales N. R. E Hay, , G00 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Ulue, 200 New New York Spirit Casks, For nale lew by WILLIAMS A MrROHTHON. Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails, ... 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, , , 400 Bags Shot, 500 Bushels Black Oats, 300 Kegs Nails, Foralblo br WILLIAMS 4 MURCHISON. ) Jan S SPECIAL. T r i chukput oulUr jou can wir U tb 81m vo.l, becauw It will kop olaan longer tla i r othtr. Try It. f Tw Aartca muso. Mil fnipl and MIm OiuI, m dtifiartd a g CKldeml by tb la tblr msutla la onl.r that all othar Uliaei nay avoid tha Ilka b'eniUa. they aia adrlitd ta aae tha tamaua Mwavdont, which wlllpiaTaot and obTlata a'Uach dlfflcultiM. Jaa U-lwdAv iwoarar or Neva. la axobaan aaya thara acaioaly a day paaaaa that we do not hear, that fruBi iwraoaa eumltig lataaur c(Da or in nfinar way. or taa aaia or JvAxm i Anuhn liaimmt , In lha aura uf ctHiaha and m au raTaiBi aeow loara jaai now. ' lr w aan tnrflt tha raadora at th Joci, hit bT reoonaundlna Pmtm't trttiv nut w oa lam DMi aau-biuwiu meauuva la tut ocuiitry, a aia whluii to do ao. Wahava kad about aa good a cbaueo to know aa any " jaa la ia-iwaw NnaaaeCa Fvlcoiim) RTaor, Ria Waao Tuaiu, aaDMAaDaaaaPiLuk TaeaadcarT- diy otlcbraird and ipalar auatolat-a hm tt. lot td a resolution In tha haallnc art. and roan tha fallacr of arTW mtxima which ia for many Tiara obau uotad tha nroartaa of mmiirai aoieuea. i an nut intipuaition that "Oitifumptlon Is Incarabla " d tarrad rhvil- clana t'roai attanptlaf to And rrmwti for that u ana pawnm amiowa wun it raronoum thaaiaatfta t death wttboat naklnf an etttat to caoaua from a duoa which tbay auppoatd to )e unaToidabla. It la now proM, howavar, that CiniHiiiHa aan mnd. and that It Aa ana curl fa a vry great another of eaaea (aiina or them apirently deaperata onea) by H htraek'a Pulr'unle Syrup alona; and ta other caa.'i by tha aame madloina In connection with Hrkanck'a Mea Weed Tonle aad Mandrake Plila, one or bath, aocerdtna to the rtautre- aiatiti of tha eaaa. ' . Dr. Hehenoh htmaelf, who- enjoted nnlnter- raptad (ood health for erore than forty years, watiupuowid, at one time, to be at the very irate ot ilea h. hi nhniolaaa haTlai nrononuc cd hi eaae hopeka anif abandoned him to bl ita. tie waa cura ry the ararenata mrdi- r nr, aad, atnoa hie recovery, many thouiande limliarly afl'erted hare uaed Dr. Mchenok'a pruparatioua wica we a ate remarkable ano- ;'. full direction aoeompanr each, making K nt absolutely aaoraaary to pereonally aee Ilr. fchenrk unlea patlenta wlab their lunga rx itiilntrt, and for thl purpoae ha to profpaaTon.il lv at hi principal offloe. oorne r Hlith and atch reel, Philadelphia, ery Monday, where all Ifttr ra for adrloe mint be addreaaed. Boheuak'i mrdlclni-a are aultl by all druf (lata. ;an i-im:aisw . . NEW ADVRTISEWJ TS M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. y CRONLY MORRIS. Valuable and Desirable REAL ESTATE ; SAT .AUCTION. ON TUESDAY, the ESi h hut,, at 11 o'clock A. M., e will aella Exchanse ;oimr, fordl- ruiuuofthe katatc, the (ullwlng daacribed i liroporty In thia city, which, frum locaUun aud Lt)r,altuated en the . E. comer of 1 hltd I ai d Cliintiiui. atreeta, with a front uf 60 ftetj S I L'.'SfiPWemOT-.'lh'Hil iST-fto improv mema conttrf a Dwelling In goodonlr, ton- I iieiguiiuruo a.atauu utuurpaemi tHlnlug4 room, Kitotien. ntote itom, giHu water, dto , on the premiara. A Un eery Htoie on thl corner would do a line bualU 'M. IiOr.altuateU on Cbemut ttreet, ra oftbe nbuve, with a front oi M feet on Cheonat, run nlug back aou'h to a brick wall tV reetand 8 luchf i. The lmpro 'erafut oon.lft ol a rmall House coutalutng twa rooui-water and all ou'huoeee. .. " AIjS"i LOT, eiiat of the aba, tllltalrd nil ('hilnut atjoct, with a front on taM enoet or 48 t.nt ruunlng back foutli to a brick wajl ii leet and 8 Innhna Ttio Imprnrement oontlnt of a rery neat dwelling ivntelnlnir 4 room, with kltch ni ontatiilnit I rim attacbeit, 8tnre Bmiti, water, Ae., ilic 'ame being part of lxt 1, t' block IHO, a per plan of citw. I KHMH-Oncfonith eaah, balance on a c.eiitt of fine, twa and three war, with I per cut. interctt. Maid instalment pay a tile quar terly . Jan iT - ift todt.&ilay of a Uarrlbs' Drug Store. PBF.St HI1'TI05S Carefully Compounded. FOR SALE! OAKDBS SBBO, . ONION IKTS, Frff.h Drug and Medlolne., Ctitlar'e Pooket Inhaler, ' . Pierca'a Golden UMooeery, ' . eifumery, Toilet Article, c. ' W. W. HAEHlSa. H. D N . W. Corner Market aad Front. Jan 17 IB-It Plows ! Plows ! o r AU, KINDS AaDlZKivttfce Naiw IIavrelvar ttar). . GILB3 A MUKUHiaOK, MXwtk Front Street' Jan 11 "10 Apples, Oranges, Lemons. Tweaty rive Bexxa Orange and Lemon. UDOtce r run a low ngurr. CHAS. D. MYEKS k CO., 6 4 7 North Front St, Delicious Table Butter. Veay Choice Table Syrap, Ktratuad HontT. aw buewheat; Barrel and Half Barrel. CHAS. D. MYEBS 4 CO., t t North rout attrewt Fresh Ground Coffee EVKHT DAY FVBBT HOCB. Btrlellf Pure.alwayi the aame l a Ting of 1'Une, i ahvr and Hone;. Irj It. . CHAS'D. MYERS & CO., 4c f North rrwaU Jan IT Hay, Rice, Flour and Coffee. 800 Balft Eautern Hay, SO Tlxroea Klce, ' . BH0 Barrel Flour, lSOVacki Uoffee. Fur tale by trKRfiHNKRAl CALDIBBB'lH. tun 17 H Powder t Powder! f AA KK(H RIFLE, 8POKTIJIU APtll I tlVV Hlaatllig FowUer. , Foraalebt KXROUMKB A UALDKB BKOI. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Official Drawings N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiLsikwtoa, K. fii -Ka. . IS'S t:I,?3 'S-Dw t t n to n M 41 rt W tl to ft N 14 W ; tiLA8t t naawa e i. m. i rt ta it s j w S3 1 01.4HM 8i-DW itt r. at) l T W IS M U l1 N14 . M. HAH BISON. Jan II , 14 1 Corn and Oats. 2 QQQ BU8HEIJI CORN, i!ooo oat8 ForatU by . KEKOMKER ft CALDKK BBtlK. Jan IT 18- Holasses and Bacon, U Hhrt. New t'rop Uaba. ' loo Hula a M. Nyrup, to UoxriD. 8. H I0 and hulitfr, Ik) " Hmoked aide and ahouldata, ' Potanle by - . KKUUHNKR A OALDKR BBOH Jan IT 18 Auction Sale. J. S. WIULIAMtl' STUCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods will be olW'd inr al at Auction, In quan tHIr to .Ult. at lfK o'vluii A, M., Moiida, IStli, 1ST6 AH wh dcir. barmln aeoulil be relent prompllT at the above time. B. K All-WKIIjKR, Auotlonear. Jaa IT G. H. W. RUfiGE QkLBhY. tNHW PIO PORK,'' Pea and Marrowfat lleana, Ijnuft NOB IH KAHT OOUNEBOr Market and 2d Streets Jan 11 1"-' I REDUCED RATES! 131 LAN I E H'l'tTK Or? -a -air r ff ft ft V Mm PJI I 11 1 M I J J A il I ii IS W mm W mm tm enU NOW 13 TEE TIME. ivirrisrsoN' & co. CITT OlrOTHlKKS. Jan 17 's Hubs, Spokes and RIMS 3iiiiit ikom, wmi'in Axuw, inrai V HprliiK. "arrliii- TrluimtnK", ""(:t?3 aeela, Waaoii Whei:!,Hulky Wnecla, bh'.iir, Iron Uugity 3raU, vi. The I aratrt, t haaiteat, and Itivt Aworled Htoek In the "Ut ran be tuuiul at the tld tab imki rtaruwara nan w in .Jims WAwnin, 10. 0 ami 7.1 Market Street. Jan S - Talking About Cost . AND LFSS THAN COST. Parttea In .mt of fibould look at our Stook and Prloea. SOLD ON APfBOVED CREDIT. MUNSON & CO., CIXTCLtlTHIKUB. Jan 14 12- CORN! 10,000 B U 8 HEX S White and. Mixed. For lale by . " . WILLIAMS 4 Jnl , MURCHISON. u GUANO! GUANO ! 250 Tons Ho. 1 GU AIT APE. 350 T on. s EUR E IC A . For tale to arrivo, low for canto, or on reai li able tersil on crop time; , , t WILLIAMS & JanlS . MURCHISON. Horse BlanketsT ailrlle. Harnefi, Tnuka. TrarelltiE HR, VOIiara, DlHlin, iiihw, iiiwvuwm", ui,.ni Spur, Mora Brnrhf, Feather Diiitera, ud a mneral aMort merit of HarldleTT sonda-a cheap a goodaof aame quality eao be bought InthaBiAte. ...). J.B.TOPHAM A 00. soy tt 174-narM Mr3CELLASEQU3. It le rrriaioly (he beat ol rrU (an ln(tlnr A. !. iiuf.ih. A. I'. Ita prvarnt noimlrtriiy l IU-r- anil t pura aavrit.o-t'i'MiHoieuil, run ktin.k. fa I h.rr I nl o ilull lir bet II retrn - x. I . 'A uiailnl tieridlCiil,--iWa !' Why not Subscribe for ; THE GALAXY TOU 1875. IT I Itll BEST AMERICAN MAOAZINE. No fmully eau atlmd to tin l liout II ITOlVK-t M(JK OOOli A NO A TT K At TIVK ItEtlXNU M TTKH KttHVUK IMtiNKY I II AN ANV OTII f K fliltl ODUJAl. Olt II HK TlHtl Jsilr U l! 1 11 K COl'NTUV. A New Heiial by Mr, annle filwanls, LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. AIM t Stiiry by ftoi. II. . HUTKSRN, A Norseman's Pilgrimage, jGooutiuue enal mouth. Ta the neit No. will he rommerwd JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEVr SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A aerliaof Artlcli by I'tunilnaul Moulb cruvra, on 'tie CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR, Not Coutrovvralavl. will ju be ooni- menoed. Interesting Sketches and Stories lucncli No by nuch writer a Hl' M-tlvl' IlltAN I' WH1TK, At.UK UT Utl K. II UN H Y JAMES, .lr., .H'NIl'd Hf.Mtl HMUWNF. KUaK TI.HKV. Itl HtH. KIMH 1,1. and all tun Mil m H Kl 1,1,1 AST WhU'KUwlilch the u;iif hm atiracleil o l:clf, and wm Have tutul" a hnglit mv k uu tur curri-it irteiatuie Tllh, , 1 f N I IWIU MIHi'M.I.ANY, ao'i moiitli, la wottb lb pi Ice of the Magmlna Who would not rive S4.00 to secure suoh a monthly visitant for the year 18751 Subscribe at Onoe. Keiid lor our full rmapeeiu WE PRE-PAY THE POSTAGE. It can Ne had, w.iU either 'Hitrper'a Wt'tikly'1 or "Baiar," or " Applrtmi' Weekly," fm l i SHELDON & COMPANY, New York. U 4W jt.n 14 Dissolution. CLOSING OUT rr Ki.ttra ttloik of ' Clothing AT AMD BELOW COST, In cotii"l'lt nee of our Inlvndod I'M il ( , . v, fc--I'!Jtfr,,'i3,rit Below Coat, FOR CASH ONLY. D.VV1D & WML. Jan ! ' ' ougAiiniT It' " o Til 11 ii 1 1 .iii.ii ' , JB. JU J.I I I' li t 4 t. AND "Iiiuoceiils Abroad " I)y M.trtu Twain. Twenty Tlioumiml Lciigtmn awt the Hcas." By Jolfs Vorno. "A FUmtiiiB City" ami "Tho nWltniln Kuuiter." By Jul? Vernu, The Froiea Dfrp." l'.y Willi'io Colliuri, Ac, Ao, Kur mlo a', the City Book Storoj CONOLEY h YATES, No. 47 Market Btrcct. Jm IB is- A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. Tlic Carolina HoirtlA MaiaziDe, I.lf tratiito, will bolMHWt irtim the Uoliik. hmi )i aKMuxa Urrius't'oiumuncliig w tli .Ittnu irv, li5. Thv tlril number will b reiuiy i,.. n.:Iinir htr linitn mlier 1 tit i, . aiul Ilia unriiHl loat will bn iniI'lHutU eaoli aucewdliig mniitii oiamatinr tflinrir, tntrriunl,iOTi. Sii ailTati- tage will be iiegirte4 trich aitlifr taluntor raiiHal ran twiummil tn inider earh lumio an agreeable' and " ftitTtnttTi"wpr'nrllimrw otiolfW rja'lliig.bf popular wtitora, both home and abroad. The Carolina Household Magazine will be a law ilS-tag, elhty-font eoiurun monthly. liatidwimtilriPtlntml On tlntrd boot pajier and beaulltilllT illneiraled. It la a tliurougU'y aryltern eutiprla and ltnoe lalradr fnl v awinred. The rublt-her muan to make It a tlrnt monthly, that, once In troduced In the family elr.tl. la artre to be CHiicrlv watewn tor awi oireruiiy It.fPOBTM.IT OAURHY" wllltrorean attraotive twaiur. 'Hie January tiumber will contain a lue-ime pioiure ot , EX-GOy. Z. B. YANCE, and biogtapMcal ekotctv, to be followed In eacU anweeillng rnmhcrwlth tietotrrapli of other prominent tatiuicn, dlrlne,,"- ONLY TWO DOLLABS A TRAR and each auWcrlber can niahe a clio'o of THHKB MOT BrjTtI'tJI.,lMQ8 KHIHiVI08, ilae of .nob l HO Inches, rll: "The finding of tho Sattonrlu the Temple," "Th. Madder na. or "King lar Dnfylng the Htorm." f'ir. warded on rwlt of the nubacrlptlon price. Klthet orttie Kiigavlngii In worth doable th prli- Btk' d lor (he MRlne. f Any ono minding a olub of nr. will r cc an i utra .nhecrlptiou Irce. Hlngle uoplc Wlcontu, true by ma'l, month uber. tlon, wltlioutt.be Bngrarlng, til. Agents Wanted Everywhere. A1lre JUb'US A. BOMTZ, Publisher, (e8tl (louUbiiro. N. O. Screven House, B. BKADI.ET, Troprietor, rjJHIS I.ONtl AND FAVORABLT KNOWS Huuta, pl.snantly .ItUAtod on JuAniton Square, herltigbeea recently Tplnto4 and repaired, and hating all of IU department, flllertwllh eompctofct, fill' "1 "UentW. employe, offer to the trnrolliigpiibllo eomturt amur- pawed b any tfouee In the Bouthern State. doo2 (B-m w I DniKII flARIINand VlnlTIIfCI bABU" apeclalt at tne JOlIBNAL OlflCB. HEW ADVESTISXMIJITS.I CAS El Price 850 00 per ton of 2,000 Si t : f pounds. L THKIllUll HTANUAUIi OF tJUALIfT HAH BEEN f I'LLT MAWTAIHED, AUDIT IS OONSIllltniCI) B V THOSK WHO ITtVK QIVKM IT A FAIR TftlAXTHI ' 1ST MO CHEAPEST FERTIUMR MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS fOH LAROK LOTS, (1IVITN ON APtlWATlOtt, , LOCAL AGISTS . AT ALL PRINOIPAli I5EPOT3 DeROSSET S CO., GENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, v J I, HI J .IV ' Jart IT OUR MOTTO ! "One Price-Terms FRANK IV DEl'AKTMKNT XO. 1 ()oiiiRl;iti(r ot Evd iwiiay-ftiiMio utouiinfr, Miioaii, Jjat8, Uonts iurn- inliiDR Gooi'Ih, Notioua, Ao. . " - . DI'TAUTMI NT NO. 2, CotinitiuR of Ciwkory, China, GlaMwwe, Lwnpi, Lamp (JooJi, Vanos, Tinted Cutlery, u4 Fwwy Aruuio.i. A rail In rraiiertru'il M)Hclled( and MtlHfanttoii gnaiaiUord, - " - '' M.' FRANK & BEO., 17 Market Street, WILMIN(3 Jan IT &-ISCZ1LANE0P8. Fresh Family t.roceries FouoiTttFiifrNns IN TOVJti AHD COUHTRV. ca.iii ih me word Tlmt cuu tuk our Eutiro Blonk. Tli. IfrisleM, the nlowt, the ntnet dnrlnli1 axHortroentul rtii bam.ly HupplUt mviii- lalngton. : Mutiey ut cvimi Artlfli'lul (iliuckn will tomoTO our eruple abtiut the or'dlt avutt rn. Wo ro Hulo 1'rupnBUm of tli. PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. Agent, and Owners FlNJCiX BRAND OV WHI8KRT. Large atork of Flno Katnlljr Kiippllr. ' ' Cheeoe, Migar. Cotleea, " L), I'oianh, tioup and cither Incidental artt'ilca. CUAS. D.MYERS & CO., B Hi 7 ftorUiTrunt deoilt atO THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE 4 EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SINOF. WF. RRNOIjVFD TO PBLLatpriee that.i ould nurele reduce ttck. it ha Tt" quired no aieinnnblp to ell ourgoml. j ,m Our Silks, Black , Alpacas. Dress Goods, Blpsclied nod Unbletiohfld Qoods.Table Cloths, Blfaobed and UDbleacUcil, with Napkins, Blankfits, flprendfl, Sheetings, FlannfjlH, Htisicry, , Gloves, Ribbons, Luces, CollBrs, Handkerchiefs And a thousand other article, are going fart. td 1f tou are la went or any goon imiiaiiy land In a flrt-o!a Dry toiH Htock, am luthrtimetobuyth-imlrora tne tieeiHuoa iu ibe city, at price never aold atbefore. ' Krmembor tli Inducement i offered only at th. leadlnf : 4 DRY OOODS 1I0USK OF '( BOSKOWITZ i LIEBER, SO Market Street. Jan 10 . 11 TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" , 1 NECK TD2S, 30 ots; worth 50 ots. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY SILK, 60c; worth $1 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. A HANDSOME LOT Of Silk nook marks, Jaat Import from . Coventry. . .j r.! IREaT VARIEI'V of .let and. 1 ava Jew' Ijf . eny Nevt I)olgii. THRESH HtJPPLV of Eenhvr-Whlte and X . Black, IBo per o; Colon, VK, At WILLIAM FYFES, T I HE i Prico C53 00 i, c i 2,0f01bs. Payable Hov.'L o x o xv. l4-Inaw(un(l')lm4Wlm iijiuaiamaj-iauLmji. i turn Cash" ;.2Sr Diimnnlfo atiil Fanfiy DRY UOODS. TON, N.C. MISCELLANIOUS. U. S IS Xi 23 O T. - OUR OWN BRAND Straiglit, Pii?e Ryo VVihcky. ; ONLY 83 OO A GALLON. 33. SELECT, , FINE WHISKY AT A' LOW FRIC. It i tin bt Whukylu th. country lor , , $3 00. B, Select. BARRELS, HALF BARRELS, GAL LONS AND BOTTLES. ' ' CHAS. 0. MYERS & CO,, , SAT North Front Ht. .Jan U fi . .. .... iit-i , fToiaWlE aBacottrPM.,' Largoet olrculatloa of any Trad. Joureal la the (io:tbera atatea. SabortpU II ft . i i .-: Tota leaf aii Coin Pt'.-1 urniairr-wimr. Orer Fle Hundred grtnlton. clrnlMe. , Prutt Paid pu.iB)en roplr.to PurtOfflearfa adjoining couutlM of to. CaroltaUM- 1 - ' J. K. MOBi Coal-Coal. KU AMD WUITK ASH, Delivered Promptty, . ... , ertt O. Q. PARSLEY 4 CO. " an 13' U-tf j niot Boots r.rr" Pilot Boots! rxm i .-..I !.iij Pilot Bootal O. A. PRICE'S, i 91 Market Streak, i A'-5' Paper and Envelopes I GXXAT YABrtVf" ,ti i -' if v i GOOD RTUCtt AND At- ! v i ...:C . v. a , - , .i "s,n u J Da Lovo's Booistoro. oct H t4 tf John Datrccn . 'Ma In mot. and to arrive BOO Plow (or all kind: J Tou.rbiw Caalng. K Coil J.ft' Plow 1M, 301 Pair Traoa Chalna, 40 l'iea (Toller and tiaraea, IHO Uoa W-edlng hix", 60 I loatn Shorel and Boade. For ai. at ilia loweat markflt rfa. 10. 410 Ac it mark BEt., Jan 10 7 at tha Mw Hardware Honae of pen jaat EXCUME CORNER, Jaall I"