Ct7f if VOL XXIV.-NO. 16. WILimiGTON, H. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 1875. WHOLE HO. 0.7C3. 11 - ; A ( 1 Jill Vv WILMINGTON, N. C. : TUESDAY. JAN. 19. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. IIEADQUAIITEKS. THE SENATE WILL NOT REDUCE THE TAX ON STATE BVSKS. ADVERSE REPORT ON MEMO MOUIAL OF SOUTH CARO LINA RADICALS. , BILL FOR BURVeFoF CATAWBA AND' FRENCH BROAD RIVERS. DECISIONS IN THE COURT. SUPREME Wasbixoton, January 18 Night la the $ouate to-day the bill to reduoe the tax on tha circulation of State banks to to amount equal to that paid by national bauka was iudttiuitely. " postpouf d. . ? -. Mr. Edmnads, from the Jndioiary Committee, reoorteJ adversely ou the ... memorial of the members of the BtuLi Central Committee of the Union Re publioan Party of South Carolina in relation to certain allegations con, UinedjiBt memorial of the Tax pay era CouTeutioD of that State in reapeot U uoeisiT taxation by the Sta;e goT- ernmant, and the toramittee was dis , charged Iron'fnrther oonwderatiou of thd subject. r ; v : At ttie expiration of the morning , hour, the Vice President laid before the Benete the unfinished business,; which was the resolntioa of Solum instmctng the Judiciary Coniniittee to enquire what legislation is nect-saury by Congress to secure to the people of Lorjisisna the right of self-govern-pent under the Constitution, npon which the Sen at r from Ohio (Sher man) a a i entitled to the floor. - Brmtnarl said, in pursuance of state 'rente made) by him on Saturday, he ' would not stand in the way of any of the appropriation , bills. He would, j , therefore, yield to the Senator from Maine (Morrill) for a motion to take ap the Legislative, Judicial and Executive-Appropriation bills, with the understanding that when the Louis iana discussion should be resumed he - (Sherman) would be entitled to the " ' . Morrill, of Maine, -moved to lay asid" the resolntioa of Bchurz and proceed with the Legislative Appro priation bill, whioh was agreed to and ' the consideration of that bill occupied the remainder of the day. . rJTousB Among the, bills introduced ftal referred was - one to survey the 0.aba and . French Broad rivers, the Jadioial cirouit of . Georgia, Alabama mud ' Florida; one establishing the Western District of South Carolina, and one authorizing the bridging of the Mississippi at ' Memphis for the relief of the Chesa peake A Ohio Railroad Company. .- Business of the District occupied ' tho balance of the day. In the House, to-day, Randall, of .Pennsylvania, objeoted to tho Select Committee on Alabama Affairs sitting during the session of the House aniens ' it sat with open doors. Republican members of that committee desire the ' atateoieut to be made that tbu com mittee has heretofore sat with closed 'doora on the suggestion of Mr. Buck ner, of Missouri, one of the Demo cratic members. It is understood that Marshall, of Illinois, the Democratic member of ' the Committee on Louisiana, who had declined to accompany the three Re- " publican members, Hoar, Welter and Troye, who started for New Orleans thia morning, has reconsidered his ao- ' tion and will lea'vo Washington for New Orleans this evening. The Supreme Court rendered the following decisions to-day: No. 175. Hayoroft T8. the United Statest appeal from the Court of t Claims. ' Tne question in chief in this ease was whether one who gave aid and . comfort to . the rebellion can, after , the . expiration of two years from . : its , suppression, . maintain an action in the Court of Claims for j,.tbe recovery of money in the Trcas ury arising fronnhrsaldTsf tis eottonj and Abandoned Property act. The Court hold the question to be one of r - T ""' r- jurisdiction, that the sovereign cannot be sued withent his consent, and that " as the law giving the r ght of action - prescribed the time within which it might be brought two years and it , was sot brought within that time, the eonsent of the sovereign is oonsiden d to be no k nger existing aud the action oannot be maintained. t .,The Chief , Justice, delivered the opinion. is No 129 ; Monger vs. Shirley; ap: peal frnnl the Circuit Court for ihe Eastern Ditriot of Tenneasee. This was a proeeding to set aside a sale t of tha appellee's property, made in bis sbsenoe from 'Tennessee, during the. war, npon the ground that the cause of action which matured in a t judgment against Shirley by publica tion pf service waa fraudulently assert- ed and bad no shadow of foundation. The.Ctwt ,below sustained the plea and totted the entire proceedings, and thai decree is affirmed here. ' Mr. Justioe Swayne delivered the opinibni a-th i - Confirmations. E. R. Brink, Post master at Wilmington, N. 0.; Baekiet,- Postmaster at Beaufort, S. C. The Judiciary Committee of the Beu ate held no session to day. There Is no change in the titnation. Members of Congress from Missis sippi, South Carolina and Arkansas tied meeting to-night. v They unat, pmonsly agfeed to reoommend to 'the President tnat in preieutittgtho report of 'the "Levee Commission be send special message urging the adoption of measures proposed by the com mission, which, besides a general' sys tem, jBannot be arranged this session ; also, apeoiaj appropriations for tempo- rary relief. ine meeting appointed a special comitt-co..i.:tii.gof TAwrn. Alcorn, M-roy, Sheldon, ' McKfe, nolgo. and Clayton .who will wait npon the 1 'reaiieut in the muruiug. LOUISIANA. KELLOGG AND IilS ROGUES AGAIN IN COUNCIL. MORE LIES BEING HATCHED. CINCINNATI ADDS HER CON DEMNATION. i . -.. Another candidate for pro motion. MERRILL TRYING TO SHERIDAN. 0UTLIE New Obljxs, Jan. 18 Noou The Republicans here auiert that the report of the Louisiana Sub-Committee gcen outside of tho record, and that no tes timony was brought belore them to show the rinding of illegal legis lative warrant, for the displacement of Judges by Kellogg, or the seizure of arms bv the police, without process of law. They assort that 'specific ivi dence will be adduced to disprove thette other allegations of the (Joiumittee, which they say are bused solt ly on brief of the Democratic) council. The Picaynue taya at tl o State Horn e Kellogg haa beeu chscted with Mar btmi Packard and a few of the l( sdmg spirits of the Radical party, suppowd for the purpose of consultations to de vio wus and means for bringing ub raBir witnesses as tmssible. to their side before the Congressional Commit tee. The plan as underntood m to siirumou oue promin'ut Republican from each parish with .accidental evi dences from particular pt into. Cincinnati. Jan. 18 Noon A large meeting was held Inat night to protect atraiuat the military interference in LouiBioiiu. Letters were receivod and speeches made bf dibtinguished citizens of Ohio. Wahhinoton, January 18- Noon. The following was received here from New Orleans under date of lWn mat. : To Hon. W. W.Iictknap, Secrclary of War, Washington: A report has just been received from Ma. Merrill, at Shreveport, which is too long for telegraphic transmittal, but will be sent by mail. The follow ing is an epitome almost in Merrill's Own words: "The threats made before the elec tion, to drive from tho country all who voted the Radical ticket, are being oarried out. Combinations among the whites are forming and all negroes who voted the Radical ticket are to be refused work or loans. AU whites not forming this combination are to bo ostracised. Already more than five hundred families, including at least two thousand people of all ages and sexes are wanderers without money to go elsewhere with, and powerless to Mud other homes. They are ou the verge of starvation in midwinter. Theft and other crimen may result.aud it is feared that tho better feeling naturally resulting from a sense of in justice received muy rnn into one of revenge. These lawless peoplo will gradually drift together and the white people are not slow, as the past will show.to set afloat inflammatory rumors of the intention of organized violence ou the part of the negroes, and where the revolvers and mob lawnrf the com mon resort in such oases, m they us ually have been hro, disorders more or less extensive are sure to result if some preventive is not found for aucb a state cf things (Signed) P. H. Sheridan, "Lieutenant-General." EUHOPf;. ALFONSO PROMISES RELIGIOUS ' FREEDOM IN SPAIN. THE LONDON TIMES ON THE EUROPEAN SITUATION. Madrid, December 18 Noou. Alfonso afsnm a comniaud of the Army of the North. Senor Jovellar, Seoretury of War, accompanies him to headquarters. ILe troops and navy MPfflflyML! ampe-j I 'in,- I,-- ,,l . ,1 i , .iiu jviijg y.i :u:u a ucvicq rel ative to the salaries of the clergy, but declures that, while giving respect and support to the oltfrgyr he desires to maintain religious libetty as it exists in other civilized countries. The merchants of Madrid have pre sented a magnificent crown to Alfonso. Paris, December 18-i-Noou. The Bonapartists have carried the Depart ment of Haute. Pyrennees. London, December 18 Noon. The Times editorially says: In the gloom surrounding us ona thing is percept ible; all meu aro arming Germany en masse and the surrounding na tions, including the best part of the world, cannot do otherwise. The mo mentary dreams of peace have fled away. Germany recognizes the stern necessity,.. What she has won by arms she cau only hold by arms, and while arms are in her hand. The Times confesses that Germany cannot raise a third army her hopes are iu her navy. Madrid, Jan. 18 Night Several prominent Republican Generals wero received by Alfonso. ; THE FIRE JIE&V. SERIOUS FIRE CORNER OF GER MAN AND SOUTH STREETS, BALTIMORE. BiXTiiioa, M., Jan. 18 Night. The five-story iron building of the Cunsolidated Ileal Estate and Fire In surance Company, oornor of German aud Sonth streets, took .fire to-night shortly after 9 o'clock, aud the to upper stories, occupied by John Y. Slater, job printer, and Ryan A Rick- etts, type founders, Were entirely burned out. MISSISSIPPI. : j S0ME M0RE 0F SHERIDAN'S ; RECONSTRUCTION Jackson, January 18 Noou. Specials indicate that the President hiiji placed a company of troops at the l'poHaJ ol tne Citizens o( JLower Alia stHHjppi, and that Sheridan recognizes Crosby as the rightful sheriff of icks burg. . MASSACUUSETO. THE APPROACHING SENATO RIAL ELECTION. Boston, Deo, 18 Noon The elec tion of a U.S. Senator engrosses a good deal of attention. It ia believed that Dawea and Hoar will develop equal strength. 1 ELECTltlCISMS. General Frank M. Cockrell was nom inated for U. S. Senator, on Mouday night, by the Democratic caucus at Jefferson City. Paddock Co'a Bauk, of Water town, N. X.. has been suspended. Inabilities nearly 8500,000. Assets a trifle over $100,000. t-ttraotltoui Aloultons testimouy: Beeeber never wronged me. but he asked me to lie for him, which I did." A Rhode- Island railroad having been sued for killing Johnson Day, proves that he was too lazy to even hurrah for liberty on the fourth or Jniy, and tho widow receiving only $o0O damages where $10,000 were claimed. When a Chicago policeman goes be hind a lumber pile and shoots three balls through his hat, and runs up to heiKtqnarters and tells about his ad venture with the Bonders of Kansas tliey raise his pay on the spot. A sohoouer laden with two hundred Hons of cut granite for the Centennial nuililinga um been lost on (Jape Ht nry. Ibev H eharcre that un to the Siukiiig Fund, we Buppose. Five years ngo a Chicago ladv was married in a dress that cost $1,500. To-day she dispenses tho necessaries of life behind.tho counter of a retail grocery store. SPECIAL. The nubb .crt collar yon oau war I tlie War wick. Ill tlie sljllah Mth tbta uraion. Atk tor It at the rurtlblng itorxa. Tut American lUlasrs. Mix l(lppl and Mira intt, are &Mt utrnX a good dvl by the (tinga In tbelr moutlit In ordur tl.t all other Miw bij avoid the lit e blemlHbti. th7 tie advlittd tt u the famoui Rnaedont, which will pievent and obviate lUifhdlflUumea. . Ju lS-!wtlw Wosthv o Koi'i. j An nchsngi nj thrre h aoitrclj a day pjsi-n that we lu nut hoar, eulier from (jowii. coniln. Intu iur fflie or In pmfiher way.ol ihaauu. va uf Jnfimon't Anodyne liuimtmi In tbe cure cl c in((ti aud void, e (Tov-lent utuut towu Jiift now. If we ran bencflt the rud'ra ol ilio JorkmL Hiiy bf reoomuiKndiiia fur ton' $ J'urgativt Villi to be tho bent anii-bltlti ua rafdiru H in tUn ouuutry, we are U'1ng to do to. We have bad about an gi o.i a rhauro to ki ow an i y oue. Jhb 16 IJ-lwdAw ScHRrK'e Punosto Tnur. Sea Wkru Tomo, nd, M.niikAK Pti.i, I hi k; il rv lly fiilclinw""! and impiiier m"dl -Inra hrrf f luttvd a rfTO'ulicn in tbe healing art, and liru.fii the 1 iluvy ol kin m-xiioi whlcti hue for many yi rn obmructed the pr grew of rueitl. kI k'Ii im i' 'lho IhImi uvH.i'ltloii that (.n-imiitlin la Insurable" dt tirrrU Uvl ciatia troiu tt rutlg Ui tlnd r' rnisliri fur that clto-nm, ami itltut afflict.d wiilill r ourl rd tliKiuitclvva to UiRiu without making au elloit to eacaiHt from a dcoru which they aupiu d to he nnvoldab!e. It l nowprovel, hoai-v r, that (oHiumpdaa ca'i be cured, and that It hut been cund in a wry K'at auruber of caara (some uf ih"m anpn'snily dpiTHte onei) bv Si h n-k' Pulconle -iT'iip alone; and m o'hrr caa a by (he eami ntedtcne In ronnertion with H.'h'iiik'B hi-a Weed Tonlo and MandrHko Pi)l, one r both, according to the rfqulre mrntaof ihe raae. . . . Dr. 'cUouck blmaolr, who enjujed nnlnler- rupted gool health lor more than forty ye-ira. waa mpp'ea. at one ume, to D ac me vnry gale of ilea h, Ii Is plij'a cl iM having p'oiiouiir. cl bia raae hupcl' M and abandotird him to hia lati'. lie waa ( urrd by the aforeaal t m ill c nil, and, since hia reootery, many Ihouaanda almllarly aftVctnd have used Dr. Schenck's pruparatlona with tbe tamo remarkable auc ce. Full d rectlonaaoflompany each, making It tiot shKiIutiily DC(W8iry to porfonally tee l)r. Nohrnck unlewpall. Dt wiah their Innga rx aminrd, and for tlila purpoae be la prulr (wion l ly i t hia urliicl al fflce. cornrr Hljrth and arch a;reiW, rhlladalpbia, eveiy Monday, where all li t'' r fur advloe must be aitdreed. Hchenck'e mrdlrin' a are anld by all drnggtata. Jan J-lmidJiw NEW ADVERTISE MEN 18. OPERA HOUSE. Friday and Saturday, JASil AUrM and 93, 1873. r.rand School irlatlnee, Natnrday, . at 'i o'clock, P. fll. - Warren Bordweli'e Beantlful Mirror of Ireland, Oona.ilidat d with the franeo-German War and James Teylor'e Unrl.ailed Comedy . aud ;onoert Company and Tioupe ol Frit x'aOei man hell limgora. "Jamee Taylor In bli ecoentrle detlneatloua of ehai aou r, u lmm?niM,bla portralturxa being original ann amusing: far ahead or either Sol. Smith Huaoell-or Ail UuruotU-ieanuiHe Courier Jnurnal. Popular Prices AdmUwIon CO eenta. Re. errrd Seats 78 eenls. Matinee Pricea-AdnlU 28 eenta. Children 16 cent. Erery child receives a handaome preaont. Keaerred aaals for sale .at Ueluaber gr'a Hookator, v Up to U.01 o'clock of dty of perfoi mance rxaerved aeitt tlcketa may be bad for SOeenU ; a it "r that hour 71) eenta will be charged. Jan 19 . l-4t l Ansomillc Male School. I.OOATION 10 Hlles Xortb ol WatdekboVo, IV C. The opening aeaalon will begin February let, ls7ff, and continue twenty wreka, har Mrtdham B. Cobb, (Orailoate of tbe Uuirerelty of North t'arollna) Frlneipal; aided bv comntni and einerltnoad aaantanta in I ever? department. ) Tuition f h, no aod !( per quarter, payable i , Hoard and lodging, ! wti.ii.g,rueiand n iu MijTnc-e. 1 per month hta a' moderate tn A rr pie acoommndatliiua for 2"fl aiuiimta. 1 ha Oollegeliuildtnge are being thoroughly repaired and n.wlr turelahed. For further Uifotmatlon addreea i . t J.J. MoLENDON, Jan l-llr2wd. ' Aaaoaville, N. O. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Liverpool THK FIKST-CLASH tbree mae'ed Sohvner t. i POMTeiX.(M lona) dfi-.rvjg Jobs Wtlllaaaa, Master, will hare d epatchas abote. Fur eo'toa freight, apply te WILLIAMS & MGKCHISON. I le-3t Jan is Official Drawings -or N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. WiLMiaavoa, K. C, 'an. 18, IPTB. CljlSHrO-DBAwa At Mm. tt 41 tt 14 31 1 61 SS II It at M ST. Ul.AS ID0-DK4W IT 4 . M- 77 4 11 tJOSS 44 21 33 3 51 S 17 8 70 21. Ol.ASS J9l-u W AT I r. M. IS M 7 fi U U i 13 67 t SO 47. W. H. HAKKHON. Jan 19 ts-tf Wilmington Lodge No. 319 JKUOLAtl Comiuuii.eat.on thla (Tueeilay) 1'. M., at T If o'o'rck. The Thltd Degree will be ciirierrnl atu PBF8TON Cl'VMINO, Brcrilarv, lft-U Jn 19 ' FLANNER & SHURE, . DICALKHS I!f CHOICE FAMIL. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CI0AR8. Ac. PURE RAKER WHISKY, 1854 ' No. 81, North Front st, j i -.. . is- G. H. W. RUNCE 0 M.KhY, HeW PHi POHK, Pea and Marrowfat Buana, Rnuff. NUKTH KA8T.COKNK0F Market and 2d Streets jail 11 ir-M CoalCoal. TEU AMU WHITK AH, All Hliee. Unllveud Prompfy. O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Jan IS H-tf REDUCED RATES! B4I AN Cfi BTt'CK OP GL0THIDI6 NOW IS THE TIME. MUNSON &o CO, i:ll CLOTHIERS. Jan IT lo GUANO! GUANO! 250 Tons No. 1 GUANAPE. 350 To n s EUREKA. For aale to arrive, l w for raah,or on reaaoa able terma on crop time. WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ,.lnia. 14 COEN! COM! 10,000 BUSHELS White and i Mixed. ' For aale by WILLIAMS & JIURCniSON. Jan IS i 14 Talking About' Cost, - , AND- LE88 THAN C08T. . . Partlea In want of 01 CLOTH! Should look at our Stick and Prleva. SOLD ON AFrROVED CREDIT. MUNSON & CO., OITT tiLOTHIF.BS. Jan U - IJ- Potatoes ! Potatoes! 150 8BLS' IAELT R0BE POTATOES. for aale by KEROHNCB A OAXDiB BROS. do at MI8CtLLA.?iE0US; IATlT'rOUT. A HS I'IjNI KIT INK M A li IU All P., by HMtina liupii". v "Take this nnu'h f n c nrl. Marrr no" inbttt ; fur Oi.'lha' laki atlii-b t nl tulails Pita on a anUtn inu-r; lor ttutiit'a An like to italntid truit. bu-h it iiilne aunh Uut "till iti'ceUo ua when we roue to tvtu'ti Uirra," Far ale at HEINSBERCER'S Live Book ami YnAe Store, 0 Varket Street. Jan i 15- Pilot Boots ! Pilot Boots ! Pilot Boots! At Jan IS O. A. riUCES, J.' Maiket atreet. John Dawson Mas In store ai d to arrive duo t'lowa (of all kind : I loua I'l. w l aailn., tft Coils t'ott n PkiwLlnra, 0l Palia Traoe Chalna, 40 Dnaen Collars au.l Hatn'e, Iihi llua'U Weeding Ni, SO lioarn hlmvelsand Mpidia. For ai at tlie luweet auarket la'ea. Ill, 40 at MArHvt l reel. Jan W - Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffeo Mills. THR HK'tr Mll.I, inanntai t nod fi r s, rn.i Kv.ninera and I'nral'HI v. Krt nil warrantid For i, at mai tili'iir.M's inioe at tbe N w Hardware Hunan m a in ' . a- Mens, Boys, ladies, misses', children's and infants Shoes and Boots, Of all Htytt. and Oradre, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS A VonOHLAN, Princess Street. Jan id Plows! Plows! AU, tCINDS AM) 8IZK8, at the .tow uarawar. iii.r.. 0ILEH & MLHtCHINIlN, St North Front (ueet. . ... 16 JaulT Apples, Oranges,' Lemons. Twenty FlveBrrla Anpl, Twenty-Five Bnae Orangca and Unions. Choice Fiult at low Uguree CUAS. D. MYERS A CO., 5 A 7 North Front 8t. ' Delicious Table liutter. Veay Choice Table fvrup, Htralnul Hrniry. . Xew hue whrat; FAVOHl I R FLDCK, Barrels and Half Barrela. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 57 JVoiih front Ktreet. Fresh Ground Coffee KVBUY lAV-F,VBllt HOTR Slrlolly i abur and ftiony. 'i ry It , CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 5 Ac 7 North I rout Hi. Jan IT IB Horse Blankets, Haddlea, H irne, Trnnka, Travllug Rags, Collars. Hridli-a. Hme. Tr(V Chain. Whins. Rpuia, tliirs" llriiiliia, Fonlhrr IluaU ra, ami a general aaainuipnt of Stddlery giuxla.aa chiHip m fiMKlpof same qua Ity can be bought in tue mat.. J.B.TOPHAM AGO. 'nor IT 174-na-W Dissolution. CLOSING OUT Oi r Ei.tlre mock of Clothing AT AND BELOW COST In coiiseij'tenre of our 1 ntemled DlseolU' Hon of Copartnership, Overcoat 2S Per Cent Below Coat, FOITCASH OHin DAVID A WEIL. Jan IS 11- -Houghing- It," " THE GILDED AGE " . - -AND- "Innocents Abroad 7'T Bi Mark Twain. "Twenty Thousand Leagues Undor the Seas." By Jules Verne. "A Floating City" and "Tho Blockade Runners." By Jules Verne. "The Fronen Deep." By Wilkie Collins, Ac., Ac For aale at the City Book Storei CONOLEY A YATES, No. 47 Market Street. Jan IB li- Screven House, B. BRADLEY, Proprietor, 3pHISLON(l AND FA VOKABLT KNOWS uuse, pleasantly altuated on Johnaon Sqnare, having been recently repainted and repaired, and having all of' Ita departments filled with competent, polite and attentive employee, ofTera to the traveling pnbllo aemforts antar- pasaed by any Houa In the Southern Btatse. deota .Sus-Sra w rilDlKOCAStnMand VISITINU JAMAIS a epeciaity at the joaiaNAi, orrici. "One Price-Terms ill FRANK'S 17 3tarlict Htroot. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Conslstinff of Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS, 1 Ready-Made Clothing, Bhoea, Rata, Gent Fam ishiDR Goods, Notions. Aa. DEPARTMENT NO. 3, Consisting ol liBinD uoous, v ases, natea uutlerj, unrtaej V Artioles. 1 a A rail le reapeetfully eollolted, and aetlsfeotloa guaraateed. M. FRANK & BR0., 17 Uarket Street inn, WILMINGTON, N. 0. At 853.00 per Ton,' Cash, or $00.00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, vYF (1CAKANTEI: that the prnvlous rtiirhOrade B K. HRlDdl lt", Prrslrletif, , I). Mt'HAK, Tnasurtr, C. 1.. UUAFP1 IN, auieilnUiidaat, Jtn fi L-ISCELLANE0U8. Fresh Family Groceries FOKOt'KFltrKNDi IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. CASH IU Tilt WOUD TLat can take our Entire Stock. ' The Frealiett, tbe nlceot, tbe nnart dealmble aaaorlmenl of Fine Family Hnppllee to WU- mmgton. Money or even ArttAcltl Chenka .III remove Our aorup'ea about the credit ayetem - we are Hole rroirietora ot u. PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. A genu and Owners " ; FINKbT thaBlii OP WHISKEY. ! targe slock of Fine Family Supplies. t;beeee. hUg-nre. t'Dtleee. I.h.i PmBli M...ti atid nth. ttie'deiial artlpir a CJIAS. D. MYERS A CO., 0 A I isoitU Front H dee II THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SINtlF. WR RR01,TF.ITOrF.t.Latprlea that ' outil mri-lv lednn atm'k. it baa te quired no laieamitnaliip to sell ourio-ida. Our Silks, Black Alpacas, Dress Coods, Blanched and UnblfaclifldOoods, Table Clothe, Bleached aod Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankt ts, Spreads, Shoutings, Flanuela, Iiusiery, Oloves, Ribbons, Laoes; Collars, llandkerohiefs And a tliouaand otliar artlole. are gnlns fast and Ifvouare ia want nf any gooda usually fniind In a flrst-rlaa Dry Uiaaia Stork, e.w la tbr time U bay tlism from th" beet atook Iu the city, at prices never sold at belore. Bemem'ier tbe inducetuent Ii offeftd only at tue icaoin. . DBY GOODS HOCS OF , B08KOWITZ & LIEBER, 20 Market Street. Jan 10 TWJXETnBlLKTWINDSOR NECK TIES, OOcts; worth 50 cts. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY . i , HEAVY SILK, 60c; wfrth 8110. NECK RUCHES VERY, CHKAP. IIAHDHOnE , LOT ml Silk Hok mar a., last imveme ireeu . Cov.ntrr. GRKAT VAHIKI V of Jet and lava Jew-olry-New Dealgne, FRESH BTTPPLY of Zepuyrt-WhlU and B'ack, IBs per oi; Colors, 20e. t WILLIAM FYFES, Jan I EXCHSH.K roiincn. Leaf aci Cotton Plant, BEMI-MOif THLtV lArgeat otrcatallon of any Trade Journal la the Bontbera States. Subscription II per annum. . "' Tofiacco leaTand Cottoa Plant . scprucasKT wiuir. Pitt Fife Hundred gratnltoaa etrcnlatlem. Post paid aneelmen roplrs to Foet Offloesla adjoining counties of tne Carollaaa. ' - J. R. IfOBaUa, deeW tf . . PropriWa Paper and Envelopes I; GOOD STOCK AND GBBAT VABUTT t.X ; -i , t .WTIIIMrajPJIIJ MWAUAJA AAAAIU AIAJ If AAUAAAA1. J D. Love's Bookstore. wstn Wat ) ISI5. Cash" Crockery, Chine, Glassware, Lamps, BE?.. AT WE OFFER 0UK STANDARD1FEETIUZEBS For the Reason of 1876, delivered on the Care, at Oar ' Factory, at the following iriCIOCHI PRICES t SOLUBLE NAYAS8A GUAtIO payable 1st of November, next; payable 1st of Norember oext. of ear Fertilisers shall be fully If Atmtste NAVASSA GUANO COHPAXY. WILMINGTON, N O. m WU-4JelfWal MI8CJ-LLA1I0U8. , Salt-Bagging-Ties - Corn. 4,000 Sacks Bait. 200 Rolls ana UaU Itolle Bagftag, OA Wnata TiAaAi mr Ja. vruaj 10,000 Bushela White and Mixed Con. I Off amlal 10W Uf WUXIAMB atukOHiioii Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Rloe. 1,000 Bbls. Flonr all gradee ( 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rto Coffee, 20 Bbls Whole Rice, For aale low bv WIU4AMN MUBOHIBOll. Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 600 Bales N. R A E. Hay, fSOO Bundle Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glu. 200 New New York Spirit Ceska, For aale law by wrixum mcbohisom. Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Boxes D, H. and Bmoked Bidet, 100 Bbls. S. n. Syrup, 400 Hags Bbot, 500 Bushels Black Oata, 3IK) Kfga Nails, For sal low by WILLIAMS t MURCHISON. Jau s aV Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED, A OARQO OP BRIGHT NEW CROP CUBA MOIMS, Which we offer at N.wret Market Mew 5Q BHDS SUGAR HOUSE 200 BBLS. 1 8YRUP. For sale by SJEBCBNXB 4k CALDIB BBOB. Jan I Hay, Bice, Flour and Coffee. 800 Ralea Eastern Hay, , 90 Tieroea Hloe, BOO Barreui Flour, . ISO Sacks Coffee. N for sals by .. ' KEU0HNI& A.CAXOEB BBOB. Jan IT W Powder! Powder! 500 KEQS BTFLB, J SFOBTIBO ABB - Aiiaauog rowoejr. For sal. by KBBOUMBB OAXDKB BBOB. Jan IT Corn and Oats 2 BUSHELS COBN i)ooo M 0ATi v - Fersal.br ' ?- KEBQHHEBACAXDEBBBOB. JaaU . lav Uolasses and Eaccn; ' SO Hhda. New Crop Cubs, ' loOBbla.8. H.Byrap, SO Boxes D. 8. 8 Idee and homldem, Smoaed alldaa) and Slumldare, . For aakt by ' KEBOHRIR OALDEB BBOB-Jae- - - '." l - UeoeleaHiaiubleeiyiat t. - . , ALSO - . "

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