i VOL. XX1V.-N0. 17 WILMINGTON, If. C, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 20 1875. WHOLE 110. C,7C1. ! j I I J 1 i I 1 1 M 7 WA jioimtnl. WILMINGTON, N. C: WTDSEDAY. JAN. 207l875. BY TELECRAPH. HEADQUAUTEitS. STORM AND 8YPIIER DENT IJL TLIOaTION If THE SUB- -SIDYF1UUDS. A PRESIDENTIAL HirOCRITE. PROCEEDINGS IN THE TWO HOUSES YESTERDAY. Washinotox. January 19 Noon -la the House, after tlie rending of the jourunl, Mr. Sturm, of IVoufiylvania, aud Mr. Hypher, of Louisiana, made personal explanations drnviug. th Btatcineut that tbey were implicated iu the subsidy frauds. i The following is a verbid abstract of the rrtaidrfui'a speech to the com mittee, headed by Senator Alooru, re garding the Having of alluvial ltnda iu the Miasinsippi Valley: "Have not ire-ceivt-d report; would give it careful couKideratum; was kindly deposed towards assisting in rebuilding mate rial prop -rity uf South. Regretted that the people of Sureveport should bi di-pohed to ltw eBsness so 6oou aftur tbey had beeu mlievi d by the bounty of the Government during the yrliow fever, and thought we would get les sympathy iu CowjreKS " Wa.hinotos, January 19 Nighi Iu the tteuate Seuator Alcorn pre sented a reMolutiou of the Mixawsippi BtntM Grangoof Tatronsof Husband ry of that SKiite in favor of making l'asortgoula a poit of entry, and for the improvement of that Imrbor. Ile furrea to Committee on Commerce. The legislative, judicial and necn tive appropriation bill wasc6i)idrtd, aud the Senate, by a vote of 29 to 21, relaed to concur in the ameudment of the committee providing for the orgauuutiou of a bureau of commerce a id statistic-. Tbe jTrfieut bureau of statistic, however, was cotitiuuwd, aud 620,000 VA-i appropriated to carry it ou. . Mr. Shermao, from the Conference Committee ou tlie Little tariff bill, made a report 'substantially the same as that of last session, with the excep tion of the duty on hops, which was fixed at eight cents et pouud. Tbe two nectiuut relating to tobacco uud sale of bouds. which were principal subjects of disagreement last year, awe stricken out by-the coufertmce coui-uittee. ' : Tbe report was agreed to by the Senate. Wright, from the Judiciary Com mittee, repotted with amendments the House bill for the relief of owners aud purchasers of lauds sold for direct tiixe iu tbe insurrectiouHry States. and fjr other purposes. Pluced on the Cilendar. H0C3B Explauatious and denials by members of 'newspaper - r ports eouuectmg their names with the Pacitio mail subsidy, occupied a god dr-al of to day's sensiou.- First Cuine Storm, of Peuusylvauia, who, although he hud steadily voted and spoken ngainxt the ubsidy, was alluded to as the re cipieut of oue of tuose tliotmud dollar bills which were said to huvj beeu floating around at that time. Tn n lolloed (Jiillteaden, of New York, who had b eu confounded by 8 mu newspapers with a person of thj) h inn patronymic to wbmn Avaut hid paid Beveral thousand dollars. Tuen followed Syfi her, of Louisiana, wuo defended bia vote for the sub aid" lint, denied indgiim ty that he had been influenced by corrupt wo tires, lueu .el giauia Wt-re read from I). V. Voorbecs.of ind aua, aud Boyd Winchester, of Kentucky, denouncing nepper storitit in connecting their names with the subsidy, aud asking to bes numoued as Witnesses. 1'heu a Special Committee was appointed to inq ure whether tbe privileges of the Q ue have the baud in tbe arrest aud detention of Wbitelaw Reed, editor of the N Y, iiibuue, at tbe suit of Alex. It. Sbepherd, while in this city, a- a witness before the Committer ou Ways aud Means. Tbeu another re cusHut wituess in the 1'acifio mail -.investigatfoilifcjphas. A. Wettnore the Wa-biiigtou corre-poudvnt of the Alta Ctliforuian, was brought before the House for refuting to state the name of a person who had mentioned some- ' thlngtohinidepreuatoryof .heeharacter of 13 ck, of Kentucky These various incidents of the Pacific mail investiga tion, with a couple of hours given to the Indian apropriatiou bill, tilled up the whole of to diy' gossiou, The Cabinet to-day perfected the Caiiadiau postal treaty, which will be immediately, sent to'Caundu for the siguatures of th pistal authorities there. Wbitelaw lWd appeared before the Police. Court to-duy and gave bail to auswer the chargo of libel brought up by ex Governor Shi ppard. EUROPE. TIIE LONDON TIVIE MULCTED FOR LIBEL. 4 CASTELLAR REFUSES TO SWEAR IN. London, January 19 Noon. The London Times has b en multed for 500 for libel. Te Emma Mine swin dle entered into the question. The cable steamor Faraday is safe at Portland. Paris, January 19 Noon Hute Pyraneea eleo.s a Booapartist by 0,000 majority. This result oaaoas a eensa t:on. . Maurid, Janua'-y 19 Noon. Oastellar refuses to take his seat tn the Cortes if required to twear allegiance to the Monaroliy., He ia in Geneva. BERLix.Jauuarv 19-Noou A Cath olic scnitua.y at Fuldahasbven closed. The health of the Pope is alarming. DELAWAltK. ISAUQURATIoToF GOV. COCHRANE. HE DENOUNCES THE LOUISIANA AFFAR. . Dovsr, Jan. 19-Night Qov. Coch rane was inaugurated at noon to day, the oath bemg administered by W il lard Saulsbury, Chancellor. The Gov ernor, ia his inaugural, d -uonuoes the military interfereuoe in Louisiana. A vote will be taken for U. S. Sen ator it both houses of the Legislature to-morrow. Uayard will oe re-elcoted. BALLOTING FOR A SENATOR. ONashvillk, Jan. . 19 Noon The two IIou es of the Legislature bal lotted separately foi a U. S. Senator. In the Senate tbe vote stood: John son, G; Stephena. 6; Brown, 3; Bute, 4; Savage, 2; Quails, 2; Ewing, 1; Kennedy, 1. The results of the second and third ballots were the some s the first. I i In the Home, no nominations wr fe made, ami but quo ballot was nail. Johnson received 21; Stephens, 11; Brown, 11: Bute, 11: Quails, 5;Lwiug, 6; Savage, C; Drowuluw, 2; Hawk ins. 1. (Both Housrg odjouruSd until to morrow. PENNSYLVANIA. THE BALLOT FOK SENATOR, Hahbirbuho, "Jan. 19 Noon The Republic ius have nominated John Allison, Register of the.U. S. Treas ury, for Seuator. Ballot for U. S. Senator, vote in Sunate: Allisou, 29; Wallace, 18. House: Allison, 83; Wallace, 107. NEU YORK. THE SENATORIAL BALLOT. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 19 Night. In the Assembly this afternoon Fran cis Kcrnun was nominated for Uni ted States Senator, receiving 71 votes agaiusi 52 lor Edwin D. Morgan. In the State Senste 13 for Keruau, 17 for Morgun, 1 for Beach. Joint sessiou to-morrow. ELECritIUS3lS. Wm. H. Aspinwall, woll known in New York shipping and commercial circlen, ia dead. A speoial meeting of the Union League, at New York, adjourned without aotion. IiVB Cooke, of Waterford Conn., the oldest American editor, died, wged eighty-two. Hamlin is re-elected to tho Senate fioin Maine. Senator Cdrpenter and Gov. Wash burn have been invited to address the members of the Wisoonsiu Legislature, on Wednesday, ou the condition of affairs iu the Sou'h. Carpeuter has accepted, but the intention of Wash bum is unknown. MISSISSIPPI. THE BAYONET AT VICKSBURG. Vick8BDbo, Jan. 19 Noon Federa bayonets restored order, or otherwise, iu the sher ffs office. IT 13 CSELEH3 TO ATTBMPT to cleatlO a stream wbile. tbe fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, complaiuis of the liver or kidueys.eruptioua of thekin.scrofnla, headaches, and all diseases arising from impure blood, ate at once re moved by Dr. Walker's Caupoknia ViNkoak Bitters, ttt ifier of the Idood. and reoova or of tlie srstem. It hat ntver been known to fail. 4w SPtCIAL. 1 b nobb.ert coir jou em wear li the Wt- wlck It In the st; list) wltltti thlseion. Ati or It at tbe fun thing stores. Two American niasrs. Mi-i lo-lil nd MUn uurl, me U nflurcd a g od dm) hj iho lint Iu their mouiiii In cr.li-r tlint a'l otuer MWnen er.ild tlie like b minu , tbi: j. i e jkd ritki t ate 4.ho- famoiu Kuzodwnt, which wlllpierent and obtlate ailtuubullttcultle. Jn U-lwdAw WosTHf or Notk. I An exebtnge aayi tbtre la ini , y day nmr tbat we do ft ' hear, eiilini lr m (MrMina conilng Iniu ur ffl 'e or In iimti Oinr way, of ihamio cm of Juhntm'i Anodyne Liniment In b rure uf cnuglm aud 1 u d , 10 1 Kviei.t b.iut tiwu Just uuw. II' we can beneflr the reaiVra nt ihe .lonnl "it hr reoummeiiding Parum't twyatm Ptllt to be the beet ino.bniUiu m. diii.ee id tu c- mitry, we are wu lug to no no Webaro bud ahum an gol a hitin'n to know an a y uuo. , J,u IA-13-lwJAw K'BUIK'I IPtBeMU YHl'l', WKED 'limit;, o Manii.ukkI'i l rieaed cr ti y libra eii kief .oi.ulr mlii iiire h'tn t. fm t. rt a rno'lil oD in lt beal ng art, and i.ro m tbe lillnvy of nytt tn xim wnlch hive for Bimy y araoba . u.:itd iba ir grew of medl Rl H'Mice 'Ihn r-lK iuiitioii thai I'n-nnn tl"q la in. arable " u, terretl hnl riana fio.ci tt- mating tn bud r mtiea fur that die mi. and rail, iiianrtlici.il Willi lire omi d tlieiuaelrratodeaih a ilia nt making an efl'on toenoaiie I'ronj ad oru hl. h'bry aupioid tu i e nn Tiiklab s It U uuw prove , bo-r r. that Cmiunpium ta U cured, an I that It Am 6e cu hi In a ry ar. at number or raw (w)inouf ill m api'a'tn'lT UikperHie on.) bi H h n Ve fnli-i.nio tip alnne; mrt in o'brr e a b hea m nieiilc ne In ioniio. ll m wlib Hi ll nck'a e Weed T. nlii ami .MvflMke Ptl.onr bo h, aiHO dlng to the r quire mcmaof ihnrai. Dr. chenck btmaelf, w'10 cnJo)fd unln'e" rupted goo I bealtti lor wore H an furiy yeia, wmmpp ad at nctlue, to b at the voiy gaieof ilea h, li lav pliyncln I bavliw p onoiiMi-. ei hia caa- h m 1 a-and ahandunid him to libi late. He warn and hy tho aforwel i m dl. ens, ami, a no- hl reentry, many ih"nainila almllarly afl'-i tiHl hate uwd lr. Hihnck'a preparation with the an me remarkable aue-ce-a. Full l rectlotiaacompany each, making It tint absolutely neoma.ry lo l er.nnally a llr. Kchenck tinleaa .ail. nt. h tiiel' la ga rx anilm'd, and for t 1 purpowbe la prnl-muon.l ly t hia ' rinei al Bice, rorn. r sixth and ich aireeta, Phll'd hia. i-?eiy Mord .y, wher- a'l et.fa lor advlw mu t be andri a-ed. bchnuok'i mrdl i are a U by all drugglatt. Jan lra;dAw w RDniNU VAKnatand VI8IT1NU vja it a9 a apeeiaiiv at the JoUUNAJj ovricn HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1S75 1S75 Furniture I Carpets. Our itniuonso sttiok nt frrefitlr reduoetl prict s. Sanio tiutst sold within next throe months Call and examine. , NO I1UMUUG! D. A. SMITH i CO. jati i Children's IS N V M.o.1 tlr-t rtb e and Kid Bvttnflm Tom. ( li lilr. n' teamli as Khor. At Jan V0 CA. TRICE'S, ii Maiket -Ueet. TJSYI HOWiSl'Y.orlHiri, rilAHJl A How rithir h-x may Iu. li ale A i g"tu tlie lo'r and atti etioii ui any peranu In-y rtHKiae in-tanily. I'lim tmpln Biemalao qiilrrmenta t can iokwih. frre. by mail. Tor togeibi r with ni-rriae guide, Kgptla rwl , lireauut, Uinta ta Ladiea, Wvdding MihtSi.l.t &e. A qneor bonk. Addrean T. WII.I.MM CO., Puba. Phlla. 4w lli.KfwVcr. WEEKLY WITNESS. & vlng New-, Mar - t. i o. iia, IiiIiumn .ao Kj oilalaa- ftl n var Po lua nald. fia rtacbi-.i 70.OCO riria'ailun m thire vena rrnd m .. Minple ojpy. TRY CHRISTIAN. large, lire, ramlly im p i, lull il t raaid guoil radmv. No n arlanl-m. (vl.t'.a, p'lla. lufla or adv-'t eiM. nia. lei cM i THE y -n I .Vtud Wcetittfor g ajvrtainii befun gnu ortjil it! -pi i iti.i mau i leininni iti il .una ivrxwiiue HU oinn liu p. d ! H I Ha'tiMm. ft.1H V'aah'u M . Uottun. Mara.. tit Arch bt , t In la , I a. 4 IMPORT t NT TO MIKE lOt'K ows FERTILIZERS. and aav frim 1 W pr ton. ft flit Heat Ulaeolved mid l'urw VroUHd BONES ANO CHEMICALS From It. J. B.IK tit Ar CO., - 30 A 3S NoniUt havrlraKt. llaltlinarr. t7 Prion li' nd rormuiaa aent I'rte on an filh ati. it. W it . fur one ' 4 HAVE YOU TIMED JDRUB2BA, AKK.TOt! r Weak, Nervoui, or Debilitated t Are ron an lanrmd that an exv.rtlan rr. i .tree more of an ailort that yog fw capable ol makliiir? Then try JUItl'IIKBA, I he w.-nerrul tonic and lu vltiraior, winch aciii rm ticialiy on the a.crt.e urgaoaaatu Impart Itfur fi ad Iho tltal foroa. It In no aii-oboilc apeilKr, whlrh atlmn.l ror a htiori lime. onl to lot the aott'oror ftl' tn a lower tli of mliM-ty, but It la a Tegetablr ton c ai-lit ii liiirrMi ,,n ill' Hrer and rplren. It rrgulHtra tho llowrla,.(ule a'hr m-rc, and ,ivo euch a lianliy tune to tlir whole ayate ai 1 1 aoon make Die Invalid leel like n-w peiN n, I la oprrai an ia not vlaleni. but ia cb iKcieiited b) gr nt gfiitleiirw; the iatlrnt exiirrli-ui.t'a no tud ln rhanie. no mark ait ra. uita bu sradu llyhle t oublea "Folii h.h ten' , Ilka thAraha, and allenll) itaal awa?." Tbla la no new i nu 'mined dlai-OTerr. but baa huen ,ng used with woiidnrful a-' m'dlal remit, and la prunounced in the bighret mtll. sal nthoiltiea. "the licet powerful tonio and alicratiTe known." ik (Our drugglat for It, ' Fur aaia by WM. t. KIIIDRR A OO.. W Ni-wYsrk. 1I O RT FOSTI'OM.TIK'l T-UAV t'lXEO-IULIi DIK a It I BUT ION. First Crand Clft Concert. Montuclicr Female Humane AssociaLon, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. NOVEMBER 23,: 1 874. i.tnr or uirrn t Oraml t nan -Uilt 1 (hand Oaah (Hit I (irand (Vsh Oift ... . 10 ua-h (11 ia ",0,(00 eacn..,., 11 ' aah (iltta, 6, 00 i ecu.... .. torn) . . Vt i on .. loo.oiio .. 76jii . Nt (XXI . Ui (rOrt .. 100 000 .. 'VOOO .. 40..0.KI fiOCt'bUllte, inn Caah i.lita, f ca b utfta, i.iK'O a h Uil'ta, 20 1100 Cacb (ill id, 1.HI0 i-arh eoo e.ch 100 each M eecti..... 20 each 21.178 OaahOI Ing to f 1 ftflii (w NUMBER OF TICKETS 100,00 Price of Tlckcta I WliOlo 1'ltk.Ui J20 on I0W Q'Xrt' ta t (41 fcigbt'XQi emb-Cuun r-T.m, 1t ft" A I'lokfta for ., .loo uo l'he MontpelKr Femai lluiir.ne Aiaocia tlon, chartered by the t-gUUture of Virginia aaU'hei;iratO"urti tOraiign )o.. pri'poeea by a Grand Uilt Conrart to ratabliab a d en dow a "Home for ihe Old, Infirm and OraU tutf l anlea of Virginia," at vloutpuiler, t'te ormer reatdenoe or Preaident Jamre Madrnon a vKOK'a crrica Klchmond, July I 1874. It att'oMinie ileannreto aiy that lam well arqn tinted wliu a large majority or the offl. cer-ol the Monlneher fimaln Uuintiw Arm elation, who n-elde in the ? iclnl y of my hum -, and I atteatt elr Intelligence and their worth, and high reiiition aa genlkmen. aa well aa the pubbo confidence, iuttu-nre and titaiaii tial ineana liberally r-pri-aented among ihem, JAM I.. K KM PI K Got. Virginia. ALBXAMpaia. Va...!nly a, 1874 I ot rnmemi them aagema of honor and Integrity, and tally antltM to Uie coitH deneeoi the puhilo. R. W. HHUHKS, U. 8. Judge Kaatern Dtatrlct of Virginia. . itrthnr M'orenoei by permit Ion : Ilia Ex e llency Gilbert C. Walker, Ka-GTernor of Va.j Hon bob't K. Withers, Lit at. Go of Va. ami 17. 8. Kenator elect; Senator and Mem. baraol (jongrraa from Va. Kemlttanore fo tl. ket may he made by ai rreaa prepaid, potofllce moniy order 00 Wahingt"n, It. C or br regiatMroil lebter. For fill particnlara, teatimonlala, Ac, tend for Olrcnlar Addreea, Rn JAM Rfl BARB'ICK, Preaident M. K. H A , Alexandria, V. ; RelluMe agnnta wanted evorvwhi-re 4w Ct NKTA PIT CinPLOV.tieNT-At home. Male or r enal-. ! fk war. ranti-d horapitalreqolrrd. Partlrularaand aliiable aample iei t free. A'ldna with nent retnm atatnp, C. h(8, Wtlliamubnrg, N. V. Am FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL" THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' GARBOLIO TABLETS. Pt'T Vf IN ONI.V BliUE B (XH. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Hold b Drnggiara. pOl Oil WKKK. Wi,,r.,,a Itcr r" ; t600 Newardciea nat patented. Mara plee aent free to all. Addreai W. H. CHI bK81KR,JCT Broadway, New York. " 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fruit at Auction. Cargo ScLr. "Carlftou" from Nassau. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. HY CUOM.T A VOKKI(i. "lil day, at II e'rlork. M . w-itell at Market 1 e-k.oa loan t-riliah jati.TT)MlTo, S0,Hlt awael Orangra, , I M rap Icgatt, . , Unvmm, Iwtt Itunchra llaitanna. Jan?0 IT It AUCTION SALE M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT 1 RUNLV AKOKUI8. Tlild.T,(Widnenlar)at 10 v'c'o.-, A M.. w. will anil at our aal a Ket ma, boulh Waur tr-t. KiitiMhnUl a A Kitchen lu'iiiture, t'lockrry ami (llavawnre, 10 llarrrla Uriigra, 1' Bit Trta, &'0.,&e. ahD for atcottntof whom It mayroneera, 1.1 pi-era Jean a plrcea lantun Flannel, It ti rooaia, HShawla ilplil'iii'i, ,a rianeet.red while, t dul 1 oaele, li I.I et . 10 plto a l'rti(ioodi AND Au It i lea ft 10 HATtH fUDCKKit , hi. k u . .1. r..t ia Ia. ....! Ml.l.ik h . propoai to ilu I hi t aiy rtaeivatinn or HmU IllK'U J IB SO It BUTTER. lfBS p.M..an.a (I'gtM lltfcrlir ai , rol ic.d pr oe to e a rotnlimeni. DeRosset&Co. Jan .0 ... IT-tt WE ARE SELLING OUR STOCK OP OVER COATS. TALMAS. DEESS and BOS. SUITS, VERYLOW. MUNSON & CO., 'if , CITY CtiOTBIIM. .;. Jan JO . it- It Goes Like Hot Cakes THAT K'UCK Table Butter, tD,R.illa, 0 optt, ( freed Imoice t'Vlay rrmlced. Try our Elm Grove family Flour, $S oir bbl warra ted GRANT & niNTOV. Jan SO It-t dAw OVEBCOATS BELOW COST. All Winter Clothing LESS THAN COST. Balance of Stock AT COST. By giving tie a eall before pur having ela. wbi-re, f.e piiMtn will then know who la .til ing at or If than coat JJAV1U & WEIIi. Jan JO C. H. W. RUNCE QllI.EhY, NEW PI9 POIIK, Tea and Marrowfat Bean., Snuff NORTH EAST C0BNE R OF Market and 2d Streets Jaa 17 ic-tt For Liverpool. THE riRSf-CLASS three muted Bchoonrr E. 8. POWKLti,(fa late) John Wlllanu, Matter, will bay d apatrbaa abbyi.ofWtofiTetTiffi WILLIAMS .V MCBCUIS 'V l-3t Jan 19 Amonvillc JIalo Mliool. LOCATION 19 Hllca north ol Wadcabere, N. I'. Tbe rtpentrg elon will beg'n Fefcroart l. 1MB. aijd C"tlnue twenty wela. Kn Nordham R flolib. (Ora lnata or the U ni reran y of North arollna) Principal; ilib d byoomta-tei't ard expert, nofd araatanta in erPrr de a-lm"nt. Tnltlnn t8, (10 and 111 per quarter, patable In adeanee. Hoard and lodging, fio per month. Warblng, fuel ard lljliU a mo erate ra ea. A wiple aoi'omm alallni fur 2 0 ran nta Ihi t'oileee Uui'dlnn ar htiuo tin ronchlr renal ed and wly lnn).hed roriurtner 111 101 mat i"n aonrem J. J. Moi KND'V, Jan 19 l-2wd. A neon ill, NO.- rovrdcr ! Powtlert 500 KEO RIFI.K, e PORT! Ml AX1 blaailng 1 owdtr. Foraaleby , KERCHNER A CALDER BK(. Jan 17 iv For Sale QS REA80NABLK TERMS, the National Hotel Furniture, atd an nnenilrtd l.ta e for teren yoare. Thle la a cbanre for a good Inveettncni, aa tin Hotel If well ertubll.hrd and In a Dourleblng condluoa. For fariber inlormation. apply at the National Hotel, or to JaaST-tf D. A. SMITH 4 CO. MISCELLANEOUS. LATEST OUT. TltR Ct,NfTIYf MAURI AGE. H Iiim tl rA llupu. "Tae title murh of mr oeunael. Mrr ro Inlivt. ; ti.r ll ihil takialhe h al O' tU.baaU. Pra en a gil.l leiierjlor hm' an a Aa like to alntid Ira't, blnli pr oil much. It nt Mill ilm-elte n nbcti we I'uiie to tourh them." . e'er ale al HEINSBERCER'S ' f . fwriitajpikJ VaahnKire, ' ' It a'tel ftlrert. Jan ! COM ! COM! 10,000 BUSHELS White and Mixed. For at'e .y WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON. Jan in 11 John Dawson Mm.1i.UII. kill IfiaulM a. I.,.. .! li !' j I lima PI ( aa Hiira. 0 (o 'armt u rwi.inia .nr.iia i- ai) n Ilia 40 iHiaeti i nllara -n l M.iu a. iwiliia n W.eilliig II x a. 50 (.'. ti Iidvi 1. and Mpudi a. For nam at tue tnWVul iuial !'. IH, VIU A BI Market ftl reel. Jn 10 . Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffeo Mills. THE tlKtr MUX nianura-t tied for "peed fcrmrera and I m 'ah ill y. Kiery all warrai'trd Kur aiU al mannraiturei 'a piloe at the N w tlardwari. rtmi-u- ot tltl.KI & nrKCMISUN. J m HI a. Mens, Boys, ladies, MISSKH', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS Shoeo and Boots, oral Utyiia and Uradia, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS .t VonGOLAN, PrincPM Street. jttjD 10 Plows! Plows ! JV ALI, tilMiH AMIBIZr.,.! the )ifw lianlwnre Niore, (Jtl.ES Mt'KCHI.KlN, m Notlb Frurt Httfi'. Jn IT Apples, Oraiiges'Leiiioiis. Twenty Fire Pirrfla apple., Twei.ty-Clra Hiue Oraugea and I.emona, Uholca emltatlow Hgnraa CilAH. 1). MYERS A CO., 5 A 7 Nortli Front Bt. Delicious Table Butler. Veay C'Mc Table "yrup. tttal'ntd Honry, New fciiinwhoali FAVOUVKFLOI'Il, " Barrel! and Half Bat rill. CIIA3. 1). MYERS & CO., DAI Noith 1 runt UUeet. Fresh Ground Coffee EVEhV flAY KVEHT HOt'R. HtrltJily Fure.alwaja the aame : a iiv.ng or Tine, 1 abor and Money, 'irylt. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., SAT (NorlU trout Mi Jan IT ll Horse Blankets, Kaddlee, Horner a. Trunin, Traveling Hare, Coilar.. Hrtillne, Hamea, Trace Clialna, WUlpi, .Ul., Hntae Hrn bei, Fealber Duau ta. n i a general aawrtmrnt of giddier anode, aa rhi-ap a. ginalaol aafflu qua lly can ba bougl t iu iu, cuma. J. 8.TUFHAM A OO. mi-na-tf not 17 "Boughini? It," AND "Innocents Abroad " Bt Mark Twaw. 'Twenty TliouiHud Ijcggnoa Under tho Seas." Bjr Juki Veruo. "A Floatiug City" ond "Ilio Blorkadf JliiDuers." T3j Julfg Vt'rne. "Tli Fron-n Deep. "-By Wilkie Colliua, Aa., A'o, For aule u iba City Book Store, . -ar' CON0LEY & YATES, No. 47 Murket Street. Jui M 13- S ere ve n House, h. KHAIIl.t'T, Proprlflor, SA"V-ATig-AIIt OA, rpiU1U)KO AMIFAV'KABLT KNOWN huiiae, plea.autly ailuated on Johnauu Square, heilng been recently repainted and repaired, and baring all of tti department! Oiled with competent, pollta and attentlra employes, oflratothetrayellng publio oamforU unear- paeed by uny Houae In the Bonthern Ftatee. dec 12 DOS-ma Potatoes! Potatoes! 150 BB1,8' EAKI'' K0!!E poTATolE!, For aale by KKKCHNEK A UALDEK UKOS. dec SO M our mono i "Ono Price-Terms Cash" ft. "--FHAWK -fi BL1., 17 3Iurl(o( tStroot. , DEPARTMENT NO. 1, ConsialinB of Domeatlo and Fncr DRY GOODS, Roidy-Mada CkitUirg, 8boe. IIaU, QnU Furn . bblug QckhU, Notioua, Jka. DEPARTiftNT NO. 2, ConiNtinff of Crockery , China, Olauwgrf, Lmp. Lamp Uooda, Vaiua, 1'laUU Cutlery, and Faupy Artiolva. A fall la napartfiill illi-lted, and eatlflactlon, guataataid. M. FRANK & BR0., 17 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. KI8CZLLAHI0U3. Frell Family Groceries FtiROUtt FIlflCNlH IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. CAH IS Tilt VTORO That can taka oar Eutlro Stock. The Freaheit, the nliet, Iba ataet drairahle aiaortnetil of Floe Famly Fnppllra la Wll Blngtou, Money pr eren Artlrinial t'becka alii reaioea ear oru(i'e. abmit the rrrdlt eratvai. We ata iole Proprietor, of the . PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. A genu and Ownera FINKaT HNI1 of WHIBKtr ljuga twg ol ii e FaoilU f B p.l.. t lieena, enaia imtere, 1 l.ie, Fotah, Moap Aid Hhet Inrtdenlal artlclia. CHAS. D. MYF.US4 CO., a Al north Front dee II wi THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. QINGR WEREni.vr.n TO fELLat prloea aj tnat aain .uieit reduce atoei, it raa re qulred noaaieaaaaaahlptseell uargowia. Our Silko, Black Alpacas Dress Coods. Bleaolicd and Uubleaoliod OoodiTablo Clotha. BIaobd and Uobleaflhd, with Napkins, Blankets, Hprtadi, BliMtioga, Flannel", Hoaiury, Olovea, Ribbons, Luces, Collars, UaudkeTOhicfi ; And a ttuinaaml other arilelea, are gilng faat. and ll'yauara la want of any gamta u.aaUy fiiuml In a flral-oiae IHy Uooae htoek, eai U tin lime lo buy tluta lrm lh beatatoea In ilie city, at price n.rer aoi4 at luloro. lternemhnt the Itittaenietit I. ofl'trrd only al the I'lid'iil inr uuooi iiottiis a? DOSKOWITZ & LIEDER, SO Market Street. jan hi v SOMETHING NEW AGAIN. TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NECK TIES, SOots; worth 50 eta. FANCY CRAVATS, VEltY HEAVY SILK, OOoj worth 1 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. HAsnnunu i.oxoi auk Beak IHavrkay Jaat Imported frejm ftvantrF. GBF.AT VARlKl V ui jet And Ura Jew - elry-New Do.lgua. TJIHESH UPPI.Y of Zephyri-WbU and A. mack, 10 J peroi; Color., a)c. At WILLIAM FYFES, jan I KXCIINOK COnNRn. Tobacco Leaf and Coin Plant 8F.M1-MONTHLT. Largmt circulation of any Trade JonrnaJ la the 8o thera BUU-e. Hubeorlption Ft par annnru. Toliacco leaf and Cotton Plant avprLiMaar watKLV. ner Flee Hnndred gfa'ulfooa rlreuletlon, Pnat paid epee imen ropb a to Fit CiSlceeil adjuliiiug couallij. ol In Canillna. .1. R. M 'HUMi deeTO tr Propneio. Taper and Kiivclopen ! OllOll NtOCK ANU tlKKAT TAKIV.1T J. 1). Love's look8lore. vl 11 143 tl GUANO! GUANO! 250 Tons Mo. t GUANAPE. 350 Tons E U R E K A . For .ale to arrlre, low for caah, or on raCD able lermi on crop time. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. JanlS 14 Coal Coal. R El AUD WRITS ASH, All Sliea. Dtltrertii FrompUy. O. O. PARSLEY Sc CO. Jan 19 ll-tf 1875. KI8CXLLASX0U8. Salt Bagging Ties Corn. 4,000 Sacks Bait, UOO Holla and Half Rolls lVaggltig, 20TonaTieej, 13,000 Rnabels Whits and Mixed Corn. For aale low by WILLIAMS A MUKCHIHIIN Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Rice. 1 ,000 Bbla, Flour all gradea ; ;() Itbla, Kftlued BiiKr, ItK) Iiafra l'rira8 Rio CoOt. 25 Ittila Whole Rio, For aale hiw bt , WI1.LIAMN A MORCHtmiN Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and v Spirit Casks. BOOBalra N. R.AE. Hay, 600 Rundlea IIoop Iron, 100 ltbla. Qlae, 200 New New York Spirit Caaka, For Mia low by WI1.UAMH A MUHOMIMUN. Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Itoioa D. 8. and Smoked Sidea, 100 Bbla. H. U. Syrnn, 400 II-k Shot, . COO Buahpla Black 01. t 300 Ki'ga Naila, Foraal low br WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Jn1 i- . Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO OF BRIGHT JEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, WLIcli we oflir at ewit Market, Price ALSO BO""' SUGAR HOUSE 200BBL"N SYRUP. For aale by KFKOHNIHAULDIH BRO. Jan I Hay, Kice, FIout and Coffeo. B'W Ha1 EHtern Hay, tlTlnroea Klee, ' RcO Harrela Flour, 5oa:kaCofl(e. For aale by KEttOHNIH A CAI.HEK HHOH. Jan 17 13 Corn and Oats. QOQBrjsnKUOOKN i!ooo " 0AT,( For tie by KfttCHNKH Si CALOF.lt BK')M. Jan 17 13- Holasses and Bacon; fO llhrta. N..W Crop Cuba, 1(KI Hhla n M. Hyrep, m lloire T. H. Hklea and fthriuMere, 'a tiaoaed Nidea and aliouliUte, l,0tJa.by. KEHCHNKB Si 0 ILOXR BUOH " Jaa IT , 14 FLANNER & SHURE, DBALBB8 IN CHOICE FAMILi GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, 4c. rURE BAKER WHISKY, 1854 No. 31, North Front at Jn 1 OPERA. HOUSE. Friday and Saturday, J AlAH T3'JaB193, 18J3, Hrand Sckol lilaiet 8AinrAr, ttt n a'clck, P. n. Warren Bomweli'i Beaa'lru) Mirror of Ireland, CODulldated with the Fraaoo-Oeraian War and ilameeTatlor'aUuila ailed Voaiad and wnoert Company and Ttonpe ot ' Frlta'a Qerawo bell Kierera. - "Janfta Taylor In bla eneentrie delineation af ebaiaetr,le lmm.nae.hla portraltarea being ortf Inal and amuelng; far ahead or aither Mol. saaitn nuaeeii or All Hornetb-Aeairei'ie' Cwntr Journal . Pooolr Frlre Admlealoa CO wait. Ef- err.il aaate 76 eenta. Matlnea Prarea-Adnlta to eenta. Children IB aeata. Kerry child reeelrea bamlaoaaa preaent Re.arred ataU for aala at lleiaaber g'r. Hnokatar-, mr Up H.01 aVIoekof day oaarfoiaaaaea - reaarred eat tirketaaaay aa baa ir oveeuie r after that haar 75 eente wdj ba cbarged. Jaa IV