y -, L r n tO : VX i . : i ! j i f i i VOL XXIV. -SO. is WILinilGTOII, IT. C. .THURSDAY, JAHUARY 21 1875 raoi uo. cv::. WILMTNOTON, N 6. : : '-. -i OY TELEGRAPH. UEABQUAUTElts. TUd tVIBQISlUa MiTTKB 'D.r3 jC.'ltJUtoED IN .CABINET. ' TAB QTJLF SQUADRON TO REN- ' "IJEZYOUS AT Kfcl WKSl. .piQOBATd IN COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS IN CONOREHS "YESTERDAY. MfrATOR ft A N S 0 M 3ECUPF.S v AK APPROPRIATION FOR - THE ASSAY OFFICE AT CnRL0TIE, THE FORTIFICATION APPRO TKIiTlON BILL I. v .! - ANOTHER MESSAGE FROM THE - , PRESIDENT. H&TALKS WAR. Whpto J"n. ' 20-Noon TJio Cskinet yeiUsrdov exywidered the Vir ginias raster. sw1. with th exception tit Fi.eji. ' there- nrmwimltv that is Mould be Plfbd In thin coer.fr lion it if sta'ed.on excellent authority that tkA WM W lbs Onlf stpisdron ere 6rdrl t ooal np and rcndeavot, aiJlAy Wet. . Tbera wee- a Pemoerst'e conenHs tiou at th Arlington hsl n;bt Tbo Adm int OT disturbed the una imityof tb rawing, tb detnl of biflh irinteewible . Ban ATI C1jton inlroducd bill (ptotnot sob- 8tta of tlm United Statoa gninl invasion, .aod for other pnrpoiiea, wbioh Vai Tferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Hotrra Irw n bus 'Written to tb ffhina offering to pargo bituielf of contempt and to answer all proper ueo"! i Be s will la ramind to- , for inforvation at to the ne of mili tary at 'Vidtaburg waa offered by , tXBrien. of Uifaonri,bnt was objected 34 .by Lynch, of Mississippi. "WirrnoTew. January 20 Night. Eiuun-Tb Legislative Judicial and Exwatift Appropriation Bill was read tL tbirtime and passed. - - An de nddoent submitted by Ran aom, appropriating $5,400 for the Aaj 0b at Ohartottr jpnd anptber 'nbmiuedljy Robertson apjiroprio pnatlng 19,560 for the office of Assist lvTriurer at .Ohfttk'titoii, B. C were agre.d to. . . -TbFortiflution Appropriktion ttin'flrcular, n3Dy?Joroatio Appro priativa BilJ wpro paassd. rlgan, 6f Illinois," Introduced a bill -atliorising tla payiug of tbt piz to tke captors of lkt stuHOiboat Wew Era, No. , 5. Rnerrred .to Com Tba Sooate then took np the amend ment to tbe-Ooastitntion npuBd by lb , inimitU, ,qn .Ptivjlrgea. ud taeollonrf rjrotidifJg for the election of the President and Yioe PresMeut Sherman grm hotios that after th siaidniat hll b ' dipmed ol I if will fllaim 'tb flw to finish his . ie mark ou the Iicitiiiana questiou. . Tha ' FortirJoaHon Appropriation ,B01, wbiah paefd.tha St'nate to day, eoutaiotd the following items: Fortress Monroe, Hampton Roads, Ta., 20,00a -v , Fori Moultrie, Chsrlssteo Harbor, - Fort Palftkf, 8aannah net, 0 , Fort Jeffdrwni Osrdoa F. , Fort'- Jackaon; Mississippi rirer, Lmisiana, $25,0(K) ,.' ; 'Fort Pickens, Pensaooie Hurbor, riia l , . : Ftt St. Fbibp, Mississippi river, J.rW.OOO. . .. - ' ( ft. Fort .Morgan , entran ce t to t Mobil i jmki $25,0001 i i . ytf )U itHi sident vent the Hollowing sewage to Congress to day ; t)the 8enatet 4nd ,Upuee 0 JRepre- In aay auraitel meMg ai December 1. 1873, whil invitin general alten- tron to all the reooramendations made tntien w inTtted tome import- snee of preparing for war in time of peace by providing proper armament nr ea ooe defences. f " " . cA proper armament is of vastly more importanec than "fortifications. The Uer osn ba . supplied rery epcedilT for temporary purpose ; wbeo needed. 1tfortBWeiMatit( a'rhese views gain iiMnaaed ,trngtt and partiuenoe the years rod by. I have now .'again the honor to cadi tpecial attpn itioQjo boodiMon of tiie anninftir1 Of onr fortifications and the ab&ltute neoesaaVy f (Mr u Imtncdiarif Vrovision by Congress for tbe procnremeiit i& beaty cannon. The large expenditures 'feqnired to eupply the enmber of ' 'jon for our forts is the strongest r- - l! . a I .jr rnment. tnai can do aaaucea tor a liberal annual approjiriation for their - tprkdual aooumnlation. In time of war tuah toreparatiqijs ctmnot be made esneoafeaanbt be. parohad in open market, nor manufactured at short notice fthoy must be tlie' product ;of herewith enclose eopics of a' tepott 'of in Chief of Ordnance t and of .1 B:ard et Odnano- officers bo the ' ttinl of f' anS-inoh rifle converted from a 10 f, , "tnehtmdotri bbre',, ibich' shows f cry r oonolusively an economical monns of ntilifinfl tuc USflefcS wnojitU ,4jore, 1' and making them into 8inch rifl s. oapable of pieroirig seven-inohes of - ittib. The 1,291 10-inch Hod nun guu.4 io"Qj6:,'Vriypinion,"bes6 utilized. Jwdl tkoi appropriation requested by try Fair, as an evidence of their good tbe Chief of Ordnanoe pf $250,0(K), to' ; iU nnd sympathy. Alt of the oom omenoe thew conversions, is earn- paaies heartily oonourred,,' ee-t'y reeo-.nm''nilt-d While convinced of the economy and nfcitj of them eourerniouR, tne de terrtiiuatioa of tbe bet and most economical method of prvvi.lirg guud i f Mill Urger cu'ibre ahould no longer b itelajtd. otuer natiou). bwd on the new -rondiion of defence witJ by brought promineut'T for tho lutroancHoD of irou- o'ads into nTnrj nvy di .t d"Oiu.l-i h"?i-r uiouil u J r.ilt nu of tint leos ti.su VI iuolir in cibhre Ttitt eaoui.iu ukwmii, iiurimg a shot of 700 poiiude, phi) ttkue tuettt many of t(i rtquimoei.tt of th nutiou! d? foj, Tliey mn'jt b pruvM J, si d exvrimmits uu a targe cu aioue g'v fie dta ntocssary for the dtir in nation of tb- quotation. A eui'able proving grouud, with all tie fciliti a'ld oinrwLiuuore refi-r"C-d to by tbe Cbtsf of Ord'fisiifrv with a libera! ut,ul s-proprist ocs n t ndont.td liffrM.ty Ihi gUUi U' V ady fj'r tiisl cannot be mtr!mnt-d wi b Without funds, id tin eiamte . SJo.OOU fur. Hie purpoiHisja deemd Iwasuti kbi, and is atrongy reoom-, mended, lb to.istaiit uppesls fur legislation on tlie stuoiuU of fortiti cstion oiiffht no longer to b i're- gsrdel, if C -i gross desi;e in peace to f.ri'psrrt the import. nit aiUterl WlUiout wLifli f-lture r inont entsbly b-ad to diss-U'r. This fubiiX is Mibmi'.U tf with tbt hi pe tlmt th' co siderHo:t it dem ind1 ni ty I girn it at tbe present essiou. (oigoed) , L b Ukint. , I'ifftntie Maneiou, J in. '!0, IH75. Horse HJla 1 A. V'iuioro o-irerniti.il jail for eoutemit, 11. refining to testify regarding tIuPnc:flc Mil crtbMdv. It s'u will purge t-iuOrrow. jSuUTII CAllOLLNA. OF.S. BUJLEU'S UOMK FIRED LV A KEORO INCEXDIARY. HE A PURSUED AN1 A FIOHT 18 IHEKIl'lif, MORE TROUBLE APPREHENDED Aocsta, Qa , Jan. 20 Night Oen. M O. Butler's residence, in EJgefield eotinty, H. C.was bnrurd by au incen diary on tbe Digbi of tLe 13th. Tbe incendiary confessed that Tcnnant, a negro mi'itis captain, birml him to do tbn ded. A warrant was issued on Uotiday for Tenoant and placed in tbe bHnd of colored ouiihtitbles. Tennant refused to be arreeted, and the oon etables called on Qen. Butler for a poi$e. isntler and eight others o- eompamed tbe constables in search of Tenuant. Tennant aud bis followers tired at theyjosse from aiobush, whiob was returned by the uosse, wounding three negroes, two vt tbeni mortally, when Tennant and the others fled. Tuesday night the negroes fired at Mem weather flfteeu times, and Dr. ilcTie, who went to attend tbe three M'uried uegtoes.KM urtd at twice on hi ie nra, on shot peif .wing bis clothing and the otlur wouudiuif his horse, , Miit trouble it gppnbendrd, tiid proie eajug UutfimiheU to arrest T uuaut. ' " . -v . . .. . - CI0TJIAM. THE RADICALS TRYING TO fBOLsrjR vf.aaAMx.;.. TERRIBLE FIRE IN BROOKLYN. Nbw Yokk, Jan. !iil Nooa. At a meeting of the Republican Ceut'al Committee iaatiiigdt resolutions were alnplej sustaining throughout the aotiou of President Grant jU the 'Lou isiaDa matter, end setting torth teat whstsvtr was dnfle tbatwa illegal was doue without the knowledge of the President, and iMi a tinore desire on th prt of tbmffiotrs of the Gov e'iiment to pr-rform t! eir duty. The st amship South Carolina has rest h'd her dock, , , Euooxlxk. Jan. 0 Noon The grocery store of Bl Jc)mr, corner of ll 7t and Pie Bo s'wite, was-burusd oay. Five dead from suffocstin and leaping from witidoirii..;, ..' ALFONZO OOtE TO T.ITE ARMY. THREATENED COALHtON "BE TWEEN REPUBLICANS AND . . -'.cAuxisrs w Loxdor. Jjiausry , 20 Noou The etestner Besv7-r, 0l"si, for Cardiff, s tuppoiitu 10 oe umincna witu a . MAnarx Jsn 5nVSrrT f -. - - . , . he departed for Uie anay - Cailista loiteriug about the railroads are ordered to bo shot, acooant of frrqneot breaks. , " . . Par!8, Jau 20 ujoti It is ststed tlit t'e republican emissaries from Btrcelnna aud other towns are iu con 'ermce with Osist nhiefians, for the purp we of inaugur itiug a general ji" jug Jigsiusi AIIodz.j. , The issue is a p! h'cire as to whcifcer a repnblio or rr-.!ichj nuder Don Carlox, 'Dawes has" ben flejtcd Senalor from.MaiachuHetts; Moroiald from Indians; Bayard from Delaware; Wal lao, (vice Soott) from Pennsylvania, nnd Francis Kenifiu; (vice Feub n) irom ew i irR, Iu th Michicrn Ldislflt!irn nimnd. lor received fi4 rotes. gum of t; and in Rhode Island, Bnnwide received 46 yofces on the 24th bivllot, thoio being lf) -leetiu. C-iipenttr'f election to the Senate from 4V'i80oneiu is regarded as oerhvn. . THE HUB. i GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN. Boston, Jan. 20 Night The militia ol tLi city uiu t to arrange tot a table at. the Charleston. H. O.. Lht tnfan. i They tell a strange story of a Paris ! watcli maker for true, and if true, it is ! a striking instanoe of tbe power of the I luisgiuation over the Auman frame. Fr-dcrick Stiebmann bad worked jt a ! watoh twenty years. It was a new 11 ovetaeLt, new works, and hi own owu invention. He perfected and set it a going. He imagimd that bis soul b id pasd from his body into that wa'eti, and said: "When tbe watch, stoj a I shall die." It had been run ning a long t me, and fitiebma-jn Wk v r particular about winding it regu larly. The idea that bis life bad be- oom subordinated to the watob grew stronger. Uue day lately the watob showed signs of irregularity. It ran AM too fast and then too stow. Btieb mm 1 became very ill. He did not send for a doctor, but for a watch msker to see what oould be dona for tlie watoh. Tbe watohmaker knew nothing about that particular watch, ai.d oould not prescribe for it. The watch stopred, and sure enough Stieb msnn waa dead. . The people of New Orleans wont even shoot now at tbe robbers of their hen-roosts for fear of making a mistake injurious to the whole ' State. This Uitug of shooting a Louisiana official in im dark has gotten to be a mighty seiH'Ui business. A Galveston ttsmsel has sued s young follow for breakiig ber nose while at tempting to kiss ber against her will. 1'ue man who three years ago mar riid a Newport belle says bo begins to rralize that a thing of beauty is a jaw forever, ' Tt m Cseless to ATTUIPT to oleanae a ktresm while the fenntain Is impure. Dyspepsia, oomplainis of the liver or kulnevH.eruptions of the skin.sernfnla. hesdaohes. and all diaesaca ariaino from impure blood, are at oue re moved bv Dr. Wat.hu 'a flit YtirsoAB BrrrxBs,pnnfler of the blood, and renovator of the system. J( hai never been known to fail. tw 8P2CIA1. Ts aobhtcd collar rot on wear b tts War wick. Itlitheatvltih wMth tblssstaoa. k for It at th firrUhlnj stent. Nature dlvee Vs Teeib, . Bat ik toe sot yratervs sad purify (km. Tbst in ait dsns wlU frsiraat BOIODy WT. tk dsuUl boas aad lu animal Mihi. ... aude tntnlasrabte ta all deetroetive lafla saeaa kv tbt dally kte sf tbls bsasScaat ur.r- aratloa. ...... a l' Wt ware nlaaaail bi m. I.. i. I . ..VV, IU Mil. f oar tiehani, pretty iTtr ramarka Kl(lrod to avvoral poreaas who, dnrlnt au In . Ut . A1il.t1.1u... Maahta. . . I aoyfroai katla. Vaaiilowko eauaot la frain Imm eobia, bad bailor ttar awj lava ut.u., a.r vwm MIIC B DOlUa OX altun- fcm's Anodrao Llnlmtat witb thoai. Tho.lBportaooaof fl1iiktri' an'iOarali j Ounlltlou rowdara tnkoiaea Ih.l h .v. h.a.11 ut lu the oeld rale, afood la eold wlad or draak loo sack eold vawr, oaaaot ba ovrr otiraatd ; r aaaa akoald bo wliboot ibaaa wko pwua a 400a aorta. Sciisca'a rpLBoaic trtcr, Sia Watu Toaio, ADADBAaPn.t. ThMd.a.rr. tdlT of lebratBil and popnlar medii liiet brvi-. I. rocbid a reo'at4oa la tbe kasiioa art. ai d :rooa tbo fallacy of atvar BKiraMlwiil -h b for nanr yean obwiucttd the prjajri w of medical asli-uoo. Tba rain nviw'itlon that ViDiuaiptlon la lotuxabia" difirrtil iUil riant lioaa ait. mptUf n Sod remodKi rur that iKa.and patlnnta afllotd with 11 raron. I rd thrmielreatodea:b without aaaking an rtibu to vecai Iroai a doom which they aapioa d to t0 !tBTillablo. it la nowproTOi, hoT 'r, that CntummUm cmn to turei, aod that It Maeurrtf In a wry great a a in ber of caaea ratvaieofikiBi apparcotly dmparata one) by Schtai'k'a Paia-palo STinp alont;aat1 iu oihur (! br baaaiA raedloloe la conaoctlim wltb Schanck'a Sea Weed Tnale and Maiulraka Pllla, onanrbotk. accordlDf to Us raoulrt (Beouof tkaeaao. Dr. Srhenrk ktmaelf, who enjoyed anlnte rnptod goo.1 Health for more than forty yoj'a watrapntand.atonstlme, to ka at tbe very gate of dea'h, Mo pkyaidana haTlBg nronoaiir-. ed hit caae bapalraa and abandoned aim to bta fata.- He waa eared by the aforaroM a-dl. e-ns, and, aiare hla reoowry, many thnwMnd tlmilarly UToctwl bate nwd Dr. Schaurk'a prtparatloua wick the aaaa remarkable oo oa. Fall d.reetlena aeeeaapaay earh, making It not abaolatrly neeeaaary te pefenally aeo lr. Hebrnrk unlwa paM'nta wlah thlr laiga es. wined, aad for thl parpen he la profeaTonl It at hi nrinelpal "000, corner Hlitb and Arrh etreete. rhlld):phla, ovary Monday, wbar- a l I'wit ror aavioo aaun be eddremed. Sehotjek'. aateiAie arc aow by ail dragalala. aaMrn:dw - - DIED. At Ik. rnld.Bof Waj.i. Farkar, ta WHdn aoaaty. N. v., ea tbe IStb inrtsnt, PaTBIOK C.OATK,forsaerlywf MagBOlta, aged aboat SI yea. . ' IxMpeprstenseeepy. . N1W ADVIITI8ZaiIT8. Corn, Hay and Oats. t V- v , i . 3 oooBP"RBl" 00E!r i!ooo " 0AM' "200 BlM a,t'H-' for sals by . IBBOHSKB te OAiDIB B0. is- Potatoes, Bagging and Cheese. ;.m SWl rr1yBeasrotata, d Bales Bagging, . .. ieo fiesta Cbneae. ....' Pornle by Jan il KEUUBMEB 0 ALP IK BBOU. alt--Flour--Lard-- Klce ; laOOO SACKS BAIT, too Bb'a. rionr. -1 Tlwawe Lard, Ml aba Laid, NTtoioaaBloe, . For sale by KKBCIW1B A C ALDER BROS. Jin tl ll Molasses ! Molasses 1 Hbda. New fjrrn Oabs, IDS Bbla. B. H. Byrbp, : For .ale by ' ' - CBBOBWIB A 0ALDBB BBOIt janll . is ... Notice. AtL PARTIES HAVINO BILLS agtltift th. Sebr. Bpray will plea prennt the ssae to V. G moan, Kerth Water street. .Jaasl-II ) . i . W. J. FEVTOH. rniil I llltl be ahorUM notlM nnd aat ca tbe aaoat fsssiaabls tanaa NEW ADVIIITMMESTS. Auction Salo! Q1UKUZ8, SAKANAS, LKMONS AND uape fruit, en betrd kr. rarlrtna.w II be ai B'ineed thladay (.Tkufvlj),(mannrtin at IS o'sloak A If. CV'LT A MOKRtrt. Aucooifrra. JB t) . ' it-It AUCTION SALE 25 Horses and Muleo. Iwt'lwUoq Vrllav. Jannarv tld. without reaarve, the beat toc af Uorara and blulra avar eSared at aattlea B-KAHKWEM f R, Jan lit- - aetHnar. Sweet Cider I K BARBKL9, - . At SARRH.S. aad on DRACOHT, CHAS D. MYEIS A CO., a at 7 North Front St. Pure lard XPRf.xstT robl fAVH T CSE I t ack.d In The of S. I. t aad tS round ek. CHAR v. MYERS CO., 57 North Front St. Finest Table Butter. JKSMM.I Pn-naardTn Pound. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., SaV 1 Sleria IreatSf JB l IN Games ! Games ! I UTTi Vai'b Uasji; ar WboV Rlarb lrtoiit Tba 0taof Bamieeata, ' ' . ' Th (iaajaoc'Kohlumin'Cro, Tb Oaate of Asth'va, Orandmssta: Ueograj hlral Ua, tdiaraater and Pretlotlona, fbe Centenrlal Oair of Hlntnrlcsl Kfenta, attnagwle School Lt too, Orlhbage Boarda, Dnulnoea, thtaa, As. ' TktPiiaala Map of North America, and iha loppod-ap M kejr. Allforaalabr ' tifNOlEV A YATIS Jann is OYSTERS. ThsCltvPbi.lelan.Dr. A. B. Wrltht.ba withdrawn hi. ntrna.ina t ta CI ikoftna Mabet oi.n.tri.1 arlllns 0tl In the rltr tballooka given. He saja, In hla ,liilun, lb y art) a gcad a any. ItUHHKS WILI.I4V!1, t I. it. W'l.l.ia.andub Jn ' 18-fe Almanacs, 1875. fi U'M'S, Mll.Lr.K,', TUKNkU'B, TOH THB TBARlirtl. A naw mipli Jut recalred at HEirJSBERCER'S Uv Book aud ktaiJ. Store, ' , . Jantl IS- Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE aci EETAILDKUGGISTS rtflbr t lbs trd a eonpteta wtmnt (at rca nkp rriwui or I at irrag. rinot bemi' ealaaad Pktranaoeailcai Prpialbti, toaetb ar with a largo arttriitf Oanien Herd we gnaranta .no pnrity ot o. ry anirie. 49 Mark.t SUr. Jsnll Wtlajlugion, . O. G. H. W. RUNCE QfttFAT, WFW Plfi POUK, ? Pea and Marrowtfct Hrana, BnoB MOB1B l AST COKVKROF ' Market and 2d Streets J.n IT iF-tf JEJor,LiverpooL TUB riBST-IXdSS Ibri a. masted Bebeonrr Jt. 8. POWCLL, (Sin Ion.) John Williams, Master, will hare despatch as above. For eotton freight, apply to WIM.IAMS A MURCHIBON Jan IS ISJt Powder ! Powder ! KfiA KKO F1PLE, PORTlSO AMD OVV blading owdr. For mic by BFRf! MltH ;I.DP.R BROS. Jan IT 19- For Sale QX BEASOMABLR TKBMB, the Rartnnal Hotel Fnrnltnra. ard an anexplrrd Lea for teven years. - Tbls Is a chance for s got d Inveatmei.t, as th. Hotel la well satabllabcd and la s floartablng condition. For fort bar rafsrmstlon. apply at the1 National Hotel, or te JanST-tf D. A. SMITH A 00. ' WEDDIIVCI CARDM1 TIBITinU CAM DM a pcl)ty at th JuviuiAi. urricbv MISCELLANEOUS. 1S75 Furniture I Carpets. Oar imnu-nHO stock at groatly retluctni priot-s. bnnie niuht te sola within next tlirco montlm, Call aud examine. NO HUMBUG! D. A. SMITH A CO. Jan r ova5KcoiVrrs BELOW COST. All Winter Clothing LESS THAN COST. Balance of Stock . AT COST. Py allnin a esll befnt rurtbsl"! !- wbdr, ta robllnwtll than tiiowwbo w oc II- Ing ai or ton ihe co. Jan IB It- BUTTER. Q TUB1 P.nnailiania Oltd But rf.v lab-, reilnod ptloe In elan roi.fl," ntent. DeRossot & Co. Jan TS IMt COM! CORN! 10,000 BU S HELS White and Mixed. for) by . WILLIAMS k MURCHIHON. Jan IS . e- U John Dawson Haatn.tore andtoarriv. tvti rbw. tof all bind j T ton Plow taMlDi;., (8 I'oOa t'uttn Plow Lint 30) lta I 'i.O' Chnln. 40 Itoaou (lollara and H on-., 100 Hum WKi1lna H.ra. M I oa. n eboreii and a,dte. Fur eata at tbv loweat maiaxt a'n. - IV, 40 A SI market Street. Jan 10 S. Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffee Milts. THE BK'tT Mll-L uiiiiirai tutai for speed Kvuineca ami lin-abill'V. Kvery n il warrat.trd. Fnr le at mat afaotarai'a lca ttb N w Hardwire Mcunol U'.LK-t A VCKCHIBoN. Jn 10 S- Mens, Boys, ladies, MISSES', CHILDREN'S i AND INFANTS Shoes and Boots, Of B'l Styles and Oradre, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS A VcsUnLAN, ' Princess Street, Jan 10 ( Plows'! Plows! QF A1X KINDS Asl) llZf 8, el th , '. New Haralware Slere. GILES AXCROniflON, tt Worth Front Street, 19 Jan IT Horse Blankets, Raddles, H rnm, Trarki, Trnvnllng !, Oollar., Brl.l ks, Ramos, Trso Chains, WMp. Hpata, Horae Bra.h.a, Feather Dusttm. nmt a Ecueral aawrtmetit or HAddlrrv ixxxla-as oh-ap at gm'daofaanieqtia Ity can ba bon(ht in tea uu. J S.Tt'PH AM A CO no IT I7t-na-rf "Roughint? It," "THE GILDED AGE" -AND- "Incoi ents Abroad " Br Uajuc Twain. "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas." By Jules Verne. 'A Floating City" and "Tbe Blockade Runners." By Jules Verne. The Frozen Deep. "-By Wilkie Collins, Ac, Ac. For aalo at tba , Oity Book Store. BY CONOLEY A YATES, , No. 47 Market Street. Jan IB II- Screven House, H. HRADLET, Proprietor, SAViLNNAK, OA. rJIHIsliONO AW lit FA?rRABLT KNOWN boo-, pleenntly sltnstodon Johuaon Square, b.vlng boon recently repaint d and rt paired, and having all of Kadapartmenta filled with eompetent, polite and attentive tmpioyea. oflr.r. to th travallng pabtio eemtoru nn.ar- paned by any Hon In tb Boat barn State, dcotl tL'3-lm Potatoes ! Potatoes ! 150 BBL8.XABLT HOME POTATOES. For sal by IEE0HNEB A OAJ.DEH BBOfl. So IS 10 0111 One Price 17 Market-. Ntreet. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Conslht.iig of Domeatie snd rssey DXT 0001 Itcsdy-Afsde C!othing, Shoes, liats, Osabj rtra veiling Qooda, Notions, As, DEPARTMENT NO. , Consisting of Crockery, Chins, Glassware, Lesv - Iaamo Goods, Vases, Plated Cstltry, aa4 Imff Articles. 17 A eall.U rpotf all Ml eiiad, and aatUfaetloa BBrantt4. M. FRANK & BRO. ,. 17 Ilarket Street, -.n WILlNriNGTON, N. C. I'CELLANEOUS. Frclr Family ('roccrlcs e"tiR OUR FR'BNDS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY, cash is rut wono i That can take our Entire Stock. Tbe Frasheat, Ida nletwt, h maat dc.lraMa rnortnienlor Flo. Fanvly rly( ulic. In WU Bilneton. Monev or even artlrlet t'beb will remove our rttrup alimtl lb. ereitlt srnlvm. W ar Mole l'r" Hrur of th . PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. Skoi. and Owners FINKnT MKKI OFWHISRET. Irg stock ol Fliia Family Sai pllra. I btPHI Nnnais. I otlrM-t. I i.. ret.kh. k.iAn at-A Mh.e Inetdetital art'fi. CHAH. D. MYERS A CO., SAT Morth Front S d It As) THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SISOK WE RF.stl v:i TO f F.l.f, at pries thst oalil rurelv ted up atuck, it baa ra ijulri tl noaa riniHtikhlp to sell out guoda. Our Silks, Black Alpacas, Dress Coods, . llleschf d and Unbleached Ootids, Table Ciotris, Ulennbetl and Unbleached, with Napkins, Rlankt ts, H reails, Sheeting, FlnueU, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Lscee, Collars, Handkerahiefs And a (hunt d irt'i.'r anli'lrs sre irMng fast ind H'ttiu B' In want f nr a mils imi.a ir r in.il In a itd'-i'iv-n In. ti ne a Moi'k, amn I" lb. timn to l.ur Ui'm lr-ra I In bt stalotk In me t tiy, at rice unvt ani l at oatora. Hentemi ar th Ind tcemnt la offortd only st th leading ', 1KT 0OD HOUhg Of DOSKOWITI 4 LIEBER, SO Market Street. ln in u SOMETHING NEW AGAIN. TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR"' NECK TIES, CO olsj worth CO ots. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY BILK, 00c; worth $1 10. NECK RUCHE'S VERY CHEAP A HAKIioiriE LOT of Milt Uoek AA mama, nal iniportefl from 4'ovenirr. GV EAT VAH1K1 V ol .irt and I aa Jew airy cw Dottgna. ' , "t-iaKSH SUPPLlTof ZpliyraWhlte and A. it a:a, loo per o', voiora, Aio. At WILLIAM FYFES, Jan I EXtHSJt.i: OH IVI'.ll, Tobacco M"BBi Colton Plant SEMI-MONTHLT. l.argiHit CrmlMloii of any Trade ilournat la tb So th.ra SUtiai. 8ukMilptUn SI pi annum. H t f s a. " TgIjccco leaf anil Cotton Rant -. SfrrMtMSNT-WaiBXT, 0er Fir Hundred ira'ultooa clrntalon Poet paid specimen i opli a to Po.t OtTtretl, aijuiniiig counlietoi too Carolina.. , J, R, M'R", deefOtf pnipruiKX.' Paper and Envelopes! .. t j , , HOttO MIOOB AMII GREAT VARIETY J. D. Kovc'n BookMore. net It t tl GUANO I GUANO ! 250 Tone No. 1 GTJANAPE. 350 Tons E U R E IC A . For aal te arrive, l w for eaah, or en reason. able arm on croptlm.. , , ' WILLTAMS A MURCHISON. Jan 1 1 CoalCoal. REU AeD WHITE ASH, IllTrtd F-romp'ly. ' , , 0, Q. PARSLEY & CO. Jan it . U-tt; MOTTO! . M, Terms Cash " ri r v I Ml MISCIUA3I0US. Salt-Bagging-Ties-- Corn. 4,000 Packs Salt. 2(K) RolU and Half Bolls Baggiif, 20 Tons Ties, 13,000 Bushels White and Mixed Own. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUROHIMOV Flour. Sugar, CofTts an4 Rice. 1,000 Bbls. Flourall grades j 160 hois, ltermed Hugsr, 100 Bags Prime Rio CofTee, 25 Bbls Whole Rice, Forulelnwb. WILIJAHB A MDRCBrSwir Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue mt4 Spirit Casks., ftOO Bales N. R, A E. lay, . fi(Kl Bnndlea Hoop Iron, 100 Utile. Olne, 200 New New York Spirit Casks, For mle lew by - WILLIAMS A MCRGBttOa. Baoon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Boxes D. 8. sod KnokWlllss. 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 400 IlsgsHhot, 600 Bushels Black Oabm, S(K) Kegs Nails, For aal l by WILLIAMS A IfUWmjSOI, Jan a f Cuba Holasses! JUST AR1IVID. A CABQO OP BRIGHT ,-:v"' -1 -vr' ' . WLIch w offer st sewrat tSJke rWa : ALSO : ' 1O80C)!H HOUSE '. KERCRVKB A f AJJjT1 RMS. ' Jaal . Hay, Bice, Flour; and ; Coffee. ' oOPleFatBHBy, tsTlSMta Kli-e, i, nisi barrel Slunr, IBusackaCoRM. ... - . . For ml by ? REKCHREM A.CALDCB BBUB. JaiiU . . M FURKER & 8HURE, CEAXXBS u . . ... .- .-., " ,-. . . ,:i v -:jt -l CHOICE FAMTLI OR0CIM13. ' WIN LB, LIQUORS, as AE3, U ":,.,,. i.fn,: "j .;:;- it . - i PURE BAKER WHISKY,' It&L , A , .it f X' -- " 4 ; No. 81, Nortk FtwBlsi J B IS bt- OPERA H0U8E.: Friday ; and .Saturday. ; TTjAnvABT as a ts, isrs Oranel Behcet sisuiaee, FifmrIa.r at 4 a'cleek, r. FJ. Warren Borawel' Bsaatlfat Mirror! of : Ireland, 0onlldst4 wltb tb Fraaoo-QeraBam an l .laoie. Tayior-s vhikbiim cvmenw '" and oonnert Company and Tiearye . . .. Frit s't Get man bell Rtngara. -Jamea Taylor lu bla soeaatrts d.ltneatlewa of nhat ae'f r. u tamanse.bla pottraltare. being enilnal ano amnaing; rat saeaa er e it dot aw. Siultb Hiianell er Alf Baraettv-lawi taaTai CdtrtV? ntavMle ''i4 v ' foimur Prtcee Adaikatoa SI seats, Be. act Tid Seat" 15 rwnia ' ... ' Matin Piuts-AdaUs M Mat. Obtllrea 18 cents, Fvery ebiM receives a banawome presant. Reaaivea mats for tab) at Sebasbar-g- tV niokstnr , . ST Up t 'l.si o'clock of y of MiTersMBwS NwnM wat 'icketamav be bad for SSlt after bat lew.' TO cents will be charged. J.n 'I ---- ie-. Ansonvillo Male Kchc;l. 10 Mllea Morth sl tTMUbsrSi tf. tk Tbe oneains eweteu will begin FabrwBrj la ISIS, and o"'tirn twenty wieVa. Kni VMua B. '-orb iBralaaSs ef tbe) Cninri'iy ot Worth arolins) Prlnip';ald4 bveom tenr at a ipri .neS ssastaats SB nv dei a 'm rt. T Itl n as, si' aod 111 per fsarbnr, payable In sdr.mae. . Botd and lojmi fio p'r BwntB. W.'hl' g, fitot ad 11, ht. a' moderate IB'. in)pl o nan tlmloi-afr )'BJ-at. th-i o Hue Dal dlnga ara ktbf Uu agkby renil'edaod n"w'y Ij.nlabad For m t f r IniJ. Bkitien aihinea , W. JioUBUDOW, . Jan l-l-Jd. AnaaavUM.JS.ti SK S : t TV 1 - se m -t - --1,- ,- 4 t ' x.; .. ... - "!. ; .a j -f.: .., ;

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