- . 0 in f ! I -1' ' H ii if. "-4 -V ; r i l IV llJ.'U J I I' VV NV A A -S w ' y wmmiGTOir, it. a, Friday. January 22 1875. WHOLE 110. G,7C3 vol r;av.-iT0. 19 i. m 't I WILMINGTON. V. O.: raiDA7.jT!r2iriR:i SYpTELECRAPH. jflEADQU.VUTKIl:. WMTETAW K F. r 1 AUUF;;TKI.i ron an allowed li uv.l. puocHtiDiNus in coNn;r:frf THE TAIUIT ON' HOI'.i. REPORT OF THE COMWiTFE U FAVOIUP.LE TO A ilK DL'CTION OF TUB PUES ID ENT'H SAL AUY, .Ml WisHisoTox. Jimniiry 21 Njid Bknatb aScott, from the Committee on Chum", reported with flim-ndmpnts to the UotUo bill routing to mo uun iaissioiirs of Oluinia, which wts p'mv.l on tb CaUiJid r. It I'xtetul tin tirvt for filing ,hi petitions ''bttforo " ttn Claims Cowmittto, HorsR Voting on tlio Indian Ap propriation Bill. , Wahhinoton-, Jau. 21 NigM The Little tariff bill iiienast'S the tariff on hops thrse cent. It goes to the Tics idout. ( - v T l) committfiO Opfwiiite.J to inqui.ru whut'iw nfiwapnpi'M nieu ttiu.-t krt'p way from here, will fully HnvewliRHte wbi'tlmr tbd attest of Whitvlaw J;r id was in Yiolntin of .ho.'riilrgpsj -of the Horttv" Mr. RHd xtmn nnln for libwl on charge pruf erred by iluv. Shepherd. Tlw . lVsid nt will nut r-nwv.o Belcher, Pi4tm ser at M.iimu.'U. Hknati Il.tmlin, of Mniue, from - the (Juinmittt-c on Civil Scrvict) ami Retrenchment, reported sdYPisely on thu. bid to redncn the salary of the President uf the United Stat?, with requt st Unit it be placed on the oulen dar with the adYerse report. Ko 01 dered. ? The Senate then" dincnase.l the pro posed amudment to the CouttituUon. as eubuiitttd by the Coayuittua oy Privilege and Eleetiouc, in regard to the election of President and Vioe President. Morton, Coukling, IH raauda aud Thuiman participated in the debate, tint laUor making a motion to postpone, the further cou-ud jralion of the subject till the first Monday iu Febrcwry. .Tbe vote ou the ui jtiou will be tijtfb to-morrow.' Houaa The Iudiun Appropriation bill was rejected on account of the proviaiou tu pay about $3,000,000 to the Chuctow uation nud r u trenty cf 18C5t and was again referred to the Committee ou Waya and Mean'. Qhao. A. Wetmoue, the newspaper correapondent who waa.. yeBterday committed for contempt, wnt a lett-r of apology to the Speaker, whioh was acoepted, aud he was discharged The ooofere uce report on the Little Tariff bill waa diBQns"d aud agreed tr. The Honse'Hdented th ontrpnce report on the iiriff bill, which pUoe.s the duty on all utill wines at 4!) cents per gallon, on (lit. The Special Committ w ppointi-d Under reaolntion of tho Ilnpnbl.'enn cnoun, have ugre-l to repoit tu the rJbxt meeting, in favor of reengr iziug tho Kellogg Government, and the Ju dioiarv Committee of the Hoiirie will probably decide , .to-morrow." what actidii should b tka ri-irdmg Louisiana, ind the procpeet ii tl' action of the SpeoM Committee will be foil wed. - . .-. union of TnE."riu;xcH rioiit CJSNTKE AND LEFT. AIjFONSO'H JOURNEY NORTH. TO THE PuK' dan. eetitiv . .and 21 Noou -Th.; right left have, nuited . which 'csns.d a motum to hn tnrwin for the immeJiatij conider:iuii of constitutional bills.- 'iTbo (oTornmen!, support d by t It Bight, proposed a few i-ys delay. Madrid, Ja 21 Ncon.- Alfonso huA ruuohfi! Sariicfossn. tJyfH3fligt!!esiMii! road nd beyond check in their pro gress.' A tra"in flllfd with noldier will proceed wirh tbs royal cr. Vajma seda goes to Cuba a commander-in-chief. c. .";':' "T - LosDOM.dan 2l -Noon The Thorn aby Cardiff, for Bombay, is stippowd to be lost with twenty uiu ptMseugcru tm board, . the, j3svolution in u 14 u " quay. overthrow of the govern ment by. the rebels. Losson, Jan. 21 Noon The Lon don A Riiwr Platte bsk has received the following dicpatch from Monte video: : "The Uruguayan OovcrnmeBt hss fallen, (4qd j rebels R'e 'in' .power.. There is general ahrm.and businens is suspondoil Th.C Br.iti'.b Rqn.drou is ixi .tbe birbor, Pedro yarela, Preai bnto.tlie Senate, - ba ben elected by the rebels Provisional President of the BfpabKciA ;;.;... a .? -" a ELKCTltI(,IS3IS. Ex-Oot. Theodora ' Randolph suc ceeds Stockton as U. S. Senntor from New Jersey. There waa another smw flide at Rig Cottonwood, Utah, Jterrt-7. , Over I tweritJr'HvCe were lost by thf-se uva i lanchea. ' v . JChei Post ays tliaft ti e failure "of ' Ifeath, AndwH fc-Co. dry goods: 'Xnfrchatts, 'Jfotv.' York, has been au- nonncl. " i , f A cuow klide'iii tho mountains of ; Nevada' killed "Twenty-eight China i UwOiUtttV v v- j' IMLEHill. THE CONVENTION QUESTION. i THE MEETINO OF THE STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ; FAVOIUT. : ' ' Uauf.mh, January 21." .p.n;l di-sp-t.'b w'iv'd last i.iiVht from Ui''- !;'", syha'- a l'Re mreting of tuo t'ousrrviftivo Hate E've itive Cttunutteit, alter two days dmiheration, lariiestix recommend the Legi.sliiinr.' to call a Couventiou. fir's 'rctiou.-Mhen it i communicted lotl.c L). ino.Tat.ic cauena w 11 Jixibt- lem m-'i t uith the views of the peopl state Tmm. Thu Euluigu Niws says: Bishop Gib bons will occupy the pulpit of St. Ji'hu'd Ca'laolic (,'hureh -n Sunday next. liiahop Gibbous in suid to be the Iteet pu pil orator iu ttio tvumi, and St. Johu'e Churoli will doubtles be over-crowded ou Sunday to hear him. iV e Hub it'll Xt'ws sivk: At the lute term of the special court for North aniptou count v Judge Ilt iiiy NHit. ueed oigbL men to th Penitentiary, i.ll i f wiiiua Ihive Bifei.v ariiv(d and Ktoweit awsy. Four of the number wern white me:;, merchant iu said oountv. cou- vii.ted of buying cotton from negroes, k lowing it to hnve been tfto.e.i. ' !St Ueltrr MI. V tnmi and his wife who Imd been ru im d ten jers disagreed and do- teroti'ifd to se crate. .The terms of senvMtion were to b ' decided by the juticVof the arroudbacmunt in which tbev lived, they were Frisians. tlv you any children ?" said the judge. . "its, monsieur. "How niauy ?" "Three two boys and a girl and it is with them lies our diflicnlty, M ulnmo wiehes to hnvo two of them: ao do I." Have yon agreed to ubide by my decision V "We have," said both of them, "Very well, 'my friends; I condemn yon to h ive another child, eo that you any have two. Wheu you have ob tained that yon may return to me." The matter was then adjourned for the time being. Two yeara utter ward the worthy magistrate, who in the meanwhili had heard nothing ol the husband or wife, met the former. Ah, taid he, "how about the sep aration ?" "rttill imo.TnWe. monsiuor. In stead of four children, we ntwbave live." DIED jt Wlilli Tii'e, N. 0.,.7nnrv II, 183, CAB' Kia i.,onliti rot sh rtlt R mill Mr, Cro- . 11 Simii.iT evening (inp ey prerioos to nir I . .ii ) tho worn h r h. i'ij ''r cert, tinr molh . r..tn hiT t.) rrmnlii in (Uf bout. 8bo i i .'urt'U'-g bopk nn I avl Juwn bv ber rantlit r "i d t n very iwiMif ti- nug "'ill Tulnk of t no mu T.r Tli-re." Ahmit il o'flork on Mo.iiny morntnu h Mken very III ana .1. il t i u'e ock Moni iy I'v.-niiiii liuring the H,n.t lift l inn Mi cun.p a nfJ tut titt it 1 1 Abont w o cliM-k, iu , tttr itmti uta r li felt. "I am won tint touM b-rli arlr ut Ut'isV.ixt It "IDbii itucor." . d tl t hVnililii(f. Sbecl'fderT o ipx t o itt'le C'rtnd h a nut m iinl- onie Tltlt r, nnr d il Hi m H"Constonii of ilHMiroteh, when 11 r 'llti- bvdy would be fret d from ll a lira !ni, and h-r luirlt wailed br nnaeis to the lo"m uf tl'O bl-Wd Jeul .here thu will for.Tiuute know only Joy, .-urn's and love. Kllirr, m .'hr, Wr and br theri, wep not f. r yn'ir llttlo l um. bat think of hr a bo ht and tmpu AnH, who win hist m tt the f oUh it (ritc to inert fou one ljr o i tou on' h.. nv.r i d lind uOD the liiuini liorcsof th " w Jorunl' m ' i f think thf while wo a eaiRjlng here ' , ilr band a so dtn h ire is rlriilnt. And. wl:h a v lee rm snd claar, ' Her rantomtd mnl withent i liar, , Hor MivIoutV rTN'" ''"K'"!!- 8. K M. Al bin re1l lenre in Itroo tvn. New Tirk,0"l Wfdiiiadav. thetfith Inst , Ol!T C HOTDH- l if"!, foimnrlT a roeident ul'tUle riry. At "Tfiiwi'S I'errtt n the morn nit rf lh. trt'h or.lH'inary. f run nmption, Mn xtr. TIF. e wifeofv 1,. iM, e 'i , "iiiddanah- 'e;o' I. W. K, Pedcn, g d 2 Jtrt, mottnBra n"a Wntttro Ulven Teeth, Hut ho ilonnot prenerTii and -.nil.y them. Teat n.oet bedouf wtthtisgrnot si ,( :ONf . ills dji'Ui bone ikiid lia namul iln nre mv -invnliwrabio- in all . diwirnrt ve luflu iiiceiiby tlui .litHy uw of this buietiuHit preo aratiou. We were p!Faiia.l to nu, nut Umg ttree, In one of our nU tages. eomeprnlty mM teniarke i.l.liehnvl to .teml KjXH.'u bo, liming an in tenrt'g leritnrw fcf-iiev. J h CS. Abbott, k p' a onfiiiwiw eougimig. which prBentod mnii fn.oi hiailnK. froi.ie who crnot i U tin In iu (smithing, bad tetler way awy rVoni Hi'i pUi" . tr utake a but Iu ui -Judn-;n' auoiIjum L'iiinii.'it with thi-.ui. Thelmportanoenr gulngShori an iOiiTalry Ooniltliuii I'owitoTS tjhor tht h ue been "nt in th rol.l tain, .stood in fold wlr.d er drank ioj mnch ooid wirt- r, ciiihot l e orer untimttrd ; no man should be without them who own a good herue. ( ou buck's PulkomC svarpJiA Wid rosiy, t.o MjiiiimAKli Pills 'J litiw) deatrr idly vtKbraren end "Opulr metllrinve hre rf lotUd a n Toia'. on In the healing urt, and pro .en tiie filUi'y of w ver. m xnm wlii.-h Jl we for many ycai ob. i ii ited the pr.'grcm of mtrtl t.1 eel -iico "1 ho fl" mii41Uoii that I'onsurai-.tlmi Is tn.iirahl " il torrwl ih.iii cUnn Iroui ett- mptlng tn tlnd r- m .im lor that ill - , and t it. nm nflli. i. d wi:li 1,' ruionrl id thrtninelvi's to death without makinit an etl'oit to eeiwpe trom a d -om whit-h 'hey ii.wtd to he nn iTidilubie It bi nowproTet, birer, that toimimpfiiinoa . tx currd, an I tl a t Aoi ixeacu .1 In a vi'ryitriHt nnui'otir of caw (unno of ih' m ap art-n'ly deH riito ono) br h ni'k'e Pnlt'onlo y up alone; out in I'tmr ce' be 'he I'lDt mente no tn eonneetlmi with Srh nck'e ee weed 'I' -niii an i Moilrke rule, one or bo'h, accoiilitig to tho rujulrt BenHOf thooasi. Iir. 'chi'iiek h'maelf. who enjoiel nnlnte--rupte-l goo 1 health for mom than f.irty yen wiecupp'S'd. stone tine, to b- at tno eery g ee ol ilea h, hie phy cl.on havliiK p onnnno. e.l hit ease bofx-l aanrt ahandoni d h'm tn bla late. Hewaaeurm uy uw ator-vai i tn at. ens, ami, i''ne hie reunfry, many thnnand( elmi'arly alt"rtet have naAil lr. Sehenck's pri'paracioaii w' ! ttia same remarkable aue- '"rull dreti.itiaoeoinpiiif eaeh, making It not ah'olnt 'lT nneifcury to ir-onallr MBt. Sohen-k iinli-wpaitrnte wleh Wielr lu..e amlin d, and lor t'.t parpuee be l protnelunat W t hl nrlnrlpal (.(Boa, exirni t Hijti b and arch rre-', Fbtl-d-il Uli. ")ry Mordr, where all lctteia tor ailvlre mi I be aildree eil, Fehm ek'i medt. tU' u e tula by all drngnltte, , Jan T-lm.(14w NEW ADVESTISIHZ3TS. Wilmington Lodge No. 319. 'MKhOS-NT JIKkTrNO tt xlght (Friday) f.u ok la the Tkuu Degre. ihtrebeini n d- e or prrllmlnarl, Bre'hrra will not it ilfUioed lalar than t o'cloek. I J t let W.H. PRMTON WMMlMn, ' 8eereiai. Jan It U W00TEFS CarolinaXentral Rail- way Express TTTII.I, GITI! PKOMPT TI"FAX'1H TO t e l r relBbte Money ard other raloable le-ai'a eo'-rlgned n Iu ear tor ant and all polnta on the r'aeier and Weetern DlTlalon of oie i arrl na Central ailwa. All u o1 rla thl line are rally eomed by i-iur' aw in Brei-eiae i vaaraniea. r. M. WOOTEM, Praprletor. 0.1. LOT, Agent janll l-tf Wanted ! i SITUATION IN A GKOCKKT er DKT limits Store, by a young man who ten fire k'Oid rt fernc jlddren J. J. B., Jan It P.O. Bos 111. VEGETINE. Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the whole Syetem. lt,Mellcal Prepertlea are Aitoratlve, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. Vtaansa la made exclnaieely fromiUieJuleea of utreiaily-aeieoied barka, roota and herb, ani Moatrongiy eoncentratrd, that it win aooe tuall) eranlcate from the jetoin enrj t'lctof ftiroiuU, Srroiulouj Humor, Tumors, t'anver, ianrrou Humor, Kiya'pclaa, Malt Hlieura, ejphilitlo Ulaeaaea, Causer, Patntneaa at the Momacb, nu I all dlwaaea tnat arlae from Im purj blood. Seiatica, IndamuiatorT aud Obronic Huenmitiam, Keuralgla, tiout and silnal Cumplali.tv van only be effectually cured through the blooa. for Ulcer and fcruptlye DlMaaei of tha Hkln Puntnles, i'lniplri. Hlotchea, B lit, Tetter, Sraluhead auu Kliigeotm, Vaunian baa nerer failed to ell'eut a permanent euie. For fain tn the Baok, Kidoey Uomplaluta, Oropay, Feu. ale Weakueea, Louootrlioxa, art, lug troaa tnti-rnal aloe. allon, and uterine dis oH.ae and Uroeial Debility. VieiTiiia acts directly Uku the cauaaa of theea eomplaiuta. it uiTigoraua ana arrengioeni in wuoie a tuiu, aula upon the seoret.ve oryani, ailaya tu fUnimat.on, curia ulceiation aud regu.auis the bjWBia. ror Catarrh, Oyireprla, Habitual Coetlee nee, Palpltailou of ibe Heart, Hadhe. I'tiri, Jiereouaneia nod lieuaral frwtrati.B of llio fiuraoua bjllem, ne midlolna hat etur kleentaoh perteet eatlafactloo aa the Vioa tihi. it pur.fli-a the blooo, cleauea all oi tha organs, and pnaadaea acoutrolllng power orer iho iiervooa ayatam. The remarkable cures effected by the V iisi hare Induced many pbyelnlani and atotliKcailea whom we know to prtacriba aud ue It l.t their own fam-lle. Inuct, Vaoauaa la tha best remedy jet dteooynieal for the above dlaaa.ee. and le the only reliablo HLOOO PaJUIl'IKH jut plaefd beiore Ue public . PJIEPABKU BT H. R. 1TEVIN8, Boston, Mass. Wuat VaoKTiaar-.il le a coanxmod ex- traited from barks, roota aud htrba. It la aiure'i Keniedy, It Is penett:y Larnil.-M from any bad effect upon the lyetem. It l nourlabiag and atraiigthtning. It acta dire tly upon Uie blood. It ijulela the aerreu eyatem ii g Tea you good, eweet al.ep at alaht. it i a gr-at panacea tor our aed lathers aud moih 're; tor It girea theoi ttrengtb, qa eta their nartea and gleatbem Nature a aweet sleep, a baa been oroTed by many an aged permn. ii aiue g cai oiihhi rur.ne'. it it a toothing rrmely lor our children. Ithat tailored and cured tuouaauda Ilia very pleasant to take: every ollld likes It. It relieve and cures all dleeaaet orlginatlag from Impure blood. Try the auKTins. uiva it fair trial tor v or com plalnta; then you will lay tJ your frtmd, neluhhor and at-'jnal tance. "Trv It: li hu curod me." VaiTisa for the enmplalnta for whlnh It It roromnu nuod. It havlna a larrer aala thmnvti- out tbo I ul'ed Hiatra fian any other one m di et nc why? Veaetlaie will Cura tha Coruplaiata. VALUABLE INFORMATION. BoaToa, Dee. it. iSSS Gentlemen My only object In glrlng yon thia tretlnunlal latoapread yalnable Inform Hon Having beta badly affltetd with Halt kheniu, aid the whole tnrtaoe of my rkln bMng covered with pimples and eruptiona many of which rauaed me great pala and an nnyanoe, and knowing It to be a blood diaaare, I trmk many of the adrerttned bleod prepara- tiona. am ng wuien waa any quantity or sa ea parlMa, without obtaining any beoeBt until I onnimeof d taking the Vaainsa. and be 'ore I had completed tha flrat bottle I taw that I had g it the right medicine. Uonsequently, I fol lowed on with it until I bad taken seven bot tlea, when I waa pronounced a well mas, and mv skin Is emonth and entirely tree from pimp) -a and eruptiona. 1 have never enjoyed to vOf-d health before, and I attribute It all ta hbw f V'aaTiHe. -To. tenaflt-thiwe al- lllcted with Khenmatiam, I will make mention al n of the Vioariat'e wonderfnl power of curing me oi una acute oompiainr, 01 W&ICB 1 havx aiiffe.-td io intensely. O H. TOOK KB, j ; Paa. Agt Mloh. O. R. K , M Wathlngten Street, Bottom. Vegetlne Is Sold by all Druggists. Ian J iMw - OPERA HOUSE. Three Nights Only, Commencing MONDAY, JaOTABT 25, The Charming and Versatile Pratlan Aotreea KATIE PUTNAM, 'Aug Her Own ; -o t : : METROPOLITAN ARTISTES, . Prominent among whom It a a Btsriir rfr- v- . s.m rtiiia. aw 1 1 n Infantl'e Prodigy, who will appear la her ohaete and planing character Impersonations. MONDAY EVENING, Jam. 25. Pint time tn this olty, by thlt Oompanv. will be pr.itantaa uit oeaatuai aramt, entitled - ' LITTLE BAREFOOT, KATIE PUTNAM. .....as Amryi I- ttoduelng an original ton (word and m tulo bv Ulan Puti am) tntltled'-Baraloat'iPrayi-r." An Entire ( kang ef Bill Each CTeaaln;. Boale of P rloee Ptrnnette andnreet ri cie ii rarauette clxela, II Ontr, Gallery, evt tan baeeenred wl'bout extra ehtrrt at H Inibergei'a Book attre. gnr lanl-ulnrt act profratjmea and ) foriptive bills. JanlSl-tf D D I IITI II H KIATLT KXKCUTXD AT rnlll I IrlU he shorteet aoUet and ta os the aaott reatoaabU ttrntt, SXW ABTESTISXaiNTS. Fruit at Auction. THIS MORrtlMO.at 14 o'e'ock, we will sell a board Br. br. Oatletoa, lying ha rroDtaf Maaars. DebVoaxt ft Oetofflee, Oraagea, Be. aanas, Qaape frail, Aa, Ao. CEONLT MOBBtt, ' Aactloneera. Jan ft let-It AUCTION SALE 25 : (' Horses and Muloo. I will tall en Friday. Jannarv IM. wltkeot reaerve. the beet etock af Hortet and Males ever oDered at asttloa. B. KABHWEII.KB, Jaallft j anotloaeer. Games! Games! ! The Match Qastt; er Who's Black Dtagonf Tha Gam of Bamtootie, TheOaassof Itiblnson Or uo The Oame of Anthm, l Orandmama: Oeographlca Oame, Characters and Predlotiuut, t -The Centennial Class of Historical Kventa, Menagm le School Let Louse, Orlbbage Bosrda, Dnmlnoea, Chess, Aa. The Puaste Msp of North America, and the t'topped-up M ukey. All for sale by UONOLET A TATKS. Jan 21 It Almanacs, 1875. jgLCM'tf, MIl.LEB.S, TUBNKR'S, FOB THE TEAS 18TS. A now aappl, Juat rtcelrtd at HEINSBERCER'S Uvo Book aud al uale Store, Jan Jl II- Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS Offer to lha trtde a eomnlete saaortment (at reavnable prlert) ef I are Urngt. Pine Cheat salt and Pbara-acea leal Preparations, togeth er with a large aortmentcf Harden Seed We entrant) a he purity or every article. Mo.4 Market Street, jaalt WilalpgtOB, M. O. G. H. W. RUNCE QKLEttT, WIWPIOPOBK, Pea and Marrowfat Been, Saul. WOBTH f AST COHNER OK Market and 2d Streets jau U 1C-U Powder ! Powder ! 500 KKQ BIPLB, SPOBT1HO A5D Blaatlng Powder. . For tale by HKRCVtHER A UALDBB BBOS. Jan it 14- For Sale AM BKASONABLft TEKMS, aha Ratloaal W - Hotel Parnltore, atd aa unexpired Leaae for eeven jeaia This la a ebanea fne a gned Inveetment, ta the Holsl h well trtabllahed, and la a flonrtihlng eerotltlon. Per farther Information, apply at the National Bowl, or to , JanST-tf P. A. SMITH A 00. COM I "1 10,000 BUSHELS White and Mixed. For sal by WILLIAMS A MURCHIS0N. Jan lfl 14 Molasses! Molasses! S) Bhds. Mew Orop Cuba, IN Bbht. 8. H. Syrbp, . For tale by KEBOHNEB A CALDER BKOS JtaSl 18 It Goes Like Hot Cakes - - THAT CHOICE Table Butter, In Bolls, 40 oentt. Fresh Invoice t-'-day received. Try our Elm Grove Faui'l) Fliur, $9 per bbl. warranted GRANT A HINT0N. Jan M IM'dw Potatoes, Bagging and Cheese IflO "bla. Early Rosa Potatoes, . S Balet Bagnlng, 1J0 etoiesCbawe. Par aale bv Janlfl KKR0HNEB 0ALTER BROS. Halt-FlourLard Kite l,0OflACK SALT, BOO Sb'S. Floor, HiTliree, Lard, M 1 Bbt Lard, "---W Tleiaet KloS, Por sate by KEB0HHER A CALDEB BROS, jaan ., i com! MISCELLANEOUS. 1S75 Our immenso stock at jzrently reduced prices, bame must bo sold within noxt three months. Call and examine. NO HUMBUG! D. A. SMITH A CO. Jaar OVERCOATS BELOW COST. All Winter Clothing: LESS THAN COST. Balance of S took ATCOST. By giving ot a call before purrhalrg ela where, the pnbllo will then know ho w tell ing at or less than eoot. DAVID St, WEIL. jaato it- John Dawson Waatnetore aed to arrive BUO ''Iowa (of ail klndtj T Toot Plow (astlniie. DA t'oilt i "(too Plow Lines, S01 Pairs Traoo Chain. 40 Itoaen INillara and Hamet, Kin lloa-n W railing K.t, do I'osen r hove la and tlpadrs, lor aaie at tie lowest marst ta'ea. IV, JO dc II in ark el Stretn. Jib 10 g- Entorprlso Manufacturing Co's CofToe Mills. THE BKST MUX eianiifa.-t iio.l Tor Speed Kvennere and Dnrahltliy. Kvery n il warranted. Por aale at mannfaolurei 'a ptlen at the Hr w Hardware llouao of OILKS NilTHOHISUN. Jan U) 8- Mens, Boys, ladies, MISSES', CHILDREN '8 AND INFANTS Shoes and Boots, Of a't Styles and Oradrs, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS A VonOHLAN, rrincesg Street JaaJO ; -. i ; Plows ! Plows ! QPALL KINDS AbU MIZPS.st tbt saw iisrewar star. GILES A MUBOI'IHON, M Jtorth Pront Street. IB Jaa IT Horso Blankets, Saddles, Banters, Trurka, Trsvcllpg Rags, uoiiars, Bridh-t, names. Trace nam., Whii-a, Spuia, Horse llrnthes, Feather I'ueliia. and a general aaevrimenl of Btddlery gixta-aa cueap at gooatei same qua. uy can pe oougui la the euta. J. S.TOPBAM A CO novlT gI4-na-U "Roughin-r It," "THE GILDED AUE" AND "Innocents Abroad." Br Mabk Twaim. "Twenty Thousand lngnei Under the Bess." By Jnles Verne. "A Flofttiag City" and "Tbe Blockade Runners. " By Jules Verne. "The Frosen " Deep." By Wilkie Colling, Ac, Ao. . For sale at the City Book Store, -" - -at . '; O0NOLEY A YATES, No. 47 Market Street. Jan IS II- Screven House, R, BRADLEY, Proprietor, rpHISLOMO AMDFAVDHABLT KNOWB House, pltaeai'ly tltnated on Johnton Square, having been reu ntly ropalnted and repaired, and haying all of its departments Blied with competent, polite and attentive employes, offers to the traveling publlo eemforts unaur- paeeed by any House In the Southern State, dec M m-tm Potatoes ! Potatoes ! 150 BBLS. RAKLT ROdB POTATOES. For sale by KEROBbTBR UALORK BK Am ) : so Sweet Cider TN BAKRILS, BAL BAKRRLR and on DRACliHT. CHAS D. MYERS CO., O A 7 North Front St. Pure Lard JJXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY C8K t racked la Tina of t, B, 10 and 10 poonda Cb CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 6 A 7 North Front Si Finest Table Butter, TN SMALL PAILS rive and Tea Ponude, CHAS D. MYERS & CO.; t north rront Bf M jaali DR "One Price-Terms Cash" FRAMES Vs, 13 17 Mtirlt-ot IStreet. toe. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consisting of Dompsti'o and FasaT DRY 000D3, K.Muly-NUle, Cltlhing, Hlioaa, Eats, OaiU Fin- J ishing Goods, Notions, Ao. DEPARTMENT NO. 3, Ctnisisting of Crockery, China, Glaaaware, Lawpt, i Lamp Ooodit, Vasa, I'laUit Cstlary, u4 Fanes; Articles. ' tr A call I. respectfully lollclted, and satlefaetloa gnaranuxd. H. FRANK & BR0., 17 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan It ri-SCELLANIOUS. Fresh Family i.rocoiics PuKoURrK'ENDI IN TOWN AND COUNTRY? cash m niK nroKO , That OHn take our Entire- Stork. Th Frreiie. t. the niiet, the meat ili-atrahle aaanrtmeul of flue rani ly . Huppllst lu Wil mington. hliii.A. n Arll.ti.ti.1 ( I.MkM ,.m onr aorupit nh nt the credit ayatciu. vte are ooie rropnetori 01 rue PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. Siieft and Owner. FINPHT BBaNIk OF Wilts It Kit. Largo atoek or Klht Pnnillv Cupp'.lra, Chi eae. nnarn, Ciittevs. Lie. roluah. aid nthnr Incdental artle ra. ClIAH. D. MYERS A CO., s I North From 9' dee II . h THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. QINllK WK VKltllF.I,Lntprli-. O that - cum rutelv leilui'H .t.ii a, it l aa ru qulied nn ta temkiiahlp to rell our gome Our Silks. Black Alpacas, Dress Coocis, Blfgohttd and Uubleaolietinomlg, Table Clotlis, Bleaolitd Bud Uiililencht d, with Napkins, Bliuikrts, ripreutlu, Sheetings, FlHtmcls, Kusiery, Oloveyt, R'liliOiia, I.hoi s, ,. : Collars, llitndkercliiefg And a thouaaid otuer ar'lclnt. are g-dug tnat and Ifvoua-e In wniit t f ny g'K.ila oanaHy found In a f.ri.,-'a a tirv (l..iwl Mm-k, eo la tin t.mn to bnv th - m tr. m tin hct atoia. In lh. city, at price. nrv.r soul at before.. Hememrer the indueemitait Is ofltrtd only at the leanug UBT UUOU4 HOTJiiB OF B08KOWITZ & LIEBER, 29 Market Street. Jan 10 TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NEOK TIES, 80 els; worth CO cts. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY nEAVY SILK, COcj worth $1 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. lIANOSOItlE l.orf Hllk llooh ltlrha, Jaat Iniportca front t'ovoiilrr. GREAT VAHlKi V ot oet and l ava Jew elry ew Detigna. TinEStf StTPPLY of Zephyrt-WUIte and X ll'sck, IBJperos; Colore, sue At WILLIAM FYFES, Jang BXCilKBH t OHN til. Tobacco Leaf and Cotton Raul" SEMI-MONTHLY. Largest circulation of any Trade Journal In the Hoothera States. Subtorlptlon SI per annum. Tobacco leaf and Cotton Plant : SUrrLRMKHT WISMT. )ver Five Hundred grttultous circulation. foat ild apeciDitnmieto adjoining eountleaof tue Carolina!. J, It, M')KHHJ, dee JO tf Proprietor. Paper, and Envelopes 1 GOOD STOllR AN It GREAT VARIETY f tnevnjt ri,4.t j,4f AT J. I). Lovo's Bookstore. 0" 11 ll tl GUANO ! GUANO ! 250 Tons MoT, 1 GUANAPE. 350 T o n s E U RE K A . For aale to arrive. Irw for cash, or on ri a" a- abla ermton crop time. WILLIAMS A MURCHISON Jan 18 . - v."-' M' Coal Coal. JjEl AAD WHITE AiH. :v,:,j. ..... . . All SIS9S. Uallverad Promptly. ' . ." O.O. PARSLEY A CO. jaalS U-tf MOTTO I 1875. MISCILLA5E0U8. Salt Bagging Ties Corn. 4,000 Saoks Suit. 'JtKI Itoll.t and Half llls Bugging, 0 Tons Tics, 13,000 UuhIu.Is Whits sutl Mixoct Corn. For aaie low by i WIU.1AMS MCKCHJHPN i Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Rico. 1,000 Rbls. Hour nil grades 150 lililo. lWlnod Hugiir, . lOil lings rrimu Rio Coffee, 25 1'.tiia Whole Rloe, For eal low lv WILLIAMS MCROHISOti Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 500 1l.il..N. R A E. Haj, 000 Hiimlli'a Hoop Iron, 100 Rids. Oliw, 2011 New Nr-w York Spirit Casks, kor aale low hy WILI.IAMH A Mt'KOHISOM. Dacon, Syrup, Shot, Oata and Nails. 100 Riuns 1), 8. snd Hinolwd Bides, 1IH) Kills H. II. Syrup, , 40(1 ling tihot, . 5(10 lliwheis Illack Oats, 000 K' gs Nails, . foraal low by WILLIAMS A MtmomsoN. Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO OF BRICHT MEW CROP CUBA MOUSSES Which we otter at no writ Market Price ALSO 50 SUGAR HOUSE 2 00. ..-.) mlPf For sale by . KF.KCBNIB CALDRB BROS. Jan g f. Hay, Eice, Flour and Coffee. ton Ralrt Ks'tern Uay, s glTinreya It I re, o llarrelt ITlour, IAx) havka Cofl'oe. For tale by KKKOHNEKA.CALDKBBBU. Jn1T IB FLANNER & SHURE, DEALERS T2f CHOICE FAMILY OROCERIBS, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, As. PURE BAKER WHISKY, 18M. Nq. 31, North Tront st. OPERA HOUSE. Friday and Saturday, J AIM (JAU Y auat 93, 1S9, . Craud School natlnee, NotHrdK;,, t . ; at 'A o'clock, ?, M. . ... .,...- Warren Boru well's Boaatiful . : r.lirror of Ireland, Consolldattd wtlli the Fianco-Oerman War and ilame.Tavlor'sUurltalled Comedy -and oneert Company and Tioupe of Fritz's German bell Uwgors. ''Isme. Tavtorlnhls eecentrle deltnestlom of oi.ataoitr.M Immmre. hie portraltu. re being origin! a ii-1 enuuing; far ah"d ol either Sou Sn.ltl, Hin-ell or Alf DuruetU- LirmwMt Courier Journal. t"o( ul r pii ef AdmlMlon fg cent. Ba. tervi d Miat75 ceait Matinee Pmea -artnlts IS cents. Children IS orn'e. Kviry cbil ' receive, a bandoaie prcacnt Kes.ityed easts for Sale st liolntt.tr g r H H)k tor . aWUpt' 8."1 o'r'oekof d'y ef rTft maroe re-, rve.l era. '' neia) hn bad fi-r fSe.Ltt J nfi r. hut 1 tiU' TS ii-nta il he ihargtd. Jig MMt Aiihoiivillo Male chool. ' . tOOATIOM 111 U1 North ol Ww.de.boro, ft. O T' e op n i il e. o'v w I bj fi Ft rary 1., MS del i titi 't ' v rttiini D ii b ((4'ali.ate ef he C.y.y. iyol ..ftli n'oh. ) frmeuM.'; Ml iy ooui . tn t uid eapcrl no a-tefnot. ta tfv d-i a 'in it- T III .. BA al. and 41? nee a larter. aavabls In ode ! o. . ho nil ..1 In g.nir all p- r nta. IVnlii. g, foe- a d li ht- mi e'-teraes. f ami., ao mm tnil t f r g 0 o-aw. ii, . .i.i!uinM mp h.i a tiiuToairnlv u . v i - - m rep 1 ed and n w'y t uManert ForrutWer tnliMmatl-a aonrew. J. J. Mol.iNIKW, Jan 1844-2WI1. AnaoaeiLa,K..

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