C7?? H-, vVsY r ! 11 ; I I f wnmnGTon. it. c, Saturday, jaiiuary 23 1875. uhole no. o.7Ci VOL. XXIV.-HO. 20 h4- WILMDJOTON. N. 0. 8 fRDAJT JAS 23. 18T5 BY TELEGRAPH. r HFTaDQUA I.TEKS. '', WA&nfKGTOX, Januiry 2'2 Noon Sknatii Covington, from Kiit.ucky. gets rponej for public buildiDgs. ' TfASHixoT65,Jan.22 Night Horu Some dozen private bill pwsa. The Senate 1im1 Executive sssssion. Xi Southern eoutlrqjstions. . i'iuohbaok's new credential, iuitrad of sooting hiin as ap pre bended, were referred to the Committee on Privi leges and Election, where they will sleep. I Hohurj' Louisiana reuylutioo was dismissed, aud will l conrh.ut d ou Mrtnday. The lt"rnblican of the IIoum are caiicassiug of the Louisiana affairs To iitght ths loader, will mote an e'iriT adjournment, withomt action. The Election Committee propose to - rMramend the eipaMon of Cannon, d ) egate from Utah, for polygamy. ELEtTUIClSMS. A . dispatch from Baltimore Rays: Tb. Oommi'tee of Seven from the OlirUiai Churches ; of r Baltimore, KiiiiitLond, Pittsburg, and Allegheny City, have uuaniniounly accepted lit v. AUred N. Gilbert Johu iRickstts, for thirtv-seveu ear oonntckd with the Baltimore Bnu, 'died nceutly of pneumonia, agad rift) -nine years. A boiler txploslon at Pot U villa, IV. kil ed two peousanA hurt several j others. " " """ Ubarha Sprague, of Boston, the bunuer poet,, ia dead. The steamer ashore near Barnegat ' is the Mediator. The crev has laud ed. "Tho vessel will probably go to piaoesv - . THE SENATE, At Madison, Wis., Twenty of Wash barn', adherent, have abandoned the enons aud will unite with the Demo crat.' Carpenter's friends are still confident. At Lansing, Mich., Chrixtiancy beat Chandler one tote for the Senate., . , pij-Vi t tiuuua, Has boeu elect d Senator. ! ' (50TIIAM. DEATH OF A DEMOORATIO CON GRESSMAN ELECT. '. ' Nbw Yoek, Jan. 22 Noon A. P. ?Allen, DemocrHtiO member of Con- gress elect, is dead. A" large Meamtr is on the shoais near Barnegat Name unkuown. Sr. " ruTBUHBt'BO, Jan. 22 Noou It is sUkd thst Alonteusgro wi.l have Russian support inthe qmirrel witli RuoBia: ' (This is a litni-al trausoript of the nieBrwge received Eds Joch naIi. ' PiiOHAUlLITIES. W4HHW0T0. D. ft.Jan. 22. Duriug Sftturdtty, in the South Atluutio Statts higher, followed by lainiig oaromeier, .Hahtlv lower temoeratnre than to- day, northerly or eawterly winds snd 1 Menr or narllr cloudy westUer will orevaiL ' Io the Went aud Oulf States, Tennessee aud the Ohio allry, fall ina harometer and rieinff temperature, windu ahiftina to the eaast or South and nlear or DrtiY cloudy weather Tn the middle States aud lower lake region . higher barometer, north or west wiuds aud generally clear ' weather, with slightly lower temper , ature ui the former, but with slight changes in the trtinpcrature and wiuds shifting to southeasterly in the latter. The Kothechlld Wttman. ' f The, Jewish' Messenger says: We ""take pleaeui'ein TeferriogttheBits of the Rothschild family, uot because they ve wealthy, but for the simple reason that in npite of their wealth they strive to b usoful to their kind The men are immersed in business; they are charit.tijlo, but the people will say thitt it is easy to be charitable if you are rich. The women are publie " spiritod,iutellireut aud warm hearted, founding hospital, reformatories, ehildren s homes, endowing soholastio institutions, eucouraging professionals and taking a general interest in the doings of the poor. Baroness Lionel makes weekly vieits in the meanest nortioui of Luiidou, brighteuiug the home of the Jewish a' tifitu, giving hir counsels to the earuo t teachers oi tuo free schools, the matrons and assist- ants of the various charities. The daughter of Alphonse, of Paris,teaohes a good lespou to ner sisters in iauu, and to rioh younsr ladies of every ' creed, bv rccu;vinr a well deserved diDloma as teacher. Auselm's dangh ter. in Vienna, is prominent in music, not only eomponing songs bat attain nodularity, but aiding struggling mu- siciaus by pen and purse.". 1 A eentleman was looking into the window of a toy store the other day, whoa two boys halted, and one re mark': 'Say. Jim don't you wish we bad ten cents to bay a present for our poor lame sister ?" Jim replied that he did, aud the gentleman pulled out sfcinplaster and said be was glad to be able to a.sist them in such a praise worthy euterurise. lie met tue same biy half an hour afterward, and each had bia pockets stuflea wun pop coin -DetroU t ree Jre$. w Nalttrw Clvea la Teelb, But she doe. not preserve and tin I.J th-ra , That n nM bedi n tthtragrantH)Z01)OMT. The del Ul bone and It enamel r.ilog are mads (nvulnerable to all rtclroct ve Tnfln snonebyth dally see of thlt beneBoeat pr.p MUob., , - The oU atory of the s.u fate of Aaron Ban's daughter (Theodosi. Alston,) is brought to mind in the narrative) of Jean Baptiste fjalltstre, oue of Lafitte's men. residing in Cal casieu, Louisiana, who writes to the Galveston .A'eu-s that after Lafltto abandoned his adventurous career, Chanvet, his first lieutenant, took com mand of the Vengeance and sailed into the Gulf for a cruise. He cap tured the American privateer schooner 1'M'iiot, bound Jrom Georgetown, South Carolina, to New York. Every pen-on on board was put to the sword or made food lor suarss. Alter dis posing of tbedesd, Ubamet deluded into the cabin and soon sailed out in an angry tone for UalJistre and the mats to go to him. Tbey fonnd him in the cabin confronted by a beautiful woman, who held an empty bottle in her band, with which she had struck Chanvet, who had attempted to make too free with her. lie ordered them to tie her, hand and foot, oonvey her on board of the Vengeance aud place her in hi. cabin. Blie fongM the men and did all she could to jump over board. Callistro say. she died a few days after their arrival in Galveston. She was a very handsome woman aud the daughter of a distinguished Amer ican. Her clothing, whioh was of ti e finest .material, was marked "T. A" and she h id a locket containing the portrait of a leautifnl boy. On the locket were the words "To my wife Theodosia." She was buried on the inland, a few hundred yards to the cast of old fort on the poiut. It was whinnered among the men that Lb.nu- vet had killed her because she would not vield to his wishes. Callistre is very old now. He was the bast gun- nea and oarsman Ijantte ana unsuvet ever had. He was nicknamed L'Eoo lier. MARRIED. In Vi'Wboro, H. C, ob WednMdar, Jan.. t tb K.i, Hob.rt a. Sutton, l n.. Mr. HOBEttT H. COWAN, to Mia DA. dauahUr 01 L. J. bauthtcn. k',a., allot I'll 1 toro. SPECIAL. V re pleaaad to aae, sot lung klnoa, In on of cur i icUang, torn pretty imr) remark. auurwMta to a.vwai (icrKua woo, ouiihm an in tori.t.ng Itctura ky her. J bu C 8. Abbott, at pt a vouunuoiM oonsning, wqicii urereniaa maa; trum keailng. i'loil. bo caniiot ra I'raln I rem cwugblng, bait better rtav away lioiu u ali vlaw.. ir ili take a buttle oi Juun- tju't Ai'Odjrue Liniment witb Ujcni. 1 bn Iruportaiicnof fiTlngMheri an lU.Talrr D.mkIiUiu Powder, to horaa. tb.t ki?. been nut In the cold rain, stood tn oiild wind, er drank loo stack sold water, cannot I., over e-t'inut d ; no man anoulu be wiuiout uku wao hUBKCK'S POLSOMO SYttOF. OEA WD Tusiv. hd Makuhaib Pills 'I'lirne dcaer td.jr i i If brated and popular medlt-tuoa h. re rf. lei iea a reroinuoa in tM keeling art, and pro tbe faUacr of aevai m.iiiui shlnii b ve for many jreara ob.tr noted Lhe program of KTC .'.S.,m7HS5T f..7 laWtt 'ujdowi.iuoi. rta'ne Yio u att. Biptlnf to flud r. medles for Uist .ii. ..iiHi.iMfflliMidwubllronclii-d UieniaDifre to death without maklug an effort to encape from a doom which 'bey luppoaiKl to he nmvuktablo. It le now provaa, boa ever, tii.t i vHLiumnttMta'i bt cwred. and that llu i .. ..I in & nn ureal number of c l-ouirnrtht m apparently dwperate one.) by i.. .ho .m. manlcine In connection wltn i h in k'. ea weed i onto anu iiniri" el I., o ik or both, aocoruing to me rtquu' ..nl.ArilllMU. Or. obenek Mmaslf, who enjojed nslntoe- rupie I fixxl health for more man rortT yaara, -.1... ,7. MMl.atuneUvie. to be at the very me ol deal h, nt. pnyaieian. mi ii. I hi. rams bowel.M and abandoned nim to nia ...... ll.t mrm AtlrMI bV Uia aTOTOTaiU uirui on.. 'i', .inoe ni. recorcrj, iuhj ium---.Imilarly affected bavs um1 Dr. Schenek pr"iaiHiitiM wun vue Koli d ructione accompany kp, iu...... nnt aluluteW DeceaaArv to perronally see Dr. - .. V Wl. K 1.1.1m natient. wish their luogi es. ... ---- - . . i . i . -1 ..id n.r till. nnrnnM an l. nruirwiua'-A l- hu nrinrinAi nrfifta. corner niiio ana v:u rt.. Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letrr. for ad rice moat M aodreeeeo. aen.nu m, illrliH . are tali by all druggists. JnMia:dw NEW AJ7EBTISIMEJT8 Notice. JilmlogtoBsndiea Side hallrsal C.aipsoj .in k. R.m .t tha Bank of New Hanover, at a o'clock F. M . on TOK8DAT, PebrssryM, Bjordrroime rremn.ni. ' ...... JTHOMAB D. M BABES, Secretary Treasurer. I a w-iwanmreo i LOST! s i-Kavr.l) FROM MY Vtemt S3 neon I bnrtrlay, January tl.t ne-horne4 Oow, red and white, with tmau b'aek toots. A suitable reward will be paid for b.i return io me. J .BH-3t Da. J.T. SCHOHWALD. A Card. Tk. undurnlgned In reluctantly ssvertatloij j i, , if. hnainaa. relation. wi uwv.u frlctiil.a d cutiomrr. would retpecuuiiy o- lin t the Ir favor for hi tnooeieor, sir. " He will remain at ths Boos re oi nr. tor a while, where any on wltUlng to see him I o butlneea cut do so. JOHN D. liOVK. J.ntt SO-lt rAVIKQ BOUGHT THE ifOCKla Trsd iaivs s BiVoatToai, sad xpctlng la a few days large sidlUoa so at to make tha ttook ..mnUilu avarv narUoular. I hops with pnimpt stUnUon, good stock and pricai (o $uit tkt Haft to tkare a portion of publie patronage, EDWARD MANN. tan 2S SO dit&wA Wsdeabore Srrsld copy tf. Goldsboro nigh School For Boys and Young Msn M Fbttsb.A. M., Principal. K. W Adams, A. M , Prof, of Malhematlo. Tha n.it bestlsn begins oa Monday, Feb ruary l.t l0'Urett,""pM7im,FriB,1Pd, Jan ttlB Ooldtboro, . 0. FOR SALE I Holes and Wagons. HEVSN (t) Hssd fosd larg Malta. TWO()AN. 1 Road Wagona. , ONE (1) a No. I Timber Wagon. On goeu ay wraa VV'J . WeatbroskSi Bladea County, . 0. , tt-deodJmSwlH V. E. SMITH. Oranges, Grape Fruit ana Lemons. W tunnel detain ths Schr. CerlMov Tb. Fruit rauit be kIJ ()iuH al (.1 IS) 0 Pollv mud S.T.Bty Sorou pr lot; Or. p. Fr.n ana iaou (SI l Uns Uoilar ea Tweati-lr Cents pec MS-aieU .airs are etil'ng el. oaKi.TMoa. las SS N It M. CRONLY, Auotloneer, T UROMLT MORRIS. Assignee's Sale. OH TTBSDAY, r.bto.rj M, IITS.s IS .'.) k A M , 1 will Mil at tk. atlMrooauof C.onl- Morris, tss LABC IRUM 8AM of th Wl'ailngtsa SaTlDg, Bank. HBNRt RaYAAt, AMlf- jn Ht-Ja M.I.M,SlF.bl U'ilklo Colllns's Novels: Library Edition. HaMH-r'.llluftrettd Ubtarv X1ltloa of Wit- tie t'oluu.'i Nor.l. Wiik aorlralt oa Htsal br Ha'piu Km, e'utk .1 so por Tolon. imi)l.Ba,l!-HMo-and-Baek Maa aaA Wlf- j hama-ruur Mb rtnsk -Th. I)at B-'arrl 1 h. MoanMnna 1 b. New Maftlalan Th. Wo ma In Wklta Antonlna AIW Dark, anSOtlifr Stortaa-guaenof Hoaxta-Mj Mi- colianlu. ForsAlsat HEINCOERCER'S U Book and M a.lc Stars, Janis St- WOOTEirS CarolinalGentral Eail- - way Express WILL G1V I'KOMPT DHPATCH TO all Frelihts. Mooev at A other aluHbl pactagei oo.tlgned to lu rare tor anyanrtail polnl.on the Kae'er' and Wretern l)Whlrni of the C'aral'na Central Hallway. All good, yla thlt line are fully eor.r(4 by huurai ee In flm-etam Companies. F. M. WOOTIM, Proprlttor. 0.1. LUYE.ii.at jsall i-tr VECETITJE. Purifies th Blood. Renovates and Invigorates the whole System. ; ,. . lts.iaw4lcl fropertUs Alterative, Tonlo, Solvent and Diuretic. YsSBTiaa b Blad. axclnalral ra Iji. n ofeareflly-iteoied bark, route and berk., and aaairwiglf evncentiattd, that It will . tually eraoluatflJnim Mia .1... - ru7?nr aiypalaa. Halt bb.am, Sypliuiue uiaeaeui. uaaaer, J aiuiuea at in. Htomaen, an a nil uuna.ee inat aria iron im pure blood. Hotatloa, Inflammatorr aud Unronlc Kneumatiam, Jteutalsla, uout aud Spinal Complaint., eaa only be tSootually cured through the blued. ror Ulcere and srupuve uiwaeee 01 uie nam Puetulet, fimplee, ttlutohee, h.U., Tetter, Soaldhead aud Klniworm. Visbtisb ha. never r.iled to effect a permanent eme. For Palo la tee Back, K.duey Complaint., DroofV. K.n.al. Weakaem, Ltaoorrboia. aruw log rrom Internal ulceration, and aterlue die mum and Ueneral DabUrty, VsosTias acta directly upon the cauaee of these complaint.. it invigorate, ana nrongi nene u wnoie sys tem, auU upon the eeeretiVt organs, allay, lu Aammativu, cur, alcerauon aud regmaie. the bowels. for 1,'atarrh, tlnrepala, Habitual Caatlve- ... 1 ..i . -. 1.... ..V . 1 . u 1 Pliet, NerruusneMand General PrctratUin of the Mervoas ntatem, as medlolat has aver gives euca perfect aalufaetum ae the V lec tins. . it purine we bihoo, cieanece an of tne organ., and poakaie a controlling power ever tne nervouearnem. The remaraapie cures etreetea sy in vbob- tikb have luduced many phyelelatis and apothecaries abom we know to prcecrlbe and um It la their own famlllea. Ia fact. Tsttsuss la the beet remerlv vet discovered lor the above Slaeues. 'and fa the only reliable BLOOU rtVHiriKss yet ptasta Deiore me puunc. PEBPAKf O BT R. STIVENS, Boston, Mass. H. Wa at is TsosTtss T II It s compound ex tracted from barks, root sod barb, it Is atur Hemedy. tt It perfectly barmlea from any bad eirct npon ths syatem. It I nourishing and strengthening. It sots directly upon the blood. It quiets the nerrout tystsaa It (ivee you good, tweet sleep at sight It Is a great panacea for onr aged fathers and Booth era; for It (Ives them atrength, quiets their nerve and live them hatnr tweet aleeo. at na seen proved ny many an agea perwra it ia tne great oiooa rurmer. it a eootaiBt remedy lor our children. It hat relieved, and enrcd tboonanda. It Is vsrv Dleaaast to take: every child likes It. It relieves and enree all dleeaaea orlglaatlBg from impure blood. Try the Vbobtibb. divert fair tiiairar year eon plaints; then you will lay toyosr rrlead, Beigbbor and acaaaii. lance, j r j m it t cured me." Vboitiks for the complaints 1st which H Is recommended, le having a larger sal through out tbs United states than any ether one mdl eine. Why? VeajetisiB will Csiss tkws) fjvnspisviBita. VALUABLB INFORMATION. ,-.-... Bostos, Os. It, IM. Oentlemen Mv only object la giving yon this testimonial It to I pre ad valnabl Intorma tlon Having been badly afflicted with Salt Hheum, sno tne wnoie tunace v my rain being covered wits pimpiee ana eruption, manv of which earned me great p. In and an- manv of which earned me great p. In and an- novanoe, and knowing It to be a bloa to be a blood I took manv of the advertlted blood pre pari tlooa. among which wet any quantity of Bartar partlla, without obtaining any oenent until i oommened taking the Tbostisb, snd before I had completed the nrst notti i saw mat i nan rot tha ri.ht medieine. OeBseauentlv. I fol- ! Umed on with It until I bad takeB teven bob- tia. ihn I wa. nrononneea a weu man. ana my akin Is smooth snd entirely free from pimple snd eruptions, i bsv never enjoyed to rood health before, snd I sttribote it all to tne nee oi v v bwh m- Miti with Rhenmatltm. I will makt mention alo of the Tssbtiss's wonderful power of curing me or thlt soute eompiaiat, oi wnion hart auffered fo intonstly. j. n. ruun.r.B, Pa. Ag'tMloh. O.B. R , M Washington 8 treat, Boston. Vegetlno Is Sold by all Druggists, louts . w- Ansonyille Male SchooL .. LO0AT1OH IS Mil Worth st Wae1ekr, N. fk Tbs opening ssatlon will begia Fsbrssry tM. 18T5, and ormtlnu twtnty weeks. Kev. Meedham B. Oobb, (Oradasts Of ths University of North Carolina) Principal; atsea by competent and tzperUBets awetaata tun drartm.nt. Tnltion SI, eio sad til per s sartsr, psyabh) In ad ranee. - Board and Id gin g, Sl per sasnth. Wsthlng, fael sndllghta at moerats tatst. A mple aecommodauaas rot jno waaenra. The Oolleee Buildings are betag laoswngliry l. college uanuiDB. . Ired and newly lumlahed IS i paired and n.wiy lumawou.. For further lnformatl soMrets f. J. ktsLIPraT, jaaMwV AJaannai,. s HISC2LLA5I0U3. OPEBAjaOUSR Three Nights Only, Commencing MONDAY, Jaxtabt 23, The ChsrmlBg sb4 VtrssiUs Prall.B Art rem KATIE PUTNAM. AU Her Owa ooi.nrb'sr coMUPjmnr ) -saw - METROPOLITAN ARTISTES, rresalaoal aae wkeai LA PETITE POT, Tk. laraa Uie Prodigy, was will appear la k.r ohaateand p raving character lapereoaatloa. MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 25. Ftnt time tn this city, by thU Onmpaav. will be prwatnted the b.aotlfnl drama, entitled LITTLE BAREFOOT, KATIE PUTNAM as Amry, Introducing SB original eacg ( wer4- and maate by Mia. Patnam). enllMed"Bareloot'. Pray r. i Am Katlro Dill Kara Kvea lief Scale ofPrlcea-Par itt.it. and trM Circle, Sli i ajuu.u. otrele, Tb Otnli: Uallery, aBUenta. feata ean beeeenrtd without extra tkvire at nrmra.rirrr'. unoa store. F'ir nar'i-iuiar. ree prparsmmee ami oe- reripuve nine. jannie-u Games ! Games ! ! The Vatcb Uawr; or Who', lllaek Diagon? TheOaaaof Haabooals, Tti 'It s of a i'iI :im Uruo The Osme or Attikm, Grand ma: OeograihlcaI tiame, Ubarsctera and Pre slotlous, The Centennial Oasis of Historical Kveuta, MVnageile School Lit Loose, Orlbbags Board., Dominoes, thrts, AVe. The Futile Man of Noilh Aa.erlcia.aBd the ( LoppBd-tip Monkey. All ror sale by CCNOLEI & TATtK. JsnJl ig Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS lifl'ertothe ttada a eompletS amortaient 1st rtawn.oia pricea) at t Bra Urue, Fine Uheatl osla and Fharaitoeu lcal Prep.ra lout, Uig.tli er with a large Banorioieiit or Uardea Set J We gaarant, s he purity of every article. ho. i Market Street, ot. rxuniit QtLEhY KKwriaroKC, Pes sb4 Marrowfat Beam, Saul MOBTH XA9T OOEMR Of Harket and 2d Streets j.ulf iixU r I Powder! Powder! KfU KKQS K1PLK, SPOBTlBfl AMB vvv blading Powder. Pot aale hv KKHOtlaiCH ak 0AUK!t BROS. jau IT For Sale QH REASONABLE TBKMS, the Karlonal Bote I Varnltnrs, ssd sa unexpired Uaes for etvea year. 1 kit I a ohanes for a ood luvsstsMBi, as tbs Bote! M wall eatBbllahed, and Is s floariaslng cendltlon. for further tBformsttoo. apply st Mi National Hotel, or to jaa I-tf D. A. SMITH A CO, COENI CORN! 10.000 B U SHE LSI White and Mixed. Tor sals by . . - WUiLIAMS A 11UBCHIS0N. JsnlS . , U Molasses I Molasses SO Bhds. Hew Orop Cuba, lBbta. B.H. Bjrbp, Wot sals by KCBUHNER A CALDEB BBUM Hill IS It Goes Iiko Hot Cakes THAT SJHOICB Table Butter, In Boll, 4t cent.. Pratb Invoice to-ds reeelvsd. Try our Elm Ore re Family Flour, 8 psr bbU warranted. GRANT A HUSTON. Jan id - a-tfd&w Potatoes, " Bagging Cheese. 100 Bbls. KsrlyBote Potatoes, Bt Bales Bagging, 100 Boxes Ubeeae. and For aal by Jaatl KKBUHNKH CAZ.UXB BKtOS. Bait Flour Lard llice 1.000 SACKS BAXT, SOt Bbls. Flowr, IS Tleree Lara. SO Tab Lard, Tletc Eles, for sal by BEBCHJfEB AY CAUEJt tUo. Jaatl MISCELLANEOUS. 1875 1S75 Ftiffliturs S Carpets. Our im men so stock at grcatlj reduced prices. Same must bo boM within next three months. Call and examine. NO HUMBUG! D. A. SMITH k oa tt- JbbSI OVEECOATS BELOW COST. All Winter Clothing LESS Tn AN COST. Balance of S lock AT0O8T. By iMmu. a call hrfoie purrhi.l'g where, tne puhllealll tii.n know who U wil ing at or km t h b eot. jaaW If- John Dawson He. In .tore sndloarrlv SOS Plowa tof all i kind. : T 1 one Plow Catling.. W I'oll. Cuit .u Plow Lines, SO) Pain Traca Oh. In.. 40 IVieii Collar. aM Hamea, KM lloa.n IP.ailing Hurl, BO lo.-n Shovel, and Spadee. ror aale at Uie loweat mark.t raiea. 1, e II raarkel Rtrcnl. jaa 10 Enterprise Manufacturing Co'8 Coffee Mills. mHIt MKST MII.I, ai.nufact ii.-l for Mvrail A KviuneM aad HuraMII'v. Kvery mil warrantMl. For ..It at manulacturei 'a puce at the N w Hardware Nouae of - - UlLKs 4k WUHvHlB'iK, Jan 16 - Mens, Boys, Ladies, MISSEM', CQIIiD REN'S AND INFANTS ShnAft HnH Rnntfl- V Of all Styles and flradts, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS t VohQHLAN, Princess Street. jaa is 9 Plows! Plows ! QtAL f ALL C1VD8 AkU BIZH, tl ths G1LH 4k MUBOHlHON, St North Front Street. lan It Horse Blankets, n.jldi... Harnett. Trunk. Traveling Rag, Collar. , Uridine, rlaBtea.Trsee Chain., Wblue, ohrapa.goodtora.Bi. qua Ity caa be bough! la the auts. .R. TorB AM AGO. tr-Ba-t nev If "Koughini? It," K milD Jill 11711 aflV i r, iiiiiiii'jii mii iJ : AND .. - "Innocents Abroad." Bt Mabk Twaik. Twnl Thonssnd Liescuoi unaor the Bess'-Bj Julei Verne. ; "A Floating City" snd "Tbe Blockade Runners. Bj Jules Verne. Tbs Troien Deep. Dy Wilkle Collins, Ac, Ae. For sals atth City Book Store, '. -BV !" 00N0LEI k TATES, No. 47 Market Street - i- is l Screven House, R. BBADLKT, Proprietor, 3 pHM tOKO AND fAVOBABLT KNOWS oa, plssaantlT iltsatad ob JohntOB Hqssrs, b.rUgbssm reeeaUy rspsiat4 aad repaired, aad having all of IU departmeBti ailed with competent, pollt and attentive employe, offer, to the traveling publie somforU untur- psawd by any Moots In ths Southern '' ae n . - Potatoes! Potatoes! 150 BBLS. EABLT B08K POTATOES. for sal by KBBOHBER A OALDEB BlinH. dec SO Sweet Cider TH BABBEL9, HAt'BAEBEL CHAS D. MYERS s. CO. B A 7 North Front 8t. Pure Lard PXPBKSBLT T0K PAMILT tJ8K ! ack41n Tins of t, J, 10 snd 0 pounds "elU CDA& a MYERS ft CO., 5 k 7 North Front Bt Finest Table Butter, JK 8 at ALL PAlXB-Prvs sad Tea Pound. CIIAS D. IHER8&C0., wwitk rrot JsalX 1875. OUR MOTTO! "One Price-Terms Cash'" RANK 17 Market Ntreet. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, OonaUUnc of Domestio and Faoav DET OOODa, Readv-Matte Clothing, Bhoas, llsta, Qnta Fura- lshiuR Goods, Notious, Ao. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Consisting of Crocker, China, GlAasvan, aaaes, Lamp Goods, Vases, Plated Catlwry, aal Faaaj Articles, . KP A rail b rraneerfully eollelted, and aattafaoUoa gnarantod. r II. FRANK & BRO., 17 llarket Street, WILMINGTON, N.O. tff . At JM OO irt Ton, Cash, or $tiO 00, iayable 1st of November, Beit; N A V ASS A ACID PHOSPHATE, At $.1:1 W jit-r Ton, daub, or .$38.00, payable 1st of November next, WK lUMHAN I EH Hint tli. prrvit ut rtigri (Iraite of uur rrtllln-r.rhU be fully VatSTkisaa B K. MlHVIKtlM, l'rc.Weiit, I). McitaK, T Hum r. i. t. tUiAFr! IN Uetlntri drill, f.ii S -1 '- - - 1 h .. -U'J . ... 1 A. ., rijCElLANEOUB. MISCELLANEOUS. THE LOW SaIUBaggingTies--7 ' PRICES I Corn; "count for the EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SINOK WP, ftPiiit VKI1 Ti Ki t, at nrls-a that iihW nrrt iriliic etrtrk it hat re quired n i t rain n.lilp tu mil our gimli Our Silks, Black Alpacas, Dress Coode, lilcaoht (1 nud Uiiblislied floods, Tsble Clotlis, Ult'schrd aud Uubleacucd, with Nankins, Bliiuki ts, Hprends, BliettfngH, Flsnuflh, Uosiery, Olovw., ltibbous, IjSot-s, Uollatrt, Usudkerabiefs I And s thiiot d it i.-t Kfi(l. are li'g fs.t uml If ton a In wvit i f . ny gm.l. ii.ua Iv fgusit In a bra I r t mi. bum k, m ItruarMl et ttU W-r- . ths leadlaj irv u'"ii hou t or D08KOWITI It LIEBER, 20 Market Street. JBB10 TWItLED SILK "WINPSOR" NECK TIES, 80 ots; worth 60 ets. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY SILK, 00c; worth 10. NCCK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. A HASDSOME LOT f Milk. Rok irlstrks, Jaat Imparted from riRKAT VAR1KI V of Jet snd 1 svs Jew- sj ry New loilgn. TJIRE8H BOPPLT of Zephyrt-Whlte snd X Blsrk, ISO ptr ot) color, zuo. At WILLIAM FYFES, Jan I f.X C HWOK tOHHEB. Toliacco Leaf aui Cotton Plant . HK1WI-M0NTBI-T. Largett clisulaUon of any Trade Journal In the Sonthern State. Dubtcrlptlon S per annum, Toliacco leaf ani Cotton Plait' ' 1 ' 1 srrrLtrrWBBSi r.m !. Hnnrlrad ata'ultoul ctrculatlen. Prwt nald ncc Imen opirt to Poet Office. I a BdJotniBg oouuUe. ot tae Carolliiaa. J. B. M'"1"' deetOtr L Propneio. Paper and Envelopes ! GOOD BTO'lR AH1 flhKAT TAH1K1 1 AT - J. I). Love's Bookstore. oct 11 S48 tt GUANO! GUANO ! 2SO Tons No. 1 GUANAPE. 350 T o n o EUR E K A For tale to srrlrs, low for oath, or on reason able lermt on crup time. wtt.t.TAMS A MTJROHISON. tall 1st : W : Coal Coal. EI AMD WHITB ASB. All Blses. Ddlvsrcd Promptly. , n fl PARSLEY k CO. ,.. ia n"M BtiO o WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For tlio Hvaaou of 1875, deliwiwj on the Cars, at Our Factory, at tli following ii:iujx:i pjmcesj SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY. W LM NOION. N. C. e-MHi-ocewva 4,OilO Hsoks Hiilt, 'im Itulls and Half Hulls Bagging, 20 Tons TK 10,000 HusIipIh Wbits and Mixed Corn. Pur tale low by . WILLIAMS MUHUHIHON Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Rice. 1,000 Dbls. Flonr-all grades ; ir.O Kbls. Hflhied Hugiir, 100 IIoks 1'ritus Bin Uoffoe, 25 libln Whole llioe, for nalr low b wu.mams MmumiNoix ' Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. COO ffliwi'M-A . ; 200 Net New York Spirit Osaka, r asls lew by WILLIAM a , Ml'KOHIRON, Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nalla. 100 Doy,es D. a snd Smokwl Sides, 100 Dbls. 8. n. Hyrnp, 400 ilafrs Shot, 000 Rushels Ulack OaU, 800 Kegs Nails, ror sai- io ny WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Jan I a. Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO 0 BRIGHT NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Whjrh ws offer at So writ Market Pries ALSO SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. rrjuans 2QQBBL8. Psr sale by KBB0BDIR CALDKB BBOS. Jssl Hay, Bice, Flour and Coffee. too Rale Ranters Hsy, ' VI Tierce Hire, too Barrel Dour, ISO back Coffee. r Per sals by KKltOHNI K A OALOBB BBOS. IT Jan IT FLANNER & SHURE, DEALERS IN J -''"'" I CHOICE FAMILi GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAIiS, 2 I PURE BAKER WHISKY, 18M. N o. 81, North Front st, is- Jm It GENUINE IT. Ml Ml In Large or Small Quantities. n. initrrifttlnnt of lbs Psruvlan flovern. ment, their Agenta hare d 'Booed ths pile or Ouanape Ounno from September let. l.'t, L mxty two dollar, and lty oenU (S3 M) gold. per ton or nw pounu. irw, umii,ui the tame time new .vale of di-eeunts. ths rowiitt beinf 0) centt on parcel from M to 100 toii,tli highest $3 TO on 600 tout and erer. At unual. they wiU Bt .ell Is lots of la thaa ten toot. . Under this new arrangement I am enabled to Till oraraior iqjb often tone end upward ot , leee price tnsnins ssem. i ruvlan Government. I will, as heretofore, supply quanTUlei un der ten tons atT the same rate as charged by them. Circular ft.r.tlnlngttlrooPWfcrrere!.ui and full particular., BU-1 fJ'f" "': 'ug ro K. n.tvmi"! No. Bearer St., wiB.

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