Vrnl 1 0? j ii i l : - i , 1 i 1 I it i 1 1 ... 1A 1- XI VOL XXIV .-HO. 21. WILIimOTOn, IT. C, STODAY. JAI7UABY 24. 1875. WHOLE 110. 0.7C5. ' 1 i a ii HEW ADVUtTISZHniS. .fliiiln 'journal. WILMINGTON, N. Qs f UJffDAY.JAN. 21 1875. BY TgLjjCRAPH THE STEAMSHIP MEDIATOR A TOTAL WRECK. BAK 8TATEME5T. Niw York, Jan. 23 Noon. The ic in tha harbor impedes the ferry boats. East River is solid horn shors to shore, and hundreds of people are erossiDg on the ice. The steomer Mediator is probably a total loss. Her cargo, which was prin oipallj intended for Augusta and At lanto, is roughly stated at from fifty to seventy-fire thousand dollars. New YoBX, January 23Klgbt Bank statement, loaus have decreased $1,200, (XX); speriebM increased $2,500,. 000; legal tendors have. increased,. B I J, 000; deposits baTeioareased $250, OX); reserve has decreased $1,000, 0W; specie shipments to-day $375,000. HEADQUARTERS. Washixoto, January 23 Noon Neither Hoase wsi in session to-day, Washinstok, Jan. 20-Nigbt Tt Seuate caucussed to-dayandtbe Honse is caaoussiog to night. The proceed ings are discordant. Their silence is a sure indication of their inability to handle the subject. EUROPE. WAR BETWEEN MONTENEOKO TURKEY AND IMMINENT. ' Losdon, Jan. 23 Noon It is feared that a collision between Turkey and Montenegro is nnavoidable. Russia and Austria have both warned Ui Hospidar that if he declares war it will be upon hie own responsibility. Hknda.ii, Jan. 28 Noon It is re ported that the Carl ats are apprcaoh ing Baroelona, which they hope to en ter by Republican conniyanof. ELECTKIUISMS. .. John GleaHon'i housn, in Crawford, N. J., with four adults and two ysar old children, wan burued. ' t In the West Virgiuia Legislature tha - Tote for Senator was as follows Walk- ', er, 17; Oomdeu, 16; Brannon, 12. A long contest is promised. STATE NEWS! Adam B utler, of Salem, killed a Log last week that weighed 685 pounds. Judge Kerr has mond to Reidsvill to be oouveuieut as possible to all p.rti of his dibtrict. A branch of the Orphan Asylum has been established at Mars Hill, in Mad ison count. The Raleigh News says: The BL T. I., - II. l.U... I It 1. rived in this city yesterday at 4 P. M., will preaoh at St. John's Oath olio Church at 11 A. M. Sunday. The Bishcp will also delivr a lecture m theeven'rg at 7:50 P. M., subject, The Church and State." The Raleigh News says: The oldest member of the North Carolina bar, who re.ooi.ed his liosuse in this State, is Judge Bailey of Asheville. Hon. A. W. Tenable, of Oxford, received his license in Virginia, we tbiuk, in 1820, and is a few mouths the senior of Judie Bailer. Jadge B. is also one of thesnrvivitiff mouibers of the 1835 . Convention. , The Raleiffh Now save : At 8 o'olock yesterdriy evening the fnoeral procession of the late Mayor, Joseph . W. Holden, took place from the resi dence of his father, ex Governor Hol den, on Hargutt street. The stores were closed and business in the city ffenerallv suweded. The fire com- - paniwrKn1?jtof Pythias-and hewould prevent this. ivaieigu uigiit xuiauiry turuvu uut iu full dreR, and with the citizens on foot, formed the longest funeral pro cession we ever witnessed in the city. Dr. Piitchaid preached the funeral seruiou at the Hulisbury Strert Bap tist Church to one of the largest an dicnotts that ever assembled in the baildiug din reiiuins wire deposited in the O tkvood Cemetery at i o'clock. CiBrt.itw 1 (Mrs the THE LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. THIRTY FOURTH DAY. Ja50abi 22d, 1875. Mr. Cant'vell, a memorial from citizens of ; New Hanover against the 1 proposed county of Lillington. Mr. Fn nob, a resolution telling the people of the State that the present Constitution is unsuited to their wauts, and that this Legislature should relieve them of its burdens at the earliest practicable moment. Mr. Bnsbee moved to refer thisreso lution to the Committee on Constitu tional Reform. Mr. French could not see the neoes ' sity of this reference, aa the resolu tion only desired to as ure the people that the Legislature appreciated their needs. ' -' Messrs. Busbee, Bell and Waring supported the resolution to refer, ana Mr. Busbee's motion was adopted. 1 , Mr. Albright, a resolution reqnir , ing the Chairmans of all Committees to report without delay on all bills in their hands, in order that tbia Legis lature may adjourn, at the earliest hour possible. ' v " ' ' Mr. Cantwell moved to amend to inolude the Joint Committee on Con stitutional Reform. - Mr. Bell moved to amend Mr. Al- bright's resolution by adding the word "unnecessary" before the word "delay." Mr. Csntwell'a amendment waa adopted, and the resolution was laid over under the rule. Mr. Hargrave, a resolution to ap point seven additional members to the Judiciary. Adopted. Mr. Buobee reported from the Com mit ee on the Louisiana resolutions, submitting the following substitute from the Uommittee: The Joint Select Committee, to whom were referred sundry resolu tions in regard to the recent interfer ence of the Federal authorities iu the State government of Louisiana, have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report the accompanying substitute, and recommend its adop tion: ! Whkrkas, The military arm of the Federal Government has been used to control the organisation of the House of Representatives, of the State of Louisiana, and Whebeas, Such action is unwar ranted by and in violation of the fund amental law of the land; therefore, be it . JJetolved. By the General Assembly of North Carolina thst, in the name of the people of this State, we protest against such unlawful interference in the domestic concerns of a sovereign State. Jietohfd, That we profoundly preeiate the eondemnutiou of toe proceedings "by the people of the whole country; and we commend to our fellow-citizens of Louisisnt a con tinuance of that sublime patience which awaits a settlement of their wrongs st the balds of the American people. ! Mr. Bnsbee advocated the passage of these resolutions, as they had been unammonUy agreed upon by tneuom- mittee, the Republican members there of eudorsing them, and he hoped there would be nouU.oussicn U S -eon. Msbson. Tucker and Paschal, ool- ored, opposed the resolutions, they be lieving the "loyal" oitisens of the State did not want them passed. They did not care to .censure the authorties at Washington. Under the call of the previous ques tion, the resolutions were adopted, on ly the following Senators voting agaii.st them: Messrs. Bryant, Gash well, N 8 Cook, Holton, Mabeon, PaacbaJI, Sneed. Tucker and Walker, Mossrs. Cantwell and Peebles, Repub licans, voted for the resolutions. Mr. Morehead, a resolution requir ing the Committee on olaime to report suiih expenses incurred in the burial of Governor Caldwell as the State should assume. Adopted. Mabson's resolution requiring the Committee on Education to report a bill amending the publio school law of the State, was considered. Messrs. French and Bell opposed the resolution, as they did not desire placing the shildren of the State St the mercy of the Civil Rights Bill now pending before Congress. Tucker, oolored, thought there was no cause for fear from this source the blacks did not desire this mixing of the two races. Mr. Gantwell , favored the resolu tion. Mr. Peebles thought the present laws on this subject needed amend ment. They were not suited to the wants of the people. He argued at sums length in relation to the rights of the States to prevent mixed schools. He claimed that the Civil Rights Bill ow pending before Congress did not prov.d i or require mixed schools. Resolution indefinitely postponed. Mr. Bell moved to repeal the order for night sessions. He thought we should make haste slowly.. Hasty legislation was of tea productive of mtich harm, and a night session now would prevent the various committees from doing their duty, as the greater part of the work of the session was chne in the Committee room. Mr. Latham opposed the motion to rescind. He saw the reason why the Senate could not work at nignt. Messrs. Standford and O. M. Cooks agreed with Mr. Latham. Mr. Waring argued that hasty leg islation was often productive of much barm. The Committees should have time to work, and night sessions Mr. Linney sustained the views of Mr. Waring. The motion to repeal was lost by vote of 23 syes to 24 noes. The President announced the fol lowing Senators as additional mem bers of the Judioiary Committee: Messrs. Hargrave, LeGrand, Gra ham. Allbright, Standford, Latham and Cantwell. -- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. RKSOXiCTIOKS. By Mr. Means, s resolution of In quiry ss to the right of Mr. Thorne, the Representative from Warren county to a seat on this floor. The resolution provides for an investiga tion of the charges before the Com mittee on Privileges snd Elections. By Mr. Tate, a bill to incorporate the Bank of Burke oountv. Referred. By Mr. Mendenhall, a bill to amend the cuarter ox tne R. u. K. ft. Co. and to provide for. a transfer of stock, &o. Ordered to bs printed and refer red. - - -a s By Mr. Moffltt, a bill to incorporate the town of i! ranklinavule, Jttandolph county. By Mr. Benntt, a bill to regulate the per deim of County Commission' ers. Referred. . " Bv Mr. Sharpe. a bill for the relief of Sheriffs of Iredell, Alexander snd Hurry counties. Referred. By Mr. Freeman, a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Stanley county to subscribe to stook in tne jcadkin ooantv railroad, if !'' r. By Mr. Wells, s bill to prevent the obstruction of Fookflsh Creek in Dup lin county. Referred. On motion of Mr. Bissell, the bill to establish the new oounty of Oohara, WM taken up snd pased to Its third reading, under a suspension- oi xns rules. 1 On motion of Mr. Staples, ths reso lution drawn np bv the Select Com mittee on Louisiana affairs, of Whioh i Mr. Pinnix is Chairman, was tales n uader s smspension of the rales, an passed its readings by a vote of M 1 ay, to 23 lavs. Mr. Normeut being called oat after ue vote was snneunoed. said ns would vote in tne afttraauve for the purpose of moving a reeonsideratioa of the vote. House bill ia relation to Insurance companies doisg business in the State, was taken op as the special order for I o'clock, and after considerable di scis sion, passed its several readings. 8FZCIA1. 1 bs ptentlar Snl tt tbs Klmeo4 Nllu Bkkos il (horoasUr Bmotratts wnnf. with th. arroory beta son UK hi snk SmuM- Ming. Wostst o Mots, t Aa .xohaaM mft tk.r. W .eoiealr a tar pmms Uat v. do lot har, iihcr from psrMns oomtu lata esr flaa r Anodfmt Liuiwumt la U. car f aaaiaa oa4 mil, H PI.TWDI W9U HI. JM M., . .;: - ' . . vtre Qlree V Teelk," But h So. set JxtfTT ooS oin. tk.a. That at S oe aikh (rapaal SuZUUN X. lhi d'l t.l boa. and Iu .o.b.I eating or. mls lamlnarabl to all datrnetiv lofla uom by th. dolly sat of this baneloaal atsp rtun V. war. ptaud to a.., aot loaf ilse., tat an. af oarti.-hagal aiaapratty Nr remark! oddreMwd to aararal arD wbe, daring u Oi torcw.ng iMtar ky H. J ha O. B. Abbott. k t a ountiaaoa. ooagblag, which pf .t.hImI many frio h.aiiiiii. fwyl who ear.oat ra Ir.in Iron oouglung, had baMar stay away from m.h ploor., r alM tak. a botU. ot John aon'i Anoilyaa Mulm.nt with thsai. . Th. iatportanoaer gtvtag Short'' ao .Oaralry Uoi.llttva Fswdart to horaa. that ha.a baan ant la th oid rala, atood la coM wlod. ar drauh too aiaoh old water, e.naot I. orr iMUoutvd ; no Baa should l without than who owm a good hn. BoaiBoa'a Pokiuara Svacr. Hba Wbid Tome, add Mimuii Pill. 1 Lmw dewrr eilly eclt brated and iiopolor mdlclu.h.T if. farted ravolDtloo In the healing art, and nroten th. fallacy of sever .mjiun. wblah ht for muiy ytar. obntueted tb. progiee. of medical aclvuo.. 'lb falaa .aiM.itloii that "tionraaptlon I. lnoarabla drterred (.hyat etana flom atumptlag to Snd rtaedte for that dianaaa, aud tlWnt. aflllstid with It rt.oncliad thenaslrea to dealh wlthunt making an eftorr to aaoape from s doom which 'hey uotd to be an-roWabi.. It I. nowprore, howrvr, that CbtwmnttM S twd, and that t .i bam eirad In a rery great aarnber of com. (torn of ihem apparently dMixr.te one.) hi Sch'm k'. Palronle Snap alone; and iu o'li.r cane, by (be Mm. medleiu. In oonnectlnn with S'hnck'i Sea Weed Tonlo and Maodrahe Pills, one or both, according to th riqulr. mentsof thsoa.. Dr. nobeuek blmaRlf, who enjoyad anln'e' rap ted good health for mora tnaa forty je, wa. rappaaed, at aa. Una, to ba at the very gateof dee'h, hi. phyaiclan. baring pronnaue. ed hi. can. hopcleat and abaodaned him to bl. fate, Ue wo. enrrd by th. aforetald wwdl. e no., and, etnre hb reoovery, many tbuunand lintlarly aflhrtml bar. tued lr. Seb.nck'. preparation with tb sant r.markibl. u- Fall direction, aooompaay aaeh, staking H not abaolutely neoranry to personally aa lr. Bebanek anlM patlant. wlah their lanaa.t. mined, and for tut. parpoa. h W profeauanai ly at hi. prtaolpalonlo, eoroer Slstb and rch aueet., Philadelphia, arary Monday, wbara all letter, for adrloe moat b. addr.au d. Bahea.k'i mflloln. ar Mid by all dragglata. joa i'lniaai . DIED. On th tMd of th Sth of Jannart. Mr., LOUISA l)'I,)naurt otjoha M. Owl, Jr., of Oolambas aounty, M. O.. and d.aghteref uaniei a. ana manna Boner, or Drsn.wica eoantT. M. U . and St raora S manUu aad 1 day. star pias opy." . HEW ADVlBTHEfXITS. To the Public. IX WS ASK Ot TBI fUBUO II aanaral la tA'1 ' PBICBOUB GOODS A Few More OVERCOATS Left - -.-.; TO BS SOLD AT LESS THAU COST. David a weed. jamM Ilarshal's Office, CITY OP WILMINGTON, January 28d, 1876, : IVOTIOI2. nitOM THIS DAT! AT70TIOHIKRS ABK prohibited Mlilng Uorw or Stock of aay kind In front of th City Market. Jrlnew atieat from the eaetera Una of ProatatraatU tha wanara Una of Poarth (treat r Baooa. and Third .treeta, batweea th aorthrn Un of Market ana to aontn.rn iia or uasstaat nrerta, are derignated for this pi Dy oraer i in aiayar. J. H.BOBISIOW. City aforaba'. Sl-tf J.aH Hotice. All perpon. lndsbtad t th ptpritar af tb "Cliatos He porter," (a piper lately pnblUb.il In tha town of Ullnton, Sampaoa eoa'ty. ara hereby notified t eom forward 4 settla with tba nndtr.gned,whhas porohaaad aad Is fally ampowerad to receipt tor th ram.. oLlPTOM WARD. Clinton, V. 0., Jan. 1Mb, 1ITS. janst - Se Screven Houoo, B. BBADLXT, FrenrUtor, , , SAJSntSTiVZX, GtJIl." apHIS LONO AUD FAVORABLY KS0WB ouse, pleasantly .Hatted on Johnson Sqaara, htrltg been recently repainted and repaired, and having all of Its departments lllsdwltfe competent, polite and attentive employ, offer, to tit traveling pubUe eemforkt dnssT pawd by say Hoao la the Bsathera State. To those who hav patron lied It, th Pro. prletar tblnkn It o 'ly naceaaary to aay It Is, and 111 be. kept fully np I It. past standard and to solicit thvse who hav not, to faror It with a trial - Fanldolar attention will b given to letters and tnlegt.mt raqneatlng that Boom, b to .rvrd and to scaring Sleeping Berth., btat Boom., and Tloket for gact. Oar Omrilho. and eomfortabls Caniagr. wlt be feond at all arriving Train and SUamers. Thrcngh Paaetn ger. thould take the Serewa rloaM Omnlbaa, whleb ha tbroagh Baggag. aad raoseoger Contract. ; - ; , , ' Fallroad. Steamboat, aad Sleeplng-Cor Tlrket Offloss In th Hoa. dactl SOS-Sot Swede Iron, Plow. Steel, Bnlth'. Bellows, Screw Plate., Anvils, Sledge Hammer a, Hand Hammers, At. A larearortmeut cf tha above good canb. found at th oltt t .tobllnhed Bardwor Boo er JOHKDAWBOW. II, to and 11 Market St. . isii.. ....,..,... .. n VI ADYQTI3Z3MT8. G. H. VV. RUNCE QMOKBf JOWX, B.w Let tt CRLBBT, Ohole rtotUy Plor-la Barrel- aad Balf earreia. Preah Milk Craek.ra. co an IB Of ECarket and 2d Streets Every Week 1 AVBSSB S0PPLT f ebolps Saeaaadoah ley Batter, ta'rells, o eenhv Hay, W erennd ftftal, Be., ., at eiua one, ay QBART A BIRTOB, Ohm en Jj Vemmlasloa Merehanta, jilM Sl-ltdBw Saosag HacHlncs ani SMcrs, Batchers Saal, Meat Knlva aad BfcMl, atahei aid Meat Saws la (real varMty, at U. New Hardware Ster of 51LBSMCBOHISO. IS Kortb Pr on t Street jastd Choicest New Crop Teas! vary Variety, at Reduced PrloaB. Plaait grades Green, Block and Sagllah Break- fait Tea. Oar FtltB TBAS ar all w. rprat these. W will farnUh tempi., when sailed tor. CHA8. D. MYEBS k CO., S 1 JNorth front SUet 1858. Ilennesaicy 1858. OLD PALE DIIANOYa Plus I'ld Amontillado Hhsrry, ; twslv t.ai 014 Hrowa Sherry, Plant Old Win In tb btat. CHA8. D. MYEBS ft 00., ; S & T North Frout 1ttet. JaaM il Corn, Flour. Salt, &c H. 00Q Bushels Ooro, ' J J I, 000 " Oats, 150 Bales No. 1 Eastern flay, V00 Bbls. Flour, 1,000 Sacks Bait, . 60 Bolls Bagging, ... 100 Boxes Cheese, 100 Boxes Cand, DO Casas Lys aad Potash, 100 Kegs Nails. ... .. r 50 Tierces snd Tubs Lard, 400 Kegs Sporting and Blasting Powder, :' j s 800,000 W. P., Q. D. and Muskst Caps. , 150 Bags Shot, ;-f;'; tO Bags Coffee, 50 Bbls. Sugar, (refined), 10 Ebds. Porto Hi so Sugar, 150 Boxes Soap, 15 Tieroes Biee, 80 Bbls. aud Half Bbls. Sauff, 150 Boxes Tobaoao, ton fto, . rraalby . i ' -' tSBOHHBR tt OALDBB BEOS jonM SI "Mew Procets" Empire i Family; Flour, test t'leat ta the Wart). Trv it and we t aaraato a is via f of IS U per ni. A wa peeled It took th "premium" at in lair rr making in , PCBEST, WHITEST snd 8WBBTBIT BBIAD On t-lat will seavrss yu. 1 i ft rf i: i Tba Best Batter la th World." always ths tost, and th ly reliable eeont BaHSv ta tbtSCHy. . .i f u-: Kii iaisd nretslcgaod Amor"t Mine M At " GEO. MTEKS', II sad II South Front 8t jaaat - - - OPERA HOUSE. Three Hlgrrts Only.Oommanolng "' MONDAY, Jajtuabt 25, Ths Charming and Vsmtlls Prstlsn actress . KATIE PUTNAM, And Hr Own , QOM-F,TT CXDMPANT -O 9 ' 1IETBOPOL1TAN ARTISTES, ' . rrosalhsnt among wbam Is , .' LA PETITE DOT it- Tbs Infantile Prodigy, wbo will appear In ber eaon ana pteaang cuoraeier impereonaiion. MONDAY EVENINO, Jajt. 23. i First Mm ta this elty, by this Oonpanr, will n prearataa ta neautirui nrama, antiuea . LITTLE BAREFOOT, KATIE PUTNAM as Amry. Introducing an original song (word, and mutlo by Ml. Putnam), .ntltled "Barefoot ' Pray.r." Am Entire Chaste- l Bill Eacat , Avvaotlai;. Seal of Prlaaa Psrqnetts SndDraa, Circle, sii raiqueiie uircie, i uenw, uaii.ry, Oenta. ' S.at.esn bsaeenred wl'hont sxtts ebsrg at H.rneberger'S Bool SMre. ' . : Por partlonlar. aes progrsmme and d renpave auia . . j ... jh s i-h FOR SALE I Rules arid Wagons. SKTXN m Bead good large Males. TWO (I) A N. I Hood Wagon. ONB (1) A No 1 Timber Wagon. Oagodayl.rma. Appljt Wsstbrooks, Blod.n Ooooty, 5. 0. JoaM to-deodlmitwlm 1875 NO HUMBUG ! D. A. SMITH A CO. lt- eaf t John Dawson Ma. la itor. ardtoarrlv. soe Pnw (of all kind. j TTen. Plow Cawing., tft t oll. (MtVn Plow tinea, Ml Pair Tree. Obaliia, u ! Collar and Haiaea, KM lloaea Weeding H., M loaa Shot. I, and Spade., l or aal at th kwt market ra'ea. is, ae at narat sirt. JoaU - W00TEHS CarolinalCentral Rail way Express Wttt, frvB PROMPT PMPATOW To all Freights, Money snd other valuable pao.ag. eoangiied to It. rare tor any inn ail polnta oa th a eater and W.ttrn lllvleloa f the Carolina Central Hallwav All good, via tUI. Una ara fully covered by loearoaeeta Bm-eiaa. fempaolea. . F, M. WOOl BN, Proprl.tor. 0.t. MV, Agmit Jan II i-tr Hotice. A .Molal maetlneof the Stock ho'der. ofitha Wilmington and Sea Side Hellrenit Cmp.ny will be held at the Hank of .New Hanovtr, at o'olock P. It., on TUKHDAY, February Sd, By order or the Pre.ld.nf. THOMAS 11. MKAKKi, 8ortrv Tr-iirrr. Jan aHUanUBKjtb I Horse Blankets, Saddles. Harners.Trvtvk.. Trnvslks Bass. Collar.. Bridle., Hsmm, TraeeChaln', Whip, Npnra, Uorae Hruahea, Feather lwt.rr,anl a general Oeeortment f Saddlery good-as obeap a. goodaaf qaa.lty aa b. bought In th Stat. ' J.H.TOPHAM 0O. rev IT tTI-nn-U TWILLED BILK ' ' WINDSOB'V NECK TIES, 80 ots; worth 50 ots. FANCY CRAVATS, VEBT, , ( HEAVY SILK, 60o; worth 1 ' 10. Nf OK ; RUOHVt ' VIRY CHIAP. nABOSUirjE LOT at Silk Bok narks, osl Imparted Iran Vavaaurp GRIAT VABIKl V ol .let snd l ata Jw-Iry-N.w Dtolgn. FBKSH BOP PLY ef t.phyra-Wblt and , Block, is. par em Ostias, Mo. WILLIAM F YFE'S, Jan I EXCIINOE OORlvEH. Toliacco'Le an. Cotton Plant, BBMI-MOBTBLT. Lorgem tsnJalloa of any Trade Joarsalls th Seathsra State. Sdbsorlptloa SS per aanai Sin I I. 'I Tobacco leaf ami Coin Plant svrrLSKiar-WBskLv. Over Pits Handrad gratuitous clrcilatles. Poet paid apeolmen coplr. to Port Ufficasl adjoining cuntie of tn. Carolina. .., - ij. E.MOBB1B. if kVaT Prpnio Hay, Rice, Flour and Coffee. ISO Rales r.eern Bay, W Tlero. Rloe, 6"0 Barrel Ploar, , , , ISO Books Coffee. let sale by tKKROHSBB ; OALDBB BB08. JantT W -A-ardr Th flndenlgned In rlnctantly avrrtnrIorig aa'n'eajiant bnelnea relation with his old friend, and enatorn'r., would reapeetfully so lloit their fovnr for bl. .nooeaeor, Mr. Morn. H. win remoinattk Bol Store of Mr. Mann for a while, wh.r any on wishing to see aim en baftlnees eon do so. JOHN D. LOVB. JsnSI S0-U On lit ... i. H4VIH0 BOUGHT THS BXOCK la JttAt ,, ,5v . - ' ot Leva's BooxtToaa, and ,ipetln In a rtw dartslargeaodlUonsoa to aiakstb stook oompwt la vry . particular, I hep with prompt attantlSn, good stock and prim it rail Uu Hmu to .hire s portion ef pablls patronage. ' ' Bl WARD M ANN. Jan SB " BO-dat&wrt WadMboro Herald opy tf ' Goldsboro lUgh School For Bova and Yaung Men M rsTrsa,A,M.';......V......-'. Brtnelral E. W. Adams, A. M , Prof, of Malbematlc. Thcneit StMISnblglni So, Monday, Feb f iary l.t. . -.t yf, ' lor Circular, apply to . M IBTTKB, Principal,. ' Jaa H a , , , . Ooldaboro, M. 0. ; CubaMolaSses! JUST ARRIVCD. A CARGO OP . BRIGHT. ; HLir CROP CUBA MOLASSIS, Which ws offer St sow.rt Market PrkS ALSO 50 HHI9 SUGAR HOUSE 200,BWJ SYRUP. ret ssis by KIB0BNIB B OAXtPBB BROS. Jul 1875 Furniturs I km Oar immense stock at grcajlj roduoeU prict-s. Same uiunrbo sold within next threo moutliH. Call and xamine. BOOK STIJHI! GREAT ClxEAIime , . OF ' , a FOR 30 DAYS. DEOWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKET STREET. EVBl1 AKT1DI KS1M TAB,K POH WlNTPR WKAK HAS RBRN MABRRD DOWIt, Ravine no rter tn ial.reirna-nt elihe Uol.r pruiae, w all tha at! on of all ear patron to the mthod w haverf aaaainn at.u eta ii i .l.im rmra.. a that par. rbamr a af f thmlv utctly how winch ot mlnellon h.bn mod. . NO HtT 'H OPPOH Tl' N ITT b ever bn vSuretl In thia cltv at ANY liao. Our DailT patr.a- and to. alio have favored u. with a call eartlf r In th. etaann eaa vouch for evety .t.temnt make. Ws a narssataso t sha ut US beiane of or itoek In order t'mtk nt m inr String putebaar. Camels ITalr Cloth, formerly 75, . Colored Hrgss, DonblH Wi.llb Toplins, Solid Blue rilin Ooloreil (!riniere, Sootoh rislJK, All vrnol Kmpross Cloth, 40,. 40,... 30,,.. 75,.., 35.... 75,... DtlAWLH, COATS' SPOOL COTTON 0 couta por 35-Inch Fruit of the Loom Shirting l'J aents per yard,' ' ' 38 Inch 8KA HIDE COTTON. 13MuUiu r jarj. r Hoeteh Oiiifihams, 11 cents per yard. s-.' () inches anle English TuokiriK, 35 cents.. . ' AN antmnnai rtiMMt'nT r n raKonni. wm nnmvaa orr aLLaAii.eiume er narah.at, with the iWlowli griffptlonn Clear but and t'nbltsarbeit bhlrtlng., Ulugli.m., t'allro. and Spool Cotton. .. . ',", l.rml Itrirur l am nun na rinr, av t mny in van " BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. Jan S4 . C A S H';" '. T Price r .Uwirttvi 850 00 per ton of 2.000 pounds. if TUB ll!t" TANOAKll dp QUAt.t I T HAS BEKN F UT M tlNTAIVED, ABO It IS OONsiMtBEH BY TIT SE WHOnVKOtVEN IT APAIB TKIALTHB MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTACEOU8 TERMS fOB I, A BOX LOTS, QlVEN Olf APPLICATIOK. - ' LOCAL AGENTS .". ." AT at.tthb XlIN-OXXA DEPOTS CENERAL ACE NTS For North Carolina and ! Virginia, ' WULMINGTOIV. Jan IT oi'itinor- '0ne Price-Terms 17 . 31n-rlot Htreet. DEPARTMENT NO. l,'6onsistinff'of XVOaaj-iuuiiB VjIoiiiiuk, ouuto, uow, ucu . t -i ' - tolling Ooods, Notions, Ao. v' r ' " s ' " 1 ' DEPARTMENT NO. 3, Consisting of , Crockery, China,. Glosswa, iAmts, '' ' ' ' v ' Articles. " " sy A tall U K.pectfullf Killclted.and sstUifSetloa Jinaratitesd.' ' II. FRANK & BROl,- 17 Market Street ....... . , ,, ' ' - ' U; ' ' o; ;.-; -a. t J WlLMlJN MISCELLANEOUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE ' ' EXTjlit OT 60 SUES. Sl INCK WB BBiOliYBD TO PKU, at prion that rould .urelT "l ' ,h" q,ilrlli.l.i""n'Vtoell onrj roods. , Our Silks, Black - Alpacas. Dross Goods, Bleached and Unbleached aood,l able Cloths, BUiached . and UobleaoheU, with Napkins, Blankets, Jprpads, f Sheetings, FlnnneW,' nosuiy, " OloTes, Ribbons, Laoes. v 5i ' ,: ,., Collars, HandkerohiefB ;s And sthonwind other ntllclM. or going rv and If rouar In want nf fny good, o.nally frnnd In a ar.t-la lr OootU htock, sew la tut time to liny lb. .m tr.rt the te..t tc In tba olty, at price, uever snhl at fore,iw i Keise"artir th todoecment U oft rid at the leetlls v DBT QOOD4 HO0SB OP DOSKOWITZ & LIEOER, 3 Market etreet. jan 10 .now ; 85 .... now ., now .DOW ..now cow . ., now 35 80 15 55 25 45 83 &!),... ,.....,.........,.....imw$2 00 Spool w f 1" TIME Price 858 00 per 2,00 lbs. payable J2 Nov4. l,.tltaw(f ond'.)lmW4ra 1875. Cash'" Domestio and Fansr DBT GOOM. li 1 UiN , JN . J. i MISpEHAJIOTTS. M. CROWLY, Auotlonosr. ,. ,,. . BT 0KONA.T A KOBBIS. 1.. Assignee's Sale. t OM TUBUDAl, Pbruorj td, tSIS, St IS 0,clMkA'.M.,'lilleUat tbd tilotrooauof Orouly A ; Morris, th. LAROB IBOM 8AFB th yjlimlngton Savings Bonk. , , ,,, l( UENB1 8ATA0K, Aeslgnes. jnn23 iVBt Jan M,24,,SI&rtlt Wilkie CoUins's . Novels: v Library Edition. ' ftatner'. IUmttrared tlhranf Edition of Wll kl Colllo.'.MoTe!a. , ortrt oa Steel by Ualpln llino, doth, fl 60 per volume. Armadale HimH Hltl-and-8ek MBaid Wilo- Name-Poor all. Finch -The l(ad Brv-Ilia Jtoonrt.ine-i.1 It New Ma..li"n Tho I onian In White Antonina Stwr i-. - , and Oilier storlee ueenofHearta-My cellajtl a For .ale st Lire Book and is!c SSnre, a?3 ' '