VrirT o r VOL xxiv.-no. 22. WILHinOTOIT. 17. C., TUESDAY. JANUARY 26 1875. WHOLE HO. G,7C6. i' ,vCV i till rlkY ill ; I M I WTLMTNOTON, N. C: TTJZtDAY. JAH.28. t875. DY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUARTKRS. THE KELLOGG OOTERXMENT TO BE RECOGNIZED. RiTTT.VrR-s xrrmnv ret takv. ttp CIVIL RIGHTS BILL" " DEFEATED. Washington, Jan. 2i oon Tha Striata Conmittea on Railroads , agreed to report against the Northern PaoifloRaod and all other aubskliea, xoapt Totn Soott's Honthern Pnolflj, which thv will consider on Monday. It is laid bj out ol the moat promi nent Ripubhoan Senators, that dnring tha praeent week joint resolution will be introsdnoed, reoogniaiog tha Kallogg Government, irrespective of PincbbacVa admission aa booator from Louisiana, and that military Governor for Loiiaiana, or any other Southern Htate, ' aa soma have par tially anggeated, is out of tha qneetion. Sheridan will remain at Now Or leans without limit aa to time. IKWashinoto. " Jan." 23 NoonIn tha House, a large number of bills ware introdoeid and referred, the Democrats calling for the reading of very bill. In "the Senate, a large number of petitions were presented for a repeal of tha law of 1872, relative to various foreign products of ten per eent. duty, and against the re-enaotion of the duty on tea and coffee. Referred to the Finauo Committee. The navy department took fire at 12:30 to-day, aad atill burns. Wasbinoton, Jan. 25 Night BaJUfB." Vice President Wilsoa be ing abaent from the city, Anthony, of Rhode Island, was sleeted President protem. , -!7: i- '.. itonertson, oi outn uaronna, pre aentedfjoiut resolutions from the South Carolina Legislature, asking an appropriation ( oua hnndred thou and. dollars to deepeu the harbor of Charleston.. Referred to the commit tee on Commerce.- Morrill, of Vermont, introduced bill to establish an education fund and apply portion-ol ue proceeds of the public lands to public eduoation, and - to provide for the mure tootaplete en dowment and support of national col legss for the advancement of acieutiflt and industrial education.' Ordwred to be printed and Jia pa the blv Mor rill gavi notlo that he would call the bill at an early day for the purpose of ubuuttiog , some. remarks thereon. ' The Chair ltud before the S nate a letter from ' the Secretary of War, in answsr to a resolution of the Senate of 41. 1 1 . - : . i s avw Aim luauui, .nuauiiiiiiug impius of thortespondenoo in relation to certain disorders iu the Htate of Lou-iiiaua.v- Ottered to be printed and re ferred to the Committee on Privileged and F.lpp.tiona. .'' . Flanagan, ot Texan, presented a mo rn orial from the Mayor and Cemmon Council of Houston, Texas, in favor of having that pkoa declared port of entry,. Referred to' Committee on Commeroa. Fiteltugh was nominated for Collec tor of Customs at .Natohesv Mies, Hops u A bill was introduced regu lating telegraph tolls, also "aiding Southern railroad. Vf - . By tcAicgj of Georgi: a. bill sp . propripUog, $")0,DOO for tba' improve ment of tun Etawata river, and also The- Wit roaklrrg Houston, Tex. ', a port bf entry, and also the bill making tba canal connecting' L ke Michigan, Illinois,,, and the Mississippi rivor. special oraer ioi eoruary aa, passea by wtoof 179 to 66. The motion allowing the Speaker to forbid MlUatory motion upon certain ?ustioii8u was 'defeah'd by a vote of 50 to S3 not required two-thirds TUnnkHnans nniMuuwl it tha fivH righta bill voting nay. Tho debate was quite, spirited. - Among the Re publicans voting no were, Bufflngton, Burolmrd,' B'urloigli', Foter, Hale, of 11... Hula, ofK. "T Ksssoii. Merri- m, Phetp-, Pri ie, Er Hr'TtSbftriC Sflner, Smitli. of 0-, Willard, of Vt., Willardrof Mich (. The bill snthoriiing another bridge I St. Louis psHswd.-" ' '- Butler moved to take up the civil rights bill . defeated by a vote 147 to W no .two-thirds the Repablioaus voting no wtiia Butler, of Tsnn., Har rison, ITyda, Lofland, Lonodas, Msy nard, Sen er.'Sh eats," Sloan, Smith, of Ta., St miard, Strait, and Thornburg. Id the Supreme Cohrf tq-day, there was nothing of importance, questions of faot occupied the Judges, . Nothing whatever!,! effecting the Houth, aod no general principle of kw wre euuuci ftted. EUI10PE. LoNsoir, Jan. 25 Noon Rev. Charles Jengley is dead, aged . 55 years. - Madkid, Jan. 25. Noon. There are various-, rumors of a compromise with Don Carlos. ' , Romb, Jani 5.--Noou. There are extravagant demonstrations over Gar ibaldi. The people took the horst a from his oarriage ana hauled it to the hotel. Vienna Jan. 25. Noon. The Mon tenegro a"od Turkish trouble have been eompromiaet . ," Londoii, Jan 25 Night A. terriflo gale, aooompanied by storms of rain, has prevailed on the British ooast for two days past." innumerable eaaanl ties to sailing Wafts are reported. ELECTMCISMS. Appleton's Tiiiitifaoturiag Company at Lowell, Mass., starts with 250 looms, which haye , bees idle for ten AsaisUnt Seomtary.bf the iTre Mniy, iiU l Kew York udr Ui 1 TENNESSEE. INTENSE EXCITEMENT OVER THE FLECTION FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR. Narhvuxb, Jan. 25 Nood Tha joint eiou of the Legislature has adjourned and iutUM excitement pre vails.- It la niiderderatood that tba ponteot for U. 8. Senator baa car- rowed down to Tohnot and Brown. The first ballot to-morrow dec idea tba matter. STATE NEWS. Toisuot, on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, is rapidly improving. ,Charlotte is making preparations for the cxnteunial celebration in that city, in May next. The Board of Trustees of the State TJni -rtity will meet in Raleigh on the 10th of February. Mr. William Knox, of Salisbury, was crushed to death by the breaking of a cotton prees near Charlotte. A fire in Charlotte on Saturday des troyed the distilling and otit-bonses of H. B. Williams. The loss uninsured was 825,010. - The Henderson Tribnne says: The Horner School is now iu a flourishing condition, and boarders are still com ing in. We hope the peop'e of the East will remember there is no better school than this, combined with cheap ness.' ; The Statesville Intelligenoer says: James D. Hodges, reveuue officer of this city, was shot and severely wouud- ed iu the arm while attempting to enter a distillery in Gaston county yesterday. . Col. J. W. Hinton, of Norfolk, died suddenly on Saturday from heart dia ease. Col Hinton was a native of this State and began life aa a mer chant, studying law he soon aroee to prominence. He was regsrded as one of the Hnet stnmp speakers in the South. Col. Hinton was the brother of Mr. J. N. Hinton of this city. Eds. J OUBNAti. ' The Raleigh News says : The ses sion of the Supreme Court Friday aiid Saturday was consumed entirely in the argument on the coses of Cloud vs. Wilson, and Moore vs. Billiard, both oases being heard in conjunction. In the first case, Mr. McCorkle appeared for the plaintiff, and the defense re presented by Messrs. Graves, Smith & Strong, aud J. W. Graham. In ti e lnttoroaae, Messrs. E G, Haywood, J. J. Bitruelor and Judge Fowle ap peared for the plaintiff, and Messrs, Smith & Strong, Battle & Son, D. M. Carter and Gen. Cox appeared for the defendant. Each of tue attorneys took part in the argument, and the matter was thoroughly discuosed, every avail able point being brought to bear. The Court will probably render a decision Monday evening, . The Raleigh News says: A meeting of the City Commissioners was called last evening for the purponecf electing a Mayor to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mayor Holdeo. All the Bonrd were present, and acting Mayor H. M. Miller presided. After the meeting was called to order, Com missioner Royster said that owing to the limited notioe given of the meet ing an 1 its pnrpose, be was uuprepar ed to cast his vote, and moved that the meeting adjourn till next Wednes day night. He bad bud no opportu nity of consulting with bit constitu ents on thn sulij'ct, and as be was elected to this Board to represent and reflet their wishes, he would protest against any vote being taken to-night. Commissioner Htrncsch coincided with the views of Mr. Roynter, and second ed the motion for postponement. The motion prevailed. The Raleigh News says: The follow ing named geutlemeu have been ap pointed Tice Presidents of the State Agricultural Society for the several Judicial Distriots: First District Maj H A Gilliam, Hon Mills h Enre. Seoond District Capt Jm R Thig peo, Dr Jos F Lathnin. Third Distriot-Geo W Stanton, J CWooteo. Fourth Distriot--?Maj JjlJEngelliard, Col V V Richardson. , Fifth Distriot-A A MoKethan, L L Polk. Sixth District E W Pou, P E smith Seventh District Col George Wil liamson, J. Lindley. , Eighth District- R L Patterson, T W Keen. Ninth District W R Myere, Jasper Stowe. . ..- . Tenth District Hon R F Armfield, HOBhuford. . The Raleigh News says: On Thurs day ' the Supreme Court heard the argument in the following cases from the 7th Jndioial District: Wilson and Sbober vs. B F Moore, ct al., from Guilford, two cases, Dil liard and Gilmer for piaintiffn, and John Gatling and Geo. H. Snow tor defendant. "KE Mendenhall vs. Joseph J. Dvia from Guilford: Soott and Caldwell for Slaintiff, and Dilliard and Gilmer for fondants. . Paul Cobb ef. at, vs. Robert D. Thorn from Guil'ord, Dilliard and Gilmer for plaintiffs and Scott and Caldwell, J T Morebead and Menden hall and Staples for defendant. Friday and Saturday was occupied in bearing the argnmeut in the two judicial imbroglio cases. FLANKER & SHURE, DBALKBS CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, , V WINEsl LtUOUS, CIOARS, U PURE BAKER WHISKT, 1854, '' 1 ) if No. IL North Front si SPECIAL Th. rrn'lr Bnl.-i f ihn K'mvood oli m.lf II IborouiMjr ptplrait- fronT Wi k thcBsreuij hwi Mrs kill W vorta sunad- rin Woitut o Ners. I tirh( an thr U .ctirvlr dt pwvl tkat do hr. ttbt tr'B ptricni rvaiuif lata oar i (B- r lawaaninrr of IB. Herta or Jolmm'i An,HtyM IiumI In lh. rare or eaufb aod wwi, av praTtieri o ui li.l jum B. a tare Clvva la TMik, nat Mia doMM fttm aat tiailiv tiailiv ib'm nil BiBM baoD lUHrifr.nt SiiUtKIONT. Ik deitl bo fend lu tj.mel nuli r aula Invulnarabla la all loauarlm inla tM bj lhaaaHy ua of tul baaaliMal rap- araiiwa. W. wara plaaMd to aa. at lotif .Ikm. la aaa of aur (i han(a, aoaia ynttj xtxta ferka auurawa n hwii rmi wm, arir aa la wnnlUK lrclnra k Kav. J bu C.8. Abhott, k.pl a contiraon. oosghlrg, which pi.iaulad mwj irum aranax. reiia woo carnoi ra il-tin iroia eoagmnf. kd battar Mav awav fiom .ucii iiaou, i r cifa lake a butUa al dokn- ki i Auoflyo. Liuinianl iu Uiau. Th lmpnrtanoor ilngShri aa kCtvalrr uuuuiuun rwuon w aoraa Da baan oat In tha coltl rata, Howl la euMI wli'd ar drank oo aanoh ould watrr. raaoot t a over rtiiiitrd ; no naa ahoald ba wlihont tbm who owm a (nod nan. Soanca-'s Pvlsoric Htbcp, Caa Who i or to. hd MASoaairs riLik Tbar diwrv 1'T relrbratiHi an) )-oialr mrdli iie bf re f- iiirira a rfTo.niuia in us Beaiiiif art, and pro'fn tha lllcr of mm nnm ahii h bara for many yeal. ob.it ucwd ihr. pr.igirxiof mitiu M'H-noe. i am rm .oppixiiuun tual lni.un tlo It In. arable u iU Icnod htiU rUu Horn tt' mptli.g to ttnd r- m kIi- (or liial dlaraM, aud ailrnt aflllrttd with It raronrl rd tbrniwlrt; to dea'h itb ut makins an (Don to eacapa irora tnim hi. h thi-j aiipioxd to be nutTuklabla. Jt la now iwotm. boTr. that ( nmm;)li eai . rami, and tl at tkat I'm i-u'wt In a vrv great nnmber or ruri Mimaorih-m apparenUv dnnerat ont) be Ki'h'nok'a Pnlt-onlo Snoo alona: tnd luolhxr raiK br the ame medtcna In roniiemmn with scbinck Pea Vtetd T. nto alia Man.1r.ke PI'l.. otiaor both, aocordlns to the rtnulra- ment. of the raaa. Ur. xohenok blmaalf. who enlored oolnter. rupted good health for mora than forty yeira. wa. MipiKapd. ti ne tloie, to b at the very gate r ilra h, hi. phjicln. harlnt p'oiioann. ad bla ran huprli- and abandoned him to hi. tat. He i eurfd by the forwl I mrdl. c nr., and. .I no. hi. tecorfrr. man. Ihr.auinki .Imllarly aUmted hara uwd lr. Brhenrk'. :reparauona wiu tua Mai. raaiwk.bla suo- COM. Foil d'rertlon. acforeeaur each, maklnir It not aliMilutxIy oecrmuy to terf onalljr M l)r. Hehenck unleai patlmti nleh their iB'R.ex. aminro, ana lor tBi porpow he la rrolfiwi .nl y at hie prlnrlpal office, corn r Sixth ik1 Ai eb itreei.. Phlladeliihla. t er Mondhv. ahar all letter, for adtlce mut ba a.ldreme.1. Sah.t.ak'. mrdlHnr. are Biht by all drngglma. JD I I ID.UCK W HEW ASVXBTISSXXSTS. OPERAJSOUSE. I AST NICHT BUT ONE- TUESDAY, Januakt 26, Tht Charming and vtnettl Pratlaa A.traaa KATIE .PUTNAM. : 4n Ber'lMra "':.'.-' .ON. METROPOLITAN ARTISTES; Piojtlncat among wuom la LA PETITE DOT, The iDtatitlle Prodigy, who will appear In bar ebute and pieaalog charaot.r Impcrauuatl!. TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. 20, VIM be preeented a coworful drawaii.atioa fioa Chariot luckaua' work enllUad Ik. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. LITTLE MILL ABD 1KB HAKOttOMESN Hlw KATIB Pbtbam. Durlna abl. h aha will line lha Kuittirai ha'.. led. en itlad 'Urandoa Klaa Your K.ll." sad duriiiK lM fair aecna I I a T I.E LOT I VTK Am Will appear In one oi her great iveetaitf atngt. An Satire (hak.. f Hill Kath t.VCMIBlg. Seals of Prlana Paranetta and rrraa. Clti'le, At; rartiititu ctrele.l tentej Utllvrv, 9ft t enti 8ent can beternrrd wlihont cxVa ebtrga at Hcln.bi-rger't Book Store. Por parilenlart ate programmes end da- reriptiva btilt. Jan it U WE ARE STILL Offering INOCUKMKKTS to Buyer, of ,- ALOOK,WtLL 8AT1PT PArB05. MUNSON & C CITY CLOTHIERS. JnJ8 ., n TtfEWJSH TO (JHARTKK A VfSSIL f V to taks 'rom W to 150 tons of UakEO to Jiew bera, S. 0. C. , JanM r f HAVAA8A eCAVO CO ltf Wilkie Coiling Novels: Library Edition. Farper'.I lii.trated l.thra'y E-Htloo of Wll klo Omliiii't Norel. With portrait on meat by Halpln lamo, cloth. 1 SO r volume Armadale-Bantl Hute-.n.l-Rook Wan ar d Wiid-Uo kn-Poor Ml-. Flncb -The I lead 8-eret The MnoneV-ne 1 he New Magdalen The Woman In Wbl'a Antonlna After Hark, and Other Btoriea-Qaeen or Uearta My Mla eeliant a . ... For tale at HEIfJGBERCER'S ' live Book and Matt 9rt, . lanffl . ; cEriuiriE 711111 riTIl 1 1 v 1)11)11 iiiiiu f tail In Lars or Small Quantities. By Imtructiene of lb Peruvian lovern. ment, their Agent have advanced the prH-e of Oiianape (lokno trom September let. 1S'4 to ilxtv two dollar and fitly cents (ftt M) gold, pwrton of 2M0 punnda urnea, eemblUhlng t the Mat time a new .rale "f dl caonU. lb. lewat beli'S B' cent, on p.rnul. from 60 to too rnne.the tighei-t 3 on SCO too and over. A. n-aal. tbey will not hell In lo'k of lew than ten tana. Under thlo new arrangement I arrt enabled to fill ordrlfor lots of ten (one find upwards at leas Erlce than th Agents of the Pe uvfan Covernmont. I will, as iwretofore, supply quantities un der ten tons at the same rate as charged by them. Ctrnnla. v 1 1 ilnliiu testimonial., reference, and litU particular., mailed free on atiplioat'on to R. BALOAZAR, He. is Beaver St., Mew York. P.O. Baaiakv . i etai . .0., .. . l-i&m - .. J. NEW ADVERTISES tit T3 C. H. VV. RUfJCE QMOKBUJOWL, New Let of CKLEKT, Ckolea Pamlly Plonr-U Batrel ana Half Barral. rr.h MUk Cracker. CURNIR OP Harket and 2d Streets JllM li-U ; Sansa8 Maclcs ani Men, Bntrh.i. "raea. Meat Kalrea and Steel. Plt(hetaai4 Meat bawa la gr.at variety, at an Rev naielwavr tier of SlLF.IAMUaUJtmoN M Mortk Pront Street. Jtetd Choicest Sew Crop Teas! Every Variety at Reduced , Prices. Plaett grade Oreaa, Black and Kngliah Break; fait Tea. liar PIN TPS R ' all we represent them. W will furnvb lami-ln when e lied lor. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., BAT liorUi Prout SUeet 1S58. Uennesscy 1858. ' OLD PALE DRANDY. Pin Old i montllltdo Bberry, Twelve Year Did Browa Bherfyr Plneat tlld Wine In the state. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., ; t A t Noun Front Suet t. Jan M XI Corn. Flour. Salt, &c 2,000 Bushels Corn, 1,000 " Oats, 150 Bales No. 1 Eastern Haj, 900 Bbls, Flour, 1,000 Sack Salt, , 60 Rolls Bugging, . 100 Boxes Cheese, 100 Boxea Candy, &0 Ctues Lye an4 Potash, 100 Kegs Nails, 60 Tierces and Tubs Lard, 400 Kegs Sporting and Blasting Powder, 200,000 W. P., Q. D. and Musket Cape. 260 Bags Shot, T.'-'' 60 Bags Coffee, r 60 Bbls. Sugar, (refined), 10 Rhus. Porto Iltoo Sugar, 150 Buxta Sosp, , 15 Tierces Rioe, , , 20 Bbls, aud Half Bbls, Snuff, 160 Boxes Tobacco, id., o. Por Mile by KIBOUNBR OALUEB BHD II jeaM New Process" Empire Family Flour, Beat flour la the World. Try It and we guarantee aavta g of H per etnt. A. nanexpecWd It took the "pteniiuiu" at tha Fair lor making the PPBE8T, WHITEST and - ' ' BVEETBHT BKBAD i One n 11 wilt eonvlnfl yoa. The Bent But'e r iu the World, alway the Mat and 'he only reliable e'etant Butter li Salad Drenlng and At more'. Mince Meat. At GEO. MYERS', U and 1 J Booth Front St , n an U GUANO! GUANO! 250 Tons No. 1 -T-GUANAPE. 350 Tons eureka; Por Ml to arrive, tow for oaah, or on reamn kblAtermton crop time. WILLIAMS & Jtn 16 MURCHISON. For Sale QW REASON A BLR TERMS, the Katlona! Hotel Puruitnre, ktd an unexpired Lea'e for seven year. Thi It a eb an p for a gord InveMment, a. the Hotel It we)) eatb!lhrd knd In a floorlthlng condition. For further In'oimntlon aiiplv at the national Hotel, or to Jaol-tf D. A. SMITH A 00. Enterprise Manufacturing Co's Coffee Mills.' TIE BK4T MII.Lmanntatniedforled Kvnnea ana Iiurahllliy. K.ery mil a-ranted. For Ml at mnnfetarer'a like at the M w Bardw.rr Honaeof ttlLES ds WTJRCMISON. Jaa 10 . - rf, Children's :yXr. Pebble sod KM (hoe D-ttaB Ertenrion Tee. Chlldrtn'. Seatnlet Shoe. At Jaatt O.A. PRICE S, . PIMaiket oueet. MI.CILLANLOUS. 18 IS Our im moil so sttK-k nt rently reduced prices. Sftnio must bo roUI witliin next three months Call ftiid examine. NO HUMBUG! D. A. SMITH CO. IT Ja John Dawson Hat In .Uir ai d to arrtr. oie I low. (of all klmla 1 ? Toil. Plow (ta'tnge. l t'ol'a ( ntt n Pkiw IJara. W Hair Trae Ohtin. 40 lcu Collar, end Ham"., IM li n Wre.llug H M I'oaen Khorela and Sp.di. l or aaia at the lowed Bia'ket ra. IB, alO St lHnrket Hlr)l. Jan 10 WOOTEN'S CarolinalCentral Rail- t way Express tTTriX OIVR PROMPT PIt"ArOH TO W all Crelehtt, Money a d ulhir valuable paniarea oouatgneit tolt4 rare lorai yanlll iKiin. on the Kaeier ' ard fVcatcrit livil-o of tl. f'arol'na Drutr.l KaUwa ,r All good, vlt thl. line are In I. covered by Inautau.a In Qiai-ui.r't ni auli. - P.M. WOOTKN, Proprlalor. C. S. I.OVP, Aient. Jn II ilhti Notice. A ep'Olal Bioetlnf of the RtorVho'tler or tho MlDilngtiin and Htia Mldn nallrual C rucn til be held at the H.nk nf New lUnovn, 4 "'clock F. kt , on TUKiUAV, Februaiy vd lIO. By order Of the Prea'dent. ' TUOMAX I). MPARE", Hooretarv A Trrumrr. jtn a iu-u.i.i n . rob i Horse Blankets, Saddle. Hitraer. Trui'ka. Trrllea' Ht. Collar., Hrlitl-a, Hamea, Trve t'h.lna, Wbu Rpni, Hoi Hmi-het. Peather iMiati r, .nil general aaMi'lnii'tit of rln lillMJ goHl. f h.'ap a. fMdaol MUie qua Ity eati ba buuglit lotbettUt. J. S.TUPHAM A CO. novlT 4-n-U TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR NECK TIES, 30 els; worth CO ct. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY SILK, COc; worth $1 10 NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP A HaSDBOKIH LOT ol Silk (look Klavrka, Juallmported from. otutrr GREAT VAhltl oi at nd 1 ava Jew Ity w Dealgn. FKE8H "ITPPLY of rf!.bu-Whlt Rod Hlack, JB) per oij t.o.ora, 'Ale. At WILLI A IV? FYFE'S, Janl KXtllKli COIinKH. "Toliacco Lcafafi SEliil . , BKMI-MDNTHLT. Largaat elrealalloti of any Trad Join sal tr th Hotrtbara State. Hukterlptlon tl pei annual. Toliacco I eaf and (Bolton Plant ;., srr ri.iH t w bikiv. rver fife Hundred grtultou clrnnU'lon. Poet paid aptelmen rOil. to Poet tifllceali adjoining couutletol tne Oarulln. ' J. R. MURK'S' rteeHntf Prpn"it. (jloldsboro llifrh School For Boyi and Young Men. M. pETTtn A. M.i Prlneitl K. W. A PAH., A M , Prof, of M.thonHtlca. The nit Heaalon begin, on Monday, Pab ruarir lt i (or ( lioalarttpi'ly Ut M..tEVTKJl. Principal.' Jattsat Oold.boro, h.O. " Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO OP BRIGHT NEWR0P-UB A- MOLASSES. f Which we ofler at owist Market Price ALSO 50nHT,918UGAn HOUSE 200 BBIJI. SYRUP. For .ale by RKMCHNIR CALDER BROS I- janS I AVISO norHT Tne IfOCK hi Trade Lovi's BooKBTokt, and expeo'lng In t few dky a largs addition to a U niukatb ttonk Complete In every particular, I hope with prompt attenHwi. geod ttoi-lt and pWcn to mit U fttvt to ahare a portion of pibllo retrou.de. EuWAR' MANN. Jan 'J3 nC-dJ.Awt Wadeabo'O tTnrald copy tf. Notice.: All perrow lndnbtol to th proprietor or the "Clinton lt'pfttr," ( pup-r mtHly ) uMif!i'l tn th town nf UHiitnn. harot fon oon ty. tie be'ehy li'i ltl d lo i cin wmd nnd'arttle with tj. niidr.'gned, wh b pu'i h"-l ud It fully nipuwiited ti reneliit im thi'm.'i Cllnlon, N JllU 0,. Ian ion, 1T5. fir , FOR SALT I Ilules and Wagons. tiRVivN (T) Head rood 1'ge Untu, TWO (S) A VO. 1 Rd W'gon. OK(l) A N.l TlrabW Wan. ' ' ' t'n gn "j wira-. iipmyto J.K rMtTF. WettbftHiki, BI1. nl:rnit. N. C. K-dtudlBftwlat BZW ADVESTISEttEMS. GREAT CLSARSOG SiffiS for 30 (days.: BROWN & RODDICK, 45 JVXARIvJLT STHElSTe EVRKT AHTIUI.R KU1TABI.K POH WINTER WEAR HAS BERN MARKED DO WW. Haln nodetlr In nil.rirHi.nt either (loolaor prloa, we eall th. at taut ea at all aar p-fona to in nwhod w hi f Akaiaii t,i oua wood in vl.ii r nca.e m tkat Bar. Iiaera e fir thmelva Juat eiaotly how muoh of a redufltl.in hi. been made. Ml SU II OPPtiK n'NITT h merer been nnered Inlhl.eltv at ANY iimb. Our Iiaii.v pa rent and Hi,. as whu h. lanwrd n. with a al eartlrr In th aeaaon can voack or i titrunt w make. Vi a tna narkaaikio to cioat out the balance of ear .took la tdr to mk tm m lot Si ting piu ehaaii. CamMa Hair Cloth, (VorcJ Sirots, formerly 75 40,..., 1)nilil Wiiltli rojihns, SdUiI nine I'tiplins, t Colored CaHlinmor, otoli Plaids, All wool EiuprvHS Cloth, SHAWIiH, 40,.... ao 73 an 75 83 CO,... (OATS' SPOOL COTTON tl cents wt Inch Fruit of th Loom Hliirtiug l'J otnits ptr yard. fMUnob SEA 8IDK COTTON, 13 t- uU j or yanl. S.wtt'li Cilitfiliitmx, ltoftita itryrd. 40 iiifhds wiJo KiiK'iH'i Tiii'liiiiir, 25wnls. A N at'iHTiosi ti tm ..ruT r 8 ran kit, will h inraa orr at I. .ai m at Unit of pnreh., with ih li'lluwtt'g riuopttonr: Hli arbed and I'uMra. Led nhlitlnga, Ulntbamt, t'.llco. and Olil i ottou Term atrlrtly Cnah antl lu rrlrp. f Slo ttuiuploa Cat. - ; BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harkot Streo 1875. lilil "Onerrice-Terms 7 Miivltvt Ntrcet. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, OonsiHlinif of Domrmtio and Faucv DRY OOOD8, Iti ady-MadrtCJutliiug, aitoes, llaU, Oeuts Furn. itiliiiiH Ootid-i, Notions, An. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Coiisisimg of Ctonkpry, China, GUasware, Imp, Lamp Goods, Vomb, Plated Cutlr-ry, and Fancy ArtiflM. ' a" A rail I. rrtpeetf.ill, aollotled, ai,d .itlrlictUm gnarantetd. M. FRANK & BE0., 17 Market Street, n WILMINGTON, N. C. MA At 8r'3.00 per Tou, Cash, or $00.01), payable lit of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At 833.00 tmr Ton, Cash, or 838.00, payable let of November next, rtt OUAHANTKE tht the bravlout RlghOrad of oar Pertllliert ahull be fully Maibtaiibb H R HHirtOKKt, Pre.Meut l. WoltAE, Treaaurer, O.l- OKApri.IN, itnrlntet.dent. ti A-at'.'J . aaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaajaaa. MIS0 LLAMUUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. JINOB WE KB-(t.VKI 10 (ELL at prle Ihkt culd mrel. reduce tt'ick. it ha. r l'tlrtd no taieiDi.nthlp to mil our gxxNl. Our Silks, Black Alpacas. Dress Goods, lllt'aclied nnd Uubleaclied Goods, Table Clotlis, IJlfacbed aod Uiiblfncliud, with Napkins, Blunkc-tH, Kpreuds, BliMings, FUnnt'ls, Hosiery, Olovf s, Ribbons, . IiSws, Collars, Uandkerchiefa fTTfdTOiiWtrdotT"kriterTaS B'l Ifvouai' in want r nv gK ita ui it unnd In a ert-e'a Krr UkI ritook, o itlif time to lm rlitn li'm th lnat.tuck in he r Ity. at price never ld at b irora. - kemenl'er lb Uiduoemrnt la oS'ftti only tt ho li'it,04 UR? OOtD HOUSE OF BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, , 29 Market Street. lM. 1(1 " ' OFFICE Gaitu Cily Citar Hbuufactory. ' NEW YORK. Allt'luamenuilioriiied Krw Vork rartun prlrr. Vualin g ..mi tnit n tepr'truird. : f'he ilietpiRt Hiiii.s In the SWt. nltl9 i nly out d('niil OKcmmvely in '!g.i. ! CHAi, KaHI'KliWti Z Kl.. f.u M'xlli Pliant cjtr.at, : dco?.-lm Wi m 1 g on, N. t) "Green fe Flanner, WHOlllSALB aiid. RETAIL DnUGGI3?S, iTerlolh trailn a frmi'.to awi-nm-tit ii r. a ift.W- tirlm) nf mill uk p liit t li-m I - e 1 ami rri! ir.'n to il Crenai ! t- K-'Hi-rr wl h larj.i anir" Jfiinfin l. Wo guarantee ,ht ru.;tv"' v r ru 'ie. . JNo. 40 Maiket Mff Jnn21 ' Wiliulng oa, M, II, To the Public. A t.L WB ASK OP TflK PUBLIC IN m rH it to PRICE OIJ 11 000l!t. A Few P.loro OVEHCOATO Left TO BX BOliD AT I.P.C8 'l HAN OST. DAYID & WEIL. 21 OF now 68 ..... now 25 . . . . ..now 80 now 18 ......now 66 . . . . ..tow 25 . ......now iS ...... now8J 00 Spool. 1875, Cash" BR., WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS Fur the Scasou of 1875, dolivtired on tba Cars, at Out A Faotory, at the following Itl2JU01I' P1UCEN : SOLUBLE NAVASSAvGUANO KAVASSA GUAHO COUPAMY WILNIIMQIOM. N. C. tiKl-dAwl. U13ULLAJIEUU8. M. CR ONLY, Auctioneer. . J Bf I'UONI.Y & HOBKI8. Assignee's Sale. 01 TUKSDAY, February, td, 1ST!, at It o'clock A. M., I will tell at tbd mleerooauef Orcmly c Moirl. th LAKOK IROM SAf It tht Wilmington laving Bank- HlCNRt BAT A OP., Aln. l-5t-.ln 2t,U,MldFebl Jaw n Screven House, B. BRADlET. Proprietor, SAVAN'N'AU, QA, rjllUS LONO A N iS f A vtmA"BLT KWOWH 'tou.o, p!ii.tly aitn.ted on Jobnton Bqaart, luring been recently repainted and rtpatred, And having all f lt department Ailed with ' rotnpetnnt, polite and attentive ' employee, oll'ir. to thu traveling publlo eoufortt untnr- i.awcd bv Any Uoum In the Bontbern State. , Pa onerehHvli'g rtoriigh Ticket and d .Irtng.o lav nn-ra -tcrev n Him , will htrt Pre. I'ri.n. '.rtuti.u trim th Houaeto tpots 0 St nni.i:.m Screri'n tloiute umulbueM. .. deevii .-'. ... J Syt?(1o Iron, Iiiiw Steel, Smltb. Bc'lnw., Hcrew P'tta, Aavll, lrnn llntini.'R. t'and Hnmmen, & A isrg 1 miottii out ' f lha aburn toodt eB b round ut lha ul 1 t.tobllehed Mardwar Moult it - j .IOHN DAWSOK, - ,1 1, Jiand tl Market St. T Jan 21 -- -- . . - Corn, Hay and Oats J 6(M) BC8UKl H 1 l,i4N . ; Vjl Rl lE.a emHay, ,. , , J :. Kvrl by .- ' KKltOHNKR CALOERllRON. , ' J"Et It Harsliars OUce, CITY OF WILMINQTO: , Jununry 28 , 187.r. ivo;rioii:. ; Trm date AtTTiospf ten 1 ro! ii.ne.t ai!'g -ikirw or "TO. a i any li ct tra ir.l 't tif fie t;u.M: kft PMurrts , ei in ni r' atern nn ' .ron .rreev i h-e l'"i lln-of Poi'rtlA etr-et r aeeonl .vd Ttuid elri ta, t twee h - r Ji.ni line uf M r' .it d ill .u.i :me of bcatsal itio.t, r iicmii itiu rot th' purport. , j . Bv ordor ofMlo Xa- ' al. M.BOHl -BOrf, : - l-. ,1 CttrXarekV, " jtM . W-tf .

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