, Ha. l ill ill t -' 0 I; .A , li li t VOL XX1V.-1T0. 23. WILimiOTOH, 17. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 1875. WHOLE HO. Cf7G7. u 1 r ! 11 i it C I I - ! I L B 1 m M I I .A i k I 1 II Sirlbiln lournal WILMINGTON, s. a: WEDNESDAY. JAJ. 27. 1875. OY TELEGRAPH UEADQUARTEUS. IN CONQRE33 YESTERDAY. BELIEF FOR TIIE SOUTHERN STATES REFUSED, AS AMENDMENT TO THE PRESI DENTIAL TERM DEFEATED. THE LOUISIANA DERAXE. Wasbinotos, Jan. 26 Noon. Sb- ati The Chair presented a commnui eation from tha Secretary of the In terior in aniwer to Senate resolution of the 15th instant, containing copies I of the report of tha tjomniissioners ,ot General Land Office relating to swamp lands in Louisiana. Order od to be printed and laid on the table. Hocus Tha House ia engaged in the oall of the Committee and for re port. Vashthoto5, Jannary 26 Night Hocab Various propositions ohang iag the manner of electing President were ordered to be printed. The bill giving citizens acquired territory by United States citizenship passed. This bill does not give Mexi can eitieeas the rignt to appear be fore the Mixed Com minion. The Jndiciary Committee reported adversely to forming new State from portioua of Louisiana and Texas. Cessna, of Pennsylvania, from the Jndiciary Committee, reported ad versely on the bill for the relief of the Southern States by the compromise Mia seiueBent oi weir aeois. jjaiu on the table. The Jndiciary Committee reported an amendment to the Constitution fixing the Presidential term at six years and prohibiting the re-election of the President. An interesting de bate ensued in which Butler, of Mas sachusetts, intimated his willingness to support Grant for a third term as a necessity to put down lawlessness in the South, and in which E. It. Hoar, of Massachusetts, and E. H. Roberts, of New York, took strong ground against a third term, the latter declar ing that in the direction of dictator ship and strong , government luy the murder of the Republic The amenJ meut was defeated for want of the nec essary two-thirds runjarity. .The vote stood: Yeas, 134; nays, li 4. Senate Edmunds, of Vermont,.' in trAliuuul a hill to itrnvidn for ftinl re gulate the counting of votes lor 1 re aident and Vice President. Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elec tions. The following bills were pissed : House bill to amend 23d paragraph of eeotioa 3 of act to regulate the fees and costs to be allowed Cleiks, Mar shals and Attorneys of Circuit and District Courts of the United States, and lor other purposes. Approved February 26th, 1853. House bill to extend the provisions of the act approved March 3d, 1871, entitled an act to provide for the col lection of debts due from Southern railroads, and for other purposes. House bill to provide for deducting any debt due the United States for any jndgtnent recovered against the Uuited Stutes by suoh debtor. House bill relating to the punish tnent of the orime of manslaughter. Debate was then resumed, and Peas, : of Mississippi, concluded his argument oommeoced yesterday. Ha said that outrages were daily coinmit ial in the South. The Am r can Senate and the American pec pie should become awoKened to toe laut that the country was on the eve of another revolution more fatal in its results than the late rebellion, jje argued that crime was more frequent in the South than tha North and read from statistics to snow that such was the case. He denied that white men were ever punished in the South for the murder of negroes. The same spirit which pervaded the press of the South in lobl existed to-day, in the Sooth which did not subsoil to these wild elements. The old. Whig party did not subscribe to them, but that party was powerless. The same old i Democrats who brought on the difficulty before were the men who were leading editorial writers to-day; tha men who were firing the oouthern heart to murder and assassinate, and overthrow tha Government of the United States, if necessary. In eve ry case where the treasury of a Southern State hod been plundered it had been done by Democrats; mem bers of that party were in the scheme ome way. He argued tbat Mississip pi was the best reconstructed of the insurrectionary States and every dot lar of the State debt oonld be paid in two years. In conclusion, he called upon the Senator from Ohio (Thnr man), as leader of the Democratic party, to say to the Democrats in the South tbat the outrages there must be stopped. Thnrman read from a speech de1iv ered by him in the Senate on the 18th of Jannary. 187.1, where he condemn ed anything like violence, and asked the people of tkmth to obey the laws. He arcned tbat the picture oi tne con dition of Southern society oould not - be drawn by newspaper dippings. If they were to be taken, a p dure of the condition of Northern society ooum i , i r i t , . db drawn wmon won hi ruNae any man living north of the Potomao shudder. Thurman will conclude hia speech tomorrow. , f KLECTRICISMS. - The Emperor of China died on tha 12th inst His successor isaPrinoa five years of sge r f " At A Kingston,1 Ontario, Radford Barstew'a elevator. , , wit ; layaral thousand huabels of grain, hat beam deetroved ! fire. Antonio ioro. an Kalian, w found dsad in a doorway, at Vieks- bnrs;. It u supposed be wai mur J-r ed for $3,000 be had on bis prs a. A k-tter from Havana say the amall pox ruffes over tti laud. Ihe lat- riuts ar hoiWul of roaching tli u car plantations, which they will burn. Burnsido it elected Senator from Khode Wand, llaudolpa from New Jersey, and Jobnson from Tennessee. EUltOI'E. OPERATIONS AOAINST THE CAR LISTS. TURKEY AND MONTENEGRO WONT FIGHT. Madrid, Jan. 26. Noon. The Car lists have lft the Province of Biscay and Gnipazzoa, and moved into Nava ne, taking with them all their material of war. The army of the North has assumed the offensive against tha Car lists. Vir-vjca, Jan. 26. Noon. The Gov- firampnta nf Tnrkav ami fnntnAirrn have withdrawn their foroos which they had collected on the border of their respective countries in anticipa tion of hostilities. " GOTHAM. - ICE IN THE EAST AND NORTH RIVERSt... . Nbw York. Jan. 26 Nioht The ice has disnpppard, carrying can and spsr, buoy'a to sea. The pilots m-e familiar objects on shore ss guides. A new steamship line hence to Hull is organizing. The ice on the Eut and North rivers is very strong. Several ferry-boats have been caught. STATEJEWS, There is a probability of the tele graph station being restored at Hills boro. Alexander county instructs her Rep resentatives and Senators, to vote for Convention. Twenty-five ponndsis what it weigh ed; and it was a beet, and it was sent to the Charlotte Democrat man. Tha Charlotte Democrat says: We reeret to learn that Mr. W. A. Knox, of Providence Township, in this coun ty, was killed on s riday afternoon last while engtgrd in picking cotton at his prone. Air. ivuox was flung some thing in tne packing box, when the 'sinker, whiob had been run up, broke loose and fell upon him, killing iimi almost mstamjy. lie was a good citizen and leaves a wife and four ohiliieu to mourn his sudden death. The Conoord Sun snys: Special Deputies David Murr and Robert Deatou arrested Rob Morebead, on Wednesday last, on the plantation of P. M. Morris. Bob had sworn to burn tle barn of Mr. Morris, aud had made the attempt. Fire and kindling were found in the barn, but had gone ont Rob, on seoing the officers, attempted to save himself by fiiKht. but was brought to with a pistol ball. The Raleigh Sentinel says: The editor of this psper is a great bee man aud ma talk this morning with Mr. Joseph Williams, from Yadkin, we judge that the bees are in tad health all through the State. Mr. Williams stated that ont of twenty-seven hives he had last year only five are left him, the rest all dead. Antony Dorrity, of Hillsboro, says the reason tha bees are dying np so and not half working is the great amount of gunpowder ex pioded in the recent war; that it dis turbed them and got them routed and demoralized, and they have not yet covered from the sbck. We would ask a convention of bea men on the subject, bnt the word "oonvetit'on" m ght be feared by soma of the "King bees to m an more powder I Treating the Wrong- Dlieane. Manv times Women call noon their family physicians, one with dyspepsia, another with palpitation, another with trouble of the breast, another with pain here and there, and in this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent doctors, separate and distinct diseases, for which lie prescribes bis pills and potfonr"swsuming4bemte W'soebi wben, In reality, they are all symptoms caused by soma uterine disorder; and while they are thus only able perhaps to palliate for a time, they are igno rant oj the cause, and encourage their practice until large bills are made, when the eunenng patients are no better in the end, but probably worse lor the delay, treatment, and other complications made, and which a pro per medicine directed to the cause would have entirely removed, thereby instituting health and comfort instead of prolonged misery. From Miss Lobinda E. St. Clair, Shade, Athens Co., Ohio ; Dr. R, V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Yrnr Favorite Prescription is working almost like a miracle on me. I am better already than I have been for over to years." From Ella A Sobafkb. Zanesville. Ind.: " Dr. Pierce I reoeived the medi cine you sent me and began using it immediately. As a renult of the treat ment I feel better than I have for three yenrs." From Mrs. John K. Hamilin, Odell, 111.: "Dr. Pierce The Favorite Prescrip tion has done me good, which I am very thankful for." Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription ia sold by dealers in medicines. It is useless to attempt to cleanse a stream while the fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, oomplainis of the liver or kidneys,eruptiotis of the okiu.Boiofulii, headaohes, and all discuses arising from impure blood, are st onoe re moved by Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Birntns,purifler of the blood and renovator of the system. It hat Ktmw oaan known to fail. 'Aw SPECIAL. 1 b W uii.r In't'i ( fhf Kim wood roUr mirt ii thnrouybly p rlrtwn Wil k iq Rivrcuiy ev.ow kk uik la wucm oiitW' frlBg W.htht or Nora. A a iiirn my tktrt crvly cut far tbtl do aK hcr, lthr trora perxint romuf lio Mr nftlr r In MiDcnihcr wr. Of tb IniM-MI of Jukmim't Amdfnt Lmtwunt in tha tat of coaghi acd CU.U, W 4klDI ink awa JHM Ntvlwr lva Vs Teeth, Rut ha fiiHM sot braurr aid imili tk Thai a un badoa nb flagrant ui i.KJM . Ih dauttl bona and lia ammol mIii ua uiaua invaiDrDia in an at-atiariJta iitna Ua dally aaa of Mtla baattoaat araa- arauua. Wa arara nlaaaad la aaa, aal luni alnra, tn ana oT aur axrhaaira, avaa r-ratt? aafara romarkn WriKvl u naiaral rMa who, Surlnf an la wttrg Kriure br h. J b-i I'.S. Ihbutl, pa auntiBBona caaiiiaj. nirn pretaawd aitnj linn ktaring. Vaaiilaabo cannoi re Irtln from coajbinf. kad batter War awajr irom aucii piaora, ar riaa Mia a DiHwe ot joint on 'a Anudjna Hulmant with Uirm. Tie Importaacaof rlnjthrn an aCiralry liandiUiia Jhmdara w lima-a that kta back ant In tha ould rain. aUMid In nolft wlrj ar drank loa nai'h old vatrr, rannot la arrt e.timaud ; do aaa aboald b wlUiom tbam who own a fowl haraa. . - loaaarw'a Pntoaio Srucr, Sea Wiid Tome, inn MaauhAKk Pills Thie daurf rdlr rclcbratad and (opular nnlk-lnaabrra rf fected a rrrolatioa In lbs healing art, and (ro.on tha4llacT of attar ra xuna ahlch it for mtnjr rrartobfructrd the er.igreMof rotillral n i-nce. Tha talpa Uxitlon thai "Ooinuni) thin la IttcuraMe " tin ten ad hi rln from atfoiullag in And r'mwlir lor thai ills am. and patU nil affliotxl with It racont'lH-il theaiaalrra to doaih wiili"ut making an tltuu tu oacai from a doom hU h ihur ati'iotd to he nnToMinbie. it la now ororot, riowerrr, that tanap(iaa aaa a mrtd, and that t Am (w I'tiMii in a Torr arf at anmbar of (ime of III' aiparntlT daopnrata onal bi li-nk? rnir-nnie arrnp alone ; ana in onr naanii br 'lie dip mertto.n to cofinaoium with Si'h.inrk'e Sea Wetil lunia and Maitlrakt Finn, one nr bo h. awarding to tbo raaulra- mentaofthecaaa. Dr. nrbenek blraaeir, wno enlnrtd onlnler- rnptoil gond hnaltb tor mora Mian forty yeri. wa rapiKiaiM. at una Una, to b al the rerr gala of ilea'h. bla pbrxtaria having p'onounc- ed hia raws biipelnm and abandoned h'm to hi late. He wa eureil ff tba aiorraii rn-ili-c nra, and, vdn bit reoorerr. nian thnaiila almllarly allet'ted hate uaad lr. Hrhenrk'a prrparanona who tua aama reaiaraaui aue- ceea. Full d'rerttoni aoHinraT aarh, making It not ahfolutoly newiery to iierronally aea l)r, Sohentk unlea ratUntt ulrh tlieir lung. amltied, and for tlil purpoae he la proleaalunal ly at hia principal t.fflca, corner Sixth and Atch mreela, Plillailel hia, every Mot dy, where all lettem lor aitrice nm-t be addretMxl. Saliot ak'i mril'lti.- are anld by all drugglaia. jan i ira:n.vw DIED. On the '.'th nf .lanaarj. 18T0. in VCilmltg ton, Li'CT M('KCHlsu. Inianl daugliMt oi Obi a M. aed Rata leli. St.dmn. The fuaeral a-rrlo.e will lake place rroin the leildanrc ol the jateuU, at t)i o'clock, ibia aiuraoon. In tli la t Ity, ytrdriT afttrkoon, at 1 o'elock, Mre. r. M. iL KUAN, wlfa Ot trvtn ktlarkman, aged W y"ra. NEW ADVE'niEMli3T3. OPEhF HOUSE l AST NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, Jastjabt 27, The Cbarmlug aud Verutlle PruUara Aftnai KATIE PUTNAM, And Her Oaa OOAlEr"5T COMPANY -u r METROPOLITAN ARTISTEB, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jak. 27, will be rrra mted, wltb all the original roailo, tun keeuuiul arama ia o aoia, eniitiru tue PEARL OF SAVOY. MAUtE,... Win Cavis fnia, With the boiij, "A Hother'a Prajer." Actlet.LeaTing Home. Aot d-In the City. ' A Act ii-Tb AbJnciloa. Act 4 b-Deorlred. ) Act aih-Jlr concillaltoD, Seals Of Prlaaa Paraaette aad rrre f'liuie, ki; raiQuoim i.uaie, Uente; Gallery, X uenta. Seats can ba teenred without extra charge at Helntberger't Book Btore. For partleulare aee proiamiee and de aetlptiTO btllk. Jan lilt Auction Sale ! THIS. DAT (Wrdnteday) at 19 o'clock A M., at our ealeerooma, Sontb Water atrrat, we will aril 20 Bbla. Flaur, II Hbla Apples, U !;( Porter, Heel Tontiea, aiindry aMinlea, Hourebelif ao Kitchen Fnrnltore,' Ctockety.' Ulaaaware, &o, . . ... OBONLT MWRI8, Jan 37.lt Auctloaeeri. -New Supply of - TWBUTT TnOHSANU VNMtt THK SEA; or, the Maryelloin and Krcltlng Advulureeof Pierre Aronna, Conaell, ha terrant, and Ned Land, a Canidian Harpoon er. 'J laimlaud frtm the French of Jnloi Verne, with one Lumlnd and ten initia tion.. . , . roresleat BEIKSBEBGER'S, Pianos and Organs Bold by Inatalmcnta at HEINCBERQER'S Ura Book and Mode Store, I an 27 ' Boarders Wanted, rjlWO GESTtBMtN, WITH WIVFS, van obUtti eomfoitable tooma and board by .ppiyingto MHEY,;llT;MELU Market St., next to Coraer of Klflh, Jnn r 1 Hay! Hay! 500 BALE' PR,MB XISTERV HAT now landlDgand will be aold from wharf low for eaib, In lota to 'alt, by OLfHAM A CCMM1NO. S-lt Jan VI Notice. PFLICATIOS WILL BE MADE TO tbo General Aembly ef North Carolina to barUr tas City BaBk of WIlmlBgkan.' jaa II U-Hswta NEW ADVERTI3IMSNT8. PLANNER & SHURE, DIALBRS El CHOICE FAMILi GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, V PURE BAKER WHISKT, 1W4. Vo. II, North Front at. Vessel Wanted. TtTRVflsK TO CHAHTHK A ySHII ?T - s to lake treat so to tM tons of Manna to cw bern, M . 0. JanM ItAVASS A aDANO (M IMf C. H. W. RUNCE QMOKEl JOWL, New Lot of CKLEKT, ;hnloa rmHy Flonr lo Bairell and Half parrel, rrteh Milk Crackera. t'OKNRR OF Harket and 2d Streets jaa SansaB Maciiiucs ana SMtiv Bulciien "raV'a, Meat KuWea and Stela M ttt beta aud Meat taws hi (riat rarlety, at the Now Bard war store er ll.r.8 A UUHOalSON tl North Front Street Jaota Choicest New Crop Teas! Every Variety at . Radviced Prloea. Plneit gradea Gien, Ha. k end ErgHili Break- faatTeaa. Our TINS! TKSS rn all we represent thttu. We will lurnlrli rami I. alirn r Hid tor. C1IA3. D. MYERS A CO., I AT otth FrvntBtreet. 1S58. Hennessey 1858. OLD PALE BRANDY. F'ne Old A mnritllla.lo Sherry, Twelre Year Old Prown Sherry, F Inert Ola Wine In the Stat. CilAS. D. MTER3 A CO., 6 t North Front Street. Jhv 11 lil For Sale J KEASCmilLK TICKMH, (he Nntlunul Uutel Furiiltu-e, atd au unexpired Leuio for aevtn jeAia. Thie la a rhanre tot a gtKtl li veMruatlt, ae lb Hotel U well ertablltbtd aud In a flunriablng condition. For further lulormntiun apply at tUe National Hotel, or to Jan S T-tf li, A. SMITH A rx. Enterprise Manufacturing Co'8 Coffeo Mills. TUE BKHT Mll.L.uianufai't tied ror Speed KtunutMi aim I tiraliHIiy. fry L II warranted, ror mi. at iiminituoturor. pure at tli. Hi w Hard am rwue or UiLE A MUHOHlaUN. Jan 10 S- GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. In Larga or Small Quantities. Br Inmrnntlone nf be Peruvian (lorrrn. merit, Ihelr A genu hate a1-nred the prli-e ef Unanape nno rrom neptemfer i. f , ' aixty two dollar and fifty rent fC) gold, per ton ef W40 ponnd grow, etlabHidilng at tlie aame time a new arala nf dl-remita, th lewert helng fyi cent on narcela frtiin SO to 100 ton., the bighcal f.170 on (100 tonaanil over. A. ti'nal. they will not fell to lota of lew) thku leu toiia, Unri.r thin new arrangement I am enabled to fill orders for lota often tons and upwards at lone nrica than the Auenta of the Pe ruvian Government. I will, as netreioTore, suppiy quantities un der ten tons at the same rats aa charged by them. Circular, erta,lnlng teatlrnonla'a, refereneea anq run particular., mailt"' rreenn aiuiiM-ai on O K. IJALvSiAK, Ne. SS Bearer St., New York. P.O. Boa: !1S. eesi t-dAwtr Salt-Bagging-Ties -Corn. 4,000 Backs Salt, 200 Rolls and Hall Rolls Bogging, j 20 Tons Ties. 15,000 Busbels White and Mixed Corn. rot eaie ww oy WILUAMS A ML'KUHISON Flour. Sugar. Coffeo and Rice. 1,000 Bbls. Flonr all grades ; 150 Bbls. Retined Sngar, . 100 Buks Prime Rio (Joffue, 25 Bills Whole Rico, For nel' low br W1LL1AMH A M0KCHI8ON Hay. Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 500 BuIps N. R. & E. Hny, 600 Biuitlles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. (line. 200 New New York Spirit Casks, lor aale lew by WILLIAM" A MCKOHiHON. Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Mails. 100 Boxes I). 8. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bb!s. 8. H. Syrup, 400 liPgsSbot, ' 500 BuHhels Black Oats, 300 K'k Nails, For rale In h WILLIAMS A MTJRCHI80N lar a ' CAUDI atpeclalty at tli jubiUiAii urrxoa. MISCELLANEOUS. Fumiturs I kmi Our immense stock at creatlv reductHi rncf 3. huine muht to sold withiu next thrcu months. Call aud exanurjo. NO HUMBUG! D. A. SMITH CO. it- Jaa r John Dawson Mae In .tore aed to arrive KD Flow, (of all bind; T Tnu Plw tiin. is t enia rIUn i'row IJiira ao Palra Trace Chain, art lieM IVHar. and llara'a, KM llraa W.edleg 11, M) li'ien 8hnel aud Spadoa, l or aaie at the Hwu BiarKn. raiew. IV, litt at at market klieel. Jaa 10 a- CarolinalCentral Hail- way Express WILT, OtVB PHOMPT PHPATOn T" all Frelthla, Money ai d ether valtiHlile piatarM"li;iied tolta t arn tor any and all point, on ilia r.aater and Witru llrlKin the (laroWna I'entral Nailwa All ixxl la thi. line are lu ll eotered by Inturauee In Siat-elaaa t urupanlm. . P.M. WOOTKN, Proprietor. 0.8. LUVC, Ag. rf. Jaa 11 ! tf Notice. A apMilal aiaellncof the HtArkhndea nf the llniliiaUiu ami riia bide' f allrua I Cimuanv will be held at tltn llnii "I Now Haimvur. a' 4 o eluck I. M , oa Tl'KSUat, Fobrua.jnl lain. Byoiderof the Pre.ideat. THOMAS D.MF AHFS, - . .. Horetar Treasurer. Jan 9 kO-Ii.la. HAK.b t Eorso Blankets, Baddlaa. Hrne. Trtn k. Trarellna Oullara, Hrldl... Itme. Traee ( lilli, Wbii. Npota, Hnran Hru.hr.. reatlirr lumU ra, and a ("iieral aaaortment Of (Uddlery jjoioliu ae cliap u oi'U. v( Mine u.ua Ity can be betiht u lue state. J. B.TOPHAM A fO kJ.-iM-tl not IT TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NECK TUGS, SO eta; v.orth DOcIh. FAN CI CKAYATH, VEUY nEAVISn.K.GOc; worth 1 10. NECK RUCHBS VERY CHEAP. jj iiAsuso.m: i.ojruiaiik ok ITiarKW, fuel inapniica rrom 4wauiry. GRE IT VAW1KI V ot .iet aud I ava Jew e'ly uw 1'et.lgn,. ItKHH vtTppt.V tif Z.lnr. -Whl'd asd H i k, IB lvt t'i Oouw, Huo. At WILLIAPjIFYFES, "fyteo" Lcafliifl CctloT PfiF 8BMI-MONTMLT, I.arge.t olrcniallon of any Trade Journal In the Nuntberu Statu. Hubacrlptloa ft yer annum. Tobacco I eaf and Cotton Plant eurrLkiaaxT wiielt. Orer PUe Hundred ia'tilton. elrenlatlon. Poet paid .pieluemoplta to Pn.tOfllie.ik adjoining couulle. of tne Carollua.. J. E.'M'lBKIHt deo tf prnpneior. UoMsboro Ilfsrli Scliool For Boy and Young Men M. FSTTtta. A. M. ........ ....Prlneipal E.W.Adams, A M , Prof, of Malliem.tka. The neit Hewlon begin on Monday, Feb ruary i nr.. . . tor t.lrcnlar. apply to M.FBTTFK. Principal, Jan 9S w Uuld.boro, N. O Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVKO. A CARGO OF BRIGHT -1W-CPIIBA4'iOLASSESH Whkh we ofler at sowe.t Market Price ; : ALSO B0HHrs8UGAR HOUSE 200 SYRUP. For tale by KrilCHNBRCAMlFB BROS, t- JanS TTAVINQ BOUGHT THE STOCK la Trade olliovs's Booutobs, and expecting In a few day. a large addition o a to make tbe ttock oompletela ererj particular, I bepe with prompt attention, good itock aud pricti to mil ht tmu to .bare a portion of ptibllo patrouagt). JiDWARD MANN, 8 Im'X S0-d2twt Wadtmboro Htrald oopy tf. Notice. All perron. Indebted to the p'0Ht' of tlie 'Cllntun RT' pnrvr," ia pspt-r Inlnly pnMli-h-d hi the man of Ollntim, H mpon con ty. ie berehy ii'n IM d to ciime 1'irwd 'id .itr! with t.ii nt d raiic-ied, wh ha. pu'i i-rd and I. fully etuioaeced ti re-'l I lor beiein-. I IKI ON WaRff, t'llnloti, N O.Jan. 2utli, 1116. . t, u 51 1 ... FOR SALFI Mules and Wagons. KKV" (7) Howl k1 U e Mnlea. JfWP(l) A . I Haas W- aona. .rmwmw ONK(tl A Urn, I I'l-atier Wmav m ' Vu if'ied ay trni. Apply 10 ; i ' J. K HMiTK, Wertbrook, Bli"n iKnnt, N. 0. jaa li o-aoodiwm HEW AD VIHTI3IMEL T3. greaa1 mmim nam FOR 30 DAYO. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKET STREETi IVKHT ARTtni.K SlTITAHt.R FOR Vf INTKTl WRA HAS BKRN MARKRD DwK, J llaina nodMirato ailwepreaent eiihar tlood.or frloea, we eall the aitaat aa ef all vaf I" i iii tilth niMhot wa haveif .aainu ai.i. of a omnia m ri.ia nnpa.e aa ear ihver. ai fir thrmelrMi Jint ettctly how muck al a Mil not loa haebeea aede. NO HL't'H liPPiiH r I'M I V ha. . er ban rerl Inthi.elty at ANY ema. Our ln T i-a'ron and thae hn kara tarnred mi with a eal) eartl.r In the eeaeoa aaa Tea at for ?! etaurarht wa ruaka. naTsaaikso to oloae eat lbs baJaoee ef ev itsek ka ardor to atak riaa lor Spring puicli.na. Camels Hair Cloth, Colored Hi'rires, formerly 73 40, Dotihln WUth Poplins, Solid Bliiei Poplitia, Colored Otvliemere, Hwtoh Flaids, All wool Empress Cloth. 75 85 75 S.1 60...... SlfAWLH. COUTH' HPOOL COTTON cents ixr 8(1 luoh Fruit of thn Loom Hhirting 11 !W-IneU BEA HIDE CO nON, 13 vnt Houtoti Oiiiulisms, 11 cents per yard. 40 inehea wido English Tiu'ainff, 25 oents. AN t'inTioat. piattunaT er B rutnnaT. will be oiran or? at i aata at tlraS wltb the li'llnwlug exei'pUon.: Muacbed and Cnbleavb.d bblrtlna., ulnabaau r"ol !ftiot. . l erme alrlrlly ( avail hiiU Oae Prlre. BROWN & RODDICK, uut Jiono i ''Ono Price-Terms . FI?AIC BR., 17 BIarlit Wtroct. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consisting of in luij'-.iiiiiin IMliiti.r 11,.,,,). DEPAUTMENT NO. 2, Cor.rlMi.y of jjMiun uooua, vamis, Z'mtea CulUry, RT1 fantT ArtiuUm. Sw A r all I. r pflfn-ly rjl ,-lu i, uil .at i-nctiva atiarattt k a II. FRANK & ER0 , 17 Market Etreet, iWILMINGTONrN. C. IT At $53.00 per Ton, CuhIi, or $00,00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE. At 13.00 pir Tou, Canh, or $J38 00, UCAHAK I KK that the jirnviou. High Urattn IXWX" ti. t UHAFU1S, u.eriiiti.nt. t riNCELLANEOUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. StNOF. WC Rltl()l.VKl TOI-EIXatprlee lhat ould etirelf reduce .took, it haa re ailred no aaie.niHii.hlp to aell our giwda. Our Silks, Black Alpacas, Dress Goods, Blenched and Unbleached Goods, Table Cloths, Bleached and Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankets, Hprcads, Bliectings, Flannels, Hosiery, Olovss, Ribbons, Lsoiis, Collars, Handkerchiefs aa m K.i,ma.H nthAp itrt!rtla. are anlntf fart inif fVton are In want ef'any oed wanirHyf l.iutid In a lr.i-cla nr himhh mock, now In the time to buy them tn rq the l.r.t stuck lu the city, at prlcen nerer eold at before. Krmemtier the Induce mont I oOVrtd only st tbe lradiBjf ' 1JKT GOODS HOUSB OF ' OOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, 29 Market Street. jaa 10 . omen " ' Garicfl.Cily;ciar Kannfactory. NEW YORK. AD Clf are at authorised w York Factory prleee. Quality g iaiileed aa reprcaenud. The ebeapriit rliiuMi In the Slate, and til only ooedt aili g enolu.lrely in t'igira. UMA1. KASPHO WH'Z 4t H KO., Hti.9 "'th K ont Street, dPC?-1ro Wl mlng on, N.t). Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE and REM DKUGGISTS Otl'or to Itie trade a oomplite aaxittnmnt iat fta'onnlil" price.) of ore lu. Klne lieml cil.atid PlHrniaci'U lt:l Prep ii a ma tuaolti er wl'ta a large orinaiit:f lrla Kenl. We auarautce the piirltr oi c. ry article. . -IJO. 49 "aiket "trcet, Janil ' Wilmlng on, N. O. To Ike Public. M, WS ACK OF THK FCBLIO IN g.iural I to " PRICE oua GOODS. 7 A Few Moro OVERCOATS - Left. TO BT! Sd'tt? Itt&iZ T AH C. DAVID 4 WUL. at jaa M or ..now ..now II U to II u u a .... 40 no,.:...... BOW ..DOW ..now ..cow ..now ..nowfl Q Snoot. cents per yard, per yard. of anreh.ee, talloees al r M Saruplee CaiU 45 Market Street. ; - 1875. Cash" Domtwtio and Ftuiey DRY GOODS, t ioHiil, nuoes, JIau, Unuts Furn- V.,i;,,i,u t . Jrth kory, 'chiim, Glaaawam, I ipi, WE OFFER 0UH STAKDAED TERTIUZEEB For the tieasnti of 1875, dolivored on tl Cars, at Our Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVAS8A GUANO payalilo lt of Novi'mber, next; r-ttysblo 1st of November next, V of our Fortlll.or. .ball be folly tUiMTAlIB NAVA88A GUANO COttPAJIY WIL.MIMQ I ON, N C. aod-4wtsi KlI8CLLAliI0U8. M. CR ONLY, Auotlonor. , BT t'RONLY A HOBKIS. Assignee's Sale. ON TUESDAY, February Id, 18Tg,at tf o'clock A. M , I will aalt at U4 satssrooauwf Oronly ft Horrlt, tbs LARfll IBOH BAllg tbs Wlliulsgton Bavlag Bank. ; BEKBT BATAfll, Aaetgnea, Jan a , SO-st-Jan M,!U,lSAjftFbl Screven Houoo, B. BRADIET, Froprl.tot, SA.vviTir-A.X3:, oa. filttlB IjONQ 'ASB FA VOBABLT KNOWS "4 iiuu.e, pleasantly altaated oa Jobneoa Bfaars bating been recently repainted atMl Nfeirsa, and haying alt ef 1U departments Hied wlUt :. -competent, polite and attenttrs employwaj . offer to the traveling pahllo eemfort tuu pawed by any Hon. In tha Southern Btatsa, : Pa'aengera baring Through Tickets and .Irlng to lay orer aw HnreTen Hours, will hatra (re i f raui-pnrtatlun fn m the Hetue to OetelB . or steanieiela Boreyea llone Omnlbuae. ttectl MMM Swede Iron, Plow Steel, ' Smlib'e Bellow, Borew Plates, Aayfls, SUdge Haitimna. Kaod Hammer, A large nwortti etit if the abore ood eaaba round at the oU eitobllehed Hardware Uoaa or . - - ''- JOHN DAWSOW, . , , and 11 Market It. Jan it q . Corn, Hay and Oats J QQQ BOHUKliS OOBN . . 1.000 " CAr"' ' 200 Ba,' ' For.a'e by KBKUHNER ft CltDERBRO. Jan 21 ' , - 1- Marshal's OfScc, CITY OF WILMlis'aiO.V,J , January 231, 1875. Fan Tin pte A'rTF.k8ll" i ro i-'-e't , t rai ot f to- k ol nay ,.M.t-it rfrwti.tf tba tit. ST)rt f 1ni-va e' ee' r in tbe, mi-fro l. m rvtetr.t n-. tern tin nf Fifrta eutet r rvwi .id Itk -ii te., H.twse.i th'rn,rtUi -o m f Vt' t a 'h1 io""er. 'in ol .bUiu rtratt"" .'-innn .i t tb . purp'fe. Iyordw'tof Oie H o J, ii.'iwi tQV, , gitymarr-'. "sJf JAB54

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