- - 1 - . SHSCEI.LAS3U3. ,. J: ,1 IdlllllM llII III.1I IM. rr.ciiiArrors. pI HO .( ,jrOI I. I Hit 1 j shipping. Vl -rM rt- l.ap nl Hi alivar. TRADE MARK. M a . m i --r - . u l lae i writ.-a t ' .vin,i. a ! iili- ,. . i . .i n . . . ? Jj- j ift tfai Ciinfin'.1" ''''''f;;1AWtiU,oi uat.,,,' , i,u m tu,.r., .. 1 T - in Voir r.rw. to r-nl-'iaW I w..id ll-t II tf r, w N,r.k, mm, tHu...-!f . rK... jr j , ,0l ., bT .. .,, ,Lr r. .; " . . 20 r.,Va. j ,, , , v. ... ' W-ikI I. ii,r ti. UttM-tlftl '.lint i''1' 'I"',r'' '' M.i."rtikMMlh-v.;l,-of.i,.r. U1P re.M 7(j cco It I ' :ri ,- -;- t . ,, . ,. n . . . . ... ;t. t Ltlil iliil l"l an '! . . . I t! tt itit li.riw iwu- canuvt le .!! jj - . .' Snvt.NTT-riv ort i- itjo u ), .- ,irfr!..r jr:,.a, srv4 b I vr in 'ti ,-Hv at STrTT-riv i" : tt-hvh "-. pr qnrtT. I t. t tr; thn rrtjwa Kit 1.L1 aki j -S W CO'i&v , EH'HT nl t-Ah AM A SAI trii ft., KirTn ni.i.Ai; fwn d jiiMTwKtTT rivn PoU.AB. SrtcntPTio in al! ca- parW t" ,,adTance, anJ no paper vomnl hUnt 0 . 1 Bxpieation of th tlu pi4 for. ' Kkmittas -m iihould h maila by Tort oHo Moupy t)r J-r or Eipri. If th! rai oot b dona, protection atralitat H mail may b aurd by forwarding a ' rtraft pajaWe to tfc onltr of the proprietor? th Joi K-NaU or by fc-nillng U nimy " In a rPgistorcJ Uttr. Adrprtteliig Rai (pr Inch of twlv ar.i4ftn of adTf rtJVr.g tyr,) One Iwh, o'i tusfrtlmt. Ost Doixah; two linw- '7 tioPt OS l)OI.I.A AND A B AI.FJ thlW )nrrtl'i, Two Doixaka; f.rnr tnar-rtlotn. Tm Dom.au akt a half; Cvelnr T , Uw, Thbm Doixars; ti tirtlfm Thr Dou.abs and a HAi.r; tiv ; i inaertiona. Fit Dou.Aaa aki A BAi.r, month, Eioht Dolla ba; twommiWia. ' FiFTKies PoixAitat thwe montha, Twkw tv-two DouJlha. ) T' Contract for longor pr1iilA (Uifl long , i )xe Biada npoii literal tnrm ' "j . JJrews JCauKi.HAkn A flAtuniciw, Wilmington, N. C EDITORIAL NOTES. Admiral ForUt ay wa liare no navy and there are au hundred iron olftdB lu Europe, any one of wbiob ia capable of destroying iu action our whole fleot combinel. The St. Lonia Timea aay: "Oen. Sheridan ia tormented with a vision of four thonaand unpunished murderer in Louittian, Tbafa tbe way it affect him. Some men would have 'em in their boots." EThe Committee on Election of tbe House of Representative have pon dored tba matter long and well, and arrived at th conclusion that Bishop Cunnon, tb delegate from Utah, ia a polygamic, and baa no right to a seat in Congresa. He ia therefore to be expelled. The decision will not affect the Bishop greatly, for when the sen teocs shall lave been pronouneed bis term will be near it natural end. Pifidtnt arant giiins one' more day in effloe than the Am ricau electors bargnined fcr. The fourth if Mnreh, J 877, will come on Sunday, and by atntute, tbe inauguration of the Prest dent elect does not tsko pines until the next dsy. Twice in the history of the republic thi has occurred, in .1821, at the second inauguration of Jarne Monroe; and in 1849, when Zuchary Tuylor" waa instnlledr Mile. D'jnet is about to give a eiM Wptfrfofmaneea at thi Vaude il1e in Paris, bat only to plsy on al ternate tights, lest herstrengthshould fail her. ' Her by-play ia said to be ftstwninhirgly fresh and vigorous, and bi(r singing la atill exquisite, though she is seveuty-eigUt years old. What is still more surprising, if possible, is that she looks absolutely beautiful. Her features are afl delicately chiselled as evr, a,ud show none of the fatigue or mournfuluesa of age. She i, in deed, M pretty a Cgare as a painting on a Sorrea vase. The New York Tablet gives the fol lowing atatitics of the Roman Catholio Cliutch n the United States: "Sevan archbishops, 53 bishops, 4.873 priests, 6,020 Churches, ehlpels and stations, ot wbictt oertainly 4,809 are churches, IS theological seminaries, and 1,875 attidying for the preistbood, A3 ool leges, 611 acsdeaks, 1444 pariah aohools, 215 BHyrnras, homes and re- f ugea, , 67 hospitals, and a Catholio population (exolnsive of Baltimore, .Charleston, Erie and Brooklyn, for which bo estimate La been made) of 5,761,242. In 1814 there were 85 prieata, not as many priests in the country as there are now Catholio hos pitals, not as many priests as there are now of the three names, WaUb, Mnfptiy and O'Connor I" JV Iron Age aay that a wedge or plate Of iron ha boon diaoovered im bedded "in the masonry of the great . pyramid. , It hna been great pnule tothose who attributed the first use of iron to date not muoh more than twenty-nine hundred years baok, how such sharp and well-defined hierogly phics could have been cut on porphy ry, granite and the hardest atone, a are found on the tombs, temples and sarcophagi of ancient Egypt. Bnt the piece of iron found in the great pyra mid shows tbat this metal wo pro dnaed and wrought in the age of King Cheops, which is placed by some au thorities as far back as fifty-four hun dred years ago. The similarity of earlier inscriptions on stone to those msde in the time of King Cheops sug gests the supposition that iron may have been in use. more than six thou sand years. r - i , . -aaps, ' Five children were born at ones to Mrs. Hart, the wife of a bntoher of Depere, Wis., not long sinoe, and three of them still lire. lx no irta'iu nmm rr. i' pnblic'y ds-Ur.' that m r.r-)j a ll ' dT tf tr:.f r. n. u tt cm-! ,all be ti'podikti J, i vr ij Iti tit i- miui,tr,,tt(.u t f the HUte m a fiauJ.ty Lt'U&iauA l boUljJ, a aodu an Uj'J ar reskpr to tie euEtrol of thtir owq affair. "Una uue 1cdiu uottcti ture bold up ita bLdt in aubttiiseiou and diipfrM; lb rtt tnj be kafvlj l fl to th people of the uliole coun try. Two yeart ia a abort linw, bn at tl.e e ipiratioa of it relief i ure. During tbat brief time let no CocmY ative of Louisiana go to tbe polls it ntr a lcgid'ative ball; tbe wortte their oppreMiou, tbe bettor. Let them sim ply aubiuit. They ned not fear tbat a day of reckoning will not oome; and than tbe Government of the United State and all public opiuiou will juatify tbera in treating tbeir prce cnt ruler a criminals and enoh and evory of their oQloial acta m abooluto lf and ab initio null and void." TflE ni.ll IILK ATI LOSSC. The New Tork WorlJ publishes offloial returns of th elections aiuee 167'J, a-hich show that in the course of two years the Republican party, which looted ita President by majority of over 750,000 votes, Las beeu put in a minority of over 600,000 votes. In lt72 their party carried thirty States, and by the eud of 1874 had lost all but eleven of them. The H'onM eon eludes: "In two years the opposition to tbe Federal administration has made a net gain of nearly one and a quarter million of votes. Thera has been no such political overturning in so short a period in onr history aa a poojilo. Never before has a Federal adminia trstion received so rapid and over whelming a condemnation from those who placed it in power. There has beeu a steady Republican loss every where, and a steady oppottition gain everywhere. New York has jumped from 63,000 Republican majority to 62,000 opposition majority, and Penn sylvaniahas changed from 18tl,000 Re. publican majority to 7,000 opposition majority. The opposition has pomeKniua of the four greatest States of the Un iouNew York, Pennsylvania, Ohio aud Illiuois. Two years ago it pos sessed not one of these." Some statistics of the trade between Cuba and the Atlantio seaports of the United States my explain why there are a vast number of people in this country who feel a very lively interest in the political sffairs of the island, and anticipate its future with deep concern. The figures are for the year of IfS'l, and have just been made up in Iluvana. During the year wo bought from Cuba sugars tobacoo and o'her articles of export to the value of eighty-five millions dollar, for which wo paid mostly in American gold. From Havana alone the exports to this country were ot the value of twenty millions dollars, of which twelve mil lions were in sugar, and nearly all of the remainder in tobacco. But while we sent this huge sum of money to Cuba, she purchaiied from the United State only flfteou million do lars' worth of goods and produots of a l kinds, leaving a balance of trade against, us of seventy millious. So long as the present anarchy and mis rule continues on the islaud there ia no prospsct of onr side of tho ledger showing sny better aeoonnt, and for that reason it would be a fortunate day for us when any turn of th wheel would restore peace to Cuba, no mat ter under what political auspices, and oopea uprraarket forthaanufa tared artiole which a busy and indus trious population would need and have, As the situation now stands, the United States is the best customer Cuba Ins, and it is American gold which is very largely paying for the maintenance of a government which Amerioans detest, and contributing to the support of a war which it would be our eventual interest to have brought to speedy termination. end lot Sheridan. In hie sermon last Bnndsy, Rev. T. Da Witt Talmaga, speaking to New York people, said: "There ara in this cluster of cities I mean New York, Jersey City, and Brooklyn there are 6(K),00() people jammed together in tenement houses, with no opiortunity for seclusion or decency; and do you wonder that bo many of them forget the covenant of their God r Forty and fifty familes sometimes crowded under one roof. One buudred and seventy thousand families living in 27,000 houses. This tenement-house outrage is more terri ble than anything to be found in all Christendom, putting out of sight almost the London stories of St. Giles and WhiteohapeL Those tenement houses are the nopper for the mill that is grinding up the badies and souls of men and womon and little children. Zeb. Vance, who is Presbyterian, in theory, says the only difference be tween him and his brother. Gen. Vanoe, who is a Methodist, ia, "that Bob believes in falling from-grsce, but new doe fall, and tie (Zeb) don's believe in falling from graoe, but is alwayi falling." at l..,b..r't l a.t .irwiiJid on Krnalt-' ar, I f t m ia atat. niu on tlf i'l' t g!'n'l.f thriUKlate al"! liv tLe timM:f lidati bad rmbark- l .1 V i I ... .. ' Im.,1t tor it. Or. niilm did tliekunal-. tdai cm fr ffrti?r ir.di w d i"v than on t!. Brwhtur Brass Bul, ar.d to them al'di" t eonfeas tt With tnorti flcstlon did it occur tLat something ought to b di ne, ihey real.ccd their debt lo l'rovidt nr and the solemn ne ivwi'y of settling up. Tna Brakhoar BrsA Band ia a very large association. Nearly every colored oitixn of any standing b loops to it. We should tl.w.k the Brsshuar Brass Band had a'wut three huudred and eighty mem bers. The troabl was that it baa not quit completed ita organization. It ha 1 uo musiciau acJ no tnsuumeuts. if we elontit a fife and an enormous bass dram. But they felt that they onght to give some evidence of their gratitude arid respect It wouia never do to let Sheridan iro away without some public expression of affection and esteem. A man wno worked in tlio corner grocery told them so, aud tber saw it immediate!. . If Sberidau'a bitterest enemy had seen him as he sat glaring tbrongh th) window of the pmaU car at the llras hear Brass Bsnd. with its three huu ilred and eiabty 'members sad it b g drum snd little nlt iu threatening at titiulM, that eueruv would have been appeased. I be drummer gathered linu self for one mighty blow, the lifer dis tended bis tunas alraoet to bursting for another ininhtv blow, the Brashear Bras Band olesred it tnroat lor tnree times three, and Sheridan, pnnla with rsao aud horror, clutched the seat and waited for the shock to cotne. It never on me. Just at that thrilling moment a rough voice was heard to exolmm : W hat you niKKurs doing in (lis demure r Lsave here ' quick, now nuiok I" it ws Hi poltoeraan also a gent. of color and the drummer's brawny snu fell limp and nerveless at his side. the flfer's lungs expended their strength on a loud " Tore God," the Brashear Brsss Band took to i s iiatri otio heels, and Sheridan got his color aud his courage back again. It was a narrow eenspe, though ; Sheridivn kuows it was. And as the engine started slowly awny from tha Morgnn d 'jKt at Binehar, they saw Sheridau's fuoe break iuto beatiQo smiles, and the runt poetic light steal back into his sweet and speculative eye. Sheridnn glad. Exactly, The New York Tribune thus speaks to the ltepnbltoan Conurress: "Go on. if von choose, and oomnleto the outrage. Sanction all that the President has done.' Sest Piuehbaek and tlnuik Sheridan. Tho people will settle KelutKR and all tho rral if yi" by-a ml bye. Meanwhile the report of the sub-committee passes iuto history a the most terrible indictment ever brought against any political faction by its own members, and there are many of you who will read it in tho death warrant of the Ik-publican psrty. Hanhviirc, (Jims Pistols, Cntleiy, Ac. At JAOOBI.S, No. Market Street- OEOF THK M KflKHT AND BEST AS- rtm o's In the Hints, ft Cm and I'I3TOS-A. full Aor(nintit. Kent LONDON TWtsT GUNS. Kvulfer of (lie bMt mortals, Hporteman' Supplies. Bxrsr 4 Nt)T"t' AHR srUKVOtJTHKN WAVK THK HKST Villi CA OV.T. p.NOLISH onTLKKT, POCK FT KNIVES of our own Inipoit itliJD. Bent quhllof C'JOl'KK'S TOOLS', UAKt F.M tMV TOOLS, - H.I 4 ,111 hi tV'l. T, ,1? Tl'RCENTIXK V"OUI, ft'tt,l)INO nARDWABE, CAKRfAUr. Miliaria), Bur Iron, Bar Ah-al. Farmer,' Tool, of -rry da(rlpt.lon. f A HOI. I.N. II IKNCH, I.CATIICH, GLAUS, I' AITS. DOOn, WIS D S A.I D I1L1 m 07 Snl Agoupy for HHALKR'H. 8ASU I OOK. The great Inducemenl w offer In rnlaord piiei-a, make It to th Intorer nl all to call Al the HABDWARR DEPOT. NATHANIEL JACOBI. NO. O BIARKliaT ST. dee is nix- Aiisoiivitlc Male School. LOOATIOR 10 nilea North of Wadeaboro, IV. O. Th onenliif aoaslen will begin Febrnary lrt, 1S73, and oomlnna twenty wroka Re? NifilliKro U. t'ohb, (Oralnato of the Ofllver.lty of Kotth t'arollna) Principal; allied by com v 'tent and eipcrlrnmd aMi.unta In enrrv dnj a'tmnt- Tultluti 8, tiandll parqnarter, rayable In .dVHliC 1, :. Boaid and li-,gln, SIS per month. Wafhlng, fuel and light a' moderate ra'e. A niple aorommndathm for 3no ludenta. Tha Ooilnge lltiildlng are being thoroughly rnl-l and newly luinielird Korfuttber lnl'oimatlon addrim i. J. McLKNDOW Jan 19-18-Swd. AimoaTlll,N. O. GUANO! GUANO! 250 Tons No. 1 GUANAPE. 350 Tons E U RE K A . For sal to arrlre, lew for eaah, or on rcasoa. able term on orop tins. WIXLIAMS MUBCHIS0N. 1 J.TAC0BI f-V 7 AXE. r"- hna. Vm ,Jwm, ' m.r.. .... . . . ! tii-ii i of k t 'tlrn!nf m.iiuirinr.-r. r wr a i.i'hl ta tm-m wa tr.'t r.i'. Wtil . rhi - r.o ' r g ! h rai rei-tii- tl)"-p i'f I. on Diuul lf lfl M IP. rM-lndmg wwrda al the Jiiilt' 4ctlon r 'The ffirt mi1 lioni houM t aiudl- '4 ft (he liijo" ctinti ii-nJr.l m w to trw ti,t II m ii--. f u urU Wurci-'cr.L'r Mi.-f' on l!.e bills. Ubl aii4 rpurof th dvlriitfnt." LEA & PERKINS' Oi-CBKATMI f HObOUKCEO EXTTAirr f I K 1 1 1 Krrom a MH)R Al. (Ir. MAN at Miias, to Uu hnMbxi al WOHCSTKH, BT OOmfOIHHZCRS g( ; "111 ,EA A PKKH INH that 'bclrMiiii Ishlvh y ei.Uniwl in In li. and l. In m? t-inloti, th niiMt eilatableuwrllai ' ho noX whole me ni,r that If tuml." "Only Good Bauee, Aa4 ai pltrabla t tVKKT VAKIK TT OF IUSH. Worcestershire Sauce. SoM WholMWl and for Eitiortatloa bt t a Froprlrtora, I K.A A PfhUINU, Worri , cnriana: ann Ketn it iN-mnnln Bascos n. ril; throughout tb worlJ. Ask for Lea & Pen-ins' Sauce. All purl If lnrrlii(ln on tl ab"T( will be promcauMi ey Mews . uca A rerrina JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, I m-:w VOUBU jsn IS VECETINE. Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the whole System, lis .tlxftlcftl fropertUa nrt Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. VinariRS in nx,r c tlxlr trora tha Iiiim oi cam uiij-mmik-imi hark, rout n 6crh kii.i Kialruniily ccm iitiatul, thkt It will Hr tu illy rnt.iUaUfii.rii llisijetem tr) liiilo' a.-uiiuiA. .'ro:ii'ou numur, eumura, iaiicer, l,nci'vua Humor, CiviIIm, Halt Klitnm, bj lihilitio lilrwi.n Caiikir, Kalnlii at tha Moiuacu. siii all tli-rvn that arlaa I mm iia niira blol Hclatita, li.flamiuitiirT and lyiironic HiicnmatiMU, ftntaliia, Ui.ilt and ;ini twoipiatiri-), can ouly enfctually ourtil ilirouuli the (iIiknI. ror i ii! i Miu r.ruptiTf uiiwaw orthn Skin riwuioa, rimiiiiK. iii' ti-nnH. rtt.tr HraMlirml aim HliiKoim,. Vaairiaa ha nf ir fallid to eni'l a immanent enra. For fm lu tn H4uk. KulniiT Ucmnlslnu. ropy, t'au ale WrkntM, l.eueorrl.in, an. inu iruai inn mai uico atKin, aim nierlne Hi iiH.i' ni ll'in-riil I). lulitv. VaaSTisa acta nirnoiiy upou hid CHini-it ot iuri eompiaintt. it iiivig.ri"ani tri.'ii'li.)i,t tua whole torn, uunii the "ctut.ve or.a-in ailara in- fl4nimtivn, euro ulceiatiun and regu.a.eth bowi-m, I or Ciilanh, lyKtpla, Hablla! Cimtl va il f, titiiiHaiion ul ilin rirart, Hnnlaine rim. Norvuiiainn nd (lencial ProtrM ao Ilia Nelvoiln .-.jalcru, uo iiMdlolne bit aver JicnMK'j (icrloct i.itli.i'ai'tlon a t'ue Va- i in a it puriH, the blaod, cleaotr alioitba org, na, and oi a coiiti'oillng power avar In- licrvi-tM ft -ru. Tbe rvuiarsable enrs elfnoted by the Ti- ti.nh iitT immcmi tanat piiymoiitn an iMilifca'ic ahem wa know t .ar,ilti au u. ii ia iiivir own lu ui Hi, In l.n'l, Vhoiiis I th ba-t reimdy re dbravrrrd tor l!i h Sl'ar nd l till oily reliable lilOOIt i'LltltltK yei piatHti ueioie Ui pnbiic. PRKPAUEl) BT H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Maes WnTi Vsiistins? II l a cnmr"nnd .i Ir ted lroio bark, rxjin ami turn. It la ni'in'i Kom"ty. It la iwrieitv haiail" Iromany bwl fil'cl upon the evucra. It la uoiuiaiiing nn air. i.g'ui-ning, it .r.rt aire iy upon iu iiKxin. ii iuii-ia tun nr oui iviiim ll g ten vou c.Min, gvi.n i. en at nint. it I gn at pananea lorour atid fathai and aviih i-ra; fur II gi the-ii airin.lU, quota thrlr ncrvnn anil u I v ps tliom atiire'a w,rt , lin iH-en irn,rd by many an agrd pfr'B. it a mo g tai ki rur ne- itiaa tn .tuing n nif v lur nur hl dr ll. Ith.a re'ierrd and rur,dtiiunnila It ia 'Y nletsMit In laha: orrryolilld hka It. It ral f ten tn.t cuiai an am orlulnatisi irora Imim e bUo.1. Tit Ihn VkoK'r.aa. Uiveitt Lilt trinl tor y.iiir earn plant"; I lion ,ou will aa? to near trland. mljlilior and a qual tanue, 'Try It: Ii feaa c.ureii me, VtRTi3B for tha complaints for which It ' rei-oninn in'i'd. lalisvlnu it lrg,-r iie tlinnip-h-on- the i nliml Kiatc tnnn nnv lh r om mc-li-rlnn. WhvV Voffellne will Uui ttioao coiuplnlnta. VALUABLE INFORMATION. IIoctoh. Deo. IS. IM flenOiiraon My only nh,.iit In siring y,u tin liniim -milt Into "p-r.a T'itualiie in'orma tlun tiAwtnee leen hadiy afflict'd with Suit Itli-ura, r.id thn whole tmiara of kit .kia bring riiTt-fd wl'ti plmplea and eruptlena, mny of whl.-li oanw-i m? ereat tuln and in- noviinno, and kiivin it ti be a bimal riiaeua. I t'Hik many vf the dvenld b'aod prepara- ttnii. m rg wnicn wt ny o,tmntiir f sa-1 nirlila, without obtaining any bfneiit un'il oramoncd taking Hid Va iKTiss. and he'nra I had eompmrd the Orat hnttlA I w that I had g it the rlgnt miMllc.ine. IMnarqiien lT, I fol ii wdt on with H nmil I 11 takm Tn tK-a. tloa when I wit pronoiinrfd a well maa, an mi rkln la mo-th and . rntltaty fiao from plmnlaa and eruption. I have never enlnyad i Ii.h) health hrtnrr, - d 1 aitrlbu'a It all ta tl-e.t of Vkoktisb To benefit thoea l- niowd with Hlicnmatl.m, f will inak aiant.oa al o of tha Tir.RTlKS' wordertul powtr at runng nin rn IIII,:nu ooraUilliriT. ji wuiott x irav9 iaOlrSa o lutenio'y." ' v n. rut; ra, Pa Ag'tMloh. O. It. It., . e Wi-h ujt -n Street, Botwa. Vegetlne Is Sold by all Druggists U tl " l-lir Salt Bagging Ties 4,000 Sacks Salt, 200 Rolls and Ilalf Rolls Bagging, 20 Tons Ties, 15,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn. For sal low by WILLIAMS A MUK0H1SON Flour. Sugar, Coffee and nice. 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 150 Bbls. Iietined Sngar, 100 Bags Prime Kio Coffee, 25 Bbls Whole liioe, For sale low bv WILLIAMS A MCRCHISOS Hay. Hoop Iron. Clue and Spirit Casks. BOO Bales N. R. E. Bay, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. GIno, 200 New New York Spirit Casks, For sale low by . WILLIAMS, MUROHIBON. Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Sides. 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 400 Hags Shot, 500 Bushels Black Oats, 800 Kegs Nails, . for rata mw by rtpi-w-w-. WILLIAMS A MTJRCmSON. ,1a" S Tf va vi a apariati yat U al orrios -.-' iatjwf-' J "II t. .'ro fru . fcr- ft WIT. Tllnt !.' MIC It ,!it lie ll M "l f rt t ittnru tuanp, C. h W l!ll-m-":ii N V. 4. rtti" rr Aiirsrn r CJ OJ '... WlllT-lt l! Ml"-. ", t -iVJ ,r ir!.-:M Ihl j "i?. 1.1 m l !-.; I fn t all. Aj,lr-i . U . (HI lir.SlKH.aT fr-a-tway. Krw V rh 4' TRY lirSo e lut.Lli-tu. i4i.t-, p-ll, i-nC' Int. "i" mlr-if rrn- m i)i i, 73 t il ! it f l-rni l 'u l inuiiuiu Ai ( .uitj TcrvvlH-i onm ,.d! M. I. HTiui Kn Vt'nuU'u M.. UwUin. Maw,.iS Atca st , ran , ra. COUGHS, CCLDiT "'eQARSENESS, AND AJiL THROAT DISEASES, t SrS WELLS' CABBOLIO TABLETS. PUT UP IN UNLV BI t'K BoXfc.9. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by llraitgint. IMPORTANT TO .MAKE ioitr en v FERTILIZERS, an t tyniB trt to SfA per ton. O't the Heat OIaolved sns I'ure Ground BONES AND CHEMICALS from II. J. B.tKKU & CO., 36 A3S SionthChnrlraSl. Ilaltlinorf. V Prlee !' and roriaulaa tent Ires uu an t llciitloD. vt Mte for on w HAVE YOU T1U ED JUMBEM, AUE.TOU CWeak, Nerrous, or Debilitated t Are yon ao languid that any sxertion re. qnlro more of an eltort that you feel capable of makiniiY Then irr JHH Hi nt, tha wonderful tonic and In vlffornior, wlm-li aotaao tene ficlatly on tha aecretiTe orgauaaato Impart TlKor to all the tUh! forcn. It ui no u'f.hoiii ictler, wtilrh atluiniatei for a abort time. Wilv lo let the anflwi.- fall to a lowor deuth of mlwi,, but It in a -gt;UUle ton'e actlnf rilnetlv on lh" lifer Kud "pieon. It rrcnliilea lite Itonrla, qule'iihe unrfu, and giro ucb a nnaony vtnaintiii, whole fiyat'im a to oon niiUie the Invalid fuel likaan-w wrann." Ita upi-ratlou ia not tlolt-ot, bnt ll cn .rucli-n jr 1 by treat gt-niieiMMt; trie paticni ioiMrlr-nor no etnldru clmmjo. no m-trlied re fulta. bnt k-radiimiy inn t'ouiiia "Kol'l 'h. lr ti nt", Ilk (he Arab, And xllonllf rtaal awiiT." This la no new nn nntrimt illarotarv. but haa hucn i'0 ncd wl:h woml-rful remidiM ri'H'ilts. and ti ronouncvd b the IiIkucM rm.ll cm intimritieM, "ine nio-.t iwcriat loincan HlteratiTo Known." onr ilruggW for It. For Nilo by WM. T. KiniKtl fin.. 4w New York N IS O UT IM.WI I'OXIJIf A T-IIAY nxi:i-ri i.l urn itinnio.x. First Crand Clft Concert. Moatijniicr Female LTumane Associatioii, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. NOVEMBER 23, " 1 874. LIST OF ti I FT t Orandi ash Out SlW.Son 1 ;rod fiaab Out... ) HOC I (Iniiid rh Hltr ts.rou ., Id Uaili ill ta, SlO iion cHCh,... 10n.(K'0 1 I'aeli tlllia. S.ono cai-h IS.nflii tO-C-h HUM, l.rtflil oa h S.on lll Ciiali III'M, KK) oif-li. ........ BO.WKI l.nnrt B'h it'i.( ltnj ea. h lon onfl UnO t a li titfts, 6ilaeh f0 0-i0 20 (ioo taah HUt, i each to- Oi.u 8l.nOah 01 Ins to 1 OOn.Oflo. NUMBER OP TICKETS 100,00 I'rlco n Tickets ! Whole riiik.u S2nnn Hulvea. 10 00 yum. in.... , o eo KlgMhaor i nch Coupon S S" fX l ick ta lur 100 U0 l'Uo Monipelter Foma'a Hnmniit Aaaocia tluii. i liHi iiTtil by tha Li-ifiattUiite of Virgbila am) thn Circuit Court i fOr.ng ., propnw l-y aU and u Caii-orrt to .tibliah arden dow a" Horn fur the Old, Inllim, and D,U tnt i 1 aW" or VIrKiiild," at Moutpriler, tn lormi'r rc-l'.on.-e nl Hrn.di-nt Jam, Mad lion O VEKKon's rrriv. ltu hmond, .Inly I, IS" 4 It alloril mo ( eutrro to v that I am -ll srituinlrd wl'ii a l ir,; mnji'irity oi' tba ofil. rroi the Montpclliir Krmuli Hum-in Aio clntlini, who r.-ld In the Ticini-y of my honi i, H-i'l I iet f- r-.lr liitellli'iioe and tboir worili, and hi;!h iTt.utitiloii gentlrmen, well a lh puhl.o rnnSdonre, Influenoe and nbtan t!al incann liltr.tlly rnnn-arntit amr-ng them. JA41K I.. VKVPhR Oov. Virginia. ALBiANDriU, Va ..Inly S, ISI4 I ci mtueiid tbf-m aagema of honor and Integrity, and lully tuitlllfd l-i 'ie oontl denoe ot the Piiliiic. K. W. HtU.HKS, C. S Jsdg Eastern IMatrlpt nf Virginia. Kurther n fi-renre t,T normilnn i Hi Ex- Oi'llene.y Gillmrt C. Wnlkor, fc-Oorernor of v.; Hon Hob't K. Vt Itlnfra, Lt(-nt (ior. of 4 and U. H Suiator (ici-l; Senator and Mem bim of Congri-s from Va. HemtttsiiOi' for tl. krta may b mnia by St lima, prepaid, portofflce rooni-y order ou .AV!iieto4fe41sbylttor Knr fill paitli-nlar., lertluunldlf, Ac, send for Clronlar. Aildrraa, Bnn JAMXS RAUB'ITTB, Prealdent M. V. It. A , Alexandria, Va. Reliable agenta wanrcd eri-rrwliero. 4w TO AU'THOSE WHO THINK OF THEIR OWN INTEREST AND THE WELFARE OF THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. We ara now oliering aret Indncement to bnvereof KOOTi aud HWOFH at our Eatah. Ubumert on ' rinocw atrei t. We hare now fnl. llnreof prw nyll.h and well mailr Booteand Shnoa, whlrh we giurantre cannot be excelled in ourahlllty, comfort and 'yln, and price a. Iowa, the lowc'. Wn hare ibm extra bar gain In Cbiiorrii' Iflue and Mli- Bnnir 8hoa. Corns and ace them. . Wa r oontiouaMr fecclviBg new addition to onr already Urge .tuck, asdae ar thank tut to My that we are h.ving (he grnatert n cea lu wiling cur lioot and Hhoea. Tbey are aoailmlrably i)Ioted to ault the w inta of the public that w have only to bow them to sell them. KVANa St VosflLAHN, WhoVle and Reta'l Iiaatcrs In Roots, Shoe. L-i hi-r and Shoe Fliutin , 4,-. nor " 2?3 WE ARE SELLING OUR STOCK OF OVER COATS, TALMAS, DRESS and BUS. SUITS, VEEXLOW. MUNSON & CO., CITT CLf'THIKRS. Coal Coal. JjED AM) WUIIE Asn,'"" All else. IMlvercd Promptly. - O. G. PARSLEY h CO. Jan 11 Utf SEMI - WEEKLY t-ast Freight Route to all Point3 South or BALTIMORE. Baltimore as4 Scnttcm Stem Tran- pcrtatiou C-ffipy, -SAlLINd THVM BAU l!OKK Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AN1 FHOM Tfll.MlNtiTUN- Wednesday & Saturday. UIVI.-VU THROl'GII UILLS Or North and South Carolina, Georgia and Freight to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York Boston, Providenoe, Fall ltiver and other Eastern Cities. Also, to Liverpool, Gliitgow, Bremen, Antwerp, and other European ports. TOP T.lltfH lri-wt tt Wllailnfftim llk Hi Wllm iton W.1.1... fc.ii ..' "iV ... . ..n...v.,.t ..'vim i runw ranwajr, anu , ape rrir jiivrr afrar ara. jloint cut",eou" b"-1"'. oi" mequal facUitl for th prvmpt delivery f freight to all A the 8toamer cf tix-w Lines, on arrltal lo Vfllinlngton, Mop at BallroaS IT ' . . . 'rr'"r' srdT coT-red (bed to car wlihcnt delay aud loraardid I Kre.jht Exprciw that enlng. " SV odrayagaln Vfilmli gton, andcotranafr, frt m VfllmlrgtonSoatb. s.uarBtii aa l ow aa by sny other Hoato-Loawoa or r thaiget proiuplly paid. CfMAEK ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON LINES, ' error further Information apply to either uf th nnderilgned Ageata of t litnaj EDWIN FITZGERALD, Ag.nt rittmore l ine, a boath bt ., Baltimor. Agent Baltlmor rtry RAIL ROADS WILMINGTON AND WE100N RAH ROAD COMPANY. Osrioa or liaaau.L 8trauiSTaoT, ) Wtiwiiuirton, W O. Jan. J, IMJ J OMANUB UK BCHJCDULB. On and aitar Jan. Id. PaSM-nger Train oa tho W. W. Railroad nil! r mi e follow!! MAIL TRAIN. '.oa Tnlon Depot daily (except Kundaya)" at MS A.M. ArrifeaUiloldetH.-roat ll.a-1 A.M. " Kooky Monntat.. ......... Its P. M " Widdonat s.ai P. M Leaf Waidoadaily at ,. ......10.i A.M irr.it Rooky Mount..... ....11 41 A If. Ooldalioioat 1.31 P. , ' Uulon leptt 80S P.M. MFBF8S TMjita? AND THROPOH FEF.IUHT TBAIN ja Union depot, dally, at MJP.m, Arrtreat iloldab-wo at l.vi A. M. ' Kim kj Monntat........... 4f0 A M. " Waldon at 1 ll A MT tT Wnliliin. i! MIT, at . 4 1 P. M, Arriraat Kirky Mount at. , s 18 p, M lioldabiroat.... W 18 A.M. " Union Orpotat.,.. (BOA M Van Train miiVe o'.oee fwniartlob at Wei don tor all point North tl Bi.y Lin and Ac quia Creek route. W Fxprea Train ooiineet rmlT wiUi Aoqal Orurk route. Pnllman'a Pniacc Sileey iu Cora on till Irnla. ja Freight TrVna will leave Wilmington tri weekly at S.45 A. M.aid ar-rre at 1.40 V. M. JOHNF.DIVINK, Uenaral 3opt. JanS S-tf .Hiarnopy, Carolina Central Railway Co. BCPERI.STKNDENT'HOFriCK, ) Wilmington, lec Kith, 1874. J Change oiSchedule On and after th 16' h Inatant, tralua will run OTOt thin Railway a follow: PASSE NO ER TRAINS !.. Wilmington (,... .....T1BA.M Arrira In Charlloitc at "..v. T 01 P M lA-av) t;h-ir o tn at .7:1-0 A M Irrl.elu Wtlmlngion at........ 8:4flPM ar Mfhf triln, (fat Freight and Pa.en. gorj In futiiis noiic.. FREIGHT TRAIN3 Leave Wilmington at ........e.t'OA. M. AxrlTeat Lunntnrgat 5 40 P.M. !,, Laurinburg at 6 00 A. M Artlve t Charlotte at....' .S:00 p. M Loa.e charlotte at t ?oA,M Arrlat Laurlnbnrg at e;nt P. M Leave l aiirli;buig at. G: 0 A M Arrireat Wilmington at , (.CO P. M Conneotlona. fonnect at Wilmington with Wllmlnston Welih.n, n I Wilmington, ( oliimhl & An. gut Railroad, icmi-werklj New Tork and I'rUweekly ealtimcre and weekly Phlla-lel. 1 hla hU-nmere, nd the KUcr Boat to Fay ettctllle. tlonowt at Charlotte with Its Weatern 1)1-vls-on, North Carolina Rriroai, Charlotte and s:utc.rill Railroad, I harlot lo At Atlanta for Line, Snd JharlottM,.ColumbijaAtt guta RallroHd. Thn. u pHlng the whole Wert, Korthwert ad Nonthweat with a abort and cheap liteti the 8o board and Europe. 8. L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Suirintnd ant. - 1aW a5-tf r Paper pnbllihlng O; 0. Railway ached nlr will pleaxe notloe otiange. ENKIlALSt'PERINTEBID'TS OFFICE WILMINQTON, COLUMBIA . . - -AMI- AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. WitumoTos, N. C, Not. 21, IS7 ' S3 s& SZFZZi CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On nd a'lcr Te!ay, 24th, th following NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Pally), Leare WlluilngtoD....... ...,..,.,, .?B P.M. Leave Elorflnce. ll.fSP.M arnva ai iJoinmtn 4 q , a., m. , - nKiiarn. 8 4S A.M Leave Autfiiat 4 n v u Wave i;onimhl. , S.is P. M. Leave rior nc.... 1!eo A M Arrireat Wilmington , ., 7.10 A.M. Paat-ngar going Wert bevond Colu nbla, at 8 is P i( 1 '"in, leaving Wllmlugion PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN, (Dally except Bunday.) Wilmington 6.411 A. M, uronoB ...1H.S0 r.m. Arrive at IJoln-cbU S.lflP.M. Laave Oolumbla , 8.80 A.M. Loave Slorenc in p.M. Arrive at Wilmington ...7.00 P.M. r Though ennneotlona at Florence, with tralna for (JlirleUn. '" Th oughleo)lngCr on night trains iv. vuwnnvu .uii AUgnBia. JAMEH AFDFR80N. Oan'I Superintendent, nov 14 .. v.-- ro-tr Hay, Rice, Flour and Coffee. 8H0 Rale Faateio Hay, ' HTir(w Rice, Soil Rarrel Plrur, . , lri Sack Code. For sals by , ' 'KERCQNEftA CALPES BROS. J U 11 East. NEWY0BK. ClyJe's WMgoi Line, SATLISQ T&'jU MW TOBK- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AsDFKUM VflLUIkGTOSI- Wednesday & Saturday. LADI.1U TO ALL POUTS IS Alabama. For North or East bound WIImI. r-!.. k. . . B. . ''T0" " lv"m "ao. derat. tha j UiaTaaS WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agent haw Sort Lis, S Bowling Qreen w Tark A. D. CAZAUX, and Sew tork Line, Wllmlngtoa, N. O. ar ty BUSINESS CARDS. DR, JAS.E.K2A, Scrpn & Maiical Itiilist, 8. E. Corner of Market and Barosd 8tivta, WILMINGTON, N. C. All wok done In th beat msnaar sad war ranted. Price low. nor 8 fST Graham & Hash, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. O. PRACTICE IN TBE STATE ANB FED era! Cenrta, aad make eaDaetiom aay where Id North Caivlina. Also BCgotlat aaJe of Real E.tato. Agrlcnltnral, Mlarial and Lumber tracts, and dtairaole City Lolcou tUntly on hand. , II1CHASI (IBOSLt. W1IJCU MOBJll rrntll v P. trnemm AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATEBBOHfit WIXMIK0TON, K. C. 11AN RE PEEN AT THEIR BALKS BOOMS v a plan of (ho city, on an enlarged asala. Blank lioak with the bonndaria of svar Lot Inthecilydiatinctlydeflnod. . w""ri, 1 ArNwfdTlne,''Mt",Pren.e'STary lol In the city. ' Any Information deslrad faztushsd anon a- plication, , . .1nl IN8UEANCI. North Carolina Home Insurance Co. THIS Company oontlnati to writ Pellate si ''r 1r,e' ' of lmsrabl. prep. erty All loaaea promptly paid. Enoonrage Homo tnatituUon. tary BtU' rert1"ti BmUm Caiss, re ATKINBOH 4 MANNIKft, IIS. 137,000,000 FINE HVSIIHAKnc CA1I. TAL KEPRIXKNTKO API KM pa r i.M. bomoh Miamia. (Jneen Inenranra Company, of Liver. pool and london. capital tit 80S tk NorWi Brltlh and McrcauUl Inear- ' anceCororany, capital l,000,ool B ar tlord 1 neuranoa Company . capital 1.908 0M National flie Insurance Company, oi Hartford, capital MoM Oon'Jiiental Inenranre Compaiiv, of ' Now York, capital IftetOM Pbiinx Inrurance Company, of ' Rrooklyn, capital... 1.460 01 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, oapltal ' S80SM MAKINB-Th old Mercantil. MnlnaJ K6W VOTft LIFS-Th Oountioat Msraal of Hart ford. a.aiflovnaniiiiiuio. botI usnerai Agents. 1 jytRCHANTS AND MECHAAIC raSTJBAKfE COMPACT, OF RICHMOND, VIBOINIA. Capital...., 3oe,t A.T.BToasii.Presidt I. B. Moosa.Bsct JOHS WILDE ATHINrHMI, a w..a ... eft1A H it) kt s Tv IIUIIJJgVUD, gt. j JOHN A. Bl'RKE, General Iisrace Apncy (FIRE, MARINE AND LITE) 040,000,000 Asaota Bepresontod. CFFI0E Commercial Exchange JBntld ng North Water 8tret. nrt II Ml No Adyaiice in Prices, Wo ar selling Woodt Per Load. Par Onrd. Oak snd Bsik Jack, H to so sta, f S lo I fs Asa...- HS.S6 ' SMtslfrS Mixed... M...Oto70 " 40 ItIN Pina...... tn it g ig Cut np 1 r.d hauled at. lowest powlble coat. t'O.i.unrri rmii aave money by pvahaatBa at out y it 1. ' " Jn I O. . PAKSLET 00 WE ARE STILL Oirarlng INDUCEMENTS to Bayers of A LOOK WILL SATISFY PATRONS. MUNSON & C (, cmoLOTmEKa. ' " '

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